HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-08, Page 7THE CLINTON NEW ERA
March 8tli, 1901 :.c
)die 1Cew QliiztonJtore in
. $
Asks the citizens of Clinton and surrounding country to call and get
our prices on Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, etc., etc., etc. We, have; >
a few of the specials left as you will see below and will continue to sell„ them
at the special prices till • sold out, and have added a few more lines to be
cleared also at give-away prides which are dead _ snaps. We might say that
we thank the citizens for their large purchases during the past week Das our
great specials were a crowd bringer. The prices quoted below will be strictly
adhered to until our next issue.
Chenille Curtains.
We have a fewnice travel-
ler's samples in Chenille
Curtains, red, green, fawn,
32 inches, regular $8.60 for 2.49
Dania k Table Covers
6--4 Table overr,real heavy
weight, in three colors, .99
regular $1.50, for
6--4 Table Cover, something
really nice, regular $2.25, 1.50
83 yards 8-4 grey Sheeting,
heavy weight, regular 25c
yd., for .'Q
42 yards 8-•4 bleached Sheet-
ing, regular 35c yd., for.24
Mill Ends.
36 mill ends of Flannelettes
and Wrapperettes, 10 yds:.
in each piece, regular 85c '
for 10 yds. Choice while
' they last for .40.
10 yards I yard wide heavy
factory cotton .6 0
Table Linens
19 yards unbleached,a 1 pure
linen Table Cloth, regular .5 0
75c, fo7r'
22 yards red•and white Table r�
Linen, regular 70c yd., for .�78
18 y5.rds Table Linen, un-
bleaclled,iegular 28C for. - 0
6 red and white table cloths'
nice long fringe,large size,
regular $1.25, for.,..,,
4 only, pretty Table Covers
pink ,and- white border,
largesize, nice long fring= .
ed edges,regular $1.25,"for .. 9
12 only, 8x12 pure white lin-
en Table Cloths, nice neat
pattern, a bargain at
$2.25, for 1.48
12 doz. bleached Table .Nap-
kins,•nice size, pretty pat -
ern, regular 85c doz., for doz . 0
Towels and Towiing.
100 yards 18 inch Linen
Toweling, regular 12c for :0 7
89 yards 18 inch Linen
Toweling, regular 7c, for' .03
24 heavya
Cotton Towels, s,
018x41 regular 10c,' .5
4 dozen Turkish Towels.
large size, reg. 20c. each, pp
for 2. for .45
42 large. Linen. Towels 18x24 p
regular 15c each,now 3 ,for .2 5
Oilcloth and Linoleum.
26 yards 1 yar w e yy
Canadian Oilcloth, regu-
1ar28c, for. •••. ..•••• ■60
44 yards . Linoleum, nice
flower and plaid pattern;
heavy - weight, regular
$1.25. for - .�5
Ladies' Underwear.
14 suits Ladies' Underwear
regular 60c, each garmeht LV L5
Ladies Vests and Drrwers, 9
regular 35c each,choice for 1.1
22 Ladies' fleece -lined Vests,
regular 50ceach,cho, ;.e .3 5
White Spreads
9 only, nice neat pattern,•
White 'Spreads, regular
$1,1.5, for...
6 only, nice extra large
White Spreads, a -real
beauty, regular $1.40 for
Shirt Waists.
Just to hand a.beautiful blk
Shirt Waist, nice neat
pattern, regular $2 for...
2 dozen nice ShirtWaistsin
black, grey and navy,well
made, a bargain at $1,25..
.Men's Underwear
36 ieces Boy's Shirts and
ra erwool and fleece. W b fl C
lined a ul tr-4 c-eachfer---rA'0
8 suits only Men's all wool
Shirts and ,Drawers,stripe . 2
I n
'regular $2.00 suit for 1.5
32 pairs Men's Drawers,
heavy, wool,.ribhed, .snap
at 50c, your choice for.00
8 :suits only., very special
wool fleece Shirts and
Drawers, silk • trim tried,
nice dark pattern, regular nn
y$3.25 a suit, for •. L. - u
Men's Furnishings
6 dozen Men's Heavy Braces p
regular 20c pair,2 pairs for .2 5
14 onlygents top Shirts,nicd"-'
stripe flannelette, • white
band for collar, regular �+
$1.00 for .U5
80 pairs Men's wool sox, reg-
eg-.89 - lar 25e pair, for . 9
• Men's Clothinng,
1 0.0 Just received a nice line of
• Men's. Suits for spring
- from $34 to 10.00.
Rubber "Coats & Pants
7 onlyRubber her oats
'.SO . heavy. weight, regular 3 75•
$5.00, for ..... .. .
,42 pairs Men's heavy Pants n
.59 re gular 1.75 pair,for. 1.25
B $
Dress , Goods and linings:
we have a few great snaps in black and colored Dress Goods which were
not to- hand at the time; of going to print, but have just arrived and we are 0
going to make a clean sweep of them at Bargain Prices; also a line of linings in
all colors at 5c a yard.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash,
Great Sale of Cloths
Still going on --lots of bargains left
Extra inducements at this great 'sale of
I Pancakes
Course --'Au Extra
11eDonaId Male ,Quartette
town Hall, Tuesday, Mar. nth.
�1VJcKiunon & C�.o
Plan of reserve seats opens at W. D. Fair's on e
Monday Mar 4,at a.m.
Plan of reserve stats held exelusivoly for sub-
scribers on first day of opening, admi5siou 21c.,
reserve seats 300 r
Gonoral i o iorve seat sale oua following day, r
admission Min.—reserve 50.e•
Doors open at 7.15, entertainment „begins at
9;16 sharp
Tho Newcombe Piano awarded gold medal at
the Paris Exposition used . at these enterain-
ments. Sold by 0. Hoare,
Watmench u noxato wfollowosak',s papers ter dates of enter-
Corrected every Thursday afternoon,
Thureday, Maroh 8,1901,
Fall Wheat"0 G3 a 0 63
Oats":":.. 0 29 ' a . 0 30
Rae 0 40 a 0'46
Barley °G 0 88 a 0 40
Peas 0 67 a 0 60
Flour per owt 1 75 - 2 00 ,:
Butter, loose 15-16,p'k'd 0 15 . a 0 16
Eggs per doz 0 14. a. 0 15
Hay, - 8 00 .q 8 00
.Sheepskins ....;0 55 a 0 65
No. 1 Green trim. hides 5 50 a 6 00
Potatoes, 0 20 a 0 20
Chickens, per pair ..., 0 80 a 0 30
Dnoke, each 0 60 a 0 70
Geese, per ib .... 0 07 a 0 ( 8
Turkeys, per lb.... ,0.09 a 0 10
Pork, live 6 25 a . 6 25
Pork, dressed 7 60 a 8 00
short 2 26 a 2 25
Like the unfolding of a flower, you behold new beauty and dainti•
ness every day in our Mammoth Clash Store, New novelties and fashionable
fabrics are being shown in pleasing variety, and no matter how often you
come some new fabric will attract your attention and win your admiration.
Now is the time to study the trend of fashion for spring and eummer. Cor-
reot ideas can be learned to best advantage by frequent visite to this ,tore.
We are glad to have you come and will cheerfully show you anything you
wish to see.
Ask to see these goods next time you come,
New 1'rinte, in light and dark colors, 28 to 30 inohes wide, new pattern(t,
fast colors, regular 8o, for So,
New English Prints, wide width, soft flnieh,fast oolors,new floral designs
at loo and 12io. •
Printed sateen', wide width, soft &nieh, in black and colored grounds,
at 15o and 17o.
Colored Satanae, in new blue, royal purple and black and white grounds,
with fanny scroll, floral andpolka dot effeots, a '20o, 25o and 7o.
Golden Draperies, in all colors, at 100, 127jo and 15.i
Art Muslin, new patterns, bondered5 at So.
Blaok Brilliantine Lustres, bright ilflk finish, new. goose end best blacks,
38 to 44 imams wide, from 20o to 75o per yard.
New Homespun Suitinge, 56 inches wide, two t int f affects, a nioe range
of colors at. 90o
Blaok Poplins; 40 to 45 inches wide, floe oar 1, sui`e')Ie for mourning or
general wear, 5Qo and 75o. -
McKinnon d. Co. Blyth
Rides and Skirls I
We will pay the highest cash price for
Hides, Calf Skins, Horse Hides,
Sheep Skins and Tallow..
We will give the farmers more 'for their
hides and skins than they 'oan get any.
where. else. Bring your bides direct to the
store house. .
I. 0. S. Doan&Son.
%ecu Atha ertleemrats.
Who doesn't like rood buckwheat Oakes'
aad maple syrup? almost everybody does.
We've got.abnokwheat here, that beats
all either kinds in the market.
It makes the most tempting cakes, noth-
ing heavy or soggy or indigestible about
them, and after breakfast your stomach
doesn't feel as though it was trying to
digest a key of nails.
The name is Imperial Buokwh at, in
alk, and Hygienic in psokagee.
We have also Rye flour which makes
wonderful Johnny cakes, Yon don't know,
how good bi11 you've tried it.
Our Maple syrup in quart bottles is
'Xtra fine and just the thing for pancakes.
Roomers Wanted.
Fine furnished room', very comfortable, a
few initiates walk from the P. 0.Apply to
;,firch8-1f. 'NEW ERA.'
Wanted to Purchase.
Good c'inifortablehouse, ab6utn'ne or tai
rooms. Nice grounds and good locality de-
sired, ADDREus BOX 168. . March 8, tf
House for Sale.
Lot. number 031, Maple Street, Clinton,
owned and formerly occupied by Mr (Morass
trobertson is offered for sale ,.t a reasonable
price.' The house is commodious and in good
condition. For pa,ticulars aoply to
Clinton;Mar 6th, 1901. . W. BRYDONE.
SeedGrain for Sate
2 cars Seed Peas, ENO BUGS) from Owen
4,kinds choice Seed Oats, Barley, and Goose
A quantity of feeding Cdrn at . all times -
I sell for cash or Exchange for any kind of
Grain. In some cases from 2 to 9 months time
oan be bad if desired. Drive right to our ware
house .railway stearin. W.11: PERRIN.
Clinton March 51901.
Good farm for sale
Snbsoriber offers fermi() lot 27, con. 7, God
'rich township, containing 60 acres. There is
a comfortable dwelling house, barns. ' sheds
and other out buildings, .also an orchard, e
asrre wheat, 25 acres fall plowing. Will give
possession let of April if neeessar , #2000 mar
remain on mortgage if wished. Sfobool, post.
nice, store and blacksmith shop, within n
mile. Apply 'toJ. MAIIQUIS, Porters Hill.
.At oneo-20 good sewing girls.
Mar. 1-tf. • - Clinton, Ont.
Servant Wanted -
A good general servant wanted at once.
Apply to MRS' W.FOSTIiiR,Albertstreetnorth.
March 1 -.tr`' . Clinton.
Farm For Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale the
19, con. 9, Hallett, containing
acres cleared, good bearing or
water, ossession given after h
ast half of lot
acres, about 40
ard, plenty of
p vest.
March 1-2. W.;G. Pope, Clinton.
Great Clearing Sale
of meu's, women's and children's boas,
shoes, and rubbers is new in progress and
will.continuo-tor_ the next silty days, dur-
ing which time tremendous bargains will
be offered. Come and see for yourselves,
The following will giveyon some idea
of the bargains in store for yon.
Men's Fine Dongnla Lace and Gaiters $1.25
Men's Box Calf Lace and Gaiters...41.75
Men's Rubbers 490 and upwards
Youths' and Boys' Suits - Bove' Rubbers ult and and up
AfJ B CS,ROh:ERY Women's Fine Lace and Button 76e sad up
Women's Rubbere35c and upwards
O'NeilMissea'Laoe and Bntton..90o and upwards
children's Lace and Batton .. 6ito and up.
Saturday- u rd ate- M C► rn i n g .next • Successor to � Infante Lace and Button 25o and upwards
Frank metals • GROCER A fall list of the snaps we are offering
, Goods promptly dellvereo - -• • • Telephone 48 will appear in next week's issue...4,---- .,y...
and continues until we clear out the whole stock, consisting
ol 300 Men's Suits, 200 Boys', 50 Youths', 250 pairs Men's Pants,
100 pairs of Boys', 50 Odd Coats, all sizes ; 200 Odd Vests and
100 Hnicker Suits,
These Goods will be sold at prices that have never
before been offered in this county,
- Our great sale of clothing is still in full blast. On Saturday morning next we come
mence to slaughter our stock of overcoats, odd coats, vests and pante, tremendous bargains
will be offered in every line of clothing. Special invitation to• our country customers to be
it our store on Saturday next,.
Having been in businessto for close on half a century i11 Clinton have decided to v
my old patrons and the public generally a real bargain sale.
I have the largest stock of Clothing in town—well bought for Cash.
The prices at the opening of this'salo and until everything is sold will be cut - clean in-
An invitation is extended to everyone to attend this sale, for we will make it very inter.
aiding to all buyers of Clothing.
It 1s unnecessary to eluate prices here as all wilt he sold at on HALF regular" prices,
T. Jackson, Sr
If you want New Shoes
Fred T. Jackson,
Dealer in all kinds of Footwear.
A oordial invitation is extended to everybody to call and inspect our geode and price'
We have a very ohoice(eeleotion of special lines, fresh from the palms, up-to•date in
every respect.
' Our line ol MEN'S SHOES are superior to any ever
sold in Clinton, in style, in material, in workmanship.
Our lines of LADIES'JMISSES' and CHILDREN'S are
models of the highest skill in shoe building.
SHOES FOR BOYS have received special attention,
and our lines cannot be equalled for durability.
Our terms, Ore altrlctllyr' cash. We guarantee satisfaction or your
money back. BUTTE tins OGS will be taken as Dash, and when the value
of either article offered exceeds the amount of the purchase, we will pay the
difference kr cash.
Beaver Block,door store Is in' the next door to
Grigg's Famous Jewellery establishment. -
uepiog Hardware
arland 8r
Have purchased the
extensive Hardware
Stock of
Ata /ow rate on the
And now intend to give their.cust9mers the benefit of their
pnrchaso, by giving their g )ods at about wholesale prices.
The stock is a very heavy one and we are taking part of it
over to our Clinton. store, and will open up our big bargain..
aturday, March 16th.
Look out for bargains
Special list of prices given next week
Harland Bros.
We see making a genaine reduction in
A. J. M0RRIsII our We ar all wool, doable-breaeted'stn 1*
collar wool lined Frieze IIlstere with
slash pockets, It will pay you to see them.
A line of All -Wool SUITS, with
$ouble•breeeted coat, worth $10, 8
for .
for anything in the
Heavy all -wool Frieze Pee Jackets
fur .0ii Wir
Scotch Tweed Suits that - were in 20
$18 and $19, t0 order for....
W. L. OUIM1TTE, Londesboro
Half the world drinks tea. It is an im-
portant food auxiliary.
It has a mild, stimulating influenoe on
the brain and is a worthy drink for good
Oar "Myrtle" Japan at 80o a pound
beats any tea yon ever heard of inthis °pari
of Canada,
We nave talked rather strong about this
ktpeaa,said it beat half the tea that you have
bbsn raying 400 or 50o for per pound.
Oar talk induced many ° people to duly+
they were timid at first, bought a' pound,
just to try it, yon know.
In the vagi majority of oases people came
back for this tea,and they are coining Still,
Towle admit that ani the beat proof that
the tea is good. .
Try it, and`we think you* Aid _,olitivale
10 pieoe set, beautiful $eoorsted, in
blue, brown, pink, maroonor green, large
eizo,basin and ewer, per Bet #2,$2.50, $8.50
and $4.50.
Dinner Sets
97 pieoes, decorated in brown, bine or
green at $5, $6,50, $8, $lpand $12, .
Cups and Saucers
White, heavy stone china OW.
BIue, semi poroelain $1.00
English China, white with gold sprig
and barred ;1.25.
Granite, Ironware
It doea'nt pay to buy tinware, it is teen
rusty, leaky ancbnseless. We Oen sellou
granite, Ironware at priciest very little hih.
er than you have been paying for tin, then
youhave something that *neva satialae-
We want your trade
We will iseee you. get lloneet merehandlae
at low prioes and will pay you, MOWprices for butter and egg*.
W. L. OniitEt ''E, Iondesbo o,