HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-29, Page 6­ I .OAW I . I . I - . I I I .... . I . � ., I L­�j"_ "j.f _=-A__, "_&�j�j.�&"Uk,�W­W�4,&, I , ­li;, � ,__Is.!�UAA64!1­�,�'�,- I k ­ *�­._ -11 .,�"12_1291_ . :_A110_1* 2� 1, _1.A_"Adk. - M �ds_ - I -.11; - � � RA* I ___!__ I I . ------------- � - - r N It M polo Ir r 1�11":'! I , 0 M ,� r �- M M " ,I - -, . : I I � I . I '' - -.1 I . - 1. - "; , ; I I A PLOT FOR EMPIRE* f- I .1 -'-,- " . . � i I �, I 11 . � 11 11 ... . I I'll +-""A-"- � I � . � I A THRILLING I I � Ry 9F CONTINIMAL CQNSPIMMAGAINST BRITAINO Koi I . . . I . . I �' I ' I �� . I , . . . - 1-1-1 words eo"ded to her RIMPIO but , 0roug. He wala 00 aura of himselrand hie love. Truly, she though% for on UAW11shman 04a was no indifferent wooer ; blio confidence thrilled bar -, she felt liar heart beat (juloUly under Ito. Sheath of droophig blaok lace and r(mear. I . I 111 ,am , . glilng You," gla, Raja, ,.quiet. ly, "no hope. UomeMbor that; but I 40 not want you to go away.11 ,which bertongue , so stead. . T'la thaposed to speak, . lie gather- faetl refu all t'� 'in 110 r eyes, her face. froxii that indefinable softening which, seeing to ­______ __ ____ I � I � --1 gazeil,%teAdtautix Jultio tile r1ro. He wax P(,IwlvQ got - several mlatite4.,, then, With the air of a man who ousjilenly detaches him"(4f from A not unp , 1044�- . Aut train of thought, lie looked up with a Smile, 0. 0 1 aw not going to tax you 1 'Very overely," lip Said. "I am writ nu a critical paper on the armament* of tlw world for a Lutopeau review. I lind letters of introduction to. Mr. C., and . be ua-vo mo a, great deal of valuable Information. There were one or two point$, h0j$'eVC'r, On WhiCh ho, w4a. Scarcely clear, and In the. course, of - -_ - ,- - - .11:::0:j, -1-1�---�,��IZ-11,1111--l'i-1;7, .=24, 1`1Z111Z:11:`ZT1 . . I -1 . I � . . I � FAILED . .. I 1, , .� . In 4 Severe .'Case of Kidney Disea, ,so, and Lame Back, I !��=!:!:�.;��.M!!=O-�ll.'Il:lz,��:11",:,."I,:,��I 31AAUTAQu 14-k ... YOUor'. . 1101V the Giant 1�41,aas of vierra del r "'ego (io' ly"VOS. r F reaer ck 4 CWX ttffl4. of A little-ktiown r4ea of aborigines to an ') , , , , article In the 4Doiltur� AjagazIlie on "Tile Ulant judlaus Of Tierra, Opt- , os" w4oin V ueg , - lie visited oil tile Del- glan Antarotto expedition, Of their marriage customs Ila WXJtc0,- . Marriage, Ilk(,,' almost everything 0114 Ad by batabli-ahod rules, It I; Is not fIxL rrauged anti rearratigea'froill 1101;1:�:1111 11:1:1, 1: .__ �- - , - :': � 1: ': , �11. 1:1,1.01,-_— �- - - , , li .. � .. -11, - * � 181SIVE NO 13 190-1 �j * tv / . 4 ­­-­­­-- I I ­`­ i, . NA-Armal am AUM I - . I I - ", py, .1 -_ s � . 4 . I 9 � - 'i :! 1 �;�ll�!!:�l��::i�!��!�l������!�::���''�'I : � &Z;31�,;;!;: �� !!!!! 5i U== 0 . �� .1 I -11 ,_0 ___ I— I . "You will owo Qermany nothing# for about t4p, curve of her took and the pervade mt. the moment of yielding a conversation lie mentioned your hua- time tao, Unia, to suit tile convenience 'Scolt"s I she will be paid and ovorpalid for all I wAYIng of her brown hair ,, tier back womaals Very personality. Us was I band's name as being the greatest liv- I �. or tile contracting pa,rtle.g, Woniali '.. . I 1. � 1�. , � ., .1 johe does. Rua" has made terms with Was to him) .and silo --q�d not turn round. ) wonderfully IlAppy, although he had the wit to keep It to lilm,,elf. . .tnL,*, authority upon those points. He offered to give me a letter to b1m, but. 09(14's ]KIdoey I'llis Cure Mr, Apaor. generally have very little to sa'y about it. Tile barga . In 1.9 rujuls, almo,9t . * EMULSION of Cod' t1Velr___1'�_- -1-11 � _ �.� i . the Republic of France. Politically, "Do leave me Bowe cigarettes," she . , "You need not teqr,.'� � � . lie whispered, I thought It *Ould perhaps sodrooly fioll� of Waterside, N., U., After VIVO Medloal Ilion have eranoiA.1le- solely by the mou, mild physical force . -1 Oil I fil : Phe has nothing tok gain 4, ,� I turs; but with Germany It 4AffeP- said, wituout liftin & lier-head.."TIlls Is. . frightfully inox4otollous work. How , "I shall not go awa,t." __ . Outside they heard the. sound of Mr. be wise. I fauoled*. too, you might be Wallned,,for reasons which we. need Od Uis V,use Absolutely 1nourablo. Is tile prilWip ill' band, of union. Tor ages tile avrougest bucko have been ? I I I There are' others - i �. I eat..8he and France are ready at . . this moment to fly at one another's muohmQrpolitwtborefor,raoto.do?'I "I really don't 4now," Wolfeadell S abla's sitlalc. Site lqanQd over towartle. . . I 1111n, not onlarge, upon, to belp me," � For a Simple riquest Lady Marina- . Waterside; N. 13,, XarcU 21, _' accustoWed to Steal women from neighborl.riM tribea, and from nelgil. I , ,hy , "' - SCOTTS? ' 4 �� , - �:j � , , throats. The military popularity of �. I .� much a war would be Immense, The . I ad; , - hesitatingly., ans;4r 411VUX, . . , 41I You, A I " want, slip said, 11to-kIss. I . was car- bam's m4nnor of receiving It taluly stra,uge;.. silo was suddenly ( pec 1).-I,l have been 60 Often In- oed to try patent medleliles by the borling citing of their own tribe. The Onals, being by far the most power;4 _4 . .11 I. I I I'll , ""The., ; is S COTT'$ - � M - the cry to arms would ving fro . . Uedliterrailean to the Rbluo.j. Biallolle jj� . 'Lord Wolfenden V she exclaimed; , "Why, what are you doing here ?11 wo� 1. . I Hie heart gave a great leap, but � 116 controlled him Intuitively, lie White alillost to the lips. A look of Positive tear was In hor eyes. - The, r .eadln Of tile wonderful cures'iiald . have. been. affected In Ifluillar fill IndlLinal,, have thus been able to I .pturo andri,-tain a liberal Supply of good one . .. , .. . I �, . . It'snearly 30 years, old; it is I . . 1,;1 . "Ohl, I hope that It may not be � . . ;� ': war," she said. "I had h0ped alwayo I . I . I mi!h,t Ask you,,, ho Bala gravely, 0 in '0;� Sa ,golt . knew how , much was permitted to I film; lie ceemed 0 have even Some , frank cordiality, the absolute kindll- , ess w 1) Ith which she bad w9leomed bar cases, that APJw,,wlleim I '1001 It MY duty W. write the story , or Y own in WORIVeS. A missionary who has been In r9listant. contfict with these indlano , I used by intelligent people all , i� _ that diplqmnoy. backed by A wititing I . ­: be sufficient. France army. would . question." , '. ' " She owed up. 1. v, "You have to falat perception of the cause for her stra,age. He bent , I I VW, tor was gone, she looked at him with. new eyes! tile old, mistrust was cure by the ,Use ot D , Willa 10diley Pills, I am carefully, avoiding ally, for thirty ye.Ars b.na given It as, ills, orAnion that A plurality. of wives Is I over the world; and approved . . at heart Iii true, I -know, v I all, It sounds like But, aftar not come am me?". ,At, - I . . d6i shook:118 head. , . I request, over and ,took bar face for A moment betweeft born again, once more be Nvas the man TqO feared and dreAded, above all caminvirt pit- . of ray own or any oom in. an tarY wOr4s, I simply sta to ill a Ab- Ontirely a-Litlefaq,tory to their peculiar emotions., and habits, of life. . . I b 'h sicians all over the 1, y P y . a fairy * tale. You are a bad not the least Idea that you 11 here't? were lie assured. her. � " [its bands; bar lips touched ble--ohe . . had kissed him I I :Q the . r Iva men; .vat slid would not 9 I flolute facts Of my cak;e no follows: $4 "ted Tile rotation to one another of the I . .. -_"��,, world. - I i:, wonderful man, but how can you I �.. -_ .. hope to move nations? W 'so - Her , burdened. . . 140( not, I was an Idlot to- He Stood awaY from her, breathless . 'with ilia exeltemo - the Moment, nt, of WAY altogether. He was wAtolling liar I � she .b.aado a brave at- narrowly, and r I have becin trea, by five dif, event dobtors,, and `h�ve tak I an 11 ,large women who poss,ess butone but3band in comindil In the 'family wigwam IS .. I I . . I . -'When anyone -$ays .41EM.Ull . I I you offer German)?- to exact tre, �.., f � mendous a price ?" 1, ,Zf'courae agine that you .would .care enough t�,cqwe, even If youbail,knowel." ,TJla perfume of her hair, tile soft touch O(.Iler-,IIp§,Athe gentle movement with fort to regain liar ,composure. . "But do you p6t know,," sho Said, amount of patent medicine during the last four Years for Kidney , of novel Interest. AS a, rulei they 'are. rkqo more jealous than are the chi 1. - sion of Cod Liver .Oil," lie - � .. . . M. I , � "I can offer," Mr. Sabin saidooll ..�, I 11 what Germany dealree MOTO . &an - I do-n6t know." he reninriced, ".why , You,ohoutd say that. Oil the contrary which she had'thrust film ,W,-y,-tm,-.bwi,to.tingly,-."tliat things were like tile drinking of sirong - my husband Is, a great Invalid ? it, Is a Very painful sub4 Trouble and Lame Back, from wbich I ha,VG beein suSfering.. I was very bad. dren In a, civilized home circle. Tho prinelpal'retiaorl for. tbla Is that. the � ' . means SCOTT'S. No . otLer 1. . ­ . �.. else in the %V ld�_ .1 . anythl I I t '. . "England. It has taken � � 0 . , � I . I . . She Interrupted him, wine to ,him, Her own of, - ieOka -were scarlet; outside the sound Mr. Ject f0v all, Of lit$) but *a fear that blq� mind Is not what It used to be. Ile bag I My. I fe at times. seemed a, burden,' I a 00t no relief uritil'X was per uaded � several' wives are -often' sisters., A. . �, ' young man takes by force, b7 mu- ' . . � I I � is famous. . . .. ,� .. , , , � - . I.. I I � # , : � '' ,my I I We six years to perfect schemes. As you know, I was in . d.0 roink I b I I know what, you are 1. - of I $dbIn's stick grow more and more never been tile same man Since that . 1114lit in, the Solent, awful .His work Is to try Do4d'a Kidney Pills, I cheer, fully give Oln� this urlooliolted tostim , I a Vaal 'agreement, or by Uart,r,- the I . _ SCOTT'SJEMULSION is � I . . . ' � :_,�;, America part of the time I W49 . to say. I ran away from Mis.-Selby's nice raou . is, -and never thanked yon for distinct; slip smoothed -her halr,,arltl laughed softly.up,nt him,. 1. I more ^of a hobby wlth,lilm; It would . lall that I have receIvO4 �nore -bene, oldest daughter of a � fnffilly� If he, .Proves b1nisolf a good buntev, and a made in. a certain way; of ' ., ' ., � , supposed to be In Cafta, It. WAS I � there, in the laboratory of AlIlogn, , I .your kindness, I didn't even leave a , ever for aid X ? Wel --- n " ";At least," she -murmured, 11 there Jig that to remember always," . ),lot be at Wl, reliable for ,reference." "Not all of It, certainly,0 he assent" fit from six boxes of Doild's Xidney P1,118; than, 'from ajiV and all other I. - kind husband, the w1fopersuades liar sister to join liar wigwam and share � . certain things,;, it keeps; it is . 11 ., .. that I commenced the work.- Step I . -link by link I by stop I moved on -message you; mind; you know, whyj I dave "� � . cHA,Pr11ER Xxv. I ,- . ,ad.."Air,:C. explained that to, me. What, X'want Is �au opp&tanIty --tOF dIscrlm-. I . sources." . .. q. Xr: Anderalob Is In earnest. His hot husband's affections. rFkSqqentiy, , I alway6.alike; , I , 'it does what it ' . - I e chain. I may sayt . .kl­ have forged th I � Wolfendon tholight, that, heaay lit did., . .he 4vaded adirect ansWorz - I . A'Hamdful of Agbea� . * I . . . Inatio. Some would be Very useful to . . straightforward statempat of facts I when a girl is left an 9,pplinn, silo , is taken Into a family and t rallied to - . , ! I does. - . ' , � - - ". I , -d or - -1 I I ,without falsolicio oxagkefutl6u� ''I that would be the work I ,�andji____hO__ - ""Wh4t .... I' d7ahAd-t---,-(Wders1 , , Ille The V36unt of ..lpw -1 . , Deringbara .WAS sit- ting, I aqua, in.her smaller - orso MO the mitjorlty,' of course, W . than useless. Tile particular Informa- .carries conviction. Lame Back, and ]Kidney Disease do, ii(pt-seem- tibia to ' beco the Supplementary wife. of me , . 4 - - - . . . . �. - -, . The ' . - knows. I I my work I . -nan's lifetime. With me , I Of another .�'. It has love. Your said, why you are here*." "It In my, she an- new: situation," _drawitlg� roora, g4zlng steadf asItly at a certain, � spot In the blazing fire before , liar. tioul which I want concerna the struc- tural defects.In some of the newbat- exist Where ibis wonderful remedy, I Is used. y 0,_ her benefactor In after years. In the but each. wife has liar own, assign a". . others-�­no'6ody� .: . 1. ? . . . what they* are or 0 There been % labor of i ,1,�_ part. my dear Helene, will be. a .1 It, lowered, $$I was bound -to look for dne, You 'Irnow.' There la'nothing Strange . I A little pile of gray ashes was .all . that remained of the t1QshlPS, it Would Save an Immense - amount Of UTao to get Succinctly." ,It pular In - this ooli;munity by - the hearty enjorsation of Mr. Ander­ position, iilways resting. . In exactly the Sarno sboot, with all of ll�er belong- . . 11 .d . , Wouldn't be any others but for- 'I, �., 1. .glorlous one; think of and Shake 1 '� ­ off your depression. This bole and jl(j� about It, I'adve for; 4 altilt I rtis ad I . wid - I . got thlo,one.11 scaled packet which -she- had*.placed, within that bars $be looked aw,xy fro ft"11 in in, atill'agl- . I son, wlw 14 a well-known Und: very -Irlgs about liar.', The Wealth of. -the household . . I , . the joodness ntal�,,­�­ - ,� � nor life Is not for long -the time � COT ��, for which we have worked IS at . 1. He was Silent. Ther r hi in I gs� - only a few seconda'ago, Sale watched it slowly grow sbapeipss��pieca ar. tated. JS ��* 0 There. a a diffloultlia", silo mur- highly respected citizen. The sud-, ease O( Dodd's Kidney Fills In ,a a case 10 not common to akI the' becilpanta. Each. woman bag her . of .SCOTT'S- . � . . L I - I . . . � I 1, th Wouldn't b6 ,, : , hand.,' connection with this which lie Scarce-* I ter piece' went fluttering up tl,6 I d; 1's�rloua ones. My' husband mure I like those oif*Ur. Andersldn,,when the Own baeket of meat fragments or eire any counter- ,. � . . _. . . 4 . , � I �', I She did not took up, there was no , inber ly understood. 8he-wa;tched him -with . a mooking smile parting her llpsi- broac at malan- I chimney,. A gentle, y Choly' smile was 'her, lip A I;Mi .an'extraordinary idea As, to the v earo1es,.and he it yeiY' best m'edic4l men bave-1alled, 'hvA creat6d wdom&0 whiolf the low Shellfish, berr own bag with Imple � i ments, sinews, and bito o . . '' I feit money but Dor the true. � . . . �. .. : ,� answering fire of enthusiasm �� dark eyes. The color came lUtpher- lil "It Is a .96od deal,barder to under.- Stand, " she said ' here, parting .a. � chapter of her -life was floating r4way there . - , alwaywhaunted by a fear, lest Someone stould., Weak in and steal his: pape.rs., cal druggists have reported no un- I ,needles, fnr, it -ad oach,wife has liar" own t t a- semblage � .. � I . . . � . I . . . . . . � The genufne has ' I . ", cheeks and faded away. Mr. Sabin I _1- was vaguely disturbed. 11 . This Is the vdrY' last bones In ihe 1. 'world In which I should have thought with. the little tremblingstrips . � lighter than the air, a,lready hope- I lesely destroyed., He would not suffer me to glan6e � at them; and tlle.room is too P,16861Y proceaeated, I .� i I. . 1%. t - . . . .. . ­ I . I � . . .. - '' . of children. � I � . . Tile work- of the'mar. is strictly, limited to the He his . I . . , ' . . 4 this pictilre on itj take . . I I _ ; , , "In. what way," she said, �with,. , I" I out directly looking at him, 46 Is . of teeing you." . .- . . 4. . �. . I why?," lie -asked quickly, ., ,'Their diallit6gr4- tion brough t, W. Ith It: U., sense of froe� * ,guarded for ine to tako you, there kno*ledge. 11b in r ound compoteut-�, I . *' He a. position In. a bank. chase. mirries bow and quiver of' arrow4, and hie. . . . . no 6thef.: I . . I __ 4 � . I - _11-�--If -YO6-- not�-- -- -- �� -d Wolfenden likely to be eful � i Lai . � �� us I � to .. ' Oro 4, , I She shrugged bar . should * �ier ' doin'..which'sho had lacked, fox Irian .1 �. Y years. Ypt It Was Only the loll_�.of Nrithot(t his never, awa$ lihaseli r, 'and me of the keepers .wanted , s, Matted wJth'JlIS4 Thp manager wa sa ' ey6ls ever of the horizon for ganic ; but he seldom stoops,to . anyUi1nd , ,have . � I . trkd it, Wnd tcir'free . you?" . I 11, � I I ! Mr. Sabin did not reply for some I , , a peech bail been Scarcely, tL - discree t one. . � ,. I .1 , a, .girl, the story' of a little',fool ish. , . . is stationed Gil-talde"' I . . !, I . S ,' "The wit a- woInan," Mi. abin credentialsi biN before.engaging him put him�througb &.1ittle civil service . I 'like manual labor that Is not con, . � . . . � . . I . . I sample, its, aireeable . . ' - ' 9 �­ time, In fact he did not reply' at ; ' �, all. This new phase In the, situa- . ,,I Should n ob )lave lm4glned,". she said "that Mr.'Sablu would -have come loverimaking, .w.hich' those. grey,. uoh-. I . an fragments, clinging go tenaciously. 'could of .. � said, softly, 1111a all-o6niiuel�lng.."' ' ' � ,,Pra`�idl; ;_Ivm__s,"�1ad I Daring, j � - . , 1� . . eX4&mjUatIo;n4 ' , I . . : "Subpose now, M,inan Was to coide nected with the victual neoessli&ip a lot the chase.., Ho'kilIg the game,, but . I %, ;. - 1� ,,taste' -will purpr= r I I I . � f . � 1. 1.� . , I . �, � . tion was suddenly, revealed to .him. ��. . When he spoke Ille_ tone gravO wit' hill tile circle of. your friends." "I do not know why he should not,',, to the Iron bars, have unfold. Lady - D�erwlsilam was not. a -'wo- , ­ . _ y sad ,� , ham , t lit ge woman -is willing� 1 � Ili here .and' deposit 950 in 95 notes, how would . ilia *Ire must carry It Into ,camp. . 14 moving, the Women take up, all . I . yone , .. � . . . . '. SCOTT &ZOWNA, �' ,�. 7 . I . I .was � * - .. � enougb-grava with an Maderiodiiie'61' -Woffien-Neff iii1d., c4r,6,61faldLie Jim avery . -ad. man, wh6..ba4_.qv0r. for.' a, oAngle me- 1. � � * ment had cause to reproach Iiiirs6ff I do rstand what it all means. - . you'count.thern?"' not uu a . . .gers and . lift ul Do�you 'know, this f Perhaps you.do. ". ",I'd- w4t,.rny fin -) I - . -1 . _ , . - of I ` their .earilily possessions,. p4o,j; . . . . . I I . I. . 11 . �� I 'Chemists I /I ) . I contempt. I � j . " Is It possible, Helene," he said,,. . " . . . interesting mail." - I I � I . ­ . - --Sho Sallied n . pan blin.. - . . with aby reat'lack,;Dt 4utY to the * brave ' - . 41 made by - orei There have . been off to break Into my husbAnd's eac I Ii �note,untll 1',.g�t. to­thd:� last " : . I . . 1. .. I .1' '* . . them Into -a-huge.."roll-jind-with tills I firmly., etrap�ed aorwra their backs - , . -1 -1. -1, .. , . I . . . . ­ � ­... Toronto; - I � .. . � ,�� � ." - h wed, yourself to a, , "Yeis, he Is Interestingil-I silo 941 -' young Englishma h b : 1 d,m r ad A w Om F a 1 I a 'i il so many.years agoi It 1:ro strangers . � 6W�. Only. a f6�r days ago a Strang-. . ,one 'Wi I .11 iy -* *on riot 'lift- up the - oul 4, � ' I Ahey follow it, - 4rloniiumbered -lead. a ' i.00�;'all'drugglsts. -, C, �aiid, $. 1. . . I-., think seriously of the love -making "only I should not have thouglit that ,ill - . .. was �Of.- those days She 'was thinking Or c-ame. here With a forged- letter. - . .last one?" - - '. ..-. .: - '' -of, their . I ant - brave but -angall, , lium- . . - . .. — . - 1. '1%, Oaf I �� of this young man? I must 0 sea that Yonr"tast-es were at .all identlea. "Youl-'seem "A I tile, as. She out there waiting for I I . -of Introduotion and obtatned.access I 11 Because there, might possibly - be 'moro' .bands, Tbui the .women oarry,'4cky aftei *n-ot , I fladvilt. S I 1. ampled it. -,, - � ­ . . ,': , such a thing In connection �:,�", . Zlth You, would neVer have accarred* .to kn ow good deAl. him " Wolfenden iremarkedi 1. , ca liar, whoso'gener6sity - had sQt'her 10 I free. - , '' : . , " I I the -Adiniral He did not Is.11brilry, . came: to ocline to otoal. study my. 'He ae under It, and If tho do' 01 I . POSItor were' to se6 I -t lie would want day, only � �-alr,:tbe .house- .hold, uri, , , , .r iiture, but1he children and" . � . I I .. She"Don't �ou'thlnkj. Ili ' '.. � I . ave� a good . :� . I ,� I . I'll, -.1. I �, 14I in, n my wildest dreamol" ( ,� I � , ELM the mistress of my own af. I : ,about ,qu,* � " Oily; , . I ... .1 . . I .I. ... . For & moment .itn odd -light gleamed ' , - . ., , , .. � . . ... . At-preelsely . rpur .. o'cl . ock--there 'tile w Was sound of heals In tile! drive, th a . . . . "husband's Work .", hec,imclj in jabt,jbt ,, 1� L th�- very purpc','sil V�fiicai L ,y , d , u. avow.., Itback, but it tile tenth note Is' not lifted up and there should be another , ' I the,ortable portions of the *]long I e The women certainly h4*6 altth6 u�- . , molith ? :. - - . �- .., . . . I . I I . -' He­�It looks S11' vight*, - - kar.atf . - �� 11 ,- fectione," silo said coldly.. "I am.:ln , � . her.eyes; ffhe.*aa,very*,'p al.e. Wolf� . � I . I 810w� MoVeiment of ..IeQt In: the -Iiall,L Orily'ye�terda.'YWY S0n'6Bgaa to tn�ke .. - In ti oneL Ile pile, the bank inak6a It, .1 - ;_:1 't J Inte�estlng detail and tile. diudg ery Smart Set. ­ .� !. 'L. I m � . I I � .. . . I . I ... . I not pledged to you In any. way. It . . '111.� I were to say that I intended to I ende" mav`p4Ltowards her. - "bag an "Blanolle," lv� -saidt. ythlag, , amd a; oervant announced a visitor. ' "Mr. Sublii.)i - I �.. I i lick safte thing the same.interost'in t . t6e: ,wholo oL ibis morning be- Spent d ?11 11 1 : '' I . on you see 11 .. I . I I .J,.XDu will do," sa d the bank man- of life heiiiiied upon. them, but... they L - . seem t,a enj?)y. It.-' In defense of the I .- _1 .. I . �. I .. rea ]JISt M L I I . min - ari0o Unimant.ft ' . .e per#- . I I . � ".1. listen seriously to Lord Walfeaden I I ---even If I were to say that I In- I gonewrolid,*Itli,you?,You-,d� tlook Well." - L - - .. . I 1. � .Lady -Deri]il�ham smillid a - . . rid greet -ad him �jv. Sabin leaned with ills father, under the prefenco of. I lelp4ng hini; -really he was studyirik I ager.. "'You .hnv6, been In the bust. bass b0core-but'l didn't suppose .-you. . . . men It should'ba'sald thmt they. tire - . worthy husba,fids. w.11141911t , , - 711 - . . I - . . -a 'Cdagressinan made the _�' ForL -Our.' . 1!., 2 . tended to . marry him -well, I C' L there, She W.Ithdrew;L her - bands' from . her face. . . 1. ' graciously. . . a . upon his wonderful Stick -fo� ' . mo� . elf.110 has not .and. examining tar hims L . knew that trio4k "-'Loiidon � Tit -Bits. . I .1 I.. I I .They flereely.to -protect, their bioineg, and . speech ot his life. He got I . . L two. 6oluraid, . . . . to. thla papers. Du Brau Thai . is noth L Is no one who would dare to Into 7 1,11, .r. . �, ferel But, on the other hand, I fia've � � . L P L, ' ." ' '�Vro: WL "There Is nothing Jig 'With , me] hent L 16W at,- and thbir. over .L%0y I Deringh4mle hand.' She 4 to: an , told. me'what It isi,but he h Ing. a . jsajj� for. thia�,', ho; too, has some. rei , I . . . ... . . . . I . I . ­ . . . .. . . L I . . . . . they will guard tho.hon r of. tlipir � o . women with their own'blood, It Is , L ., ' Ing.,'WhY."L I. our Congressman used a' .. - and !, " - � refused him. That should - , be " �%T'_ enough for y0% I am not to I she Santa.' ,"Hush I lie 46� coming,". . . She swung'.round In ber.seat, and -tile L pointed easy chair, close to her-oWn, and he L . , suspicion. Now �au ,o6me,'aild. your I . What d�os I is th6.8 It al .. .. . I ... 1, . , ,. 1. 1. I . . . I � 1. I . - . I . �. a cryIng gin of the advance of Christ-. norve remedy got four columns and hi's picture. , I'! . .. . .111 11 . , . . going L' I . . . discuss the matter at ..all 1, You . quick. clicking of the Instruvient Sank Into It, with some appearance of 1. I weariness.' He. WaS'JOokjL ng a little old ' � mission ame. mean I I - will Nyrite, to Mr,,.O. myself; � , - - . I . I , . . . L . . . . .. � . I )an elvilltatign that .tills red.man of �theLfar a th Shotild be comp Iledto 011 0 .. I �. � . I - ­ - . .. . �____'�' .1 - 4 . !—.. . , - .. I . � �, , L" would not understand It." I , I " I . I I "I must admit," Ale. Sabin Said,' was resumed as her. ftng6rs flow over It. The Opened,. and. 1�rr. Sabin Ldoor . and tired, and -lie 'earylea himself L, vTlthout any OUlds -usual buoyancy. - - lie _ ,JI­QOMe)�6Wn, and advise me." .. Vy. I "I ;�uld not do thist If.1 were you,'. . . . .. I . I L . J�Its Own Free':W.111. , . - . .1 L ay down Ilia life at tU feet of., the I � . . . ... . I . .1 .1 DRO - � PSYC " �: � -. " that I probably should not.. Of entered. He loaned on big stick, Stand- - L'only. a few minutes . a said, . quietly; llblro' AO. silo Said,' t Mk, - Sabin . Dear SIrs'-I cannot - speak LL too ' heartless . pale-fdoed invaders to - , I I . , . � . . Treated Free. ' ' . L ::.: , love,, as you young people .conceive I Ing.on tha.'threshOj (d, - -and glaiiced I P ,ro," , ,41 bui�nt'my.letters. I was thinking . 1. L would �n.ot thank ,you to. be- dragged strongly. of- the excellelace of MI�T. L shield th' -honor of his home. - I a : . . . . ­ . � �L" . . . ,&,, .1.. .. I We have made dropsZAu44* I I slt ­'­ � it, know nothing. But of .that �1; ater affection gre the kebnl.y at both of L them. I - . .. . . "ATv dear.Lord Wofterider,"be Said . of those days Ah J?arls,when.tbe man . 11 . i ' 'n tiown here .'such- an �idle ekrand,.". ' z on flAh, but -mild it be an, ,idle' or- . ARD'S.LIMAMNT. It is THE renj ady In mY h6usehold for burns, spvalns� . . � . I I . .. ..: . . ' , I ... A Qaeon"s WhIln., .L p m . � e6ift1bythr. .. complIcAtIQnsaso . . A weaty'Lyears. Quick rell9t .. . clires k�, - passionate �� love of a man for his race and big � � I . apologetically, "fills Is the. worst of ad you I no w old It!-.inakesl aua�6'1 0 . I. . I I. . I an, feet Ill . w rand ?I' she said - slow-ly. O'Viotor,' be , etc., and we-.*ould �iot be without.1t.* * . I I . Queen ffelon"a of Italy, In antiolpa, - I worst Cases. Boo]t of - - � L'� . � TICSTIBIONIALS aud10 3)A_yS . ,. - � (�, .. I , ; . kind and big country -well, that line - 11 always Seemed to me a thlngwortil � ". . having coun try servants. r� ancy show- In&, you In bere. ,Come and, join- iis' In i . - He-16okad-at.11er critically.. . 4.1 am. at' tile I -Ave- beginning to ai I I frank with me. ' 'i shoix-ld..hate to re- fuse anything you askedane. Tell'me ' . A is truly, a wonderful medidIM; . . . John. A. Macdonald, plan of anAnterestIng event expect. , , a L ad in Junei has'pural.laood , 100 . ara- "� - I L , treatmejAX.R163. �.- Ir I . I � _.H. RNEWSSON01 " I I I � � . , 1 i ,: living and work -Ing and dying for I _ � the othd * r ,room -, *a 6 just going. to, ar . I have, our coffee." - , oonv)uslonill. be, said 11tha . t' the poets ' . . 'what It means. L9 my h6band's work� '. . . . rn ronfole. - , . - .. 3?u`bjI ober A prior Ch . I . I . . . .. . dles .and bag Ordered a I "; n aqua. I ill)]- 4 A 40Z - - � . . . I � 10 ATLArT.&jQ4. . , ' ��, I had ' fancied, Helene, thtit Some I spark of that same fire had warm. I ,,- � '4 .. . Walfenden followed him' with alao- a.ud tllejiovellst!� �re wrong., It' Is tile main who suffers.1 � Look -L; at My " Any veal �alij`-,*, a.i, d if SO;- to Whom . 04� I I ., 0 .... . -ao,d for What purpowso I I. . .1 . . ... . I - . . I . .. . . ... 1_ � I '. I. I . . 4 1. 1. . . . . I.. .. . ... I - 0 '. - or layditti&S'to bo.got-W..readl- bar - . ness,' 'The bapy elotheS.'and the cra- I . . , . I 1, I . � . . . I � . . . . � I . .. . , CLOTHES WASHE'R , . , ." " I I . ed your blood, or you would. not * � � be here to -day." � 1. .. , rity;'tboy 6i . I -ossed tb'o little, ball and entered the dining 4com, Helene was . , . ,. grey balra!" .. . . . . .. 1,1t'ial only the art of my maid " silo . . 4bin "a geatly. distressed. Mr 8 I I I It � `151�,:'dear Lady Der'nghain -he said ... . �. - ''.. . I . . I .. . ; . I . I * ... � . . I %. � 1. . .. ­ I . . I � . . . . . . I . dles Her Majasty wtonds to liestbw' .on tile * first hundred babies of her . . . I I � I 11 I . � . I � . . I . I I � ' - SentonTrW. � � 4 � " "I think," che answered more � , gently. "that It has. I, too, ba -P �1� . Rave me, love st.11I..sitting there sipping,her coffee . ' In an easy chair. She:wdicomea him with outstretehod� hand: and a bril- . I mine.. said, Millag, "which conceals ,' DO not let me talk of the paat� at AJ I; to tlllhR that lived Is, , you the, exl'ot t'ru,tb: .11 hive told 1, want -to'got some Siat-gticaLf6r my . . aper..Mr.-C. blin6elf re6ominandod me, . . . I I I . . I : I . I ' ' . I I . � . .. 2 . inibe " � , — husband's realin wllosa.blrtbd&� Is' the'same, as that of the waited hair . : ..". . . . to tho.'t-h,rono.if Italy. ` ' I I . . 1. -111 Atwholesalepridd., 4 . - , 11, I � If not satlefactory ' ... . ... ZMAT, 1� . money refunded, - .� . my country and my � � people. and my order, if I do liantlYscifi smile. Mr. Sabin, who was we so long ajo �. POS Iti'vely appallingII)o -, I p -to. try and '61,et them from 104r IlUs- That . .1 elite (6 J�Ss.$p .1 .. . I . . I — � . . . . �_ , I . I �WASHE . Guaranteed tortin . . . � . not � , I find these all -engrossing, you must Watching her oloWy,'appreclat,dj par- haps fdr.-tho, first ilmd, bar rare word- . I 1. - . He.shook Ills,bead gentl Y., . , . �.. . I lutelY all, M for band; -that -ts abs(4 .� With . regard to ilia use or what Iff "eSs", " D 0 . � , , eafness 40annot be' dred. . . caster .- . � . � . - . � . , better work than - .1 � remember that I am a womani and , I � X am young; I do to anly.beauty, apart from its distinctly � .. ,,Not so 41)palfingjl� Ile atisvirered, Oat th a thought. of how long we'still have thfs Attempted robbery 61 Which -You' were , telling me, believe me .w.lien I � tormad thisAnibecill* a Wd- t Ilk an.exchalige says, I. . . 13Y local applicadons as they cannot reach tbo diseased portion of the ear. There Is. only One, �'� . . I Any6their machine .1 _.. . 1. , , . onthemirket. A:.,. . . � . , " . _ not lyretend 1, be capable only of Imperscnal and. p 9-trlcla.li qualities There ..w.as a change, and lie -was not tile ma,n.to be � .. to ll%re I Ond.xpktots Ono's yb,lltlx a13 a ' 4ssuTa, you, that 1'.know nothing .On "aan a woman -really harve strength -to cure deaffies.9, and thatla'by constitu- 141ay nalremedio.-i. Dentnoss is caused by an -ill- o ac Ina a chtfilto -ha6dle. Big I . . � .8 oney ads. im $a use. -For to=# � 1:, . patriotic love.,! , . 11 " . " '. Ay, you are a woman, and the - blind to It or to, under -tate Its signifi- matter of'cout-mo,'but the ,prospect of i old 'age Is more terrible still I Lucky Whatever about it, Y-rAxr. son's Inter- oat Is, after.' 611, 011V' UatuThl. The of mind And, permit- herself fb be called A... toundre6s; & - pi-oprietress, - & i flained conditiorf of the. mitcous liniiig of the j.Xustachlan`11ubo.* WI)en this tube ie inflamed it � ... cs addrass, .. . � 11 . ' a ' '. I 'Ove Go., lftu�=Ilton, on$. I ' blood of adme of your ancestors Will i0anes. He fol� that on ilia eve of vie. tory be tied,. anotber hild an utteX- I those men and,those 3vomdlx who live I study of "t1bo pilpers Oil which YOU17 . r dlrcctreba? What Incentive has any I Toll htme, a rmnbjjn� vound orlmperfcerhcar-� , , na -and whou it is oitirely closedv Deafness is . . _ ..1. ' I , make Itself felt," he added, looking . ' p d'battle to,fight'; . yet lie held . and then - did. It Is that interybgn,um- mild hag been h eng4gedjsjbo.anly� * ' U81 � 3yo=#4l, to excel In literature 2 8110,'tbo'rosulb, and unless the Infl-imnil. 0. it, 4mv, �o '� � '.. No usE TALKING. � , -_ - I I . . . I I . at her thoughtfulIV - , .� ,,I ought W I have considered 'iile Influence fi_� . ffinso It I like a brave inan and Ono used tile level; monotonous plain of,adi ane_ 'a Ing old age,, ,,vbon on takes the wat- p I retiao4abl,e test or his san1ty.','Vfb:nk- ly, I -cannot bellOve that arly'une .in . no" aboftiei % *Mtbs-� a. great -book,' a line blography, history or work Of 11 [taken out alid thig tube restored to W hormal conditlovi, hearing NvIll be destroyed forever; . I .1 � ", I Of , ReX and heredity. By the bye,hmvO to reversesi for he show,pil no signs of . dismay, . . Ors at Odl-isbad anti s ask look anee at . r -nahath'S- niOntal State o6ald ' ' . Lo d Der. . I fiction *tbatr some Idiot dubs her a . nhie cases out of ten are v.i ai ed by Catarrh N hich is notbing but an Inflained condition , . , .1 � � you heard from .Henri late] ?11 . -1i � I y 1. She shook her hear. . 44 - tbla I want you to try a glass ot "be- Vie entrecs -tllat Is What, one has t ' Oj dread. To. watch our. Own dogenora- rodl46e any W, ork likely,to be of tile pi nent. valud"' S '.&LOSt Pernia Successful 'authoress.' It she founds $her to a, 'found- a) sect or a busin,ess ' - . the mucouR ,;urrace..1. We , vVill 9fVe 0110 IrUnilred Dollars for 4by ­_ P I I A-phatl ile wire will net last poi long as a larger �, . 1�, .1 " Not. since lie has been" In'r- rance. r cia, et, Lord Wolfeiiden," he said, fare you begin your coffee.' I know I tio,n, the dropping away of our oner- I , I . h 1 ' I 'As iC�aantess Sig a " rese.1 It she directs great entiar- 'directress.' cnqeof Dcqfnc,;q (caused by catarph) that cAn- not be cured by Hall's Caturrh Cure. ScudfOr lszolatemlwire. Bybulldingafencocontainbigall heavy wire5, you fet just that mud.h more service, i We thought tha t 'Mhilst lie '*ao t� there It would be better for that you ato a judge, and I am rather 910.9, tile decline of our tastb-why, the. torturewof the Inquisition w are, tAties ,$I suppose that I- inust believe VOUS Viotor," sbe said, to at, noltwlthstand,� y prises she Ii a It silo goes in for military Btrategy Wn d olroulars; free.. I I . . I F. J. CHENEY & 00,� Toledo, 0. - � . I Reasonable, isn i it t, . . TlIE FROST WIRE FENCE CO� LW,t Welland* Ont. -k � , - , him I � not to write." . proud of, It., You are not going away') Helene,?" . .". I to it I- I . I I She siiuddorrd . 1. ' . . not kubw ,Jig; all that you: say, I (10 b 1elp - MY hus- I leads . arm as to Victovy She 'a 'generaless., 0 . . . I - gold li�-druffllktq, 750. . - Hales Pills I I. � 1. . . '-,. Mr. Sabin nodded. .1� 11 Most discreet,,, ba remarked a&- "I bad no Idea of, going," .she laughed.."Tbis Is really the only hab- r_.11416.. "You paint old ago in dreary., -.col- 4, . ow to Yom band scarcely ,ever I eaves the rocim. . , � I . .� , . . .. I -, 1. Cold la t1to am' y are the best,� . I 3 I __ � Liniment Olt SALV_� AVIT FARNITS IN THE F famous Ningara. district, " the peach belt I , tirleally. 11 I wonder whixt' Henri Itablo room In the housei and I am .Or$," she said. � . . : . d ,na, works theie with a revoller by . PatarrhozoxO - Cures . , . . Mln%rd's Cures ftrgot, In � . . I . otcanada."sale or exchange., for prdauctivel I � ­ . world say 11 he knew?" _. The lip , I not golng*to let Lord W61fenden solid Al Pat lit It as It must s6em'to men 't�ho have kept the kernel of life bao ire to find a strS.11 . hie slde� If he. we � 9" Ile ar his work. -1 believe that he , . Head. � . I I . ' . Ono AbSu't every I cowe. . . . . I . .1 � I I ' . town or city property. Give full desorli.tiou o your pro;ierty for exchange, and ikay what you - I wan& Catalogpcfranona� NOMM 1.� girl's curled t . �, � I little "If even," she said, " there .Mo toplilverlil what wocall the 1, - lng�Toofti�" . 1 I 41WUU11 vleft-teetN11 fic: answered. eale- � - second person would .'shoot .,him without liesita- - tueots at tills. changeable season has . I . . rerfettly 11cliest... . I . . "They tElleArloh. �& brorden, brokers, St. Cat Arines, Ont., Can. - ' : . Wile . . , . � really something serloug , for him to L know. Henri very sorry "I Should be ' 1 1 7'0 n 1. carps leggly. 1170.,the others � orlL -well . little about them-, Most men are like 1 . . . __ . - tiou." . . . � 11 At night' *t1mZl " . - ad -old cold Iii.the lie' . To cure thdt c - say that ill a girl you broke your an&Agemnilt i0th Was, ongagQd - -_U. - -11-1 - - ---- ­­­­­ --. .- ]3AUGAINS 114 * BELTINO AND HoSZ- - I � . would gnrVIVO it. Rig Is I " not tbk, temperature of Sorrow. Tilor thought of such a. thing," Wolfenden . , arg*eied. I . COWS, theY are contented ,so long as - "At night time 1146 usually Sleeps 'All prom pity. In about halt an hour, you must, hilinto "Catarrhozone." Being to several other men." . o, I She. was: ll�n I Gatilarr Hoscrat Soper foot. N.Saidth _ . ..IN I I I . Yorl; street, Toronto. � � 1. . . . " twenty minutes lie would be In a I Pftl`0178m, He would . "If yon will oicage me for a mO- Went, . "'Mr. Sabin Said, I'l-will unpack they are fed. To that class I dare Bay old age may Seem sompthing of a rest. there In dntOrOOWj And OutSId0 there Is a man &lWaYS Watching.111 volatile It ImmedlatelY sproaft to -'tit tile breathing organs In the, guess w requested liar to return the ri'm -d infl 'e, silo a'sk( . -- -- ­ _ . -AG.MXTS TO SELL A HOUSE. I WANTPI) . ' .1,� I . I probablr Send " ,out for poison, which he wofild be \1 some cigarettes, Helene, will You see But 'neither .you nor I are akin. to the 0), . . ' Mr. Sabin looked thoughtful. . I 11 ' parts of )lead, throat and lunge, bathing them to call and Identify It,­-'BroOklyn.Ltf % . . . . . _. i hold articlo ugedin every faindly, Live azents can make from to $5 perday. )-and ; . I.,-, .. ., careful not io take; and Olay with I . ,a Pistol If he were sure that it Virile that 3�ord W61fonden Liao which liqueur be lirefors ?fl .. 'in I 1,you . talk. #A you alv�dyg talked", It. Is ,only necessarf,,11 he said, I ", for 'me to be ba, the room for with tho healing ant1septla �proper­ ties tills . . catarrhoz6ne cures Brapollitis, , , __­­ -- � . . . V 10c for sample w,.itth 5 o_ Send quick rwid me. I : o"re the bounifte of the firAt fintrAuctleri of , : � . , I not loaded. 13Y dinner time lio! I He limped jiway. and Helena 'leave she gall "'Mr, 80111 10 very like—" . I., Ile atoppaU ber. ' ,, '. hod X ab not about t�Dll mfuut,W, , I I need to c#,rrY 'haFthing away; my I of great remedy which usos the congestion and stuffed u Ott P I . Not 11 chureligopr. thiffArtlele, NV,H.Gllb0rt,9MaoouJo templei I Londim, Ont, . , _�_, , wou l I . 000the -Illm still more. and by the I . I . time It Watched lilin the room with some Surprise. These ws6re tactics 'be . "Ur. - Sablij, If- you. please," lie a%-, claimed "I am particularly anxious to , will servo alp for 'all that ?1=121r,B. 'By Some &eans or. other feellngte) pans away, and,tho Irrita, - tion and aorineos to subsift: tt' r6- . Browno�Dovsnit 11r, Johnson Mrs. I . go to- y6ur church ? . .. I � - ___ I ____ - _ I -110, : ."', � PA-LU-ST00% FARM. M5 40=s, . � ,F,),( .). , Poll, brick house, good barlintbark6t. g , -, was over he would be quite � , �, .. ready to take Afademoloollo §�mo,! " body which she did nort understand, Was already making up his mindthat the preserve my Incognito just now. Ever a "'ce We met Yesterday 1, have beeit r most have that ten balnuteN." "You must risk yotpr ,1,0,1, *Lady I -tins tile gooration'when deficient, str, r ',Z� when exoessive, and ,and retards'; Mrs. Malaprop-ONlo, Indeed. 110 does not believe In no church, . I I I school, chumhe;i convenient; railroad 2 miles; . 'I ale-sthativaloe Forpartioularsaddress I . . give l� out to Supper. With tile first "I i'4�1 glass of obani-pajue Ill's gorrb,,� " game couldbe played without tier? Shd WAS PaZsled�a little uneasy. , , regretting that 1"'Jfd not mention .1t, I Deringliain said, -"-for I cannot ang- I , without unpleasant effects, It simply .L rs. larovrae-Yoa don't tell Mo I V alapr�op I Mrs, M. -Yes, lin dotet believe ,. L. North, Tilsoi,burg unt, I . , rned for -ever , , would be (1tv" . If any � I � She turned to find wolfendeft 'o a& to You -1 do riot wish It to be known that I am In E,nglhnd.11 . goat any plan; I ' wbuld helli you if I but I am powerless [Luteo, . kills tile cold before you know it. C41rry :1. Catarrhozone Inhaler al. In nothin'. He's a rag-lar-acrqstfc.--� 0 1-UGS IN ODUNT . ' ' ' 0"I'AfCoN : 100 Xcl� L.well8t,tion, liou,o andbarnes, wound remained tit all, 1� Would j6j4. 51, th '* 6 wound of Ills Vanity. Wiring eyes fixed upon bet; Shia looked at him With a, Smile, half Sadj half "Air. Sabin It Shall be, then 11 she c6uio. it '] I must have that ten. ays. use It occaslonallyl, and Insure � 1),111adel bla .Press. P I . Posse"Ston at our-.,, J. G. Frocinan, Box, Grove, . Ontario, � ;1 a "You have considered, then, the . possibility of upsetting my sefiem4o humorous. . "Lot moretnember,"she Said, "I am ailswered� "only It X. Were �Oil I �would llav'e obwon: a, more musical . � Mt. Sablin SaW sloWlY., . "Must1l, Lady DerInghami raised ' yourself against coughs, coldi,, Ca- tarr'li,and Bronellitis; It prevents an . I - . I Our opportunitlos to do good are I Our, talopts,-C, Mather. . I - I BLAOX8MITA *WAINTND-TO BUY OR � and withdrawing Your Part?" Mr. � ZL I Sabin -said quietly. "You understand to see that you hd�eL-what was It? Ohj liqueurs. We haven'tinuch OhOtap', name." . . . I ,., w6iie jcr�lj,vp, yon by chance hei eyebrowS. There was a subtle change in the torip. of the man, U . woll as cures these'41seasel. Complete, . � outf it, $1.00, small rjizc,. 23c, at drug- - . , � . I . ­ . .. ' . 11 I � 1. 00. j J. ,.renb shop and hou.4o In Markham Tovm, . � Froomalit Boxarove, Ontario, . �' , . that Your marriage with Rptirl : YOU will find NumMal and Obartreuoel Spoken of -hie to - your son ?11 lie asked, 'It to only by chance that I have note Of authority, perhaps even tile shadow of. a tbroat;, he noted tile glats. 4 trial sent f -or 10o, by X. C. Poison &,Co.,' Kingston, Canada, or - I . . _* ' I.. ; � ,- . . I .1 1. A BOX 'OF CIGAR I � would be an absolute iipceaalty� .. that without It all woWd be chaos," , 00 tile sideboard, and Benedictine, which My' uncle hil,tesi by tile byoj S, a a H ad. "'I 11MV6 SCUPCOI.V not,st 1, di Itt Soon him to I effect and followed It up. � I - M 11artford, Conn., V. S. . � I , , -r 66 k -1 ,� �_M -1.1 � .;-�-�j . . _ . . � Per gottlair tpn club membere. Addre8A Lewis � fjjgar 11, , . ; " I -do not say that I have coh. r at your elbow," I . alone -day, -and be was out last evening. "Do to remain ,#I mean what I say, 0onst"a 0 "' "I I . � I I 11 . . ,Wv 1�el . . 1. � I- vitio, 627 Richmond street, London-, Ofit. , . I � ". 1 _____ _6 ldemf --muY - sueli.-pOssibilit "� �, , Y.'� sho answered. "If I make U11 my mind - "No liqueurs, thanks," he said. 141 - , wonder, did yOu'6Xpect tile to-nightt You wish, Ur. Sabin to him also ?11 t -To him lie declared,, am not askl0g -you a great thing; YOU havO 7 , I, I Snap Shots tit Sell tnsh, I � Ln Ingenious biologist has Succeeded I I I qu 41". I Olt SALri,-Ot.l) 98TABIASIFtED.PRUH 11 , . F Inese; one of thobest bust- )., ,, I to withdraw, I ahqll gIV6 you no, . tice. X don't think that I duglif to have I clarect I)urtictllal'17,"xV-r.-ftbilt-6041-s-UNFO "young man are.aeldow die- of---­woman�s Wltn. .and ; arrango tills It you 119O." I " 11 .. , 9 .1 . .. .. in pli6tv"graphing-fisit-at a, deptl%--Gf­ . _1 �. - - I iiess locatlon.4 In the largest and most pro,iper- , � - - I oua., town In.-OAtorig, pro;eq�.ownor has ao � , I But I will admit th t 1 like . I a Lord WOlfenden, and I detest Henri. come, ought I 71, I ,,Won, you certainly show I " 9110 an- 0jr,et.)I, I . , Lmly Derbigh'am; sralled. 11 But, victor, - be roasonable,4' she "suggest a way ilia sea, Ills object bping nine "let In I to got a better knowledge of tlt(%Ir � - 'j, � I d I 0� . 11 . Of ,, ted PoAltion whic roquIr6s an &tended -- so ,nrn irk artatp , personal inopection I -ritain. :,. I All I I kalow of whilt you �*OUT4 ,to. ., I mind tile; YOU UOW not fea,r, r ftefedf With a smile, "a reoniarkable dlare gard for all precedents and can- diWolfenden Is not *a gossip," she ve- , � "in protestod', Your- Self If you think It sQ aasy. I -tell filovotrinnts whon not constrainod by - . . I "I . � � ---- , �- -, I invited., Address Box 521, Poterlimugh, Oat� . � . ! I � lifiall not forget I it Will not bd to. . VentlOus. You ought' to be already On marked -, filet, I believe lie Is goner- 11,11Y conaldered 66 toeserved.11 you that lie never leaves tile room I" artiticial surroundings, Ile lots n, White sheot down Into tho water and '.. "::. - "I'll .�Vi 'P.., I e , I t ' . ..810 5TRAWSERRIM. * I .. � . . day. nor to-WorroW, that, I gliallfad. I 0. . tide. YOUt WO to foreign parts with your n sen It Is Englishman, . "Pot, tile present, novortheless," lie filet, � 11110 must be mgAO to leave It." 11 13Y foreo?" then hirea the fNit In front (,f It by '11e_411�� .tll -1- ,� .. . - L �_ � � I . . 160 plants post paid for $1.00. send for 116t. - � 1: � . . I t I . , ,,,, A detv&nt entored the' and �� lalt 110t,w.hO 90alWaYe totbe Roc UY stild, hie remain Air. Sabin to film also.- I do not ask you tills without IT, co it necessary I Mr. Sabin answer- 'I I a judlelousodt,triblutlon of balt. � it I I A !gtock Holder 11 X.19. MAZLOUY, 151011holm, 031t. I .� announced Lord Wolfendejoollrl .� � . Be., b1ft looked . Mountains to gJl()Ot bears When, their love affairs go wrong?" . _ss . . purpose . ed cool ly. , . Lady DeringbAin raised tier hand . To Cure a Cold lit One Day I . I I i For Wiling stock 016 "Naell Is the 001y r4 11VIT FAUM F0ft 8AtP,­0XE OV THS � 8took 'ilf, i. � up. � � ; "where ham you sildwit ilim?,, Ile Ho wat *&telling "or 010selyk and I Lady NrIngbarn bowed her head. T Ilia man had a right to ask her more to her forehead wid h&t .thinking. I Take Lpative BrIlmo Quinine Tablets, At druggiAtR rotund thb molip't if it failar to cure, rellabld Uind, It is; wed on tile! Largest r4fuls In Canldsl.' eqUally Uifabld f6ll'8171611 Ot flnest lit the st aro. Penlyla a, tit . Nftona, 10 miles from I AmIlton n tw Il- , . .q.aVA.180acre8inall �� asked. F I 11 Into tho llbra.i -y. he saw that She Was less at her case, th= she would have had him believe, tjjtLn such alig,tt favors, "Yon The man's gr0l,Vllllg MrneStacWll be- wild4red her. What was to be done I it . Mo. :9, W. Orove'a signature is oa oAch box. I - ...1. ­ litirget,toel,, We hpw mnU our own wire. Could not get good en6ugh before. It is Wee at, st"DL* 35 of - le 19 I f I mo.qtlypeavlies, Willbe'A 'I ; p1l. eel or I . girt,,, tile girl � � 4 , aftwbrled. I . . �111.. ftbin 4worb He saw, too, or fanoted that'he ,saw, tt� softening In liar facep a kindliness are still," 14111% a4ld, 40, raun of mystery and Incogultog. you are still, _Whitt could Allo Say ? After 411 he was not changed),- tile old fear of I . Overbearil In tho Oreenroom. The ktoub6tte--�­They w1los i ms that in bthei46nces nnd better galvnultvd. Mt- 1, Fencingin 01ppedfi-om out raexory rokAdy.made� andourlocal repre4entative canputiti) a stringof divided Into lotl of 15 to 20 oros Sul P (1haserg. This is a decided r I . MO o Joliathad CArl)entat, P. 0, box 409, loon;%. . -Vr,� rjoftlY between Ifts te(Ah, md I hftang to big Met, gleti'ming, out of her IuRtroua O.V011 ' suppose"A 1)"atter of great sellenleal In the old days you used to Urrify Mo him was creeping through her veins, . any' Tight.stays doesn't sympathize with Itforyouinshottorder. N0316w-�rthiayeor. Ontario, . I . I - . . � I 11 W(nigo W# 0 Uoleft#," he exclaim. "". which au99Wtpd now thinks to him, "The Mountains," lip 0al(j, almost; are you still no daring 1,11 "AI491 , yet she ma,do liar effort. � 11 You Want those ptlparx for Nome. tile White Rate. - )' IRE FENCE C (Ltd.) The PAGE W 441 Urs, Winslow's Aootlllnfr ruly should at. - . I .'s 1 for Childron Too?"Illng. Itsootha W-41 *111 bring Lbrd Wolf6riden �. � . Into 0116 dr&*Ing-rbdW. That girl IS slowly, = de"Ir. A Won does � no," lie answered. "Tfiney to rapidly drawing m0 tOlvalld.4 tile great thing more Mlan, 6. magazine artl. Ulna Waltelolgh (undorstady')­�H6W could she be eipected to, the, did cat I I _1-- _-.,______-_t _C ,. - � WALKERVILLIC, ONt. "Ined I : The child, voftthg the gurnsi. cures ivind colid � . " , aft ldlOt 1 M6 has shown him into I not go go far whilst he lbas hope.,, MO did not answer him; lid,gath. , borderInud, and when my foot I,S; once . ole," sbo declarell. "'There Is 00111LO, thing behind all thlol-VIctor, I can. , -01111cago, Times-110rald. . . ­ �. .1 I 1. � 1. ftnd, L; the bc0,remocW1or1)Iatrhoea. Twenty . I � . . I ve contgabottJo, , .1 �1�1 � . I 000ftd rOOM It! tile hOUSO Which I , - 1, � � *0614 U09 114*6 had him ontetL for , ored douraga from lior lilleaft . I'Verhape," he -said, '"I might Vantpd tlit're I Shall carry out my hootleg and .11inue 10Y how to tile not 11,0111 Ycta; I am DOw6rIORN. I Will 04tar-rhozono Cureo Uvonobitig. I . - � i _.W -1 ­ . . I I : � . 11W $ . I I I 1 Ita$thing in, the w6rta I, . ha,va been on my way there but for � I . . , world WItIt tile best grace a mail Inay wholojife, lihs boon Ono long chorus of , take na,part, In anything which I cannot wideiatand.11 . I I .. � Italtlin RXposition lit net'lla ­ ­_ I , 1 , S0 I I , I I MAIM= 1XIV, . .1 I I , IT116 WILY tba 0. somewhat oatigulne disposition - a very strong deterwifl4tion, and," 11p diSaPpOlatmenta. Nol I have retired from tile Jae stood lip, Icaning & little UPOn 11 Is stick, the dult groan Stone of Berlin. to to bavol all, Italian expost. 'tion in tll,b 7,0()Iogjcal Gar , Thore .L . , _1 I .1 ,,, . . I .. �� � of w6m . . An , . Wdlfdfideti hAd a4ded more softly, " v, v8rY IntonsO great Stage. . millo IF, ,low Only, a Pitastve, Welipation. Ono returns which flashed ibrightly In the fire. donly. Will be III)ltation btroots of XUPTes. .. 11 �' �'&. � , +kAFA, � i 111,1,1:11 . 1111:111;0m� I ,I ��� I � 1 I . � � ., Utah thown, ne, ho " ' . : � 0400.60od Into 94 empty ro6m by tlid, ,, love." 4 a "It tAkw,11 aho remarkod, I Very' AlWayst You know, and in a mild.way, I have retunied to tile literary ambl. light. - "You will 1101t) me," ho SAId slow. ItOnje, Plorence, Pompelt, Vetilce Wth canala), etc. ...! , 1, I . .. -_ I , I I , w*&jttfj;, �i *11oni he had ItIquired for- ,., 9fent deal to dWourage &A Erijr- tjous -or my yolltil. It In in. ("Onn Otto O n �y "You will lot MO Into that rooln � � . ... � Is this ologalbA . �t A � , A gIA,holl . - SO the dow, *60 iscatoely Mr. %6,010 . I 016W b#rdv# a ftfflillat soliflil frdjb 4 lishmaff", . * 1184*41ift tot Mysolf#" he 4mwor- , ,by the bye, with thil that I arrive ,nt tile (1WOV W111611 YOU ati kindly %i . night, and you will See that your husband to ii�t there. or that .lie I minard's V411110nt turo,g Diplitherl 6111 rull Alm touch latrof than liliisttattoft, - WORTH ASKINa Pop,? : A j� . ft"flt tornor WArfied: b1m that bly . . ,.pea "hort and W" 11ot alope. Ud 06P ed, "I defy diftouragement ; I' am twoof 690111wt It, I love you go amr. llelebaf-thttt, promLqod t* grant me.), / "'Ifyou know, 1,10tor", 010 said, 1110� 41" tot Interfere, ,And its t -d that iii.qgazine irtiola, you Are rightl f - �illicus.-�Wlt-6��'--Me-'t-q-alt-o-" by Acol 1fifs clegaii6l4ugar 'Ahell c4n bo lit, frop bg dent, mud In two montlis tboy wero Introduce our.sliverwara, manutiorureci fro I if 1i . son(linst *'I - your Mdrom, Wo§ Moot this Wit t1b now 1kna In, dous metAl—Yukolt SlIvAt" 14 I . I I I 146ke4 ftedly fit thAblight, fomit1l" Atoro *116" WhUd fingots Wore flaah- Itig. tho k6tw4fa typ�lwrltor. In I atimply decline to VIV6 you up-, r wattl you that I -am obt & lovat, tor obakou ofUl gra,tefill Ifool towarda yoll, you would not,111mitnto t* ask tile anything With. What it It w0to & 110 I X 46 not fir at Small e er. gam, i NOW, dO you Und I to by ar,toovi kri(jwiitot-lin26tht-etittiry.Ayiytt%.tM)lqtbltpotkoft . marriod. Cynicus-ThaiN wh&t oomoe AUPON01' It' MrY ft -%11 t tO A Ott' _ A611111nothdrylailloa (ill tneolve Ono df thmo by, 1ftlt%Il­4FRRj�-j)c#tAgA, "Psla. Write to,dt%yj 01 tlot taki'at Out aft Aboldent 110110y. , don't, putit oft romombitr pr6(,ra.9Un&tl6a 14 tho tblef 6f tIM6. find our It drallty thar *41M cKsr , 9 lobjettin I ofor of & TP*6 �*A* ZjWfjjjX- V*,Y 1,46111al. - .. Aw Y6106 , his F", "Wly tliutdor; In My t*wgr to grarit." . Ur. fjabla kwed with big otlek And st"d ?"', . . . , (To bd 0040110W.y , a * .11 CatOrbotood Curon Droaclilths. - making this ramork4blo offne I-It4alifta mt ia Mt 144d. tn&60 VokonSil,t whre Into ovety IiMuo . y ts Lvwn a." IR JUA 9 CA& I I r . I � � % I I % .1 . . I . . I I 11 . � '% 11 I \, � . ..Y,�� * , . I I I I . � , # I . . . � . . I 1- . .. -1-1-.11.______.._ � . I.. __---1__- .."---..,�-I'll�-11��-.,.'"'�- -11-111-1- ... _ ____ :� ­­­.- t I _� I 4 I .,.--.' . I --- ------- ­_­tft, _----j. -1-il _\__ �.____- ------A,,---- - - � - ­ _­ - - ­ -, � _:!__�.��­ �L'.. - ,_ ; _� fl.. " _Mi�L , , , __ _1