HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-15, Page 7THE MOTOR ?TOR NEW ERA
31arc1l', lath, 1901
�s It.
• 0
We bought $1675 worth of goods. that were, rejected by a
wholesale house because theywere supposed to be
damaged by water
While our buyer was away visiting the large wholesale houses ° last week
looking for spring novelties,; etc., by chance he came across a large consignment
of Dress• Goods, Sateens, Prints, Cashmeres, Lace Curtains, Ginghams, Tick, g
Table Linens, Shirtings,etc., amounting to $1675, which were imported direcand,
the wholesale house to whom they were consigned'had refused them because
cases were wet thinkingthe goods also were damaged. 'Our buyer made it his
business to look carefuly over them and finding them. extra good'value and nearly
all perfect with the exception of a and or•so .on'the outside of the piece, he t ,made d W gang to
them an offer at a low rate on the ollar which was accep e
make a great sale of these goods and clean them out at once. This is perhaps a
little earlyfor spring._goods but look at' the chance.' Inspect other stocks then
p e are the latest and. newest sprin goods that have ever
come and see ours.: These••
'k t took
been on store shelves, and are,.im� .orted goods right exp ,to ate;.not ban raps
goods brought into town to rr get of.• It is. our constant aim to give you the best
goods and services. This is vastly of more importance than (Price) but, do you
know, though silent, he is the most convincing salesman we have.
.-.. Dres's Goods -._- -.°--_ ...;. gess-.Goods.._•....... -..............Corsetg Lace Curtains
850 Spring Suitings; 85o. #2 Suitings for $1.25 65c Corsets for 25o 80e Lace Curtains 15c
t 62.pairs nice Lace Curtains. a
200 yard Spring Suitings 32 in. )en1y'„ slack Suit ends, 44 in. 87 pairs ladies' Corsets, right per pair 30c, for . I' S
wide, in green, blue, gray, goods,. silk and wool mix- up-to-date, real nice_goods, 25 real snap, p
fawn and sage. These oods ture, •These are nuggets of regular price 05c, for 26c.... ■
rare well worth Sac to 1.00, excellent value set in a . 850. Lace Curtains 45e
end would make an excel -background of sterling 're- 125 $1 Corsets for 55c 21 pairs beautiful, Lace Cur-
lent Ault or skirt, for per yd .S5 liability; $2 value for ■ tains, 3 yards 1odg, a• tlar-
47 pairs Mt A Corsets, long at yards
rice till gone ,45 i
450 Serges for 250, 250 Cashmere for 1210 ; waist. heavy material, good 55 gain85c;our
•. `2103 yards of Cashmere, 36 in., fitters, regular $1.00 for ..... Curtains
100 yards of nice Serge, 40 in.,•
cardinal and purple, some- Lacers Lace Out -tains. 3 yds,
in black, navy'aynd cardinal. thing• nice •for children's Al long, extra wide, a snap
„ Sorry that qpentities of tura wear, for'. , I L2 Table Tal�lens Q Q
lot are so limited but enough at $2 00 for , . I V �+
on hand to satisfy the early ]gess Linings' 30e Table Linen for 20e' : Lace, .Curtains •µ'
comers 45c for .Z 5 .. !
. 7$ yards Table Linen .54. in. 17 pairs Lace Curtains; 3 �.
Suit in Black for $L75. 700 yards good.heavy Dress`• wide, good heavy weight,,' yds, Iong;60 in.tvidesotne•
Linings in all colors to clear r� ' regular 30a yard, for .. ..'...2U thing natty. regular price 1)
52 yards only, black Serge, 17 5 at Per yard 'Ulf $3.75, for.. :.. `■50 r
40 in. wide,a snap,03yds for .1
e Linen 490
l: for Oc
85o Zab n
15 Lni s
45e String Sailings for 250.. • 0 t?g1
420 yards Linnette.Liningqs, 181 yards unbleached Table Prints
190 yds.Novelty Suiting, nice wide width, regular 15c for ,,.I Linen. 2 yards wide,.'pretty
atterns, in green, brown, t. ' ., 7c Prints for 50.•:
p rrer
blue, 31 in., our offer to sell 819 arca Waist Lenin s all Pattern., a realgood wee 49 .
them at 20c a less than y g ,-regular 75c yard for 892 yards nice neat Prints an
yardcolors, full "width, regular : 1 stripes, plaids and'checks,
the real value, for ■ 2 5 . -15c. per yd ' ■ I u, 25 in, goods, for per yd .0 5
• 70c Table Linen 350
45e New Plaice fog 30e. 47 yards reel and. •white Table 10 Prints.7c .
ds nice clerk 'Plaids, 38 in. Sateens. Linen 58> in., real': heavy 120. ds nice flowered pattern.
118 y , 1
o'reverse,for, d.
sed . good
guaranteed weight, o, Prints,
rds e1
ver w , 2$
y y n for 12c:
be thoroughly., dependable : "18e Sateens
quality, special price ■ 0n Sateena bre ht 14c Prints 11c
s Pyards 28 i
q l 572rtty finish, in.canary,pink Sha iii s 385 yd. 30 in. Prints :tn reds,
97 Suitings for 600 blue, cream, rose and cerci' blues and fancy patterns,
97 yards new Amazon Suiting' nal, regular 18c yard .for..... 12 15e Shillings for 10Ie very suitable for : wrappers,
38 and 40 in., in purple, new . 286„yards tt8and 30' m:' men's something good f heavy ■ 1 L;
fawn, these are favorites .. Cotton Shirtin ' '.ti'blues�and weight, regular c,
materials this season, per yd .5 U G mghams g;
Spring Suitings 'in Oxfords,peaviest Inc in` Can- : ' 1
75 light p g g per rad. 1112..
ads; this is a spap, y 'FiCk1t1 $
Foy, mid grey, new l00 Ginghamt3,fpr beg+'
fawn,in., a bargain- that 201yards 24 in. Gingham in .6-
. •-■. ... - 25e Tibkings iso
,,will bconsiderable saving laid colorifi s somethingPantin
ler th,bse who come to share P q '+ r re- Duck g ' 100' yards heavy Feather Tick -
nice. for children's wear,
in it, at •5'O or .�5 arcs.'black and brown jug, nice .pattern, regular r
guar 10e yd. f 110 y 1
85o Berges at50e Duck, heaviest made, 28 in., 25c yd,; for ■
n in glum .17 '
178 yards Apron. Gl g. , , a dandy. at28e, for per yd .. 79yards3l in, Ticking,areal '
lS8 yards of all wool Serge in good width, for per•yd....,•...0 . • . „.
black and navy, 44 in., very snap at 15c, for ..111. -If
suitable for dresses and ,
skirts, nice spring weight. , ..5 0. 185C Kid G10Ve8, 45C:.. ; 15c Duck for 10c straw Ticking '
42 yards black Alpaca, 40 in., Only -a limited number"ot. .312 yards Duck in:poker dot, 112 yards Straw`Tiekingg,54 in.
P L• adies' Kid..G Gloves,. ,regu- plain blue; bine stripe, regd- wide, close• weave and a bar-
lara nice shade of black, regu- I O
ir. .45 lar rice ' 15c, d.; for., r... ,, • . gain• at 1►er yard
45c 4.1'€1'3 for .2 5 85c, >iOr per pa , , .. ., P , y
re out..
. • �
e .sold at the'above prices until all cleared �b ese goods are to, b ...• .
ei Butter and. Eggs taken as Cash.
reat Sale o
Still going oma, --lots of bargains ° left
LI I.,t12'1;Uly °119•AMIN 1'S
Oorreeted every 22utraday atternoou.
Thursday, March 14,1301.
Fall Wheat 0 03 a 0 64
0535 , ., . 0 20 a .0 30
Aye . 0 40 e 0 45
Barley . ,. 0 38 a '0 40
Paas.,,..,.,.,.,.,.,. 9 57 a. 0 00
Flour per owe ...... , • 1 75 2 00
Butter,loase 15•10,p'1k• '0 10 a 0 10
Eggs pet dor 0 12 a 0 13
Hay, ..,,8 00 a 8 00
Sheepskins „ ,..'•. '0 40 a 0 50
-Igo. 4 Greets true. hides 0 0) a 0 00
Potatoes, .. 0 20 a 0 20
Chickens, per pair , , . , 0 20 'a 0 20
Duoks, each ' 0 60 a 0 70
Geese, per lb 0 07 a 0 (8
',Turkeys, perlb 0 09 a 00 10
Pork, live 6 65 a 5.65
Polk,. dressed..,•.:.,, 7 00 a 7 00
Wood short '2'26 a. 2 26
iYlclCiuuou & Co.
Fn.. sh Groceries
Some people think becanee we do such a large trade in dry good% Cloth-
ing millinery, boots and shoes, etc., we have no time to devote to groceries,
is not the .case.. The grocerya artitent is looked after as closely
but,this o b d p
AOny other department. Everything is kept sorupiously glean and fresh,
our plan is to buy Tight and often, and never have any old stale goods on
hand, Buying as we an for spot cash, and selling, for cash or produce only,
we can always quote the lowest prices for first-class goods,
We make a specialty' of Breakfast Foods of all kinds.
°LIZ; TU B?'
Marble &Granite
The purchaser of a monument
should have complete confidence
in the reliability of the firer, frim.
' which be buyp, for the material
and workmanship is 'something
very few buyers are familiar with. •
1f you do not know us, please in. -
quire about our reliability tram
those who know us best, We '
the only practical men here in our
,, 1114_, ,1joovcr,.—Prol rietor-
••••-----Ne tt••'tfreou rnerctlti :)4 ziel--
New Adstrtiltcm*nts.
Thorold . Cement.
Thorold cement for sale by Edward carter,
corner of William and Princess streets Clin-
ton. Special rates on car loads, estimates
given on cement:walla, floors and silos. All
work satistactorfy done and all orders prom-
ptly atWended o. March 15,-5.
Lumber for Sale.
Suitable for Farm Builtdings.'.
ltoo>, Elm 2 and 2) ioches thick, price ai2.00.
per M.
Soft Elul 1,11,11 and 2 inches• thick, price
$12.00per M.
Hard Maple 1. It, l and 3 inch a thick.
}, l
pride 12.00 per M.. W, DUHEIir$ lir Co: •
M15 Clinton: -
Mouse ler Sale
The subscriber offers for bale the Hots° : and,
Ii t adjoining the bowling•green on ,the south
side of Mary street. The house is in good re-
pair, r and
m bardand so water, a
pear, with 30 roc s, a
11 nice little garden. The purchaser may have
the option of buying apiece of land adjoining,
the property for a larger garden. Apply to D.
HENNUEY, or MRS W. 0.111ELE. Wingham.
1tn. M.15.
:Choke Farms For We,:
Three choice farms tf: &h acres each, . situate
on the 9th and loth Concessions of Ooderioh
Farm No, 1 has fi e dwelling house and good
buildings, is well watered,. good 'orchard, all
o'earedi -
baim o.2 has dwelling house, barn and.
shed; well watered,' orchard; acid about -Ri-
te(' • acres of bush,
Farin No • 3 is mostly in pasture, with about
10 agree of bush land.
All are situate about 41 miles front 'Clinton.
The farmsjoin each other, and will be sold ,
en block or se arately,on reasonab'e terms.
March 15—tf. PETER COOK, Clinton'
Farm For Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale the east half' of lot
19,. con. 3, Mullett, containing 50 acres, about 40
acres cleared; good bearing orchard, plenty of
water, possession given after harvest.
March 1-2, .W, G. Pope, ,Clinton.
SecdGraiw for Sale
2 cars Seed •Peas. .(rr0' BUGS) from: •Ow,eti
4 kinds choice Seed Oats,''Barley, and Goose
Wheat • ' '
Aiffuantity of feeding Corn at all tim es .•_•
I sell for .cash,or Exchange for an4l'kind of
Grain. In -some eases from 2 t 9 months time
can be had if desired. Drive right to our were
house railway etalon. • W. lib PRIM' N.
Clinton Dlaroh"51001. • • '
Ralston's Health .food, in packages, 150.
Swims Food, in packages, 15o,
Wheatlets, in bulk, per pound, 3%
Graham flour, in bulk, per pound, 3c, -
• California Evaporated Peaches, yery ohoige,120,
.8ige, in bulk, per pound, 60,
Maple Syrup, in ore gallon (wine measure) tine, guar,
anteed pure, at $1,
Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, tins for 25o.,
Ckoice Mixed Pickles, regular 18o, for 12to,
Laundry Giese Starob, per paokage, 70,
Corn Starch. per package, 60.
Imperial Dutch O000a, per tin, 105,
Epp's Cocoa, very fine goods, per tin, 120, -
Wash Boards, regular 180, 2 for 25o.
10 bars Laundry Soap, the 5'sizs,.for 25o,
• Blue Ribbon Celon Tea, blaok and mixed, 25. 40 t, anil 50
Choice. Japan Tea, imported direct, regular 30;, for 2:5.,
McKinnon & -Co., Blyth
reat .cieksin
Of Men's, Women's, and Children's- Boots, Shoes and Rubbers'
ip now in progress, and will continue for. : thenext 60 days, •
during which time tremendous bargains will be'ofEered.'AOome
and see for yourselves. The 'following will give you solve
idea of the bargains in store for you.
Men's Fine Dongela Laoe and Gaiters
Men's Box Calf Lace and ()Eaters
Extra inducements at :this great sale of Men's Rubbers
Boys' Rubbers.'
Women's Fine ]'race and Button
H Women's Rubbers.
MeY's YouthsGfttBoys' Suits Childrene.
'ee and Bolton
Infants Lace and Button
49c and upwards
40o and upwards
• ..76o and up •
350 and upwards
90o and 'upwards
hoe and up
25o and upwards
On Saturday- MOi ring -• .ext.
ckLook out for list of snaps in eacheachweek's issue
eotoriia Jas. i witchell
If .,.._ you want New Shoes
Tired T. Jackson,
Deafer in all kinds of Footwear.,
A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to call and inspect onr goods and prices
We have a very oboioe selcotion of specie' lines, fresh from the . makers, up-to-date in
every respect. .
Our line of MEN'S SHOES are superior to any ever
in Clinton, in. style,in material, in workmanship.
sold , P
aid continues until ice clear out the whole stock, consisting
of 300 Men's Suits, 200 Boys', 50 Youths', 250 pairs Men's Pants,
100rairs of Boys', 50 Odd Coats, all sizes ; 200, Odd Vests and
100JJnicker Suits,
�� prices. thatneverThere Goods will be sold at have never
-,. before been offered in this county.
Our greet sale of clothing is in full blast. Oat Saturday morning next we come
mence to slaughter our stock of overcoats, odd coats, vests and pants, tremendous bargains
will be offered in every litre of clothing. ' -Special invitation, to our country customers to be
at our store on Saturday next. Our lines of LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S are
Having been in businessto for close on half a century in Chilton d
ton have. decided to giveels of the highest skirl in shoe building.
old patrons and the public generally a real bargain sale. }nod is
my P g . BOYS have the largest stock of Clothingin town --well. bought for Cosh SHOES FOR BOYS .have received specialattention.
The rices at the opening of this hale and until, everything is sold will be out clean. in and our Imes cannot be equalled for durability.P p
"o. invitation ise to attend this sale,for we will make it inter.
An invitation e�ctended to every0n very
eating t o all buyers of Clothing.
It is quote unnecessary to plrices here as all will be sold at ONE HALF regular prices
T. Jackson, Sr.
'",:,17q.11L1`• f• � - M _ •_
Our terms are strictly cash. We guarantee malls action or your
money back. BUTTER and EGGS will be taken ae cath, and when the value
of either ariiofe offered exceeds ie automat of the purchase, we will pay the
difference in cash.' , Our store is in the Bearer Block, next door to •
Grigg's [`amour Jewellery establishlincut. •
Of part'of -the extensive stock of
Johnson Bros., Scatortli,
Commencing Saturday, March 86th
At our store in the old brick block, Clinton,
Including' Stoves, : Tinware, Graniteware, Paints . and Oils,
Fence Wire, Spades and Shovels, Harvest Tools and a general
stock of Builders' Hardware, at about
Wholesale Prices and
We ` ive you a. sample of a few;rices below... In: fact
i; Pprices
'. n.
we have bargains in every:line.-and,no mistake. Cum e and
see for yourself. Any person contemplating building or re—
quiring anythingin Nais, Glass, American Field Fence, sr
any kind of fence wire, call and let us figure with you,
Whips ••• Regular 40e and 50c,•for • 25c
• Curry Conlbe.':. " • 25c, for 18c.
20c, for. :15c
Horse brushes ...., " 25c,for 18c
.... ---hue; for --288
Body bells , ”
Stable lanterns... ..• ,.••.
Dash lanterns . •
Barnes dressing •
Harness oil
Butcher knives
If 44
Table knives::
„ if
46 "
Clothes wringers
Tea ) ts: ..44,
10 {Ilia t pail t
14 " ... "
50c, for 115e .
75:, tor 5a�
" $225, for $1.70 •'
46 50e, for .38c
75c• for 55c
25c,. for. 18c
30c, for 24c
20c, for 15c
a 25c: for 18c
30c, for -• 20c
1'' ' 91.75 per set for 1.30
" • . 150 • " 1.15
4.4 75c " 55c
• . 80e " O0c'.
1.25 ". 85c
o 1.25 for �1 00
.,': • '75: .. 55c
" - 8•7C " . E15e
a • 2re• 17e
„... 50c ..'
3.00 . , ..• 2.65.
„ ,
ftegular 25c forl5c
" 20c " 12c
15e " Ile
20c " 14e
10e " 7c
Se " 6c
15e " 150
10e ' 5c
15c 10c
12e " . 8e
Pudding pans .. '
Wire 'broilers.
Plate handles. ....,.
Vegetable 8traitiers
41 st
(rani teware
Tea . pots. .. ; • ,; ... , , . Regular 50c for 38e •
Al .
Basting spoons -
'Wash basins ..... .....,
"Sauce bans.. , .....
,. It
Pudding pane
•f.. it f
Fry.pans..:.. .:...:..... *.: , h ..,.•...
A few sets of Mrs Pott's irons at
All goods at bal'gain prices strictly Cash.
10e ” 80
12c " 8c
15c" -9e
40e " 30e
35c ' 1 25c,
25o " 20e
:35c " 28e
18c " 12e
25c " 18c
45e " 35c
W. L. OUIMI3TT13, t oidesboro
Half the 404 drinks tea. It is an im-
portalit foodanitiliary.
1t has 3< mild, stimulating infinenoe on
the brain and 10 a worthy drink for good
Our "Myrtle" Japan at 80o a pound
You beats an tea ort. ever heard of in this part
Of Canada.
. We have talked rather strong about 'this
tea, said it beat half the tea that yon have
been paying 40o or 50o for per pound.
Our talk induced many_ people to buy,
they were timid at Ault, bought a pottind,.
'net to try it, you know.
in the vest majority of oases people 61W
back for this tea,and they are coming still.
You'll admit that Ms the beat proof that
the tea Is good.
Try it, Ind We think you will continue
tfah g'it.
Toilet -
10 piece set, beauti'ul decorated, iir
bine, brawn, pink, wiefacifar greet, ilii qe -
size basin and ewer, per set 02,82.50, $9.50'
and $4.50,
Dinner- Sets
97 pieces, deooreted in brown,' bine or
green at $5, $6.50, $8, $10 and *12, '
Cups and • Saucers
White, heavy stone china 90o.
Blue, semi porcelain $1.00
English China,. white with gold sprig
and barred 01.25,
Granite. Ironware
It doea'nt pay to buy tinware, i1 is soon
rusty, leaky and useless. We can 0611 you
granite, ironware at prices very little high.
er than, you have been paying for tin, then
you have something that wiligive eatiafac+
We want your trade • •
we will see you get honest marobanaiae
et low prides and will pay yon highest
prices for butter od eggs. . • •
L. OTJ. 'ME TE, Loudesboro