HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-22, Page 2. 11
. .11 11
. . .
On* Thilli q - wA#-, - ___ 111111 1!1 1111,1: - .
� , glicVrp youp SALWOV SJIOUTIX0AXS,--oAt the ?r,D* � — . � I- . I
- - vincial saleof tborobred stock . I .. -_ I - I I - - - --- �� I
It will affoid us a good deal of saus. ., heldat , IF t014 Eng)aad—nolne.. , _ .. I . 11 I— 7-
1 . , ,uut4Iph"receyIiIT,' there were bulle Crisp County ClIPP1498 1, Prol)ertles for Sale or to 1,et . . m=�F� � � I I I
I The bulls,)a.0jed in 0 __ . - WANTED. . I
0 , –
$8914.011 if Skillactibers will kindly see to '-%?,a 123 females the Shorthorn class. A 04"ad,44's Experlence. U MoLal`On. Cromarty, recerstly a I
it that (bell subscriptions fire void in 'Joe frolp $45 to. - � old . 1or0fe$8101Q4l4AdOtherCx
M15,avd th� es�41es fr , Cris $00 t . a year-old bull for $00 to MrViel, Fill- TO RUNT ATtl% __ __1 ------------------------- � . rds
O 02m, . (0oncluded) ,loo -20
, advatice. The price of paper And (f The btills reached larton, , I i�",Jt ood
.. )4s, A0 ,0$ B9A1X0gV-JQR1AJrQ1ST'1tT.RNQ CO3 ,I)AMOSSOOTT
printing material of,a)l kinds ii,tu 44, the total 8111M Of After getting toy bai, ggage A story and P, half f -raw -8 realderloo on Raton tp
$9,101,Or an Average of $84 fr) eaeb,and and tipping the porter, I Into, A cab, W. L. MoLarent Hersall, recently "1100b, bordaWA mof4w Clinton, 011t, Barrister, solicitor, &a., I
, _ I owd &ter, half an a_ �. __
. vanced very materially during tbelput the females realized $2,840* being an hotel, which W , went to a sold his handsome black driyer to it Wfth fruit tree$, Terms
I as vet y. quiet and -Jau'llItf Aoply reasonable. .. GUNTON.
, . bottle. Winolpeg buyer for 01K --- . oi()BX.8N11)BIl,0lltotOu'0I1t. . . 0mcit-300ft Block, Imaiso $006to.
year. while the price Of material has AvelrAge.of .10.00 each, Tbebighestpric- like; I Was amnsed by their hotel ___________________�.
� ,
ed b411, wbiCb realized,$ _ 460MCM5 Wanted.
Y Alex, Moore, of I I . v TO xq*�F,
senlained the same. Our white paper Roberts", Offered b 1315, woe "Lord Wethode;vAen I asked It they had au, , Alexander Gordon, of Tackerssulth, 0()'USR, fOr SA 1, P, or, to )R JWNT. jilroo ftl.ral4bed to XONE I
I � - � GvPellwood, n -elevator, they said 44O I , who recently gold big, farm,. intends - , -- VAVF 000ofortable, a � � r .
� , tok ts us 2c Pei, lb. more (ban it did last 4)t Ayear old, And WAS Hft; yea, we j. owmeass 01 Moving with bislamily to Uensall. 40ar Organ rnotoh fow;rJouteswelkIr "' , Apply 0 I
'. This renders It all I � The highest pric. for taking o 0 . III buy t. ; 300 pxolkli-if� Wo ORY001VIK.
I "yea' sold to Mr Dyment. lch we tie On Victoria st, , '34 the P r , I 0.
. I ur guestb, bagga . 110 W V11A. A.&UaXST411, S0,T
he more tie- 011 female brought. $2W. S a was ge up- Win. Chapman, of Tackeremilb,.re. rl,Ege'.pa,IrDoeorMtyyy'4'-'Owto"tablO house w th good ," r , ', , 41CTTOR, NQT,&Ia,r �
. A stairs, but It is not run as 4 pa d to John Scarlett, Me 0
lCesSary Mat subscribers Pay promptly. ji )ons, Lanvulsh 11, ele I r .. Killop, to- ' - .
Yearling heifer, V�rj ssenge cently Sol U ll J,I)l =lv QQ toPled by Wank .
Woe4 by Geo. Fletcher, of -Blokbamp An vatOr," WAS assigned to my room, a Ana, heifer coming three, for $130, 1 W. DRYOONH, I ENVINE FOR ULE "BI"10, F'To, �
Will those who have not. paid remit us 41144 Wo lit . b d when tba potter brollt my tmg. Mr Tiffin, 12th . BAVVIRtfir 4Q, I � .- I
� I at once the am . I Y Wil Todd, lKajamazoo, gggempli-4dtot1p.blits, , I ! , ,- . linton. I - Office-Reaver 131061c,
-ourot of their subse ' M!Qh' he f0110WIPg sales 'Ilb Amount, big farm to Won. con" Ashfield, has sold' An upright engine and boiler, four horse Ivy-StRAVO, Opposite Poster's P14000
1 'P' parties from R"con coun I made by Of tiPpilog done in R . basboughtA Hunter. Me TIMa � ' _ . in good Workingordero iii 00410ty
Is I at the thin
I er way Seem _r thing-oriorm . farm near L%rigside,Bruce roper or semi% one h . g . . CLINTON
- tion. One dollar or two to 4 �obscrib- Carlisle, ,% , ous, and A person 110111sefor Sale JoIrvIa"11.1
I . ty were : sigland, is going
, , Year-old, sold by Jr.s. Spei - . visiting courity. . I w Or wante, Jim I
J , thevican hardly help following tb be seen 4 J11 "
I a small awriount, but laeussels, for $07; book'at-me, 2. ..a A large, two stor -_ 9,0, w,,T4 oCcA .UW B34k 01460 .*Ill I
when hundredit such are sc . Did by W. eleanwer ear- custOw-4 It It is ever to be done away - oandings, on Hurqu S&�ee is offoore,IJ for - '' ____'_�
attere4 & I 9 � G6de'rich I I 1,1,r, r Jr frame 11 Ouse with pretty 0 1 CHARI�.ES 89A919 . I
� tor' . Son,Loyidee Oro, .with it will have to be the 4 Nixon .014eababargain;2claterns.ain *anover I It � .. .1
arebal, 2�y -old, by peop tLw"Ob .$tIns, yo,tholia 100ur (if xi firwo wall, Willeallfoi$1000 -failing
� 1 $100; Field wolish , the & 4 tetbekG NO f I � --- Barrister, Solicitor, Notir,V41"d "' �
r . . around it. becomes a Serious I ear �la themselves that 40 It. � u# . I" thp.n its 0 . I Conveyances ,.
riatter, (33w), Fowler, Warnoc,lit, ban I oar acres, for Proprietor is is4ving'fe Oat. R4 ShorthOrns for Sale I
, b t8o rMauitoba. For arft�
� L' I for 045; You haNne a cabosan, besides big fare he oil anoin or to %rohn Ardout. -
� , , I � R, HOLNI]Q,% General Roberts, two yeaD old, ,.b)r ,,i,,,rt,3 You . . aars a&P,1fiOn the 911111CO-OppoSille Colborne 11�91ex
I 9 . D. Coursey, for $45 -, Captain Wallace. lifting yo,iiir togive him Something for Mr McAllister, of Stanley, who re" agent' 0 NTEDIVORD, Ituton, 'Feb,n-tf a you �bAbudlsl l0tOI3n1O4tbBOld# also . I , Qodolrloh I _�
Cently disposed ol hie . -------- —_ some . I � I .
-Corey, Be rave, for fArm,"letb with chbice F arm for Sale . 7j,eQOme hold See tFiem, H a,
I , , `Year�old, bY R baggage fr4an the cab to yq,aallif fers brooding age, *Choice lot
1, , . , -the hotet, '&I . . ,
, Out roa orterZ. .
I 'Aratballan Chief, by r Corley,. and even in the restaurVits w eye his fa I . b. 8-tt I 4 WWI
# 4 NJ #VA aiw $90; t 4 80 the rail d *11 ly and effects for Alberta$ , . . -_ I 1* . ount;h'.,
,�_ I I ��_ a 4 for 050 ', 011auge Wbb(fii,by Mr, COrIOV,, the bills of f 1%, 00, .19, N�, T., . � Subscriber o6rs for sale his line I . I ___________1� � M- Qo CAMORON I � , .
I . ,
FRIDAY, MAR. 22, 1901 was bought by'Win, Dewar, Of Newry, I . 0 are you see. the words "no Bore, am Of 147 fo,vaerly of a4moron Holt 4 Cameron) . � A
.1. I - for S67', Rob I gratuities allowed" it is almost impos. Rev, Acheson. of Kip a, being iQt 25, con. - U le4r- Thorold C
t. Scott. rd Bible to get t . ven, 18, Hullott, A I I emento . I I
.arnnoeb, has sold edbutfourocres. BrIck1A=(*Pd- A BARRISTER .ANU SOLIQrfog,
11 '_�4 Chased Ki(obner, a 2 Year-old,'for NY' . . he Waiters attend to his Walsh Pony and 016 buggy be re- 'house tot hired in bank tn Iso tramo . . I 1. . . �
to r
. I
,., : , I R Story with a Moral. . you if You do not give era some. centlypurchased from JoseN4 case, bearing orchard of acres f Jorring oreek, Thor -old cement for sale by Udward Carter, Q11loe-usluilton St OW061to 001borile HOP4L 9
, J. Alexander, of Blyfb, bo th V, 134 villfs fri= JAM, 0 Oro Ii
,. �_ . I light Lo;4 thin of H.ensall, to,R, McFallso of- eaforth, deaboro, soil Arst-class ana III good rincess streets clin GODERIC , O$T. � I
I Roberts, a 2 year-old, f6r- $42 - John I . . . I"Ossesf3iOA at any time, terme ON51ti.a. otoullo, I I 0 o car leads, eatimateLs ---___________________� . �
. � to suit pury � . .
I . SOmO Years ago a young. man, then Men I Started out* next morning to for the sum of $100. - I . Jai) 4 --*4 m-tt 4ven. Out' 11 J110orsand 81100, All . � I ,
. I - - . e Or 0 sindall orders prom, -_ . ..
. . EL resident ot, Stanley, realizing that COleo Of B ( - ore. bou,gbt'Crim4'on Led isee'some of th6. city, 1. bad no idea WI. lin'U'Lond"O or 8 tt t 0, .
tlLl�_ i he habits he had tot med were not con, a Ye"lixiZ, 1O?r .$95 ; H. Norria,of Crom. A III. BhIk* ------------- ti 41 0 . GAR ' '
I 11 all-tV,, bought GreIe I whatever of Any -,41rectio; , ill, 'Exeter, recently got I . I e In U.- 15)-s. ROW & QARRQW
I� ", ducivO to either his own welfare or the nwaYChief,9, Year- donj being -a very old , 8, and Lonm ,Word from Blaloe, U.S" Announcing . FOR $ALP,; ' � . . L I .1 ' )
L . .
� , benefit of society, was induced to pre, ling, f6i, ft; -Geo.. Jaits! 10 . , . .. . BAURISTRUS, SOUCITORS, ETC. . - ,�
. .
I . , . ,.
. Ise purchased the second highest priced Couple Of City . former resident f Exeter; Aeath sre,on Orame . Street,, 6coiti. , ...
;� - . cityL.,., Boodef- thiedeatb Of his eldest brother, John,, a The 0amecotta I CLAN V01V ' '.
, L eson.Luclin ,
I Ow. inite oleo or lay.oub," I #mv - L I . . �
nt himself for membership in a tem� . , studied & I
-WAS � pled by the undOrsil I . . 0111ce-CorAer ilamiltolk ot.'aisilithe ft"Fe. . I
I . , tie# is 6 grail, foi We oil I
re, . he Ot to J'of fin L' - % �
,� a Maps, but was not able I from heart falluo'. I . . reasonable ternip, $ 1 WOOD and ' COA , . Gqdt'x-lcbv 01st,
P ' L Yperance lodge which diet weekly in bull SQld,'tbis WAS Lawless Pride to make 'much Out of them, and found . L14 TAP6101 L
� r, Varna. When it came to that part of yearling" for 0200. There were no fe �fiat my best'directory in tliIe Old Stand L i ... r soft ater, stable, ' It . . — '. � �
�L the Pledge wherein the candidate for naales sold from this county, and to , Was 4 Po!iee_L . 14 06W. ve e -no vouse contains . Subscriber is pr -I' T GAintorW, Q� 0. VnAS. L , . . I
L � . 1 w"ya, a 1, ared to giomptlyll ali Oro -, nAU. . .
. I promise Witl.l;ham, and instead ri 0 13 r 0, thes. Closet,- I In - --- ____ . _� wa un w. Z4L.I>. . I
� L :� L ,.: that I Will not Ilse, Or purchas Year-old, purchased by X,%g. ()OWaUL 9 and Paulin, It is A. yoilnk e it , 00 r n 00 a 00, week at "AVIS .,
, y n 11.1 lowest rates. .61116
I e for the 7 ' . t It , cc , ossesalon iv a lMpLRXZNT Jmuv YS'L
, I initiation. says, "I Solemnly Itichased, except Crimson Maud, a triddeting, I got on one,of the omni. 'of 0 Is I , e on lep^o s `1 IDS sold at
g, one man, all of Whom I found 'Very accom- arAn 0%evwc elron 0 , 1; I d 3 C
I use of otbers, any intoxicatingi, )� Seafortb, f6r $!M . . buses for a iii ,9( Is, Mr Yourog''h In a e . mu .PROUIDF . .
1 . , . . . - ie, the fare starting at a 6 a 0 avID6 taken Into a ti e. . , W' W73RATLPAY OOT $4 HA . . I
. 'L. ,, iquors, I IL penny, and varyin th rM hig two a i U 0 r. IZA E tf . L . . . . .
he r,�Jected to taking I he latter par't of I I -------- ��. - .YOU warlb Lf 09 according to how I � Otis, G. . and S' H. W .
. ar I I I . . I BAROag
I'l � It ride-, -they -are all. . . I � I ' . ) naA SOIJOITbRa, NOTAXrES'Perroy, IQ -
I I . oung. I . . . . . TOR ", "BBL MAICATIJuE, L COU,trri ft, '
I _ .
I . . � oite willing to romise double deckers, to ride on topof which The residence of Vr and Mrs Alex. . . . Sale, ' . 'Osysli.e: .Npreh at., next door logilgaa, 010"
: . He was qt ' . . . I . I . �
I -total abstinence for biwself, Eut,waq S11h(l4yS.Cl1oo1L aild I L the Passenger . ,.-,Hohse for' Sale. . I . Lumber for ".
L " �' afraid his busine�s, at that time, wo, Id I I ' 1. . Oes up a spiral stair- AqLar, Belfast, on Match 5, Was the loot number 61114,'MgDjo Street'. ()]JZkton, 8liltabla-fteXalool ... atilld-Inis. - privite Funds to)end it 10. I . , ,
'LL�y 1 L case at the bac . Passed the house, Owned end formerlY occap 1. L _ OnAtb� o ,� _
t�, almost make treat ng a necessity, -Epivorth League CORVIONtiOn. where Jbhn .11, * . Scene of 4 Pretty eventj ther marriagd -led by MY Tbomfis , � . . . . sit.-- m.Vest.Xatea_____.__i -1
, , I .
, L . , . L . . . Ruskirs was born in 1819; of Bertba Louise Selby, Simcoig county, PI -loo. The he * I A a & A reasonable , Book Alon 2 a . - , o - 0'r, - . . . I � . I . . I
� There was a hasty conference I � 14obertsou'laofferadfors I t -
��'- aniong - , had many 0 use I$ commodlousand In good lad2linchga-W 11-Prift .$12.00 . R. Qr HATS'. - - - *....
I the OfficiRls of the lodge at the unex, : Report of the .13sil- . Tportunitiee, during tfie to So M.'Reed% an a condition. For per M.. Q L . .
�, I 1 on convention .of the Many times rOd ' . nergetic and pros. 9 4--tioul4ro: apgy to SoftElinlill,lisiod5l illq�Os' thick, p Joe I - . .. .
. a do the 'buses, cf perous Young farmer of`,.WawanOsb.. 911"ton"Marilt - 'Do" W� HYDONE, $12-00 per . r .' --'-'-
:', Pectedhirroof .affails; some Wer4i In Nethodistand Evs gelical churches, hold conversing with the driver, which 1 , Maple I 11, li � a I . %JQHN , I.RIDOVT. - '
t favor of refusing to accept or admit , ab the Rvangoali to . f6illod quite interestlng�, ag many of - The truth Of the Saying, 44 .., - 11 — Hard M. . . . . .
I the cafididale unless he took the entire. I oal -church, Colborne, on them-. are,perfect enCY(:Iopaed theyoung . .. Fa q I ]For Salo. r ' 1161106 19 .00 Pei M.':�*', "LI'S Inches thick' CoW ' . . . --;-_ . . . . ,� . -L_ I
6d . March 3rd and 4th ;_ I . rn . D0B,ERTY&Co_ ! VOYA_Ncxl�l , COXXI08
pledge; others favor, w . '. may die" -was ill ustrated, ty the be- , . X15. . , . . ONSR, STC1. - *" ,
- ,. " 14B on reaverisent'the t cayn�- to U � . . . � . . I -01 , : - � .
I I L a compromise .. People arid events in London. it is or and Mrs I . . I , � . 1. . inton. I , .
. . .1 - I . �
�,. The worthy chief, a man of judgment' : On Sunday, March 'a th '' . See- WO L L - �� ___-�-_ I I . .... . .. . . . . . . .. ...... ... .... .. I `_�L ReAl 9state and insurance Agent. Money to . I
. , � and *exr)erience, . o e morning rider ful to. gee the amount of traffic Jerome, in the .death -of 'their Ron,. Sabsorlbe� offers for sale the east half of lob . I I.. / ' . lead 013 MorWage and X6 � .
�. . 1 19, con. 3, Hallett, containing 66 a . Seed . . I . I te security.
L and some others, v1cQ %t 10, 30 5-m- Was Conducted by Rev 00 Some of the Streets,* Lorne Maitland' Of Wingbam. - be- . Crain for S ., ..
thought it better to accept the candi. A., M. Cle near tbe Man- I mm, about, 4o 4116 1 1 'L –_ ,
,: mene; in.spite of the inclemency Rion HDnse, Bank of Rnq Ceased was In his 21st -year I . L acres cleared, Food,b hard, Plenty of . I . . .
` 'I date' land, neral . � water, ossess on g ven af 1`.�_" , ofilOO-1111RON STREET, L CLINTOXq .1
�, on the personal Promise anyhow, of the weather the Beriii;e Ge . ( ,earint ore - . .
. . I I Or harvest. - $'carrI.Seed Peas, (�o il�43*8) from' 0 1 1 . . . : .. �z,
!��- Ing ended, arid proved 'a blessingli to all; Best- of the-rifirroW streets, .. . in Seaforth . W. G. Pope; 011aton. . L
believing that it mighi prove theyot ) The auction sale of Is.
� was ;Vell attend- Post Officet and other p aces on some'l _9,rReg MareM4 . I . . I 1, .
. L . -it -is -almost im- I On Saturday week, by, A 11, Sound. . walk I L Z
��,�,, � imitn's safety, if nothing more.4to rail ler ChQir fUrn . -Passable. We ' I rchlbald & . � 4 kinds ; I . . . " r'.. -
'.�_ d (he . filled the music.: - . choice Seed Oats, . .
..% Mat"'L Bee Cosdmorg�.Ioree . . STORL;l po ftilff, "d Goose . DR.AGNEW , . . . I
I � .9
At 2 30 0-mv Ii union Si. $- gathering WAS tbos,bus., and' cab driver, small w . drew'an fm-' � .R SALZ � - I . . . .
candidate was initiated. It proved to . .the liveried coach- 1.M ris, . - - dealers, Wheat. I � I I
' a , - � I �� �L
. I . L T, CLINTON I .
-_ � 1, . t A quanti0of feedlni 006. at' all.41 ."DENTIS— .
. be the turning point in the yoijy�g beld; I .. d; the fillies sold, most *q'Os � I - as or cash 0 1 . L Inell .
' . .
�, ]a. McClinton, Weatfi.eld, ppokeon readily, bringing fr,pm$100,tb $1,50; the ,consisti . 000ty'led by R j*,* one "d 11 f E ObAugG for any kind Lot . . ' �
L:;' , 6CYS With hand ca rte. and the Coster- I - The pr6mij I'' V ' . ' �
�.. L .
� . .iman's life, who was not lorg before be "How 6'64 we 11elf. the S. S., and how can mcroger with big donke 'all mov ro geldings. as a rule, - Were sold fox Rmall- , on Wort Grain'Insome se;froln2to9morothatl ., O .d LL .. .
- I adopted, andbati, . � . y, ,Ing I U. Of a first o ps brIckL;tO;b Or wn'Rn Bridge W.Ork.. � ,
. — . . I
11, . . L I can be had if des' ad. Drive r , , L
since IiveZ1*up_--t`6,-[E'e-- -we- expedt, help from It"- - Gi�:M.;:bll!&jv-of .And out, and It Street Clinton, Is offered fo salq, Ii
. L "Thb ! I seems � wonderful that a . . . a. There were.22 � animalff'sorld,' : toll Or , on GROY house railway stalon. . H. Ift rware A� ZIUAICIR THE 2SD TAvaSD .
;, requirements of the. whole.pledki'. _ � - gwVe an - add`ress-_.dn_.��!8sbh&%. . more people are not huft- I oft' i ligure . I � . I ,
Gotl6riob viot to on "
... L I an was h. I . .. Also Cottage Od Albert Street .with tw, qlInton March 5 1901. " ". . RRIN., I . . AT' 00 . .
. . due I ppro. oil . Beff-another-Withoub I Rogan, a former residento Oar- lots, Stablo,*and all oonvieno6s. Krucalarol . . . . . I.. . I . 0 1 .
. - bwo inches 804re room between thern'.1 0 u SPOication 0 Mrs, W. Robertson I .. IFAR �1_ ' i . I .. . — , !".. .� . �
:::. for reclal4ilng this Man, is Me Geo7ge sic. . - . . . , In fb6 hospiiat At Lonfdoto on 0 VoGrootor, 0 . . . U OfAce. Hours -9 t� , . .1 .
I worthy chief, to whom credit is School tolls�" 'Zion'ohoirrendered a 'a-bufth"Its , . . -EACHL-M XT]a . . . 11 I
�1111 r., Stewart, well known as the clerk of pria"ema A. Shaw 'cc . low,,dia& . 'Quatoxned. .1 Clinton � JFO , 1 5 �- . ;. I
" " I B �
,�� Stanley for many YL . Rey 11 roductea, thb evening Af all principal,. coinere a policeman, is -March 6, agedL74 years'.. He bad been . . SlA.JI . . . I I
. .
I .
ears, arid now a Service ai 7 0,m-.; the . smice was well at- stationed the 'whole tinie. when be ill for iOMe Months 'Rind leaves four - . _____ . Subporl er ;lrOrS f�r_salo 'his", far on. of IOU . . I 1. .1 . ______ - . . . . I
I business Man of ' 9 I. . - " Lacres,lot 0 84,bitusited qu iDt . Lr L, � . "
,." ng C F _ -two in , , , � h con., town- ORK Go ER-MiEST7 Ho . 4ZfX__. ".- __:_
.r. I Clinton, and the Ili, -tended and d helpful to all, The thinks traffia is getts. 4augliote s, two in London: and , 'FARM,FORSALE . � ii
� . ongested he � il. shir. bf Rull6tt � _ ,; �
_ . dividual in question is Me 3ohn-Sher- tvangelicsil =took chaige-of the,nouisio ..road and puts up. big Detroit . . .L I . I I . _ ,, . L ..
. steps into tbP . d. % . . � RatOn 'Co., about go acres . .
..,L ritt, now M. P. for North Middlesex. .L � . .. . . __ Vleared and in.WgOGcl State Or cultivation, bal- ' Is . I I
, . L ' - . Subscriber offiers -for Sale his farm. of . 156, ance-buslL 011'.the,iao .. 1111113111171 r - � - .1 I . .L
, ', ----------- — . , . MONDAY. I . _. ... . hand,- when: immediately all- traffic ,,On Tuesday Of' this -week ,j-obn -arcres, Situatedon -the Maitland concession', I ah is a good fr . I (Sixecessor toi Dr. T, o. . .
1. I . olborne. About 14o j1dres cleared, frame I arge bank bern and �,the . aV4e housel. . I S, on I . t 11 . I ro . .PrTace),. . . 1.
.il . .The morning slope .until he gives the ,signal to go. -On. Cap3pbell, % Out buildings, goh . . . I
I, " A Canadian I session was called to p.rder . of Winnipegosis, ' 'Man., Eouse, bank bargo Plenty of water %ad I b0oftrinir orchard; tin - and lirldge Work - .
.14311ant. at P.415,0101bah by acting pyeg 'I saw a great � many fine horses, es. W to ?also Xft,boiI , W�Jl watered. Appi� -, - . . r " __.__b%l Surw - ` "I
- -�7 idenf,� IL'Sny- � L Was married'at Luckrid d t" I SE1,14 Jay.pluS, , . __
r .
�f. der, 6pening exercises Coticiroeted Joy Rev R. .Peclally heavy draught, used for tea Graham. Th ' rAllegfi,omifoit"g,iill--'�-"�--.uuuolanq., . I Juaron rd—tf : I . :. I .1 . f t rl;, T;ronto, , I . I I..
1.4, ,rm,,s .e.ff.m3able, . 401 a onor irrad
� Edonard Bea,upre, of Eli, Man -,,.who A. Sbf6w. L _ . M. e,coremony was perform- 108424-tf . I ____* . I It? 5 to of - , � .
a size of, . . ' 5 . , RIQHARDOB'�!L .J I L
1_� � I . . I L. oil P.0 _. . :". I . __� r t of T(jroa to ver __ - �
, . L , . . . . I
-'snAdlan .giant, is in... ject, "Relaktiono of Takents to. nerylb,te; 'a stor _ , I &I to
, % Jar ke din t �
is known as the ( A. Reddle, introduced. the oth. - Ki, OWUL- OL EuemL bal a feet,th - ad b , Rev. Mr McLellan. ' I .. �1 . . --- . t 8 I
Montreal. the Oubbat h Y 4h told of J.'S.'KeTil, Wiligbarn, sold his hoilige . il I Pr or ion a . ... ..
I.: . He is I feet $-inches tall,. Sohco)�11 :&$'& rule parents. Lire very i a man that'lia a verk large 0 . a or to jr, I . a . visit a I ev , I
- . I ent, . a . WANTED. Lit.,, -.11
. � I . - . .,or . .. .. . . . I I
., i, enti-In regard to" t1lis work; should at'l,,ae,b�e6�w,,,�,,Odiri,oinE;,alonl,qne 06Y it lost Bluevale road. Me Kerr has putebas- 'r�.__.. 11.1 . . L . ., . .., 14,7 .. 411ft0enUctorls,Autbori * I . ce over, . .. Or&S.01i'selooestoje. '.. *1 --
able young man, w9ois 20 Vears differ I" . d and five Iot6 to Robb. Maxwell,. of I he "Por � I I . e 11 Ageh . .
and weight 347 pounds. This rexxiark� : . h ree, and. I' - ' .' �_
11 . that children -attend regularly; � � - for quite a ed The Quee .
of a , "rh I .
., e, least see . ,� noticing t, o 661ce brick house'voo the corner of Pkil. m, herself, Di -j I'll, I . I I I I
, -n at Willowban6b, Aesa. is . one of - Wm. Anderson's .. 100. acre': John A.'Coop. "____7__7'. 1 .L .
. was bot W . Could. help the ,.while, be.go -t On and JoseTh streets; belonging to the estate -Tchu CGRIfOi. fkoui London Eng , . I :
jeSeL L *of the late A er, -editor of Canadian Msga;N;O, Tor6ito; , Ro-10- W. THOM
,.� � add L Jae tUL -H at Wawa-' 'for 8416 or tO re6b, about 70a pages; (Juall I .
.� father, who was a farmer and'Millet, ' in ItO OtlIdYthe lessons. The along the roa t"Leonsiderable distance farms on tli6 lgth.06n.,,of a C 0
�� was 5 feet 8 iroches tall, while his Induced-& lively disoussion. � . � Obs"d HOVWOod;- to Qfrcrbd either L . Prok 11 . ... - I. �
. . n Ino rm. this nary family, Is.practIO&I I I . .
, , ,
moth� M186 Relipt .iead, I . .to -look for it. ba web.a. Man, and asked a .1 � , I I . ly a new house,'with .75. See other adve S Outs t pa r I Physiclaut Sto P. � I
. . d;, when rnedha6k nosh 4 d wilt ' .1toontaths room for ordi.. P never, equilled ,��rlee . *
1. ve to'the fa %_ tn Ili We Pie . rgeon,,Vt .
. &"Very Interesting and him if be had found a horse shoe on. L pritig. .. I . , I . aei& also to rpilewaln tide paper.. . I .. 1. I
I : � � oar was only 5 feet 4 inches. He . . . : . . . - . all conveniences, and three .,%Vi r I � _"ce and llesldence�_ L . L . . . . .
. . .
;.; has a helpful Paper,on "Duties and ogort4nities . hL 5" . � . I of land -tenths, of. hu 3 Id Irablifiblux C.O.1 Guelplop. ont. L.. . �. 1. at . Uri; . . . : � .- '. . I , I
� I '. . I brother 8 Years old who -is ' 1111381, . I - . - he did' - If the Property Is not sold Or rerito . d L . .. I L. . . .1. . L A teub litree�. : �� ". . . . � .11�_ �
"L , promote social feeling in ever I . . � . -
i Coal mmittee, in. I eLeagne.11 find halt a wakgon of'Xatberine Maud. eldest� daughter of ,' � ' I Exetoutor.-Clin .. .. . i I
over 5 feet tall, and b .already of the so '60 , the'road-,-tbe Man said no, -hub On Tuesday, Marc the marriage part ofit will be roated. A , o .
ids fair to 1(row. 't L I . tire, wbjcb.the.�rft I _pply, to , . .
It larger than the 91-ank Bea, L , Mr and -Mrs �Jas. Kirkpatrick. of the . . I toni . , . � . '' DR� WM-. ORAL - - � . .
�,�"!, a v,9 -A oe, , . I . * ' I . .
upr6 W&a ratietino; no gbvlrqb 9 man recognized as the nilast Is ' HA i . .
!J_hr9wq fr-91n A hors ,t ;I , I L. I r leogue lacki ng tl . _ ng I L I . . . M,
'�. � . . e4 . it t fi&I I . . 11 — , .. , .1 . . . .
. .
luring .. I visited'4 and �ga,w lake 6hbre road, Colbornip :. . 1. . . I L .. Notice' to'Cr,editors . � � .. Licentiatwof the Itoyal.collegoi o4h I , , I ,
,1� I -�i�i�6r, aogsliZ'Ined should be held regularly, - at which Strang. ForrievOry fine cattle,' b1ii no' M. COWAIN -of, 01suirch'alFerry, Zri� �,.-: . 11011se fer Sale. L I 11� " , '.:- . -- .. . 1. . . , London, Engla 70 flans, ..
',� Xfttacky 1"i a 0 SOCiability6an',proiper; At bomis. I fat'stock. show - to David T I . � L , . . . 1. 12 .. I
. . . . . . . . . I . .. .. I � d., - . .L"
injuries which have forced him t6 era should be made spechilly w6loom I0,rd to nesupor- 114koka, _'# I . . . . I . I ., Zl�thevzatW of ad.ralate of Wilijain . . . 0111pe and Reildence.- * I . 11
".. e; -A 8�ewh�Xtwe havein Canada,butj L .wall,conag Amajed, . . ' L , 'L . . .
. .. .. . - ,L . __ . .. I . . . , . .
. . . , sialrs, , .. .1 .
�, to Montreal for medital attendance. -spirited diQnQqIQxs10llQ�Qd, the .jIn .1 I . . I . . Win, - relilitims *BX0VA, vp q * � , .
:: I I . . est .pXhibit of dressed . - Mr, Bennett, formerly of tbe.joth.coyi, I ,.. I 1, . I �
" . Ris "boy" . - � , - O�tob�scrlbcrcpfers for os,o the Houa6 and - ja'jec�jjt� . '. .. . accesgOr tODr*- Toll " -- ' ' . - * . I . . L
�, � . .
11 lit Lob adjoining the bowlin greanon the.sbuth , Pownshi_v 9f Goderio-Z4, 0021�tyl Of . . ..S. I , %bull. . . .
,i�? I est, T Ouse IS in or . . I IL '' . . I I . L L
school." L 'Teachers should L L pair, with 10 rooms, ha dand soft water, and " *,- . HWOn YeOman, decea�ed- . I . 11
the other nig Ide of Mary str
was a visitor to the flouse .'E.MlIchoollspokalars. 1,11hg8,8..,.ja&cbBr , oultry it was'eyet my privilege to be- died in Blyfft on Sa,turda* last. at,' big % , ood're-
- of Coffim6ns, Ottawa, outside of the old, I 1. .
�... and be certainly is a at � about the farm about four months ago. H a It Is, . . �s
unner. A great deal has been said. : 'residence , be. only mot,ed from' his a Ly �
.. a bad a Oe n orden. - The Purchaser rn�y have . . - . . �,
- n M. P buyinf sPleceof land adjoining .
__ 'the f, 11
�'� He ha' become As well acquainted ap'possible' with cheap restaurants- Of London; well,. -I attaine4Lthg rjpe�ago of. 78 years. 4 A or a I In that behalf th
,, . to stoop in Passing through the ordins, tbeirsoloolati-, Rev M.Olemins, J. Sobwaroz tried $,Oticsotsherebygiveti'ourhuaiitto'tjlestatuta
4. � Sty doors, and Sleeps on a cot because and 4, � r den. AsoplytoD, at all personshaving claim
� �, H.addletook part in1bedisoussion. .Several, and - found thatin some , leaves a widow (At present verV, poolrlro� . , Inin 01r"r1fiall slaciliFt the Ostate Of the said, William Wise,
��*! � be cannot get a bed Inng enoujrh.'oThe Rey X J.' Wilgoo.,'Nilo,,aeliiered , meals were served cheap., but they And ten children living, tw L I'm. I., � L W. 0, RELE.
.1 a very . . w o, died on or about the 23rd day of January,.
I - o ba,ying I � Wingh ,
� I triernber for West Huron, who Stands. &bid &daras$ 'on. "The Teaober's Waster were veiy dirty in the way they.han'd. .pre -deceased' bim. ., .. I . . I sm-1. 1901, are required on or befors t)36 lot day of
� .. . I
. .
11 . over 6feet, can I walk under his out. Hey."'Tbojew6lofs ChrisiUke, Spirit is -led them,. Itis next toinspossibl6tol � L L I -, . May 19DI to send b t . or to' do-
� yrs , 90PAId
Ut L, I liver"to2dward H IJ .
, , , " ra, . Be . Du- Jr- W1 SHAW, jM'Y81CIA
, - Wretched a�yxo, and DX. Fraser, who- the -mastar key, for .-unlocking. -the - geta decent rd, ffelenF. Mitch * 11A for der 0 ' A.,cotioloeur IT, SURQ80" -
��i.: t,,,,,,,,,,,,t weal in, the city ,, ell,wife : , . P41e or 'to Be a fto., Wilde and r6leldenes on. .
�'. is known as the Guysboro, giant. looks 0001. Th '406" L fox less 0 at b3 � I . .!, 4IIutOA,0nt-,6r lbart , ,a t%rIO St,, 4DP Y, . . I
I .. . I oirle I , poS to English I .
,, a k8Y must At the 'look-tbe - - - � Thi. - 1-1... -rTI771, I _ _ - .6 Ih A ' & . il.�_ atoplad b Dr ,& L
burnish . Of 11.1dictil, -of Abe �Qoderfch- Star*. _. " !%Wont. heaxoi Ora -04- Chwellf fOrm6TIy'Q04_- - - . '
t ?, � wheiiag T Is und6rMsened Offeri for eels i decease , their 6f,t - . y .. 1IRPlaton.,olintou out, . I
I-, In 'TOW many � 'passed away. She died - of - hearb - die- * a N!` . 71 . I
� : . -_ . . . . Lot s8, con. 9, Hullett,cofisloting oofr to rent tion$,L'Wlth foi 08. r age . occupa. . .. . I ,:. -
I - I bad"suffered, fo .105incres, a an a of I eir . ______� L
Small beside Beaupre.-ED. NEW HRAJL teacher Get thoroughly uJiderstaisd ibd Tlaces bere.where a, *iplendid meal can ease, from which. she 'I r to )a nd . I , - .
. .
%L: child he is aealio�ig with; this it be obtained for 25c. , , . . r 80 alores cleared claims:bnd the na ro 0 a 7 1, .
, ey must be . I some years. - Mrs Mitchell was the urolearsdmiw'10'acres bush, -and balance held by them. t OR STAN' iuiil.o�_ .
We publish a full report of the an geniiine..69dei$,.Lexp6ot,ant--I�the to In MY opission London has the fineab I used for Pastuto; The farm Is L . .. . t, ,if M , BURY GRADUATE 0- . .
�� I . , . I . D'Xf- edleal Dop ' 1r, .. I .
Artmeat of Victor,ja,vtoi,or, . .
fourth daughter of - the , late Capt. sity, Tqrooto, forblerV .;, , . .
: 1; S , . should hope for .and ,expect good r adh4r system -of Fubli B1110tt,bf the Roya;l Maiinet;, arid was ,well Watered by spring creek and well, There . Amd notiee is frorthOrmiven that after the , of .�he.aoapiWa aft(2L .
�i- 0 lavatories of Any city . is about.oneacre of orchard. There are B said litst dall, of N Dispeusarli N
. 'Orh hiaw.ork-,�:slwayi giVing.0hrist At all In ' . acres Of fall wheat Sown and 18 seref; of fal Proceed to distrib OA4 Corchir Of the,,, .
Du4i meeting of (he Crow'd Nest Pass ff esults � ir'the wor d. _ a y the said, ex
. ( _, L rge street Cox- edntors will ew Ork, i . .
�'11.. Coal Company. The most interesting place. . I . � . 11 first . bQrn in Goderi6b. - She. leav 1. dee ute, the adgets Of the said County df urOu, Eftylleld. - - I I � .1 I
� I ners you see 6...sign 'IF -or men only," L eff a buso Plowing den e. Upon the Premises there is a ,eagedf amongat thepairtles entitled thereto, anti -
'A riominitt coniinitteeL.. . L hand, and4hree bo*s to Mourn her lo.49. lt storey frame dwelling and 2 barois,obowx66 I bayl
. - � , . feature of this report is the address Ing , i was 111 I .and on the. other side of' tfie Street . I I L . . ng.regard only. to tho claims of whio ________ —.I _- " - I "
. . en sp- "d the other 3oxo& 1%ocidstabling 'Ij .
!r Poitiotidtoolect officers fOr`jhS:enSosIngL "Forwonien Only',," at ibi Thl AirisafMra Alexander Me- Is 6 -ilea -from, pinton and IJ milais' Tholeirro, 116tics sbalfhave ihen, been given " afoje_ � L ' .
I of the Pre;;iderit, ,9enti(or George A. . . former a I - ,a ren3,F r4erhIIIP.o h h from Sum. Said and the sald'execaters wilt not be liable " * lKSMAN9. '. -. , , . L " . . -
' man is in Attersdarico all the time, arid, 0, of . � DR. J- FR * .
��,. . year. ' The c reveystion then adjourned t . Nev eafortb, who d I ed - on - Pei or,,;Onledon reasonable terms, Poor further P6rSOnL or persons of whose claim, not, 0 Any . GBON, . - . . , . .
. .9 , Par leul".� .�o uro Ands0hool � - 'Will be sold for the said assets orany part thereof t; .
Cox, who deals at length with the meet at 2 p�m. I . I 0 at the lattei A -a p a I,d,rY seek vv�reinfer;Oditr . . I . VEMRINARV.SUB I
'4 , 11WOLY fro .. I . I . . . woman: . eF on gees the Wine-. � . . . cc shall Membar of the veter . I I
� . I pply to, .
. .
. . . . . I down Lto One' 5rL on,blonday o I not have beau received as 4bovs. . , . . '
I... . , � nIgg I , L' r$ Medical Agftef4�'. L �.' '
.� ra Crow's . AFTERVOON S ' f the Iavatorie& ,(they f this week I . MAS JONATHAN UcB '. .tlo"g of 4 1 .1, . . .
" pioposed . I 0 nsw . a
'd 4t,
I in the EFIOrQx . I I I I I . . I . . L. %,
�,��. - I , . being all urderrroinid) and fo Mrs McXeViii was a daughter of th; Sent 28-- U. . . �., I . JAMES 8COTT, . . . nbulrghi and Grada., I .
. I L L I
. ra penny ,. . . , . atb of the Ontario V .
'. Nest Coal Fiel4s to The Amer' can have it wash -and brush up. late John Messer, of Bluivale, ''an . . 01111ton P �-' D Solicitor for the ab nilmed 9xecuterg. ' TRICAT. 3) . eterinery College. ., . L .
I , L ican Devotions) exercises viere conducted by. a Clean � . d it ' . . . 1. at- --At Clinton this 27 1. . �99ASZR OF ALL A$ . xM,&L6 ..
... I Boundary. This project has already Rev M. J, Wilson; the report; of the Evan-, tbwel. being supplied exchindividual sister*Of Mrs Willissm Gannet,, ' . .. . .: March I -In OtOdArafRobruary,illoi, OADCO . I
I t of � ' � � . . . t . � ...L I ernial-J01POOtalAight imil daiyl, 011110site - cloul� I , . . I I
-1 - Zion 0. 0. or for a penny, can Is ' Win .L .Good far S '"' " � _____ . . I I .
ave tbe.useOf bbe Lgham. DAceasedwas(ritheprIM6 . � , . .. .
. were redeiVeatandall reported W, C' L I of -life, being 85 y�eosrs of ag% She . I I . I , 6 . . ..
: . awakened considerable attention on gelies 1. Bethel, Berimiller .and, m -for I I -in L .-
� account of the Itingnitelde ol� the Cori L tobb injapros .111, - - I � I . I . . I . . . L
- . _"_� Successor to Ior . I -P W.1 I
. - I . . I
�. � . Perptis condition;, the retorts of Bethel and ng At ' Stibscribor offers for sale lot g7,0 . 0@+**#++*+++,* I OAt. I .. .W -J. -FO Or 0 .
, Ilicting interests inv?lVe leave,sa,sorrowing husband and *:an -O : a- -++++**+-#, I + � linton ' .
_d a .at ' ' IdId cbnsid�iablo shoppil . ,....7, 00 0 _ . .1 . . I 11
le at e- Z rich towriabillo, containing 80 acres, There is I . . ; L
_ , dif� ,
� � xnent havine the weighe of autbori(y were oleo ear4. ferent, placep, but do 0 . . + - . . .. . , � I
.. . I I . .1 .
I r . . . - --- -6. , suit otbee out buildintre, also all or 19,13LACKALL VETERINARy SURGgClI, 11 I . .
The I , chard, (I i * Honor . ,
'�� , is W rthY of careful Pe"sal. ion "" "' -nob think.tbeir Infant 6W Weeks old a ot infortable dw6lling house, barns, sheas . I
.1. . . I . I
" A. Uk liull, ,,,fo,,,, at 'Rome'lbngtb tbe stolves Arb any better than many Do 1. L . �
. although I to, res wheat, 2a acres fall L p1dwing. Witigi . ''
-) leading pointl; in the case are set furth Difficulties in Modern Sabba �thLtky L Carry MuChj State of"Ohio, (JAY of Tolea AV sryGt&du'LtooltheO,utsrlovetefttrp, .
I th school our Owl), L . too6t]ldii%O"oi;ofdoinegti(latg,7 "I -
- I ildren L- " , 911A 01,
:" with clearness and the address gives work;" they Con ji& ' I P401101191011I lot of April it roacesgarr, $2000 bi PRIN .
� ;�� comprehensive view of the to attend, a Slated 'in getting Ch heavier itockg;. I go some beautiful , - - .1aicas County. I r%on '" * . I . . .G . Modern "d dolontifteporlines .
a rid keeping them 0 O:iU On InOrtgAfe It wished, School. 9
11 , store and b achamith, shop with,"., I , IdiatOlYsOlith of the Now MM .
�, com. . in the S. 8, fA1IC.V goods at such 11, . Fr&0 Ti Clieney malies oath that be is I I I I a 0 -
r . ,panY's alms and prm;pe(,!t% . . after getting them there; the, * prices � that I th OL senior partner of the. firWL Of P. 3. Mile. Apply to.L.MADQUIS. por era 111. S. in a line on April let and and spend oe IdOnoo -�- Albert St.., Clinton. (36JI. . I
-1 I 17400m should almost wondered W6re theyniadea . a R IL few Mon I ;rd .
_�, �snladeattractiye iuscl'the lesso' 6 it . I . . ths from that date in one � t , &V attelidedto Promptly - . .
:� , ------- . . . n so in prolit, And conclude I - it was 11 the Cheney & Co.t. doing business in the 01. Y I of the depaitissentaL of oar Sehooland - . � I I . . . I I . . L
. . I ---------- � ..
L' "' I liereStIng its Possible. . A. Reddle , and H: string And Paper in which the goods of Toledo,. county ad' State aforesaid, ,Choice Farms fo,or * Sale. thus prgite for a better position, in' ARRIAGR LI L . I . ..
I . A]
� 1* I 'and that said firm will pay the sum of . I
I I" .1 Additional Local News Snyder dleougoo,ii the topic, I were wrapped. The French say :the I life. E tiestion opens the. Way signed CENfiHs Issueol'bY Ahe an. .
__ . 1�elv R . __ ... I 0 IN!, at his Beoid6ncs, 316'ry street, . I
_%� - Whiflilig, R A., Mitchell, i0ok Englishare a nation of sho to' & P
". . Charge.of the question .P kee erq Ono hundred dollaris for each mind 'evsry . 0 codk Try -it. Oar School with L . on, . . I . I . . I .. I
I . I -
XMFORiANi POStCglft?. MATTSUS,-Tbe nissuerosloqUeotione werodrawar, andthe theY.0bould also have said, of silk gate � Case Of Catarrh that canhoibe cured by the Thtes choice farmsof 84 acres eAck, situate a staff of . JAMES scOn SR, .
� " - AlLe there ' on the 9th and ioth concessions of . 10 t6apher, anti finest � . .
� - Goderich - I
. L . . .
�:, - #Qn. WilliaM Millocif, Vdifthaster-General ably %ad satis, lor nowhere In the World Townsh . equipment Ili Can6ds is worthy C! I .
� WS Ties Of Hall's Catarrh Onto. , I
L I :� . � mat Be, in . I I . . L ` Farm o,lhitallnodwell . JAMES OAMPB)gLL, LONDBSBORG, L . .
�:, . before iesving for Australia made kho*n faciddlY h4n4led '' ' . iy worn Lpridoil, . . V,,um 4..()tng� W1. Ing houseaud ado'd Your Consideration. Writo I ISSUEA OF MARRI .
P In his department two Very imporiant L "The Model SZbbath gob 22� buildinga,ja well watered, I for calls. . � -
_ col Clams" *as On Sunday afternoon. I sa6 13 a SwOrD to before We and, subscribed in O*enred, I modd wrehard, all, . ,loguej :No Vacisti ' I .
I.. . 0 ons, spring from . AGE LICENSH I �
� ..'� I . . , ----... - 06LWItmesses.rdQuired. So _ L ,
�� *� 11 Postofficeachernes,whiob will come into the inbjeiIt assigned' 49 Rey ld'L. Wing, bench in High Park and counted,207 MY Presence. this 6tlx dft�' of Deoembe , F.I"h No.2 has dwelll�sr- house, 'aru'and- April let. . . -_ - . . . . _. .
i-. , . force just as soon no the necessary pintibg I Berlig. Fho. auLggeost GXg: Be Pass Within - 15 feet in frontr of in . e, in- A. D, 1886, . I Lr abod well W a.b I I .1 . - � . I. .
"I . L I is, ,ad the fol . at*red, orchard, in about ilf- I . 1p AS L .
1, � can be got onk at the Printing . B.ureau. P.11116 oaf; dep & registry - of the dlj%su. gee 41de of teri'mirsolteg. Tfiere are bUS* .F:W. PARNOOMB"Miomimn 6
. I . I_ SgAL . . A. W. OVEMON'L 1081) acres'of.bush . _ . 6 P. L. 8.j Provincial SIX OF, .
� L � Pro-tisiou is made for the Ineutantle, of. that all have Bible#; each pupil lnigh� . � . .. . O. 8 is mostlyin Pasturew with about CentraillushiesS College, - I Land StIrv0or and ..
� -be negs men in Lobdon wh.) will bot; re. Xdlar.?/ Public, I cragof ush land, ... . . . L . 1 . I '. DIVII Engineer, zoadolni out.-Osmoe it (lea . . I
i-�_� valuable correspondence up to $2r,, so ibsi ,,signed. aortaoin parts of the lespon, to pre. ceive any ways unless he'w6ars a silk Uall's Catarrh Ours Lis takest internally lip lift . . "I Stowart'garooiry store. Clinton. . I
� I . a toxbout4 milds from Clinton . - TOROV . . .
� . In sending a registered latter through the pare, Thip snip should be need. . bat At tfiO time that he comes to do and note directly on the blood and roluctous ar jol #so 6 he , and vrill bo Oold: , I . '. . TO , �_�r------�'. .
I ... .
, . , snails, for a very small fee an insurance Kioa� A. PA. F04096ts read a paper on business with th autfispoe of the q0tem. I e 10 r sib ar t I of, Soon able tsrvos. . . � . . . I . . . .. . . I
eM. The English ]ad- Ws, tree, � I SeX14 for islat'0110111- - . ar I t .. 1113 C $ Milton, I milaidall - 1* I
. � � W. 0. Sawwo 1 -,rt . , .. I
�' , - can be effected. Arrangissesits bayR, also "IJI1401a of -Young and Old 'in the League- ies in general have bealitiful complex- V f ftelpixt , — ---�-7___.
. . . . � �
' ' '*0BG`4bf1tS;"' th4l'OAg1Wi9tO-d&Vreg&rded joas, their skin being 80 clear and with .. - --- L I
�, .. ., been perfected,wbefeby the letter.carriers I .7 EM$E,r & 06,, Toledo, 0. I . B. P. Siblep, 04TAboloy, 8- T- Murch And %
t , will In residential portions, of the cities ro, 60 fOr YOUng people,.'ana the prayer meet. Stich good color; 411(ilby Druggists, 760, � . I . . . I I 044 McRae, the Oherty IgSJO Quartettof secoft
. I f 'the Chnadiand and I MORTGAGE SALE. . a L
. . ceive and register letters while, oil their Ing as tot the old; the infiblance of the oldor Americans Are oot able to come up to IKAII,gF&Mily Pilla Are OR boot, . . I . . ... L I I Season, are Prepared to -IM Ongaigem is f . ;
,.,, - . . _. , , c ure L n 'cone it son r inmentgat n or. .
I p a give is higher tone to the - L . I L - 1 I -, . '. a Is ra e or a dt"S. reawro.. .�.
Several tri 8. It will thus be a conspohris, members won) them in this respect, on Sunday I I 11-sloollsoo- - � - thider and by virtue of the Powers contained* ft � I
��.; tively easy matter for thosereallaitig at a. lesatte in many wAY134 their ptdse4:i9'h a a boatd.Uev Maric Guy _. In ifeertain mottga, leyele and CM at epa 5-t I . I I
i.. . , . a pearse Ili the - ____._ -_ W o which will be-joroduced L � I CT RCH.' Secretary -
I . . . at the time Of sale, here Will be' oirered for I . . ... . . I . .
romote distance from the postoffice to hall lendondytoodd relvarallee; the,essergyof morning, and Rev Hugh PHU Hughes I Salo by ? f . L I .. . . Clinton , .
e &carrier when passing, whose duty It the You"gL combined with'the expe lublic, auction, by D. Dickinson, Sant., . I . . . . .
rience Of Lin the evening, en?foying both services, . . . . at the 10reinafter mentioned houses in the . shot). � . . . .
�.- I - will be to receive and register any letters the aid find unswerving trust In God, must There is pract! , . , . F1, t fo r .% 'L Town of Clinton, on Wednesday I . . I W' GUN CAIWP'BEL L ..
Cal Y no crowding in �, 27th ay, of -0 .
� I tendered him and give a receipt therefore. blakek1faque hel J, ' 'L , ,P,,, March, 1901 �- 1�-_ I . . I I
. . Pful hild pr5gressiVe. goin i to th Va buildings, AS, the , tb the hour of .0.80 O'clock n - the . .
. f ,ip
' tn, .. aftetnoon,t e following roWktlea In the own . . Orgabl-lb 'And L 31ti— . I I
These two impgriant Improvements in our 11�v, R, Whiting Find N- J, Wilson furibet eople all tall in � .; if a 13orgon Coge i to T .4139LET & TURNP.1T. olast Dlraotor of VdAlk 1.
. 013tal Service will bei grie6tly appr disonvood this Kin S 'Table of Clinton, viz. -The easrha of lot No. 6, on . . . I . street ChUrch','Gbdorfolo, and (#&Choy on
Mated subjeet� - , , late and tries to crowd in near the first .9 � Rattenbury Vroprletora* . � I .
.? 9 I . . . , ,. . I I '86. in Gibblims' Sonrvey,ftl the town . . I � . . ra.
y the business Cowman 6y and resident ,-Use of S. S. holps"wat the next topic Ot the line. a policeman takes bijmn out I . . . OftGANaloL HEORy is
I Of Clinton, to count on which to . . L pred to take a limited atinbar of'PUPI 6 in .
. .1 . erected a two semi- Otachedbfle I litinges, two . he above. per terms apply this Offloe or to .
. . ie ivelrY by lfabter-o6 discussed., it took the form of h dialogno . . I 2 . ?.
-Of Olt a haVing free del 0 ?1
1� � r- and marebes him down to thehotbom so monarch callienjoy better StO= high, each'Conoftining nineL Italiteribury Street, Clinton, � MUCAMPBHLL way be seen from 11 os. ru,, to
d, ce ar under the entire house, And furnace . I 2 P -m-, at the Clarendon Hotel, ClIntor, I
:. . tier. between Messrs Beadle And Butt; they I spent a couple ot days on an Ealglish, I broad than you can get if you rooms, with .
A PRIZE WrXX9R- 'Prof. Robertson, Ore 0,0611thgeOug It Preparation,'but n6ver farm; bad to almost bend double to. . bay 61! no, . and water CotrVentences, itud, the esat Subscribers hayw,% bou .
011it out the black. FiJASY Of each Week� L
NO, 1. in the 01bblur survey -Ill the shalt Of lot sholth loupiriess of jo a To ford, have oomblio. — . .
� ", '--- bf the, Agricultural Denartment, Ot. ObOuld be taken to 9 8-1, all knowledge re. get throuRb this doors of the houA#, � of Clinton, % ( aid town ed their bloyele business Vrith the stma� and . . . I . I �
I 'k * . I . . � gon wh bh is erected is frame Lot. . . . ' * ' '
� : taws, haidistributeil-Apother Portion tgv,tdi]39 the 16896is way be obtAined from they weror so low,,. had to go to bed by, tage, coatal romix having both builbasioels under on* .
� , , be pibL(,, . rocoms with woodshed and *041, will .
Ipf the $10,000 Which, Sir 'William 0, � the light of a candle�,. SAW a man plow. There cannot he suadIs any ionebs. The pri hard and soft Water C . f .1e coition than eviarr to do till Work
4 stone cellar, en be in a bette
I . a Vep6,_f_s0',f1h6 n6whistiog,00mmities, Ing with threp Intrusted to, hem. Salssorx.tablekni'vellf eta � - - . .
Aoxiald,of -Montreal,.' - hdrsee 'hitched ed rind ftpaltod, lawn-molwors 6 ' . .. ,
Mae Th , cipbrties are optrall It PrLife Imurance,
I , �1 donated to bit one � better bread thaxt *a sell In a find residential locality. � 0 proper.
. witatlien-robeived, the following being 61� ahead of the Other,, th 'it, - O; In . . , Tat. .
. distributed'in eash pri2ea to oncollra#,d epted for the . it -tam Mau' - - �.,, ..... __ �. ... . , ties will be Offered for Sale Ily, and also iiii 9 6uttlogboX knives alutrobskod, A&VA -CALL ON , .. . � I .
I , Rev
� .. . � ouaulng-� yeav-proo., 0. ery 04 everythinA is built to last a flooneloL Fortermsandcan , ,fJ nj6jfi6'n__�__bIZj@_ � ..
I . 'Anda imulateCanadlan boys.andgirliq I' Iffstime. Ireturn toLondoniandon a boat flour, the 'apply to or -for- , . 'I atteA — .
AVU0 IVIffoh firms t6 'abeervaelosel ,Treble-. V106 Pre We tiso th . I 8010' rips. 13, 10114, edi *?g , I �
�l Daviii, . tn. 8 e0la I .. . 1-
s- 'W- 5t8v646;'Sw,,V. boat W�BRTDOXE' ofinton. ont. ' orteroo * - - I - �
. is,tteMedirta pt so Usodora*#
�. � - �ind. select carefully see , Tress., T. Zobb,- exectit to tI7 sin
1 -4 .6. J- XOCIArtY,, A. gedillo, .1. F iye com.- Soturday night attended a goncetilt, '. I I . Solicitor for Vendor, .A..W.w . . .
, 4 grairs 40062 I .I Yeast, and llteals alkr#. CKA9. V AlAki, "
I lig Lt6 A, Spigot Ift and ptoctids,l, system, ,;chwAn*, W, i. WbgIe t.hero W&V All �orchestrit pf be. ..� . 1. . DatOa At Oltnton the fth day- of 2polornesty, Ivul I . I ___ . . � I I
decided fbaf lb#, IW;t*� . . have atlythifig, m6rd - __ '' L, .. L I I I . . . -, I . I �
xAltdongtbersames of thoaeWbObSTO '. Mitcholl" Thos Oomnsiti4o It.Ween 75 aocl M Instrum nta- kl%baay ' "� "'0011 � elintonj Oat, I
L . Durostand F . .
I Carl youl I - I., - . . .. , - - I � . 11 4-
I'., 1, I I
f Wit
Spec (L
031 Q in
k It 28f
1� at w S`4, 71;
1 ed �`
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I see
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ElI ,
� ��,
, I I
as volt
.. I I I B yfle d
I 11 t
tie I OR
. ty,
EWN'My", C
I M is -1 7 -
" .w
A W W 10 God
out th will
nam add * a a
� UPS t U r d Pro f
I I - tn f It snarl 7
* I I I .
I I I I-
# as I
i I f I r?__ I
ears succe4aful In , Ontario, in win trylen, 60111folrollOft be hold Indithlof I Want to_% %A11i's 04the- 1101011160-P WTVAL NIKE . I - .
i � � . I I I - I I I -
411)(1208 With 100 Selected heads of Cats, ther, a hispoln The Convention drallj, th 0 to Indeed A mal"Ifica'At Atruc. I . Tbe ffff L '
� I)II)g At Zion � I
'" that Of Wilbert -Pt'0118#1 Of Godertch diOurned it) mee�gj 7.80 P.M. I . ttife;A40P 014 OetVice Vent at on rid I . b- t- -'NAM11911SON - - - - - .
L ef all& It *am regret. , I ag Much'aa the publlo_ are' allowed on. F11110Y dilkels and psislify all INSURANCE C06 I I
�, _ L 6L ' Idwrighlo, Who g L . . i9vEluxG stliatag. ;y all TRAT TOUCH$ , I I � . . . . 1
I L V9 and Acirls � Sunday. Outside, In the front, I saw WAYA ilk itock, I I I � * ` . , 001URANCA.
Ud th4t a number of bO. .11 A-.6_-_�* ..
� 47hO expressed a *lab to Jbid, Ill thl Aft" d0viAlOnal 616rallseof libe acting . � I "I I . ift L I
. 8 PfO014810', Z Snider, tatlr6d, and thd the stone Oft, *hich! Our late lamented I flftftftoiao-�-o I folesois , plAte illagg
b *nd rettjrne4� thAnks; to � Any special line of clikets nof Wy .
, JJP .
-bledf, 0,'Treble. offioja%ea 44, 0 4e . J0040S 1 . . �
I iddeation movement todird. unable to fast'* roe,- I Quo-fi k1hel of rAnk & 'S0'A'tAl> ToVnr r1top.aRTY "'e' * ""re. *-o-614-
� , , 101(16`11� lip the work in 1000. 13tof. Ito glass. Tho.tirat nssynh�r 9 . .AltdI0,htyA0d for L60 ydafs! successful . ; 10 OtOOk MiAo,. 'when ordeted. I . 1021D,r xNaultim , 6vil,ton 1 ., WoxkAir ]kt"sy, culliftloo I
�, r ,on has. however, uhd#rt b. wilioll,qtlartaike y., x%Igb,.1ys,,1$01,, At sjlgl4b I Wont to ., . I . L -a- \ I
Akan to gerroboro of - . , I . I . I I L
oo I ebuopti, s.oAb 44 kh..'�,,�i I t.- .1AI__-- I I oirtromas - 1.
. as, Mativ, gait, he bbil-l"Asa-hr A-c I . I . \ . I . I I
i , , last yal%y, *Itlf -opeclall __ -if7--- -'--' [W_-,q4;-W1,@1XU pyoul G111101KO1116MAbAd- ____ -
. 11 _ Y 11.6 OcWd Seed ;dtooir by'IWv 14, Whil Ug on,, elomdio
11 ' *I,, F, Viblons and , fibrel
31yAtIffieltrit, quati.titr tb ltiv%thofta i,13.1dplist, w4%
`*Ith se. gra is lilot.,of & tly6roo
� , �Atart .8 od t muckappfftlafea; irldlissliersi
i Isar. "of, 10)2'C�sqflr then gava A. qu . (I
, I sklislito 111001t WhIte k
I Aek, Of a6"Ayot - thho year" Mors W*1C'hAyo%0f.A%yoAs�wlssjeyo44r I 4
AftYlOf fdt? ,thl& Seed ma teceiv - �4 11�6 New, Vol
. L I , , lioll wbisfog for the s,Q0 isikiltier
L 't t 6fl tiodsiCT6.-of Oat* or vpotin JJIOY�fld 'Alifolorledity on Wells
1 bf *beatL Of X good staft air I 10140 she ooftuvtiltlo ,
,� , b0116 b'd t6 bi jitil fielitA"4. � AdOt I, 4hich *AN then 01ft6d WItIs the dozolo , Queenorto
. . 0 oy to, � . � �_ . for Afoot
it$,, tin which the .00 'I., llvea� � '11t-��A Bag% b"
130th Wheat and 646 11'. 6 I OhIldren JoryL f
I L, , , all - 'or Myself I
'JiliOroyitll�txyigrg Of t ty
dd tW the earne, A061 to d - This Ailt,
gra of t # ,
t it # _ , 'L Ily. I bid YOU
, . CASTORIA., 0
\-, I
I ) I . I b
.. . I I
11 I
I I . �
. . i �
. I � .
� . . . � I 1�'
. I .
I r. I 1. I ..
�, - I . , . �� I I J � , .
J 4
at tljghi�,- Was no6pay.
stry pfttL .6f It+ as it 16
eIr after sotvice, �
iarlYriext, mortsinzy for
Bid fAVOW01 to England
0, Aftuk,q)u.�,,. 4,-Aled at
next; mtNo-vinv,, !Jiert sailod
W6 t=V )" " 0_0 �' .'J)u$hL P�Js'
0V61'Y verwax belng sick,
pt t1in poltuliql.
a My P'(�'Vjp, L,t)f le
arowell I ,� ,,tet'go,&rld
W, JL'. 1_10L�tft
. I
I Twelid](119 taktio a somalty
. r
. JaS. XeClauohor-hyr
NOIN31ty JDA)ker,V .
I AndUenutilitant, -
Telephone so, 1.
I -
- - - - - 111111AAAAAAR"i
- �
. I ....- . . i .1 %4
TO Oftg A. COLD, IN O:N.9 1),&V�
VakOyAlfttt" *611316 4610166 Tablatk \Ali
d1h,9418ta rofatid,thpo m6nef it It WIN to OW
I&Q, S. W. GrOVIO'd slana. yAte is Olt "61i "
I . )
. or �
'Wellk Ali,& Impuremoods, �
Lhft-t 4 Wdiftey b1sealsels,
04611111610) COUX01614to Ate, -
All Dragglilts, Oil write"afriat to f
. :, At. mozzoo,
I . Godorich, ont,
. %. I I I... I.. ___ - I 11 � 11 11 � . I I
-1. J:14 f4disan, a k Rio Is P, 0 ra 1%4#
*, I I
Fraser. vlot-P Id 43 LLLL 101. 00,
, its I Wny 11 0-i . . '01
Woe � f P4 0.
� W, 0, proidtoot, goliifotth., irohn 0. Otis*&
114thrOp P. 0 1 Goorgo Dala. Soallootth-, it a
41 fib B P.
(yealt" ftif "'Iml ' i I Ptok.�er
M d � Jqhyig�Q";', Do James -
040445y, d4to"; , I
96116ft0fillth XfAhOOk1,1t6bLAtC9WAU S".
V, fth Me# , amming, d"oltille, 1. W,
62t R111 IMMU
M' r,,61001116IG6040 Utd][661oldlobilsO,
, kiftdibora.i ,. 1
4 .
Artics deoltous to k root Intouto ti tkans*
loot other bustafte Wilt be Pr6%so%)i%t load6d. to
k appliditf0h to, huT Q the a � ovo 6MI66to
dromso to thohroq batuto 6M000i.
L 11 r .
Aram streot . I
�, ,01111toii- �, ,
t "
, "
Raving t6d6oily, pardli"if"(d a high . �
bdard Itonit from Mayor 13mo., Torofita,
I wri Ulter propositea to., tury t-,ut firat-ol)'t,lill I .. �
voork In short Order, . I
. Allkindwof larintivy vc.rit wtoided to
AlIdL saildfietfort giVen, . I. . I L
It Y69 Oro pleased �r*. i.-...- ,yr)rk jell . ..
your fdap* if not tell u, -
Goods 061164 tot stail ',,&.,6:;1t"%l rd fC, 'all$ �
Patti bf the t6will .
I . Tin 0 11'r.f, 17
. X 'iftiv I Jell# , I 164
. . .
. . . I .
I .�
L .
. I . .
� . .
� .
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L_ I
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- ._qak%%&_ I � , . . . . . . . -.1 �__.t ...... IMI
wvwldw��, � &.�