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etottleland the NOW Er tO
Your Wend.
ESTABLISIlant 1866.
n New Era.
CLINTON. ONTARIO, MAR011 22, 1901.
The plablieher would eateen] fiwor
re 0 reader e would, when mitking their
purohaees, mention that they saw the
reerohant'eadvertieement in this piper
tl per year in adventia
tilatie when not se mita
EnEraying done while
ypu wait. Is the lat-
est fashion with u;.
We have purchased
one of the West tmproved
engraving machine and ex-
tend an invitation to all to
call and see this really won-
derful piece of machinery.
IAN will be pleased
to ehow and exptain it to
von and engrave any arti•
eel you wish done while you
We engrave
all articles bought bare
free of charge, no mat.
ter.how large or small it
may be.
It can't make a mistake
Call and see it, then tell
your friends about it
P. B, CREWSf.,
Expert Watch Rep alrera':
Jeweler And Opt ician+
LEAVING. -Having rented a farm in
the vicinity of Wingbam, and intend-
ing to remove there during the latter
part of this month, Joseph Churchill
gave a very enjoyable time to his old
friends and neighbors on Friday night;
all wished Mr Churchill and family
-every success. The farm thus vacated
will be occupied by Mrs Reid and sons,
(Intended for last week)
NOTE8.-Ali are pleased to note the
'improvement in the condition -of 13,
Herrington, who, of late. appears to
have had more than his due share of
sickness. 0. Allen delivered his team
at Listowel on Thursday last; they
were the second heaviest and second
best sold team that was delivered. B.
.Allen has purchased a young chesnut
driver from Jas. Reid. A number of
young people from this locality attend -
.ed the wedding of Jas. Hamilton, of
Walton, and then the next night
went to C. Dale's, the well /known
farmer of Hullett, having an enjoy-
able time at both places. John Mills,
while going to Milburn tor his wife
Sunday evening, got caught in the
snow, breaking the shast of his cutter,
and thinking it advisable to go no
farther went home alone, very reluc-
tantly Wm. Shepherd, having sold
one of his horses has replaced it by a
two year old colt. Mr Tasker, for
May, late ot the Soo,
ie home on a vista Will Watson and
sister, Mrs R. McWhinney, visited
Wineham friends last week. A social
will be given on'March 20 by the ladies
of the Missionary Society and the mem-
bers of the League; the program will
oonsiet of recitations, readings, vocal
and inetrumental music; sidosiesion 15c.
DEATEt.-It is our sad duty to report
the death of Jacob Ryan, of this neigh-
borhood; he had been ailing for some
time, and was thought to be recoyers,
ing, when pneumonia eat in, death re-
sulting early Friday morning. His re-
mains were interred in the family plot,
Dungannon cemetery, on Sunday, the
17th inst., followed by a large gather-
ing of sorrowing friends and relatives.
Ihe deceased had reached the age of
61 years and 9 months, For several
yeark he had been . a member of Nile
quarterly board, and had filled two
terms as school trustee. -Though of a
quietr retiring.dismosition, his upright -
new and Integrity of character had
made for him a wide circle of friends,
A wife and six children mourn his loss..
The sympathy of the entire neighbor-
hood gees out to the family in this sad
bereavement. May the sustaining
grace and consolation of Elim who has
promised to be a hnsba,nd to thewidow
and a father to the fatherless, be theirs
in dais titne 9f sore afffiction. ,
Brucefield. • •
. .
NOTRE:I.-Mr Morrow, Toronto, has
moved into the Dixon House, having
rented it for a number of years. Miss
Lillie Taylor has' been appointed or-
ganist for the Presbyterian church;
there were two other applicants.. aaa
Wolf is at present very ill. 3. D. Nei.
ans, of Portage La Prairie, is visiting
at the home of Jas.. Aikenhead. Mrs
W. -Golden has. rented David Rouet's
house. Miss Higgtas, of London, was
blot week the guest of Miss Helen !lig-
wins. Mrs A.Johnston, Broad, is very
ill with grip. Miss Higgins entertain-
ed a number of friends on Friday.
• Intended for last week.
NoTEs..--aGeO. riau rner left for the old
country on Monday with three car load
of cattle, Me Morrow, of. Toronto,
moved into Dixon's hotel on Monday
he has it tented for 'a tei in of .year.
The Christian End'eavor Society held
a Bridal at the heine of 'John Waiter
on Friday evening last, where ea pleas-
ant time was spent, 'William Kea.
chen left last week for British Col-
umbia. Mrs Wolf, who has ben
very ill with , the grip, is .recovering.
A. Foote left last week for Mobse
Jaw, Manitoba, his 'brother, Robert
Foote, has been there for 'the past
year. James Aikenhead entertained '
him on • is farm. T. Neilane purchas-
•ed a new driver, last week.
NoTss.---Jas. atanley has Bold hie en,
tire stock of boots and shoes t6 Mr.
Andrews; he intends to limit his busi-
ness to repairing show and selling
those of his own make. Frank Martin
has removed to his farm near Sun-
shine, in Morris. Mrs Martin, sr., has
moved from the village to live with
her son Fred. Hugh Dunlop has, re-
moved from the farm which he recent-
ly purchased from Mr Fisher. MrCole,
our well-known egg merchant, has re-
turned home after spending the winter
with his son at Ethel. Wm. McIntosh
has secured the ageney for an automa-
tic compressed air sprayer, which he
claims to be the best on the market,
and inyites an inspection.
t Is the place to go for a owls in .4
Photos. A. great bargain for y
two weeks -special line of
mounts for $1:00 per doz.
Best finish.
4! -*1
,oZ lit • IN a I \riot; L
aaaaarar....7 '
• 'tipsiest Criumi anima0.C.1111CCT Oritsq.ig Csaia vito
tatilSADGUI A •
. The proposal .New Edifice for the Dattenbitri street Methodist Congregstion
to be built this year on their new site, Albert to Victoria Sta.
1Oedema Tow sishly.
NOTE0.-Master Willie Cole and his
, sister Violet attended the wedding on
Wednesday of Reuben Grigg. Thos,
Cooper left for the pra,itie province on
Tuesday. Miss Emma Pickard, Por-
ter's Hill, is rusticating at Peter Cole%
J. Percy Cole is spending this week in
Stanley. Listen for wedding hells aeon.
DBATIL-Again we are called linen on another victim. In the Person of
to record a death, thegrim reaper hav- alts W Miami Graham, Her illness was
ing claimed, on Saturday last; Marge-, short and the end peaceful. The de
ret Ferguson, beloved wife of. Sohn
Shepherd, at the old and respected age
of 78 years and 1 month. She was a
highly esteemed old lady, whom it was
A pleasure to knew, and her husband
loses faithful and loving wife; her
Tucker m t
• • - Intendedfor last week. Camara -The council met at bix-
NOTEle aallev. Mr Kamiltors, of God j on's hall, Brucefleld, the 15tb inst.,
par• i as per adjournment. All the members
erich, supplied the Presbyterian
pit last Sabbath ; he also preached at were present, . The amended auditors'
Smith's Hill and Leeburn. 3. Knox report was laid before the council, and
disposed of his stock last week and is after a careful examination, was ac-
cepted and the clerk instructed to have
bust moving to this village where he
intends to take up his residence in. tne 01000herespiioensstoar9ddl3stit.alitiosc: wLeroetsre8..
future • he is moving . into the house
moved from road division No. 22 to
occupied by Geo. Marshall for a, few
No. la, and Mr John T. Orich
weeks, his own house, which he re. division
appointed a pathmasten„ of cently bought' from M. Bear, being was
sion 46, in niece ot the lattaZas. Ceieh:
Mr Wm. Elgle was authorized to sell
certain soft elm trees on the- roadside
opposite lot 6, concession. 4, if. R. S.'
Acting.on the advice to Mr John A.ne-
ley, county reed and bridge commis-
sioner, the council have decided to re-
place the old Raneford bridge with a
new steel superstructure with concrete
or stone abutments, and have instriiet;
ed Mr Ansley to prepare the requisite
plans and Specifications for 'same; Ten-
ders will be asked for the superstruct-
ure and for the abutments separately,
aa as early a date AA possible. An
agent of the Good Roads Machinery
atompant, Hamilton, wae.preseet at
the •meeting in the interests of his com-
pany, and trying to secure the sale of
a road crusher to the corporation. The
cresher he oilers is a portable one with
eleva.,or and seismal attached,weighing
about 5,000 pounds, and kuttrapteed to
crush from,50 to 75 yards of stone Per
10 hour 'day, being driven by an ordin-
ary threshing engine The 0,00 Of
running the whole ontfit ,one day
day strong be trona 67 to $0; and the
cost of the crusher . nearly .$900. Al-
though the' council are quite well
aware of the advantage which would
be gained. by having such a machine
in some of our coarse gravel pits, or in
districts far from good'plts, but which
have an abundance Of -stone yet thev.
did'not feel like incurring the expendi-
ture at the present time, and deferred
action in the matter until. next meet,
Ratepayers who are intetested
might dowellCo give their views to
.some of the councillors at an early
date: Accounte were passed amount-
ing to 697.76. The next Meeting will
be held at Dala's hall, Egmondville, dn
•April 26th,at 10 o'clock.-A..G.SatiaLIE,
Clerk •
s h
rented at present.. Wm. Scott is -tak-
ing out the timber for his new barn
tbis w'eek. Mr McPhee, recently a re-
sident of the province of Quebec, gave
a lecture here a. short time ago. We
believe it is the intention of Mrs Hen-
derson to have.a sale in a 'short time,
and rernove to Hamilton. where she
intends to reside in future. G. Sprung,
of the Base line, has sold his farm to
MaYoungblutt, of East Zotra, for the
sum of moo ; it consists • of '90 acres.'
Mrs John Sprung in on the tidak list
tins week. Two at our citizens paid a
flying visit to Teeswater last week,
B. Whitmer is moving his 'effects
through here this week to Walkerburn,
where he intends to reside in the future.
Mr and Mrs King. of East Wawanosb,
a,re recovering from • their recent di-
mes; Mr King being able to be ontand
Mra _King is only able to sit up for a
nuinber of friends on Friday even-. short time. . • •
ing last at an oystee suPper, .
Hayfield. .
pa Agnew Dentist. will resume his visit
OlittrRes.-Knos church is undergo-
ing repairs; they are putting in,a me-
tallic ceiling and papering the walls,
consequently no service will'be held in
the church for two or perhaps three
Sunders; the • Methodist church trus-
tees have kindly placed their church
at the service of the Presbyterians for
such time as they might need it; conse-
quently the two Sunday School's will
unite at LOU ana and the Presbyter-
to Bayfleld fdr the slimmer, beginning On
Wednesday, April the 10th. •
• • • ' • •
Intended for last week.
NOTES, -AL a meeting held. by 'the
Presbyterian congregation tor the
Purpose of extending a call to a min-
ister .; it was decided to have a few
probationers occupy the pulpit before
granting a call for the present,. It
may be observed that.the strong winds
of Sunday. last has demolished the
ians-will. eervice-at 284) p.m. -The driving shed of.the..Albion hotel, _The
annual collection for the Bible Society ice on the lake is again driven from
will be taken up at the regular service view and until its return fishing will
of Knox congregation in the Meth°. be suspended. L. Thomson has rent -
diet church next Sunday. . ed his new house ta J. Parson, of
Nuaas.-W. Riddell is able to be out Godeiich townshipafor a term of two
again. A. Woodman is a little ini• years and the party is now in occur
proved. Miss Mabel Bell, of Clinton, is pation, J. Morgan, son of the ' late
the guest of her Mend, Miss Elva John 11/organ, D. Ca 0., has rented
Adams, this week. Laataa ana has the River House for . the corning sum-
mer and will 'occuey it very. shortly.
received a carload of British Ogiumbia W. J. Johastorie. who resided in town
red cedar ehingles. Alex. McKenzie during the winter has returned to his
has severed his connection with the farm on Sauble line. W. .jowett. is
post office store here, and returned to slowly recovering from his recent
his home in Durham, Bruce Co. A
load of Orangemen from here attended illness. .
a meeting of the order in Blyth Mon-
day night. Wm. Addison -this -week 4 sias Gra
moved froni the village to the base opening nub yramids,ofillyethe.,w291,nwhhaevne haleirtmheiniienteeryet
line, to a house of Jacob Wagner, with spring novelties win be shown. Idles McRae has
whom he is engaged for the suinmer. een engaged as milliner for the season. end it
John Etling and family moved from wbc ill be to the advantage Of the ladies of Blyth to
all and see the latest styles.
this week. ' ' NOTES. -Mr and Mrs WM. Brydones
Clinton,were the guests of Mr and Mrs
Jas. McMurchie.on Sunday. Miss May
ialaittlield. •
• '
Auburn to the house of Elijah Walker
Biggart, Clinton; wag the guest of Mrs
REMOVING. -Mr and IAN Oho. Arm- (Dr.)Lindsay on Sunday. Mrs Merry -
strong and family left this week for field was the guest of Mrs S. H. Gitiley
their future ' home .in Shelbourne; we. on Sunday. The property formerly
are sorry to lose them. Mrs Ellen owned by 1V, H. Harnmend, G. T. R.
Hoover, accompanied by hen: daughter, agent here, is to be offered for sale on
Mrs T. Fowler, of Newbridge, and Mise Apria4th, Alecture will be delivered
Nellie Auld, of thie place, left this in the Presbyterian church. on Friday
week for their future home in .Edisson- evening under the Local Union, , by
ton, Alberta, • Rev. Mr Whiting, of Mitchell, on
"Some Heroes;" the reverend gentle-
man comes highly spoken of, and all
ehould avail themselves of this oppor-
' Stanley.•
OnITnatatIa.-The ravage of disease
has again visited our vicinity, and cast
the mantle of death over one of our
most highly respected citizens. On
Tuesday morning. March 19th, a gloom
overshadowed our neighborhood as it
was whispered from Hp to lip that the
unerringhand of death had been laid
family a kind and wise mother, and
her acquaintances a true friend. She
was of Scotch descent, having been
born in ganburgb in 1823, and came
to Canada, o Toronto, where she was
nagaried 42 years ago. She and her
hosband then removed to Whitby
township, where they lived 7 years,
coming tcalluron 33 years ago, res'din
on the base line. Results her ht an
she leaves one daughter, Mr
Glovier, Auburn, and twoson,
Harloak, and Andrew, on
NOTES. -Miss Phoebe Denitmore thas
y wwir spent a couple of days visiting
i her friend, Mrs R. Brown, Hulleta
her son, is spending a few days here,
being called,here by the death of her
• aunt, Mrs MeOlinton, Mr and Mrs W.
iTabb have moved to the farm lately
Photo Studio• Henry, Dutton, is spending a few
occupied by Benj. 'Witmer. Mrs Jas.
enasan,eaaeasaaaerearaeseaskaassesejeaeaseaea.a Weeks at the home of her fa ther-in-
layt, Geo. Henry,
Social; GATHEEnecia. -a- On Friday
evening of tacit week a lame number
of the young people from the' London
Road spent a very pleasant evening at
the residence of Mrs E. Johns. Mre
W. Townsend, of Riverdale •farm, en-'
tertamed a number of her friends to a
crokinole party on Friday eVeninglast
A number Of young people from
(oh and the London road easenabled at
the home of Mr A. Wiltsie.On Friday damae was done the school supplies.
evening and enjoyed themselves trip. J. Bedard. teacher, now enjoys a tem
porary holiday. '
'VVna. itt
e home-
stead. Deceased was a very co sistent
nienaber of the Presbyterian ' c irch;
the funeral to Ball's cemetery was
larrely attended by sympa Wog
friend% Rev. Mr Hamilton officiating.
• Cotnacia.--Council met March 4th.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
passed. Moved by John Middleton,
seconded by Sas. Johnson, thatconncil
intends pasaing a by•law at next meet-
ing of council te add lots 45 and 74,
Maitland con. to No. 4 Union School
Section, Goderich and Hullett; town-
ship clerk to notify all parties interest-
ed". Moved by J. C. Woods seconded
by Jas.0mathat the following changes
be Made in paturoastere:--Ja Gibson in
place of A. C poo,J. Harrison in place
of W. Harris/. a, Geo, flays in place of
F. McRae* 'aangton- in -place-
of G. Trick. By-laws No. 3 and 4 were
react and passed. . Angus Smith, of
Stratford, was appointed township en-
gineer. L. &Anderson was appointed
assistant assessor in case Mr Thomp-
son is uoable to Continue his duties as
assessor through sickness; Mr . Ander-
son to be paid by Mr Thompson. No.
pe.thmaster is allowed to spend. money
for shovelling gravel unless authorized
ceased, Eliza Brovvn, was born in the
township or Smith, Peterborough Co.,
in 1811. Her parents and family of
eight -three boys and five girls-moyed
West and settle 1 in the township of
Wawanosh in 1855. She was married
to Wm. Graham in Septerober of 1801,
and in 1874 moved to lot' 19 of the 3rd
concession of Stanley, where she lived
until the time of her death. She was
a woman of quiet and retiring dispo-
sition, kind and hospitable in her na-
ture; she was a faithful wife and a, ten-
der and loving mother. Her religious
persuasion was Presbyterian, and she
was for many years a member of the
'BrOcefield chureh. She leaves a fam-
ily of three boys And three girls -John
and Goldie at home, Melvin in Nanai-
mo, B. 0„ Mrs John Stewart, Goderich
township, Mrs Seines Sims, /Myth, and
Eila, at home. The husband and tam-
tly have the sympathy of the entire
community in their sad bereavement.
The •rernams were 'carried to their htet
resting place in Baird's cemetery on
Friday afternoon, March 22nd.
Ne'rEs.-Duncan McCowan arid els-
ter Bella are in London this week, at-
tending the ftineral of their sister, Mrs
Murray. Joseph Dunbar, of A.shfield,
who has been visiting here for some
time, returned , home .last Saturday.
by the commissioners. o comm ss on-
er has power to spend more than $5 on
'any road division. The following ac-
counts were paid:-Jas.MCNiilen, gray-
ela$1,74.: News -Record, printing, nag;
auditors; $10. Adjourned to meet on
the second Monday in April. -Mama
Snanbv, Clerk. 4 '
.St. Joseph. • • '
Smoot, Makers:13,-A special meet-
ing of the ratepayei s of S. S. No. 1,
flay, was called on Wednesday to dis-
cuss the question . of, building a new
school or repairing the old. After
much debating a motion to adjourn
was put to the voters, which resulted
in the meeting being put Off for three
menthe. •
• MMES. -The,. fishing season is about
over, as nearly all the ice has broken
near 'shore; a large number of nets
were lost during the recent 'heavy
Winds. A mission conducted by Father
McMenamin. Clinton, will be held in
the R. U. church from Thursday . to
Sunday. John Bart removes to Hen -
sail this, week. Philip E, Denornme
had the naisiorturie to get a finger.
brokene.nd °Blare badly crushed while
working in the woods lately.
FIRE. -On Sunday about 4. p.m.,
sinc,ke was seen issuing from the
school house, a couple of rods from the
church; it being immediately after ser-
vice, it large crowd speedily gathered.
The fife had^already gained full head-
way; ladders and water were quickly
obtained, and after an hour's oonabat.
tIngs the flames were subdued. The
fire originated inside the building; the
cause is unknown. The school is closed
until sufficiently repaired.. Had the
fire been discovered later nothing could
have been saved; as it Da but slight
Intended for last vreek.
Novas.---Willia,rn McFarlane, who
has been visiting at the home of his
sister-in-law, Mrs James McFarlane, he
-returned to his home in Oak-LakeaM,a,n-:
itoba ; he left Stanley about eighteen
years ago to maae for himself a home
in the Prairie province; and has a good of Mrs A.. O. Pennon.
farm near totyn; two of his sons are f Jos. Irwin, of Blyth, is here visiting his
also well settled on large farms; he J pasha Mrs Whitehead. • •
John Reid ia home from London Bust -
new College for holidays.
EL E. Hodgens WAS tome from Goderich
for several days this week, '
Mies Josie Fair mutat Goderich visitoe • '
for it few days lest week. a,
Jas. Flodgeona'finanoial agent, Toronto,
was here Saturday on businese. r
Mrs Jae. Fair was visiting Mre R J. '
M.eadonald, Seafortb, on Monday. ,
Miss latabelle Collins, of Eincardineais
visiting Mrs A. T. Cooper for a week.
Mies Itiabelle Bell, is the geed of Mis
Elva Adams, Londesboro, this week.
Miss Mary Twitched left for Toronto
lest week and will remain•there for aashort
(what's the matter with our boys? while.
they're 'all, right) Mt and Mrs" H. Mr and Mrs Gibb, of Hamilton, spent
Flutchisim, Gods,' ich township, visited part of their honeymoon at their unoleai,J.
the latter's mother, Mrs T. Johns, on PoWelrs
I true skin food and
natural beautifier
Removes Preckles ' and
Tan and cures- Popular.
Eraptione and Facial Blem-
ishes. For sale by
R. P. Reekie's
• Prescription Drug Store
• orAwfox
Eineoesflor to Sydney jackson.
NB. -Our Emulsion of Cod
Liver 011 la the hest.
• Large bottles 35e
ComIng and Going. •
„Miss Studdera; of Seeforth, is visiting
friends here. .
Miss Cole,, Ethel, is visiting Mrs Win.
Harland, Ben. -
Dr. Woods, of Bityfield, gave Clinton a
canon Monday. • •
W. C. Myers, of 13aantford, was a Clin-
ton qaller on'Etundayt
- -Ottpt. M. MoTaggert was in ...1TOrente for
several days last week,
Mrs Dr, Clark, of Goderioh, is ,the auest •
thinks the west gives splendid •ad-
vantages for settlers. William Mc-
Allister left on Monday for Manitona
Where he expects to reside in future.
, . •
• '' Varna
NOTRES.-Miss Maud Horton called at
the parsonage Friday of last week.
Misses Mend and Stella Andrews are
Visiting Mre E. Zeller; of Zurich; this
week. Inspector Tom visited the
school on Friday afternoam. A foot-
ball match was played on Saturday
between Varna and Hillsgreen; the
score was 2 to 0 in favor of Varna boys;
ping the light fantastic.
. NOTES. -Miss Maggie Dick, Blytia
returned to her hems on Monday last,
after an extended visit with friends
here, Miss Nettie MacDcnald, of De.
trait, is visiting her sister. Mrs la.
°rich. Miss Amelia Johns has pur-
chased a house on Joseph St., Clinton,
and intends to reside there in future.
Mrs Gen. Crich, of Clinton, is yisiting
friends in that neigbberhood.
Intended for last week.
Noaaseajesepli 7Plews and family
left this Week for their home in Moose -
min, Manitoba. Walter Rogerson
is going to raise his barn this spring.
George Pepper, of Toronto, visited his
Mrs Waltere and Miss Edith, Of Este- presence 01
who wasislarugneattceonmdte-r loolkheci
brother, Roger Pepper, last Week.,
lovely in a handsome gown of white
silk. After Many congratulations the
company eat down to a sinew:lid wed-
ding supper. The groom, who is a son
of Mr and Mrs Chas, Williams, has al-
ways been it Model young man, and is
very highly respeeted. The bride has
been it belga member of society, and
Will be greatly.'missed; she was an act-
ive member in Sabbath school and
temperance society work, The bridal
couple were the recipients of Inaba,:
valuable and handsome prevents, and
of congratulatory telegrams from Bow-
raanyille High School and Campbell -
town "Events," The happy- couple
left here /or the far east on Tueeclay,
carrying with them the best wishes of
everyone here, and we bespeak for
them a hearty welcome in their new
home by the sea.--Dowma vine Can-
adian Statesman,
laoarea-laissMaudPinnin , Olintob,
has been visiting friends in this vicin-
ity'. Little Elsie, (second daughtet Of
Harrison Lyon, had the utiofortune to
sustain a severe sprain to her arm
While sleigh -riding, and has alhee been
confined US bed. Mrs W. Hiles and
daughter Verna Spent Sunday visiting
friends at Carlow.
. • • •
WEIDDINO BELLS. -The lady referred
to in the following notice Was formerly
it most popular and most highly es-
teemed young lady of Hullett, having
lived for several years north of Londes-
boro, prior to her removal to 13oveman•
ville:-A very pretty .wedding was cel-
ebrated at the home of Mr and Mrs Al-
bert Arnot on Friday, e'eb. 22, when
their only daughter, Sarah J., was
united in matrimony with L. B, Wil-
liams, editor of "Events," alampbell-
town, N. 13. The ceremony was per.
formed by Rev S. Crookshatike, la the
Saturday. and Sunday. Mr and Mrs
Troyer, of Hillegreen, visited al Mrs .3.
Wanless' on Monday. A. Austin and
family moyed to their new home on.
the Sauble line this week J. T.Cairns
Miss Jennie Chapman, of Tnekersmifirt
was the guest of the alissee Dowzer for seas
eral days this week. . •
D. Grsbam, Inglewood, was up for sever-.
al•daya last week on business in connection.
end birpily left on Tuesday tor their with the electric light, •
new hotne Kirkfon. Frank Keyes Frank Barer, who has been connected
with the elect -ic ILIA plant, left for his
beam in Luc now ou deturday.
H. Henderson, Hamilton, a.. O. F . or- .
*razes, has been he e the past week ad-
vancing the nanrehts of this nrder.
Harry Holden was home from ituaknow
forit few days thie week. He had been ,
laid up with a sore throat and tot* a fear
holidays., . ,
The fcllowing were tieketed by W. Jack-
son. 0. P. R. saent, this week Thos.
Coopet, to Winnipeg, Geo. A.nlerson, to
kLoosejaw and fra Basted° to Portland, Ore- '
is moving out to a term pll the Parr
line, arid J. Foster Intends Moving in-
to his , house in Varna. Misr Lizzie
Fostt r is on the sick list. Mr and Mrs
Murray drove to Leadlaury on Sainday
to see the alatter's mother, adratkines,
who has.been seriously- indisposed for
some time, but is now, we are glad to -
say, on the road to recovery.
1 Mrs ltlitehell, Toronto, aecompanied by tunity. Rev. T. B. Copeland, on es ter are Trading at W. G. Times a
boro, will greach educational sermons '
present. Miss Mary Pepper attended
What Can We Have tor a
Is the Cry of Every
- , Housekeeper.
'We suggest a tew Appetizers
Strawberry Pie Plant
Pine Apple swanks
Saeh as stuffed Pickles
ehill Caucus
ill Can of Spinath _.
. 1Saire your Eggs „
tt and Use Burnett.* Caffite
Clearer to settle yettreoffee.
Leave as your order for Lettdde
and toung Onions eittly in
the Week,
'Ogle Cooper it Co
Corner store hi &Wats Blook.
Cs& for Butter and Bags Phone 23
'0 •
riaisairaa.The image- or this eintinua
nit.t Were surprised to hear of the sad
death of Mrs John McClinton, er,
which event took place at her home on
Friday, March 15th,' after a week's ill-
ness, from pneumonia. Deceased
leaves a devoted. husband, one son and
nine daughtere-Sohn H. McClinton,
Mrs Wm.aMcDowell ot Dakota, Mrs j.
Helps of OnlOrado Mrs Henry Morrish
of Goderich, and Mrs Robert Henry,
Mre Jackson Wightman,Mrs John Mc-
Dowell, Mrs Robt. McDowell, Mrs Sas.
Armour and Mrs John Armour, the
latter- all living this The
funeral services were held in the
church here, which was crowded to its
utmost capaelty, Rev Ja Kennedy
preaching it very appropriate sermon,
after Which the remains were laid to
rest in Westfield cemetery. The rela.
Byes and friends have the sincere sym-
pathy of the craninunity in their tad
he e eext unday both morning and the wedding of her coasin near Mit-
chell last week. Last Friday even -
ing a few people spent a very enjoy -
Summerhill able time at Harry Uudmore's. Win
NOTI18.-Mr Hannah, of Winthrop, ham Elcoat, who was on the sick list
s ent Sunday its the rued, of John a while ago has nnW recovered. In-
vitations are out announeing the
wedding of Miss Nellie Bullard, of
Harpurhey, and Robert Murdie, of
McKillop; the ceremony will be per-
formed on Friday evening at the
'bride's home,- -
is with deo regrets
that we announce the death of Mrs
Montgomery Patrick, of Tuckerernith.
The sad event occurred at her home
on Monday morning after a. brief ill-
ness. The deceased was fOrtnerly Miss
Rachel Nichol, of Seaforth. An aged
father and a husband are left to mourn
her loss. She was a quiet,unassuming
woman but was greatly respected by
all who knew her. Mre Patrick was
about 20 years old.
iil, J. Manning. of Beni:miler, spen
Sunday with his sister, Mre 0, Beacons.
Mr and Mrs Thos. Lindsay called on
Blyth friends recently. Jas. Fulton
spent, Sunday on con. 16, of Goderich
township. Vire are very glad to hear
of the change for the better in the con-
dition of John Lovett; W. Mair is also
much improved. Miss Etta allace is
now able to be around again, fter her
severe illness,
Taylor's Obrillits
lloalls -Rev S. W. Robinson preach-
) ed to it very large congregation here
last Sunday; We understand he contem-
plates etarting a week night service,
which we believe Will be it benefit.
Thos. Burrows, seedsmaii, Goderich,
and Miss Laura Willson called on
friends in Holnsesallle and Clinton on
Sunday afternoon. Mr Tebbutt weals
it broad smile now; the cause is a bright
baby boy.
NOTICS.-48atte Rapson, Kiriburn, vis-
ited his relatives here this week. Miss
Era Cooper, teacher of S. B.
visited friends in Ashfield on Sunday,
Miss Jennie Stirling spent last week in
Huron, the guest of her sister, Mrs H.
Oanipbell. Arch. Horton *visited his
friends in Carlow last week. Henry
Horton and taster Lizzie epent Sunday
with friends in,Holmesvilre. A. sleighs
load of our young people drove to the
house of Hamilton McManus last "bid -
day evening, and had a good time.
Porter's 11111. "
NOTES. -S. McDougal entertained a
feta friends hest Friday evening, Thos.
Elliot and son,Dayid,returned home on
Thursday, after spending some time
isio north. Mr and Mrs Jas, liOrriSod,
late of Ohiselhurst, visited, at E. 0.Pot-
ter's recently, previous to their vielbao
friends in Manitoba, after which they
Intend to settle down In Zion City,
which is neat Chicago.
REPORT. -The following is taken
from the auditors' report of the Ash-
field Butter tt Cheese Co., for the year
1900: -Total lbe milk received. 521615;
total lbs cheese manufactured, 45969;
average bbs milk for 1 lb cheese; 11.841
overawe price per lb, 9.8c. Receipts
for 1.900: Wallet) on hand, $18.22; Ye.
ceived from sale of cheese, 114531.91,
from whey 0130.91,00,11 on dock 0126.90,
for cheese 15 ,c frona Oaleriner $16.00;
total, $4834,09. Expenditures fair 1900:
Paid shareholders forniilk $3502.03, for
whey $137.01; hauling milk, $4451 man-
ufacturing cheese, $314.77; salaries, 340;
insurance *140.70; shipping expensee,
$16: rent-, $1; auditing, $4; Louisa; nista were well received. We congratulate
arid interest, $106.05; collecting deck, the members on their successful enter -
$2; miscellaneous, $ .70; total $4818.76. tairiment.
Intended for last week. '
3, Foster, who has been ill for some
tfme is still very low. Oil Fs iday even.
ing of lastweek a jolly crovad • of peo-
ple from the Goshen appointment defy-.
ing up to the parsonage with a fine
load of oats ; the evening was spent in
Omer; etc.- at twelve o'clock the party
sat down to a sumptuous repast; and
after haying enjoyed themselves the
party returned home in the morning.
A grand entertainment under the R.
T. of T. was held in the Temperance
hall on Tuesday evening; it sleigh load
of young people from Exeter came and
took part in the prograttaalso Mr Mac
Vincent, the celebrated singer, took
part in his pleasing way.
West War/sallow'.
ANIMAL MEETING. -The 22nd an-
nual report of the West Wawanosh
Mutual ?ire Insurance Company was
held in Dungannon recently, and from
the directors' report we learn it is ina
prosperous state. • The total number
of policies issued 'in 1900 were 903, cov-
ering property to the amount of $1,221,-
075; total number brought forward
front last report 3,052, with natal
,amount of $3,793,323; total number in
force 4,015, with amount of $5.014,098;
number cancelled and expired 868, with
amount of $1,021,675; number in force
Dec. 31, 1900 3147. The losses of the
year were 84 in all, amounting to $7,-
536.50;the receipts were $13,384.58,vvith
disbursements of $10,598.82; the assets,
048,123 48, and no liabilithei. The ot- spoke in gaming terms of the ooraing big
ficers of the company are John Hallam, Pan A.menoan which opens in May; it
tyne, president, Kincardine; F, Ander. will be a sight worth seeing. Preparations
eon, vice-president, .Bluevale ; 3. M. for accommodation .is now being made
Roberts, secretary -treasurer, Dungan- while the hotelts will reap a harvest. Me
non .• directors :-William Stothers and ldre Jordon make annual visite hero
and John 'Griffin, Ashfield: Edward and intend toreturn to any early date,
Achoon. Goderich township ; Fume
riskier, Colborne; J. H. Kaake, Kin-
loss ; Alex, Stewart, Wawanesh,
Live Stock Markets,
There are•quite a number of young men
from Ontario who intend to gct.out west
this apring. We understand that Frank
Fair, J. C. Forrester and Jaa. Middleton
expect to leave shortly,
• J. M Copeland, freight and passenger
aolioitor of theta M. dt, St, P. Ry., gave us
a call on Wednesday. He eaid business
was very god on the railway, but passeng-
er trade to MIL wed was lighter than a
year ago on datannt of the depression of
mining at the present time. •
From the Brampton Times cit last week:
antis office had a eall this week from Mr
•Robt. Holmes, M.P.. editor and proprietor
of the Clintbn New En). Mr Holmes is
one of the live, up -to datct men of the day,
and full Of nerve and energy. He blown a
litetenappy newaper, and it is quite in ev-
idence that he has -a strong grip in his rid-
ing, Huren, when he is eleoted to Parlia-
ment in a Conservative conatitueney. Me ,
Holmes' father was associated with the •
proprietor of this paper in the Globe office,
Toronto, 00 years ego," [Mr and Ars R.
Holmes were the -guests of -Mr and Mali.
Foster on the 9th and 10th instil.]
Mr and Mrs n. O. Jordon leave to
morrow (Saturday) for their home in
Buffalo after a visit here with Mrs S. C.
Townsend and other relatives for nearly
a month, They were well pleased with
their visit and think Canada is' a proper -
ons clime to line in While here they
Cottettivr.-The concert, •ander the
auspices of the R. T. of T., held in the
temperance hall last Tuesday night,
was a decided euccess; the program
throughout was highly interesting and
well received by the audience. The
recitations and solos by Mac Vincent,
of Exeter Council, were splendid; the
Y00104011E1 by Misses Maud Andrews
and Cassie Johnston were well render-
ed, and the addresees by Be* Mr An.
draws and Mr LeWie, of Oredtton,
• A,
0•••• •
London, March 19. -Trade firm. United
States oattIe, 61d; sheep, 7ad.
Ldrcneoahrpooeel,p, niarea 1917 Canadian cattle,
East Buffalo, Maroh 19. -Cattle -
No offerings; very light demand; quiet.
(Naval, nominally 7o. Sheep and lambs -
The market on Iambs was elow;from $5.80
to$5,815;goocl to choice, $5,60 to $5.80;81160,
wethers, $5 to $5.25; yearlings' $5.85.
Hogs -Market strong; heavy. andmixed,
$6 05; Yorkers, $6 to $6.05; pqrs,06;roughe,
05.80 to $5.50; stage, $4.50 to 54.75.
Montreal, March 18. -There were about
425 head of butoherie cattle, 100 calves and
18 spring Jambe offered for 0418 at East
End Abattoir to -day. The butohera were
out strong and trade was fair. The best.
cattle sold at 41c per lb, pretty good anim-
als at from 8/0 to 41o, and tbe ocatimen
dock at from 20 to SO per pound. The
oaives*ere nearly all lefie than two weeks.
old; these sold at from 01,50 to 04 each,
while goal calves at from $6 to $9 each.
Where were no eheep or yeatling lambe of-
fered, although a few odd at from $4 to $6
Oaoh. Vat hogs mad at from 6o to 610 Per
Ib, for good straight IOW, weighed off tbe
The New
One htmarea yeas ago watohea
AL were thick bulky attains ; to•dey, the
tip•to-date watches are 'noble its bps
pearance and time keeping qualities.
- The coat of & watch in DO 10liger
the serious barrier it onoe was. We
have them for ladies, gentlemen or
boys, in gold, gold.filled, silver and
nickel -eases at prices that will suit
any pocket. Vie will be pleaded to
ehott you our geode.
A. 3. Chi
Jeweller and 0011101101
SIMOtalfalr to3oa, Siddleotinibe