HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-08, Page 10,. •
l‘tarel) 1901
for .
Quality against quality you'll find the
everyday values of this big store equal to
the "extras" and "specials" of most others.
Our business policy is to place before our
customers everyday the very best values
that large buying powers and the ready
cash to buy with. nau_procure. That this
is a trade -winning policy and satisfactory
to our patrons is proved beyond question
by the steady increase in the volume of
our sales. We invite you to make com-
parisons at any time, are anxious to have
you test, us in anyway, and are .always
ready to buy back anything that for any
reason you are dissatisfied with.
New Cotton Wash Stuffs
Ginghanus, Prints, Allitslins
We, opened out this eek a large shipment of cotton. dress
materials of all kind. Never_have we been so well pleased
with our stock of these goods as we are with what we are nOw
showing. It's a stock, we may well be proud of, one We need
not be afraid to liave you -compare with any in stores many
times the size of this. The very latest .American novelties in
wash stuffs are represented in it and if you want to see what
is easily the -choicest and handsoMeSt lot of Muslins'l-inGghams
and P, ints ever shown in town you'll be ia to see these, No
need to buy unless you wish. " . • •
American Cinghami 10c Dainty MuSling
Nothing to beat them for Dainty dimities and fancy
wear and they'll keep their muslins in the most fashionable
color as long as there's a thread eolorings'and patterns, an as -
left. sortment that you will not find
Neat little checks in pink ant white, ' equalled outside of this store.
blue and white green and white Fancy manna in stripes and neat
very pretty patterns, enitab'e for figured andtioral ongue, all the
and assorted fancy combination,
popular colotinge as pink, old rose,
wralpers,eprons or ohildeens wear
, ,
greie eto excelsior designs
a beat a tely fast colors.... 10c and !,-qc
Fine Scotch Ginghams and Wide Pcrcale 18c
A dozen patterns in these The famous "Sea Island"
ever popular wash goods jpst Percale is one of the best sel,
opened this week. Tie new- ling wash fabrics in the States
est spring patterns and a little They are fine and strong, the
prettier than we have shown color never changes..
before. . Yard wide American Penal°, tanoy
stripier for bleturesin bine and white
Handsome designs.frin fine Soitch red and white black and white,
Ginghame, unequalled for their •
wearing quality%will make stylish • lave,nder ro3d white, patterns that'
waists or childsens eressee2Ont4 25e antiligg nonibver:ient:
ro'it'whfaena 18c
.More New Prints
Mora new prints came to hand this week. All arethe
-wide soft • Crum"make, the kind that gives the best satisfac-
tion. They ars worth seeing., • ,
600 yards new printe, the latest designs ehown, handsome patterns
able for blouses and wrappere • . 12ic
Two Wash Goods Specials
Two lines of wash goods that came to us under price
and are passed on to you the same way. .
American Percales 12iC Inte,rican Ginghams Cc -
200 yardsAmerioan [Warder all mill ends of American Gingham%
repinants, some handsome shirt small checks in bane and white,
waist patterns in fhb lot, alt the green and white and brown and
new shades, lengths of 2 , to 10 white,' absolutely fast "color% •
yards, any length you like at per lengths ot 2 to 10 yards,, mild by A..
yard liX•213 the piece only at per yard •
acetaufeeaue***-1444.114-Y-Otaultacatatelue strirVP44-26
3 Towel Bargains.
These towels are what are called "manufactur-
ers' seconds." There is a slight imperfection iii
the or finish. It does not affect the
wearing qualities at all but is enough to pre-,,
vent them being sold for perfect goods. We
bought the lot, over 500 pairs, at a liberal dis-
count and pass them on to you the same way.
120 Linen Huck Towels, good weight, 18x80 inches, hemmed end% red at
10C It
borders, on sale Friday at each.. .. .. •
200 Linen luck Towels, arm and heavy, large size, plain or colored ,•%*, -41
borders, a capital wearing and drying towel, on late Friday at 2 for Xati -«C
200 Linen Towels, fine strong and heavy huckabnek, large eize, will
give excellent wear, on este Friday at eaoh... ' 100
Handsome New Dress Materials 1
It's none too soon to select your new spring dress,, in fact it's
the best fine when you want to make your selection when the
stock is at its best. Even ifvou don't want to buy now you'll
be interested in seeing the new goods. They are here and
you are welcome to come and look them over at any time.
Just these few hints of the new things.
All wool Berge 80 indica wide, hard All wool granite oloth, and
aervitiable, make good Aids or full ..,A
dresses, in bleak only..4 • • • • • • • )le
Handsomer Broadcloths and Vane-
tian suiting% 64 incliner wide, will
makeetylish end dressy cootumeg, •
Very fashionable this aeaton, the
finest lot we have ever shown, no
two (*darner alike, all the popular
s ring shades, 4i yds to the Una
r ant • ... 1•2 to 05
and soft finish in red, navy, bit& c
44 inch all wool Henrietta, bright
silk finieh,very.popular for Wahine
shades of cardinal, red, etez...... *WC
Satin finished Venetian Clothe. 88 40
40 inches wide, all pure wool, one
of the moat fashionable fabrics for
opting, in Wawa, fortfiti, blues, old mei.
rose and hitteki « • ...«.90e and I tiVi
pr lig MI inery
Miss Doyle has spent the greater part of :the past two
weekaiin the Workroom, of the leading wholesale houseemaking
copies of Pattern. Rats and Bonnets. The bulk of early, milli-
my- is here and we are ready for early orders, • Date of for -
opening will bo announced later.
FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 1901.
„ (los a nee each insertion
cosh veld for batter end egge.4.W.MoCenS.
000kinit flee for 28e, now dates se
per pound. MoVAIrE,
pout* inner Twitenell's Great Marine sale
ot noote arid Shoes, Robbers, ete .now in pro-
NOTICE. -All Accounts due mo roust be
oottied at (moo and .ave cost.J. W. SRWIN
Sows *opt.
DEATH OF Mee REET),-On Wednes-
daY,.lianna muslin, relict of the late
David Reed, died at her home, Orange
Streetrat the age of 74 years and
months. She had been ailing for some
time, principally from grip. The fun-
eral takes place this (Fridaa ) afternoon
from the reeidence of her son-in-law,
B. Heiser, James St., to Ulinton eerne.
ts ry.
STEC= Wafrrittt.-.A. Peterson. who
has been employed with his drilling
apparatus at the Collegiate for some
time,. has struck water at a depth of
$8 feet. It will be remembered that
last fell a well was sunk to the west of
the building, but water failed to corne
after a depth of nearly 100 feet bad
been reamed. It was then Abandoned
and a new "site" on the east side W93
experitnented upon, and on Friday a
plentiful supply was obtained; the cost
of this well will be about $150, Mr
Peterson has removed the drill to 11.
B. Chant's, to operate for wa,er.
Goon Anvfox,-Here is a piece of
cc ni mon. tiense„which-one of nue taiwns-
sr en remarked while in our sanctum
ti e other dap. "Now that we are in
March, and winter will soon be over,
there will be a great deal cf sloppy
weather from the large amount of
snow, before spring comes in. The
sidewalks are always bad enough in
winter, and when the general thaw
sets in they are worse. If. everyone
v ould clean the snow'•off as it falls, we
'might have dry sidewalks within a few
weeks, while if kis allowed to remain
uniiIjt ,nielts the miseries of sloppy
walks will have to be endured perhaps
until the end cf April. Every person
shouldclean off his part, and henefitlhis
neighbor ag vvell Es himself,"
• ...RE biolc.-Zamong those who have
suffered frotn grip. was C. Maopher-
si n, who was confined to the house
last week. Mrs IV. (3. Searle has teen
laid up with a severe cold recently.
What proved serious enough for John
Lindsay, of the Huron road, wasat -dog
bite and its eselts; a few weeks ago,
while putting a collar on hie dog, he
unintentionally. stepped on its tail, and
received a bite in the eight wrist, from
which inflammation set in; it required
four insertions to open the hand and
let the matter from it; we are glad the
worst is over, wait was pretty sm ions
attimes. Our own soldier boy, Ben
'VVebb, has beep confined to the house
during the past few weeks- with a Se-
vere attack of grip. 'We are very sorry
to learn of the illness of twoof our' old
fr'ecid% James Stevens and Wm. Tip -
lady. Miss Myrtle,. daughter of John
Tiplady, is laid up with a severe attack
of rheumatism. Mrs C. C. Rance has
been confined to the house with rheu-
m a Hero but is now well again. S. Jack-
son and Bert Hovey are both around
again, after being laid up with colds.
Mrs J. McGarva has of. late been con -
fir el to the house with pleurisy. Jas.
Howson is also tine of those laid •up
w tro grip ; he is improving however.
IN Tan 800141, OntCLE.-Those who
had the honor of an invitation and
accepted by attending the "at home"
given by Mrs J. P. Tisdale on Wednes-
day evening pronounce it as the
function of theseason. It was given
at Stavely Hall and dancing was kept
up to a very early hour, the =laic be-
ing furnished by the London harpers.
Everything was carried out to the let-
ter,including. .the delicious lunch pro-
vided, which proved Mr and Mrs Tis-
dale to be a charming host and hostess.
The, ewer° about MO present, includ-
ing pinata from town, Visitors in town
and a niunbei from outside' places,
&Tong the in being Mr and Mrs /rep -
t -urn, of the Dominion .Bank, Miss
Armstrong (Whitby) SliesDickson,Mies
Jean Dickson and Mrs W. K. Pearce,
f Setforth, IL M. Pouseette,of Sarnia,
nd Dr.6 M. Turnbull, of Goderich.
A partyof Collegians spent -an enjoy-
able time al the home -of Geo. Middle-
ton on last Thinday evening ; games,
dancing and a tasty !trochee') was the
order of the program. Several sleigh
loads of merry young folks drove out
to the home of J. McEwen, 'con. 2,
Stanley, on Thursday night and spent
a most pleasant time a.t games and
dancing. The home of Wm. Sterling,
Ba,vfleld road,„ was where a jolly crowd
Item town were entertained on last
Friday night. A nuMbee of Young
folks were royally entertained by .Miss
Lila Miller ain last Friday night.
Charlie Tisdale gave an evening party
last Friday to his friends 4a, very plea-
sant time from 8 to 11 was spent in.
g suss and dancing,
SPORTING NoTES.-Six or (111;tOn's
checker players visited Brucetield on
brat Wednesday night week and met
With a victory winning by a score of
17 to 7. The return match was to be
Played on Thursday night of this Week.
The score and players were :-
OrANTON BittraseivtD. Won Lost Draw
Cook' Scott 8 2 , 1 ,
Shanahan Dalgatty ' 2
johnetonpf. Murdoch 8 2 1
Corbett McDougall 0 5.
dohnaton,H Grant 1 2 8
Hoover .8:rider 0 0' 0
17 . it
The Wingbarn ciirlers came down
With two rinks of curlers and played
the return match in the rink here on
Monday afternoon, The two rinks
were anxious to contest the same play.
ors as they were pitted against in
Wingban the previolis Wednesday
night but they were somewhat eherig.
ed The lee was in poor condition
owing to the thaw ; Clinton won by a
score of 27,,to 24 this time Oibbings'
rink had won with' Agnea's down
While u at Wingharn it was the re
'Verse. The players were ;--•
°tame; • WIrtaliAlt
Combe Dineley
Pair, N. • Sadler
Spalding Alderaort
Gib/nogg redo le McDonald - skip
• Gardiner, Stevenson
Porter Carmichael
Johnston Hole
Agnewskip 11 Griffin skip Th
• -
Total 24
-The "Argyle club" of town went to
Itensgft oin Tuesday evening to- play a
.hockey game with the team of that
place and won by a score of 7 to 1 after
a very exciting game t the players
Were I -Clinton -Geo, Twitchell, gold;
P. Matheson, point ; Shepperd
cover ; W. Whiteley, A. Minna, Ted.
Porrester and W. Arnistrong for
1 Hersiall-Got. at I
1 , Igo
point ; Reichert, cover'; ; Cameron,
McOloy, Kerr and Shinny' forwards;
R. Prewford, umpire ; .1, 0, Porrester,
i referee. TneedaY night was a- giiiind
one for the Meal curlirtg Matehes and
teveral Were played; Gibbiags' rink
defeated tirydonee by A scare of 20 to
4 and N. Pair's defeated Pelee by
„ig 4rigill tioroN 18 to 18, '
°y9 have the best goods is.what the business man
owes himself ;: to keep the people posted on
his excellent stock is what be owes to his
patrons,"—Trade Magazine.
We really try to prepare the very best goods on •
the market e available to ue, not always the
cheapest, but often so, and ,in every case as
cbetip as it is wore to go. We trust you will
agree with no in our opinion that there is a
price line below which it .10 pot prudent or '
money saving to go. It is this profitable med-
ium it bite always been our ambition to know,
and we think we are reasonably safe in stating
tbat we u ually attain it. It is this Wiriness
policy of ours which induces us to claim to be
Often the cheapest and ooneequently
Pliwaya.the hest. We try to let you know
it every week in this space that you,
may profit as well as ourselves.
Our announcement this week .
Is a quantity of small pictures, all famo-is,
' ittervaeroraigileg.sizTe haebepurtige1041LiacThebse,4usitraelilme many
left, eome are.gone.
•.,• • •
• The FAIR CO, onto.
“Oftertlicelimap-gstA,lwitys the Besk!!_,.-..,-----
otmptmpwk,....._._........___amam_....wyvwtmoytmwtmamot mm
NOTES.- John Smith represented peare club met at the home of Misses
Clinton Maple Leaf lodge at the C. 0, bombe last Friday evening; the pub -
N. high court held in Sarnia last woes, 'fret under discussion was Richard 111.
The school board meets on next Mon- The shipments dining the past week,
day evening, We have experienced our
first thavv 'this winter, D.R, Prior has hogs, 200 from Clinton,' 80 from Sea -
were t--5 carloads. containing over 500
recently secured the contracts for4 the forth and 177 from Blyth by Cante-
brick work of the Union school,houses Ion ad Wallis for Toronto ; one doub-
of Morris and Elullef Goder'ch town- le decker by R. Pitzsinions for Coiling -
ship and Hallett nd residences for M. wood ; about 8000 lbs of butter awl
Brotvn, Londesboro; Bently, West 1200 dozen of eggs by Cantelon Bros.,
Waviatuosti and J., Grainger, Hullett, for the eastern market. A sad acci-
Eiecirician, F. Barber, installed twen- dent occurred last Friday afternoon on
ty-three incandescent lights last week the G. W. R. about one and a half miles
in "Glebe View". the residence of S. §, north of Attwood station by which
Cooper, • The dog poisoner is still Wm. H. Wilson, track. foreman, and
around ; Charlie ;Macpherson's pet ter- Alex. Cuthbertson, trackman, were
rier "Joe" made its demise the other instantly killed; they,were running
day, froni,,this cause. An inconvience jigger, facing a snow storm, when the
to many especially the merchaots Were the engine with a snowplough ran in-
the.,electric lights being out, on Moe- to them with fatal results. Tuesday
day night, the cause being due to the and Wednesday were said to be the
smoke stack becoming separated, near coldest, weather we have 'experienced
the bottom -and shuttiiig off the draft, this winter; Wednesday morning
rendering it necessary to shut down ; the thermometer ,dropped down to 5
John Stevenson repaired the damage. 'degrees below. No. 3. Lucknow Co.,
Thehockey club is considerably weak- Bruce Regiment, has'just received a
er in strength than it was a few weeks new outfit consisting of 45 tunics ; it is
ago by the loss of a number* of the hest likely some new unifornis will also be
players ; Harold Steep, John Clarridge provided. in the Huron Reguneit.
and EC'Dayment who were on the team The cutting department in connection
have left town. Ceptious persons who with the work room of Jackson Bros.
think that $3 a day is too much for the clothing establishment has been en -
census enumerator should think of the larged, a stock room added and parti-
risk. theY will run ; among the. ques- thane put up by G. Barge ; it now
lions to be asked every woman in the more suitable and more convenient
house, is her true age. • Last Saturday ,than befo-fir.' Fred Brodeur, brother of
'three Clinton gunmen' indulged in a Meet+. D. McTaggart, was one of the
little shooting match at the gun club hockey team which played and defeat -
grounds more so to test a, .dis yr ed. the club of the Canadian seem re,
rifle than each one's shooting abilitiespt
was at 25 artificial birds with the fol- cently. Anson Dulmage, of Lake -
let, has been appointed a justice of the
peace for Huron county. With pne or
two exceptions snow fell every day
during the month of February.
R. Fowler, V. S., formerly of here, has
bought mit the practice of Vet. Gille,
lowing score :-J, g, Hoye 20 birds';
J. E. Cantelon 15 birds, Dr, Holmes
10 birds, Flatland Bros, are moving a
large' quantity of stock from' Sea. -
forth to Clinton and will commence a
big sale on March lath. The Shakes-
Great Doings
At our big sale of
$ .
Retail selling at wholesale prices. WhatAttors,
can you ask. Roora and money we must have and the
goods must go. We never had such lively selling ' in
footwear as we arehaving now, and Our numerous cue
towers were never quite as well satisfied with the lib-
eral way we are treating them -in all kind of first class
footyirear, When we bought the Jackson Bros, stock
not. disappointed. Of course we were never able to give
we expected it would go Out with a rush and we are
as good values as now. We can give you shoes at -'
have not 'se'cured your spring supply, it will
wholesale prices, and then make a profit, and if you
be to your interest to call and see what we are doing,
We have 30 paha only of Man's Heavy Laced Boors, which will Sell at
75o a pair, when this lot is gone we don't expect to have any more at thia
price, so come as soon as you see this, if you want a pair of them, or year
size will be gone. •
Ladies' Heavy Limed Bootedtbout 76, tieirc,ipet the kind for sprintwear,,,.. . ,... - ...
-Worth from '$1,25 to $1.50;Vie tmetherif all it one prion during this great
sale, only 95o, all sizes.
Extra speoials in Men's Fine Shoes,on Friday and SaturdaY•next•
, We will place on Bale abtatt 300 paira.of Men's Fine Shoes, at prices never
before heard of in this seeti011. This lot includes The Slater Shoe, and
apIrsiocer Best Boots. •
Don't mire; this opportunity to get a pair of Up-to-datehoote at wholesale
This offer will not likely be repeated after Saturday, March 9. :
Bargains in Woruen's Fine Buttoned or Laced Boots. In this line you'
will find .80111's Pine Boots, King Quality Boots, American
Boots, also the Empress and Sovereign Boots.
The best goods in the store at slaughter prices
for Friday and Saturday next only. , A
We find it impossible to give.prees--as-We have .80 . ..1
many lines. We are out for business and are getting
lots of it. Our Bargain Racks in lien's, Women's, ,
Boys' and Girls' Boots are being daily replenished
afford to miss this opportunity. Every pair we sell we --,
with values that even surprise ourselves. Never be-
fore have we offered such genuine bargains. Can you
• guarantee and SEM all rips free of charge. Please do
not ask for goods on approVal,you can have your mon-
ey back if, not satisfactory.
You are invited to attend when convenient the
greatest sale of First class Footwear ever attempted
• in the County. Let us smile on your couitenance.
We know, we can please you.
The Old Reliable,
The Store That Never Dissappoints
121143401. Skill
Clash and -One Pirice.:. 2 . •
Butter aud Eggs taken as Clash.
Ifr%,1.0&,01//111.41* 411411111,11M •
are those- nu s
• . • • 0.0111111. ,
• - -41P •
d11,...,.. ' • '4'1C,'",',
1101".• • You:are blowing
so .......
....... . .
7 -.noir •
4.- Kumfort Mitts, sold at 50c &pair, and without doubt the , :I:
0.-. .
N., ; best mitt for the money ever sold, They Area heavy . 4,
- r -ttzi:r
11111.1 •
„tt..v, :4
, •
and the' palm with muleskirt. . Toughest wearing. mitt
on the in.arket.' : , . , • ;:zr, ,
knit mitt, faced on th.e back With oil dressed sheepskin' F.7.7,
Kumfert Coats
Price 494.00 . - , , ..-4.
11111▪ 0".• ;`.. .1r. o.,-.
V, ,
faa••••• 0 ...es
• . . —map
. • .
Made from a heavy duck andlinecl with a heavy dark Frieze cloth, patent 4.
MA* '
1171:"' ' wool cuff attachment on sleeve. Gotten up in a D. B. Reefer style and made .---4:
E for men who have lots of teaming to do, warm as an ordinary Overcoat but :-..r.
N a
E not bulky or cluthsy. For use around the barn, for railway men; for team- -a
r: sters, for a working coat of any kind they cannot be equalled. '
, .
..— -0,..
OP..* . . . . ...op
Much About"
This was the question of a prominent Stanley farm- :2
er, on Monday morning last, who was after a pair of our
Duck Coats, Rubber Litte4., price4L50
11110.1' .
illi1.• o.4181,
ill."6 A 11 Ameri,can idearancl a good seller. Nade from strong heavy du.ok-. the '.-er .
tr-7 back .and front of coat being lined with rubber as tr,,as the waist, front ' :part a .
E of *sleeve also lined with tubber. Next thing to 0, • wAterproor- coat. For a _...4.
..c., woiking coat at. a loW. price they are hard to beat.
. ' "" ' • . . - .....
.0. •....,,
• :43
0 0 • .
• • STORE: • . . t0111—' ••