HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1914-04-09, Page 1VOL XXVI. tanb BLYTH, ONTARIO, TE(JRSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914 tint'+++++++ 'r++sir++sir+stirsir+++++ t WE HAVE 11LRED IN SOCK 'Illi; NOTED "Ci1SSIC.SIIOK," Poi' woman in- P1tent Colt But [(mad, clo(I; too; 1'or1•.u1 Colt ' Butl.on,•tl. dolt lop, Matti; Swedli, hottoeed; Vita lii,l, Iluttom'd; *' ' )'aunt Colt, Innlnetel. hitth cal: (;Iw 3Jetal, buttoned. All in +i Goodyear \Volts ('it. Style and Wear {;n0rnufeed. lk + A /"'1141 THE PEOPLE'S + i-1 1J 1 �Y g IiIIOEMA1V' + PHONE 89 BLYTH, ONTARIO + off++++++++++++ +++++++++x'14 *i* i FA r Ur FAI FAF. g11 A NA ,,,,, . A HAT FOR EVER FACE Never before have seen such it smart range of stiff and soft hats its the aye showing for Sparing. Now, when the range is at its best is the, (line to choose. Ai E N's S I' 1 F I' 11 ATS, $ I.50 10 $3.00 MEN'S SOF'l' Iii\ I'S $1,25 to $3 Co A SHOE OF COMFORT When buying- yotir next pair of sluws, µtil' not buy a hair that will give you that satisfied fevlinl;?, That's the only kind we curry, ask for the [)E RBY SI1 OE, THAT SPRING STT When you wear one of our 1\'JADE to MI AS- U RE Suits, you are wr•arinty ,along life and a dressy appearance, one your friends admire you in, Just opened, another shi(rni;;ul of suitings, Don't leave it off too long i') nr.tking.your selection, immormagrimmasummgassummmiamtgamm GIDLEY A The Made to Orae S ecialist 7Ati w■w ' Every Doittyr o k ARROW COLLARS. iOOKE SHIRTS, A Phone 78 Myth, 0(1i ,,epic), �•� .�++9q'sr'77'-2„'-,rP.-.rspr'y'G.wT".r. RA' PA! Mara and DaiIu fruit awl Dmpire $3,75 a near .;l,;rl6 744 i3ryr:;11,2 1.; ; r,..;;$ CSS s, fr)- J. 3 t ..u.+.:6 a ,u...t2Cu u2Ctif YlIYu n......u4C.:.0 1.:n.r.i$na„.„ 1b1 111 O R E S ir 0 =!t1 N vog'H !16{ the nail on IIIC read. R S 0 N if, you come here for any 1 louse Cleaning rd (i;. Supplies you may need. ' We, carry a large t;` F�1 stock of ti; ('t(rtailI Stl'Ct('ljel's, Clasps, t,3 Tack lla.nnners, S, \V. faint HIM var- i=� Ilishe,, l'ai11t thrushes, V<tctinnl gig Sweepers. 5+;te, Etc. 944 for use mound the house. I f )ltd bt1)' them t„t here you will :he glad you did so when you 9+S C01'ite to Use them. 1113 IIA111.PA'.UtE0 ,ALL, KINI.)5 fools, Builders' 1-(ardwtre, Shelf 113)dwarc Im3 ta; and 1(liusc;-wares of best make_ and of every kind Eayetroughiug and Furnace Work, a Specialty. 1+ty2 . .l,2l,2 PANDORA RAi1GF.L. NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. WM. MOORE & SON, I S..e rf s tekl 1i DO t its :r;; ,r4 Uj4 BLYTH' ONTARIOs4 r,r itrg 'i,I a, 3'l, itt2 t;.i3i i1 i57:rit�jl :i l �i• ' t" a 'lt r,i5N '4 ;i*'ihu3;3?l rr3 �u3 1.d.ii.•.t. 1),3, ip1e,. ew w...,,: 0/Wei%e.:.a , 1.:...uu..u.., , i 44 ,4s • CLINTON SPRING SRO* Eclipsing all others held in prey- ions reyions years, the annual Huron Cob.n'v show wee staged in Clinton on ,'Thur( slay with a record attendance 'and big entries in all (3111(3(3(3(3. The iij(le• mens weather appllr,.tttly did1t/it dampen the spirits of the fart "ors and town+people who assetnit and during the morning and a. anon n enn8tt tit etrea.rll of nightµ entered the town by every: rosd. Huron c l((I( e8 •Nis in he horses, mud this class vii well resented by soul,( of the ilnesit in els ever bred in the provhlee, 11 ,i remunerative stendprl(111, tiJe ei 11'x6 successful, malty valuable hl es changing hands, The display enttJe wes else worthy of the sht and was a (3plendid repreaentaiti of the hr,:ede of the eenhtv,', that riur:ers were on'"exhthi inn; giv(i the judges (3nasideutele ditlieuily phi(3h'g the ni+ards (n edditien the 'home tattle.," there wea sev el level; entries from lirttce a Perth Counties 'l'he jndaee for h see were J. White, Will by; J. 11' dation, Belton; and I) Christin,'N)!t` (ter, 1, L'igauls, of Ciinton, judl(ed the cattle. The prize list amonnte? to 6500, subset (bed by locld,bueiues men. A big baryelet. µes he11 in uta evening, to which 150 sat &Wed, speakers were J L, \Viis.nl, of Toe moo; i'henl•lC NehllNan, of nutlet,., and Warden Cantelon, of Cliuten, and others During the evel'in rouse' was furnished by the ,l'beia O'cheetutl. The prizJ W111118E81'0! ow; Beet met -',.'hos. Molliehttel & Son General purpose tenni--Jahn Deck cr, l', AteClore. Best grey -team -Jae 1Vehstkr. Best matched team -0 !McGregor.. light nurses, rosdster atpiliou- Joint Berry,' Thos Gutter, '1' Pinkney Carriage horses ill harness --Wm" \till r, W ,Voids, L Paisley. {toads er in harness -E, RozelJ, Geo (1 iiiley t} AluMiellu(1 Roadsterlealu -las Cot'ni(3h, John Decker. C Itdesdele sti Ilion, 3 years and y,l'e WrN c, Piios AluAlillen & S 11 llttti'. PHI 31Hrnn il�1a`ilVlpe,..: s 1)u. d Chaimbt i$ � it1,i1 n I11':AVE' Dt1Ali"P Breed mer •, 3 wars and orer- Sn11 tc; 0'u Dale & Sons; '1'1108 11 Millan &5et ('alnlf,; of 3 colts -Thos >lc1111la & Sun. Fitly or gelding,» yea.sod ove Meter, J& '(3 o Scott, Jas Webster. Filly or gelding 2 years and u der 3-41 McAlieha' 1, Filly or gelding, 1 yeti' Mid un ler 2-1 and 2 Jas Curnfsh & Son, - Horse, eel!, of Itily,'nldl r 1 year.-' Phos 11cA1ieh lel, E (ilea, W Ma.rqu Penni in liarorss-•John 1'( '(1; 'J tinier, A0111CUL'I'U jIAL {hued mare, 3 vear,t :Ind over-- ,tnell Bros: Cirei right & So, ; 'i' tletlieheel & San Nilly 1)P gHhf ll," 3 teems eel! (rye) -1 Sou 2'011 s Alul,regur, .3 Seel Thus, 11111 er gelding 2 year) 11 id nu. der 3 -Jas 001:11181i & Sud; Jae 1)11le John Sparr'olw, Holy or. gelding. 1 Nom' um! and e' 2-E, Clank, ,1138 Cornish. ,reeve is he !mess -Chas IlcUregoti 1) putheringlpnu, Jas Forster. 'i'he principal winners in the Mal' Me show were Jas. Snell & Sea, H. Iu3ith, 1, 11. Wise, &.arty Deus, 11, ('1 zsiutmolts and Arthur;Dale, Calm Aftera Storm Last week showed a remarkable eletege fell the British L(uuso of Com. mobs. A11hnul;h the threatened 11eigentie 1 uf twiny army ofllo'ei'8 was due to a. misunderstanding, it did nut raj! to introduce 11 naw rte• tient, into the Ulster 81'W31ioe and into the 131 hist) political fluid, No atone tile, but' it provided the,oce ts• ion fat' 1 :(markable uut4Urat,ol !tidiest and Luber protest agaitlst what they .tad some gruutid,-tor as stoning was an attempt 13.1 dlytroy er weaken the authority of pal liaunent Phu new issue undoubtedly helped 1 to restore the confidence of the guy• it; ernn1011t and enrrespoudingiy dr- hit tui' ietr that of the llpposition ;add 'Mr Asquith's draniatie aimminc,ememt that he would iimself take over the coeduc.t of the µat"ofljlie, and submit ID re•electiun b,y his vt•n8tituents;ti in uisbed another - 8011Natleit to the most jaded of :political pttlatrs. At the moment et writing 1t nppeeis7i, twat the premier emerges front the erisis with outlawed prestige. Valley Firm 'The Dramatic Society of Trinity Cliiiteh, Blyth. will present "Valley,''eget" a donteatte drama .ie fou' t1(til,. fu Industry lluil, on Thursday (Hoping, Aprfi 1Gth. This primises Irvin one of the most (1(48 '((3M! pro• Middens presented for some time to a Meth andienee, s.• CHARACTERS 'liquid Rutledge, a young New Yorker, Wm. Moore, Perry Dean, a son 01 the soil, 1)r. ttle'r ggltrt Davis! 11idi'eth, 11 New York Law 3 a', 'I'ie'ar ce 'Henley 9ilaN 1! ,Moat h, oweep er Val,ey ('arm E. E. it Wilson, Azaflnll Beep, a clock tinker, itich• and 11ny, Jailhhlgs, servant of the Rutledge Mauston, NrIlwu.Sp(B'urd, 11101,441, Holcomb, a country newer, (lHusplanted to oily soil, Louise Tierney, 1 bJI Carney, niece. to David 1111. Meth, Lila MeteaIf. i's. Itutl;d',e, llltrold'e mother, !Martha Moore, Aldrin Ilolcontb, sister of Silas, 1)ur. othy 1 ierlmy d,ize "Ann 'I'na.,er, who borrows but never gosip3, Josephine Woodcock. edema, hired girl at the Maim, Helot Caning. syxoests Abi)' t -Valley Ferule An atter wilt AUJ,nmt. The ellgagelneut. %T r( -'Phe Rutledge tlsnsion, York City, the followieg 1)e rAer. The serpent has erupt into ri. )r III Sante as before, three lie later, Parted. (stty-A1 the Parti again, Au 1(111 in the text Murch, ','lie !ph of love, lmission-Reserved seats 35 Ole; fl adntiesiul 25e; children 15e, of hell at 11,luiltun's Dr'ug 0 ' rlo's Demand for Radials. dro•electric rlldial have' cont. plc v (aptii end the hearts • of the Peet l of Ontario, both urban and let= 311)'' er mal ale - meant* In (';i1iMiles. look with confident'• to a hductiUn in the High cog; of living. '' Moth views can he Jntitified Id the only way Is to provide bet. lir and cheaper means of trausp,,rt. cion (,f produc s No doubt the t)draeadfals will oleo afford foci,. ties to passengers, but we fancy eir etain dependence will be on loliht traffic and it is in this tliat leirehief benefit will be yielded. 1 xteled in of the hydro electric etetn tbruottt all parts of the pro. SCA requires that ail water p'wes dread alienated shall remain tlu 11Ands 1)1'the government, or Attired fin public purees(a. The rtsucc/8s achieved in the (1180ib tau of ligut and power hoe heel, 1, p1!iine I1gent in mot eking 11e rntel demand the the 'her vice he ,te deal for transpnrtatiel prtrpeste pe, people have at last realized the ill t'attl'e betwt'd11 8(31'yieee run for twine'," in'ufi'. e. d eery wee owned se operated for the public ltd• va 910. eekip11111 should never be over r and itis, that to he pr'ofltnble in 1e iieet sense, puhlie eutelpl'i'es tar ' run on strict business lines, 1;1' ; provision (r:essary for t le sal: fol operation of 11 private co ty in as essentialin the case of to or municipal undertaking. f f Ulitness ( rim:Biles are ignored dii''0t' is ((mein sad this is the role which many p Odic services vs idly in the smaller t •µ'I18 have b4recked. When municipaiiti eoplearned this lesson, they mfrtiot fear for the future of their pit 'BHi'Vices lo 1` Mus, Cartel" received word on 1 I1(d of the death of his iirother C;areotuut, Utah. The s Carter who was to the 118tH vt 1 l his age at the time of hie d rr lit " Watt burn lt1 'i'uekt"rsutith 9114llip where his boyhood days sltpent, lie was a resitlelt of y, ,about 47 years ago and wits the briok•Iuye1s who built the till here, known then as the head Mill. List year he vie - d/3 Is hrutlter here. After leave glytll he resided in various plan for the last number of year( vel at Claremont. He leaves urn 1118 toss. a wife, three sons (,e daughter. To Coen. Carter tended the sympathy of his s in the loss of his brattier. col 030,(8 today, (Thursday) open un Monday, April 20th. N0,40 o the public Hying pure hs ed the Harness business carried on by Mr. R. H. Robinson, I sol. icit a share of the public's patronage. My wide exj er- 4 ience in the manufacture of ! harness enables me to place before the public the very best article that can be had. Repairing promptly done at reasonable prices. Phone 14. * fli,.'Y`T"H, fora I® * ** *********** ;c***** M4*** MAPLE SYRUP AND BUCK- WHEAT PANCAKES A DE LICiOUS COMBINATON Are you looking for a cl evening meal? Do you w3 approval from your husba what can be better than a es, and.a pitcher of guide fore their Maple S rup that yet PFR (1,JAR .. 1#401..r.� wheat Flour n. PER PACKAGE auge for the luncheon or til to hear expressions of Jd •ind children? 'Theft lish of steaming pa},icak maple s Jrul, to sur�,tu not I,1 " Urttt,t3 ittomtru' JEWEL. MODEL, 1j'\'l ISE and ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR alit tys on hand, BEAN $1.25 pet cwt. JAMES CUTT, 'Myth, h, - - Ontario. imtvii,4*.vvvvitAvivivtikl '111 Wholesome Bread and PASTRY f f + Our bread tied pastry will stand the. test 1)I' the Lest maim• faetured. it is nide 111 leu' awe 0111))' i1) Blyth aid every care Is observed e1) as to One before the public malting but the most wholesome. Why ps(r lllize outside tetkertls when you eau get as good end even bettor 111 Rinne, Du 11113( bakeries assist 3 0(1 in 111')dti lig the taxes of our Own? 'Think tf is over. 22 BREAD TICKETS FOR $1. N. ,A. TPsi.V'LQQ►R, 'phone 38, Blyth. Bank of Hamilton CH pita!, Paid hp, S3,000.000 Slnhlos " •' 3,750.001) WHY A SAVINGS ACCOUNT It Is Iwai I1) put yont money 111 H Savings Reek A13C011(1t here 'be0anee. Illrsl. -it I1) sale; se1;01111--ii. 10 raadil,i' available 111 cash; third -the eeriest is cerrniu and prompt. F. HAINES,C AGENT, BLY'1'H, ON'TA1410, o'tI frill 11.r it EE r IL '111 Wholesome Bread and PASTRY f f + Our bread tied pastry will stand the. test 1)I' the Lest maim• faetured. it is nide 111 leu' awe 0111))' i1) Blyth aid every care Is observed e1) as to One before the public malting but the most wholesome. Why ps(r lllize outside tetkertls when you eau get as good end even bettor 111 Rinne, Du 11113( bakeries assist 3 0(1 in 111')dti lig the taxes of our Own? 'Think tf is over. 22 BREAD TICKETS FOR $1. N. ,A. TPsi.V'LQQ►R, 'phone 38, Blyth.