HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-15, Page 1.- __ ___ .7-4-111W WPM "I -1 - I . �� — /or _­ 1 W7 1 I ,— . — 7"qlm 1, , I — _W rv� I ..: I . W_pm"',�� ." ...U.". �, __ � — " - 7 . . !� ', 47�w, � . , - , , I , � �T' - � . . ..""'p—�­­-­ ­­ ,M"-" �_' - - I � . , - 7 X, " � � I � . T I / k.,p . , . I I I . . � . . 0 . /; 11 I I I., /1, I .. . I I I 11 �/ � . . - I � . .� . .1 " .1 I I �.- I J I .. . . � I � � . . . � � . � � is the right time to do so4 I if, you have not Renewed your,Subscription for this year now . . � . . I I . . I � -.-----.- - _ - � I . .1 __ . I . �- I - . 1. 1. I— I.. I I- � 54116111�m 1 = I I I I—, I � m= 0=11:11"I .11, -7-11111.1-1 11''.-M.- � ­ I 11 I .1.1 I I.. I"... I._ _. T__ --11,1- I, ­­ - I I I ­ 111.1 -_ N-= � 4Z.111 -_ __ , - Z. _ ., , ''. 046. -_-11 - � . � I . '. * I .1 � r I I ( . . I . I i . ;�" , .. . I . � # I . . � � , , I , - , � i1. . I . ­. I 0. I � 1. I . - . . � ­ . I I , . I � . � . The publisher would ,g:s=,i%,(A favor .. I .. I I 1. . .1 . I., . %4,vo t n t1goir 1 ftcomtpond Oe NOW l9ra to , . � I I ''.. I .� . I I . . . .1 . it ro would* Whibst they som t114, I I . . 11 . I I . I . . purchoap'll mention t - his, paper I . �I I your 11.00n4iq I . . � . . I m1roh.lat Radver0se9kent in 1, . . I I . -1 . - **I ,***"*PAk ,­ . . I on ew . ao I ***# I . . � � . I . I . . I . 11 . � � I *1fV#***VVV*** . I . . I I � . . . I ­ . � . . . I . . I . I I . . I I . .. I �. . I I . . . ­ � I . I : I . . .1 0 . & .,�. 1 �_ � 1; r, .. , , , I . I � � , � I . . .. Ir — __ I �� . . -1 . . I .� I A , P _ f- . - . � � , , �, . - . . I I . . I I , . I . . � r . !� sA"o .: . ---1"r ­_ 4 � � � I t901, $1 0�0 0, _ . . Es,rA*UsJJ1Z1)118-10. � __ CLINTON. ONTARIOs FE13RUARY 16 " 'r , . . . . - , 111�r= . . I - . . .. . . I . . . I � , RollilaRT 110 LUES, Pub usher 1. . I . . � I ,. . . . . - . � � 1 I � � . . __ I � I r r r I - �. rr .11 . I I I I I � . . . r _ . ; � - I . � .. . . . . , I I I I � � I —, _ ,, I ''r ' . . '' Ir I � ­ ''' 1. .1 ­ I . . . I I—. - I . I I . . .. rr r � r . , "... ­ I . . � I � -, ­ ­ �. � , ,rr . . r ,. r_., � �� , � .1 I 111. I ' � . . I I . 1. rr : I Londeshore, . k . � V.burcb Chlineig � � 4410110111*4 . . . ­ � I 1. . . . . � �� I - ------- ftniberle ' . Allbigrill, Godooeb tow"abir, NOTM � Mrs 1. 'L%wrence. passed , . . I . . .1 r - . r . r � 1. I IT-IWI- I - I , y I . at -N()Tg8,_Ourenterpri9iuR 0 . Itizen, j,. . 110TRO. - A hospitable home to - illy away At bet home to � Hill. . . I - . r . . NOTM-UM08 McOrindle out 1, paid a visit to BrtiseelW 146b . ' , I . . OT r Ili- Lwwpog� � Drucefteld wag, grA "a 181, �g . T OnVitiou,-S , cod last Thuts4aY retteorg Sunday mornin , 10th lost; Cho ' B&PTIO _peci%l services . 11 . � � I r Dot ,� . . Lawson. who has been ab- -evening with a lead Of Young people �, et, - . few days in Detroit lost week; , Ila � . I I in sk to* week. H. I tuners) took'plue on Tues(IE Lax * (e ,r tends leaving tot, the west * bky Mr. have been held in the Baptist cliuroh . if . r r mraing the bakiRg froto the Bayfield Line in bonar of the esi art that our sent In Winghata Is . r Lyon, who has bpen to . � for We past two weeks, last, week . . weeks Weareglaidtote . lepOrt 06 JQII � poor th. is to . . . I I I visit Bayfleld linettes and i y some hatter, Nis Hiles and Mrs Phil- being A . . I .. 4, is ImPlov- business, paid parents N abort . week of prayer, and are co - I . Forget old friend, Hugh NO'Dogist . nox, of the, Base Lin n has been ips are improving. Last Friday night ducted by the past . � Ing from a severe attack of grip, Mr last� week. J. C a, Rood time. 1, Thompoo, or,`Rev� Me Puttlonp, T I , I Poorly this week Bro' . � . TO urikoc'n Vwith 013 on intends. hAving a sale About the Ist Of .., Miss Win. Baillie, of Dur-grannou, Plstric� The annual tn�etlpg, of the Clinton Ir . I Ino I I . . . 11 I 0 a and Mrs'l). E. McLeau and JJ . 414 � ' ' a i � ,,,,r., ,,,it to . . - I tore t= r %)dord last week at" Howell; we expect he will become A r(p.- fHgmOU Is, is visiting At Deptity of the 0. 0. F., - . I r , L be of February or you � , M-Edy.4'say's this k. �, branch of the Upper Canada Bible and r . I �, 0 0olleQ1, ,Boyd were ,in -our burg,aa he has rented the � Jr'.B I L tvelele - - after willr be hold 0 11 _ ____ ,:�::: � will have to pay We 00 6 of tending the fptieral of Mrs McLean's sident of all Until he r , A_$ 01 Court Pilde of the West, , �'-10. Tract society- , in Willis __l I . , 'D. - Again meeting the membe � Ing Rome :� t. .. sist-r, Mrs DAi ev. Grip is quite ore- house occupied by 0. Wenzi 'does, RESIDENT 09im , rq, to the b(imber church on next Monday evenior, Dr., i Quiffille . I � . . " � . . valent Ili this section at present, our mnR.et,possession 'of his Own h wware called upon to. chronfele. the of About fifty. oat down to an oyster Xoffatt, the secretary will give An ad- . L L 1. . . r I .. - - P; t . . COlTeSpOrident, being amonK the af- which he recently , bought from Mr death eta pioneer of the Base, Line, to supper, Me Pheasant# of the rloieLil- rdreag'in connection with his work, It I . r . . I I . . . I Your �;�Im ves bere,for ties- Mrs Chap. Lovett, or., .1 I .. . rr isser. 0. Wenzel -lea the person. of r ,,, r west, who has been visiting a number d there wilt be a larve atten, . rr ' , , .I- I May bil sisal t a lot at them Rioted, Robt. Wilsono after making he has de. On , I I r .. . ishope . I make a large amount, and 0,11 most 3 leave for Fort Wilhilrup peld'r next Monday, where I r � ivilich took-irilace I . Sth Inst. - $be of his friends near the village, left this danc,.. I . - _ . Cgres .. ... . L ' , r . reparatious t4 L a L a . r as postponed- Ills visit until spring, old,4 to 14 Ask. was in her 80th year, tb ithpirines, . . . . �. be settled at once. . )cUte, J. Arthur qind A, I at 5$:Of week to visit friends at St. Us 'ST. .-PAues -At a large and vex y an- . r I . L . . . I � . . reak up.] with were so( - 'fil . Mrs (De.,) Medd, Sarnia., and Mis Goo,' I � . r - re McLellan has decided to bi -cepeful. prizel,winuoru at. w. tell were spent go. the farm, wrbpre . * � . I . La Grippe I � . . .. I .. L r' f bar I the fair- hold in Goderich - litat weak. she died, She was a native, of Oulah, Ainslie, UomW, attended the fniseral tbusiaAio vestry meetidlil: held. � in bf. . . . I , ousiekeepinj since the death 9 r . . . . . - . . ,­ - , . resi- The'revival meetings here have beeq Tyronecoanty, Irelandi. - Shortly at. Paul'A,debool room on Monday evening . I �_ � L . . I � of . their sister, Mrs la liawrlafice,, J. r . . . " . We have decided . � � usbarid, and has taken ,up his or from West� ter her in& a miss Bessie a unanlmous�call was extended to Rev. - . I I - L r 'L... To do a strictly cash bust- t Mrs Jggo, well attended; a nomb rriage she cswe,to,MOntrQ&Is Goodson Medd.%n . PorterI I , . bar dang4ter, . . field were -down last. Moo.d4y . evening. with her husband, she remain. of Clinton, Nvere also at the'funeral. C. R. Gann, M.A., of Parkhill. lb will . - . . . � , . . sees in the future, and in Order to, - Goa. a., Ho ii�vhreys: reiVe of J.,McShAn I n North"West, wher at foUrLVO&CO, then In 1811 they Some members of the C.O.F. Attended . ad gen,- . / . . . L I . L 11 -1. do so wo.roust collect all accounts, ; Reavia. , a a I I)POI be remembared that tbiwrevere a is at present .confined to his I I I then- formerly of this place, has been visit- mov I t a limit on the $line I Huro tleman' visited Clinton during the for � 1. I I I so we have pa , 'ttack of grip ' ad to a; farm on the. Huron roa,do thefulleral of the late Joseph Habkirk, I be4 from an a and ingio this neighoorhood-,he Intende re- near Holmesville.10 about %year they BlytW, on Thursday� WS Manningi sr., L ., part of Nover6beir and he so, favorably I FIDR SALF_ BY I ��. of adflecting.smine, March let. 1901 matism. 'We are sorry to report the , , I :� . I I I am an attack turning about March let. - Me and Mrs again moved to. a farm on the Base is very low, and MAY pass away at any impressed the members of the congre- L .. ,. . I , :. as she dote. illness of Mrs D, Boyd tr . Le visiting the foirwees Line. Of her twelve ebildrQu eight stir- rith unanimity wish . . . � . . . of inflammation, P. Wantgamaker has ..T. Marshall at time; she has .reached itip age of 91 � I We will be sorry to offend you, L ' , im to come as their rector, Itev,B.B, I I I _1r_1V____ __`,.*1 I L m Kinoordine and hie taken pren�ts- here; they are from the . Ova.' Kitty and Noble,at home; Mrsil", ear.4. Win. Snellshipped a line Dur- gtion that they m 7­111TV, I -R-66 le .r3 L _ - . if collecting your'accounto is an of- rairto " -Mrs G. A, Tyrne am calf to .,ham O!tX Smi�k.-Rr,Qupl�d�the,,puloit4isn'lafit--Bttil- - _X it,*' ., move?l fro province.. We are sorry to bear Scarlett, Leadlitiry; K Wing I lip his residence on the Bushel farm ; 4-tmodim, � .* I . . . . - CkL * --f - d the itgf,.taking both servicei, _Reii'. X 0, - .. . . . I .fence, bu� usinees is business. . tri bit amon the of the death -of Jos. Habkirk, of Blyth-, . arill,.,Iqhn,j6f.;Ilul�iett..()47%ilo.a,G�ode�ich-,�,-DLP:&Tirr--WL-,Xie' sorry orecor L . .: � �, I ,. . . Cas Liand one price to all in we welcome thei wa-s-formitn"imrs-wres - Township-, Mrs . Bal ' . . I ing in the . . 1� � . ;,: �� a a d., a i t I v a n s- I a f-- A m ib a 43 % - - P, - - 9� V a p � L , pected rest G J. 866;wirt, Clinton; deathof Dr,1D. D. rkwell, v&h;t;h sad : Jenuill9st Of PaYfield, assist! - ' : I � - , " , Young bag be evening, I ' - ' n Drpq Store, ­ . L . .. � �� .. ­ _ _ = ­ ­ .."'T - - � .. , -Z I L U . I . � I I m" � ­. . -tell Alex. Henry and 8'. MOT . from his - char at, B96yfleld, .. . . . i" ­ ­. . ­ ­ . _'fature.. - - - - %in are dent of-Aubtirn., J gun and Mrs F. J. Scott, of Bier, Middlesex, eviat took Place st T scou, Arizona, _ n the absence of Mr Jan , , Presoriptio . . . . . . I I SL to fidelity, oil Jan, 2,8th, from tuberculosis. For 1110 S. _ . . .1 . ON . , � . build now Qperationsat the coopor shop: as a re* By her unwavering Obvistia," . � . . . I 0 . . ..qtl � . . . ng. reparation I Vev. - Me Parke . . h_WT �. .1 . waki ,%Ian and'Varna.� . . ... r " . I . ' brick L Xlences next sigiumer; J.'Dick. atilt of the �ood sleighing, his willyard by her many noble womanly qualities, several years he hid -a laige practice in � ' - eucceesor to Sy4ney.Aok 'Al,� _.�� " L � 11 . ., , I id cheer- (now of Amherstburg) took this work- , so . , 11 P. B. CREWS9 son is also building a large.. barn and is-bdingLwe I-fillAd with Ings, Wears. and by ber generous nature at Wongear Park, but losing. his health, . ... . I ; . ' ' . L . � I L_� , , L' rill near Horst ock city, pleased to see Mi Caldwell . - . bL -Rev. ,Me Jennings supplied for Rev. fa; . . - . I bodes on hista . . I Oat AgOdu fill disposition shewou the respect and he vVint to the Pacific coast aboilb two R. Hilton , 1q. u. -Try oack,a niasam or wild,. . .. , I - I after his Illness. J., P -Brown, %former esteem of all who bad the pleasure of years ago, and as been travelling' tor Smith at Middlet6,n's And H. . 413horry Itark for Coughs and VONA. .1 . ., � . EXpert W AtCh Rep I L r WEDDING*.- On' Wednesday evea. resident at this place, who moved to' L knowing her. L. We extend the bereav- his health ever since. Themoraing?'Of #it Summerbill. F. Hovey will supply � goo per b6stle. fropk was Only.. .. .1 . ", "._ � Jawelet And Opt . XJ . . . . I . �, �, ". , Ing of last week' about one' hundred Goderich about foor years ago, has dis, ed family our most Sincere sympathys his, death they intended Starting � for this p0pit on Sunday tie , The 8 i I ,� �. I I * 11 invited guests assembled at the home a gone and w,ould remind them that their toy- their home in Chicago. MiSLWifeWFAS S. scholars . are preparing a special V***.***** . . : :1 . . 1, I �11 I �. . - 0 . . . — i ,. , � .. . .. . . sad of his implementg; he ha' to ­ I . . . . , U1 pair and Mrs Jos, Smeltzer to wittless PC Stratford Lto carry on an implement ad one has onlK otieyed the divine call Easter service which will.be ken an. ., L .. � - - I in,the� neXt roolumbes. be called her,. . . L " __ I . the m%rriage,oftheir daughter Minnie business there. Rev. J. H. Rector, the � ­() e u big er." The f L , erat was rind on -b0 en'tering the room he ex- ttrely,bY themselves, I . ­ . . . ;n � on . . . I . tial to our.walking in. the right W$yk - � * . '1�1 0 ,� , St. Joseph. . nerton, .of Klue'ardlue.. Black K night, will deliver his - � Op L helodmidd I 0d%Y - team her take, home, claimed "My time. has come; illy Go4 I AATTENBURY ST. -Evangelists Ken- In- the afternoon an Open School Wall, L , to John Era( P Ular - NOTEs.-A crowd of young people The nuptial knot was tied by Rev..:J- lecture,�Personal Reminiscences of thd� Bites Linel.theservives-boing conduct- am ready," And beat dnbii�'bacarne Us. nedy'aud'White, who are to. come to held in I he church at� Which excellent '_ .L ;:�4 '-.� L . i �'L pent an enjoyable time at A.Bedard's, MdLeW, of Ripley.. A . very pleasant LateWari" in'theVemperanbe Hall, ad by Rev.� E. B. Solithi &ndL the pelf- d ,ining so for a ' twO - I in by Reve. Me Go. I , �.� � lolme.wille,Friday sad Saturday I , t L ' - :The young. couple -All . onscioup, rema ver : Rsttenbttry St. eburbb the first Sun addresses were give 1.i, as a evening was �pent Feb. 415th, the bearer a G. Elill, J. W. Hill, H. - WFLtkino, hours.. when be.aeparted tbfig life, He da Ing, of Stratford, .T. Wilson-, Obdek6b, � �­ 1, I -W tn. Bedard has had wrip. 'N. Y near Kin- buro,� Friday, Oro, h y iob arch for a -series of. meetings, , -ad- by ave I I .. ". ­ Ca,litin left for their home next da ceeds to be in aid of Auburn public C. W. Williams,N Btighim and F. Me- was highly respected and esteem _ an condtictiq� 1BVRngelistical and A H.Lrtrkin, - of the Preabyteriari .L I . . I him., L L . I . . I � 11 � I as working vigorously to procure'a har- cardine. -Our best wish go7 with them. library, W .3; Sturdy, of, parry 11yeen, . I . I . All who knew Interment took services at Owen Sound. over 2,00 Oro- churcli,;Seaftirth. Special'Hyrah -see- . I .L, I I I , . bar for this place, and 4t is expected 1�', , , " I , � . , ".._ � I , . - ' ' "t' ' * L t the home of his . . ­_ . . I plac� at Forest Home cemetery, 061- fessed conversion there. Theyare now-y1ce was rendered by the choir' And" � t I - I . . . . . � . sound, is vial Ing. a I . � * ' I -the matter will. come up before the . I ... . L . Curdy. Rev. :.A.. . . Varna . . cago, - It will be remembered that he in Wallacebuirg, I I � I -parents, Me and Kra J. 8 . . .. At, the Leftgu,e meet- orchestra of die School, "'One -is your" . ,,I L House of Commons. No services were , . . .�' I . WInghang .� . . I , . . StUdedtL of Dr -61' I . ; , " : to the Wpnited-Rolibubter22calba ' J, Young, of IT41nilton, will occupy ,, 0KURi6A,-Th6 quarterly eiervices of was at one,time a unn, Ing on.Monday night the �uior was master,-e-ven Chtist; and All, ye Are - " .1 . tEbeld in the R. 0. church, owin L L. I '. the pulpit of �he Presbyterian dburch irenit -we -a held in Bruce ,14, T. down tot- the topic "If Christ . ho d., breth6en)", was tu - ". I I ... �. I Und . . . G.E. KING Winglisin. the Vat its c r - ofClinton., He is A brother v , 8 ill . e theme of the. even 11 � LLL 'jilluess of the parish priest. Me ran - 0. � , , .. - . next Sunday; he will speak at the tea. The B T. E, Batkwell.' v01' and it was yerk in- . .. b, I ' L . , . ... L . field on Sunday morning. Feb. 8. irkwell, Ludknow.; , . w come to-morr.6 ing sermon and it was inte as in ,, �2 � . . - I L and eon have' returned t ' a Toronto as ,a reached 1 meeting on-, Monday evening, and at - anniversary services were conducted Manitoba; W. T. BarklOoll, . holesale terestingly t , ken, Arth6r: Tyndall 19i6bing is A S e or . ­ thovdonotintend tabs ableto Start l)HAwHs..-7 The sad tie% . by Rev Dr. ,G L ifford, . . . OLO, ­ H, to . I .dwelt with. i " L I I I - Wingham oil Monday that John Pel I the convention on Thorsday. -druggist, Load . Ont.: Dr' R. I I leading the rileeting ; at the intergned- JUM6 wid .e:k resolve. . I . , . L . .'Clinton, in thor . H. who thiowsi -.vO I I _,��N . . .11 _ lat6.L -1 - . .11 .. I - ,their geraral store until opting. ,*The I :1 *L be Of- �8arwwslf; Landon-, Eng.; *Mrs G. : ona . , tori, who left,Wingham last spring for TEA-MEETiNG.-A tie.4-tseeting w L Afternoon. At. the meeting of t . . L league held the, same .evening ness into his -discourse% ; his 'ser . I .31otel has changed handai'Mr Bacipeul . ii I ' I Silyer MityArmstrong. took thlo-*aubf�e66 ably. . - appreciate - � I at , . I'' I will now be the manager. F-MiJusseaa 0alifortila, bad' succumbed to. dancer of be held here, on-MDoday, Feb, 181 keld in - Varna on Tuesday Neal, Stv. Thomas -'Mrs Hiles - . ' ficial board I 1. . . .. I ,. I were -thoroughly � L I . Tea Will be sexyed in tt - is.quite Revi X AVilson, of Gbderi6 , North -aridity gveriing a crowded obure � ' .� the stomach; he was about (ilJ Years of to Temp6rari6; afternoon, Feb. 5th, , W unanimous in- 1,04 Farm. Bi4 io.ber,.whi) � L' 1% '­ iliag bought a farm near Flensall, and, ­ . to attend the' street Methodist : church,'L 'gave .',very, �r L . ., ,� J. Wh-� age, and leaves a -widow atidlarge fain- Hall from 5 to 730 p.m.,after whichan vitation was given to the- pastori RM inflem.. left on Thursday .. ,w4a assembled ai�d tbe following ,prO4L � , I I has already removed to it. Witigham'.. who L .. . ?ig W. Andrews'.1to. ,remain with them faveral; . . " . I I . . I . . ., I . .1. , 11 - I I -omme rRtutned E6 lang.thy, ily. MraJohn -Bell,, . entertainment will be gi ve,� in Knox 'third L I 'L..JeCf--L ' L forciable and thoughtful . sermons bere. L gram - was L given :-' . -.7o . y io'the-woild . .. L ,, ) home from � . It , . , e . Intended for * %at week. . . last Sudday the pastoir' supp Hymn ........................ � --. � .year, which, he Accep a - ' AyingJar - has �en sufferin , for some time with church.; 11.eva; Jr. Young, Of Hamilton, � . I I . . r and Mrs Braliliwaite, film - edU_ . . , I'� . I sojourn in Southampton. . �! ' -6 Seat . . : NOTES., -o"! MI L in Goderich. and . preaching . I ..... ... � Rev. W.. GifforcL, L . . cancer, d, MO-nds��­ I . forth, I Jr, Wilson, of.Gleucoe, and, S,M, Whil - ,.N`OTES._-"A.-W-. Andrewsi,SW'16n .. Prayer - -','­"......._ . . . .L - . , L �' . � . � . iitereot,' I , .are on the eick list; also Mrs Phillips, Rev..Dr, Pott w . L -treasurer , .. Jubet., ac , - I , - I I � 4goDI-i'st-Madoc �companled I . I's .,Jill Report of the school by thip, secretary . . . where she had. been. vibiting. at *tb, 4Y, of St. Helens,will deliver it laid up. for over a'week. -. catinual sermons orehesirstielection. .' ' , . ­ L . . :1 �. I . , ,, L'' i ic will be supplied I . I . muisi . 7 hia�a .8b ass I a LY o . ,. Blyths . . . been I . preach educatlotial 's'ermoss * here on Re6jijtic� . ...... -......am I -Years-, itte'Lbody was log Addre esiand by Ills wife and cbild�apcint 66 few days M ........... � ..... aVinsix * , early age'of 33 . . L a ;it is home 1:1 am Luok- the, � second . Sunday in �: March. Recitation....,.... ....,..'..'........DelliTiiylor. , , L I I I , DoUBLU W ECDDING.-A particularly brought hotnefofinterment.. � Mrs W- by Auburn chair .aud. . D, UcQitl, of Iasi week at the Mi6thodist arsonaget now,,woere she has been 11 .., Th . I I 11 I "I i . . . . - . L . . visiti 9 hO ,Ils that old,, p'roverfi true - Noth.; Son .............. pr*� . � -pleasing affair was that of the double i Arrustrongf W eat Wawasoob. depart, Hensall. ` " L . . . . the guest of his brother, Z � I W. * 1. . . I . L . I 11 Is Rec tatiolln, %, .1.1 I I I I I 1:11=18= I I L . . . "I, vv6dding wherein two daughters of hlr� . . - . . . a sister.,* * . . . ing succeeds' like . success,. is � Clio A I ........ I ­......... .Eiv. . " , �;'ed this life on-SuaaAy at the early age . I Andrews. - The .Farmers' Institute . I . Drill b twelve girls e�!Aled' 1112. Months" by� � . * . , I � . and Mrs Michael Kelly took partners, of 40 Yeats, and was gently laid to rest . . . 1. I . . . . :. . � I . .. �'. subject'of Mr.Hiowsola"i sermon, in the , Ilis Down's and Mrs Plumsteel's Classes - . I I . ceremonyLWag celebrated 1 _ ,ntlVbrL ok Ce' ". � �' . Lstanleye . I e!in -, . goXingaville . . Rattginbiiry street churcl-, next Sun-. Roeltatien ........ :.? , ... � . ....... Wilber Johnson - . . for life. ,The D 0. meter* on Tuesday. . . - ins . g ill the Varna town ball on , _Rqv: Mr 'Wade, Clinton, .' . , ....;,.4Pearll?lno1% ". ­ - i". . . In St. Michael's church on Monday, a . I DnAT9 Feb was a grand success. A grand CillyRog. day mooning, Epworth Leaguers are Recitation .,... I..... - . 1k . I "I I . It it our sad- duty this week - . - . NOTE:'s. -Word has been 4received concert is to be given under the site- Occupied itle-pulpit. of- the Methodist G,f_ Orchestra selection,. I ................ ad , W�� L '. . , _11 Feb. 11 th, at 10.30 &. in., Rev. D.- P. Mc- to, chronla�je the demise of Annie Mar- L I . .. morning, sad gave invited. .,The Rev, Me � I f - '...7 .... T V L *. Alemannio. P. P. , L to the effect -that David Gsrnes' .* - for-' pices of Varna 0. 0. b,. or% Wednesday chiirL-h on Sunday . !o",6dP_' , I wilt o' con it in. illk� .30110 ......... � .......... ;. � ....*ffive. otingen .1 I I officiating -Miss shall, beloved wife of Win. . Boy Is.. of , E .y the- pill i, . 1. Recx'6tion .. --'-­'-'-­­0­�. "'I'. - i Me Cameron, Tor(in- . . Allin- WAS �'� gl '. 0s I " _. - fg, a very finer discourse. . A As ... - Ml m rv'h­i11'p pj#�J*. . - I �t; Kelly I - Jr Two .:.a. sigh loft 8 of' tile Qwrsong by:8 gi , �� merly of Wingbarn, but � now, an am evening, Feb "so - I - . Bridge was married to 36hu Holyrood,.being forateii1v of Clinton, . I ini. � Ct L 1. , ployee of the 0. P. R..: met the other N to, has been engaged for the occasion. expected t.6 giya'auaddrese at Leagae - !�-F I oil 141)S()4 , � % 1. I -Oliver, and Miss A.naie Kelly to bfich- i n 8.8 .4., L - - � . - For the former co ' _..�.tt, - with X - sis'eldile accident, .the,twol and for some tinle'% teacher'! * a' Reber Shobrooke, latent Routh Africa', . unable to members of h . R661tati,on"... .....J h1pleg day . . UL Monday evening. bob was t a teague. acceptect. the song.. � I.- ...... : UN . ­ I . uple Jno. 3i Stanley, ,who died bill. Jan.' 25thv* at -he League of Ooderich M, . .1. . I . 'T. McCau acted as I 'a became called at the parsonage recently. The, 0 1ccouut. of grip; his ad invitation of t Itation .......... � ......... � ........ Ule'ta vofCL L ael Healy. � .1 i � I ghey . with whom b a was walking were killed .the aleof.27 years. Mrs'Boyl I be piesoat on i , _ . North. � street , Methodist. church and Recitation ...... ...................... Harry. fterr., . ­ I � L ­ , groomsman, and he was badly hurt. D. Showerp I -,%bout a footballLinsitcli on Firiday last between di6ii-on his recent trip to England 1. and Miss Kate McUaughey as brides- I . L trOulo ad with lung trouble wtrf) their guest4 on TqeoUy eyqningr - PL'te4 ormon ................. �,...'_Xr -Hooper ,'' , is Looving from big house 6a, John St. the Varna- slid - Bracefield bo;ra was - . ­. I . . - . ,, . � - I year-ago, and -everything possible was . . r"y 6 expecW4 iu*tbe tioar-fuOrO - i if ' --'I; ,�Wlc"� ggeerall Roy. Mir Going... ­,,'. ­� .... .... �. . de:d yk .) , �Ma maid, while the latter pair were sup to the ci�acloigs one lately occupied by I well played; the score wa's a little in , Ing ltwA,a-.a ]program Was.eArlftd odb: iss Uioy- Stevens P, ,s entitled . .. I . *ted by Patrick J. Kelly and Miss t . I - At -the gust terly board 'meet I L :L here took part, after . . 1. - !MrB"teir. ]Etdv,,Mr 6eed tendered done for bar, but deopite .411 ebb passed favor of. Brucefleld. Miss May An'- the ittv lye are the Light of the world! Va y, Bell. of Blyth. Immediately at- peacefully awaytrosting inL Jesus. She decided. -to invite Wy 3. Hassel-, .'B.D.,� .,ited fron � I . I 1. ... O..... I "__�_ _ - his resignation to. .his Ba�ilst charge, . 111 -.Arb*a haa ri6turned home after visiting, to be pisto, .to . The which refreshments were provided and Orchestra selection ... w ........ _.... ___ .1. . the next, year ss rd.... .. to take effect the first Sunday in A ri ; . e ction. -with the W. A I . . 1. ­_ --W;;i-ji;-" ... ti�r the caremony the newly-wed'drove . a waited art during her nape by friends io BruceflL Id. Miss Blanche Social in Conne r . M. thby reached home at;. An early hofir, Addre by Rev,.Dr.L 0iffo . . to the home of the brides' parents in . W , Closing aymu ... ­...­..,!.­'.� � ... I . I Airwris, where- the -wedding di - during his three. years' residence gets Xrdo McLeod, of London. She bore ' and bar brother � Eddie -call- A. of St. John's 'cl:Lurch was . held on next moruing,W611 repaid for. the long . I User was I I - 'She - � L. . I . I . 'colled0loserietted. about fifty'. dQI-' ' :_ partaKen of. Me and Mrs Oliver left I he'llastriade many .friends who will.be . '. 'L. . O.nL � cold �drlve. I .. I. . The ­ , .., . v _,; . . : b4r sickness with patience, never mar : ad appibbeerdarabigage last week. Quite Thursday on. account Of the stOrhl " I L I fare. , 1. . ­ . .�, I I. I . - . ''. * ,�" . I . - muringo and asked the 'loved ones 4 numlieep ef our young folks attended '14xesday. at Mrs Mulb6lImuW6. - ': "I. WILLIS C . HU . ACH.- On Tuesday . of . - .".. . , T , - .. I I I ,on Wednesday for Michigan, where I sorry to . ieeblat'leave, ReivMt-Perrie around her to meet-herid 111eavep. ie-following�l' edfro'ni1fi4L'secre.. -,: ; .,' wl­� they will reitide in future. Mr and Mrs i94'onthe-.sick-list; his Eulpitwas ably Sha* tn6k L -of the Bible class in. the party it Me Robirlson's, of Bfuce- LEAGVE ,A1qNIVSA9A,Ry­Next.Sun- last, week the Bxcelsior Mission Band. T1 san ,' : ;, . I charge � . I I Healy will make their home in Blyth. filliedbri Sunday by I ditor:Xerr of K'11106 b flield, on Thursday evening, last week. flay and Mobility the Epwort.h League held a �irtbgl Y Party, at which not tary's report is learrit'of the splendfd.� ,� I'- � . 1 g English Oburcho until ,ill- irk being d, " .. . Brussels. ,-The sand, stone and brick B. A. Higgins, our pqpular horriess will' hold anniversary servicee. On Only thd agematieva, were 'present, but WO orse, by the *sbperinten- ., -.� �,i I �Congratulstlorgs are in order. for the new.Methodiat church are'ncw bealthdeprlvedherofit. The' -funeral ' maker,issiowly.improving. - . L tints -who are very-, -: I on , the ground; erection on Sunday was largely attended. there . Sunday at 10'a. in. .and 7 -p. in. ReV A. those of the Wi F. W S, and mothers dent,4nd'his aSsis 1 . 11 �:' � Irkton opting., 'L will likely being one highdrectatid thirty -eft rige . I � 0. Crews, Toronto,' General. Secretary of the children, Tbe.delegates to the enegretic in furthering, every interest, i 1. . . .4, I �­ . X . . 'Rullett. -to: the 1.1, 1, " start -early* in Me Burwat,h folloi#-in� the I)rocession to Kiriloss ' . .. 1. of S. S. & B.,'L.,' Will preach, And, as presbyterial meeting held in Seaforth and eucoure, ment reIRtive � OpuNixG.-His Lordship the Bishop - ' ' sy School -4Z new scholars, wtre 11 �', .1 . I _;. . I occupied -the Methodist pulpit on Sun, Diniym YouTH.-SadtaTolateatd. Monday evening au 7.30 will deliver e. encouraging -.'reports., 'Sund � �.__ I 4of Huron will open far divine service . cemetery. .The funeral services- were I * Aiath of Herbert lecture. Aitang recently. gave -1 remiiVrals'. I . � , , I I �. diby morning -and evening. Onoofthe most impressive and. wer6 condtict sudden was the .6 to -be. at these set- The program prepared for the Occasion added to .the roll with ,5 . I I L I ed . -408, n- . . I ... St. Paul's church, Kirktori, on Sunglay� changes put in operation by the ftixr� . beloved son of Kra David: vices, as they will be of special interest was - appreciated And consisted of total numbpr on -roll. total liul' . � " I , I Feb, 17th; morning service at 11 a.m., i uiture syndicat _ by Rev. " Hall, pistor * of .'Xinlough , on. - Wednesday, Feb., I -It at slid you will hear one Of the most'elo- . her of scholArs, 365; avOrage ' At. ­ , I r- , - -7, o'r " -IV � � � - T e e nt N E,r I I ,i h . I � �. , I ,I- I I 9 M I h I h , I I - I I I 11 i. ll I I I �1- I , I' � I I I I I ;a of Wingham is that I . I I L English chureb. The family have the 0 6. Ile fiad Lonly. been aiiinj quent and popular 'ministers of Cana� chotuses by 8 little girls; selection,Dort- . ,1 confirmation at 3.30 p.m.j and evening the,mon receive their ,pay every two his h in aid Ross;Aolo, Miss Lola Miller; recita� fondance-204 ;total riumber'of teach- , .... _L, � v a in . ' - �, 11 . serviaeat7p.m. The collections are asks, instead of ever'y week a's before. y pathy of thscommunity-.-in their about a month, And thus beinq cut 0 diiin Methodism. Me Crows, will ad. tion, Miss Marjorie Agnew; violin solo, are and offleeki, 38, The number of . , . . . . . ", �. In aid of the building fund. The Bish� . . .. . 1. I bereavement. �. at this early age cl 10 years is a sad dress the S. S. ion Sunday.afte0noon. Miss Irene Jackson; recitation, Uss �apera distributed during- the *Ysar' ", * .. ,� , I - L, . ­ . I r - ' . .1 %, �� �o will preach at, both services, And . . . . _. 11 . I . .. .. I Xj)TES._.Vet6rP McFarlane and his b1dw,to the mother and family. The A small admiselon fee will.be chafged Wirings O'Neil; "Little Shaking .Quak. Was 13,480, as follows.- North-,. ... .1 " a9dreas the candidates for confirma- 1. I . � Alma: . . I married datighter from,141yerett, Micb.0 young Ind wis bright and cheerful and at the lecture . 11 . -'- " L8 little girls-,. dialo uej, Misse3 ern Messenger 5,200, Pleagant; .AoUri­,. . I I I . My. Sys. tion in the afternoon. Other cler' 'I- are visiting old friends and relatives bid mAriv friends, His brothers Af. 0. R. Faster an i'191rasmil Jessie Biggart; % ctary 3,120, Sunbeams 1,540, Ha D . . � . 9y' NOTH�,-n-MNS'Maud Gibson, bf All d Miss d Boo- 1:% enedi . urinit ' ' .,�,� � - d render asslsta I NOTES- ` w Drops 21QIW, . life " ', . �; men will be present an ford, IOWA, L - bert; from Niagara Fallsi N. Y., anO sis'pi.k. ,4 visited friends in Fullerton recitation, Willis Doherty. At the 1,540, De L I �; ance at the services, to which ill are w returned to'her home on .here; it is nearly tbiety years.since he . ed 1874 verses, . . , . Oidneaday, L after ope6ding - o, few left this part, anti . he L finds. great ^ Thomas, -'Clinton at- last Week� G. W. Acheson sigent Sun. -se bag of candies- was give yea it I , cordially invited. . � IS f . close a autpri andr, the boys have ree L. I . here in that time, especially in 60.'d.'h t'hajotruneral, which took place dr the girls 4021, making a- total of � I I months with relatives here.' Wbat c an so L lot 2� tv in Varna. Mrs'and Miss , Alstead, ento each 'member of1be- Band. The . 0 20 eon. 9, 4! W. — ___ I ' ,_ h. .The treasurer's tepoit show the " ;, . ,U& � lk - .1 ­; � .A . 4�� t a neonle, tot his acquaintances fromliislate home n . -evisitingratA Jervis% r -eds a-rumt-A to 91328, Lash 589-5. � I 41 I IL 0. I., k LU g. bave aien a a , o -1. . a to - Is 1, - . -to.be is. a gratifying, pondi-7- ., happened at the boine of Win.. Dale on hxvin � tissed, . . Miss EdithFal- on Thursday, the Winton cemetery. Miss S. ()ourqce fo lialtidg here. Miss M6nda,7-eveningthe-special topic, "A .fluances I --e- - V Goopelp" tion "L , L � L . . - I ._ , is visiting abjohn Gil- indlargelvatteaded. Much sympathy B. -Pickard is visiting in arna- R.and compaiati-ye viaw of the four " _.,,� Sature ed in cone ay aid,, � . .Jay. last; they were engag , ... 8 eeki John Graig and i'feltforthe.bereaved ones.. . I 0. Foster attended the wedding of Miss was dealt wtth by the pastor, . . I .1 I .911:0HIPTS . I . .. . pressfing bay, villen' the bait in. the mout, .th w . 9 . Rev. A. . I -i double teas broke, causing tfie arm' to Sister Anna made a shorb visitto .� Rblauce on hand frora last year .'. .�, 7 . DRAT11 ,*Ib is our .painful duty to Black at Benmiller on Wednesday,. - Stewart, with fila'USUal�taCtandpower I :,:. I "-"6 * ,,, Joseph McCully, 6 .tbia week. . . Proceeds from last anniversary.... . . 07.70 1 . to interest. In 'the first place thera Rais6d by collections ....... s .... ....... 102-011i, ' ' , 1 �fiy back--­istriking M. Hurley, And, . I .. I . chronicle the death of Ettio, bel6ved . , . . . ' A tbrowing hitti-ab,out twenty feeh a( ' . L ., L _ � I .. wife of Isaac .Lawrence, of the 13t,1i 8entaillerd was given a comparative view Of L the I brary cards ....... ..... i ". .. 7:. 1 . L . , .:. a I , - I AT H-VJK*CN'S ALTAR. -Another of 1121.101 11 . .. to? I I last accounts hei was doing its weli. aq - . . four authors, � in . this View attention I 11. on 11444 I I .. ........ �. �* i i., . . . L Colborne,. � . eon., which: took �,Iace. on Sunday those"events occurred On . Wednesday tbLe L. .1 . �� I I L . 1. . . could be expected. A party Of yoUng . morning of heart fal tire. Sbe wag a - - was'dTarn to Divine wisdom, in I I L psople from EgmeindyllIs spent a ye* � WEDIlEo.-A happy eyent occurred. -tighter .Hiles, and which bound together a ha y couple, 1 . Total ..... ..... "I'll" $10110 . I . �i . .. ry do, -of-the late'Wm, tha choice ofthe oLuthas Of the four it -, I . L . I pleasant evening at the home of Xr cm Thursday, the 7th inst., A the res. W40 born in IM 15be was ..% consist- i at the home of Air and. Kra Wm. Blake, Gospels. In the second place the Gos- I JMxpensss of last year's annivorsary:... I ... ' I i and Mrs Win. Dale -on . "luesday last, idence of John blugford, Colborne ent member of the Methoillat church. Colborne, It Is a ease wherein two polo were coin oared.. MattheWs. Gas, Papers.Leaf clusters,baunersf lesson listf) 'J720 , , .... H. I ........... 0 ...... � : I 'dancing being the chief amusementi when two young people wore made# Herlife was one of usefulness, not brothers have married two sisters, It vel is the gospel as , written for the For Missions ...... 19.95 . .. Miss Nancy McMichael addressea the happy by being joined, in matrimony, being that, of -Miss Jennis to SAm., Sao . i Sunday School Idea ection . ........... 5.0 � I . Rey E. A. Shaw officiating. The par- only in her church relationdhips, but of Me and Mr . Jews, and the writer brings 6db the Provincial S Ayschool Association ... 2.00. 11 a M. Schwanz,Benmiller, I Lea tie at,()oustance on Sunday, even, - I I Un 14 _ 4 see . Ing fast. Me and Mi a S Uliddan who t1clPaftts were Charles Mugford, 001_ as a,noighbor- always ready to Assist truth, in different wiys that 3 opus Of Delegates Hit WaY,OxPeu to P4 S, $'At L . laid up with a severe attack ,of grip born and Miss Mary BurgArd. Tuck- where Christian bympathy ivas needed. Rev. 8. A, Shaw officiadOgs Ill the Nazareth is the,MesslAh.. . Markl goo-. Gait ............ �­­,. . -.11 ....... . U0 - .. , I I . I I - daugh.-I presence of over seventy five 9dests. Olaag books ... .... 4-1.-1 ............. � , , is' , d .onL 13al is not written for Jews, .but pro- Tickets ................ ....... � .......... 40 M I e" The as6lstantg of the bridal couple was bably for Romans, and it adto forth 43.5& , - :''4 last week. Mrs Iddo Orich and Son, of era!pith- Those. who- assisted in the' She leaves & linabarid an ter, who have the 'sympathy of -the Librar books .............. I ....... .11- .... Tuakerswith, spenit #. couple of days at event were Ferdinand Butgard and . a sister of the br1de,M1qs,EIla#aq brides- Christ as the Miglity worker ---; the Ropair-In ibrarY and choir stand.,.. . , - 00. . community in their sad bereavement. I her parental hams here, , :' Miss Bargard. Congratulations are , and also for herbrotheraNand sisters as maid and a brother, ,William, in like over -busy one - the key, word is BXpresgel"Irgegort leaf clUster to 3119, * . extend4d to the young couple, . Capacity for the gronto. The wedding I'Stvaightway" Luke's gospel is wrlt� Ron rooms ..... ......... #­-� ...... :*14 40 . I b.auxtclr.�Orl Sunday next anniver-o I her death was the first break in their I rpenses of sooldi ... ... I ......... . 1. . 1.W I I . OwTuAwr.-Dexth has visited this family) but they all b ' dinner was heartily partaken of. 'The ten by a Gentile, And It exhibits the 133 . 11.25 - I . V services wilt be held at Turner's ave the Assurance I I Picnic expenses ......... O'... .4 � India fandlio fillid--o .... to.... '::::':. I par an Rev.Dr.Giftard, Clinton, locality oneemarej wheq-the blessed of a blessed - re-unift wher I Malay beautiful presents given show world-wides npatbyof our Redeemer ::. ; . 15.00 .. . . ! " I � � � - . cbuyrcb f this world a parting 'the great esteem the Wide is held by . . I w I. I , r., .W.,.h Master saw St to take out 0 will be no thore. I . more than RyotVe other gospels ; here . . .76'. . - I at 11 a.m,. and at I pan. . the soul.of the late Mrs MeManous, At - . . her many friends, They will leave I , . .1 Xotal.'... -#;.00-;..0..1.- ;118 . � R,gv, W, G. Howson will preach, Wei have the matchless stories, of the lust of the Stratford on the and 10 months. I 4' . . I Good Samatitan," "Prodigal Son" � the Monday eveninit following Dr. Gif. A a of 77 Years . AVI16 next week tot their f ditire home near ,, At the last meet* � I The Puneral took place on Saturday ' Brandono X, W. T., followed by the differon I Presbytery, Rev. PeteL.Scott resigne4 , I ford will give his nofed lecture on the NOT99,-Mr and Mrs ff. PhIlOpq left ofall, etc. Jolifile goo al gives a b tke -Presbyter1ste.t-4kr--_._ Mammoth Cave of Kentucky,, There iveek to Colborne cemeterro where the for their home in Michigaii on Wed- good ""isbaO i verbion of out tord'a eag eor, Here his past'drate of . . - remains were laid in their last restip nesday our beat wishes ': 8, S. CONVI$NTION IN COLUOUX9.- rA thP church, Crqparty, A d applied to be . . I I Le go With, them for SL happy and pros Won of the Methodist or th,jo 'placed on khe aged at& -itifirm minis- ., will be 'no ,church services here oil _ of last week; Jesus speaks mo -ti He sets- *, He Sunriy" - . yl.qc . The bereaved family ana - A tialon conve! speaks too of Himself rath ters' fund of the church. Rev. Me � 0 I , 0 its. C�A, Tgbbutt .and sister and Evaugelical.churchet will be held . ied& have theL sympathy, 'of the perous It abouthieXingdom.andthe languare I . .. . . whole community in their saabereave. callfacl At C. Gle'Viig's on Saturday even- in the Evangelical churohir Colborne, used is often mystical ; this gospel is Scott has been the faithful and belovett I . , L . St. Helena, k" ment. I L I itim-on-their way to'St. Helena is$ onAArch 3rd and 4th, At,10.90 A.M.the , a ecially intended for the churefi. for R,estor of this congregation, for abogit - �. , L . I Tk . prilowerviciv wilt be t6buncted by tfieedifleation of the WhOIOL bad Of Yeats, I I , . - NaTim-Mrs Durnin, on, eoatlnues� , (Intended for last week) Ten& Sprung spent Saturday and, San- I . I , . . . very poorly; we hope soon to bear of d, a Oar- dar wlih Miss Grace Linfleld. The Rev, At M. Clemens, Bethel choir fur' believers- Last Sunday. Feb,' roth, . . , NOTHS.-J. Kantzi Sall,for stoking the music 1, at 2.30 in. there was anniversary sdrVices at Willie SoUp J0JrJMJ8S her recovery. Miss Jennie Tobbtltt, of Ing away an immense quand y of ice Laitgue has received an invitation to I **ktVV*V*10#0 11 ff-- Nam Goderiell, visited bet brother, '0. A. from the Malibland Rive I spend Friday. evening With thb gn- will be a Sunday School rairly, addressed church and large con reWationg, Were . I . � ' . . ; . r, for, hid brew- by, Messrs. X'H. McOlititiono Westfield, piesent to hog i�, . L I . Tebbutt, at Mrs A. K. Milleriis over or at Carlow. Petitions are being r Rev. . Lirking Bi . " ery, The Sacrament at thd 4il's d�'Lv And G. Elliott, Goderldli, Zion choir irth, who cotaducted'tbem . 8unday. Mrs SaIlgald, of StrAtloird, Is Supper was administered in Zion circulated to divide S. S. No 1, and to - , A., of Sesfir , . L ICY' A thurch list Sunday. itevivat services have a school at Nile and another at , the, eveningr service ory able, and thoughtful - At this time of the year, a great deal ,Visiting friends in this vldihl -4103K the music The N* by Aev, R A. Shaw, the 'Evangelical, and preached V of soup Is uied, and of aoursej more soup nninber from here attended the lecture Zion Nivin's Corner. Inspector Togn, visited sermons which were listened to Atten6 I , It you want to replace, given by Mr Wright in Belfast school are still bein continued in . . choir furnishing music, On filanday tively,,they ,wore instructive. deep, . . . . plates uVo'broken. church, The, 1korkmen held Ali oy,stor the school here lamb Frids G I ,t T.,Re " ' following there will be three sessions . houbo on Monday evening. 0,'A. Teb. a or in -their lodge at Carlow last very prevalent, Do n, t thd practical and &ro meant to leave! an im- I , your broken,platas, we have a ousp for You, butt spent Friday evening and Satara u I 'Union B.S. Conventiou to, be held in commencing at 0.45 wbea Rev. Shaw tression. This . was hi's first Visit . L " �. , - day, with frierids at Nile and Goderich. WPiAEnesd&y night, . Dungannon. on Fob, 22nd., will conduct and subjects taken by, A. are. Rig ,at,,", text was taken . I WAtch i I . We are offeriggo, 25 dozei only, We are pleased to know that Mrs W. Heddle, Miss ffillierlL g. I Mitchell and T . ". inch Royal Iriia-Chins Soup Plates, . Tuckerstulth., CITunom-bri 8 from 2 Tim, I .I 12. he music by the �,,-� I 1. 9 . tindiLy"Palt. ard, the Rev. M. J. Wilaon,B. A. -, in the after- choir was readdMI - exceliently$L The 4 * 0 6 og @, -k � I . . I7, , , L 3 V6rrleti con,,. 19, Is improving some- Sacrament -of the Lord's Supper,was jj� I Wbacia, will p . .0 00400 ­ .� lKegular90efor Seado.% -what, Miss, A. M. Clark left last, Mon- XoTE9.-Orl Monday evening, Vbb.i _ reaideand.pap- theme of the evenitigaevilion waa found . I 11 .1 . 0 i day to visit friends in Hamilton, After 1802, Rev Dr. Gifford will lectur6 In addlinistered tb a large number., ,The era- -to be'taken by A. 9. Allin, Rev. R. in matt, 0 " 82 11 -For your Heavenly One hurgarea ears Ago , '�` while they last, or it you boys io;s of ,41 Quarterly .Board met 6a Mond'ay at 2 -WhftlHAf,BL.Ap 146y.M.L.Wing, Berlin, father knoweth you have need of all were thick bill � witobiw .... I'll which she will proceed to Toronto to Turner's church on This Mammoth Ifalts., to4ay, " �� plates and want something to put fit them enter the Cosperyatory. of Mug, meet of p,-tn, there being quite a full Attend. And Misses iorguson, Messroueadle these thinva". The collection for church up-to-aato watan; are models in ap. . _ . 0. `W. Cave of Kentucky." John Hol ance,all the Appointments boingrepre- and Butt, in the evening A musical Pro- urposes were not up to the usual, 0211. pearanoo and time keeping qttaiapc we have Campbell has been hstiong wood to Holmeaville, and, Samuel Wallace, at pasted; circuit reported progressive, gram will b6prepared and will consist. the public school durino, the week., Woodstock, visited Jos. Holines on finaticeo fair. -of tritiala by the l3otimillei, Evangelical% , going placed oti the platoo. The cost of a watch is so longw .. Canned tomato soup �­ Friday. Idea V. Crieh and Miss Char- . ONTARIO 9 1%RJMT CHWWAI-Stinde, tba serious ba. i i � . . . lotte Carter have been laid up with . Bethel and Zion qaartettes, receitation bilive them f r, or 6 I W&C We .. � . Skepvardtoxi. Sruciiiillejdo Miss M. Washington', Citations solo, next TurneeAs church holds Its AanF- lemon or 011:17ROM I I bout tbWy NOt.nS,_:q8 I � ... o ng, 'people 1 At Mrs F4 . 8, -Acheacrn, Xlopenj , lea Patterson And Mdreases by, Rays, versa ,r It a nd D . 1 will Wag in. Sol le NIver ama 'Chickon soup -A blessed work Ilia basil grip, On Friday evening a tri ev,, W, nickel cases: it irleas that will ittlit 1. I tr ry tie V 43 $6 t, Gifforc . done through the power of (%ad's u saaemblic Ached In is Ptallbyterhm church wingana Whiting. _. ­— . preach there in Cho mottilo - , , . I ha,va. taytob's, crokinole and carpet ball$ , pro fn'e� aervies anypookst. Wo willbo plomo4 spirit at this Point, About 50 . . on Monday afternoon, The Christian Giffaird taking, Cho marn fA 0 . ft Tall soup , were In order. I I . 8 0 ..0 , I � .1 . manifested a desire to serve God. The Xndeavor Society urpose, havingan Mut On OAts&rugg. Ili(, to, het6. Itev.Dr.0iffor4l ,Will 1�--^ big phow I V r 901�0-__- - I . - . church has been,cluickened. The pas. , entertainment on 1pfriday, evenlag,2`6. It. B, Mclean, Hippen, son ledtUre drititlect "the Rimotlrup.4yd a 11 I I I - reisild for smut in oat$,, w t'I'L'" iiiiienne, soup , . tori RevI M, Jr. Wilson, was ably As. Portor"s Bilh . 22nd, when Miss H; 1. Orabam, of Eg. 'lowing relsild "'U "' kentoo,ky" ei(v*Turu6rl# on Mon- pioib,466 ,1� A;" _ -;, 1 : . . . . stated by Revs. S. A. Shaw, J. Greene, NoTao.-Mr H. And Miss 14, W960 Woodville, Will read poems of bar own sayo he has tifiba *Ith splishala I restilts'.- day ovenifig foll6witif, Feb, 18th, The . V�w .V_VWV1W1r" . . - Potmilliti, mix with 16 fit. , I - * ...& I mock Turtle SOUP I", ,, an Wilson, M, A., Ooderich. The were visiting at R. (I., Pottorle on Sat- production,-! singin and recitations 'Nke 41 oz� of anniverAary of'Ontar ot atree6o church . periti gallant, of water, immem the papa -.1rm- I . JL _ � , . . . . I TheLeavaeandlocod brethren of the urdsy. Jamset Porter and his cousin will also be rendore5; collection at the Sunday school waii opened, bn gooday ,& 3`40 W,X-JL I � Barleyo split reagietts Nito have alto ably aagisted tn thiff ftom Wigybaim Sundayed at - Wait door. M16o0bristigns Moti6ren,f3tan- in ibis solution for 6 to 10 minutes, ff liged morning by s, speciAl rally of the aebool .... worki Ott Sunday, Feb 10'r the aaeta. Coxl. Fr Monte, 0orrie,,yinUddon. 'ley, who wao visiting in Totento, re-, ta bad with smut $ to 16 minutes will be - 'Towallat glad Italia, � - � Is - Want was dippeoned here, when a large con, 6 last week, Miss Alma Elliott is I turned home oil Friday. about tigbt; an open twins 06-ilt will do to tO the morning service condocted by a to Jokliddloft9*4 . 9L Mrs A, T Wigt doing, of Stratford, Whogs, 11000"69 . P M. nambero# those converted during the Visiting relatives In Kineardino. Win., Scott, hAg poturIled from A .Visit t' contain the grain while triiatifig, sma 06 tub RO I . . .. 1. I , - 11 ogle coo, ee, coo blS, 75bh 1, BoWniXaVille, 0 or holf llort6l for the liquid. Votimilin I# aertwaltzgo vather an addrefisfrom the � I .*. sorvice, partook of the embloma At- Stirling, con, 6, celebrated Mr, Moate pr - CLM"X . L � . I terwards A number'signiflod their wish r birthday last ThursdAy by a fAmIlY 9 eached in a nquia and 86116 fat 6bout 16a pot und, tehx4o I Witth and PrAyll� sbo*Ing � I I I . ,=and ville on Sabbath lsok Itat, Mr. oni,pouna will treat sufaelant siad rill w la we mb to watch )eat of enter,,' , , �' 0 , , I . "llbe is i '84Wt6IN'8Wk#1 _ I , being titill unAbleta Preach, , C, .. ,,-^*#001k"" f W6 quillar nutw atid logo � tobe0onagmembers6fthathurch, , gathering, . ,: I �., I averoga fAtmers . . Ing Into temptsMao and praftf IS 6WYj.r I I A . . . r r I . . � . I .. I . 0 1 1 ", . � 0, . I . �, . . I . . I - . . . 11.1 . . .. I . .1 I I I . . ­ I I . I � - . � . �, 11 �1* . . , . . I ­ I . . I I I I . . � 110, )_1 I . .., a . . . .4 ., � .. i . . . . . . I � r . . r . . � I I � 1, I . .�� . . V . I . I . . I . I I I . . . / "I � I ,61 . .. . . I . I I I . " I � I . . . . I � I . r I . I . I I , . I . i . � . I I I I r . . . ) , . ,,� I 'r .' I . . . I 0 . I .1 I I I I ­ � ­ - .. . . � . - I � r I I 1-....._'- . r- .. r ..��--"�-'r",�"..�.,�'�-.�"--,-- -i.--,-_--1. ­­ r. ,..-,,,...,,-.,,,-",--"----,--%_,_,_.__,--,-_-, _­__­­ '_,_,_,_-_111 1_1_1_111______,__1_1_ ,______.V,_