The Clinton New Era, 1901-03-15, Page 9THE CLIIN1O ,. 'NEW . EH.
Going to bed to tumble and toss and
d'ea'ns t to ' pursue in vain the phantom
•Ieep through long weary hours and rise
to a new day unrested and unrefreshed.
Tbat is the way witls many a woman, who
is tormented by the aches and pains re-
sulting from female weakness, and other
diseases of the delicattorgans of woman.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was
made to cure just such cases and it does
what it was made for. It heals ulcera-
tion and inflammation, dries debilitating
drains, cures female weakness, strength-
ens the body, soothes the nerves and
enriches the blood. It gives lasting
strength for the clay and sound sleep
for the night.
%For three years I suffered continually,” writes
Mrs. L. J Dennis, of 828 East College St., Jack-
aonvjllr, Ills. nl sought relief among Ms medical
Profession and found none, until induced to try
Dr. Pierce's F vorite Prescription, when. I
commenced takiug this medicine I weighed
ninety-five pounds. It built me up until now I
1 1 weigh one hundred and fifty-six pounds—snore
thin I ever weighed before. I wits so bed I
wo:'1 lie from day to day and long for death to
ppaoitnn and relieve qty suffering. r had internal
itzfiatnmation, a disagreeable drain, bearing
down pains and such distress every month. But
now I never have a pain—do all my own work
and am a strong and healthy woman. Thanks
to your medicine.0
Biliousness is banished by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
An unknown man Jumped from the
suspension bridge into the Ottawa
river and was drowned. From the
description given of him by spectatt is
it is believed the dead man is .Patrick
Ryan, of Almonte.
Children will go Sleighing: They to
turn covered with snow. Half a teaspoon-
ful of Pain -Killer in hot water will prevent
ill effects. Avoid substitutes', there's but
ene Pain -Killer, Perry Davis', 25o. and
The Elder-Denopster's Beaver Liner
Wasson. which sailed from Liverpool
on February 26, with mails for Canada,
has put back, damaged.
Thousands of Canadians can vouch for
the efficacy of that peerless cough remedy,
Pyny-Balsam.. It aures a cold very quick-
ly. 25c. of all druggists. Manufactured
by the proprietors of Perry Davis' Pain -
Dr. Johnson, M. P., and Mr Calvert.
ltd. P,, introduced a deputation of oil
ser from the count of Lamtb-
well ow s, y
ton to the Minister of Agriculture,
who aeked that no change be made • in
the duty on goal oil.
1 • General Wm. W. Henry
With Us in Canada.
U 1 should sea I
A brother lengulshint, in sore distress
And 1 should turn and leave him comfortleil
When 1 might be
A, messenger of hope and happineaa, ,, g)
liow could I ask what 1 denied
in my own hour of bitterness supplied?
1t 1 might sing' "
A little song to cheer a fainting heart,
And 1 should seal my lips and sit apart
When I might bring
A bit of sunshine for life's ache and smart,
flow could I hope to have my grief relieved
It I kept silent when my brother grieved?
And 'so I know
That day 19 lost wherein 1 fail to lend
A helping band unto some wayward friend,
Uut it it show
A burden lightened by the cheer I sent,
Then do I hold the golden hours well spent
And lay me down to rest in •' eontent,-
Aooidentn Which stave Happened tO.
Its Famous Stone.
Blarney town is a small manufacturing
place, The old castle,. however, is well
outside the village, in surroundings whol-
ly rural. It stands on a low hill whence
it looks forth from Humid a grove of trees
down on a broad field that is used as a
public pleasure ground. A slight wooden
' bridge spanning a swift, clean little river
gives entrance to the field in which are
many noble shade trees with rustic seats
about their base and in the opens a num•
ber of framework swings.
The castle has suffered little from the
ravages of time except that the roof and
the wooden floors have fallen. You can
climb winding stairs and follow devious
passages into vaulted chambers and chilly .
cells to your heart's content. All this is
very romantic, but it is worth while re-
membering that in spite of historic charm
and strong appeal to the fancy the castle
is a relic of an age of barbarism, when
the country was divided among • many
petty chiefs, each distrustful of the oth-
er even
th-er'even when on terms of nominal friend-
The castle is many 'stories high, and, in
the . topmost cornice is the far famed
Blarney stone, thatpowerful talisman
which you„have only to kiss to be endow-
ed with eloquence for But as the
vertical measurement of the cornice is
about six feetand its. projection•beyond
the main wall fully three feet and as the
stone is at the b�ttom of the cornice the
kissing is not as easily accomplished as
might be. Formerly it was customary to
lower the candidate for eloquence over
the rampart head • foremost, a friend
clinging to either heel,but at such a diz-
zy height the proceedings smacked so Se-
eriously of danger that of late years ii row
of great spikes` guards the parapet
against further attempts of the sort.
The stoneeloquent at one time dropped
out. It was, however, promptly restored
and is now fixed in place by two heavy
iron rods, whichclasp it to the cornice..
Were it not that the Blarney stone comes
opposite one of thefrequent gaps which
alternate with the outthrust, of the sup-
porting stones of the cornice it would be
practically inaccessible. As things are,
the only way to bestow the mystic kiss is
to get down on your knees, double up like
a jackknife andcrane your neck across
the yawning vacancy. I ,regarded the
stone with interest.. and wished I was
more of an acrobat or more courageous,
but I was deterred by that lofty hole
which, though not much more than r foot'
broad and four long, was, still •nicety
large enough to fall.through, and I de-
cided -to .get along without the eloquence..
The• story of the stone dates back to
the middle of the fifteenth century, when
Coronae •McCarthy the ° Strong, a de.
scendant of the ancient kings of Mus+
ater and builder of the fortress, chanced
one day for save an old woman from
drowning. For • a reward she ~offered
Corinne a golden tongue' which • should
have the power toinfluence
en and
women, friends and
foes, as he willed,
She told him to mount' and .keep and
kiss a certain stone in the wall five feet
n • and the
below the gallery rum 1 around running.
top: Be followed her directions and ob-
tained all the fluentpersuasiveness she
had promised. The tale of this new 'ac•
qutrenient and its origin spread, and the
Blarney stone has been drawing pilgrims
to itself ever since. -Interior..
Perhags.,t Don't yon run the risk,
though, but alway buy the well -tested and
sure -pop corn cure- Putnam's Painless
--Corm Extractor. Sure, safe and painless.
Pntnam's removes- corns painlessly in
twenty.four hours. If your druggist does
not sell it, send 25 cents to N. C. Pole. it
& Co., Kingston, Ont., and they will send
it to you post paid to any address in
Canada or°U. S.
Mr..W, H. Maines has been appoin-
ted Chief Constable of the Ontario
N' aa
ra frontier in suc-
on the .g
cession to the late Thomas H. Young.
a moment. go to the nearest drug store
and get a bottle of Nerviline. Five times
stronger than any other -it penetrates to
the remotest fibres -soothes the irritated
neryes and carries with it almost instan-
taneous relief. Good for pain on the
outside a.d if possible even better for
Ile is American Consul in
Quebec City.
Strongly BndorsCs
Paine's Celery Compound
The Marvellous
Spring Medicines,
Many of the wondrous successes and de.
oiWire viotories of Paine's Celery Compound
over disease and death and well-known to
the people of the seven provinces of our
No other medicine ever given to suffer-
ing humanity has met with such approval
from physioians,from nurses oaring for the
sick, from men and women of culture and
influence, and from the sensible and think.
ing people of the toiling classes. All unite.
in one grand chorus ox pr,,ise "Paine's
Celery Compound is earth's best and surest
spring health -restorer and health giver."
General William W. Henry, American
Consul, in the oity of Quebec, writes as fol.
lows about •Paine's' Celery Compopnd :
"It gives me great pleasure to endorse
Paineae Celery Compound, both on account
of the results obtained from personal use of
the remedy and knowledge of the remark-
able aures it has performed, I believe it
has no equal in curing diseases of the ner-
vous system and building up those who
are weak and one of health. It has cured
several friends of mine of • rheumatism in
its worst form, and I have no hesitancy in
recommending it to all afflicted with the
disease." .
home of "Life's Phases"
$1.00 a year. to cents a copy
The Best Illustrated Month-
ly Magazsue of the hind Pub-
lts pages are filled by a brilliant array
of writers and artists. Iia a.ithori'tativo
and independent reyiews of Beeks. Ph ye,
Music and Art, its Weser titer e', strong
special artioles, humor and \ else, with
fine illustrations, make it a necessary in
every intell•gent home. The very low
subscription price, $1.00 per yea", puts it
within the :eloh of all, Reliable agents
wanted in eve's? town,'. Extraordoiary
inducements, Write for partioulars.
A trial sub'oription'wi l prove it.
Write to day tor et,mple
riterion Publication Co ,
Sabre ip'ion Department,
41 East 31et Si., N. Y. City.
As they Appear to Us in Our
Contributed for the NEW ERA by N. B.
It may seenrcomparatively easy, for
the "apt artist" of the pen or brush, to
paint with most charming . effect in
colours, and fascinating tints, beauti-
ful pictures of the "realistic", or per-
haps • mote .properly the idealstic, of
what is so often termed the."sunny-
side" of life. Such pictures do not lie.
They may be express ive of the most
vivid portraiture conceivable in art,
they may depict with the mostpossible
artistic effect, that one 'particular and,
especial "phase of life" which, the
whole of the teetning'millions in hu-
manity- realm long for, reach for, work
for, slave: for,' •struggle or fight fcr,
and yet for whom, in the orderings.,
or perhaps, rather, permissions ofPrc:-
vidence, only the few, the very, very.
few, are permitted the enjoyment of
the "ideal aspect", or the realization of
the "Phases of Life" that may be: pic-
tured for us, or that we'more,possibly,
often picture for ourselves, in the
Bt there is one '`Phase of life" in
reality. Perhaps only one, It is not a
portraiture", does not even reflect in
idealists", is not of the "imaginative,
but. ratherfinds its echo in one and all
of the human senses. it is recd, the
artist feels an. aversion to it, and is
loathe to paint or picture. It touches
the whole world, leaving its impres-
sions in unmistakable distinctness
everywhere, forcing out the sunlight,
crushing the inspirations and hopes,
and marring the beautiful in the cher-
ished joy of youthful anticipation, and
forcing upon: us the truthfulness and
solemnity that :-
"Tobacco Stories.
all internal agonies. Nerviline is sold
under guarantees. If yon are not benefit- The Westminster Gazette gives some
ed our money cheerfully back. Dragg'ets interesting information •concerning the
and medicine dealers sell it everywhere.
Obstruction by Irish members in
the House of Commons led to a dis-
graceful fight, in which several mein.
bers were removed, :°after a violent
Hard to tell in some instances. But
we know who are the great Nerve Build -
ere. They are Soots & Bowne. . Thee!
Scott's Emulsion feeds and strengthets
brain and nerves.
The estate of the late Gatling 9un
Howard is valued at 5175,030 and 020,-
1100. His will has just -been probated
at Mont real, and leaves his entire es-
tate to his six children.
' Thom as H. Young, Chief of the On-
tario polioe force on the Niagara frontier,
is dead.
Children «ry for
LIttle Liver fills.
alilluse Blear Signature of
• ore sac-ilmlle Wrapper (Below.
yore mall watt as easy
.folake as sugar.
FOR ;DIlliNE $
FOl;I11 E� 11E.;
F YollivD UVItR«
FON $ T" OW. KIL., .
'r'eg!etame.;;X dieO
l 4
6;ung siCK HEAD/WOG
use of tobacco by the clergy in different
religious bodies. "John Wesley," it says,
"forbade his preachers 'to smoke or chew
tobacco or take Snuff.' This rode still
obtains in the Wesleyan ministry.
"Thackeray hoped the day would come
when he would see a bishop lolling out
the Athenaeum with .a cigarin his mouth
or at least a pipe stuck in his shovel. hat.
He did not live to see this, but The Bishop
of Manchester -bas publicly proclaimed
the virtues of tobacco ns ry bond of sym=
pathy .between man .and roan.
" 'At your idol again, stir. Hall, ex-
claimed a lady on discovering Mr. Robert
Heil, the celebrated divine, with n pipe
in his mouth. 'Yes,' said the preacher,
'burning it, ma'am: "
Dog Whipper -.Sluggard Walker.
A dog whipper was' an ancient parish
...official whose duty was to drive out all
the dogs .from the church. The Wake-
field accounts contain the items:
1010. Paid to' Oorby Stork for whipping
dogs ..., 2s. ed.
1703. For•batts shoes and . hoses for sex-
ton and dog whipper 180, Id.
Another official was the person ap-
- pointed to arouse members of the congre-
gation from their slumbers during divine
service. The Parishaccounts of Castle-
ton record:
172, Pald to Sluggard Waker 100. Od.
It Wanted Explaining.
Two rival manufacturers of 'XJ`rench
coffee met before a judge. The latter
nt empty
took upone of the contestants" y
tins. "I do not consider," affirmed the
judge, ''that this Is an honest label, On
the front you place in large letters, 'Pure
French Coffee,'. and on the back .in small
letters -in very small letters -9o:1 print,
'A Compound of Chicory,' etc." •
The person time addressed mused for a
monicet. Then he said, quite meekly,
"But vitt' your lordship kindly explain
• to the jury by what means you distin-
guish between the front and the back of
a round tin?"---Landori Tit -alts.
En (mpretude nable,
13lshop.Trotter-Hubble on the commit
teal Do you think ,so? I fear -I fear the
root of the matter 14 not in him.
tteit, Dr, Golly -1 Arid titin foretaost in
all teed t4orks, blshopo '
"The Man With 'reverence. Why, he
uhakei hands with 'me as If I were un-
an assistant ministers!' -i xchange, '
"Life ie real, life is eat nest,,:
And the grave is not our gold".
"Andthings are not what they seem".
.All tending to remind us most forcibly,.
that there- also is, in the world of
Nature, relative to the laws that touch
humanity, the "shaded: side of life",
and it not only touches the individual,
,but it breaks upon the happy relations
of the home and family.
It may shock the whole neighbor-
hood, and call for :the sympathies of
entire communities, in" fact, as Allus-
trated in the "Galvestonhorrors", it.
may wreck ai world of beings, at whit h
the entire• community will stat d
And yet,it is only one "Phase of Life",
but it is the phase, and by far the mbar
predominating aspect, and the one th $
lends the greatest effects of colour, to
the beautiful reviving rays of the sun,
that may come to us in the other or
"sunny side of life".
We often reflect upon the natural
shadiness, the deep shadows, .. griefs,
surroundings, and attachings to those..
whose lives are full of suffering. They
yearn for sympathy,:' they crave for
sunshine, and long for some of the
pleasure of this great world, that is so
often "taken in" with almost thought-
less ingratitude, by ;.hose for whom
life holds out some brighter phases.
Our thoughts revert to the "Chloe
Laueton" of "Sunday School Times"
history, for whom the beautiful pale
blue of heaven seemed 'hidden in the
sombre duskness and gloom of affliction
and despair, And there are very many
whose "phases of life" are in the whole
or in part, repetitions of that life. And
just in connection with this feature cf
our thought, our sympathies go out
toward the family of S. Sturdy, of the
Huron` road, upon whom the hand of
affliction has been !codheavily, y,
inhose cu is full to over -flowing, and
whosebehalfwe d'oice the feeling of
the whole community, expressive of
sorrow and sympathy to their loss and
R We also through this medium express
the sentiments of the many friends of
Mrs T. Pennington, of the Maitland
con, svn at
h` %ng
in her
affliction. A woman,.as yet, in the
forenoon of the "forties" of life, who
for a few years, has experienced little
else but sorrow and pain, almost de-
s airin of hope, anti' yet for whom
many hopes for her restoration to more
of the "sunny side", and years of bless
sing to her family, and the community
in generrl.
And there are others, but we are in.
truding heavily upon your space, Mr
NEW' ERA, and we hope for .a great,
warm ray of the "sunny phase for yor1
Mr Editor, We long for a little our-
selves, and wish for a great, clear,
bright day or two, for the great num-
berless masses, sorrowing beneath the
cloudd arid burdens, until the 'brighter
"lithe y,
the tide 1e in your favor;
And you've stood Wet every equal',
Think of these who luckless labor,
Hardly get fair Slade at all.
Marc11, 15th, 1901 •
••• "7Siattalliala
News has rear lied ':lb, that hid thirty
Fold du i,;lc, In the not ill, that thirty
nalivo�l have died ft nm teal t'nknown
disease supposed to be la grippe,
From all over Canada come lettere tel'
ins us of the great benefits .dented frivol
the use cf Tho D. & L. 'Menthol Pies -era
•lases of neuralgia, rheumatism, lame
beak, eta. Davie & Lawretce Cr,, Lt;l.,
The tracks of the Canadian Pacific'
lRttilway on Wellington street cions-
, mg street eras-ing, Oft twa, were torn
up by order of Mayor Morris,
Bright's Disease --insidious*
deceptive! relentless l has foiled
hundreds of trials by medical science to stem
the tide of its ravages -and not until South
American Kidney Cure proved beyond a
doubt its power to turn back the tide, was
there gleam anything a le m of an thin but despair for
the victim of this dread form o kidney
disease. -'54
Sold by J. 1."Hovey, drnggist,Clinton.
The United States Senate has pass-
ed the rivers and harbors hill carry-
ing appropriations of over $50,000,000.
Tbe'strike ordered by the Marine
Engineers' Association appears to be
m progress all over the great lakes.
Agents WANTED— Men
wouitn .for a genuine
money -snaking position;
no books, insurance or lake scheme' every
house a customer. Particulars free. Write to-
day. TIIE E. E. KAiRN CII..
122 Victoria 'Street; Toronto. Can.
Nov. 16-8m
It will work whileyou
sleep, without a gripe or
pain, curing Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache and Dyspepsia, and
make you feel better in
the morning.
State of Ohio, Cify of Toleda, as :
Lucas County.
Franb J. Cheney makes oath that he is
the senior partner of the firm. of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the city
of Toledo, .county • and state aforesaid,
and that•said firm will pay . the .'sum of
One hundred dollars for . each and every
ease of catarrh that cannotbe cured by the
nee of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
FnaNx J. Cnawzv,
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of. December,
A. D. 1886.
•A. W. GaxAsoN.
sEAn ' Notary Public.:
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and Gots directly, on the blood and mucous
d for tee .
tea of the system'. m, s
� y
dais, free.
F. J. CBENEY & Co;! Toledo,; 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75o. • • -
Hall's Family Pills are tke best.
d4 My Hear'twar Thumping rr y
I,lfo out" hill*way Mrs, R. H. eight,.
of Brockville, Ont., describes her sufferings
from smothering, fluttering and palpitation
it0r trying Many remedies without benefi'•,
silt bottles ofr..Agn w'sCurs for the Hew,
mitered 'her tops perfect' health., The drat'
doleave Altana MAW relief, and in a day
suffering ceased altogether. -0
Bold by I, E. Uot,ey, druggist, Clinton
Thio signature le ontitery+ Wit of the ailithlei
thremedtres cold ha ens Pi
Boots by Innuendo, •
"Have you done anything 'to boom your
"Waal,. I reckon, IIeld tew indigna-
tion meetine tew oertest agin the smoke
nuisance!'- : .
• Sahara isthe greatest' desert. It is
2,000 miles from east. to west. and 90C
from. north to south..
`r putni
°�•n t i ns can 1.
i h, 1 f mt
more naris than they can ploy -Kansai
City Times.
Mphotographs of iib ata-
losty Queen Victoria at 10c. each. These
photos aro tall cabinet size.and are in the.
very finest style of photographic art. Every"
person Waal like 1e have a good portrait
°finer ttalesty. This makes our photo.
graphs easy to sell. write and we mail
photos. Kell then return money. andwe
send postpaid this handsome polished.
nickel watch, with orhamentcdedge, boar.
Amdtican lever movement. atid
anreliable rind day Than llama
Art Ce- Boz t031 Toronto.
(green or Black
Is Pure Tea..
"Pulte tea calms, restores and cheers those in distress."
A tiee same of delicious.SALADA Tea sent on receipt of pos-
tal mentioning Ivitich you drink—Black, Mixed or Green Tea. .4..
dress " SALADA, . Toronto or Montreal.
Read the following letter receivw
ed by the principal' of the
Canada Business. College
Chatham, Ont.;
and learn'ho i
n rtz h hl •:the vada
uates of this school are thought
Of by the businesspeople.
. Oct.l8th,1900.
Gent; enten: - We have openings nolo"for two
or three good stenographers who have load ex-
perience, and it occured to us that a- large-
nuotherof stenographers and .otlier office men,
wlio have fruuduatedfrom your ,schoot front
time to ante and are now holding positions,
might desire to better thetltcelves,. If you can
l.0 us its cat onunication with some of your old
graduates, who have had two or three years,
experience, we should be•under obligations to
We'ritight mention that the concern repre-
sented in the above letter has a Capital Stook
of Five Million Dollars.
•W heu you read such evidence as the above
need you be surprised'tbat during the period of
' thirteen and a half months ending in October,
342 position§ were filled by our pupils.
it pays to attend Cauada's Greatest School of
or Shorthand if ouwi dito thorough-
Busyou work and be assia-
ly qualify yourself for office wo ,
ted to a position when graduated.
For handsome catalogue issued by any Bus-
iness School in Canada, write.
D. McLachlan &„o..
A Queer Fish.
There is a quaint. little fish whit
haunts the .weed" tracts of the guff
streams and there builds its nest And
Iaye its eggs tike zt bits) 'rather than al
fish.. This animal, the nnt_nnarious,'imi•
tales in "color the weed it lives in end..
likethe• chameleon, constao ly changes
its color.
A Matter of Hearing.
Suburbanite -You've got a new baby at
your house, I henry
Townite-Great Scott, can, you bear it
away out there in the suburbs'!
The world is probably a little larger
than you think It ie. and you are proba-
bly a little smaller than you think you
ave. -Chicago News.
If yon want to live long, do, your best
and let others do the worrying.-Satur
day Evening Post.
? IArICA � �`
is `iME BESTArm-RHEul1mc
tkureA.N p PLASM eicD
LA� �n
?iN B$1RotiPRICE$. 23t9t.S01NI,YPRD
$ACK FRICfi 1l.00
1 Nlr`Acftlltea8 1IOrrrees.
The Sick and Suffering
are Liberated from
Disease by
The preliminary survey has been
finished for the C. P. R. line from
Carlatadt to the Atikokan iron ranger
The D. and L. Et mnleion of Ood Liver
0111niy 11e:taken with mock benefloial re -
Sults bytliOPe who are run down or suffer•
ing from after effeota of It grippe. Made
by Davis & Lawrence Co., rm.
ror Infants sad children,
Call on
'Xi -PIM _TWO A. .J"'S►-----
We aro nt•thing a genuine reduction it
our ileevt,it1 n'',.douhIP.hreasted,dome
collar, no I ue 1 l'rif-ze Uletere, with.
elaob poekete. 1 t wi 1 fay you to eee them
A line •' f of -Wool SUITS, with
doul:l: b'rew'ed coat, worth $16, $8.00
Heavy al -wool h'rieze Pee Jackets$5 00
Scotch Tweed. Suite spat were nib 420
$18 and $19, to order for.... PI
A. J.. liOLLOWA`
for anything in the
Firstclass butters
anasleighs .
We have a large assortment of firstclass Cutters
choose from and intending buyers will find our stock -to -
to g y up-to-
date. , Prices are low for high-grade•goods. .
ar and Manitoba Sobs.
Also a number got Ontario• a_. t
• Geo. -av'i
Generalloin 'H Dealer. , Clinton.
: i,► ane., t c
If' 3: our suffer from. Indigestion,.
Di tbetes, Bright's Disease,Ner
vous Prostration and General
Debilty,_.they, will set you free
nervous, - pale and .'delicate.
Worn out, despondent inen
will find them a positive bless-
ing. Price 50e,
Prepared only by Lincoln
Medicine Compan >50 Queen
street, Ottawa.
Re' commended and for sale
by J. E. Hovey, Chemist.
just seceived a lot of new Belts,
Buckles, Pulley 13eIts,Bangle Brace-
lets, etc. The latest goods ;in. the
• We make specialty of fitting
Spectacles and Eye Glasses.
_.Ey211_�anihitlo�l- free. .. _
Agent for the MANosssTEttrum AseenANCD
Co, of Manohester, England, whose funds and
security are rated at $14,300,000. Also the Mo-
farm ad wPre Co, All
• apnea rates. First-olase Loan Companion
alto represented. Money to be had from 4t per
Maurocentup, according to tnro of seonri F,-
Dail mail to Holmesville - postal card will
fetch him
Wholesale and; retail piano
and organ distributing dentre.
High grade new pianos. Five
need pianos at deerded bar-
Buy the wonderful
for a pleasing entertainer. We
are headquarters for it.
Bargains to toaohere and sits,'
dents in Sheet Music, 25o to
75e pieces for i0o---wholesale.
Inotrumente of all kinds sold.
MUSIC ntilpe riUlfl
nr New Materials
Zephyrettes, six patterns, 45c per yard
' ered Frcneli Flannels, eleven patterns,
60c per yard
Are the h ::nicest we have ever had.
Wewill be pleasald to show them to you
R. Coats n
The steady increase in our trade is gond praof of the foot that' our goods are nigh
odr prime lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We noel -e fecter° furniture on a large scale and oau afford to sell cheap. If you buy
from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other eases, has to be added in ,for
the retail dealer.
This week we have passed inn) stook some of onr new designs. Spade will not perm•
ns to quote prices, but come and eee for yourselfwhat snaps we have to offer.
Remember --we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade.
In this department our stock is -complete, and we have undoubtedly the. beet inners
outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest.
BRo.A. BOX & CO.J. W. Cbidley
a." .6. t Manager
Y. S. -Night and Sunday oatls attended to bycalling • at J. W. Chidley's, (Funera
Director) residence
Things New and Old
The now year has_, come and _tliemow__;t.entury and we
are still here in the same old stand. We are ready to `supply
your wants. Try our store . and examine our goods. They
will stand the most careful scrutiny. All goods sold on their
merit. We are constantly receiving new goods. We can
give you also the Very Best end Cheapest Cream Separator
t cash 75.0or one ars time
in themarket.Terms A �.'. ]. 0. e
i �
$80.00. We sell a great Variety of goods and want ' your
trade or a part of it. We have just received a fine lot of
Whips", from 10c to $1.35. OYSTERS
ER in.stock this eel
k also.
or Produce at highest market value.
Yo' p
Yours respectfully,
Emporium, Londeeb oro
Jan, 15th, 1901
have ` ��e � of
We , � our best
Cutters left yet
Also a number of good seeoud hand cutters.
it yogi have need cot either kind
it will pay you t cf've ns a call
kuiiibaIl McMath, Clinton