HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-08, Page 3• I THE OLINTOg NEW ERA 1, • This picture is the trade mark of SCOTT'S UMULSION, and is on• every bottle of SCOW'S 1VITTI.4- SION in the World, whicll now amounts to many millions yearly. This great bushiess has grown to such vast proportions, ' tisii—the- FirstpBea The London Et Western Trusts *Co. LIMITED. Fourth Annual Meeting. The Fotuth Annual General Bleating of the Shareholders of the Company WAR held et the offices of the ComPany on Thursday, the 21st of February, 1001.- Aneong those present were:—Messrs G. O. Gibbons, K. C., M. D. Frasee, R, W. Puddiennabe, Geo. Monterieff, K. 0„ R. Shaw -Wood, Thomas Beattie, John Labatt, G. F, Jewell, lie O. Fl. Smallman, T. G. Meredith. The President, Mr Gibbons, haying Won the ehair, the Manager, Mr John Kilgour, Was appointed secretary of this meeting. FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT. In submitting their Pourtis Annual lteporb, the Directors have seal reason to congratulate the Stockholders upon the steady progress of the Company. The nut earnings for the year !nave been a little over six and one-half per cent, on the paid up es:WA and after;PaYment of the usual dividend of four percent. per annuM, there has been an addition to the Rest Account of $2,709.00, bringing it up to $11,128.00 The company continues to have the confidence of the Testators, and the Trusta of tho Cone maw show a gradually increasing volume, it having at theend,ofithe year estates to the value of over $500,000.00 remaining in its care titter distributlizeduring the year a large amount to Renee.. Markle Since the first of the present year the Company has received an unusually large nuMber cif new Exeentorships,and it is confidentially expected that the bu.siness of the current year will, be considerably ina,lvuueeof any in the history of the Company. The mensbei a of thepEteard are giving its affairs constant attention,and we think they can appeal 'with oonlidence to all who have done business with the Company to speak well of its adniinistra- tion. ••Tho investments of the Company have been finch that no losses whatever have so far been incurred, and it will be the effort of the Board tocontinue this geed result. Your Directors desire to bear testimony to the faithfuland efficient services of their Manager and staff. • The Books and Vouchers have been anditea, and a certificate is attached to the report. All of which is respeotfully submitted, ' - GEORGE O. GIBBONS, President. London, letFebruary, 1901. • - STATEMENT AS AT 81st DECEMBER, 1000% Ameba. Cr. To the Shareholders: . lOash Value of Investments '' ..$108,,L86 ,102 -0apitirl-Stbelt=Atfaliiiiinlild)UW..:—.?:$1-60,6.60-e; Stxsfjll1,1ars:I;-' 7; 7'.;“ ' " ' '' ":“ • ',111: 66 • i Dividend No.0, due 2nd Jan., la . - 2, 00 ' Ball/Tint .credit Profit andul. 000 Dr. have always been most careful in 11,12681 selecting the various ingredients • $118,128 81 used in its composition, namely; the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the, purest Hypophosphites. Second: -Because they have, s� skillfully combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. Third: -Because it has made si:4 Many sickly, delicate children strong and healthy, given health and rosy cheeks to so many pale, •anaemic, girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, so -many thousands in the first stages of Consumption. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. noise & BOWIE, Chemists, Toronto. ' socand pimp; all druggist,. TOWN TOPICS. • Let us not forget to remind New York that in tbe twentieth century idle is still riding in horse cars. --:Cleveland Plain Dealer. . • The dome of the statehouse in Boston has taken on a new cot of yellow. It is as handsome as a molasses candy. wag- n.—New Orleans Picaynne.• • Pittsburg has had fl case of a patient' dying in the street; but has not yet reach- ed New Yilik's record for killing them in .the hospieals.—Pittsburg Press. • • • .. Memphis has a larger population DOW thatii'Nevr 'York had a century age.A eentairy hence Memphis proposes to have a larger population than New York has now.—Memphis Commercial Appeal. - New York is not the only city in the. 'United States In need of better govern- ment. According to prominent residents bf lehiladelphia the City of Brotherly. Love Is In as bad .a plight as gay and wicked Gotham.—Baltimore Sun.. . Last year PhiliNielphia spent over. 000.000 in street improvements and has just appropriated $1,000.0011 more • for. the purpose. When the people or • St. Louis are ready to fare the Cost, a similar advance can be made here. JEWELRY JOTTINGS. Barrettes afford a pleasing variatioD in heir clasps. The long and large, open, oval suttees seem decided favorites. '1114. latest long chain for muffs and lorgnettes takes on a more massive char. .acter with enavieled plaques alternating with chain. Tiniest gold or silver mesh purses, which can hold at most two silver dimes, •are among triukets that may be attached 'to the chain. grain purses seem to cap the very pinnacle of fashion. The long, old fash- toned knitted purses, with gold slip rings. and tassels of gold or stones, are the latest departure in this line. In ornamental buttons Russian enamel plays an important part. V ery beautk ful sets of six buttons are provided. as are others In silver or gilt of antique or "new art" styles. .Kidneys. The worst thing a painter has to cons • tend with ie the true pentine. The lead, ef !spume, ba.d too. • But the turpentine cuts the kidneys, ins $11B,123 86 , PBOFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Cr. • To Charges Ambount iaziluding &der- By Balanee brought forward.........8 8,418 00 ies,Advertiemg an Travelling Ex. By Profits reoeived, includinenterest pe sea.. ... . . ' . , . . $ 2,086 08 paid. • 7,022 86, To Costs of Investing, Ag.ents' aril, By Interest earned and not paid,.....,1,838 98 missions, etc, 60 00 To Dividend No. 5, paid iird July, 19002,000 00 To Dividend No. 6, payable 2nd an 1901. . . . . 121:00°143 00 To Balance 111 . . • 617,269 84 • lug a JOHN B. KILOO'US, Manager We hereby certify that we have audited the Booksfand Accounts of The London and Western Trusts Company,Limitecl,for the year ending Deg.81,1900,and find them correct and in accordance order. above Statemm ents. We have also examined the Company's securities, and find them in rd • , 4 GEO. F. JEWELL. F. O. A., Auditors . ......:. • . ALPRED A. BOOKER, . London, Ont.; January 817901, , The I resident,-ininovIng the adoption of the Report, said :-- • ' • About four years ago tele Company was started because it was felt that there ought to be an institution of the kind in Western Ontario (of which London ie tho natural centre), having on its Bourd a Directorate.whd were familiar with the localities fronewhich its business was to be drawn, :and who could therefore intelligently deal with the trusts which came into their bands. Every effort was then made to unite all interests se as to build up a strong Company • Your Board has since worked to place the Company on a sure foundation, so as to a eqnire and be able to maintain the good -will of those whose businese is entrusted to it, and, we believe, with a. large measure Of success. ' ' • 'Many of our friends have been urging us to build or acquire more commod- ious offices, and to launch out somewhat faster than we have been doing, but the feeling of the majority has been thatwhereas it is desirable to acquire better peemises, it was wiser to be certain of our positiop before incurring greater expenses.. • We trust that before the end of the current year your Boat d will be justi- fied inmaking the move so long la contemplation; in factewe belive that soon the growth of the business vvill force us to do so. • ' The Board are under great obligation to the various solicitors who have so constantly supported the Company. The business entrusted to us has been greatly in excess of our aeticipationse and never in the history of the Company were prospects ea bright as now. Mr John Labatt, 1st Vice -President, seconded theadoption of tbe report. A. Vote of tharks to the President was unanimously carried, and a resolu- tion was passed bearing testimony to tbe efficient services of the manager. . The following Directors were elected:— PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENTS ' Geo. O. Gibbons, Esq., K.O. John Labatt, Esq. • " • • . Geo. Ildoncrieff, Esse; K.C., Petrolea. • • • •DIRECTORS •• • ,re• don. • John McClary, Esq., London. Thos. Smallman, Esq., London. W. El: Bovslbee Esq.. Oe Berlin. John McLean, Eq., St. Thomas. Hon. J. T. Gaerow,.K.O., Gioderich. . Iohn Idingtore Esq., X. 0? Stratford. Geo. B. klarris, Esq., London, D. Milne, E Geo. Robinson, Esq., London. T. G. Meredith, Esq, London. Daniel Regan, Esq, London,. M. D. Fraser, Esq.:London. R. W. Paddiconebe, Esq., Lon Robb, Vox, Esq, Londou. J. H. Nelles, Esq., Woodstock , Sarnia. • • . •GOANN ON THE FEET.' ' Ellow *They Are Vormed rind Mow .77*-11.1iey sliervid Be. -Treated. A corn' is an overgrowth of the horny toyer of some portion of the skin of the foot induced by friction or undue •pres- eine in one spot by the' shoe. It is situ- ated, generally on a prominent portion of one of the toes', more commonly the little • toe, but may be on the sole of the foot or • even on the anklebone. • • If begins by an inerease in size of the. papillm in the deeper •part of the stars and induces au increase in the ptoduetion of the scarf skin, or horny layer. Tile scarf skin soon • becomes • inordinately• - thick and, the' pressure _from the shoe continuing, Is pushed back against the enlarged piipillte, causing their final etre- pbse This formation of a cern affords a curls oue illustration of the defeat of nature's well meant efforts to prevent trouble, for the increased thickness of the horriy lay - 1 it da to afford protection to the et s en e .enlarged and tender papalm, a purpose evhich would. be well accomplished 'did thee process stop there. But •the "frietion by the shoe keeire• the•irrita•tion, and more and more of the horny covering is manufactured until instead of affording protection it is aetually the cause of sal the pain. After a time :the spot where the corn is seems to acesleettLla4, habit, and. the formation of the coin will go on eveo after the offeading • shoe has been dis- carded. The flrist thing to do for e corn is to get new shoes that are eo snug aft not to nib the foot anywhere and so loose as not to make pressure in one spot more then in Mr Arthur Nixon, aged 00. and bre witei •aged 67, died on Sunday at thelr home in Bolin. zemoolietSIIVIM cons ALL YOUR pa1115 WITH " AM.dicInSCb.8th5llself. gimpta, gati and quick Cur, for DRA8PS,DIARGII0EA, COUGHS, COLDS, RIIEUMATIAMI NEURALGIA. 25 and BO cent NOttiee. SEWAR g OF !NOTATIONS. ItUY ONLY THE GENUINE. - PERRY DAVIS' isaelleternitelatelleallatiterenatieneeneveree We give a nsalsome Watch with polished Nickel cale.ornamented gip. hour, minute and second hands, keyless wind, American lawerMeventent.forsell. ingonly2doadaintygold and Enver ll ulahed , Horseshoe Plus st 100; each. Mall this advertise. nsint and we'll eendtbe Horse. oboes. Bell them,return money and your Watch will he sent iv, absolutely fret,. The • **census 1,7 Toronto: st Dotter without a Stomach than with one that's got a censtant 1 hurt" to it, Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate the digestive organs. Let one enjoy dais good things of life and leave bad effects—Carry them with yen in youre -vestpocket-sdo in box, 3$ cents. --48 Sold by J., E. Hovey. druggist, Clinton, • The Event of the Season. • Thursday, Feb. 21st, 1901. The erbwd is out, and down are both the team, Tbat (Feeley came toad at first did seem; As eager to be gone, as those who rode behind In the 14.$g sleigh. -" There inthe road they. 'are, The Brucefield lights are seen afar. And all the crowd is shivering in' the Wind. Oh fortunate, Oh happy day, When a big eleigh.load starts sway Erom C. 0. X., to spend the eight; In making fun with main and might. The long, steep hills they slowly climb, . The heavy drifts keep back the sleigh; The stare were shining clear and bright As the load went South, that Thursday *let. The boys work hard to get the horses free, But failing Ole, they trend to gee If from a farm -house, dark as night. Help could De got, and happy are they, When they see, not far away. ' Adown those roads so full of snow, . A farmer oomingwith a light. e '1110 homes freed, they orgenize A party, led for a el:uprise: 0 And treoping to the eioutre they go', in spite of etiquette end ;mow. The farmer to the barn then dies, And hitching up hie team, he Mee.— "Come one, come all, both great ma • • 'PM drive you to your dancing hallee email, . Helf pea eleven tbey arrive Around the house, none seem alive. flames and Weaken* another. . „ _ . . But tensing them with sismit and yell with shout T e MO of the corn may be pared with noir story of mishaps they toil. these inakes the I r. relate knife, extreme care being taken, , paint:ea life adam. especially in the ease of the aged, not 'to eeemae who m •atiIw• hak gerous and trouble. cut the sound skin, or it may be filed mile saeo' e war; :tilltkia Iwitnderr 44 When a painter's backaches, ite y deewn to the level of the s surrounding Tho' Albert vent fl ing with is /Rt. • south 011er . .. .. . .ne e. time fere him to begiatreatingumegio .skin, Or tne entire corn maY °meth:ties be deed eneost bind o la, • • . Nts ICIDN 37 tonnee. loosened with a deli knife blade, Or by • Gritirge had a pro lem hard to solve, the finger nail and extracted from its Till acme one made suggestion— DOA PILLS bed. • Hon. Sydney Fisher has returned to Ottawa from Washington,, Where he interviewed the authorities ot the United States Agricultural Depart- ment in regard to the withdrawal of the tuberculin test Trona Canadian cat- tle, it is believed his mission was sues ceestul. • . . Pas R. guare.ntee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than may. 'other. Put top only in 25c. tin boxes and $L00 yard rolls. The latter allows You to cut the Piaster, any size. . • Every family should have one readyiey an enter-. gouty. •• • & LAViiiiiiiCe CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL Beware of imitations •The marine engineers have !declared a strike which will affect about 1,800 engineers on the great lakee. The eause is a dispute with the Lake Car- riers' Aesociation as to additional help for engineers on steamers. ' • • Doses Pills cure backathe, sideaohe, eoanty, cloudy, thick and highly colored urine, diabetes, dropsy, mid all tronblee arising from weak conditions of the kid - March 8,0th, 19P' A deputation of Canadian importer of American coal oil waited, Open S Wilfrid Lam ler, Mr Terte,Mr Fietcletiff and Mr Paterson and asked to have oal oll placed on the flee list. A. British punitive expedition in the Somali conntry was attacked. by na- tives, and 17 men killed. Tbe Somalis. were beaten off with 150 men killed. , Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills oure nervousnesseeleepleseness, nervous prostree tration, palpitation of the heart, faint and dizzy spells, shortness •of breatb, and all troubled arising from% ruu-down eystetn. Fred. Pegg,a -London. Ont., boy, stole, $150 front a Chinaulan and went ea Detroit, When arrested he had seseet nearly all the motley. Plain puddings arid mince pier iteti 'hem bad effect ripen .the small boy -eh; over indulge in them, • Pain-Eiller as a household medicine for all such ills is un- equalled. Avoid substitutes, there'd bat one Pain -Hiller, perry Davis', 25c.and Gad. Herr Bueb, a member of tbe Gfernien Reichstag, has been sentenced to three months an pal on a charge of lee ina- jestee ,s wino That be should place the Mini* sign be. ettM fiat them up ---take outtheinfiamsnation . When thi t be done, iemoval foe . may be facilittded by moistening the Then,' an easy qttion. sera congcstiOn, gives ease JO the aching - corn every ether any with Medal, acetic Mellor , lifautlot though heeeenter Mr. I. Ellat1606, the well-known painter acid, the softened part being subsequent- Wben teeere, was heard to say, "Great -back. _ •and decorator, so Oidord St., Toronto, ly scraped avey with h dill knife or a Boat,' Ont.) saidi About eight weeks ago I was =tall ale. A salve containing sitheylle If sot pririiiired with tee jewel 'taken with an excrOclatinft Pali% loolYbi•ok acid Applied every eight will ale° fre• To stay in Batieedield ig ourha." enreeehe kidtleye. It was so had thatZNly quently loosen the corn so that le can be Ells was bee% tarrenkly MY, 1071foltad to apply hot cloths tili the doctor pulled out. This is the basis of many of And every one believed b— eanie and gave me morphine. thespopular corn Plasters. "That nothing wee like di big boh•eleigh, Me said the troupe was due to astute A soft corn, which is Merabt a COM Ina is good fan Iwo within it., passing from the kidmiy to the bO4clert, 'that is always -Moist on acceunt ef Its But 'Edith thought that Ind 000 .Noll Ian My water was loaded With a & dust location on the inter lineage of one of de osit and scalded on passings 0 the took should be treated; by keeping a Ile io this condition I heard on:Mans Wee of absorbent eettela between the 'Kidney Pills and startedtaking them. toes so as to prevent maceration and by it was nowt*. before I gotrelief,frem bathing it erequently with. strong Otani ,11.0.111 and have beenimProvIng in healthever water. since. My Urine la SOW deaf and,does not smart Ins, and I feel better than in yes40.• The steamer Mamas recently col- lided with and Sank an unknown learner near *statnouth, Enalana4 A GiestBailder.-- The D. & L. Eine+. sen of Cod Liver Oil is: a great builder, rt Mont real the floattng of the new give weight, weight, adde health)? flesh, ?snd over- comes any downward tendency of health. Davie ee Lawrence co., ma, makers. Solicitor -General Fitzpatrioli has given notice of the introduction of his to,, secure uniform conditione in Policies Of fire insurance. „rwm•A EIYIIJLSION • •••••*••••ww•wa toNgindirrIoN and an LING DisEaSE0, • nielieriNO or moors, cotton, ions ..triengrize, roinramy.the benefits or met article are most manifest. By the ald of The D. L. Emulslen, i have gotten rld of a hacking cough which had troubled me for over a year, and tjave gained consider- ably In weight. WINGHelf,, C.E., Montreal, See. mad St per Mottle DAVIS & LAWRENCE Co., Limited, lilosraarm. The coroner's jury at Havelock re- turned verdicb of murder. against Sharpe for the shooting of Wm. Hull. • Itching, Downing, Skin Din - Oases Owed for Thirty-five Cents, -;--Dr. Agnew's Ointment reiieves in one day, and cures Titter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch', Ulcers, Blotches and all eruptions of the skin, It is soothing and quieting and acts like magio' in tke cure of all babyhumors. 35c.--47 BOW by J. E. Hovey, druggist, The residents of McGregor. Man., have unanimously passed a resolutron 00ndemning the proposed railway deal. STRON4 At VIGOROUS. pery Organ af. the Body Toned up and Inrigorated by %bp P. moyees, King let. „ Deem, Ont., .says: "I offered for five years with palpitation, shortness of breath, sleeplessness and peke The heart, but one box of Ifilbure's Heart and Nerve Pills completely' removed' all these die- tresslog symptoms. I have not suffered einee taking them, and now sleep well and feel strong and eige...olis." . Milburn Heart Act Nerve Pills cure *11 diseases seedeg from weak heart, worn out nerve tissues, or watery bleed. The Chingse Court has decided to return to Pekin in March, and the repair of the palaces leas been order- ed. ' • " • The President a Slave 10 Ilatarrh.—D. T. Sample, president of Sample' a Instalment Company.Washington. Pa., writes : "For years I was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and treatment by specialists only gave me temporary relief until I was induced to use Die Agneves Ceti:label Powder, It gave almost instant relief, 50 cents. --49 ' • Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist, -Clinton The Montreal Council has decided to rlace in the hands of the Bank of ' 500,000 loan. ' • WM:MING 24 HOURS A DAY. • • „There's do rest for those tireless hale Fiftyerninere5 nearly all foreignerpe workers Dr. King's New Life Polis lost their lives in a fire in the Diamond'MtIt coal tune near Kernmer, Croups, coughs and colds are all quickly cured by P'yny•Balsare. It lament§ the cougn almost instantly, mid rives readile the most otatinate cold. Manutactured by the proprietors of Perry Daxis'Pain-Killer. , The powers have decided against the proposal of Prince George to • annex Crete to Greece. . ' PAIN 111U8T 00. , ' ions are always buoy; curing Torpid Liver, 'Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever ana Ague. They bernsh Sick Headache, drieliont Ma - Islets. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wondere. 'Try tfrein. 25 tents at all dauggiete. - The French garrison of 100 at Tuni- rnotm, Algeria, was attacked by a thOusand riative learabos, Three offi- cers and six men wounded. The natives wererepulsed, with one hun- dred' killed arid about the stone. nllial- bet Wounded. Where Poisoner Nerviline ie osea. Com- • ' poged by the moot powerful pain•subdrunc A. HORRIBLE OUTBREAIL • remedies known. • Nerviline cannel fail tet • "Of large sores on my little daughter's • give prompt relief in rbeumatism, neural- gia, cremes, pain in the back and side, and the boat of painful affections, internal and external,arieing from inflammatory action. . ILRXR-LIVER P41111 1:122:11.74111!;k sot mum, naturelty on the gyst0r4` 406.ting owty a bile and effete :Inter's'. Constipation, biliortineas, astspepos, sisk headtehe, heartburn, *Matt/oh-AU att. about When ihq rtiS). $41,11 ". • , `r Was better than the two, And everyone agreed with her, i the PhiAlippine Islands. Even though merle were hal Of snow 1 .13.11C`"billichly8bluebaenaadlledttiaterheetiltinug, Itn were " And osta that that was true; , • And the 'horsed were So laZy. Yohn thought flower° there aia grow, When coming home Jost one cave' a BOLItiotgligetitel464twithiqr And bade got out to pluck * Dtary TO iseg the eleigbload‘jollyi . • GOLD:114tgor=estnt,g. When lett by sporty Wallv. an.E.04„,„1„tow,Ardo, t to • head developed into a case of scald bead writes C. Li Isbill,eof Margenton, Tenn., but Breeden's Armee. Salve completely ourea her • It's 6 guaranteed onre for • A bottle of Nervalane will gave efficient Eczema,. 'Tatter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, proof of its superiority over every known Soros, Ulcers and Piles: Only 25.3 at ell remedy. Try liFerviiind. Large bottles 25o. druggists. . c Druggists sell it, quake are res A violent snowstorm ttccompenied Violent shocks Of earth ported fronat St. Joseph, Mich. .by a heavy gale swept over Halifax, dringegreat damage. The roof of the • The resignation of the Spanish Min- grand stand at the Exhibition grounds istery has been plated in the QUeeti Was blown- offeeande nieces - of timber Regent's hande.* ' were carried six hundred yards.t • The popular view of the relation ot the • STRIK118 Iti°11 FIND' e blood to human character end conduot ie iiI was trouble for stovers' yeara with method in many e familiar expreseion. .ohronie indigestion and nervous debility," We speak ofr there being "bad blood" as in' writes F. I. Green, of Lanoaeter. N. H., deleting ancestry, or "black blood" tte des- "No remedy helped me until I began aging eribing a teeseherouts restore, and in many Eleotrio Bitters, whioh did me more gocd another phew remark our belief that in than all the medicines I ever 'used. They the 'mental, morel and pbysioal then "the have also kept nay wife in excellent health blood is the life." The otte bads ot is for Yeere• She save Electric Bitters are healthful, happy and useful life is pure jute splendid for female troubles; that they blood. With the blood putt!, disease hes aye is grand tonic, and invigorator for weak 'no permanent lodging place in the system. run down women. No other medicine can For this reason the tee Of Die leierotee 'take its place in our family." Try them. Golden Medical Discovery ride the body Ouly 50o. Satisfaction guaranteedby. fill of disease which have their origin in impure druggiste; ity of the blood, It absolutely purifies the ,blood, parrying Off the melte and poiscelone The formation of the Ottnaditte Seib - matter, inoreasing the action of the blood. CoMPeein Whose application for ,in making glands, and building up the body corporation appertes in The Canada by supplying the blood in quantity and Gazett e, is one of the Preliminary quality such as is essential to is condition Steps in a movement to Control the of bealth„" It° antes nine.eight people oat of salt Output in Canada.. • every hundred who give it is fair trial. NIGHT WAS MIR TERROR. . . Itinderpest is *aid to be prevalent in "I would weigh nearly ails -night ' longe What is `e e‘ "s'e eeeseeeNee:eeeeeee, • .\ \es, ei / • m,•,:s.•,K%:\ ' ‘,:k.,\„"kk,, e:eee.es , Otstoria is for Infants and •Children. ()Astoria is a • harmless substitute for Castor Coil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Norphine nor. other Nar cotie SUbstauce, It Is rleattaut. its guarantee. is 'thirty years* use by Millions or • Mothers. Castor's destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Casteria relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and. Flatulency. . Castoria • assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels or Infants Sad Children, giving • healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Chihli:wee • Panacea --The Mother's Friend. . • ' • • Castoria. • •• Castoria is an exCellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children," DR. O. 0, °scoot., Mais. Castoria. Oesterla so' well adapted to childrets that X recomineud it as saperfor to ativ scription kuown to ate." H. A. ARCHER, efi. D. .8rooklyth r • • 'FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE ZENTAUR COMPANY. TY MURRAY STREET. NEW voak orev, ' • • -..4„ • CEYLON AND. INDIA TEA Green or Black Because of their PURITY al d OLEANI- NFSS British grown teas are becoming more Dobular every day. Don't drink impure and doctored Jaren or China te... any Jormer. In- sist that your grocer furnish you with the de- licious, palate -pleasing teas.ot atLO:N.4./S7i3:3 II\TIDI.A. • Pirstelass utters andSleicihs • • We have a large assortment of firstclass Cuitera to choose from and intending buyers will iind our stock ufV-.0- date. Prices are low for higli-grade goods. Also a number of Ontario and Manitoba Bobs. Geo. Lavis, • . General Implement Healer. ' Clinton • AIR RIFLE \lo* log only 21 dos. packages Street Pea Seed at 10e. • . each. Each package contales s. splendid mixture of the mosSfrag.' rantirarleties of all colors: The Elflo is of thebest rnake and mod el. vrith polished nickel barrel. trigger guard and e ide plate& it haaimProwsd Globe FRE& fights, pistol gripand walnut stock, and shootowith terrific foretrancl crest aeon racy Mall na this advertisement and wo will forward tbe Seeds, Sell them, returnthemoney and Rifle will be Sent fees by Exuma. The season for Bolling tweds is short, so Order at once. Seed Staniar Co., Toronto. qtass el, and sbe had Royal aid, 07 ride 00106 ant:non Pins ark id lest eintindo SWAT • ...,,A!i,„5".1.0; eleseere ' The Chamois herself Ino hilt tank,• whim they greeted Clinton' at Iasi, on. traixtbroartal Weed viatir Children Cry for "ma. they ORM° NO tfilei VW teeth% as Vbs. OM WIN AsToRIA NI was almost failing hint. toneen 66u.strvopkt.usweitee, Thlti; stiolirtthrt. t'tiatraimeteo'resrentgerntron'" •end the J•oss of life nifty tette Theyiteetea town with morning •renn,i,ethluat.„mr,zo.Y.„ ' 40tOt 0. Wrienoti surbrillitertotte, Os* 1, 4,• f molikiromaiishavr.,,„ i_1•1404011111110*"..ttio?•, -41_1 • a. 0 writes Mrs Chat Applegate, of Alexandria Ind.. "and could hardly get any sleep. I had tiontamption go bad that if 1 Walked a block' Wold tough frightfully and spit blood. but, When ell other atealoinee 1 alt. ea, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. Iowa. New Disocivery wholly mired me and I gained 68 pomade." /t's absolutely pertititeea to etre Coughs, Colds, La Grippe. Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Trodblette 600 and $1,00. " Via bottiet free at all doggish, Children Cry for Chane of Business CASTORIA• Raving bought ihe Grocery and Crockery Wittiness so sticoesefully carried on for the past 12 years by 3. W Irwin, and having al er 20 years' experience myself in wholesale and retail grocery and crockery business, I am oonfidnit I cart keep ' up the good reputation of the old firmia keeping nothing but the very beat goods at the lowest prices. 1 ham reduced all my Diener, Too, Toilet and Table Sets to make room for my import order, which I expect in' a few months. Calland examine goods and pricee before you buy. No trouble to show goods. J. W. McCabe With reference to the above olninge of business I take this opportunity of me preesing my sincere thanke to my numerous friends and customers for there liberal import during the past 12 years; and bespeak for my successot, 3. W. McCabe, the same liberal treatment ea generously acoorded to me. - J. W. IRWIN mimuppp**Appi#444,10Frf 444 ..__,04-1/2,4444-******Auet4w*ef I You'd trust anold friend RATHER Tim A STRANGER, WOULO'NT YOU? RoVey're finking Powder is a tried and traded friend ia maty hongete, Cooks know its reliability and appreciete its quality, Buda,' payg experiment with mailed doubtful iirands, when you tern get 4'Hovey109 the beet Baking Powder obtainable, 25,3 per pound Any quality, Hovers Baking Powder always make wholesome and appetizing food. No Tonto OM take the place of Mar Etonielon of 430a Liver Oil with Hypophoephites.of time and Soda. Ws palatable and eisily digested, 60 omits per pint bottle, , For sale by •• J. Re 110YEY,Olspensing Chentisti.Cllnton., wompppwilpoPPIPt*Popp$4ii ' toP SOO 18 FREE t.(11)tefF'llr' fatuity Idaeach. Those photos see futiestleot sae, apiondkuy finished in the very finest style of photographic ara Every. body wants s, picture Of the Queen. Thin canton ce.en a p10179 202 Wines. T136 Outfit Consiats of I boietiry Platte, 1 pkg. 11,0.. 1 Printing Prattle, 2 Developing' Trayi, 1 eke. joiretwleipeonr„...1 Pliftwil.toRlIbnid,Pwandemr.alopkottooldi.fireser 'Pater and ongtuttrnill randy, Mid *re send Carnets ard entiltenittallypeekedj tostpud. TIM Mae An 60. noxeees toner° irstsiclass Cutters. see hanalitg the MeIteittallIN VEI,IEMItATED •Which are ednelited to be the beet Madein the Market. Alto Cutters ot ray own manufsettire, *blob are up to dete. 1 Will be pleased to show in— tending puroloaser6 my stook st any titee, and priced are lie loW aa1owelt, -• - SOHN LESLIE Httron Street Minton A. • e