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If you have not Renewed your Subscription for this year now is • the right time to 40 so.
EsTAnidalled 1865.
11W3gliT HOLAUCEI, Publisher
New Era. .
merchent's. vertisentent thie paper
te if reedere would, whea making their
purcluoies, ;pennon thet they saW the
Tire publisher would esteera it a fever
•• • •• •• • •-
To pay your amain ; with us
before the end of February or you
will have to pay the omit of collect.
Ing game.
Your Account
• may be small but a lot of them
make a large amount, and'all must
be settled at once.
We have deeided
To do a strictly cash busi-
ness in the future, and in order to,
do no we must collect all kr:counts,
no we have put a limit on the time
of oolleoting same, March let 1901
ae the date.
We will be sorry to offend von,
if collecting your accounts is an of-
fence, but business is business.
Casliand.one 'price- to all in
Bepect, W atch Repairer
J.r.veler A. ad Optician
Cannon. — Through the generous
kindness of a parishoner of a former
parish, Rev. VVm. Stout received, last
week, frorn the John B. Suider then,
Waterloo. Ont., two handsome chairs,.
built of quartered oak, for the chancel
°of new St. Paul's church, Kirkton.
eodorich Township
DISAPPOINTBD.—n is said that a city
lad recently visited the country and:
went out one day in search of straw-
berries and looked all over a straw -
stack for them and was disappointed
because he did not find any. Then a
close inspection of the pump didn't re-
veal any pumpkins, so then he chas-
ed a flock of geese all °Ter the farm
in a yain endeavor to secure Wade
gooseberries. Such is the true expel. -
tepee of a so-called town chap,
evening relarge number of young peo-
ple including Cole's church choir was
hospitably entertained at the home
of Jas. Graham, 11 coue the evening
was spent in games. music and singing
after which an excellent lunch was pre-
pared which amply satisfied each in-
dividual present; shortly after mid-
night all returned to their homes but
not before thanking Mr and Mrs Gra-
ham for the sociable time they had
spent. •
Bosom Rupoux. — The following
gives the standing of the pupils of S:S.
No. -2, toe the month of Felefuctey; Meade
on punctuality, good deportment and
general proficiency:— Jr, I — Howard
Clark; Gr. Wesley Monk, David
Prouse,Frankie Uharabersilit,II—Nina
Waiters, Joey Yuill,Ruthie Thompson;
Jr. II—Jannie Yell', Thomas Oltam-
bets, Myrtle Prouse; Sr. iy Irene
Hick, Meredith Clark, Jennie Mmik;
Jr. III—Mable McMillen, Roy Cham-
Arthur Willson and Gertte
Sturcly; Sr. 111,-- Mamie Yuill, Harry
Chambers, Mabel Prouse; IV—Howard'
Sturdy, Pearl Willsod, Nettie Sturdy;
Jr. Leaving Pt. I— Mattie Johnston,
Linda Sturdy. Average tor the month,
36. Fititia 3:Lawn:neon, teacher
The reeceipts for the township of
stitrey for the year 1900 amounted to
416 620.93 and the expenditure to $16,-
063.16. The following are the princi-
pal items of expenditure: Roads and
bridges, $2,142; drains and ditches,
4030; gravel, 0573; scaols, $5;529; char-
ley, $102; aid to wire fences, $84; sal-
aries and fees, $812; county rate, $2,028.
The assets amount to 010409 and the
aiabilities:$27,089. The assets are made
-up of the following items: Uncoiled.
•ed taxes 1900, $1,801; due from Elma
-on account of Silver Corners dram, •
41,197; Fraser drain surplus, $286;
balance of the sale of debentures for
government drain No, 2 and exten,
step. $5,135; township hall, 01,000; road
grader, $250; sate, 040. The liabilities
are given at $27087. This township
has done more drainage work than
any other in the county.'
Rneonr—The following report shows
the standing of the pupils ef S. S. No.
1, West Wawanosh, for the month of
Februarv:—..Class V --Mamie Girvin;
Sr. IV—Herbie Stothers, Roy Girvin,
-Janie Wilson, Leslie /fisher, Cecil Ech-
lin, Ella Ryan, Josie Young, Lucy El -
Mott, Arthur Elliott, Ross Tailor, Ger-
don Young; Sr. III—Myrtle Ryan,
Daisy Ryan, Bertie Kirk, elattieRyan,
Robbie Fisher, Gladys Pentland, Ada
Zanotti Lama Kirk, Lizzie Nivitts, Ada
Campbell; Jr. III—Liza Hutchins, Reg.
gie Ryan, Willie Campbell. Junior
division—Jr. III—George Ryan, Nel-
lie Ryan, Medford Elliott, Ruth Ech-
lin, Willie Girvin, Everett Elliott; Sr.
1I—E1ma Girvin, Melvin Corey, Celia
McIlverrin, Lulu Stothers, Harvey Pent-
land, Pearl Hutchins, David Wilson,
David Nivins; Jr. TI—Wilfred
Lulu Dunkeld, 'Willie Wilson, Stella
Kir k, Roy Kerr, Willie Nivins; Part
11—Cepha Echlin, Earnest McIlwain,
Mabel Wilson, Leonard McIlwain, Leo-
nard Dunkeld. Teachers, Tara A.
NOTES.—On Sunday evening the pas-
tor will preach a sermon to. the young
men. Miss Minerva Bailie, Goderich,
is visiting friends in this vicinity.
OmxtrAitY.—After an Meese of Anna
four weeke,Mary Jane, beloved wife of
Wm: Jenmngs,passed, away on Mon-
day, March 4th, the cause of ter de -
mule being due to pleurisy and pneu-
monia, resulting from the grip.. She
was of the age of 38 years and 7
months, the only child of Mrs C.Camp-
bell, of Summerhill, her father haying
died over 30 years ago. Just 16 years
ago she was married to .the husband
who survives, and else et daughter,
Alma, about 15 years of age. . Now a
kind neighbor, a loving wife and affec-
tionate mother has gone and sym-
pathy from their numerous friends is
general to the bereaved. The fimerat
was held on Thursday afternoon from
her late home, lote30, let con., to Clin-
ton cemetery, the obsequies being con-
ducted by Rev. Mr Jennings, Bayfield,
of the church of England, of which she
.was a faithful member.
Listen , . ,
_ il
* We have just received our stook 1 .
3e: of the latest and. newest styles of :e i
g mounts, from Montreal, and are ' • I
now prepared to take all kinds of, .1...
photos, at the very towed prices, I
10 trouble to show samples..
; Henry's
4, Photo Studio.
Reap Plates
At'this time of the year, a great deal
of thug is used, and of coarse, more soap
plates are broken. If you want to replace
your broken plates, we have a sump for you.
We are °garble, 25 donereenlY.
.inch Royal Iron China Soup Mk&
Regular 90c to r 71se a doz.
While they last, or if you hays Iota of
plates and want gomething to pat in them
we have
rCanned tomato soup
Chickon soup
bx Tali soup
Julienne soup
Mock Turtle Soup
Balien Split Peasaetc,
Ogle Cooper Et Co.
Cornerliterean Meek.
ljesh for flutter and Ogee thou Id
Cotrefone—,- Council met Feb, 23rd.
Members all present. Minutes of last
meeting read and -approved, Cheques
were issued tor the following moments:
Auditors, each 59; balance due town-
ship of Huron for work on boundary.
$3.93; A. V. Curren, rep road con 2. $3;
D,Murchison, paper for use of auditers,
40c On motion of Corms. Barkley and
Stothere the auditors' report was ac.
cepted. A petition froin the ratepay-
ers of Union S. S. No. 1 was presented
by A. M. Kirk asking that the council
appoint an arbitrator as required by
sub -section 1 of section 43 P.
motion of Crams. McIntyre and Hunt-
er I, Andrew was appointed By-law
No.6 was read appointing pathmastere,
fenceviewers and pound -keepers, The
following are the pathenasters:—john
Parks, A. Kirkpatrick, W. AUG ratten,
T. McIntyre, D. McIlwain, J. McWhin-
NoTEs.— Walter Rutley, who has
been for the past year working with .T.
J. Smith, of the 10th coneis hired with
uhris. Baker, of the same con., for one
year; he is highlyspoken of wherever
he'works ; we wish him every success.
a. merry sleieh load of young • people
from Clinton spent an evening at the
home of John Middleson's last week
and we are told that the bobeleigh was
in prefermece to a livery cab, Mr-
HOOpOr, of Clinton, very acceptably
occupied the pulpit of Dole's church last
Sunday. F. Cole disposed of a valu-•
able horse this Week to Nelson Keyes,
of Stanley. Geo. Elliott is progressing
towards recovery. Miss A imie Elhott,
who has been very sick, is 'around
again. John Wiggington scld a colt at
a fair price. Prof. Fowler, V. S., bas
bought out the practice of Vet.
Seaforth. Bert 'Wise has whittled out
a windmill since he losthis right hand;
it is goite evident he can't be kept still,
Wm. Weir has leyelled the Bayfield
line from Clinton tp Trick's pond, .and
is enosred in storing and cutting ice
for the Crealy, Butter Co, .L Woon
and R, Trick took a triveo Benmi ller
on Monday,
. WEDDINGS —On Wednesday eyeinirk
week the residence of John Bain, was
crowded with relatives and friends,the
occasion being the marriage of his
clauehter, Bertha, to J. S. Simpson,
Marine engineer, of Wiarton. The
ceremony was performed by Dr, Ure,
D.D., who performed the same cere-
mony for the bride's mother and
christened the bride, a trio of events
rarely celebrated by one divine. Mr
and Mrs Jas: Wilkie:7ton, formerly of
beivn, and now of-Minneaplis, Mar.,
celebrated their golden wedding re-
ELEATES.—On Saturday week the re-
mains of Minnie Green, wife of Jas.
Hamilton, and daughter of G. Green,
Were laid away in Maitland cemetery;
th4 decemaid passed away on Wednes-
day after a long illness, at the age of 28
years; she was married in July, 1899,
An old resident, Mrs lane Struthers,
relict of the late Gavin Struthers, pass- ,
ed away on Feb. 23rd, aged 78 years:!
deceased was a native of Scotland, and I
came out with her payents. when seven I
id has lived Goderich
ever since.She was married in 1841 to
x - li
ney, J. Tigert, F. Willie, T.Simpson,G,
Burrows, G. Johnston, N. Graham, J.
Geary, D. Jardine, R. Davidson, Wm.
Stewart R Finegan, W. B. Graham,
Thos. Green, Ja,. McWhinney Wm
s $1 per year fn adtanc„
$1.50 when not so ping,
A Liman I7Nromeran1zio.—We B.
Forster is doing a large business in
wood, and during the present winter
has cut and hauledout about 800 cords.
This amount will no doubt keep a few
families comfortable during the winter.
3Inne1ects.--aucces9tul meetings of
the FarroOre Iestitute were held on
Saturday afternoon and evening. The
deputation present. was Mr McNeil and
Miss Maddock, and their addt eases
were appreciated. The others taking
part in the evening meeting were Mrs
Campbell, Goderich, Miss Gravelle,
leravellei and the quartette. •
Si= LIST.—S, W. Tee IS a Victim of
gime T. McCartney is quite ill with
fever. Act McCartney is confined to
the house. Miss- Emily Proctor, Who
has been ill for three weeks, is improv -
in Miss Alma Yeo has the revail-
ri Mrs G Tebbutt able to be
..g g I?. •
out again. Bert Trevvartha is laid up
with an ulcerated ear. John Trewar-
tha is around again, afeet being for
Bente time a prisoner*. '
McUarthvMenai;—J SLilliwtn, VISInNfl eeM.-Meetle..01inten. spent
P. Clare, R. Hasty, Wm. Lennan, W.
Finley., Am, G.Matheson,R,Johnston,
te. Hall, Wm. Irwin, J. A. Finley, .T.
McBride, W. H. Reed, Jas. Lane„ D.
Quinn, John Campbell, W. Twamby,
Jas. Gardner, Ralph Nixon, Geo. Mid-
dleton, D. G. Strand, j. Mullin, Jas,
Baird, Jas; Clarkson, Sohn McKeeth,
D. G. McKenzie,. J. R. Webster, R.
Campbell, J. S2Pickering, E. OE John-
ston, D T. McKenzie, Jes.Barkwell, 3,
K. McDonald, D. Ross, B. Bucking-
ham, A. Long, H. Chembers, F. Mun-
roe, R. Hamilton, D. Rose. John Fin-
layson, Jae. E. West, Kenneth Mc-
Lean, 0. Stewart, S. McNain, J. Mur-
ray, Hugh McIntosh, Thos. McKeeth
Jas. Johnston, Thos. Smillie, D.'Tay-
lor R. Agar, J. C. Baldvvin, • R. McIn-
tosh, Jas. L. Hunter, Wm, Powell, J.
Long, J. Bowler, R. Knightly, John
McDonald, D. Parrish, Tad% Wilson,
T. McCarthy', Alex. McDermaid, J. T.
O'Reilly, Jas. Clrawford, D, Johnston,
Wm. Johnston, • Hugh Finigan, Pat
Hogan. A. R. Anderson, Jas. David-
son, Wm. Mellough, J. E. Sullivan, J.
Flynn, J. Cook, R. A. Carrick. F. Mc.
earthy, A. McMurchy: John Walsh, .7,
Walker, J. Griffin, S F. Treleaven, W.
Richardson, John Campbell, Thos.
John Dickson, A..E;Matze,
Thos. Ricloardson. John Gibson, S.
Rivitt, Peter Shields, Pat Wallace, J.
Howler,. W. j, FinTel;'-rdae: Cea,sar, S.
Weller, J. Kennedy,R. McWhinney,
Thos. Webster. J. Sullivan, J. Thor -
burn, Thos. Wither, M. Dineen, A.
Dreaney, S. Pentland, TeCrCionnor, N.
Flynn, . W. Cook, J. Griffin, Jas.Quaid,
Jos. A ilson, Wm. MeCionnell; fence-
viewers—S. Webster, J. McDonagh, J.
Hackitt. R. Finley, M. McLennan. J.
Black, 11.01nff, A.Dreaney, R. A. Car-
rick, T.Drennan, Wm.Powell, J. Lane,
W. McMillan, J, E. Sullivan,. D. Mc-
Kenzie.; pound-keepers—J. McDonagh,
Paul Reid, J. McDonald,J. Schonehals,
F. Scott, M. Ferris, Mr Mountain.
Next council meeting on March 23rd.
Johnyears oia, al
Qu ic k, an s x children were t h
' eOnetance. ,
• MEETruo.—The Farmers' Club held
its usual meeting on 'Wednesday even-
ing, Feb 27th. The Principal feature
of the a debate, "Resolved
that Canada should own the railways
in this country," The affirmative was
taken by Thos. McMillan, ably sup-
poited by John Britton, George Sterile.
plosion and John Jamieson, while the
negative was taken by Dr. Hotham,
followed by Robert McMillan, D. Weir
and J. Rinchley. As three weeks had
been given for preparetion, both sides
of the question were vigorously sup-
ported, and as both allirmative and
negative acknowledged that the coun-
try is suffering from railway griev-
ances which should. be redressed, the
discussion resolved itself into "Nation-
alizetion of the railways" as against a
"Railway Commission, " The discus-
sion was followed by a short literary
program, and thee. the program for
the nett meeting, to be held. on Wed.
nesday, March'13, was announced. A
paper on "Brood mares" will be given
be Charles McGregor, and the &emis-
sion led by Robert• Armstrong. This
will be followed be a papAr cn "Pod.
try" by Ben. Snell, and hi' discussion
led bv Bert Stevenson. Then tollows
some musical and literary selections.
The present Memliership is 46.
Nterne.—Wm. Lindsay has sold his
entire threshing outfit to Ben Riley,
and as 13en hasewerked tome twenty
seasons as a thresher and is well known
in this community, he is likely to get
a, large share of • the work. Hiram
Proctor and sister Etta left for Tualm
on Tuesday; on ' the same day Miss
Tillie Colclough lefe for Dakota, on a
visit to her sisters. AlbereCoates hav-
ing purchased the farin lately occupied
by Wm. Lindsay, the latter has moved
into one of David Millson's houses,
Owing to the illness of our pastor
there was no preaching service on Sun-
day, but a short talk was given by
James Stanley.
issue of this marriage; she was left a
widow about 1854,and a few yeare later Stanler.
was married to the late Gavid Struth-
ere, who died in 1887; bv her second
marriage she had three children,
AI orris,
FINANCES.—The township of Morris
commenced the year 1000 with a bal-
ance of $1,785 in the treasury and dos-
ed it with a balance of $2,668. The as-
sets of the township amount to $4;381,
and the township has a surplus of as -
eke over liabilities of $2,880. The
township received from taxes- $9,370;
from legislative grant Tor school pur-
poses, $325; and for special assessment
for drainage $1,116. There was ex.-
pended on roads aid bridgea, $1,496;
ealaries,$785;count rate, $1,992; drain-
age. 0870; sehools, ,428; interest, $29,
The township hall is valued at $800
and:the sheds in connection $150.
DEATH. — There passed away on
Tuesday Week; an aged lady, long a
resident of this township, Mrs Robb,
relict of the late 'Henry Robb, Mrs'
Robb came With her husband to Mor-
ris abolit 48 years ago and nettled on
the farm where they both breathed
their leet, Me Robb died in 1800,
FINE1AilIMAT.4,—Charles Rozell, 10th
eon., has purchased a Short Horn
young bull, 14 months old, from Wm.
Gairiger & Son of Iluilett paying a
top notch price for him. The atilinale
Weighs, 1,200 pounds and his gtrth
measurement led feet, 6 inches, 0otn4
potent rite* men say he 14 a dandy*
Sunday with his • friend, Oliver Cour-
tice. Geo.. Tebbutt and Vine spent
some days in Fullerton last week. Mr
and Mrs W. Pickard were in Mitchell
for Sunday. Miss T. Tebbutt, Clinton,
was at W. B. Forster's for Sunday.
Miss B. Greene was at Fullerton for a
few days recently. Miss Stanley, of
Detroit, Is r visiting here, Min; Bessie
Pickard left on Tuesday for Mitchell;
she expects to be away fcr several
weeks. Miss Carrie and S, T. Walter
write in Wingham for a few days.
HURCH NOTES. — Rev Air omen
Preached a very appropriate memorial
service in remembrance of the late Mrs
Sturdy on Sunday afternoon in St.
John's church. Rey. Mr Greene was
abesent last $Sabbath, taking part in
church opening services cn a former
circuit; his work here was taken by
A. J. Courtice and Rev Mr Gifford; it
was the first occasion we have had the
pleasure of hearing Rev My -Gifford,
and we hope ere long to have another
opportunity. As some of the church
choir were absent on Sunday, sorne
members of the League choir assisted
Very ably in the service of song.' .
SCHOOL REPORT.— The following is
the report of the pupils of S.S.,No.3,for
the month of February, based on punc-
tuality, good deportment and general
proficiency: --V— Saida Cantelon; Sr.
IV—Mabel Pickard, Henry Badour,
Blanche Tebbutt, Teresa Crooks, Edith
Mulholland, Edgar Munnings; Edward
Williams.; Jr. IV — Gordon Amess,
Mable Munninge, Robbie Stirling,Olive
Sturdy, Howard Wittiains, Myrtle
LaviseSr. III -a. Stanley Amess,
Colciough, Evalena McCartney,.
May Proctor, Pennine Halstead, Her-
bert Halstead; Jr. III—Albert Pickard,
Edgy Wrlson,Florence Layie, Oscar
Tebbutt, Geo. Coiclough, John Demp-
sey, Arthur Sturdy; Sr. II—Lulu Mul-
holland, Edith Laves, Frances Potter,
Ida Huller, Minnie Sturdy, Howard
Trewartha, Barbara Halstead; Jr. II—
Muriel Willson, May McCartney, Wil-.
bet t Halstead. • Pearl Etuller, Horace
Towill, Leila Ford; Pb. /I — Clarence
Potter, Clifford McCartney, • John
Sturdy, Graeme Towill; Pt. 1— Charlie
Levis. Clarence Warner. N. W. VIE •
wAnTILA., teacher.'
NOTEe.,-:-. Miss Marion Stirling, who
has been very ill, is quite well again.
j. McFarlane has sold tome more of
those famous Shropshire sheep. Geo.
McNair is very ill with grip.
AUCTION SADR.—D. O. McTavish, lot
33, con. 2, will hold an auction sale Of
his farm stock and implements on
Wednesday, March 12, le Dickinson
will wield the hammer.
Tnazeseitn.—/tIcOlinchey Bros. have
purchased J. Forrest's 'farm on the
Goshen line, for which they paid the
handsome surn of $5800. This le a good
100.acre farm vvitn good bodge and
barn almost new, and will make the
Messrs McOlinchey the owners -of 300
acrse of land, all convenient to the
IttroOVErtatO.—We are pleased to
learn that D.Cainpbell.of Rat Portage,
who has been home since Ohriettotte,
and has been Confined to the house for
part of that time with sickness. is now
slowly recovering and able to be out;
we trust he will soon be fully recover-
ed. We are pier:Ile& to know that Sohn
Scott, though still in poor health, is
lightly improved.
ConNOID, — Council bleb as pre -
adjournment, March -4th. All the
'members were prceent. The
lng bills were paid Mr 'Doling for 20
yclii gravel, 51,00; S, T. Cairns, for
epikee, 20c, ; pathinastere, fencevieW.
ers and poundkee ere Were appointed,
Aftetedispoting of a few minor mat.
tera the Connell adjoumnel to meet
Ap'rll SLh at is o doe ,
J., E. RARNWELI Verna, Clerk
St. Helens
1.101.,VING,.--R. A, Miller left on Fri-
day last for his home in Toronto. On
the previous evening about sixty
of hie friends met at the home of his
aunt, Mrs Miller to say "good-bye,"
and also to show thew appreciation of
his manly and genial disposition by
presentIng him with an address and a
purse of gold. During the six years of
his sojourn here, Dick was ever ready
to do what he could to help, not only
as a citizen but as a friend, so will be
greatly missed in St. Helens and sur-
eouodingcountry; his many friends
folio in wishing him all success in the
future and hope he may fully recover
front his recent accident and soon be
able to take part in theactive duties of
NoTue.—Miss Mabel krriiit, Auburn,
is rit present visiting her sister, Mrs
Murdock. Mr and Miss Salkeld, of
Goderich, visited at Mrs Millet's. Miss
McCrostie, of Ripley, spent &few dams
this week at her old home. R. 'took
got his foot Injured last week while
working in Mr Todd's saw mill, and
ha_s been confined to house until the
pas.. few • days. Miss M. Salkeld re-
turned on Thursday from a pleasant
visit at Goderieh, C, A. Tebbutt Spent
Saturday with his brother in Wingham.
Rey S. M. Whaley and other delegates
attended the convention in Wroxeter
on Tuesday. Miss $. Smith, con. 10, is
improving after her recent illness; we
are sorry to state Mrs T. Taylor not as
well. 'Miss jobb, Wingham, was the
guestof her sister, Mrs H. Woods, last
week. The meeting of the West Huron
Farmers' Institute here on Tuesday
was a great success; more particulars
next issue. (We are sorry to be obliged
to omit the school report, -owing to
lack of space; it will be published in•
next week's issue.
AN 01;) LAND -MARE GONE.—Ode of
the old land -marks of about forty-five
years standing was demolished last.
week, when Mx .McLennan, of Loch-
alsh, tore down the old store and hotel
on front street and intends movingthe
timber, to his,horne for the purpose of
building an addition to:his-store there;
the land on which the building stood
has been purchased by Peter Clark, .of
this place. This building was pub up
by John Clark, of Hamilton; who kept,
store for.a number of years, having
charge also of the post -office, when Mr
McKay left the post -office was given
over to Wm. Gordon and John Whel-
don succeeded Mr McKay in the store
and run it for a number of years until
he failed in business; while here Mr
Wheldon also,had charge of an ashery.
Next came Mr N. McHatrdy (brother of
the. late J. H. -McHardy,. formerly of
Clinton) who was in neatness hare un-
til the time of his death. Afterwards
it was used a couple of times as a hotel,
but after that seemingly.failed to be of
much use for anything Unless one could
call it a "sparrow -rookery,' for, al-
though an imposing . building In its
day it had stood vacant a number of
years. Of the many who helped to.
raise the frame of this massive build-
ing but very few now remain, vividly
reminding us of the dissolution of all
things in this world, but "we know if
our earthly house of this tabernacle
were dissolved, we have a building of
God, an house not made with handle
eternal in the Heavens." . .
• •-• WeStfield.
Smoot. —The trustees of S. S. No, 0
have lately been equipping their school
With a new Dominion map of the latest
survey, a Helioterra, a large Webster
dictionary, and also pictures of Queen
Victoria, Lord Roberta, Col, Otter, etc.
They intend purchasing a large bell in
the near futgre, to take the place of
the old one, which has been useless of
OeneetexeNe.—Two operations were
successfully performed at Edward Mc-
Dowell's on ' Wednesday last by Drs.
Turnbull of Goderich, Lin4sa3r of Myth,
and Turnbull of Auburn, the patients
being Wellingtoits Henry, who has
been suffering with appendicitis, and
Harvey McDowell, for rupture of the
bowels; they are both doing nicely un-
der the careful nursing of Miss Potter,
trained nurse, of Goderich.
APPOINTMENT.—Mr David Ramsay
for some time has performed the work
of postmaster at this place,. and no
man has given closer attention to the
duties of this office or been more cour-'
twos to the public; yet while perform-
ing these duties he has not been pests
master in fact, that office standing in
his father's -name. As hisfatherhas
removed, the Government has appoint.
ed David Remsay postmaster in fact.
NOTES,—.Toseph Kille ugh sper t
day with relatives in Brussels. Will
Taylor and bride (nee Miss Susie Mc -
Vial% Who were married last week at
the home of the bride's • parents, Blue
Mountains are spending a Week or
two with' relatives in the neighbor-
hood, before taking up their residence
on their farm near St. Helens; the best
wishes of their many friends go with
there. J. II, McClinton took part in
the S. S. Convention at Bentioiller re-
cently. Mary Searls, Auburn, is the
guest of her mousier, Mildred Arm-
strong. The League here was enter-
tained by Blyth League on Wednes-
day evening; all report a good tune.
Miss Annie Buchanan is vending a
few days with Blyth friends. John
Noble and brother Same of Ilullett,are
the guests of their brother James', con.
6. Mrs J. H. McClinton is slowly re-
covering from her recent illness.
DEATEt. —On Monday laet the wife
Of jos. Richerdson paseed away at the
age of 54 years and 0 months. She had
been ailing for some time but had an
attack of la grippe which terminated
in pneilmonia. She leaves a husband
and large family to mourn the loss of
kind parent and loving Mother. Iler
remains were interred in hayfield
cemetery on Wednesday last. and was
largely attended. The family have the
eympathy of the community.
Isl0T101.—.Tos,Foater, Of the Parr line,
Is seriously ill.. The R. T. of T. are
Making preparations for a grand con.
cat to be held on Tuesday evening,
121h inst; talent is e4ected from Exet-
er and Goderich ernineilti to take pert,
alto resident ministers. Quite a num,
her of Varria's young people attended
the tea-meetingheld:at 111,1Ilegreeti last
Monday evening. Miss Annie Keyes,
Miss 'Horton and Mr A. Keyes epent
Monday evening at the parsonage,
r Miss Mary Demerit, Who hag been sick
'ff)k some thne, is Wooly Improving,
Mrs G. Turnbull, of Seafortho apent
Friday WIthhermothers hire 3,Wearlese,
Loadesboro. •
NOTES.—J. Brundson and Joe.. Tay-
lor came home from Sarnia, on Friday
evening. Miss Elva Adams returned
from London on Friday evening. Vi.
Lee got a second carload of pease from
near Owen Sound on Saturday.
Meagre. J. Brunsdon & Sons got a car-
load of Massey. Harris faunimplements
on Saturday, R. Cole went to Guelph
on Friday for medical treatment. Ow.
log to the illness of Rev. Mr 0ouplancl
his work here was taken up by M.
Braithwaite in the morning and by It.,
G. Webb in the evening. .At the sale
of jaillieSOleti tarn' on Monday there
were very few present, and only two
persons bid on it and as they did not
go high enough to pay 'the mortgage
the property was withdrawn andes tor
private sale; A. Jamieson was the
highest bidder and in all likelihood will
purchase yet. Wm. Brown has pur-
chased from Jas. Mailmen the south
half of lot 31, con 6, 50 acres for 02000.
W. Riddel is on the sick list this week.
The Orange lodge had an all night,
meeting on Tuesday night. J. Ettling,
AR14111'110. _rented a, home a Z.
Walker and expects to occupy it soon:
Jos. Manning bas purchased Mrs Meg.
gridge's farm of 50 acres adjoining his
own ; lle paid about 02,600 for it. S,
Ena has moved from Morris to his fat h..
er's farm n miler west of the village.
E..Townsend is moving to the house on
the north half of lot 26, con. 12, a mile
and a quarter nbrth of the village. C.
Meyer, of London,. is here this week
agate buying meat for Lendon market.
Messrs. Snell and Southcombe are.
drawing square timber to: the station
this week. • '
C &TED THA.Nics.—Tcr the officers
and menibers of Court pride of the
WeskNo. 31, O. o. F.ee-1 wish to thank
the Members for' their kindness showy
to me during the illness and 'death of
my late husband. , Also the officers of
the High Coda for prompt Payment of
cheque for 01.000 Insurance. I also
wish to express my thanks to theniaey
kind friends of Court Constance, No.
157, .who rendered us . such • genei o
help in my late husband's long siege of
illness, their kindness is very highly
appreciated indeed. •
Norm —J. McShannock and L. Pat-
terson lett on the 7th inst.. for the
Northwest, The revival services in
the Methodist church r..... erouglot to
a clorie last Friday evening. Rev Mr
Hamilton,Goderich, preached in the
Presbyterian church last Sunday. W.
D. Wil.8011'S sale last Thursdaywas
well attended and a good sale s re-
ported. We are pleased to' see Mrs
Henry MoBrien out again . after her
very severe illness. Albert .-Knox has
moved into the house recently vacated
by Geo. Beadle. Mrs (Rey) John Young
1 is the geese of Mrs Henderson at the
Presbyterian -manse. • • .
was a sad surprise last week to many
when they learned of the sudden death
of Rev. Robert Henderson, late pastor
of Auburn and Carlow Presbyterian
churches. Mr Henderson had not en.
joyed good health for over a year, and
had recently resigned his pastorate so
that he might take a much needed
r est and recuperate his run-down con-
dition. He was absent front home for
a few days, returning on. Monday, -
when he took suddenly . and seriously
ill with stomach trouble, from which
he had' previously suffered. Every-
thing was done for him by lovirg and
willing hands, but he passed away on
Tuesday evening. Mn Henderson was
pastor of the Auburn and Carlow
Presbyterian churches for eight years,
previous to which he was pastor of the
Bayfield Presbyterian church. He
was at one time principal of Blyth pub-
lic school. He leaves a loving widow
but no family. The funeral was held
on Friday from Auburn Made@ to the
Colborne cemetery.
Win sham
Wanted. -1000 bush, *Timothy and clover
seed -100 turkeys, also dried apples and butter.
rr.. E. KING Winshant
ACCIDENT —Abed accident happened
at Messrs McLean & Son's saw mill on
Friday last. VV'hile working around a
saw a man named Shiigley had his left
hand taken off right act oss the centre
of the palm, leaving only the thumb.
A great deal of sympathy is expressed
for me Shrigley and his family..
Dir. -0n . Sunday an old and re-
spected personage, John Johns,died on
Sunday, the 3rd inst., at the age of 75
years and 8 months. He was well and
favorably known and had numerous
friends who will learn with regret of
his death. The .funeral , took place
from the residence of John Forster on
Tuesday to St. Paul's church, thence to
Wingham cemeter
evening as Mt Sandburn was escorting
fiss Currie to her homehe was meVat
the gate of the young lady's home by
Andrew Cr uickshanks, who 'opened
fire on him with a revolver. The bul-
letepassed harmlessly through the sup-
posed victim's coat, and Cruickshank%
thinking he had shoe him, turned after
the first shot and went home, where
half an hour later he was placed under
arrest. Jealousy was the cause of the
NOTES,—Wm. Rendall `de Coe have
purchased the fine standard -bred pacer
stallion "Doubtless," the property of
the late Dr, Sutherland, .of Alliston.
Mrs Olendening received word this
week of the death of her son, Donald,
Who died near Blenheim on Monday;
deceased was well known in town; for
a year or more he had been gradually
failing from lung trouble. Miss Ritch-
ie ie in Cleveland. Sam. Bennett has
Jost returned from a trip to Miehigan.
A. Closets attended the annual meet-
ing ot the Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada, held in Waterloo this week.
Watch Wingbain grow this year; our
eoetractors are preparing for a busy
summer, and a number of mechanics
from surrounding towns and villagee
are moving into Winghem,
NoTES.—A. Mustard had the legs of
one tif his horses badly outwhile work.
eng in the woodrehe lost shores alihert
time ago front inflammation. W.Iterry
sold a horse to R. Baird, who is going
to the North-west in the springthe will
take several horses with him, Miss
Brown, who has been visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs W.Graham, re-
turned to Blyth on Saturday last, Miss
McKenzie is visiting at the home of
her aunt, Mee Jai:Meson. D. Penult
will move shortly to a farm near Hen.
where he Will take possession of
Ise. Bell's farm, A number of villag-
ers Were out on Saturday last viewing
the largeet log that has ever been at
our mill; it was cut from a large elm
on Geo. Baird'e farm; there were four
11 foot logs, the largest One was found
to contain 1,888 feet. Mies Mary John-
son has returned from visiting her els-
ter, Mrs Woods,' of St. Relens. Miss
Aggie Salvers is 'Welting friende In
Westminster. The village library' will
be started at once and plated in DaMc.
Ditosh's office and there are over one
hundred. members. A. Gordon has
sold his farm to A. Drown, near tip.
pen; it cOntairta 40 44411,
NOTES.—Mrs (Dr,) Wm. Chatton and
her daaghter, Stella, of Edgar, visited
Mr and Mrs Alex. Clutton. Alex.Hor-
ton visited his friends in Holmeirville
last week. Mr and Mrs Alex. Mon-
teith, of Tuckersmith, paid a vide to
relatives here last week, Phil. Potter,
of Holmesville, visited his friends here
last week, Mrs Morris and her son,
who have been visiting here for the
past few weeks, left for their tome in
Dakota; her sister Mary will accom-
pany her and spend a few weekethere.
Jos.Cbot visited his father in Goderich
township thie week. The,second birth
in our midst since the dawn of the 120W
century occurred at VV. Gliddon's on
Feb. 281h:it's a daughter, Arthur Pue.
fordleft this week for Dakota, where
he expects to spend the summer.
Meunier:at. —On Tuesday,Marde 5th
the home of Mr Wright, Point fatm
was the scene of a very pretty wed
ding, when Miss' Katrine Aland, eldest
daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas. Kirkpat-
rick, Was united in marriage to David
Cowen, of Dakota, by Rev.Mr Wilson,
of Nile, The young couple left Thurs-
day morning for their new home in
St. Joseph. •
NOTES.—J. Laporte% paid a visit to
Mend., in Dover south lately:. 0. Ay-
otte, Michigan, has been visiting his
volatiles for a couple of weeks. 'Fish-
ing is now in order, but few srecaught.
The general store here is now in full
swing, and the people no longer have
to go a considerable distance to sell
their produce and to buy their neces-
sary:supplies. A number of gentle-
men from Chicago were around spews
kiting during the past week; it appears
that they have invested a considerable
sum In this place. Mr Leger is still the
Manager of the Queen's, as the an-
nouncement of his abdication was but
a false report. We regret to chronicle
the death of the wife of Amos Over.
hole% who died on Thursday morning;
deceased had been in feeble health for
an indefinite length of time, 3, Mous-
semi hag been engaged with Snowdon
Bros, for the winter+, Jos. Bedard has
been called to Goderich to act on jury.
For Chapped Rands
Rough Skin, etc,
. Large Rot th s
25 cents
We gtiso carry the other
preparations for this pur-
pose including Frostilia.
Witch -hazel ereani.
vina Cream) etc. •
P _Reekie
Presoription Drug Store
Suoceseor to Sydney Jackson.
N. IL—Try Dock's Balsam of Wild
Cherry Bark la Cottakl4 and Colds,
sae potpottle. 'mom us only.
Additional Local News
--We have just received a communica-
tion from a Bayfield resident fdr.pube
lication'concerningthe bite Hayter -
Peek trial. In the issue of January 18
we published...a...rept:me in connection.
with this matter, and we do not think
it prudent to re -publish or contradict
a lengthy statement, boy necessary
to make any comments, .,
Fine: Clantentes,—A couple of beau-
tifully finished dentist's cabinets have
just been finished for Dr.. Sellery, Hen-
sel]. They were made by Jos. Town-
send, of town, whale an adept at such
Thesecabinete are of quartered
oak, in od finish, and are :Identically
the—same—four feet 'high, two feet •
wide, and each contains 27 drawers.
They are beauties, . and could not be
itnproeed upon in style or finish. .
Next Tuesday night this quartette will
appear at tbe town hall in a first class
well selected program. All lovers of
vocal music should ee ; they are cre-
ditably spoken of by. the press wher-
evee they have appeared,- so good was
the entertainment provided by them
that a_second_concert is to he given
there on Monday evening. The plan
is filling up, and no doubt the manager
of the Metropo itan Course will have
a well filled house;
is about the same as usual, the eepplg
of dry wood being ligh'• roffie@
for green weed rtinc'e qiishflY
from 15c to 16c for butter, with a cene
The IV0 hoe Market is stationary, the •
dernand fair, and the supply on the
Belie side; the buyers' price ruled at
5625 for the last shipments, but will
drop to $6 for next week; The dewy
supply is rather light, and prices range
or so extra for creamery; eggs ore
'somewhat scarce, and go at 1.3c to 14c.
RuNewevs.—On Saturday afternoon
a little excitement occurred by several •
runaways happening but happily no
.no serious damage resulted; About
two e'clook, the team belonging to D.
A. Forrester took fright at Fair's mill
and ran up the street at a gait faster'
an petrel:they came into contact with
tiie posts in front of Jackson Bros'. but
were stopped near Newcombe's. W.Y.
Biggings' horse became frightened by
a snow Slide off same of the store roofer
the horse took a rep. and • was °engin)
after some slight damage was done to
the harness. ,
Hicks prediction's for March so fat ae
Ontario is concerned will be as follows;
1st and 2nd clear and cold, from the
5th to the Ith stormy increasing in
violence with wind rale and snow,
from the 9th to the 131h a regular
storm followed with electric disturban-
ces affecting, telegraph and telephones
finitruments, from the 15th to the 17th
will be reactionary, stormy and time '
settled, fram the 161.h to the 25th will
constitute the great storm period of
the month ending up with a fierce
blizzerd which may pon tin ue to the 29.
March will dosefateand cold,
Omar:IAD/8 BOUND To 6.301741c.---- The
Yellowstone Leader, a newspaper pubs
tithed at Big Timber, Montana, is giv-
ing its rm
eaders a, sall pain e't eontatn-
mg the pi iesnration on "lhe Possibil-
ities Of the Twentieth Century, *itch.
was delivered by John, the 10.year old
son of Jas. Anderson \Many will re-
member this family,Mr AzdersOn hay.
ing kept the restaurant where J. Mo..
Clacherty now conducts business. They
moved to Montana eight years ago and
settled in Big Tirriber. where Mit An-
dersen is doing well at contracting.
The young lad is a nephew of Mr D. B.
Kennedy, • of tOwn. Another thile
Canadian forges to the front.
• Colborne.
Oltunon.—The second annital con.
ventidn of the Methodist and, Evangel-
ical churches was held in the ,Evan.
;reheat church hero, on Sunday rod
Monday, March 0. and 4. The pro-
ceedings throughout were interesting
add instructive and the convention
Week decided euccess, A detailed rem
port of the prOteedingS will iss given
In next Wane. 14
he New
One hundred yeare ago 'watabea
were thick balky affairs; today; the
up-to-date watches are models in aps
Fastener! and time keeping Modifies.
The cosi of swat* is no longer
the serener barrier it onoe was, We
have them for ladies, gentlemen Or
bop', in gold, groldefilled silver and
nickel oasts at prioes that will snit,
any pocket. We will be pleaaed to
show you our goods,
I A. G