HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-15, Page 2March 15th, 1 901
t teary each. at $1500 a year, ea that
Ihe difference between Ottnada and the
United States is very marked Indeed.
It is mere coujectureas to whether
or not the Indemnity will be increased
in vermin, So far, it his sietply been
it.formal talk. The government will
ctrtainly not introduce ft measure pro-
viding for an increase wIthout an ate
It will affoi d us a good deal of setis- surance that it volt be approven of by
faction if subscriber§ will kindly see to both sides of the House,
it that their eubscriptions are paid in
advance. The price of paper and of Hess Nominated.
printing neater ial of all kinds has 1fl Huron Convention.
vanced very materially during the Paet '
FRIDAY. MAB. le, 1901
Does This ?allegro. You ?
year, while the price of material hoe 1 One of the leges* and•most entburesetio
semained the same. Our white paper Liberal conventions ever here in soup,
costs us le per lie more than it did lasts' Huron was held at Hensel' to choose a
year. This renders it all the more ne, I standarcl bearer for the next provincial
election oneruesday. The convention was
cessary that subscribers pay promptly,
see' Will those who have not paid remit tie
at once the amount of their subset ip-
tiou. One dollar or two to a subscrib-
ex may seem a small amount, but
• when hundreds such are scattered
around it becomes a serious matter.
• • t•
• A year ago the NEW ERA published
a story about Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in
which the name of Hon. T. O. Wil.
milled to order by the president, Mr; Fred
Hese, at the appointed hour. ' Dr.
Huelefinene J. C. Kalbfliesch and A.
Mustard were appointed a conomittee
on credentials, and after they had
scrutinized the list of delegates, the
bomination by ballot was proceeded
with. At this stage M. Y. McLean, ex-
M.P.Pe staled that thaugh be had
been pressed by a large number of el -
Wore to be the Retorna champiou
once more, there were reasons beyond
his control thet impelled him to refuse
the honor; he believed the prospects in
South Huron were never brighter, and
Whoever got ehe nominetion; would
Hanes occurred, but a trifliug and un- have tus ardent abd hearty Sunport,
important emor therein was recently mike heitied_that the utmost unanino
pointed out by Mr Williams who at ity would result in tavor of the man
the same timewho said "the story, in its Thwase firsnominatedt ballot r.edulted in bringing
vital points, is essentially correct." forward the names ore large number,
TioNetoderich. Sear makes the circum, of gentlemen, although the vote cleat=
stance the occasion of a drive at the ly showed that Mr Fred. Hess, Zurich,
membei for West Huron. 'rhe Star was the favorite. On the result of the
edeor must have been in one of his ballot being announced; Mr Hees left
bibulous moods - which is said to be thecha_ ,ir end his place was taken by
quite often -when he had to make that M. Y. McLeaN vice-president of the
the basis of attack. •, Association. Each of the nominated
1e-/--- - • • • declined and on naotion of Valentine
Raez, of Stephen. and Thomas Fraser
, While Mr Borden is e ostensible of Stanley, Me Hess wars made the un
.,..7 leader of the Opposition, and is try ipg animous choice of the convention by a
ee. • - - - --
to do it in a gentlemanly and standing vote. courteous Mr Hess thanked the electors for
manner that does him credit, it is evi- • their confidence in him, and pledged
dent that Clarke Wallace and W. F. himself, toavorie as hard as in him lay
McLean are not submitting to his to redeem tbe constituency,' aided as
he would be by, the staunch and solid
authority, On every possible occasion Liberals of South Huron.
they "try to run the show," and Mr D. McGillicuddy, Goderich, was edit
e _ Bot den's face plainly indicates his an- ed upon.and delivered a rousing ad-
noyance. Clarke Wallace the other dress -a neat combination of wit and
day gave the snub direct to Mr Monk, wisdom, whichwas well received. He
assistant leader, saying as plainly as was followed by. Arch. Bishop, ex -M.
actions could, that he "wasn't going to P.P.. who was given a most hearty re-
play second fiddle to any nue.' Been dention. A vote of. confidence in Pre-
Consez vatives felt nettled at the af- ornrthrettotio
nenaarnd (eRoPyPerieeteel:31,,tshweaPsnottaer,„
front. to Mr Monk, who is courtesy
personifiedried amidst cheers. This most enthus-
• • • iastio • and successful convention was
• then dosed by singing "God Save the
. The Minister of Agriculture has lunge' • •
decided that in taking the census, not Mr Hese is an old resident of the rid -
'merely the native-born, but alt per ing, having lived in Zurich for nearly
• forty years, where he has carried on
sons born in the British Isles or Brit an extensive and successful carriage
lab colonies, who are pertnanent reei making business; he has represented
his municipality in the county council,
dents of the country and have been has held the position of ' township
so for several yeare past, and all treanUree, and has been forsome years
aliens who have become naturalized tewnship elm snper-
I , lie is a man of
strati be Oassed as CanadianS. Messrs. •for abilit y, of sound ,commort sense,
s Thomas H. for Johnson, chitoba, ief cenand Hsus com- and will make a strong candidate.
mans de Deflat; chief censue coramis-
•enelecr icor the Northwest Territoriee • .
, Where Are We in -China ?
. -are in Ottawa. They will await •
e ' •
•-• the arrival of Mr Drery, eetlistiO eon). To the Editor of tlie beta Ent .
missioner for Blitish Ooluraina, and
I, •
then hold a conference with Commis-
• sioner Blue and the metabers of Par-
liament from the west, when the plans
for taking the emetics in the west will
be mapped out.
Mr Ma rter' s Retirement.
It is very significant indeed, that on
the eve of a general provincialelection,
Mr 0. F. Marter should announce his
intended retirement from political life.
It is an open secret that ever since he
ceased to he the leader of the Ontario
Onpoetion, he leas not been as cordial
in les ni.ttions with the party- as he
for merly was, and it is 'low OtibliclY
announced that he and Mr Whitney
de not, by any means see -eye to eye.
Mr Matter has been a titmice of
strength 1.0 his party, but he admits
that the progressive pelicy of lion. Mr
Ross, especially as it relatea to New
Ontario, is one that meets with his apr
proal, though opp ised by Mr Whit-
It also looks very much as if Mr Mar-:
Conditions in China change slowly,
but certain things are known that help
us to appreciate the extent of the cal-
amity, and also predict what the end
is t� be. Not less than 150, and pro-
bably 2C3 missionaries have stiffered
martyrdom, The number of native
Christians Blain le very large. Some
Pstimate 40,03, .bilt let LIS hope that
the number is not so great. At the
loweet estimate, it. is a terrible slaugh-
ter of China's tOset petiole. "
It is now known that Him Ching
Cheng -and Yuen Chance two intelli-
gent ()Metals in the Chinese Fareien
Office; refused to transmit the awful
edict to "Massacre all foreigners," and
changed it in to "Pro t et: t all foreigners."
Oreaccount' of this refusal they lost'
their heads. '
It. is also known that the Viceroys
along the Yangtee valley entered into
a compact witn their consuls in Shang•
hai to protect foreign life and property.
Sever al other 'Viceroys and.Governors
and many minor officials have shown
great kindness to foreigners, giving
Money, escort and facilities to escape.
er realizes the hopelessneee of the In spite -of elle Empress Dowager's
Conser vat ive cause in the coming cere.iMPre(trldE3 rted the deterrnklatt" t'f
pain, Othettrise he would remain in 1 elle reoetionisis to have these come
the fighting ranks until tele contest mends ca tied out, one half the Man -
Yeas won oe ost [daring of the Umpire refuted to obey..I
Feiisionai Indemnity.
° —
Perusal of most of the Conseryntive
pers would lead to the cotiviction
that the Lioerale, and they alone, were'
anxious foi an increase of sessional in-
demnity, and that it was only t he Li in
mule who are agitating it. As A Mat •
ter of fact the matter was discrissed
while the Conservatives vvere in power
at Ottawa, and on two occasions while
that party were in office, increases
were granted during the seesions that
weie longer than tisual,one an increase
of $5CO3 and the other of $20 The
long session et HMO revived tlectiscus
sion, which embriMed parties on both
Conservative naembers manifest as
much concern about it as do the Lib-
erals.suctessive harvests- have failed. and
The question has a good Malay sides
to it, and something pan be said both the fourth is certain to fail. The
people have become desperate and the
for and against any increase. When country is iufested With bawls, Of rot.
the present indemnity .was fixed it was bere seeking loot or in any teety to sus,
supposed that the sessione would hist min life.
no longer than two or three months at one missionary n'ovv in mina writes:
the outside andswas 'ply fair remuner- "Our native Christians have been sore -
/Wort kr the titu'e so orient. If it Was ly tried, bile we nave yerv great cause
fair pay fora session of that length, is foi gratitecie •in the •-faitfifulnees they
it equally so for one of six moriths'clur, have been able to maintain.. Is it not
ation ? , marvellous that believers are being
To a majority of the members $1000 added, even in such times as these?
a session is it fair remuneration, but to It in true In other places also that men
others it is a mere bagatelle. Business are being Converted through the loyal -
or professional Mint, who haVe to gate tY and nobleness manifested by the
rifice a good deal to go to Ottawa, lose Christians under persecution. I feel
Ivy windmill; they Make in most Mies, that as sure as Gott as in His heavene,
and Oftentimes a good deal more. Take there is going to be a marvellous in -
a number of Men, on either side of pol. gathering into the church of Christ
idea, Who has been in parliament for when these troubles are past. I earl.
10,15 ne 00 yeare, and who ;inking not understiend any man who has a
than hal it made ntoppV, Inkliii term is true faith in God giving way to des.
undereto - ee pondency because of the things which,
n people forget that a member of have happebed. They haye been.
liaillarnstit is a &lining' mark for all dreadful enough. -far more dieadfil
kinds Of contributione.- He Is euppos. than you at home will ever know -but
ed to help build.churches and agricuI. bad Deaner, more been elablet WOol
tiara abeletiga btiv, lke 1 ... ,, Y11#149 on All OnlY Make Me more•certain of the u .
telit h bed quitte, and In a variety of Ornate triumph of Christ in this lana,
eiadyree pay cash aubsidieil thatthe indiv. The Russians around Tientsinclaim
ideal in peltraiirlffe knoWet tiOthing of. that the land. upon which the wao
Of &mike -he has the glory of being the theta fellow countrymen has been Shed
district repreeentative, whioh, le dere has been made ' Altered by.- - thorn. -
Ohrietiel2eACefill Claint upon this land
where Alia taints .have died for HIM
iti,far more tertit'r 0 rf realization,
The church e s l'hrist thiltit not and,
cannot go be. ,, . tins undertaking,'
There is the true ring about these
Wade, Satan makes desperate
etruggies against the dissolution of his
kingdom) bubJestw 61141 reign.
The Old Boys el illetrort.
[The following °lever poem was read at
tbe annual gathering of the Huron Old
Boys' Asoociation in Toronto recently. It
is the production of Mr S. T. Church.,
formerly of Stanley,wbo is now atthe head
of the °quads Inetit ute for Stammerers, No.
9,Penobroke St„ Toronto. It is worth)" of
.placte In every mom book.- ED. New
If it's talking of lade in-thie goodly domain,
And also the countries trom which they
I'm sure 5I14 1 enlionite bo considered t0. blame,
Should I modestly mention Old I:baron.
Her boye are not looking in °mirage or
Bo tt up hill or clown hill, to them We
the mime.
Ferolutnee ehoulil they fail, thee% at it
• egaiih,
Those pluoky old boys from old Hitron.
At farming, in politics, Andy law, •
They're the liylieet ellepo thet the world
ever stave
Wben they once get ti "sit" they never
withdraw, •
eiot one of the boys from old Huron.
Like a fly in cold stern* they etiok to their
Though' certain as fate .,they maY lose
ooth their legs,
To the job they'll hold feet no metier who
Those tenaciotte old temps from old
e Huron.
In the making of papers, and Pinnate, and
Their writinge quite often exceed their
• " good looks,
No fal-de-ral.dal you'll And on the hooks,
Of a literate= from old Huron.
Now just takes, glance this wide country
And you'll find that we've doctors and
•• lawyers galore,
And preachers and teaohere full many a
But the pick of the 10t 000189 from Huron,
There's the Ross' and OaMerone, 11101)00g
ells and a' .
Wit Editor Willison,brawny and brew, •
. The Meelaniadheivand Macdonald's, MoLarens
There's a heap of those lade fra auld .
The Turnbulid and Wilson% MaTaggerie,
• MoEttys, .
The Soots, Stewarts and lIteordono, wit
• Campbelle and Greys, -*
SlOans, Lions and Drumm, and Millers
' sae brave, .
You'll kenit'seniteScotoh in auld Huron.
But the Emerald Isle is on top Wry Mime,
The Floody's, apd
Groves' so foine,
The Pendergraste,-Walshs,--McDoneughti,
• and Simons' shoinef ,_, •
With the Johnstoes, °engine, tend -Derek°
. all from Huron, • ee-
The HIngliellpian, 'e's rot in the beck- ,
ground. you know.
Crooke:811,0n°. ,Shieatri;k0Saougtohocaotath, 0 wCo. OPe.rs
Mit Wisemider and Either to finish dor
There's no other county beneath:the bright
Der reebs und beokpone Of old Enron,
Where the folks ell work harder and
more work is done
Shall we ever forget the real' sport and the
. fun .
We all have enjoyed in .cda Huron,
Nor is religion in Huron left in -the lurch.
Though sometimes instilled through aid
of the birob,
But, nevertheless, all are proud of the
church, •
ThiPsalni singing chureb fromead ,
Nor who is to blame for all that dowlpessee,
Why the country'sso filled with Intel -
teeth al gasses
It's every whit due to the brave noble
. lasses
_ Weer bays echooled mid fooled rui iu
Yee! 'Tie due tO Our mothers, Our sweet-
hearts and wittee,
Wheat, are and affeetion have sweetened
our lives,
Tho' death oftimes lurked in their purl -
'dings and pies, .
Thanks, thanks, 'bonny lassies of Huron.
Egotistically speaking it must be quite
plain, •
We're the acme of energy, muscle and,
Asponoted and hardy as thietles in grain,
That grows in abundance in Huron.
And now, in tho purest old, liquid that
Lit each 'gracefully tip ;the olear &tee
• 'neath his nose,
And drink to "Oat Heroin War," ere we
close,:• • •
To Otter the btave, from old Huron, •
Thi is proof that the Missionaries had .
nni, excited i,he hostility of the Manda-
rin% II the Chinese GOV-
ernmeni and other unfriendly critics.
Indo' in tome cases the Chinese are
te-da reeking the missionaries to re-
turn o their field and work. There is
no longer any doubt that the Boxers
were. in the employ of the Chinese
Government. La Tientsin correspond-
ence fell into the hands of the Povvers,.
showing conclusiyely that the Boxers
had sent in claims for their servieee in
slaughtering foreigners and native
Chi istiane, and that these claims were
honored by the GO veriltueut.
The country has become ItO far quiet*
ed that Meat/ missionaries have re.
turned to teen, fields in the provinces
near the coast, and soiree have even
*turned to the inland provinces. _ The
'danger in Homo is not now so much
from Boxers as from famine. Three
t5in114bitiething.. - : •
It will be Said that tee Matt need re-
main Ito politics unities its wants to,.
which is generally true. Rut, at the
Ada' bettotte
etaiidard.beareraef their party, they
Should' not be expect -ed tcy sacrifice
everything therefor.
Mont:bets of the Ainiarka Oongreett
get $5000 a 00611100, With n p !vide tec.
. Literary Notes.
1110 March (lanadien Magazine is it
mei:doriesl issue with several new pictures
of The Queen, handsome plateirof the now
Queen, and other portraits and photo•
graphs of historical and present yam%
Dr. Parities. C. M. writes oI feViotoria
and the Victorian Age," The Hon. GI, W.
Rose, Premier of Ontario, summarizes in a
short article the. "Growth Of the Bridal'
Empire." . Prof. Clark, D. C. L., writes
of "The Death of the Queen," Arthur H.
A, Colquhoun of "The Queen's Prime
Ministers" and Richard T. Lam:Afield of
'The Prince of Wales' Visit- to Canada."
Every. article, story and poem in the num-
ber is written by a Canadian. The cover
in bleak and purple is imitable to the oc-
casion and is perhaps the only. cover of a
Canadian periodical to be pruited in the
,royal mourning (mimes. The whole issue
is worthy of a national publication of
Next. fall there will be observed in
England very extensively the thous-
andth anniversaryeaf the death of
King Alfred. A naoyement is oleo Un-
derway in America to participate in
this ce)ebration, and certainly Ameri-
cans are equal sharers in what Sir
Walter tlesrant calls "The Heritage of
King Alfred," In an article withthis
title, printed in the Match nallfra4114)
number of The Outlook, Sir Walter
pays all earnest tribute to the achieve-
ments of Alfred in establishing law,
clearing the land of evil and encourag-
ing scholarship and the.arts, ($3 per
veer. The Outlook Company, 287
i'ourth Avenue. New York.
St. Joseph.
'SOMOZA HEPORT. Below is the
standing of the panne (AS. S. S. Dre'
Raz booed on punctuality, proilciency
ands. eneral deportment, foe the Mont
of February V -Arthur
Olarlsse Otintin; IV ..—Sara Den,
&nine, Loulailtisson Ali alginate lif
-Paul Cardin, Basel a Laporte, Nebile
Dellenttee; Sr. ii-fottuns, Duran 0Sara
3. Deoomme, Poily Plante: Jr.
Bedard, Fiore 'Laporte, Isaac titteb.
mines Pt. /1-10clith Denonnhe, Augitet
Ducharrite, Ainhtinie ,DultharroolPt. I
Sr,-Maxime Clorrivean, Bitutehe, Lit -
P0110, Maleolm DucharMel It. I Ir. -
Alex, Auhin, Bertha Ditcharnie,-.1, J.
BEDARD, Teiteher.
Children Cry for
Crisp County Clippings Properties for Sale or to Let
Joe. Kerr, Wingbain, has purchased t
one of Win. Anderson's 100 -acre forme
on con. 12, Eadt Wawanosh.
Mrs (Rev) Rogers, Binevale, was pre-
sented with lt Well Oiled puree at the
close of the prayer meeting' recently.
James 4ohnston has tented his land
and residence at Rodgerville to Peter
Murrey, and has moved to Herman.
Harry Jacobi, Hensel), was miteried
to Maggie, daughter of Joseph Harvey,
A.ugust Saaker, leglberton„ father of
Mrs J. Cle Moser, Blyth, died on Thurs
day week in his 81st year,
Miss Alvina, eldest daughter of Obits,.
Belbeini Cforriet was married to M. J.
Merritt, Riverview, on Veto 27- "
At the regular meeting of Maitland
Lodge 1.0 Winghano, Trooper
Lougheecl WAS presented- with it gold
Watch chain and locket,
Mrs Wellwood, •late of Neringhane
and Robt, Weddle, also a former res-
ident, were arerried in Toronto on
Feb. 12
J oseph liodgine, who purchased W. •
story and a half ftaITIS residence on Huron
street, bard and croft water; lied an sore 01
1 all)(1 with fruit trees. Terms rearicanthle.
Jart.18tf Apply a JORN SNIDER,Olinton, Ont.
Lot 34, con. 15, etcreerieh township. 80 sores
lees one acre for eobool site. For terms end
particulars apply to FRED WILITLET or
JAMES LOOM', Barrister, Clinton.
Aug. 24-tf
HOI/Sr, for SALE or to RENT.
On 'Victoria SC, near Organ Factory. 800
will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good
lot -the PrenertY reoently ectoupied by Frauk
Upshall. A.pply et once to --
Barrister &o. Olintan,
At once --20 good sewing girls.
efar.1-tf. Melton, Ont.
• Roomers Wanted.
Fine feint:heel towns, very comfortable, a
few:mini:Rea walk from the r, o., A, ppty_to
, bran) NEW ERA.
Wanted to. Purchase:
. Good comfortable house, about retie or ten
rooms. Nice grounds and good looslity
ired, ADDRESS HOE 108 Mixreh 8, tt
Notice to Debtors. .
Hake is t ereby given to all fettles Indebte
ed to the uudersigned. that the grime muut be
Ifonse anti Lot tor :dale. will be pliteed in court for oolleotion.
paid before the let of March otherwise their
The large and commodious house pleatutntlY
it te
ue on Huron Street, occupied by the un-
dersigned is offered for sale on very reasonable
AIlls uge ? een Victoria Autho%
John Coulter. from London, 8n5. .101111 A. Coop-
er, editor of Canadian Magazine, Toronto;
about 700 pages; quality never equalled; Price
$1,75. See other advertiameets in this paper
Also to reviews ih this paper.
World leublifilinng Co" Quelph. Ont.
terms. There te every accomodation,with stable,
orchard, &o
Clinton, Feh, 18 1901-tf.
Sept 21,1809.
SnelPs livery business in Exeter four Q House tor Sale
Mouths ago, has disposed of the same
to the tormer proprietor, Mr Snell,
We regret to annOtince the death of
Mrs Frank Gill, Exeter, on Friday
Week, at the age of 'n5 years; one son
and three daughters' surytve.
W. W. Coulter, who died in St.
Thomas last week, was a cousin of Mrs;
Ed. McFaul, Reaforth, and had merely
acquaintances in Huron. .
B. B. Gem% Seieforth, ' had disposed
of his dry goods stock and business to
Mr Learoyd; Mitchell, who will con-
ti.nue the business at the old stand.
On Sunday afteruoon fire broke ma
in the house occupied by Wm. Trott,
Seaforth, hut was extinguished before
much dttnoage was done.
The home of Mr and Mrs Alex. Rose,
-Lucknow, was the scene of a happy
event on Wednesday, Feb. 27. when
their daughter Lame was-marrieci to
Donald ble0or Vie.
A sad death took place, on Wednes-
day week, when the Spirit of Ars Arch
True; who lived just northotLuck-
now, -passed away. '
Many will regret to learn of the
death of Mrs M. Patrick, Tuckersmith,
on Monday week; she was neerly. 27
year of age, and had been married
about a year and a halt She was for-
merly Miss Rachel Nichol, of Seaforth.
A. B. Cornell, who formerly Conduc-
ted the furniture and uncle taking bus -
'flees lately cameo on' by Becker &
Myers, Goderich, has re-pprchased the
-business and has taken into partner-
ship Wasp, Percy Ocrnell. .
August Seeker, father of Mrs J. G.
Mosereof,Blith, died at his , home in
Fullerton, on Thursday week. lie
had been sick only a few days wit I
grip. Mr and Mrs Moller and eua
attended the funeral on Sunday.
Mr SaakeI was in his 81st year. '.
On Wednesday, March 6, Nellie j.,
daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Hard-
iltonelefeKillop, was married to Albert
O. Hodgins, it prosperous Young far-
mer of 13idclulph township.' --
The farm of Alex. Gordon, Tucker -
smith, was sold by auction on Friday,
and was purchased by Angus Brown,
son of Neil Brown, Egmoncivill% for
$2,575. The .eerm contains about 50.
The rerioains of Mrs John Walker,
Who died in Pennsylvania, • C. S., on
Sunday, aged about 80 year% were
brought to Brussels and 'interred be-
side those of her . husband, wile died
some -30 years ago. Mr and Mrs Wal-
ker were former residents of con. 12 of
Messrs Cowan & have been
awarded the -contract for the erection
of a brick school house for.U.S,S,No.
11, ,Hullett and East Wawanosb; the
contract price is $1211, Ee, Huggitt
digs the well tit 2175 ner foot, anUR,
Medd Jr, will erect a Page wire fence
for $83. . • ,
&pleasant time was spent by the L.
A. S. of Myth Methodist church at the
home -of Mrs • Huckstep on Friday
week; the occasion was a larewell to
Mrs R. E. ;Jamieson, a member for ten
years, who has since, with her fatuity,
moved to Bannockburn, Hastings Cu,
where Mr Oletneieson -is engaged in the
lumber business. A photo was taken
of the group.
• Sto Helen*
SostooL Renortz-Below is the re-
port of St. Helens' public school' for
February, based on regularity, good
deportment and general proficieneyt-
Pt. I Jr, -Jessie Weatherbead; Pt, 1
Sr. -Thos. Browiescombe, David Joynt;
Pt. II Jr. -Chrissie Miller, Stuart An-
derson; Pt. II Sr. -Jennie Webb, Jen:t-
rete 13arbour; Jr. 2--Lizeie Anderson,
'Irene Weatherhead. Tena Ellis, Wesley
Brownscornbe; Sr, 2 -Jean Clark.Mary
Sheriff, Willie Joynt. Cleve Joynt,
Mamie Weatherbead, John Miller, Geo
Brownscornbe, Robert Dtirnin, Phyllis
Boewnsconobe, Laura Archer; Jr. 8 -
Matthew Gaynor, Herman Phillips,
Arthur Gaynor, Jobe Aitcheson, Al-
thea Cliff, Sarah .tiornin, Agnes Cliff,
Ethel Barbour, ejohn Paterson; Sr. 8 -
Donald Clark, Lizzie Miller, Stuart
Miller, Georms Weatherhead, Mary
Crawford, Witt. McDonald, Elliott
Miller; 4-Chatlie Miller, Gordon Mc-
Donald, Ida Davideon, Cairnie- Aft-
etheeliti, Myrtle Phillips, Berra Sheriff,
Allem Carrell, Etta Carrot, Peter Witte
son; Pt. 1, Jimior Leaving -Lily Clark,
Mina Rutherfor d, Mamie Miller,joseph
Carrot, Milton Sheriff. No enrolled
for the month, 56.-0; A. TE1113UTTi
The Census.
Following hi the list of the deputy
census entinaerators appointed for
South Moron, who will act under .D.
Uzquhart, census eoloemissioner for the
South Riding:
SlitAronyra.-Div. I, Chas. Wilson:
Div. 2, Wm. McLean; Div, 8, Ale*
Ortmpbell; Div, 4, Jae. Watson; Div, 5•
Robt. Lumsden.
lintream,..-Ales Murdock.
BA.v,Initt.o.--W. W. Woods.
TroeklefteeiteeL-Div. I, Hugh Ches-
ney; Div. 2. Peter McKay; Div, 8, 3416
Shepherd, Meneall; Diy. 4, Jae.
#.,SZsintr.-Div. 1, 3no. Murdock:
11,4 'Ale*. !Mclieth; Div. 8, Alex.
iChellt Div. 4, Sae, McDairtnid; Div.
5, Peter D,ouilita.
John McMichael;
Div, 2, Thos, Nellande DIY. 8, P. Quit
ley; Div. 4, Luxton Bill; Div. 6, Jas.
Snell; Div, 0, liteniphreY MeeShell;
7, Jae. 00H,
IVIOXIt.toil.-Div. 1, Sae. Attalla; Div,
2. A. Dixon; Div, 8. 3, O. Morrison;
DIV. 403, ,OovettIock, er.
tla.V. -Di% 10 Peter Munn: Dtv, 2,
8. P, IVroMordis: Div, 8, Sattl'I
Die, 4, Jo°. Geiger; Div. 5, $eremiah
Cortivean; DIy, CI, Jim, K. Goetz; Div,
McAllister. '
A large, two story frame house with prettY
Surroundings, cm Huron street, is offered for
sale at a bargain; 2 cisterns: and a never -failing
well. Mill sell for $1,000 kss than its cost as
Proprietor is leaving for Manitobo. For parti-
culars apply_on the premises, or to John Ridout,
agent. JOHbT TEDFORD, Milton, Feb. 22-t1
Choice Vann fOr Sale
Subscriber offers for sale his line farm of 147
acres, being lot 25,con. 18, Hallett, All clear-
ed but four acres. Brick house (and also from*
house for hired man),bank barn,fspring c'ereek,
be aring orchard of 2 acres, iv. nailed froml Izsn-
-dt-Moro, trot -class and in good condition.
Pearresslon at any.time, terms to suit purchaser
Jan ni-tf W. IIILES.Londesboro.
The frantic:rotten° on Orange stmet, occu-
'12'ed by the undersig, ned, is offered for see on.
'rexsonable term. The lotis of an acre, with
hard and sOft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden, The house contains ham
-Parlor, two bedrooms, elothee °Wet, dining
room, »termer kitchen, cellar and -woodshed,
is.ventrally located, possession given any time
to suit purehmer. ELIZABETH
House for Sale:
Lot number 04, Meek) Street, Clinton,
'awned and formerly oeoupied by Mr Thorne
Robertson is offeree for sale at ,reasone,ble
price. The house is commodious and in good
condition. For pacticulara apply to
Clinton,Mar eth, 1901. W: BRYDONE.
The promisee occupied by R. j. Cluff. and
consisting of afire class brick store, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered for sale on easy
' Also Cottage on Albert Street.. with two
lots, stable, and, all conviences. Particulars
on appication to Mrs W. • Robertson, Minton
orlire 0. W. McGregor, Constance.
Subscriber, offers for sale his' farm of 153
acres, situated on the Maitland coneesaion,
Colborne. About 140 acres cleared,' florae
house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good
state of oultivation,f of a mile from school and
2 miles from Holineaville. Terms reasonable.
Dee 14--tf RIOHA.RD BAKER . Glint on P.O
For Sale or to Rent.
The choice brick house on tbe corner Of Fut.
tea and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate .
o2 the late Richard Heywood, is offered either
for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically a new house, with
all convenience% and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be recited. Apply to .
W. COATS Bunter Clint In.
Subecriber offers for side the North • half of•
lot 43, con. 13, Hallett. It consists of 90 acres,
7 acres of it being hardwood hush. Upon
the premises tbere is a• frame dwelling,
good bank barn, 38x68, good water convenient
for both liouso and barn. nirS3 i situated on
bale line,9 miles from Clintxn, 12 miles frora
(foh,richeonveiicnt to school and post office.
It will be solder retied on reasonable ton ms.
For futher particulars apply to '
Jan 11-tf1 GA BRIEL SPRUNG, Auburn,
Farm for St1,1le! or ter Rent
The undersigned offers for sale for (to rent
Lot 20, con. 9, flellettconsieting of 1051 sores,
80 acres cleared, 10' acres bush, and balance
uncleared land used for pasture. The farm is
well vratered by spring creek and well. There.
is about one acre of orchard. There are us
acres of fall wheat sown and 18 acres of fall
plowing done, Upon the premises there IS a
11 storey frame dwelling and 2 barria,one 311x56
ancithe other 30x65. Good stabling. The farm
is erotica from Clinton and It miles from Sara-
inerhill P. '
0„ church and school. Will be sold
For further
%Mindere apply to.
Sent 28- tf. MRS JONATHANoillintogr/E.Nu.,
; GoOd farm for sale
Subscriber offers for sale lot 27, eon. 7. God-
erich township, containing 80 notes. There is
it ocrafortable.dwelling house, berme. sheds
and other out buildines, also an orchard, 0
agree. wheat, 25 acres fall plowing. Will gi ve
possession 'reef April if necessary, $2000 may
remain on mortgage.if wished. SobooL
°thee, store and bleoksmitla shop, within n
mile. Apply to J. MARQUIS, Porters H111.
Under and by virtueof the powers contained
fix it certain mortgage which will be produced
at the time of sale, there Will be offered for
sale by public auction, by D. Dickinson, anct.,
sit the hereinafter mentioned houses in the
Town of Clihtori, on Weclnesday, 27th day of
14farch, 10101. at the hotieet2.03-o'olock In the-
afternoon,the following properties in the Town
of Olieton, viz. -The east' half of lot No, 6, on
Rattenbury.StAnGibbings' survey,in the town
of Clinton, in minty of Huron.upon which is
erected ii two serai.detached brick houses, two
storeys high, eiseh containing hine rooms, with
a cellar under the entire house, and furnace
and water contenienees, and the east half of lot
No. 1, In the Gibbing, surveynn the said town
of Clinton, upon which is erected it frame cot*
tage, containing aix rooms with woodshed and
MORO COUST, and hard. and soft water eon -rine
lences. The properties are centrally sheeted
in it flite residential loortlity. The proper-
ties will be offered 'for sale Severally end abet
10 000 ht. For term e and conditions for sale
*PAY to
W. BRYDONE, Minton. Ont,
Solicitor for Vendor,
bated at Clinton the 28th day of February. 1901
Weak .and iniptirenleinly
tilsoir 4st lathier billbaigeir,
• Fern6le Coniplainto
Ail Drugglits, or Write tlifed to
a. At frintilt0D,
Goderieh, Ont.
' he Queen herself. Dr,
An upright engine and boiler, tow horse
power, iix,good working order, lust the th4elf
for a farmer or some one who wants light
Power. Can. be eeen at •NEW ERA Office will
be sold cihean• ••
Bulls tor Sale
For ale atirremonisble prism, two thorobred
Durham bulls, color red, 12 months old; first
clam animate.. A. ELCOAT,
•• Lot es, oon.8, Tuckeramith,
Feb. 15 -*m Brumfield, P. 0,
Shorthorns for Sale
8 young bulls, 10 to 18 months old, also some
young heifers breeding age, a choice lot, good
quality. Come and see them. P1. E. WISE,
Feb. 8-11 - , Clinton.
. *Notice to Creditors
In.the matter 'of Estate of the late John
• Gorier, of the Township of Hullett,
�a the County of Hnron,Yaeman,
' • Deceased.
Natio* ishireby givenpursuant to the Re.,
'flied Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129,
and amendments thereto, that all oreditora
and others having claims against the estate
of the said late John Go dor who died oh or
about thee econd day of February, are requir-
ed oh or before theTenth day of April,A.D_,.1901,
to send by post pr_epaid., Otto deliver to Rich-
ard A. Gooier or Henry liiiBrieo, of the TOWa.
liship of 'Hullett, aforesaid, Auburn. P.O., the'
• executors of the -last Will of the said deceased,
their ehristian and sernames, addresses and
description, the-Wipe:ilk:rulers of their° aim,. •
the statement of their accounts, and the ea,
. turirof the securities, if any, held by thein.
• Andrurther take notice that after such last
mentiotied date the said exeentors will premed'
.to distribute the assets of the deceased among
the partiee entitled thereto, having regard.
Only to the plainis of which they fillet, then
have notice :and thatthe said executors will
n•ot be liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to any person • or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been receivedby
thena at the time .of such distribution. •
Entity megRiEN, now .
_ of the late JOHN GOVIER,
etARROW & °ARROW, their Solicitors.
Eated the 18th February 1901 -td • :
. •
Notice to Creditors
.1n:the nyttter of the • Estate of William Wise,
Woof the 27ounts1iip of Goderich,County of
uion, Vdoinan, deceased, • •
• Notice's; hereby given pursuntiti to the statute
in that behalf tnat all persons having claims
age;inst the estate of tbe mid William Wise,'
who died on or about the 23rd day ell JaIlllarY,
101, are required on or before the let day of
May, 1901. to send by Trost, ;prepaid, or to de-
liver to Eclw...rd H. Wise. (Joderich township,
t Briton. Ont.. or Albert W; Wise. Goderieh P.
O., Ont,the eitecutore of the vvill of the said
deceased, their names. addressee and oecupo-
tions, with full particulars and pro f of their
lielectarbs)atnblemthe nature of the securitY, if aur.
•And rotice is further given that after the
skid first day of May the said execut us Will
proceed to distribute the assets of the• said
decreased, amongst the parres entitled thereto,
iitiving regard only to ..the claims of which
.botioe shall have then been given aS afore-
said and the said executors win not •be liable
foe the said assets or aziy part thereof to any
person or persons of whose claim notice ohs TI
not have been received as above. '
Solicdtor for the attylieEnSarn8CTETX embers.
Dated at Clint op this 27th day id February,1901. •
Marcel 1 -in
Applied to our Special Conniee given
by ail is Bookkeeping and
Business Forme. Ilrithate°
tie. Penmansh,lp,Shorthand,
Typewriting and Corres
ndenameebiwiiiolluBgmanprloodunnoe good or
man who teethes to qualify far it bet.
ter ',onion in life.
The cost is hut a trifle, and our (emu.
Jere will glee yeti felt partioutars,
Write for them,
Correspondenee Department
Central Business Colleg
W. sitAW, Principal
A strong school, With leiegular
, teachers, splendid equipment and well
patronized by students from every prov-
ince of the Dominion.
Bicycle and General Repair
surix.ty & TURNER•
Ratteobury Street, Clinton,
SUbscriberd having bought out the Murk.
imithbuldness of John Tedford, have cOmbin-
ed their bicycle buelnees 'with the motto and
barring both businesses under one roof; Will
be in a better igkettion teen over to doall Work
entriteted to them. Soissorseablekniveeeto.
sharpened and repaired, lawn mowere iWer,
bauled, waling box knivee tharpeued, saws
Itinntiled. Special attentiou glean tO bleyale
repairs. Orders fespeotfullr solleitecl,, work
prom*/ attended to and prima moderate,
FARM to 1.80fLatiltl 10tvn PetOteeltTY
a. B. Menotti'. P• reeldent, Semen P. 0 i %as
Fraser, vies-oreedene, Eirneelleld P. 0.' Tboa
ella 6, way -Trees., Seatoeth v. o„., W. 0
rodk inspector of Lames, Settforth P. 0*
011MOTOM '
W. O. titismitoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve
Winthroe P.=.01,04/0170 Dale, Seaforth: Joh*
Illsiinewalikplu 111 Jai. Seam. Beeobtersoi p„
04 John Watl ook ,F. 04 Thotime lc 0 t
Brueefleldl chit ,MoLeare Rippen ewes
CO110011.Y. 0,1 Olio
• • Air: eel .,
Hebert finetli, Hart "1.' /lett Volfillant See
forth' Zahn* Men I. e, Egnieridedle i J. W
Yeo, stilinerivele ; Ocoee Atarditte,nd JOhe (i
Istotrloon. auditors.
Partite desirette ta r Mot inettnee tit (rano.
itet other burliness will be promptly attended te
on appliestion to m, ";I the above deicers
addreosid to theirree$00L 't 0111003.
Professional and4thereards,
13arrister, Senator, leo,.
Oremit-Ieliott Mock, lease Street',
MON11 TO 14041c,
Office -Beaver
13peititire, Opposite Foster's Rho', alerj
MOTOR, s •
)3arrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyaneeet
office -Opposite Colborne Hotel. ,
' noderleb
fomierlY of Caiiieron Holt & oarooroul,
Ofilm-liamilton St omens Colborne Nouse:
Ofilee--Corner Hampton St. and the Square •
Goillerleh, Ont.
J. T GARRow, Q. 0. •• GRAS. GARROW.14,L.
Ogle*: North et next door toSigual Olio&
,• Private/rump. to lend at lowest ratee
' of interest. *
CorivinstAxonn; Commzeszonss, ETC cs-
Real Estate and insurance Agent, Money ba,
lend on Mortgage and Note security.
Crown and Bridge Work.
AT ZURICH THE 2ND •Terunsttaer
144011 MONTH '
• •
Office Hours -9 to 6
• Deena': '
(Successor to Dr. T. O. • Hrnce)
• Speelalist Crown mid Bridge Work ,
L. D. 8, -Graduate Royal College Dentat Suet-
• goons of Ontario, Toronto,
S.-First-olass Honor graduate of 1:414,-. •
' tal Department of Toronto University:.
Special attention _paid to preservation it
children's teesh. Will visit Hayfield evert-
hionday. • • .
Office over W. Taylor & Son's shoe atere. .
• DR. c. vv. THoivipsoiv
Physician, Surgeon, Ets..
• Office and Residence--
• • • netloahurY Street('
DR. Vilna. GRAFIAM •
Licentiate of the Royal College of physleiszte;. •
-Lireielon, England. . ,
Office ond Residence-. .
. •• r•Enntfil nt.ock, Eitaurs,
Successor to Dr.Turnliull. " • • •
Physicians,' Surgeons, Acconehers, 124.
Office- Ontario Sreet, Minter. Night calls, at
front door of office or at hospital Victoria St •
zt sous:sheer, ole., office and residence On -
tub) St., opposite English ohnrch, formerly ioc.
erupted by Dr. Appleton. Clinton Ont. e •
Medical Department of Victoria Uniyer--
atty. Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensarie ,s New York, Coroner of the -
County of Huron, Hayfield. Ont. '
Member of the Veterinary Medioal Associa- ,
*ions of London end Edinburgh, and Grade -
ate of the Unturis? Veterinery College,
Office open night and day, omm-
aite Com
rmercial Heel. ,
Suceessor to Dr. . J. It Fowler, Clinton,
Ont. ,e•• •
er • HonoraryGradeate of theOntarloVeteritisp
College. •Troate andiseasee of domesticeted ar
male on the most modern and solentifio pritel-
plee Moe- iramediately eouth of the New Era
Office, Reside/Me Albert St, Minton, Call
night ordav attendedto eroinPtIV '
MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the un
pilutosnig.ned at his Residence, Mary street
No witheseee reeuired
_It • p, L. g„ Provincial Land Surveyor ante
Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Oen ,
.Stewarre Grocery Store. Clinton.
olmoo...4*.00moymiso, *vow,. OemonnYwoof......).•=1.111.. •11.16.
Musical ,
il. P. Sibley, e.H.Tan nog, S. T. Minch and G. •
McRae, the Doherty Male Quartette, second,
season, are prepared to fill engagements for
church and concert entertainnienU at reason-
able rates. For term, address
Oct 5-ef S. T. 51UROPf. Meretary •
Clinton ..
Organiet end Musical ,Director of, North •
Street Chive, GOderich, and teacher oil -
Pared lo-tekew limited atraber of Petals to
the above. For terms apply thie oiled or '
MR OfilitPRELL,may be seen from 11 11”. Ta4t
2 p.m., at the Olatendon Hotel, Clinton,
Friday of each week.
•F°rLife insurance
elinton, Ont.
Fare, 14 WC, Sodden *rare nine
°Pinot • MACKAY litiriele. WIN*
itfuro# street,. olititort.
Haying easily pub:11140d 4 hit*
beard •in Meyer Bros,. Toronte,
am Area to turn out firat-dtaile
work *der.
Winds), work *Undidand a 4 ongivim,
If MI ere pleiteed with our WWI tit
your friend* if not
Goode called for end deliveted to ,say
part of the town.
a. Turiteheili