HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-05, Page 2171T, I I -,� , - ,, � � . . . . . . . F-1. , , -- It mm, -T , t *1 4"', , . . ,,, � " .m �l, .�,i, I . I � TWW-VW7?9T 7,777, 1� 4 � . . I � I . V 1. - � . I I 9v I . I I I . I I - %i, r-". I � f� I!— . # N I I I I I . . � , �� , , . . . , . I .... � � � . I . . I . . I , , . * . I I - � � . . . . . . 0 . I . . . . . : I I I . � I I � . . 11 , I ­ l . I . , - I � I 'l I , I Aphl sthr.,1904 . � I . . I . . I I .� I I I I I I � -4r. I � I I I I . � . I . �,,� 1, %%i!!11!!10111�,:! .. . ft-- - I I . THE CLI I . , I III I't - .. � - 11 ,. I . INTOR AM 1904A . I I ��t;,�;,;� 4 ;-4; � !: .... il��41 . I I � .. 1. � - . . .- ­ �..i� .. -1 ­­, 11.1. I ­­ - . � , I 4 ,, I , . .1 ­ :1 11:�11�11!1= - - =! titl I'l I I I I I I �;�� ­ - I I - � ''. I 06004"TbIls W4140fork You? . .11, . . 11 I I 11 1;;,; F,;; - - 1. I � I . ­ , I .O., ,; � �.;,l,,' ­ I -1 11 11 --- ­ ­ 11 I . I . . ­ ­., ­ - . . ­, " -11. l"-#- P001riucial Covernment., Altogether, these thilf regulatloars . . I .1 1. . '-.;Ill.!.!- ''-'o .. .... � I i. �--- —.--- 1".0 , 1 I, : I 4,W014trollova-ligood'il Alof so . . foll the public Scod wou, ll� q � . Ott � � ,��.;;I,., P1 , I I I, , I r11111 N � � � � i Ill i 11 it I . d � ,# oern to be . ., I I I - i , , as , , tis, ­— AW4 Letter i --r , .. I I - I . I ,. I I . I ­ ''4 � .sc,rib raw ()fjcoprqe 40 Oppooldoin can Afford wiser audmore4r6fitAtio to the Prowl —I'lll . I P !POrdes for Sale, or to IA I, * "lop it But 9 ,.ill kI ace, than - ­ WANTRO; P , 0 illy Bee tP to � be mor.e gen4rQuis with rowlses me I hituoy!s 11frog, aj ate' Continued from ]set. Woolf, I- - , rotessfoinalaudOtber0arcs, t � A tb4t their eg cki t1b, I . I I I .. 1. kG P 00 Are p4ld. in than 1% Goverpmerlb, bqcairoa 9 Policyl, whid1l'be 'U'D'V" for SA140 or to 44FIXT, At on4-90 I I , I , I . t. a oppo- . "see Ill bye-olec long. - , Not only is it impossible to re good sew.luorls, . '" """' � 1*04404 Tbe, Price of PAper 404 of oltion's words have no�, the Authority , . . . PrIn0plao oonolle the. On VJCt,DrIP, St., — ) 0 0 I, .. I I I enunciated In the. 11ro !!b A THE JACX ON MAN A0 4AMES 6 - - 4 &Ila, blya,j�dug,, near Orion ractor Mar. I—tf. I— I . �, ) YJ Vh ��, of Power 6 ' . second 0164460 ot th t ;80 T11 1041 0 .t ]PArriater, So , �ehi 11 Stille 4 must Parliamentary skete .0 r�oolut$ori, 0 rop comfOrt4b 0 house W th good ,I -----�-­­l,,.,l... UNt, ?on - .1101tor, oko'. I : I I � . nd tbem, � at 7 JPriA04kMa,(VfjAlQf all kinds boa a - I I but as ur F. U R� I d be Admitted t 11 I � S. h - I . , hot such Promises Used . Myer pointed out, the high tariff agaimat atl� Atibly & 1Y Occupied by .Frank CLINTON'. � . vanced ve-ky WV40.0411Y during tbe PA - . I =to- I . Wanted I OMV*­-MUott Block, loop � , �. -� . �et in A byp.-electiOP in a Close constituency The Cook c � t4e World ds'Abuded, in the tbW vhqsa - W BRYDOXH, I . . ,,a 81*oAt . �:- J,ftlr, wb - ba, tea blxve receive . I I - I I I I , ils the, prjee, Of InAterial like are. dungerotiol noolr being A. lixibe, to siderable at rf COO, Was utterly At var4noo,whil the dodl%ja VQJOW-Ad. Ott -- I XONET TO LOAX , 1 4 " the electon. '. K . tent nit ,during the post tiou of at Ogler who in critiolal , 0 UtQn. A youORWOMan to help IA bougow.9ru, Apot --,-- � " 1. , " 46444aw the sam.Q.-, Qui white -paper much force in - One9quOutlY tbel`0 WAG few d% 9.' Thete 41`0 those made by ff. � g $ba b,Ud - � � — I . .. — I I � � 11 . - f,hataimt Oat Prewler If. 009 , prior to 0 speech, Asserted that it woo the duty use or sr. 22-tt. I I I I . I . . : Ross thin 1�1 . thelaiteleptiorlof of She Government to otli down I � . I , Sale , 1) I kAt the X14W V0,41 Oflice. ,. 4 �00s: US40 Ile, 11b. Ja .Ora thari It did last I I no � - -­ . We' BRY0001,40 . 14 � 1, across tile 11061! Of the House being -asked to pay $10,000 t0ra seat i . . . I., j -- ; ­ � - I to mr - bitneyle each 0 - Nis the tsxf,k. - OARMOTBB, SOLICIT0a, - x9TA1tT li"11. �610 reh q, gAra the Sono,te, Mr Cookie stst a .lion instead of Accumulating A aurplu#. A largo, two stogr fra;ne house , I . - . , 4ere It all the More n6' .Palls during the 1311, � I � 11 � . �. with pretty- I 0., . , ot 1. op"StYAll, . We hind bYQla10ctf0U examination, 1 ement', oil High tariff which 06 Torico'demand, surrouvidings,qu aron, street -.is off I Wanted PlUBLIC, STO, . ., At 4oubsorlbers pay promptly, campaign;and 141v lVilita to -the effect. that in MUS61 Ullle4a, it is 40 high . as a ata bargain; V cisterns. , dr,64 for , Omqo-Omver BlooiiK* I , , , - . . � 0y,a, rel?17 Was IM he was otfe'lred.a, seat there throcigh' so� to be pro. 1 - �ana4aevor,faluug I IR,V April lath, three gcodt'itlo so cook, I I I A but 4 14me on'e, hibi6%, no well. Win sell for $1,000 lej� than its cost Of, or mat ram I I , ApsIr t , 1 4 ­ � I "Wil hooe-wh6 have not paid the ,� 009aril, AerOised proprietor !a leaving for Manitoba. rot arbl,l ATT11 , , 14. Ridgewood Par' Ty-sto,fro, Oppooltg roster -iii PbO, 4 GAUV . 11 r L . remit us . lAte IW. O. Oawepor,, oil . Q VL result in i andL bQUSQ I , , iimq�nt payment taxation, whioliolle Opposition deprecate, au,14ra, a3polfiOlk the p W k, � Do 8401101. = , ' 9 0- , agent. 0 Tim Oul) W I I L 1: ­*tv",C4,the"wQ;4n& of their su4scTIP- Whitney made his Speech at Niagara tb.at;Me Camelon I a ill as ,amIseq;ortoJohn dout I . , 1r' wae on December"Al that Xr of the, Claimed, and I . The whole trade pogo , ,,r . Clinton. ­ ......... ­Al,llI`lll,­l,..,.---­. March 519-9.11 s Q. INTON I . e4 li 0 �y of th olleerval, Feb. . � , ­, .11 I ­'Il"'I"IllI'lIIIIIIIIII'llIll­­Ill�—T L' IF. j , -L bful to Uri er?. . X!Q I �jl. 1400� '040,kilar or two to a pubscrib. PA,110 town, In which be, declared that stand the4l; Si TV "vef Is 0 maps of pouvradictio - L I I � �� L Aw,: � may seem it Brasil amoun . the Water. powkw I I r Richard OprtwrlRhb *as country will he it ­ I 0, andtho '' . Seed Peas for Sale. got � �� -7� ,']4r,,- I so as�oafir,""b'egcaa'uase-aiiv"' aWareof the PrOPOP81- ,Sir Richard In IT oC 0 t 0 observation C-1holce.r4rm for . . . , I I a hundreds such , t, but should be as fr a gone on the witness l4t& of$ 0 onorabi ' bor 'L 0 declared . S I L -l� Sale - The underalaii, iremless'Lot $6, Barrister. solicitor, Notary Arid. 0o;%vq.Yozq#* , r rro. a i Becol Alias on the p kiltit , , h rid arld-46. ,i 0 won ubscriber OffOrS fair Sale bib fine 2406110882104,Tuckeremith &L Q . , . . I , , a 10 UU40rotand ing.4 f of g3 . 74 .. , I are scattered spective of eVery other consideration, C?a i , i . ocres, 'as lot , '. I , ulle I ac� $00d Po%o 4OWL $&,a, I I � that principle would be rlj?ht. T66 . reB that' at no . time and under no I ex oily W a TV. I I far E&A"VAT JOAR 9filde-oppowlte colborime 1111401 , L �Wouud it becomesla serious matter. Id BIr � to a ns by w IS psi .4 � L , I I �, I 1, � . cArcumstanc a did he know of, or make at .4 . I ­ I ( a I . CIA 21-2. _ Clinton 'r. 0. . .. I I .. ., � I 1 question arisep, Whait d Whitney - ;Ll re A 0 ... — - - illodorle* . I I I 8 ­Xur I LLL ), b h. - - FOR SALIG L � I R. HOlifillUZU. U16atil' Wouldhe - Ontario IL60Y SuchOffer or proposal-, Sir, Wilfrid 11 I . — "I, ... I I . . L - k�ul.plus three or fou spend the %urleir The PKov �. Nrcz 1r6XXST'LoT, . ir 0 ENGINE I . I '. I L I ------ l"'lll" r timed over wAy-es tbe 00we stateraent,� 10041 GOYOVA113,61100 XonUobs ' *11 Z 0 an 131 . appears to be having troubles f, IS It 14 .1 4, op power for whoever to del And even Me Oook . lu'llis. eyidence ad. L 0 a . Be 0 An * 0, ... I . . I . -- � . M- 0 CAMERON ­ I .1 , chose no. Minister of tb Own *1 t pure "An u I f0marly of almorou Bolt a Cokraw"), , a Crown � desertion ____, LL . PtIght - ongb2p -and boiler, toot herie .. ,. .. . . L I '.L - I L bout Price ? ­ Of its head, who, after Fledging h . L . . . . . A I ever a proAcbed him or- wp�dq over In Road working order, Just the thing 'BARMSTER, Amp I , �L. ­ . " Although me Whittleyis words were . imself to �� porw-3-Irmer or some one- who wanti. Ill , . . tures w6r the P ` OJOY with the job of ,,r J; . -,;. I ght SOLIVITOAr - . I W ft it"'Without money a - ad - wit to use ,roitted thao . . *Ad lose of shom pirst Coma the t � , . . I flitwo ;Nt , S1 it , "" H ". - I I '' L , ,,1 � FRIPAY. APF I aYment of money, Tbare 11 . YOU SAL' . . ;Con btaseeriathXW JqRA, Office ,Will, 01 * �L� ,.5, 1901 very vague, it is reasonable -to suppose, . I Ilbe Wrongs I I .go,wer. 11.4p. nee-Hanilltorl, S, . �11' %­',�, - - laillosid bj. , gb�i g - I sold. I . I . I Ir at ovidalto Colborne 90aft- . L' . � ­ ­ � that this is not the 1000,1110 he would I$ DO OV14euce Wilatevvir1o'bear out hio the 100trupt Gre.paway Qcy- � Tile framecot , � . I QODXRXO . L G$T I . 7 . I charges, and we believe Mr 0 L ornment", (save the ins L jk), ate , t - 1-07'. I I wr.oft ran a 81yeet, 6con- � . put upon them, foe I . I CoQk r . piled Out 110- pled by th . I .­ � , - I � excinaed, jwr Whitney most h I I 001110 diess- reamonabletermp. . .for SkIp. - & GIARROW - _"'L pr rQ meant that he *OU1 'T a 4"Clers] led Ia. 0 ered for re with . 11 ,,�� . rpretaitio . All IpVe his &4 joar was over to A said on � L I e ­W 'zoo he mad" bl under -when he Issued T I . L QARROW . , qbec Legis!atul-e has. been � 0 the statement be did, ,I ' *Or in- the federal * %rare L. $ad now ],as be at la i of an aq Shorthorm � . Q , gued. 4 permit anyone to , t I" a signift- I hard and Soft water. stable,'good frAlt and �. . . I I.. I . . I I I I �:- , , � develop power there withpill; paying cautfact that tbe allege .oV*r4uros I buried- so deep under the' Siftopion %vslol vegetable garden.. The I ouse ,contains hall, - . BARRIST) . VIR13" SOLICITORS, . : L I 11 0 a 0 1 1 . . V%Vlor. t ayo.lmi,bulls,10 to Is months old.. also am , . ETO. . I � rent to the province for the, privi were made. in 18K yet At '. AuChe Of last XQvetnbor.sb&6 no . ­ Iwo bodrooma" cloazes closet, dining 3 N e, L . .1 - I . loge. Cook con- one ev0! om, summer kitcher, cc jai and woodshef" young he fero breeding a L - I Virmsin XfOlure, ex -M. P. for Coll, t1o,acholee lot, load 011111ce-Vornernamilt9n of-. �ndtho I ' tirlue4 his confidence in -the Qoyern. expects to bear- of him .agoin,, The a4l 1111centrally loo4ted, poFfLessid - Came "it Bee t am, B. H,. WIS , I ige4gkcklo " . ., Where would such a prop� I to ,PT%vengoy time qualityreb. Sl� ­ - . . '. . . . �, I ICAPS Cook , - ru'u"B"OOD, thus crippled And reorganiz. suit louichaser. BLJZAOE al"A,U tf . .if Clinton. , . oderith, out. . . � , ter, N. S., is dead. land. Me Whitney and the oltlou went dOvin to 19M. Alild 4n th6 many _____­� . '49 � � , . . erv&* letters he wrote urgitig his claims, and ok as*rkod in to anyolve a rrAilw 1. � . � . . _ _ ,;­�llIl­ll­I_l, I I I . I I � �. . 1. . I L�, - , � ' 0 0 0 tivaPowty? Let.usl6ok back At the the I 6plies his. receiv with the result 1.7 po loyc .. I J. T QAnRoW, Q. q, ORAS-GA]ftllow.X.At'o� , L I . I inel not Shot every $all IL business I � . . . I I- . 1. I Minis- I e for:,$ -- . .. ,*--'% , The official rdtaraq from North Bruce histom of the Niagara Palls, water ters during that ti . Pd from tile interest in, the community Holts 5ale, . I TWO& Ceuilflftt,� ,.. I . L I I I I . . 11. L jpjacQ AVr fl' power.. The franebise, whicli was the slightest bal # And . . j .. . I r I allid&V's majority at 11, I L -in reference is jovery effort is being put 16r, armed 1�ot number 6.84. M%ple street. — . , I . . . . i,'�, ". L I L I the nature of a wo made in any one -of them . ward, .10 Gave 'it OlIntioa, - - Thorold comelit for isle by Ed.wavil Cart .. & HAYS* . ,. . . -1, I . a a a . own former ocaglied by Mr Thomas. corner of Winiam slid Princess streets Cl I SOLICIT L OR$, NOZillux I a Punr; 3fo.,, I I I, j' , e . ' 0, kr Pan z offerellfor Na a ,�t� a tea oriable Iton, Special rates on car loodg," estimates PROCTORS XX TUE W ARITI E VatraT, ft. , , 11. nofo Y. was At first to sk financial coia, Ibe credit of the province, by . '1',' ,! 0AUAISTIMS, , gran(ed on a r SM000,a, year.. ion prevhl tideration,, The opin. means 01 aeouri lbt (latrome, A"bo t"I"i - 6 . �' " * Is here th4. t og the. federal. .' Veto L, to the pribe. The house is aqvamodloui; BLnA a . 'Al I �, � tbsi Dc ininion Govert, went was.s As the colupany Were Sl�w ,to begin b%we fi I he chiiiges -bill,which woo I I tul good . given on cement Walle; floors. and silos, All * , L . , , 1� L 11, .. I , . . us � zzled. Out; that there news , 1. florally railroaded .through condition. rot 14 a to work Gatialaotol:417 done and all Orders prom- . L r4b 84., next door tosix"*1 I V Dperatione It WAS suspected that tbey L rs ,pply omee; so �, " " , L , b I u r wag il"%6001,11oufle. Now, 011utOU,Mar 6t . , 004, ". , ;Wned bya vajority of 52 on the bud- C . any aerlous foundation for th L 0010303 a trouble - V 'Alu W BRYDQ142. PUY attended 0, ., March 15VIII-51 , . krivate, Funds to lend a . .� , I L I we Ia Iding off to Prevent Compe.ti- eta. and . � ' L i ." -`,X#.tdIvLIeIoU. I . t," w p that Me Coo !16 wlik; oar* oarlona than' any . I I . . I . L t lo*est rates L - . I ­ . . � 'th the company on the Ainer- ,k put big toot in it _ . for 'JS Involve$ A . . I ­ �— I L I otinterest. � I - - -.... " ­� �_, W W 0 Which L i,ng them, � � - . L�'.. I . .L ,( . . . . STORB FOB SALIM. 1-� ' I , . � . , . icark side. L . question of common ll;zlesty and o;dinary , I W, PROUDFOOr. L . � - . . . . , . . . had-f,pent somotbillie, I . . Wanted oil a Fam . . .. ::. I A -0 -HAYS.-, . - . L L I like $15.000,000 in develepitia: the: pow- Ia conversation With A. CAbinet 31ju ttlilzioas integrillys The, iGovernmeni; . L '--by R. .T. , I I . I. . 1� I I The days are growing longer, anoth . . . he said � The Ptorallsoft peoll,lied I . . . 11. . - �, ­ � . . Cluff, &IR14 A brother and tdat%r or young married . . . L � req . 0441; If, Of a first -a ps br 08toirp, oil Albert, . I p .0 larm"AVR6 commodious' - . 0 1 . � House purporting to couisift the names of t il .a 'a L 0 red jorl,'aale oil easy, house And pleasant - I .-- . I I "L�,�, er. Couseqaeud.y,two or th later ona-day- td. rue -ILWOUJ�l � brought dOW1aA return to Ali order of - the . , couple to work, A . JOHN RoDouir, I . . , � . ears L ,� . I p ,.� er Crowning proof that the; growing ago the Goveruarien . tbeL sooner Qne,of toy' boys Should . t tea 01 nto,, ffe , I . , 'r ��', I I . .. I . . . L r QU,Appolle, duties, "oltuatJOU Ile V tOWAL 89ION11311 Xrl . - . r - And brook stones or saw w 441 P& -loll civil employees who bud been' fired by, " at CONVEYANOU,", � Obj&XI' .1 . I L . command on of n4ar. . . I , � i, . ,."L . Owe inaugurated by. Sir Wilfrid Laur. monopoly Clause of -1W, coifitract And 'that he should iSnter the prt� at since the ISO Cottage 0,29 ­ . . " , . V Au 11110 12" GoVeralne on Albert Street. vltlk.jw� Agril-lat and corim L "L I , - L': re -arranged the. I Qb-rt'Servicp,11 � . beginning lots, stable, and ail convion6o". Paxtioul"s . uue for A If desired. — . I Itt Ole r Lp. C, . � � , I � � 1'r , eal . ''' � � oned to the quan- '.g-w%S expressed ear, And of. All 6120 new Appoint Onappleationtakra W. Robagtaozl� Clinton Assa W, W- �or a a E"tBW"And Insurance Agent. Maaeyll� :J ��;- J*r is still in full swinic.-Torcuto Tele- nuil rental do the and thoi same of 11086 Y, . A d r a a s F'r, (% R, ­ , , gram (Independent Conservative.) rd . sent!Wv a ­ � r - : ,17;, � ledt L to 1-4 . manto a!' Grejor,00nat%noe. r T .four-' . lend on Mortgage and X6te security..- . . � '. a I 0 EIE;C Or Posyer day This has* 1$k a tile Otfv,';� d�6j by� a man ,who hole 000 that diio. - The list Contains " ---.-- . . ri.,Qad 'I h4i.-m- fp V "IV 0.1 - � I . . r , a OlQped� a Or wsC,. w. me . , .i lisquillpon-.6 mr]-h ". -- � L . 1* . ,held'h; i6ipiaaa I fte nomes of t1kirOy-eight dism...saaw, ona . . . - r - -- , . . . . . r, .. . r . ' . I . I , "frit, "arly 20 yda", When. ho said Ulf I rree,progg rc�, � . , IRD1 FOB SAL] W`�, L ' . , LSitl . . . I I r � I , 1� t - I to the formation of 8" ible government positiOn �11',., fit6y"Swo Slipoirtlaeuto;L the Winnipeg .:- r � . . OfAce-HURON STR , , � . � � . The Premier of Canada is assuredly which is now . - : 1. FA . muT, Qz�NT01%.1, . 1. . - �, . r, I ,r� ' �, .1 "* prepatin.,;- tioYdoyelop. bad wy, life to � live j ; 11 . -.. I Loinber for lea : t .1 ­ ,� .: " LLL L - ,'"` under-paid.and Parliament should vote . POWQv t-I,I�L Wdiland River.. Pro. I L comes out with the straight — I, I ­ � . - , � . . . I I I I , '' , :', . I . Ill thO enter the governineoveir 1 would not bhOrge 4bot ther i Subscriber 6fters forL sale his. fsrm ' ' ' 8131table for Pa - 'b ' - � r . . . DR. AGNkW.. ! .- r' . . � I I I . . ­ ­ ­ * tvic- companies the Government 'has father. held. a riVe employ, wr . ,,I 0 were 000 - hundred And - , I ., Irni aildIngo. . . r � I .. W ic CJO,L w , xhb dismissals, and 4 muob,lsrger num. acroo, situated on, the ,Maitland mono ail 0 . . . , . . . I T- 'L . L Id. ... 1. hicb­hxs�-boen * ber of appointmen . redi r 1: . . �­ . . . . . , C NTON " I , L a �3d$OW@y ad- collected 0205, POW101II f6f about 40 a' Oolborna, About 140 acres cles 'Roalf Elm 1 - DENT,IS ,,I L gluate toa.11 the needs of ever y'ptiblic P11411 to the acquirembut "d .413'.. -Years, Find used to . w1jen us a � to adding * thaw 4,tbe houso,-bgak bain, plenty Of *star and Inr 2 and 2J inolies thick "I'VIC0 $U.00 .." I � I r I ell!� seryi6e tbalt L. � . . . - I molilat , I dwarts � gainat 4 GO'Veramoub.is bringing down State Of6ultivation'liol'a rallefrom. go 0 perI M. .. . . I . . . .Crown and Briage.LWO � I " � 11, .., .1 7,,,. man who holds the high offic 'Lace ot the Queen Victorijk - -awbftiou,�, anit. . returns. � to boo an . Soft Elm . . rk JL "" Prom- . Niagara eal 04- and filoift. Ile. Terms reason -,6ori- -pride � . . _ '. . L. I '. J rou W othem .0"lousp. Would .R a Ia. 112H �� . a I r . I I er , �r M.� I . ,h a of orgy, but I drifted- )"to, I b If) which the terms,fouppressi 2-1 as from Holmosvi : 11 1, lk, 4 and 2 Inches .thicko ' ' ' _gh the lifetime of one Parlia- ,Falls Park, which . atherw d 14.114--tf ­ nIORA DR 11.0110 .0, r AT Z,unic TRk-UD TnuAS)DAlr 60- I,, ,.. L . - , I . have 160 WO41 do, thinking` it'Was & snap, and now I property apply. A I Ift.1,06 lot,$, . I . ...... I I .Av on I Vi Ple"I.-W44-avid. 1-indhfa­ tlxl4l� . . j . .1 . I L , .Went.-Tokouto Telegram, Ind. Con had to be boo , that how Tory govor 6ent ig.ig -be ho .� 'a 00 I "'L.1"�­­. ­ . ., ",.;, L L. , -, ght and so�ported cannot do: sayihi"g sisa.,! But the to I nt. L ­1..-:-zA1M *OW3a-­' �,.­., ­­�-'11�'11 1.- ­ ­ . ..... . . '7' ' flut ofthe revenue of -the �Province. So n .. 'p.rI, , For Saleoe. to Be ' ' . ; . Per, M..- - ,O)OHERTY&C6, . � . ... ­ ­ .vervative.' apprariiate . -1 . . M16 I . . r. ClIntou. L . ...I, . ­ r , l; . . , , .L. ­ ;.. . I . .1. .: Of"Ce-H - - , , ­­ I I L . ne pa I use Ob . '-­ r . I'..'� , . r ,r . - . ­ -1;-"­ll­l­`­­­­ . . . . . I � . r . . . L . 'I,- I a very lara4p, - � .1 . � , `� - - �� ­ I anxietyto get what Is regar ad a and wiar the change , . I I L OUio--.0 to 9 " r�� at this writing ther province is ahead a domfortAbIg g _4 as ei that ihO 09008 Of Malil'bobs, . S L Z le . fir ' , -7'- 1 rk, - which has coal; the people I ow"ament 41sit"'jaimitag ftrwar L froin the . straight. - The oholee brick ho the corner of r.Al� I . . 11 ­. . . Sale L.. The little friction between Russian 'nothing- it retainRits .hold_6f. _ yal r arbortb6 community,,. ii-administrAti011 they SO, lightij got, ton and Joseph atirbatel belonging to the a ur,6r­ . . I . - L�"-� . 9 a u- avery member oupporting. the-paity in .riJ1 afat *110 loiot.alepfiona.. ' , L. L, tc _ ,st4to , . Seed Gral - .­ - . ME . I ­ . , . . I .&I 'L . � and Hngitind in China over the rail-, ,able franchise,,: t lips setup 4 , -- --,_L,_",, . . . . I : , .- Of the late R chard Heywood.1a offoiredalther r ;� . I I I � . ........... It. .1 � Dki, rx. ik.?t."56T ' . 11 - ive compaul, And it- there hAadowfietft- -11`01iwer- krowi by expei I I. -01$OSA6 , UTY'r OJVr Lumnan. . r � - . . . '' r ­ , . for gale or to r6iti.. 'Ttoontaina Warn,&O'Ordi'L I r HOL L I I I -ie6eo. An -eatry 136WO hL, 'practically, a I r I I L ,�"L I road lands will not amount to In c , been 41e� lifeL.At " , ­ . . .. . . parylanilly, $a , .new h �L Car# Seed Peas, (NO 131.10S) fr�;-. dwolk _ .L r( 11191VTIST r L r r L. .. I I . . � . A r a up. Slid. other ­QUse, with . . . � " 1. �, ' r L � ucb. lay in, deve oping. t'no Power the C%na. th " A- 9064, salary, Ia the ph.ant ftern onto were I ke allcObvOntOnces, and,threewtaixths.of wf" - - ' ""r -, L .. I . . T. C. B)f.Jftdm)4L, "", .... r Some L OM � . I ­ ,.- Sound.: L " ' grlcee86or to *. I - _People, to "Work" of land. . it the,proporP4 acre" 4 kinds choide.Seed - -- $in( , ,:,, .- I . -,,^..' But at preseut England is very much, than companies *111 be a' . At Ind . do 'a 61 . pois in the Commons in discuss r. is not sold or Vented, . I , . 0444 'Crown and 11ridgeWork .1 ,:,, I , .11, . by a L' *T I ing L a partofl* Will bereate 4..A&Vlby . , Wheat. O&t6l 9iilmY,. 1 G0066 ' SMCIRII i .. , to L , " . I I I L. D. S. -O 11 . . his to profit their representative proposition frOal due . qATS r L Ailtor ,j,,,, Lr . 'A ark , r. r4dl]AtO Royal (;allege Dental gj&� I .-� " * 6 L I . ad'aightl . L W. C - — Ill , JIL L r . I Oreolls of Ontarjoj Toronto. .. I. ' L r I �.,.- '. , - . in" An& tionist-11ory thembora. $6-pul a' d0i an.�611 �-- , I ; I . . . ... -.— riy,� kind of .. -Firat-olasp Honor graduate Of, ,,,,_, r' '., I ..,. annoyed, and if Russia wishes no fur ,the experience ot the Ainerican cc i Of ithe ultramproter, qu . tity of feedibif 0012) sit all JiMeLs _ ' . .. - � �.­­ : I Panies on the other aide and prq4kiree, in t ndoubtedly there Are Borne p1braq lmUb,V,m,,Ok&o �- �, . Ut ths. Inion. L I as for cash, or Exabange, for a WD. % . . , 4he eaper rate. . - I . . . Tb PARK FOJEL SALE. � - QftiI4'Iu 86WO cases from, 2 to 9 monthe time S , i tat Departfiment of Toroilta Uldy ' . .. I . : , " �. .al 1� t"O'ble. she should re -call Admir. power at a ch hb,sprY16�, b sie hu�&.eds - . d into the. Dom , a. . . . DAJT hL OoAftl ,�ttentlon" PSidL to. 'ersljy�. � :,. -, Under Mr.%VhIbaey19pOlIby-:-&tl ' . . noadinfavor ,, r 'L :1, I � .. oaab I I � ' — ­ . I he obadit'desired. a r1j; t to a 1 Ir. Alexieff. who ig very anxious to esil; Ofman 011ilig Pogitfoui that iwe not "gumeaso adyn, . 0 the . j . on. I Or ware 9 _ preservation CC' - -� . I ,�­ I whatever policy is to. . onspe Ili any meap#,LL &"a if ih obial contain �a . pro Subscribbr at airs toy sale his farm of zoo 3railway'stat W..U.PaRAI.W., 6 Ildriing teash. Will 'vlpit Perfield Ayelp r - I ri , " . . ,. be inter - - 0 occu- - in fact- Acres, lot WO. 34, Situated on' loth Con.., town- . . Mo( r r, . . . .1 .L. ewbroil Lbd'two Countries. . 'other branched of liNuied � 06hing newi it WAS Clinton Marchr 6 19011: -1 , " L. ' )f1a r ;L . ; red from' a y . n : 0; . 1, pgiu�dheftdelo 0 11 rii asimil"d thow I Shirr ofBallett; Rural, Co., be t, . . i aboo siara,. . ''I I his spok6n, words-theIt royln�,lj VO4 the I bli request was. made in She A in . , . . . woi4ld and faOUIL 9Q Acres I . I I. over,w. Td-rior & si�w :1 . !'I t; ii I L �'they , cleared and in a good .1 . . .- I . . L I a 0 a be out that $2M,000.. a Wo . , r sucially"iirwell ,. Inlereiiis of the Illailiermes, � and � thouo. I . state of cult1watt n, ba- ' WANTED____�Ll. 6. I . r . . . nd that flao park. r t.les, " , w and*tbe people wouldhsve been dVlIw- r lands b On the fe. , - I :uank On the farm 14 a good framloah.,tt t I of . TkioMpSon. - r a I . . ,�` -The progress of temperance eenti- � IV 1�1.. r.tter ,,4 r thle'vigo not pah4pa specifically. 1366f a I in, Argo ant bo,ru and other put buildinga, gocg, � Queen DR. 40.-W I r L ft fill - ered over to a corporation orsetofria'>r-� I . D more - so many worai without regard . earinaL - . I . 0; go to society. at I Agens, Victoria Authors I . I . . . � =011t -is showa in the fact that Seven of porationa who , . � . Arge. fiat Upoi L She . � to *be of. b orchard; and. woll'watered. A.pply, I The all �hiarself, Dr- . . PhYSICIA0, Surge�ou, Ltd. I . . I .� . . I , would have . , i . %.L I. . I . . 10640niner. Bak even the to I I I - JOSEPIXRORRIS, �L John: Coultei�1rora London"U119 Zolin A'Coop I. 1. . . .1 . . I ipjR r .dev.4oped - The avem lumberman war . . March 22 . . Ed ,Office and Residence- . -. . I .reeent 0sibinet Ministers and the power without e,readet will be *little . 16 not united"in the 40mund. . L I or, or of riadian MURAZe, , I ­ I r -44 � --v 1 ,Z .- Ldrideii'lloto. .0111 .1 Toronto; . . . . I ... r L .. . . � Paying A-Zhit for 'the. L , . .L . I -llllllI`lllllll- a . Rat(mftb"r**Strme#.? , ' L , ' . D rid m. . wardli . . ; , 'r , , ­- — 'Quality never equalled; price . I ',�. . , , , : , . I V, , one of: the biggest 1 $1. el , 6 . ­.. .. I . . .. 'D601ILY-SPeaker are total allptainere ala be saddled on won thing'to 1,t - on 0 414611orf, in thti'a . 7 , a, agiCir _ I . I privilege,, who VYLo, ourp flarn. that it Is Mr W 0. 1A . ... I � I tile .-a L alk on A . bill c z roso. - ountryi doolare4 4bat he I .House fe`r,�� ale... .. . ,... a axe ows Avertiaments in thie paper ---.� .. . . . . r , and neither use liquor tbemgftf ,!-�­-:---ft-ever. and who could ul- lation whic L . I . thispaper. DR.'-WM. - ' I . : .a u-.. ,tI it for Some reason oj'q'Jhor. was entirely Opposed to it. Afptotoollog. r, I . L . - GIRA"AM . � . I—. a r That ­ .r . ceutistd�of the Royal Cohe"of Phlroldi4ap, ­ Lqt adioinin a the bowif fair sa!wtbe Haniser'Snit - - ,�'; I . ou uggreat on tbo-south I, I, L, I London, EA#IAR(L , , _ .1. . . I" . . . men anco, r so of the 11ohertri .6 r . , , :'! have tightened tyranilcal mono . - has plab*4.a minor, the our vadr, With 10 rooms, 6ard and soft water, and � I _ . "' . I a private, ' joult4risig, the'. Curse of.sh tide of MaVIstroat. ThOhOusels I , � . . , . 11 III matelY charge whatever rate' they, it is deemerl inadvisable, -he gala, 1swig tb� our" of lumbirmen, j� - , . . _ - . � I Pifer it to others _at their social func.. pleased. The Policy of ,making thi I . t6 either yotd, nilikeriber oie-ra;� rl pub"Sh"'K CO-, GuelPli,'Ont- LI ' ' r vQ L 16 down Or withdraw. - goal rile ofagr .� r, - tions, while there are more total All. ,aterpower "as free as air," would, kber, for it � let _ an, and 6h: Vi good koiI; _.; . Binder Tvnne . . . 641ce &rid Re idence . r . I . � . . i -A R'Loiv*, VfP gem . I staln6ta in 'the present Parlivinaent The implied ar Poil*' nofice or bill- before .the Housa,.which care# of avary mein who wslj aril it Ia sedan. .The UNTIL furtbo, bottom.: PENav I . .I.-- , :- I timent that'tbo town , . ellitaged in theop, purchaser in" have sold -at theR Binder Twine will be . . . . I I I *,#P. . . :, �, ­ thiln in any Previous one. of Niagara Falls_ ought to exploit � thle he Is ridit'particularly anxi oduoing the not � RL plate, of land adiefriln Stan Penitential$ to far- Succes'sor to Dr. Turnbull, . � .. I Ural Wealth of 101 d Ia . — oil$ to, page. I Canada.,, the r 0 buy 9 11 -ote, In such. qua ItIttes as rally 'bO desired ----- �- great Provincial v aimp1r. be to gain r, Vhit mahlbars I . . arrior gar en'r Aj), OV � . I r4m; ill# wait too oppose , for *�M tor,'"Sil.9n delivery, at the following prices. . --- . -.. �r'�. " 0 a . .Asset solely for Jts-, HIE' bb*twa I POP. d . r RS.W,C,HEtPg1!' . ­­ .:" r JrJR. J. W -'S ' HAW, -PHYSICIAN --------- r . . , , 6wn berefit is as . ularity before his coustitue" the idea to A men, * Zxolari�g I - Im, . . � . Beaver .... i..".."..""....8i Oonts-par Poundi.. --R.,FAicai�eizear,.:.e,tc,,,�e, . I -1 reasonable as to urge .1 . 0, or bring . , that one of Vill , 'a . ,!File little village of Hepwo himself to public notice, b the kroabAas . .., - ,.. . - win 6 - . .1 Stool ....... . -1. ..� ... 7 ,,, I 0 . ,aboo and - rooldogiao a#- . ,'� N9wZ"I&nd.l,. , .k . . 4 . � tarld St., a osite-Rugli i& ,Vjb,,r formarly oo;� � , , - . I * as,. Thib particiii I Or to U a " . copied by . r. Appleton, 011 ton out, . :1 I � .. . L around the cataract and to chairge. ev- dor IS reached dir or. egi. . . 6 '41 .1 . . 13 I . Owen Sound has,suddenly sprung into - Ite a --- Monsich ...... . :: .... :1 . r rth nee r the town to build a high fence'411 Sion th&6 eniou Y the'discuti.. - . Zf*IKU I Of. the 466130t Ia. tre I I Fa, ul rbrVale - 9l wait iries cheap lumber; and ,,If ir ­ plStiour . . . I . - . . erybjd� - . Ir on 11prIvater wenibeirs, upoulho wablool; should S4 Th r .. — . . . . : Paraltsuila"(65614at to I . I . -- I . L ... I , .r . ft anarter to see - and. 6" " , I'M At 'reduoinj a underaffined-offers for s&16'fok to rent voundl, ....... 10 49 . . t. . STANBUFty r ,-GRADVAT'Z Or ' .1, , : 1. . . � f4rue, owing to the fact of a great gas r the great clay9i-the only time at whicb.gucit a DR- edi . , w JadekofnZture. SinuilarlyIXt' Whitl .thing.eMn' no moodsom"he dos# of Shia, inbat Lot $9, con. 9, Ruilett,equoiting.o � 8 apartment Of TI its , . . . :.. th capacity 1 migh go 'into the BAiriy Ri 4 L T, r I , t * f 204 soro% -WG;i�munldatlons, with remitteim. I Ir � ,'Woll being struck thereo wi n e?y take placer. .but the wFiraboy .11310011111ATY' Attiole. Tha;�Ldabate Who not 80,aeres cleared, 10 acres bush, and l6alanoo Oes, to J. M. VIDA.T Warden Penitentlarit sit I to"Torme7 at the I . '' . %,. . Yer has Intimated -to � -a few bf -h 1. 19ndleared laud used for J�asture.. , Who fb,rin is � . aw r! , � 9 And . I d:strict anCtell the p000l 0 th.trho r . is frionds ! actioluded, it it coings up''for Bei,J]p Kingston Oill, I ..,Pl - a there t lbin,"041on or, r lPaparxii * -athis notice -without Author. . Now ork, cc a of. - V . tO BUPPIY the villagio and .also tLe M6114 VrellWi&torodLbyspringe�eekaiidweii. There : hatritis : ran. n . . * wants the notice "talked out , ifir,from _� f KfUs's F&Interwill not r amity f a � .01 1 kee T n,.10o capit,11flals out of 'their I . *0 PAtlihmelit therik'-csn In about 01LOOOV46forobard. There areria r Ba"""d'OnL- - ' . '' L . L . . 11 0 ro ' be but -Oolb$ t flA alf,fief. I. sores of fall'Whe4t; sown and 18 acres , , ItIltalston'Maicb_ 2,9, . - ­ in aboring towns. go 9�, which mexua: tlat bewante n . - L Oa* pit' . be paid ; . , , � It is supposed that Id imne , r he might go Into Brit.L cup d1o6ttoolot a Conti ; t g. 4 . - - I � , �1; ii plenty of oil in the same I aud preach the,46Ctrine 1'. thereon .Until Q O!C10011, ..: .' . 1 L % ----- . ----..I— I evromiteathers, Is. A, '. ­�.­,..,......l.l�, . lll­,lllIllllllllll,, ��. , . . - A'N't ;. .. I LL . Ahere lu . , . ... 1, .. PlOwluff.dons. Upon'th .1 . of tea 0014for, DR. 4- FA15k M I r _ , , r . 13el ghborhood. clapitalists from th.6 C! L I r . .r It stoter frame it' r . .1 . .. . - . . , , r, I r,, .., fall ra at, which time the Hbulle. plalorifirs fur ISItf , r14 L - . . welling Audi! btuns,one aqzag .. � 1. . . yETg[tIjJART SUBURCibr" .. ­ . , r 1, that; wericisan lumberwen ought not lanch, and ft the disciiission.is kept. U . p .4 L' tft*it at th 4adthe other ssxm. Good Stabling. Th6fario ' .. . . IL .10 . L .. Member. of the y4terint' I 1`3 . 'MadicalAspool&.' I I ... .. to be permitted to buy timber berths 6 Vrft0*AVn0r16 is am"es from Clinton and limiles from Sural, E ing'e and 1. I . , , I � , . , . , . , . ,. ;. m0VbfllP&­0,,OhUrobaudschooL Willbasold , , I . . ,� �' "States and Southern Onntarjo are vis. ib the Pacific Province. 14 -is a seldom the bour nariied, it means that ' ,, � -' :a , I . Sales, Stable. ttoij..Mondou Fnd Rdiq�urgh, And GWcI- . . ' .. u . U "' . can.. I . Xch . r . . r I . � I L L . . r Jurthey . *1' . . . . .. - . L r, I ­,� ting, the place with a view to and unreasonable IWRU11060t� Utti)rl - the b ant 6f spitig -&f; the Pat,, particulars apply to. ,L . I . . I . ate 6f t !",, I '_r, int,11 a ill Sthinds over for .a future time The &Ilotm 0trentedon reasonAbl* terms, Fa . 0 1 . � lis' Ontario Veterinary Collaaa, I i I .�, . I . .. . 45POK111 Ile.. Winton TREAT D'SRASES OP ALL AV.ZXALO , ,r . . posed to the principle that I YOP 0,jo dy-nipped at. Ones. A striumbe to American bag r . Ofilce Open night and day, opriomita � .-;��. ,;,,*4terprises. our batuiral. the jr,,llery . . Una ;XONAMBAN 3faBAf9N,, r. . . .*. . ... � . , � , resources, Wheiever the would- nitturally t,upposo 110811Y-tfiken Place, and !�eq 2 — . 'Comm- , . t 80-tf. , 0inton. P. U. , L. . lllllllI I . mercial uui,). I . .. ­ . . is a a - y way be local, -dwigion is sIncPto, % he Ontario Do I , . I r I. Weisro,T. Bell rind Or. il�obnsto'n have Sudoes-lor. to - �, I.'.' ; ' , the d' p"traeut OfAffriculture ­. � Dr .. Pd. are �o be utilized for the w 0 argdMent. has beeki fortune, - . I - . j.' ­ I to in a e ' ' , I I �W.J. R,.Fo,WJbV, Cltuton�. , r , ...­ '. " ,..� � r' . i th, wh6le people. . . � t I on debate -ib tbtj ilq e UVIII , .�. bponed'up An excliazWe and stile table ria, I Out. . L . - I Andrew Clarnegle, the ribil.stIthropic . . . I . , . . I , " . elfore of , 109"e d, d the whole' - , IL'Un ­ ' arM, for SAW. . __ . r � I . I Z�' .; 'Ll.L . 6ate feet. t: F , I a L . 1� , 'Public inferoi;t� -at - When it is statel tha . 0116tow where they w4l kd�p on ba -�-_ I �-�*II`II�I­III`IIII , I; r do c ,That doeg not mean that the gose But Jt. r lo,ri '. It 1% . In North West Territot, nd for " 1. 9. BLAORALL VZTXKIXARy StIjaZo-W - : I - I.— ) L­�S t liman, is doing a good work with, Ontarld'to exhibit will'r be Placed. btw , , ""­""""` , ­,, b . , I'.. L L.�., � -6 Government will neglect the interests: - plair, stillply - kilhnR time, and re- .1 . . . Bole br'to exchange 6 firsk-olgos selecti6a Of - *,H6norar�oriduo;teoftheantarlov . . I . ,Z.4 eying 49 a good lark ,by . . 'I . '' * . :1.� '"::`, " 1. WillionP, It comes next to p of I he'town OtNiagara, Falls. - When go'Ir"Od those who it will be .Been at ones how I - One hundred and sixty Acios.'soll, rich, die, , U18610 oIl. lubmast L ft I . �b I 3' tween those Of 0411fOrris and " Pldrida. horses of ail classes. 0011096. T693saildiseAsesoldomaxt, I ., . mportaut too Onehandr6a'and twontv five, ali'd'at'f AS present bo build 15 firil; class 3 year 1mugouern and polon �� L . .1--r-'.110, FO Wages to the men who work out the town asked the. Privilege of devel, Psrtl�'Pato Mod help the. promotee Of it In to have 'in attractive exhibit of tM14 0111 I . .1. : � . . - I 0 prime I , , : ; : � ,� LL . uping I supposed legislation to "kill" his own Oultl AtI011, ous, hundred toady for crapi pris. old c&- rulalodistely south ofth 0 . I and is-OPanding much of *�bmav'r's, gold'age And fillies -heavy , flesidence - Albert St.. Olin 11, - . . , I Power for -electric lightfug,it . Ontario frults, sofas in pa a or Vved ; I millions , WAG bill or motion. . Sure- Arld youn dr king boroes ,a r ALY slitoodadto promptly - . .. . .... I granted. `SPeAkIn . I It is much to he desired Alp" summer 'allow, Abolli, 85 -a- night 0 d r I ,.. ir growing thaber. On $116 Vid suitable for . - to the electors'on . . . that oweiY Wt of Ontario shall be rep. drivers, , . . r . ­ . � I,, ..��. I , leo L . . -- . r' 108168 IS a largo two ktory - fratno h6usilgood � — I I '. I,111', , , _L n in establishing endow. D?cember 4., Prem, er How stated tbat, The Official Postal Gaide, is 4, book reseated, so thlit stolso stablog,11taluery and 6thorbutbull A ,or in � AltRIAOR LION ­------A­­lIIl­ll­l`l� . . . , I r . ; ' Fe We cAll Show to the a naT604611100 supp rot w I BuY�TaOrfakmors are invited _ � Monte for d and disabled workmen, if the men Who now held the contract Issued uy the Post erowd"f*isitOM that our fruit area star close to bu I USES IssUadby She Us. a , were not Prepared to develop - . � I . -319fted at his Residshos, Mapy street, - , . r: iid for the building L the pow- -Office Department is itrit lllziilt�d­6 one or two small BjC4 , Inge. Situislon ­Xilfilar H.14 directly . I I . . .... I I I .. , � � �'; The Act, r 'lea- er when their two yeara had expired'. OverY year. and Contains a vast&u%r.m4t tiOna.' Canadia I oftom housil'odhoo, I mile r J. Hmr., - 04 JOHN r I of public librAt _ fifect. r Minton. ' of Informution Of opecialvalt r 00 � Will bio'sS much in. 10fl'icsil I nib000btirchlu- it" 6446 STON, . r . . AumEs Be - . .,I,r r r On of Mr Oarnegle is noble the Government Would th Ia to those teresUd 16 Americans, rind will b toWao QjeApp*lIe7 slid th Pablus . . , . . � I OTT, OR. . 1 , . . . I - I 14 ­ r , linton. . r body, all got Some- having much to do wi ,1,,,,r L Aes d1lita Tot= .. Clinton,: I J7AKZS CAA,p7,,,, r - I. .r ­Aud praiseworthy, Pointing out the -who Would not wait 0 hourg to such all a c . th postalwattera, looking for a fIrst;,, do I 0 W An o6ri �r lllIofl?D,'O2l&'tbeUft13d down I 0 14NI)9131301to. - , : 1. 1 tiat in - L . ,. , 1. -­­­ . ­ oulplete list of All post 6fficog. T] ay- A And th - ------ "— ­ � . . . jPA-th that all willionairs will on, 0 Lo a ob4anottaisilit ba.qsr, . . 1 --!----7-!-— ISSUE Or MARRIAGE IjOANggg, ' ' . roue, 9 . ... .. ­ comprehensive series of a*a1r, wo I -- -.- - . - -..�. � I ; _ , * . . P"tal r0ute9V -'Post � masters, , postat is now XAS F- F, DWIN, Zdcalayj - - � 110-wiftlilorsers requ - r * -N etc. # .L .18 - ­ mar - , A006. . . . 4-6 "4-0-0-0-0.4, 4 4,40 6 � I-, . I . trod I I , . I -:*hien th, dbf&rg4 being arraugedi- And' It I b pea that I A 9.9-2 . � ,. . , X. vr. T. I . L - a gospel has fully outhroned The broad principle 6D . I Th" hook shows that Ontario will do fully as well 0 -r r . - I ,. J1 W. ]PAUNCOMm unw.88A Or A80% 00 . . I �%- I . . franchises is that they shall be dowel, � I L I I . . - V - PNI . ��Collv- 'Iftf-LI-nd SuV#6yof 1"� Lr . ­ . - . .. wfifch this' East Huron b** 10 OfficP14, South Huron in 1901 at; G,t 011ie I I at Buffalo ; 'S � - , �� 2692fill. men's beartp. e I Ross Goveramerit deals with the water 24, &nd.Weat Huron ga. .1 . -141-P � ­ .. �� I .,- s, 0 * ,It% . 0h , —020166 it goi . . 1- - Of PoaWasters in an inti,real Pilrtm6ut has appointed Wl 11, Built. : -11 iinglae�r, London. Ont, ,­, ;,, ,,:.r ogatudy, in$r) Of St, Catharines, Superj . . Stewart's otoeei� Store. Clinton, I . I _ 111. . lhey,ahall 13ILY a decant ,toW to the Pret'sIbrCal of certain And L . I ntendent, I ruf --- ...., ... I ... I ........ I,— a � - r ,,_ , NOWBPAPel' man in the Ontario Legia ,at I Alto p 80-3. 'The De. THIT TOUCHIS The 8" I , 'G r - L l OPPd With!" A reasooAbld period,. thlit showing .tbig. But the 11 . P R IN , I I ;r rov ace reparations 06re 0 . . r . .. I into line an Apr . - -."A i, - ; �" UtUirt, Seem to "I&ILe . -they shall be Under names, and t -have' takeia the troubl# war . rult grow Ow going for- r I . L . it Isi ifid and spend . , I r a fairly good andtkait; X J . . . Musical . .1 L P overame to go throtigh and make a list of thog - . I 4 few montbgr from that date In One - , I . � G Ut chntrol to withdraw and- Peet to have, fruit "" who have, or ox . mb�­ . 0-mommmuft.i. . � ".." I � ;'�' ' , :�sbiawfAg, orP�cIallY on the Liberal side to roleaae. The regulation& Which now Oc�urtlug Most frequently. There = 0houldatonc s4it%ble to exhibit , . of She departments of our School and*, 1; P, Siblep C.-U,Tatiner, 9 T. If . I � ��­ � � . * -th . X&V", latch and 0. .. � '. . I _ f 173 Ncl)onitlda -vostwagt;,6rb1 IS gae. e plate fh--!nvel-e4I10 cow ROD% McRae, the oberty, Quartettq Sticonct- . . ... �V' . . � . ­ ­ . thuspro Afe. foe a better position IA . _,Male' , .. � , I Beeson, ate Prepared to all ougagZteate fee .. I I 11 I 0 -House, arid they have all taken govern water power ftan4hioas were naudleatloo ­Wuft'hlmi Thoorodib of . ' life, 14 00atiOn Opens ft way to Church and concert enterWAS11611to at Vallaou- . , .. I ; & '1"9 Partin th; budget debate. loqued Under allL order-In-Conacil June dobal4g, 92 Swiths, $4 Bl%eodo, r 51 O.Urr Province is � at Atka, and everyone 0060so. I Try it. Out School With aNQ r8tfa JPOr tOrmil, addrem . .�; I , � L ' r - accordance With the Browns, do Carl �vbo­ can help to advertips the finbelb . �r' I owas Premier 48%f1sO`a#,43XIl,grso4tAnde 'jo,-5' . � A Otaff of,10 idacher, And filiest S. T. Altiftelf,- seera 1, ISM, being In -- lyllbells, ft' ,Tobnotong, a 1, _tl 11 �*ira t Of all 0 Rogs, who act pSased Of the r PreylOUB ee$oio I mate and duotlye 60if 1pf Ontario . 0 . , . � I I L . lFrassroi 40 TaIvIoria. L", - n6 ifr�,, '.. equipment in Censda is worthy cf . . L .110,13dor days did editorill-wbrif .,- Boni to that time WAtOt -poweirs .11ing hau4. M I , ff _ :1 t, ha , , 46'1r..�. 1:9!1�! .11 , r, ., rI, ViLeans. 88 shou14 log I klYSITER., Rt"I"01YATOR I 1. -*---11M- -- I -- - tratt0" FrOT100141-Se "if"iF .WL 'rho ex- . r . yOurconsid6ration. Wtiteforcatal, . orgitgq.o to sreauted outright *Ann With th -I- -0mile", I Qtg L BMW* '" 1111blittaust"bo in place by � . . . " ,. rj.1L LIX, a I W I logue. r . . ­, . � .... . . 064h e Peter b6 . 'In which they a . 0 Cameroug"Vh[orrisonw way 0 r I No voostious" ApAug ham r W. GLEP4 CAMPSEL .L. " . ta r!"mitteel An . I . L . . - aftww ru'Ur - .'-w V. I to 1. jjl�. &_ 84 Grahaws�, L 186Thbinpoong, wbonapplos, froM dtildgtorage�L , I .1 .1 AP141 lot. I I.- r . — � r I 6 6 v re a leb P 0-t '', #,h;^ , L hut I � � I I 00mbist And Musical bilrootar of. scrilk ­- ' _ ft-, and - 34 SteWArtd.'& KiNelle, and v stable$ ld I 9, n : *9461t alid 11A,puro sloodir. , r . � sot Church . 01foo-ortho � _ ,MLBOSfi,_--28,-M,tKilln,otla#_W D tp _ e Ora,- ; . r 81-V - U004ridli And . .,. ,11 . W9dapok 0"I"i-ROVIft" john A '.a*" eta ot url'- .' - r I NoMillans, . 0 a _ 0 L . , . -L -ted ft, .� '"ther orng I , . I I lientral. laughles's (11011090 1pared --- 01k +1110lay, IA r .. SeDo , alls, 25, Robinsons. 25 Mur _ --­ rL1, ' . _*Ulr_b,. t loo-,-- _ . he ,,h r 6, ­ a we he er 2a _*Jllr_ ,_, d, . C � I ,� "ns.".. � . .inherstbutg)Uo; R. I 1hyar, g5 - After tho fresh a fOr- L--'- sllttir-A�Xldney-bl . -- United, stalb,or of Pit , .,!,. I : AAdi of tho ! t I 31 pt I i � on . . � . MASOAJL ­- SAMi . V. . I I . I - I t'' ­ .- , . I Yclues". '24mattens, 24 Wall Ward eVer'r Week � r . . I . ... z ­ .­­­­ ­­ th4abovej Fd*,,erinii%pp]ythl*.0,NOa rot #6, I , * -.*­,'�L 'SAMUel 'RUSSell, L * Th6 baw regfilatioul. mada radical son$, 24 HAmiltialio, 2a Whitp&, 22 116b, � 1P1&I&t,r F.t.e. , . -X,L,QA�MP]9&b"-ikybesoanfi,ol*-11*.-24i-,.$W-,�"L.". I " Ar4,.qplece* of the Porest Free presol . Female Own , - , . - ----r-' , . L � of I h" Doeeror,L6 — ­ L .,.W-.. 1. I . . 11 . . Y3 0 'he 014tandai Raill, oautot ­ 1. r I 6tibikes. Tfioy pr6VIdo that In dotill I . �Olwdxw I'. , ,; ,:; at i :�L.� . , , 'I, I VeWq Getit h ' ertoolav, 28 PLArgusbus, W Iffacphersous, I 10lehilliness foilext to goajineos.o 1) hi L � I . . . , *fL&Gob 'week. 0 . . . go P. Graham. of the Bg ock, . . . ,�li Druggist#, or *rIf6diraoll to . � . '.4 - � - ' , thesono vpho with wat;6 powers they shall b6 1#68:9 and ably I McGinty. . . � and a0PrA'Y0Y.gO hand in hand, I'bi# Ill L I W, 1W. kw4lwo Pritiolval ­`"""­"­"­"" , '" "I'll Lr .1 L 11 ... ' , . � L' '­ ��*Ilkoipcorder; A. .1. X& and not gold'. ,Ther lehoed !are wildo only - . I -- , . , . - . ,�'. I i 0----.------ , - - - r lcmwiox "- It-,"-) wpimeticefoe lbegaur . I Ift Of the body As the J, _11r1W-91qr-W19rWW . . .. 1 4= . .,t !Ues *6 true of the feat I . , I , �, 11'() ar all thii" I . � � �; , '� r" . I .VatfVo, Am- is oft the coilditiola -of d6volopm,gol,., they � � AS.An evidence of devoldPitIX 016riti- outside. Constipation eloga the b6ay and � 11 A(. 1"1:0,0, , I 10,10. I. _",W.r . . I ,. .1, I r'. y OUS4 others 0'�'.fb'rfeKabi6 it thij pdWo jar not made welatIrdAyAtAter that A Cabinet Rio. �oldud# the wlUcT; , WOOD and COAL 4 VIIII)s - . . �11 I t, . - .1 � -- -- I . I corrupt 6ni'Lls, �body, L PaI46A I ­ . � r L L ,,, . . ..''Ir , We I I. I blebtibbed Wing Liberals. , -,- , ­­ l, , 001101PAtfoo mobix that I God'"14 oull � r , -- use of, rho leagea �oii ally requirer do- later gave a supper to S"t gf�y tuarU7. _ --- . I I " L, .*;r.*.&' 14 — . Ilrapsing in the I � A 0 -1 A ­ 0. r �, . . � I SubsbriberleprmedtoFroshpurA allorW , -1. �� Yelooment Within - one ,or two yeg,ro,, bars on Weduesday$ attended by the 1491he blood with jig fcitl� emanations' be., '- ---- -11180- *Bak# I , stotlaticall. th6utrh the time,way.ba, ex . 00 4 - . " �, &­ . .1.613991' L � date for Wood or 041 L Will 4h Will be --------- � Strest,ok sold at .. ; � I *'T"; -'., " � -- ,� 2sended. Premier And threek otherfflnibtard Also, fogging the hral :h Its Saluted alKals. . - � W04-vo.boon 000duailng out bus(hist lowestlates, omci 091said LAIVIS 11 , I a: wit - - I - POOM ther re what's Unubililly, b1stft1ho an . Alul&ss at which too liquor "Atev"e'r, L *Ali *ion$, . 0oustiggiloll .to tha begffilsia of. .., . IXPLXMIWT Rooms W. WHIIATtAr ( . �-' "' , Ott of tits Bureau of ?-AVe t.6 ba'bullt. L Pofthise, rth.6 lgai,ag served, . Coming awS3 -rio it, I . , 4 .do�ia:- 00 She, 644h 8312"m #1408 thi.firall of the i, — . I " , 1, 't he I Ia I I I � I I I I I . I I" 1 1 1 1 ; to whil ""' I I 'I %,.� A I I - I, I 1.1 I , I - - I �1 I I del t 610 f. M '%Y" 0 D Yof I M is '� , Cal TIM oroll viliver- a T W .1 I '.I 0 th I A A I %, I 11 I . r M 6 Ott more iffe"aa i 1111jiPilithalid,ony othiit aingi . � — 1. Quatries for Carlo It yvill be eadly, ord'oldet thrit if thd leMeo difivelcip _ ab4 disorder. ,As' con$ftrioncoo,of 0 L Y"favid it has ^, 11 L . i , ", ;r or Osman Who has not been a tiataf rit for � a 'Proved to saffettatoity io 4 . . ' oobbilpa both out cuotormars ana. aurgelvfig *hili Wig Orr 0 . . l 1*00 that the oftlear are InereaSing, tlf# ra,0t6p6*er'thaIJLba, tr "I A *A I . Ho , eqolriosr tot- his stainer byany U104no, said to � is , . I U I I . � I . . 'a'"016 t8th-Ovibg-tr6M-1,tittil�dldtrlotiI it, O*6 11664i 160 606t dliposa of It to, oth" ibb side,, intend to oollifune it and to doinflaus sit ance me 1,Th&V* ifoll are legion, UtAdiolle, valzi F im; 11SIM9 . ., I . 11 : , i , on lil tho etj,*Ohou�Ad Itirid....." 006 oftbo beat suppoig I evorattended# shortness (if breath, ando fallgebb, after --- . . well As givin a AwOuat of Still par oont, . -1--r . , , , , I tr t'Utarboro., The&pUtg . , thb tWatlopl. "0_ and 111V out* lever howe With 411110211" doMadem of iht extromities'abevotlit. . - . in. f . . CA14 09 . . N (11 0 i , I - yone go" xiniesTabh) � I . ,� t fthds Ificto"bd & i lka, df totofto not 'Ag*6,69�tb to 6 plearer head t1ilin be, 64 fib, this al"010411 fo* 646b, . . 4'. Awo raVIO . a the paqtmaorit- WOUld hAY6 it 9400, Ildootolon,hiseltads, dizziness,'"llow. . I � I� � I . I ver the nor i6i - bk**, at thdio,and, he!4 been drInkingliqUor *I! lfi,renlng.il . L report, Th � G o *6 i i i o t 4 h o 0 d u ti"6 h L ,*A vdll ,0111410or 0066owe" . CINAS. A 1111,19 U . � I L � L� MAN, flaidlorooi, sina A #Cott of,.Othii X Sit r � � ittilitits k,px0,14ktOM h1wdecislon, Is 'b1d%ytJf.,J -it �tbjlr# 10 a . I ­, _ '0Y madr rilisluds. of all"IR torrasig for r � el No monarch alift dbj � .4 .1 I , "'the' tariff deb&to - is over, 'Us�i mointo ate directly cars" by 1000241PAtIon, broad thou- Yo4tan 866 It you ! � I I , � � 00tO $814,165,479; total taxac �wofb 0"Offla I 1. 011nt6x00%t, . I . . � . . 294, do a ratikVillf 1K,M&O head. rdd b th6 I -0 thoni to 444olop- core 0608"patfilb tila YOU our* Its 6016- I I bay of 25 "*"* . . . ­ r I I . . . � & 4.i4m to M f � 6-AA.Il U U01, 1�01jott4etitrifti6bitijidju tax. * . 01ra a a Who V� -TO -64 Ads Oft it, The qU004", Tho iltildlietionts, of thig avI[ - ill 11 This ofti *111 b6la good tigill Otlaty, , it I 1. IIIII . . I . . .. . , KahgadL &Qoplttolt'11�% , -% &W "146d by *be ties 61 Dr. ;, . D. L6 11RIMID .. .. . 014 L'A '1086therwU I- od to , I I -, , . � . fid$UlAlkild for thd pa*4r,,he Id obIf AltU4000 Oft be Maw""a, u IBM Ioiar&'. LL P 10 Plaroew kill&*. 1prif 46h. . HERSON . . 11 66 "I" "I ft. � . , _J_,1%J6r JA130,40 'bell".63ii the &n*'P'dlfo'l1' They are Strait in $IZo but ThOodkohot be- n 1111 '. ". . H - , � ,,* .,-* . . # 1Tbo doll6uture, L'upid t,#�, L . . �� . SKSM oft ifloroUlitift 401641AA to . . 4 1 1 bretAil lihon we, "Us I � , . , 'a WON" I . NSUItANCIL I " thd * ni . Unifeilyi I . . tliref4ftutist tit'llt "d A 14701ibe for �*badotftilfp Ifes*14. Thoy, outo paraltu. bettor "" 6 , , 4 . 0 1 -1 4 11 I *� .6.rr 41tr a r Thi 1"ik: ' UAff I tpiotw 114 040416"Atilves bp- dn$ly. 'They otifitili,bb JulUtloffer ingtod. I ! . .1 I . .� 1 W11116n, 4" W044 Alt, top 70Aft,01* ,WOO A: � Qo6d Stakt arA Z*a *"**& fte, 0. IA awabialot *40that iimof W06rettio A04 1101101#0 In 4 Iffits. The,amcf;lifient dceli,boi bojet the ", , � .. , ­J'o ,1,10 1 &&.$,J Im d . "'i ­­' . . ". r nhi* ii,litkinit riAte clost , � , , . #A" iavartht pevidditt"ti aall-thtv Ill, thb 46IA&Ua13jL'&*a' COUP164 * th _ FraWd#o.tArJft., TItat's t1ke sity,%tion be fb6 bob door, ih#' -­*.. . ", 'I., .. !4r 'ifiowtitI4 dob Oft%W' Tbors, *ttai t�W Ilear% r t "pillhablf." *ilk your t1fugglat tot liham, I � aby"It, and gtostus 1011. '110 IWAIF.rA40 tk#A- AMM; .%741L8W*cti* of, t%rb. - Pt"t idly- 4 tibbj Attho ,na'autill-b-6114,1 . .-r iq soodst olwodutskampl, the otpolles, of . . I 11 to, �� 1-90-S'LL"'IrOW", Filt " L't ' ' I _, � 4 aftbfted4, L, "I'VIellif, � -- . -- - Vlbii "4VI"ifecotIL' L$*Jqdd� oftbii �Mts ,"""� . '. �!Olftfoal 4WAtoro, %alling 6131 had roolvar jol., P14*40,it ()Om r I I " jft."ft. 1 � I r I 1wi suftwwon 00400%,%luft.,90; uWastuditobdiflobi. thkv * * it I — I . I #*Pat, _ I . , I IV r V91SUSAN 010- 00. Pow* 3 I � . I �., $W^1ftJLftW0Wq"W,W'� m0b Seaft diffool AdVf"*, in .1. I 30oft, . . , I '0 I 00 . L ]Nakard. ,.Y. P", J*e L , 4 cow* coult havoi,aftylihing I I I ' 'jjrft4jfit,II4," ,� 1llVl8,rA6,)nGl I � I ., , W , I 'tid". 'fte r ft'tAt,0h*1.#dW b Aftv,- Wootle �r& Th *04 60.061110 1009 Vag# 4*'A Yoftif I "" ­ . I � , .,14. . I '-f , I' . � 01 lr�,J,., r �Abil'10**Ab EA wilt�*, .. a 404 700 1 I ­ 11 *"% k I J�; I � & .r 11 I , Thio Mg ,6 - I& pk�vinifit, Aelo#, tho litit. . � hillml *t Vkw 13001natod tot' the Lo ­ 11 Pdr 81 but-onii atird 1W It . L . ". . 1� I ;z 7i" "OVA4. I - - '0101,92" ft 0 . . t.- . ­ 0 . It, AtIbilitti � = I 6 to'. L to Atol 1, I r W � got t , V. rlotl;ia�, 1tv",og 06 ftd* Ard . ,lots-1rhee&.*o* tilt t4o Y�P44.1� ,0ft0Ud,S,M . .4,- . , I I I . ,0 4.1 � . 4,11i4U& ,114CMA —­Y�1,­ -,-,. — 44#Ah%,w i4"",.;,z. - &­. I L* - ..,- 1. -1 M 11 t 0 tho, XAberal# . r .11�a. � t 0164P ISM oho*st tha,follow..: -biqg &Vywoe ti 6YU01W ,J1g1At,1,Si,6t *on be had ONLY btsuam t k* th ,� h -611 'I L _ , , 'I , ­j­�' r w 00 JI l .AssooWy by Still -,61oth bibling, ready "kit mid 1*0" Of 0 1 I , � &.t *that, Noto"A 1)qvk"�. � . . I Addtow Dr. , 130610, N.Y. I 'WAYS In *took, . � . ftft"Wk L 4 AN . �% fklk h" ,­ . , r I, Ale* f ,V4CI. it A&A Of "is or iWast Alrueti Con, : AtorbIlto,to -o U" boipa hold 4t, * Aoaftxortort. , week to nowthatio ,6 : yrbW the Torobto'Moilloof ,Vrf4$Y,L 6 U04100A but the , . 1)40, 3�64 Ia" � 11110411ii On ""446 Of . I 11, of the roadij '404 16 V ,4 OUM for 000'w*IJtb, L bool ft E%0416 411A Tdrollto to fast i OW tj 6 of Pj&rfif,of (Jad&da Itt I* I L4 ft -if J? for 06,44 t . &%#%A 66 Menu "td r, I Wk a "'A"'Wellb l banquIt All the' Wind4lift This �� yo, 1 4" In POIlt1w wito a Oronto U061400 1 16"Iffy"IL , - ­ "I A-91tatitivot or* Va , IT4riii I . Ally "tot Ifflo 6f 66kes , obt . V I0 1004 mo& WIlAt, 00404, I L 0, w1atitius 0"* *Odsltr , � '. this. I 601adherl.A.­1 'fly' No" . I . z I aft0=211 I I I �� )", &. t� � .I I �, .. . .- 'i . . 11 &�,-Mv%gr1a�x4t,0111VA001100. AHU610400f At ft$. ksmfi "Ift. Beat raw. 0=" 11*.1= 4ft At tu 0 W. 0. , . Oomrmlso. 1106f 00voiil= A 0. A** # vor �Owifw 11 Wof 9 1079tow T* S%ft of' 8"01 r. - I M 0 114:4440 - Poll W oad ift I , , 0 0" we bulk , , � , - ,� � % , A. - I . . � I 4 I , , . * .11 ' - 1, i tm f . ; SO A ir - . I 1. I , ft4t 1160 toft$ - . * � I I A60ft � 0 . A , d 1 J I 1���� ' � . L IV I "I'll I I - �� ! or , I. I " I I L � I ' , . I I I I � � . . L . -f" " * ' . I I � , , & . . �� L I %Z �Iw :1 I ­), " .. . -- , I I ­. . . I- WERA06.zw'�i'- I 1. ....Idfi