HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-22, Page 10February 22, 1901 THE CLINTON NEW E& 1 -,........--•s f ,1 \ •l• 4r eS i y torm s f t r caenews is pri l i t ell to o k eep you posted about the stocks at tile big store. Every week there is some thin; iiew to tell you and • thro the papery is the quickest and surest way to leto Y know it.. Wv e try to make these week' talks as interesting possible and know that if v . g as on follow them from week to week you will tlt> as malty others, find them pro- fitable and inonov saving. they will be found trusty, ul'til v always. Statement made in tlbe paper we are prepared to back up in the store, we want your to place as much dependence in what you see printed over our signature as tho you had it by word of mouth. We try to avoid exaggeration in any shape or form•or the printing of inflated or flctlons values of any kind, but sim-. ply aim to tell ydu the in sWr ulest and plainest language about, the got,ll, wt, sell and the prices we sell them at. From this out we a ill have more to say,,a,bmit spring goods but' people ho have winter foods to buy will find many a bargain to, be picked u1, 'here. eekl udget u y. ','.)Cats. NOTICES, [leo a tine each. insertion] on] rot , ! rrrt ree9 Jujubes .810.cN Currant also Boo ltuu Craokere,10o iior dozen,'for for 1 at.). htrOtAc1IKwrv'8. Wa ted --A t n rr r noir of rood address' Hoar„ pilo ography, Apply at N. R. HENlt photo • tudio, Clinton. Feb.15-I oll'a sten.-1000 bush, Timothy and cloy sow. -1W turkeys, also dried apples andbutte tr. G. E. KING Winaha .l Elie, -7 lb' cooking Ilse for 25o new dates i,.r mound, J, 'W.IRWIN fain 60111(6. HOUSE OF. REFUGE.• -Owing to t' r c amount t ckoes , ti a among I he inniat K no Suild .y services have been held t several weeks.The aged people a improving nicely, .huweve•. Amor other matters the Refuge Oommitt dealt with were the a r•tx'r r b retaining . 1. of a automatic Mattress, to be used in cas where patient' are unable to ploy about in an ordinary bed. ono the pu cha+" ot an organ to aid in religiet services. A good supply of ire h been housed tor next surnwer•'s con sunption, A ROYAL SEND-OFF, --• Fanny Welsh, a'forruer Clintonian, was give a farewell supper in Sarnia Rest rye o Jan. 30th, prior to her, departure fo her home in Goderich. She was t recipient of a flattering addle. s-4, tic iiornpanled by a beat' tit 'ul album, give in appreciation of her services, beih for some years a leacher on the /it serve. She was highly thought 'of and will be greatly missed, the Sarni Observer says, having taken part it all social }gatherings, and,' being. worker in the.'Sunday school, W join with the givers of the present i wishine• that Providence may. teed he s' into the more pleasant paths of life. AN OYSTER SUPPER.-- The clerks, about thirteen in number, of the firms of Jackson Bros. and W. Taylor & Son partook of the hospitality of their re bpective employers to an oyster Suppe at McLellan s parlors on last Saturda night week. These twoflrms,altbough ,in opposition in the boot and shoe brim nese for year s, were on friendly ter m always. Jackson Bros: were anxiou to devote all their attention and ale have more room for the clothing de - pertinent and disposed of the shoe business to t he other firco and this sup per was mttde.a. happy finale to the winding up and transfer of ,the shoe line. Front 10 to 12 o'clock a merry and congenial time was spent by those aeeeinbled. PRESENTATION. . - A number. of -the friends of Rev.J. F. Parke invited hien and Mrs Parke to a social • evening' at St.Paul's school room last Friday even- ing to bid them good-bye before leav- int for Amherstburg, Mr Parke'snew field.o£. labor. The evening's enter- tainment included solos by Mrs . Mc - Rex, with picture of George" while on the reverse is "Brittannia. Goddess of ,� Liberty, 1791 Mr Pollard, late of Winghapu, hut, who learned his trade with Harland Bros,, has bought out a to ne,Ied to hand bis donation to Miss hardware business at Dashwood. HENRY l+ . Stevenson, treasnrer of Clinton aux- Among the outputs a the yards the er iliary. T. Cottle, absessor, has started past week were Saturday, 2 carloads on his rounds. The Doherty Organ of tine cattle by R. & J. Raneford m Co. has secured one of the finest spaces Portland for export to the old country, 5o ,at the Glasgow Exhibition, where it the average weight being 1390 lbs ; on • wilt snake a display of its world -re- Tuesday for Toronto one carload of nowned organs. F. W. French, B.A., butcher's cattle by D. A. Forrester and eon -in-law of Mrs Wm. Taylor, has. T. Mason, one by Chas. Reid and one D was. the Chinaman's New Year's day, -a d those nof .t+i k a nationality sent out re tin s t o Ebel fellow a e r la n g we countrymen Limn y e ale across I e ocean. Anyone wishing to give towards the iaeper Mission is re - e resigned the classical mastership of of hogs by. Cantelpn and Wallace ; on es a N tee Collegiate ler n C at p g e Institute; be ex- Wednesday for the same place, two by or pects to leave for Chicago at Easter to S. Smith. Gen. Elloitt, ,sf Goderich le continue his pnst-graduate course in townshipunderwent'an operation for Ig classics at the university there. It is a an abscess on his chest ; we learn he is ee pretty tow act to ley poison around progressing favorably. Clinton guns.. n s; for dug:, among those who have lost men will now have a still greater ro• es net canines recently are D. McOorvie, position to solve when they have to e Jos. Wheatley and A. Grainger. Bert, run up against J. E. (i.tntelon in the r son of H. Walker, of town, received shooting line ; he has jn+t purchased a is $.i0 from hie employers in Tacoma, tine shot gun of 1 be .celebrated Parker as !'Nash., in appreciation of his valuable make from R D E,n.ley, of St E. n n r e g a a e n r More New Prints We've more new Prints to tell about this week. Nearly all are -the go. d qui lities, tllo wide :,oft cloth and fast colors, the Lind it pa,- s bt•: t to buy. This is our seeded shipment of good prints all eat'', this season. The patterns are the ;newest to be had and there is a good assortment. The best time to' buy is early and then you get the best choice. These are our three bigleaders in Prints. Whatyou want of the 5c and 7'c lines you had better buy soon for when these are got. e v e are not likely to have any more at these" prices. Prints 4t 7c r y 6: s 0 We bad to buy over 1500 yards of them or we could not have got theca to sell ai• his price. The regular value is 10,, the cloth is firm and strong the cul ,rs dark or light. and printed ri_ ht through, when they are gone it will be a long time before we have as as good for the same money. Choice of lot 7k Prints at 5c • "There are no 5o Cotton Goods in the market" is what we have been told by representatives of some of the leading wholesale houses. By good fortune we got this oas4 to retail at this popular price. They are not 1'c Prints by any meat,s,but are good for cheap wrappers, gnilts,ete..c Your ars not likely to ,cet as good for many a day at the price. '1C00 yards of them, dal k an,i light odors, at tour choice per yard for.... C. prints at .12ic Our -Roll known wide, soft cloths, fine or heavy makes, most of the famous "Crum" prints, the best make you ,can buy. Our assortment this spring -fa particularly good and we show an extra fine line of wrapper patterns in .dark colors, See them before the best patterns are gone, price per and Those Those 12k 10c Insertions 23c Embroideries we advertised last week are we told you about last week extremely good value. They are worth buying if 'you are are mostly the open patterns likely to need any wide em - that are so popular and come broideries this summer.. They in medium widths and good are from 9 to 12. inches wide .quality cambric and muslin. and the patterns are all new.. 300 yarde new insertions, medium and 250 yards wide Embroidery, 10 to 12 narrow widths, open patterns, strong inches wide, very handsome patterns and firmly made, special per yar°d..1Oe • and strong oloth,per yard 23c . a c E New w Spring D el 55 rt.Carped`It may be a little early to 43 6 �talk of Spring Carpets but they are nearly all in now and we just want to remind you that'- if you are planing to Carpet.,,°room this 1 piing that we will kayo a stock G- 1J ,,,, that would do credit to a store in -',,--••-.._,,-0l` ek „� a place many times ,'.the size.. of '4:, Clinton; and are willing to match our values against any you will get anywhere. If you are going to buy a carpet this spring, let us figure on it, we'll tell you within a few cents just what it will cost on your floor. Hemp Carpets 12 'c to 30c Union Carpets 25c to 60c Wool Carpets 75c to $1.15 Tapestry Carpets 25e to 90c Brussels Carpets $1.00 and $1.25, Axminster Carpets $1.00 and.$1.25 Hall and Stair Carpets to snatch 65c, 75c, $1.25 We knou how to cut Carpete'with the least possible Waste and to h and put them down properly. We make and lay them fr:o of charge. • Do N*t�Forget These specials in Winter Goods advertised in last week's raper. You'll find them genuine money savers. �, The Children's Vests at 2 for 25e, • the $3.50 Blankets for $2.75 :the Men's Underwear at 75c pelf` suit The.Mantles at $1..95 The Capes at -$2.50` e Hardy -Smith, : and W. Q. Lato, nel, which were highly appreciated. Mies'. C. H. Mountcastle recited her two lat- est poems "Victoria" and "God is call- ing;" her voice wae. nbt as `strong and clear as usual owing•to her late illness, hat her efforts were pleasing to all.' At ' the appo;nted' time she, also read the address which accompanied the pre- sentation'trade by Mies Perrin onbe- half of th' friends, which consisted of a suns of money in. gold; Mr Parke re- plying appropriately. Refreshments were also served, and while this was being indulged in Miss Mountcast,le al- so added snatches•of Terse from. her early works. The. evening was pleas- antly spent, by all b fore adieu' . was said. REV MR WIOREEt MARRIED,—From the Globe we learn of the marriage: of Rev. E A.\Vicher, now of Claude,. who supplied in Willis church, Clinton, for Rev A. Stewed i, who :was taking three months' holidays in 1899. His many friends extend congratulations; "A pretty house wedding took place on Monday afternoo,a at the home of Herbert. Langlois, .Rushulme road, when his daughter, Mian Lizzie, was married to Rey. Edward, A. Wicher, . M.A., B.D., of Claude, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and bridegroom. 'Rev. Principal ()alien performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. R. U. Davey, B.D., and. Rey. Norman Russell, of .India, The bride was. attended by her:sisters, Miss Hope and, Miss Maysie, and the: groomsmen were Rev, J. L. Murray, M.A., of at. Catharines, and Richard Davidson, M. A,, of Iinox `College: After the cere- mony` a dainty dejetrner was served. Mr and Mrs th icher left' by the After- noon' train for a ihorttour, after which they will take up their residence- at the manse in Claude." • A FolittEa CLINTONIAN.-The fol- lowing refers to a former well-known resident. of Clinton, deceased being a brother of the late telex. McLagan, of Friar ton Brae, Tuckersmith:-."One' of Stratford's most.. highly respected cit- izens died early Friday morning, in - the person of John Mel agan, et. the ripe, old age of 81;years and four months. Deceased . had only ' been sick since Wednesday afternoon, but from the first his illness was of a serious nature. Mr McLagan was born in Perthshire,; Scotland, coming to Canada with his wife and family in 1851, and settled in Goderich, where be lived for about six years,. and also in Clinton; he has been a resident of Stratford for about' 20 years, and during that time won' for himself the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends, by his sterling qualities, both as a conscientious cit- izen and an honest, upright tradesman. The surviving members of the family, besides his grief-stricken widow, are Mrs Gibson, Grantspath, Oregon; Mrs John Campbell, Winnipeg; Charles in Denver and George in Stratford. SOCIAL EVENTS.-ti°As the Lenten sea- son started on Wednesday several evening parties were brought on pre- vious, so on last Friday night Mics E. mt _- M. McLean gage a party to a large co -- number of friends, ineluding same twenty Seaforth people; a most pleas- we ant evening was spent in cards, dant- .- ing, etc., the winner of the prizes so" - being Mrs W. Brydone and Miss Ham-�"„ ilton, of Seaforth. Mrs J.B.Hovey al-' r Alla r r ..► 11111 11111 .'.- services; he is another Canadian doing Thomas and It is a_be tnty, Patrick well in the western states. Mies Wasir Cummings of the Central hotel. Wing- tngton will take part, in the program ham, has sold out to Lionel Henson, of an S. S. convention to be held, in feetnerly of Rome's hotel; Inspector Colborne on March 4. Inspector Robb .Paisley will valuate the property on made hi is s o ffir: I visit to the model the 27th.. Isaac Brownlee, late ot Sea•. s hoel here nn Tut sdav and Inspector forth, having bought out Mr .Bullard, Tom visited therm on Thursday. The Die mail service from Clinton to Sum - Lenten season started on Wednesday met hill has been transferred to the (Ash Wednesday) and lasts 40 day:. proprietor ; he took possession last The .Collegiate hoard was called to week, Two young folks become so tneet last fright (rhursday) the meeting attached to each•other.at a wedding in having been postponed from a former Exeter recently that we are to:d there date. Y. McNeil, of town, has an old may beanother soon. The randlodge coin which is, no doubt, valuable for of the A. O. U. W. was held F,Iamil. its rarity t it is a Pout cent piece meas- ton this week and the delegates were tiring if inches in diameter, 31Q of an given a complimentary banquet ; J, inch in thickness, on the obverse side W. Irwin was representative from being inscribed Grorgius III, D. b. Clinton. 1Aikiiii%,%%*' '% %11,.464114111.411" '1111%• 1,1, Exciting.and ' StartlingS-ha� Sale. Over $5000,00 worth of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers bought at a low rate on the dollar and now selling at le' • ss than• wholesale prices. Big Bann' r Bargains for Everybody. Now is your opportunity to secure your spring supply of Footwear. We must clear: out Jackson Bros.' stock in the next few weeks to make room for our immense shipments of spring goods, which are already' coming in. All records broken—read . carefully the following list of crowd drawing prices. • Men's.Rubbers, regular rice 70o and 75o .sale rice '' p 75o,.sale 490_: M ;� -� .:-Men s Fine Storm Rubbers, regular $1,05, sale price 790 • women's Rubbers, regular price 45c and 50o, sale price 34o Men's FinejRnbbere, regular 95o, eater price 710 • Boys' Rubbers, regular price 60o and 650, sale price 44o Men's Fitts Storm Rubber,woolline Misses Rubbers, regular price 40e and 45o, sale price 290 -._;_-,.' d, they are sold everywhere ftrr $1,10, our prise 750 Youths' Rubbers regular price . a g p ae 50o and 550, sale price 390 women a Fine' Storm, Rubber, regnlartrpriae ti5o.eale,price 490 (lhildren'e Rubbers,; regular.prroe 35o and 40o, sale price 23e • Ladies' Fine Rubbers, regular 60o sale•prhre 45o Children's Cardigan Overshoes, regular pride $1.00, sale price 500. 1 The above are guaranteed the best oode.m a an We have about 250 airs of Ladies' g d 3rwill' cull! .be gold Frida$'y in the regular. way from $1,75 to 32,50, we have divided them in three lots, to i sell at $1 and $125 and Si 50, don't wait until Saturdayafternoon - your Reduction fever ' yr raging. `Here s•a bargain -Men's -Fie laced l cots black sue mmsy be gone and wecannarepeat'them.. Those who read and act: will and tan, we had 174 pairs of this lot, but.have only about 100pa#'re left, regular profit by'it. prices on this lot were from. 63, $3.50,and $4, you earn have your. a Woe during this great sale for $1.50. You are the judge, and the jury. Don't wait'to long Sohool,$hoes for girls, laced or buttoned, about 200 airs every -pair neran- they g y pairs, g 4y will' soon be gone. teed to give excellent wear and cheap at $1.35 to $1:50, youea n have your choice for 95c, sizes are 11, 12, 13,1 and 2, The fame of great bargains, like great men Girl Fine kid Buttoned Boots sizes 8; 94, 10 this lavas sold for 1 2 live after them: $ 5 up ti wL wlAR�11. ti • r r S e Store News. Fr�m_Fair's. Colonial Grey Writing Paper The latest shape andprettiest shade your friend will Fidgety= by the quality of paper yon nee. Don't yon like to receive a reasonable, well written letter on good material ? So doer the /14 person whom you address.ImR rees rho in your favor then 'w by using this new stationary. d quire with enough envelopes tomb*, all for 25c. 3 Skeins Wash Silk' For Sc The same make and quality that you have always paid 50 each for. You buy one and we give you two for nothing, its just the ooportnnity for patch work not as many as we had, still a liberal aeeortment of colors Idt, . Crepe . Paper At 5c a Roll Some slightly torn or faded on the outside, otherwise just the Mune as you pay ten and fifteen cents for, We have about 50 rolls of it to go at half and third price. The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton.. "Oftenythe Cheapest—Always the Best." - { to $1.50, together about 150 pairs, while they�last you ;can take your ohoioe for ' 90o.. These bargains beckon you.:.• 100 Paint Bove' Boots, regular price, $1,35 to 3130 sale price 990 75 pairs Youths Men's 4 Buckled Felt Boote, regular rine $2:25, Bale rice 1,25Ladies'Bre, regular Boots, to $1 251 sale $1,25,salepzioe 850 p p t6 Felt Gaiters, 31 to $1;26i sale price 75c What we have left.in Winter Goods you can have at about H ALF PRICE regardless of cost. A dollar saved is' a dollar earned. . All goods sold.for spot' cash, so please don't ask for goods on approval! d'urin this eat sale. We;. will either exchange or refund your money if they don't fit. Come with the crowdndget the best b great �i b _ ga ns you;ixave evelr seen, as this is the greatest slaughter of prices .everattempted in Clinton. • cash and One Price: The Old Reliable Butter and Eggs taken. as Cash., ' . T"a. for f Son 4%%%4%%%.4%4%% Witt tt rte ttr ttr rte it M ttt-gtr tit ttttrt tit ret tit tr tit t ' x ; a ttrtrttrttrt�r�rrr�rtrttttttrtrtttt mor - f ,f • tr urnishings n Saturday -rte. �iltr •••a.,. •' ..41411 ••••41/1 '44441Wiet*************WWV44~04441PM/44444444 31444/144440(4 ' rF ..*Akk -- i w -+ r r so gave an evening of cards and enc. ing to friends on the same date, and needless to say all thoroughly enjoyed themselyee; the prize winner wag Dr. Agnew, Mrs Win, Harland entertain ed the members of the Ladies' Aid of Ratttenbury St. church on Thursday last week; the ladies feel grateful to her for the kindness extended. A hum- ber of invited guests enjoyed a very pleasant evening at the home of Miss Clara Steep last Thursday. The Misses Turner entertained a number of their friends on Tuesday evening. Little Miss MyrtleMcMath entertained a number of her. Erie ds on Tuesday evening in honor her birthday, NoTlts.-Mr Bennett, of• Blyth, will purchase a stone crusher if four or five town or villages in Iluron will agree to use it; Clinton. should be one of then. Among those who will speak at the Huron Old. Boys' Association banquet this Friday evening, Feb, 22nd, at Tor- 1 onto, will be Dr. Macdonald, M. P., 9, McEwen, M. P., and R. ttolmes, M. P, Hon. "VN. Mulock, .Postmaster -General,' 1,� ., has given instructlone, it Is said, to DEPARTMENTAL prepare designs for a now Set of post- a e stamps. The prize list and report IP'►' STORE o the annual meeting of the Huron Poultry and PetStack Association held in f2 of lch lately', will be found , on page 2 of this issue. Leet t3undalr We will offer ,odds and ends :of Men's Furnishings at ridiculous - figures. ° They are lines of winter goods • in broken\ quantities and they must be cleared'out. •Men's Gloves 38c, regular 50c, 60c and 75e Men's Underclothing 38c, regular 50c goods Men's Shirts, 38e, regular 50c goods Boys' Shirts and Drawers, 20c,- regular 35e goods > .-s •.tit. .--.t. w•, Men's and Boys' Caps atd 30c, worth in the regular way 50c. 30 per cent. reduction on Fur Caps. eagle wart That, "Kumfort'' Mitt ,advertised last Week has 7-2 had a big sale. It is the best 50c Mitt over _I offered, NSON BR' e s )140P(*a =.42 Clinton. 11 IWUlUI111U1111UlUlUIUIUilUU1WUlU11YW1Y111UlU1WWlII111W111 Z