The Clinton New Era, 1901-03-22, Page 37.•• ak araaaa.
its all right, if you are too fat;
And all wrong, if too,thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
1,1pltity; a little more, or less, is
.no great harm. TOO fat, consult
(Wadi; too thin, persistently
thin, AO matter what cause, take
•Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get-
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over-
work and under -digestion. •
Stop over -work, if you can;
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion olCod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't live
lin it—true—but, by it, you
can.-There'sa limit, hoivelFer;
you'll pay for it.
• Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't eat," ty.nless it comes of
your doing no work—yow can't
long be well and strong, without
some sort of activity.
The genuine has
this picture on it, ,
take no other.
If you have not
tried it, send for
free sample, its a-
greeable taste will "0
surprise you.
50o. ard $1.00; all ditiggIsto.
W. B. Johnson brakesman on the
Michigan Cc ntral, was run over and
killed at Welland. •• .
From oorns? No necessity /or that.
Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor removes
.all oorns, large or small, in about twenty- ,
-four hours. This is reliable information,
. your druggist will substantiate it ifou se
him. Re sure and get pattitim's, it causes
" •
110 pain„ • •
The Niagara. St. Catharines 8s To-
ronto Railway Company have pur-
achased the steamer Lakeside.
•Ames Edge, of Edge Hill, Oat., writes
- tiled -Domes Pills cured him:of backache
And kidney trouble. Fie only took one box
- -and they oared him Try them it you have
The Hinfaunse Castle, a Castle liner
from (Jape Town to Southampton, is
• Aground -near the •Needles.
The jury at Wichita', Kansas, dis-
.agreed in the case against Mrs Lawrie
Melton, tried for smashing a "joint".
Are you nervous or sleepless?
Have you faint or dizzy spells?
Are you short of breath?
Is your system run down?
If mane Milburn'elleart and NerveTifis.
Two Daps rebels connected with the
-wrecking of a train at Taalbosch have
been eente,nced to death by ----a court-
For oats. wounds, chilblaine, rhapped
'lands, rheumatism, stiff joints, burns,
scalds, bites of insects, oroup, coughs,colde,
Hagyard's Yellqw Oil will be found an ex-
-MI.3M remedy. grioe 25:. All dealers.
The report that Cpl. Steele has been
authorized to raise another 10,0 mat-
ter of the declaration on the subjects
of trans -substantiation and the Mass
required of British Monarchs.
Anyone troubled with boile, pimples,
rashes, festering sores, or any chronic or
malignant ekin &geese should use Burdock
Blood Bitters externally and take internal-
ly. It will cure when others fail.
The Doremus Laundry in •Chicago
WBS wrecked by a boiler explosion,
and about a dozen employees, mostly
girls, were buried in the rums. About
.25 other men and girls were, injured,
many of them fatally.
WItIt the Result That IIe Found Jim'
What Ile Wee Atter,
its Ezipeseenee In, Town ea ea giarhi
nn olootay Day,
The fur saleeraan was holding Up On hie A5 OPportunIty had been hiding at the
terra a very handsoMe epeeimen of what '1 Outskirts of the town for many dam ,
"i aunt exercise great etre in passion
anpeareci to be Russian sable, says the
Washington Star. . through the town," rend he, "for every
"Zeit wouldn't think," be sild, "that one eeenis poseemed of a desire to calf,
that color* WAS indirectly due to a loss of blre 1314"
temper, would Mr• There citme at last a dark. sloon3r,
"I didn't know thet the Russian eable disagreeable day.
hada bad temper," responded the cute "That is my chance," atild OPPortuni-
tomer, ty, "for few people will be abroad thie
"Tour knowledge Is not always to be day." $o with trembling, cautious foot -
relied on,' latighed the salesman. "This demi he started along the path which
Pate had decreed be must travel:
Is 110t RUsslan sable skin. It 1E4 a red Ere long he Opted the Teeelnlist COMP
fox, and thereby, so to speak, Imes a
tale." ing toward him. His head was bowed'
'Rho customer asked that It be un- and he was mutterfng to himself:
"Such weather! The pleasaat daye
"In liew or'ear," responded the have lied, and the derma season is upon
salesman, "lives a furrier who, knowing
1154 end now .1 shall never find Opportu-
alt), for Whorn I have so long been stela
a good deal about the dyeing of sealskins
and other furs, sought for years and iDg. He will surel never venture QM
s ,
yenta to find dye that would transform in thibeastly wtheeWoe Is owl
a red fox skin into a Russian sable as far Ws. Is ni°19
A.ile he , thuengaged in gs
as appearances went. All his efforts nd wh
beraoanIng affaint Opportunity slipped
were nugatory and void, as the lawyers
say, but•he would not give up the march, bY uneeen•
One day he was busy over his dry pots
• seeking the elusive alchemy. Ile thought
• this time he had it sure, but he was dis-
appointed once more, and, I am- sorry to
• say, he lost his temper and acted in a
most unsee,mly manner. He held in his
hand a bottle with a chemical of some
kind in it that he had luteitded using in
some other dyes that he did know' about,
aud in his violence he knocked the bottle
against a box and broke its neck. . This
made him madder than ever, and, with a
bad word, he hurled the broken bottle
and its remaining contents into the dis-
appointag dye
place, and when he s Mine back, much
cooler in mind, behold, there was that In
thedye porWhiell'ettaded his special -won
, -
der and he began an iminediate investi-
gation. Just what effect the chemical or
the broken bottle had on the dye he could
not tell, but a very apparent change had
been effected and he hastened to try a
strip of fur in it. • When the fur was
, taken out, It was, no longer red fox. Nei-
ther was it quite Ruesian sable, but it
was on the way, and after a little expel.-
imenting witb the unexpected cheralcal
he hitupon the right thing, and the se-
cret was his. Today he is converting red
fox skins ,Into Russian sable 1or 1,900
firma in all parts of the world, and, it is
neediessao any, he is not getting poor at
It. Russian sable is a beautiful and ex-
pensive fur, but this imitation is quite as
effective for three or four years as the
genuine thing and doesn't cost anything
like as much. Cheaper furs that look as
well while theyiseens expensive ones are
more satisfactory anywayto 1111 major-
ity of purchasers, bemuse styles change
and people want something new once in
awhile it they can afford it."
Ajiteeti' 01 t ent 'Cures
Dr. s n m
. Bleeding and Blind Piles• .
Comfort in one ,application. It cures in -
three to six nights. It cures all skin
diseases in youngand old. A remedy
beyond compare, . and .it, never fails. 35
• cents. -43
Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggiskelinton.
A little ferther down the street Op-
portunity discovered the Optimist also
coining to meet him. The Optimist's
head was not bowed. On the contrary,
he was gazing at the heavens and ex,
intently exclaiming:
"Ah, behind yon dark clouds the sun is
etIll shining. Soon, soon it will dry mists
and penetrate yonder 'clerk -veil, and then
—ah, then Opportunity will come out into
the welcome minlight and I will. and
him." White he was thus communing
Opportunity shied past unobserved and
went on his wey rejoicing.
.-"Alete-he-laughedell am -saved I-1'
did not much fear the Pessimist, but I
scarce expected to get by the Optimist so
easily. Now I can breathe treelY
•And so Wing he tinned a corner and
ran plumb into the arms of the Alert man,
who had spied hiiu afar off and was lay-
ing for him.
• Arthur Little, a woodman, was
driven out of camp by hie foreman,
near Goulais. Ont., and. was found
frozen to death in a snowdrift. '
. The • Pietermaritzburg correspon-
dent of the London Daily Mail says
the Beitish troops unearthed Boer
gold valued at 29,500 ' on the Swazi-
land border.
• A Casket of !earls—Dr. Von
' Pineapple Tibias Would'
great solace to the disheartened dyspeptic
• if he would but test their potency. Theyte
veritable gems in preventing the seating:of
stomach disorders; by aiding and stimulat-
ing digestion --6o of these health "pearls"
In a box, and they cost 35 cents. Recant.'
mended by Most eminent physicians. -64
. .
Sold hy J. E. Rovey, druggist;
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure constipation, sick
headache, bilionenese and dyspepsia with-
out griping, purging or sickening.
A Provincial Government is to be
•organized in southern Luzon, in the
Alfred Stead, son of W. T. Stead,
was married in Indianapolis to Mies
Mary Elaine Hussey,
The first trial of Dr.Wood'eN'orwayPine
Syrup will satiety anyone that the long
healing virtue of the pine tree has now
been refined into in effeatiee bbd. conven-
ient cough reedioine. sold by all dealers
.on a guitantee of satishiotion. • Peke 211.4.
The Canada Paper Oo's • pulp mill
at Itiviere du Loupwasdestroyed by
This is the 'testimony of sufferere in
every part of the Dominion. Mr. Benjamin
Dillon, of Leeds, Ont., states,"I am not in
the habit of puffing up prop ietory medi-
oboe, but I feel it my duty to add to the
testimony as to the marvellous value of
Nerviline ato a remedy for ,pain. Nothing
I think equals it as a tuneersel remedy
and householders ought to feel it as much
a necessity as bread • itself." Sold by all
dealers in medicine everywhere.
George Spratt,a prisoner in St.
Catharines jail, • attacked Turnkey
Clench with a piece of iron broken off
his bed. Clench was severTy injured
before Spriitt*was overpowered.
Altars cold drive e teaspoonful0f Pain,
Killer mixed with :igloos of hot water and
sugar will be found a better stimulant than
whiskey. Avoid substitutes, there is but
one Pain-KillerPerry Davis', 25o, and 500.
Three burglars resisted a posse 'of
400 men for d'orne time yesterday in a
• clunop of trees near Farmington, Mich.
They eurrended when wounded, after
about a thousand shots had beenfired.
The Emphatic Statement theit tbe D. &
L. Menthol Plaster is doing a great dell to
alleviate neuralgia and rheumatism is bar-
ed upon facts. The D. & L. Plaster never
• fails to coothe and quickly cure. Mean -
Wafted by the Davis & Lawrence Co.,Ltd.
The°. P, R. has made an arrange-
ment *Rh the White Pass & Yukon
Railway by which the trip from Mon.
treat to Dawson can be made in ten
and one-half dayd during' the cOming
Witmer, •
The D. & L. Emulsion of oda Liver 011
will buiM you tip, will melte pati fat and
healthy. Especially benelloial to them who
lire "all run down." Menufactured by the
Davie & Lawrenee Co4-74td.
• The deficit in Britain threatens to
each R54,000,000.
William Payne, of lieterbore, oolitr
witted suicide by Shooting.
Sixteen deaths Were canoed by the
aorta in Arkansas Tad week
." .
• There's nothineso good for children's
coughs and colds croup, whooping cough
or bronchitis as !Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
It's so nice to take that youngsters beg
for it, and it cures so mnokly that mothers
are delighted.
Mrs. R. P, Leonard, Parry, Sound, Ont.,
writes: "1 hare wiled Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup for coughs and colds; of
myself and baby. I find it mires a cold
quicker than any other cough, mixture and
I * nice to take."
• •
SOLID tryrwtaulls1Sola
• cTteltgr4COLO andtwpearls,oe1
on1716sets Praha= Epau.
ty Eins at 10o, aid. These Pine are
- finished in gold and enamel, manly
engraved and neatly carded, three to
set, They are such splendid value our
agents sell them inalmost every house.
^fiend inthls-vivertleernentand,we •
. -will forwarl the rins. Sell them,
return thenioney. andthie beautli
fulSoildlloldlling wilibesent Yon
to returnmall, allsolutelt. free.
sex-. iv Toronto, Calk
Exerelme mid Weak ifeertr.
•It is not possible to lay down an gen-
eral rules as to how far it le advisable to
go in all kinds of sperting exercises and
other amusements so that no injury may
be done to the heart, or as to how much
bodily' or mental 'exertion each individual
is able to support. One rule; however, is
• applicable in all casee—whatever the
sport may be, in the beginning it should
be carried on slowly, with but a slight
• exertion of strength, which should then
be increased very gradually. Should pal-
pitation ot the heart set in after any ex-
ertion it may be •taken ,for granted that
the proper amount of exercise has been
anrpassad; - It -is .also advisable -for those_
'who devote themselvei to any sport that
requires unusual effort to have their heart
examined from time to thne by a physi-
elan.—Dr. J. M. Groedel in Good House;
keeping. ,
• Thi Stehlt of Tipping. • .
It makes a lordly btaber of the alio
anda grateful mendicant of the receiver.
There it' nothingmenial in the work -of
serving food' and drink in & restaurant,
for instance, but to see an Americanciti-
zen waiting after the meal is over with a
• humble, suppliant eye •upon the 'change
. Which he brings back After the bill is
paid andto see him dancing 'servile at.
tendance on the man the. tips
and insolently neglecting the min whe
doesn't is as measly au exhibition �t ev-,
'erythlug that, Ainerleaniem doernt't Mean
as you can find In A ten•dayie. journey.
Three children of Guy Williams'
were burned to death in the absence
of the parents at Washington, Ipd.
the Archer Starch Company's 'fad.)
to Kankakee, Ill., Was burned.
Lose, SA25,000. •
Diamond, 1)3res
Clothe Age and DAght-
liness :With Lite
and Be
. Cleaning Jewelry. •
Jewelry can be most successfully cleand
ed by washing it In hot soapsuds te which
a few drops of ammonia have been add-
ed.. Then,evrinse
mho!, rub the articles dry, then drop 'in
a box of jewelers' sawdust This method
leaves neither marks nor scratches and
gives great brilliance to both jewels and
gold or silver. .1
A deputatien of western lumbermen
is in Ottawa to ask for duty on luro-,
bar coining from theiTnited States.
I Very valuable Remedy in all
e, • affections of the
• Large Bottles, 2$ci
DAVIS &LAWRENCE co., Limited,
• Prop's of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer.
Mesere. J. E. Campbell,a Hepworth,
Liberal, and James Haled , of Ohes-
• ley, Conservative, were r.erninated
for the -Parliamentary 'eve ncy in
Nor th Brame.
Do Yeti try 46 aye over yent. faded*
end unsightly ge,rrnetito ? Tette of
thousandil in Caned& ad tine :WO* tine-
aeitiefolly and Weil: To illeee who have
not tried this Work of trnit etionenly, We
WOuld say, "there is money in it When you
40 the work with Dlonond Byes." Old
dresses, • finite, • eklroi, eaves, ., jackets,'
bloueek alike, ribitous; eto., cun dainty be
renewed dda mad to 100k 64 Well air OW
Weide It iMell Obit. Teti Cents for a
RatikagErgor bh# of the .fiithionsble ifolore
of, Deimond.ripea will ' /atm .yet tleVer$4
This work Of renewing 'Station'.
farming Olin only be well demi when yott
• nee the Dieinend Doc Mkyour dealer
_hr. th.mi tuke no totnnion ithstittite.
n Neck.
Klatirilay flitpOriMienit. —Thereai ao
time for experimenting when you've die -
Covered that you are a victim of Outs ode
font or another of kidney diocese. Lay hold
cd the treatment that thousands have pinned
their faith to and has curedquiettly add per.
manently, South Atnericen Kidney Care
steeds preeminent inthe World of rdleine
at the kidney safferer's truest WM .-63
Bold by 3. E. Ifovoy, druggisit4linton.
A Brandon' fanner namea. Van
Tassell was knida by a bull.
Atiti4esult riote in Lisbon are re-
• Ofilldreti Ory for
encl.-ridden 15 years.—" If any-
body wants 'a written guarantee from me
personally. . as to my wonderful cure from
• rheumatism by South American Rheumatic
„cure I will be the gladdest woman In the
wOrld to give it," says Mrs. John Beau-
mont, of Elora. "I had despaired of re.
covery up to the time of taking this wonder.
ful remedy. • It cured completely.", -58
Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggiet, Clinton,
Mrs Donald Nicholson, of Hamilton.,
died suddenly while attendime a party
at &friend's house.
ft- DAL
We guarantee that thae
Plasters' will relieve
pap quicker than 447/_.
ether.. Put up only in
25c. tin gamut and U.156'
yard rolls. !The latter
allow* you to ant the
Plaster any sire.
!very family
should have one
ready for an ewer-
& lAWRENCE00.,
Pews= of initiations
It $1. the Oldest 111004ra 1101014In Oa*
Melt pII:t*nigree"biLonk' in our posses.
Won is the midnight sky, We stand Out
under the stare 011 some clear moonless
night, and, looking upward, thongk no
forms are vleible, though It is only here
and there that the natural grouping can
by the utmost legitimate effort of fancy
be Made to fit dome preconceived ld/aPe.
yet We still seem to see the whole vast
dome Covered with mysterious frescoes.
TIMte in the north tohine the two Bears,
the unsleeelue guardians of the pole. Be.
tween them winds the Dragon. There
stands Cepheus the king, and by his gide,
in midetreain of tbe' Milky Way, is seated
Cassiopeia, his queen. The figura over-
• head and to the south change with the
ehema Illaegl:ICnii dhours
h andr lsu
as °nsths'aeatndmtohe
• c
• rioter flow of all. There is Orion, follow.
• ing him ars Sirius and Procyon, his dogs;
above are the Bull and Twins, and high:,
er still Auriga and Perseus join Cassio-
vela on the Milky Way, Andromeda,
chained to her rock, lies beneath her
• boastful mother, while her enemy, the• ,
great Sea Monster, is sinking down be.
Low the weetern horizon. The .April
nights give the predonduance to Arctu-
rue, the most brilliant of the constellation
of Bootes the herdsman, who stands with
one hand stretched towerd "the Crown,
• the other toward the Greater Bear, Be-
• neath him lies the Virgin, while the Lion
Is rushing downward toward the West.
• The Scorpien is the lord of the south
during the short summer nights, while
• the Lyre, with its bright blue jewel Vega,
claims the zenith, and between the two
• giant heroes, Ophiucaus and Hercules,
spread their huge limbs. The September
midnight is the time 'for Pegasus, . and,
then the waMry and fishlike constella-
tions havetheir turn—the Dolphin, the
-Sea...Goat, Actuates wate,' Itte..strem arid
. the sonthern Fish,the twin Fishes and
fair Andromedaal huge marine persecu-
tor. . • ,
We seem to see these forms, though no
term or semblance of the form is really
there. For from a great antiquity men
have looked upward to the heavens and
• have pictered • thereon, in their • own
• thought, certain forms which we have in-
• herited from them bylong tradition—
feting which became so real to them that
the titers theintelves on which taey based
them seem to fade out or to be but as the
nails which kept the pistdres, in position,
while the forme remained the real objects
t Which fined, the heavens,— Nineteenth'
• A., Howlett, a.Grand Trunk section -
even, of Pickering, was struck by a
train at Rosebank and killecf,,„
• Hard to tell in some instances: But
we know who are the great Eerie Build-
ers. They are Scott & Bovine. Their
Scott's Emulsion feeds and strengthene
brain and nerves. •
• An accident in the American Iron
Works, in Pittsburg,scalded five men,
the intVries itrone case being fatal.
There's do rest for those tireless little
workers, Dr. King's New Life Pine. Mill-
ions are always busy, oaring Torpid Liver,
Jaundice, Biliottmess, Fever and Ague.
They banish Sick Headache, 'drive out Ma-
ar is. Never . gripe or weaken. Small,.
taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 25
tents at ell deuggiste. .
gene Terry, a ten-year old Lindsay
boy, was probably fatally hurt- by
falling from the roof of his father's
store. , •
"Of large sores on my lads daughter's
head developed into a cam of ecald head"
writes 0. Isbill. of Marganton, • Tenn.,
• but Becklen'e Arnica WO completely
cured her. It' e a guaranteed cure for
Eczema. Totter, Salt Rheum, Pimples,
Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25o at all
The postoffice and A. 0. fl. W. lodge
at Hespeler were destroyed. by fire,
and Mr Lapsley's shoe stock was dam-
aged. .
"I was trouble for • several years with
Oltenia indigestion and nervone debility,"
• writes F. 3. Green, of Lancaster. N. B.,
"No remedy helped me until k began using
• Electric Bitters, whictidid me more • good
than all the Medicines I ever used. They
have also kept my wife itt excellent health
for years. She earl Eleotrio Bitters are
. just splendid for female troubles; that they
are a grand tonio and invigorator for weak,
run down women. No other medicine can
take'its place in our family." Try them.
Only 500. Satisfaction guaranteed by all
It is said that public telephones on
street corners, like fire alarm • boner.,
will be placed soon in New Haven,
They, will be operated on the Slot prin-
• Anyone who 'has ever been
troubled with boils can sym-
pathize with poor old Job.
There was no Burdock Blood
Bitters in those days, so Job
had to suffer in silence. Now -
a -days no one need endure the
misery of -boils.
All they have to do is take-
B.B.B. Wheii their blood will -
be cleansed of all iMptiritieS
and every boil will quickly dis-
Mise Lydia Moody, Rue:iota, Essex CO.,
Ont., eerids the following statenlent of her
entre: Some time ago my blood got so I
out of order that wally belle appeared on k
my body and prevented me having any
reit. 1 had nine on my teak at different
times, and quite a imbiber of tonal' ones
eamo on my shoaldort and arieg.
"Our next door neighbor, seeing the
condition ',Wes in, told Me to take
ior my blood, and r ma so.
onnd that soma of the bollg had. A"Afteel had finished the first bottle I
peered andall tbe rest wire totting untoh
smeller. I then .got trie Mere bOttleit
end by the time I had theft. A4610 Ali
beadeebe, from which
gone there was not boll to he teenj
Betides this,
attfistaa Wattle left me, end I linprot
so mush In heath tbet 1toinow's,sito
robot 01.1$
A gennral Banking Business
Drafts wined. Interest allowed on
• &snooks ••
Private funds to loan- on, mortgages. a
west current rates. •
. ,
A General Banking Boehm* treneeated
.• Interest allowed on deposits.
notral imaight
• 1 -
The. Molsons Bank
Incorporated by Aot of Parliament 1860 •
CAPITAL •412,500,000
REST FUND • $2.050,000
• James Emmy, Gen. Manager.
Notes discounted, Collections made. Drafts
Issued, Sterling and American exthange
bought and sold. Interest allowed on de.
posits. Flamm Rutx—Interest allowed on
sums of and up. Money advanoed ti
farmers on their own note, with oae �z
more endorsers. No raortgage required
• H. 0, BREWER. lianager, Clinton
"I would cough nearly all • night 1ong,0i
writes Mrs Chas. -Applegate, of Alexandriet
Ind.. "and ootild hardly get any oleep. I
had tionsuloption to bad that if 1 walked a
block I *mild cough frightfully and spit
blood, but, when all ether medicinee fail -
ea, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. Xing', NOW
Discovery wholly tinted Me and I gained
58 pounde," TVs absolutely guaranteed to
care Conghe, owe, La Grippe, Bronchitis.
and all Throat dyia Lung Troubles. Price
60c and 81.00.Trial bottles free at ell
Agent) to the Firta ARSTOL411411
.00.0* IVIatioliester, England, whose funds and.
setturity are rated at $14,600,000.' Also the MO -
11.11,1,01, MUTUAL IlitalaAllOit CO. All elsilleitif
farm risks eta tittro ptepertg taken itt
°west retort. First-elass Loan 4:1012412221111
,also repreeented. Money to be had from te Oer
,centitp,aceording to nature of illettritY.—
Daily man to Ronnerwitle — postal card will
tenth him
end ellver A nishe d.
lionssliss Pins it lea
each. Mail thif sdratise.
mein and /reit sendtbeifersi•
and your Ws b. will begt
Yoe, abash y
111X Cint 110x..06,Toritittgi
just seceived a Mt of new Bel*,
bookies; Pulley Belts,Barigle Brace -
tete, eto. • The latest goods in the
market. ••
We make specialty of fitting
Speotaoles and Eye Glasses.
Eyes examined free.
What is
Castoria is for Infants awl' Childreneastoila is a'
barnileSs substitute for Calor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine oor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castor's destrozis Worms and allays reverish-
ness. Castoria, cures Diarrhcea andWindColie. ' Castor's
relieves Teething Tr,publes, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the rood, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
• healthy anentatural sleep, Castoria is the children's
Pangteea-:-The Mother's Friend.
• OaStOria.
44 Clitterie is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers hayg repeatedly told me
• of Its good effect upon their children."
Da, 0, C. Osamu), Lowell, Mass,
• ,
..candrid I. so well adapted to cbildreta
that I recommend it as superior to, any re. •
scription hnown to me."
11, A. Augusta, M. R. Brooklyn, r
ill it pay me
If you expect to have five or more ()owe it will certaiely pay you a higher rate of
intermit then any other investnient you can maks on the farm. • •
For three years the dairy department of the Ontario Agricultural College has
been experimenting !alio the best method of oremiting milk. The plan has been to
mixtheherd Milk well-ithen-divide4t-intoahree equalportione and set one third' in
deep setting dans in Ice water, one third in shallow pans, and one third run through . .
Separator. , •
The average.per cent of the total fat lost in"tbe Blum mile, and the butter -milk
was 2,35 from the separator; 6, from deep setting and 9.05 from 'shallow pans, or, in
others words, for every 100 pounds of batter fat the loss through the separators was /".
2 1-3 'pounds; through the deep setting Liana in ioe water, 6 pounds, and 9 'pounds. by ias-'.
ing shallows pane. ' . ' • • • • ,. •
In churning the loss of fat in the Batter milk was the greatest from the setting
Mr T, C. Rowe, of the mine College say.—Having teoted overtone hundred samp-
les of Ain milk that I got at firm dairies, and haying found about an average Of nine '
tenths of one per cent of butter fat lost in the skim milk; or equal to a loss,of ens quart-- •
er of the original butter fat I have owe to the conclusion that a cream separator ia
. , ,
necessary in the average dairy with a herd of six °owe. •
Buy A Sharpies Separator.—You will Acta a great inotease in the quantity of
butter made. You will save time and labor, and find an increased value in the feeding
. properties of the warm skim milk as it Crimea from the separator.
Write to -day for catalogue and price list,
44.44...4+ +444-+•444-••••444,-A
Meat Market I
Having porobased the butchering
Imeinese ok E. H. Powell tam pre-
pared to furnish the people of Clin-
ton with all kind of Fret& and
, Oaten Meate. Saues,ge, bologna
'1ad, inater and eggs Pastels kept on
Rs FitZSin1011$ at Son.
Tlephotte 78. •
orders delivered promptly ta all '•
'polio of the town.
• N.B.—tbersone holm( hogo for
shipment will oonfer a favor by
leaving word at the *hop.
OUIMETTE, Londesboro
siren for sell.
tn*onlrSl dol. packages Sweet Dm Seed at 10o.
eich:lach-Paclinge contains splendid mixture of :the mostfrag-
gantvarietles of all colors. The Rifle la of thebost make and mod"
elont4 pollniednicifel bortelAziggergoard and side plates. It bap improved Globe
eights, pistol gripand walnut stock, and shoots with toren° (emend greataccuracy •
Mal ni thll advertisement and Ive will forward tho Seeds. Sell them,renunthe money and llifiewnlbe gent
ounce by Express. ateseatou tot sellthe eats ls short, so order at once. .Need supple COno TetentOs.
. .
01111'0am SaS13.,. D'cior &ad.
Blind Factory.
General Build- er ,and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the 'county, and ba e the very latest improved DA.
&Mork, capable of doing work on the id ortest notice. We Carry an extend, e
and reliable stook and preparedplans, and give estimatee for and build all chim-
es of ••buildinge on short notioe and on the closest prices All work is oupervia.
ed in a meohanictilway and satisfaction guaranteed We sell all kinds of in-
terior and exterior materiel.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash Doors, Blinds, Ete
Agent for the Celebrated' GRAYBILL SCHOOL • DESK, mennieohned
at Waterloo. Call and get prime and °gametes before' placing your orders
Change of Business
Having bought ihe Grocery aria Crookery business so eacoessially carried on for
the past 12 years by J. W. Irwin, and having over 20 yeare' experience myself
• in wholesalb and retail grocery and crockery business, I am confidant I can keep
up the good reputation of the old firm in keeping nothing but the very best gee&
at the lowest pricek—Th—eve reduced all my Dinner, Tea, Toilet and Table Seta '
to make room for my import order, whiola I expect in a few Months. Call and
ekamine goods and prices before youbuy. No trouble to thew goods.
•J. W. J. W McCabe •
With referencia to the above °lunge of business I take this opportunity ok ex.
pressing my sincere thanks to my numerous friend* and customers for there liberal'
eupport during the past 12 years and bespeak for my Memo, J. W. McCabe, the
same liberal treatment so geneeously accorded to me.
AtEIGN OraL—fiEN 6Vr/ (31 feS‘ hioltiTR LTh' tND
medal memorial tributes from the most finahi.
ent British end ormodievilatestieu, and, ',The
Life of Sing Edward VII.' Size I0x7, about
000 peges_. taetter illnatilited ths „it any rival
wove. written by Dr. .Tn putter, fromLon-
don, Bit the celebrated eat Slid Itairlia.
Ii" in John A. cooper, tor Omani= Mag.
itatitilt, ()renter Prie0 onlg $1.15—new book
' ft
tread; Tea% ProlPeetus to csinaseers,
* titi to Niter. large 00MINISO1011;
hi World oummg Do.; Gtielp . Ont
. f
Iron makes rich blood.
Now is the time that your system nee& building up. Iron id one of
the best Tonics, drives out the impurities 01 the blood, makes the blood
rich and pare and ghee tone to the whole system, onr
• Compound Iron Pills
continuer iri a condom(' form, ill the elements neoeseary to prodnoe new
rich,bloed, and nerve Bilotti One or two boxes usually !cringe 'Martel:,
eue improvement in heath and fitterigth.
• 50 PilIs in a box 25e, Or 5 bOxot tor Si.
E. nom Dispensing' oemist, Gin*
: ell
wn° il. Nr
..,at,,„.,,,,mipa....., .
• d„,,,4„,,ro
A piure Of the Glutei,' t,e.
fetnre 222 hiehes. The °MAC consists al box 0711411.1
gvelon7"per,il' lphg.rtitlituityPraPapocwh8likgpentiiitv"htgraer Trar,er an.' i• d
Directions. writeitsd *8 moll phot& Sob iobeta,
;we 2, yeentathin sal. 042 critriusa
First-class Cutter
, ,,. 4
1,gin bundling the JilicLit.1:1011111 001.81Eiltkritil' ) 4)1714—
.- •
which lira idraitted to bathe beet wedeln. the market. Aliki liter.‘.
my own 'manufacture, Which are up to date. I Will be Pieseed loshoer
tending purobtooro coy stock et any time, and ptioes are 64 10*, Oa IOW** .
' JOHN LESLIE, Huron Street, Olblton