HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1914-04-09, Page 4LACE FouR_rHE I3LYTH STANDARD-Apil y 1914 u1ytje &Stilt' ' tll-be a,'� ; F******* F ,:h':*- **** .: * ac-** Publish d evert ti a i truing from .1 'I y STANDARD t (. tests strett, �� HOW I OUI YOUR [ C[? 4 BI tI Empire , n r r ear to al' a„ ntesse,e ler L innda and till points in On ,��- dres British Empire, $1,00 Untied. t year ; to pet•t dresses in the hutted Soon , L,5t1 et i year -payable In advance 1; , ADVEHTIst1NO, CynStanoaldhdlg abxrg, 3t. We carry an extensive Mlle of all. t and coostantlygr•ow•ingcirculatiott, A he best makes o1 wire fence, such'ii limited amnia of aero tising wtll bs accepted at modet!tte rates, Prices o), � as the Standard _Vire' Coil Spring, {,'fit application. Vim' JOB ssuperio late ;dab lig turning ons Barbed Wire, Gales, Etc. �I,t Las superset eq tipuu'ant for turning on' � 7 � promptly all kinds or work, including 1 23 6 1 t ' posters, books, pamphlets, I,hwk forms, 311. II ii.11'is Slallllal'11 Navy No, ,l �(, oireulars, envelopes, office and weddiup .f1. V f " /t stationer , etc. • plc I 9‘ !Hs Slalillal'il Navy t 0. l . , 26 '�� .Idreasall oommmiicattooe and make 9jYll'FS Standard Heavy No, 9, Il lido Malt 29 tt �" remittances payable to ti J H. R. ELLIOTT, S j1ins Standard ileal 'maws \o. 9, jI t)Ipy shrill 30 't' tit Editor and Proprietor. j*, X 11'irl+ SItJIdaul Hew slog floss Oil mrhla iligll 31 ), 50 :; 13 win 1'oallryt Fence, per roil Grand Mostar Coupland Visits We carrya heavy Stock'of all kinds Blyth Odd Foltows ;t� i' 01 Hardware. L. 0. CHARLESWORTH, 'Phe Blyth Lodge of Odd Fellows were h'ghly Minuted ee 'Tuesday night by an official visit from the (stand Master of Ontario, lh'. Coup. laud, .A though this it dee has only been instituted six years it bac been honored 110 less than 1 ttt times b; such 'ye lis The host work of the evening, after rho routine business, was the conferring of the liist degice by the lodge members, which was done in a utost exemplary maturer, after which the Grand Muster gave an able ex- postulation it) the new written work of the Order, taking it up degree by degree, his id ,i being uniful'mity in all the Leges in this work. lit his address he' paid digit tribute to Past Grand Master Poplestom, whom he 111010 wined was one of the best Grand Masters the Grand Lodge ]lad ever had. He also praised the excel est work of the degree ttant itt theft' exetupi llic items of the 111.0' degree. The members to the number of 75 adjourned to Taylor's Resiau ttsl where tt splendid repast had beet prepared e1. d was heartily pettakeu of. Tt10 lodge cattle( (I, when Dr, Coupland completed Lis address 011 the new written %eerie 1). D. G, 11, tilc'Paggart in his few remarks, 001541mediae(' the fl rend Master on his expllurnti ,,, of the lit secret work, Ile then took up the eve. Tritsb�wOrk of the District, showing, that v ^navisnoYak„;c ,"V.,. . hole, the district was holding , era Jowls,:Vousidering that these lodges as floweret' rel, i,„nee'o to wile \\re6t- %Is to thd% P,ipirstone rdttt it. 'doge of it', to all lht work. Ile et,J t'reUfaud Master on his pro e, in the work, stating that 1t nnnt have spent a great deal of dile in I,Ltnnk Y. Y the weak so pt.rl'cot. ifs next remarks dealt with the 1Vork of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, he having been (band Representative to the meeting last year it) Minnea- polis, Ile claimed it teas by fir' the largest frats'nal ittstitutc in the la'Id, and glee the full,wing lig. ores in corroboration: Eighty•niue annual sessions. \Vunderful growth itt 29 years - 1884 we had 8002 Subordint,te sod• ges, ie 1913, 18089; in 1884, 1066 Rebecca lodges, and in 1913, 9725. 1'11884 the total nteutberahip w,is 544,158 and in 1918, 2,121 121. Iu ureceipts f884 the total animal were ;,5,550,041,07 and in 1913, 518 922,. 758.58, The annual relief itt 1884 was 53,015,843.5E and in 1919 $5 . 911,3223,15. Hie invested Tullis of the Grand and Suborn tua,a bodies amounts to 563,539,895.32. Bros. Jones, of 13russt s;,1.'l'ay'lor, P. D D, G. 51,, of (lintel); ,teKay to d Petty, of Hensatl; Kaiser and 11elwtw, of 13tucufielil; Mitchell and \Veber, of Clinton, all gave express ion to their approeitiLion f of the ex- plaLatioes of the Grad diaster of the secret work it id commended the excellence of the work dune by the degree team of the Blyth Li dee. 'rhe Grand Master made his cies ing remarks, stating that it was it real pleasure to visit the 131ytbi Lodge, if for no other Mason than to meet his old friends, Messrs, Pople• et tike & Gardiner, whom he had known fur a great many years, He then went on to show !hat there is no teeter for the uutkln;, of titanic. ter and the building of in n, better adapted to that end than the Odd• ,fellows lodge and to carry out this idea tie quoted a poem in prose by Kir Cleo, W. Ross, 'Ott the Usel't}Iness Of' Hen of Worth." Ile went 00 to 1-11ow that this great Society was do• tug much to tnalte the loco of our onion great, also mttItiog it more possible for the Universal Brother- hood and enobling of meq Dealing with the Ontario Greed Lodge he stated that last year they were third in net inert ase ofaut of'the Grand Ludgee and then as It, quality they rack second to none, Itt Ontario during the past year 4500 Members had been initiated. 1 nt the increase had not been that ninelemt account ( f the laxity of the membership tura suttee and a number of the members lied been suspended for nun pay, stent of dues He le:Mended that more essential than -teat incretase in.membership, is, that we should be very careful in the selection of thee; eve take into the,lodgt, so that we NORTH END HARDWARE 737L,Y'TII, 4N'Y ARIL►. *********4*************** at Unperial Standard Guqe Wire. Owen Sound Fence --9 Stays. 1, wire 38 inches high 22C. 7 wiry 42 inches high 25C. r4ele7,7,7,8 8 wire. ; I inches high 290. ti hire 17 inches high 300, Akh will not fall below the high standard set ourselves to follow, as at present the Oddltllows earn' out their soli gattime better thou any other order, and we 1 eed every phase of the work to help men live, Ile paid high tribute 10 the great enm'ehes of our lnerts, and this Soetety by its teachings was It great adjunct 10 theta. Defiling with the characters of the first degree, he showed how we should try 10 live up to the eller- octets portrayed, One of the great factors in the welfare of a lodge is that each and every member should he at lodge every nteotitg night, as by their presence they give ttid tend' eti'uuregeuteut to the officers, lie showed that the lodge 's ag' 01 tie u Mg lir_ vire brethren to take an lie- fvt part le the welfare of our coin. !nullity and as Oddfellows we can do this, if not by holding office in is the Council and 5Leglslatere, by our advice we 0011 assist 11.1105L' IU office. In closing Bro, Plrp'estone moved, seconded by Bro. Tltentas, tlntit we tender a hearty Vote of thanks to the Brand Master for the splendid ad- dress and exposition of the unwritten work he had given. which was heartily responded to, This closed one of the Most sue. cessful Odd I!`ellows meetings ever held in Blyth. Amog those fu attendance front a .sisal were: Messrs, 'Taylor, E. 11 at:d :Asher,) of Clinton; t rites i Wllitttnson, of Brussels; Ile - Kay, Petty, Glen, Dougall. of Ilea. sail; Kaiser end McEwen, of Bruce. field; 5]cNabb, Will kum, Stewart and Augus file, o. Du-.gtbnuatu, Roney Urgently Needed! P hires 39 inches high 23C. ires 39 inches high 26C. 41 gvFRe W 11 tt.s ,12 i inches high 300. A wires ,.i8 inches high ,,, 310. stamina Field Crop Compelilion. The Blyth Agricultural So- ciety offer $75.00 to be. divided as follows: $15, $ti, $to, $8, $o awl $,:1. lo" the best field of WHITE OATS. The Ontario 1)epartinent oh igri^noire will furnish, judges. NA•t'UIttI Oh COMPETITION knelt Society will be limited to v tote m'np, h'ields entered for emii- riGeel* pa,.itiou roust consist of dot less than I1Vtt acre, nor more than tw'etfv. Competitors will he limited ter Blyth Agrienitu''tl1 Society, Cont. petitors can only enter in one society 2) C. turd but one entry can Ise made Iry emit coutpe!-itor. Any prose)) can 230' nutke entry fur idlis competition by O Iiettoming ti member of the society. All competitors must he within 16 25c%nrfies of Myth and all applications must 1,e in by tie 1-1th of April, Pantry lorms may he had by ap• plying to Frost Fence Scant to Guage. Here's A Friend Indeed Constipation Is the bane of old age -harsh cathartics aggras vate, avoid tisem and use Cham- berlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest of laxatives -best for the Young, the middle aged and the old. Ric, bottle -Druggists and Uealera, or by mail. 6 Clumimlata filtd tat Co. Toronto. CHAMBER.LAIN'S a,TABLE'TS'..; FARM 101t SALE 'l'lutt excellent ,ut acres of hold, known as the Livingstone Farm, being South Fast Quarter of lot 11, concession 6, _East tVawtulosh. On the pre Mises there is a frame hoose wit It kitchen ai- 1 ached; i•lached; a frame Mon 40 x 70 with lintel 15 feet wide on side 70 feet lone A good driving shed 24 x 3t1 feet. Drilled well with windmill, The farts is all cleared and seeded down, For further itat•ticulars apply to CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON, R. 11. No, 3,131ytb GEORGE STEWART, FLORIST. ,, '• 110$ES, CAISNA'l'IONS, ORCHIDS, VIOLETS', L1 LY OI!' TILE VALLEY. \Vediling Bunches and 1'lorttt Areae gentetIS a specialty. Order, left at 0hello,', store will receive proulpt attention, 'Phone 1115, Their lot was never an easy one, even (IODEit1CH, I)N'1`r\RiO. under favorable conditions. They had to struggle along'through sheer hard work and bland -to -mouth pinching and scraping. Then came the blow. The husband was stricken down with tuberculosis. The wife In the matter of the Instate of \Pili wfutleft withfour little ones tokeep. Ecui ion' Pollard, late of the Village of she faced the future bravely, buoyed up by' Blytli, in the Comity of Huron, Yee hope that some day ber husband will an, Deceased. come back, In the meantime, she has to man, is hereby given. ai u 4 a pursuant art , go out washing and cleaning every day, and q`tie Advised :Oat Meg of °anti% met, Allen force her tired -out body to do her own Chen, 121, Sec ria, 1 bar ell persons work at nights. having claims against tl e Estate of the Cases of this kind are numerous. They said late William Polio int, who died always call for prompt relief. For unless on cr about the 211111, day of May, tutu, consumption is quickly treated its terrible'are regtt steel to settd by pontprepaid, effects hurt many beyond the first victim. or deliver to Joshua John Pollard, of At this moment money is urgently needed the said Vtllatio of Blyth. Yeoman, iba so that medicine, nourishment, and treat. Executor of)iie last Will and Tecta ment foro ploro you to contribute something NOW. be taken to sufferers, We im. lthe rreth, d y1; of the softApf.deceased, x,111.1 itheir Please don't delay; the situation 10 serious. names, addresses and descripritt Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos- fun metieel'le of their chi inls 1111,1 pitel for Consumptives will bo gratefully the nature of the securities, If cul. acknowledged by W, J. Gage, Chairman held by theta. Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, And take notice dint• after 1 he ;mid or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, 347 0th, day of April. 1914, the sail Ex„c- King Street West, Toronto, utet' .will proceed to disunion, too assets of the said deceased among I he persons entitled thereto, having Lego rd only to the claims of which he shill then hare had notice, and till the said HEADACHE Execgtor will not be liable for rile n assets or any part. thereof 0:' any 14a is caused from the blood being thicken- non of whose claim he shall not 11 en neve received notice, ed with uric acid poisons circulating Dated at Gotlericlt, this 101h, day of in the head Anti•Uric Pills cure all March A. D. 1914, +, ` torous of kidney trouble. They are so PBOUDF OOT, HAYS tt KILLOB. \N good and so sure J. M. Hamilton guar- Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the ,said I'.xecutot eel them, Be sure yew get Anti- ]; ric Pi lia, nti- i;llcPilis, B. V, Marion on even,y box, Sold only at Hamilton's drug store. NOTICE TO CREDITORS RHEUMATISM Many people have lir but neglect it until they are crippled and without hope of ever being cured, but there Is hope for alt iu Rheums and no one need have rheuntatisntnow. RheumoIs,iuet whet we say it is. We have received hundreds of testimonials telling us that Rheum has cured old etendtng caeca of theme. thou and when all other treatments had fatted. Rheunto enriches the blood and dr:, -es uric acid from the system. Don't fon to get a bottle today at J.111, Ii emit• ton's and you will soon have your health and strength as in the olden days. J. M. Ham Ilton sells a large bottle for one dol. tor, or we will mail you a bottle prepaid on receipt of price. D. V. Afarlon Co., 13rideburg, Out, BELL FOR SERVICE Thoroughbred Durham buil for ser- vice, Terms 51.50. Ron mu' WttHratAN Lot 2, Cdu.9, Morris, REAL ESTATE. Parties having real estate fm- sale ar exchange for land at:other point. in Ontario, will do well t known t , JotINSOV )eewar' Ug to WS Blyth, Ont, 'P n make sante 111 11 o the undersigned. bt°'d6 h, tilt 1 I +,Int 1 .9 L JOHNSTON, 6 wires 40 inches high 7 wires 41 inches high 8 wires 47 inches high Special prices on Gates /bile they last. cDONALD & CO. BLYTH, ONTARIO. d ••1•••••1.1••••11••11.1••11.1•••11.1•••11••1111••1 • • • q • 1 Thousands of ambitious young • • tAVEIROUGIIING AND PLUMBING •: people fare fxslf ambitious their g • • • • own hotmes to occupy lucrative o •• Positions as stenographers, bock• • 1 `1'e are prepared to do all kinds Of ea\'etrotlghitt r and • • • keepers, telt graphero,civilsetvent • o • • s to fact overy sphere of Ruatnens • r • Activities. Yon m'iy botch at, col- 4 � plllltlblttg Old the shortest notice and hrsi'class workman-• •. lege if you wish. Positions guar- • \VM, JACKSON, Secretary, 111v1h ••111••1•.11.11444,•$.,•• • COLLEGE• • AT HOME• • tills) tel-;al'aitlt;eCl, a,• anteed. Enter college anydaa. In- t• l t, • dlvlduxl instruction. Expert teach • '• Anything in the: tinsutitlting line prelnytly executed, o : ere, 'Phtrt,y vexes experience, l,er. • , ♦ ♦ gent trainers in Canada, Seven • • gra • • coleges, Special course for teach : Of I -I • • • • Affiliated with Commercial Talo • noada, • i11001'l; & Son's llardlNilrf, )' :q enters' School atAssociation of 0 • 131.1 1 1 I, ONT. , ♦ • SnmmerRehonl ntfmoos Spot toil • 4 • • Business College, l.orldon, • 4•••••1.111.110• 40•••••••••••••••••••••• •4.4444••1 • • MA1101aar ntlaali,,'o ('olletre • ♦ (MO Sskloli'ON, elf S, IIUUNS, • 1 Prealdoat. r111101)/11. • • HEAP READ1NG1 5;,sdn,d' $1 Or tttndu'd and \V'eo1Jy A,dt,t,'- Its Sttnabud and \Veekly \Veit, ns 'I'he'tfuulaJ'd Imd \V'missy (l lobe The 'laWinn] and P'xnuily Herald n1. \\lulu- Sl a1. 51,t ;tanahuv1 rwd Weol+ly 31nil Hi Empire The I,ledlt.1'd and Ifttnliltou Sumi- tt'..kIy 'tittles 'J'lut 'fondant nt and 1V'eel;ly Free 1'ss Tile •tendert! and \WleeklySuit„ Ile;1,tudard and Toronto Week. Il"'uu h Si tudnrd and lfa.niilton '1' flit. a weer( tecitttor 14u.1 tn.udard and 'Toronto Daily • '1110 "lenamel andnh'aasaw'sAdvo- ttiudardand Toronto by 1 (]5 I 60 1 80 1 80 Lett 1 80 1 80 l 80 1 80 1 80 2 35 2 85 2 35 Tie k 'indent and Daily A tdver- 2 75 1'6c Itt end Evening Free P 2 75 16+ andeu'd.tsdToronto Daily 111 „hl ..,. .... 8.25 Tie •l aandard and Daily Free Pr 2 75 Ile I;ltedard ant E.veuiug Globe 8 75 5,1 all subscriptions direct to 'PRE S'IANDAI{D, BI,Y'1'If, ONT CANADIAN t , PAtC1F'AC HOMESEEKERS' EX CURSIONS TO MANITOBA, A1,BEI'.TA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 t Oclnber 2.7 incitisive Winnipeg and Return - 135.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto, and Stations 'vest and North of Toronto. Proportionate tares from Stations East of Toronto. Octant Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS'3tARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live clock and elects should take se:Trails' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves Rest Toronto each Tuesday during MARCII and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from Toronto Union St,,tica Settlers and families without live stork should use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through ' Colonist and Tourist Slee e1. p s. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg an, West.L( CNIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or Mite M G. Murphy, D,P.A., Toronto. ter 2oic(a it -cites SIC6`+Ei'AlbE-Good going and re. Itnidi Ant 'i1111only . IA It'r1,AN D ONE -'I'HI IgD -April 9-t0 iite1 t{etena limit, April 11, 1911. el benne!) fare, 250.1 1110', i all atmiotis in Canada east of tool bur: also to Detroit and Port Biro 111i1t., Buffalo, Bleck Rock, cul' Palls and Suspension bridge. 9 LIt,d d. l burl I lulu` Wonderful Hair. „!1 Clean and free from dandruff Otto '1161 possessing all the radiance of it odeto hat This is just whit sego, Meting' Io those wino suffer with itch- 1 all lug aralp, tlaudrulf, coats'', illy ul 11 ,1 conunou lonkiug noir. Sageiut is coo Ip^''. life to (ailed uuattt'nctive hulls S,,FI,. inn feeds the, hair root wit 11 the nt+'s envy food, for promoting a health, gvowtl. Sageine is the daintiest tun ie you could wish for, It is not a dy„ and is not, sticky or greasy. A hu,;, " shalter•tnp bottle costs only 50c. and 51 r, J. 11. Hamilton gives his pet'suultl gearanleeto reiitttd.thte money if ,1-ou '1;1' are not entirely selis8ed Bo gluon 1n go h0'` to Halniltoll s drug,. -10Ot 0 its . whet t tbm stores catLol supply yon, ,t, l seekers' Eccursions tp tickets to points fu llautito• tcliotvun and AIbern1 vitt Chi• Paul or Duluth, on sale each until October. iucasive, at low Pullman 'I' oirist Sleepers to on a, hove elates, leering Tor- t, No clutugo of tars, N '7i1 M IT '1 \V0 11 ON'I'If4, ut. lie's tt Oral tI 'I'rtu,k fhc�'t, I r w rete C E. !lent- il. leen .1'I'r,tatito Ont. E �510l'A(osA101'; O. 'P. 11. Agent Blyth. Rural Phone No, 48, F011. SFItV1011 ported u'gistot'etl Yorkshire e," tvill obi lid for service on tvofthe nndertigued, Tel WS time of ter; itte, lis. liaarlrr, Myth. _All AN r CnFIC ItntLWA' • Time Table TORONTO Soderlph 1 v. 7.20 a.m. Auhunt " 7.45 " Myth " 7,55 " Walton ' N,07 Milverton " 8.41 „ Linwood Jut" 0.00 Elmira , " 0,18 uelph " 0 50 " Guelph Jct..,, " 1930 " toronto Ar. 12,20 " 011051 TORONTO, 1.55 p, m': 220 ' 2,30 2,42 • 3.17 " 4.42 5.05 ' 0,50 " Toronto 1 v. 7.20 a,m, 4.20 p. m 3uelph Jot,,..Ar. 1135 " 5,60 " Guelph 1(520 " l3n Elmira ' 10,51 7,00 " Linwood Jot" 11.13 " 7,10 " Ask your dra¢gist for MIs' 11ou 11,30 7,qg „ it, If he cannot supply Walton 12,04 " t; oq „ the MARVEL, accept no Blyth 12.15 8.00 ,. other, but send stamp for Illus - Auburn trated book -sealed. it gives full ggl'117I1t ' 12.25 ' 0•11S particulars and directions invaluable Goderluh " 12,50 p. err. 0.10 " to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Wmdsor,Ont. Connections at. Linwood for 1 Jstowel, General Agents Inc Canada: len tecttnne at Guelph Int. with male line for Celt, Woodstock, London, De Blyth Markets. troitand Chicago toll .0 o,e Ymedtatr lona. - wheat, per hitsbol .$u 17 00,98 A ecus• flour, or cwt., 918 a 1t.,, '2 011 8,110 DR.DeVAN'SFRENCHPiLLS 1!. h'lanrpet'etet„rarnlly...,, 2,ro piloting Pill for Women. .t5 a boa or ttaeefor Oats, per bushel 15 ,:Iii address o. on receipt of d. nt all price, stores.r mailed to ScOit Li, DRUG Iyeas • " u .a5 Cu„ at. Catharines, Onterto. 1 eaa (.)06u1)2 8U 15 ,.IG HOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Reatoee. Bnckwbeat, pm Lnshel 0 nn r,nn 1l(nitty; for Nerve and Rrain; ineteases"t'red Bi,tu, per Luu ',I,OU 2b.IJU matter';aTonic-n'ltl build yet up. 33 a box, or �hor'ts, " 25.0.01726..0160 nvo for $0, at drug Stores, e1. by mail on receipt Hai' " 16.00 16,00 of prion, 'fun scooet.I. Dodo Co., st. Catherinee, Butter, per I L ,'2U ,2'2 smarts, Eggs, per don SEED GRAIN FOR SALE PoHor toes,oper bushel .. ht 0,45 t0i.50 0, A. C No. 21 1#n9ey. and Newi(;hilblheltO $idtler rllh ,.,, 1'2,120 2. 1,1 Mat9ce,oats I'ot'sale, Apply 10 11, 11 0rows .11 -..1'2 Stoat) or photo: No, 80, Biyt.h. Kind.1)u1dtths tsr Ill ....... .lt .11 y send i❑ yells' maple syrup orders C4cese, per Ill,,, . • ...... ,,,,ler•tat l 1444444414404••44+$4.44•0 OVER et YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS' TRADE MARKS ' DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone tending a sketch and description may quicklyaecOrtnln our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Com maiden, tionantrtotlyeonttdonenl, 11080000E On Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & CO. Melee 'pedal notice, without charge, lathe Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Dogma. eh, •Illation of any seleuetlie Journal. Terms for Canada, 31.76 a year, postage prepaid, sold by all newedealers. MUNN & Co O6lBroadway, New York Brooch Od100. 625V' St.. Washington, D.0, • • • • • 1 • • • 4 • 1 • • • • • • • to e traaford, Qnt. Become a Seecialialist iu business. 11 offers more op- portunities than any other calling. '1'o reap the full meas ore of success lou must havethe best possible training. This is Ontario's Best ]4nsi Hess School, w•n give individ. nal attention. You may en - et' our classes at tiny time, Three Departments, Commer- cial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy, Write tit once fee free e.ittalnque. • • 4 • • A 4 4 • • • • • • • 4 1 • D. A. MoLAenteter, Prin. o •44.4444.4••.••4 w i - 1.v interested and should kno X11 about the wonderful whirling Spray \* Marvel Douche EVERY WOMAN Turkey urkey 6, Our lb, . •-• .10 ,19