HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-29, Page 31.44j
Additional Local hews. Crisp County ()lipping
IN1211.-Ileteter falls this year on R, A. RW4 eold his pretty cotte_ge
April 7. Aecension day on May 6, Whit in Goderich to a. Stokft, for 0600. Mr
Sunday pa May 20theQiteineri birth. Stokers will Move to it In say.
xley on a Friday, Pinninwn day " a The death of William Frederick
MoOdey, ath of July 04 Friday, and Aldrich. of Berlin, nephew of Mre
• 0hr-hitt:Gas claA nu a, virefine"lar` Janne Farr, of Goderich, occurred bait
• Merchaune eptetober And Deeent. week.
ber belie five Sundaye. The ' Managers of Oarmel church,
1V11.114$10N of Cod Liver
‘).11.? '
There are others; why
The good one is SCOTT'S.
It's nearly so years old; it is
00 by intelligent people all
r the world; and approved
physicians all over the
When anyone says "Emul-
sion Of Cod Liver Oil;" he
means SCOTT'S. ,No other
is famous. , '•
made in a certain way. of
. .
certain things; keeps; it is
Always alike; it does What it
, The others—nobody knows
°what they are or do. There
'wouldn't be any others but for
'there Wouldn't be any counter -
bit money but for the true.
- The genuine has
this picture on it, take
no other. •
• If you have ,not
tried it, send, for free
- 'sample, its agreeable
° taste von surprise
• :Tom
• Toronto
BASRUALlo-The Toronto Telegram at Hensel', hove engaged Ziff Bedford,
bit club, and Will endeovor to get
Bruseete, oderich, Clinton. cen...,t"'
eton, Walkerton and Harriston to John Leckie, formerly of Brupeele,
korai, an amateur league with her. LeOW of Toronto, intend* with tv few
These are all ball towns of some repute antrtauerseetiettebtuoerlynetreutrert to start a tor-
aild the circuit is one that should be
satisfactory, always Providing that W. Droramond has leased the Blyth
rivalry does not get so keen that "bor- flak mill from the Livingston estate
rowed" batteries•get worked in. and will in a short time have the mill
FOR Trig Ganamaiss.-WheneveryOutind in full operation.
a man finding fault with the boil PsPee, Mr 044 Mrs George Harris have re.
open it up and ten to one he haen't tritived to Underich from Oraneferd
advertisement in it. dye to one he never and are litring in the house which they
purchased from N. Sturdy,
A happy event took place at D. Fol.
lick's, Hansa'', on Wednesday week,
when his eedond daughter. Tilly, was
nedded to Wm. Vale, of Exeter. North,
ear -Wiliffhfun has organized a base' of Stayner, to the Ration of per -
gage it job of weal, three to one he does
not take the titter, tem to one that if he is
a eubooriber e delinquent; even up,
he never doss anything that will assist the
publiehor to run a pod paper, and forty to
one it the paper is a good one and full of
lite, he is the most esger to me the paper
when it comes out.
Now or CznirOtr•-The following taken
from the Petrolea Tomo refers to a gentle -
mon which has just recently engaged with
Seale di Bice, of Rattenbury Street .Marble
Woritsi-Mr 8, Borland, who has been em-
ployed for aome time at Fletoher'e marble
worke, has Bemired a situation at London
and. will Shortly leave for that place. Dur-
ing his stay here, Mr Borland has taken an.
astive interest in the formation of the town'
band,. and einee then hes offleiated as JO
leader. Lest evening the boys met at.
Denham' e lunch parlor, and after a lunoh,
lipent very pleasant hour in Bogie' enjoy-
ment. Paring the evening they presented
the retiring leader with a watch and an ad.
dregs •
ERA. newsloaper Juan advertising-nred-
ittin is consid.ered one of alue to a Tor-
onto man,who has been and IS still using
our ccilumns to promote and. ailyance
hie business. W. ff. Shaw, principal
of the Central Business College, in . a
recent letter to us made the following
rernarks, which we appeciate: "1 fur-
ther state that the extensive patron-
age we receive from term to term from
your county is largely attributed by us
to the influence of the NEw, ERA, V% e
have a splendid representation- from
Huron and Bruce and we find no sec-
tion of the province sending us at any
time a bitter or brighter class of stud-
ents." .
AnouT Othrrrois Doonas.-Tho folloviing
item was taken trom the London News,.
• which has reference to the inedical 'men Of-
l';'°750cr ;Put Sr.00 all druggists. olinatm- C. Henry; dealer in medical
supplies, ;mused aWrit.to be lamed against
Drs. W. Graham, J. W. Shaw and Wm.
Glenn, of Clinton, and Dr. J. Robertson, of
Stratford, for $10,000 damages. The gen.
tlemen named are the provisional direoters
of a company in, process of formation, ie
Supply dootors with. materials required in
their. profession. Mr. Henry says •they
agreed to take over his business and pay,
him for running it, bat have not done' so;
With respect to the above we learn °upon
enquiry that the Medical Supply Co„. of
which Clinton medical men are interested
in, that the aboye is incorrect. Some time
ago this scheme for a medical supply com-
pany was proposed at .a meeting of the
Huron county medical aesociation and Mr
Henry offered to promote the company, for
which a bill for something near $500 was
stoat in. At a recent meeting of the assoei-
ation they agreed to pay this acoonnt, but
as regards taking over his business and Pity
him for managing theorems is incorrect. The
&titers' think the writ has been entered
merely as a hoax for some intended pur-
Church Chimes
, —
The trustees of the Kincardine Meth-
lodiet Church have sold the Queen street
"tohurch to the Episcopal congregation
at Iterate toe $575. The buildmg will
•be taken down within a year and re-
-- . tbuilt Bervie. The purchasers are
• •eaicl to have secured a bargain. •
"%The quarterly official board of the
- IlKineatdine Methodist• church have
given Rev. W. Rigsby a unanimous in-
' ;I• v_itation to remain as pastor for the
Aka; year. • The Reporter of that town
nay rend -gentleman is popu-
Aar withhiaeongr egationanctis honor.
ed as a Citizen of the town.
• We regret to learn that Re/
sion,whei has been pastor of the Kippen
. •., and Hills*reen congregation for a nuln-
. • ter of years, has 'tendered his resigna-
tion and last week left for Park
itiver, North Dakota,to. spend a month
ialia brother there. During tbannifiN
ber of years that Mr Acheson has had
.charge of the congregations he has
made many warm friends who will be
veryaorry to see the reverend - gentle-
man And his estimable family leave.
"The following has a, special interest
/or Iltronians, in the fact that Rev.Mr
Iliter'is a well-known, native of this
•-county:-"A.monv the cases which will
-come before the court of appeal of the
Methodist church in the Wesley .build,
inge, Toronto, on April 12th, is one
• <leafing with the right ef a minister to
solace himself with the use of tobacco.
Some time ago Rev. Mr Williams., of
the British Columbia conference,tharg-
•ed Rev. W. W. Baer with the use of
tobacco, which he (Mr Williams) con-
tended was contrary to diseipline,Rev.
.J. C. Speer, chairman of Victoria dis-
trict, held that the said mile of discip-
line did not apply to ministers,, and on
appeal his decision was conftrnsed by
President Whittington, of the British
'Columbia conference. .Mr Williams
has now decided to place the case be-
fore the court of appeal.”
Dr. Agnew*s Catarrhal Pow-
der. -Rev. W. H. Main, pastor of the
Baptist Emanuel Churqh, Buffalo, gives
strong, testimony for And fs a firm believer
In Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Hehas
tried many kinds of remedies without avail.
"After using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
was benefited at once," are his words. It
is a wonderful remedy. 50 cents. -65
Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist, °Raton
• . •
These Troublesome, Disfiguring
Blemishes can be Removed
by the all Powerful Blood
Purifying Burdock
Blood Bitters.
The nasty little pimples that come
on the fate and. other parts of the
body are simply indications that
the blood is out of order and re.
quires purifying.
They are little irritating remind-
-era to you that you need a course ° of
treatment with Burdock.Blood
trs. °
When B.B.B. makes your blood
pore then the pimples will vanish
• and, your skin become soft and clear.
liece0 evidence worth consider-'
Mrs. Morrice ICetch, Brist:11
take greatpleasure recommtmd-
ing BUrdoekBlood-Bitters to cvery
one troubled with pimples. I was
for years that I, would break out
with them at Vanes on my face and
WA. I tried all sorts of remedies*
biehidinig doctors, medicine* but
eVeriilung failed to cure me.
"At last X heard of S.B.B. and
tionght I would try it.
"When I had finished. taking
two bottlesItelta greatdealbetter,
so,:kept on using it Until Iliad taken
In all six bottles. It has completely
-surd permanently. removed every
pins* trota my body Iola X nem
, telt better iny life thau I do at
present time,'
t, •
Carleton Co, N.B., writes:
Gaon tioiiins.--Zi`hetffillOwing are the
officers elected at the Supreme Order Can-
adian Home Circles held in Hamilton last,
weels;-W, E. Wilson, Moncton, N.- B., su-
preme guard; John Wilson, alliston, su-
preme sentinel; P.M. Pattison, Toronto
enpreme organizer; W. I. Dowler,
burg, _supreme solicitor; Rev. B. B. Steven-
son, past supreme leader; morel= trustees,
Thos. Young, Toronto; j, G. Cumming, St,
Catharines; R. R. Mowbray. Hinson; com-
mittees on finance, laws and appeals were
/deo elected, and A. R, Thompson, Merrit. ham brickyard for upwards of thirty -
ton, and Wm. Wilkinson, Brantford, were five years. • He is survived by a widow
elected supreme auditors. The salaries and family_ of seven children,- five
were fixed as followm-Seeretary, $1;600; daughters and two song. ,
elerioal allowance, $1,600; treasurer; 5200;
organizer, 61,000; editorial work, pee. On Thursday week, -Williain Hogg,
fourth son of jatnes Hogg, .of •McKil-
At the annual meeting of the Provincial
Grand Black Chapter of Ontario held at lop, met with a very senoue and pain -
Stratford, the following were th'e elected ful accident while engaged in feeding
.officers for 1.001:-T. W. Robinson, Streets. a straW cutter, lie had a glove on
grand master; • W. J. Dunlop, Tor- his hand and was pushing the straw in
onto, deputy 'grand master; James Wit. Veit h the side of his hand. The . glove
son, Petrol* associate D. M; Rey. got caught by the rollers of the mach-
Willianl 'Walsh, Brampton grand chap. aneand before he could hero himself
lain; Fred R. Perna'', it. Catharines, his"hand was drawn iuto the knives
grand registrar; Charles Hama. and his fingers and hand were sliced
ton; deputy grand registrar; Ed. Met. off to the wrist. The accident was a
oalfe, Tomato, grand trersurer; Wm. most Unfortunate one for Mr Hogg,
.Forrister, Toronto, deputy grand treasurer; as it Will incapacitate him for farm
Thomag-Haw, Toronto, grand lecturer; work in the future, but it is fortunate.
Richard Thompson, Bet Portage, deputy that it was his left bind that has been
grand lecturer; James A. Hutton, Handl. removed.
ton, and W. O. Webster, Sunderland, JohliBennett, who died of bronchitis
grand cloned*. John Scarlet, L6edbury, at his residence in • Blyth, on March
and Wn2. White, Mitchell, grand stand- Otis, was born in Clornwp.11 county, near
ardbearera; WO. Bain, Toronto, grand Truro, England, on March 13th, 1824,
Pureniyant; John Robinson, williana and emigrated to America in 1848.
Wilson, W. J, Sanderson, Wm, Nioholson, His wife, Mrs Elizabeth Cunningham
A. S. Wean, Jas. Harper and D. Patter- Bennett, Who died of .pneurnotria on
6011,1grancl committee, ' March 13th. suryiying• her husband
only four days, was born in Down
indigestion, that Menace to county, Ireland, in October. 1837," arid
human happiness, pitiless In its emigrated to America in 1853. Mr and
assaults, and no respeetor of persons, has met Mrs Bennett were united in marriage
its cortquerer in South American Nervine. This on September 15th, 1855, and settled
great spinach and nerve remedy stimulates in Durham county, near Port Hope.
digestion, tones the nerves, aids circulation,
drives out impurities, dispels emaciation, and In removed to Huron eounty,
on tOt 31, con 7, East Wawa -
brings flack the glow of perfect health. Cure* s -""not
hundreds, of dimities" that have baffled play. nosh, and in 1850 they removed to lot
ticians.-68 37, where they resided until last Octo.
Sold by /. E. Hovey, Druggist, Clinton. ber when they removed to Blythityhere
, they lived until called by death. Ti,
00tincini:..,-,Oomsollirmil"letitillijfeorell to
adjournment, *loathers ell protest*
Minute* of lest meeting read and ap.
preyed, Treasurer's Statement .how.
ed a balanee On hand of $004,10
A. Stead WasappointedArbitistor re -
Union School Section No. 1; J. Black
was given the contract of paintin the
Were issued t -B, O'OotnorograVel, "Itri" 44144 till" he has hal:n al ono'
wee sseet es by * Geo
Woes to a gums
his islinserees hum.
to ,es.rof 1113.01Orl-"Thol
reenv tUtt,Threr yoturg Dr.Beird,
who, in Ora short time be has been wiah ret,
hoe sawed bivalent to all "like, will be
&Hid to see hieeentalcounteuenee again.
The D. has lately been in oharge of a
township hall. The following c ecke 1"3"dipz 10 roam "4" Wahnaliatiss end we
exprese, 60e. ; Ashfield townshiP, work ousherelewf,laShiffethrett"nriur% hwIIb ave Eacc*tnnYe
on w houndarY$2.25; A.. Kennebec), re-
fund of stet:lite labor, charged On roll, tiader intreteleiss While here, Be is at
81.50 ; P. Holt, solicitorie fees $13 50 ; present in nherge Of the mediae' potence
H. Spencer, charity, $10. T13; follow. ' Dr* Arthur, "it$0"htlzb wit° tIO 'WAY
pathroasters were appointed :-J, Jock- °" buldil°1"1"f""' Ive "Oroando
man. A. McIlwein W. Watson J", Ix° PurP°°°' Pirsainf studies in Bain*
Young J. Willard, Mole, S, Fisher, b"rgh, 14°°$1""d* and " °Inz "WY MOO
J. Elliott, J. Finnigan, kia hprdignifiena: afutiotoroetrifootratthteentywonung bninosianoial,
Routledge, Jas. Johnston, John Mins,
A. Fearan, S. Scott, S. E. Sandersou, for 6,,,nYthiog."
"1. was trouble for several yearn with
ehronio indigestion and neriltills debility,"
wrhes F. J, Grum, of Lincaeter. N. 4.,
M. Young, W. Ivers, W. Smith, W.
Andrews, Clifton, H. King.S, Medd,
Falen, ralen, T. Itadcliffe,11, Glenn,
H. Fowler, Ed. Footle* J. Agar, A.
Johnston, J. NeUabe. G. Greaves,. J
- "No reined'? helped me' until I began uaing
Redmond, E. W. SYIBb' W. Eleetrio. Bitters, which did me more good
Bamford. A. Stewart, afaa• T. than all the muliobaes I ever used. They
White. E. M. Robertey. Taylor, W. haw man kelt my wife excellent health
ennahan, P. Welsh,)‚ A.ndet W. for years. he pays Electric Bittere are
The neighbors eurptised Me and Mrs Brophy,11. Alton, D. Rutherforg, W.
McCurdy. of Henfryn, last week with Harper, D. MIDOnahlo A. Stuart, vv are $ grand tonic and invigorator for week,
the eve of their departure for Manit, Barber. NaylOr, R. Minos, J. Bow. teke ite place otir family." Try them.
W. FeerlerL jrauen1:::widomf:7"de trouble* that they
au addrebs and a well„nued purse, on Lodd, D. Donovan. No other niedioine can
obit, , ilson,A.Oanipbell,J,R. Gaunt, Only 50o. Satisfaction guaranteed by all
• W. Gordon Campbell, Ft, Ferrier
g an, z r„ • , Resolotion of COndolande.
Wm, F. Me Naughton, Chicago, took Ian, D. M Donald H MeQuillin Jos
place on Feb. 14, ot thtenth Emerald •
inc ;Parole of Mists Violets C
amp-draggietO. •
bell, Chicago formerly of Walton),a d
W. DonnellY,W. Crionpleell J. Laidlaw
w. h P. Sm It e P. Mad
Anderson, 3, Smith, Di it.rcher,J, Ing- • To Afit Jolts' Ginstrais.-4t was with f
Ave,. Chicago, Ill.
Joseph Archer, whrtis employed by quith, A. Sproul', 0, Elliott;
• lis, E. Thompson, J. Begleston..G, As of
eficialand, of Londerb
ef the most profounipedgetorinoirtlaewr, 431Nett,od.tdhieigne,ifirernea.
miefortune to break one of hitt arms at 10 o'clock as a curt Of Revision arid ,ecerievivikengtieduns frominhtehntrigeouerlstod,ay! ,haaiuhoritohr
re -
as he was hauling logs out of T. J. for general business. •
Mark's bush. , . • . S. MeCROSTIE, Townson), uiere, ed an irreparable loss, but in thi
. . . ,.. ,.. ,. hist men ng r line 7%1116 yolitinchlavbercrereir;
t il ::oi 1 37 4:itiaaws t•B:er 0 e a
BARU MCGregor, of Stanley. had the adjourned to meet on Tuesday, May 28. entrerat
thur Yule and Fred Haley arrived at • • • St. HOleitIS ' '
On Thursday last VG illiano and . Ax. • , • , . 0.9e, handuan ideotohiofisty, wutepaexthtyenlhoonurghwt4re dee
the thick clouds of sorrow maY BeePinsh,aadbowtierattr.
. their .botne in Oriderich frog! Halifax, _ : iretetelea for lost week) - . , _ „.toa:nandraeohniat_osirirtied_begittuhttrenembeyasseolitociatzeeihhhiweieachrrt, iwhonwsodiovrbletthanovr:rvr:84140:71
iv' hei,e they have lieen-f or a year on the
garrison regiment..--.-- --- lareaviszo.Mr Richard Miller wh
Mullett; has sold his feral, . containing. for
Oke, of the 12th con., of ,Iwoirththtsp4astitotti,itevree,arlIslesfRo &Kr T. OMEolinistor,.,
— -.--- "Mime is in-Toronton-hat who bus-
.ami'totorecabri:antly in triat Homerewht:re4deble iinfowien
resides, ainoduwretaolow?sabienliteevciewi
100 acres, to William 1inox, a prosper- On the eve of his departure about nuateiteitoponsuolurattetardubotoodrtirebn jleselyeda"mrn:welsetie.
OU8 farroer of the same locality, for the sixty-five young people took posseesion .pl
tum of $5000. This farm is well •situat- of Mrs Miller's hospitable home' and ered reunion, Signed In.be .8).f 9 the Lodge. .
, .
tilstopeott. •
ed. ' •
• during theearly part of the evening . • eiso.13minn.
•A pretty wedding took place et S. C.
he was presented with a purse Of, gol,di ., • ., -------,
Mit 4=--• •
Murdoch, Lucknew, on arch 20th, together with the followibir address eard of Thanks,.
.iei6V, March 18th,1901-
being the marriage of histmconddaugh. read by Rev. S. M. Whaley;. • , -- •
The knot WWI tied by Rev. A. McKay.
ter, Kate to J. A. Strachan, Toronto. er, Galt..Mrettlanley, Ptirs. E. all an •• peaitere.-normit me to eieress, through
,FirriETE AmirvEitsattar.--.Mrs Fres-. fr.
1, -.the Society of the
.13 riZ . tfhoarntreitr°pthroexaGiortnanesdkodingepacyfintghe t• hAe.
James Ireland, a former well known this vicinity
, . • Mrs 0.• Hill Milton' visited Mende in, plii
this ,week, having came. 'Ins". uri:rviee,t2,0olf, In the sfe f b '
Blyth business , man, and who went up to attend the 50th anniversary. of
into the general stere husinees at the marriage of their father and inoth
provided for; with it I shall be conforntlableefor
Durham one year ago; has disposed. :of er; Mr and Mrs Anderson lived . fora t
m it'dwaerves
hexed of my life. Nishing your noble order.
Ca, y !Menus and.
' Without it I should hay nee:lout vie rly
his interests 10 that town to his part-' number of years in this virinity, but 1 anitrYoure very respectfully
ner, W. - Laidlaw, • , recently retired and are living in Luck- ' - - ,j• 'enmuremt-se ''' •
. ales 0 ,
A farewell partywas held at Jas. now; the celebration was held at the
Lyons', Lucknow,-ci
' .n Mondayevening
old homestead, "Where their youngest
tor their son John, who for some time son; Joseph, resides; out of a family of
ten, all were present but a son and
hen been law clerk in the office of H.
ugivin. -N.. .
Morrison, and who was about to go dahter lg in Dakota.
NOTES' -Misses Martha find Maggie
weer,- • • • • •• •
• • Davidson arrived home from Toronto
.A 16you9 conepany„comprising-about on Friday last; we are glad, to -know
eighty guests, assembled at the resi-
dence 01 Mr and Mrs John Mooney,
"Cedar Lawn," 5th .line Morris, . On
Wednesday evening of lest week to
Witness the marriage between Peter
Barr, a well-to-do young gentleman,
of • the same line and Miss Ai• -..lie,
Chambers, adopted daughter ; , the
host and hostess. The cerernonj, was
-performed by Rev. John Holmes. '
There died at the residence of her
son, John Thomson, of the town line,
Hay and Stanley. on March • 13th,
Mrs ThOnison, mother of Mr Thomson.
The deceased was a native of • Aber-
deenshire, Scotland, cciming to Stanley
'with her sons, who are well known
around this and adjoining townships.
She had attained to the great age of
ninety-six years. She leaves behind
two sons, John and Alexander, - both
farmers in Hay township.
Many were: surprised on Tuesday
week to hear of the death of Wil -
limns H. Wheelens, one of t he pioneers
of the.township of Turnberry, at the
age of 83 years and 10inotiths. Deceas-
ed came to, this country about the
year 1880 from Jedwater, Roxburg-
shire, Scotian°, and had lived op the
farm on which he died, near the Wing-
Mr and Mw Bennett were born 11
Wingliant Flax fall has been leased
ehildren,10 Of whom are left to mourn
for the season by Amos Tipling. the loss of kind and loving parent's.
W. F. Vanstone, has rented D. Ste -
William Chesney, the veteran asses -
Wart's store in VV Ingham and will open
eor of Tackersmith, hart finished the
upa general produce store shortly
assesemenamoll of the totynship, The
A. township contains 40,661 acres of
not lerge•soree on my little Asughter'e which • 37,033 _agree rue cleared.
heed developed into a case of weld hese The valtie of the real roperty
writes 0.11. Iebill. of Mergenton, Tebbe, of the township is $1, ,535 ;
but Bierklonni Armes Salve completely
of assessable personal property,
(Wed i guaranteed .euro for ty, $4 755 ; of income, 01,200 The to.
Eczema. Tatter,. fish Rheum, Pimples,
Some, 'Ulcers and Pile* Only 250 at all
druggist* •
T. F. H1ggine Who has been engag-
ed with M. Er ZurbrIgg, Winghean,
has purchased the photograph gallery
at Wiarton,
A. Cruickshank appeared before the
()runty judge . for sentence in the
Wingham shooting case. Three years
in Kingston Penitentiary was the
men in Port dolborne.diedat hie home
on Sunday ladttaftera few dart' illnese..
He leaved & widow and three datigh.
tors, Itts Murray, Goderich being
4Soartli American Rheurnsitio
otiret Ostrall b
safe, lierntless and acts quick -gives elmesit
inetant relief and an absolute Mira in front
one to three daysastsorke wonders in most ,
IMO* tonna Of theUtilatiltd, One woo
testimony:oir spent 6 weeks It bed before
commericing it* tfee-+ bottles coma me,"
fipti ; novo, anal, tents.at claessids.
Ileneintw one Of the hest lthe'ven
!•1 1
tipecial memorial tributes,from the ntost eittin-
ent British and eanaditinstatesmen, and "The
Life of King Edward VIM" • size 1sx7Y4, about
800-page_s. better illustrated than any. rival
wOrk. Written by Dr...tuo:Coulter,,fronvLon•
don, Eng the celebrated Maoris'* and Journa-
list; and John A.Cooper, editor.Okananian Mee-
t twine Toronto. Price' Only $1,75 -new took
they are Imo roving in health. Miss frotneover to cover...Extra large commission;
Davidson, is visiting in Ashfield. A credit evep;. prospectus .frecv to canvassers,
sleighing party from Lucknow, to. World Publishing CO.: Guelph, -Ont.
gether with a number from here spent .
a most elen0th Tues. joyable time at the borne of ' G. D itlelAGGA.RT.
W. Wlwood, of the 1 • .
ladies of a certain "secret socimy" met • ' org, • ••4,4
day evening lart. A nuixtber of "little .
17 r
at the home of Miss Lillian Clark, on , nfik•
, r•t
oaturdity last, it being her birthday ERT ST4, - 011114.1'0k
and %resented her with a nice present
we wish Lilian many more birthdays. . transacted.. -
toget er with a nice1y.wordedadrees;l general
d • Banking Business
blies lylabel Tett,' •cif Auburn who • 1 •
SIP was visiting her sister here, returned . NOTES DISCOUNTED
home last
sberithri HI%
rtDrafts mod. Interest allowed on
misfortune to lose a 'valuable work- , deposits,
Inc horee last week, Phil. McMillan •
and his aster, Mrti MeQuplan;, and her
daughter. of Lucknow, were here on
Sabbath last. Mr and Mrs D. McDon-
ald, Belmore, recently visited D. B.
Murray and other friends on the Eith
con. We were pleaRed to see Mrs Rob -
ink& Woods and Henry Woods out
again after their recent illness; IV. S.
McOrostie spent a few days:. with
friends in:Ripley last week.
"R. A.. MUM; -DEAR Flaw - Terence)
fins written"So many reen,so nunayrainde;
every man in his own way.” But because
a man pursues everything in his own way,
it does not necessarily follow that he is,
thereby, a hero or worthy of the laurel
branch,nor yet entitled to the regard of hie
fellow* Ms only when "hie own way"
meets with' approbation, suggests that it is
not "his own" but another's, and reveals •
that hie life is gentle; and the elements so
mixed in him, that nature may stand up
and say "This is a man" that we seize oce
oasionly by the hand to do him honor.8tich
thou art -• everythiog in your own way,
unique, but in such it manner as to win the
favor of of each, and to comm end your oh,.
dna to the jnagment of all. The six years
of your oiCzenship here have only tended
to strengthen our first impreesione. Like
good wine, your character has net only
stood the tot of time, whioh shatters so
many reputations, but has grown manlier,
better as the days have glided so swiftly by,
you have touched Went many points, and
whsrever you have tonehed ib bus been to
de tt and widen its, stream -- to impart
viilrawkWhich has lent.an enduring strength.
Your presence has silently, unconsciously
it may be, exerted a magnificent moral and
spiritual uplift, imparting tone and bealth
to coixtpaoionsbip and to moist inter/ilium,
and ever making for truth, yirtue and hu-
manity. Your example has not been in
vain, nor your influence iheffectual nor yet
unnotieed. We have observed and appre-
ciated, and on the eve of your departure,aa
a slight token of our true esteen ehigh
regard, we ask your to accept this puree of
gold -ti fitting tribute to one whose life
gleams with the interwoven principle of
the Golden Rule, While we regret that you
find it necessary to seek the unfolding '9f
your lifepurpose elsewhere, we rejoice that
your petit life will remain with ns -it oar -
not he removed; and 60 "the actions of the
just 'smell sweet and blossom in the greve,"
BO in your absence the eeed.truthe you
have planted here will quicken into a frtiit-
tat vine, whose purple (Austere will be for
the healing and uplifting of manhood, the
true wine that hole, exhilaratee and AIM-
tilatett to the noblest and to the -best. We
trust yon may won home ooinplete and per-
manent recoverylrera your unfortunate ao.
oident, that yon May long be eparod to en-
tal assessed value of the real ;Ind Der- rioh humanity with your in mos, your
sonal property and income is example and your kindly nature, and that
510. There ere 607 male persons he. wherever you are Pleavenle cheered blew
tWeett the ages of 21 and 60, and these Ing may abide with Yoteseswzing
are required to petform 2,865 days sta. mill:tinned:1;r wooe.nowelintsoete tiehtbevbileg iirvtenfrolbeinces:
tute labor. There were 334 male and 17
of St.-Helen'e, tsfter the manner f the poet
fernale canines. There are 2,430 rests
dents inthe toernship. There- are- 4,1torever-andforevert•lareWell,... ohard.",
110 cattle, 847 sheep, 1,067 hogs, 1,666 1ta41" innile, if
horses, and there.were 2g births and 8
deaths during the paeb year. There
are 2,062 acres of Wood land, 335 acres
of swamp, 841 acres of orchard and
garden,. and 8,125 acres' under fall
wheat. There are. 400 children be.
torten the ages of 5 and 16; 272 be- prise, burin it feW word., It1y evoke%
tWeert 8 and 14, and 202 between the conveyed most intpree6Wely his feel.
age* of la and 21 years.
Inge The company opent a most en,
lovable thcer,t hods
" Tnerawa 60 'TOO for those tirelerie Illithr came EgaeCt'bYee $16,0d411412te. add
iond are busy, curing Torpid, Liver, •
iolnd They Union Molt Ileadiehe, drive out bla* hiidren ry for
lista Meer War N"astlit' TO *6°4 STORIA
. • J..ti.TISDALL.
ouNToN, ONT.
Private funcle to loan on mortgagee a
went..eurrent. ratee.,
A General.Banking Business tranevited-
Interedt allowed on deposits.
-° Sale notes bought •
The Nelsons- Bank
• Incorporated bv Act of Parliament 18bt
• ' CAPITAL • - 82,560,006.
REST FUND • 82,050,000
Wu.• Komori Ma0P11121280t; President
Jame Ewer Gen. Manager.
Notes ciistrounted;'Collections made, Drafte
•issued, Sterling and American exchange
bought and sold., Interest allowed on de-
• posits. • Bevntoe.Batix-Interest allowed on
aums Of tll and up. Money advanced 15
farther') on their own note, with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C. BREM1011.- Ma.nager. Clinton
If We do meet *pin why We s
not, Why then this perting we well ,made.
` Signed Rev. S. ,Vitstrari,
W. S. oCeostaa"
• Trios. J. Tarot
Feb.28, 1901. Coe D rooft. •
Dick was unprepared f Web it Bur.
WORIONG 24 HOURS A DAY or "Attila, ng Sink' after which
workers, Dr.ngi New Life piug, mut, thanhe to the hturtedd, ar her king, boo.
Jaundice. 13 ionsnees, raver and Ague.
oath, Non ripe or weaken, Om% cA
. A
"Just seceived a lot of neat Belts,
Buckles, Pulley Belts,Bangle Brace-
lets, et* The latest goods in the
market.•• •
• We make epecialty of fitting
• Speotaoles tied Eye Glasse*
lilyes examined free.
Meat Market
Hiving purotesed the butchering
business of F. 11, Powell i Ant pre-
pared to furnieh the people of 01in-
oirwith. ell. klocle of Fresh and
Cored Meats. Stinsitge, bologna
lard, buttiT and eggs alwitye kept ea
hand. '
Re FitZSIMOnS • Son.-
Orate delivered promptly. to all
parts of the form .
- N.B.-Perrone hoeing hogs for
ehipmerit will mem a favor by
leaving word ai the Atop. •
9 00 Dnovs
. •,•
LI 1
• I .1
t; • !•• r_i \:
airtilating thOoOdancIlleguIa-
blgthOiemacimandsoweis et .
'Ws andnest.Contalus neither
pinum,lvlorphine nor Mewl.
Now. N.Auo ()TIC,
"'poi. sea- ,
' ..4siraesir
Apafert Remedy for Coes-Hp-
' tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoes.
.neSs and LOSS OF SLEEP...,
Tac SmleSiinature of •
t .
ilastotia is pin pp 10 8110-8188 bottles ordY. It• "
is not sold in bulk, •Tiontt allow. anyone to WI -
you anything else -on the piea or -promise **it- •--
la "just as :god ".iirld iinswer.every *
pese.". ,.ear floe that you get
%hie fac-
simile ' ea
alpstors story.
tf votpsiir•
ill it pay me,
interest thin an; 'other investment you can maks on the farm.
• If you expect tit, have five or more °Owe it will certainly paAgyrrdt a- igltoer raf.0 of
• • For three years thedeiry department of the Ontario ara 0 liege has
been experimenting as to the befit method,of creaming milk. The ;plan has .beep 10
mix the herd milk well, then divide it into three equal portions and set .one third he
deep Betting cans in ice water, one third in shallow pans, and one third run througli-the
SeParairlaer. averag. a per cent of the total fat lost in tte skim Mile, and tho butter milk
was 2.85 from the separator; 6,from deep eetting and 9.05 from shallow pans, or, in
others words, for every 100 pounds of butter fat the lose through the separators was
2 1.3 pounds; through the deep setting 0908 10 me water, 6,pounds, and 9 pounds by. us,-
ing.ehallows pans.
In churning the toes of fat in the Batter milk was the greatest from the setting
.methods. „ • • • t .
• Mr T. U. Rogers, of the same college say. -Having tested overone hundred
:les of skin milk that I got at farm dairies, and having found about an average of •nine
tenths done per cent of -butter fat lost in the_skim milk, or equal to a loss of one quart-
er of the original butter fat, I have come to the conoltunon that a cream separator 10„
neceseary in the average dairy with a herd of six cows. '
fly A Sharpies Separatot.-Y U will find a great increase in the • quantity. of ,
tier made. You will save time and labor, and find an bloomed value in the • 'feeding.
properties of the -warm skim milk se it comes from the separator. • .
Write to -day for catalogue and price list. :
L. OTHBIETTE, Landesboio
. ,
AiRRIFLEgiven for sell-
ing only 2f dos. packages Sweet Pea Seed at 10c.
each. Eackpaclotge contain,' a splendid mixture of the moetikag•
tanteariotice °fell colors. The Bide le of thebest make and mod.
eh with polished nickel barrel. trigger guard and side platen. It has improied Glebe
sights, pistol gripand walnut stock, and shoots with terrific: force and great accuracy
•KIM int this advertisement and we willforward the Seeds. Sell thent.returnthemoneyand Itillewill be sent
otareetr sorest. Ttoseezonamainatevaiovithoo.seorderatoim„ seed kiliPPIrCere TerInttr?s
. .
01in.ian.. Sash, Door, and
Blind Factory. .
.. General Builder and Contractor.
This beton, is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-
ishinery, capable of doing Work on the shortest notice... We carry an extensive
and 'reliable stook end prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all oleos.
es of buildings on short -notice and on the closest prices . All clerk •i8 supervis
ed in a methanical Way and satisfaction guaranteed. We tell all kinds of in-
' terior and.extenor material. . • •
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash; Doors, Blinds, Ete
Agent for the Celebrated GRATBILL SCHOOL .11.163SK, mannfaotnrai
L Waterloo. , Call and got prime and estimates before placing Your order
Having bought' ihe Grocery and Oroo' kery 'business so starcessiulie carried on for
the past 12 years by J, W. Irwin, and having oyer 20, years' experience inYeelt
int wholesale , and. retail grocery and trookery business, I am confidant I eau .keep
up the good reputation of the old 'firm in keeping nothing but the very beet goods -
at the lowest prioes. I have reduced all my Dinner, Tea, Toilet and Table Mita '
to make room for my import order, which I expect in a few ' month* ,Call and
exitmirre goods and prices itefore you buy. No trouble to show good*
. ; 's ' .. -• J.-1/Ite,r1Victiabe,'
. -• ..
With reference to the above change of business I. take this opportunity of. ei', - • ,
pressing any sincere thanke to my tremorous; friends and customers for Acre liberal t
support daring the past 12 years and bespeak for my- itunieseor, J. W. MCCaber, the,
same liberal treatment so generously accorded.tame.:• • • ! • ,
'' „. . .
i ' 'W. TENVIN
Iron makes rich b1od.•
Now le the time that your !totem needs building np. IrOn is oLte of
, the hest /Ube, drives out the impurities 'ot the bided. Mabee the' blobd
•• rioh and pure and gives tone to the whole system,
Compound Iron Pills
oonfaiiiis in a we'd/mud form:, all the elements noceecerY 10 proanee new'
rioh,.blood, and oarVaiiestre. Ofe or two boxes usually bringe Onirvel.
one312.2pqr/Biiient in heelth.and etrength,
• • BO Pills in a box 25c, or bones for $1.
3. E. II(EVEY, Dispensing Chemist, Clinton.
Ili-i~i014144***01-***20%******Iri dekOrit*S-itt*************#
IlkititnitudionsiStfaith fats
lama Ntssictl t,ornameatad
giss. halt, ininute and amend
hinds. numitistatoto,wcingoni2dieidltimpstaencanti
.114.1)00?&I! 1:
RANDEE00,4manA (tutting!
eallywalOatsaolt. twat photos aka toll biblabt Esau opittaiisiky
in the tory Aimee style of photrapWe ark Every.
body *Pass a pow. of the Queers. Tsai oaths», loos
pitfalls 2X2 Molise. The thitnt consists Of 1 lmir Dry Plates, 1
1Iypo...1 1tmg ram% 2 Pawilopturfrayit, 1
yelopenel 0g Ruby' Paper, 1 m. Silver l' sald bit
dias we taial photos. 8•11
rtirp04.4412711 %VIM WU Ma
T sin billalitiff the IlletWITOSIS OlttillitAtEll (Airman
ryienownetraeztamismittea.4%bibezoo bewetinteseiLin toentetnbakettioseamenwoithoirnetegekonit
tensing pram** my stAnt many time, sm101041 sirdi lOW 44 14i44444,
30112LESLIE, iitaron Street Minton