HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-15, Page 10relavunry 15, 1901
1.!:h anging
Everyday sees this stove, changing the
heavy stocks of winter for the -bright,
i spring .fresh and new merchandise of sprng that
constant) beim' opened up.
is Y � P
The New Prints are here,. -New Cottons,
New Shirtings, New Sheetings, beautiful
new Embroideries and Insertions, in fact
all over the store you'll see signs of Spring
in the changing merchandise.
We strongly ad vipe early buying of all kinds of Cotton
Goods, for with the price of raw Cotton higher today than it
has been since the American War, higher prices are sure to
]Eine and you are not likely to buy as cheaplyas.you cau to-
-lay for at least a y it to c.,ine • So we say supply your cot-
ton wants now—mi., fvt ilii) future if you can, and buy here
where assortments are largest and values best.
The New nFrints
"Prettier than eve)" iswhot'pe
people are saying about our
nous, We have certainly got the finest collecticn we
have ever' shown, and wise buyers are-making:their selections
early before assortments get broken.
"There are no 5o Cotton Goods in the market" is what we have been told
by representatives of some of the.leading wholesale houses. By good
fortune we got this case to retail at this popular price. They are not •
1ep Prints by any meaus,but are good for Cheap wrappers, quilts,eto.
refer are not likely to get as good for many a day at the price. 1COO : C
3ards of them, dark and li„bt colors, at your choice per yardfor....
rints at 71c
We had to buy over 1500 yards of them
or we could not have got them to sell
at this price. The regular value is
10c, the cloth is flrm and strong the
colors dark or• Tight. and printed
right through, when they are gone it
will be a long time before we have as
as good for the same money, Choice
of lot
Prints at 12ie
Our aell known wide; soft cloths, fine -
or heavy makes, moat of the famous
"Cram" prints,: the beat make you
can buy. Out assortment this spring -
is paaticularly good and we show an
extra fine lined wrapper patterns in
dark colors. See' them before the
best patterns are gone, price per
7tc yard 123c
I Embroideries
Some wide Elnbrolderies' that
we bought cheap,, widths that
are suitable for frills of white
skirts, all new and stylish pat-
terns. .
250 yards wide - Embroidery, 10 to 12
inches wide, very. handsome patterns
and strong cloth. per yard.... , .....23c
We are going to sell • some
handsome insertions at this
popular price. All are brand
new and every pattern a good
300 yards new insertions, medium and
narrow widths, open patterns, strong
and firmly made, special per yard..) Oc
The 20c and 25c kinds
1 There are just si iloien`of"them; small,.medium and
large sizes. They are ribbed, good weight; soft finish,
American make, have buttoned front, high -neck and long
sleeves. If bought in the regular way would have to be
sold at 20c and 25c each. Perhaps we .should not have
bought them so late in the season, but then the price -
tempted us and it likely will you. Just 72 of them to
sell, antothey go on sale Saturday morning at
Two for Twenty/five emits -
$2.75 for a pair of
34.50 Blankets
1♦`IiIb:1 X, ii 1 .0.la 1001,
floe a Line taeh insertion ]
if}nyutreee Jujubes IIiaoY Currant' Ovule
alio Bon lion Crookers, 10o par dozen, for Bale
at J. MOCLaotrelrrr's.
Wanted -A young lady of good address to
to tru photographs.apply at N B HENRY'S
our Blanket Stock is too heavy, so to get it down to proper
shape, we take this line of $3 50 Blankets and clip 75c off the
price. They would be good buying even for next season and
you might as well have the benefit of them for jhe next few
weeks of cold weather.
Lees than a dozen pairs white wool Blankets, sol-; fluffy finish, fancy
colored border, 7Ibs, large size,were downrightgood value at $'3.50, ..
because we haye too many you can take your choice for •
'J:howas St ttebau, of lire), bee ed".
named . as Census Commissioner' foe
East Huron; James L. Groat, of Loch,
alsb, for 1h eel Huron; and D. Theo -
hart, of Hempel], for_ South Huron.
r t
B L •--� are e t
report of the great amount of illness
prevalent just now, grip,heing chiefly
tl.e cause. B 1' Sibley has been oft
duty fur the past week with an attack.
photo studio, Clinton. Feb. 15 ^1 Capt. 02, McTaggart Wigs, -7 it's cooking figs for2ia. now dates be p Kg rt has been confined
per pound, J. W. 1RWIN. to the house for some time, Mrs H. 13.
75c for a Suit of
You can't make money much easier than by taking advantage
of this bargain. Look your supply of underwear over and if
you think you will want any for next winter why save money
and buy now. You'll not buy at this price next season you
can be sure of that.
Men'e Heavy fleece lined Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, strong firm
make, good fleecing, seams nicely finished, a bargain at 60e eaah,-
but the biggest Underwear bargain of the year, at or snit
Our Clean Sweep of
The way things look now we are going to
accomplish our object and- clear oust every Man-
tle on the racks before the month is over. It
will be a wonder if we don't for prices have
been made low enough to be ridiculous. Do
) fort miss a merebltrifi . We temphto assize et a the bod argains
of last week and add one more to the list.
Mantles at OSc
Jost a few of them now but the ons you want may be in lithe lot, lbw,.
Everyone a wearer and easily made over, Moir of this lot.aow....
Mantles at $1.93
Rvery one of them stylish garments, those that have been most popu.
lar this season. Your choir of every Mantle in the store, no re-
serves whatever, .garments that sold all the way from $6.00 to (i1O.
00, new goods this eeason, now selling at eaoh.., .,,....... X.B0
Sleek Cloth t sj es at $2.30
8 Wiese black cloth Capes just 6 or 8 of them made from good anal•
ity o ac rough cloth, , s y s war -• ' 2.g
prioe Wee $6./6, choir now ....,,...,...••.4de•••••••••••••
You never bought goon antles for so4ittle money before
and it will bo many a long day beftsre yon will again. The
earlie�••you conch the better the choice. de
IOW/ 'lpilllC>%. Chant kt improving nicely, .we are
AT THE RINK -Arrangeulents are very serious illness. We ate sorry to
being nt tde t.r hold a carnival in the learn that Willie, the height little son
rink next Thursday evening, Feb, . 2I; of Dr. Gunn, is seriously illatpresent.
variott, r'zce w ill be ktiven; a ivatth Mrs Jas. Stnith is.neatly recovered
°el ween Inc mart ted and single curlers from her illness of several weelc'sdura-
the rink next wee wl to house with ri .
Mott on ice. by J. a . AleCulluch, the for the past week, Dr. J. T. Wilkie
renowned champion skater of the has been under the weather consider -
world; in feats in fancy figures, jump- ably during the past few weeks •, we
ing on skates. speed, etc. aro sorry to say hal has notentirely•re-
covered. S. Jackson is also laid up.
DIVISION COURT,-tiegutarcourt day
WAS held last'S tturdtty, with Barrister RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE. - At
N'. Holinstead, of Seaf•.rth, acting the last regular meeting of Sheffield
:lodge, Judge Doyle being unable to be Lodge, No. 83, Sons of England, the
present, owing to illness. There `were, followingresolutionwas unanimously
some ten cases entered, but the only passed : Moved by Bro. Jackson, sec -
one to be, ed in. court was that' of R. onded by District Deputy, N. Robson,
& J. Ransford vs. Eyre & txurdon, of "That the Sons of England of Clinton
Ottawa, regarding payment for salt; having learned with great sorrow the
the court held it was out of its jnrisdic loss that the British Empire has sus-
tion and the case was transferred for twined by the death of Her Majesty,
hearing to Ottawa. Queen Victoria, which has terminated
pleased to state, after a pro onged and
will he pl tyed A not her feature at tion, The family of
I3 Piumsteel have
k Il he the exh►b- been confined R p
of last week, Mies Irene, daughter of
T' Jackson, ie., of town, gage a violin
ter: roved very successful
and enjoyable, Miss Jeekeon perforce
solo; the aff
ing her pat t creditably, The outputs
of the yards were light this week; an
Monday 0. Reid .and 0. Wa'lie ea:h
shipped one carload of hoge for Toron-
to Rev. E. B. Smith officiated
at the funeral of the late Mrs
Loyett,of Summerhill, on Sunday last.
Owing to there not being a quorum
the regular montbly meeting of the
school board was not held on Monday
evening. A meeting of the Collegiate
Board was held last (Thursday). even-
ing. Jas. McCabe took possession on
Monday of the grocery store he pur-
chased from J. W. Irwin. W. Gundry
was het e from Goderich on Saturday,
serving subpoenas for jurymen at the
County Assizes to begin on the 26th
inet; among the number are D.A. For-
rester and Frank Fowler. Jacob Tay-
1 'r tenons he collected over $2500 in
insurance premiums last month; this
means many thousands of dollars in
policies. G. A, Mcliee took the House
of Refuge services last Sunday. The
severe snow storms recently, particu-
larly that on Tuesday, delayed the
trains considerably; it took several en-
gines to bring the Wednesday morn-
ing train here from Goderich. Miss
Goodwin,.of town, was down on'the
progratn for the choir concert to be
given in Westfield Methodist church
last Tuesday.. We learn that the wed-
ding nuptials of our esteemed towns-
man, S. S. C., to a Milverton lady are
to be consummated on the 27th; con-
gratulations'are in Order. Tbe•report
that Conductor Ireland, who has bad
the London, Huron & Bruce runt for
many years, was to leave for another
route, between Owen Sound and Pal-
merston is not correct, 110 we are in-
formed. Yesterday was St. Valentine's
day. Geo.La le possesses eases an old coin
wntch wafoundbyhis children near
Holrnesville last summer and is a ten
cent piece of George IV's reign arid
bears the d
e.ple muchbat-
1823• it i W. W. Macvicar, of Goderich,
mail clerk on the Goderich run, has
received a medal froth the Royal t7an-
adian Humane Association; he was one
of the participants of the "Black Hole"
lifesaving episode near Goderich last
summer. . when'he distinguished him•
self by his conspicuous bravery in sav-
ing H. Miller • from drowning in the
Maitland•iliver. R. G. Emerson was
engineer ofthe freight train which.
was wrecked ileac Napinka, Man., sev-
eraldays ago; no lives were lost, but
the train was rolled down an embank
trent ahrtit 100 feet: Mr Emerson is "a
brother•in-law of K. HHolmes,M.P.-
Feb. 20th'is Ash Wednesday; the Ang-
Lean and R. C. churches will hold ser-
vice. Matters appear to be shaping
towards a reorganiz it ion of the firein-
leasure is always of the most
e r tont surance business in the Dominion; the
this home. One of the most• i n.oyable o osed higher rates were discussed at
(pr g
}fops of the Sen,,on was given in Stavely a recent meeting of.. the Canadian Fire
YNJURED ITIS HORSE. -While out a long, faithful and gracious •reign,
driving last Friday Joseph-Rattenbury which won the love of all subjects, and
bad a tntshap with his young hcrse, the respect of the people of the whale
and were he nota good horseman it civilized world, and that we direct that
would have proved °more serious. A our charters and • other emblems be
dog belonging to VV. N. Walker ran draped for six months in. loving mem-
ory- acrd not only frightened but bit ory• of the most beloved and ore treat
the loose, injuring one of its hind legs
F. W.• secworld has ever seen." -
s th
services of e
that the er ce
so severely e
veterinary were required. The dog. IN THE SOOIAL CIRCLE.- At
hes since since been destroyed as it Was con- vei," the hotne of Mrs Win. Jackson a
sideted vicious.. euchre party was .iven to a number
of. invited ladies.from 5 to 10. p, m.; it
an of he
NI M t 1' Mrs t
WAS 1i CL NTO AN enjoyable. affair. W n
A i y was a most enl y M
older people of town will be:sorry to Marland jr, winning the tat prize of a
learn of the death of a former resident, . beautiful sofa pillow, and bliss iss Couch
sudden n
Jas. McCartney, who died v euchre size of a whisk h 1der.Miss.
iy of heart ft llnr•e at Moose Jaw a• O'Neil capturing the third prize of a
week ago.. He, with Mr Scott, for-. pin cushion (?) Through the kindness
merly ran the •planing mill buyiiless of Mr Jackson the ladies were all care -
now car ried on by S. J..Cooper. He fully: looked after .and driven home,
.left Clinton about 19 years ago, and which was duly appreciated by each.
has since lived on 'a farm near Moose. A sleighing party drove to t he resid
Jaw. He- was a genial and honest 'ence of Mr and Mrs C•r, Middleton, Bay-.
man,liked by aL'J3a:.leaves a'widow field 'road, on Wecln sdae night and
and four children-Robert,.Jamee,Miss, were. royally_ entertained; cards and
Sadie and Mrs F',.iiiks-ail in Manitoba: dancing were supplemented plerrtented witli. a •
HOUSE OF REFUGE. .The county licious Innch before the party returned
council committee, 'which are to look home, This Friday evening, a number
after matters in connection with •the -'of the married folk received invitations
House of Refuge, met in the council to spend the evening .atthe i Mime of
chamber' here on Tuesday, with Thos. Mr and Mrs E. M.'M:Lean; in honor of
th ' visitingguests. an eveningof
p y d
and Inspector W. Coats present; Jas.
Connolly no doubt being absent on ac --
count . of the impassable roads, The
c `inmittee visited the House, and the
improvements, which theInspector re-
commented . were thought necessary,
Viz. ,. the purchase of two •cows__ to be
bought by Messrs'' Connolly, and
French),• the' building of a . fence, and
theerection of another outside building.
IN LOUISIANA. -Thos.. Trick, who
left for Sr. Charles, Louisiana, some
time ago, sends us a letter, from which
we make a few eictracts which may in-
a f black h 1 h� t ll h sViind serviceable regular p O
Hayes chairman. W.H.Ket'r, W. Lane sir , .•
terest his many friends h t e: -The po-
pulation here is' about 9,000,' of which
one-third is
a black; big lumber traffic
is done, three . railroads' running into
the place; the land is flat and sandy,
with shallow soil. It is: very - warm
here; on the market flowers are out in
bloom; we had green peas for dinner
the day before Christmas; ripe,straw-
berries are for sale, the orange trees ,
an potatoes, are to b ossom; the roses
b ' I• her
Hall an, last Friday •evening. by •the
Amusement Committee, the London
beepers furnishing the music; there
were about 60 present, a number of
visitors in town tieing in itttendance:'
Mrs D. F. Macpherson, Joseph street,
was the hostess to a number of ladies
who had been favored with an invita-
tion; an enjoyable time •from 5 to 10
p.m. was spent in cards, social chat,dcc.
NoTns.-In the report of the annual
meeting of the McKillop Fire Incur-
ance•Co.. wbieh appeared in the Nave
ERA of Fab, lit: it inadvertently said
the payment for losses was $31,218 25:
it should have read 51.248 25, which
means adifference-of $30,000. At the
musical recital given -by the pupils -;of-
Misses Laura and Ethel Acheson. at
Underwriters ' Association,. but no de-
finite decision was arrived at, A rep-
resentative of , the, Massey -Harris Co.
interviewed the members of the coun-
cil on vl.ednesday til regard to . the
purchase of a stone cr•rsher. On''Wed-
nesday, Feb. 27, the second monthly
horse and cattle fair , will be held in
Clinton; these fairs are of much bene:
fit, as an opportunity for sales and ex-
changes, is thus given the farmer; the
merchants of town have agreed to give
cut prices on this -day. A cape and
veil have been left at Davis' livery,
and a black gauntlet at the NEw ERA
office; the owners can'secure them on
proving property. Afull report of the
Canadian, American and English mar-
kets in stock. , grain, etc., will be found
their home in Goderich on Wednesday an our supplemen:,t
Sorne. Store News
Prom �FaiFair's
Colonial Grey Writing Pape
The latest shape andprettieat shade your friend will judge
by the quality of paper yon use, - Don't you like to. reedy
reasonable, well written letter on good material? So does
person whom you address. Impress them in your favor
by using this newrstationary. A quire, with enough entre]
to match, all for 25c.
3 Skeins Wash Silk Po
The same make and quality that you have always paid 50
eaoh for. Yon buy one and we give you two for nothing, its
just the opportunity for patch work not as many Is ,we had,
still a liberal assortment of colors left.•
Crepe Paper At 5c a Roll
p P
Some slightly torn or faded on the outside, otherwise just the
same a's you pay ten and fifteen cents for. We haye about 60
rolls of it to go at half and third price. -
'The''•. D. FAIR Co, Clinton.
'Often the Cheapest --Always the Best.",
MM l Mi�M M MM Ml' R
'��•��''�s''��✓`'' %%%% 4�+
Bargains Bargains Ba°tonins
Drib 'o
W Boas, Shoes' & . Rubbers ,.
1 •''
At Less than
As announced last week we have bought at a low rate on the dollar,the
boot and shoe stook of JabkaonBros.'amounting to over $5,000 and are how
very busy getting ready for the. biggest sale of fi_ rat class footwear ever at-
tempted in this section. - •
We intend to commence bale great slaughter : sale
morning. February 16th.
Our store is full from cellar to garret and we and it impossible to give.
prices in this week's paper, but until it ie, all Bleared out you may expect -the.
greatest bargains in all kinds of boots and shoes and rabbers yen have 6V -re -
seen in Clinton. •
on Saturday
Every pair we offer in title gigantio sale we will guarantee • or your
money refunded. •
• All. ripe sewed free of charge. -
Come early Saturday morning, expecting bargains and you will not be
W. Ta for & Son r'
The Old " Reliable. - Cash and One Price.
and honeysuckle are eanttfn n a titttttttttitm911n tittilt11errerrte1errMrr Mlitte1.1111trMerrerrtertitgtrfirTererrttrrtrerrtrtl
no winter here, and windcvvs'and doors gym"- `
are everywhere open." two,-. .
A FINE PRESENT. -Hon. DC.: Me- r --
Donald, ttie able representative for
East Huron, and who is well known in
the vicinity of Clinton, is the possessor
of a beautiful fur cap and fur -lined
coat, whichvirtually-cost him only his
experience and labor. While attend-
ing asesskr of the House in Ottawa,
he was called in to attend a lady friend
who was seriously ill. Under his care
she was reatored•tc health, and when
the asked the doctor what his charges
were, he said "Oh, that's all right; I'll
not'charge anything "-and the doctor
positively refused to accept any re-
muneration. She showed her gratitude
and appteciation of his services by: pre-
senting hith with the articles named.
They are worth aLorit,$200, so that the
doctor considers hunself amply repaid
for his services. -. •-
ular monthly meeting of Clinton 'Pub -
lic Library Board was held on Monday
evening. Mr McKenzie' being ih the
chair. For January the Librarian re-
ported the attendance, 2,158; books is-
sued, 1,208; receipts, $5 89; increase in
membership, 19. Tne following ac-
counts were ordered paid:- W. J. Mc -
Brien, wood, 818.33;. Broadfoot & Box,
stool, $170; Book Supply Co.,. $6.26;W.
J, Mitchell. readers tickets, $6• W,
Cooper & Co,,. periodicals, etc, $31.25.
The committees for 1901 are;- Library
-W. Brydone, W, Coats, Alex, Mc-
Kenzie and W. E Rand. Building-
W 11. Lough, A. McKenzie,Dr. Shaw
and W. Brydone. Finance--W.Coats,
Mayor Jackson, W. E. Rand and W.
Brydone., It may interest our' many
readers to learn that 266 volumes were
purchased in 1900, at a cost of $183:61,
and that the number of volumes in the
library is 3526, classified as follows:-
ollows:-History, 415; literature, 567; fiction,897;
biography, 269; voyages and travels,
291; science • and/ art, 307, poetry and
drama, 151; religious literature, 115;
miscellaneous, 129; reference, 162; mag-
azines (bound) 223. The number of.
volumes Issued from Feb. lst, 1000, to
Dec. 31st, 1900, was 10,082.
A. 1'ORDIRR-CLINTONIAN,-Many friends
here will regret to learn of the death of
Mrs. b. G. McLaughlin (formerly a Mies.
Lofft,of Clinton,) who died in Dakota lard
week. Jeer demise was very nnexpeotediy,
her busband who bad been away, only
reaching home a few days previous. The
following obituary is taken from a Dakota
exchange and which willbe of interest to
our readers:-- Mrs.. D G. McLaughlin
died very unexpectedly last evening, after
a few hours illness. The deceased had been
1n poor health for for the part two years
but for the past four or five months had
been so much better that her friends looked
for her complete recovery, She had of late
seemed so well as to be like her old self,
though net so strong. She was taken with
a severe chill about the middle of tbo after-
noon and was helped to bed, where a few
honre later oho passed away. Mrs. McLau-
ghlin was born Augusta Loft* in Kent
county, England, Janaary 23, 1854, and
Dame to Ontario with her parents when six
years of age,. She was married to 1), G.
McLaughlin February 20, 1877, and with
him came toAberdeen in 1882, and. Ilan
resided in this city continuously from that
time until, her death. She wee a lady of the
most amiable iftia social diapoeition nd
refined character, and was beloved b a
very targe circle of Mende, She leavers et
bereaved husband and eight children, hhe
youngest six )rears of egg. fier sadden tak-
ing off le a aiadblow to Won, •
The- Kumfort
Price 50c
-------=••-tee —_� --"'�
-The finest and best weaiiing ' mitt on the market
for the money. We have sold hundreds of pairs and
they are giving the greatest of satisfaction. Faeed
with muleskin, the strongestand'' toughest leather on
e°=vist�fw.a-w:w� ter• a•+.- w w:arY:, ♦ilii •
the - --- - 1__,L T__ -.L 17_ article sl' __ 4L.:,,. time s4 1-h year.
We are still selling Fur Coats, the reliable kind that we can
guarantee to give satisfaction. Our prices are the lowest to
be found anywhere. -When you buy here you are safe be.
cause you. are' sure that our goods can be depended on. Don't
you think that when you have all investment of this kind to a
make that it pays to buy from a house with a reputation for
reliable goods-
In Ladies' Capes,.
W e have 4 left and if there is anybody in the county, looking for a -snap
now. is the chance. .
One -Electric Seal Cape; regular price $33 One Beaver Cape, regular price $40
O Two Greenland Seal Capes, regular price $25
The above lines will be offered at Half Price.
DEPARTMENTAL� • • Clintona..i
'STORE • � �