HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-15, Page 3'17"Pf17-101N usiness Men's Bac Too mai rush and Image, work and worryfall to the lob of the average businees men. Kidneys cell stand ; they fad to filter the poieons from the blooe properly. Urinary trounle,generallangtior a,na pein in the back are the natural reeults. A, man cann attend to business properly if his batik aches -.1:10 use trying. Only one sure remedy that never fader DOAN'S "KIDNEY PILLS Talks a hint from' businese men who have 'teed time]: ' "1 bane taken Deitine Kidney Pille, whieti I prethred, at the Matt*); Hall here, for • theumatisin and polies tne small of my. • baek, With Which -1 have been afflicted for the pain sit years.. They did me so Miele good that 1 heartily recommend them all an exCellenernedidee for rheumatic leonine!! and backache." (hennas C. Prmene dealer agricultural implements, Orillia, Ont. Doan's Kidney Pills cure baokache, lame or weak baok, Bright's disease, diabetes, dopey, gravel, sediment in theenriae, too frequent risings wit night, rheumatism, and' weaknees of the kidneys in children and old people. ,Remember the name, Doan's, andl refuse all others. The DORA Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. .. 4 LAXA. work while you sleep walled) a gripe•or LIpain oaring bilious. VER nem. constipaion, sick hand - 1 Bebe and dyspe.psis.eand make PILLSfeel better plebe morning. rum 25a, at all druggist. According. to Business Methods, Davy Burgess, one of the oldest and best known negroes of •Westmoreland 'county and noted for his strict integrity and love for all the formalities of busi- ness life, once bought a cow. from Cap- tain , Jordan of Mount Pleasant. He hadn't the money in hand to pay the price, but Captain Jordan knew that he would pay. He told him to take the now. That was an entirely too informal way of doing business for Burgess. He knew that notes and other paper of that sort passed between white men, and he insisted on a note in this trans- action. Captain Jordan told him to draw up one to suit himself. When he pre- sented it, it read: I. Davy Btu -gess, do hereby promise to pay iDaptain Jordan 435 for the spotted cow when I has the money to spare. Davy ihntorai. • "Now," he said, "I'll jes keep dis en take de cow." He put the note in his pocket arid drove -the cow away. When he was ready to pay the $35, he went to Captain Jor. dan with it. "Heah's your money," he said, count- ing It out. "An now, sah," he remarked, with considerable satisfaction, "dat transac- flail may tie considered closed." A question ot Descent.' . Alexandre Dumas pere, the author Of • eMonte-Christo," was an octoroon; hence the point to the following story of the fa- tuous Frenehinan's 'encounter with an in- . tervievver: "You are an octoroon, are you not, Mr. Dumas?" "Certainly." "And your father?" . "He was a quadvoon." "And his father?" "A mulatto, sir, a mulatto!" "And his father?" "A negro, sir, a negro!" "Might I presume so far as to ask what his father was?" "An ape, sir; mote Dieu, an ape! My pedigree ends where yours eommencest" secrets Not to Be -Kept. He -You know they sae a woman can't keep a secret. She -That's a libel. A woman can keep a secret as easily as a man can - all but two kinds. There are secrets that aren't worth keeping and others that are too good to keep. Among the 'funny thins women do, is to spread an old red shavvi over the Sofa and put a candle with a red sbade on a table near by and call it an oriental cor- ner.-Atchisdn Globe. A blank diamond is the only substance that will not be ground away by contact with the emery surface. DPPIER€ES FAVORITE PRE5CPIPTIONI "I had been a sufferer for Many years from nervousness with all its symptoms and complieatiots," writes Mrs. O. N. Fisher, 1864 Lexington Ave,, New York, N. Y. "/ was constantly going to eee a physician or purchaeitig medicine, • In the spring of 18,7 my husband induced me to tay Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion. After taking one bottle and fol- lowing youfadvice I was so encouraged that I tot& five more bottles, and then stopped for, several weeks as I felt ao much bettene but still 1 was not com- pletely cured. I commenced taking it again and felt that I was improving faster than at first. X am not now cross and irritable, and I have a good color in my face•, have also gained about ten pounds in weight and one thousand pounds of comfort, for 1 am a new woman once More and your advice and yiettr Panorite Prescription' is the cause of it, coupled with the 'Pleasant Pellets' which are not to be dispensed with. / took eight bottles of the Prescription ' • the last time, making fourteen in all, e and will not take any snore unless you 11 to advise, for 1 do not eee as I need it." ma Kes \if ea Kwo men } STRONC, AcKwonien - wisp, ! It is understood th. 'at the poet latiteate of Turkey is writing a parody to be en. titled "We Were, 131uffed by Old Kefl. • tucky."--Itaiti in o re A m erica tr. • Uncle Stenns dealings with the sultan • show that everything conies to him wild gets tired of waiting and goo; after it with a gun.-itansas City Journal. A polite manner always pates. just to ttoon as the sultan saw the Rentticky's bow he thought of what international Collette: requited.*PlilladeIphie Titnee. I A.fter paying off a mortgage for $40. 000' on their church the Methodistof Blenheim burned the instrumentat a publie Meeting. ' • a Great flask. MATRON AND MMD. bora Rosebery's mother, the Dttchess Of Cleveland, le 81 years old, but in the best of healtb. and (Me of the moot active • "woman politicians" In Nedlaud. • Mrs. R. It, Betio, the widow of th • only colored man who Nerved a full term in the senate, is now head of the wom- an s department of the Tuskegee institute in Alabama. The will of Harriet U. Jennings, late of Springfield, Masse =keit three wom- en's religious and charitable associations in that city the residuary bene0ciaties ot almost her entire estate Mrs. Pauline Auberl widow of Au- gust Auberle, who recently died in Mc- Keesport, Pa., left an estate valued at over a quarter of a million dollars for charitable and religious purposes. lYbss Jennie Rogers, who during the "boom" days M Sioux City was known RS the "real estate queen" ot that place and wfte sole of the Tidiest -women lie the west, - died there recently almost penniless. • Miss Caroline Stewart, who has sue- nessfully passed the doctor's exa.mina- • tion at the University of, Berlin, has studied at the University of Kansas and Michigan and holds a fellowship from Bryn Mawr, Miss Alta Rockefeller, daughter • oe John D. Rockefeller, whose name has figured in late dispatches because of her unfortunate deafness, is in spite of that trouble an expert musician and plays the piano, violin and guitar with equal snill. Mme. Duse's only daughter is just now the Aubject of a good many paragraphs Id Munich papers..The young girl, who is 18 and vety like her famous mother in face and figure, is finishing her education at Municheand is .looking forward with great expectations to the day when she will be a qualified teacher.. Curiously enough, though otherwise she and her mother agree in their tastes and r7redi- lectiotts, she- has a great aversion to the theater. • POULTRY POINTERS. . • 1.p...4 (From the Guelph H 10 erald 1,25 19014 'Iae death of iiur illustrous sovereign Will naturally be followed by the pub- , lication Of coanY "Lives of the Queen." I A well -Written and artistically pioduc. i ed book on ger Majesty to I fe and I reign, will anquestienably command an unmanse sale. An old book with a few pages added, a re -hash of neWena* per at.tieles thrown together in n day, or Amerman books by American authors, will not fill the bill. The Herald is glad to announce that the World Publishing Company, of Guelph, who have been foremost in the past in the production of high-class 114erature, have had for some time in preparation the Life and Reign Of Queen Victoria, which will he a, standard work of great excellence, and is being prepared with great care. It is written by Sohn Coulter the celebrated Historian and Journalist from London, England, as- sisted- by John Ar Cooper, editor of the Canadian Magazine, Toronto. Mr ()teepee will give special Attention to Canada under the Queen's reign in- cluding the visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada, and the Regal and Vice - Regal connection of Her Majesty with the country. From advanced sheets andprospec- tuses that have been examined, The Herald takes pleasure in -stating that the worktnanship Will be more than excellent, There will be a great num- ber of portraits and engravings, alleef which are ;genuine works of art, and equal to. the best wot k to be found in any magazine of the day. The paper and manufacture Will be in keeping with the high character of the publioin tion, and the whole is in very great contrast to an opposition work .which has been submitted to us for inspec. tion, The leerald predicts a sale of this "Life of the Queen" greater than has ever been reached by any other book in Canada, • as, lib seems to us, 'every loyalsubject will desire a copy. The work is to be sold at a low price • to bring it within the reach• of all. - The advertisement of the World - Publishing Oompany,calling,for agents will be found in another column of our issue of to -day. • Build the poultry house so that it can be readily cleaned: • It is by no raeana the largest hens that lay the largest eggs. • A good gobbler and three or four hens will usually be as mane turkeys as it will be advisable -to -Winter-over for -breeders. • Weiglet and size are important factors in rendering foWls marketable and shduld • always -be considered, in general purpose Owls. • • If you want the fowls to be tender arid Juicy, let them be fattened quickly. Two • weeks of liberal' feeding ought t� be suf- ficient. • Indigestion Is often mistaken for chol- era in fowls. Cholera' i•s accompanied byIntense thirst end ulually proves fatal In 12 hours. • When long silvery hairs are fouod ex-. tending beyond the feathers on. the •thighs mid lower body of the bird, it is ' a good indication of thrift. • Lime will kill liee, is a good disin- fectant, will purify the air; will free the quarters ot vermin, will prevent gapes • and will • correct ,acidity of the bowels. • More money can be got out of cheap wheat by feeding it 'to poultry than in any other way. If you have any that is below the merited a*Maa--i, feed it to the hens... • • • HAZING AT WEST POINT. It would seem as if the army officers who are in charge of thia institution might maintain a discipline •sufficiently rigid to prevent outrages ef this class.- • Detroit /puritan , Whether Booz's death vvan due to cruel • treatment is a disputed point, but there is • no doubt that inhuman practiceshave • been perpetrated upon cadets at West • Pont.--Syracu se Post -Standard. The •army officer or other Wend of - West Point who lilts a finger to prevent the most searching and public iovestiga- • tion possible Of the Booz case does West I'oint a • serious disservice. - Rochester ,Democrat • The authorities ought to order an Nees- tlgation, and, if. the report of the brutality is false, Mow it to be such., Otherthan the temente of the young man 'are •Inter - cited in the affair. The truth of tbis af- fair can be found and oterto fr 1, grid, the least possible delay. • CHIPS FROM CHINA. The Chinese do everything backward.: nnie execution Qf Prince Tuan is to be I allowed by his arrest.-Pittsbin•g Times. t seems now that Chime will get away th a whole territorial skin. for which thauks are due entirely to Uncle Sam. • - Baltimore Herald.' ' It would be interesting to know on ,....what grounds the Peewit and German 'governments juStify the reported mineral Of listronomieill instruments from the ob- servatory at Peking.-Beltimore Sun. Field. Mamba! von We idersee, whose men have been laeting and slaughtering right and left in Peking. is said to be deeply displeased with the American pol- icy toward China. This is just about the eatest compliment whieb tho Vol:amid policy could receive. LA• W POINTS. Right to use a gas pump to increase the production of anoU well is upheld, in /ones versua Forest 011 company, Penn- sylvania, 48 L, R. A. 748, although it Will reduce the production of wells on adjoining property. An officer who emote a second office When he gamest hold both is held, in Oliver versus Jersey City, 48 L. Re A. 412, to be an officer de facto, whose nets will be valid as to the Public it he con- tinues to act in his °vigil:nil office. • One who has purchased property In good faith Dein one who holds it under agreement by which a third person has retained the title thereto is heldein Wood versus Nichols, Rhode island, 48 L. It. A. 773,- to be liable or conversion if he sells the ,property again, although he it not in pOsSISS1011 Of ill0 property. • THE SICK MAN, Children Cry for k. CASTOR IA. TUE OUNTOX NEW Ell11, • .The girl is the mother of the woman juet as "the boy is . father of the man," The period when the womanly fanotiond begin is one to be carefully watched and considered,' Irregularity or 'derangement at thio time may be promptly met and cured by the nee of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Preseription. But neglected at tbia criti- cal perk* may entail years of future sue, fering. "Favorite • Prescription" mite directly upon the womanly organs giving them perfeot vigor and abundant , vitality. It removes the obstructions to health and happiness, and deliyertie womanhood from the cruel bondage of "female weakness." You pay the postage. Pr. Pierce gems • you the book, . The Peopling Common Sense Medioal Adviser, 1008 Pages, 700 illnatrations is sent .free on 'receipt of stamps to defray coat of mailing and me- topes. Send 31 one -cent itemise for the piper bound book, or 50 stamps for oloth heand. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf- falo, N. X. A despatch,from Atlantic City, N.J.,. announees the death of B.B.Osler,Q.C., of Toronto, who has been in poor health for some time. He was the sec- ond eon of Rev. F. Le Oster, and was born in Tecumseh, Simcoe Co.; in 1889, was called to the bar in '62, and was of the firm of McCarthy, Osier, Hoskin de' Creelman. Ile became the most emin- ent criminal lawyer of Canada. He was prosecuting counsel in the State trials at Regina arising out of the Riel Rebellion iu 1885; also in the Burchill murder Dial at Woc•detock in 1890; in the McGreevy and Cormolly'case atOt- tityva. itt 1801,ancl in the liyanueSterna- man and Hendershot murder case. Be- ing a man with a great zest for em- ployment, fine physique and with splendid mental feculties he threw himself into his profession and was not aware of the strain of overwork upon hineuntil the evil had been dane. He was a Liberal in politics and his death 18 agreat loss not only to the legal pro- fession but in many other ways. • It was expected that some day he would have entered public life . and give his wise counsel to the good of the coun- try, E. B. Oslei, NI P., Hon. justice' F. Osier and W. Osier, M. D.. are his brothers. THAT TOUCHES TN SITT illeLEOWS OF • Weak and lmtiure Blood, Liver a Kidney Diseases, Pentale Omplainte, Etc!. I WI. anglitt, Dr Writs direet to: . J ; m. momon, Godenoh, Ont. • THE DRESS, MODEL, Brown cloth.gowes tritanted with hewn' black silk braid are considered very smart. • tiovenn In undergarments Is the use of colored wash silk in a hem, which le hemstitched on to intinsook tuffies. Put hats are net eonsideted in good taste for evening *ear, but an occasional One with an ermine crown and lace over chiffou brim is seen • 6 fe Narrow pompadour ribbons are used to trim mousseline de soie party gowns for young girls. Thee are sewed on the edges of the flounces, Bathes and little plaited boleros which eomplete the bodiee. Ttt he Algion cape la Oe'fOrtil Of outside wrap. which has seine popularity. It is • made of cloth an is really a triple cape, the lowest one three-quarter length, with a collar which stands up or turns,down. • Cashmere stockings embroidered and with various lace effects in front are the latest thing in hosiery. Then there are the new French lisle stockings in blaek • with colored silk clocks and one band two inches in, width of fancy colored striping sunning around just above the clock. • The woman who hail Cameo and various other old time brooehes in her possession Is in Itiek this season, for they are In great demand for the centers a black bows on fur and lace collarettes, and the Mile° brooches make very pretty belt buckles set in silver or gold. no crate foe email buttons ata a 'Mode of trimming extends even to the collar band, where a row of small gold buttons with a little space between is seed around on a narrole Week velvet band at tho upper edge. Six dozen buttene are not tltdiellel on ono gnWil. and almost ev- ery gOVVII has it tow bottom; somewhere Ott the bodleee-*New York Sun. • A NEW' BOOK For Feminine Home Workers. Sent Post Paid to any Address in Canada. ••••• The manubeituree of the celebrated Dia. mond Dyes and the Impulse Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns ere now Mailing a new and enlarged edition of the Diamond Dye Rug Book, that should be in the henna of every women and girl in Canada. BURY new and ettraotive designs for mate and ragentre shown as well as full dime - tions for the making and coloring. Thou - sande of women who are interested in the making of pretty rugs are sending for this book.... Send in your addreseat emelt° the Wells & Riohardson Con Limited, 200 Mountain St. Montreal, Que. THAT DEWEY ARCH. • New York has given up the idea of per. • petuating the -Dewey arch, having for- gotten just who Dewey was anyhow. - Chicago News. The Dewey. arch has been abandoned owing to the stinginess of the people of New York. Poor old New Yorkl Wby couldn't she have paseed around the bat in other eine:1 as the did in the matter of the Grant monument?- -Chicago Chroni- cle. • "Sic transit gloria mundil" The Dew- eenarch in stone, which was to' be a per- manent monument of the great admiral's Manillit victory in New York, has been abandoned. The committee has dissolved, and the money so far subscribed le to be' refunded.. It was e reed ;dee., awl it is a pity it failed. fOR- N0;6 PLASTER MADE .PfiR DE SMARR-RHEUMATIC RHEUNgril ;Itl*BV(L::::127?.44''" wit' mat Rnma (Vol' DASLAMENC[COLT O eenturecreems rioneeen. We give a nn.deotrie Watch With polishedllickelcase,ornamented edge. hour, minute and second hands, keyless wind, American LevorMovement,forsoll. Ingoly2doz.daintygold and ailver finished Iloraeshoe Ma at • 10e. each. Mall this advertise. silent and well send the Horse. shoes. Sell themreturn monoy and your Watch will be sent miabso.1,utelyx [17, Turo Ma_ g° To Starve Is a Fallacy. -The dictum to stop eating because you have indi- gestion has long since been exploded. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets introduced a new era in the freattnent of stomach troubles. It Pas proved that one may eat his fill of anything Ind everything be relishes, and one tablet taken after the meal will aid the stomach in doing its • Work. 6o in II box. es eent&-at Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggiet, Clinton, • It is reported in Montreal that E. G. Russell will be appointed bteneral Man- ager of the Intercolonial Ratlway in a few days. • • 'A DAUGHTER'S DANGER. A Chatham Mother Tells how Hes --Daughter, who was Troubled with Weak Heart Action • and run Down- System was Restored to • Health. • Every mother who has a daughter drOop. Ing and fading -pale, weak and listless- ' Whose health is not what it ought to be, should read the following statement made by Jitraj. S. Heath, 89 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ont " Some time ago / got a box of Milburn's' Heart and Nerve Pills at the CentralDrng Store for my daughter, who is now 13 years of age, audited been afflicted with weak action of the heart tot &considerabls. length of tine. " These pills hive done her a world of good, restoring strong, healthy aotion of her heart, improving her general health and giving her physical strength beyond our expectations. 4$ They are it splendid remedy, and to any one suffering from weakness, or heart and nerve trouble I cordially recommend them." • t Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 60a s:box or 3 for e1.26, at all druggists. • The bulk of Queen Victoria's priyate fortnne has been left to the King, who also inherits Balmoral and Osborne House. • The D. Se. L. EMULSION The D. & L. EMULSION 1. teo bestand most palatable preparation of Cod Liver 011,agreeingiwithtlio mostdelicato stomachs. • The D. dic L. EMULSION tscanraepsada.ribed by eh' leading physienes f • The D. & L. EMULSION 'Is a marvellous fiesh producer and will stye • you an appetite. sec. &it pe!,Bettlit. ne sure you get DAVIS ft LAWRENCI the genuine I co., nuatied, Montreal • • Med Loma Talent. Chief Justice McIOarland of the ses preme cotirt tackled a youngster one day who, in Spite of his appearance, will probably be an ornanient to the tench one. of these \ days, The boy had jot taker( the law examinations and bad fail. ed. Said Justice Merarland by Way of censolation: "It's retitle too bad that you could not have been admitted to the bar after your first trial, but then, you know, the bright- est men often fail the first examination." "Thank you, sir," replied the would be lawyer. "I failed this time' but feel cocksure that / can mike iton uky sece end try," "Your eonfidence eOmmendablei" tea plied the justice "but it is not vtellto be overeonfident. Y'W. hat makes you so • 41, 'Cho Prtdotitt correapondent of The Tlines eel hew ea' that there are 10,000 11.rera still tali, and says that wore BIlh • t s itoops are rtquIred, Iter Typhoid fever, or other almost mortal sickness, a man or woman sometimes will gain a pound a day from .taking an ounce a day of Scares ElauLsIoN.and the gain be healthy. The ounce gives strengaito get ' the pound; there is no miracle in it. Body and mind are weak; digestion is weak; and hunger° is ravenous; - . SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil is the food to begin and go on with. It furnishes strength to digest a little easy other food; and a little "grows to enough. But the gain is nearly all fat. . The bones had not lost much; the muscles had -lost, and had not got back their strength; they have lost there bulk ;,the fat was all gone. The fat has come back; the .muscle slowly recovers its bulk, more slowly its strength—the bulk,of muscle was fat—and the bon.&are'about the same as before. It is Scores EmuTAION- of Cod Liver Oil that starts the body going again—give it time. The genuine has this picture on It, take no other. v$ if you have not tried it, send for free sample, its a- greeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE • Chemist* . Toronto. 1'84 VIR' „ • 50o. and .$1.00; all druggists. denim 311. O'Regan, a Lieutenant of thee Dartniouth, N. S., Fire Department, ascended a tree to clear the engine house flag, entangled in its branches, and the brans* on which he was leaning broke off ara or a distance of twenty feet, killing him. ° C. ' Archer, I asfollenee-=. short, causing the nfortunete man to fall February 11;1. 1.901 ammummumnionnonamanniiii. SOWISIIISHIMIIIMSMelee, ltlel aleaOa meson — 9 00 Mops 1,.,411:101111111.1.111111whilltitalLIME111111111il 11111111ILLII riit4- N 3 r AregelablePreparationforAs- simitating thelbod andRegula- thz tomarks andBowels of INF .41.74TS e`t(.1111,11)111EN Promotestfigestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither 91pnitrtMorphine nor Metal. NoT NARCOTIC. ..lito;votateilk-SIMUZP/MER Prisvgdin. Sea- ...fix:Senna - Boarsila die - ot•in 80ere • Ooperwirnzat Ninrs Scod loyilipd Scow- . AIM ram: Averred Remedy for Constipa- • tion, Sour Stoma&Diarrhoea. • WorriA ,Convulsions,Feverish- raess and Loss or SLEEP. Tee Simile Signature or • NEW YORK. • Al b months eeld • 35D (YS" .t15",c , W.XACT COPYOV loiRAPPErk. - • SEE MAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF CAST , . . Oattoria is put up in one -site bottles only. I* s not eold in bulk.. Don't Lille. anyone to you anything °Ise on tho. plea or proinise that it Is "just as good" and "will answer every puo. pose." 41rEhe that you get 0-A-84-0-844.% • • nee fle- abane apatite ot whims& WILLIT .13111T. suaroles. c:*004.. Dair Ere and Nose ran Water.-- What tve.guarantee be the proper use 01:61ovokt:fie.Epikrtueo presto. Separator of Brewer, Maine, in says: bevelled Catarrh for several years, Water, If you at the present time um one of the best gravity creamers under • the mosk. would run from my eyes and nose for days favorable conditionle your gain in yield of butter by the use of the Separator will be in et a time • About four months ago I was in- excess of ten per cent. • . ducedto try Di. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, If even the best -creamer and unfavorable cohditione, that is, lack of very cold. and since using - the wonderful remedy 1 water or ice, your gain will be he excess of twenty per cent. . • have not bad an attack. It relieves in ten If you use an inform areamener Pans, your gam will run from turenty flirt to . minntise." . eo gants.-iy • Sold by • E. 116Y0Y, 4°Mffle -.1!)•t9111 skin' 111Lk 12^2. Zi weeen anti freeh. will fie m•det. more valueble for stook feed. flit p ten . or tehe value of'Your butter wi)I iRIFIMT.4 !Ism °Dile throb pouna. • • Manager W. D. kJrneison'ot tbe Wood. dock Opera House 'has inherited. $20.000 by the death of his grandmother in Ohio - ago. ' BUCKLES'S ARNICA. SALVE. Has world-wide fame for mervellone 11; t 66It surptoses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for mane Corns, Burns Bolls, Bores, Pelona Ulcers, Tetter. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for piled, Cure guaranteed. Only 25o at all druggieta. • j. W. Cook and ae R. Donahue, charged with kidnapping Mint Bessie Burke at St. Thomas, were found guilty of common assault and gned e2.50 each. •‘s RAD TO Cs ONQUIERIOR DIE, "I was jute about gone," writes Dire Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Spring°, N.C., et had Consumption so bad that the best doctors said I could not live mbre than a month, but I began to use Dr. Ring's New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now Omit and well."' /Ca an unrivaled life-saver in Consumption, 'Pneumonia, Lr. Grippe and Bronohitie, infallible for Conan Colds, Asthmit, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. Guar- anteed bottles 50e and $1.00. • Trial bottles free at all druggiate. • • The Kaiser hat appointed Queen Alex. andria to be Honorary- Colonel of the Prlia'sfin Regiment of Dragoons, of which She late Qaeen was Honorary Colonel. . WORKING OVEATIMB. Eight hours law are ignored ' by those tireless little vecitkerieeDr. •King's blew Life Pills Millions are always at work, night and day, tiering Indigestion, Bilious- • nese, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stowell, Liver and Bowel troubles'. Easy pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25o. at all drug. mats. Emperor William has conferred up- on Earl Roberts the Order of the Black Eagle, the highest German decoration, " Bakke year Ming your,own home molly -at yottr leisure We have a new and pro- fitable plan. IVrIte us. Send your address on post card mid we will seed yon___partionlara. Peormia &ram/Am, Dept. 0,1Ni YOnge St., Toronto. ° South American kidney Duro Is the only kidney treatment that has proem* equal to correct all the evils that Mt likely to befall these. physical regulators. Hun. dredsbf testimonials to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney specific in cases of Bright's disease, diabetes, irritation of the bladder, inflammation, • dropsical tendency. . Don't delay. -aa • Sold by R. Hovey, draggle*, +Clinton A newepaper editor in Manilla, has been imprisoned for denouncing the ef. forts of the Federal party of the Fili- pines to bring about peace. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL. ofuok to my engine, although every Milt Lulea and every nerve was reeked with pain," writes Co W. Bellanty,a Pa- co:motive fireman, of Iowa., Dr was weak and paleswithout Any appetite and Wren down. As I was about to givt ttp, I got s bottle of Electric, Bitters and after takinq it I felt as well ite I ever did in my Rte.,' Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their ttbe Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by ell druggists. Vriee 60 cente. 20 fresh cases of sinsirpoz and 0 deaths from that disease are reported at Olttegow, There are 433 cases in the hoepitals, • .01#11dren Cry for, CASTOR IA. Those win) have already boutebt ourSeparetore my they are by far the beet paying marline on the farm. ' Figure it out for yourself. If you are milking six cows your gain for *Week *IR beat leaet six pounds of butter, which is now worth 190 a pound, gain in one week, one dollar and fifteen oents, and in addition to this count th6 inorettee in value of your young stook, the eaving of ice, time and 'anon . If You stein the dairy business why not get all the profit yon can out of in l'ec get the very hest manits by a Sharpies Cream Separator. Write for cataIogele and terms. ••". L. OUIBIETTE, .Lohdesboro. irst-class Cutters; . I am handling the 11IeLAUGHIN CELEBRATED OUTTER4 which are admitted to be the best made in the market. Aleo Cutters of my own manufacture, which ere up to date 1 Will be pleased to thew in-, • tending purchasers my stook at any thole, and prices are as low as lowest. JOHN LESIJIt, Hurog. Street, ClintOrt,--- Fruits, Teas,Sugars,and Chinaware I ,.. Cl1tts11314AND 11014D4Y TRADE • Rankine Selieted Valencia, Sultana,Dehesa, GlustereTtnd Imperial Catienetti, Car. ranteefine Palettes and renew °leaned. A full and assorted stock, &lest and beet candied Lemon.Orange and Citron Peels, Almon& Walnut and Filbert Nuts, Layerand eat pram. • . (looking Figs, Dates, Prunes, Oranges, Lemona. and barrelseof Candies, all at very low - .0 lbs of Figs for 25e ' 2 10s Cleaned Currants 25e Rest Raisins loci pedal price in box lots , Cranberries 10e a quart. Headquarter's for Buglers and Teas; we have the beat 25o Tea 1.12 tOwn extra, good Japan 20o a pound. Agents for Ram Line, Appleton, Moheoon and Bine R1bbore -- Tea. We are Showing largest and nicest line df Dinrer, Tea and Toilet Seta, Palmy China, Glaeeware And Lampe in tewe. • Examine goods And prices Were yeti buy, •• J. W. IRWIN. , 91iirtpp Firste.lass.eutters aidSieighs . . . We have a large assortment of **leis Cutters to choose from and intencling buyers will find our stook upto- date. Prices are low for high-grade goods, . Also a number of Ontario and Manitoba Bobs. Geo. Lig, General implement Dealer: Uinta c••= •••• 66,„ Exeter Flour ' neaniaw AT NO EXTRA COO All kinds of Small nem Seeds, 'as Timothy,Alaike liod urn Clovers. Headquarters for To AtougOld, aunt See& Fresh Croceries and Cann I I 2 ete ,41 • *adios squill), *1 ihsap. Oat speefilty is Tets, try 3ur 16a Tea, Highest market price paid la cash for ego • I eeej