HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-01, Page 7.
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y 11 1901 I
1!!M!!►R�►lil1�N/h���*41�N►�lt�+/*Nf�►�i11►fNR1►#t♦i`!♦wQ:.. ^,. , —., "-._.;�
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+***++++ *#*+ "#*+ ♦#♦«*♦,#"#0",
Ify�U i,lt IrltrStiVilit�.
. ►.L - a JAN9 2 ToFEB. 7 I
�` r;
1 Tfuolo 1v1>t,dbuil for sale !A fi r' '
A th
of red 1Jltrhaln bull, roan $ears eld
g ;..
_ Ino
. , a 1.. _ kptielai �itilt Jy ai (i$OIt(iZ. hill% hkYa'fON, ,$, . Im
ble�� C1 .
—.TMS i Qtt• 1'. O•lClodcrlcit kawnRllig,
a sr"oggln+sstt� lit 0114 .11, o YirodnoRday. aJ$ 13 4
_V' .
f carvers the eitina of + of L odor- vii!} coo
€ o u favor by leavrn it at LAVI ' s4OPAor (I1tQr
I . . I . V Ir � sotutatttq toJ, li. i,o Yli aX, Qotlerloh tow ✓ field +
. a hip. u agents f
are lata f>r the Stanfield Unshlnk-
Sts r d f9It1Sf E, W 1lderweair.l The goods are made of t
able U
Saturday last w4 were unable,.to watt upon alae hflrF of People wlzo crtawded irz#o oiti' Store rp autoaQro„taconservat4ryafltinaie, I' wool, h le x>bbed h
and Warm The h are nest
?`+ ”` p o flll.d K 4 neherin piunn, vn}co oulttire and theory;, A&
Y,rapar0ep uP-Is fur all exatltinatlo,,s, Tsa+ l,eq through a patQAt pi C}Gess whiclx k y put
are very sorry, that so w any should have every Ftidayaveniva and saatnrdays, TOW-hasStudio
a es them unslarink-
gone ttil'ay wathoatt beixlg waited upon. We remllld you, flow- atAiituJ0,lowNsND,UntariaaLreet, a18tf able, +�'asl� thailn as au like n '
y, , a -d if they shriult fetch
4 v.er, that our sale is on' iintil February 7tli anti that we aI•e as yet not sold out of axly of :the Imes we adY rt;sect Tenders ` ' them back and we will refit n
for .school � your money e�exy
__ # garment. , gixaralxxeed,
`' W1L11 file el,cept ell c f 1Vle are f QG�'-;i.. UpderWG�f31' ani �C a 3uYt• ,, .e axe ,out of these. It it is, p9esible for the, - Sealedtenderator the. oracttoz] 4f n brio
�ndaGtpdeusaforiTulon SootioANo,10, Hallett • range of llfen's HeavyFise
{4's always carry n fait oe (lined; Scatah Knit
pablid to cou?e an an .O1;I3(jr +Cay but Sat'Irctay please do �d far Satul'da s tlliriq thisi3ale }e Zz' & richtowuship,willbereaeivedupto
d tt b a s
y a s I e to . be rrotvd� gip. rxx., on the avenin " of Tfrlday. lob. 1s. °a ear. ib , tva . #> g t re d grroe8 to
liyne andspeaiticationo maybe soon at the
e Underw ar which are u erin a duos
ed. and • . house of suliscrit,er, after the Atli fait. she ,
you hay: clot the •satisfaction of being quietly waited u out}, IN4n a rine Heav
1.. q p' 1 leWeatoxanyyCandor notn4cossar,I aces t"
a @ a alXl., LlOte I loeS saille as In liter vl 8ek S ad, Ii. ki, $ .
iiIa,,'act P0ary, l.ondesboro. 506 far dJo, y i']eeced Shirts and Drawers, in ttiil eras, rgaular price
fi $. . ...;
��, p per so you may see we do .not advance goods:in price because we are having the rush. y � A men's Ft Shirts and DraW4rs, good Value a
' I, Xe tors s f Faris loll $oy40o Fleece T� Wool
d Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes, at 2(ia, tit o,�31io and
Cu alt o
-�Mlnen�e gedlidIC7n� in �70odo ika : re- .dread : oduced. = Hallett, au4 Drawers a $i and $l.zi; per garment..
(� M Standfield's Shirts
rl� _ The balanas of our Cl and Fur Jacketsli, , Caperines, Ruffs, GFuantlets
` . . • h d raigaed offerers (Or sale that first- + en a F Ilbut regard . to cost to clear`,
�� ur
l ' . ... ' Wass
E Halle tm,being lot No, 1I, oaA. 11, tolvnship and oats t! Fur
d t
! , - t AstrachannlFur Jackets, SG inches long, worth $25 for
,aontaininR100agras &5olearad.ree
. .
liagm etunr s and,under cultivation, Ask tq see ou Aetx
w wood Lush, There to on the farm also d •
frame hoose llnnk b
Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannelettes Blankets A1114 Gilts. arn,with stabling under• �y
1.—French Flannels, new shades, Q BOOts end SrlOe- Heath, driving Shod good bear ng grollar . �a6i
Yarns, .. .1.--11,4 cotton Lilenkets.... Y,—Wa.tlwve $7 pairs long Hewn on
3 walls,.fenges rn goon ro] acr. orrns of sale 009 Slyth y
Worth 500 for per yard' .... Boots wortth fr•gnl 2.fi0 to 0 application t� any of thebi
US,416,, +,�r _. 20_311111. ct . e -lain grey and white.. ,_ t, .� :._:: $3,5Q.,.uti $ . . ; . ndersigned. Bossesalonat any' hate attar :.
: r • �R a Flalln..l� P. ._ fo d. w,» i (i t of ,Agri
2 Wxmth $1.15 r. ■ -5 g y X4tI, >. - - - lnext. _ ,
stripes and fancy checks. your ehotcefor 2 Oo1Zlf•"1tIE11;-rariaolt ..
• .--BIack and Blue Berges ....
Worth I5c d I O } j,It;A MaVlmtIh, Londosboro, Executors
1.very heavy. y ;for per d.:.,... ■ .
p �' 2: -11.4 (7otton '.Bltinlcets JAht>�Sv�'Q'tvl,Hnrloak, - � ]Feblr--tf
x 2,-1YJen's. Felt Boots, all oil
_. ,,{(��
Worth 75o far•t,er yct..,.: ,. ■3 re and white sin le 1
s 6 ; 2-3o in. Flaunelette,alt Colors g ( ) grain leather,felt pulls out •
'Z'�7i7 p' J"'
/� pp
! "' 3,-- Worth 5G yd • for per yd . . �'t Worth 100 for .. . ... . .. . ... ...3 T2 Regulltr prtee $275; for. ; ,... 2■ 2
Homespun. Dress Goods ,
25 - .�
t ,. �
5: Apel +eatio>! s for ailtcc To 1ea�" ` � 'rl*ze .
Worth 75c yd for peryd,... 8. —1JnLon Blanxets, grey or ., 3,—S�Taznen's Felt. Sho s ' -
— ars' in. Fiennelette,all:eaIars a in Applications addressed to Thomas Jackson,. ~^
Worth 7o yd, for per yd......, .�5 white, p (�/� lace, foxed :with soft Osq,, ;Mayor, and: marked "Apl,lleations for.
!�. —Blk figure L Dress Goods ' • :Worth $2,75 far. , .:.:. , •.. 2. Q U. thea wtil be received a to 10 o elook a.:m.,on . A , , ,
v li rt1 htlr. Ericiuy p m. 1ht, Feb. 1801. for the folloWin f�1 �% . S
t Worth $1,80 yd. fol per yd, l . 1.8 • .. , . tock- _�
i/,l� i�ttt'S la►t �r
! 4,•--36 in. English FIanrtelette , t el] worth $1.56 far .° , .... , Q Q positions in Clio Town of Clinton: g "
1 --AIL wool Blankets . re
1;'', 5.—Blk`fignred Dress Goods plain aud fancy colors. , y - • Olerl{ be Trcasarer:. Sa1ar :ie5o . ,
Worth 80c Worth 12c yd. fox, per d... , • ■ aud white; fancy Borders - 4 Clark or.,. ,. . • ,00 ta�; �, we are making a genuine reduotinn'ilt •
+' yd. for per yd, , • . �+ q P q 5 And : many other linea that '• •• • • •: „ 1.00 b aur hes ,
.. ,, Worth 6vc for'�laa.......... . you Wust see to a ♦ etnetarygussriuirndant ;..... 27u.00 heavy, all.wool., dquble•hroaated; atarun
t �3x ppcecrLLteI ♦ 0111ofconstuule, Woglimaster, . Underwear 42x44''n collar, Rha[ lined
ha 6. -Blk figured Dtess Goads 5.L30.in: )Jnglisiz F]ataelettec collector, eto ., . : „ snit a,litfnr t.2 slash • o , Frieze Iilstare, with
■45 in pl In .and• fancy. colors. ! � ; ' 1`iightwatchinan i+nd Assistant. eavy ribbed 60c`1 armenti s � p clefs. • it will pay you to Bee them:
t , __ Worth 7Uc yd. for per yd.. , W . I O �4)iiaei�' Vas 'l. • Mens ft4e' rwear, to weigiim„ate+r.............. ., 250.00
10 ou � �fic �
ort + 1$c yd. for psi yd..;_ . S stlgo, 1, �Vten's heav $ePce IiYi d Fire Euginapi...............:. ,t °n 40. Hoye all wool Shirts and drawers � A line. of Ail -wool SUITS with •
y . e r, .0o for �iiC +
' 7.—Blk figured DresstwGDods. Shirts rte and r: v
I Asaistant,L�ngin�er ,........,.. ' breasted coat; wortb 010,�+
Worth 25c yd. for per . 18, (i: --Grey Flannet(unionj 1.--1Vomens.'. Vests, cod: rt ePs' nKnx e - 'Stoker:,.,., ., ru.r,n• Horsehide rn]tta wale $1(60 for•:., double p pA
, C�,nl. . priCef]tla, tai,.,,.,:. ■VY +:, Poundkee er.,., ,.. ci r ..... Q.VM
.. 8 Worth 180 yd: Cox per,yd,,....'I 2, value �t 200, no.w two 'for ,25
to.0t) $1 for . .. ; ep
P .�ea9 Dined g]ovee.gab for ; ... , ; , , , , , , I. • f, pG Henvy-all-wool •ri `
' —25 Dress Lengths of Jif• . Full partleulars auto tho,duties 6 7i eze pea Jackets
2',,'M'en's all wool Slt• officers may e f the Tweed htrts'$i 50 for: for c
ferent kinds of goods were .7;,_Grey Fiannei all wool
.. 2.-�Wome1l's Vests and Dr Lrts Yb. obtained h ,l,cation io rho '..... I ft' o0 -
p pl ' • .. q
worth' $2.50 For dress and Worth 30c yd. for er d , .:..22 value aCaOc sash goad • ewers. Clerk.
t Y Scotch Tweed Suits that , were
Cox must. be cleared out at the .' P Y new , ... ' rt35 > egular 600; fpr.... ,` , ,,.: ;'. ,3 . Bylprderof eimtuitte8 an 0#Hces. etc, X189 anon ln, fu'r papa,
118 and $1�J, to order -for. ; ; ,
one price for the dren$....,, I .00. $..-3 'ply 'all wool Canadian' '•
w1Q .{1
} Yl�rna• rtnSr colgY Uvercoats.. �4len':5 So , �1 J. hfOXfittSfl
4. s ,)_Single fold Skirt Linings Virortli floc far ....: . ..:. . . . . . ; ■3 5 1,-14Ien s: ireay all o __
].—Bo ' y w of
/(�� Savant ., :, A. J:.i1OLLOWAY
,. Worth 7e yd. for per yd`...'. -i.05 ys' Ovencoats (Frieze - .
from $1"50 t rt, ) Sox, .good value . • 1 , ' Wanted,.a servant girl Apply t,) v
IY ♦ > ' .. "3.O IJ at 2,0c, f'ot:.. - ■ L2n Jan, M—tf ,.bIlts.J
Far Cas 1Vlen s. Ta Shir s , > AIR, ssz. , rr �,, rr11
P Gaairttlets P t . a. _ _�_� 1� 1� A T
5 *' -•-Mens Frieze Overeoa—` 2'_ _ . �A� 1 � R� T /�
l ts$* -Meas heavy Soar host a� W', C7,
i mitts. 1.-14Ien s Tap Shirts, large Storni collar•, 7 lb.. in Orinndtt
//�� f l�OT1l+: ,
Y..: 1,—Men's Water {.00t1 Fur weight. heavy W..orth'$G,00,for:.:.:. ... .. '#r5o for c n
t Cas nod as g p 25 ,now . , .. . �. ■7 . Sib, &d
"Caps, h beaver Re ular.50c' goods f . . . " notify the publid that'r wlil not I re
$ g $ or ......3p 3.=14ien's Bever.0 t ba •-
Worth 4:00 for ...... , ..... 2,..5:0. vercoats. . ♦ resp dsihte f ie any drna contracted by n11 .
-pies � 1-1
,. heav b I�$,aad pasty or part.los iniral• Hama withnnt lnywrit•
2.—Men's Cxauntletsin black .' 2.- Men sfleere-li6ed Tnp 5tiirt � 5T Hing — y .l[Uade : C10t�Zii1$° ten,ordrt, J, Vii, JO,v.E'17,lllayliela. 'anis
�++ Vborth 5 Oo 1, 1V1eus(bestpntitsxuCan n
Galg25foe. Worth90c"for.:.... '..,,..,..UO $7,00 for...,.. , . u
Regular�$ r......,..,. .75 - ' .. .. .. ad .. I:Uo , , a .
m ar
tl,.}.Reg lar x,1.50 for , , '
3.—Men's, Knitted 1Fiit`ts,'. ' 3. -,Men's all woof °i 4. - tiSen's Beayer Overcoats ` :.[ 411 {�dtb 4R1,lt"Y. foil• �SilclC' '''Dajirv%pre
4 till. ori 2. --Men's n11 wool' Pilnts
Leather faced Jiickets., g Rll «cal,. ottr best, ivake ,
Wor�h 50c for. I
..., _
(p� ♦ Can@dean Pride Oats, oneoPthe i est in, tlin
... y` Regular finisheduli to -dolts' ' Q , . 4%n2 .
Worth $o 50 for. �,o. « market;froofriimrtlsti,r.amut and y
egul;tr $12.00 for ,�}
y'S0. 3 tltAlso ntarly otkter Lines cut for tliarra, Price 5uG a bushel pro n �. ^
! ♦ Y :.. 13 Saie to Butts told punts. r f3aardleae anal laulleas barley,' r'xeelient for
food, sald to be witutt to peas,. weighs no lbs t
. , � , - �_ _� 0, parat . _
: . s .-o IIhat ,we ,uarartee
♦ bushel, e; very Alit)#Cft fi'11iti:: P.iee
These are onI a few
:a ♦ , .: , --;,.. . � buariel. k per as follow$.— by file proper use of a df t a Cream
` r y artltles we have spice fol. there ere" .
I?ulldreds of dead TYi1J?Coa. 13110:, y at the resent t separator is
snit $. ' ; . n, 2, fi'ullatp; If ou i) tine use one f P.
seen when they tame all sold We, cl • p yon v1r1ll tl�lakl _,_ _
Ian °5-1n1 .. Ga ----
" . j o not.thlfie with bnsl ass - .
you had ♦ T_.�
favorabieconditlons,our f tl' b 4t•,ranryertatnpre unior. the` moat'
excess. of tell. pet' Cent, l ata on yield at batter, by the use'of•ths Separntor Will be in
Z going to have 'Winter nods in. oar rtorq. When Bpilllg and Surzamer comes, eve' are o ^If . . .
- g @ �lr011lCl ratl}el' sail' tl?em &t a 11Uir .'' .. ♦ ° even the beat dreamer. axx r•unfavorable oo i
$' all loss now than. kee ��� �I R^arae or ice; your gain will he in ,excess hd t#an ,that ie'; lack .of vexy col<3
♦ hence this sale. a do not Pit ^ I'iCeS Lip p nc�in over ' . ♦* 1f yRn use nu irrf4rl” a aaoEtlu.yenty per Cent. •
F p p C. Sade, thele quote, reduced.�prices .when elle to ♦ tiff or ucea er or:.pam,.yaur gain,will ran "
i reapy.the same prices as'bel'bre with nacho s f�olne old o d ct is' that good 1•e ♦ y per. cent. • fxotn t*enty�flve to'
p d Ilrle r•edt?ted, It's ntit w. . ♦
_ .:_ _ The saw milli br butWr will b
we do• that counts, but when. we 'always do' e�tat;tT s� , hit we say so much as what •
s,l"t hte o a un
. s we,say wall cTo, -:ot1II learn # Tliosewhop Vealreawar tockf d.
4 increased from to � �'
• e en's p
m and fresh,3vW be much inari3 valuabte'for s e
to u1lt.fulI canficlence 11 ' pnr
WOI'(Is,� When we say 'anything in an.advertisement we 'tYiean' `t maoliine on tile farm, already botigl t ourSQparators Say they are by far the b4at'p s rp' 11
I . : 1 ♦ : Having disposed of : wy" Pbotograpb Figure ltputf4r yourself... If o
. '
. businesa • to •Mr•. '1Vclrmirn . 1:3,, .be at']euet six pounds r Butte Y u are trrilking six cows your 0nitt frit a. weak wilt
x, which is now worth lila ELpound,.
t!t t'r.i of tSrantford; I wish, to thank clollar.and lifteen.n,nts, and in additi one week, a„'.:
♦"♦*►♦N♦♦N♦N*♦*♦*♦e **++** **** + the ge#n-in
4n'tp this a•Jnnt
N♦♦ N♦�RN� 4 people of Cliufon And SurroutrdonK stock, tlle•savin�, of ice; tfine"and labor'. Fhe increase in Yslueof .your young:.
O!♦+►�l�f�N+fo#N*�N♦�!N�♦*l�1�wiN♦� �,: cauntrr for thdir loudness and: gntrorr, if i.uu are in 1.
. 1.
.,, ' • %
�6♦♦♦1��r♦♦ #### � ago during tho:lost. year. • � get ihr; vary b the dairy btleinoas till tint g9t alt:(tte peicfit.va,. ens .
. B�xttx: ani s fake ..:
111r...ilenry colnes well .prepared aatl tCrittg•etrt,re4ulta by s Sharpies C;ri,acn r out of it. T,
� .. .
r. ~ gg .. to t %r filLfttdCjEi ~t
ash any ]conn of np• ander for photo' iAftitie
n aS hli .. separator,
` ,1 N., : g6phs. Or enlarged p ,
. fns, be in a lira �'"
rt ac;hnol.' Ho .la - y'� i g
� .
dttate Lif the Flamiltun A ''
+ wE►�:4 s
b•to . allo bad a la,rge experwilce in
/� ■ . wl otog ,hy he baying been .a, partner - -
. BLOCK K i l T t &lr. . , C. Walker of BrantfordSHOES - +-
�: ''KO'
■: R d Ci, of the leading photo„raphera 'oF .
.,, ..,
. `
No*Nlr� NrNN�N�NNNi�♦f+'i�♦t �N�+►♦��#��a���� .E�NIG ~
ai ads
* -
r�,i►NNN#iO#1 *++- �*#*# !N♦#�N�r�N♦+N♦ . {n. RITZ rES,S
-.. '.. I, "v
I" ��% _ rl'11c Sicl a>I�d SoflOil-hi .1 ed. * Jackson
. ,� n a> arc h><ircr:tted fa• Eft
JA a, 4 t
' � �- I>eatLr ,-
>rn all k1><trls of r , ,. .
I�, UOt1!{ dl.
. ---------
�_ _..__.." _
�� �5 °e 0 ase Rl � 1. � A cordial incitation is extended So everybod to colt
-" . _ ,,..i, a " have a eery cboloe selection of a ecihl LneE, treat. fr mAi neo
r 400_0— . .. _ _kera,r"
_ �_ _ : .
1Ve._. r o
. ,d I b '� evpry respect. `_ ...W
�'�"'' 3 d� and: 1-,11
. . . .�. � � � a . _ L#1 0 n..i,� ` 0111' talc of 41CN'S SLIDES art! supcjrzol�•kto .:tii�� of
a m o . ""_�-- �.-�-11
I t 10 � , .1� c., . .. .. I; ,y s :sold .in ('1i11to1,, in st,=N in ��►a , . est= 11
ANA -olir Hiles tkt LAi�Ir �tiSSE� � ei�c� G1[IL� >�tlansllili,
T4bletZ 1tlodel „ . i re. . ea I . e . - o - I a�� b .S bt tltc, 11,'1Jest shill in sl►oc bailtlitt�,
I .11 .. . . . I . .. . r I ... n LT as 0 Z° ° sa AD 0 SHOE'S' FOR BOYS •have >t� , i' n
� `ted 9 , �.• 0 ,r If VOU iiti)ferfrom Indigestion,.. a �t� ticd sl;tc.tt�il � attcllttdiq,
.7 �s , cad oitt lines � ('81>lnot Abe: ,e U allied fox, dlrl all Pity,
I3ib4jtes; Lright bisea@,@rI
�4 o - s volas Prostration' and General y Ciii91t1, we :'Har ht
stir termia are sitriCtl
_„ � n d a eo sgtosfactiori or your
1y We will commence this great s�i�e of � nob �.r rlraney book. !#ttTT 'R and Baas will be oaken as. On and'wben the value a
r. � t•+ %eblllty, the will sk ou free rlf .either article' affe:ed exdda dg the amount of lire purchase, we wi;i pixy the
" •111 n o M rte) vOus, patl8 and ydB�ZL'ate • i crenae ]t, res
c� ,,� �� 1 �m �'. wameil. 0111 -tort! is in, the Beaver Block a.ox+l �I
1Y1 S .L ,,1 Z * c C (� q M c fir tr S 1i�au>tor�s Jct{rrcffer�y csf:� It]~1>11n�ent. o
suits. t. J . ;; f` • OrY1 dUt1 f Pf3pOIld@11t Inen
. .
�` Ya o9 will filed til@m n positive s Clinton,l�ea, ze, tan
. .
o e.ry 1118, Pr'IC(: lit!(. _ _
n bras
t d MW
r 1'. �' . I'r@par ed anlr. by Lincollx�� i�
. r
:Mlcdlelrlte C:o�ratpalrr,�yr,�U ween
. � -'0 �. Istreet, Ottawa,
• y
. ...
and i�vtll co
1 11. e'until WO Clear out thc•Whote stock, consisting, . � o. � � ItEscolnrnelided and fair• sale are �W
. � 0010 " by JA F,r. Hove. Chem, t.
1. � � I of X40 zernys Suits, o011oys', 01'outlts � 25o pairs Alea�s pants, yI � NVAS .I.
d r,t- . , .
' li !# pairs of goys',• 60 Odd Coats, all si�;oS s `100 O" Vests atxd �' p g g
I .
loll Knicker Suits, aA. •
„ �_- Ain �i�:`rr,
These G'r iods moll be S01 �►� ���L�+� ���;� �� r HolmcsvilleCheesepactary.
een.080r6d' in this �Vha aoegnrt alk# 1%�od buckwheat Caktle V ices
;r uuT,Y. Theannua me4tiiigo>itltesto4k-holdernand ; and maple eykgp7 almost everybody 'rices. k
ppa�trons of the Holmoavitle 0118600 and Butter
Hanufa0tnrines.g 00., will be bald in YVtleon'e Werve got a colt
Sall, IIo}ntesritle, otx Hatnrd6y. Feb. 2nd at ,
rr .. , Having been in busin43s1? for cXose on t'4s half a ceu vgheati here, that baste4I` (� . y�
O'clock p.m.,forthe purpose,of win the . all ei,her ktnde �n the market. � �' �+ o a,RR i
r j 11ny old ptatirons and the public gen4>ra11y a .bear bztrg In sale. g• r onie 'S
fury 1111 C intoe hwe decided . to >Lve
' ouvrenar's buelneeg Ol4otion tifoffiCerlr fortho ,
oaxretit year and the traneaot}on of siilr gen l t ttlakeath0 nicest tempting oake8, Herb• •
01161 btisiliesa. It otrangly urged that al} in heav ar 80 � ! anoth4ir EglCtu)dat@ > oh
I have the largest stook of Cloth Ill ttivvn..._ auto*I1d4osboldes4nt,arrmatt4rrrofitnp0rt• 1' tig9 br undisesaibie about p ase
ogles wilt come up for disotuoiou. thenar and After breskfas
€7 vveZl b4�11g11t far fuaSl�. w.111ORST I Plea. doesn't feel slit Chau yoai< atamaoh I. W8 al@ 11bW enfl�bled f,4> .O ar'
W.14. AwiiEl�-_kp;t166y. though it *as. trying to
,..: The prices at the opening ref thin Salo t;tnd until $Vex thin is s , r IroIM60 ril}0,jrk 17t1r, 1901,* digest a key ai nails, .
�? " .; o d r�rll b43 Litt aX4anl tri rtii b tV6terproofe aft wool, frieze tJletera, at Lha ridiottioas
• , , .., fly ,
Tho xisme is ;:m erisl 1ludkwh at, in Price of only $4 ea* 812ettsre$G, til, 3$,.
two. An lnt�itft TW1 on �>t S LAt17�V',i AY ulirr 60d sy9ltlixla pial plekgta,
• @� �lltit011. if you esu wear one of thesis s]xes yeti a6in try r+ aaat tot
t�nt2pXf4 43 t6ndefl to everyone 'tp att4i. a this OA'% for tVe Will • .. ,. f Wa have also Aye, flour which inskes" cslly to the season tooulq hsvt3 t oat ° $ drat
i?<1alle it very 1Tit0 Raging xeaant]y Wonderful aphnnyeakea, )ton d nit know, 'fou $7.50 to $8,.
�tl> 111, �O r bu 1'S rQthirtg.. purahased A hogh how goad tilt you ve tried it. .
�^ Iboard ironer from, Mayer Bros., Toronto, . Come early' if you. W tll 61141 Cheng
alrr better prepared, to turn bat; brot.ola Our .Ma le s r � r. , are only 18 Of '
It is littltrccsss > to quote p 'io43s h4j1' a all wilt be s ge n t t 1tl thing battles i, . nitd if you dale (lar sl �
Ord cls ' ;+ f LF X o alar rices wank is short order, extra iln4 and f urL the thl�dq far panaatsso.. y y e talc r .r]e .Floe,
Prices All kinds of taandty vnoris attended to
snd satiefAotlort gtverl'. rt71i; '+C,ra[ {�L:t�31;t If i llt'S .
, Tf batt ate pleased with cul' work tell ; for Butter,
1y your friends o not tell as. t prim f' ll t', ��'�'
aft r
s � d Dried Apples, g
OWL Goode lolled tot said delivered to any ' �i: ' lull
part of fila fawn. '
fJ.sln ituae4sacr to , .
,�to�ri�y//k� l�L+t;t, 71 "' "
Sr ltrhitkMe11'llle L,1lttiV l�'f • « hJ Riga✓ '
- tchelL 0600 p amnt! tlllvtrredt Talophans.d9 .
o a r l d
rj, 4