HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-15, Page 10TIL (ZINTON NEW ERA,
Much ThaYs New
Deo a line Each insertion.]
With so xnuch that's bright, Dew an.... at, cnb1ipaidfor butte eande ge•r.w,111a(1A1fli.
• Digs, -7 lbs cooking figs tot 25^. new dates fo
tractive on every hand
and in this big store it's pr10a nWlsaTwitehellei GreaJW ea reAae
of Boots and Shoos, rubbers, eta , now in pro•
hard to know what to have this week's siege.
store news tell about. However we've �y'ANTE�n, `— Smart senntr man tai:
�� learn cutting and dimming—JAolceox
picked out the following lines. You'll find M'e, co.
them worthyin ever tiva Styles quality i PROMOTIONS following pupils
v p of Mies !lackey's roc m have been pra-
everythingJJ h J ' I mated from the 2nd Book to •the lid
and value are they :ought to be Book ;-0. Ford, Roy bast, Morley
.. Hall, J. Rutledge S.
S. Ross, Hazel Kerr,
and are just what you naturally ex acBessie Forrester, t to M. Osborne, Laura Walken, M. Frem-
•. • et here—THE BEST. lin, Eva Irwin and Nellie Steep.
Crews is evidently prospering in busi..
nese and extending out in other
p . branches connected with the jewellery
business. Leet week while in Toronto
he bought an engraving mashine cost.
,rl,1i., fog about 0125, Which 'asomething new
n these parts, WI h the machine is.
Are youotig to have your Spring Costume
for Easter ,' If so it is .noe too soon to make
connected script, lettere,'enoni grams,
&c., v h'cb he can t rn nsfer, to any r: ize
what ver, on all m inner of geode.
llfr Crews has already become quite
your seleciol Dressmaker's are getting busier expert and ht s turned cut excellent
everyday, and you are more likely to get exact- woi k' only .—A quiet 'and
l whatyou want than ifyou wait until stock$ A MARCH wE. G q t
y pretty hotue event wasthe marriage
get broken. We do not think there is another at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs John Mitchell,. Rattenb•iry street,
Mater- when
such collection of real Stylish, Costume a on Tuesday inorntng at tl a, m,
rills as is on our counters anywhere ' in 'the .her daughter, Mies Jane I.' It, became.
the nire of Thos. Kyle, (formerly of
county. It is certainly the.best ever shown in the township. of Hay) of Sntkatche-
wan, N. W. T. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A. Stewart, of
mnclothe,smoothfinish reectorywear,52to5tincheswide. . Willis church, after • Which the .happy
48 inch costa l.�i 5
will make stylish costumes and If
per yard oe•uplewere driven to the depot where.
iv,. satisfactory wear, colors of • .train was taken en route to their fi ture.`.
g i
grey blue and blank, per yard.... 6QG fine cheviot 'serge, all pure wool, home in the west where Mr Kyle is the'.
make a eervioebloc datydeheuit possessor of a ranch. May their . wed
48 inches
hnavy wish of
v is the
he one
deo if
75c pp
only.:.. their many friends,
pure wool, rich, deep black, will
not hold the dust, spot or shrink,
full yard and a half wide, makee a
very stylish street costume and . ,„„
cannot be excelled for wear. ..... 1.011
A. range ofhandsomecostrunee cloths
ie venetians, bioadolothe and
bornespuns, all the fashiotable'ool.
Bright finished costa�
t o1
Furs wool, 46 tch& `idheavy
• enough for the new sprhiL suits,
colors and blaoks 7 Scand 8uc
Fin all w of broadcloth, if shrunk •- •
rore.poi s ith the rain, '50
c, t
..view k 't Ls handsome an some suits
It r+ t rtri•rley a. .faits, theta. a
ntee of the crlor and wearing
1t t,dsome broeoo'oth snitings,spring
wPi.,,hts in xli the popular shades
e • e e1I as the more staple tailors
1 rat black, fine finisb,will give int/.'
Mole New Fmuroideries
• This lot just
arrived this
week. They
come • to us
direct from
maker inSwit-
zerland and
never saw the
]igbtof day
from the time
they left -the workshop until
opened,up in our store. ^
ll on . ainty andembroidery y
the fi nest of,lawns and muslins, . •
insertions to`matcln , .I5d to •OWC.
Stylish Veiling
March winds
are'. making
brisk . Veiling
selling: Some
new arrivals
this .week are, party there erestill enough held; to
n w en sale and drive dull'care'away and have.a few
you'll find al'
most every
thing that's de-
sirable in
e-sirablein Veilinga here.
The newest note and spots ; in; silk
veilings in Necks, creams, browns,
bines eto 15c, 2Oc,, 20'e
AMONG TLLE`ILL =--We are sorry to
know that the wife of S. Plummer is
confined to her room by severe illness.
Miss Minnie. Rumball returned last
week from her visit at Patkersburg,.
West Virginia, and is suffering from a Grand'Lodge meets in btratford this.
mild attack of grin. Mrs IL B. Chant, .week.; Wingham will extend an invi-
as been c
onfined to the house
tothe grand lodge e to hO
ld. _ii
for some time was able to be out ,for' 19(12 session there During the past
the first time on •Saturda . R. R°' . few months many requests for extre.
land met with a mi,ghap Monday; copies of the NEwEn hays been time
hiving stepped on a rusty nail ; he has and again wanted ; we would advice
been confined to the house for several ;an.y.wanting -extras-copies•-'�ta"'bbtain
dtys'ebyrr:- Mr`'W"m. nuigg'isimprov- them the week of the issue, as they
ing nicer', we are pleased to learn.. are • generally ;altone thereafter.
We are sorry to hear that) Lindsay,. We have some one. around town who
Karon Road, has not improved from has taken a decided hatred to' doge
blood poisoningwishtoseeas. mDruch.Shaw as hiswas.'frienlaid judging
hhave fromsuccumbed from poison.
the; number of
up for a while with n severe cold, but being administered ; Saturday the pet
is around again.: enamel belonging to Rich. Irwin `died
EVENING PARTIES.-Notwithstand- from :at, •doge, It is likelythere willbe
ing that the:Lentee season.deters .a baseball league formed this coming
many *giving. or attending an. evening • season ; at an organization meeting
held in Wingham last weekit was pro•
posed to have a Ieanue consisting of
Brussels, Godericb, Palwerston,Walk-
erten, H:*rristoa and Clinton.. When
a depositor in the postal savings de-
partment wished towithdraw any
money it usuallywas the custom for
hire: to remain. fr a delay of four or
five dayshe return advice; the
department has now ordered that all
postmasters canpay pp 'to $20 to any
depositor that is known to him with-
out waiting for this advise. Counter-
feit two.dollar Dominion Government
"To have the best,goods is what the business man
owes himself ; to keep the people posted on.
his excellent stock is what he owes to his
patrons►"—Trade Magazine:
We really try to proouro the very best goods on
the markets available to ue, not always the
cheapest, bat often so, and in every case as
cheap me it is wlae to go. We trust you will
agree with tie in our opinion that there ss a
price line below which it is not prudent • or
money saving to go. It is Ibis profitable med-
ium it hal always been our ambition to know,
and we think we are reasonably safe in abating
that we usually attain it. It is this business
policy of ours which induces us to olairn to be
Often the cheapest and consequently
Always the bent.. We try to let you know
..ft every week in this space that you
may profit as well as oureelyes.
Our announcement. thiswcek
Ie a quantity of small pictures, .all firma N, •
• average size about 10x12 inches, suitablefor
framing. The price ie Be. There are many
lar., ennui are gone. •
The W. A FAIR 00, Clinton..'
"Often the Cheapest—Always " -
e the. t
Winnipeg party. Miss Nona. Miller.
who was e mployed at the millinery
at igodgens Bros.,.has accepted aos-
ition in the•same lire at'the T. Ea on
Co;, Toronto. • A. J. Holloway has
bought the house and> lot on Huron
streetrom •
f W. Bowers at a
good fig-
i -ur • he itl'ma a edme
changes and
9per•hauling and remove to it. We
notice among the unclairned express
parcels advertised for sale. in Toronto
at the head office areA acka es . ad.
dressed to the W. D. . Fair Co. and
Geo.. Laois. The Provincial L O. L.
Those Towels -:
We told you about last week are one
of the best Towel snaps we ever offe..ed
you. Over 500 can't.. be sold. in.::a : hurry
even at such little prices, so if you come
soon you will be able• to get..some of
k 120 Linen Hook Towels, good weight, 1800 inobee, hemmed ende, rod 1Q(,
4 borders, • .. •....'
i 200 Linen Huck Towels, firm and heavy,. large size, plain or colored '
borders, a capital wearing and drying towel, ...... . ....... .. 2 for -4SL
200 Linen Towels, fine strong and heavy hackabnek, large size, will • 113
give excellent wear, '' , '• • ,
rkAltAAAA A•*tt•A°Ar*tktV
Not the heavy kinds, time for selling
them is nearly over, but the always popular
flannelette that sell all the year round.. A big
shipmentof good ones come -to hand this week.
Flanelette blankets, good large size, soft finish, firm and
strong, just the thing for spring use. Grey or white per Q, ,,t,pair . ..,..,.,.•,... o C
ttr ihtk*** Itt
Unlcss you have seen them you Can have no idea of the
beauty of the Wash Stuffs we have gathered together this
spring. It's a collection that is well worth seeingeven if you
don't want to buy a single yard. We are as ready to show
lookers as buyers and will be glad to have you look at them
any time. A reminder of the Gingham styles and values.
American Ginghams 0e Pine Scotch Gingbams
Mill ends of American Ginghams, . 10e and 25e
small oheoks in bineandwhite,
green and white and brown and . Handsome designs in fine 'Botch •
white,• absolutely fast colors, ' • Gingham, unequalled for their
lengths of 2 to 10 yards, sold by
the piece only at per yard 6e
hours social time, One of these happy
events was that.'ol .a: surprise party
taking place on last Friday evening at
E. M. McLean's •having learnt of Miss
McKay's intention to leave for home
f he friends took the .opportunity as a
"send off;" a few hours' in games and
dancing was indulged and thenadieu
was said. A met•ry number....drove
drwn from_Goderich on last Thursday
evening and were royally entertained
at the home' of Mies. Josie Dayment,
by cards and dancing. A. number
from here attended a dance given at
O. Wilson's, Brucefield, last' Friday
NoTrs;--We Learn that Dr. 'Thomp-
son has purchased the Buchanan , pro-
perty on Albert St.nortb, and removes
to it as soon as the house is repaired
and oyer? -hauled properly, There was
no skalirg`nor--" culling for about 'It'
week' owing to the soft weather; .about'
half alba local curling matches. are
yet to be playa. Wafter Jackson,
xl'cwas formerl with P. B. Crewe,
has resumed duties there, A. Forrester
having gore too Tor•'nto to sI udy rn-
braving. St. Patrick's day, the 171h,
of Ireland, is Mr A. Monteith's 76 h:
birthday ; many hai lay ret urns of t he
day. In ihe'.illustreced pact: of last
Saturday's Globe is a pier ure of the
Varsity football team which are cham-
pions ofuhe inter -college matches ; we
notice Fred Brodeur (brother of Mrs
G. D. McTaggart) is one of the for-
wards on this noted team? On page'
2 of this issue will be found a clever
poem "The Old Boys of Huron", the
production of S. T. Church. (formerly
of Stanley), which was read at the re-
cent annual gathering of the fl. O. B.
Association in Toronto ; on page .3,
which will be found interestirBg l•s part
of a letter written by Geo. . Bean, of
Maritzburg, South Africa, to his bro-
ther in town on page 7 n enntribution
entitled "Life's Phases", by N. B.
Last week was a very busy one for the
:wholesale dry goods and millinery
firms in the citir s ne it was the spring
openings ,• the local millinery stores
int end to have their r planingsduring
the last week of the present
month, There has been several
months of unint eri opted good sleigh-
ing but the thaw and the storms there
after played havoc with the roads.
Conductor Ireland has been relieving
Conductor Pitzget'ald on the L. H. &
B, 1 un ; the general conductor,
Quirk, has returned to duties after hie
spell of illness. It is whispered around
that there is soon to be a weddffrg' in
which one of Clinton's popular young
ladies will he the bride ; see if this
comes true. In last week's issue we
mistakably said that the i-entiet'a cab -
Inds, made
ab-inets,made by J. 0. Townsend,: were for
wnalitya,will makes lieh Dr. Sellery, of Hensall ; they: were
wearing q ty made for Dr. Selleryy' (brother of Mrs
rfdressed 2Oc & 25c I
A. T. Cooper), of Chicago. A cure
waists or ohildsen
sign that spring is coming ; the boys
are at marbles in reap earnest again,
W. J. McRoberts, son-in-law of Mre
Pickard, of Holmeeville, principal of
the Mitchell public school has received
an addition of 650 to his salary; . Mr
McRoberts ie a good teacher and is
considered so by the trustees of that
- - town St. Patrick's day is next Sun-
day when lovers of .Ireland's Emerald
Isle will wear the green, The Colleo
Watts Board holds its March meeting
next Monday night. A number rof
betels in town are now advertising a
soft drink named "The ()artie Nation".
Meters. W. Doherty & Ob. are prepar-
ing a special exhibit of their world-re-
nowned orvane for the Glasgow /11x-
hibition, and expect that the display
We just want to remind you wilt much surpass any they leave here
tofore made ; this ie saying aa'ooddeal
if you arc going to buy a new for one thing that sten&el especially
carpet this spring that w'e to the credit of the enterprising firm
ie that thele exhlbitn have always been
have the befit stock we've ever of'tlte very highest order of excellence.
shown, the •neweist patterns, b oke Stec leg abouSt. monta nes, Who
sell at close prices • and make now able to sit up, We nnderetalrtt
and laythem free of char e, that Lr. Nearby, bf ottawn:bp:sdem&
ed not tO 1110Ve back here for the pre-
sent ; his family are still' residing at
Kingetop though he expecte shortly
to wove them to the former city. Ike
Rattenbury watt down near Seafarth
on Monday and purchased A tf.year-old
brown gelding from T. Johnston, of
Tuckerelnith ; it wsa bought for a
Our Two Specials
If you come this week- you may be in time to get some
of these. If you leave it you may be too late, and when they
are gone there will be no more at these ,prices,
Yard Wide PFreale 18c
American Percales 12ic .
200 yards American Percales all, null . Yard wide American Percale, fanoy
remnants, some handsome, shirt stripes for blouses in blue and white
Waist patterns in thio lot, all the red and white, blank and white,
new shades, • lengths of 2 to 10 lavender and white, patterns that
yards, any length you Iike at par yon'11 See nowhereeleein town and
yard ........... • ... • .. • 12 a not much of any single one here.. 18e
Already our milliners are
hard at work preparing for the
o ur formal opening. ,,There's
no need to wait for that, if
you want yourmlllinery early,
we are all ready 'for business
bills have made their appearance; they
aredated'1897 and are said to be clum-
sily executed. Mrs S. S. Opoper will
be•"at horse" to her friends, at Glebe,
View, on lhursday afternoon o°: 'next.
week. The Provincial Teachers' .'and
Trustees' Educational Association:
meets at Toronto, on
April 9th, 10, h
and filth ; a number from herewill
attend. Rich. Irwin represented Olin•
ton lodge at the grand lodge of the
Canadian Home Circles held in Ham
last week. The shipments of stock
this week was on Monday, a. car •load
of hogs for Toronto by Cautelon &
Wallis ; on Wednesday oneof cattle
Chas, for Toronto byGhas Reid and•two.. b'
S. Smith,•.• Thtrains were delayed by
the storms thtrrweek, the worst' this
winter ; on Wednesday the London
train _gpjng.,,„_north -did. not return•
until next day, being snow bound
this eideof Itinca-rdine, and a
special was made up at '.boudon° for
Thursday's "' train. " . S. S. Cooper
has .already a. number of contracts
ahead for this season among them be-
ing a new brick residence for Matthew
Oorbet, of Hullett, the new rectory for
the parish ptiest in Clinton and a new
frame house for Sam. Dorsey, of Con-
stance. W. Learoyd, of Windsor, has
•Surchased the B:' B. Gunn stock, of
.eaforth, and the family have taken up
their residence in the house formerly
occupied by T. R.,T. Case of that town..
A : box- car went off the track at the
depot yetds on Thursday Owing to the
ice which formed between the . rails.
Among the stock delivery at the cattle
Yards this week were several fine an
mals ; a steer bred by. Mr Scott,of• Hut -
lett weighed 17701bs and another was,
. bull tipping the heath: at. 20220 lbs,.
Rey. A. Beverly, of Foreet,will occupy'
the pulpit of St. Paul's•church on Sun-
day next. • '
All Rocords Brokees
Our Gigantic
Shoe Sale
The greatest success in the history .of they firm. -
There is only one reason for it and that is we are 'sell-
ing shoes and rubbers cheaper than they. have ever
been sold in the county and shrewd buyers are taking
advantage of it . • A few weeks ago we had $5,360 of
the Jackson Bros. stock we have now about $3000
worth. which we are willing to clear r outat wholesale
prices:. It was impossible to wait onthe crowds last .,
Saturday afternoon and we,would advise you to come •
in the morning and get the best values in all kinds of
Footwear ever offered in this section.
We have frequently Leen asked • for Ladies'Oxfords during this Sale, eo
this week we place on sale, 60 pairs of genuine Dongola Kid Oxfords, sold
in the regular way for $1,50r and all we ask for them is $1, every pair
guaranteed, � •
125 pairs of Men's Fine Box Calf and Dongola Kid, Laced. Boots and
ai worth 2.75 andnot old stook' but up-to-date in every reopeot,.
Gaiters, $.$3, , P
sale prigs only $2.: 'It looke a little reckless to sell these goods at the price,
but you get the benefit and we get t}he room 'and the money, '
75 Women's Dongola Kid Laced and Bnttoned`Boote left to slaughter,
we had . about 250 pairs of this line and its just wonderful how
they have sold, regular prices were from $1.30 to $1.75 and eome were 62,
but we have not all sizes, so we put them in as. s jolt• lot and you oan take
your choice for $1. They will soon be gone end'oannot be repeated.
Girls' Bobool Boots, laced or bnetoned, sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2, the
ear e have about 150 .airs of this line, the are
• kind you -..eat for ria w wy
w., P p
worth 61.35 to.
6450, guaranteed solidleather
wsar selling
every day
during this great sale
for 950, no wonder they are being rapidly reduced, for
Alley area gennine bargain.
Boys' School Boots, sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, light or
, we have
bigrun on this line,bet have a good suPPlYyet,and• while theylast you
a 1.85 to 1.
50 for.Pet
asyou e.
boot l$
gooda oo$
rum get�Y P
ae to the teat, we mean everythingwe say. A. boy or girl seldom needs a
n doctor if well shod,
Mei'a good
hm e
give. on
bigstock t e w
a ac f
eh havey
Long Boosw.y.
e t
store boot for $1.50 or if ;yon want a home made pair yon can have them for
$3,50, they are, worth 34.59 and ti.-QO,, •There'''s.nothing like�leather-w. is well nt to ether. That's the kind we. are selling.
It may be a little early to do your spring buying
with Inducements we are offering . now. It will
but W1t the g
certainly be money in your " pockets. A dollar saved
is a 'dollar. earned..' Money. back insures satisfaction. 'r
You make no mistake wheny ou follow the crowd.
Tltc Old Reliable,
The Store That Never Dissa ioints
i Ta1�r-&-Son
bash and One P,ice.
.Butter and Eggs. taken as Cash.
"1"%114141' $1110#1111.01611"
�holesale Manufacturers
of Clothing
- We are turning from. our factory a great range of goods
"in� g o.
Pints, at special ecial figures. We are placing them .
rnMensPa � P ,...
on saleat four special ..rices; 31,. 31,50, 32, 32.50.
Our $100 Pants is our Celebrated Buckskin line in different stripes, they
are cut and trimmed equalto the finest Pant on the market, and they
look 'equal to $5 Worsted Pants. •
.-ur 1.50 Pants can be had in a variety of patterns, You can have plain goods or some neat
O �
stripes or checks.. The goods will wear and give every satisfaction
.0 Pants 1s perhaps the -best sellingrangegre have, We a try to get the best possible
'Our �� 0. P P, ill
• goods in the countryfor this line and thele are hundreds of people, in this section who will
value can be had anywhere.
tell -you Ou that no such Y _.�.:...... _
Our $2.50 Pants are cut, made and trimmed in a manner equal to what you pay 6.50 for in
a great many places, but big buying of goods, and being our own manuf aeturers, tells
the story.. ,
Shrewd people sea
should. twit these statements.
20 Sewing Girls Wanted "
STORE , "'"
!acksofl Bros.
1 C1inton.j