HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-08, Page 1If you have not Renewed your Subscription for tblis year now is the right time to do so. 1",44"°°141441,44"4"4""1,,* ReSOMMend thtt New Era to * Your AAPPoffeeePPpeepoopiwe~4 e elinton rerenetauseetsse etenntleT 1101.,WeS, Publieh ¥VYYYY** The publisher wonle esteem it a favor if reaclers would, when melting their purcherwee, emotion that they gay/ the merchantleadvertieementiti iblepaper OLUStTON, ONTARIO; T.IEBRETA.EY 8, i901, 11,1VRWAltvasna 4111.444144+1444404.4444.+4044.0 1 0 W Ingham . hubUrn, . Goma. AWAY.— Conductor Ireland. i Connearion.--In our issue of lase eash many yeare, will won be leaving news an item o the effect that Mr who -has had the London run for a good week there ap eared in the Auburn Wingham for Another route, viz.: the, Knox had bought the Baer property, run between Owen Sound and Palmer -1 which. was incorrect, that property not . stem We are sorry to lose Mr Ireland being sold yet; it was Menno Baer'e And one price to all and he will be much missed; we wish house and lot which Mr Knox bought, him success, . , the price being $825. BUILDING.—F. Johnston has pur- 5. S. CONVENTION,— The programs occupied by Mr Bisbee; it is his inten• here en the 21st, are out, and provide 4chased the greener house and lot, now for the union convention to be held 1 • tion to build on the same the coming for a splendid and profitable gathering 7 summer. In Wingham during the of Sunday School workers. Among We buy, • 4 coming season there will erected eorne those who are expected to take art es half dozen brick residences, a new fox. Z tory and a new churcb. .• e. Nan:se-The Lady TM) MUM were etenterteined by their Worshipful Mis-' tress, Mrs e. Haines, on Monday s. night to an 'oyster supper; D.Rush was re. the caterer. Mr Houston, miller, has e.• an attack ot grip. Messrs &and M. II. "t X I y The above will be our mot- to in future. Do not ask orede it for we will be sorry to have to refuse' you. , Cheaper ter cash, therefore we will be able to eel, cheaper. So you will get the benefit, of oundieocrunt. All accounts not Paid by the last of Feb- ruary will be handed in for eon leotion, so pay now and avoid cost of collection. 1.'7_ B.CREWS, $: E t it ert 417:Atoll Repairer y J clerk And Optician f • *..• eseee.ereeneeaeg.4.04.004.e.seeeeee.e....e. • carlock , • NOTES.—The great number of ve- hicles which followed the *remains of the late John Mills to their last resting place, oil Jan. 28th, expressed far more eloquently than wet de the high regard in which he was held by the people of Hallett, where he had been a resident for many years. •There 'was a social • gathering at John Wells' house on Jan. 25th; all felt at home and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Robn Beattie hada wood bee on Tuesday last, fol- lowed by a dance in the evening, at Which all enjoyed themselves, A num- ber of Brueselsites drove out and sure prised Mr Henry Allen, and, needless •to say, they had a pleasant time. . St. Joseph. REPORT. -Below is. the standing of the pupils of S. S. S. No. 1, Hay, for -the month of January, based on reg- ularity, deportment and general pro- ficiency: V-Clarisse ()entire Arthur Odium; Sr. IV -Sara R. Denomme, Mary Denomcne, Albert Denomme; Jr. IV -Louis Brisson, EIi Gentles; III- -Philip Bedard. Bruen& Leporte, Regis Masse; Sc.., II -Sara 3. Denceinne, Ducharme, P triline Plante; Jr. II • -Lea Bedard, Tharee • Leporte, Flora Laporte; Part II -Edith . Denomme, • August Ducharme, Alphonse Duch - acme; Pert 1 Si.e-Maxinte Corriveau, Malcolm Duchertne, Philip Masse; Pt. -1 Anbin, Bertha Duchartne, Tilly Milian -J. 3. BEDARD, teacher. Lucknow • MICBWRIAL SERVIcE. — The union memorial service for Her late Miteesey, held in the Presbyterian church ` on Saturday, was a beautiful tribute. The large auditorium was packed and many were left upon the streets. The local clergymen- Rev Messrs McLennan, Oaten, Harris and McKay -eve ap.; propriate addresses. The service .was preceded by a procession consisting ref the civic board clergymen, lodges and societies, headed by a mounted com- pany of voliinteers and the town band; Many graceful tributes areeto be seen in the store windows, where pictures of the late Queen are draped and sur- rounded by flowers, -etc. For fine ARTISTIC PHOTOS go to • Sucoeseor to F. G, Burwell. .440•6140"'"weleee.aleteeeee•leee are Rev, S. Young and Mr Mc in Hams, Hamilton: eau. Wilson,Glencoe; Dr, Gifford, Clinton; Rev. Mr McQuin Ian and Rev, Mr Dunbar and a number of well known local workers. Morning session will be held in the Presbyter, ian church, and during the afternoon and evening meetings will be held con- McInctoo were called to Peterboro on currently tit the Presbyterian and Friday, owing to the death of their 1 Methodiel churches. . father. The town ball was packed on I Mmes. -The special meetings that Saturday at the memorial service of are being held in the Methodist church our late • Queen . Victoria. Dave are well•attended. A meeting of tbe Lougheed, our soldier boy, gave a very congregations of Auburn and Carlow interesting lecture on Monday evening was held in the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Eeworth here for the,purpose of discussing the League, on his experiences on South adyisibility -of uniting the Lepburn Africa. Uhas.Michoes, a termer Wing- charge with that of A.ubureeandeCar- ham boy,now holds aluerativeposition low; it was decided to unite them for a in Cuoa. .The infant son of R. Saha time,. 'nee My McKee, preached in the died Monday morning. At the Senior Presbyterian church here on Sunday. League social on Wednesday evening Mr Caldwell has been somewhat India - Mr • and Mrs Paulin were presented posed for the past week. A youthful with a beautiful writing desk, prior to visitor has taken up its perinanent their departure this week for the abode in the home of Geo. Beadle. A. North-west, and on Friday evening Askwith,our poultry fancier, has a Mrs Paulin, who has been President of good exhibit at Goderich Shrew this the Junior League,was presented with week R. McBrien, Maitland Block, is beautiful Bible as a token of esteem. 'slowly improving. Electric lights The county meeting of the L. 0.1,.w have been • put in, the Presbyterian held in Witigham on Tuesday. Mr church. (Lack of space has obliged us Robertson, of Varna, has purcbased to condense our correspondence.) the house and lot owned and occupied by Mr Nagers, and will in thee:mar fut- ure move hem__ , Wanted—holl butter 22.3 a lb. G. E. seeTet Meehan. tf. • hayfield. NOTES.—P. McGee. was dangerously. Imre by a falling tree recently. Miss Galbraith has left for Winnipeg, where she will fill a situation as head dress - "maker. Jas. Deane, Goderich; is re- pairing Mr Jowett's Taa-Meelerneet.-The tett-meeting and entertainment given by the members of St. Andrew's church • was a grand 'success: the Clinton Lug Quartette and Miss Ounningbame, elocutionist, Clin- ton, delighted the audience; the speak- ers were good. , • OonNcIL.-The Council' met in the hewn hall on Monday evening, persuant to adjournment; membirre all present; the Reeve in the cheer; minutes of last meeting were read and signed. Moved, by Jae. Thompson, seconded by -Thos. Elliott, that the auditors' report be adopted, and the •Clerk get the usual number of copies' printed, and the aud- itor.; kre paid he sum of $3 each, the Reeve to gran& orders for the same - carried. Moved by James Thomson, seconded by Thomas Elliott, that the followine, accounts be paid: -Robert Ronan coal oil, etc for town hall, 03.38; T. J. Merles, drawing gravel; $540; Municipal World, stationery, 05.62, and Reeve grade orders for the same-caeried. Moved by Jas. Thom- son, seconded by Thos. Elliott, that the tender of John Ferguson for con- stable for 1901 be accepted, and a by- law be passed for -the same -carried. A by-law was passed defining the duties and salary of the said constable. Moved by Geo. Erwin seconded by R. Braley, that John 'Whiddon be the treasurer for the village of Bayfield for the year 1901; at a salary. of $15 -car - Heti. Council adjourned to meet 9.gain on the next regular date. -H. • W. ERWIN, Clerk. Varna NOTES. --,Thos. MeAsh, our new Sest- ina -titer, has moved, and 19 getting everything into lirst-claee. up-to-date condition; he took poseese, ,n Monday, les-Pilgrimeour-gernaleaihrerhes a bran new baby girl at his house. PROPERTY OHANGE.--TiVm. McAllis- ter, of the Par line, Stanley, has sold his farm to Edward Robinson, of the Goshen line, and intends going west in the spring; we are sorry to lose such a rood citizen as Mr McAllister, but hope thee he and his estimable lady may Prosperen their new home in the west. SURPRISE AND P1EsENTATION.-011 Thursday evening last the members and adherents of St. John's church, Varna, paid a visit to Rev E. Jenninge .. at the Rectory, Bayfield, and presented him with a, very complimentary ad- 4. dress and a magnificent fur -Hued coat. e: Mr Jennings was completely and ag- e. reeably taken by eutprise, and thanked oe them sincerely for their generous gift. e The ladies, with well filled baskets, provided a bountiful repasteethweven- ing was spent in music, games, etc, and all expressed themselves as well pleased with the "night out." Soup 7 Plates At this time elf the year, a great deal of roue is used, and of course, more soup elates are broken, If you want to replaoe your broken eeettes, we have a map for you. We are amine, 25 dozen only', 9 inch Royal /ma China Soup Place. Regular 90e 10 r 75e a don. • while they last, or if you have kite of glides and want something to pat in them 1114 have . Canned tomato soup •.14Jhickon soup Ox Tail soup • ,Jullenne soup Mock Turtle soup.] :Barley,. Split Peasbete. Ojlecooper EcCo. • &neer cora tleoloyet Raw ofenthelhems and Sim Ashfield. NOTES. -Tho number of births, mar- riages arid deaths registered in the township of Ashfield in 1900 were as follown-birthe, 58; deaths 40; mar- riages, 26. Aehaeld council' meets on Feb.23rd instead.of _Web. 16th, as pre. viouslyeantounced, on account of Div- ision Court being held held in Dungan- non on that day. The directors of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. Will meet on the lase Tuesday in February instead of the first Tam - day in Mardi, METHOD/ST OLIIIRCi.—The regular ascramentel service of the Ashfield cir• cult, at the Hope appointment was largely atteuded and of geese profit, the special service of a similar charac- ter a month ago at Backett's appoint- ment not haying detracted fromi the interest. An auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society was recently or- ganized by ears Cuyler, dietrlee organ- izer, with a large membership and pro. mise of additions in the 'hear future. The contract for the enlargement of the Ashfield parsonage in Lucknow is to be lee next week. Porter's BIB. RulIeU Nomsee-Mrs J. -Andrew and child, of lereemore, Ont., was visiting at her parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. Cartwright, con. 9, anti ale° attended the ma. ^e of her brother, Jas. Cartwright, to Miss Howard on' Wednesday week; she returned home on Saturday, being summoned by telegram of the serious illness of her mcther-in-law. FINANCES.— The auditors' detailed statement of receipts, expenditures,as- setteliabilities, etc.,frer the year ending Dec. 31, 1900, furnish the following particulars, of interest to the ratepay- ers: -The receipts were as follows: - From taxes" 81230212; legislative school grant, $318;other municipalities, $47.04; West Huron License Fund,$59.- 47; bank account, $3420.69; engineer's award, $35,64; old material, $13; Blyth corpciration, use of grader, $12.25; with aebalance on hand from- the previous year of 0116 16, making total re- ceipts of $17824.37: The expenditures were :-Roads and bridges, $8e06.75; school% $4946 81; county rate, $2414.45; salariee and allowance, $771.18; • echoed awards'$81.45; hall rents', $21.50; sheep killed by dogs, $55.90; bank account, 0922; debentures redeemed, $965.29; taxes refunded, $4; printing and sta- tionary, $91.12; express: $3,40; drain awards, $75.90; local improvement drains; $14.75; Board of Health, $28.50; a total expenditure of $17703.03,1eaving A balance in the Treasui 's hands of 0121.31 The assets of the townshipen- eluding the balance on hand,are $2043.- 62, and the liabilities are, unpaid ac- counts, $150; local improvement drain- age debts (interest included) 085.04. • PASSED AWAY. -,The early pioner3rs ot this township will soon be allgone. Another has joined the silent majority. About half a century ago'John Govier took up his residence in this township on the lot on which he has, since re- sided. At that time the tall forests were in their primeval glory; during the winter the sharp ring of the axe was the only sound -heard in the foreee solitude. By industrious toil, thrift, and careful management, he succeeded in hewing out a home. Ever veining to lend a helping hand, he occupied a tat eminent place among his neighbors for honesty, integrity, and shrewribus. mess foresight. About seven years ago he lost the partner of his youthful days, a loss which. can only be estim- ated by those who have realizecl it. Since then he has not taken much in. tenet in. public affairs. About two months ago he removed to Manchester and has since reaided with his daugh- ter, Mrs Paterson. About two weeks ago he had an Attack of grip, which terminated fatally on Friday. His remains were interred in Belles ceme- tery, the pall bearers being three sons and three sons-in-law, He leaves three sons 9,nd three daughters; Joseph and Richard in this township, Henry in East Wawanosh, Mrs McBrien of this township, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Pater* eon of Manchester, hrucefield. --WoiTts.-L•Saerament will be adettinis. tered in the Presbyterian church on Sunday; Rev Mr Lawrence, of Van Eke, London Presbytery, Will preach - on Friday. Chas. °anteroom and bride, Michigan, lase week visited their ccus- in, /ernes McDonald. John Rose and -sister Bertha len last week to Visit in London and Toronto, before returning home to Paisley. • Mule Jennie Murray, who has been visiting at the manse, returned to Westminster on Tuesday. Mr Hunt and family leave for Toronto this week, where they will in future reside; Chas, Hunt will now have charge of the railway section here. The Methodist anniversary services were very successful. Mr Durie, Mc- Killop, lase week visited his aunt here, Mrs- A. Swan; he has recently returned from A.frice, having gone ifrom Cal- gary, Man, Mr McKay and wife, of Iowa, are visiting Sohn Burdge. Robt. McCartney and sister Sadie, Moose Jaw, who have ,beete visiting their uncle, Alex Thompabn, received the sad intelligence On Taesday of the death of their father, James McCart- ney; they immediately left for home. Exeter Novi/at-Mrs Powell and daughter Corte who have been 'letting friends In Woodetock on a couple of tnottths have returned, Mrs Manning of Doty- NOVE0.--S. McDougal lost a good manville le the &est of her Meter, Mrs brood mare last week, Mr Peterson s J. A. Stetvare Mrs /Ile/olden. and Miss well -boring nitiihine is still at Mr Mc. Rita 7011,13g of Seaforth are visiting at Phan's; they have bored 160 feet but Mrs It. H. Calling at preeent. Division have not got water. Wise. Amy Owt Court will be held here on thel3th inet, ia visiting at W. H. Lobb', Maitland Bert Rosa, of London, vent Sunday at eon. Mrs Geo, Weston IS improving, home. Miss Morton, evangelist, hit ea:4 title also rod Piekard. petted nett Sabbath, o Volborne, ORIJR011. — Quarterly service was held at Zionappointrnent, on Berman - ler circuit, on Sabbath last. The var. ious appointments on the elevate were well represented, a very large congre. gation being present, a large percent- , age remaining for lovefeast and sacra- ment: In the evening an evangelistic service was held. At this appointment special services have been held for the past three weeks, and much good has been accomplished. The Quarterly official board met at Benmiller on Mon- day afternoon, with a fairattendance. The financial returns were good. Rev E. A. Shaw was unanimously Invited I to return•to the rircuit for another year. „ Rime. NOTES.—Miss Cornish, who has been. spending a couple of weeks with•leer aunt, returned to her home in Clinton last Saturday.Quite if number from this vicinity took in the Farmer's In- stitute meeting in Seaforth on Tuesday last, when addresses were delivered by Messrs Glendenning and NicEwing and Mrs J. L, Smith. M. Clark and sister spent Sunday last with friends in Brus- sels. Miss Emma Carter is spending a couple of weeks with friends in and 111^0Und Clinton. • . SoCIAL EVENING, -- On Thursday; evening of last week two sleigh loads of young people from this vicinity drove to the home of Ephraim Bute. and 'tunny. Sunereerhill, mid being' made welcome by the host and hostess, all repaired to the parlor, where the evening WM pleasantly spent in social chat and games. After thanking Mr and Mrs Butt for their hospitality, all departed for theirhomes at an early hour in the morning, feeling' well pleased dvith the evening's entertain- ment, Nos. -Wm. Harrison, of Goderich 'iownshili: Visited here on "-Sunday. Miss Mar ia•McLeod visited Mr and Mrs Cook, Port Albert, last week, returnin home on Sunday. George Clark left this weenier Colorado, and when he returns he will not come alone, but will bring his life partner with him. OBITUARY. --There passed away from this life on the 31st of January, one of our oldest residents, in the person of Mrs McManus, at the ripe age of 76 years. She leaves 3 sons, 3 daughters and 36 grandchildren ' to mourn Weir loss. The sone are Wine James and Hamilton, all residing in this neighbor Ihood; the daughters are Mrs j. Wal- ters, Carlow; Mes Morrie, Dakota, and Mary, who resided at home with her mother. The funeral took place from her late residence on Saturday, Feb. 2, the remains were borne to their last resting place by six grandchildren, Rev Mr Wilson, of Nile, offleiating at the house and grave. •. Tuekersmith. • FINE A.ttratAL.-Alex,Monteith, Lan- don road, has a Rae thorobred two- year-old Heretord bull on his place, be- sides many other cattle of the same breed. Fanners should consult their own interest and improve their stock by only breeding to the very beet. The Herder& make the best beefcattle on. the market and are very lgood mulch cows as well. °Hunan. - Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Varna, occupied the pulpit at Turner's church on Sunday. Owing to the storm on Sunday night there was no:League. The anniversary services will be held on Feb, 17; in the morning Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Clinton, will. preach and Rev. Mr Howson,of Rattentiureeitivek in the evening and on Monday night De. Gifford will deliver a lecture on "The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky"' • good music will be provided and all who come wilLenjo.yea treat. A small admission fee will be charged and the proceeds will be in aid of 'Young Peo- ple's Ferward Movement. ° NOTES.—Sleighing has come at last and thoseen this neighbothood who have hau lodn...ariLtaking advan- tage oi it. , Cinch is again confined to the house. Miss Cora Rewcliffe is spenang a few dnys at her home near Winchelsea. Miss G. Lloyd spent Sunday at Mrs L tyton's, A number from here attended the tea meeting at Bruc efield 'Monday night. A load of -younfe peaple from Goderich township spent a pleasant evening at, the home of I. Holmes last week. Mrs W. 0, Landsbor ough enter tained a number of friends on Tueedayevening. A num- ber of young people met at the home of b. Johns lase Friday evening and eeent a most enjoyable evening. Miss C. Johns returned home last Saturday after a visit to friends near Sarnia and Brigeett. Mr and Mrs L. Strong, of Sarnia, are visiting here. Mr Flanni- gan, of Paris, who lately returned from Africa is visiting at the home of his cement, Jas. Gemneel. East Wawanosh NOTES.—Walter Knight is sick with flammatory rheumatism, but we are glad to say is improving. Mrs John WIghtman, who has been very sick, is improving nicely, Mrs Dayld,Get. lei, Belgrave, passed peacefully away r est Week, and was buried Friday afternoon in Belgrave cemetery, Rev Mr Hall, Presbyterian minister of Belgrave, has received and accepted a call to Arthur; before leaving the ladies of the church presented Mier Hall with an °my Chair and sofa °Whim. A number of mem- bers of the Methodist church met last Thursday night and presented Miss Oltera Cloultes with a sum of money, showing their appreciation of bey ser- vices as organist for the past year and a half . Stanley. NOTEst.-Me G. Graham and his sis- ter Ella are visiting relatives and ar quaintances in and around Coning. wood. Robt, and Peter Baird are vis- iting in Grey this week. Colin Frasier, of Winnipeg paid a visit to his mother and brother east Week. Miss 0, Mc- Claren left tO cleftrelatives in Toren - Onto and Hamilton. A telegram from Moose Saw on Monday conveyed the eird news of the death.of Salient McCart- ney a former resident of this nitre; her eon and daughter Who were visiting here Were suittmotied home to attend the funeral on Friday, 81h inst. 4 10100 Nora. -Mita .IennieTethatt; of Goderich, spent pare of last week visit. ing her friend, Nisi Orace LInfield. . Sty Helens Novas. --Mrs Alex. Mullin is slowly improving after her recent severe ill- ness. Geo. Clark, of Lochalsh, spent Sunday under the parental roof. 13. Wileon and bride, of Eden Mills, are ?pending their honeymoon With friends in this locality. Mr Davidson has re- turned from Manitoba,ewhere he bad been for some months paft. Mr and Miss Reed, of Aehlield, paid a flying visit to friends in Si, Helens on Sab- bath last. We congrarulateelies A.M. °lark on her success in passing with honors the Normal School examination at London. Principal Cameron and wife, of Brussels, visited at W. E. Ger- don's this week. David Cumming, V. Setif Port Huron, visited hie sister,Mrs Webb, who has been very ill, but is slowly improving again. Mies M. A, Durum, of Ripley, spent a few days this week with her motheneirs C.Dur- nin. We are pleased to see. Mitila Mc- Donald able to be ont again after her recent illness. The Messrs and Misses Moore have been visiting,: their rela- tives, the Messrs Miller; of the 12th con., this past week. D. McGowan. of Blyth, was the guest of W. ()Men on Sabbath lase. Miss Mary Johnson, ot Brucefield, is at present evisiting her sister, Mrs R. Woods, who had been on the sick list, but is recovering. Rey Mr McNarnata; of Ripley, gave an ex- cellent discourse on Sabbath morning in Calvin church; he also gave a splen, did expositma an the lesson in the Y. P B. claw; in the evening. Rey. S. M. Whaley preached Belgrave and Cal- vin church pulpits vacant on Sabbath last, and has been appointed moderat- or pro tem of the united charges since the removal of Rey.Mr Hall toArthur. • DEATHS, -Death again entered the' home of Mrs McGuire on Saturday evening last, when her youngest son, Alfred, died of consumption, after a lingering illness. He wasa young man, only 26 years old, and ibis only two yearei since theyoungest.deughter was removeciefrom the family cirele. The funeral took place to Bethel cemetery on Monday afternoon, when the. ser- vices were conducted by Rev. Bp Whaley. Among the friends from a distance who were present were Mrs Murray. of Langside, Mr A. True, of Lucknow; Mrs McGuire and family have the deepest sympathy of many friends and acquaintances in their be- reavement T.Todd was called to Fort Wayne, Mich., last week, owing to the death cf Mrs (Dr.) .Ruthertord; whose body was brought over and interred in Dungannon cemetery on Saturday last. Dr. Rutherford; who is very low with heart trouble, was unable to , accom- pany the remainto their last testing •plece. The circumstances in connec- tion withlers Rutherfoid's death are very sad. • Although in .poor health she was able to attend her house. hold duties, and on Monday, Ian, 25th, in preparing for dinner, she had one • out to the woodshed to procure some light wood for the fire, her husbend ehortly after wards missed her, and not finding her in the house, went over to. a friend's near by but not findin h r g e there he returned and on 'going into the wood -shed found his wife dead, m a rutting posture with her head leaning against the werod-pile.•••Attrinftlether.' ford Was formerly a eitizen of St Helens, his many friends here extend much sympathy to him in hie sudeen and sad bereavement. hodsrich Township Ranonee-The following gives the fleetly° standing °Ube pupils of S. S. No. 2 for the month of January, baserl on punctuality, good deportment and Lax gerieral proficiency: - jr. 1 -David * - Preirse, Frankie, Chambers. Garfield /* eleCullagh; Sr. 1 -Wesley Monk; Part II -Joey Ruth Thompson, Nina Walters; Jr„. •II-Tareoas Chambers, Wh innie Johnstori, .14 oia YM11; Sr. II -Richard Lee.,,ire Melee° Johnston, Irene Hick; Ji'. A hur Willson, (*erne Sturdy, Mabel McMille,n; Sr. III -Harry, Chambers, Mabel Prouse, Alice Hick; Sr. 1V -Pearl 'Willson, Howard. Sturdy, Mimi ie 11 -II; Jr:Leav- ing, Pt. I-eMattie Johnstori, Linda, Sturdy. A.verage, 88; total, 46 -Falco. LAWRENcE, Teacher. DEATH oE Mae OLTNE.—There (lied in Goderich township, on Wednesday, Jenuarer'23rd, Mary Hereon, relict of the late John Clyne, of Downitecounty of Perth. The deceased had been liv- ing for some years in Goderich town. ship with tier daughter, Mrs Those j Lecey, of the first con. Formerly she had been for a long period a resident of Downie,where she was born 76 yearsri3 ago, her birth being one of the fie to occur in the county. of Perth. • Het - husband died over forty years aro. ]3e - sides Mrs Lacey there are seyeral sur- viving daugleters and rionst-, James, night manaor electric light and gas works, Chicago; Mrs John Scott, St. Marys; Mrs Dan RyaneWashington,D. O.; Mrs •Edwerd. McAleer, . Stratford Bromr Quinine\- •Cures La' Grippe • and Colds - POR STILE BY R . P Reekie's Presoriptien Drug cSLtoiisnai Store stemma to eyeney Jackson. N. n. -Try Dock's Balsam, of Wild Cherry itark for Coughs and Colds. 05c per botDc. from us (MIT.' ******),I-s-v-v-v-v-v-4-vAtitsvat Mrs Clyne was a member of the fto- • 'man Catholic church, awl her remains were interred in the Oatnolie cemetery in Ellice. • : li. Jervis, who bas been suffering severely with congestion had opv ty got over that when he took the grip; as, he is recovering he.is in hopes that no other •ailment may overtake him, for a time at any rate. H. Oakes. is having a large quantity of hay press- ed, and is. busily engaged in delivering •he same at Clinton, and has between J 30 end 40 tons;he hada bee on Thu rsday last and was very materially helped thereby. W. J. Nesbitt has been con- ne to t e ouse gripg the last few days with grip: S.TiosVery had a mare very sick lase week withenfiammation of the lungs; but she is now considered out of danger. The wife • of Mr Jos. Colclough, of the base line;who recent- ly underwent an operation in London for appendicitis,. ie now able to be around_ the house, and ts on a fair way of recovery. Miss M. Yeo, of Wash- ingten territory, is visiting here. J. Stewart, Bayfield line, narrowly escap- ed drowning in the 'Deerfield rivet, while cutting iceias he was slipping Un- der the ice he grabbed a stick and man- aged to pull himself to the surface. R. Grigg recently purchased horse from S. Cooper. Wm.Cantelon, don. 9; in- tends leaving for Michigan in a •few days. Very successful memorial ser- vices were held in Rev. Mr Smith's parish on Sundaymettrly seventy in bet's partook•of the sacrament of holy coramunien during the day. • Londesboro. 'ANNUAL. MEETING. --: The annual meeting of therfluilett Branch of the Bible Society was held in the Metho- dist church on Wednesday evening, the 6th inst. The collections and sales are materially reduced to those of former years. The collections for the past year were $29.57 and the sales $5.70. Cielliton-The pastor Of Knox church wishes to thank all those who so kibd- ly helped to provide him with a large quantity of oats; he appreciates not only this but the many other acts that show a generous spirit and that. help and cheer hin3 greatly in trying to do the Master s week. At the business meeting of the Methodist church, held last Monday, Rev, T. B. Coupland Was unanimously invited to remain as pas - for the third. year; Mr Coupland ate cepted the invitation. NOTES— Last Friday evening two sleigh loads of young people drove up to Dungannon to visit Mr and Mrs Mountain; they report a good time. On Sunday Rev. Mr Hamilton preach- ed an excellent sermon -a memorial service for our late beloved Queen: the pulpit was suitably draped with black. J. Weymouth and T. Robertson are home from Walkerton. J Peclay and D. Floody.from Dungannon,spent Sat- urday and Sunday at home. Wm, Lee bought a car load of peens (free from bugs) up near Owen Soundelnd is now stilling them for seed. • Westfield. NOTES. -Will Teeter and Melbourne McDowell, of Goder ich•Collegtate, epee' t Sunday at their respective homes, Mr Frank Oam bell gave a party to a few of his friends on Wednesday evening last, in honor of his cousin, Wilmer Mc- Burney, of Manitoba, Franklin Carr has purchased from his uncle, 0, Hoare, Clinton, a "Berliner" gramaphone, which makes a good entertainer for the winter evenings. Johnelliack, Wing - ham, spent a few days with his parents here. Benj. Wilson, Guelph, end bride are spending their honeymoon with friends in this neighborhood Mrs flutp_phry and sister, Mrs Cranstone, St. H. elens, spent. Sunday at the home of T. H. Taylor, con. 6, Mr and Mrs D. Dunbar attended the funeral of Mrs Love near Blyth last Saturday. While driving on con 6th on Friday It, T. H. Taylor's horse became unmanage- able breaking loose from the cutter, bub fortunately was caughb before much eerlous damagedone.Miss Phoebe Densmore Beene a couple of, days last week with friends in Wing. ham. A grand concert, will be given In the church here on Tuesday evening . next, Feb. 12, under the management I of Prof, Campbell, Goderich, whe has been practicing the chole heretor some dem .Tames Belly ste, father of Mrs D..ktatneiter, of the post office, is very low with pneetnenia. Mee N. Clem- ents returned • to her home in Guelph last Thursday. MiseMabeI.Wightman is spending a couple ' of weeks at the hoeirgertov. ot COUalky Job)! Wightitian, B • Seven dwelling were &Oro* and Sr paioni rendemid bamboo' by e Aro at etc Anse de Bellevas,QUO. ' - _ Holmessille I... ORITR011.4:6iAlnemorial sarVrCr Vras held in St, Johns church on Sunday • afternoon last Rev Mr Smith conduct - 1 ing the service. Rev. Mr Greene, who was quite ill last week was Ole to take the services on Sunday ; at the moth- ing'service the Sacrament was admin. ist•ered and in the evening a memorial service was held. The topic, taken at the League on Monday evening was pledge helps the Christian". be Alexia Yecet • • .. . NOTES.— Messrs, McCartney Bros. and J. Cantelon left on Tuesday , to press hay, in Tuckeremith for Mr Cud - more, of Kippen. Miss Broadfoot, of Seaforth, was the guest of Mr and Mrs A. Tebbutt last week. • F. E. lelford made a shipment of butter to London this week. , S. R. Holmes, W. Stanley and several others are on the sick list. TLe liolmesville branch of the W, A. M. A intend holdingea social on Tues- day evening next: J. Jervis has a ewe that gave-buth-tretrepair of lambsthat tippedthe beam at twenty -4 iv() 1 a lade he intends to feed them up ow A.:fester. Mr and Mrs A. W. Andrews, of &Woe ,Tinction, and Rev. J. W. Anirews, of Varna spent Saturday at their sister's, 4Mrs 3.'Jervie. The annual meeting of the Holmerrivil le cheese and butter rtom- par*, met on Saturday, there was a good attendance ef shareholders and lousiness was reported; in a prosperous 'eteeroe.-The following is the re- port of the pupils of Scheel Section No. 3, based on punctuality, good deportment and general proficiency: - V -Saida Cantelon : Sr. IV- Mabel Pickard, Henry Badoun Blanche Teb- butt, Roy Pickard, Teresa. Crooks,. Edith Mulholland. Edward Munningr Edward Williams, Fred Potter, Birch; Willsde ; Jr. IV...-. Mabel Munnings, Gordon Ames% Howard Williams, Olive Sturdy, Robbie Stirling, Myrtle Laeisei Sr. IIk-Evalena McCartney, Wdfred Colclough, Stanley Amess, Permille Halstead, Dasie Williams, Herbert, Halstead, May Proctor; Jr. III -Oscar Tebbutt, George Colcleugh, Aloert Pickard, Edgy Willson'Rem Dempsey, Florence Levis, Arthur Sturdy; Sr. II -Frances Potter, Lull* Mulholland, Edith Levis: Howard Tye- vvartha, Ida Buller, Minnie Sturdy, Clarice Badour ; Jr. n—May McCart- ney, Muriel. Willson, Wilbert Hal. stead, Pearl Huller, Horace Towill, Leila Ford, Etta Colciough ; Pe. /I - Clarence ?otter, Sohn Sturdy, Graeme Towill, Myrtle Ttewartha ; Pt, I -- Clifford Motiartnee, ' Charlie Lavis, Clarence Warner. Ne W. The- Weinene., Teacher, .kos:,:trodyipaligidAZA:4. . Constance. t TES. Quarterly services were he in the Methodist church on Sun. day teething; the business meeting was held Monday afternoon, An inter ation was given to Rev. Mr Copeland torment the third year. Miss Nancy McMichael will take the triple at the League next Sandiest evening. Aiwa was a good attendattee'at the FARROW ,elub meeting in the etheolheuse. on Wednesday evening; it was very inter Wing. - News hew been received trent A.bystinie ot a great beetle, in whir% 7,000 men were killed. It is supposed the Miele rebelled during ihe dhaenee of Kleg Metiolik. The Vire Underwriters' AtraddietiOrt pleating at Banton's lett avoided *0 In /metee rola in °Mule, gnebie rntd UPhe &kilt A , Town Council. THE OFFICIALS APPOINTED. • One of the principal meetings of the statute. tharjetoutatieW:Ilie s dation re fire supplies „ from S. J. Au - chief, collector, etc ,.• Jas. Howe, night-/ A representative from the Good Roads Machinery Co. addressed the ing of a stone ct usher. and 011 motion watchman; Rich. Reynolds, cemetery J. Wiseman, auditor, ..$12 50; P. (Aire' -Davis & Rowland, sundries,16.39;Thos. East, tile, 051 95. W. Cooper & Co., en - ley, fees etc.,048.60; R. Reynolds, woe k, one month, 018; J. Miller, 3 ruonths present. Mayor presiding aad all members, . An- drews re cement pipes, and a petition velopes, $1,05; J:Dunferd, teaming, 20e; manta, 0579.86, Receipts- J. Wheae- year was held on Monday evening the this question was left over for further ed the recommendation of the follow! Light, one month, $60.20; total nay - tract with Mr Crealy and report, . Rey- nolds as•cemetere superintendent at a. Jacob. Miller, engineer fire depart - were authorized ,n (.0 it plete the con - the Canadian Fire Underwriters' AVM.. from D. B. Kennedy and 50 others' asking for the seppointinent of R. Rey- • W. Miller, EL Glazier, .te Welsh, W. teion, auditor, $12.50; R. Reynolds, , consideration. . . Meyer Jackson, as chairman, report, - ford, teaming, 84.19; 15 firemen, ' 6 morithe,$112.a1; W.Coateomn• ries, 97c; etc., $113.50; totale$85,10. Communications were received from salary of 0300 a year, • 012.60; A. Seeley, 3 menthe, $6.25; J.. 02 5th C. flelyar, repairs, 01.50; J. Dan. • T, Miller, sundries, 01.75; Eleetric By-laws appointing the -officials of council regarding the purchase or rent- .. depart- ment; Albert Seeley, assistant; John health officer; W. 3. Paisley, engineer; C. Carter, W. Wheatley, W . Idefitien, Beacom, Robe. Smith, Jas. Finch arid ' follow - Ing as ollicerd for the year; -W. Coate> J. Kennedy, firemen. Report was adepterit-J, Wheatley, 3 menthe' sal- ary, $102.50; W. Coats, 3 menthe' sal - West, 3 menthe, $5; W: Ellen 6 superintendent; Thos. Cottle, assesscr; Robe. Mennell, poutalkeeper; Chas. sal- ary, $81,50; E. Herman salary, $62.50; clerk and treasurer; Jos. Wheatley, West, stroker; Dr. Shaw, medical flelya,r, B Kerr, N. Ball, A. Madge,— months, $7.50; J. Miller, Riling tanks, adopted. , . • Tlee•Finenee minItnittrial, repoat was The mayor ai.u. -i-ince committee were passed according to Blyth. i Sadie Emigh, Goder- ich, is visiting at the home of Editor 13redwin. Sem. Schwantz, formerly a B yth boy, but now • of the west, is re- newing old • acquaintances here. Miss Lizzie Moore, Brussels. is the guest of Miss Annie NtcQuarrie. • N. II, Young and Mrs I. Young attended the funeral of the late Thos. Gibson on Sunday. Mr and Mrs John Nilsen • returned home on Monday from Milton, ' Miss Saunders, Exeter, formerly head mils liner in the Mammoth House here, is a guest of the Misses Jamieson, Mum S. Bentley visited friends in Goderich re. cently. Mr and Mrs McBeath visited his brother in Paisley recently. E. j. McRobert, general insurance agent, of Leaden, was in town on business lase- --- - week,(Joan, McNally has a severe at- tack of 'grip, Division Court was heti on Monday; several cases were disposed of and several ethers postponed. Rev WiteePenhall held a memorial service in the Methodist church o_r_itiaturday. •••00........r **440,4304444144444444tV444441 1 The .New .-Wafelt 14444$444444.44444+14. One hundred yreeis ago wittehell were thick bulky &Haire; to -day, the ' up-to-date watohes are models in itp* ptarance and time keeping qualitite. The acg*of a witteh is no lento the merlons beerier it IMO Vfaa. We hey° them for ladies, gentlemen er boys, in gold, gold-filled, ililVer aid nickel oases at prioes that will salt any pooket. We will be pleased Sol show you our good*, 11000041.04100100000'' A. J. arigg Jeweller and °sham. Suommer to Joe. Biddleteithe CLINTON alontomehoo(**********stitet