HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-22, Page 33 Pit , TEE CLINTON NEW ERA, 1 How Market s AIM Affected. CAEGIIT Tilt ROBBER When johny 'deals the (sake end jam, A.nd (Ate them up together, •THE OFFICIALS HUNTED FOR HIM IN .His pe arrives, and act occurs • or...nor • BRASS SAND FASHION. a ,*•••• One Inotaineedin Which Whim Style of beteottve Work succeeded Admire - AEI eaut bre-daow the culprit Was Forced The:most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy. The mos pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain, And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the differ - ,ence. Dimples an joy have gone, and left hollo s and fear; the fat, that ws comfort and color and curve -all but pity and love -is gone. The little •one. gets nofat from her food. There is some - thing wrong; it is either her food or food -mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat; it is death, be „quick! • • Scott's Emulsion of, _ ciA Liver Oil is the fat she can • take; it will save her. • The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. if you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surpnse you. SCOTT & SOWN% • Chemists, Toronto. 50o. and $1.00 ' all druggists. How do detectives detect? It all de. pends. There is no rule. That which solves one mystery today will make an- other more impenetrable toraorrow. Ac- cording to one of the most noted cleteet- Ives oe this country, the rule of coramon sense is the. best to follow. A rase and fall in leather. n The tlead-broke Britieh noblemen To meet an heireateehanoes, And then it is that London unites Some very etrong advent:ea. The boarder from the oity big LI through the pasture wheeling, He hears a bellow, then there is . A very etrong bull feeling. When Unole Billy goes to town He meets a stranger breezy; They both have come from Podunkvele, So money now is easy. I Take a case narrated by this detective. , When Tommy smokes behind the shed, A : He Was ealled up on a long distance tele- . life Pa comes in a hurrYI nd so it is that there ensues phone, which in itself is not in accord • - ance with the general idea of telling a ee• A sharp toln000-tkirrae detective of a crime. The message said When Jones comes home at 8 a,n1.1 ! that a farmer had been robbed a $8,000 He gets him good and Beady; ' In gold and asked that an operative be He leaves the lodge and then it is . sent to the towi near the farm. The message was received at night... The fele lowing nitornin'g a man team the agency went to the office from which the mes- sage was sent and ahnounced his business Just as commercial traveler would an- nounce hie.Nothing ip his appearanee •indicated that he was a man of Mystery. The man who sent the message said to him: "A farmer," mentioning his name and describing the way •to the farmer's house, "had $8,000 in gold. He kept it In a box. under his bed. One day while he was at. work on his farm the money_ was. stolen: That's all there is to the case." The detective hired a horse and rode ",:j. Pence Come Goderioh The street i quit e unsteady. • A FiREMAN'S CLOSE CALL. • • eI stuck to my engine, althotieh every 'joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamvat lo- comotive fireman, of Iowa., of Was weak and pale,without any appetite and all run down. A.s I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Eleotrio Bitters and after takin it I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new- life, strength.and vigoelrope then.nee Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by all . . to the farm. He saw druggistsPrice 50 oente the farmer, but . the farmer could tell him no more than Reprsentatives of the powera at Pekin have deoided to demand the 'imposition the man in tOWT1 who sent the message Ito the city. The detective remained in of the death IrnaltY upon all twelve a the. Philip Holt is a well-known berrister in fluron oounty,and his home is in Goderioh, Be was chosen warden of there:linty by tto- olamation for 1901 by the county council lately. He is au Englishman by birth, hav- ing been born near Leads, Yorkshire, in 1852, and when quite young osme to Can- ada, locating at Barrieewhere he attended the pteilio -school, then the grammar :school, afterwards left for Goderioh to study law. In May, '76, he was called to -the bar, aid was for years a law partner of -the late Hon, M.O. Cameron, Li. Governor. of the North-west Territories. In 1899 he Chinese officials nm aed in the list. 'tub - the neighborhood. several days, visiting' other farmers, To each ot then he said: mitted, including • for the moral effect' man who stole your neighbor s money. I3ong, who are dead, "lam -detective. I ani looking tor the up the tlhinese Rang Yi and Li Ping Not one of the farmers had a suspicion of the identity of the thief. The detect- ive learned the standing of each farmer upon whom he called., Then, he returned About a• week later another man went' to the home office. to the same neigh_herheod and told his HO 101. business. 1 -le was a-detecifie" from the same agency and on the same btisiness as 0/A the first. He Went to each farmee 'and 0 DAL told his business. Then he- went away. At the end df the third week another P sreit detective went Into the community. Al- thotigh.he was disguised as a lightning rod. peddler, he told each farmer he saw, confidentially, that he was. a detective looking for the num who had stolen $8,- -7 - The ,farmers talked about his visit to one another. 000 in gold. His repirtation preceded him. Whelever he won farmers said, "Yon may be a lightning rod peddler all right.; but you are a detective." •And invariably he. replied, "I am a detective," and all the farmers in the community talked among themselves about the lightning rod Peddler detectiee who was in the counery. This detective suddenly disappeared. Four, weeks later another visitor came Into tee community. He had nobusiness. except- that 'which he proclaimed as he traveled. He met men in the find and mid, after timing the tinte of day: "I am'a detective. Lain here trying to find out who stole Fernier — 58,000 in -wee oreeted a Q. C. by Sir Oliver Mowat. gold." The news traveled. It was n new In '1;29 he was elected. to the town ooanoil, way of hunting a .criminal. There was and in '91 was ohos.n deputy -reeve, there- no mysterious man in disguise, but "a by eligible for the r iunty council, and has been a member me tinuously for 11 years. lie has always de nonstrated his ability doing any work asa:gned satisfactorily and competently and now fills the, post of pee - siding offloar. The Brussels Post in giying a sketch of him last week says that "peo- ple say he destined to drop into political lines but it will be left for the fature to solye." He now at any rate enjoys a large and lucrative praotioe in the town by the lake. Mra Holt is a daughter of the late Archdeacon Elwood, the first rector of St. George's church, Goderioh. We wish him In prosperous future. • A Pretty Good Story 'The following story is told at the ex- pense of S.S.Cooper. During the recent. campaign for the county commission- ership Sam is said to have entered a house in the country, but found -ib empty. Going down to the barn he found a woman making heroic efforts to milk a rebellious cow, and with his proverbial gallantry he offered' to per- form the task, which he did, after much labor. When he got through, Mr Cooper told the woman he Would like to secuee her _husband's support for the Commissionership. "Well", said the woman, while her eyes twink- led, I'd like to promise it to you, hut I'm atraml you're too late this time, for Dave Cantelon's down in the shed now, helping the old man to feed the calves." real, everyday. man in- the neighborhood who said' he was a detective," "Have you seen the detective?"' wee as common a question as the salutation of the day. To make his work all the more open this detective said to the farmer who. lost the money l "You will soon have all your gold back. Thereivon't-be a dollar of it missing. The man who stole it lives in the neighborhood, He will confess the theft." • "Won't he run away before he will give it up?" asked the fanner. The detective replied: No The man who runs away will thereby say to this commimity that he is the tbief. No one nerrzassaxr aosemtee that these Hasten will eelleve pain quicker than any other. Put op only in tie boxes and $1,00 yggl 1121.1s, Tie latter aflame you to cat the Plaster any size. . Every family shoviel, 11/ 5 Oita: ready-:' eta ewer e esency. DAVIS re LAWRENCe LtiAirtD, co Beware of fr-0.-"-- Every. prison'. lie the United King. dote is m a state Of keen expectation, far the inmates hope the Xing will signalize his accession by issuing par - done. BUOKLEN'S ARNIOA. SALVFI, Wash.° a ns °borne Watch. With polishedNiakel easo,orimmented edge, hour. minute and second hands, heylesit wind, American LeverMorernent,torsoll. ingonly2doz.daintygold and silver 11 n !shed , Horseshoe l'Ins at lOo. each: Mail this advertise - meat and we'lleend the Horse. oboes. Sellthem,return money and Voila Watch will be Bent you.. absolutely free. The Dlix Co., Sox if Toronto. It. Her Heart like a Pelluted Spring.-- Mrs. James Sriglay, •Pelee Island, Ont., says: " I was for five years afflicted with dyspepsia, constipation, heart disease and nervous prostration. I cured the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart,. and the other ailments vanished like mtst. Had relief in half an hi:tar after thafirst dose." --27 Sold hy J. E. Hovey, druggist, Clinton, The -Nova Scotia Legislature is sum- moned to meet on Thursday, February 14. Several oases of smallpox are reported n the,neighborhood ef Gtanworth. 1 THAT TOUCHES re SPOT IdeLEOD'S in this commie:thy dare move away." • nriu story, "Beery man in the connnunity at i. once felt that somehow or ether "Wag ee the words of the chief who tells the sysiEl being watched. The Mnsion becameU ILL . painful, in spite' of the fact that onI y oneanan in the crammunity -was guilty." Thirty-three days a•fter the tobbery a farmer weet to town and asked that a detective be sent for. When the detect- ive camp, which was the next day, the fanner said to him: "Come with me and. I will show you 'ivhere the $8,000 is bur- ied. • 1 11111 the thief." The two Men 'went tet the woods. The snow*Was ankle. deep on the Spot Where the treasure was buried. Alter clearing away the drift RETURNS UR CRIMINAL 0ASES.--1The returns of of criminal cases jesb made by Crown Attorney Lewis for the last ball year of 1900 show that ten cases were tried at the County Judge's Criminal Court and two at the Generale, Sessions with a jury. The tfences harged were shop -breaking, assault and personation Con were secured in eleven out twelve cases, the sentences ranging from one week in the common jail to seven years in the Kingston Pendell - Piet Dewet, Chairman of thereace Com. mission, publishes a strong appeal ttr his brother Christian to surrender, Henry Parent, of Sandwich West, wag attacked by a bell, tossed in thealrarartm- led ander foot and gored. His recovery is doubtful. • theft, None the NO EXCUSE FOR PEOPLEONHO WEAR RUSTY OR FADED CLOTHS. Diamond Dyes Will Make the Old Things Look as Good as New. If the majority of people Oannet afford to buy new dresses, jackets, °epee, Weide or snits of clothes every three or eix menthe, the use of Diamond Dyes Will 'enable them to renew at trifling cod, their faded or rusty garments, making ihem es handsome as news one. Med W. L. Woodward, of Ciesswell, Oilks mega : "Ihave alweytr need DiemOnd Dyes with the best results,but my last trial of them has exceeded ell provosts effort's, at Wive jest dyed it dread Of the Very finest Oeurietta Cloth with Dietootta DP) Net Illsok for Wool, Making it look .aai Well as new geode fteoL. the Atom There is no exestat for isnytme wearing ma dothott othao Disattond Dyee are toll" the detective dug down and found an old coffeepot containing the gold. Ile took it to the fanner who had lost his gold, and the farmer identified it. The detective took his prisonee back to the city, add hi less than a week the man was in state prison. "It wee a common sepse rule," Bald the head of the ttgency. "Each one of the ,tnen I sent up to the cement:thy learned that there was only one man In the come nity who was in the habit of drink- ! FIe had been for years addicted to pet 'cal drunks. All of the sudden thie an stopped drinking. My men trie get him to' taste liquor, but he refu This, was our only suspicion that might be guilty. Thou I conceiv- ed the plan of having it bruited every day that there was a detective in the coburiunity. Prom the time I got the message until the confession there was hardly a day in which that community was not stirred up by the news that one of tey detectives was in the settlement looking tor the thief, and I always structed any Men to assert that the guilty man' lived in the minmunity. ' "Thus the talk became the topie of the day, on the roads, in the farmhouse, on the,,farms, Not for an instant did I al- low anybody foiget it. After the at - rest of the fanner I asked him what auade him confess. He said he never eould hear any other subject discussed., Every time he met one of his neighbors that neighbor would ask him if he had seen the detective. He thought once of going away, but just then he heard what my man had said, that the guilty one would try to go, and that fact deterred him. It Made him afraid. Every stran- ger he met lu the road was a detective'. Every knock at his door was that of a detective. He could stand it no longer. •,The burden was greater than he could bear, and he confessed. Rather paradox* teal, was It not that his reformation RS tO drinking should have made suspicion against him all tbe stronger? The MO - five explained that" Theoriets are a good deal like good al.. vice--easy.-Atchisou Globe. An Operation on Mr. Ertiger'e right eye was etuenesfully performea ettitreoht. The is,Witismesit of Onslph 'le, $0,816,660 a n inoreese,of about 040,000 over leet year. T he population it 11,087, an ineredlge Ottir la at year of 260. Mt Dobai :Ranh, formerly of Elm. WOed, died at ishittl (Untie of ittlOried re. .eeived inreining his children frOm his Mitt:ink horde. - • • • or Weak and Impure Blood,, Liver & Kidney Diseases, Female Cenrplaints, Ete. sr write dire:4 to : • J, M. MoLEOD, Godertoh, 0126% • Has world-wide fame for marvellous sum. It surpasses Ray other 'tale°, lotion, ointment or balm for outs. Come, Bunn Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt B.heurn, Fever Some, Chapped Handa, ekin Eruptions; Infallible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25o at all druggists. The Northwestern Steannthip Line has made arrangements to run its' steallters direct from Chicago to Europe through the 'Welland lianal and St. Lawrence. • HAD TO CONQUERTOR DIE. "I was just • ebout gone," writes Mrs Rosa Righerdson, of Laurel Springs, N,0., "I had Consumption so bad that the best dootors said I could not, live more than a month, but I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and wairwholly oared by seven bottles and am now stout end well." It's an unrivaled life -Saver in •Consumption, Pneumonia, La Grippe.and Bronohitie, infalliblefor Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay. Fever, Croup or Whooping ' Cough. Guar. anteed bottles 50e and $1..C. Trial bottles free at all druggists: A special statute -under the .seal of the Order a, the Garter will be issued conferrtng upon Queen, Alexandra the title of "Lady of that Most Noble( Order". -WORKING OVERTIME. Eight hours law are ignored by those -tireless- little- workera,Dre-Ring'at _New LiftePille Itiil1ios are always at work, night and day, oaring Indigestion, Bilious - nese, Conetipatton, Sick Etesefache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy Pleasant, sate, sure.,Onty 25o at all drug- gists. New York States Engineer. esti- mates that a barge canal from Lake Erie to the Iludsdn River. would cost 86 reillione, or through Lake Ontatio 52 millions. • . DON T TELL ANYBODY. It no one should eell you abort it, you weald hisedly know thein was ood-liver oil in Boott's Emulsion,. the -taste. is. so nicely (levered. - Children like it and-the 'parents don't 'object, , The grist mill at Wittrton mimed by Mr John Irwin was totally. destroyed by fire, • THE CASH SYS EEM TI11.1 CHEAPEST With the new year and the new cen- tury I have decided to transact a strict. IY dash business. For several reasons it is the dimmest syatena and by adop- ting it I will bi enabled • to sell more cheaply than before.. I will give a die - °mint of 10 per cent. For instance you get a dollar's worth of geode' for mnty cents. This discount is given upon any artiole in our AtOre. We inVito your inspeotion. of Our Goode and Prices. 0. OLSON. Good Butter teed .• gas wanted. Press Notices. The modes for spring are now taktng definite shape, and the Delineator for the month of Match illustrates and describes 'some decided novelties. It looks as though there might be a re- turn of overskiats as represented by a series of two or three flounces. Eton jackets in various forms of modifica- tion are to be Very popular this season and there will be a tendency to show l'Aiglon collars as applied to Jackets. The ripple back effect on skirts cut in habit fashion is also gaining ground, and the March Delineator contains an article written by an experienced dressmaker showing how to produce this effect. Irtench,and Russian effects in the garments of children Are becom- ing snore popular. For sale at Cooper's Book Store. In the March nttrober of McCales Magazine a very careful and fully il- lustrated description of. mid -winter dress goods is given; many fashions are also ehown for ladies, girls and folke. In addition, this fine mag. nine contains recipes of all kinds, and household hints', fancy work, current topice, fiction, ete. It its a thoroughly praetical, all round magazine, which every woman should read. its drew lation isilvery lotto, showing its popu. 1010. By addreesing McCall'e Maga- zine, 1,t4 to 140 West 14th St*, New York, a copy may be secured. Mr • Mr. lames Dulmage's house and barns in South Gower were deetroyed y -Rita, and two inmates, Mr Dulmage's nephew and te_e_he latter's aunt,' lost their lives. . 'CONSIIMPTION and en. LION° DUBOSE% SPITTINO or. BLOOD, E0111GIII, LOSS OP APPETITE. DEBILITY', tho• benefits of thb article , • • are most numbest.. By the aid of Tile D. & L. Emulsion, I have gotten rld of a h aekinceougli which had troubled me for over a year, and hayo gained consider-. ably in weight.. T. H. WINGHeefeb.R., Montreal. • , • 50e. arid el per Bettie. DAVIS et LAWRENCE .co.. Limited, . • PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH, Frank Edythe Etwefl, the. noted New York sculptoe, hap modeled a bust ot Louisa M. Aleott, which he lute Pre - 'tented to the University of Kansas. Williani Gillette, the playwright, nye 'that he once became an apprentiee in a machine shop "in order to study the lingo and characteristics df the genuine mechanic." Mark TWain says he toned 64 or mote religious sects in South Australia, but that, as we were ourselves well enough supplied, he decided net to im- port any into the 'United States. John McAuliffe, the cblebrated painter of horses, who recently met with ti fatal fail -from a window in New York, had in the course of les career pawed por- traits ,of every horse of note in this country. ' The poet Swinburne recently said that if early in life be had made it a rule to answer only soch letters as came from friends and relatives, his pontrthutions to literature would have been augmented by the addition of at least thrde volumes. , Fe)ru.ary 22 1901. What is ! • NiVaNNee%evee(N,V`e. v‘. CaStoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria IS a' harmless Substitute for Castor 91I, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing. Syrups. It contains neither Qpium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria CAMS Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fl t 1 C t t tiso ° te a u °limy. as or a ass ut a es oot1 , eg a . ' THE ,BOER WAR. • The,war in the Transvaal is still un- der the head of • unfinished business.- . Portland Oregonian. A London hanker says the South Afri- eaii war is now costing the British peo- ple $650 a minute. "Time is tnoney" sum enough in this case, --New York WeLritidert"• • • 1 Christian De Wet came so • •nmeat-bot.ng- captured- be- other day thee, • . &a, • he pietted up a manrystripped company of BeirHtish yeo. • THE—F-AC SIM ILE SIGNATURE --OF , them of thguile and ammunition and told them to run home. - Chicago Inter Ocean, General De Wet is making a good deal of trouble for the Beitisli. But be cannot win lasting or effective victories. Besides, his temporary stweess is bought at a tremendous sacrifice of the. lives of hitt own people:- • , Mr. Geo. W. Allen, Government sup- porter, was eleoted to the Legislative At., sembly for York. N. B., by acclamation his opponent, Mr. Pinder, being unable to attend the nomination, (Ming In a oevere storm. A Veteran's' Story. -George Lewis, of Shamokina Pa., writes; ." I arit eighty years of age. 1 have been troubled witb Catarrh for fifty years, and in my time have used a greattnany' catarrh eures,•but never had any, elief until I used Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder. Ono box cured me corep'aetly." ati cents. -25 Sold by J. E. Fumy, druggist, Clinton, the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natuitti sleep. Csstoria, is the Children's Panacea -Who Brother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria ,,castoria is an excellent tnedicine for " eastorin Is so well adapted to childrett ' children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I reCommend it as superior to maw one. of its good effect upon their children."scription 'known to Inc." . • DR. O. C. OSGOOV, Lowell, Iran. H. A. ARCHER,- M. b. Brooklyn, AA to • • Ring Edward opened Parliament in full State on l'haredity. Queen Victoria lain opened Parliament in person in 1886, but a full state opening has not taken place since the death of the Prince Content in 1861. During the sevioes et St, Paul's Cathed- ral, London, an elderly Italian shot him- self in the head because of depression over his inability to get work. • Professional Men. It's the constant strain and worry under which the profeseional man labors, the irregularity oaf habi ts and lose of rest that tone.a tem peculiarly sus. alai -1,1e to kidney troubles. Fitst it's backache, thee trinary difficulties, then- enless We attended to- Brieht's Disease and DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen and invigorate the.. kidneys -never fail to give Oak relief and care the moat obstinate ea be& , Rev. M. P. Campbell, pastor of the Baptist Church, Essex, Ont., says: “Prom my personal' use of Drones Kidney Pills, which 1 got at Sharon's drug store, I can oily they are a moot excellent remedy for kidney troubles, and I recommend the= to sufferers from such complaints," te Passenger train No. 5 On the Erie Belt- way was wrecked near Greenville, 'Pa, Eight passengers were killed and ten in- jured. HelPletia at si.13aby,-SOuth Inherit. can Rheumatic Cure strikes the root of the ailment ithd strikes It quick. It. W. Wright, se street, Brockville, Ont,, for twelve yearia great tufferer froth rheumatism, couldn't wash himself, feed himself or dreas himself. Ahat using sir bottles Was ableto go to work, and says: "1 hhik pain has loft me forever."-ea6 Sold by V. Ile*eyo droggietoOlintort. The early publination of a life of Qtteell Victoria by the Margais of Lorne is notineed. The COnservativele at Ottawa have prey pared an Wrests to he mailed to, Si. (Merles' Tupper in reply to hie valedictory Sraelipox has broken. out araong thellIth Mown at Norwieh. Chiltliaert try 'for, 'CASTOR IA. THE 'ROYAL- BOX. • Queen , Victoria sent 'New Year's gefts of meat and coal to over - 900.. poor per saes fu Windsor. • The Prince of Wales after the shootnig season always amuses himself with daily target practice. He- is said to be one of the best pistol shots in England.' Queen Wilhelmina is said to be con- verting her nation to temperance in the matter of drinking. Her father and predecessor on the throne was accounted the champion royal drunkard of Europe. The German emperor was at Letzlitte gen when the census was taken. Under. the 'heading "profession" he wrote ',Ger- man emperor, king of Prussia." The card bas 'been framed and preserved, a certified copy being sent to the census headquarters. - • STATF. LINES. Florida has its pests, among them the moccasin, rattlesnake and sand fly. Bill It has one tremendous compensation. It is free from inalariaeaPittsburg The, fact has come to light that out of nine geveraortkwhich the state of West Virginia has d sie of them Were red headedIn spite ntthis untoward 'ch.. eumetenee the stItte ins been mtoderately well governed.- egweimer;eette.wswiee APPEARS ON' EVERY WRAPPER. THE .SENTAUR COMPAN,V, 77 MOORAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. IMERESNOWIRMW77:4"'IrC"RAPIF MASaragairingnilIMIN ' British..C.to* GU !ad ,raom.......,-0.1101-...1111"-. ARE CHAN AND PURE. JAPAN'S ARE COLORED %VIM - WHAT? THINK! If you want Icoure, whole— soine and economical tea, eitn,ervreen black. use only CEYLON AND INDIA TEA. ur Store is Burnt BUT WE STILL'. LIVE 'Yen will find in in a aew store with a new up•to-date stook of General Furniture, , Window Shades, Piethre Mutates:in Piano, Organs,*Bewing Machines.land• federteis- ing .r.:40044. PtIOOK IOW tena. "quality ihe beat. J. lir. 1EAlirtiv HOME KNITTERS WANTED Ile above cat shows a machine in- °pentane And sample of work • done at the horse of a shareholder. We want a few more workers in this locality, at once, and in order to secure . . your co-operation without the delay of correspondence, we herewith explain our full plan in this advertisement The work is simple and the Machine is easily operated, and with the Guide requires no teacher. If you wiskjo join our staff of Workers let us. hear from you promptly with the Application- Form for Stock and • Machine filled out and remittance, and we will allot you Stock and send you machine and outfit to begin work at once, HE PEOPLE'S KNITTING SYNDICATIE liasorporittedb7ProlthicIal-Charteremdar the Ontario Completes diet. LIMITED. Authorized Capital Stook, . • •.- $180#000. . HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, CANADA The Syndicate Is Offering a limited amount of Stock at $1,00 per sbare In lots Of twenty shares. (Each subscriber of the twenty shares to be furnished a twenty -dollar knitting machine rite to work fink tho Syndicate and to share in the net profits of all goods made.) . . . . The Syndicate has been formed for the purprbe of manufacturing knitted goods cheaptb then any existing company, to loop down priCes.. And to (repose the large knitting Combines and Companies which haveJoined hands to miss. prices, To do this successfully it II nectiesary to get Jerk! at first cost and to manufacture goods with the least possible expense. Therefore- • 1. The syndicate supplies Its own yarn and machines, * 2. Th. Syndicate has all goods made by shareholders knitting at their own homes. , 4, Ii• S. The Syndicate pays for all pro 'de goods at once upon receipt of bine. arid besides paying fenothaWork when soot In Will senile ennuannually divide with ti Working share 1 net profits from the sale of all goods made by ts thareholdeta • . .4. The Syndicate sells ell goo by its working shareholder*. tvorkIng shoreholder,, free of charge, full direction* samples and yarn to make the oboes. 5. To each subscriber of twenty 51.00 shares the Syndicate gives free A twenty dollar Knitting Machine it) keep, and alto supcipolil:e.ech . . To beconte a shareholder. a worker, the owner of one of the machine* to be paid for the work watt do, and atareire participate lynfttithioleigeliteinditatit division of the net Profits. You have only to become o member of the Syndicate and take twenty itil.0061:iteh5flwr:hriltwhridellvccnorcrist yoUribEytwtentil but is the source of a regular employment and Income at their homes. The Syndicate is fully prepared to keep its sha Motor•stppliedie;',iiti THE METHOD OF THE SYNDICATF:arrixtvg1.8-.0 717147,1111hetenly4liggsgni:tat= Wolfer doing the various kinds of work required, and 1( 1. also In n positiOn to dispose of, all goods knitted from than' yarns through logo jabbers and to the general trade as fast as It can be sent In by its shareholders. ./ It will be seen that to manufacture goads on so large a scale it would be nec ** s * ry to have a number of knitttng factories, which would mean the Investment of thousands of dollars, besides taxes, insurance and Interest on same, ,, We can, therefore, not only manufacture goods cheaper and in WWIr quantlties. but pity our shareholders dividends serni.sontially. THE . MACHI NE Llettrrgylit:ttr,fitihgeluisrrirgightfIge,g21:1:Yfratat;TITigItntli,t n=1,111.1.1=1 gtniztwAtitgmag..uctc7,..,,2 of o„„adian wool yarn the sante as hand worn, but ei:lity Ernes filter, In 'Mere lase of _spots Or nraYcykathheos)avinditcWaPte7surrichihaUsteat.ehWtilvthe:saa:, michinea full outfit is sent together with A supply Of yam to comMence attire:, it'l do guidde leccicirrepdarging thsedmachihes is to. plain ntiti tha 'operetion io simple that anyone or ordinairy,intelligerlee.can make any f asirse'titArdies* StOckings Moe Or 100 patrol dente THE PRICE Ilic:lit 2 if: , f ris fly Ytilioitrconr.v.,.. steAttoicivi:1004init aggingsPand Foltless'Eticycle Hose, $5.00. per 100Ppaire; fine Toques, I g the"' gen .dandi joggetlekfsorserooliildreeeirt.igoo: Ladles' Stocking Or and Biloyge Hoop Ititi'ilftk.rl. I. 1115.00 per100., All these goods am quickly made on the machine and at these prices eny person willing to work Can Make geed pay. much mere than marking in sten% ~king In shop or laboringon farm. titharehtliders Mut devote all br part of their time knitting. but at all time* they DIV . . , aftpsoteci to work for the Interests of thi Syndicate. . WHO CAN JOIN. 14,1,4„dtarir w1111nytterAchept Ind honestly kelt the yarn setrueted t0. them,lindao ritUrn made goods promptly to 04 . co a shareholder otatotk, harttelpatIng In the semeannual itlya WHAT 'OH MVSI pg ;..III JOIN. 143,111..,,innutrolZiktte th."4,0.0., receiving pay as feat as the work le sent In. m st ou..tet.lm., toll owing** L.I AY c) r hi, *Ign theIrmuno to lk till In address and reference, and imalose It with Express or Post Ornes mo-neytiordrut to tit* Syndicate. , 4 4104404 44•••• ••0444 04 di 0 El** oti•III•4- * 1E4E* 4***641v oo * * 4.8******••sw* 44 4 *4 444 ft 4* 444444.6444.* fippitcation Toxin for Stock and itiacbtne, **OHM 11111r1T/140 1(114DIOAta, tnerma, ar„ Toarntre, Ole4. tetanal you herewith tse.11 1131410,11kA.Iritittit for so toilette of Meek 1fiub1ett 40 ilb alai &illy In 'The People's tenth* ityadisile, %dented, which I wish allotted to sae, Ind one of your Seco* Machine* free, mono as you turnialt your ehirehOidsta, together with funi Maples, instructions and yens, which 1 wish wad to mo as soon as poosibie to enable me to begin work toe Die eyedieete a Onta ntes immint oi mint. The add stoat to entitle ow to participate la the setal•santial dividends of the ilyedieste In *tidiness fa hang osid essit aa delliery for oil the Training Id° tOr till 83114610 404.14i StAtla*S. Itarroo,poormearesi .1triNvs. Ojterri 0/1NTO1 NEW as. rats folo likelln that row moo* Pod Wes s" 4A- Itfarirs IteeMete, 06 • „. sat Aosta to Owl work and bow von vilab\to beeel *eddy, **oath rat sold In the Wet t