HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-03-08, Page 2gacb 9tb, 1901
seasa •
FRIDAY, MAR. 8, 1901
Does '1 his Ooneern Yon
It Will afford tie a good deal of satie-
`faction if subset ibers will kindly see to
a it that subscriptions are paid in
-Advance. The price of pripee and of
printing material of all kinds has ad-
Vanced very materially during the pai t
Tar, while the price of material has
xemained the same. Our white paper
costs us /c per lb. mote than it did last
year. This renders it all the naore ni-
ceisary that subscribers pay promptly.
•- -win those who have not. paid remit us
at once the amount of their subscrip-
. Von. One dollar or two to a subscrib-
• er may seem it small amount, but
'When hundreds such are scattered
around it becomes it serious matter.
Jas. Halliday, of Chesley, was horn -
*looted for the Commons by the North
Br uce Conservative convention at
Wiarton last night. The nominal ion
was uttered to Mr A. McNeill,' emM.P.,
but he was unable to accept.
II ff
Him, John Dryden's sugar beet bill
provides for the oitymeot of one-half
o cent per pound of sugar the first year,
and one-quarter of a cent the second
and third years, the condition being
that $4 per ton shall be paid for beets,
and that the whole Government out-
lay shall not exceed $75,000 per year.
• • •
It is said that at the Conservative
caucus the Opposition party has decid;
ed to propose in the House of Com-
mons the increase of the sessional in-
demnity to $1500. It is also understood
that they will request a salarY of $3500
• for the leader of the Opposition in ad-
dition 'to his sessional indemni* of
8 a •
At the South Perth Liberal conven-
tion held at St. Marys Mr Valentine
stock, of '-ravistock, was unanimously.
selected as the Liberal stannard bearer
at the next Provincial elections, The
Liberals of South Yet th could not have
got a better candidate. Mr Race, the
clever editor of the Mitchell Recorder,
was next in favor to Mr Stock, but he
moved the unanimous nomination of
lar Stock.
• • • .
Many people think our National An-
them was composed for the reign of
Queen Victoria, but it was composed,
both words and music, by Henry Carey
an English poet and composer, whe
died iu 1748, substantially as we have
ft to day. It was composed to Ice sung
at one of the birthday celebrations of
George II, and was first published in
1742. It was changed to "God. '76*ve
the Queen," on the accession of Vic-
toria, and is now only changed back to
its original form.
All the comnsittees for the Rouse of
Commons met for organization lately_
and elected their respective chairmen
as follows:- Public accounts, Duncan
Fraser, Guysboro; banking and cotri-
meree, B. M. Britton, Kingston; rail-
ways, canals and telegraph lines, Hon.
Jas. Suther land, North Oxford; miscea.
laneoos and private bills,Henry G.Car-
roll, Karnouraska; privileges and elec-
tions, T.For tin, Laval; standing orders
T. B. Flint, Yar mouth; expirinv laws,
Hance J. Logan, Cumberland; agricul-
ture and colonization, Jos. H. Legris,
• • •
Premier Ross in the Legialature, in
reply to it question from Mr 'Whitney,
soid;-"Wo have no present intention
of going to the country until anther
session of the House has been held. I
seinnot absolutely bind Myself; no min-
•ister would do that; my predecessor
dal not. But I am speaking wrthout
any reservation when I saw that' Par- L
liernent will probably run ite full teem, "I
I do not know that it is necessary that 1
we should say anything further. If it o
Is going to be a brief and easy session, t
well and good. I suppose that when ri
we meet again we shall have to make t
up for the oldness our firends of the 1
Oppositiohmay show to ue. But we n
shall be in the running on the home g
stretch, and first at the winning post
neeenannr° •
roceeding then to point Out how eas. abundance of fruit. In the fruit mar.
ly (?) that could he iclone, Mr Medea
deelared that control could be (recur
outright of both„ the _greet Canadir
systems by the expenditure of $50,000
000, or they could. be leased for
y ears for one dollar each per annu
(assuming of eourse a few bundre
urillione of liabilities); in fact the thin
looked so sample that the Minister
Finance was heard to ejaculate, sat
vacs, "Why we could raise that $
right here."
But what was the kernel Of Ca
whole matter ? What was tne reSol
tom into which "
of Emit York chrystalleed his inhere
for meeting the impending disaster a
nothing more or less than cleelaratio
that in order to get the best resul
from the Government railway system
already existing, "the adrninistratio
thereof dieted be freed from all,pcilit
cal influence and interferenne. No
Word about taking action to wee
the awful danger which he had so in
idly depicted as imminent, in deed i
the resolutim Meant anything at al
it was a direct negation of all th
speech contained, because by inferenc
it declared that 'Government contr.()
prevented the best results being se
cured, and the experience of othe
countries goes to show that direct min
isterial control is the, only Workabl
method that can , he employed in th
management of state-ownedlranchises
Then the new leaders took a hand in
and both of them were at special pejo
to make it clear to tbe Rouse and th
country that they were not respontribl
for their supporter's views on this tit
first question upon which they had ha
'awe to have a ROAD Mr ripedea,
was 'prepared to support that part o
the resolution which called for freedom
from pllitical interference" -there wa
nothing else in it anyway; and 'upon
the only really important part of M
Maclean's speech, that which deal
with state ownership of railways th
leader made it abundantly clear 'tha,
he had no opinion sufficiently formed
to give it utterance.
Mr Monk. leaner , and spokesman fo
the noble six from Quebec, was•n'o
prepared to accept an Mr Maclean'
statements, and, added he, "I aro no
going to take up the time of the House
by indicating particularly any legiela
tive temedy;-I do not • know any.'
Choke Wallace talked all round the
question, joining in the debate upon
the principle that West York has go
to Ire heard whenever East York
speaks; and, Co). Hughes declared that
bad pat in an amendment and
then spoken against it. For himself
he could support the a.mendment to
take control of the Intercolonial out of
the .hands of the naughty Grits, but, he
could not endorse the proposition that
the Government should , own all the
railways of the country, •
It is not surprising, perhaps, that
. .
the Conservatives are shy of the clues -
tion in view of the mesa their friends
are in, in their initial efforts towards
stale control in Manitoba. There the
Conservative premier, Mr Roblin, has
stepped in where his predecessors fear-
ed to tread, and at present appearances
the truth of the old adage about angels
and fools has been exemplified. At
all events, just now the Manitoba GoV-
ernment is in the happy position of
haying announced a policy with a
great flourish -of trumpets, only to find
their most ° influential supporters
throughout the Proyinea in revolt
aeainst it, and to be told by the lead-
ing railway mea in the .country that
the carryieg out of the sci-ewe
mean inevitable bankruptcy • to the
Province. Noting the situation, both
from a federal and provincial stand-
point, therefore, the ordinary citizen
may well be excused for asking what
has become of that heaven -born in-
stinct of government which, we have
been given to understand. was and is
the monopoly of the Conservative
Concerning South Africa
1 t
ket I purchased abont half it bushel of
oranges, bananas and nuts for 400. For
transport annuale, donkeys or milch
cows rue lobed, they thinking it a great
waste to me oxen, AB they are only
good for transport, whereae the cowe
serve a double purpose.
On board the ship. we bad a vete?
pleasant time, the officers doing all in
their power to make the trip enjoy-
able A greet many games of cricket
were played on board; a ball made out
of rope, by the sailors, were What was
used, a .good many of which were
knocked over -board (balls I mean, not
sailors.) On several evenines we had,
Concerts; one Was. an evening round
the camp fire, given by soldiers who
had been in the loath African cam-
paign. We also. had it lecture on
Westminster Abbey, which very inter -
eating. For all concerts the stewards
took the trouble to decorate with flags
and bunting. On Sundays divine ser-
vice was held, nearly ail on board at-
Among. the passengers. there were
'four ministers, three army scripture
readers, three ladies who had been do-
ing mission work among the natives of
Cape Colony, three professional actors,
large numbers of soldiers, and many
"iithers, leaking a toed of three bun-
dred and twenty-five passengers. Al-
though quite a mixed crowd every-
thing went along smoothly, eyery.per-
son being on the same level socially
teethe tinoe being. Sports were held
for the grown tolk; and also the chil•
dren, and were enjoyed by those that
witnessed them, more, I think,than by
those who took part. We had teheaut-
iful trip, except crossing tbe Bay of
„Biseayovhere it was very. 'rough, it
_heaiy_crosk sea Jaen niter AntreAtrtnere,
were yery few sIck. • •
Plyin 'nth was the first place we
toucned at. in England, where a large
number of passengers left us. 'We
then sailed on to London where we
disembarked at the • Tilbury. Docks
which are about 28 Males from the St.
Pancras station, where our train Went
in. It was a.t this station I had ,niy
first experience of the rotten English
baggage system, but a is not baggage
there, all being called luggage. When
✓ We got to the station about a dozen of ,
t porters. got Into the baggage car and
a started to tumble the trunks and val-
ises out. 'immediately, got hold of a
porcer and told him mine had my name
. on it; that is the way to identity it, be-
cause you get no cheek or anything
else from tloe aiLway. I thought that
if any person got there and claimed
a your baggage before you arrived' they
would get it. Also did not like their
corrpartment coaches, as they are the
best things I knew of, where crime
collie be committed. A person could
very easily murder it man or assault it
woman without hardly a sound being
heard in • floe next compartments.
It. is only _recently that any cars
like our own corridor ones have been
used, the Great Eastern having some
on their line in use at the present time.
There are three classes for passengers,
first, second and third; the second th,ey
are doing away with; the majority of•
people t ravel third. Some would think
it was the guard in charge of the trent
that looked at your . ticItets; net so;•at
different places where tbe train stops
an intipector comes -alone and examines
them. When • you want a porter to
get your baggage, 'do not say that you
have a velure, as he will not know
what, you mean; call it a portmanteau.
I asked for my two _valises; the porter
get me One, but said there was only
another portmanteau there. I said.
•'Portmanteau be hanged, tiring it any
way." • ' W. P.•HOLNES. •
• (To be continued.) -
Canadian's Experience.
(Continued frem_ last week.)
Leaving Kroonstad on Thursday
n on, the first of November I started
on my homeward. journey.. 'The Oaf
was like the majority of trams in South
Africa at the psesent thne-a fast one,
but what it Was fast to / could not
make out, as it did not run fast. ...it
rernincird me of the commercial trav-
eller who was on the train in the south.
ern states; he asked the conductor if it
was an accomrnodatisn or a freight
train, they were making such slow
progress; the conductor was quite in-
dignant, and tient, "why, 'this is the
fast express;" "Good -hertvens I " ans-
wered the man, "Tell me what it re
Ligt ti!' As no trains are allowed to
'nr,1 a, fcar CIA Clueing. wi;;." time; 74
mbie up for the trigheat a Milan
place balled SMaldeel, Which place we
eft at 4.30 next morning; proceeding
n our way southward we passed
hr0i1gh Bloemfontein al noon, step-
ing that night at Bethany, (but not
he one we read of in the Bible.) After,
eaving here We were allowed to run at
ight, On board our train WAS a
rood number of soldiers who had put
n their tieoe and were returning home;
hey had about ninety Beet prisoners
• their charge:. We arrived in Cape
own on Monday evening tit 10.80,
eying been from Thursday noon till
hat lime running a little over 000
tones I spent e few ,rery pleasant
ays in Co e Town before taking
steamer for England, Which I did on
November 14th. h was a large steam-
er belonging to the White Star Line
oethe Australian part of tbeir service;
her tuttne Was the "Medic," All one
class of passengers, called third class,
but very much like the second clews on
most other ocean vessels, not at all
like the steerage on the service between
Europe and America. The ship was
588 feet long, 48 feet wide, and had
splendid, promenede decks; her freight
cargo was frozen meat from Australia;
When she left the latter place she had
on board 100,000 ctirditarieS of mutton
and beef, the largest Single frozen
ine4 WO ever taken out of that
country; quite large part of it was
Unloaded at Cape Town for the troops.
Oiethe fra warddeek was large bold
StOrirge plant, which kept the holds of
the -ship like a refrigerator, at the same
time providing ire with an abundant
' earner of ice ' water, Which was Very
acceptable, especially in the,trOplcie
We called ab it *Mill island called
Tenetiffe, belonging to the Spanish, to
cord and -take MI fruit for the Eng-
lish market. Small boy* cache along-
side lh boate, and Weald dila for coins
thrown thelnatertit ifs wonderful
how they are able to ilea In the salt
water, never coming up without the
coin. I sa*zine person throw a Ohl
dOW11 on the other side • of the ship; the
boy slinply dived right •ttlider. the
Medic" and got his coin.
,After the *medical . officer trot** the
town had intipected the *OW.* We
were allowed on shore for a totalale Of
boort; the town In harmed SAWA 00114
bd le a quaint old place,. with vett
Arco* okrotek plenty Of heatitak 1444
• • • •i
The Provincial Municipal Auditor in h
his report to the Legi,lature, says he t
notes it steady improvement in the d
wanner in wheel the municipalities
, have kept their accc untie He recalls
au Instance of a treasurer he once knew
who kept his accounts for forty years
, in the form cf memoranda on spike
illes. In the end they were hopelesly
wrong, and there was a deficiency of
a good many thousand dollars. Now
, there was a uniform system through-
out the province, and any treaeurer
who did not live up to it would find it
dacessary to resign. The Auditor con-
cRifferi with the following statement,
showing the losses to the _municipal.,
'a.„ ides ascertained since the formation of
• the department r--1807, about $100,000;
1898, $11,000; 1809, 54,000:1900, nothing.
1- 0 0 0
Ottawa Letter. -
The first serious diecuesion of the Seat
• elan has demonstrated in a manner'
•' ,a1MORt. Wattling in its completerrese,
the leek of purpose and Volley, or even
• of orainarycohtailon, in the Opposition
troika if 'Indeed It did net no further,
and Prove the Inability of leader and:
follOWere alike to gran) the arnica
.. ' points of it great poblie qintittion, and
fOrril any t coherent opinion thereon.
Upon the nintitn1 to Fen int"' NW/ CO
• Tuesday, xe Maclean of East York
• breught up the transportation Iltidos
- , tiOthletitiatillg his alatinisf &intentions i
uttered -feet week that the Canadian
relfWaye Were Iti danger of felling Into
&elands of Alone, and that to pre-
vent this die° calamity the Otrcer11._ a
pent should at onee *tante control; k
' Crisp County Clippings
John Beattie, of Settfortb, has pm.
chased the grocery business of Hugh
William Palmer bas disposed of his
50 acre 'farm, in Stanley, to Henry
McOlinchey, for 52.w0.
Four boys were fined 01 each and
coats,. the other day, by a . Wingharn
magistrate, Inc truaney. • •
A. Q. Bobier, of Exeter, intends
starting a branch -creamery near Kin-
cardine this spring.
The new branch of the Bank of
Hamilton, at Gerrie, was opened for
business on Monday week. •
J. Bell bas sold bis farm on tbe town
• line of Hibbert to D. Linton, : of Fut-
larton, for a nice sum. •,
• On 'VS ednesday, 13th init., Miss Lily,
• eldest daughter of Lewis Heath, was
united in inatrimony to Henry Holtz-
man, both of Grey.
See, Cahill and wife moved from
their farm, con. 15,. Grey, recently tours
chased by Mr Perm, to Brusselsiwhere,
they will reside on the -.small faun
hougbt jrom D. te,art.
• Harry Colbert, of Egmondville, has
1111rd:tatted the brikery and confection-
• ary businese of R. Mallougb, in Sea
Alex, Gordon., of lockerstnitle has
purchased the old homestead farm
recently owned by his brother. He
pays 05,100 for it. • •
William Copp has disposed 'of his
house and lot in Egmoedville, to
Thomas Smiler, of McKillop, who has
disposed of his fartzt to hie eon, and
intends retiring from the active duties
of life.
• William Eellibgton, of Trowbridge,
has sold is valuable farnorlot '8, con.
.3, Elina, to Robert Pirie, of Grey, _for
S. E. ent. Fred Melvin and P.
Laing, three „young Wingimunites,
who made application to go to South
Afriea as members of Baden-Powell's
Police, have received word to repo rb
at London,
Recently P. Bishop disposed of his
50 acre far no, con.5, Orey.to J.B.Smith,
for the sum of $1700. Possession will
be given on April lee Mr Bishop • had
resided on this term for the plait 45
W. J. Scott, who had been principal
of the Blyth public school for the. past
two yew, has Sent in his resignation,
to.take effect on March 4Ist. Mr Scott
hat( accepted the principalship of the
public school tit Motoirmiln, A.esini-
hole.. -
' L. W. Hanson • took • pOstieselon of
tbe Central hotel in Wingham. Mr
Hanson will make a good landlord
for the Central, On Wedries'day the
boarders at the Central presented the
retiring landlord, P. OuMittintl. With
4 beautiful pipe.
A very happy event took piece at
the residence of Mre Imes Gamble
of the ilfth concession, hear lIotvick*,
on February 20th, when her youngest
daughter Annie was United in mars
titian tb Albert( . 'Toner. The ceim-
merle woe .pst fornaed by the Rev. Mr
'Dobson, td Fordwich.
John eetittinne, of Walkerton, has
diellorted Of his hotel to Ps Ountinine,
f Witt ham The rice $7 000
aeorge Orr, of Exeter North, died,
on Tuesday at the age of aeventys
three years. Deceased has been a
resident of azeter for some time, and
had been ill for eaveral years pest.
He lea,V,e a widow ilea two daughters
to survive Mae
On Thursday morning the marriage.
took place at Alvinston of I. S. U.
Vanworth and Mies Hattie Jaynes,
the latter being the daughter of a R.
Jayvee, a former resident. of Exeter;
the youog people will .resicle, in Ca/ -
S. Rennie, of Zurich, and E. Paulin,
of Winghtuv, have purchased the bard -
ware business of James Flartlelb, of
Dashwood, also Sohn Hall's stock and
Mr Paulin will move freer Wingham
and take charge of the business there,
He formerly resided there,
The commodious home of Thos. and
Mrs Maunders, Morris, was the scene
of an important event on Wednesday
evening. Feb. 27th, when, in the pres-
ence of a large comprenyoeguests,their
estirneble da,ughter, Mies Annie, was
united in marriege to Hector J. Me -
Neil, of Pottage la Prairie, Man., son
of L. McNeil, of Grey. •
Robert Miller, of Wroxeter, was
second lowest tender for a three years'
annual supply of flee tor the Canada
Pacific Reilway. • The contract cells
•for150,600 ties and means an expendi-
ture of 045,000 by the • railway com-
pany. Morgan, Pigott & Company
were the successful tenderers.
The auction sale of the effects of
the .lite William Gordon, held on
'Wedueeday of last week, passed off
very successfully, The whole sale
_fogtedior to the sum of A
nrare-sbict for-$11Gocr-draiigh
mare for 4151 ; it six months' old driv-
ing colt, for $55; cows went as high
as $52 ; yearling heifers at $30 each,
and it two -weeks -old calf sold for W.
• The,executors of the estate. of the
-late Mrs Rutledge, of Bayfield, held
an auction sale of the household effects
and real estate of the deceased lady,
when all was disposed of at a good,
figure, The store and dwelling. were
purchnsed by Joseph Richardsen, of
Stanley, for the suna of $1325.
. „ ,
At the annual ,meeting of Melville
church, Brussels, en Jan. 28th; the pas-
tor, Rev. John Ross, B.A,, drew the at-
tention of those present to the fact
that Darnel Stewart, the Secretary of
the congregation, was about to leave.
after having :been actively 'identified
with the congrega-tionfor forty . years,
practically its.whole life. After a num-
ber had expressed their appreciation,
the coneregation presented him with a
purse ol gold.,
Andrew Archibald, jr., of the 5th
eon.; of Hibbert, delivered in Seaforth,
on Friday week. to Thomas Connolly,
of Hibbert, for export, a. bunch of as
tine fat, steers as have been sold for
a long time. These were 18 head, and
they averaged 1,402 pounds each.. He
also had a heifer which weighed 1,200
Pounds. The whole lot has -sold
fire cents per pound,. thus realizing
to Mr Archibald the rime sum of $1, -
From the Globe of February 14th,
published in Milton, Cavalier county,
North Dakota :-- "A very pleasant
wedding took.place at the home _ of
Mr and Mrs Goings. Sprout, of Super,
when Mr Samuel Landsborough, of
Park River, and Miss Mary aT. Rout- •
ledge, of Soper, were unitedin mar-
riage. The ceremony was performed
by Rev, 'D. 3. Sykes, lb the midst of
a large number of friends.. 'Miss Clara
Z. Ormiston, of Soper, acted as brides-
maid, and George Routtedge,a brother
of the bride, ably assisted the groom.
All the parties mentioned as partici-
pants in this pleasant event are foie
mer Tuckersixiith people, the bride
being it daughter of Charles Rout-
ledge, 3rd con.
• . • • • • •
air ikamiosiorio.mor..•••.•
London and 'Western Trust.
it will be seen from ,the amulet
statement printed elsewhere in this is-
sue that the London and Western
Trusts Company (limited)- is taking a
strong hold upon public confidence, RS
shodAt bylits steady increase in busi-
ness: Such a cotapany was forand to
be much needed an Western , Ontario,
.where the estates Of testators could be
administered on the spot. and more
closely and lees expensively than at it
long distance of. ' It has come to be
generally recognized that estates are
handled on is sounder and more secure
basis by a company. with rich men of
character and competency at the back.
of it, than by thOold frietel"as execut-
or, Who ha.ye nothing more perhaps
than the -confidence ot the testator. In
they case of the Trust nothing le
wasted or mal adnoinistered. There is
it manager Of sterling ability and a
Dowd of bireetors composed of well-
known men of business to oversee for
tbat is done, and a body of sharehold-
ers behind them again to sit in judg-
ment upon their actions. The cern-
ptiny is collectively responsible for ev-
ery dollar that is entrusted to the man-
agement. This is so well recognized
that nowadays the wisest of the com-
munity will have -no other agency in
the settling of their estates, Itis a
testimony to the excellent nianage-
went of the London it Western
Trusts that it has in four years setinect
all extensive clientele, eo much so that,
despite•the cautious and cOnserVative
element holding bark, it is under ter-
ions- consideration to build larger and
more commodious offides. At the an -
renal meeting of the company On
glipteday the statements were sub-
lmitted, as publishen in anothei part of
this paper, and the President and
Board of Directors re-elected for the
current year. The Presideat Mr Geo.
0, Gibbons, and the Board' at large
united in testifying to the ability and
efficiency Attie manager, Mr John B.
Kilgour. Ilia services have. given
eminent satisfaction to all concerned.
Shite of Ohio, tiny of Toledo,
Lilorta County, "°'
• Erinli ()honey makes oat that he is
the rondos partner of the firm of . V. 3.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the city
of Toledo, eornsty and state aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
One hundred dollen for each end every
Oise ef 'catarrh that Cabbed be cured by the
tua of Haire Catarrh Odra. '
' ramie I. Othiglit.
Sworn to Unite me and stibireribed in
my presence, *hie eth day of December,
A. D. 1880.
• A. W. Grattlielf9
Notary Public,
alias Catarrh dun is leken tnternally
and tete direetly on the blood end nineeret
surfaces of the system. Send for testimon-
fele. free.
Fs 3. OnSNAT & 004 Tole* 0.
Sold by Druggista, 76e.
IralreParmily Pills are the beet.
OhlIdren ley for
In TloteneW pit Tenter Will take po4te.
Man ehbut the firet of Mot CAST° R IA.
• '• ,
00"1.0.4P4444455.1140•4!„.4„......050406.40445,404...m..„....,,r7„...m....,...,1•0444C.4144!•41,,r0555r...55404..r.574rP71855.041"..110451,44,1444444 ,.541441
Properties for Sale or to Let
• wo HEN•le
atory and a ban frame residence on Ritmo
street, hardarail solt:water; tart an acre of
lend with fruit trees. Torun; reasonable.
Jau,18tf Apply,p Joule seapsin.ouuteni, Ont,
Lot 34, con, 16, Cioderich township. BO acres
%Boone sore for aohool site. For terms and
ea:neuters apply to FRED WHITLEY or
JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton.
nue, 24-tt
HOUSti for SALE or to RENT,
On Victoria 1St., near Gratin Factory. $300
will her a reonty,,eornfortable house with good
loft -the property recently occupied br Frank
1,7nshall. .13piny at onoo samoNE,
earrister &cr. Clinton.
House and Lot for Sale.
The large and consmOdlous house pleasailtlY
situated on Huron Street, occupied by theun-
dersigned is offered for sale on very reasonable
terms. There in every aecomodation,witb table,
orchard, &o
Iv . ,ou watts,
Sent 21,1899. • Clinton;
House for Sale • .
A large, two 9tot7:frante house' with pretty
surroundings, on Huron street, is offered for
sale at a bargain ;l2 cisterns: and n never -failing
well. Will sell for 41,000 less than its cost as
Proprietor is leaving for Manitoba. For partt-
milers apply on the premises, or to John Ridout,
ogent. JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton, Feb.22-tf
' Choice Ferro fir Sale
Subscriber offersforsalehtfIne farm of 147
.iteres,..being.lot25,00m.-10,11 ilett,.-All.olear.„
ed but four acres, Brick house (and also frame
house for hired man),bank barn, spring . creek,
• bearing orchard of .2 acres, 4.4, miles from Lon-
desboro, soil first•olass and in good • conclitien.
-Poesession'at anytime, terma to mit purchaser
Jan 4 -*1 m-tf„, W. RILES, Londeaboro.
• .
The frarneeottage on Orange ' street, oceu-
"Pled by the undursigned, is offered for sale on
reasonablehe l -terms. •Tot is i of an acre, with
hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
Vegetable garden Tbe Name contains hall,
parlor, two bedrooms, clotbes eleeet; dining
• room, summer kireben, celar and woodshes,,
kreentrally located, possession given any •titne
to suit purchaser, ..ELIEABETILSRAHANI tf
. .
- * • SToUt.ron SALE. . .
.. , . . .
The premises occMpled by. Ri J. Cluff, .ancl
consisting of a arst•olass brick store, on Albert
Street Clinton, IS offered for sate on easy
term • - • ,
Also Cottage on Albert Street, . with two '
lots, atable, and all ooriViences.' Particulars
on appication to :Mrs' W. Robertson; Clinton
or Mre 0. W. McGregor,Constnee,
, Subscriber Offerstor sale his farm 'of 150
'acres, aitented on the Maitland. concession.
Colborne. About •14o .ftores cleared, frame
homier bank barn, plenty of water and in geed
state of oultiv,ation4 of a mile from school and
2 miles from Holmesville. Terms ream:arable.
De014-tf ateetarto BAKER. Clint°. • .i
. . , . .
For Bale Or to ..Reilt..- •
. _ ..
, .
The cdfoice brie* hottse otr the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streeta, belonging to the'estate
of the late Richard Heywood, is .offered either
for sale or to rent. It Contains room for ordi-
nary fatoily,'Is practically a new house, with ''•
all conveniences,..and three -tenths Of an acre
Of land. If the property is not.sold or rented,.
tart of it will be rooted. Apply to
. • • • W. COATS Exeoutor Clinton.
. •l13`O1 SALE .
. . • enbeoribor Wren for sale the North halt of
lot 49, con 19, Hallett. it consists of 00 acme,
.7 aores of it •being hardwood bush: . Upon
the parolees there is a' frame dwelling,
good bank barn. 96x0egood water convenient
for both house and barn. Farm ir; situated on
base 11ne,0 utiles from Clinton, 12 miles frorn
Goderteh;con veniebtito'school and post office...
It will be sold or rented on reationable terms.
. For futher particulars apply to .
" Jan 11-15. GABRIEL STRING, Auburn.
- Pa , m for...Sate or t.o, Rent
. . .
. . . . . .
-. The Undersigned offers for sale toe Ito rent
Lot 90, con. 9,. Hulletttconsisting of 1061 acres,
80 sores cleared, kr acres bush, and balance
uncleared land wed for pasture. The farm is
well 'watered by spring creek and well. There
i$ about one acre of Orchard. There are 15i
acres of fail wheat'sown and 18 acres • of, fail
plowing done. Coen the premises there is a
I} storey frame dwelling n(1ti .barns,one11606
andthe other 38x65. Good stabling. The farm
is 6 milea from Clinton and li- railed from Snm-
morbid 1'. 0.,,ehureh and school. Will -be sold
or rented on reasonable terrns. For bather
particulars antdr to,
' linS .34/NATHAN' IfeBRISM,
• -sent 28- tf. . Clinton P u.
. • .
Executors Sale of ' Farm in
.. . .
The undereigned offerers forget° that &st-
eins& tarm,heine lot lea 11, con.11, township
of Rullett, containing 100 acres; &5 cleared i ree
Item stumps and under cultivation; balance
hardwood bueb: There is on the farm a good
frame house, bank barn, with stabling under-
neath, driving shed„ good bear rig orchard,
welter, fences in good repair. I errod of • sale
made known on application ti any of tbe
undersigned. Possession at any time after
let of AOrilnext.
krxx, BLED, Harlot:1k, ).,_. 4 '
it LISA movarnt, Londoshoro, Executors
JAMES WATT, Harlook, Feb 1-4
. .
. . ,
Under and by virtue of the powers cootained"
In At certain mortgage which will be produced
at the tiine of sale, there will be offered. for
Bale by public auction, by D. Dickinson, Isnot.,
at the hereinafter mentioned le:twee in the
Town of Clinton, on' Wednesday, 2781 day of
March, 1901, at the hour of 2.80 o'clock in " -the
afterncon,the following properties in the Town
of Mitten, vi, -Th e east half of lot No, 6, on
RattenburY,St. in Gibbings! servirr,in the toVen
of Clinton, in county' of Huron, upon Which Is
erected a two semndetitehed brick houses, two
storeys high, each containing nine rooms,. with
a cellar under the entire beetle, and furnace
and water conveniences, and the emit half of lot
NO. 1, in the Gibbing- surveylin the field town
of Clinton, upon which lir erected & Inane cot-
tage, contsiningsix rooms With woodshed and
stone collat, and hard and MAI water convett-
lances. The properties ere centrally Eiltuated.
in a fine residential locality. The proper.
ties will be offered for sale severally and else
Inoue lot. Per terms rend eonditioret for 'sale
sprat to
W. BRYBONE, Clinton. Out, .
Solicitor for Vendor.
Elated at ante/1th° 2811i day of Febrilary, 1901
. ,
• or . ' •
Weak and laipure BitiOdf
Litter .lit Kidney. Diseases, .
• FriMale eettrplaint1 rte.
All Droggiate, or Write dirket te z
S, AL Motile?),
- • - • •• "•••• • • • ••" --. - Clederich. 'Cnii.
Notice to Debtor& Professional andOthereardt
,Notiee 5,1 erety given to all parties indent.
ea to tbe under signed, that the ti Me tenet be
paid before the 1st of March. otherwite they
wilt be pliteed in court for collection.
n ,ratiala No0001.
Clinton, Feb. 181901-45. •
Agents queen Victoria Authors
lite Queen herself, Dr.
John Coulter. from LortdotiL ifong.,Johrt A.coon-
er, editor of Canadian enesame, Torooto;
about 700 pages; qtiality never equalled; price
$1.75. See other advertisments in this paper
auto to reviews in this paper,
World Inubilaklug Co., (lutist, Out.
An upright engine and boiler, four florae
power, iu good, working order, lust the thing
for a farmer Or eome One who Want e light
Power. Can be aeen at NEW ERA. Office will
be Bold oheav.,
Hulls 'for Sale
re; sale at it reasonable price, two thorobrod
Durham buttecolor red, 12 montne old; first
Adage annuals. A. ELCOAT,
tat 3.5, co .3, auseersinita
Feb. 15-8m Brugefleid, P. 0.
Nhoirthorfis for Sale
8 young hulls, 10 to 1$ months old, also some
young heifers breeding age, a choice lot, good,
quality. Conte and see them. E. 11. WISE,
Fob, 8-4f . Clinton.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of Estate of ate late ,701171
gooier, oleo TowaithiP of .111.alete•
• Deceased, •
Notice is hereby given Ourstis.nt tothe Re=
Weed Statutes of Ontario. 1897, Chapter 129,
'and amendments thereto, that ali creditors
and others having claims against the estate
of the said late John Go dier who died on or
about thee; emend day of February, are requiva-
ed on or before theTenth day of April,A. 0,1901,
to send by post pr_e_patd, or to deliver to Rio a•
ard A.Govier or enry MoBrien, ot the Town-
hship of Mullett, aforesaid, Auburn. P.O., the
executors of the last will of the said deceased;
thjr christian and surnames, addresses and
description, the ful 1 particulars of th oho. aims,
the statement of their accounts, and the nw
tare of the securities, if any, held by them.
" And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date the said executors will proceed
to dietribui e the lessen; of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard
'only to the olairets of vehieh they hall then
have notice and that the said exeontord will
not be liable for the said asfiets or any part
thereof to ea7. person or persons of whose
claims notice Shall not have been reeelVed by
them at the time of such distribution.
xecu ors
05 the late JOR GOVIER.
(3.A5130W & akIRROW, their Solicitors,
rated the lath February 1901-8d
Notice to Creditors .
hello matter of the Estate of William Wis
late of flee Township of Goderich,County of
, Huron, yeoman, deceased,
Notice le beret y given pursuant to the statute
in that behalf.that ail taersons having claims ,
again4 theAstate of the said Williana Wise,
who died on or about the 23rd day a January.
1901, are required on or before the 1s4 day of
May, 1901. to send by post, prepaid, or to de-
liver to Edward H. Wise, etuderich township,
clinton, Ont., or Albert W. Was°, Goderioh P.
0., Ont.,the executors of the will of the said
deceased, their names, itddressee arid ontrupa-
dons, with full partteniars•and procf of their
°loins an 1 the nature of the security, it any,
held in them,
And notice is totter given that after the
said first day of May the said executors will
proceed to distribute the assets; of the) arrid
deceased, amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to cite claims of which
notice shall have then been given as afore-
said and the said executors will not be liable
for the said assets or any part thereof to any
P878013 Or persona of whose claim notice ahall
not have been received as above,
Solicitor for the above nam d Executor s.
D.tted at Clinton this 271.11 day of Fehruary,1901.
March 1-m
Home Study
Applied to our Special Courser given
by all is 13ookkeeping and
Business Forma: arithine*,
tie. Penmanship,Shorthand,
Typewriting and e orres
pondence wilt produce good results
for tiny ambitious young man or wo '
man who wishes to quality for a bet.
Iter pcialtion in life. ..
The cost is hut a tilfie, and our *iron.
lora will give you full partionlara.
- Write for them. •
Correspondence Department
W. H, SkiA.W. Principal
A atone school. with 12 regular l.
' teachers, splendid equivalent awl wen
• patronized by students from every erev-
ince of tne Dominion.
'Bicycle and General Repair
smith business of John Tedford, have combin-
ed tbeir bicycle business with the setae, and
having both businesees under one roof, Will
be in a better position than over to doall work
entrusted, to them. Soisaors,table knivei, etc.
eharponed and repaired, lawn moweris oyer -
hauled, cutting box knivelf eharpeneci, sawn
gotenied. Special attentiOn given to bicycle
repairs. Order& respectfully solicited, work
proraptly attended to and Oriceil moderate.
• Proprietors.
Rattenbury Street, Olitaon
ribers having bought out the
PAtt/d sc. Istn.A.orrrl TOWN P10P)111111
3. B. McLean, Preeldent. lilyiperf P. 0 ; Thera,. •
Fraser. vice-president, BrUcellold P. 0.; Tbos
E. lisys. Secy-Treits., Seaforth • 1'.0 ,,- W. Et
Broadfoot, Inspector of Lossea,13eaforth 11.0.
W. 41. aroadfoot, Eteaforth; John O. Grieco
-Winthrop Ewa.; George Dale. Seafortig Joh*
Bensusweik Dubin; Jas, Evans. Beachwood P.
04 John Watt, Harlot* P. O.; Thomas Fraser,
Brueeffeld; John 8, McLean, Kippen ; Jaislet
Connolly, Clinton.
Robert einttb, Bark* Roht.11deltillon, izgash
forth ; JaMek Cu/liming; Eginondvillei .7, w
Yee, 1o1rneevllio ; George 1lUrdlo and Jells
Morrison, auditors.
Parties dogtrots to street beetled, or tune.
set other business will be promptly attended to
On application to one or the above Milkier*
Addressed to heirresr dst'Vo tacos
With the new purr and the new 'cen-
tury 1 have decided to a:amulet mishit*,
• - ly °Ash bushaelid, For leyerel MOODS
it lo the ohespest system and by adop-
ting it / will be enabled ke esil nleore
tioonuenspiloyfthiloiMphtitrfOcrei`nur irliogrititsudnt
you get a dealer's worth of *pods for
• *linty dents. This discount 36 given
open Ail' Inlet in our store.
We inVite your Inspection of
er Goods and Prioeer.
Good iktmok ana woud.
souotor, tkoo
Orrear-Blilott Elock, Louie Street,
MONET To imAx,
•P1:3131a0. BTO,
. Up-etaire, %Inmate Foster'e libel', Gallery
Barrister. SolleitOr. Notary and Convey:woe/
Oinerreepporete Colborne Hotel
*marl), of Oat:Reran Holt * (lameron)
onioeseserautou $t opposite Colborne Bonet
Odice-tionter Hamilton St. and the Square
. Edniericin Out.3. .
T Guntavv, Q; 0.- • Cass, (31.111R0W,
• .BARrgeTERS; 80LIOITonS, Norentus PORI. •
0111ce; North 84., emit deer. tohignoi Oftloe
• Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
of interest.
Clotivnv-tuseen, COMMISSIONER, ET0i,
Real Estate and Difference Agent, Money to
' lend on Mortgage and Note 800nritY.
DR• . AG till6,111,
. .
Crown and Bridge V7orle
Orbe 1-Iours:L-9 to 5.•
(Suecestor to Dr. T. 0. ,Bruce)
. •
Specialist lu Crown and Bridge Work
L. 1). S. -Graduate royal College Dental Stir -
aeons of Ontario, Toronto.
D. D. S. -First-class Honor graduate of Den-- .
tal Department of Toronto Iluiversity,
Special attention paid to preservation or
children's teesh. Will visit Bayfield ever,
Office over W Taylor & Sons shoe store. •
DR. C. vv. redomPson
Physician, Surgeon,
°Moe and Residence-
mattenbnry street.
Licentiate of the Iteyal College of Ehysloiszte..
London, England. (ft••
Office and Residence- '
• PERRIN'S BLOCK, tip Stairs,
. Successor to Dr. Turnbnli,
• Physicians, Surgeons, Accoucherk&e. ,
Office --Ontario Sreet, Chinon. Night calls at' -
grout door of °thee or at hosintaL Vittoria St.
Aicoucheur, eta., cflice and residence On.
tario St., oppostte Englisn churcb, formerly 00-
onpied by D. Appleton, Clinton Ont,
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, TorOnto, formerly of the Hospitals. an&
Dispensaries__, Now York, Coroner of thee
-County 61 Huron, Baylleld. Ont. •'
Member Of the Veterinary Medical Associa-
tions of London and Edinburgh, and Gradtt.-
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College, .
Office open night and day, ooposite Com-
inercisa Roo I.
• Successor to Dr W. J. R. Yowler, Clinton,
Ont, •
U sHbn�raryGraduateof th eOntarioVeterint r
College. Treats all diebases of domeaticated silt
male On tbe ruoet modern and tioientitio pritok
plea •Office -immediately gouth Of the New Era.
°tilos. Etesidenee -- Albert 138„ Minton. COM
night ordav attendedto itroinptIV
anitiaoz LionNsEs feinted by the tus-
IWO signed at hit Residence, Mary. street'
•NO witnestee reauired
W. rAttatcrOsfir, mEmsER Or AWN Or
• P. L. 13., Provincial Land SUrveyor an&
Civil Engineer. Loriff&I;Orit..411111oe scow-
steworesorooerv Store. Viinton.
. Musical
31.1'. Sibley, C.M.Tanney, S. T. Mnrehand
McRae, the Doherty Male Quartette, &seen&
season, are prepared to 011 engagements for
church and concert entertainments at reason-
• able rates. For terms, address
008 5-81 • 8. T. idURC13, seerefails
orgsuist and Musical Director of North
street Chum, tiOderfoh, and teaoher on
pared to take a limited atintber of Pupae SG
Sheabove, For terms &piny tide Office or t�
MaC)AMPBELL,may be seen from 11 o, m., do -
p.m., at the Clarendon Betel, Olinton,
Friday Of each iretk.
Mile Insurance
Clinton, Oit.-
ore,• Lire, acme*
I/AmeAV itn0.4. LUPTON-
irwilcurELtios LAUNDRY
Vara street, canton.
Haying valiantly purchased a high
board toner from Meyer Brod., Termite,
X ant better protared 10 turn out Arai:Mere
work in
1121 eigdfisti
r: of work attended to
nd iiiitiefootiOit
you' rIfItYiethoucittotiof not
indeeetliin tiw8i.th our work tell
Goode willed for and delivered to any*
pert of the town.