The Clinton New Era, 1901-03-29, Page 8+Ow..
Sugar Beets Can Be Grown
The fond mother divans great dreams
ofbaby's foure as she lealds the sleeping
little one in her arms. But the dreams
will never tome true unless she has
given him a strong body and a healthy
sgincl. Children die in hosts, or live to
struggle through life feeble of body and
dull of mind because the mother was
unfit physically and mentally for moth-
erheod. Women who use Dr, Pierce's
Pavorite Prescription endow their all-
dren with strongodies and bright minds.
: It is every mother's- duty to give her
child the advantages of a healthy body
and mind. A weak or sickly woman
cannot do this. "Favorite Prescription,'
makes weak women strong and sick
women wen.
Dam Orrin Stiles, or Downing. Dunn do„Wis.,
writes; ttI have been intending to write to you
ever .ince my baby was born in regard to what
your 'Favorite Prescription has done for tne. I
cannot praise it enough, for I have not been as
WelL•for five years as I now am, In July last X had
a baby boy, weight x2r.pounds, and 'was only sick
A short time, and since X got up have not: hacl
.0n2sick day., 1. hayc not had ant womb trouble
since / got up. / was not-Mily surfirseditiyeelf-
'!but all of my friends here are surprised tO see
me so well.s
Pie.rce's Pellets Cure biliousness.
EXperimental Union Field Teets
for 1901.
The members of the Onterio Agticul-
tural and Experimental Union are
pleaeed to state that for 1901 they are
• again prepared to distribute into every.
----township of Ontario materiel for ex-
periments with fertilizer s.fcdder crisps,
roottegraine. grasses and clovers. Up-
wards vf three thousand Ontario farm-
ers conducted the co-operative experi-
ments upon their own farms last Year.
LA of Hxperiments for 1901
1 -Three varieties of oats. -
2 -Three varieties of six -rowed bats.
"8 -Two varieties of hulless bailey.
4-Spe1t mid two varieties of spring
6 -Two varieties of buckwheat.
6 -Three varieties of field peas for
Northern Ontario.
7 -Two varieties of bugproof field.
8 -Cow peas and two varieties of
Saks or Japanese beans.
• 9 -Three varieties of husking corn
• 10 -Three varieties of mangolde.
11 -Two varieties of sugar beets for
stock feeding.
12 -Three varieties Swedish turnips.
13 -Kohl Rabi and two varieties of
fall turnipe.
44 --Parsnips and two varieties of
15 -Three varieties of fodder or silage
16 -Three varieties of millet.
17 -Three varietietrof sorghum.
18e -Grass peas and two earieties of
vetches. „
19e -Dwarf Essex rape and two ver-
ities of kale,
• 20 -Three varieties of clover. ' •
21 Sainfoin, lucerne and burnet.
22 -Five varieties of ,grassee.
• 28 -Three varieties of field beans.
..24- Three varieties of sweeteorn.• .
25 -Fertilizers with 'corn.
- 26- Fertilizers with rnangolds.
. 27 -Growing potatoes on the level
• itticl in hills. .
• 28 -Planting potatoes the same day
and five days after being cut.
29 Planting eat potatoes which have
and which have not been coated over
with land plaster. •
30 -Planting corn ' in rows and in
• quares (an excellent variety of early
corn will be used.)
• Material for either number 25 or
number 26 experiment will he sent by
express, and for each of the others it
will be forwarded by mail.
Each"pereon in Ontario who wishes
to conduct an experimetie and • it will-
ing to use great care and accuracy in
•the Work and report the results of the
test as coon as possible after harvest,
should select the exact experiment de;
• sired and apply for the same at an
• early date. The material will be for -
Warded in the order in which the ap.
plications are received until the limit-
ed supply is exhausted. Ib might be
Well for each applicant to =elk° a 'sec-
ond choice for fear the first could not
be granted. •
- 0.A. ZAVITZ, Agricultural College,
Guelph, Ont.
. Anyone troubled with Voiles spiraples• ,
rashes, festering sores, or _eV/ chronic% Or
malignant skin disease should use Burdook
• Blood Bitters externally and take interned,
IY. It will aura when others fail.
qhree Dutch rebels were shot at De
'Aar for train- wrecking and murder.
Watte D. Pell'eattet*
Profitably in Huron County.
Farmers Asked to Make a Test Next Simmer,
during the latter period. he Propors
To Tye Simeon or Tim Stew Zee
Dear bets the privilege of tional Inerease is conseqiumT
in sugar than in population. Upon the
ot space in the columns ca Tait KEW Muds that one rectory has the contract
HAS, to gall the attention Of the for 5,000 acres of engem beetsYielding'
ferneers of this county 1;0 the efforts
15 tons per acre and that 400 lbs,; of
now 'being made by the Previncial
beets yield 10 lbs. of granulated sugar
Legislature to interest the farmers of it would require at least nineteen
the province in the cultivation of Ougnv rectories running full time to produce
beets* Capitalists of thia country as
well as many re he $. are uiready the auger imported annually during
the above ten-year period ending 1900.
looking for 9pen1ngs in this line of in- Nineteen factories would therefore
dustry. At a Meeting recently held handle1,485.000 tons of beets_which at
in the city of London, American 'cat+ the average Price of $4 per ton would
taste attended andstated that represent 05,700,000- distributed among
millions of capital in their country is and put into circulation through/42,500
Welting for investmeot in beet sugar
factories and that epeaking for them- farmers'
Let me quote a few conclusions
selves they wet e prepared to put drawn from Herbert Myricles "Sugar,
$250,00Q to $800,000 in the venture and a new and profitable industry.'"
build a factory at euch point in Ontario "To agriculture it affords a new crop
as properly conducted wig:writhe:its
that puts money into the farmer's
should demonstrate moduced sugar
ss pockets, money that would otherwise
beets of proper quality and in sum- go out of his community,and out of the
cient quantity, say 5,000 acres, to keep country. By thus reducmg the area of
a factory in operation, s ether crops it helps all farm values.
Guilt summer the Departtnent of The beet requires good fermingszrid is
Agt !culture of this province conductedan educator, in thrift and does •11/6t tab
experiments on a somewhat extensive
scale at fAroyinlMoertoW52eflal:mndersanudt We:wet; th+e•Tatiliabor the beet sager irrclustry
offers a new field tor employers of both
of these placezsgrowing a quarter of an skilled and unskilled labor of all ages
acre each ' for the purpose of these and pays a satisfactory price for it in
experiments. money that would otherwise go out of
Let me quote a few of the returns the community and out of the country.'
the, farmersgrowing these test lots To capital itpays a fair return aka
would have received per acre for their to other industries it contributes larges
_beets had a factory be,eti in operation
in their vicinity and PaYlog
e To real et;te‘.;th the beet sugar indus-
try creates value." .
In conclusion I would say that with-
in two or three years, in all probability
several factories will be in operation
within this province alone. s'e Local'
considerations will determine where
the factories shall he built. These are;
(a) sufficient acreage of beets, (b) litne-
stone at a reasonable cost and (c) ship-
ping facilities, both for bringing beets
to the factory and distributing the
sugar. In two of these 'Clinton is
favorably situated for such an industry.
Our railway facilities are about all that
could be desired ' while limestone in
sufficient quantities cart be had -at
reasonable cost. The only thing about
'which any'doubt ca,n exist at present
is, will the soil in the co,unty produce
sugar beets of the desired quality ? and
will the farmers grow them in sufficient
quantities to justify capitalists Invest-
ing money in a plant here? This is the
Question that now confronts us , Are
th,e farmers of the county, OP 40 or 60 of
them throughout the various town-
ships, -prepared to make experiments
binder government instruction and
supervision to thoroughly Lest the
matter? and deinmistrate to intend-
ing builders of beet sugar factories
what the capabilities of the soil and
farmers in this county are in finger beet
peoduction. A government inspector
will examine each plot two or three
Mines during the growing period and in
September will take a bagfull selected
from each plot, send it to the Agricul-
t oral College'at Guelph where it will be
tested and a report published 'showing
the percentage of sugars and purity, at
the same time giving the (*insisted
yield and value per acre of the crop.
The.rernainder of the crop will furnish
a splendid fqod for cattle, etc.
I think the fanners of thiscounty
should take advantage of the opportun-
ity of fully testing the capability .of the
soil for sugar beet .production during
the coming summer. / am willing to
de whet 'I can to •further the test.
Others who ale Willing to ,take part are
requested to Send their manes and
,addresses-tasjames:-Beett, Clinton, or-
myeelf. We will undertake to procure
the necessary -Seed which the local
government offers free upon certain
conditions. Land that produces corn
or potatoes well is considered desirable
for sugar beet production. The seed
should he sownbetween lit and 31st of
May aft et, thorough eultivation.
Yours Respectfully,
Harry W. McNally, of Weetsort
was killed to rojtung soot ent
Nearly five hundred Ontario settlers
twitted, at Winnipeg the ot her day.
Devret'a commando has been broken
up at Seuekal, Orange River Oolony.
The late Dr. J, D, Macdonald, of
flamilton left all estate of *72.000.
factory price ;
Am% yield Net ain't. Cost of crop Net profit
per acre. received. per acre.
Tons Lbs: •
22 1800 $101,92 389.40 $ 62.50
10 875 65.75 12,40 53,85
22 '1500 98.88 '27.40 • 09.28
30 581 143.87 28.40 117.47
21 .1125 80.85 59,90 20.95
The above extract shows the highest
and lowest net returns, from experi-
ments conducted by 52 farmers in the
vicinity of Aylmerlilast summer, The
cost of growing a crop of beets Per
acre "seems large but much or that
would furnish profitable emplo3anent
for the farmer. In estimating the cost
the items are as follows:
Cost per acre of a sugar beet crop.
Rent ot land - • • e $4.00
ciugar beet seed 2.40
Fall cultivation 8.00
Spring cultivation and planting 2.00
Thinning sugar beets .-. ' 0.00
Summer cultivation 3.00
Harvesting thecrop, including ,
throwing beets into piles or pits
and :covering with three or •
four inches 91 soil . • 6.00
„ • eeeeoe
The industry is now firmly establish-
ed in the state of Michigan. In 1$99'
nine factories with a total capital of
some $3,000,00(e Were in operation,
while more were being built. In the
same year, according to a IL S.
government report, the beet sugar
factories of the country had a daily
capacity of 19,100 tons of beets or
8,820,000 pounds of granulated sugar.
Turning to the trade statistics of
Canada we find that allthe sugar con-
sumed in this country is imported,
large •quantities being, beet root sugar,
from Germany, Austria, France and
Belgium. „The following extract from
a report Issued by the Customs Depart-
ment at Ottawa: stems that during
three tonsecuti ve periods of t�n years
each there has been imported into
Canada of sugar raw and refined the
following number of pounds
jn the.ton yearaendinLW- ' 'Value
1880 907.074,111 $48,765,129
1890 J,771,640,1!5 51,544,900
1900 2,877,587,982 69,722,557
The report adds : These figures show
that the average yearly increase in
importations in the ten yearsfrom 1800,
to 1000 is 83,228,070 lbs. or 42.9 per cent.
greater than that for the tee years
from 1880 to 1890, but the average
increase in population is only 15.6 per
cent. greater during the former than
tile Liver ills.
eirlat goer Marietta* Of
Tory eiten saw
• Iletad.reteitiesgwat
0 Fitt iftillitate
• rot inuoutiatte
rot ttaviatiVait
rellt $41.41W $1*
Old and •Faded Garments The Ottawa Car Company has olosed
contract with the Impeded Govern!.
ment for 300 transport waggons fur
:army OurpoSes.
Made io. Look -es Good '
B.epreseutative Eeterday and Sena-
tor Ruth eame th blows on the floor
al New by Use , of the Senate of the State of Washing-
, ton.
The Filiphse trading operations ,in
ond . the Viscavan Islands have been btoken
up by th‘Americans.
The town of Cloverpg0t. Ky., was
Mrs Wm. Sargent, Petrolia, Ont., e_sYs
"Your DismotedDyes are the best .1319e
ever need, and they have done oplendid
work for me. In a short time .Diamond
Dyee saved me ten deltas, so I think they
deserve a good Word, My friereltsto whom
Lime shown my dyed goods, gay that
Diamond Dyes make old things look like
new. The richest women in town, after
Fleeing my work, heti become a user of your
Dyes. 'thank you for such a valuable
money -saver es Diamond Dyes,"
Mrs Thee, Synth:clan, 1168harn, Que.,
bays:— ,"I have•been nsing Diamond Dyes
for Emmy yertre and find them most mitts.
flattery in tier awing the colors of my ohil-
dren's olothee. For brillianey and fast-
ness, Dimond Dyes oinnot be excallA"
Miss Mary Laney., of London, Ont-.,
• took a dose of laudanum with suicidal
intent: She will recover. •
• Miss Grace Rail, of Windsor, acci-
dentally shot herself in the chest, with
a revolver, and the wound may prove
fatal. •
• partially burned, ovez 1, people be-
ing rendered homeless. •
Lieutenant -Governor MeMillan, Of
Manitoba. has given assent to the
Northern 'Pacific stailway hilL
Eight soldiers and customs officers
have been killed by as avalanche near
Lake Como, Italy,
• The Boer losses last month were 100
killed, 400 wounded and 1,000 captured
and surrendered.
The Government has apprOved of
the regulations governing the iesue of
long•f3ervice medals to Canadian vol-
Help the OvaritirOtkod Hegtri.
-i‘Is the great engine which pump', life
throu4lt your system hard ,presW over.
taxed, groaning under Its load because diiiv
ease has clogged It? Dr. Agnew's Cure for
' the Heartis nature's lubricator and cleanser,
•and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers
that It is the safest, surest, and most speedy
remedy that Medical 'deal knows -67 • .
Bold by J.E. HOVeV. aroggist.Olinton. -
_ , .
Lee ming* M1108 ds . cos. wholesale
drug house at Montreal was horned
and trodon, Herbert ds co's. premise*
tirlly damaged. The loss will be two
eral hundred thousands of dollars.
Firenian Amede Dumont Wat killed
during the fire,
ftigaigligleutouglitrheu Tolisistogaitila
e POMO ISA' deice. 0 mid ike 4*. Sky
Sometime Wei% Understood.
Not now.but in the °owing years,
InaY be in the better lend,
Well road the =eloping et oar tears.
Aud there, soMetime, we'll underatend.
We'll catch the broken thresde again
And finish what we here began,
Heaven will the rayeteriee explain.
Another there, sometime, well understand.
larte addition le to tie made And then, ah then, we 11 understand.
Versify. Were over many a oherielted Wen,
Jamee Hammond and John McGrath Wb9,,w133
004110 have 0,0seefi when teetree begun
Were killed in a mine near Fort Wil- $3:h+ "et a°eUnles underst0'13c1*
liam by a, heavy butler rolling over on Why what we loaf/tor, reost of anthem.'
Eludes so eft our sager hand;
AaOry for PireaP•'-kPaln ht the back I
Why holm) are eruehed end watts fall •
len ot the kidneys for help, South Am17n erie r
can Kidney Cure is theonly cure thethesn't God knows thowsy, be holds the key,
A failure' written against it in mei or He guides us with unerring hand;
'Bright's disease, diabetes, inflammation of Sometime with tearless eyes we'll see-
the bladder, gravel and other kidney ail, I Yes there, tip there, we'll understand.
nients. Don't neglect the apparently 1'1 Thee trust in God through au thy dor),
nificant 0+ eigns." This powerful liqu Fear not for He doth hold thy he ;
specific prevents and cures. -70 Though dark thy way,still sing and praille,
Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist +Clinton Sometime, Sometime, we'll understand.
to the medica billidin% Of McG.Ifl Tint' We'll know why blonde inateid of sun
• Despair
Even if you are
f troubled wfth
Backache and
not able to at-
tend to your houdehold duties. If
you have not used Dostn's Pills you
can be absolutely cured by them.
Motersras, Que., Tan. 24th,1001.
Doti'. Kona Pam Co., Toronto, Ont. '
Dear have been suffering for 12
years from kidney trouble. X had terrible
backache and was troubled with disainsoti.
My urine. was scanty, highly °plaid and
oontahred a thick sticky sediment. X
tutted physioians without any moans and
almost gave up, in despair. At last X NSW
Doen's Pills Advertised, so I procured two
boxes of them and they gate me a oomplate
aim an& X ortn attend to ray household
duties without trouble. X can recontrund
Doan's Pills and must saythat they should
be tried by tit .Who suffer from kidney
trouble. Ma M. traeoutur.
Green or "'flack
-15rzEirEcT TEA.
It Is Perfect Because It IS Pure, Wholetonie, Clean ad
It reaches you in its natural. state. * Prussian. Blue, Soap.
stone, etc., are not use& afi in other teas, to hiae defects. It
has none.
.A. fre sampte of delicious SALADA Tea, sent on receipt of pee.
tal mentioning 'width you. drink—Dlach, Nixed or Green Tea. AA.
dress "SALAMI" Toronto or Montreal.
Ss year off the coastLabrador the
ealing schooners report the catch Finest PhetOgraphe hY INOMell.
best fOr many yeare. '..'The Finest Photographe ever made
The Northern Pacific notifies the by Women" will be one of the attract.
Manitoba Government that it must be ive pictorial serials to begin in an early
prepared. to take over the company's , issue of the Ladles' Home Journal
lines before April 1, . . The series will be arranged by thi;
ne ie offered. Winnipeg $100,000 for a 1 Ammdaetrietal',Uswtihcow ho ame a ng ollnhe° tt o° gervaePrhy e.rrrelcp-
X t. 'tar' eported that Me Andrew Car+
pu lic ltbrary on the same conditions
as the Ottawa grant •
Areyou nervous or sleepless?
Have you faint or diszy opals. 7
Are pie short of breath?
• Is your eystero run down? ,
If some lifilburn's Hort and N erve Pills.
A public meeting • of Winnipeg citi-
zens was held to protest against the ac-
tion of the Government In passing the.
railway contracts.
tnovensent is taking definite form
to establish near Atlanta a colony to
' be eorriposed of and governed 'exclus-
ively by Ihe negro race. •• •
Little Broves,-Oldt.;
me a quarter.
a.botro Purgers" nse quitting the field in
whole battalions. 1Dr. Agnew's Little Pills
tion of Ibis country for •the pictures.
which will be reproduced el) as to lose
none of their artistic value. Tbe series
will he a marvellous revelation of the
evolution of photograehy intaa high
art. • •
et would cough uearly all night long.'
writes Mrs Chas Applegate, of Alexandra,
'Ind.. "and could hardly get any sloe • I
11413TWO A-.
Call on
for anything in the
had cqnsunption so bad that if I we! (id a
block 1 'meld cough frightfully ano spit
blo-t1,--but1- when alt other medicines fail-
ed, three $1,00 bottles of Dr, Xing's New
Discovery wboll3 tested me and I gained
58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to
cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis
and all Throat and Lung Troublee. rem
We and 31.00. Trial, bottles ; fire at all
ate istv
gg -
at x0 Cents a v4a1 are driving tbem out stall ---.
• points. Because they act gently, more
ffeatiVel never pain, d re easy to talce
y. tus a y
Sick Headache succumbs to one cloie.-69
Sold by • j. E. RoVey, druggist. Clinton.
, Richard George. a 14 year Old ap-
prentice at lickell's furniture factory,
Belleville, was killed by becoming en-
tangled in a belt. '
For ants, wounds, chilblains, chappol
hands.rheumatism,- stiff- joints, burns,
scalds, bites of ineeets, croup; cougheasolds,
/laggard's Yellow Oil will be found an ests
oellent remedy.. Price 25e;s All dealers.
The negotiatisms between the griev-
ance committee of the G. T. R. engin-
eers and,firernen and management are
still going on. •
Reports are current of Serious dif-
ferences in the royal family of Portu-
gal over the treatment of the religious
congregations. ••
You don't know when that cough will
stop. The cough cf consumption has jest
.such a beginning. Take Scott's Emulsion
now while the cough is easily managed;
• Mr Wm. Mackenzie is in Ottawa for
the purpose of promoting the passage'
of the bill to ratify he agreement
made with the Roblin Government.
'Signor Marconi has stated that his
purpose in seating the United States is
to establish wireless telegraph stations
along the coast, so that vessels may
communicate with the shore.
Howe you Eczema ?-ffaie. you
any skin disease or et -options? Are you
subject to chafing or scalding? Dr, Agnevw's
Ointment prevents and cures any and all of
these, and cures Itching, Bleeding and,
Blind Piles besides. One application -brings
relief in' ten miuutes, and cases cured in
three to six, nighte. 35 cents.•; -yr
Sold by j. E. Hove. v, druggist, Clinton.
The army service crops which the
Minister of Militia has decided to es-
tablish will consist of four coropatiles
located respectively at London, lorozi-
to, Ottawa and lVfontreal.
The Japanese ministerial crime is
asserted, the House of Peers, in $.+Ocord-
ance With a rt quest from the Emperor,
having sanctioned the taxation neces-
sary 'for military Improvements.
. Leas Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medioine. They dare conetipation, sick
headache, biliousness and dyspepsis with-
out griping, purging or siokening.
'Mr Bogart, who has been Postmass
tor at Napanee for thirty-eight yeare,
bee tendered his resignation, and Dr.
it, A. Leonard hes the refusal of the
position. --
A vast glacier slide from the Ross
boden Alp has destroyed Simplon
street in Berne. For a distance of a
mile and a quarter the forests have
been swept down, and the valley is
filled with blot k ice.
Ghosts would frighten any person who
are not afraid of germe, ret the germ ie
a real danger. If this microscopic, animal-
ism could be magnidea to a else in propor-
tion to its deadliness it would show like a
giant python, or fire breathing dragon.
The °tie feet taremember is that the germ
is powerless to harm the body when the
blood flume. 11 19 far metier to keep the
germ out than to drive it oat after it ob-
tains a hold in the system. ,Dr. Pieree'd
Golden Medical Discovery is the . most
powerful and perfect of blood purifying
-medioineeIt increases thermility mt.well
se the quantity of the blood, and enables
the body to resist amass, or to throw it off
it diseeeplutS obtained a footing in some
weak organ. Wherever the digestion is
paired, the nutrition of the body N dimin-
ished, for the blood is made from the food
which is eaten'and half digeeted food
cannot+ supply the 'body .with blood in
quantity and quality adecptate to its needle
For this condition there is no remedy equal
to "Golden Medicel Dtsoovery," It °urea
ninety•eight out of every hundred persons
who give it a fair trial. When there is
tionstipation Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Penedo
Will promptly relieve and permanently
A St. Magioire, Clire,, farmer, stated
that during a recent storm upwards of
a hundred deer, whose escape was
made almost knpossible by the depth
of the snow, were shot and stabbed in
the South wishes.
Ifor Wants ,esd, Children."
NEAVILINE 0111040.
Ithettmatiem. Th. teniarkable itrength
and marvellous Soothing proprety of het.
viline-nerve pain cure -renders it almost
infallible in Rheumatism. Viva times
stronger than any Ober its penetrating
power entitles it to reitoh the wade of
pain and drive out the dime's*. Nerellive
is more penetrating, stronger, its 030rit
highly paissubdrong itt Ha action than
any rotedloine heretofore devised for the
relief of man's infirmities. Dtoggitit
ton it toityinstio.
' bran.
WAT011• ,°n17
ful photographs of Her /da-
josty Queen Victoria at 10e. each, -um
pnotos aro full cabinet elm and are in the
very finest style of photographic art..srery
son would like to ha a good portrait
of Hot lialesty. This vii:akes our photo.
graphs oasy to sell. Write and we mall
photos. Sell theinreturn money,and we
send postpaid this handsome polished
nickel watch, with ornamentededge, hour,
minute and second bands and genuine
American lever movement. It is accurate
and ,reliable and with care will last ten
yearn writs to-dir. The Home
Art Co. Box ItjaL Toronto.
$1,0,9 a vear. " .10 cente,aomay
The Best Illustrated Month-
ly Magazine of the kind Pub-
its pages are filled by a brilliant array
of writers and artists. Its authoritative
and indeperident'reviews of 'Boolie, Plays,
Music and Art, its clever stories, • strong.
speciel articles, harnor and verse, with
fine illustralions, make it a neoeesary in
every intelligent home.. The very row
subscription price, $1.00 per year, puts it
within the reach of all. Reliable agents
•wanted in every town. Extraordinary
indueenienta. Write for particulars.
A trial testr oription will prove it.
Write today tor sample copy.
Criterion Publication Co ;
, Subscription Department,
41 East 31s5 St,Y. City.
The Sick and Suffering
are Liberated from
DiSeaie by •
.ablets .
If you suffer from Indigestion)
Diabetes, Bright's Pisease,Ner-
vwootriusePn. rostra, tion and General
Debiltr they will sPt you free
nervous, pale and delicate
Worn out, despondent men
will find them a positive bless-
ing. • Price 50c.
Prepared only by Lincoln
Medicine Co1Ipany,50 Queen
street, Ottawl.
Recommended and for sale
yb J. E. novey, Chemist. -
.,1 sdrethisbeautiftfl
fiord Gold Sing, set
't Pearls, for selling
onit 16 packages of
wreaths mOst rtsgrantvaris.
rtei. °fie colors. Mad tte this
advert1sement:4nd we will for
wird the Seeds. Soli them, re
turnthe mow 14mnd thiS beau
tifol,8011d0o. i,Pearlsct Bing
ea avelviallnelacraizitoday. 7'116 seasontrimilli
Read the following letter reeelv,
ea ky the principal of the
Canada Business College
. Chatham, Ont..' •
and learn hew highly the grade.
nate* of this school are thought
erfhy the Wittiness people.
Oct. 1811a, 1900.
&Mien:an-We Aare openingenaw for two
Of three good stenographers who have had tn,
perieridt and it mitred to us that a &or
number of stenographer* and other office men,
Who have graucluatetlfrons your schoot from
time to time and are now holding pentane,
might claire to hetterthenuelow. If lost can
pa as itt OeitiinitniCatiOrt WA, cteme ej your old
grattates, Oh* hatched Etbd or three gears,
expcierian, we *kW be under obligatioss to
We might mention that the tiosoerh repre•
Seabed inter, shoo lamellas a Capital meg
vvneurniread •
ANA yOtt baimrprio
and shalt
posittoni were
Ys to
t thepet1odf
41, Otioritto
*OA allY/Bao
into eoboo ix, Ceada, writs.
04 irieliterzthitres inits
We are 'making a galenite, reduotiOn hi •
our heavy, alt Wool doable-brevated, r
collar, wool -lined, Frieze Meters it
elash Pookete. It will pay yort O. se; them•,
A, line of All-WooldfillITO, with
• double-breasted mat, worth 1110 gm
for * * f4APPWW-1,
Hetv.q. all wool Pyle* Pe o ;faclietsix
for ......,..... * . gI, WO". Irr
Scotch Tweed Suite that were
$18 end 319, to order for.... $16 tO
We have a- large asiortnittit �f firatdas Outten
to choose from and intending buyers will find'our stock ttp4o-
date. Prices are low for high-grade goods.
n -a
Also a number of Ontario and Manitoba Bobs.
Geo. Lavis,
•General Imalement Dealer. Clint
r New IVIaterials,_
for sppla
Zephyrettes, six patterns; 45c per yard
Embroidered French Flannels, eleven patterns,
' 60e per yard
re: the nicest we have ever had.
We will be pleased to show them to yon
R. Coats dr Win.
The,stesdy increase inour trade is good proof of the feat tbst oar geode are right end
our prices lower than those of other dealers in the -trade. '
We unursteoture furniture on a large scale and can afford 'to • sell cheap. If you buy
from no we nave for you the profit, which, in other oases, has to be added in for
the retail dealer. • . • •
This week we have eased into stook some ot Our new designs. Spam will not permit
us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snapiewe have to offer.
Remember -we are determined that our prime shall be thalowent in the trade.
In this department our stock le complete, and we have undoubtedly the best fan
' outfit in the county. Our prwes are as low as the lowest.
13ROADFOOT, BOX & 00. Wi"Charidle
P. 8. 2 -Night and Sunday calls attended to bp:tailing etJ: W. Illiaidleyet (Funeral
. Director) residence
Spring Goods
We would remind our patrona and friends that we have received a very large
stook of theimost beautiful and natal articles suitable for the spring trade of tv
country store, also eatny that wcitild surpriee oity people, The stook &insists 01
She very newest designs and patterns in
Dress Goods Prints Sateens Flannelettes Suitings
Cloves, Hosiel.y•, Ribbons,, ete.
• She supplY of Erect Portal and Straight Front Corsets•, ,
Our retons, rirt Muslin, and Draperies are superb, 55 is also our Milli- • I
• nary, tvhich alwaye pleases in price and quality, ••
We are also prepared for'spring with Boote and Shoes and Rubbers. "
Our Field 'and Garden Seedare arriving daily. We will try to supply yotip.
• wants. Giye rut a fair trial and find out what we can do for you. Oar terms ate
cash or produce for wbioh we allow the very highest market price. We are agents
• Empfoorir tuhemNparLionoanl dCesresbem Sroeparetor--the -best out. '
Mai, 20th, 1901 R • AIDAME
We havea few of Our best
Cutters left yet.• .
Also a numberof good second hand cutters.
If you have need of either kind •
• it vvill pay ymil to give 44 a call •
• Rtimball & McMlith9 Clititon
For the Latest Book
Contains well onto Men Wit:tared pages, over one
hundred ilhistrations and irflo oheap it mils on sight.
Mrignifioent proipeottur ready and finished freer on
prOme 60 oinvise.
The Bradleyogaarretsoft Co.,
Limited, Brantford,