The Clinton New Era, 1901-02-08, Page 104„. •gOptless and Nelpi THE DRESS MODEL, Special, favor is shown to black in gowns, costumes, cloth and velvet wraps, gloves and simple elegent millinery for the Whiter* The hantlacaue "coetume satins" _for the making of smart dernidressi, cos- tante& are rivals bf the plain anl fancy wool. models of the season. A touell of brilliant cherry red in vel- vet or satin is an accessory that is very --prelnitient-ili -Winter .millinery and, on fancy waists ..ad low bodices fee even- ing wear. 1jandsel:0e aluseovite laces and patine velvet in different color blendiugs are used in decorating a number of the new- est 'French tailor costumes of cloth for deMidress wear. Jet and gold pessementeries •and AP- pliquem in designs both simple and ex- tremely. •ornate are used with very ar- tistic effect on a number of evening gowns and wraps, Stylish young women are again wear-. Ing with their shirt waists or soft blue, silk, satin or cloth in cream white, old rose, various shades of red and other fashionable colors, the folded stock of our Revolutionary ancestors seen in min- • iature and larger portraits. Gold and silver cords and very nar- row fiat gimps are insured fashionable favor for the whiter. The new trim- mings of this description are wholly unlike the garish devices formerly so Popular atuong prevailing millinery •etyles, many of • the Tim designs being cleverly hitertnixed with bits of co1or..0 Triple shoulder capes are a feature of many et the three-quarter or fultlength wraps or the season, the edger) finished variously with a narrow band of stitched cloth * velvet, a tiny roll a fur or three rows of fine gold braid. The finish at the neck is a kaiser collar, and just in front shows a white satin steek and • a dainty lace cravat. The consequences of a dismisett Cntidia gen of t,hei,stounieli", and dkeitive and Ptutritive system are most disastrous to the whole body: One by ante every 'Darn may become involved. The ails - is maddening. The most extreme alases of "stomach troublaa and the evils *suiting free; it have been cured by Dr. •Rlerce's Goadee. Medical Discovery.. It trengthens the ,stornach, purifies the oo&and builds pp the body with sound limalthy flesh. . was taken, with severe headache," vrritea ontat.A. swarts, Box ros, Sub -Station .C, Co - tabus. Ohio, then cramps in the stomach, and y food wouta,not digest, then kidney and liver tEoublee'cied, Any back .got weak so I could algareely get around. Just gave money to the Mectors whenever I thought they would do me Ely good, but the more I doctored the wore I until six year passed. I had become so boorly I could only walk in the house by the aid eh tr. and I got so thin I had givers up to die, •thlakl? l3oya and be said, v Take my. ng lad; could net be cured. Then I saw 4myeighbor dvlce and take Dr. Pierces Golden Medical piseovery and make a new man out of yonrself.'1 tIla ectilaefitier about six weeks I was weighed and found / d gained twenty-seven .(27) pounds. I have o 4.tifore hard workin the past eleven months 'a di hen di n two year before, anci I am as stout nd healthy to -day, X think, as I ever was." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure tialliousness, PSYCHlo PHEelOMF•el'aN.. In Thie case No Heed 'A n tt L.24 :ta to the 'u in lugs. "Spealtaig of superstitions old strange warnings that come to peopie,'." said Vetere', Washington • cot•respondent. • "I dad an experience ,-once that I badly pow how to account for. 1 inky say in • Advance that I don't believe •in auy of the business that cannot be demonstrated ecientifically. One day not a -,great while after the ptesent elevator th the house tomes gallery bad been put in .my mother tient for me to stopat her house on my may down town,, as she diad something *particular to See me about. • I went, and aAhe asked me if there wasn't a new ele- vator to the press- gallery. I told her, • ante had been putau three or Our months •aefore that. • She, said that was it and that I meet trot ride in it, for she had dreamed the night before that I had been crushed to death in it. [laughed at her, of course, and went on rariway. • , "Down on F street I 'met. an aunt"whe •told um she had something odd to tell me. She said she had been. the day' .before with a niece of her husband to see it for- tune tGlIer, as the :niece had. taken a. fancy to see one of :those fakirs. The fortune boiler, 'however,insthad of telling the niece anything had 'directed her re- mark e to her (my, aunt) and had told her Abet she had al relative; A y.oung„ man,. what; she ehould warn, as he would be taistatiedtor, death in an *elevator. ,-That was rather a jar to me, as I was her on- • ty young man relative and as I had so shortly before been warned by her moth- er. However, 1laugited at her also and wention,my way to, the capitol. • "I went about. the committee theme awhile and at last, quite fergetful Of my late warnings, went hi the elevator to go up to the gallery. The. elevator man, an oId .fellow whom I had known foe some time, was In the cage when I got there, . and before opening it he talked to me, • through the bars. "'1 don't know,' said he, 'whether I ought to let you come in here or not.' " 'Why notr I inquired, laughing, ' "'Because)' said he as serious as,could be, 'I dreamed last night that I had run the elevator up too high and that as you started to get in yen slipped BOMB way under it, and when I got ,down to you at 1 the bottom of the sliOft you were smash- ed to death.' : leoked like the 'fatal three warn- • ings,' and I confess I had a few doubts myself, but I had some nerve left, and jollied him on 'his notion and got in. On aty way up I told him what my mother and my aunt had told me, and the old fellow was so scared that he hardly :knew what to do, but I got through all right, and up to date I have not been .critalle,d in that ,alevator or any other, - hut of arum° that's no sign I won't be, and if I ever am the cranks will be 'sure to hold me up as a frightful example. I suppose there are some people who wouldn't ride in . that •elevator for all kinds of money, and still they may fall down eutirs at any tnomenp and break • the!! necks." • . • Julian Arnold, son of Sir Edwin Arnold Who was extradited from the United States in October last, charged with iniaappro- priming trust funds,wae sentenced tc1 ten years' penal servitude, at Old Dailey. ABSOLUTE SECURIT „ Genuine )Carter's Little Liver Pills. NOMA. petit Signatureof See PaceSIMIle Wrapper &Iowa Very small end as easy to take as sugar. 11 .fl FOR HEADACHE0 FOR DIZZINESS., ITTLE FOR DILIODSNESt. ERFort TORPID LIVER. stit, FORCONITIOATION FORULECtSICIN. • 17, vittaILITILEximi ..ovo6 tie- vegetable. "" ' itiRESJOK HEADACHC CURTAIN RAISERS. • Ada Behan has a $5,000 St. Charles spaniel. ' • Henrik Ibsen, who has been seriously is now out of .danger. . • Charles Hoyt left a half 'completed • play called "A. Bunch of Blue Ribbon." Miss Bertha Galland, leading wonian with James . .Hackett's company, is a native of Wilkesbarre, Pa4 A!The Gentlemen %Prom, Indiana" has been secured by Charlie! Froinnan.' The book is by Booth Tarkingten. Jim Jeffries emphatically • denies the rumor that he As soon to be ,married to Dorothy Drew, the vaudeville aCtress.. • }Teton Bertram, Madge Lessing, Jessie • Bartlett Davis and Alice Neilsen will be, it is said, entertaining•Londoners cra Ea:ti- ter 'Monday next.'-.. • Mrs., Leslie Carter has lidded to ter Bar Harbor stable one of the prize .win- ners' of the recent New York 'write show. The price paid was $1,800. . Marie. Tempestis out with a .denial • that she is to visit America. ' She isun - 'der contract Eogland for three years and willeramain in, London. • , 'Edwin Nicander, leading man with Louis Mann. and Clara ,Lipnian in 'on •Account of haa. been • on the stage Six years, though he is only 22 Years Id . Henry Guy Carleton the playwright, is a sou of the late Carleton, James. H. •Carleton, .11. S. A:, famous as an Indian, fighter, andOnceheld a commission in the service hitirself. Harry B. Smith has decided ta.break away from ...long association with the • making of comic operas and will write • a play to be based upon Charles Dana Gibson1s series of pictures called "The. Education' Of Mr, Pip," . THE. WRITERS. • Amelia E. 'Barr has just conipleted a novel called -"Settle of Passage," n atot•y • based uponthe doctrines of reincarnation. Gerhart Elituptmarni, the German dram- .-atist, who is. bailed as • "The New: Goethe," bee the .statm•e and diffidenee or a boy, witlt the face Of a dreamer. • . Mark TWain•says he Isin dould ai not theage at which an .author should Iny aside his pen.' He used to think it 44•q. 60, but he is now ($5 and hes ehntigeif hie Bret Mute is planning tcy• return to :America for the purpose of revitin; western sceneswhieh .he bas rendered immortal with his •pen and • te teao. tie* later develOpthents in that Settlor, •Vraneis A. Niebole 'of Len•ell. for Many years litern ry edit or or the Bos- ton Globe, died or lwart trouble in New York on Nov. 23. . He was one of the best known literary evii irS in the vast and was admired for lay: high stendard:and fp.s los sacsoato /1.0.;.e%s nt itt t'eFistYlat; and -criticising the w eattetions of ettrrent and classic literature. - • SCHOOL CHILDREN'S IDEAS. I came sore and conquered. A 'watershed is it shod for keeping wat tar in: , Pig hoe is whet they make nose rings for 'pigs ot Ilia brain was seething with grand Ideas iu all directions. If the,eartir did not revolt, we should always have equal nights and days. IAvolcatio is a -burning mountain that hes, ,a creator and throws out melted rocks. The blood in " the body is taken by attains of tuba to the heart and there de - 'rhe peiest of !Milian reproved his datighters for not Inviting Moses to come to tea. When 'Moses' mother him in the ark among the bulwarks, elle dill not rnr. get to give the boby its tiottle..-Colleeted For Longmen's Mit gazine. OUR 'NAVY, It was a poor plan to name any et 1 Ito monitors after the mines, as !lint tones * tonfuse tlrem with hattleships.--Ileff.e.0 Express. Pertains nettling in eonneetiott wi:11 tl•e, navy will be mote import:nit in the n: t te NV years than 11r myrtle its out. shit •1 growth by bringiag the suppIA• ni Whew. , dOPICS. 11,1):tir el/,,ps ;Mtl. att‘ilm y 'vessels no to ilia cH lighting sitips.•• Nt w Yorin( emniercial Advertiser. We Ore planning a 1.1; mild naval pro- gramme, so far as the blinding of ships is core ern' d. but 0 lint 14 tlw use of building vessels if we lane to 'lay thelit tip at League Island or Mare Island when built tor lack of erewe to man them and lack of officers to command thent?--Phitedel, Ohia Inquirer. That Cutting Acid that arises from the stomach and almost strangles, is caused by fermentation of the food in the btomach. It is a foretaste of indigestion and dyepep. Ida. Take one of Dr. Von St...n.r. iatte.twala Tablets inuriediately after eating, and it will prevent this distress and aid digestion. on a box, 35 eents.ar6 Sold bY j. Hosea, druggist, Clinton HIS !gICE WARM DER - IT WAS MIGHTY PLEASANT UNTIL IT FROZE UP TIGHT. The Hear tritissitir Surprtee What . Greeted n Uliffnlo II linter In Mon. tang When lie Alvolce Prent 0 Nap On a Cold Nicht an raebruary.' UNCLE SAM'S CANAL. Tbe work will require several years for completion. It is imperative that no further thee be lost. -Washington Star. It BOOMS I'd thel. hard to eXPeild $200,- 000,000 for a canal on our own continent aouidebe.tlien CPA MB It after all...-00.,ton Two SAWS would double the Whit and divideyep:itthat ltee t e 'ari 11,1 lovellwett.tvgoot by congress will he tie. retie one to reach completion., uwtuid o e one co winter evening at a Montana cattle' repel], says a writer In the Washington Vest, both cowboys andcook amused theluSeives. rolling and smoking the in- evitable eirgarette, while they swapped yarns tenth Or leas remarkable. One of the men had just Onished a 'rather hair raising •experieuce when tbe. cook, au. old TeXas trail hoes, In a drawling .volee began: "Well, that re* minds we'of the winter •I staid up here and had a close call. I trailed cattle Up frolli Texas that summer for the Three V company, and getting a good 'offer from the foremau to stay with them•aa cook I decided to 'try a northern winter. There were a few scattering bunches of buffalo around here then, and as winter wore on and having nothing to do but lie round and -With for sprieg we got to goiug out On little expeditions jnot ,for amusement. • Buffaloes were scarce enough at that time to be 'pretty valua- ble game,and it waa a great honor to tbe. one who could bring in a hide. , "I got a good start one morning In Feb - Nary; determined to stay Q11 t until I ceuld bring at least one skin pack •With ine. There was very little snow on the ground, but the Weather was nipping - zero, I must baye gone 30 miles at least before sighting my game, when it was wearing on into the afternoon and seem- ed to.be growing colder all the time... • • "Gettingup • closer to the group and . counting four cow buffaletea and one bull, I began.to.pour lead'into them. I got the bunch,. and -now to skin-them-Gi:v.ing.MY..... here his head to graze, I sailed in, but it was new business for me, and slow. It began to get dusk by 'the time I had am ished the . job, and on looking . around thers_avas am horse in sight. Searching . . about ag,well as I could, it begot to look. is though I'd have to hoof: it in to the rench,.but how about the hides? ."'Leaving them for. the Coyotes and wolves to tear up was out•of the question, and, being cloudy, there was never a star to help me lu my course home, were. I to try and foot. it -.After .studying• over the matter for awhile and •cursing my luck atthelmerible cold and darkness, I laid to of the hides down flat together, -the hairy side tip, StretcheiLlmself ati_ong edge.: and began te roll' up,. careful all the -While to 'leave an. air hole at thetop for breathing purposes.. 'The hides were so limp that they conformed .well to the .eliape. of my body, and . the conifortable feeling. of tieing good and warm soon -put mc to, sleep. ' • doe't know • the thne, but it woe not far Erten morning, when I awake and tried. to stretch and turn over,, which was lin... possible. 1 tried to move -my' mins, .but. .thtrt was -no moreto be done than if had .been bound .and ' rebound with rope,. tried to crawl up, I tried to•crawl 'down, but it was no use 'I couldtwistiny body, and limbs it _little, but ' that little twist Was all. It.then'tlawned' on Me What had happened. 1.had.rolled .myself up .in two green. hides and 'they had frozen hard, making me if prieoper. • "I lay still ft lend' While•trying to think. of Some: means of escape. The idea of cutting my way out with 'a knife ,occurred to the, but try as I ,might I could tot reach' ruy• pocket. X could' twist Myhead up just. enough to see oar Of my nit. hole and realize that it was a siumbitry Morn- ing,. but I was ..gsatiug Integry IIQW and awful stiff . and sorefrom lying in on, tbeini, tied o aositpiolnt. nao. IG•(;13g•'-'• It,.:w48.lik.e. "Oh, how my bones did achet: When- -would. relief get' to me, orwouldit come at all? 'The . boys knew, about what di- rection had taken, but they might not be alarmed enqugh to start out and look me 'up iu time.. It ,aeemed unendurable. I felt numb. ' .. "My head throbbed,. and with a start noticed that it was greiving dark: Was the sun 'going down Or only under' a eked? Yes, it was getting dusk again, and another night Of torture was before Could 1' put in a long. night- of --W and live? I yelled and yelled again. If I• could reach 'my gun And shoot, the boys might bp near enough to bent. me. • . .. "These thotights raced through my ' braitt in rapid succession, whew-couid it heard .voices. No, I was 'doomed to .. disappointnient. It .Was the yelps of coyotes, calling and answering to each other in the distance. Soon they would be looking around the buffato carcasses and Probably be my compaeions for the night. It seemed hi me that theiryelps never' bad such it lonesome sound before. ' ."Soon they gathered. for their feast. But their jangle stiddenly eensed. • What wee it? Probitbty some grays had sauntereis tip and claimed °the layout. No, ea Jot'. I meld hear the tramp of horses' feet, and soon I was helloing and being. an- swered. The fellows multi uot • find nie at th•st, ,but, followingthe Sound of my voice, traced me alai took le the situation at a glauce. They pulled grass and piled It on . each side of me, set it afire, and in less than a quarter of an hour I was Iran They had to give the a drink and rub me a long while before I Was able to stand Op, and' then they helped me Into tny saddie,mad we got to the ranch before daylight." , • ,A Reason For Net !Harrying, Pretty Teaeher (severely) Did yrqiir Mother write this excuse.? , -- Bad BoyYetian... Pretty Teacher-1111mph! It looke very much like one of your scrawls. . Bad Boy -Mamma wrote it; but, please, ma'am, she had sis1er Jennie ln one arm crying with a bumped head and brother Willie in the otherwith n cut finger, tind a lot of sewing on her lap, and she erns rocking the tradle withher kneett, and shehad to write with her toe% Pretty Teacher(la the evening) -I• am vera sorry, Mr. ['warty. but. .I have chaeged my minI shall never marry. Vital Poree. • Because one's parents and grandpar, ents lived to he nearly 100 does net make it certnin ,that tbeir descendants will do likewiSe, fo tht inheritance of vitality may all bedissipn ted in 20 years of high living. A small stock of vital force well taken care of may last twice imiong,. Hippopotnnuta ivory at one time was melt used for artifieial teeth, The hiPpo. teatimes lived on the lower Nile in the dnys of the pharaohs. A, fresco in the old temple of Edtu shows that it was harpooned by the natives as it is now by tis g.niauiise. • A movement which is Without ofdoiel eneOuragement is on. foot to •ereot a great Monument te the late Q.t.( n Lent:Ion. • Children «ry tol;(' CASTOR . • • THE WILY TURK. It seems the sultan yeas so pleased with the appearanee of the Kentucky that he decided to order a battleship from this country right away and pay a faucy itThriceeutfoerittaVaiawnasytts0111tpyayalnouir itsuld.e'mnit7 Is decidedly Informal, but it is possible that the government of the United States May overlook the informality rather than continue Ito policy ot incessant dunning, rircuiaismuramoneemmtst... rE. curtE ALL YOUR PAINS WITH Pain -Mier. A Medicine Chest in Itself. simple, Safer and Quick Cure for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. , 25 and 50.oent Monies. BEWARE'OF IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE °minis ' 111 PERRY DAVIS' kNEVANORERBEEMMIMERNIBMPMEA 11 SOLIDwegivadebeautlfulSolld Gold Rinumetwitha ruby COLDShht ty Os. neat. Those Plres are see y ta Partslan Beau. two pearls, for °Sting flnlabed in gold and enamel, molly engraved and neatly carded, three to 0 set, they are ouch eplendld value our agontssoutheatnalmosteveryhoun.. Rena us this advertisement and we will forward the PIM SeIl them, return themeney, andthiebeatal- fulsolitiGoiaRingwigbeeentiou by return mail, absolutely free. broosittilintTNoroornetolty, caCon.. o . Rheumatic Joints.-1VIrs.. George Smith, 62 Charron street, Point St. Charles, Quo, says: Rheumatism in ray joints caused me sufferings that words cannot describe how -terrible. I took four bott:es of Smith American Rheumatic Cure and am a well woman. • 1 have recommended it to others with as good results. Think the treatment nothing short of a. wonder." --to I3o10 by J: H. Hottey, druggist, Clinton. • THE PEDAGOGUE. In .Philadelphia physical culture, has • been added' to the regular course of study • in *the public schools. • , Trinity college, Washington, .the first Catholic institution for the higher edu- cation ef women, Was. dedicated With hn• posing Ceremonies.; on Nov. 22. William Waldorf Astor has given £10,. 000to the Cambridge university bene , faction fund, bringingthe ambunt con tributed up • to 1ni,000, in additidn to 1:15.0110 assigned under Miss Seuh•e's will for a law 'library. Dr. D, H. Pearson of Chicago. who hasalready given tuuelk.money to col*. leges,, will give $10,000 to Colorado col lege..on Jan. 1. Some titne ego the money was 'promised on condition that ti science sail, costing sit -ammo, be completed. The doctor, who has been in.Colorado Springs tor his • health rot .501115 time, was so pleased With the college's outlook that he 'removed all cenditions to tae, gift. . POLITICAL HITS. . It is better to be born in old Ohio that; 'to id e bred in old Kentueky.-Memphis Commercial Appetit. 1 .ata ' —Soule • politicians work so bard to se cure their offices that they don't .fecl called own) tn aryibing """v tbey gef. • • When tne• constitution Itself tomes to be emended act as to provide for theeke- tion of president :and, vice president' by' direct vote of 'the people. it should elsc. be amended .so•as to give tee vire reel. dent executive duties to perform.--Phila ielphia Ledger. • will work while you ' sleep, without a gripe or pain, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Head- ache and Dyspepsia, and make you feel better in the morning. February 13, 1901. 2Othcentury .Bargain Sjtle of •Sto, Ao.efilv WANTED— !tit', „,„.. women for 4 gtnuine ZIO. ^ . money-malcing posittOn t ' no boolcs, insurance or take schem_,_e' every house a customer Particulars free. .Write to- day. mac F. It. 'EARN CO.. . 132 Victoria Street, Toronto, Can. Nov. 16-8rn DOER 1T PRY TID Read the following letter receliti• . ed by the principal of the Canada Business College Chatham, Ont., and learn how highly the gradtur skates of this school •are thought ofby the business people. ' • Oct .;,18th„ DOA Gentlemen: - have; ()palings non) lin• two. or,three good stenographers who have had !ei. perience, and it,occurecl to us that a largo nuMber of stenographers and other Vied men, who have graueluatedfrtine youe* sehootfront time td ante an.1, are now holding positions, m:,ght desire to better tionselves. If you con int US in, colontonication We someof yotri old graduates,,who have hadtwo or throe gears, erpoierteliee, Wo. shouldibe ander :obligations to • pia Those Worrying; Piles!- One application of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will. give you comfort. Applied -every' night" for three to six nights and a cure is effected the most stubborn cases of Blind,, Bleed, Ing, or Itching Piles Dr, Agnew's Oint, ment cures Eczema and all itching and burning skin diseases. • It acts like magic. sseents.,-I5 Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist, Clinton ' Obeyed Orders., They tell a good story ebout a veteran . engineer who woo alivays assigned to net as guide when a green engineer was to be sent out to learn the rond. Ile. Was al- ways as cool as a enettolber and nerve got excited. On one neettsien lie was ellotv- ing a new man the liia and slither be- hind. him in the ,call. SY Were rounding a sharp curve when they 'perceived • a• flagman coming towned them, we.ving Ide ! red flag frantically. "Shut her off: call .1 tor brakes, reverse nuel iimp.'sitntl,", earn.? the orders from the guide, , The new man obeyed' at•omptiy, 0111(1then turned to ask what to do next anti heard the guide say, "Jumpans far aslant can and run,"' andhe set the example himself, for when .the new engineer got tip out of a blackberry' patch at the bot - tont of a 30 foot embankment, he looked over the fence and saw the guide seated on a stump watching the engine plowing into a cabin sae and two box cars. 0/Ober's Emmy Writing: Tettcher-I arn sen•ry to say It, Henry,. hut your temposition is not worthy of you. The rhetorie J8 fnulty, the logie weak, the atateMenta are based upon tuis., information and the style Is lamentsblY crude.• Itenry—lilyl Won't my dad be nnary when 1 tell him that? • Teacher -But you can tell him you did your very best. Henry -Did -my best nothing. Dad Wrette the- whoe of it himself.? • Married Men Marked. Marriedmen in Sweden awl Norway are as much labeled as theieWlYeS:' They Wear Wedding rings, thereby proclaiming theinselires teall and sundry as appro- priated blesainge. And not only do they , go shackled after matt Timmy;directly they, become engaged they proelaini the fact to the outside publie by sporting ring, just as do their fair fiancees. In- deed, the ,happy pair exchange gold cir- elete then and at the altar. We might mention that the concern repre- sented in the above letterhas a Capital Stink of Five Millitm Dollars. Wheu you read such evidence ne the above, need you be surprised that duringtheperiod et thirteen and a half months ending in October, 342 positions were tilled by our pupil. • ' lt,pays to attend Canada's Greatest School of Business or Shorthand, if you wish to thorough. ly qualify yourself ,for aloe work and be assis- ted to a position when graduated For handsome catalogue issuedby any 'Pun - Mess ellool in Canada write. D. McLachlan & eo., . " Chatham. Ont. . • . Lincoln's Nettle Ointment • The only giiaranteed cure Qfor Piles. It not only gives instant re- lief,but it eines to stay cured, by removing the cause, Con- stipation. Use it as directed and ycu will be surprised at the result. Special directions__ id every package,will show you how to cure, Itching, Protruaing or "needing Piles, Constipation of the bowels or any disease of the Skin. Price 25e; . . - Yawed only by Lincoln Medicine Company,50 Queen street, Ottawa. Recommended and for sale by J. E. Ilovey, Ckemist. • AAAAAWAAAMANNAMONAAATA .RUMBALIM WATCH .AND JEWELRY STORE ;Met Received a lot of new Belts, Buckles, Pulley Belts,Itingle Brace- lrte, etc. The lateat goods in the market. We make epecialty of fitting Spectacles and Eye Gift:tett. tyos examited free, itAitytmetioymovoNtitAAN 111 Wholesale eta: retail piano bar- gains. and organ distributing centre. High grade DOW' piatiOs, rive used pianos at decided bar - Buy the wo. riderftil Gramophone r fora pleasing entertainer. WO ere headqttarters for it. Bergaine to teachers and stip dente in Sheet Ititneio, 250 to 75dpieces for 10e -wholesale. XnetribroitlittlEtalp f all kinds sold. m C. HOARE, cimairoN JOHN W. YE0 notatEsvttts, Agent tor the MenottsTEn Finn AastInAtton Co. of Manchester, England, WhOge fonds and e_eourity are rated at .7,11,1100,0e0, Also the' MO. IC Itt.Or MUTVADINeCRANCID CO, All Massed of farnitisks and town property taken at oW0te rated. Pirst-olaSe Loan CoMpailltia also repreimeted, Money tab° bad. from'P, per atilv mail to lielnAtawIlle .-postai nardwill D eh hint eeritars cateorditto to nature ef etteuri PIMMIIMMOW during month of January We commence the new century with a Great Bargain Sale in Wood Cooking' Stoves, Wood Ileaang Moves, Second, to Hand Coal and Wood Stoves. This is a chance to secure 'stove at a bargain, as WO WiSla to make room for other goods pelt and u It will pay. to hay even it not needed until another season. .a.11 Stoves be marked m.plain figures, both the regular priee and sale • price, shown:1g the reduetioti in prices, Remember these prices will be for month, of January .044 Stoves, l'inviore liarlandBrosoktlardwart, 464, Experta in Hot Air and Hot Water Heating and Plurabing. CLINTON. , 41 See That Shirt? It ivent 011 1110 before it was washed!, Novel buY TAN F'IELD'S ,. UNSBRINKABLE, at $2, $2.25; *2.50 per spit, and they are gauran..- tetd not to shrink' with any washing. Coats(3z Son FURNITURE BROADFOOTI BOX & 00.. The steady inerease tn.onr trede is good proof of the feet that our goods are righ our tfrices lower than' those of other &Were in the trade. • • We mannfaqture furniture on a !twee scale and cam afford to sell cheap. If you buy -• from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other eases, histo be added in fOg 'the retail dealer. • • • That week we have passed into stook some ot our new designs. Space will. net perm* . us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer. Remember. -we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade. ' UNDERTAKING. • In ,this department our.atock is complete, and tve have undoubtedly .the beet funeral outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest./ • ' „ . BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. J. W. muff Y. S. -Night and Sunday calls attended to byoalling at 4. W. Otiidley's, tFul, Director) residenne Christmas PERFUMES and TOILET gods Dainty Gifts for.both Ladies and Men- for Yining or Old B COMBE , wits. o ° Give Perfumes if you'd pleaie tne fat' • sex. The aboioest kindi are hero, A famous al; 'es -all the desirable Wore - and many kinds pia up in specially ttratie sive Christmas packages. . Our assortment (Anne Harr Bros ett; ' Military Brushes, Mirrors, Whieks, ebony and handsome woods, is tbs 'nest iomplete in the town. And the most inter. eating part to you it; that prices are ter beo low what you ve been acenstorr ed to pay for similar artiiles elsewhere. Chemist tt Druggist 40 t "ARMOUR PROOF RUBBERS - ., ."C. R COI "'RUBBERS • With the "Armour Proof' Brand are the .strongest heavy 1'.'Dombli Duek".rubbers. They wear best because made of ing....gt rubber, and snore of it than In any other heavy rubber. Extra heavy, !eat' tip boiea-- pure rubber. They Stand the Wear. • See that the rubbers yoa, btry 'have the ttAnnour Proof" breed on the side, Ince the alt. • Sold at all dealers'. Made by the oldest and beet Rubber Compauyin Canada I The Canadian Rubber TOReNTO, MONTREAL, '• WRINIPEO. 0." 7,77,717,.',:°,,:"..frwt'sethude 17new.r.k4:11:620bilwi44.e:r1. reran said reuirs tie w-.4te tire exqulalte Tlfraby style thatilstlei Ge sad we 'lye you Free choke, hearlypents qamer7rmoied wi Lock ow Key. et Mit hl tit.it MANIA ye wet atm pertidusble Perfume to sell for es Ire souk nen sold, :Mut tnel tessrprot pude Ind we Kai edge rrt Mout swat Or Prim Writs to-dar. Yes risk *salmi, as we wv,y zP151bolabs 0111144*. mating us delivery ebselstelY free, mid neSsld goods are reterav 4 I, stassmisam essPrrmm4S11,14,vvra4441490 5t.& ""a—milti•tawm."."1"1." riNE UTTERS IT) 0,170 eel .7•J 41.00+004•0004 The Cutters we sell are our own make, so we ere in a poeition toeuarttotee them, as the etc* tte use le the best money ean bnY. If you think Of buying it cutter tt,is to your interest Mr well as ours to see onr etock. „ •344+440.44444 :WOO & Math, Clinton