HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-15, Page 41
1 Good skirt linings*t
150c and 75o
Black satana cloth. 40 inches 4ide, looks like satin but will weer I.
as one of the daintiest trimmings. Prices
isesee0•••44...e..0••••••••••••••••••••••44,••••••••••••••••••••••••••!*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11 eun Oly-Why te Meeting& 44.$,444.44,044.444.
New .5p -zing DressGoods
'Nes it seem strange,to show Spring Dress Goods, to talk Spring Dress Goods,- when the Weathe iis
sccold ? klihynot? The early Spring Coedit:ea are to be made of cloth, and one fails to get the
est service Trom a cloth suit unless it is bought early,
, We are thinking only of Spring i the newness is tre netuness of Spring, and we'd not be the
leaders if we dwelt too much on winter.
The new fabrics for suits as Well as the lighter weights for dresses, all show that Plain weaues and plain
co/ors are the ruling styles, don't feel that you are limited in choice thereby, not at all, color range is superb,
and these plain goods offer the widest scope of treatment, in harmony or by contrast, in the making. Some of
the newest are:
Homespuns and Broadcloths for Suits.
00 inch wide Homespuns, plain 'weave. in a fine, light weight,•
pure wool cloth, in the newest colors of light and dark grey,
Navy, Green, Fawn, Brown and Cadet Blue, also Black. We •
bought them direct frotriehe uilll and cell &Iva Poe one-third I II n
„ • ow
in price. Per yard
Homespun Suitin gs full 56 inches wide, a little heavier weight
than the above line, in the Saftle shades with steel Grey added, I in
the new spring camel hair effect, our special price per yd 1 11/
• Worth one-third more. '
Broadcloth Suitings full 50 inches wide in colors of Fawn, Grey,
Purple, Red, Brown, also 131ack. This is a very fine ell wool
cloth and will be a great favorite for Suits and DressesSome 1 K.
colors come in dress lengths. Price per yard.. .. . ..... I U
Good Linings. I
Are necessary to good dressmaking they effect the hang of the 'skirt'
or the get of the Jacket in no small way, making it unwise to use any
lining you have any doubt of. -
Our lining.department has earned and inaintained undisputed suprem-
acyin the matter onining goodness, same with notions, such its hooks
and eyes, dress shields, steels, etc. We keep Only"the best and charge
you less than moSt stores. • -
• .
• .
Dress lengths of fine worsted effects in the choicest shades of
' Grey, Brown, Fawn, etc., one of the newest' materials ehown
. for light weight dresses. 4.50 5.50 to p.00
Price per length .
40 to 50 inch wide Cashmeres, Serges, Granite Cloths and Cash,
mere Borges, the popular fabriclor dresses, come in the newest'
shades of Blue, Grey, Na,vy, Fawn, Pad, etc, .40 .50
Price •
38 inch wide all wool Serges in shades of Red, Brown, Navy,
Fawn, also Black, will make very serviceable . dresses. Extra jo
111;10 Sandiy •the Evangelists Whyte .
iand Kennedy will open their campaign
40 Rattenbury St, church, and Servicee Ill e 0 0 0
will be held every night during the
. .
rexter,„ ,Tte,epuebeii,
.60 I
IDress Trimmings
just a hint of the newest Dress Trimmings: .
All over lace in Cream and Black, with cone,
bination of ribbon or gold •
braid, prices.... . . .... , 11.25 to 2.50
White, and black all over
lace at ; .. .50 tOI.00
Lices'of all kinds are in great demand, also
hereiy Oriental Insertions to he used with
Best quality Linnenette, the favorite- skut, • lining In Black, ' black -velvet ribbons, gold braide are to be
Grey and Brown, price.. .... ....... „.„ ,„gai
Waist linings, best. qualitiesott laic an .15 , worn a great deal, we have them in differ -
and eet widths prices 4. 3c, 15c, 10c to 25c
i- better, will make very serviceable waists, special at 50c......., .50 ` .
Best sateen liningi. all shades at .
- 2? Applique trimming in black and white and black and gold, • .
Erect Form Corset
Is the Corset Of the hour; and thi corset of the years to come.. It is shaped to follow nature, and produces the ,
, most exignisite and graceful figure. The B•& ()Erect Form Corset is recognized as the best of Canrdian, Corsets,. they do ;
not strain the bust and abdomen, but place all the pressure on the hips and back muscles; •We have them in alleizes from %
19 to 26 in Doye color, made of the best quality Jean, all steel filled, greatest value in Canada per pair $1.00. .
There are many who cannot wear the Erect Form corsets, and for those we have the best values that mon iy
can buy at 50c, 75c, *1.00 and 01.25.. Comfort waists for women and children, 25e, 40c, 50e and *1.00
1, ' ir TOU WANT zw
Pelts, ,
Veitings, Ties, etc.
1 .
i \ , . v..e...1v.e.t. .......... w.i.t.h. 2goislcle abnradidsoc each; .,
and black . . 25
Veilings in navy, white, brown ;
i_.- 0
Ladies' Ties made of Brussels net with
embroidered ends 15, 20, 25 to 50 .
1 elide 20, 25, to 50•
Veils of 13rUssels net with embreidered
, .
. .
,......._ . ,
' Mr. Jos Irwin, of Blyth, is visiting Mrs.
isismowykeeieNeeemoyrowee.1 I French languages. Bor instance; 1 ad- I Coming and Going..
dress a letter in English to one Of the • ---- :
REDUCED gnash -speaking ministers;and getmy Mr and Ihrs Dickie, Pickering, are visit -
reply .in the commercial language of ing at G. Swallow's. .
FARES to . the world; my friend addresses his let- Mrs G. Robertson; Lucknow, was here
ter to the same minister in Freneteand visiting friends On Monday.
gets his reply in the world's diplomatic ilgre Bide Berlin, is visiting her parents,
language. This necessitates in many fir and Mut Jamb fifillir.• ,
eases two sets of officials, or at least A. Porreeter kit for Toronto on Tuesday
One way Second Class Tickefl at re-
duced rates will be sold to certain
points in Manitoba, British Coltunbia,
MinmsotalMonlana,NorthDakota and
other Western States on the following
dates:- .
Mar. 5411. 126h, 26416.
AprIl 2nd, 9411, Nth, 23rd, 80th.
For particulars ash) rates, etc.Apply
Railway Steamship Agent, Clinton.
OIN 4143
1 116.8 1. 15, 3901
9,Tew lavertigfititlitt
Clinton Photo Studio -H B Menry.. . ...Page 1
Spring dress gocds-NeWcombe. 4
Many things -W O'Neil • 4
April Delineator -W Cooper 4
Itich blood -J E Hovey 4
Clearing sale -Twitchell 5
Bargain Sale -Harland Bros 5
Fire Fire -0 B Koenig 5 toing which were incorrectiy ascnbed
Lumber for sale -W Doherty & Co 5
5 pleura -pneumonia, notwithstanding
Thorold cement-Iklward Carter
Mouse for sale -Mrs W °Hole 5 the evidence of eminent authorities
Farm for sale -Peter Cook . 5 that no trace of the disease was to be
Fresh groceries-MoKinnon**Co
All records brokett--Taylor & Son. 44 44 8
" 5 found in 0Anadian cattle.
'Wholesale manufacitiirers-4943koz&Bro; „ 8
flo much that's new-Hodgens Brea,. ... ,t•f3 The Government is introducing a
bill that will preventsome of the blund-
rarligatentary Sketches. ere occurring avain,thathannened
the last. electiOn, Balkan, as many
We believe that the ;people of Can know, Were marked op.
posite the name of the party printing
edit generally, without respect, to them; this being particularly the della'
party, will regret that Sir Wilfrid I in North Bruce election, Whereby the
Laurier has rfot. 'mud it P°881ble LI/ at* Liberal really watt depriVectot the seat;
tend Australia, 8.4 expected he
in:future there will be no anspace
at the top of the ballot, In I'Veet Dur-
ham the Coaservative has not been
able to take his seat on tiehount of
• technicality -his deposit having been
made by cheque of in cash; thie
technicalitt should never -have been
raised; the man who got a majority of
the votes should nave been allowed to
take his sett. Tbe, bloVernment bill
provides that a cheque is just as good
as cash--whichit,usually is and always
shank] be.
Prof. Robertson of the Department
of Agriculture, was a witness before
the Agricultural committee OA Thurs-
day, and gave a vest *mount of infor-
mation concerning. the Work done un-
der his direction, in reference to the
shipping and sale of Canadian food
pnidttett in the old country markets.
We have only epee* kW the briefest
reference to his .remarks, which enum-
erated the many difilcultiee that stil
face Oanwilinine, shippers, difficulties in
part due to railways and steaMehipti
handling roughly delicate producte,
The Bingfteil oniUMMeril are very par.
tiering *AO' the "nicety" Of v outt
food products, and the emcee* o this
trade depends on a number of dentin.
gantlet. Our export butterstruirmork,
baton and dinner trades are growing
tepidly, hitt Mitch Merit reinsine't0 be
dote to Assure pertOrmenee to the
trod;a Mr 'Robertson believes that
when the chain of cold storage and
shipping fabilltiee is got complete as it
should be, and the co.opere,Voti of pro -
My deelotnitte Prench.Otitiediaft. decor and idaip2or produces the yeti
and hit pretence at My 6144 brings In. ' best article*, nee vx rt trade of fdrin
to Striking ibrOblill01100 the complicated nroduct,s, ng mft.
tkonditititut 04. arise by * Wm, welt be 6 unifired ognions
reetiittift1011, Of .1)0th Lb* lIngdith and year.
Xymol skin tonic -R P Reelde
one who uuderst ands. beth languages, to enter an engraving .
and this runs thiough the entire de- Mrs. Pridhron was the guest of Mrs. • P.
pattniental system. French clerks, B. Crews several days recently. '
rench writers, French printers, &c.. Miss Annie Pickett, Orange street, is
are necessitated by this dual system, her mother in Chatham.
and millions of dollars would have Miss Ida Turner, of Seafc ' Was
been saved to the country had the visiting the Mieses Monteith on Friday.
"fathers of tIonfederation"been able to Miss Harley,. Varna, was visiting the
stand for the recognition of orie . Mimes Gardner for severe!. daps tags week
guage at that time. Miss Alice Andrews, of Goderioh, is
visiting at Mr. Thos. Jenkins' and other
Hon. Mr Fisher, Minieter of Agricel- friendie
tute, has ever shoern himself solicitous Mrs Stewert at present the guest of Mrs
for the Welfare of the farmer, and my
agricultural friends will be glad to
know that he has been making efforts
to secure the removal of the schedule
which bats the entrance of Canadian
cattle into the United Kingdom; while
he has not yet been successful, he in -
tenth} to renew his efforts. on his ap-
proaching visit to Great Britain. In
point of fact the embargo was never
necessary. The Bridal' authorities
were misled and frightened by ayrnp-
would. Flowevet mueh some persons
may net agree With his political views,
Warty all will pay him the tribute. of
saying be is an able and eloquent Can-
adian who would have done credit to
,this broad Dominion.. In the midst of
a • parliamentary session that. claim
thesattention of its executive head, he
bee decided to remain in Canada, seed.
ficing what would have undoubtedly
been a pleasant trip, and thus showing
his zeal for catiadian affaira. In his
Stead. however, Hon. Mrliulock gees,
and he will prove a. good substitute,
though not so eloquent Odeon.
.oProse Parliament tepreto tolltey"
could be the titient .e.Work .describing
theOperience of that tiatutiet irrepres.:
tele: bare; Nieholae:. Davin...
When.he was it Parliament he talked
thett any Other ,man, tilt °ten-
- h is. Oyirt friends tired of him. But you
could not :squelch bldg. be Witt Vain
sinOrtgh to think bet '4Ufalifyingfor
a:Cabinet,potiltion, and tare dive be-
- lore the election boasted. that he was
f i.orisure, Of being elected at eating his
Thott the. people- know him
better than he did • hittitelf thown by
the. sot.that he Woo...defeated ,by nia.
Seri Witil tit- .bleSsitig In the
peop. Of thtir country' and linny &a the •
press gallery repretentstive of the Tor-
onto .fte tlitAt the abusive
epithete tit Which he phst'.ivatiter,.
without tear of Mr Sneatteir calling him
• to eider, •
4; W. IrWin, visited friends tri Seaforth on
Friday. - Mahan, Dorchester, were guests Of Rev W.
Miss Mabel Howson is vieiting her sister 0. Howson at Rattenbury street parlionage
Miss Etha, at the Deaconess Rome last wags.
Toronto.Mrs Riddell, of Goderich, and Mrs. II.
• fdeesre Hungerford and Dnnber, Mitch- Guy.aanson, of New York, are spending a
ell, were petite of W. and T. Jackson, jr., few weeks at Woodlands, the residence of
last Friday.
Mr McFarlane, formerly I resident of
the 2nd of Stanley, i down from Manittent
on a visit to friends.
Miss Randall, Paris,. arrived here last
Friday, and will relude in the trimming
Wintehead, '
Mr. and -Mrs. E. SavillewereLondeaboro
visitors last week. ' •
Miss Lizzie Emir was the guest of Miss
Mande Andrewslast week. -
Mies IdS •Heywood has been visiting
friends in tioderich lately.
Mimi:telly wee paying Blgyth e visit on
• Messrs John Corbett. and Lester Lewis,
Perkhill, epent a few days fide week with
Bev .E. B. Smith. .
.111iss Lily Hunt went to London Thurs-
day on A V1919 and will be the guest of Miss
Madderdie, Piboadilly street.
• Chas. E. She* MB gone to Woodstock
to fill a position in the pianola department
of the Rem organ and piano factory,
Misses Eva and petp Mallrugh, af Dun-
gannon, were visitors in town on Wednes,
day, the guests of Mrs E. J. Cantelon,.
Jos Walker Milstein, and Rev John
Mr Whyte lor ovel tweety.yeat is has
been one of CAnada'e noted singers.
For three years he led the singing at
the Grimsby Park camp meeting and
has sung in Canada and II rated States.
He is a great favorite at Messey Hall,
Toronto where he hire sung several
times tills ,winter. As* singer he has
wonderful Power (wee the people kiis
songs he always accompanies on the
guitat with touching effect. His heart
and soul are in his work as can be seen
by hi. earnest 11P6S.
department at Roiigons BrON. Palace.
Cebil Brewer and Willie Itattenhury at. Who is employed at limaIlreitti de Ingram a,
tended a, party given by hfaster Harry London, has just returned with J, B.
Scott last Thursday evening in Seaforth. Smaliman from a purchasing tour in Eng.
R. Holmes was home from Ottawa for and and on the continent. .
'Sunday. Mrs Holmes aocompanied him
beck and will spend a couple of weeks at
the Capitol.
Mr, Thos. Jenkins.
Rev Mr Coltman, formerly pastor of tri g1900edxpweoctrktvoorryetinalunohhilso.ovguerrof annedhdaos
Baptist church here, has -Accepted ao
to the pastorate Of the Brampton Baptist chheeunreah saonudrcheiosflugnreeasst swtriteingbetlidteoetphlye
church, and has entered on his duties in
oonneotion therewith, ' regretted,
Jae. MurraY,(Son ot S. Murray, cf town b-LAINA'riON ARMY.- A week of reviv-
• al meetings will be held in the S. A.
barracks from March 19th to 25th, by
four revivalists from London. On Mon-
day, March 25th, the final of the series
of meetingwill close with a half night
of prayer, to which all Christians are
invited. Meetings to commence at 8
p,m, every night; Bible reading from
to 4 each afternoon during the week.
Ensign Scott and ()wy. Heater; Strat-
ford, are the officers ot charge here;
Capt. White is now stationed at Chat-
ham and Capt. Thompson at Thedford.
ONTARIO ST. - Tonight (eriday) a
treat AO in store for the young veopie
of the Sunatty School. It is the annual
Sleigh.ride to be given, and a is re -
guested that all connected with the
church who can help with teams to do
so. The ride is for one hoUt and all
who wish • to enjoy are re-
quested to be at the church at 7 o'clock
sharp. Up011 teturning refreehmente
Will be provided after which a well-
prepared program will be given by the
Junior League. The teachers and of -
firers are anxious that there will be a
full attendance Of the scholars.
RA.TTENIIVEY Sr.- The well-known
evangelists. Messrs 111 hite and Ken-
) 4.
Fashion Sheets free to custoraers.
11111111 Altq'
-II Hilt
. 'it 1jg7
That means it goou
51. -.7571 •`-a-
Mr Kennedy' has fir many years been
epgaged in Christian work. He was
for several years in the regular minis-
try of the Methodist church of Minne-
sota. Was one year, 1893, ` associated
withThe late evangelist D.L. Moody in
Chicago during his World's Fair cam-
Paign,and for the last few years he has
been engaged in evangelistic work in
Canada, • He is a strong preacher, his
sermons are very practical and heart-
saarc.hinir and he has a faculty of using
Biblical illustrations with great effect.
He loves his work and strikes right
from the Shoulder . at anything Antal,
regardless of what anyone might say.
Ile preaches the truth. with an earnest-
ness that shows that he himself believes
it. These brethren worletogether with
great 'harmony • and wherever they
have labored together they have ProY-.
ed very successful.
Church ehlmes.
ST. PAUL'S. — The congregations
were delighted with the privilege of
attending and bearing Yrof.Burgess, of
Huron College. London; thadiscourses
were exceptionally good, full of deep
thought and sound; the'Singing by the
choir was good, and Mr Latornel sang
the solo "Abide with me" very accept-
ably at the eveniog service.
WILLIS Orruncs.x.—Rev. W. G. How-
sonlof Rattenbury St. church,occupied
the pulpit on Sunday morning.the pas-
tor exchanging: Miss. Matheson pre-
sided in the chair at the Christian' En-
deavor on Monday evening,' the sub-
ject "Native help in foreign lands" be-
ing interestingly dealt with; an ad-
dress upon the topic was given by Rev.
Mr Stewart and also a paper upon the
same question by Jae Scott.
Owing to serious illness Rev. Dr.
Potts was riot able to preach Educa-
tional sermons in either Ontario or Rat-
tenbury St. churches last Sunday, The
doctor has been ordeted to go south
on account of failing !with, and While
there is no immediate apprehensions
of danger, a man at•his age tan scarce-.
Is the largest and best
number evera,:issua New spriAg
• styles, special" Easter features. Price'
loc per copy or $1 per year.
Butterick's Patterns for May now ready., '
Stacks of
Wail Paper i
4. Visit our Wall Paper
y: departmentand we will show
+ you, not only the largest, but.
the best selected stock
Y we
have ever had.
i deal because we have always ' .iggsaceii144011.11
f13''ilb'' • take
Y,een leaders in this i()), but this spring we again te-e a
tlong stride forward: . • i , .. '
..,1 , . Our remnant tables will interest you if you ha ve
1 . some small rooms to paper, All paper trimmed free.
• A .
; Fingering Yarns and Saxonies at Oe Per OZ. •
gudworot who boo been ig 13ruee..
neld for several months, returned home on
vestorrdoihery fowetowing _ilinesnot, her Moth*
J. W. Broderick, of Goderioh, gave us a
call on Tuesday, while On his way to
London. 3, Simi was tip to Oodsrieli on
hooloOr3 on Monday.
Mrs. H. 0, Jord011, of Buffalo, is here
the guest of her eider, Mrs, J. O. TOW11-
send. Ontario St., and will also visit
[Meng relatives in Hnllett.
J. Tedford intends to leave on the Ofith
of this month for Slinnedolia, Man., where'
he host large farm which hi ion Bert iN
running. It is his intention -to remove
there enthely.
Mhos Clara Sharman and Millie Camp-
bell, accompanied by Messrs W. Robertilen
and Frank Turner, drove down from God-
erich IAA Thursday evening, and were the
guests of the Mimeo Hoene Loniselleireae.
Bey B.B.and kfril Oreith havegoneto For.
est ariaMorpeth &Irk visitof about ten sasys,•
they will return here for a few &lased then
leave for Carberry, Meng where Mr Smith
hiceepted a chew as rector Of the Attg-
li church.
May Shaw, aster of Dr Shaw, of
town,will take charge of the Millinery ,do.
pertinent for the R. Pickard Co. it Muter
during the °owing mown; Mite Elbow had
charge °Hite lime department in this Clora-
pany's store at Ifensill lett lessen.
We were pleased to see B. M. Solinsten,
of Iroterkip, who relied on Soter401 to
gerlaW hie aulmetiption to the New Eat; Mr
jelinstse itirroominently identified with
the cheese , and says he aipatitll
Ohingahlaisziltui a good ages, rs this ooni-
ItotaYs *he has Wit the prat of
Mot Moyein for the past month, re,
tutusd to has hoots in Woodstock on Ott.
tuley. This was Miss IttoKsy'd firli visit
here, and sho Wal very favorably imposed
by our beautiful town and the teeny
hien& obe mods, who will welcome her
bock ob any time.
Went Huroll Drotent.
The full Court of Appeal coninosed
of Justices Armour, Maclennan, Moss,
_Lister and uesday in the West Huron elec-
tionhiacMa_h_,on, gave judment
' case &Muh* m
listhe appeal froT
the eleettell 0041.101 It WAS heltl that
the findings of factM to bribery and
agency were tinnily justified by the
evidence, and that having regard to
the name of ihe acts proved and the
email majority (45), the saving clause
tee. 172 of the Ontario election act,
could not be invoked to uphold the
• election. The deckdon was principally
-given on account of the acts of 'W.Van
stone. There must now be a now
WORES.--Ovring to illness, Dr. Wilkie
could not mote SA 600t1 as desired and
Seale dt Bice Could not get to remodel-
ling their shop, to carry on their but&
Imes, lately occupied by him. How-
ever the Itettsnbury street marble and
granite_works has started work 14 ear-
nest. Messrs, Seale and Bice have en-
gaged Mt flatland e thorough practio,
re Moo In all the branches of granite,
marble and stone work, haVing work -
44 In salmi at the beet shape in the
United. States and Oonada and held
the position as foreman on different
ocizattiOnst he also earned certificateo
fronr-„,the goirettnikent echool of
teak toilette band drawing, model-
ing in inlay, geometry, propective and
tneMOrY ilraW1Oft, this added te moven.
teen retro of mintiest WOt k it the henk-
et with some of the heat recommends,
Moors. Seale en Bice will be in a poet -
tion to miter to all den:tends, no matter
how large or small the work infil? be.
Partieedestring work In thit line will
40 *el tO Mal, •
nedy, commence a'series of services in
Rattenbury St, church next Sunday
morning, and expect to remain here
Bonne time; they have been very *Mc -
'easeful in their meetings eleewhere,and
Much good is anticipated as a result of
their contemplated work here,. Rev.
Mr Long, Of Heneall, who spent 'tome
time In Manitoba, gave an addrees be-
fore the League On Monday night, in
reference to church Work in the west.
Me% G. HOWS011 and Rev. A.Stew.
art exchanged puipite nu Sunday
morning. On Sunday, Match 24, Bev.
Mr newton will mach missionary
Eler 113 ono in the PirstMitthodist church,
Brampton. The intertitediate League
held A stidial evening on lot Friday;
very entertaining Program i'Vron.
after which lunch Was proltid itimee
who took part werel-Itecitation, Mier
Vlore Ounniughamel quartette 'meters
Jestmon,Doherty•Moffatt and chowes;
duet, Mimes L. Hoed and A, Wilken;
recitation, SertleOhant; solo, Mr O. R.
• Tenney; recltatlolh Mies Washington;
address, Rev. Mr 5owsofl.
The lot of 12ie, 10e, and 8c yarns Which were sell-
• ing at 5c per oz: now go for only 3c per oz. Come son•
) if yOu want any.
Black Scotch Fiagering 59e, per pound, regular 75e.
'soldiers of the Queen 15e, regular 50e. •
fNew Popular Music 38e, regular 50e. „ -‘
:5 • A limited quantity of the gongs of "The Soldiers of
; the Queen" only 15c a copy, and the newest and popular
; songs and two—steps for 38c.
2 See our assortment of songs and waltzes at lOc.
i This is the store that gives the best in quality x:
; th.1 most in quantity and the lowest price to all.
A, •
OOPer 0.
P. ll. Telegraph
.Doininfoil Zama .s MOney Order:viIDaOH
.fron Inakes. &IT _Noe&
Now IS the time that your sySteln needs building up. Iron ie one of
thebest Tonics, drives out the impurities of the blood, makes the blood -
• rich and pure and gives tone to the whole system our •
Compound Iron Pills*
contains in a condensed form all the elements necessery to producie new
rich, blood, and nerve tissue. One or two boxes usually brings almervel-
ous improvement 112 health and strength. . .
50 Pile in ab0 x.25c, or 5 boxes for tin.
J. E. 110VEY Dispensing Chemist, Clinton.
' Smarm** NOTES. -- The checker.
players of Clinton and Brucefield have
beencontesting with each other' for
supremacy during the past few weeks;
The first match was played_ at Bruce -
field on Feb. 27; with six on:each side,
resulting in a victory for Clinton by 17
to 7 ; 012 Thursday night last week the
return match took place, five on each
side, and resulted in the tables being
turned,Brueefield winning by 15 to 12.
The players and scores were :-
Clinton ,Brucefield Won Lost Draw'
johnson,E Murdoch 3 2 1
Shanahan Dalgettv 3 3 0
Cook Grant 2 3 , 1.
Oarbert Snider 0 6 0
Hoover McDougall 4 1 1
- -
12 15 3
The "rubber" which decides the win-
ner in the series was to be played at
Brucefield on Thursday night. At the
hockey match at Seaforth on Thursday
night last week the home team defeat-
ed the Berliners by it score of 5 to 4.
Southampton ladies hockey club de-
feated a like team from Wiarton in a
return match last week by a score of 7
to 1; a number of our neighboring
towns possess ladies' hockey clubs. It
looks as if Nor Paled rink will be the
winners in the local curling matches
which have been hotly contested, each
skip eagerly watching one another.
There are quite a number of games yet
to be played but Nor. Fait is on top
winning five and only losing one to
W. P, Spalding's rick. Monday night
his rink played the last of his series
defeating Dr. Agnew'S by a score of 13
to 8. The only chance to have it in-
teresting now is for Jackson's
rink to win , every game and
thus 'tie with N, Fair's for the final
to decide the chainpions. On Wednes-
day W. Jackson's rink defeated Gib-
bing's by 18 to 11. •
HALE. -in Chleare. on Wednesday, the Eitli
Horatio, only child of the late Buell HAIL
and Wend Ben Of Horatio Hale, Of cliaton,
aged t year ande mouths.
MoOARTNEY.-In nolmesville, on Sunday,
Aderch 10, Monist; 11. McCartnenaged 42 years,
2 Months and 19 dept.
OVERHOLT,-At St..Toseph,ort Mardi the 1st,
Barbara Coach, wife of Amos Overholt, at the
age of •Jean.
Morris, on March 1st, Archi-
bald Mchines,_aged 71 yaws and 1 month.
SAAKEL.-Iu Fullerton, 00 February 28,
August Basket, father of Mfg J. G. Moser, Bly-
th aged 80 yearea month and 7 diye.
Exeter, an March 1s0 Marr
eatinan,belovea wife of Frank cull,. aged
65 years, months.
TREBLE. -In Exeter, on -March trid, John
Treble, aged 68 years, 9 months and adays.
FIXTURE. -In Winghane March 0, infant
child of Mr and Mrs Fixture.
NIOBOta.--In Tockarecilth,. on March 4,
necktie' Nichol, wife of Mr montsomery
riet.sig91pareito monhs and 4 days.
_AEr.-At Mountlewitt, Fenno U. S.
on Mat Mrs Mary walker, ,
(fernierly of
Orty). aged 82 years.
REENElf..*In Morrie, Mi March 6, Larne
linuargsluraut gen er James Kerner. aged 8
mont and 18 days. •
ritallit:- .a.Aot the es ci
unoie,P, on Maros 1'41:my 41:th4S,
wcshir . G. Miller, of klatilt Ste Marie,
lehigen to Iditie Mary Eger, twice of Mragg.
n rier.
0Al01e4ipaT-OtuX.-I_n Beitillop, O \..
OlitototIthe house
t the nt el mothrRattAtburf Ht., by he
Rev. A. Stewart, oiWillie ehireh, Thome
R11, (fetuarly of KAY tatUbin)Of Seakat
o twat vtilimto Ansi.Bo deughto
a srethiha,dneedaarovsb,RV. Olbt1teFt O.r4dikiott&tatot, tokele
* daqir ot Mr and We Henry
There are
many things:
We would like:Ito suggest
this week and ons of the
• _moot important
' Malt Breakfast
• Food, . •
. Of course you have tried Grape
Nuts, Swiss Food, Grantiee,Flakee,
• etc.', but have you ever tried the
• Malt Food? That is what we are
talking about now. •It ie prepared
• from the Best Barley Malt and,
choicest whole wheat. It is the
• newest and will be the chosen
Breakfast Food. We find it more
delicious, more palatable and more -
'nutritious than any other grain
food (excepting Fair's Breakfast- •
Food) and is Meiekly and easily
' •prepared.
•You've heard people talk about-.
being 111 clover, well you'll, think• youreelf in that condition whn
yea have a heaped dish of Mali,
• Breakfast Food before yore •
'Jo eitecewir .
W. O'Neil
Our telephone number 19 4.8 .
LAMPREY -In Clinton, on the 15111 March,
the wife of W. Lamprey. of &daughter.
WILSON. -In Fordwieh. on Prides', Feb. 26,
to Mr and Mrs Mathew Wilson, _a daughter.
Wingh, on March 5011. they
wife of Gee:Heist, a son.
GARNE,9S -Di Morris, 011 March lst, to Mr -
and Mrs John Garnese, a son
Mullett. on Mitrch 1st, the wife
of Mr Henry Taman, of a daughter.
STINSON.-In Gerrie, on Feder Mar: ist,
the wife of the late R. H. Stinsonrs'danghter.
CASE. -In nay, on the 8thinst., the wife of
Adam Case, ole daugUter.
HALE. -In Exeter, on March the 7th, the wife
of Wm. Male, of a daughter.
ALLAN.. -In Usborne, on Introb, the 28011,.
the wife of Benjamin Allamof s son.
AUSTIN. -In Varna on March 0,to Mr mkt
Mrs AM.AUstin, a daughter.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeg ". 'the food
ag. st atom
Akita baking powders are &its**
ittitiggail to heath of the, present til‘p.
.VO4 powoiaimmits.suj....