HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-08, Page 8*Tog NEW salt ' N*14111!. !!leNl Nt ►R .. :-_.:- - a'' •••••R••fON•ry9•••••.!!!!Nt444.. -••••• .1/ ••N••'•••imo .4444, THE N P' STORE CLINTON TE" NW THE J.peciii10 daze rte.-- • , ` omme Coin e ., tcs y the . • 4. tf Winter wear and tuaro. In methods and 'in goods, in the spirit of the store and store service,. we have tried and believe we have succeeded in 'keeping More as it ought to be kept, furnishing you profit and comfort with each purchase:' • • Ilaukets Our blanket stock is away ahead of anything in blankets you know anything about unless , you have.lnv6'o Ligated Blanket .Stocksin good, deal bigger towns thatClinton. We bought from one of the*biggest ggest mule in Canada a large stock, too, large perhaps,but large enough too get them for much lessthan the regular wholesale prices and here are witnesses, " Fine Waren Blankets „White. or . , Lire ::.. " 1.-11.4 Cotton Blankets grey.. or ] white.'Worth $1.15for .,....;,... • •75. 2,-11-4 Cotton' Blankets, grey or 071 white. (single) Worth 610c for...... .0 1 • 3.-=Unsbt' •ttable Wool•13Iankets, fine 5. --Eiderdown Quilts .in .pretty pat - finish, petty colored border, size• terns, large size. . Regular $2.630 for 634X84. Regular $4 for... L■95 Dark,'fdrey or. White :Blankots,S,—Eikierdown.Quilts,dark colors,nice ' soft finish, neat border, size si6x76 88• S' pati; rn,_ Regular $1.75 for, .:... Regular $2.95 for... , , , ; e Men's Uisters and Overcoats. Ulster• S :Overcoats. 1. -Youths' Frieze Ulsters,bigh storm 2 n3. -Men's BeaverOvercoats,silkstitch- collar. Regular $3.25 for,,...,..:, .139. ed, heavy sateen lining. Regular.$7 U.UU 4.- Men's Beaver Overcoats, an wool, right up-to-date. ,n r A winner at .$12 for,„ for.................... jf 2. -Men's Frieze :Meters, large storm. •collar, 7 lbs. Worth. $Ofor ' '1,25. 1. (Men's Balor Oongrees Shoes.- Regular $2 for ° .. 2. -Men's Slippers, really nobby and up-to-date.. Regular $1.75 for;,.,, 1.5.9 1.12 Ready Made Clothing.., '. 5. Men's Best Pants in Canada ' Regular $1.50 for, .. .. RV 11, 0 —Men's Ready to Wear Pants, 'of good Canadian tweed. Regular $1;75 for, ..,1 25. Boots and Shoes.► 1.,Q 9. -:Women's Felt Lined Shoes, foued . r45 with leather. Regular.$2 for...:.;I.QQ 4. -Ladies' Vici Kid Shoes, American - 1 n n drake, right. up-to-date laced and, ■llbutton. Regular $3,75 for .... L. 5. -Men's Felt Boots,all oil grain lea- n g then, felt pulls egular $2.75 for L. . 0. -Men's 4 Buckle Felt Shoes,, real •5•Ufl€,4tI..(it lir i Regular $2.50 for. „ . .,.. 1.:75 • Underwear and Top Shirts, t.—Women's Vests.,• good value at .2 5 . 3: -,Men's Heavy Fleece L?ned Shirts 3_ 5.-Me n's He a T op Shirts now two for... ... . i•..and Drawers. Regehtr.00c.for.,,. .Q Regular far. . . 38 2.- Vests, gcod ttngat35 4. -Men's All Shirts and draw- 353, Men's ey Fsecs Yn% " '50e, now opars. Reguar o"• ....,. Shrts, navy. Regular 90c for... ° Car6digisn Jacketsand Sweaters. .: 1. -Men's A.11 Wool Cardiganiackets, } p Regular $1.95for ... ......, 1,,28 2. -Men's Ad1 Wool Cardigan dacketi Re gu1ar•9Oc for, . cc g '.UO 3.47--Men'sSweatersall colors and sizes. Regular $1.25 for ..... ...... ,<S Flannels .and .Flannelettes. • 1. -French Flannels all new colors Regular50cfar .. ... . ' .20. 2.---85 inch Flannelette all cdl'ors. Worth •7akir .per yd..... . 4 • 3.-86 inch English Flannelette, P la • or fancy colors 13c er' , fg' r; .. Plain ..... datunIait 4,-Ht'ey'Union Flannel, all wool. . Worth 300, a yd., special for.....: ... - r 1'2 f 5. -Grey Flannel; all wool: ' U U. Wol th 30c a y d. for'.. 6.- 3 ply All Wool Canadian Yarns ` 1 !J any color.; . Worth, 60c a yd.;special y ,pedal .3 5 45._yds. Colored Table Cloth 119yds F]anbelet%S%"rting,allenlors. • Regular. 80c a yd. for .38 Regular 13c a Men a Ot•eralls r 69 ds. Unbleached Linen. A he yd •+' "' `'"' '0' la1 0 'Rey, blue or check, y heavy really ales ', p ,, rl r bib. Regular 90c for Regular 45c for .29. kpgula Core ,for.,,, ,p psi' Mens Water Coon C, ` til aps..ul,sizes:. rAh: . Come and see no and you will -be ple sed. We never do anything... crowd bringer. The stock and valvefre. by •,s This sale will be, rt", s are bFre: 'l+.a,onghaid; , ••••••N•t•t•N•• ••••••N!•eN;ii••N•s•M•e•'N!N!• tNtrs '►+••t6►6N•t Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, We ARE IN HARLAND'S BLOCK OLINTUN. A, -JACKSON Great Sale, 'Of 10 E Vis 1046...4441.•••••••• ***4# 4 Extra inducements at this great sale of Men's, Youths' .out . and Boys' Suits . O Saturday Morning he t and will continue until we clear out the whole stock consisting of 300 lien's Suits,- 200 Boys, a Youths', 250 pairs Men's Pants .100airs of Doyle', 50 Odd Coats, all sizes 200 Odd Vests and I00 pairs Suits, . Thesb Goods will be sold at. prices that have \ never before been offered in this c o Our great sale of clothing is still in full blast, Ori Saturday• morning next we com- mence to slaughter our stock of overcoats, odd coats, vests aril ants Till be gffere , iu every line of clothing. Special invitation t P frelrcendours bargains 0 our country customers to be at our stare on Saturday next. 3i Raving* been in business for close on to half .- . , i in yy old patrons and the public generally a real bargain ley 11 Clinton have ' decided give 1 havethe largest stock of °Iothin-..gg . in town --well boughtg fo>L Cash. two. Tke prices at the opening of this sale and until everything is sold will be cut clean in. Aninvitationis extended to everyone toattend this sale, for we will mak toting to all buyers of Clothing, a it verb inter. It is unnecessary to quote priest' here as all will be sold at ONE: was regular prices. OLINVOIST i4, .a son, ENGINE FOR SALE •An upright engine and boiler, four nose power, in good working order, inet the thing. for *farmer er stat. one who • wants light Dower. Can be seetrat.NEW ERA Omee ,Cil be sold cheap,. :Seed Oats 6t Rarley for Sale Canadian Pride Cate, ono of the best In the market free frontrust or smut, and good pro- ducers,' Pries loo a bnrlhel, Beardless andhttllese barier,dexooilont for feed, *aid to be eynal to peas, reel he 60 lbs to bushel. A very oh. rain. Price t31 per bushel. choice Jai 85-1m Con. 2, Hallett« Tenders for school t t • Sealed tenders for the erection of a brick school bowie for tTiifon Section No,10, Mullett and Oodericlt township, will be received Op to 7. ., on the evening of Friday, Feb, 16. Plans and sD eoi8oatfonr maybe seenat the haute Of Subscriber, after the Oh Inst. The lowest or tiny tender not neeesesrtly aecept•- ed. R. 8. RILL, 8eoretary. Londesboro, l'•aneakes Molal Who doesin't like good end Merle syrup? alitiOsrt everybody doestheet , We've got a buckwheat here, that beat* all either kinds In the MOrkM, Makesomoreeng°e,ing her,vyor ordleailenoth- about them, end atter breakfoitt your et:ttach doesn't feel as though it Was trying to diger* a key of Male, The name le imperial Beokwh et, in alk, and aygienio ifr packege.. wonderrfirlle,7 hnliy 4 keet. Yeour n don't kknow, how good tin you've tried it, Our Maple syrup in gtlatt bottles it extra tins lend just the thigg for panoairer. ;keel G16o,nlny • Neil C ItOCEIL 11S0 de p'remftlsdellverei! Taleahenettet 01,114TVI`i MAtt.KAT Corrected orrery Thursday afternoon: Thursday, Feb, 7, 1001. Fail Wheat „ • 0 0 a 0 03. Oats , . , , . . » 0 27 a 0 27 Rye Barley.. .." . •, 0 40 a 0.4ii . 0 07 a 0 40 Flour per cwt , 0 07 a 0 S0 1' 75 a 200 Butter, loose 161 t,7,p'k'd 0 15 ,a 0 16 Eggs per doz . , , . 8 p 00 0 (1/0 ra 0 17 ' Hay, ,Y„ R»R a' 8 00 Sheepskin, ,. ,.... 0 55 a 0 05 No. 1 Green trim, bides G 50 a 0 00 Potatoes, ..... 0 25 a 0. 25 Chickens, per pair , , , 025 a 0 35 Ducks, each 0 g0 a '0 85 Geese, per°1b.. , , , 0 05' a 0 '05 Turheys,per lb. , 0 07 a 0 08 Pork, live .. 5 50 a 5 50 Pont, droned.... ,. 0 50 a 0 00 Wood abort. ..,,. ,, 2 25 a 2 25 BORN. p?BLAOICW LI,. --In Clinton, on Monday,, Feb, 4, the wife of A. BMackwell, of aeon. • ROBIN$ON,In Clinton, Jan, 80, the wile of Ed. 11ob112sou, of a son. RICIMAt DSON,_.In Zurich, Jan. 27, the wife of R S. i icherdson, of a son (still born,) GUIN EIt,-Tn Crediton; Jett. 24, the wife of ]1I. Guiuter, of a sou. • PINAEft•-In Ooderioh, Jan, 20, the wife of • W. Pinder, of a daughter, Mo'K.&Y.--In Goderieb, Jan. 26, the wife of A, M9.1lay, of a daughter. . 4011.dRTERS.•-in Tuokersmith, Jati, 2.4, the Wife of Wni, Charters, of a daughter. WAR W IC$,.• -In Brussels, Jell. 24, the wife of J• D. Warwick, of a son, , . PEPPER, -In Tuokersinith, Jan. 26, the wife of Win, Pepper, •of a son, RIVERS. -In Crediton, Sao, 25, the wife of Dr, Rivers, of a son. SHERLOCE,-In Winnipeg Jan, 28 the wife of G. M, Sherlock, (nee Miss Floody, ofAlyth,)a daughter. MAi RrSD. Z W IOa3;Ea-RA',l`Z,-At the residence of the bride's father, Kbl, a,Jan, 80,by Rev. Mr Yuger. Chas. Zwioker to Emina,eldest daughter of Val: entine Rats, ex -M, P. LLOYD-•DOLDIA,.GE, At the residence of the bride's parents, Moaiillop, Jan. 80, by Rev. P. Musgrave; 1Welward Lloyd, of Tuckersmith, tc Miss Louisa Dolmage,• _ OOTTLE-BRIMACOrdBE-At the residence of thebride's e s ar. eats Eli i ' n ill v ebb xi, 23 Rev. W. .1. , by .Wad p Waddell, Jas Cottle, of Osborne, to Mase dr goungset daughter of 'the late John Brimacombe fMOONEY-BANNA=At the residence of the bride's father, Morris Jan. 80, by 'Rev. A. H• Brown, Win. Moose ;'Brussels, to Miss Maggie, daughter of Plush kianna,'of.Morrib. • 3IcQUA1tRIE-bicOALL-Ih Blyth,Jan. 80,by Mise Ella, l est daughterooff W of Grey 1, Mor- ris. • DOBSON-SRA.. Solomon; Ramat' Jan.. 16, by Rev. Mr Baber, O. Dobson:. former- iyy .of Ethel, to Miss Mittie, eldest 'daughter of D. T. Skaggs, all of Solomon. BRXDON_WALRER--InBuf)'alo N. '.,Jan, 28, by Rev. 0. F,J, Wrigley, Wm . O. Brydon, of Buffalo, to Mies /tory B.. Walker, sister to John, Thos. Waller,-pf•Br:Whets. MJnvh$oeoths tona .80 at the home ebridys ,, Mrs (Dr) Clark, by Dr. Geo. 0. Stutt, J. Chas. ;Varying to Miss 1faud Whaley, formerly of DIED.• STINSON-In Clinton,Fob. 8,Andrely Stinson aged _ 97 years. y 9 SPALDING Tu, Galt, Jan. '.80, Catherine • ffcl„o, wife Of JohnSpalding and mother of W. P. Spalding, of town, in her '60' year. • GIBSON-In Wroxetei',Jan,,80,T. Gibson, ex. •. AL P. P for East Baron, aged 76 yearn. YOUNG -1n Morris, Jan 20,Elizabeth Young, aged 78 years . . BOWS -In Brusaeis,'Jan.. 88, Caroline' Deane, relict of the late B. Rowe, aged 85 years, REYNARD-In Grey, Jau- 21, Catharine,wife of Jos, Rey"naid, aged 46 years. '• hilLLS,in Hallett, Jan. 26JJohn Mill aged 62 years. ' DIER1,-In Toronto, Jan. 18,at the residence of her grandparents, Linnie Diehl,only daugh- ter of Geo. L. Diehl, aged 17 years. • DIORSOlp_/n Seaforth, Feb. 8; Mary Sloan; teliotaged • 0 641late years.; .2. T. Dickson, of "Giadswood; DEMUTg. Tn Zurich, Jan. 27, Hannah Salsa.. cher. aged,60. years. McMANtJS-in oolhorne,Jan. 81,Ann Burke relict of the late -Jag. MoManpa, aged 77 years . repot of late Jae slop, aged 02 yew*. IIISLOP.-4n Grey"Jan 21, Janet Matheson, CAMPAIGNE-In Goderich, Jan. 24, Ed. N Campaigne, aged 33 years. + (IAISIPBFLL-In'Wingham, Jan. 25,0harlotte Rowe, wife of John Campbell, aged 49 years, OLYN E -In Goderlch township,Jan. 28, Mary Clyne,re]ict of late John Clyne, of Stratford, aged 76 years. - MoDONALD-Ii•'Enron, J'an, r27, Elizabeth, beloved wife of P. McDonald, aged 78 years. MoLECD-In %Inggham Jan. 80,Rachel Jane wife of John McLeod. aged "d 80 years zz °Zol\-1- , Marble & Granite We always, have furnished the best work obtaina ile at fair prices, and intend doing the ranee. 'Our motto •• 1'o Make the prate to salt the Work.'. *We are the only practical •men here in our line. J. , R. •Hoover, Proprietor Nest to Commercial Hotel , Attil AkairtrtilteMentAc Wanted A vung 10dy of good address to tears photo- geZpli fi icer at N. B. Henry's photo studio, t,lintoa. '• Feb 8-1 • a Shorthorns for Sale 8 youngbn)ie 14 to i3monthtold,• alto some young heifers breeding age,achoice lot goodquality Come and see them, ,B.L,Calton. Feb. 8--tf AUCTION $ALS. all Saturday, Feb 18th,. Mrs G. Westacott hasiastructed D. Dickinson, auctioneer, to tell by anction,on the Market sqquare, at 1.80 o'clock a nantity of furniture and n*ny other useful articles; A. frame 1M storydweiling, oslsl fruit garden, hard and soft water, in good repairs, for sale Or to rent, Atm ly on the premises or to W. W. Parton, Clinton. il'eb 8.-2 Servant Vft rest, a servant girl, A plyto 'Tsb'•' -tt' .M#i iTQf}, ]f.Alit, glt. Tlioro bred buil for sate A tborobredDlrhant ball roan a erre oId, splendid pedigree,i.. P O.)GaROE deri roan, NOTICE - I hereby notify the Dubai, that is trill not be *tpartyeeponeiblefor rsany debut oolltraoted by any td 3.r tw. JOWE'money/Mout ae ettle "nt- FOR SALE lir TEIN1[1ER The three brick stoles known ae '£learle's block, sindereli situated en Albert Street, err enured for Isle by tender. The; tt'till boo sold Wm: wo in rreoeived tin itaoc It totati•AND. h Clinton $an•;16, liidl, w. t7, s» t ett5. i February 8, 1100. 1YLCRUUi 011 ale Co. cArrra Erect Forn-Corset The many evils of the old style corset have long been recognized, bet• have been patiently borpo by the wearer until the introduction of the Erect Form Straight front Corset, when the diffeultiaawith which ladies are familiar have been remedied. In the old style of corset the rensoles or the °best are lifted too high for either beauty or comfort, and in many cease it made a woman feel as if in a vise,, whilb the muscles of the abdmen were forced out of their natural position. The ` Ergot Form Strait. Front Corset by its construction overcomes both of these difficulties at the same Lima allows free respiration,.. abo Bust Perkctm4 New things are common enough and not many of thein . merit even a passing thought. Here ie one the look of which has been the cause of of many thoughts, and not cheerful ones either, for beauty of form is certain to be, if not the first, the second in every woman's iudgment and where nature ,bps not been kind, and art , mast be drawn upon, n it. t o small a ,. n mil moment to have a garment of this sort within reach .at • moderate cost. The Kabo Perfecter corset can be worn with or with-. or without c'oreete,and is 0ertein to create a bust of faultless• proper • tion and masks every imperfection. Ire are iooal agents for Erect Form Comets and Kabo Bust Perfective; we keep them in all.sizes at 81 each; McRinttottlir- o.fl t h ter r i TQM 1rrieZe Cc. , . ver . oath . To Clear out A. Few lines before; stock- taking. Underwear 42z44 inoij suit .$2.eaitter 1.25 Reavyribbed 50o garment for 35c Boys' all wool shirts and drawers for 25c ' Horsehide mitts were $150 -for, ; , ; ....$1. Lined glove, 750 for .50e Tweed hats 8150 for. .... • Aloe then in fur cape,' We are making a genuine redaction in • our heavy, all•wool, double-breasted, storm collar, wool•lined, . Frieze Ousters, :with slash pockets.' 1t will pay you to see thein A line of All -Wool SUITS, with 'double breasted coat, worth 210, for .. .... ..,...$8.00 Heavy aP-wool Frieze Pea jacketed,‘„, for ,.., Cid MP Scotoh Tweed Suits that: were 1t ran $18 and: $19, to order for.... X16 - •A J. ll10RRISH , • 'A.J. NOGtiUWAY. --r S11013 TJa.ckson, . Dealer in all kinds Of Footwear. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody We have very choice selection of oleo 81'linee freshf omntheatour goods and '.prices ,ircm< the makers, np-toin G • every respect. Our line of MEN'S SHOES are superior to any ever sold in Clinton, in style,• in material, in workmanship. Our lines OfLADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S aro models of the highest skill in shoe oe bpildiug. SHOES FOR BOYS have receive ,i d special, attention,and our: lines cannot be equalled for durability. Our terms are strictly cash: We guarantee malefaction of ,0.17 money bank; 1]t1TTEit and EGGS will ill b' taken of either artiole offered exceeds the amount of tae he urchase we wilash, and when tha the . difference in rash, p. swill pay the , our store is in the Beaver 'hock next door to Grigg''s Famous 'Jewellery establishment, Clinton, Deo. 28, 1900 FRED T. JACKSON oke • Dandruff Cure and Hair Tonic . bneurpese.d as • a hair dressing, keeping the scalp clean and promoting a luxuriant growth of hair. prevents baldness by reproving the cause -dandruff. Contains no grease, mineral or other deleterfotts subats6• bee.. $1 per bottle. Sold by . J. E IIOVEY',Disrienain*g Chemist, Clintoyi. softtook.wrakingi sale We have finished dock taking and find many srtiolee that we ' are anolong to convert into (lash, Some are. ends of lines, tome are slightly soiled, some Lire not gene up-to-date, nome are tittlet*y winter goods, for one reason or another welhisve decided thrt they mart be bold, We have slwaye fonikd that a deep but in pride world move any line Of geode and in order to disperse of these qtl%kly, we hay* marked thein at prides thst will please the closest buyer. So many different lines are being offered that we hale notace to enumerate them, Come and eat them, you are Sure to dad Nome- thing that would be to your interest to bay. A few Untie out of the many: Men's suite $800 Obilds's suits, $1,50 to #y Men'e 4 buckeled boots, $1 1 Bey'it long boots,,' 1 t*0 4 The Girlie and Boy's evetsboet, dile Mien Sheeting, SO Inch, 17o We hove 8 goat robot and d Saskatchewan robes, they suit he geld, Do you want One? It tvi11 pelt you to bay one. Virr /L. OtillKETTE,Londesboro