HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-29, Page 6 I .OAW I . I . I -
. I I I .... .
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words eo"ded to her RIMPIO but
0roug. He wala 00 aura of himselrand
hie love. Truly, she though% for on
UAW11shman 04a was no indifferent
wooer ; blio confidence thrilled bar -,
she felt liar heart beat (juloUly under
Ito. Sheath of droophig blaok lace and
r(mear. I . I
111 ,am
, . glilng You," gla, Raja, ,.quiet.
ly, "no hope. UomeMbor that; but I
40 not want you to go away.11
,which bertongue , so stead.
T'la thaposed to speak, . lie gather-
faetl refu
all t'�
'in 110 r eyes, her face. froxii that
indefinable softening which, seeing to
______ __ ____ I � I �
gazeil,%teAdtautix Jultio tile r1ro. He wax
P(,IwlvQ got - several mlatite4.,, then,
With the air of a man who ousjilenly
detaches him"(4f from A not unp
, 1044�-
Aut train of thought, lie looked up
with a Smile,
0 1 aw not going to tax you 1 'Very
overely," lip Said. "I am writ nu a
critical paper on the armament* of tlw
world for a Lutopeau review. I lind
letters of introduction to. Mr. C., and
be ua-vo mo a, great deal of valuable
Information. There were one or two
point$, h0j$'eVC'r, On WhiCh ho, w4a.
Scarcely clear, and In the. course, of
- -_ - ,- - - .11:::0:j,
-1-1�---�,��IZ-11,1111--l'i-1;7, .=24, 1`1Z111Z:11:`ZT1
. I -1
. I
� . . I
.. I 1, , .� .
In 4 Severe .'Case of Kidney
,so, and Lame Back,
I !��=!:!:�.;��.M!!=O-�ll.'Il:lz,��:11",:,."I,:,��I
31AAUTAQu 14-k ... YOUor'.
1101V the Giant 1�41,aas of vierra del
"'ego (io' ly"VOS.
r F reaer ck 4 CWX ttffl4. of A
little-ktiown r4ea of aborigines to an
') , , , ,
article In the 4Doiltur� AjagazIlie on
"Tile Ulant judlaus Of Tierra, Opt-
, os" w4oin
V ueg , - lie visited oil tile Del-
glan Antarotto expedition, Of their
marriage customs Ila WXJtc0,- .
Marriage, Ilk(,,' almost everything
0114 Ad by batabli-ahod rules,
It I; Is not fIxL
rrauged anti rearratigea'froill
1101;1:�:1111 11:1:1, 1: .__ �- - ,
:': � 1: ': , �11. 1:1,1.01,-_— �- - - , , li .. � .. -11, - *
181SIVE NO 13 190-1 �j
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I .
"You will owo Qermany nothing# for
about t4p, curve of her took and the
pervade mt. the moment of yielding a
conversation lie mentioned your hua-
time tao, Unia, to suit tile convenience
'Scolt"s I
she will be paid and ovorpalid for all
wAYIng of her brown hair ,, tier back
womaals Very personality. Us was
band's name as being the greatest liv-
I �.
or tile contracting pa,rtle.g, Woniali
'.. .
I 1. � 1�. ,
., .1 johe does. Rua" has made terms with
Was to him) .and silo --q�d not turn
round. )
wonderfully IlAppy, although he had
the wit to keep It to lilm,,elf. .
.tnL,*, authority upon those points. He
offered to give me a letter to b1m, but.
09(14's ]KIdoey I'llis Cure Mr, Apaor.
generally have very little to sa'y
about it. Tile barga . In 1.9 rujuls, almo,9t
EMULSION of Cod' t1Velr___1'�_- -1-11 �
�.� i . the Republic of France. Politically,
"Do leave me Bowe cigarettes," she
, "You need not teqr,.'� � � . lie whispered,
I thought It *Ould perhaps sodrooly
fioll� of Waterside, N., U., After
VIVO Medloal Ilion have eranoiA.1le-
solely by the mou, mild physical force
. -1
Oil I fil
: Phe has nothing tok gain 4, ,�
I turs; but with Germany It 4AffeP-
said, wituout liftin & lier-head.."TIlls Is.
frightfully inox4otollous work. How
"I shall not go awa,t." __ .
Outside they heard the. sound of Mr.
be wise. I fauoled*. too, you might be
Wallned,,for reasons which we. need
Od Uis V,use Absolutely 1nourablo.
Is tile prilWip ill' band, of union. Tor
ages tile avrougest bucko have been
? I I I
There are' others - i
�. I eat..8he and France are ready at
. .
this moment to fly at one another's
"I really don't 4now," Wolfeadell
S abla's sitlalc. Site lqanQd over towartle.
. . I
not onlarge, upon, to belp me," �
For a Simple riquest Lady Marina-
Waterside; N. 13,, XarcU 21, _'
accustoWed to Steal women from
neighborl.riM tribea, and from nelgil.
I , ,hy
, "' -
SCOTTS? ' 4 �� , -
�:j � , , throats. The military popularity of
�. I
.� much a war would be Immense, The
I ad; , - hesitatingly.,
ans;4r 411VUX,
. .
, 41I You, A I
" want, slip said, 11to-kIss.
I . was car-
bam's m4nnor of receiving It
taluly stra,uge;.. silo was suddenly
( pec 1).-I,l have been 60 Often In-
oed to try patent medleliles by the
borling citing of their own tribe. The
Onals, being by far the most power;4
_4 . .11 I.
I I I'll ,
""The., ;
is S COTT'$ -
� M - the
cry to arms would ving fro . .
Uedliterrailean to the Rbluo.j.
Biallolle jj� .
'Lord Wolfenden V she exclaimed;
"Why, what are you doing here ?11
wo� 1. . I
Hie heart gave a great leap, but
116 controlled him Intuitively, lie
White alillost to the lips. A look of
Positive tear was In hor eyes. - The,
.eadln Of tile wonderful cures'iiald
. have. been. affected In Ifluillar
fill IndlLinal,, have thus been able to
.pturo andri,-tain a liberal Supply of
good one . .. , .. . I
�, . .
It'snearly 30 years, old; it is I . .
. "Ohl, I hope that It may not be
� . .
': war," she said. "I had h0ped alwayo
I .
I .
I mi!h,t Ask you,,, ho Bala gravely,
0 in
'0;� Sa
,golt .
knew how
, much was permitted to
film; lie ceemed 0 have even Some
, frank cordiality, the absolute kindll-
, ess w
1) Ith which she bad w9leomed bar
cases, that APJw,,wlleim I '1001 It MY
duty W. write the story
, or Y own
WORIVeS. A missionary who has been In
r9listant. contfict with these indlano
used by intelligent people all ,
i� _ that diplqmnoy. backed by A wititing I
: be sufficient. France
army. would
. question." , '. ' "
She owed up. 1. v,
"You have to
falat perception of the cause for her
stra,age. He bent
, I
I VW, tor was gone, she looked at him
with. new eyes! tile old, mistrust was
cure by the ,Use ot D
, Willa 10diley
Pills, I am carefully, avoiding ally,
for thirty ye.Ars b.na given It as, ills,
orAnion that A plurality. of wives Is
over the world; and approved .
. at heart Iii true, I -know,
v I all, It sounds like
But, aftar
not come am me?".
,At, - I . .
d6i shook:118 head. , . I
request, over and
,took bar face for A moment betweeft
born again, once more be Nvas the man
TqO feared and dreAded, above all
caminvirt pit-
. of ray own or any oom
in. an tarY wOr4s, I simply sta to ill a Ab-
Ontirely a-Litlefaq,tory to their peculiar
emotions., and habits, of life. . .
b 'h sicians all over the 1,
y P y
. a fairy * tale. You are a
bad not the least Idea that you
were lie assured. her. � "
[its bands; bar lips touched ble--ohe
had kissed him I I
the .
r Iva
men; .vat slid would not 9
flolute facts Of my cak;e no follows:
$4 "ted
Tile rotation to one another of the
I .
.. -_"��,,
world. -
I i:, wonderful man, but how can you
I �.. -_ .. hope to move nations? W
Her , burdened. . .
not, I was an Idlot to-
He Stood awaY from her, breathless .
'with ilia exeltemo - the Moment,
nt, of
WAY altogether. He was wAtolling liar
I � she .b.aado a brave at-
narrowly, and
r I have becin trea, by five dif,
event dobtors,, and `h�ve tak
I an 11
women who poss,ess butone but3band
in comindil In the 'family wigwam IS
.. I I
. .
-'When anyone -$ays .41EM.Ull .
I I you offer German)?- to exact tre,
�.., f
� mendous a price ?"
agine that you .would .care enough
t�,cqwe, even If youbail,knowel."
,TJla perfume of her hair, tile soft touch
O(.Iler-,IIp§,Athe gentle movement with
fort to regain liar ,composure. .
"But do you p6t know,," sho Said,
amount of patent medicine
during the last four Years for Kidney
of novel Interest. AS a, rulei they 'are.
rkqo more jealous than are the chi 1.
sion of Cod Liver .Oil," lie - � ..
. M.
I ,
� "I can offer," Mr. Sabin saidooll
..�, I 11 what Germany dealree MOTO
I do-n6t know." he reninriced, ".why
You,ohoutd say that. Oil the contrary
which she had'thrust film ,W,-y,-tm,-.bwi,to.tingly,-."tliat
things were like tile drinking of sirong
- my husband Is, a
great Invalid ? it, Is a Very painful sub4
Trouble and Lame Back, from wbich I
ha,VG beein suSfering.. I was very bad.
dren In a, civilized home circle. Tho
prinelpal'retiaorl for. tbla Is that. the
' .
means SCOTT'S. No . otLer 1.
. .
�.. else in the %V ld�_
.1 . anythl
I I t
'. . "England. It has taken �
� 0 . , �
. I . .
She Interrupted him,
wine to ,him, Her own of, -
ieOka -were
scarlet; outside the sound Mr.
Ject f0v all, Of lit$) but *a fear that blq�
mind Is not what It used to be. Ile bag
My. I fe at times. seemed a, burden,' I
00t no relief uritil'X was per uaded
several' wives are -often' sisters., A.
. �,
young man takes by force, b7 mu-
' . . � I I
is famous. . . .. ,� .. ,
, , �
- . I.. I I � # , :
'' ,my
I I We six years to perfect
schemes. As you know, I was in
d.0 roink
I b I I know what, you are 1. -
of I
$dbIn's stick grow more and more
never been tile same man Since that
. 1114lit in, the Solent,
awful .His work Is
to try Do4d'a Kidney Pills, I cheer,
fully give Oln�
this urlooliolted tostim
, I
Vaal 'agreement, or by Uart,r,- the
. _
I . . .
:_,�;, America part of the time I W49
to say. I ran away from Mis.-Selby's
nice raou . is, -and never thanked yon for
distinct; slip smoothed -her halr,,arltl
laughed softly.up,nt him,.
1. I
more ^of a hobby wlth,lilm; It would
lall that I have receIvO4 �nore -bene,
oldest daughter of a � fnffilly� If he,
.Proves b1nisolf a good buntev, and a
made in. a certain way; of ' ., '
., � , supposed to be In Cafta, It. WAS
I � there, in the laboratory of AlIlogn,
, I
.your kindness, I didn't even leave a
, ever
for aid X ? Wel --- n
";At least," she -murmured, 11 there Jig
that to remember always," .
),lot be at Wl, reliable for ,reference."
"Not all of It, certainly,0 he assent"
fit from six boxes of Doild's Xidney
P1,118; than, 'from ajiV and all other
kind husband, the w1fopersuades liar
sister to join liar wigwam and share
� .
certain things,;, it keeps; it is . 11
., .. that I commenced the work.- Step I
. -link by link I
by stop I moved on
-message you;
mind; you know, whyj I dave "�
� .
cHA,Pr11ER Xxv. I ,-
,ad.."Air,:C. explained that to, me. What,
X'want Is �au opp&tanIty --tOF dIscrlm-.
I .
sources." . .. q.
Xr: Anderalob Is In earnest. His
hot husband's affections. rFkSqqentiy,
alway6.alike; , I
, 'it does what it '
- I e chain. I may sayt .
.kl have forged th
I �
Wolfendon tholight, that, heaay lit
did., .
.he 4vaded adirect ansWorz - I
. A'Hamdful of Agbea� .
* I . .
Inatio. Some would be Very useful to
. .
straightforward statempat of facts
when a girl is left an 9,pplinn, silo
is taken Into a family and t rallied to
- . , !
does. - . ' , � - - ".
, -d or -
I I ,without falsolicio oxagkefutl6u�
''I that would be the work
- ""Wh4t .... I' d7ahAd-t---,-(Wders1 , ,
The V36unt of
-1 . , Deringbara .WAS sit-
ting, I
aqua, in.her smaller
- orso
MO the mitjorlty,' of course, W
than useless. Tile particular Informa-
.carries conviction. Lame Back, and
]Kidney Disease do, ii(pt-seem- tibia to
beco the Supplementary wife. of
, .
4 - - -
. .
. . �. - -, .
The ' . -
I I my work
I . -nan's lifetime. With me
, I Of another
.�'. It has love. Your
said, why you are here*."
"It In my, she an-
new: situation,"
roora, g4zlng steadf asItly at a certain,
spot In the blazing fire before , liar.
tioul which I want concerna the struc-
tural defects.In some of the newbat-
exist Where ibis wonderful remedy,
Is used. y 0,_
her benefactor In after years. In the
but each. wife has liar own, assign a".
. others-�no'6ody� .: .
1. ? . . .
what they* are or 0 There
been % labor of i
,1,�_ part. my dear Helene, will be. a .1
lowered, $$I was bound -to look for dne,
You 'Irnow.' There la'nothing Strange
. I
A little pile of gray ashes was .all
that remained of the
t1QshlPS, it Would Save an Immense
amount Of UTao to get Succinctly."
pular In - this ooli;munity by - the
hearty enjorsation of Mr. Ander
position, iilways resting. . In exactly
the Sarno sboot, with all of ll�er belong-
. .
11 .d . ,
Wouldn't be any others but for- 'I, �.,
1. .glorlous one; think of and Shake 1
'� off your depression. This bole and
about It, I'adve for; 4 altilt I
rtis ad I .
wid - I . got thlo,one.11
scaled packet
which -she- had*.placed, within that bars
$be looked aw,xy fro ft"11
in in, atill'agl-
. I
son, wlw 14 a well-known Und: very
-Irlgs about liar.', The Wealth of. -the
. .
, .
the joodness
ntal�,,� -
,� � nor life Is not for long -the time
��, for which we have worked IS at
. 1.
He was Silent. Ther r hi in I
gs� -
only a few seconda'ago, Sale watched
it slowly grow sbapeipss��pieca ar.
tated. JS ��*
0 There. a a diffloultlia", silo mur-
highly respected citizen. The sud-,
ease O( Dodd's Kidney Fills In ,a
10 not common to akI the'
becilpanta. Each. woman bag her
of .SCOTT'S- .
� . . L
I - I
. . . � I 1,
th Wouldn't b6
,, : , hand.,'
connection with this which lie Scarce-*
ter piece' went fluttering up tl,6
I d; 1's�rloua ones. My' husband
mure I
like those oif*Ur. Andersldn,,when the
Own baeket of meat fragments or
eire any counter- ,. �
. . _. . . 4 .
, � I
�', I She did not took up, there was no
, inber
ly understood. 8he-wa;tched him -with
a mooking smile parting her llpsi-
broac at malan-
I chimney,. A gentle, y
Choly' smile was 'her, lip A
I;Mi .an'extraordinary idea As, to the
v earo1es,.and he it
yeiY' best m'edic4l men bave-1alled,
'hvA creat6d wdom&0 whiolf the low
Shellfish, berr own bag with Imple
� i
ments, sinews, and bito o
. .
'' I
feit money but Dor the true. � .
. . �. ..
: ,� answering fire of enthusiasm
�� dark eyes. The color came lUtpher-
"It Is a .96od deal,barder to under.-
Stand, " she said ' here,
parting .a. �
chapter of her -life was floating r4way
. -
, alwaywhaunted by a fear, lest Someone
stould., Weak in and steal his: pape.rs.,
cal druggists have reported no un-
fnr, it -ad oach,wife has liar" own t t a-
semblage � .. � I
. . � . I . . .
. . . � The genufne has '
I .
", cheeks and faded away. Mr. Sabin
I _1- was vaguely disturbed.
This Is the vdrY' last bones In ihe
'world In which I should have thought
with. the little tremblingstrips
� lighter than the air, a,lready hope- I
lesely destroyed.,
He would not suffer me to glan6e
� at them; and tlle.room is too P,16861Y
proceaeated, I .� i I. . 1%. t
- . . . .. . I . I � . . ..
- '' .
of children. � I � .
. Tile work- of the'mar. is strictly,
limited to the He his
. I
. .
' . . 4
this pictilre on itj take .
. I I _
, , "In. what way," she said, �with,.
, I"
I out directly looking at him, 46 Is
of teeing you." . .- . .
4. . �. . I
why?," lie -asked quickly,
., ,'Their diallit6gr4-
tion brough t, W. Ith It: U., sense of froe�
,guarded for ine to tako you, there
kno*ledge. 11b in
r ound compoteut-�,
I .
*' He a. position In. a bank.
chase. mirries
bow and quiver of' arrow4, and hie.
. .
. . no 6thef.: I . .
I __
4 � . I - _11-�--If -YO6--
not�-- -- --
�� -d Wolfenden likely to be eful
� i Lai
. � �� us I
� to
' Oro 4, , I
She shrugged bar . should * �ier
doin'..which'sho had lacked, fox Irian .1
�. Y
years. Ypt It Was Only the loll_�.of
Nrithot(t his never,
awa$ lihaseli r, 'and me of the keepers
s, Matted wJth'JlIS4
Thp manager wa sa '
ey6ls ever of the horizon for ganic ;
but he seldom stoops,to . anyUi1nd
, ,have . �
. trkd it, Wnd tcir'free
. you?" . I
11, � I
I ! Mr. Sabin did not reply for some I
, ,
a peech bail been Scarcely, tL - discree t
one. . � ,. I .1
a, .girl, the story' of a little',fool ish.
, . .
is stationed Gil-talde"' I . . !,
I . S ,'
"The wit a- woInan," Mi. abin
credentialsi biN before.engaging him
put him�througb &.1ittle civil service
. I
'like manual labor that Is not con,
. �
. . � .
. I . . I sample, its, aireeable . . '
time, In fact he did not reply' at
; '
�, all. This new phase In the, situa-
,,I Should n ob )lave lm4glned,". she
said "that Mr.'Sablu would -have come
loverimaking, .w.hich' those. grey,. uoh-.
I .
an fragments, clinging go tenaciously.
of .. �
said, softly, 1111a all-o6niiuel�lng.."' ' ' �
,,Pra`�idl; ;_Ivm__s,"�1ad I Daring,
j �
- .
, 1� . .
eX4&mjUatIo;n4 ' , I . .
: "Subpose now, M,inan Was to coide
nected with the victual neoessli&ip a lot
the chase.., Ho'kilIg the game,, but
. I %,
;. - 1� ,,taste' -will purpr= r I
. � f . � 1. 1.� . , I .
�, � . tion was suddenly, revealed to .him.
��. .
When he spoke Ille_ tone gravO
hill tile circle of. your friends."
"I do not know why he should not,',,
to the Iron bars, have unfold.
Lady - D�erwlsilam was not. a -'wo-
. _ y
sad ,�
, ham , t lit ge woman -is willing�
Ili here .and' deposit 950 in 95 notes,
how would .
ilia *Ire must carry It Into ,camp.
14 moving, the Women take up, all
. I
. yone , ..
� . .
. . '. SCOTT &ZOWNA, �' ,�. 7 . I .
I .was
� * - ..
� enougb-grava with an Maderiodiiie'61'
-Woffien-Neff iii1d., c4r,6,61faldLie Jim avery
man, wh6..ba4_.qv0r. for.' a, oAngle me-
1. � � *
ment had cause to reproach Iiiirs6ff
I do rstand what it all means. - . you'count.thern?"'
not uu a
. . .gers and . lift ul
Do�you 'know, this f Perhaps you.do. ". ",I'd- w4t,.rny fin -)
I - . -1 . _
, . -
of I
` their .earilily possessions,. p4o,j;
. .
. . . I
I . I. . 11 .
�� I 'Chemists I
/I ) .
I contempt. I
j . " Is It possible, Helene," he said,,.
" . . .
interesting mail." - I I �
I . .
- --Sho Sallied n . pan blin.. - .
with aby reat'lack,;Dt 4utY to the
brave '
. 41 made by
- orei
There have . been off
to break Into my husbAnd's
eac I
Ii �note,untll 1',.g�t. tothd:� last
" : . I . . 1. .. I
.1' '* . .
them Into -a-huge.."roll-jind-with tills
firmly., etrap�ed aorwra their backs
- , . -1 -1. -1, ..
, . I
. . . .
� ... Toronto; -
I � .. . �
,�� �
." - h wed, yourself to
, "Yeis, he Is Interestingil-I silo 941 -'
young Englishma h b
: 1 d,m r ad A w Om F a 1
I a 'i il so many.years agoi It 1:ro
strangers .
� 6W�. Only. a f6�r days ago a Strang-.
,one 'Wi I
.11 iy -* *on riot 'lift- up the
- oul 4, �
Ahey follow it, - 4rloniiumbered -lead.
' i.00�;'all'drugglsts.
-, C, �aiid, $. 1.
. .
I-., think seriously of the love -making
"only I should not have thouglit that
,ill -
. ..
was �Of.- those days She 'was thinking
Or c-ame. here With a forged- letter.
- .
.last one?" - - '. ..-. .: -
-of, their . I ant
- brave but -angall, , lium-
. . - . ..
— . -
'1%, Oaf
I �� of this young man? I must 0 sea
Yonr"tast-es were at .all identlea.
"Youl-'seem "A
I tile,
as. She out there waiting for
-of Introduotion and obtatned.access
11 Because there, might possibly - be
.bands, Tbui the .women oarry,'4cky
aftei *n-ot
, I fladvilt. S I
1. ampled it. -,, - �
. .
,': , such a thing In connection
�:,�", . Zlth You, would neVer have accarred*
.to kn ow good deAl.
him " Wolfenden iremarkedi 1.
ca liar, whoso'gener6sity - had sQt'her 10
free. - , '' : . , " I I
the -Adiniral He did not
Is.11brilry, .
came: to
ocline to otoal. study my.
ae under It, and If tho do'
01 I .
POSItor were' to se6 I -t lie would want
day, only
� �-alr,:tbe .house-
.hold, uri, , , ,
.r iiture, but1he children and"
� . I
I .. She"Don't �ou'thlnkj. Ili ' '.. �
I . ave� a good . :�
. I ,� I .
I'll, -.1. I �, 14I in, n my wildest dreamol" (
,� I � , ELM the mistress of my own af. I
,about ,qu,*
� "
Oily; , . I ... .1 . . I .I. ... .
For & moment .itn odd -light gleamed '
, -
. ., ,
, .. � . . ...
. At-preelsely . rpur .. o'cl . ock--there
'tile w Was
sound of heals In tile! drive, th a
. . . .
"husband's Work .", hec,imclj in jabt,jbt
,, 1�
L th�- very purpc','sil V�fiicai L ,y , d , u. avow..,
Itback, but it tile tenth note Is' not
lifted up and there should be another
' I
the,ortable portions of the *]long I e
The women certainly h4*6 altth6 u�-
, molith ? :. - - . �- .., . . . I . I I
-' He�It looks S11' vight*, - - kar.atf . - ��
11 ,- fectione," silo said coldly.. "I am.:ln
, � .
her.eyes; ffhe.*aa,very*,'p al.e. Wolf�
� I
. I
810w� MoVeiment of ..IeQt In: the -Iiall,L
Orily'ye�terda.'YWY S0n'6Bgaa to tn�ke
- In ti
oneL Ile pile, the bank inak6a It,
.1 - ;_:1
't J
Inte�estlng detail and tile. diudg ery
Smart Set. .� !. 'L. I m
� . I I � .. . . I
. I ... .
I not pledged to you In any. way. It
. .
'111.� I were to say that I intended to I
ende" mav`p4Ltowards her. -
"bag an
"Blanolle," lv� -saidt. ythlag,
amd a; oervant announced a visitor. '
"Mr. Sublii.)i - I �.. I
lick safte thing
the same.interost'in t .
t6e: ,wholo oL ibis morning be- Spent
d ?11
11 1 :
'' I .
on you see 11 .. I . I I
.J,.XDu will do," sa d the bank man-
of life heiiiiied upon. them, but... they
L - .
seem t,a enj?)y. It.-' In defense of the
I .- _1 ..
I . �. I
rea ]JISt M L I I
. min - ari0o Unimant.ft ' . .e per#- . I I
".1. listen seriously to Lord Walfeaden
---even If I were to say that I In- I
gonewrolid,*Itli,you?,You-,d� tlook
Well." - L - - .. .
I 1. �
.Lady -Deri]il�ham smillid a -
. . rid greet
-ad him �jv. Sabin leaned
with ills father, under the prefenco of.
I lelp4ng hini; -really he was studyirik I
ager.. "'You .hnv6, been In the bust.
bass b0core-but'l didn't suppose .-you.
. .
men It should'ba'sald thmt they. tire
- .
worthy husba,fids. w.11141911t
, , - 711 - . . I
- .
. -a 'Cdagressinan made the _�'
ForL -Our.' .
2 . tended to . marry him -well,
C' L there,
She W.Ithdrew;L her - bands' from . her
face. . . 1.
graciously. .
. a .
upon his wonderful Stick -fo� ' . mo�
. elf.110 has not
.and. examining tar hims
L .
knew that trio4k "-'Loiidon � Tit -Bits.
. I .1 I.. I I
flereely.to -protect, their bioineg, and
speech ot his life. He got I .
. L two. 6oluraid, . . . .
to. thla papers. Du Brau Thai .
is noth
L Is no one who would dare to Into
7 1,11, .r.
. �, ferel But, on the other hand, I fia've
� �
. L P L,
' ."
' '�Vro: WL
"There Is nothing Jig 'With ,
me] hent L 16W
at,- and thbir. over .L%0y I
Deringh4mle hand.' She 4 to: an ,
told. me'what It isi,but he h Ing. a
jsajj� for. thia�,', ho; too, has some.
rei ,
I . . . ... . . . . I
. I .
. . . .. . . L I . .
. . .
they will guard tho.hon r of. tlipir
� o .
women with their own'blood, It Is
, L
., '
Ing.,'WhY."L I.
our Congressman used a' .. -
and !, "
- � refused him. That should - , be
�%T'_ enough for y0% I am not to
she Santa.' ,"Hush I lie 46� coming,". . .
She swung'.round In ber.seat, and
L pointed
easy chair, close to her-oWn, and he L
. ,
suspicion. Now �au ,o6me,'aild. your
I .
What d�os I
is th6.8 It al
.. .. . I ... 1, .
, ,. 1. 1. I . . . I � 1. I .
- . I . �.
a cryIng gin of the advance of Christ-.
norve remedy got four columns
and hi's picture. , I'! . .. . .111 11
. , . .
L' I .
. . discuss the matter at ..all 1, You
. quick. clicking of the Instruvient
Sank Into It, with some appearance of
1. I
weariness.' He. WaS'JOokjL ng a little old '
mission ame.
mean I I - will Nyrite, to Mr,,.O. myself; �
, - - . I . I
. . . L . . . . .. � . I
)an elvilltatign that .tills red.man of
�theLfar a th Shotild be comp Iledto
011 0
.. I
�. � . I
- - .
.. . �____'�' .1 - 4 . !—.. . , - ..
I . �
, L" would not understand It." I
I " I .
I I "I must admit," Ale. Sabin Said,'
was resumed as her. ftng6rs flow over
It. The Opened,. and. 1�rr. Sabin
and tired, and -lie 'earylea himself L,
vTlthout any OUlds
-usual buoyancy. - -
lie _ ,JIQOMe)�6Wn, and advise me." ..
I "I ;�uld not do thist If.1 were you,'.
. . . .. I .
. J�Its Own Free':W.111. ,
. - .
.1 L
ay down Ilia life at tU feet of., the
. . . ... .
I . .1 .1
- � PSYC " �:
� -. " that I probably should not.. Of
entered. He loaned on big stick, Stand-
L'only. a few minutes . a said, . quietly; llblro' AO.
silo Said,' t Mk, - Sabin
. Dear SIrs'-I cannot - speak LL too
heartless . pale-fdoed invaders to
- ,
. , . � . . Treated Free. ' ' . L
::.: , love,, as you young people .conceive
Ing.on tha.'threshOj (d, - -and glaiiced
P ,ro," ,
,41 bui�nt'my.letters. I was thinking .
1. L
would �n.ot thank ,you to. be- dragged
strongly. of- the excellelace of MI�T. L
shield th' -honor of his home. -
I a
: . . . . . � �L"
. . .
,&,, .1.. ..
I We have made dropsZAu44* I I
� it, know nothing. But of .that
�1; ater affection
gre the
kebnl.y at both of L them. I - . .. . .
"ATv dear.Lord Wofterider,"be Said
of those days Ah J?arls,when.tbe man .
11 . i
' 'n
tiown here .'such- an �idle ekrand,.".
' z on
flAh, but -mild it be an, ,idle' or-
. ARD'S.LIMAMNT. It is THE renj ady
In mY h6usehold for burns, spvalns�
. � . I I . .. ..:
. . '
, I ... A Qaeon"s WhIln., .L p m .
� e6ift1bythr. ..
complIcAtIQnsaso .
. A weaty'Lyears. Quick rell9t .. .
k�, - passionate
�� love of a man for his race and big
� � I
apologetically, "fills Is the. worst of
ad you I no w old It!-.inakesl
aua�6'1 0 . I. . I I. . I
an, feet Ill .
rand ?I' she said - slow-ly. O'Viotor,' be
etc., and we-.*ould �iot be without.1t.*
* . I I .
Queen ffelon"a of Italy, In antiolpa, -
I worst Cases. Boo]t of - - � L'�
. � TICSTIBIONIALS aud10 3)A_yS . ,.
- �
(�, ..
I , ; . kind and big country -well, that line
11 always Seemed to me a thlngwortil �
. having coun try servants. r� ancy show-
In&, you In bere. ,Come and, join- iis' In
- He-16okad-at.11er critically..
. 4.1 am. at' tile I
beginning to ai I
frank with me. ' 'i shoix-ld..hate to re-
fuse anything you askedane. Tell'me '
. A is truly, a wonderful medidIM;
. . . John. A. Macdonald,
plan of anAnterestIng event expect.
, a L
ad in Junei has'pural.laood , 100 . ara-
- I L , treatmejAX.R163. �.- Ir I . I
" I I I � � .
, 1
i ,: living and work -Ing and dying for I
_ �
the othd * r ,room -, *a 6 just going. to,
ar . I
have, our coffee." - ,
oonv)uslonill. be, said 11tha . t' the poets '
. .
'what It means. L9 my h6band's work�
. . . rn ronfole. -
, . - .. 3?u`bjI ober A prior Ch . I
. I . . . .. .
dles .and bag Ordered a I ";
n aqua. I ill)]-
4 A 40Z - - � .
. . I
� 10 ATLArT.&jQ4.
, '
��, I had ' fancied, Helene, thtit Some
I spark of that same fire had warm. I
,,- � '4 .. .
Walfenden followed him' with alao-
a.ud tllejiovellst!� �re wrong., It' Is
tile main who suffers.1 � Look -L; at My
" Any veal �alij`-,*, a.i, d if SO;- to Whom
. 04� I I ., 0 .... .
-ao,d for What purpowso I I. . .1
. . ... .
I - . . I . .. .
. ... 1_ � I '. I. I
. . 4 1. 1. . . . . I.. .. . ... I - 0 '.
- or layditti&S'to bo.got-W..readl-
bar - .
ness,' 'The bapy elotheS.'and the cra-
I . . , . I 1,
I . � .
. . I � . . . .
� I . .. . , CLOTHES WASHE'R , . , ." "
I . ed your blood, or you would. not *
� � be here to -day." � 1. .. ,
rity;'tboy 6i . I
-ossed tb'o little, ball and
entered the dining 4com, Helene was
, . ,.
grey balra!" .. . .
. . ..
1,1t'ial only the art of my maid " silo
. .
4bin "a geatly. distressed.
Mr 8 I I
I It
� `151�,:'dear Lady Der'nghain -he said
... . �. - ''.. . I
. . I .. .
; . I . I *
... � . . I %. � 1. . ..
I .
. I � . . .
. . . I .
dles Her Majasty wtonds to liestbw'
.on tile * first hundred babies of her
. . . I I �
I 11 I . �
. I � .
. I .
I I �
' - SentonTrW. �
� " "I think," che answered more
� , gently. "that It has. I, too, ba -P
�1� . Rave me, love
st.11I..sitting there sipping,her coffee
' In an easy chair. She:wdicomea him
with outstretehod� hand: and a bril-
. I mine..
said, Millag, "which conceals ,'
DO not let me talk of the paat� at AJ I;
to tlllhR that lived Is,
, you the, exl'ot t'ru,tb:
.11 hive told
1, want -to'got some Siat-gticaLf6r my
. aper..Mr.-C. blin6elf re6ominandod me,
. . . I I I . . I
: I . I
' ' . I I . � . ..
2 .
inibe " � , —
husband's realin wllosa.blrtbd&� Is'
the'same, as that of the waited hair
. : ..". . . .
to tho.'t-h,rono.if Italy.
` ' I I . . 1. -111
Atwholesalepridd., 4 .
- , 11, I � If not satlefactory ' ...
... ZMAT, 1� . money refunded, - .�
. my country and my
� � people. and my order, if I do
liantlYscifi smile. Mr. Sabin, who was
we so long ajo �.
POS Iti'vely appallingII)o -, I
-to. try and '61,et them from 104r IlUs-
. .1 elite (6 J�Ss.$p .1 ..
. I
. . I — � . . . . �_
. I �WASHE . Guaranteed tortin . . . � .
� , I find these all -engrossing, you must
Watching her oloWy,'appreclat,dj par-
haps fdr.-tho, first ilmd, bar rare word-
. I
1. - .
He.shook Ills,bead gentl Y., . , . �.. .
lutelY all, M for
band; -that -ts abs(4
With . regard to ilia use or what Iff
" D 0 . �
, , eafness 40annot be' dred.
. caster .- .
� .
� . - .
� . , better work than -
.1 � remember that I am a womani and
, I
� X am young; I do to
anly.beauty, apart from its distinctly
� ..
,,Not so 41)palfingjl� Ile atisvirered, Oat
th a thought. of how long we'still have
thfs Attempted robbery 61 Which -You'
were , telling me, believe me .w.lien I
� tormad thisAnibecill* a Wd-
t Ilk an.exchalige says, I. . .
13Y local applicadons as they cannot reach tbo
diseased portion of the ear. There Is. only One,
�'� . . I Any6their machine .1 _.. . 1.
, , . onthemirket. A:.,. . . �
. , "
. _ not lyretend
1, be capable only of Imperscnal and.
p 9-trlcla.li qualities There ..w.as a
change, and lie -was not tile ma,n.to be
� ..
to ll%re I Ond.xpktots Ono's yb,lltlx a13 a
4ssuTa, you, that 1'.know nothing
"aan a woman -really harve strength
-to cure deaffies.9, and thatla'by constitu-
nalremedio.-i. Dentnoss is caused by an -ill-
o ac Ina a chtfilto -ha6dle. Big I
. . �
.8 oney ads. im $a use. -For to=#
� 1:, . patriotic love.,! , . 11
" .
" '. Ay, you are a woman, and the
blind to It or to, under -tate Its signifi-
matter of'cout-mo,'but the ,prospect of i
old 'age Is more terrible still I Lucky
Whatever about it, Y-rAxr. son's Inter-
oat Is, after.' 611, 011V' UatuThl. The
of mind And, permit- herself fb be
called A... toundre6s; & - pi-oprietress, - &
i flained conditiorf of the. mitcous liniiig of the
j.Xustachlan`11ubo.* WI)en this tube ie inflamed
it � ... cs addrass, .. . � 11 .
a ' '. I 'Ove Go., lftu�=Ilton, on$.
I ' blood of adme of your ancestors Will
i0anes. He fol� that on ilia eve of vie.
tory be tied,. anotber hild an utteX-
those men and,those 3vomdlx who live I
study of "t1bo pilpers Oil which YOU17
dlrcctreba? What Incentive has any
I Toll htme, a rmnbjjn� vound orlmperfcerhcar-�
, na -and whou it is oitirely closedv Deafness is
. .
_ ..1.
, make Itself felt," he added, looking
p d'battle to,fight'; . yet lie held
. and then - did. It Is that interybgn,um-
mild hag been
h eng4gedjsjbo.anly�
' U81
� 3yo=#4l, to excel In literature 2 8110,'tbo'rosulb,
and unless the Infl-imnil. 0. it, 4mv, �o
'.. No usE TALKING. �
, -_ - I I . . . I I .
at her thoughtfulIV
- , .� ,,I ought W
I have considered 'iile Influence
fi_� .
ffinso It
I like a brave inan and Ono used
tile level; monotonous plain of,adi ane_
Ing old age,, ,,vbon on takes the wat-
p I
retiao4abl,e test or his san1ty.','Vfb:nk-
ly, I -cannot bellOve that arly'une .in
. no" aboftiei % *Mtbs-� a. great -book,' a
line blography, history or work Of
[taken out alid thig tube restored to W hormal
conditlovi, hearing NvIll be destroyed forever;
I .1
", I Of
, ReX and heredity. By the bye,hmvO
to reversesi for he show,pil no signs of
dismay, . .
Ors at Odl-isbad anti s ask
look anee at .
r -nahath'S- niOntal State o6ald
' ' .
Lo d Der.
. I
fiction *tbatr some Idiot dubs her a
. nhie cases out of ten are v.i ai ed by Catarrh
N hich is notbing but an Inflained condition ,
. ,
.1 � � you heard from .Henri late] ?11 .
� I y 1.
She shook her hear. .
- tbla
I want you to try a glass ot
Vie entrecs -tllat Is What, one has t '
dread. To. watch our. Own dogenora-
rodl46e any W, ork likely,to be of tile
pi nent. valud"'
S '.&LOSt Pernia
Successful 'authoress.' It she founds
$her to a, 'found-
a) sect or a busin,ess '
- .
the mucouR ,;urrace..1.
, vVill 9fVe 0110 IrUnilred Dollars for 4by
_ P I
I A-phatl ile wire will net last poi long as a larger
�, .
1�, .1
" Not. since lie has been" In'r- rance.
cia, et, Lord Wolfeiiden," he said,
fare you begin your coffee.' I know
tio,n, the dropping away of our oner- I
I . h 1 '
I 'As iC�aantess Sig a "
rese.1 It she directs great entiar-
cnqeof Dcqfnc,;q (caused by catarph) that cAn-
not be cured by Hall's Caturrh Cure. ScudfOr
lszolatemlwire. Bybulldingafencocontainbigall
heavy wire5, you fet just that mud.h more service,
i We thought tha t 'Mhilst lie '*ao
t� there It would be better for
that you ato a judge, and I am rather
910.9, tile decline of our tastb-why, the.
torturewof the Inquisition w are, tAties
,$I suppose that I- inust believe VOUS
Viotor," sbe said, to at, noltwlthstand,�
prises she Ii a It silo
goes in for military Btrategy Wn d
olroulars; free.. I I .
. I F. J. CHENEY & 00,� Toledo, 0.
- � . I
Reasonable, isn i it t, . .
-k � , - , him
I � not to write." .
proud of, It., You are not going away')
Helene,?" . .". I
to it I- I . I I
She siiuddorrd . 1. '
. . not kubw
,Jig; all that you: say, I (10
b 1elp - MY hus-
leads . arm as to Victovy She
'a 'generaless., 0
. . . I -
gold li�-druffllktq, 750. . -
Hales Pills
I I. �
1. . .
'-,. Mr. Sabin nodded.
.1� 11 Most discreet,,, ba remarked a&-
"I bad no Idea of, going," .she
laughed.."Tbis Is really the only hab-
"You paint old ago in dreary., -.col-
4, .
ow to Yom
band scarcely ,ever I eaves the rocim.
. , � I . .� ,
. . .. I -, 1.
Cold la t1to
am' y are the best,� .
I 3 I __ �
F famous Ningara. district, " the peach belt
I , tirleally. 11 I wonder whixt' Henri
Itablo room In the housei and I am
.Or$," she said. � . . : .
,na, works theie with a revoller by .
PatarrhozoxO - Cures .
, . .
Mln%rd's Cures ftrgot, In
� . . I .
otcanada."sale or exchange., for prdauctivel
� . world say 11 he knew?"
_. The lip , I
not golng*to let Lord W61fenden solid
Al Pat lit It as It must s6em'to men
't�ho have kept the kernel of life bao
ire to find a strS.11 .
hie slde� If he. we �
9" Ile ar his work. -1 believe that he
, .
� .
. ' . Ono
AbSu't every
cowe. . . . .
I . .1
� I I
' .
town or city property. Give full desorli.tiou o
your pro;ierty for exchange, and ikay what you - I
wan& Catalogpcfranona� NOMM
1.� girl's curled t .
�, � I little
"If even," she said, " there
.Mo toplilverlil what wocall the 1, -
lng�Toofti�" . 1
41WUU11 vleft-teetN11 fic: answered. eale- �
- second person
would .'shoot .,him without liesita- - tueots at tills. changeable season has
. I .
. rerfettly 11cliest... . I .
�& brorden, brokers, St. Cat Arines, Ont., Can. - '
: . Wile
. .
. � really something serloug , for him to L
know. Henri
very sorry
"I Should be ' 1 1 7'0 n
1. carps
leggly. 1170.,the others � orlL
-well .
little about them-, Most men are like
1 . . . __ . -
tiou." . . . �
11 At night' *t1mZl "
. -
ad -old
cold Iii.the lie' . To cure thdt c
- say that ill a girl you broke
your an&Agemnilt i0th Was, ongagQd
- -_U. - -11-1 - - ---- --.
� . would gnrVIVO it. Rig Is
I " not tbk, temperature of Sorrow. Tilor
thought of such a. thing," Wolfenden
, arg*eied. I .
COWS, theY are contented ,so long as
- "At night time 1146 usually Sleeps
prom pity. In about halt an hour, you
must, hilinto "Catarrhozone." Being
to several other men." .
o, I She. was: ll�n I
Gatilarr Hoscrat Soper foot. N.Saidth _ .
..IN I I
I .
Yorl; street, Toronto. � � 1. .
. .
" twenty minutes lie would be In a I
Pftl`0178m, He would
"If yon will oicage me for a mO-
Went, .
"'Mr. Sabin Said, I'l-will unpack
they are fed. To that class I dare Bay
old age may Seem sompthing of a rest.
there In dntOrOOWj And OutSId0
there Is a man &lWaYS Watching.111
volatile It ImmedlatelY sproaft to -'tit
tile breathing organs In the,
guess w requested
liar to return the ri'm -d infl
'e, silo a'sk(
. -- -- _ .
.1,� I . I probablr Send
" ,out for poison, which he wofild be
some cigarettes, Helene, will You see
But 'neither .you nor I are akin. to
the 0), . .
' Mr. Sabin looked thoughtful. . I
11 '
parts of
)lead, throat and lunge, bathing them
to call and Identify It,-'BroOklyn.Ltf %
. . . . .
_. i
hold articlo ugedin every faindly, Live
azents can make from to $5 perday. )-and ;
. I.,-, .. ., careful not io take; and Olay with
I . ,a Pistol If he were sure that it Virile
that 3�ord W61fonden Liao which
liqueur be lirefors ?fl ..
'in I
1,you .
talk. #A you alv�dyg talked",
It. Is ,only necessarf,,11 he said,
", for 'me to be ba, the room for
with tho healing ant1septla �proper
ties tills
. .
catarrhoz6ne cures Brapollitis, ,
, __ --
� . . .
10c for sample w,.itth 5 o_ Send quick rwid me. I :
o"re the bounifte of the firAt fintrAuctleri of , :
� .
, I not loaded. 13Y dinner time lio!
He limped jiway. and Helena
she gall "'Mr, 80111 10 very like—"
. I.,
Ile atoppaU ber. ' ,, '.
hod X ab not
about t�Dll mfuut,W, , I I
need to c#,rrY 'haFthing away; my I
of great remedy which
usos the congestion and stuffed u
Ott P
. Not 11 chureligopr.
thiffArtlele, NV,H.Gllb0rt,9MaoouJo templei I
Londim, Ont, . , _�_,
, wou l
I . 000the -Illm still more. and by the
I . I . time It
Watched lilin the room with
some Surprise. These ws6re tactics
"Ur. - Sablij, If- you. please," lie a%-,
claimed "I am particularly anxious to
will servo alp for 'all that
?1=121r,B. 'By Some &eans or. other
feellngte) pans away, and,tho Irrita, -
tion and aorineos to subsift: tt' r6-
Browno�Dovsnit 11r, Johnson
Mrs. I
go to- y6ur church ? .
.. I � - ___ I ____ - _ I -110, :
."', �
PA-LU-ST00% FARM. M5 40=s, . �
,F,),( .). , Poll, brick house, good barlintbark6t.
g ,
-, was over he would be quite
� , �,
.. ready to take Afademoloollo §�mo,!
" body
which she did nort understand, Was
already making up his mindthat the
preserve my Incognito just now. Ever
a "'ce We met Yesterday 1, have beeit
r most have that ten balnuteN."
"You must risk yotpr ,1,0,1, *Lady I
-tins tile gooration'when deficient,
r ',Z� when exoessive, and
,and retards';
Mrs. Malaprop-ONlo, Indeed. 110 does
not believe In no church, .
school, chumhe;i convenient; railroad 2 miles; .
'I ale-sthativaloe Forpartioularsaddress I . .
l� out to Supper. With tile first
i'4�1 glass of obani-pajue Ill's gorrb,,�
game couldbe played without tier?
Shd WAS PaZsled�a little uneasy.
, ,
regretting that 1"'Jfd not mention .1t,
Deringliain said, -"-for I cannot ang- I
without unpleasant effects, It simply
.L rs. larovrae-Yoa don't tell Mo I
I Mrs, M. -Yes, lin dotet believe
,. L. North, Tilsoi,burg unt, I .
, rned for -ever
, , would be (1tv" . If any
� She turned to find wolfendeft 'o a&
to You -1 do riot wish It to be known
that I am In E,nglhnd.11 .
goat any plan; I ' wbuld helli you if
I but I am powerless
kills tile cold before you know it.
C41rry :1. Catarrhozone Inhaler al.
In nothin'. He's a rag-lar-acrqstfc.--�
' ' ' 0"I'AfCoN :
100 Xcl� L.well8t,tion, liou,o andbarnes,
wound remained tit all, 1� Would j6j4.
51, th '*
6 wound of Ills Vanity.
Wiring eyes fixed upon bet; Shia looked
at him With a, Smile, half Sadj half
"Air. Sabin It Shall be, then 11 she
it ']
I must have that ten.
ays. use It occaslonallyl, and Insure
� 1),111adel bla .Press.
P I .
Posse"Ston at our-.,, J. G. Frocinan, Box, Grove, .
;1 a "You have considered, then, the
. possibility of upsetting my sefiem4o
humorous. .
"Lot moretnember,"she Said, "I am
ailswered� "only It X. Were �Oil I
�would llav'e obwon: a, more musical
. �
Mt. Sablin SaW sloWlY., .
"Must1l, Lady DerInghami raised
' yourself against coughs, coldi,, Ca-
tarr'li,and Bronellitis; It prevents an
. I - .
I Our opportunitlos to do good are
I Our, talopts,-C, Mather.
. I - I
and withdrawing Your Part?" Mr.
� ZL
I Sabin -said quietly. "You understand
to see that you hd�eL-what was It?
Ohj liqueurs. We haven'tinuch OhOtap',
name." . . . I
,., w6iie
jcr�lj,vp, yon by chance
hei eyebrowS. There was a subtle
change in the torip. of the man, U
woll as cures these'41seasel. Complete,
. �
outf it, $1.00, small rjizc,. 23c, at drug-
. , �
. I . . ..
' . 11 I � 1. 00.
j J. ,.renb shop and hou.4o In Markham Tovm, .
� Froomalit Boxarove, Ontario, .
�' , . that Your marriage with Rptirl
YOU will find NumMal and Obartreuoel
Spoken of -hie to - your son ?11 lie asked,
'It to only by chance that I have
note Of authority, perhaps even tile
shadow of. a tbroat;, he noted tile
glats. 4 trial sent f -or 10o, by X. C.
Poison &,Co.,' Kingston, Canada, or
- I . . _* '
I.. ; � ,-
. . I .1
I � would be an absolute iipceaalty�
.. that without It all woWd be chaos,"
, 00 tile sideboard, and Benedictine,
which My' uncle hil,tesi by tile byoj
S, a a H ad. "'I 11MV6 SCUPCOI.V
not,st 1, di Itt
Soon him to I
effect and followed It up. � I
- M
11artford, Conn., V. S. . �
I , ,
-r 66
k -1 ,� �_M -1.1
� .;-�-�j . .
_ . . �
Per gottlair tpn club membere. Addre8A Lewis
� fjjgar
11, , . ; " I -do not say that I have coh.
at your elbow," I .
alone -day, -and be was out
last evening. "Do to remain
,#I mean what I say, 0onst"a 0
I . � I
I 11 .
. ,Wv 1�el . .
1. �
vitio, 627 Richmond street, London-, Ofit. , .
� ". 1
_____ _6 ldemf --muY - sueli.-pOssibilit
"� �, , Y.'� sho
answered. "If I make U11 my mind
- "No liqueurs, thanks," he said. 141
- ,
wonder, did yOu'6Xpect tile to-nightt
You wish,
Ur. Sabin to him also ?11
t -To him
lie declared,, am not askl0g -you
a great thing; YOU havO 7 , I, I
Snap Shots tit Sell tnsh, I
Ln Ingenious biologist has Succeeded
I qu
Olt SALri,-Ot.l) 98TABIASIFtED.PRUH 11 ,
. F Inese; one of thobest bust- ).,
,, I to withdraw, I ahqll gIV6 you no,
. tice.
X don't think that I duglif to have
clarect I)urtictllal'17,"xV-r.-ftbilt-6041-s-UNFO
"young man are.aeldow die-
of---woman�s Wltn. .and ;
arrango tills It you 119O." I
11 .. , 9
.1 . .. ..
in pli6tv"graphing-fisit-at a, deptl%--Gf . _1 �. - - I
iiess locatlon.4 In the largest and most pro,iper- , �
- - I
oua., town In.-OAtorig, pro;eq�.ownor has ao �
, I But I will admit th t 1 like
. I a
Lord WOlfenden, and I detest Henri.
come, ought I 71, I
,,Won, you certainly show
I " 9110 an-
I .
, Lmly Derbigh'am; sralled.
11 But, victor, - be roasonable,4' she
"suggest a way
ilia sea, Ills object bping
nine "let In I
to got a better knowledge of tlt(%Ir
� - 'j,
� I
d I 0� .
11 . Of ,,
ted PoAltion whic roquIr6s an &tended --
so ,nrn irk artatp , personal inopection I
:,. I All I I kalow of whilt you �*OUT4 ,to.
., I mind tile; YOU UOW not fea,r, r
ftefedf With a smile, "a reoniarkable
dlare gard for all precedents and can-
diWolfenden Is not *a gossip," she ve-
, �
protestod', Your-
Self If you think It sQ aasy. I -tell
filovotrinnts whon not constrainod by
. . I "I . � �
---- , �- -, I
invited., Address Box 521, Poterlimugh, Oat� . �
! I � lifiall not forget I it Will not bd to.
VentlOus. You ought' to be already On
marked -, filet, I believe lie Is goner-
11,11Y conaldered 66 toeserved.11
you that lie never leaves tile room I"
artiticial surroundings, Ile lots n,
White sheot down Into tho water and
'.. "::. - "I'll
'P.., I
e ,
t '
. ..810 5TRAWSERRIM. * I
.. � .
. day. nor to-WorroW, that, I gliallfad.
I 0. .
YOUt WO to foreign parts with your
n sen It Is Englishman,
"Pot, tile present, novortheless," lie
� 11110 must be mgAO to leave It."
11 13Y foreo?"
then hirea the fNit In front (,f It by
'11e_411�� .tll
-1- ,� ..
. - L �_ �
I .
. 160 plants post paid for $1.00. send for 116t. -
1: � .
. I t
I . , ,,,, A detv&nt entored the' and
lalt 110t,w.hO 90alWaYe totbe Roc UY
stild, hie remain Air. Sabin to film
also.- I do not ask you tills without IT,
co it necessary I Mr. Sabin answer-
a judlelousodt,triblutlon of balt.
I I A !gtock Holder 11
X.19. MAZLOUY, 151011holm, 031t. I .�
announced Lord Wolfendejoollrl
.� � . Be.,
b1ft looked .
Mountains to gJl()Ot bears When,
their love affairs go wrong?" .
_ss . .
ed cool ly. , .
Lady DeringbAin raised tier hand
. To Cure a Cold lit One Day
I . I I
i For Wiling stock 016 "Naell Is the 001y r4 11VIT FAUM F0ft 8AtP,0XE OV THS �
8took 'ilf,
i. � up.
� �
; "where ham you sildwit ilim?,, Ile
Ho wat *&telling "or 010selyk and I
Lady NrIngbarn bowed her head.
T Ilia man had a right to ask her more
to her forehead wid h&t .thinking. I
Take Lpative BrIlmo Quinine Tablets, At
druggiAtR rotund thb molip't if it failar to cure,
rellabld Uind, It is; wed on tile! Largest
r4fuls In Canldsl.' eqUally Uifabld f6ll'8171611 Ot
flnest lit the st aro. Penlyla a, tit .
Nftona, 10 miles from I AmIlton n tw Il- ,
�� asked.
F I 11 Into tho llbra.i
he saw that She Was less at her case,
th= she would have had him believe,
tjjtLn such alig,tt favors,
The man's gr0l,Vllllg MrneStacWll be-
wild4red her. What was to be done I
it .
Mo. :9, W. Orove'a signature is oa oAch box.
I - ...1.
litirget,toel,, We hpw mnU our own wire. Could
not get good en6ugh before. It is Wee at, st"DL*
35 of - le 19 I f I
mo.qtlypeavlies, Willbe'A 'I ; p1l. eel or I
. girt,,, tile girl
� � 4 , aftwbrled. I .
�111.. ftbin 4worb
He saw, too, or fanoted that'he ,saw,
tt� softening In liar facep a kindliness
are still," 14111% a4ld, 40, raun of
mystery and Incogultog. you are still,
_Whitt could Allo Say ? After 411 he
was not changed),- tile old fear of I
. Overbearil In tho Oreenroom.
The ktoub6tte--�They w1los
i ms that in bthei46nces nnd better galvnultvd. Mt-
1, Fencingin 01ppedfi-om out raexory rokAdy.made�
andourlocal repre4entative canputiti) a stringof
divided Into lotl of 15 to 20 oros Sul P
(1haserg. This is a decided r I . MO o
Joliathad CArl)entat, P. 0, box 409, loon;%. .
-Vr,� rjoftlY between
Ifts te(Ah, md
I hftang to big Met,
gleti'ming, out of her IuRtroua O.V011
' suppose"A 1)"atter of great sellenleal
In the old days you used to Urrify Mo
him was creeping through her veins,
Tight.stays doesn't sympathize with
Itforyouinshottorder. N0316w-�rthiayeor.
Ontario, . I . I
- . .
I 11 W(nigo W# 0 Uoleft#," he exclaim.
which au99Wtpd now thinks to him,
"The Mountains," lip 0al(j,
almost; are you still no daring 1,11
"AI491 ,
yet she ma,do liar effort. �
11 You Want those ptlparx for Nome.
tile White Rate.
- )'
The PAGE W 441
Urs, Winslow's Aootlllnfr ruly should at. - . I
.'s 1
for Childron Too?"Illng. Itsootha
W-41 *111 bring Lbrd Wolf6riden
�. � . Into 0116 dr&*Ing-rbdW. That girl IS
slowly, = de"Ir. A Won does
no," lie answered. "Tfiney to
rapidly drawing m0 tOlvalld.4 tile great
thing more Mlan, 6. magazine artl.
Ulna Waltelolgh (undorstady')�H6W
could she be eipected to, the, did cat I
I _1-- _-.,______-_t _C ,.
"Ined I
: The child, voftthg the gurnsi. cures ivind colid
� .
" , aft ldlOt 1 M6 has shown him into
not go go far whilst he lbas hope.,,
MO did not answer him; lid,gath.
borderInud, and when my foot I,S; once
. ole," sbo declarell. "'There Is 00111LO,
thing behind all thlol-VIctor, I can.
-01111cago, Times-110rald. .
. �. .1 I 1. � 1.
ftnd, L; the bc0,remocW1or1)Iatrhoea. Twenty . I �
. .
I ve contgabottJo, , .1 �1�1
� . I 000ftd rOOM It! tile hOUSO Which I
, -
1, � � *0614 U09 114*6 had him ontetL for
, ored douraga from lior lilleaft .
I'Verhape," he -said, '"I might
Vantpd tlit're I Shall carry out my
hootleg and .11inue 10Y how to tile
not 11,0111 Ycta; I am DOw6rIORN. I Will
04tar-rhozono Cureo Uvonobitig. I
- � i _.W -1 . . I
I : � . 11W
. I I I 1 Ita$thing in, the w6rta I, . ha,va been on my way there but for
� I . .
world WItIt tile best grace a mail Inay
wholojife, lihs boon Ono long chorus of
, take na,part, In anything which I
cannot wideiatand.11 . I I
� Italtlin RXposition lit net'lla
_ I
, 1
, S0 I
I ,
.1 I I ,
IT116 WILY tba
0. somewhat oatigulne disposition - a
very strong deterwifl4tion, and," 11p
diSaPpOlatmenta. Nol I have retired
from tile
Jae stood lip, Icaning & little UPOn
11 Is stick, the dult groan Stone of
Berlin. to to bavol all, Italian expost.
'tion in tll,b 7,0()Iogjcal Gar ,
.L .
, _1
I .1 ,,,
. . I ..
�� �
of w6m .
. An
, . Wdlfdfideti hAd
a4ded more softly, " v, v8rY IntonsO
great Stage.
. millo IF, ,low
Only, a Pitastve, Welipation. Ono returns
which flashed ibrightly In the fire.
Will be III)ltation btroots of XUPTes.
.. 11
�' �'&. � , +kAFA,
111,1,1:11 .
I ,I ��� I � 1
I . �
� ., Utah thown, ne, ho
" '
. : � 0400.60od Into 94 empty ro6m by tlid,
4 a
"It tAkw,11 aho remarkod, I Very'
AlWayst You know, and in a mild.way,
I have retunied to tile literary ambl.
light. -
"You will 1101t) me," ho SAId slow.
ItOnje, Plorence, Pompelt, Vetilce Wth
canala), etc.
...! , 1,
I . ..
-_ I ,
I , w*&jttfj;, �i *11oni he had ItIquired for-
9fent deal to dWourage &A Erijr-
tjous -or my yolltil. It In in. ("Onn Otto
O n
�y "You will lot MO Into that rooln
� .
... �
Is this ologalbA
�t A � ,
A gIA,holl
. - SO the dow, *60 iscatoely
Mr. %6,010
. I 016W b#rdv# a ftfflillat soliflil frdjb 4
. * 1184*41ift tot Mysolf#" he 4mwor-
,by the bye, with thil that I arrive
,nt tile (1WOV W111611 YOU ati kindly
. night, and you will See that your
husband to ii�t there. or that .lie
minard's V411110nt turo,g Diplitherl 6111
rull Alm touch latrof than liliisttattoft,
. ft"flt tornor WArfied: b1m that bly
. . ,.pea "hort and
W" 11ot alope. Ud 06P
ed, "I defy diftouragement ; I' am
twoof 690111wt It, I love you go amr.
promLqod t* grant me.), /
"'Ifyou know, 1,10tor", 010 said, 1110�
41" tot Interfere, ,And its t -d that
iii.qgazine irtiola, you Are rightl
f -
�illicus.-�Wlt-6��'--Me-'t-q-alt-o-" by Acol 1fifs clegaii6l4ugar 'Ahell c4n bo lit, frop bg
dent, mud In two montlis tboy wero Introduce our.sliverwara, manutiorureci fro I if
son(linst *'I
- your Mdrom, Wo§ Moot this Wit t1b
now 1kna In, dous metAl—Yukolt SlIvAt" 14 I . I
I I 146ke4 ftedly fit thAblight, fomit1l"
Atoro *116" WhUd fingots Wore flaah-
Itig. tho k6tw4fa typ�lwrltor.
In I atimply decline to
VIV6 you up-, r wattl you that I -am
obt & lovat, tor obakou ofUl
gra,tefill Ifool towarda yoll, you would
not,111mitnto t* ask tile anything With.
What it It w0to & 110 I X 46 not fir
at Small e er.
gam, i NOW, dO you Und
to by ar,toovi kri(jwiitot-lin26tht-etittiry.Ayiytt%.tM)lqtbltpotkoft .
marriod. Cynicus-ThaiN wh&t oomoe AUPON01' It' MrY ft -%11 t tO A Ott' _
A611111nothdrylailloa (ill tneolve Ono df thmo by, 1ftlt%Il4FRRj�-j)c#tAgA, "Psla. Write to,dt%yj
01 tlot taki'at Out aft Aboldent 110110y. ,
don't, putit oft romombitr pr6(,ra.9Un&tl6a 14 tho tblef 6f tIM6. find our It drallty thar *41M cKsr ,
I ofor of &
TP*6 �*A* ZjWfjjjX- V*,Y 1,46111al.
- ..
Aw Y6106 , his
F", "Wly tliutdor;
In My t*wgr to grarit." .
Ur. fjabla kwed with big otlek And
st"d ?"', . .
. , (To bd 0040110W.y
a *
.11 CatOrbotood Curon Droaclilths. -
making this ramork4blo offne I-It4alifta mt
ia Mt 144d. tn&60 VokonSil,t whre Into ovety IiMuo
. y ts Lvwn a." IR JUA 9 CA&
I I r .
� � % I
.1 . . I
. I
11 . �
11 I
� .
* ,
. I
I I I .
, #
. . .
� . .
I 1- . .. -1-1-.11.______.._ � . I.. __---1__-
.."---..,�-I'll�-11��-.,.'"'�- -11-111-1-
... _ ____ :� .- t
I _�
4 I
.,.--.' . I
--- ------- _tft,
_----j. -1-il
_\__ �.____- ------A,,---- - - � -
_ - - -, � _:!__�.�� �L'.. - ,_ ; _�
fl.. " _Mi�L , , , __ _1