HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-22, Page 7t. �i+�arrw-■r',,,,- 8 THE CLINTON NEW ERA inc.n[n STORE CLINTON'�^'�,'�►`�.'�1!'r•'v,►�'�''�✓�'�',►�''�^�r'�r"�'�✓'��v �.�."v'elf'ti'�•1✓��''�"'�,4"�4'��.�►•1'�'�'�'�• �'�'�✓� . 4 THE. NEW STORE CLINTON THE NEW STORE THE NEVI The New Store JnClinton Says Buy Where You Can Get Best Value For Your Money .•••• •••` s • •••• tz •• ••••• • COMPARE OURPPIcP i�� • .. Ladies' Wear. 7 -Ladies' Wrappers in nice dark patterns, . 1 U regular $1.45 for..... , .. 1-6 doz. Babies' Cashmere Hose, regular 15e, 20c and 25e a pair for 2-5 doz. Ladies' Cashmere Hose,lregular 35e for .' 9 • 3-26 pairs Ladies' Corsets, all $1 value. for • V 4 -Ladies' Fleeced Under- wear, vests or drawers, 35 regular 60c each for • 5 -Ladies' Underwear, nice fleeced goods, regular 35c each for .' 9 6 -Ladies' Flannelette Night Robes, pink and blue, em- broidered neck, front and sleeves. regular $1 value fur .7 8-172 yards English Flan- nelettes,nice neat pat- terns, regular 13c a yd. for 9-142. yards Flannelette Skirting, all collors, regular 12c a.yd. for...... ee Men's Wear Atertati 1 -Gents' Kid.Gloves, dark 8 -Men's Ribbed Drawers.. real good wearers, nice 0 0 color, regular 60c for....... .0 0-4 only Men's Water.Coon nc. Caps, regular $4 each for. La 99 colors, wool lined, 55 . regular $1 for, ■ 2 -Gents' Kid Gloves, 'dark - colors, fleece lined re ularA$1.25 for 3 -Gents' Mocha Gloves, lin- • ed throughout, @ Q regular $125 for 6J '" 4 -Men's u (Ways) neck regular 7 .75 10-8 only very special shirt ends; in -black cashmere and all wool serge, 4yards i each,' regular' 5c skirt .r n,7 1.99 end for J 11 3only.navy,green,brown ' Militar-v-Costumes,• regu- lar $12 costume(exclusive) 7.50 12-500 yards Linings, all colors, regutar•7c a yd. for eU 10 -•Men's heavy all wool Shirts and Drawers, regu- 0 lar $2 suit, large sizes for. I .23 11 -Men's real good .sox, up-to-date Mufflers regular 20c a pair 2 pair p button at back of for 2 5 5c each for, .49 12 --Men's all woolSox,regu•' r lar, 25e pair for each . 1.9 13-24 suits Boys' Fleece 59 Lined Underwear, regular 40c each for..,..., .LU 14 -Mems heavy_ Overalls,.; - r -45-•_bih'orplain,. rivetted but- c tons, regular 9(k for .65 15-26 pairs Men's Heavy .0u •r •Q Q Canadian Tweed Pants, I . 1 n Shirts, 5 -Men's Flannelette Night, Robes, in nice patterns, ' regular price 85e for 6 -Gent's Black Sateen Top Shirts, all -sizes, good wearers, regular 60c for 7 -'Men's Wool:Top!'Shirts,. call colors,tame regular 60c toe , • • We have about'S0 Ulsters left, regular 3 9 n. from $7 to $8 to be cleared at .. { °,. Clothing We Save a, few $10 Frieze Suits to be f 75 cleared out rit.i. - 78' Men's Unlaundered White Sb re- inforced back and front,imen bosoms, q any size, regulrr75c for........ , : A 5 A speeial and:pordial invitation to all. It is a pleasure to show goods. ••.e••••••••••••••••••••4*••••••••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••M•o••o••••••••••••4•••••• '14.i Butter and Eggs taken; as Cash, WE ARE IN HARLAND'S' BLOCK CLINTON. ENIG T, JACKSON,, Sr., "eat Sade of Giothi: Extra inducements at this great sale of • Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits t- On Saturday Morning next and will continue iihtll we clear out the whole stock, consisting of 300 'Men's Suits, 200 Boys', lis Youths', 250 pairs Men's Pants, 100_ pairs of Boys', 6o1Odd Coats, all sizes , 200 Odd Vests and 100"kuicker snits; These Goods will be sold at prices that have never before been offered in this county. Ourneat sale of clothing is still in full blast. On Saturday morning next we come mence to slaughter our stock of overcoats, odd coats, vests and pants, tremendous bargains will be offered in every line of clothing. Special invitation to our country customers to be r at our store on Saturday next, Having been in businessto for close on'half a century in Clinton have decided to give my old patrons and the public generally a real bargain sale. I have the largest stock of Clothing in town -well bought for Cash. The prices at the opening of this sale and until everything is sold will he cut clean in - two. An invitation is extended to everyone to attend this sale, for we will make it very inter- esting io all buyers of Clothing. It is unnecessary to gdote prices here as all will be sold at ONE HALF regular prices. 1 CLINTor1 T.Jackson,, Sr. TI -1331 TWQ :.A... -'e,,, - 10 V lean alit A Few lines helot* stock- N -k. taking. kelerwear 42X;14 -4$1t snit $2 ea for G25 .. Ileavy"ribbed 50e garment"for•,...... 36C Boysall ' 1 shirtd drawers for 2(c. � s an, Horsehide mitt's were $1;60 Lined gloves 75e fore.. , . Tweed hats 01,50 for • «• • •>rl Mao snap in fur cepa;` A. J. ii ictSH Irrieze Overcoats We are making a genuine reduotion ata our heavy, alt -wool, double-breasted, storm collar, woowined, Frieze Mister., with slash pockets, Ii will pay yon to see them A line of All -Wool SUITS, with double•breatted coat, worth 010, for ,..,,..c.. .,....40.1.4:«$8.00 .Heavy alt•wogl Frieze Pee ;iaoketsdf for 41«41 ..... ,....,Y,:.,i..... Hooson Tweed Suite that were $18 and $19, to order for.... 910 VI! A. J. HOLLOWAY Tenders Wanted Tenders will be reoelvedby the Holmesville C. & B. Co. for the parabola of Who from ffaietoray mar Of seeason othe 1901 acoordilug�tO thi following specifications. 1. -The purchaser to a eolfy the pprfoe he will pay for theambunt of whey train the mak Of each ion of cheese. • 2. -The purohaeerte nay for the eamonnt of wit ey removed at the time 01 +ash Shipment of cheese. 8. -••The whey tor)* entirely removed each day of which oheeae it rn&nufaetnred' the work of removal to be performed in a cleanly manner. 4. 'rhe Dtuohaser mist furnish seenrity to the Amount of $250 for the faithtnlcarrying out of the agreement; Stich security' to be ant- iafaotory to the board. 6:• -.Tenders to be sent to the President, Mr VP, Br Forater,'fiolmesville ou or before 8 o'olook p. m., on 9atnrdalt,Feb. 23, 1901. 6.. -.No tender » eceeaarilyseoep'ed, W. S. LAWRENCE W. 13.10n5'TFSL• 8eoratary, president. Hides and ana Skins Wanted.. We willipay the highest earth price for Aides, ('alt Skins, Horse Hides, Sheep Skins and Tallovz. We will give the farmers more for the it 'hides and skins than they can get. an) - where else. Bring your hides direct to tl e store house. O. S. Doan &Son. Notice to Debtors. Notice is hereby given to all parties indebt- ed to the undersigned. that the gems must be paid before the lst of March,otherwis they will be plseod in (Dart for colection. (Clinton, Feb. 181901-tf, JAMES MCC ' To Contractors Tenders will be redeived np to March let, for the erection of the Roman Catholic rectory in ClintonPlane and specifications maybe seen and all information obtained on application to Rev. D. 1'; MoMENAMIN, P. P., a7 Huron St nton.The lowest or any other tender will • neessarily be accepted Feb.16-2 House for Sale Alarge two story frame house with pretty surroundings, on Huron street is offered for s sale ata bargain 12 cisternand a never -failing well. Will sell for $1,000 lees than itns cost as proprietor is leaving for Manitoba. For parti- culars applyo��n the premises or to John Ridout agent. JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton, Feb.22-t1 Seed Oats at Barley for Sale Canadian Pride Oats, one of the best in the market, free froth rust or ran ut, and good pro. decors. Price 50e a bushel. Beardless And hullers barier,. eaieellent for feed, said tO be equal to peas,. wei he 601b. to bushel. A vary ohglo., grain. Pries Ill per bushel. TYNDALL BROS • „Jan 25-1m Con. 2, Hallett, Pancakes �AN D • 'Molasses Who doesn't like Food bnokwheat Dake* and maple syrup? ahtiost everybody does. We've got a buck it heat here, that beats all either kinds in the market. It makes the most,tempting cakes, noth- ing heavy or t oggy r r nndigestibleabout them, and after Winkled your stomach doesn't feel ae thou h it was trying to digest a key of nails, ! n The name is Imperial Bnokwh at, in nik, and hygienic in package*. We have also Ttye flour which rtiakes wonderful Johnny cwkes, , Yon don't know, how good till ynWye tried it. • Our Maple ir} rep in quart bottles is eattre fine and just r he thing for pancakes, Ilii 13 GRO('SBRV W. O'Neil Sneoeeeor to Frank Melville . fio*dit proelptir delivered , Telephone 49: GROCER OLIN TOre, BIA,RBETS • Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Fet•,14, 1001. Fall Wheat 0 63 a 0 63 Oats ,.., ..,.. 0 27 a 0 '7 Rye 0 40 a. 0 46 Barley 0 as a 0 40 Peas:...... 0 57 a 0 60 Flour per owt,..... ,1 75 a 2 00 Butter, loose 16.17,p'k'd 0 16 It 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 15 a 0 16 HaSh epskins 0 55 a 0 85 No. 1 Green trim.hides 5 50 a 6 00 Potatoes,- ... 0 25 a 0 '25 Chickens, per parr , 0 25 s 0 35 Ducks, each 0 30 a 0 35 Geese, per lb , '0 05 a 0 05 Turkeys, perlb0 07 Pork, live 5 50 aa 50 5008 Pork, dressed.... 6 50 a• 6 50 Wood short. 2 25 a 2 25 BORN. WILLIAMS-In Holmesville,"on Feb. 17, the wife of Frank N ililems, of a daughter. TURNER. -In Tuokersmith,.Feb, 16, the wife of Geo. Turner, of a daughter. GIBBING$. -In Hallett, Feb. 12, the wife of, John Gibbing*, of a daughter. FLEUTY.-In Southampton, Feb. 15. the wife of W, J. Flenty,formerly of Clinton, of a daugh- ter, MAot1ILLAN-At- 28 Selby at., Toronto, Feb. 15, the wife of key, Alex. MacMillan, formerly of Auburn, of a daughter,' • • CLEGKORbT,-In the Old Town plot of Wing ham, Turnberry township, Feb, 10, the wife of Geo, S. Cleglrorn.,of a son. COATES.-In Grey, Feb, 19, the wife of R. E. Coates, of a son, TITIiVEY;-In Morris, Feb. 2,the wife of Wm. Turvey, of a son, BAWDEN -In Exeter, Feb. 10, the . wife of Geo. Bawdoh, of a daughter...._ HENDERSON.-1n Seaforth, Feb. 7, the u ifs of Mr Wm. Henderson, of a daughter. MAREIED. HOLLOWAY-WALS$=In Exeter, on Feb. 19, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. R. Millyard, of Main street Methodist, church, Dr. W. F. Holloway, (son of T. Holloway, of town), to Mies Walsh, of Exeter. STEWART-DOW=At the residence of the bride's father, Feb.0, by Rev. P. Scott, A, L, Stewart, of Gallatin, N. D., to Miss Emily J., daughter of D. Dow, Fullerton. KENNEDY -ROACH -At the Dublin church byevs. )v.01108,4-8 Patrick ac ,'ofMHbHbrt.e. , 6fouRrthKeannugeyr .00ft HENRY-CARRUTHERS-On.Feb. 6, at the residence of the bride's father,Grey,by Rev. D. B.Mc• ae, Alex. Hears, of Elan, to Isabella, eld- est daughter of Geo. Carruthers, of Grey. WALSH-BANKS-At Victoria ' at„ parson- age, by.Rev. J.• W.'Robinaon, on Feb. 6, -Loftus }Welsh, to Alice Banks, both of'Goderich. CALFAS-MERNER-At the Bronson linty Hay, Feb. 6, by Rev. C. S. Finkbeiner, Zurich' Wnr. C. Callas, of Dashwood, to Rebcora Mee ner, Zurich. WICHER-LANGLOIS-At the residence of the bride's father, Rusholme road, Feb. 11 by Rev. Principal Qaven, assisted by the Bev. Rt. G. Davey and Rev. Ruasell,Rev. Ed. A. Wicher.B - D., of Claude, Ont., (formerly supply in Willis church) son of the late IRev. J. Woodmoore Wicher, to Lizzid'Gordon, daughter of Herbert Langlois, Esq. • MoDO WELL -WELSH -In the Main St. Meth- odist church, Exeter by Rey. R. Milyard, Feb. 11, Wm. A. McDowell, of Listowel, to MaudJM. Welsh, of Exeter. .., >DIlSID: • GUNN-In Clinton, Bn Feb. 21st, Willie. only son of Dr. Gunn, aged 6 years. ' MoLAGAN.-At Stratford; Feb. 16, John Me - Leon; formerly of Clinton, aged 81 years. HAMILTON. - In Hallett, Feb 19, Gavin Hamilton, aged 85 years and 8 &oaths. , WAITE-In Hallett, Feb. 19, R. Waite; sged85 years and 8 months. PE'TY.-In Hamilton Feb. 14, ,Mrs Petty. mother of A. E. Petty, (formerly of Clinton and Goderich) aged79 years.• • HABKIRK.-In Blyth,Feb.12,Jos. S. Habkirk, aged 61 years. •. ARMSTROA G -In West Wawanosh. Feb. 10. Sarah .T. Alexander, wife of Wm. Armstrong' aged 40 years. BALLAGH.-In Wingham, Feb. 14, John J, Ballagh, aged 32 years. . BELL. -In Seaforth,Feb.11.Snrah Dodds,wife of John Bell, jr., of Wingham, aged 88 years. LINKLATER.-In East Wawanosh, • Feb. .9, Margaret Kirkneea, relict of Magnus Linklater, aged. 74 years. MoNICHOL-IniGrey, Feb,t,Nalcolin McNich- ol, aged 82 years. OLIVER.-In Carey, Feb. Ulm Oliver, aged 84 years. PATTON.-In Ethel„ Feb. 8, Wm. Patton aged 74 years. JONE 4. -In Usborne,Fob. 12„Elizaheth Rook , wife of Hy. Jones, aged 43 years. HESS= tt Zurich Feb. 2, •Rosa Bess,widow of the late G. Hess, aged 62 years. RANNIK-At Sr. Joseph, Feb. 10; Ellsworth, son of S. Nannie, Zurich;aged28 years. ELLIOTT-In -Goderioh,Feb.12,Maary A. Ham- ilton, wife of A. Elliott, aged 77 years. HARGAN.-In Seaforrh, Feb. 8,Sarah; daugh- ter of late John Hargan. SAINT -In Wingham, Feb.4, Ed, H., -infant son of H. Saint, aged 2wweks. MADGE -In Usborne, Feb, 7, Walter Madge'. aged 89 years. KENNEDY -In Aipena, Mich., Jan. 80 Mrs D. Kennedy,formerly of Tnckersmith, aged 78 yrs. QLIi�u"TON Marble Granite WORgS. We always have • furnished the best work obtainable at fair prices, and intend doing the same. Our motto : "•' To make the price to suit the work." We the onl.practical men here in our line. J. B. Hoover, Proprietor Next to Commercial Hotel F0"Life Insurance CALL UN CHAS, B. HALE, elinton, Ont.' %aur gavel tt l`ultata Girl Wanted A geebd_ rnleral servant. Apply DR ACNE W For Sale A four year old quiet driving horse, aieobug- gy, cutter,and harness for sato abebp. Apply to ALBERT B'EELEY, Mary' street Feb. 15--2 Outten, SALE Privateealedfstook anti impleteents, inched• ing one milk cow, one driving mare, harness, top buggy, Butter, Cart and wagon and bicycle. Apply on premises to D. C. 3iclAVISH, 'Feb, 15-2 eon. 2 Stanley NOTICE All attenuate dna, W. Trwin are °regaetted to be paid on or before March let as the books will be placed in other hands, alter that date. Feb, 16--tf J, w.IRvvirt February 22, 1901 4rsorempla - McKlunon Co. Direct Importation We have received It shipment of linens dir.ut fro ,a Ii .If or, Ireland which were bought before the advau.,e in price and wili 1)/ so 11 from 15 to 20 per Cent lege than we could sell them if we had to buy them now. Bay- ing, as we do, for spot oaeh and selling for Dash or proiuoe putsus in a pee-' ition to quote the lowest prioes obtainable. Below you will find a few quota+ time which will be interesting to close cash buvers. Linen Toweling, twilled, half bleached, 18 inches wide, regular price 80 per yard, for 50 Toweling, pure linen, unbleached, 18 inobes wide, a great snap at 5o Glass Towelling, 16 inches wide, red and blue checks, pure linen, regu. lar price 8o, for 5o Bleached Ruck Towelling, 25 inobes wide, 123,0 Butcher's Linen, bleaohed, 45 inches wide, 25o • Cream Table Linen, 58 inobes wide, worth 25o -for 20o Half Bleaohed Table Linen, 1,1 yards wide, new floral design, regular price 800 for 250 Table Linen ;full bleached, fine quality,double dameak, 65 inches wide now worth 65o, for 50o. Extra fine Double Damask Table Linen, full bleaohed,2 yards wide, new designs, regular pride $1, for 85o • Fine Linen Table Clothe, 2 yards square, fringed all around, full bleach ed, great value at $1,75 2, Table Napkins,.pure linen, large size. new patterns, at $1, $1,25, $2,.$2.50 and 03 per dozen Linen Spools, black and grey, 4 spools for 10o McKinnon di & Co., Blyth N13W S11013 STORE. 'red, T.. Ja�I*ofl, Dealer in 'all kinds ..of Footwear. A cordial invitation re extended to everybody to call and inspect our goode and prices We have a eery choice selection of steeiel lines, fresh from the makers, up-to-date in • eyery respect. Our line of MEN'S SHOES are superior to any ever sold in Clinton -in-std le -in material, in workmanship.. Our lines of LADIES', MISSES' and CIIILDREN'S are models of the highest skill in shoe building. SHOES FOR BOYS have received special attention, and our lines cannot be equalled for durability., eur terms are strictly cash. We guarantee satisfaction or your money book. BUTTER 'and EGGS will be taken as cash, and when the value -of- either article offered exceeds the amennt of the purchase, we willrpay the difference in cash. +a our store �in the Beaver Blo next door isck, to Grigg's Famous -Jewellery: establishment. Clinton, Dee. 28, 1900 -FRED T. JACKSON We have a. few . of our: best Cutters left yet. Also a number of good second hand cutters. It: youhave need of either kind it will pay you to give us a call m_Rumba11 & McMa.th Clinton.. 1Fa+I�ir<RKXK•X�f�KKtP% 4F•1i l�if�ff�KtKrlfMt%••• You'd trust an old friend °RATIIIsR. THAN A STRANGER°, WOUTLD'NT YOU friend in man is.a tried and trusted end Baking Powder Y Havey s k g• houses. Cooks know its reliability and appreciate its quality. Hardly pays to experiment with uutr ied doubtful brands. when you can get "Hovey's" the best Baking Powder obtainable, 25o per pound any quality. .povey's. Baking Powder always make wholesome and appetizing food. No Tonio can take the place of our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphitee of Lime and Soda. It's palatable and easily digested, 50 bents per pine bottle. For sale by J. E. HOVEY,Dispensing Chemist, Clinton. Chancre of Business Having bought the Grocery and Crockery business so successfully carried on for the pest 12 years by J. W. Irwin, and having oyer 20 years' experience m) self in wholesale and retail grocery and' crockery business, I am ..onfid int I can it err up the good reputation of the old firm in keeping nothing be. 1 he very test gouda. at the lowest prioes. I have reduced all my Dinner, Ter, T. i et and Teb'e S.ta• to make room for my import order, which 1 erpeot in a few months. Call and. examine goods and prioes before you buy, No trouble to shay goods, W , Mc Ceiba With reference to the above change of bneinees I take thisopportunity of ex- pressing tey sincere thanks to my numerone friends and customers for there liberal support dnring the past 12 years and bespeak for•nfy sriooessor, .I; W. McCabe, the - game liberal treatment so generously accorded to we, a 3. W IRWIN • �M.... •.....' It rays ;w To Lose Sometimes. • Business gains usually entail a sacri- fice somewhere: It is so In all buying and selling - it is so here. We at e willing you should have the splendid ready -for -wear -tailor made Beaver Over- coats and all wool Ulsters at a good deal less than the usual price, simply to save us the expense of carrying them over a season. The $10,00 high grade over °oats, as geed as any tailor can melte,. now $8.001 Those obmforthble Ulstere, regular 6.50 to 10.00 now 4 00 to 7.00. It through you'had to-pnt them aws,, now I winter; at least two months before you =1 .f, .at. Wear them that long and haye a new . ent for next season. Stock taking is over and we offer broken 1i � � nes of suits at about a third and in some cases a half off regular prices. W. L. OU' ETT Lon,des , � �o�C, . 5 '1