HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-22, Page 7A
March 22nd, 190i
$ 01.4a1Tolx limaxne
FIRE! ' IR 1 're , I Corrected e.grift:(lizidLiyairttfter:zi.
$ Ri3:;.11..e...4,.t...........y. .. ..... ......... 3
i018 a
i ig
bleier per owt , . „ ,•,, 1 75 2 00
Egos pet doz..... .,., 0 3.(1 A 0 11
Butter,loose 15-16,ple 0 15 st 0 10
0 1)0 a 8 00
We bought $1675 worth . of goods that were rejected by a
8:pt.YealPt:pek:',neeP,a,!!.ra.:1;i:ci.e..a: 0°' '2'71 0,1I: 0°5 62'02
- 4wholesale .house because they were, supposed to be ,
Chickeno, per pow 0 20 a 0 20
damaged by water ,
A Ducke, each
• While our buyer was away visiting the large wholesale houses last week
Pork .... 5 05
looking for spring novelties, etc., by chance he came across a large consignment , litre Pork. dressed ,. :. ,, .. 7 00 a 7 00
of Dress Goods, Sateens, Prints, Cashmeres,- Lace Curtains, Ginghams, Tickings W504 abort /06/69 9/ / , 2 25 It 2 25
Table Linens, Shirtings,etc, amounting to $1.675, which were imported direct and 0 .
BAWTINHEIMB ft,...In Srossels, on Saw.
the wholesale house to whom they were consigned had refused them because the day. March 0, William A., Bawtinheixper, aged.
_years un mont ni.
cases were wet thinking the goods also were dainaged. Our buyer made it his A .41,,T4.19VIVItiv.,.'31,41711,8,1',•61sga'ur-
, years, 9 months and °dap..
business to look carefully over them and findingthem extra good value and nearly # 491111343-iiiiii gip iontia. t nortp a yr, ;dna r ch 94
t gh IT M d Mr
all perfect with the exception of a yard or so on the outside of the piece, he made $
ii, ..1;.abeti, Bo.vd, wife of Wm. L. Ferguson,
Me u FoiN g -In Ololgolrne,8'on Monday,Marela
them an offer at a low. rate on the dollar which was accepted. . ,We. are going to agligmliktilior.
Fide Thomscin. at thel4sige.; tlPsnenrel 1•4' Mrs
make a great sale of these goods and clean them out at once. This is .perhaps a ' HANDFORD—In .Butdu14,1 ski 14f stli 8
gerbert liandford, son St the lat:Isattearma d!
little early for spring goods but look atthe chance. Inspect other . stocks then ford, aged 21 years. 9 months, 20 da et • ' n
O'NBIL.—in Lucan, on morel?'
come and see durs. .These are the latest and newest spring goods that have never . , O'Neil in his 78th year. 12,
ALNEr,h, on.Thfardeh 8, Mrs
been on store shelves, and. aie-iiiitattod.--goods right up-to.date, not bankrupt stock . icat
goods..brought..into town to get of. It is our constant aim. to give you the'ieit--- -
goods and services. This is vastly orraore-importanee--tham--(Price).-y-butrr-do_ you_v_ letisriErga,..iorlasiiiihcittiTyhnit
know, though silent, he is the most convincing -salesman we have. , •2ittetraznix,Aiteitil7itlio,:lato Jolii BL'ilzAt,
41...ohn Bruce, father
' Dress Goods: . Table Litmus •of Dr. 71, A. Bruce, formerly of Olinton.
Dress Goods. . SHEPtiERD —In Goderieli township, on
800• Table Linen for 200 Fiat:inlay, March le. Margaret Ferguson, be -
50o Plaids for 80o. 90o Suitings; 500 yard. 75o Serges at 500 , ...lo_y!dxfe of John Shepherd, aged 78 yt ars and
62 .yards all wool imported :78 yards Table Linen 54 in: ''
112 yards nice dark plaids, 37rillit15:11slolititirrieNCmiwAruuel %Int
in„ for waists and children's 41 n fast color • navy and black 5n wide, good - heavy weight,
dresses, worth 50c yard, for BU V Serge, 44 in. wide, reg, 75c. , • U I regular 30c yard, for .LU• granitstn of thelatelioratio Hale, of Minton,
• ! '
aged 1.year and 8 months
Skirt. Ends 85o Table Linen 490
. ( • Meat:TY...EY.- At Alpena, Mich., on March 8,
100 yards nice pale blue and
75o Plaids for t Oc.
2 only all wool Serge, 44, in. ., 181 yards unbleeched Table twit ci,,,AyaziTu..
$ LucyDndley, relict of the late Alex. McAuley,
goods, 1 black, 1 navy, 4 1 7 K Linen, 2 yards wide, pretty Duncan Borden, infiant giennolisil riill M3fraere;ihohlin'
dark blue Platds, also black •
and white, rand blue and '
white check, all wool, Waist g n 2 only 411 wool zutvY foulard .... ____
. yd. skirt end $3 for....... 1 ii 1 U pattern, a real good wearer' 49 • MacArthur, aged 1 month and 21. days.
----------- . '4' ' RYAN.—In Nile,on Friday, March 15; Peter.
regular 75c yard for • , • GIB130:98.—In
. . 1, John GibbOns, aggedrist27W7eaawrans, osh, on March
Ends, regular 70c yd., for, .. it/ U somethiNg new for skirts, ' •
light weight and pretty, • Lace . Curttuns ' $ Ryan, aged 01 years, and 9 months.
45o Borges for 25o, for slimmer, wear, 4 yard ape Lace Curtains 45c : " OLIN TOW
172 yards wool Serge, 40 in. skirt end worth $2.40.....
21 pairs beautiful Lace Our- • 5 .5" ' A a
cardinal, something pretty tains, 3 yards lodg, a bar. .41,E . marble Eic Granite
wide, in black, navy and
regular 45c, for per yd
for suits and children's wear .25 gain at 8.5c,our pi Lo till gone el4U,
Lace Ourtaill0 • . • . .7-101Rel<8
64.50 Serge Suits for $3 20 pairs Lace Curtains. 4 yds. ' . : ' ' •
4 only, 6 yards each, suits in rtielittretz7ide, it snap 1,39. . The purohaier: of a monument
all wool navy and black .. • should have complete -confidence
Serge 44 inch wide, regular Lace Curtains: • in the reliability of the firm, from
$4.50 suit a very special snap $3
in the suit at •
" • whieh he IsaYs, for the material
Dress GOods,
WielVib/44 111.10111,41111/1V11/44,1
OD:ninon it Co.
Friday, March 29th,
and following day will mark on event of peramount interest to every woman
within reach of this store . It is onr opening display of Spring Millinery
• when Dune Feshiou will hold court for her Many devotees and spread before
them fooinating array of the epproved oreatione and conceptions in headgear
• f"Wiell,ireerneoatsoinne. lined to he boastfIl of oar aohleiernente, but it is far from an
$Idle boast to say that Blyth has never seen each a beautiful display Of Milli-
nery elegance an excellencs6 as will he Opened out at this store oit Friday,
. the 29 inst. It is the result of weeks of painstaking efforts on the part of
mar experts. It is it congress of what Paris, London and New York have de-
termined should be the correct end fashionable,in headgear, It is the one
showing in Blyth that truly reflects the newest and most *reproved fashion
fanoiee, and yet leo thoroughly adopted to meet the "particular wants and to
satisfy the refined tastes or Blyth's beet droners. Such an aristocratic show,
ing of beutiful models and artistic effects, whether the products of the master
minds of Paris, the skilled designers of New Yark, or the clever experts in
our own workroom, cannot fail to win the admiration of every dresser of re-
'fliedidete, and will stomp this stqzoi:pore'than ever the "fashion store" of
31•110iroigns CB°alibnetrY, 'accompanied by Miss Jamleso 1, spent six weeks in different
. .
millinery centres, v here they copied all the, nev.v ideas and latest designs, and
they are now prepared to give our customers the benefit.
A. cordied invitation is extended to all 10 Visit our grand °pew*
cEinntwar - o .Blythr
4-0 09
4 Suits only,1 light grey 1 dark
grey, 2 fawn, 40 in. wide, in
latest granite suiting, real
beauties and up-to-date Cita- En
ported goods, reg. 900 yd for .0 U
85c Tweeds for 350..„,
100yards only,85c value Tweed
to becleared out as adver-
tised at the special price of
35c yd,, several shades,44 in. 0 E
wide, a real st.ap,fier per yd.
50e Tweed 25e •• '
102 yards of Tweeds specially
made for skirts for summer
" wear, 31 in. wide, in brown.
grey and green, specially
named price per yd; and a 0 Ai
snap at. ... ... ..... • • ‘1,441°1
$4 Suit Ends for $2.10 . •
6 Suit Ends in Tweed, nice
neat goods, 44 in. wide, color
2 sage, 2 blue grey,2 green,
worth $4'suit, our price . 2.10
. •
Silks for Waists.
We have a snap on Silk Waist ends
to, be on hand Friday morning at
9 o'clock at a dead snap so be on
time, this is an offer untilsold out
• -Sateetts, •
180 Sateens for 12o. .
• 572 yards'28 in. Sateens,bright
prettrfinish, in canary,pink
blue, cream, rose and cardi- f
nal, regular 18c yard for„ • I
100 Ginghatai for 50
Of part of the extensive stock of
Munson RrOs., Seaforth, •
0 c%•
Now in full swing .
. •
At. our store in the'dd brick block, Clinton,
Including Stoves,.Tinware, Graniteware, Paints and. Oils,.
Fence Wire, Spades and Shovels, Harvest Tools and a general
stock Of Builders' HardWare, -at about ' •
. . . • '
:Wholesale Prices and Less.
• •
• • •
• •
17 pairs Lace Curtains, 8i : • •• and workmanship is something , We give you a-sample•pf a few prices below. • Inlfact -
• .
. yds. long,60 in. wide,soupe. • very few buyers are familiar with, we have bargains in every line and no mistake. Come and
i Special $1.75 Suit
4 black and navy Serge Suits
in each suit, worth 82.75 1 75 DuCk Pauli/4 ' aoisoeziwybo kolow us best. Mir: are .
1 pra tical men here our quiring anything in , ,
. . Nails, Glass American Field, Vence for
40 kn. goods, wool, 6 yards
8a Linings for 5c
459 yards good wide Lining in •
' an colors, heavy weight, till ft c
sold out, per yd , , .. . .
• thing natty, regular
$3.75, for.... pike
2 50 • . If you do not Know us, please in.
3 • $ ' <Wire about our reliability from . • see for yourself. . Any person contemplating building or re -
110 yards black and broWn • line.. any kind of fence wire, call'and let us figure with you..
per suit, for •
6 •
Dick,heaviest made, 28 in.; I 7 J. H. Hoover.:. Proprietor HARDWARE •
Suitings for 5013 yard. a dandy at 8c, for per yd 1 I ••
Suits only 6 yards in each
, 25o Casbraere for IMO • ' x
suit, pwrple and fawn, all • 116 yards Cashmere. cardinal 261 yards 24 in; °bighorn in 6 1.50 Duck for. 100 .
lar $1.00 per yard, for eU U , plaid colorings, something 312 Yards DuCk in poker dot,
nice for children's 'wear, re- ' is ain blue, blue stripe, regu, I n
weight, 41 inch wide, regu- gn aannddPcbuilrPdlreen 'tisiederefsoser s7-raiesgts.
wool Amazon cloth, spring
...12A lar price, 15c yd., for e....... au
05 1 . There are
No t to Conaniereial Hotel • •
NOTICE,—Unfortunately we cannot -offer any goods for men'swear that we .#
bought so cheap as told above ,,and as no doubt many women will -ask- their men .
to drive them to the Clinton New Store for no other reason than that they can
save money on Ladies' goods, and as we are well aware that the average. man-~
. does not care to drive to town for shop purroses onlywe thought we would give •
them something to drivefort so here it goes. ,: _. .._ . . . . .. . ... . .. . .
$1.25 PlowShoes 75c $1.50 Shoes 61;00 • $12' Sults:28 $1.50 Pants 000 .
• . .
26 paire men's heavy shoes 7 I; 40 pairs men's gaiters or lace Men's Tweed Suits, nice 72 pairs men's pants, linen
real good leather,$1.25 snap • 1 U shoes, heavy . elastie ' • light pattern, neat fitting thread sewn, good spring
.1.good rolled soles, a dead 1 00 trousers, double breasted weight,a snap at $1.50, for
snap at 31.50 our price.... • vest, latest fancy buttons,
32 75 Shoes $ 75 '•
• a nice summersur • • r i 0 nn Reaviest bine,' grey or -cotton-
$9.50 Suits for $6.50 lar price $12, our price.... U•U u ade color nveralla really the
A very pedal line of Spring, . heaviest weight made, well .•
Suits in nicecheck,fartners . • Boy'g Suits in brown, 'navy, sewn and rivetdod eelitli—ee---"
satin lining, neat fitting, 6•50 and mixtures at speCial • without
apron, well worth a c
regular price $9 . .50, ours.. ' prices from $11.80 tolS.00 Me, otw price
33 pairs men's lace and gait.
er genuine dongola kid
shoes, extension sole, We.
Ray sewn, solid insoles
and the best quality made
regular $2.7.1, our price... 1 w 1 U
onommiimomonir, '
Butter and Eggs. taken as Cash. •
• many things
We would like to suggest
• this week and one %Of the
• Most insportant is ••
Malt BreskiaSt
• Food. . .
.• '
Curry Combe...; •
, 6••••••••66,•••,,,,,,••• . , . •
Horse • brushes,.. •, . . ..
it • ir
. Bodybelts..............................
• . : String " , , ,
• if
..... r ..... A../.0•*11,66.,
• Stable lanterns — .
Dash lanterns ..... • • ••..,
Harness' , .......... . ..
..•.. .....
Butcher kivea
, • ,
Regular. 40e and 50c, for 25c
" • 25e, for •
•• 20e, for 15c
35e, for •28e
• • 50c, for 35e
75c, for 550
• " • 3225. for $1.70
" •°•50c, for 88c• 75e, for 55c
" 25c, for 18c •
" 300, for 24c •,
20c, for 15e •
25. for
• r 18ce
•'•^" "• 0.75 per set for 1.30
. 1' . 1 50 , " 1.15
• "• 75e "• •55c
" • 80e 60c
. "• 1 25 " 85c
1.25 for 100 • /
• 75e ••551
" •65t, • ,00
" 21c " 17o.
• . •• 50e " 38e .
. ii • if .........., ......,..
Of course yon—heve •tried Grape - • • :/In knives „••.... •.,.....: ...... ,..
Nuts, Swiss Food, Gratiose,Flakes, if li ....... .... .. .. .... ...
eta., but have ybn ever tried the, I/• • 61.... • ..
Matt Food 2 That is what were
, talking about now. It is prepared .. ..,
.... ...... .. ..... ..,..
from the Best Barley . Malt and • . liaildaw., .. •
. •
choicest whole wheat, It is the
" • .. . . . • . • • . •••••••••• .. • .
• newest and will be the clioeen • Hammers, ... . .. ,
Breakfaet Food. We find it more .
or •
delicious, more palatable and more
" 110*04.00 ... ..... 0. .....
nutritious than any other grain • Clothes Wringers ..•
food (excepting Fair's Breakfast
Food) and is quickly an eiesily
• prepered. • • Tea pots ........ ......
9 9
. Tinwa
• • Regular 2.5e far 150.
YOn've lunra penp'e talk abont .
6/ ••••911•6 .... .. .. /Of {•+.66••••••66 " We " 12e
being in clover, well you'll think
10 quart peil . . . . .. ... , ... . . . ....... ... . .. ........ " I5c " Ile
,..,.. .
1 :totir elf In that condition wlrn .
" 20e " 14c
• • •
0 B K(DEIN1 ri.3 B GROkiEFfir•
Wire broilers.... .....:........ ..... . . . , . .. . • " 15o " 10c.
WE ARE IN HARLAND'S ) pc have a heaped dish of Malt•
. *' 10e " To
1 Breakfast Food before ma. • Pudding Pa."138''';....... . . . . . .... .... '.
. t Plate handles... . . .. ....• .... , ...... ... — ...... . 7, 104 4,, . ire
ur ram x4.30 'ow -a0trilc•ri.m, r_airlya-linc.)AT.. ,t , W. O'Neil Vegetable strainers
" . . . . . .
" . a •• 3 . • ..... •••••• ..... • " 12c " $c
...sh, eso.Astetteree. elves. eaewtewseve eibeiseesswesiewt. eaesse",eiaewbessiretwAsbeeeeweelliteette'lla-ellevlsewiellsellaesseeseree. ittAtiviaeeteieres.,-wweetfressewelaw.7
6• •i•• t,...t....Aminoimilir Oar telephone number is 48.
. •• ..---....
Tea pots..
. II Spring Goods _ . Of Ili
We shall close our
Great Clearing
We will offer
• 0.3.
3 Overcoats at Less than liALF Price.
100 Odd Pants and 25 Boys' Suits, all of which will be
sold regardless of cost.
Gom.e on Saturday and
Bring in the Boys -
T. Jackson, Sr.
We would remind our patrone sod friends that we have received a very large
stook of thelmost beautiful and useful etrtielee suitable for the spring trade of a
• country store, also many that would surprise city people. The etook consiste of
the very newest designs and patterns in
lireSS Goods, Prints, Sateens, Flannelettes, Suitings,
Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, etc.'
We hails it large simply of Erect Form and Straight Front Corsets*
the latest out
Our Cretoni, Art Mualinst and Draperies are superb, AS is also our Milli.
leery, Which always pleases in pride and quality,
We are also prepared for spring with Boots and Shoes and Rubbere.
Oat Field and Garden Seeds are arriving daily. We try to supply your
• wants. Give us a fair trial and find out what we oin do for yon, Our terra. are
• cash or produce for which we allow the very highest market price. We are events
• for the Notional Oream Separator—the best out. ••
Emporium, Londeabaro . • 7".
Mir. 20th,
If ..watit'Ne*.Shoeg
••. CALL ON- •
• Fred T. Jackson,
Dealer in'all kinds of Footwear,-
A. eordial invitation is extended to everybody to Call and helped our goods and primes
WO have a Very ehoicefselection of ',petal lines, fresh front the makere, tip-M.4de in
evety respect
Our line of HEN'S SHOES are superior to any ever
sold in Ctinton In style, in material, in workmanship.
Our lines rOfLADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S are
models of the highest skill in shoe building. •
SHOES FOR ROTS have received special' attention,
and outlines cannot be equalled for durability.
our term* are atrtetir cool, le guarantee satiated'
°o'er your
money hook. BUTTER and EGOS Will be taken lib cash, and When the value
• of either article offered stew& the *eaonnt of the parches., we Will pay 'the
• difference in rash.
Our store is in the Heaver Block, next door to
Grigg's Famous Jewel establishment.
,7 4
• Graniteware • •
• ... . . .....Regular 50e for 38e
• 60c " 48e •
Resting spoons. ........ .. . " " 8o
Cups ••• .... ..... .... ••• . " "120 " 80
: Mugs .••••-• . ..... . ...... . . „ " - -
• Wash . . . ........ .. .. .. 44- • on L. 800 •_
ILI it " a 0en 25e
Sauce pans.. . • • '4,6 • • • ...... • ......
ft ,
Pudding pans
• " •
" 601.6.606/6/66$0 .. 60 .. • . 6.6/64
.9 .
Fry pane
.. zee 200
„ 35c" 28e
" 18c" 12e
" 25e 44 18e
if een ton
4 few sets of Mrs Pott's irons at . . ........ " 1.00 75c •
Nickel Plates.. ...... . • I. •14 If" 41646 ... .. 3••• 41 f.25'' 80o
All goods at bargain prices strictly cash.
euncreiN and SE2UPORT/1.
W. L. OUIMETTE, Londesboro.
Wall Paper
and telling 11 10 Bowe people think itearly
to try but not tot early to look,
It's * pleasure to Atm our new skulk of
Wall Paper the new colon; and deigns are
Vtry SittraCtiVe. ..0012/4ze any time Ind
see them. •
The prloei are within tesoh of all.
A Bargain List .
A few odds and ends of winter steak have
been coiled out for Imediatesele.
Sults $6, were 310.
Suitt $5, were 37 and 38.
Ulster Coats $4, were $Band fit
Dept' Reefers 112, were $2.75 to OLIO.
A fee/ childe suite, sizes 22, 20, 24 for 31
a tinite\
Afew odds and ends of women's and
and children's beets- and shoes; if your
size is among them- you may have them at
ant prlote.
Etats and Caps •
The new spring styles are now In, have*
look at theta, new collars new ties.
Regatta, Shirts, 'Ida, 75o, $1.
Oxford Shirts, 500,
Black. Sateen, Shirts, 500, 75o, $1.•
Moleskin Shirts. 54
Ladies' Wrappers
A nit* range of Print wreppere, eise(04.
„ 40. at $1, a better line same alzeseif
$1,50 each.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
• Piae Atneriofin Percale, lanndried centre.
end miffs, striped kisitern, imfors -
pink, bliu0s, red with white, 50o.
•-rine blaelk sateen- waists, 31 to $1.50,
Lttee Curtains
4 500,750, 31, $1950, $2 pair.
• Art Muslims
5o, &hum, Igo, Ito it yard,.
Window shades
•With spring rollers, 85e, 45C, 'MTh, 04*,
.01nrier Sets
We eell the goalie that sell ether geode,
A fine decorated dinner set of 07 pies*
term** $6.50, other grade)* 07.50, $8, $10,
and 312.
W. L. OVINLETTE0 Lotidesboro