HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-08, Page 7111P111111111111,1;R--%- ',—_711J[1,,,,1.,� 11-W,-' —',Wp ._._.�
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. �,., I - I . I ... .. I SUPPLUMUNT TO THE CLIN. EW' 0. � � . 11 I I li�� . "
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I' . ,� 11 I 011AN00, T111l , e 1'.
; * I I I ;� .. . piil�j � I . X it. His Wife frOW4004 your father. JKa va)y ofialges, 118SU'R No '00L
, ,�iii�ll,=��,11��i�l�!l�l�!11!,:I!I - 1: I- . loall" III , RENEWED: VIGOR 1; I 014004010000 �
1�,e 1!� I . , � - In=== with 11� po
.. � ��Ii� 1!54rW!X%M= _�_ wit pax =1%, .
1, I ;�,Wuvan, Ilotou'lu daily 0 the on a a , 70, 0,
i . . - , " � 'careful never ow . do 710 P40BY Begin 141fe III Now World U44er —
" 1 newo 9 Ile progress. An& 44, do" he have to, -, , ..
. I . I , I I .
.". , I to utter, a Single wqkd of 4W_9*4ge- wollea(lou axi. ' .. Now Alligges. �
. r lu � beller in the' I he Ole
, atartIlax faQtJf 11 011, draw T � rk of the city court to -4
J1 which he a a rts il
. cmetimom put.borore. tier, )atlouq aad,00py all o ,of thl . - , t Through.. the narnee -of seventy ,_,,�. ,
� . %F ''N' R, ' M You Darposelegg
� ,: maps cad make calcu- Jay
. A PLO'T w" E PIREO . $100 it Is *4" And Brought Abou made public the 4141cycr
I . 1. I . � . � . I The, beet room In the house, thQ great at makeil it No . .. person I 0 who obangoid their names In .
C . librarzt, woo stripped perfectly hate work, that IQ Wh I I
. . I
. . I . +...*A-"-, )d u his Study,, and. a hard for the poor mau." . legal form In the Year 3-90% Moat . I . . 11 I
I . I � And fItt( , , p for . � " Use of Dr. Willia4 Pink I
I I �� I � . 11 You a I � . . . . I of the original names axq of Pall) . , . .
' . NTA CON . SPIRACY AGAINST +RRI � = owt Ad engaged to,jr form. La�e- Woffeaden Asked, After a moment's - I
. his Inborn In to copy but the ,ire. quite aura, I WJPPOsi," Ably .
� � .A T"RIL.LING STORY OF 9ONTINE " , , ___�._ I -_ - -hwtnt :_ --..—,-..- _ - 64 rule all
L I I � 1, , . I . �� , Imgjlmd�*hlch I-wimoted- �—_P%I& � f9rolga- extraction., � Am ,
I . I . W -14-e- f 4-tairr'donito"w'r, 101351-611tu "_is___9I I -for01istugo,' ' .of-
j- - - 'he public disclosure Ot. work." . rgA;d4jj0j6 �'t�dqqe,sta ___ 11 , ,C. I � -1 I I -
1". .r ;3:;��1�1;$, �� ......... - . - �, would follow 1; I I . . me are grante D . 11 , _14.1.. I
� �, i i � �iess had weighed 11 Absohrtely," the Countess do- I VA ey arq then
� 11 � RMM.15 ': 11610� I- . � - !her awful lielplesei . , , d. Tit .f
,, - . b.egln" Oared ?wlok brings met.
I ,,, 110 Najd. ,,Is gjq�atly . -11ow These filed away, the
0# your ifia14, , heavlly.upon him, and be Was I . 11 Xr. Mattis) I '
I I oNo, I could ;lover live 14 th-14 plog , - sometlmew In despair, sheets upon Nro.,.Vetor Beamer Tell# , petition giving the . , '
, I 1, � - distressed about f9ruothixig.. sh'�%. $eot _ to livo, In the teor of betrayal - which, be, has* been engaged for days. )Pills Released Uce Front oYears at avowed roaaond for alianze alld the is Causedby weakness of the
� � .
1: . poutitry,,11 o,be saLd. "dvea It My Ilk The room to which he worked was fit .
� � . . I a telegram ,oil( At Peterborough. I - . tomaph orbo
1. . t make tod with iron shutters, and was guaid- They' are (Lit Just a hOpQ1608 ta"MO , sed upor.4 IT. by the s wels is.likely to ,,, -
14 .for It q�ow. It would bo ImpO9" hope that your uncle will no Nourgiglac Paine After Oootora 00 Judgmeut pas , I . 11
. I � ' �
, I ed night and day. go saw no visitors, of figures and. wild calculations I . � . 3o and � 14' ..
- 0-010.110 , . o9urt. A, glance at the recor
. ...-_-L I " , . himself -Unpleasant ,�ecausa of my and Woo annoyed Itany were permit" Nobody could possibly 42ake anything (ither itle4icines Had Failed. , �dg rise yield to ScOTT'8 11XVIXQX Of .,,, - -
. �
. � I � the various name ObATIK00 g1v , ; 1. ... 1. ",
Be was putzW for a moutoat.,' travelling with -you. undisturbed,' ted to enter the house. lie. met,, jilo,WIfe coherent out, of them,o, kUowla pod most to considerable' spboulatIOU 49 to .: 11
. - "You 'think, that .von 01414 never .Via aWled at him quitAi only at. dinner time, for Whlbll meat "I. wo,Uder.!, Woltenden aumated, I Among the 'beat real , cause. of disontlisfactIon. tod Liver Oil., . .
. . a , ,. rook Celeste," she said. "Your pres- . residents of tile. township 111181y, , . "
I . care lor U on' he augoested ; once fi, a has upset bar terribly. Mr.. lie dressed In great state, And 4t which thoughtfully, 11 whether It. would be respected , one WOU40ra, h6uI4 a mame of We don't- say sure; al�ld you , � " , �
Qusli'." he . , � I � ,.. I
I er allowed to be Idea 'to got - Donvers, t aristocratic to .
no one else was ever , of- Claimpbop Wang aq Wal4e- .
, ", et you. ave a o S:tbla has Eome rather gtran& notions 1were &Jrootlry, to write and ra , ol.. -Uncol-A county, Cot,, ,such � aynot be s � .'',
� vad"01111 in the Spring a Sure that jig, preoent, Be.sufferad, when they ask III alro Mr. and Mrs, Reter Zeam8r, 'For war Ruthyax be o4st .aside In pre. ni ,,ure that your, or-
. . udge It fairly. . about me, and I am quit . the work fbr tame Mrs, Boamor was the ference, to the hackneyed �tltle, of, , I 11, V .,� .
I . ; me down In With ,reference to the oubdeOt Of bid the preWeit, He amid easily make a long your littleone'o trouble is due -
I p . . gay enoug , and the 11fe at some rather have Sent , alone; no, word to pass his 11PISt OIL" Act! to 90 On with . *
our country hoaaes in very dif would a had this Henry Smith I On the next. page of . I ,
ler- A special train than h&v. � ad upon some eXcua9._s&y that it was at- victim of a, complication of diseaaest . "i
, labors; It Is, certain he look . the reoerdo Is the revorse of the to, Weak stomach* or bowels. . '.. J. - I
, �
WhO L It was a tew years. ago, btegen,, You need net look do serlous� himself ad the discoverer ,of (terrible tra,oting attaRUOU which they de' wlitch, made her life one of Almost question of high-sounding qu=00. , .
, '
� on"O a to . � . .
' 4 Sqqloty to &o much. more tol�rApt And '#I I I ;,,# �
. iw . I vecrets. Any remark addressed to 111113 pired. too. Avoid, or something of that , ad from Which 0110 w.lAqre, one finds the somewhat ple-bq- I 1ways trade a . I �z :
. 0. . 1, . . . " �
� � broader." � Xt to. oul on your . account,;# . lie i other, matters follow, and constant misery,, a Doctors can,'t a .,� .k / I
. - ., she said; � a , y I * . UPQI utterly failed to rt I Denver IM4 of obta4luing relief, .IAII 0,>gooman of Gumbinsky. changed. - ,I ,
sowed bar. . ession, It 130 he he ,and the, ;mdmlral wove . , . .
I . 114t is aearoely, a questlea,, make any Impr ard It 90 great nearly deopa I I What evidence use; and . I .1 .
� MVIS; 11.Tuen. you need hot, look Seri simpi friends once, weren't they ?" . - . . of disease to its ca YOU � I
'of my Lkes, or dislikes. NeXt to P OUS At he did not, reply, He would , Y 10014 . Tio &_ report,er who recently inter- tO Von TlIzOr, � name of . t . 1* i 11
I prefer Lgadon in the wetng. to any' all ", phe continued. ,,; I,am not under . natitouality rpmatu.97 In: the . 4 -.-� I
' ' ' ' . I . 11 , I 1. I � I 1_ 7 1.1�
. .n . do ope, viewed bier, ,
� � PUX ed, a d edlly as POSSIble- ' Tile Countess shook tier head. . Mko. 33�eamior gave the $01- Jay, -Unless it to d1swvered to -be a ca t.
agent my unclelb Jar . Wit " d w. -He was sixty Years Of Age, "I am -'Afr e 0, And I .
city In Europe, and a week I _ �jddlatloin., In fact, I am h ra, . aid that would not do Jacobowsky I Thera �S Eid '- � '
- � JoUghtful. Sat oraon.,?p . lowing particulars of.her Illwo corruption of . SCOTT
" ot Radnett was very 4 f quite an Independent,p ' - 00; " a " .� 11 Besides, Out of � . . ULSIOI?- of .Cod . � .
I . " Of dignified and; kindly appearan , t all, she sald.� - - . .1 � I ,
,� ,nevertheless, I could nover live here. 1 am delighted to heak It," he said . I still, save that, the fire links, � of, course, Deaverai Ultimate. cura---�'For Dome nine .Years 404rooly could be any graater efface. .
. g that Mr. handsome max, . . good nature, �
. -
. . M . I encouraged'. him. Only I w4a troubled WWI &,Vaift In the Liver Oil is the�easiest food for -
U is not my deatiny'll, heartily. ,,I,ehould Imagla I . , %a %luenched, and the meat of 4 family Home thsn';O Rub . � . e
, � The old cariladty *'Was strong upon SibIn would not be at All a pleasant, of 'his blue eyes �, han already - stitute the n,)noommitfaf blank for L ,B ,.. I
L' firm Uneo'of Ilia commanding ,mouth last week b , 6.wrote jalm a' friendly back 0,31 neuralgia, whloh'oaus�d. me I . . . I a. tired dipstion. Ut . , . . .
, was tbo home Of the � 11 - .- � I . . I , d ' Polanger, that I
I Itilim' Radnett person to bo'on bad terms With.' had become tremulous, WdlfendMl Olt letter, hoping that he - WAS - 90tti wispeakable:rali�,qry. The pain In may I . - . I . . I I .
"; , . � � � Sobao . I . 11 1. ,
Radnett and I.16hesterr She smjled th�ughtfUIIY- met in the; ba,11 by, Interest% � . , stlan Blba,, in joist 'entirely In
. . � P, his arrival, was . off. at on, And telling him how . bac . t 11 it encourages stomach,
� I ' ji. Y � on. . . .'As every ono la,,t or Office woo.so . . I or loss the Americanized Rose, 34aa-y' chang'00, ' a" " 1 ' ' ' ' ' -
lt ")XIOliess of sh' . Wn room. ,n, Isuffered-In , n � ;w
, , 11 �. lw4b had the reputation. of being the - 11 There .are a good many people, jda.-mother, who carried him I he W k was so bad that whetther sitting, jpkank Walter And Ruzicka, becomes. ,19
I most -exclusive hostess in. Europe 1'40 jidid, ,,who, would agree wit I bo els 'to 'tackle' t'h%r - .
I 0 , , onces to. have tea In her 6 hook about, his work. He -has known or. lying dow are . all
i_* was WwLldeked. I There Are a great many people In the he took a low'chair opposite to her: he . about it all t&o' time',you ace. Theno tartu . re. my appetite lot t me. and X result froint famUy quarrels when ail- 11 ., - gets them,�. � . . -. - -
� ' I other familly nammi 4s, taQ In p
I "I would gLve a. great deal" be world who have coins to regret having not Would break down.'altogether.11 1460 work; it gives and
, I Was conscloas at Once Of & 4101 - headaches ace mparded t the jegi,&1m&te oine. Often - the . � I I . . .
, e4W earaeatly, "to know what YOU. offended him. - Let us talk of S01119' sense of self-reproach, Although still 4 11 Of course, there. to that to be liultered from I . 'a 0 ' '
. �
I I . I that I can, see 6 Countess of Willa of. eccentric - relatives dernand strength from the � otherjo d -.- ". '
I believe. that destiny to be." thing - also., I believe handsome woman, tit feared,", Wolfenden admitte.4. " I ltly, atta0p of dizziness that left me I . I , � 0
"We are Wrdeemg . ' . . a 0114,11 .16 the name of the bene- .
'' , : , the iea I" Derlpgham't Wag. ably .the Wreak of her too, Lt the Occupation were -takdU at times too Weak to.walk, My nervous Spe . - � "Give 4 .
,,, � bidden -'eubji ot,". she reminded him, They were IndeAd ato Cromer. - He former brilliant 6011. Wolfandeii, know- . from your at raid 'he � I so that ficlary, without which noo legacy CILU they ,are able to - take. . I . .
''. Eis * almost re, id nder Its father, I. ant, I system was badly shatteieds . oocaajoo�ally debt or Im- - I .
, life must be, U 1. be Obtained- . I
1 .. witth, a look which W1 found a carriage for bar, and collectc Ing what . tier . wonder what. put this. new. dolus on the slightest noJ,ag would staxtle one, pw .time... . �_ - " _ __'..1 - � .... :_.___,__,____ ......... _.____. .--.,... I,
.� " I -1. "You must : tanceg, could Scarcely into I �lr.omment has bromght, the name of_'-� .. -
I proachfu ease ballieve her belongings.,,139 Was almost vinused altered circ his beaA? Does he ,suspect �Onte -pardon Udo Such disrepute thO '. - �
� ,� - tVat for 'me at*ber absoffite.indol9pee Inthe nildst umS . . . Food is the best of me - - -
me when I tell you, wonder at It. The black hair iron still anyone In jhrOcuiax 7" and my oleo -at n1ght was broken, by i dicine' .
i� , thidtigs have already b�sen arringed of the 7buatle of arrival,', She -Was' Ovl-. 'only faintly streaked. With grey. and , The Coujiit.esa shook her.head. � shbor exhaustion. I'Was,-under the a new name le fioluod fcv which a , , . I i ' `* I ..
.� W,%r,Lt you to teII4 . inaY be built. food that set th6bod
: ��`� otberwLse. Conte, I dently unused' to doing the olightost was as slini and upright- as oil reput&tloa . - - a
: her figure _dO,._nOt .thlnk� 604;' ,of course It care of three different doctors -at new I yf'golng L . .1.
I L her . ... times, but did :act succeed In . I
! r into which thing for herself. He took .the address were I ' I U tile * Cape . .
V me all about this couatr. ever. But there .1oles on ter rtou. who started It— -iii' - 1 of foirelgner� -whO , , I .
,"� I we are goLog. you must remember which she gave to film, and rgpeated� ey,ep, was Miss, Me . . becoune Aznp-Mlaaa-L e4istm � the� again, - , - . I . I I I . L
,, , . It to the drlvbr� T - the foreheid And about tier . - He qui�e 'believes that she tookcoli &tting more than the moreat tomporL have - I I .- .
� � that to me Lt ta all new 11, hen he asked cheeks were thinuep,,and even.-Iler lea, 'of all the work She, -did' here. ory relief. I also'nsed several adver, stif f cousooauts.of Rusala, fthemliz This. is heal give it L iir�e. . . � . ..
� - questlou . trembling handio were Wasted, He ldbke,.d,at her I APK) mueb !or our " I I th .' .
. . . -wit . . . I
1,�.. Ho suffered her to lead the con 'w1ijah had been It no better or Poland prove . L
11 . versattion Into other channels, with many times upon his Jill , . ' L In silent pity, and although.'4 mali,of but he was so pleased with himself tised .madle.1nefs but Anglicized tDinguep and a change to . . I I . I � I I 11
I ?10 . atjVgL i Ile at the Idea of havIn . g foundither out resWts. .I was f 4i0y urged to try Dr. . . I L , �
I .ague feeling of. ,disquiet. -The - ,, May I tome and see you . . habits, I weally. necessary. Und;er tibile reason I . � The gen,41ne. - I .
: i�,_ - Ile r which hang around the girl singularly undemonstr it that he has troubled very little W.Illlaw' Pink Fills, and got.half it mges, no doubt, as . . ' L.
mystery She had evidently been conolderind took. ,,or hand In Ills hnA pressed doZea L boxes. - few 0,011410 - such'._cha . has this Plot- L . I . ' .
I : I I I I iond her uncle seemed only to grow matter, for she. answered hini at gently. Thep.1te set'himself to talk as about- Itt. He seems toothink that lit the course 61 a elicek to lAtiainj NougToachel to on It, take L
I � ... L Moat lai� L Weeks . 'Tal L �
idenaer as his desire to penetrate It the POSSIbI - . she 'hAdL -not reached. th 1 noted considerable Improve-. Ohm . Ure
I .
. once -and deliberately.. .. . cheerfully " a. . . I * ' I I -gladly. Roa-belle, Ydzukg4w tV suk, And � no other. - L' .
I . he , she sald; porta.ut part of his work,-,anid 9 L of aore. By fa.t the � - L
'L . t any rate, a meat. And as a 'consequence, v1tX to iwola L . . .. .. .
� , I should Illie you,, to " - ii the use 'the pil � . ..
I I grow. At present, a "There is nothing much wrong PhYs by oolatilhued. L I la for Rochroo . 64 tho. list 0
11 d q more "but If for,any reason, Ii did-notault .. Is copying that himself now at f changed . .If you:'hft%%L - - . .
I - . . �
L- 'was bafflod. ,He dare . sk no� L . . UI larger part . . .. -
MUestibnS. L I I . *my uncle 0 have Bat'antaideL the e. . . not tr . 1.
' ' Ically, With the Admiral, J hope'!" he fiiuld."., .. . 6evera months, wlth.tho res t th
I .. � L : I you'. come, it, would aald� ,calling him by .�. , theL L lialue . " . I , ' . I . , _nameia'b6longs to. those ending In aid . 'L, leid Iti
I I Ouse, has he every symptom of* the malady left rn 6Xy. The tewralmal here is generally.
I I �tjle ;raW glided into Peterborough not be ple"AntL for either of us,' 'He So, vy, L , � . . . . I � I
.'' them were 1, going to play* golf L oil'the DeAngliant they still'always gave -111m. ,."I' d no iusplolorW. at all?"' . L I . L .. said I *as able to ao kay housework OX send. for freci . I
1. otaTAun beicire either of L ,, -not, any without the lettat-,trouble As several dropped, leavleg the parent stem., 1. Its'. .
- him at the window ag 11 came roun .
I r had entered.lu . y -will be 'certala.tQ See jilm L . - lot that I know of; . .. 3jitng Of thle ending results .. sample, .
� well.Aware that the3 . links on . , By the by, what Is that extraordinary Ite suspicloo. - He was tqjkIng years hate pAssed since i have used Tbe dTOl T. TuA _tb9____ _...., . . e a b I.e. - " L - L.
I" � ,earne�ri� upon the journey; Wolleuden G;;�,'- and, yon inuat be guided by Ids . I looking. affair ILkou sentry-box'40419 defln. the',pitle, r foelL Safe JU.N$yIng that oftea Jn names that bev, . L Agre . .L ', ''L
' -
�, ;. Wk6d 04i Of the WWaow with amasG� ma net toW& I . . 'there?". L - L. , . . . . -Duchean6,. the great, I slightest tiace. of the natlowlity of ' . I I te W _ I I I
rds 'YOU."' L I last night of I tas lil sur L '
�; `% . . . -Id I - , . . , .and adventurbro In a rambling t4e cure, Is pormanent, and the resnilt . Kampinipld becomes I . . . . L . . ... I .
. mea�- . And If lie in stlll-asbO�WUO tit Lau- '60' sighed'. .. . . . . SAY . the claim that Dr. Wit- � the ch&ngewo. y Is teduced - I I , prisia YOU,, � . . . L .
. � The' counte - . . � I .....
*;."--,;'.. , ...,Why, we Are nearly half Way don-iinuat this be good-bye, then ?" lie. I sort' of. WAY. 'Duchesna .would . be also verities - 'plain, lKemplof Twnpobsk . , . 11
�� 1:� it � - � .. 11 That' Is. pa '41 have to tel the man to' get hold of my, wor I . I . I . .
— " 'low; Asked, earnestly. a L .rt of Who, k llania� Pink Fillsoure when other medl .
11� I lit a I" I 110. 0mclai-0. I on 11 she said. "*A sentry -box IR ex- . a Only L Add to th,d'Diekelialike namni 01. -T111MW- a. , - -SCOTT & -SOWN 9, - � ' . . I
I�L' wretched I" . L.f4int*661or yc - If.'be. know of - It.' be kept 'on Say- clue, falls.11 .The reporter ow , 170-alza 1�00t. I I I .. Toronto. - � . . �
azInq6 She looked 4t him with I actly *liat It 'a', and if yoii bad looked - . -N.. Y. :E . . . � I . I Chemistst I - . i . 11 11
, I : She stolled, and took uP 46 mz9 in, her cheeks, And a Vdfter light In her ' ' Ing. I But nonet miot kUOW' or It IL that Mrs, Beamarlo present condition I I I . . - . -1 .�. . ". ' 600..and st.00., all drug - *., .
i Inside yon. would have sew Dunn or Indicates L a I . glats.. .
. � . Wolfeudoo's servant*came. respectfully .proud; cle'a:r Oes., - I I . 0. In .110alth The newspapers must.- be qdlet - . It State of .perfect health, . � H owls This ? . - . W." � �, . I
' . .
. ,,� , to the window. I said, lieggs 1herekeeping gua N a' terrible danger 1'. He talked like and speaks loader -than more wordi L
"We'll" 8110 "good-bye would W1 your fathe� - seems. as well ..as over; . We offer One Hundred Dollars - Reward for, . . .. . . L .
- . . I .
I ' ' . I do not can do; the benefit thp�de P1118-.1igve, . . . . .
,,, , "Can I get You anything, my.lord?" the Jast word NVIllell could be spoken i that for Some time...No, . � Dt Catarrh that cannot be ciired, by . I I .
.. , In r
[.y 9 .11 - , -
. . '. �, .
'' L US. But n,l , L � Llontally, I am,afrald thitt, he Is worse. 'ybodyi It -been. I i ' at I . Wait , a Bit, .. . .. .
� . to, we Oball - 11 think that he Suspects an, , -to. bar, '. - ' . I arrh Cure. . � I . . .
. he Inquired. _ L between I I mpor . 1. f6ar' tbat . he - is., getting veiy bad' I . P I fia,V� re- . r,. j. cHEIKEY & CQ., Toledo, 0. � L' � � �
� � I a of .1 . is mor6 a general uneasiness.", - Dr.' Williams? 'Pink Ila. Ainxtouv� - ,
, �. Wollenden shook his head, and open se . 1, I . _ I I Indeed. That I is' why; I � have Gent for , . ., We, the L undersig,jed, have known F. J., ,,,.. Mother -Uy * i;lear , daugh- - . I I
, I L
�, �, Ing the door, stopped out on to tile She flashed suddenly brilliant smile- . . ... . . . " ,Poor old chap P, . Wolf6fiden _ L said- stoked more weak' and ailing. women fo� the last 1 years. and believe him you know -that- it's - NMI- J
a . . .. L bitlett I Clienir ' - qw. I .
I I . , and,.&Ia to robust liealth.'than any I alness transketions have so' . . . .
L - I A among9b t'3'.Ou$ Wolf!"' . -does Which L I , mway men making. : _ . . . I
:1 ". platform. Upon. hint,' and leaned bac . rloa�;ly and. genu; Nottly.. !1 What I Dr. W . I . lwrrec ly, honorable In all bu . . . .
L . said., . e�ei discovered, blo tocarry out auycibligatioDS 10 . .
I "Nothing, thamko6 Selby," he the cushloni, The. carriage drove off, , . 111oltenden was se think 6f him? Has lie seen him late� other. Medicine andfinabotall I ve to yoa t. , , � .
I . ; yourself some lv,ej� roncerned. Barely big motkarbo,d la part acdounts'for their popularity made by theIrtrm - -, .. . . I Diughttr!-Buts' inamnid, -how" am I - � . ' � % '
� and Woltendan, biammIng Me .. . . .1 0 wE0s!&TnUAx, i#holegal 'Li . 1, . ,
I "You had better got asantlY to . Ly?:I wO�er..if'thcr6la, ahY,chanc I ef) uggists, Toledo; . :-, ` ..,
, -
I junch. We don't got to berlughi= ah'.� to art .Iiad� enough to bear. . Is getting over It ?'� , '.. I . � the world. These'lillis. axe -1 I I 1. � to help It? ,. I . I L
himself, stepped� Into tI ,. dol", . ,..I. ain very soirry,'�.'hii Balfl.., '-Your of. h thrPughoui dealers or may bid had by . JZMAN & kAILYI: " it ' L '�'-' I
I til rour o'clock." which waa. Waiting f0i him. � 4 ' tb.is. "N000d At-,Ajl,dh6 ArIdwered, "Dr.. � sold by 01, , , WALDWG, -K ,f, 'Wholesale .. Xotfiez:-WhY &Wto You wait ant : .
_- . . . . . ,letter. prepared me a little. for I I SIX boXeSL Dru ts, Toledo, 0. I - 11 "j; You are marrIed ?--�-' . .Toplm . . . _ , I
, , �. I tak terns, yj I . Wwn . . .
� � . The than rained jids hat, and turned . C I ,� _J. * 4 .y tell me all about itill . . . WhItlett. Is quite frank; He will: mull At 50 6eits a ,boxi or 1:18 'a " r, . -:. . . - __ . I , . I . . '. I
— , ' lor $2.50, by, i . Tat I
w I avvay. in a moment, however, he was. � . 4 , L Must . be, has, lost -ho i,ddreaslak tile -D,r. Wit- 11811's 'atatth Cure i I . .. 11 �
: , .C1q4PTruo ti'mr, � -, 'JTTfR'M I
,; . I . ., . .. . Toe has saddenl becorda the via.' never. recovelP What Ut Conifir, IL . Z�Aiejj L Ine.directly uponthe blood'Ld mucous sur-, � . - I
. � . I . . . I ., . y Will probably lose mere.- - B . 110 Co., Brookville* Ont. faceo ofthe Aysto. s sent,free. MinardImLiniment Cures Colds, ato� , . �
�' �, . . I tim ,, the countess said. "of- a noW - . I . I _. . . .. I . . I . . I . I . I
. L .
I , '*You will pardon z . . � I I . I I 1116r, delusion., HOW -w U L 'Hall's Family Pills ard the Posit. . . � 1, . . Eugene'' F, Smith,' ....
- '
back again. By' mentloning1t, 'A - G*.L6t Work.. . 11 there is the dreading ,1)611. You lit . . , ".4 Pfice756-perbotile- ____ - 111"agirlpts, - . I %_ - I
,., . my lord," he said. I but tike. young and mostextraord Y L sea'.1ilm for yourself . At' dinner. Effe.ots .of Ll)uit Upon. � Vic .L U. a . I . . 1. , a . f ull-wblooded -
. I traveliffig in my The Countess of beringli6in mightfae I it'.came to pass I cannot exactly teljp .. . . .� L 9� . . . . . L . - medical .1 I _ . .
I lady's maid has been excused for considering.- .herseU 610 . Whatever You do'L don't., be iate-he � I � . . . .. lrthday� Pitt-/ Oneida Indiank htAs en d a
I . A happened. .He fia4i a A. Unique 8 � . 1. tEd Will, ,0hen . .. :0 ,�. ,
L' I i. . 1. X . carriage, and a nice fidget she's been -most �UnlortuD&t,6 wonuin in 1,;0gland.1 but thlo' Is whe - no. In. ail ante- hates anyonerto be w minute behind Vincent Y. Bowdlch argon agitation I I - - - ng , ' college in Uiliva-Ukee, . . " -. 11
.� S. been muttering . L I ; bed, yom.know, made . A adribus UrthdAy. gIft, by a.you graduated, be . I I .
�, _. week she had . tinie"'L., . ' � . ; In Boston In reg4rd . ' to obtaining ,on one or, tbb ,xery few red � . .. �
_ . �
- In all the way. She' . . In a single one Of.L t passed f rom room L , lending- from ,n . , I . __.:... . I.-- . .�. -fduat u . a *1 :til j,6'hJJa bride was d thqynsel%%s to'L,!. ." . W.l .,;. I ..
tho; library, a . .. abatement of the u1saace.k' �11 - touthaulan n6bleat . men who ,have 11tto
1, IQ . L . I .
- to herself in F ranch, and Shia seems tile � P3*i &Ion of , ; 1 a L .. . . _. I . , . . - - . . . I I I
something . 1�10 mos�t,b "_ I - ,, ge�e_ralfy. . 39arly t I - work a pMettice. madicilie. . ,. , : . .
,1. terribly irightened about ociety lie sleeps the� . recalls good L Iready done by a gorgeous doll, made for the enam �. . I I . , . . � . ':
I Ilant leadero of 1�4ngllsh' .I . lid ' ' OHAPTE11 XIv` medical. men In reference to ' street ored - I . . . . � I . .. I I I . I .
�� L� %raln stol)� I sanity i morning the Whole hOuffl-LwoA awaken- - . .. . �ng husba-ad In:Pa,ria, whom - L I ,.. . I . .
, , or other. The moment the --reultnie, *11060. , Nhots- . The , Tempting of Mr e. Yo' V spending iRe . .1 -_ I . I . .
"I ped here, she rushed off to the tele- L tue keeper of a -od by the sound of two revolver . 13latherwi.k. Watering, but sa,ys that In 0ous thig youn couple are . I I . . I . I..
� , : I � . . Waa atL least Ubtful. Her husband,, -1 I 1. . I . .. . . . . . . . .. � I L . .�., . AGENTS WANTSD-FOR TAE 11= - . . ... I ,
I tit n; fiad'; L So . Of ,proper pave. honeymoon. . I
, graph office." a L X buriled down In my, dreading gown, quence of the: lack . . - .- t
,, 1'gshe seems a little excitable," Wolf. - Admiral - 11 ot, J).oringliai .and found me of - the servants 0- Wolfefiden was, caret ul to reach meats the* -oltizens. of Bostob .. have -, TbD doll was olad,in cloth of goldi and-Raign.of Queen Victoria, bos I t book. - , . I .
. � I . L - .prospectus rca4v, free to canvaHsorm. er-dit �
'I, 'been a man of Iron kieiv-b and conatitu- - ori *114!11 the"hall, before,the diune�. gong wax " with irises, I � .. 1. I
. enden remarked. "All'right. Seib - and , ready outside .the llbra.ry do - " His father greeted `him had to endfire in thl� open wintera tile -train embroidered Apply. World RUblishing Co.:? O.Uel.Pli. . . I L
0 - Y? ,ha.splendid reputaMOD, arred oil the inside., sounded vue atmosph6ric 'condition., HA�� lies- stenig,upwo,rd, wh1oh formad'a thick Vol, . � I . . . �
you'd b6tter hurry. up and get, what - tionv, wit . - =10 . I . ..
. .1 was locked. and b L , . . I I . . .
I Y .�O. olfenden was sur'L - -.--- . .
� , : . undoubtedly a Ing S&Lman- Tile I 'Ce 110 let rmly:' .and W_ .
. . you want to*eat." � . L of & Sin L """" I. When he heard. to me. In. Wai . patlentei'with delicate throats. and border around the. hem. The petticoat .. . . . or%
, - I PIQUE SDEA QUeeAL ' . . C
. , p "Certainly, my )or, - gie day had broklan up his life . S. In partial. darkness nod pirded 'to �soe go little , ' outward O to be housadjaligolute- on'W.blch opened the triain " Of L Cold. A GENTS--�Tla EIN V D I EVERY . .
� d, and'poiliaps I:ie had oe4eu:bho it,we-,4trickoll Witness Tile room w4 change In him..' ,He was,,ca;refully lunjp% Walo Ilav 1n proper I con- was ovored'w1th & trellis 6.f magnt- .M loyai Canadian Willi -wrinta'Llfeof . .
�L, your lordship knows that there is 6at L � Eome disorder., go Lhaa, & 'smoking- re7 , . ly, wilon, with *streets a " wl 2J . . I..
. a 'of a great naval cixtagtroph6, la which - dressed, well �groomed. in every - re- . mild, 11cent pearls. Round 'her neek was it, Is III have I tie. biggest, che .
I flower-otall In the corner there."' . volver lit his hand, and.. was mjtO ' ditioni. they could enjoy th6 V' to right, au heptio new boo'k
. Many. Of hia. old friends and coin- Ing to himself so fast tbAt I coup], spect, and lid wore a delicate Orchid , I a rovis- of rubl6s; on .tand. 6st.W A b ,. 1, I .
- Wolfenden nodded and hurried off. . . . brazing, Air out-of-doors. Asphalt Is kbaplet'of ''threi . now beirif . prepared by'a -dwinguished* ca '- . .. .
,. L nions ha.d gone iq the*bottom o, the v, we d'he Said lit his butto I L I . 1. I
I He returned to the carriage Just as P4 to . ; not 'understand r . i The n -hole. .. - ' not An Ideal pavement., but with, Pro- . her.head an algrettoe,' 'formed by� adian an nor. compfe.e ca-nvassing outdt , , � L
, See, before his eyes, getlwr with I .and . . Extralibetalterm.s. XcDetk- - - �
L�,� I the train was moving off, with a hand- men. r.che chest that J11olds all his maps During dinner lid alseussed the')Ittle I regulation to pkeveint ids,. quivering like so mailed for 10c. L. . .
. . . . pe mid&J.6gan, Undodo oat. , I. � . .. .
�L near bousand British sea nd of. London life and Its, various . r care Am sparklinff dlamoi
, ful of fresn, 'wet violets, whose par- ly 06 t papers had been dragged ,' lir Ito being. properly torn'up or replaced many dewdropwandpWa, with bie�ads .1 . . .
� in- responsibility for the disaster lay Middle at the room, And the Iron staple social eventswith, perfect Sanity, and I . pre'clouf� gains, spa,n. - . . .
_� , )r material, it has thus fir' O .
. tome seemed instantly to fill th'� CO W I thL a, -148 usual goOd-110- by inferk I I f many colored -and there. i - V 0 .
� 'da chiefly With those lie bad perished lit -W). -our American cities 'gled her"garm.91it here Othe . -Y L N"Ot Y 'U ? - - I
11". partment. The girl held out her ban of the blame had been twtst�d,,im though pertnItted himself __@ rs.Are, . h . �.
. I , the one . --%TiF . . I . .
�. lr,, yet Some Small share heavy blow. I saw that the'lanipwas ured grumble at WdIfendon for his 'provedIn a th,aj i�f tFe ae of their . .
*Ith a little exclamation of pleasure I upon �the onlookersi and . profes-, ,which .possesses the groatest advan. it seem . I
.. _... .avelling com-, was fastene4 flickering ana'a current of air woo in. dilatoriness In the choice ,of a I -all pavemptits - Used hirej-- I marriage L - .
',What a delightful tr In cominsoLl, ' ' " � 1. . �tagee of . � the noblex"n was not Able . . . I L
1�1 .'�..' she declared. "I think he himself, as AdinlrAI , rom,tho the j�bom, and when I looked . towards slon. - I . . . . . I .. I I �liithtdi.lovely brIde With gifts FR I . 11 " I
panion, you are," i Medical Record. . . � � I . to prese, -_ I . . #t
�::: I , � I . these English violets � are the sweetest had. not,alto,gother escaped, r the 'Window I'lound that tile shutters He did not once referto the subject I . . . I . .1. . .. . . . W L orthy "of bet beauty, but 'recently, I J-- - . u 1. .. . � .
� I
.y, . "... flowers IUGment L Witeo, illeX loci him down front and one of the sashes had of hL9 own WeaUnces-, until dessert had . I . 1. . . a benevolent uncle -of hia was oblig. �r f1farme too selliur the, -V . '. .
�.C. � .. In the world." I . . � I . I . . I . , interfere. vulth 'your regular
I . - tlie- bridge of' Ills flagship, grey And Were L= -at once he becAmeL been served, when he passed the, claret I � . - FUNCS. it I .
. .. 1.� 1. . She held them up to her lips. Wolf . anged MaiL been . All . �- . .1 . I . Ing enou&,Vo dle and JeAve him a for , ill I e - . I . 1.
.�, . � -,een a ch . . . � . . . - farm work and L .
I ,. enden w in fainting, he had I . I . . to Wolfenden without, filling. Ma own. I I !, � at lover at once rull pa"Ich(j" an ,a your profita. write for
� . as looking at 4 paper bag * from tile coherent. - . . . tnue. no extrAvagn � af�iz an t 146 . � ` .
, 1.!,�', 1, He bad never recovered � glass. .. I L I � I 11
. : ay I I�qujro what that, In?" he shock -He retired from active servido "'Fi3nd for Morton and Philip I)Unn 1, * I 1 apent half of It In this, jeweled doll, - THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. Lid., wellard'.0fit I
7; her lap. excuse my. not. JoInlng,L . L" . . � I . I I
� .-il.; I.. -Al . at, once, . under a. singular And' marvel- lie cried. 0,1,6t e y dnd all "Ton -will, . I Ills OWN 1PRAH WILL, I I . . . .. .1 . . . .. . . . I 1-- , .— I . . 1. ..
, ,7_.,.i . .. . I gil.'-Let no YOU." ave � . . M . Inard's Liniment 0 . wes'Disteraper. 1. I I . ])]Mop L I 1. . '' .
�. asked. ored. "You. must ously persistent delusion. Bri6flY, Ile. thQ Home. Park be search . he said. tb- his son', "balk I It -cannot speak too I . I . -
. .
I., . Buns I" she anow lolleve, that, Ond L Pass out of either of .the gates, still three oi, four hours' writing to !)car Sirsi-4 . I . . . . . I I I 6
l 11 . I L . r—. . � � . I I . .
I , .: girl I believed, Or professed to 1] do, and such work as inino requires strongly of the Treated Free. - .
not think that because I am a dporished, And There hivc�'bcon thieves herel' . . L .
'', I'am never hungry. It is two.01plock , half the British 11004 ha 44 dry cleAr head -you cananderstand ARDIS LINIMENT. it Is THE rem. .. . A Word -of Proilse. , We have made dropsy andito I I
. � . � IR I gave his orders to Morton, 'Where & V' It I I -my .ns, "If employers could ' oly . it I
� -, ' and I am positively famished. I senj I that tile country 'was at the mercy Aare ,say edy' in household for bur 0 reallZ6 I complications a f1peclaity (cr .. .
Richardsoti-V I aeked.. Richardimn tho-14 I - specially twenty years, 'Quick relll
� " �, 1. my ipald,for them." . . of the, first great ,11ower who car5d to to have, been watchl& (To. VW.contlutiod.). -, .sprains, etc., And we would not..be ho�v much every worker, a I
� 1-1 I He smiled, and sweeping away t . seid her warships UP. the Thames. It was suppo3ed I answer Uleh. . . .1 .. without Lt. % - I � . the women, appreciates it. ;word of Cures worst cases. , nook�o ..., .
'� :�.. , . was a, question Whether 0 woo really Outside. 'Beforo he coull I .. . .. . � . ; , I I . . . . � wonderful medicine. � - pralse," *said a veteran broadwlnner� J I trea I tment 3rR L ms � I.. .
1-1 go and coats, produced window. -it 10 truly a . .
,1 bundles- of ru � . ' . . �
�.-, -o"Ic t. which he bad � 9L-__.1osane., ;..Ou ggy ordinary tOpI0 hig-lardson. came In through tile h nt . JOHN A. MACDONALD. �ld find' that they could In- DR. -U. 11.GRNEN'SSOXd, .
�,:; .7--� .-'.7-th6 lunqheop .0'. of, -ni� , tjitibbai )jig. fOrebrAd-o wger bjeeffng� as' t Ough- - L
" . o ' Ing It, views Wore thi vlDlis I . The—Proper .. 1--reatme � ' PablIkII6 AroprLtbr ChkoniclO. 6ease tbali profits ldrgelY bY UIO S 33ox M "ILi*iAOUA�' '. - , I
, .. . ."tbay Won A . ���
L. .
.1 . curedLat King's Cross, said Pao " ' - I . .1 . . .. �'7 .. � .. , rvlce 'rendered. , ...----.
. . man, but the task WhI012 he prOogeded from iL I)IOW; - . , .. L - .
.. I . PPre9d out the contents. . 1, 1wittit has happened, Richardson ?" I . ... . L . L. L . . I. . . . . .. L� higher quality of Bel . I . .
. .
�` "For twol" she exclaimed, "and to set himself was so absorbing that. I . Women like to feel that the employer ' .
�' In - Ad'I �any other subject seemed ocam,61Y to I asked The*mau hesitated. And look- , I CLOTHES WASH11 '-.
what a delightful looking sal I . * ... , � f6 L Cataln . - - . L . - . I I L. L 1100-a human filterest tn�the Individ- . . . I ..
I . I theL of] (Lt. our father. Your father Itn- . L' � �
, 1 , In ? L .como withlu horizon of his compre- - . � r arrho . � . . Uality of the work they do, and that - .. sent on Trial -
� I Where on earth did that come fro selected swercd�instead. . L. . . � - I . . L I : . I .. It when -it Is portion- .. I .
� . "Oh, I am no magiclan", lie excla,im- henalon. He imagined himself L . I . . LL . . they obigervo . . I .st,wholonaleprim .
�, I -ed. "I ordered, the basket At King's Secretary I .. '1 Woke up five minutes 890,' 110 liter a remedy that Is sare;to reach - . Larly,weli done. A word of commendam I
by no less a perhon (than the en here. How . L � � 'a re�*
.. I for War, to devote the:re#t of Ilia life , crIedi land found two to ' all htfacted parts., That remedy L ,a - --- . tion always an+si as a Stimulus t . . if not sat-gactory
� 'gross, after't bad seen you. tot we gon I don't . . .as L' money refunded., I
� - My dresslug. to the accomplishment of a certain on- v. they, got past Rlah,,trdi ' ' ' newed effort, while a, good Olt, ( . of . . Qwirantdcd torUn . �
. spread the cloth here the room, and CATA,RRHOZONE, which � Is Inhaled 99 emicr end do '
I ewe will make a capital table." deftaking I Practically bla mission know, but: they were In I Pour Generations.t .
� L. - It- prove by figures 'plans arwl: they had dragged lAy chest out there,' Along with the air you'breath,'and I I I acts da a discourage-,
'' Work IgnOrei better work than
, They p!cknIcked together gally was to i luigh the' permeates the moldt minute air cells As daughter,,sloter, wife and mother, - ment. An apiproving 4mild, nod or , _ " IL . L w,yothermachine
,_ 1. I ,,all tho e'Was . .
I seembid to Wolf enden thatL chicken and naval detalLs (unknown t� the general � and had forced a crowbar ,thrc in tile Itings, all'parts -of the nasal: adra has fuMad word coats little and �meiins much to L . du�hent'rkeL AL
L . I .
�. . public), the complete helplessness of'ilmIct I was Just In.time,; 1. Ult . I Alexo IOU cowiaI9ILtlOtISly;- but In the hofiest worker In nny field, from Soot umhtne L for, agents 'to haudle. Big' I
" I - toigue bad never tested No WeIV be- arm, and. pdagages and bronchial tub6c Zt stim.- I bf bar Posit she we ovey meAe. Thouft
' , , for*, or claret, at three Shillings It the 1;mplre. He, bought a yacht And OnOL - man In t1fe uIA mwoujo. 'Membrane to, Do other relation s . I highest to 10 ot."-ISTow.-York Trl- m add in use., FW toriO
� � � .. short cruised, �ck. Than ,thP,T,V1W - ,,tos,the ishitto'with more radiance than 0111 `1 bune. . . . And orices ad&m I L I
. b6ttle, so full and delicious. They comnienced a, series of . lie fired 'a ,jifirdPom' �1110Y mUqt a a on, and relieves local con-,: titer. There Aret numerous . L . STANDARD-SUIPPL'r CO-, ItskmiltOn- tit.
cleared everything up, and then I sat lasting over two years, during tile k1glit I pnjgt Elf Lrta, W-LiOndeficlent gran I . . . .1
. eotlon of t age pv 0 .. � I
. I
: and tqlkei over the algarett,6 which whole of which time hin Wife' Wag 111' ' Y' have nearly knocked you down. YOU t restrains the secretion and retards p at allowing her with Prince Ed- . . I*Z I L 1. NGINEERS* FIRZM9 ANIACHINISTS 1.
ted upon. But, although falthful'and 00r,stant.conipantoit. They I must have been war uR York. or one of the ot ter I',
'I, naleep, you Idiot," I d f. I I ]DA and cloctriciaza-riew 0 -page pamphlet .
she had trial, I Lt ,when excessive. n both Instances, ch Z
I . Tie trled'more than once, heeotild not ,yJ(,g1tad'In i�rn each one of the forti- ..he ,cried, "or you could have Stop Lta notion fig to destroy the germs 11dren or her son George In hor. lap, 16 4,f' L . cobtsining 4nestions aqkcd by Examittioc . 1.
� L ,on ipt.Q -g6jf_0UW fled ports of the country, winding up ped them I" I Board of Eriffteerm, sent fr - e. Geo, A'L Zeller,
- lead the vionverant' . _UUL.y . f evft bat. � ; -he did which excite these conditions, and to! A photograph sainewhalb ra-ro In. this . It. S. A� Pleage men. .
. eba-el-she -wouta - iot talk of fier with a general Inspection 0 1, r turned to TtWtardson cure by Its Inherent heating proper- i eointry Shows Alexandra with. her Thiff signature Is on overy box of the genufne Publisher, St. Louis. I . I . 1. ,
e,-_-� - tnd crulbor V ------ ZrItIsh not, my A word, but h I a looked .at Use. I . I littlo gr"ddaiightors Lady Alexandra Laxative Bromo.Quiiiine Tablet, tion thislial'ar- . I . ..
1. . . p4d�tj, 6TIt,,il�t1notlY avoided the f ature. tleshlp I f I lant, Nato" daughter of the Duchess of Me. +,he remedy tbat,eI,res P4 cold in one d4Y ,OR SALF�-BLACKSAIITIT 8900 A"
Once, *ban he had made a deliberate s. Then, with huge piles 0 me meaningly. The Admiral was bx,. iCAMARIIHOZONE Is plead . . I ...
le f our generar . —1 F houge, first-class stood; health fadod; pro-
. "Va ar ldmo I amWn;g big chest, I draw Rich- and painless to use, being simply nate I tlo,no in tile maternal Ilno. The (4neen . .. I .
I ,)UM
elfnrt to gain some knowledge no 0 ardtaZed Information before ardana oil one a ea Tills picture gives the prietor must sell. Box 8 Blyth, Ont�
. � ; her emr1*er stirroundingg.LFhe reproved] settled down in Norfolk tolthO framing ide. "a Method of applying the ,balsamic Blertly'loquired. I . , , I
: - �' . son?" I ask. are . I L&LE_014E 01.1 I : , r
. him with a silence so marked that he of his rell still under the ImPrIe oltql this true, Richard of Denmark 18 seated In. an armchair, ump my ace, dear?" RUIT FARM FOR'
�., hastened to talk at some I whole.country was anxt and healing properties of the pine . "Did you tr finest th the NlAgara P , at . .
. thing * oUe. glon that the . 6d', The man shook his head. woodai fortified by other germicidal upon her knea little Lady ad his witb?is F eninsul
� hold"'
I I hipl' he said bluilt- . Ind cure4i MeXangdrao her fair head partly cov- asked Mr. Meekton, who w . wo all -
I .- I. . . I I ,,I — C4 1 N6, Your ladys Ingredients, It Is not It m I .�. . Winona, 10 miles fr6m, flamMon on t r i4
I il.
, I
, , I i I
" I
i I
� .1 I
� I
" """ I I
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, ,
.1 __ I
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0,t� 119
, "
.1 'a, 'C
'A r
� _1 __ I ly ; I It alrklt ; - there's 'no two men eked by a, large white cambria sunr I partner at Whist.. wayp. 130aeres in all 35 of whil 11 to In f r u
� I . I . but the moot rational of remedles, It "I did," She rejolned,-Aternly. "Whitt m qtly pea, h�s.. Will be sold in one Par, 0 3el � I
. Ir - the chair stands the I �l
. been here tit all I The InflAtc Is the latest product of the extensive .bonnot. Behind . i ded into lotg of 15 to 20 acres to slift PtIr
, I at himself ;L I then Princess of Wales. With . Ond Of 11b 2" t
. dragged the. chest o and thorough Investigation carried on "I werely, inquired to relieve MY , chAserls. This -4s a decided bargain.' Addtoss
I- 1. s Not Like. Dr. � Chase. . . Lad I ,saw the hand on'llor mother's shoulder. The I jonathan.Cairpentcr� P. 0. box 409, Winon(4 9
. _ I
�, . .. . I I beard him doing It, 0 , by the scientific world 'Into the, ro. Fqe� princess .Xtoyaj,� mind," he, anawerod, with a gelatle Ontario. . .. .. . � .1
i . I ll 0 � light, no I left my box, and stoP- -life, and Duelims of now mfort to ; � - —
.. . . - wn I Mrs. Wine! ar-�I, Teething, Itgoothes
t PeOp'lee PW into tW-r0= to 000 what was a trial will establish Its value, . 1,standa beald r mother, supporting know you tri I,o-t,,,,'-oi-S-ootKhinir,SY�yt�p -touik7-If-
lation of disease to microbic 6 vaille, "It Is a great co
r . To Disapip . I wrong.' ,Directly he siaw,ma heyell. pro- her hands on thty (.-hair irt, which tile, ways be uso,i for Chil,
. -
� . . The scoras 'of hopeless Oases had trumped I'll the child. Aofteng the gums. eurei; wind cello.
I . let 'fly at m0with Ills Queen of Dentuark to seated. 'Phis .19 it I
. I - . . ed out and , noune6d IncurnMe by specialists, and have lost t� aceft. Twenty-
. and Is the b64, romWy for Dlarr'
I . . . -2. _f revolverl Its a wonder 1,ia &JIves .n , ,+..._ . � i �
k I the numbers of suffering men and a good pleturo-of &.at& nibh family 1: live oenta a bottle.
;., � . .
fflIs Great Receipt Bo6k Did .Not
VIS911PPOInto anu " "' " I for one of the bullets grazed MY
WQmen In all parts Of America that
grollpo . . I .1
- I., .
. �
Kidney -Liver Fills Have Astonished
Phy's,lclaftS, And POOPIC temple I'
. -1, Than lit went Oh to Bay that
* I
CAVAMHOZONE. has , permanently
cured of all and troublesome ca-
Minardle Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
. � ..
. Alike by Their Wonderfid Cutes.
he would like to leavoo - that no
tarkh, -gives, It a Ola,00 among the
. .
�, -
� .
. .
Derangements of the kidneys cause
I . I ,� � .
. Wagon were good enough to be shot, I
at, and plainly hinted that he
aura fdr nio, to add one more t0etl- I . to be
father ought
scientific- discoveries of the age,
C,&TARRHOZONg shows a record un.
. . Protects the Throat.
A piece of Inch-w1do white smin- rbl-
I ,
the mod:t painful And the moot dread-,
ful fatal diseases to which man is
putatlon of Dr. thought your
mony to the grand re locked up, I talked him oven and
Chase'i reffiddiba." I then the Admiral to 90 bA0ktO
approached by'any other, remedy tot
the greatest number of perfect aur0a.
is do-
I bon sowed Inside the roak-band of a,
oubjsot. The symptoms are urimim-
Jame$ Clark, Coodecon, Prince V4-
County, Ont., bad. We bad ,the place searched"
CArpARRHOZONg capable of
Ing for you what It has done for
efAdn or that Is a co' mon res.
� i"
takable and the evidence goes to
prove that no treatment had over
ward. stateg:'Illpilevon . of course
a m#Ater of form, but
years ago, 1 Won taken with phlnis In ' �
In hips, ex. I there was'nor algri of atlywy.. 1161,what
others. 'You way have the Needs' of
will develoIj into an Incurable
suit tr the ear of the, p revaillng
reed -collard. It fig not-Intend6d
I . I
I am of atfra f Or dis-
been so anceessfa lays Ad Dr. Chase's
cases of the kidt
my back, settling my and had Imagined the whole thig. it Is
tending up m3r spine. Thib pain woo, I I I
that he did not, hil. Itlah'
diseago It Vot properly treated. Ca-
that the ribbon shall show from
OU0164 (
: .
� ,
Kidney -Liver Pills. Pains, Aches, or
weakness of tho5 b.uk, deposits Ilk!)
. very severe, and at times almost un. a mercy
endurable-, and many days I was no t ardson P' -
49 This Is *erY serlduffilo W01t6nd9ft
tatrhl Is sudlf a, gradual so
,paI,n11,(,,,1,s at first, lifit so ortielly ro-
Ian that at the, end of years we
Minard's Liniment Cures Qhrgot In
Cowg. .
I � . �
brick dust In the urine, ocatity,
painful or Goal(ling urination, poll
able to do ait houie-a work. Thong said gravely� "'Witat about, his Ire,
I had consulted mmny firmt-olaad pby- volver ?11
awaken to Its hOrro'ro. Catarrh, don.
ehimption,, death. That Is the story.
. .
A Resolution Worth the While,
I �
ness tinder the eyes And emaciation
kidney dia-
0101408 and tried several advertised 11 I managed to, secure that' " ths
wed!O11110;4, r could got no rollef.-�- 4, It Is 100*66 tip In
Be advised while yet there Is time,
11,enalve that you. will stand well
� - �
are the IndimtIong of
Countess saK
"At title tinia my father-IlAo* told drawer, but I am Afraid that
, find use ithe only sure, cure, CLTIA1111,
11OZON11 At Druggists, or by MAIL
with yourself durlpg the coming year
whether you atmud Well WIt4 others
11re. Puraleyl-180 Uppinebtt street,
Tbioh to, soya i , T,r mv iit,y tuimt Dr.
ha# been the
MO t,7 try Dr. 011hRO's-,91d"ey-Liver may Ask for it At any moment-':
Pills. and saw lie kno* 'they Would, it We, eon -maka that ail rlghV
OVY6 md, I secured Oho I= And great I "I know WhOke
Two months' treatment 01, Regular
25o trial size, eont for 10oo, to cover
N. C. Poloon
or not. Ilegolve never ag4tin to got a
cim estimate upon yourself or your
ChAsWa Recolpt B,
6onsfilting physician lit our houito for
,, Wolfenden said,-
! was my surprise when I boigkift,,ta 160 - there are, dome blaak cartridgeg In
�oeitage, And boXingo by
lik. Co., Kingston, Ont., Hartford,
Mairdoll, In Sdo
� emnomin llfe---O� 9. -
ce"o . .
"N� -
ybars, an I have always lbotn &bid. to
. better Aftor using only dkA, t"; , Z I the giin.roonio ,nd. I will rololid. the
� 1. I � .. . ... ..4w,z �- I - � , i __ - — __
Conn., U. & I I
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