HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-15, Page 3'Nobody knows all about it;
and nothing, now known, will
always cure it.
Doctors try Scott's Emul-
sion of Cod Liver Oil, when
the x think it is caused by im-
perfect digestion of food.
You can do the same.
It may or may not be caused
:by the -failure of stomach and
bowels to do their work. If
it is, you will cure it; if not,
you will do no harm.
The way, to cure, a disease
is to stop its cause, and help
the body get back to its habit
of health.
When Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil does that, it
cures; when it don't, it don't
cure.. It never does harm.
The genuine has
this picture on it, take
no other.
If you have not
tried it, send for free
sample, its agreeable
taste will surprise
scam & BOWNR,
soc. and $x .00 ; all druggists.
A cattleman, named Wanamaker
>supposed to belong to Eldorado, Cent.,
was killed at Perth on the railway.
• and COLDS
The Canadian Reinedy for all
Lame Bottles, 25 cents.
Prop's Perry Davis' Pain Miler,
New York. Montreal
Don't Make
A Fe-ious Mistake
-and buy a United States history of "Queen Vic-
toria: Her Life and Reign." We have the only
-Canadian book byLord. Dnfferin and Caste' 1
Hopkins. Marquis of Lorne says"the best pop-
ular history published," and Sir Arthur Bigg.,
the Queen's private Secretary., Hon. Jos.Cham-
berlain, Lord Sailsbury,Sir Oliver Mowat,Lord
'Tennyson, Earl of Jersey, Dr, Carman, Sir
-Charles Tupper, Sir Wm. Irani:torn°, W. T,
Stead, His Royal Highness, the Duke of York,
and all leading.papers write in similar strains.
Is larger, contains mom words, better illustrat
ect, better paper, binding, and only $1.75.
Agents, don't waste time handling American
and inferior books when you can get the auth-
entic, British -Canadian book on bette.• terms.
Hundreds of agents throwing away_ opposition
prospectuses. If you promise to canvas we will
send you an outfit free,
Brantford, Ont.
THE CASH svsilm
With tbe new year and the new cen-
tury I have deoided to transact a strict-
ly cash business. For several reasons
it is the cheapest system and by adop-
ting it I will be enabled to sell more
cheaply than before, I will give a dis-
count of 10 per cent. For instance
you get a dollar's worth of goods for
ninty cents. This discount is given
upon any article in our store.
We invite your inspection of
Our Goods and Prices.
0. OLSON..
Good Butter end Eggs wanted. '
Can't Blame them for Tel..
ling each other about 3111 -
burn's Heart and Nerve
Extracts from a Letter.
rout inaritzburn, south atrico.
The following are extracts taken
from a letter received by John Bellei,of
town, from his brother, G. Bean. ot
Maritzburg, South Advice:—
often telt that if I was stronger I
would like to sell out and go hack to
We raid tart: in Hope. I lead 2800 of-
fered for my premises, and I suppose
above that nay plant hats cost me up-
wards of 2400. I left two toes of Eng-
lish refined sugar in Erinelo and the
Boere looted that as stow] as I left.. 'The
Boers ca,Il it comMenderingthed 1 been
there they, would, perhaps, have given
me an order on the treasery three
months after the war.
I have spoken to hundreds of „Boers
during the Nit 15 years and I never
enet one that had the least doubt but
that they would eventually gain their
independence and kick the English out
of Africa. The Boer is a great reader
of his Bible aed are quite prepared to
follow Joshua's footsteps, as fee as
looting (commandering) is concerned.
The glory in the beautiful farms they
take from the English. In fighting
Kaffirs the Boers take all the stock
they can get. and take as many prison-
ers as possible, principally women and
children; theseathey sell to the citizens
for so many years, and the God-fearing
Boer pays what wages he thinks they
deserve. These poor Keffirs are die -
posed of just like beas'ze; mothers are
taken tvvc or three hundred milee one
direction and children in another and
the fathers in still anot,her.
According to the law 'of the Trans.
a liaffir cannot go on the public
road away from his boss' berm without
a pass. They passed a law also that
white,Inen must have passports like
the continental rations, but the Eng-
lish interferred and said it broke the
The -following is an instance of how
the Boers do the Kafka down, and
which came under my. obeervation :—
A lawyer by the name of Vanderberg
occupied two of my .rooms, and one
day a bushman carnet° him to get hirn
to take up his case. It seems the bush-
man had worked, for over 20 years for
Boer and was paid yearly in cattle and
sheep, and during that time they had
accun;u1sited to considerable amount
The Boer had a roes, with the bushman
—I suppose intentional—and he kicked
the hushmati off his farm and would
not let him take his stock. Vander -
berg took the case before a magistrate,
who refused to hear the ease. arguing
there was no law for the native. Van-
derberg said there was a t Master and
Servant Act; the magistrate then said
the custom was for the Field and Core
net to try those petty cases. Vander -
berg told him that the veldt cornet
was brcther-in law to the bushman's
masterbut he still refused,saying that
he was not going to break the custom.
So there the case ended and the bush-
man got no redress. , •
It seems to be the general opinion of
many people in England and Europe
that the Boers are an innocent God-
fearing and patriarchal people. You
ceetainly cannot say that theBoers
are all bad, as there are some very
charitable people among them. There
is one thing that Makes you • remark
their short -comings, and that is the
way every Boer must become a church
member -befere he can get married.
They all come in once a quarter to take
Sacrament: they generally come in .011
Friday and go out ori.Monday; the last
Sacrament before I 'left Ennelo there
were over 5000 people present. During
sacrament the majority of the • men
drink a lot, and many are half drunk
from the time they come in till they go
out. At the hotel they have the back •
door open on Sunday and the bar -ten-
der has told me that they have taken
as much as 245 at the bar on Sunday
afternoon, and mostly, 16d.a drink,that
is gin and hot fiery Cape brandy. One
Sunday after sacrament a Dutch wo-
man' was telling me that they had one
of the elders preaching and he said •
that on the previoussacrament Sunday
the ecngregaeion • were nearly ' -all
drunk at the evening service.
You will have read a good deal in the
newspapers about the corrimt, Boer
Government. In my opinion the GoV-
ernment is worse than any bad opin-
ion you may have formed of it. I knew
a runaway soldier by the name of Jack
Ryan, bet now is a refugee in Mar itz•
berg, but is wealthy; he had a contract
at ane time for hardening the streets
in Pretoria, for which he received 250.
OW, and had also several, other .good
contracts. Since I ha,v1 been a refugee
I asked him how he managed to get
these good paying contracts, and he
said he got thene by downright bribery.
I don't know if yon ever noticed the
name of a member of the Dolks Plead,
Tosen; he was the son of an old soldier
and it poor roan when he was elected
a member. His nephew used to carry
goods for me at times. I risked him if
their father had got a farm, and they
said not, they were living on a farm
belonging to their uncle, the member,
that he had eight farms and had been
-a meteber eight years; a farm in the
Transvaal being worth from three to
five thousand pounds; this will rtive
you some idea how it pays to be in the
Government. Each district has 0. na-
tive commissioner, end just before the
war,some of the members of the Dolks
Read' were proposing to do away with
them and give the billet to the Field
Cornet, 'as many of the Commissioners
were making ten thousands pounds per
year out of the mining companies. It
was worked this way, the commission-
er would go to a native chief and say
you Must supply so many men to Work
on the gold fields for a year at a cer-
tain wage,and then he would g3 to the
gold companies and get from three to
five pounds per head and engage them
for a•yearata Certain wage, likely
much more than the Kaffirs had agreed
for, which yes:Mid go into the pockets
of the Commissioner. And many oth-
er such instances could be cited. Trans-
vaal fixed salaries paid in MO wee
251;831, in MO 21,216,394, sufficient, if
equally distributed, to pay 240 per
head per annum to the total male Boer
In the Transvaal all grain and° pota-
toes were sold in quantities, put up in
three bushel sacks. Meals used to run
from 14s. to 21 per saek;potatoes about
the same. In this Country they grow
a great deal of forage (that is oats cut
before they are quite ripe) Which they
sell by the bendletone sheaf in Oanada
would make more than two bundles.
These bundles are sold at from 259. to
22 10s, pet' hundred. Butter from 1.6
to 343 per lb. Se you can see the fann-
er in this country have good, profits.
For the leelt three years masons in
the Transvaal Were getting 21 a day;
carpentere from 15s to 21, although at
the beginning of Johannesburg wages
were higher. This is a fairly health',
country. I don't understand how
there was so much enteric fever among
the troops.
After the war I think we shall have
a fair share of prosperity in this coun-
try. The gold is in the and in payable
quantities and the capitaliste are
bound*to get, it Out.
Feleite used to be plentiful, but now
hardly any thing but grapes come to
perfection; apple treed are dying from
it'i only natural that when a woman finds
se remedy which cures her of nervousness
and weakness, relieves her pains and.
acheseputs coterie her cheek andvitality In
1 her whole system, she should be anitious
to let her suffering slaters know of It.
Mrs. Hannah Holmes, St. James Street,
St John, N.B., relates her experienee with
this remedy as follows s.---" For some yore
I have been troubled with fluttering of the
heart and dizziness, accompanied by 4
' smothering feeling which ifrevented. me
' „ from resting. My appetite Wu. poor add
'e I WM much run down and debilitated.
14111noe I started using Milburn's Heart
'and Move Pitts, the smethering feeling
'hes one, my heart beat Is now regulate
the Buttering has disappeared, and I have
been wonderfully built up through the tonic!
effect Of_ the pills. I now feet stronger and
better than for many yeast, and cannot
say too much In praise of the remedy width
tutored my foot Wet health?
American blight; oranges seem to he
dying of rust. Pitmappleq, bananas
and other tropical fruits do well in
Durban and are fairly cheap. The
war has raieed the price of fruit, and
even the troops be the eisuntry keep
the price up.
For the last four years the rainfall
has been much below the average and
the heat has been propertionatele
great, just lately the thermonieter has
been 101 0 and 1000 in the shade.
Jan, 19th, 101.
High Court of Justice.
The High Court of Justice opened its
winter sitting 'at Gocierith en Tnereley.
Thotrial judge was Mr Justice fount, and
on account of the fact that this was his
first appearance on the bench in this
county, more interest than meal centred
in the person of the occupant of the, Judge's
Beet, There was a large representation of
the bar in attendance, and, after the grand
jury had been sworn in and had been ad-
dressed by HIS Lorthhip, Hon, J. T. Gar -
row, K. U., on behalf of tlee Huron Bar
Association, read an address congratulat-
ing the new judge upon his appointment
andexpressing their reoognition of the
eminent fitness of his elevation to the
position in succession to the able and die-
tinguiehed judges who had preceded him on
the High Court beach of this Province.
His Lordehip made a very gracious reply
to the address.
The grand jury was composed as follows;
4.A. S. Yam& Colborne (foreman); Henry
Cluff, Ashfield; D. A. Forrester, Clinton;
Peter Hastings, Turnberry; B. B. Gunn,
Seaforth; Geo. Murdie, McKillop; J. A.
MoIntoeh, Goderiob; Robe, Robertson; Us -
borne; Chas. Stewart, Ashfield;' John
'Weismilier, Hensel,.
There being no criminal charges; to come
before the Court, the Sheriff presented His
Lordship with the customary pair of white
kid gloves. His Losdehip, in charging the
grandeery, expressed his &mime at this
indication of the freedom of this county
from crime of a serious nature, and then
proceeded to speak in feeling terms of the
loss wheel had been sustained in the. death
of Queen Viotoria. In the course of his
remarks' be more .than hinted tint the
Huron county court house was behind the
times and that something better should be
provided by this wealthy and populous
county. •
The first case taken up was timed Day-
idson vs. Fortune, an sateen for seduction.
By omment a verdict was ewardeci for
plaintiff tor $200 and octets, inciludirg coins
cf examinations for ' discovery. R. Van.
atone, Wingharo; for Garrow, K. 0,, d;
Garrow for deft, .
Burns vs.Clark, an action for malicious
proseoutien, was by consent of canned
postponed to the next jury. sittings for
this county. Philip Holt, K, C., for plff,;
J. M. Best for deft, .
The Grant then adjourned to Wednesday •
morning, when the case of McBride vs.
Moore et. al. was prooeeded with. This
action WM) brought by Thee McBride, a
lad, againet the Goderioh breakwater eon -
tractors for injuries received while in their
employ, He Nil or was thrown off a tram
car which he was driving, and the car,
running off the track, clime -doyen on him
and. broke his leg. This case °coupled un-
til after 6 o'clock p.m., .when the jury ro.
tired, retarning with a verdict for plaintiff
for $400 and costs. E. OampioneIC.C„ Nr
plff.; Garrow, K.C., & Garrow for deft.
'McDermott vs. Lambkin,: --Thin was an
action for &Basalt and. battery brought .by
John McDermott against Edwin W. Lamb-
kin, both parties being of the township of
Howbeit.. There was a quarrel between
the two in regard to some property, whieh
resulted in the &mule complained of.
Anson Spotton (Barrister') for plff.; E.
L. Dickinson for dell. The jury brought
in a verdiot for plff, for $100, to which
His Lordehip, added costs,
Allan vs. Allan.—An action for alimony.
The defendant, William Allen, of the
township of Howick, and his wife bad
been separated for several years. W. Ef;
Blake (Toronto) for plff.; E. L, Dickinson
for deft. .
.At the conclusion of the 'hearing a de-
cree was givcn in plaintifes. _favor_ for
ailmony with meta (party and parte),
with reference to 311aster at Goderich to
fii the sum. to be payable weekly.
Logan et al, VB. Logan et al.—An action
for the construction of the will of the late
William Logan, of Bayfield. Philip Holt,
K. C. forplff,; W. Proudfoot •for adult
clefts.; J. T. Garrow, K. C, for • infants.
Judgmeneevas reserved. •
Stewart ve Stewart. -An aotion for the
rectification of the will a thejate Thomas
Stewart, of the township of Ashfield.
Chase Seeger for plff.; Philip Holt, K. O.,
for deft. Hie Lordship ordered Judgment
to be entered rectifying the will as asked;
costs to all parties out of the , estate.
Holmes VS. King, an action for the
price of some apples, was postponed to the
next non -jury sittings.
We, the Grand Jury of the County of •
Huron, congratulate you on your prefer-
ment on eing raised to the high and hon-
orable position on the bench of the High
Court of Ontario. WO trust that you may
long be spared to add lustre to the high and
honorable position attained by you, and to
deal out even.handed juatice to all litigants
who may come before you.
We thank you for the high tribute of
praise paid to the memory of retreat's be.
loyal Sovereign Queen Victoria, and also
the exprefesione ofloyalty to His most
gracious Majesty. King Edward VII.
was ;with .plesieure we witnessed the
time-honored custom of the Sheriff pre-
senting you with a peer of white kid gloves,
indicative, we presume, of the high moral
standard and law.abiding prinoiples of the
people Of this great county of Huron.
We visited the jail and found it exceed-
ingly cleat, well kept and well ventilated.
The prisoners, ten in number, made no
complaints. Seven of the number we
were sorry to see confined there, they not
being guilty of any offence, but were ewe
insane and were confined for safe
keeping, and we truet that they will soon
be removed t3 a more fitting place for
• We desire also to draw your attention to
the !act that we, the Grand Jurors of the;
Court, deem the quarters occupied by the
jailor entirely unfit tor the purpose for
which they are used, his family having to
1 mix with and pass among the prisoners
daily in peeing in and out of their private
apartment, and it also being very damp.
All of which is humbly submitted,
Joule A. 9, Vancom, Forman,
The mother who would be horrified at
the thought of lettink her daughter wan-
der away to it strange country without
guide or Waned, yet permits het to enter
that unknown land `of womanhood with.
ont counsel or caution. Then, in utter
ignorance; the Maiden Mast meet phys''
cal problente whose solution will affect her
whole future liN. Dr. ' Pierosel Favorite
Prescription has been well named a "God.
Isend to women". It corrects hregularities
and imparte such vigerone Wealthy to the
delicate womanly oegans, as fits them for
their important functions. Many a ner.
yens, hyeterical, peeVieh girl hats Wen
changed to a happy voting woman after
theme of "'Favorite Prescription" has es-
tablithed the organs pAordiarly feminine.
Every woman should own a oopy of the
the People's Common Sense Medical Ad.
visor, sent free on receipt of 81 one.cent
stamps te nay expente of plaiting atai ono -
tome. The same book of 1008 pages in
inbatantial cloth for 50 stamps, Address
Dr, R. V. referee, 134110, II, It.
Snow has delayed Grand Trunk
trains in the State of New York.
Marriages appear to be a" good deal
of a failure in Michigan. The records
show that in St. Clair County alone,
With a population of coneldere,ble less
than that of Lean bton, there are on
file no less than two huiedre I and
eighty.four applications for diyorce.
A Glen Miner Man', T/rrrilihe
• Trial.
Ile Found a Cure at 'Last In
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Mr. P. M. Burk, who is a well-known
resident of Game Ali Iler, Hastings( Co.,
Ont., was afflicted with kidney trouble foe
ten years,
So pleased is he at having found In
Doan's Kidney Pills a (sure for hiseall-
meats, which he hat begun to think were
ineerable, that he wrote the following
statement of his ease so that others stmt -
tarty afflicted may profit by his experience;
"1 have been afflict ed with kidney trouble
for about ten years and have tried several
remedies but never received any real
benefit until I 'started taking Doan's
Kidney Pills, My back used to constantly,
eche and my mine was high oolored and
railky looking at times, Since I haves
finished. the third box of Doan's Kidney.
Pills I am happy to IAMB that 1,111 not
bothered with backache at all and my
Urine is clear as crystal, I, feel confident
that these pills are tee hest kidney speeide
In the country."
SOLID WegIvethisboautifulSolid
Gold Ringed witharuby
Cow ealditimptraagonthug.
27 Pine at 10o. is set. These Pins are
finished hi gold and enamel, prettily
epgraeed and neatly carded, three to A
set. They are suck splendid value our
Bend us this advertisement endive
will forward the Pins. Sea them,
return themoney. andthisbeautb
fulBoll0GoldRingwill !meant you
by return snail, absolutely fret.
Douslialou Nevelt*, Co..
Box j7 Toronto.Vaia.
• ,
Mr McKinley was inagurated as
President of the United States at
Remonstrances concerning the
Macedonian discrders have been ad-
dressed to the Porte by the powers.
, Where Doctors do aggreel--Phy-
sicians no longer consider it catering to
'quackery" in recommending in practice
so meritorious a remedy for Dadigestion,
'Dyspepsia and Nervousness as South Ameri.
can Nervine. They realize that it is a step
in advance in medical science and a sure
and permanent cure for diseases of the
stomach. It will cure you. -6o .
Sold by J, E. Hovey. druggist, Clinton',
There are now .six cases of smallpox
at -La Prairie, and one death from the
disease has already taken place.
Three gune a Krupp, a Hotchkiss
and a pompom, have been taken from
the Boers by the British, and the cap-
ture of Boer parties continues.
Leslie and Lot McBride, sons of
Alexander McBride, ot Southwood,
were etruck and killed outright by the
Michigan Oen cral Express while at-
tempting tee cross the track near,
John Schofield, a prominent mem-
ber of the Methodist church choir
Brandon, has been arrested on a
charge of bigamy.
The D. & L.
rfhe D. & L. EMULSION
Is tho best and most paZatable preparation of
Cod Liver Oil, agreeing,with the naost delicate
stomachs. •
Is prescribed by the leading physicians of
• Canada. •
Is a marvellous flesh producer and Will give
you an appetite. 50c. & 11 per Bottle.
Be sure you get I DAVIS & LAWRENCE
the genuine I CO., Limited, Montreal
• A shipyard is to be established on
the St Lawrence, near Montreal, by
the American Shipbuilding Cop3pany
of Cleveland,
William Wilson, section forefnan,
and Samuel Cuthbertson, both of At-
wood, were instantly kiiled by their
handeear colliding with an engine.
Startling Statement by
Sir James Grant, of
3000 Die Annually
In Ontario Alone ThroUgh the Hav.
ages the Great White Plague.
Before the Canadian Medical Association held at
Ottawa a few .daya since, Sir James Grant, the
noted physician, made the startling statement that
3,000 persons die annually in Ontario .rOm tuber.
dulosis. Truly, consumption id the most terrible
disease M the world. It is the result ot germs
Attacking the weak Ont.
For a quarter oft ,:oritUry Dr. T. A. Slocum, Orin
of the most eminent scientists of the day, has made
the cure of consumption it life study and has
ancteeded In compounding a eystem of treatment
whMh positively destroys the germ that produce::
the dimase, at the same time building up the
system and creating flesh and bldod . There Is no
humbug about Dr. Slocum, he knows eicactly what
his treatment will do and affirms eMpitatically
that It cures In ninety per cent of cases, The
doctor him such confidence in the Blectim sYstent
Hutt he offers treatment POSITIVIlisle sone 10 all
who desire a cure. Here is the offer :
You or your sick friends tin have a IMES course
of Treatment. Biniply write to TEE T. .0.. SLootnit
Cameo., Co„ Limited, ND King Si. Watt, Toron.
to, giving post office and express °nice addreeS, arid
the free medicine (The gloom Core) will be
promptly pent,
YVhell writing for them always Mention this
Persons in Canada, seeing IllocerOs tom offer in
American papers will plaase sent ter ampler to
the Toronto laboratories.
W. Stye indigase Wed& wilb
ge. hair, Wind. and So,
bands, losyltea wind, American
and silver enIsuscl
Horteshoe tint st 000.
eta, Afitil wigwam,.
and your %%telt wOl beAent
so% nbeelately
Di* an.r7 Toreate•
The bubonic plague is epreading in
Cape to w n.
The United States Congress which
has just expired in its two -seseione
spent $1,410,002.540. In 1898 the ap.
propriatioa was 0710,150,802, and :in
IOW it was $729,911,093.
It le understood that Mr J. H. Dal.
ryrnple, General Freieht Agent of the
Central Vermont, will be appointed
Seeretary to Mr Reeve'the General
Manager of tbe Grand Trunk, to
succeed Mr Logan, who was appoint-
ed, General Manager of the Central
'rile committee ot the Quebec Lege
Islature has presented a favorable re-
port on the Mount Royal Cemetery
bill, authorizing the establishment of
a crematoey,
Milburn'e Heart and Nerve Pills cure
neryousleekirisleepleseness, nervous( prostra-
.traticn, paleitestion of the heart, faint and
dizzy spells, shortness of breath, sod 831
troubles arising from a run-down Bygone.
A German firm is said to have offer-
ed to finance for Turkey a loan of
23,000,000 (Turkish), on condition that
Turkey buys her war material from
German firms.
Doane; Pills ewe backache, (edam:her
scanty, cloudy, thick and highly colored
urine, diabetes, dropsy, and all troubles
arising from weak conditions of the kid-
The supposed death in a duel of J.
W. Durant, a young American
in Paris, -turns out to be a hoax, ap-
parently invented by the young man
The CAnedien Ileme.dy for all
Large Bottles, 25 cents.
Prop's. Parry Davis' Pain killer. ,
New York • Montreal
Fire broke out in a building at St
Catharines used as a post•olace and
Customs house. Little damage was
done. .
The Duke of Manchester has been
seryed with a writ for breach of pro-
mise by a Miss Portia Knight, of Lon' I
Sir Wilfrid Laurierbas given notice
of a bill to amend the alien labor law,
which is designed to renderthe act
more. workable, '
Baby Hurnors.—Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment soothes, quiets, and effects quick and
effective cures in all skin eruptions common
to baby during teething time. It is harm.
less to the hal in cases of Scald Head, and
cures Eczema, Salt Rheum and all Skie
' Diseases -of older people. 35 cents. —33
Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist, Clinton.
The emaltpok epidemic eat Glasgow
is more serious, Forty-two fresh cases
are reported. •
• Parry Sound Conservatives ' have
nominated Joseph Edgar, of Sun-
dridge for the Legislative Assembly.
The recrerits for the South Africa
Constabulary will leave for South
Africa about March 23 'or 22. .
' Itch !nig Piles. -Dr.Agnew's Ointment
Is proof against the torments of Itching
Piles., Thousands of testimonials of cures
effected by its use. No case -too aggravat-
ing or too long standing for it tosootte,
comfort aed cure. It cures in frone 3 to 6
nights. 35 cents.-te5 •
Sold by J. E. Hovey, drugged, Olirton
George Binnie was nominated for
the Legislative Assembly by the
Liberals of South Grey. ••
There's do rest for those tirelees little
workers, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Mill-
ions are sways busy, curing Torpid Liver,
Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague.
They banish Sick Headache, driye out Ma-
laria. Never gripe or weaken. Small,
taste nice, work wonders. Try them. e5
cents at all dauggists.
Thomas Horn, an old sleantymen
at Dunchurch, drabk some rheumatic
liniment, causing his edeath, •
"Of large cores on my little daughter's
head eeveloped into a case of scald head"
• writes C. IsbilLeof Marganton, Tette,
but Bocklen's Armco. Salve completely
•oared her It's a guaranteed cure . for
Eczema. Tether, Salt Rhetun, Pimples,
Sores,Ukers and Piles. Only 250 at all
druggists, •
A deputation of oatmeal millers
waited on the Go.ernment ab Ottawa
to, ask for more protection.
"I was trouble for several years with
chronic indigestion end nervous debility,"
Writes F. J. Green, of Lanoaater. N,
"No remedy helped me until I began tieing
Electric !either& which aia me more good
than all the medicines I ever used, They
have also kept my wife in excellett health
for years. She says Electric Bitters are
,jpise splendid for fernaletrouhleee that they'
are a grand tonio and invigorator for weak,
run down womet. No other medieine can
take its plaoe in our family." Try them.
Only 50e. Satisfaction guaranteed by all
The coroner's jury at Montreal
found that Mrs Maynard's death wee
caused by the bites of dogs while the
woman was intoxicated. It was
shown that she kent, a number of dogs
and uaed to leave the unfortunate
• animals unfed for several days at a
"I would cough n erly all night long,"
writes Mrs Chase A plegate, of Alexandria,
Ind.. "and could h rdly get any eleep. I
had oonsemption so bed thst if I walked a
block 1 wonld cough frightfully and spit
blood, but, when all other medioinee fail.
ed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New
Dieoevery wholly cured me and gained
58 pounds," Tre absolutely gruiranteed to
cure Coombs, °olds, 1.0. Grippe, Brenohitie
and all Threat and Lung Troubles, 'Prioe
50,3 and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all
The king has made the usual formal
request of -Parliament to provide for
members of the Royal family
Children Cry for
Piiareli 15th, 1901
teltilifiels111111412111441H1111111011111111111111110 tillifilt iit erne..
900 mops,
innummuntommilmmuurnonutuntraummumm W11111111111111111
Age tablePreparation forAs-
SiMilating thToodandReguta-
hg lite,Siomachs u3dl3owe1s of
Promotes Digestiongkerful-
ness and Rest.Contains neither
9_piunT,Morptline nor ITineral,
.Thrf,;gg areldlPTINVELPMER
ravr,Ga Sea-
Raab Sol&
sin ire Sod •
Zrzn6;451616. •
Mos "ger' -
(kraal Apr .
widigroon Flom
AperfectIlemegiy• for Codstipa-
lion, Sour Storwh.piarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish-
neSs and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tao Simile Signature of
Ater rricen the teld,
35 DOSYS ceE INT 5 e
Oneida is put up In one -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyolie to WI
you anything else on the pies or promise that It,
is "just as good', and "will answer every Tune
pose." 437" Eke thatyonget 0 -A -8 -T -0 -E -I -A.
The fao-
Will it pay me
If you expect to have five or more oows it will certainly pay you a higher rate of
interest than any other investment you can maks on the farm. •
For three years the dairy department of the Ontario Agricultural College han
been experimenting as to the beet -method of creaming milk. The plan has been to
mix the herd milk well, then divide it into three equal poreons and set one third ite
deep setting caneid ice water, one third in shallow pane, and one third run through the
.8eraratra taverner per cent of the total fat lost in the skim main, and butter milk •
was 2,35 from th separator; 6, from deep setting and 9,05 from shallow pans, or, in
• others,words, for every 100 pounds of butter fat the less through the separators wen
2 1-3 pounds; threagh the deep setting tans inicewater, 6 pounde, and 9 pounds by m-
ing shallows pees.
In'thurning the loss of fat in the Batter milk was the greatest from the getting
metheds. •
J.; kr -T. C. Rogers, of the same college esy.—Having tested overone hundred samp-
les of skin milk that I got at farm dairies, and haying found about an average of nine '
tenths of one per cent of butter fat lost in the skim milk or equal to a loos of one quart-
er of the original butter fat, I have come to the conclusion that a cream separator ia
necessary in- the average dairy with a herd of six cows.
Puy A Sharpies Separator.—Yon will find a great increase in the quantity of
batter made. You .ceill save time and labor, and find an increased value in the feeding
properties of the warm skim milk as it comes trot e the separator.
Write lc -day for _catalogue and price lett.
W. L. °OITINLETI'E. Londesboro
Int only 21 dos. packages Sweet Pea Seed at 10c.
each. Each package contains &splendid mixture of the ra0eirrag-
rant varieties of ail colors. The Btfle Is of thebest inakeand 004-
.1, with polished nickel barrel, trigger guard and able plates. It has Improved Globe
sights, pistol gripand walnut stock, and ehoots with terrific force and great accuracy
Mali 01111111 advertisement and,ro will forward the Seeds. Boll themaeturnthomoneyarid Rifle will %sent
ou tree by Expose. 11A0 season for selling seeds is short, Reorder at once. Hoed saw/ Colho Toronto.
Change of
Having bought ibe grocery and Crockery business so eucoessfully carried on f r
the past 12 years by J. W. Irwin, and having over 20 years?. experience myse
in wholesale ited retail grocery and °rookery business, I am confidant I can kee
up the good reputation of the old firm in keeping nothing but the very beet good
at the lowest prices. I have reduced all my Dinner, Tea, Toilet and Table Sets
to make room for my import order, which I expect in a few months. Call an
examine geode and prices before eou buy. No trouble to show goods,
J. W. lificeab
With refereece to the above change of business I take this opportunity of exe
pressing my ewe, ,., flunks to my numerous friends and customers for there liberal
support during the past 12.years and bespeak for my successor, J. W. McCabe, the
etame liberal treatment so generouely accorded to me.
You'd trust an old friend
Hovey's Baking Powder is a and trusted friend in many
houses. Cooke know its reliability and appreciate its quality. Hardly pays to
expelement with mitt ied doubtful bratds, vvhen you can get etiovey 'se the 'beet
Baking Powder obtaitiablee 25o pee pound any quality. HoVey's Baking
Powder altvays make wholesome and appetizing food.
No Tonic can take the place of our Emulsion Of Coa Liver Oil with
Hypophosphitee of Lime and Soda, lee palatable and easily digested, 50 cents
per pins bottle.
For sale by
J. E. HOVEY Dispensing Chemist, Clinton.
04 A lug e IS A tenter ft
-FREE, tn.:8(in bestaltal pho•
TFIT t",e,r4„letorg
enlylOc.ench, nese photee are fint cabinet sfsenotplendsdly
finished in the very finest style of photographic arc, Neer),
y wants a picture of tho Queen. Th* ctemoratitkee a
1110 202 inchet. The Outfit consists of 11100 Dry Plateir, 1
nlcg, ilypo, 1 Printing Pinned, 2 Developing Traya, 1 pkg.
Developer,D. pine Ruby Paper, 1 pkg, saver -raper and mil
Direction0. Writeand we mall photos, Bell thorn, return
00067, and We send Camera and Outfit carefully packed,
postpaid. TEUI Was An co., BOT118241 KUM°
First-class Cutteret
1. am handling the MeLAUGHIX CELEBRATED 01,PrTER8
%abide are adMitted to be the best made in the market. Alert deuisettin
ray own manufacture, whieh are up to date. I will be pleased to ehoWer4
tendinglnrchasers nty itoek at any time, and prime are ai los as lotraik
.JOHN LE8LIEs liuron Street, alit=