HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-15, Page 1If you 'have not Pieneived your Subscription for this year now is the rigbit time to do so. ROCOnlnitend, the Mew Rea to your friends. •• inton ew ' riorAlrix smon 1835. 11010mt1 MeLMBS Publisher! p. asISSPPakt-VaIsWPPI-V44/Pit*-1144-141414uf4 The publislier weuld Kamm it a favor pe if readers would, when making their purcheses, motion that they saw the merohant'es.dvertieenient in tine paper ° takkar************Oritirk****** MINTON. ONTARIO, MARCH 15, 1901,. -,14.00 !Son't Forget •_ To pay your account with us before the end of February or you will have to pay the cost of collect. Mg sante. Your Account X May be email but a lot of them make a large amount, and all must be settled at once. We have decided nesslinitlie,future, iidrdor to, Todo a strictly cAsh bu- .i.* and int do so we must collect all accounts, eo we have put a limit on the time ? of oollecting same, March lbt 1901 " e 0t0. We will be sorry to offend you, k if collecting your liatitulte is an of- fence, but business is business. Cash and one price to all in future. P. B. cRgws, Expert Watch Repairer a. Jeweler. And Optician A 4 •aleinae÷a•KateCienSIKKealeneVe•a•aisee•asa Auburn. OARD oh, Tnalarts.- To the many leind friends who assisted me during the time of my late husband's sudden death I wish to convey my sincerest gratitude and thanks.- Mite R. HEN- ..DERSoN. NoTas...-John Knox moved into part of Mrs G. Marshall's honse. Mrs Gene - mere is improving. Miss Clara Lew.. eon is visiting in Hensel!. Jos. Mar- shall and family returned.. to their (home in Manitoba on Wednesday. Rev. Mr Kennedy assisted Rey. Mr Wilson at the services at Ebenezer last week. - Mt and Mrs Geo. Hamilton left Tues. -day morning for Vancouver, B.C., arid from there they purpose going to the Klondike as soon as navigation opens;,' we wish them a safe and prosperous trip. Last Tuesday evening the Home 'Circle gave a farewell oyster simper for those members who are leaving, this vicinity; unfortunately for the de - mating friends, the lady who was to deliver the invitations quite forgot them all but Rob. Miss Julia John- ston, Carlow, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs Henderson. John Ferguson had a bee onSaturday, hauling stone for the foundation of his new residence, th be built eh the coming spring. Mr McPhee, Ottawa, who has been spend - ng the last few Months with his - /fiends in Colborne, is going to deliver Ieceitre in the Orange hall on Wed- nesday eventng. Gabriel Sprung, base line, has sold his farm to Mr Yungblut, 'Tavistock. Oliver Clark and his men have started taking out timber for the many buildings they intend putting up next summer. Sheppardton WEDDED. -A very pretty and happy event took place at Point Farm, en March 5th. it being the naa,rriage of Catharine Maud, daughter of Jas.Kir k- natrick, to David Cowan, of Dakota. The ceremony was performed by Rev. • M. J. Wilson, B. A., of Nile, at6 p.m, after which the numerous friends sat •down to a sumptuous repast. Many useful and valuable presents were re- ceived, The bride looked handsome in her wedding attire, and was supported by her sister, Jennie, while the groom was assisted by Mr Thos. Bradnock, of Blyth The yoang couple left for North Dakota -on March 7th, bearing tire good wishes of many friends. BaYfie!d. Dr. Agnew, Dentist, will resume his visit il thetiffer, beginning on Wednesday, Apr to Baytleld tor the s 1 CLINTON Photo Studio Alrucefield A LANDMARK GONE. -Another pat- riarch of the forest euccumbs to the axe of the encroaching woodmen. On Wednesday of last week Thos. Carr. of litucefield, and Jae. Duiabar, of Mb - field, felled, on the farm of Geo. Baird, one of the largest elms in the vicinity Of Brucefield. With a seven -foot saw they had a play of only a few indium, and though both men worked with a vengeance the sturdy tree resisted their efforts for the greater pan of the day, • Towards evening, with the as - stance of wedge and lever,the giant of 1 he grove was at last conquered and tell with a thunder-craeb, with its mighty arum spreadover the surround- ing meadow, while the snow was hurl. ed to the highest tree•tops. No less arduous was the task of our woodmen on the day following and the cutting of four 11.foot loge, kept them employed • the greater part of t,he day. thous. both were experienced workmen.. Ew- en in the top cut the saw had little ever a foot of play. The ohl king gives evidence of having weatherect the storms of six hundred wmters: He must. have gloried in his youthful strength of 100 years, ere Columbus discovered the new world. ' What stories he might tell of roaming bear or prowling fox, of tinard beaver or hungry wolf, of fluron hunter or Al- gonquin braves Truly, this monarch could laugh at history. To Joe Archer and Sandy Thomson was entrusted the still mete difficult task of transporting it to the saw mill. With skill and tact the butt end was soon elevated to its place on thesleigh bunks and dragged with ease towards its destination. But the enormous weight of the log was too much for even the firmly packed road and the wide runners cut though the path as through cheese, Nothing daunted our teamsters, took the side of the road, and withtheeleighspatin to the gra.vel,the log was at last lande An the millyard. Logs that were thought to be very lerge were insignif- icant beatnpoles when compared with I this monster. Our genial dealer, Mr Ament, claims this to be the first log around her e 1 hat ever beat his books. After careful calculation he estimates .the log at 1888 board feet. The second cut, containing over 1775 board foot, was readily handled by Joe with his Al team. '213e third and fourth cuts were also snaps for the teams of Thomsen and Archer respect- ively. It reflects ..great credit on both team se and we doubt whether any other two teams in the neighbor- hood would be able to do the same as eaeily Goderich Township NoTket-j. E. Lindsay, of the Huron road, who has been suffering from a, severe attack of blood poisoning, id slowly recovering; hie many 'friend% hope for his speedy recovery. .11! Wright, of Huron College,Londoniwin occupy the pulpit at Middleton'a Sun- day morning. - NoTne.-Mr and Mrs Johnson, Blake, enjoyed part of their honeymoon here recently. Mrs Parsons and daughters, con. 6, are moving to Bayfield -their future home. Miss Lindsay, Porter's Hill, was last week the guest of the Misses Burnett, con. 7. J. Robinson and family, Brucefielcl, spent a day at Alex. .Welsh's recently. cVm. Perdue . recently lost one of his best working horse,- throu h distemper*. a year ago , he paid POO for this horse and its, mate. John AliddletOn intends enlarging his h inv., next euramer; Geo. Hanley will cila likewise, and is now ha,uling the materin Mr Feriae and family, Clin- ton, here moved their household ef- fee Ls to the house lately vacated by Mrs Parsons, Bert Wise has started school again, having recovered from the accident whi0i left hineminue his right arm. Many farmers' ' horses are suffering from influenza. Jas, Mose, con. 7; this *eek lost a horse from ab-• thee on the brain. A Most enjoyable tine was spent by about 40 'hefted guests at the home of Wm: Yeo, Bay- field line, Tuesday evening. Mr John Middleton called on joint McMillao, ex M. P., recently. Dominie Taylor Of No. 10, anent Sunday in Clinton. Stanley. OBITUARY.- It is with feelings of sincei e regret that we chronicle the death of one of the highly eeteenied residents of Stanley township. We refer to the death of Mrs Jos..Richaed- son. who died on Monday, March ath, at the comparatively early age of 5/ years. Deceased had been ailing sev- eral months but was •thought to be on the fair way to recovery until the Week previous to her death when she was attacked by grip, which rapidly deael- oped into pneumonia,. She was a con- sistent member of • the Presbyterian church from her girlhood,and the memory of her praetical Christian life is.left as a monument to her name in the minds of those with whom she . • Htiaberley Narks -Jas. Wilkie is at present visiting friends in the vicinity of Hag- ersville. We are glad to report the convalescence of Huivh McDonald, who has been dangerously ill. Mrs Peter Shlells is at present 111 from an attack of grip. Alf Bradley has purcha3ed a • farm near Underwood, and Is moving this week. A number of the far mers in this locality are scarce of water for their stock. The C. O. F. purpose holding an opan court in their lodge room on Thursday night:- (Joint Am- berlev has now a membership of oven Sixty, and ix in good thriving eondi- tion. 'the Methodists here purpose building a driving shed this sunamer. Finlay 'McLennan has sold his farm to Mr Connell, Flolyrood, and intends ruoving to Goderich, should he be able to purchase a •suitabie house; Mr and Mrs McLennan and family have our beet wishes for their future happiness in (heir retired life. OBITUARY. -0n Sunday,' atcl inst., one of the old residents of Ashfield was removed by death, in the person of Airs. Sarah McLean, mother of our towns- man, D. E. McLean. Deceased .was over 90 years of age, and was in good health up to a short time before her death. On Sunday morning, 3rd inst., Aggie, eldest daughter of Samuel Jack- son, prised away to her long rest After, a year's illness from stomach'trouble. The funeral on Tuesday was very largely attended. Mr Jackson and family have our Isympathy, this being the second death in then family inside of a year: • 'St. Helens NOTES. -Mr and Mrs McGregor, of spent, Saturday at the home of P, Clark. ..Ma Will and Misses Maggie and Lizzie Rutherford spent Saturday 'came in contact, of her it can be, truly and Siulday with Wingham friends. said "She is dead, yet speaketh.The t . --- At a meeting of the directors of the husband and fatinly of seven daurenters Public Labrary on Friday $ number of and three sons, are •left to mourn tile- new books were added to the list, and loss of a loving wife, a patient, • unsel- the matter of ireet3ing the reading fIsh and affectionate mother. All the room open waeconsidered. Mr Craw - family were with her in her last mom- ford is engaged with Mr Todd at the ents. The funeral services were con- tang. IL Took was accepted as one cif ducted by Key. Mr McNeil, of Brtyfield, the nuruber to serve on the mounted who eloquently bore testimony to the police in South Africa, haying passed simple, trusting faith -of the deceased, with whom he had conversed severai ',rod examination; we wish. hina retfe- times. The remains were interred in INSTITUTE MEETING.- The two ties - Bayfield cemetery, followed to their alone of the Farnters"Instititte meeting last resting place by a large number of held here on Tuesday, March 5th, were sorrowing friends, a decided success. During the after- noon a larsre number of both ladies and gentlemen were present, the ladies forniing a branch institute het*. The following officers were elected Miss Id, Selkeld, Secretary; Misses 3. C. Mc- Donald and T.Murray and Mrs Hether- ington, directors. Meetings will be held on the evening of the last Friday of each month. The first will be held at Mrs R. K. Miller's on Friday,March 29th. Tuckerstnith. ess, NOTES. -On Wednesday evening of last week a large crowd from the West Erni and London road spent it -I ery pleasant evening at the residence of Ira Johns, Srl con. Miss M. iloltnestiof Woodlawn farm,entertained a utinlber' of her triends on Friday evening last, iss M. Hartry opera Sunday last with her friend Mria} M. Holmes, Miss )ane Oarnochan, of Egmondyille, has returned home after a short visit in this ne4ghborhood, R. McVety, of the third con,; is visiting his brother at Bluevale, Mrs W. ()rich has been laid un with a I severe attack of quint; . 14fre T. O'Brien bee been On to 010 Dieeptivm, Man, MT Lew(, piano UM- 110 foe a few days. E. Walters Is not NOTES. -Miss Madge McEwen, of the 2nd, entertained a number of her in - Ornate Mende to an oyster eupper on Saturday evening. Dan. Campbell, who has been home since Christmas, ileft on Wednesday for Rat Portage, to resume his,. work on the 0. P. R. Miss E. Bell, Tuckersmith, is visiting at the home of Alex. Thompson, Mrs Jas. Thomson and her granddaughter, Miss Kale Thomson, are guests of Fin- lay MeEwen, Clinton. Mrs Monck, of the Mill road, . Tuckersmith, made a short visit at the home of Thos. Baird last week. Miss Mary Gilmour and brother were in Turriberry last week visiting their uncle. Thos, Gilmour. Mayor RuEnball of London visited Mr Jas. Aikenhead, his brother-in-law, last week. Peter MoKenzie,'Llicknow, was visiting on the line laet week; be is interested in the binder twine bus- iness. Mr Mains is at present at work on the new barn he will erect for Mr McCowan, .s. Is the place to go for a seep in X Photos. A. great bargain for two weeks-speoial line of mounts for $1.00 per doz. Best finish. Henry's Photo Studio.' I 4,,4e....w.444•00444.0.). LSoup Plates At gis time of the year, a great deal aff aaap is used, and of oourse, more soup plates are broken. 1f you want to replace your broken-platee, we have a gasp for you. Weare offering, 25 dozen OnlY, • inoh Royal Iron China Soup Plateti. Regular 900 for 75e a do*. while they Iasi, or if you have lots of p platet and Want Soniething to pit in them we have Canned tomato soup • • Chlekon soup %ibx Tail soup Julienne soup Mock Tfirtle. soup • Barley, Split Pewletc. -Ogle Cooper ft Coi - • Corneraeorkin Serglei Block, • Osek for tinter and Ogee •Pholie AO 11.111/4- Blyth. LOCALS. -J. Denholm left on Tues- day with a car of first -elites Inrees for er, of Berlin, was it visitor teWiredi Sunday. • Miss Allie Doupelse ending improeleg eh rapidly as his many friends would wish. Mr Allen and his sister, from near Goderich, are visiting relatives here, B. Holmes, of the Oltn- ten Elevator, visited his cOuein Mitre M. Holmes this Week. NOTES.-JamieasoltraUarter, who hair been spending a couple of weeks with relatives here, returned home limit week, Miss • Ida Lindsay, Goderich township, is spending a week with Mende here. Miser Sarah Bennett, of Clinton, tment a few days this week with friends here. 'Alex. Jamieson has get his new house completed; "he has the cege reeds", now for the lucky bird." Will Montgomery and Gordon McDow- ell, Who have been spending the win- ter lit Gravenhuret, returned to their homes here on Saturday. Mr German has the material all laid down tor the erection of his new barn in the Opting. The many friends of Geo. Montgomery will be eorry to learn that he is laid up, With a severe attack of Hinters. . Taylelete Corner. NOTE€1,-0n Sunday 48 P. in. Rey. John Mahan, of Dorchester, preached missionary sermons to a fair congrega- tion, We are 'pleased to hear Mre 0, ViIIeon insprOvin , Mies L. Willeea,of it few weeks visiting friends in Londoii, Mrs, Miss and Earnest Jamieson left on Saturday for Bannockburn, Heist- ing? Co., where Mr Jamieson is engag- ed in the lumber business. Mrs C. Naylor, of Essex, is visiting at the residence of Mrs J. Buie. Mrs Jos, Taman is visitinr her sister in Toronto this week. Mrs .(Itev.1 Russell, Sea - forth. was a visitor at the home of Mrs Geo. King on Sunday. A load of young people drove over to Brussels on Friday evening; they report a royal time, Miss McOrae, Of Oranbrook, heti returned from Toronto, where she has been visiting the head millinery eetab- lishment and getting the latest faith - kine; she takes the position of Milliner for Mrs Graham this coming treason. • ' Narks. -S., Ryan le under the doc- tor's care, Miss Etta Hall is at pres- ent renewing acquaintance with her many friends here. Mr and Mrs Het. yar, of Clinton, and Miss Helyttr. of Benmiller, spent Sunday at Mr Grunt., inett's, Nothet-Mr Tiffin, 12th con, hall WAS his farixt to Wtts. Hunter; Mr ilfiln hes . Westfield. CHOIR CONCERT,- The sacred con- cert by the Westfield choir, under the direction of Mr W, Glenn Campbell, choir director of tne North St. Metho- dist °beach, Goderich, was given Tues- day evening of Last week In the Metho- disbchurch. The program, consisting of some 15 numbers, was excellent, The choir was assisted by Miss Maud 111, Goodwin, elocutionist, of Clinton, and Miss Brown, soprano, ot Goderich. Owing to the severe storm that was raging the church was not fill- ed, but those who, were bra,ve enough to face the etorm enjoyed a rich treat. Every part of the program was tully enjoyed. Our very efficient choir sang beautifully and too much 'amuse can- not be given, Mr Campbell for the pains he has taken for them. Mies Goodwin's selections were very much appreciated and well rendered. Miss Brown is an excellent soprano and her renditions were beautiful and well re- ceived by the audience, We . can • as- sure Miss Goodwin pEA4 KiliS Brown that if ever they °brae to Westfield again they will be heartily received. A•very hearty vote of thanks was ren- dered all who assisted in the program. NoTEs.-Mrs John McClinton, sr., is very ill with an attack of pneumonia. Mrs W. Cole, who has been spending a few months with her parents, Mr and Mrs Tunny, returned to her home in North Dakota on Saturday, An oy- ster slipper was given by the naernbers Of Auburn Home Circle on Tuesday evening to Mrs Chas. Armstrong, who leaves for her new home near Mount Forest in the near future. Nelson, the second son of Mr and Mrs A. Robinson, has been.very ill with inflammation of the lungs; Wesley Stackhouse and salter were in Londesboro oyer Sunday. Mrs T. Fowler, Newbridge,is vieiting relatives here, prior to leaving for Ed - mouton, where she and her husband make Iheir home in the future; they will be accompanied by the former's mother, Mrs Hoover • .1:on dean oro. NOTES. -Mr and Aire James Web- ster, Toronto, have been* visiting their father's during the past week. On Sun- day, owing to the high winds and snow, the churches were nearly empty; Rev Mr Coupland tOok the Londesboro work, but did not attenapt to go to Constance. jactila Wagner moved from the faira on eon, 0 to the base line on Tuesday; he hadabout 20 teams. Chas. Meyer, ,London, was here this Wilik for more beef, mutton and pork for London matket. A. Woodman is not very well at present; he is not gaining as well as he did a few months ago. Walter Riddell has not improved since lest week. Mrs Lear is slightly indisposed. R. Adams procured a quantity of bug proof peas; _several of the farmers • around here are going to sow them this year in one and two bushel quantities. Geo.': Snell, jr., has been attending the Grand Lodge meet- ing of the Orange Society, in Stratford this week. V. L. Ouimette has been in Toronto this week. The afternoon express Tram the north did not arrive on Wednesday. and ,some passengers were disappointed at this station. Survsagrotv.-A small sensation was created in the village on Tuesday even- ing; Blyth constable and a merchant from the same place, came down in a hurry, looking for a young man with a plaid cap, and were soon told that he had gone to the station; they hied there and arrested a young man he. longing to Clinton; they took him back to Blyth, and in about two hours the young man .passed through here again for Clinton.• • Porter's Hill. SICK. -Wm. ••Weston is laid up with grip. E. 0. Potter, who has been con- fined to his room for nearly three Years, is not improving. Wm. Elliott has been on the sick list the past week, but is able to be otit again. Ed. Her., rison is very low with pleurisy. Mrs B. Petterson is vet y sick. J, Wallis is iraproving elowly. Mrs A. AlcDougall is getting better.. Mrs • J. Marquis is very poorly. Mrs P. Dougall has very poorhealth. . NoTEs.-The Misses McDougall, of Seaforth, Inc visiting• friends in the neigh borhocd. Miss Alma Elliott, who has been visiting friends up. north, re - 1 urned last week accompanied by Mies Frazer, who is at present visiting at the houie of R. Elliott. Miss 'Maud 'Me, Dougall upent a few days in Clinton. Fred Moore still'helps to keep the road. open back the sixth, but it is common- ly reported that, by another winter things will have so katered to him that he will only have to travel it in fine weather. S. McDougall was down to Settforth last week. S. McPhail re- ports that his artesian well has given splendid satisfaction so far, 'Wm. -Lobb paid it flying visit to nur burg on Tues- day. 0 W. Potter lost a fine Jersey calf last week. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late F. McCartney,of much Byrn- nathe is felt for the 'bereaved family, Mrs D. Cox is %denting at Galt. • Gloried& Celle& Institute •wassrits, 'bought a barna near Latigaide, Bruce Ring under the parerital root. 00. We are glad to hear that Mrs Lamm Willson, actompanied by her Lane, Who Was serioudy 111,118 /10WOOtik brother, Visited in Goderich last Sens • yaleeeents dayenening. • • Written. - 'Oat/SOIL -A grant Of handsome ser- vice booketealtied at 0.Z. le. 4d., to new St. Paula (Anwar was received from the Society for Promoting, Christian Knowledge, London, Eng., end were used for the first Nine on Sunday last, Also the Sunday Schools of this place and Iliddulph, were pretreated with a enmity of now 13ibles,Pr ayerbooks and Ilymnale hy their rector, Kev..,W. Stout, from Toronto church Of Enr- land Bible and Prayerbook Society'. On Monday afternoon'Mar. 11, not- withstanding the etornly Weather, a vet y successful meeting of the Ladies' Aid, Sof St. Paul's church, KirktOns was held at the rectory, „These ener. gotta ladies after paying $400 on the seating of the church and carpeting the chancel and Year/ at a cost of $80, have'nn hand considerably over /200 te hand the building committee. On Mae. 5th a number of the Blddulph congregation spent' an enjoyable day lit the rectory, the guests of Rey. Mr and Mri Stout. 1101mesvilli DIED.,-Thoe. H. McCartney, at the age of 82 years and two menthe, painted to the beyond• On Sunday, the 10th inst. The funeral. which - took plate from hie father's residence On Tuesday, Wast attended by a very large number of friends and relatives to pay r'npect to his memorythitermen Li was made in Colborne. IN HYMENEAL Bows. - Oh I sOupid"-- -Hew little did .We think That thou, in all thine artful gunning, Harlot drawn thy bow, choose from Thy qui4vettr,aarnrdowd.eftly shot Quite prominent indeed among the many festivities of like nature that have caused so much exhilaration of. epirits, and joy in the social circles of our township, was the very happy gathering at the pretty home of Mr and Mee John Stevens, of the Mait- land, on the evening' of Wednesday, March 13. It was the occasion of the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Reatha Grace, to Mr Reubt n Grigg, of the 9th con. of Goderich township, and formerly of this township. At precise- ly 4 o'clock, in the presence of about 120 relatives and friends, the bridal party took their htand under a prettity, arranged, artistic wreath and. bell in the_oarlor...the_bridw-appearing-upon the arm of her father, who gave her away. The accompaniment upon the organ, meantime, by Miss Protise, of "Brown's Jubilee March," added glad- ness to the moments. The bride was sedated by her cousin, AliturFannie--Alx- lin, of Zion; the groom was sustained by his brother Oliver, of Goderich township, while little Miss OxIe Grace atoddart, of Goderich, also cousin of the bride, filled the position of maid' of honor. Rey E. A. Shaw, Beruniller, performed the eeremony. After the pima congratulations, etc.,. the happy party repaired to the spaeious dining room, where a. most excellent repast awaited theni, and full justice was ac- corded the generous hospitality of "mine hest"- a "right jolly gcod fel low." The bride an exceedingly popular and pleasant young lady, .who has grovvn up. in our midst, and will be missed tn social circles and Christian societies. The many pretty and use- ful presents attest to the esteeni in which she is held, More strongly than our pen can do. She •was most becom- ingly and exquisitely attired. The groom is well and favorably known in both townships, but we cannot readily forgive him, We understand that Mr and Mrs Grigg will take up "home- makiog" almost immediately, on the .9th Con., and will be at home to their friends at an early • date, Judging from the "snow flurries" we presume the first groomsman will not be long in the background. It was a very pleasant and happy gathering, and will not be forgotten in a day; it very "free and go easy" atmosphere pervaded the whole circle. The evening Merged into the "wee, Enna 'mire" ere the aseembly was broken up, progressive crokincle, Vied and instrumental: mina, social chit chat and luncheon being the order of the night. Some splendid selections on the violin by Messrs' Lowery and. Forster, accompaniments' by Misses Tebbutt and Lowery, and harmonica and accompaniment by Mr and Miss -Peortse, and songs, etc., by others, fur- nished a" most excellent pastime, and sweetly Sped the hours away, To Ali and Mrs Grigg we heartily extend our congratulations, and to Mr and Mrs Stevens., long life arid continued pros- perity, in behalf of the gathering. ; Nceras.-Mrs AlcLarty is able to be around again after a severe ;Weak .of grip. Mr McLarty i s taking ca,re of Zion church this month. The infant son of Mr and Mrs C. Waiter died on Sunday week from a grevere cold; the funeral took place the following Tues- day to Colborne cemetery. • Clinton eemeterya Crrtirich.-Mr Wright, Of London, Who preaelfed se aceriertably In St. Paula' church,Clinton it few Sundays ego is expected to °Adage in Mr Shlitla'd parish on Sender Whets •Exeter NOTES,- The fnuers,1 of Herbert Handford, of Centralia, s;t3pthe late Hrcl. Isaac andfo, of Ex r, passed through the village on Sunday last to this cemetery, B. S. O'Neil, , banker, was called to Lucan, Tuesday, on ac- count ot the illness of his father: R. H O'Neil, who died that evening; the fun- eaal takes place to -day (Friday). J. G. Stanbury, barrister, was in the county town on businesk Thursday. T. W. Hawkshaw, late proprietor of theCom- rnercial Hotel. was presented with it gold headed cane on Monday evening prior to his leaving the village. T. Fit - ten has the material placed fax a. brick biock 00 the corner °opposite the Oen: tral Hotel. W. H. Levett went on a business trip to New York, this week. Miss Shaw, of Teeswater, has accepted the position as mallet for the R. Pick- ard Co. A'. Dempsey and family inov- edto Toronto this week. Miss Sinclair, Brantford; is visiting Mrs 3.A. Stew- art. • • Farmers' Institute Meetings si per year in Advance (1.5Q when not so pat.7., Outer for several home. . . Clover wide to the veltie of the soil; the deep mote pump up mineral matter from the subsoil, whioh thereby becomes available; clever pulverizes the soil, and leaves in roote, about as mush value as is taken out by hay, .Sow corn 8 1-2 feet apart, plant early; would advise the use oktedder for clover. The dim works best in Corn stubble, the oultenitor pulls out too many stalks; plant with hand planter about 2 1.2 in°htbeatdeeeP Aevening meeting the preeident 9ripoke of the Pan-American 4xposition at Buffalo. Mrs C., Oampbell spoke on the importance of the home, A neat and well kept home has a tar -reaching area; the children of the home to -day will he the men and women of tomorrow; be intimate with your children,' make confidante of them. • ' . Mies Maddock spoke on domestio science, a branoh society of which has been started here. L !doNeill spoke entransportation; the railways are taking all they can out of the farmers; there is no such thing as coin - petition -in rates; the mites are made by the traffic association, not by theseparate com- panies; there is a discrimination against us as Canadians; to ehip from Windser to Montreal ends 28o per bushel of corn, from Detroit it 'Costs 150; we must own these --roads, bub- we wilIzot-pay-tbeir-Priner- w the voters, mud decide it. During the evening a mueical program was given. KINTAIL. Mieri'Maildoolt evoke on Women's Insti- tutes and dairying. Why take so long to churn? quality of oream not rich enough; get a Babcock tester; if using flat tins put them n slat table, don't use skimmer, loosen the oream•from sides, allow a little ekim milk to go into oream can, thin with a knife put cream into cream can. Use e pTahr ea immediately hog wseinatri otearnmeeidl kbiny gA. Neill. Would recommend farmers to breed more from the Tani and York. In feeding a mixture ot grain seems to give beet re- sults; corn .makes good feed with skim milk or.buttermilk' and .shorts --:3 of corn to 1 of shortie this mixture can be fed from the start. Though pork is high now I would not advise going into it..t..h'eavily;' too many are loading up for 'the -November ond December market. Concrete good for pig floors, nearly level and kept clean: cut clover short as possible far winter feeding; Silage is good rie part ration, • .` The evening program was varied with music,. • • • • '• Sr. Etet,eirs, President Snell gave a short opening ad- . drese.„ Mr McNeill spoke on the farm's water supply; two causes of impurityin water -vegetable or organic matter, or mineral; the former iB injurione to health Welle, though deep,if situated in a depres- sion are liable to contamination; a cistern is a necessityIbis better to have water before theoows than to water them three times a day; don't leave trongh open, bave a cover -that the tattle oan open themselves. Trees are good to purify water if not elos,e enough to reach it. • _ Miss adaddoort spoke on bacteriology and .wromreesnialsenItnetsnituetiets•epoke on .mHistakes in sheen breeding. Some instanced were : Frequently changing the breed of the sire; using immature stook for breeders; selling off the best of the dock and breeding from inferior stock; trying' to save 'money by buying an inferior animal to use as sire; buying a fat or overfed lamb to use as sire; paying more attention to fancy points than to strength or vigor; feeding pre.gnant ewes too heavy with too little exermeA, couaing puny, weak lamba. Do not feed ' ewes ' more than one feed of roots per day,_but let We iambs have all they can eat. Mr Gaunt gave r. few• minutes' practical talk, giving many good biros. • At the evening meeting a good program was given; Mrs Campbell gave an address, Miss Maddock spoke or domestic, science, and A. McNeill gave some good ideas on the raising and preparing of poultry for the foreign market. • Moat Successful Ser ie S. The recent series of ineetinge held by the West Huron Farman' Institute were the most successful ever yet held. The meet- iinate Etvoeirme beaevldiurietorilfivteh2ontia,FxrlidnitiayitMarob• i On 4th Mid St, Helens on Ole 5th; the Mahal hieeting was a record breaker in point of attendance and 'enthusiaem: in each place s btanch of the VitornenSi Institute was organized. The delegation -A. MoNeill, Walkerville„ and Kies Madder*, Guelph, handled their subjects in a thorough man- ner and drew forth lively clisouseion, Hrnateseitte The meeting opened with a abort address hysthe president.. Alisslhaddcok gave an address On dairying. In the past WO have been (*vying On dairying in it most hap- hazard manner. TO have good butter we must inertia the 'commencement -stables and oows; keep the triable; clean and well ventilated, Ow brushed and tinders wiped with* damp cloth, and milk dry with clean hands. Whey shouldnot be returned in bans, r then it is imposeible tamake good cheese; cheese ripens beat at 650. Never put wenn cream in cold; clean cane before using then again; do not put warm water into cream to wane it, eat in oan, of Wenn water. Cream should remain at churning $amper&tnre 6 or 8 hours; new crew should stand 24 hours before °burn. ing. Two weehinge of butter were plenty for peeking or for hone nee; when wilting in churn, 1 Oz. per lb, is enough; when on worker oz. le plenty. Coloring le not in- lurAZ.114614111 gave an eddrees on corn and dater. Don't grow toe thick raddled° corn in hills both ways; torn tined anoedration, do not feed it alone; bran goes well, poise very good, earn situl bran, then add some mixed grain -pease, holey and oate.this nukes a splendid ratiOn. 010i*er 11 a belanead ration, ran be fed RI all deck and is very geed for hogst cut fine and mix wIth feed. Hada 6100 Will sei in pot and 000 boiling water On it and Additional Local News. , Muss or Rertron.-All the inmates who have been suffering from grip and severe colds are about recovered. Two new inmates Were admitted last week, in the persons of Mr and Mrs Isaac 'aVilson from Gorrie,, The services last Sunday were conducted by Rev. W. Howson, of Rattenbury St. church. TRH MARKETS. -Owing to the bad weather trade vvas light, but as the roads are better so business will im- prove for this week. The supply of dairy is getting larger, consequently the prices are dropping, eggs ruling at 12c. ta,13c.. and butter from 15c. tattle: there was lots ot wood coming in and prices remained on the high side. STA.RTED VOA lintiSELE. Victor French, late of the NEW ERA, who went out to Lacombe, N. *.T., a *ort while ago, has Started a panel of his own. He bought a plant in Winnipeg, and has located at a place called W.A. utaatrinkiownitno,nwhalteiha iz.ttsigaitutasot,edteleasethe Rockies. When here -he was found to be an excellent printer, and as he is in- dustrious and reliable will no doubt make Tote of money in this western country. We loin with his friends in hoping prosperity may abound with him. , liiteDostAtti MALE QUARTETTE. -The extra entertainment given in connect- ion with the Metropolitan Coulee on Tuesday evening was well attended, and was of superior excellence. These are the vocallate, with one exception, who formed the Laurier Quartette, and during the elections delighted Im- mense audiences all over Ontario. H. McDonald gape three solos which showed his baritone Wiled to perfection. N. Large hag irremarkably good tenor voice; J. Ct Lockhart and E. Gardiner, the other members of the four, aseisted ably, the former with a good tenor and the latter a good baritone.' The enter- tainment was thoroughly enjoyed. FANCY Drttcse Oahaerear..-The last carnival of the season will be held at the rink to night (Friday, Mar. loth). The last one proved such a success that the curlers hay* decided upon another together with • the return hockey Matti] between the married and single men of the dub. The getile will again be played with broom and it football and will afford as much fun as before, perhaps more, for the married men have promised their Wives to win this time. The teams are -Married -W, jitelreon, E. M. McLean, Tae. Fairs Dr. Agnew, W. P. Spalding 13. Gibbl nga and 3.1 W. Moore ;Singe -N. Fair, Dr. Holmes, Gardner, WI Row, T. T. Leckie, ne it Comb% F. Fair and W. 11. Rend. Splendid Mate are offered for the.costutnet Which may be seen In A yrnol• Skin Tonic A true skin food and natural beautifier • Removes Freckles and Tan and - cures Pannier Eruptions and E'acial Blem- ishes. Por sale by R. P. Reekie's Presoription Drug Store CLINTON. ee - Successor to Sydney Jackson. N.13.—Our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil IS the best, Large ho tiles 35e .54 W. D. Pair's window, and are as fol- lows ;-Best ladies' costume, grove and kerchief boxes: best gents', Oak* of silk-linedgloves ;comic, travelling cage; boy's, pair of cuff lanctons; girl's, toilet case. Those in costiame will have use af the ice until '8.30 after which the hockey match and 'at its close the pub- lic will be allowed to skate. • PORK PACKING} INDUSTRY.-A.publi -meeting was called on Wednesday by the Mayor at which there was a goodly, number presentto discuss the establish- , ment of a pork packing industry here._ Dr. Shaw acted as chairmanand H. B. Combe is secretary. `The majority of those attended were in favor of such a scheme, the meeting being addressed by D. Cantelon, C. 'Wallis, • 13, Fitzsi- mons, R. Clef!, T. Meson, A. J. Iloilo- •wa,y and J. Bell, who all apoke strong- ly advisieg a factory here. The fol- lowing was unanimously carried :- Moved by Dr. Blackall, seconded by D. . Dickinson, "that in the opinion of this meeting of the citizens of Clinton,- it would be advisable to establish a pork factory in the county of Huron, and that the town of Clinton is the Most desirable location in every respect, and that a committee be appointed to meet, the promoters of the scheme at a meet- ing tq be held at Carlow on the 1511i, to urge before thein the claims of Clin- ton." On motion. D. A. Forrester, D. Cantelonand O. johnston were ap- pointed a committee to form a dekgas doh to go to the organization meeting at Carlow. • • PORLic SCHOOL BOARD. --.The regn: ls,r monthly meetingfor March was held on Monday evening but business Was light, A few accounts were order- ed to be paid and several reporte were received. Principal W. R.Lough gave • his usual rep rrts for the past two naontbs:-"In January, boys enrolled 208; gals 172, total 880, average attend- ance,8111.; there are several claves in ihe bchool in which ot e halt of thtt pupils are ready for pr. motion but 'ale kept hack on account, nf the ireeeular. at tendance of ot hers, rnaki ilg it difficult to arrange t he r oios prpetit!, in fut- nrelhe at, endance xtill he ati import- ant factor in promr.tion.ard wh ne the • pupils are absent one•thirckof the time there will be no promotion. In Fels - emery the bny.s enrolled was 209, girls 171, total 300; at Easter the classes will be arranged; examinations will be ale - en and the primary department will be relieved to make room for beginners, . and who should start on April 15th, all , together," Inspector D. Robb speaks of Clinton School as one of the best in the inspectorate in every respect. He visited the schohl on the lOth, 20th and. 21st of February, and found all the rooms clean, warni,well ventilated and comfortable, the double windows havs ilig Made a couple rif the rooms much , more cornier. table, end, will save their price in fuel; there is no other school more satisfactory in point of heating and ventilation than Clinton's; the order: discipline, management and progress in all the rooms in the entire school are perfectly satisfactory, and the teaching staff, which Is also perfect, he wishes may remain, unbroken for many years; Mr Lough is a most con- seientions and careful principal and successful teacher; he knows of none better. Tiie. follovelno were the ex- 06A:its ordered to he aid:- Mr Yung, blut,wood, $13 78:W. Virheatley,_wood. $53; News -Record, $2.35: K T. Mcenzie, part awe an t, $1.50; Harland Bros., $1,25; H, Wiltse, 40c. Rev. Dr. Do.itiels. of Sarnia, bee rie,. eepted a deli tri RettliSt. 'Church, God- erich,' subject to the action of the Ste. tioning Committee. Intellectually he is a large man, but physically he is not, • The New e, • ew Watch skirkersfrintednic*A-AltrOrkerikedrkOrilrit • One hundred 'vent' ago watellet were thick balky effain ; to -day, the ' up-to-date watch* are model', in 'p- i pearanoe and time keeping qualities. • The mai Of it watch is to lonpr the aerloue barrier it onoe was. Ws have them for fettles, geetlitmeti Or boys, in geld; gold-filled, aNtr-eg., nickel cases at mines that Will sutt- , any pocket. We will be pleeried show you our,goods. 1666466.664666AulluAuP041144i A. JO thin. &water and Oltlelan. Suceetiot to le" Bidcllootialos mama