HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1914-04-09, Page 5A1)ri1 9 1974 -THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE blvd, Bus. las (;nrds. J, A, Alc'rAG(�ART, L D,S. 1) 1).S Dnnf,nl smgeerl, Orndnnteofthe R(130 College of 1)en(n,) Sort/eons, An hnhpr graduate of'Toronto University. 011ie( over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, :Blyth, W. J, MILNE, Al Physleien and Snrsenn. M,I).0,M., Ui(4t varsity of Trinity Colingel 34,1)„ queen's University; Fellow of 'Trinity Medtn(I (anllege, and manlier of the ('ollc{;e of Physicians and Solutions of Onr.,rte. nnnr for tin Conn ty of Uuren, nn',..• one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth, WM. JACKSON l3LY'I'll, ON'I', Stock 1Imo red against death from arty cause. Fire 011d Wind 1i:enl'anee, Real Estate bought and sold. Money to Loan. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attende(7 to. Ritchie & Cosecs, \VING1fAAI, ON'I', INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE, Expert advice given' in placing and handling large lines of ftsnrance on factories and stocks, PROVDIVI HAYS 1 E LLEAN, Barristers,' Solicitors, Etc, GODER ICH, ONT, W, Proudfoot, IC. C., 14. C. hays, .1, I,. If 'Moran. CHARLES CA MUM', Barrister and Solicitor, GODERiCH, - ONTARIO THOMAS GUN DRY, AUCTIONEER, CODERiCH, - ONTARIO learnt Stock Sties 0specialty, Orders left at the Myth Standard Office will he promptly attended to. Telephone sae dates at my expense. J• A. FOX. D C• GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR. Chiropractic issuceessfol in 0110.11 "14) eases as insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, ltaeunna)lsm, 1leadenhes, O,nstlnal.inn, OhrouieStonnteh,Liver and!towel 'I'roub le, Female'('ronbi0. Miloe'over 71. A. 'Taylor's IiesMoran t. Myth, Ontario. (liliee hours: 8 to 11 a• In, R. L. GIBBS, Piano 'Tuning Action, liegulatirg, Voicing and ltopldring. G raduate ' f Nyles Bryant School of I'ra t.o'I'uning, B title Creek, Mich. Work Guaranteed. Charges Moderate, Orders left at Mel( ty'd Jewelry Store will be I t ended to. COMMERCIAL (HOTEL BLYTH, ONTARIO. W i'. AIcCAU(ililiY. PROP. Commodious Sample Humus, Reasonable limes. (lout( Service, QUEENS HOTEL as.YTH, ONTARIO. Excellent Service, lteisuua1ie hates. MASON BROS. Proprietors dames fl1oilIUBCH1C, BANKER. Ioney to yuan on first mortgages. Conveyancing t)r1)tnl)tly at- tended to. BLYTH - - ONT.. aRARo,TRuN 'sys,v TIME TABLE. LONDON ANI) WINGIIAAI BRANCH. enir00. MVI 11(1 c 33 :3 31) Winghaua 1 0 34 3 113 lvl)1uham Jot. 1 0 50 3 44 13elgreve 1 7 01 3 5(3 131yth 1 7 13 4 03 T,ondeshm•o 1 7 511 4 23 Oilmen 11) 15 1 8 12 4 30 lh'ueelteld 1 8 23 4 47' ifipper 1 8 32 4 52 llensall t 8 48 5 05 Meter a 00 5 15 Centralia 0 -til 0 1:3 526 Olandohnye n ',:i i) 20 5 30 i,uwm Grossing 0 23 0 27 5 37 i)enOeld w i0 0313 5 41i Ilderl( at O 1(0 044 554 141,1el: 8hal 0 50 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing H 11 1) 52 (3 00 Ilyde Pail Jot. R :r) 10 0 10 landau 8 30 00101.1, 1,,n pm 51,'735 all 7 25 40 7 1'3 27 7 0(1 18 0 52 un a 35 30 0 Ip 111 a 11 O i (05 ,i3' 5 54 5 1:t 5 34 5 311 5 29 li 10 5 On 150 4 51) 4 32 Connections are made a). Ai'hlghhnl for ell stat,ious oat the l'almorstou hod 1ih1. cerd)no branch. Co, oeotlnus are madt (, (Teton for all stations on the Hnd.n0 end 1,0 terleh branch, 0(1d all station, ,.;,r:1( Stratfarrl to Toronto. Connections ore umdt at ;MOW Crooning for all S(013015 west to:sar sin. Connections are mads a, Landon for o4! stations east and weep t' `At" mit; - 'ice. In HAVE THE AGENCY FOR c ,till() 1I tit• Tania, Anti -Fife Pills 11 1(o for I4.eurnatisln. -111 genuine b. V. Marlon preparations bear that name and w,3 a 111(Oladly recommend and guarantee thein. J, 11. IIautiltou, Druggist. Which is the Blackest ? Ammo! the most 'outman and most ,:,'111 rare of eye ailm(t (s is that condition tellers! lines or ubjeets extending in some certain meridians are barred and indist- net. Headaches, indigestion and many Mier bodily ailments follow in the wake of this astigmatic condition. We correct nstigwntism in all its varied forms. hst Splendid We doubt whether the c is any one little thing 011 earth that will afford an elderly person so much plwoutr0 es to find a glass that will give them 0001) vision after their eyes 0110e begin to fail ; some. thing that will "make them see like they used to," Talose on the shady side of life are always and eters ally "TRYING" glasses to sec if they can't find a comb(n• (tion that will restore lust vision. I,et us once get n Fair of our glasses on anyone and we invite them to try others to their heart s contend -such comparisons only bring out the..superiority (ff:our glasses and the excellence of our work, • • • • O • • • • • White City I.. ug; Stare r. W. J; MILNE Eyesight Specialist 111.1'111 nffiffifill2Molsonwontiellnallimer 26ciS, eds.! Now is the Ellie, to secure your r1 d when vin) Cain et, tir 4Abuiew•ham '4)'()' 1 I rd 1111 vol 00011(11111 the Timothy, Red Clove) Canadian Grown LAlfalfa, Orch- ard Grass, &c Just. unloaded n ear of C. da 1V'(suint 11'bi1.0 Oats i0/ c1'��ila�r'U Co '1'h n (, l)iunley 81,, BI_YTN• rale(: CFEAM WANTEC Ili 01114) (11(1111 Irraugentents will, Silverwood.. Creamery, in Loiduu to handle the cream 1)0111 this 0is. tri' .t. Wit are 111 a position to M 1I;e volt ;1 vert' good pr(Ip,18B1(114, 15x- pre81 your cream from your Ilea' cd, 'taloa' 11111-i1 1,11- routes start, \VoittppIy 0:41511, 0 pay expes. charge,, If you %vont a route in your rlis 11104.111.1.11 1a 011)11 and we w111 ea -I 110 give yon fail information re. gmu'ditl-r our slsteul o(' llitdliug tarn] 51'(11,111 cc, Telephone Nos, ()aline 17-4; Residence 108. II, 11'IIFuun, W[uglun, 11ASSNV000 IIEA1)- LNG 1.3OI.NS \VANTE1) For good sound Basswood Heading Bolts, taut 20 inches long, froul trunks cf tree; will tray $2 00 leer cord, delivere(i ll C, 1, R. lily 111, For out uh trct: lops will 1111' s llflething Irss, Don't 1i1)1151-tny 41 it, fort71 '1cDONAL!, 5iawnliIler, AA altos, Phone 11011, Bussels, 1lorris & Grey. 11'or itiforuritiou 11, pp:y to dames Btlfnn, lilyl11. 4 11S'T-Au Engird, wire hull dug gots by the name (1) "ill ulhu," Par• 1X(1)400x to its Whereabouts will Te ural iy rewarded by the owner, Win 5100011, BI5t11. Build Concrete Barns and Barnyards YOU Will find that they are best at first and cheapest in the end. Concrete buildings cannot bunt and many dal tars are saved in (ower insurance rates. 'they nerd practically no repairs and never need painting. ; Concrete barnyardrz'nake the hest kind of a feeding -floor and save many dollars in feed bills, as your stock gets every particle that you feed to them. Send for 1)151 free hook"11')111, the Wanner Can do With Concrete," 1t dams just how to build your own concrete barn, feeding. floor or any other butha u ma Fermer'e hllormatio.ilding yo Bureauy need. Canada Cement Company Limited 526 Harald Building, Montreal The Famous Last- Deaf, assCannot Be Cured h.r Ines applications. as 1,f cyctuluot vcach the oiseas)11 portion of the ear 'I' 0(0451(111)1 011e way 51 cure deaf 11101 and that i, 1)1 c 110littltiunal reu)cdies. Deafhess is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ingot' the Eustachian Tube. When this tube, is inflamed %nu have a tuns Wing sound or imperfect hearing and whin it is emir+ly closed, Deaf Hess is the result, and u11less the in iliaunli ion can b taken out and this 111110 resto'ed to Its 111(1111111 Condition 1marinC will be restored forever; CORRiGA•1LD&OI'i1L11 (44' 111r,of403100e caused 50 ROOFING. firth, which is nothing but all fin 0 NG 1• t. e r. an d 1 1 of F C n ti t o the wuccl s I sur f(iCes, tie will give One ,tlundred Dol bars for any case of Dearness (caused Will put on any. inc1111 r00( hs. catarrh) that cation), be cured by ;inti Ir,' Ise, lake Shingles. { Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for cit.', eular8, free, • F. J. CHENl:i'& ('u. '101)1110, Ohio 11,111,1 by Druggists, 75e.. Il .1110110 of exterior 110(1 Ill oke Hall's Family Pills for consti- terior pieta{ \ ork for sale L y pintos'. L. SCRIMGEOUI 13 01511E11 AND CONTRACTOR,. Phone 311. I'Estimates given BLY'Tra, ON'PAItlO. SKAw'S EUSIHESS SCHOOLS Toronto, Canada, inolnde the Central Rosiness College elth Five (ilty 13ranob Schools, Graduates are univ er,ally successful. Enter any 11111e Write for ettr•ilogne. W. 11, Shaw, Pres, head 001aes, 301 Yonge Sr, HERB. L. BA \1 FORD, Teacher of Piano and 'Theory. Apply at residence o1' Mrs, Wood; cock, Blyth, 1)4' '17 UI)lll',( P. 0. 8riti; h Ammon Bums Collogo 's.'ougeS. McGill Sts„ 'Toronto. O..t. f``e the pioneer high evade Business Solon} of 0(C merle. Under new man agement it is doing better mak than ever. Write URI! you want to prepare fur a good position. Ilenry 0. Ward. l,?j inoipal. A REAR8AELE REMEDY The most aflf'eted people on earth are those who suffer from rheumatism and about one-fourth of our people are (114011' ed with (his terrible, time melting bone crippling disease. So many people hegira themselves and rheumatism follows in one form and then another until they are an example of the tortures of rheumatism ltheumo has gained the greatest repute )non through being a quick and perinea ant cure for rheumatism in Its many r,rms. Don't put rll'getting a bottle of Itreurim to.dnr, it means your health as happiness. Rheumo is sold in .1. A4, Ham )ton's, only at one drug store. ►1,1111 e full size bottle. Say a GOOD Ward It Ie wise to say* good word fqr yourself or your business, whether your stook In trade be meroh• andlee or labor, Want Ads. are the most direct line of communication to the best buyers. Standard and Daily Gibe $3.75 a year ilk 9.. jar ;ea 014 fin ell 144 tit , 1"d►�. , ,.1)e OPPORTUN knocks once at every mam b1( a• She's knocking at your door now In ,, e heed( Ask 115 to send you our ba 8e $ e Cata- logue of Seeds, Bulbs Ituttsys Garden Tools, Insect Destroyers, Prhhzts, Poul- try and Bee Suppplies• A post card will hri.i 11 lout rdt+'teday. DARCH & HUNTER S1ED GTJ. LTD. HOI 1111 LOImolt, 0N7 co. 10 OAP •dtr •d,1b Valuable Premium ea •--. b..' ay 811..- 16 suborder. oauai..au. r.w.u..! how b.M It. 416 •n•• 109 eerr •41 Ar• ON !$( ) Ile v1, *MP ' i� ` *�- ", A. 11. %VILFORD, Successor to Unna Cu., Ltd„ Whole. sale Poultice Dealers, 7(411( rhaln, Blyth Reboot Report. Results of exatuinations Friday, April 3rd, FORM III-Co5401(71'1I N. Nora McCaughey 9l lily Cowan 87 Mary Milne 14 Arthur I1e1'hal'80 Margaret, Phelan 79 71 Eddie D,igao 67 Louelia Panic, 65 George Sloan 59 Helen Liming absent Foust ii -Orr Annie Akins 75 Patience Scott 75 Verdi'. Asquith 73 Reins -Barr f8 Alae Iranticly 06 Fera'.) oimston . 65 waiter Cuwand FORM I-3 it l' I:I tie Fawcett Oarrie Sims lona Stothers titre Milne Mary Mc\1Rrcbis GI'a alt Lill lid v SENIOR 10-111111'1s31 fl .8101? Edgar Cowan Ihibul Bill ,Jean McSIurehie Olive Parott Alpha Potter (Pert McElroy .IUNIOR IV 511!LI,IS(4 Loretta 'McCaughey Annie Taylor ......:. ... Luella Cook ) 74 Edythe 'I'urIle' 67 Lyall Rubinson "'• 67 CIm'enceUttley .19 Roy Barr llbsent SEN1011 1U--ARI'i'NVIL'1'115 Jinn 'Taman 4! N'red Fuwcelt 71 Mabel Spafford.. 71 Stephen White 70 Susie Ea ....,70.. 70 Stutll't Cowen 51 Earl McElroy 51 Laurie Uttley 50 Uurn Laauld.l , .. . 48 Charlie Ilaggitt -11 ,lack Creighton 21 Daisy Mason absent J UN Ila 111-0''Mt'oSIT51N. Ilhu Crnwfnrd.. 92 9I 8!3 89 r 84 78 72 72 72 66 59 Blyth CeunolL I 'rhe. regular nnrel.fng 01 the (00 11111 was held 011 7(11111104' evening 10101 the R;eve id the (htir n ul U1,n'lali• 1pr(se(110 1.:11u1. 111,), 0.1rtcr, Horton' and ;Sloan I The Minutes ul' last regular and 0)1 0(11 ince .111 0 111' Ala,rc'( 'I, 17 Awl 18 were r(ari 11011 minllrnu'tl 1111 01(11,100 of!11(111101110r, (,11W, ;Ind S1'1 Iluv,vl )y 11. 11001101', r,cr'n1.1,'11 111' J (;ull., that the 1.1,111,0Thig neemie s be paid: -Canadian E0 press 11,., cx- press, 82.35; 11)10 11311 hln(l0.114n1 I'hreshoe (lo , reit lir, to rola pips, Bell Telephone 430 „1 41, ne05lnn), god T. W. 80014, ;I days reading 'Indere, ?6L50; :111)0 Vincent, 1011t!es, (, I3 A '111)1 'l'!1111111\', work, 810116; A. 'l'avlor, bro)ul 111(1( nil, 65e; J. 11. Zeit 1, (1)1(1108 and 51(411(1) lar c1cela'i11 lig '.t,.30.86; AVm. Mon1'e and S n, ' Material. 818 59; The S'stnllavd, priming and advertising, 819 -'1 ; I)r, ad ,I,1,,, Cutt, espeuser: 111 Lo tion 117Milne :t11011 Meeting, 731 4U: (7' r• p(1rationofI lintuu, 2011tetcre, $I(ll; It Somers, salon. foe March, $7.1,0; .105,01(4)er,ux50(1008w SellI'0rth, -Carried Pf'vrd bs' Councillor flirter, 0I r - 'rioted 11y (, widillur Homey, th0t 1(0 'l'reaSuret ' 1 this Corp' (4,4 that deposit in 1,1m 1(4 1 11 01 ikin awl to the er(d(101 1 he t''„rpw'.,I inn 111 Ill lilt "Special Aeconnt" ravings deport- ment, all 0)011ies belonging to the Corporation. (Is1331(1 lloveti hyConn. Cut), s,cur,dod l,v C01111, Sloan, that the 1teevo 111111 'l'b'oosuler arrange a credit at the l Bank of Hamilton or 7:.)104) to no.et the current expense; 1(l' this Carp"ra• 0(.111 anti that a By haw to pr)pnre,3 continuing the sato(_ ()arid. d Moved 11y It. Slone, ''(ended 11)' I'1 lloreev, that the midi ors, Scott mod Ifeteall, and 'Treasure) h)1 asked to appear. kith ('.'rpuratiuu hulks heft're ( his h. 11111411 110 00011 as prac1icai)Ic, Cau'riud. Moved b.)' ,l. C1n'le1 sec 11uled by Sloan, that rho llbecirie, 1 i„htagr1e- ta0nt be strictly adhered to, Carried Aluved by f. (,'urn, seconded by 11, Barney, Jut) Ih0 agreement entered into with 0ur$crib(rs 1 i 0). 11'1)1, as now laid on the 1111 11,; l u cuutirMud, Carried, AI(1ved by Coun, ):atter, sceo11ded by 01,011 C110, that 1'. Utilcy 10, on id his salary for Mar01l, 11416.50, he to pay Herb Uoxtet'o %rages, --Car tied• Muyed by Coun. iloan,,,o:,' by Coun. 1balmy, 4, 1,'' ' r( S ynal yi•,ol ad louru,-Carries„ (1(1;0(1(11, of cull h' The 1(0;)); in is u' ttid Cowls. ()ttter 1)111 Cwt present., Moved b1 Coun (.m(er, seconded by Coun. Cut', )bat, .11y.la iv No, 5 its cow read three 4.11100 he pas8ed-- Ca tri00. Willie Cool< Ahtl'g11ret 14t1'r Gordon Mason Hazel Hill Earl Spalferd 41a11y) Fawcett Frank Serial goal' 711453' Barr Elsie Hill Mary Lanni) Dun Jic(•auglley,• Rosie Phillips Willie (IreigMon 4('1Bie '1'untep Aubrey I1afat0n Herbert 11(ro) liENIOR II- Wltl)18(1, Vial Eraser JaM00 Ross Hug1. Fraser Cecil Gardiner Harold Charlesworth 41adelen1 Stothers Ilaazo1 Scruugeour Viulot Bell Gecl'ge Cowan Lau It Mason... 7111.1 ed Brown Grace Tenney Beverly Farr Anthony Ililggilt Addie Taman . ,I JNIOI( 11 -WHITING, Elva Moore Eliza I'nt'er Harold Prink 11tt.Cattglt:y Katie Barr.. 7111 5 Spn third... VALLEY FARM, A Io100li0 drama in four acts AnTNu11 LEw'Is 'l'unns, Aire, Idradfoi'd, ur-l,ul,kuu%v, e; visiting her daughter, Mrs, Gouge 511011, Miso lingg� uo Hall, 11 4lintnu, is visiting her aunts, Alta, Geo, S'unly and Jars, ,las. haithby. ': Air. and Alrs, 1V111. Straughan and daughter, Annie, spent, Stulduy with 1f', and Mrs. \1'm. 110bie, 041115 1(14 Atiss Grlacu B0niley 0p0ut:1o111e days s1, the home of her ('510(1 ls, Air, and Alrs, Jolie 1? feign', of Westfield, AL'. and 1li's, 0 W11(ker, ul Wf u1) hunt, were visitors at thr, home, of the la )ter s hrul.hcr, Mr. Gnu, Stoll, for a felt' 110.1'8, 78 The home or Alt. and AI's. Charlie 77 Williams, of Ilolimisville. was glad. dewed by Lite arrival of 0!lido - daughter on Morel: 23. Air, and Mrs. L. .1, AlcIuwell and little Evelyn, were visitul8 x6 tha Mime of the haul's grand parents, J4', and AIr8, 100, 1inelL 75 66 6.1 6,1 38 32 18 12 Airs N, Adat's is quite. ill 115 51e0• Ont, lU Services will be hell in Ti liity 39 Church on flood Fl )dal, al ' 30 p, M. 39 Mcosrs, \V, 11. lleEIruy and Chas. 38 Eraser left Wednesday on 1a bust• 38 111ess trip to litl(fal0. 31; We nndersland flat 1110 :Misses 3b 34 1 call' will regret. to learn I)1(( he i, 3.31'i cunllned to his home through 32 '('Ile friends of lir. 1', Ottley will 31 ' he 3'01(,011 4o learn that he Is improv 28 ing 5111111 his rcee11 illness and is now (aide to s1,) ftp 111 .hurt time, Air, 11, A. Thomas :moot htanllny ;Ib al, the inant' 0f his (4arcnt) in Vliatrr. 31 l"1( 11 i, o11), 5, %111(1 ruer..ntly undid'. 83 .vl1(1 ail operation for ;pm:nitwitit, ,1(SId (wog s:dog favorably, 2(i Little, 01 I'orul(t0, will open out, 1t nlillinc'y, store in Blyth next irnek, The many friends u1' Mr, L', Aicl. Tho Cradlo. Huuri,l.--Cu Illl'I i, un )ridsly, 17(4111 by lIrd, to 1L', end i(rs. 0, O. 11oupef, a soa1, will 1)0 presented 11y the drmnlllic The Tomb. sucic)y of Triuily chul0h, Blyth, in 11,u.451Ou)1'-B►1,h, I Iilt1911,)I(2I, u4011n 10 SIl1111t4tglai 1011155(4 )lull, uu Apt'll 16. Watro ` (4(4111., 1111' pn54(1)5, 1 bun„ age11 9a t`er(I5 ,o id 1 month,