HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-01, Page 5-
� qvqr, 7F-jw�Wwr7w w7wT'n � : �"7 �;V, W' -'RF' - :110, _7� W� �77,VW'WIM �,
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�-----".".���;i�.;?�"�.,.,,*��l,*���"!,"=tmv""41�O!�"V,,I!r,tP,.�oll-l�ill''l�:1: I .11.11- ll.i—oi,-,.,..o,,.�,.i,,,-,,�-'',-,,�,,�--'7��-"'�;;� ,;;,,�:��, ; - -%�; �1. _____ .—. . � I I , '1111,11001o,oij
. --- i--—, �__I-T�. I—. 1. I 1. 1n:%P1%11:!11:!Z .1111.111, � .. - I :Ittittill'.o
I .. � *1��.vvw4w*M*Ao%%ftoA.ow+wvv,v%-~4vv,v 1 Allwa.rd the Seventh, by lowlia �
I , �rv�v" . I mourner. WIma the pall wap with- rr # , _ r him. (.-Ame the ,Vl*e of TMIC, " I I
� . h a "a ot Uod King of the United ths, Duke of Connaught miul others. ' �, �� � I.,
. _
. wen laid on. the orlmem coffin, ''the In (loin of Great Britain and Ire- Both the King and the Duke of York
�. Prince plaosd upm It a bouquit of and. defender ot the fifth, to whom i
. 10LANN"W'."E4, AT UVE 'OF' I . - looked wbotwally. ullat Buou'lilghum CEYLON AND I -INDIA I..
. . � I . I vloleta And it whise camells Ili the .are due all falth ail4 000ksat obooll. PAIA00 , they passed,, and acknowl. I I I I . . .
11 . . I . I caltro, whIch ]lad beeo SAtliored wlt)t once, with All hearty and humble At. edged the saluto or the guard, or honor " � . .
, . I I tile own hands, and vout/ footlon. And I do, hereby require 04Wxx up 1. sloe a co grounds ! . I
.. . I I . from "(314"bour"1110 to nIgh10, before. a , the p la . GREEN OR BLACK, -1 ,.r
. KUNIO EDWARD VIL' 444 " IfIcOrg crops on b I .
I . � I , and command all persons WhQWSO� All 00 0 - had t or 1
4 . I , . . -, i Tou'r of the Holy fallid. I ever to yield obedlel)ce an(] govern sleevem; '. . " � I I I :
I Wlio'Now Rules"Oreat Britain. , i Her unleety, with it faithful, deolre, ttlem0olves .4coordlugly, .'beseeching TPO KIPS'S 0404, . - !
- .4 I .1 . j Odd, by whom Kinge .40. reign, to .
� I 1 to execlite'every wish of the deceawd .*4r0Quil4r_ I � hing artificial abo'ut'theso, toas.
I I k, A corroaponaelit writes- There Is not . Tbo".
L'��'�� 0yk,o.-"*-,�- ARj�����.% ;� Ed arll'the . . I
. xk�,���A;z,;;,-;-�,-,A; PrIuce Consort, rb.yolved that tile ble4a tile 1W74l Frt,nQQ W I., .only 0110 04th Is ;oquired of tile ,
11 I Prince of Wales should m,%,ke a tour Sevon I 8overoign at 40668 . Aon'. and in that purity, Is duquestioned, tkb flavor IS 4611CIOUSP tW,
� .,tit with long'and, happX years lisp tw ,1
. . 100K Mworkl VI -ads and Belleville had t� be abandonellp I the ametf In gCoardance, With his to reign over us, . � . . . . .
I 414P -on tile. throne of tile e:Klutence. at some Or- at OLIO Plans Accordlugly On. Feb. hand and sea a to wal'itatil In soot- ;bouquet is a reveiati(inj4- --.'If You bay* Rover fto 9
to ' land the ltero�maol Churo'll, With Pveg. .
� 't", who, ,eucce -olvevi * y 004 Ile swear
� . -ell Vlatorlar . - QWIn F, etc. 031gue un' , "''
. �
. , aR.go;arcb4:%monx the decorations. 1, tile Pr - leave of ' "By ol)mliland. 'A. IV. $0R)t,1l11e1o1gr;- bytortan government. .This , gth, " .
. Vaxaplre,'Tor nearly sixty Years bas . no )tll, 186L , lace took .
� � At Coboum HIS yal HIghrieso Was I I 0 oritish xrown teas, a treat ,awAlts you. Jim ow _ .
. � "ll."ll,known; iO 114'40, tile FrID00 Of � ddly entertained. I � korrowin mi>ther and set forth. tary -of State." - Which is of The reign of Anne, to ,_�_
I I Wol"', Hol, was the elghtognth Princo - At Toronto, After some further wayolllnq as Baron Renfrew, and ,A'bf, $1"Ito . j)t tile Proelajai�tloo known,fli% tile oath for the securitl - drinkers, try Ceylon Green. . ,.".",
. I I
. - , ptng dir. , r4 todeoll.no tile hespital- . � . . " �. �
, - in, proclamation of the accei"loil Of 06 Church Of Scotland, All other . .
. I or W.iileo. to hold ttlat title. 4 trouble MWII4r to that at KID98ton' -tiw of all foreign, courts. After Jour- T1, Oaths, including - to the � � - . Im 11 L. . * ' ' ' ' " - - -""-
- the entertainments went forward U,, of His MaJeety was signed by t . I � that relating .
.. � F T)I01?rInce of. %%104 w born at � .ylng-,up the Nile as far as Thebesp he Churebes of Emgland, Wales and Der. ' 1polie . 6, a X
, , I , as without A hitch. 6t, tile Duke of evo-4 , , . .o of tl�p highee 'lavo . rupplud
PlickingliaM. Palace on No.voin, tbo ace went tQ the Ubly Land, Prince$ prese w1ok, ,ore coronation 'oaths, and are . armor at, two Wies range. ingre than
, . first. then tbo IDU40 of Connaught, not neceg 11 .
I . . . bar 9th, At Toronto His Royal Highness splild1lig live days 4i Jerusalem,,and parily take" till that gvent, . . Ox taolies, at one lbilek sum - than gave$ �
' r , 0 ,ban
., 1 100, and the birth of an heir to the lallW .at a splendid. pa�Uloll. orecte4 H 1. . the Duke of Cambridge, Prlilce W.11,101 M:iT be a Year after a , oceseton, . . . - 1. Inches tit hlilf a )ill, , r - �
. I � _e
�; .. .� t) e i t the foot of ,Tolin strect. I-Ite visit ebrol tile Pave or Mgcpelah, Naza Ofirlettan, tile Archbishop of Can. Ti _ I . YORK 1U, - . � aikd, each xm .
.. :e.,b Mond. WOO annoll rot I em ,ceolure followed, a , ty oecondoo
i A4, Uini$ter, 01r. Robert pL�el, (Ind, tile. was marked b the 8 of. Tiberias, tile Demd Ile,, b, I the I . t tile nodes, willAo, this every twen �,
't"11 � .,,ord, Chancellor, the .1"Y01TVictorla WAR-Sho ' entered ' Ile ovildon of mally 01
� 3 ,_ r y th.e planting of a, tree , -etc., being visited. He returned n ,
.. . .. J$Z' Ora P4my6r alidtlie, other reprolson. , I n t . a offloars
. ,.. .�, - ' In the Hort4oultural. gardens, the by wa of Constantinople. The ,Prince 010110'111'0 the chamber Where the . areely less notable if% the - skybig, .10 -.,
Chancellor, il� Lyndhur4&JV.t plantlng'of a silver -oak JuNt cast Of y � odustantinWe a week. totive.q. of I the city of London, PrivyCounclIldre weiQ waiting, made . � I L I I
.. �- . ".. I r(,mained at weight accomplighed by the how
� . Wolook InAlioi morning, .WhOn Vie site of I$lr,Toh.0 Macdonald1f.; monu- -Ill . town declaration, took ilia 0 L I I I 1. axilaUgement. Wlikell will add 8,60
Lo 11 _gr . d , , , sad on his =eward'Jourixoy stopped At 4..W p� in. arvillery liegan fir. her f,O topw �..'
3.0,14 � . 1TH MUSLES -Sell
'Prince of ment-In the park. the turning of the. at, U Ita, , , ath I . I . � . .
� 9141e., tiwa days old tile I I a ImudF,Nd at Marseltlea and Ing salutes In st� James, 'Park to for thQ4e0UrI%7 of the Church of So � � I I �
� . I - Grey & , ot- . to the coal bov.lzar capacity 'Of Jeach ,
*41os W10:4 Y10ted In state by tile firot, sad of the Toronto,, pall] m, flying vlalt-t n6llzo KIng Ed,ward's ACC01181011 land,*-atter Which the Privy, Colliall., ,
. I , a the Emperor and 'advan
.1 , . . w the C. P� .R. � 019 . � . � .. " ` I too wilt Inotioage,
. - - Drlv�e Rallway, ,no Empress. of the French tit J,�onta.lo- to the throne. .. lors were sworn And the Counoll�, boll., . He 'Will Not be Able to 11,1Z "Mesing rwaluir by 1,00 tiiiloo, ,.-
L.04 Mayor ano the lilheriftO of Lon From.Toronto the ro:fal party- went - .
I .
p �.i ......- I .. bleau,,ioaahing Windsor apbe more on The ItIng's FIrst i0ill"ACY.- , , atituted-Probably the saMe procedur � a . and onable them tQ k0p " the lsioi4 - -
. , .0 U 4lid -. j,no 7,th, . , -
.1 don A . Iddlenex. His Lordship . on an expedition up the Northern, . . I . ,
:,�.. . . . � : . - The route from osporne to !z TrIA.. boo been followed In the. c4q 041 Ed. .. away from coaling Aaflwi
y I After returning from his : � W 4-0 4040
tho-Toody mayorvag, With, tber oily Re- . I I xd T,U,, although t ress re- , weeic, , . . .,A, I .
. �� . � = 11p north the Prince 6-ttended , . Various Inefilents. - ' , Ity Pier was deserted, except for a Iva ,he .Attend tile Funeral, ,another
la�r�brnn,qer and $ho'Sher,itfil; were ' � 1. PI,Pro.a :ak Of his h4vint 1?aken the . , ' ; ' - .11. — , , 4 I � � j.
. � . . . - I . - ay. T iter, PrInd.ess row gvoups.of bareheaded personfit ' eg C . . I
a ball at the exhibition bullrllylg,.H , lie wOding of We Sir o. th n a d 0 tiorch O, Eng- __ .
I 110hered Up. the grand -,staircase At Ing,vislItod Londnn, Woodstb�k, Parts, Alloe, to,, Pithice Louig of 'Hesse, in wheA at .9,40 olclool;'thara appeared I " �.� t r to tU . I I . .. OW 'D ,
� r . ' . 'rtY the dra In � 01 0 , aborne ouse, . three open c � arriages I , drawn by white 'te that pr tg(,ti)g t1le . I ,
'her the hill. in 'n 0911. � "
: . Backing -Palace. That Lord Cup'lil- Brantford -and otbor towngs t1he P't 7410 is always
. .11am CI 9 tIan4. R .
I . . i lutoll r 0 T E R � E 00 � �
.'. - ala con 43 Royal. took In Niagara Falls, and then re took. phio n J 1, lst,'and In Sop- h�ors6s, galloping t1own , he it a th ta .. . , . MORTUA I . . . �.
.1 .,ductea theig to th . ret � 4�n . SYCHAPELONBOM I .
L I I I , - tu"ed to'Hanilltoli. .04 visit here ten- ariea* on. a vielt the first, carriage was tfie Xing, tb6 , . . , . '.1 . I . .. .. . I . . .". -
� , I . . .. � - , . . 11
jiler the r10 a . , ,
mattment, where, after the paity , ,,a . Duke of COnnaught the Duke of - . , . . . I �. . . . �
. I- haa alrc;iXy been -desirlbed. . I , .1glan b uri. Is Royal . YOik I . I , I
. I . fA,Ilq we - 101066 I subsequently accompanied &I'd Prince , Th . I I . . -VOttlt.. ' ' I � . ' Empire "Repro , tfva
hail coingtatul4tasa Prince- Albef�, tile : -At 'Nitim, rn. the . .re lllnml Cfirisilmn, . a King THA'DYKN OkP � I lo Detectives 'arp Nery VIA . It . lint Al I Mail and selft _111
. � . — � I . I . , ,
. I I
' lt�v tho Crown. , Prince and Princess of tilige Of King Will Confeir' Upon -411m Title of 1 . .
. Prince. ox,Waieo was broudlit'lli. Re. noted In honor of, the Prince's via looked well, and bowed iepeAtedly ill I .. .
. � . 11
, � I
� w4if cdrried round Irk. turn.to each' of and he they;e raw both Farinl. hild Prussia, to Taxils, Rome and other acknowledgment of the; gree . . 0slaorne House--nusittess Pideco - lhvestlaatesl , -� ;:, I .
Bloc& i . . 'Ills subJects., . � . Prince of Wales, . .
ayordlis being � n Walk, acrovs ropes stretched o ly,. celebiiiUnt; his, 2lat I to Wight Wilt Closo Front 12 Till ' . . I . 11
the .-v1sitors, the, Lady M � No Salutes', . The Duke 01'YOrk will not necessar. I . I I �
I _. . d . k* -him. ADO high above ,,thp -rime birthday 6n board ,the. Osborneat The: r9yal personages .61 Wales p�w . I 'Who � - . � I I , 1�1 �
, illowect to .dandle an ilown tn the.rapidg and wInIrlpool. An immediately tly become the Primes 4 oa Sisturdby-Royaltles; �
I I NAples. On February '5� 1963, the I I. � . . I '
li the ' I her has ascended the ,V '
. he ,T IS- 'kinerivan rilist'llas' noted 'embarked On tile Alberta'. The roYal ibat his .tat
., 446re waj4 a month old the qdL I � Jonrb, Prince tflolk his seat In the Housro of' sitandard was hoisted as the King thro,noi, The principality was grant- . Will Attalla, the Funeral.
..r'� ' . -of Hls.Royal Highness' arMorlzi!.. fact that -the Prtnoe. sent $860 1 to I ' � L I .. . . THE PARTIOULARS IN FOLL �
_ L � . I . .. I . � I I �
.1 . L tIon BlOndin. .A little way bel tll,n � 1.4irde, Itbelng noted that. af ter sign- ' As the, ,,b", � . L . . . I
; � I 6W ' . touched .tile dock. Alberta ad by l9d*&v4 I. to life After- ' . — . 11 .
. '
7.1. y. @prlolisly debated, I Ing .the roll, he .walked, t6 his,chnAr Cowes, Isle, or WIght, Jan, i$0'.r-An � . . L . . I ... I L - .1 .
I be4rings-wail ver falls tho river to pe�fectly 'balm, an� started offeignals were shown order- *ard Ed*ard _II. and his betr8s Kings official ' bulletin Issued t , 'I'
. .
.1 . � .11 Tfie Chrisibrildog. . here the Prince was, rowed - across beside -the throne. :On Tabrun,ry 19 Ing -that 130 salutes should be' fired of England. Coresequeitly when the . 0"olay says Volisecon Has a Soileationjille L ke'L "
�, . I � I . I . all boat. !. - I . Parliament Vnted,a grant of., E40,-, The enj1dre ,of the cruiser Jusfralin, ,n6 Ills ,041301fty t 140. -er - In the 'Duke, �f York, - Who Is suffering ' L 1 ; . .
��,,,-v r .haV- IS, 4 010 . I and t4le L ' L L from .German me'asle k. ., of-Willch'ItUam-Not Experiele'04 _
I . I L, I ( other royal yachts a e 9- I !-.,.. lvorqignty. The OL . L ,
St. Gebrge'a Chapel, Winded , � . . li0o 6 y6a:r t,) the PrInoe,'In addition w r mu I e Rover . s, Is progrepkAd . L . . I -L I
- , -a selected for the, - - 0 . , Tour In tile United. Stakes., satisfactorily. .. I I L' I . L . ' ,k�mhft .
: . . I .. . to theL 960,000'whlc� Lora Valmiar-v tew,ed mtp.kbo Abberta steam6d IbY. t 'It, Is StIlt ,Q.'' a -�-Ditidd R0,%Vq.,A-1v01P* I ;,
I �N,. - ". Ing ,be u , ' baptism,. I L .1 I , .
�_, . . 't � L , a of ark, it has been'decided that.though ' ** Pr T opg. . .:, .., . .
I " ' L - 6f _,_.,peCaIIarL he would olerive I . .
Prepp,ral;l4nq We d rrouO Dropping h1sprinoely title ,for Ahat sbrm said �fOm:'ltlia The.comnlencemant of the, King's first ' h bac;6ines t the Dhk6 of York's condition Is not. WrittenSiniement of the, F6�*s 61 '
iz�._, I . ,re ma a 0 fill ; DL, he Ditke of ra-
. . t . � _ dflln rnd� -R,enfrbw;--the-.roval�-'!-vlp)4tor.- uQby��f'-_COrD'*alIZ_ ' . .1 ,p In .1 _ _. __ 1.
it with .ciroums iinoes � --- __ _.- _V07AC0_Wfkq, (k_lMpm I __,i,fiii.;i�� _ ,, _ __ _L_ _, _' - L , L
I . The .... King of . I ,_qsij�, event. -. .Wall, this title deacemd . te .. _: _ 1 _ �. . .i �'.,
" ___ " I
- __ Ii P -at -ad. 41W . I , ."
(�",,'., �� atp,te and -splendor. entered the UnItaff-St,ites by ,i�4Y'of Br i . I .. . 'f- L '.h,Vd_fjL.tfib�.. �rt� . , " , _ -serious, -'Iie.,wil:l--�e--.uni'bl�--.fcr .. . . L . . L
. . A Popular Ide All Interesting 4,1eremoiry. . rom , as- L the Quee P . . : .
Prtws!a, on bei . I I I no funeral. .. . . ., I L . L 1. . . 11
, .. ng asked to : becOM0 Detroit fxe waa everywhere well re- I . . as, j?al, sumed that the gin 1111: e. ly L I . L , . I I � _:.�
I I . Tile annotincement that th� PrInle . 6 I _", L
� 11
I . �
,�,-� IDne of the, sponsors, held bacic; but ceivad. * ,. ,� .Tile King drove t6'gt. Jam, up L I I as 1�mperor L William and the. Duke of' . '. L . . � . � .. ... . � . I '
I t her belixt upon lils 1. . L I I I I ,a.. canter, hls PrInelpal Y UP , n wIll,sleep on board. .the" :
. dr ' 1. L I I '.
I.I.i" The last llgood-Wl to America was of Wales had chosen A16xap �a or ace frorn.Marlboroug]I House to pr
L . . I . . roni the Mall and'Llillolre..) , .' ,� ,,
. the Queen bad se I I . . .. 4. . L . . . . it i's wittift.f his ro I� a I 60 - Imperial yacht HA&nzollern, on F ri- T I L . , - I
-..,. � (m)?nIpff, and . he yielded On. the re- I .1. - . . . I . - L L I I ... -_ . , 7 , . .. I , L . . . . . I .. LL . . . I I., _ - .- I I
i, . - L . . I " . . .11 � I'll. I.. 7, . db., so. I . I I I it L I Collsecon, Jan. - 2&�-For - nomo time , . I
"I . I I . � . . . I . �� . . " , L'
�' pipt -of an autograph letter. A � . . . day night, while King Edw rd, Queen this .,!,,,Sgs
� . 01 . I . . . . . . . � I I... I 1. .. .� � . . , I . .. . I . L _ . I . L _mdd=='��bQlghborhiiod - 11, �
�.'l . gorgeous scene W,as.prescrlt�ed on the - 1 ;- , . L .1 1. . . L . . I . . I.. . I _t - ,. � ,� . Alexandra and other members of the been ringing wl .
I I . . . . '. . I . . I _�...__-'_-'-_LL.__ _ I 0W'W"m&iAW1NiV1MhuW" AW6 th'the sioryL of �Dttvld
L . I
I . morning of Tue,qday, January 25, . I . . I- . '. . . . I I % . I .� L . .. I . . I L L . ..., .. . . I . . I . . : Royal family *111 be dietributed OnL 'Rowe. Mr. Uowe Is 6 farDler, ,"6411t� L `� --
I .. . L . . .
� � ': � 84'?,L When the babe was chrIetened . . . IL I I . . 4 . . . . . . I.. . .L�.L I . L .. I . . , , 7 'L board the izoyal yachts Osbo.rue and Ilved,.on a larm three miloiii-from here, -,
I'L � ... . . I I . � . L� . I .1 . L oVietorls, � and Albert. ' . .11
,.;, -a VrIma.te, with .water . . . I . . t . .; . . . , L ,, . I -lifetime, and Is, known to 1p,yor'y - ' -
I .: ; . ,1 jib . brought . . I . . . I , . � " I � . . I SiDme.,Ch d4fl g.es - . I . all his L . ...
- . . I . 'L . A . 1. . . 1. __.z21 I -
r ": . . - Jordan In. IS25, re-, I . . . . , . . . . I I I . . . . I
1 I
- fr,,)m -the River I . . . I -1. L I I - . I � - B014difig the *Cbit i ' , - ,, .1
Vrs�jd' , . ;4 1 � . . . Pei. . Ma 3d child ,for, Dillow- .1
.: �_ calving the name of Albert r4d . . . . I . I . lo . I. . � . . . , . � ' a, ,voman a] L
. L . � I I .. ., . . . I . . .. - -con ,oundo . Some timi, ago ')its, Irlsodo, . '11',�
, I . . mortuary at )
, . I % . ,X , "Friie struction of ,tile ' I..
��., I � 0.� I . I I . I . . I I . . . - L . . . 1. . . to be' a _1 I ... .
. Hisrsponsors were the King of: Pru . . . __ *-, I . L . . I I . L . . , �: �_.__, . . -_. I I � �- L M del chapel bit the .4uarteg deck of the .noticed a great change in,1119. �.'01:�s-
. .- . .. -.-- . __ , :4 s - i . - . ' , � 1. - '
., . - . I . . I I L . . .. . .. I I I . . L ... ... . le6l appdarance, 4 1 .. I
sla, the Duchess of Kent (proxy 'for I . . , � . . % - . royal yacht -Alberta proceeded Lto,iday. . ud �no - little. W-tw '
. '
! �. -Coburg), ' the 4 . I . .1 . *M�&#AM"AMAP,WM1t�ffl"NffMV"A# The Most elaborate precautions are mellt 'WHO made as to the rapidity , '11, �.
: .
'.1 , the Duchess of Stme I I '. . .11 . . � . I I I .. . .. I . The pftWng of Victoria. and: the I . wltli,wlilcb he%W . an, health. - I -1
:.. Duke of Cambridge, -the Duchess Of . � . I . . being taken to prevent. -any hitch Iii falling In � 1,� L
t.�., LA . Cambridge (proxy for the Duelless"Of - I . . . . I .. . . .. 1. I % . . I . . . 1� hbodasion bf 'Albert Edwaid will FrIday's arrangehients, A companyof From wstrong,- vigorous- man be -,IlAdl ''. - ,- I
:. . . IL . . . . 1. new.seltate Many changes,, The, the become a .d. �1
:1, aaxe�G*,�tha), Princess, - August& - of � I .. _ I . Guard this morning, gain , it -bent glid ,crApplod �WY4)1 "I ,
. ,
I., � . ,. ,. � . Lo . . I . Goverhok-General and tile , embers roll 111�lhe military movemen 9 In pp -
. � . / Z/ . Que" ecently, ho,
:111. . Cambridge (prox I Y for Prino068.80- .1 . . .. � . I . � of- the Cabinet � *111, of course, . " earso,4, . :..his , , wever, he I(aq a '00iii I
� I I L .. . I . I . I . have,. 'the natrow.ithd tortuous stpe _*ta friends sturilly and,stiplilit'-` ,.,Ar
. . . . � 0 L, to ets-.wh-H � �,LL
. I
".., --lphla), and Prineg- Ferdinand of $nXe- - � I . to take th6 oath b L �ng and weill,- and :msh all -his old-*
1, �. , ouburg, Subsequently a - rurnor- 9dt . . I ; I .. . .1 I I alleglanc the beitrernexperlmented with a load stro I
I . 1 I )Is Rome L ' . time vIgor Mid.hqaIth. X.-tiowing. that- ,"' L
_ %. I . I . I . *the King, .and. -t .. I
�'L Int it was Intended '.L . I . - I - L . oblIgatIon' . . I
Ili into circulation th . .. . ., - devolve 'upqn every public offl. weighted nearly the.same lielght�.as. pqbll,5_., , L L ,
. " . . . . - , 4�, , . . � . . . *111 " I . I such a case wduld be of great�
. .
1 1�.�, I . t4i.have added the name.,W11'Ithm to '. . I I I . I I I . .1 . . I ., cial In - Canada i� by vlrt.ae tho.royal coffin.. . . � . Interest, your correspondent vistitold. I ,' . - �
thl6se given to the Prince, but It was - - - ,, , -1 . . , :01--li's Mile Dukeof Contiaulklkt'had rbturn-
. . ._ � .1 dtfice Is required to pledge big fidel. ' , Rowe to get the ta,eta,Mr;. Rowe -' ,
�.-. . I . 1) I I . I I V� 1h I - . �0 ed bare, and Kind Ed*ar4 was ex-
1. fimitted by aveldent. L '4 , . . . � ItY to tho Crown. . . . . � cr; modest ms.n-of . - .,'
i �. . the robe of lace Worn by, the babe - I L _1 11 - I .. I - A I ''. .L 'A - . � . L _. I . I -A new groat veil will litive tb. be Pe6ted at 2;30 this afternoon.. .Em� stral .1 few Words. frs�nk,, A -
�, . * � . 4 . !.. . AN; . . -in and,Lord Lonaddle'liad glitforvehid and truthful. , AROV � ,
.i: � Was -valued at E100, -and' all "else -w4o i �, . ... , ... . . � . . ,perbr Willid , . having -introduced Myself, he val&
I . . . 9;11 ,\#' I . . . .procured.'. Queen VIct6rIa' used �tne , a long stroll An the grounds of �Osw.. , '. VIXitirg r ��
. - the 7 �' . . Il. . 'YOU need L 6 for
I , in the same maj;nificent style, . . � . / not apologize - 1
", _ . . _� I . . . . I great:seal of. her uncle. 141119 W Wrnei House tbI6 mornilig. . . I
I., tal cost of the christ,exilpIg amount- �� I L. . . . .1 I.. -1, I .1 49 . . L . I 'me "I .
I . I
. tl> , . . I I � I � �, . Item- IV., ior,"ne nine or -ten mont .� -.. to'enquive into this L Matter. ,I do .
11 . ng V.) X200,000. � � .1 .. I . k I ,� I ... . ... ., I . . .� I., I : Dete"'V("�S Vlgllallt. ' .'- L L . I
. . . I after his death, *., I . . . not * considpr It an. Intrusion" lit. all. L -1 11.
. L' I , � . .1 ... . . � . . I - .
. . . . . . . , ,
. . 1� -, ___.7_.�_.__1_ . I . : Cow" Itself was veryaquiet to�day, -have little -to iiay beyond the fact that.- .1 ,
I �:f First Public Appearance. ' .' . I I- , 4.) �) I , -1 Another change of IinporLaAce W-111 . st'L . I L . I
A At a iniftaxy Inspwtion in, Windsor �_ ' I . . . 11 I be the L -early '� L substitution for the The reets - were. practically de- as everybody round here. knows.. I Was . . '...
. . L ,
''I � * '$ Homo Park a,L Feb. 4th. the public had ' , L . � . I .. I I.." . . � . - � - . L present 1"tageL and .116venuestlimps Oyted. . Tho detectives eontinue. Lthe . bent, nearly double with Kidney Troq- _ '
.j,.... ol for thei first time sit 'opportunity 6f I 1. . � � � 0 . of a. new set .hearing the ,vignette same rigarbus precautions which lilliVe No, PaIiih , tit iny. slibulders,'. spina and' - L - I . I .
"I , .
easing U173 Prince at Wales. Tke babe . � I . . . 4 . I . . I . . I , - .... � I I.. . prova;lledL Since L smaill' of my oback. The suffering I - '..
. , , . Of - tile King. . the arrhral here 'rif I
I �
:, �. was - . � I . I % �v\j& L 11,\J .... to 'minted, -the -pro. . . r3, �Lstea . .mail or . . . 'fearful'. L - .
� L - . N w) , -, I . A� new coins, 6 .Enlperoi William. Eve endured Was' 6O.Dietti'lig I . � .
4 L . . .
held up by his, hur" at tile �Outh I . . )� L dG L , . .
� L L - iOndow of ilia, Wise""' bO dpir,- : . I . . ) .11 I . C ld ,lot stand, up. gbralght to save. . . .. .
� , L . ern -a ). ) Yl( : , tile of .the.King *111 be substituted. launch arrhring. pil the PA of, the '011
;, . . . , . . . � .. . )� 11 11 - - L I . . Jor that of -Queeil*TIctorIa, - - * Medina river ie' closely, scrutinize(]. iny life. I"could do no work,, I 'Con- I ��� L _
.1� � , . amid tha heartiest cheero� . - I ))� . 1111 . . .
1, � From earliest ellildhood gr e . .. " V (� - - �1) . . It Is not known. yet h6w long a. whilb the b' suited -my phystalati-and.took )its-
,; . I . I I I I � . . approachea to Os orne I. 9W - � .
. . . I . I I . - I scribed lnedlclli�s, but got.no better.- . ... ..
.. I I . . - - effectually guarded, L tj - � ,
.( . - ,
,; _� . was tttton to show thePrInce.,Qv0i-Y- . I . . (( Ill . . Period of mourning will: be proclaim house h1so are I read In te newspapers h6w Doddlo . I
1. - . thing that could assist in Ills educar . I . '. . . .. . . . � ed., The G6vornment * will L be gulded thouglf, the authorities deprecate th �.:.
� . I . . ... I L a
. 'but - . . . I . � ,�: - L ,
�� . . . . . _ idea that, they have any particuldr Kidnek Pills were euring. 00ple 'Lot 7 -V I
i� , tion and tralning� itnol lie when . L k I I I . I In 'this respect by the-Imperlal.au.' . 'Disease, Latile Back and Rbuu�,"'
. - . . thoritles. The change of .Several � gn. apprehension of the Presence or ,in- inai, 1� ..
-a of age w6z already, par- . _ I I -, - " �� � . - . . Z%A,UlI0Y ' .4,
four ,yeaj ... - I _. . I �, � - *111 . . M."' I 'bought &'box froib' Mis". '�
. . , I . W. not.alfoct' tile Meeting .of � 11ar- le, .
F _ tLL"ifting Ili public functions.. ' . . . . , - . . . I. -_ .. , lIamentL ' .� .1 .. L .( sirable V)relgners, ' '. German, wholreops tile grocaryWe� L,
�,�% I � : I __ L :: . . I . . . . . �'�
,� � *, Early lieco . 4. . I The. Deputy G,,ove !
Ilectiolls.- L . � 1. . . , rn r ha:&
. I I .. . . . I . . I IL . PI 0 Ordcred 136fore. It was.. all used I begaa to, -to- .
'�'__,.. � . I.Cho death of the Duke of Weltifig- -1 , I . . . I !epiii,htlone, have for a. day .or all ,ba4iWssii places nn the INIand to cover - . Lud afte� Ilmd need ton UD);"L � ; .
I A .
: , ." . L., two been - going- oil 'art the Ontario be closed from 12 1 1(.)c to 4 1)� . - ' - '60 ' -
- ton. which occurred Ili 185-9, deeply - .1 . I ,. . . . I -0 . , o e k M, , was entirely bured, and now,
�*�, i 1 '�',, affected the young Prince, who had ; 11 I .4 . I . . . . .f Parliamdot buildings for the DO- oli,Friday. _ . . ..., I � gee, I mill.l.n. Perfect good lJoalth. Iftli -
_ ' , L . ,
� . . .. -,.---y changes in offiqlal station- . '. I I . -
lie great ., , .... ) .. L . I . 1�1 .
, .
�.��?�- . bmi on execlei leg of L ' I � , Uwntttles Coluing.l. I I Ais my story. '�You can. Sprint It It 13� 1. I ,
. . I I .
F. . soldier. memor . _ . , ary. This will probably be'the'zHowt -# as I hav6 nothing to hide ' ' I
� - _.More otirrini; I . : tvisible, evidence of ,the change, In Ijondon, Jan. 80.-KIng Carlos I., of, �llko &ad L,I%
'1�1', . thim period of his boyhood were tile I . �_ I I .%% Sovereigns. - - There .are sco5res ' of V'Ortugal,�witlrlila lmite,-arrIved tit' May.antl4y a L goodL Many veople*bc, ,
V`1 re-.1aw of the Guards .prior to their I 11 formq used by the dopsriments and . Dover at tau o'clock this inornlitig. , knew of my .. _b�rpvlbufl .condition to", .
;", departure for the Cr!mea. the pmr4-de . LL -I.- t offIcials L al�. know how I was cured.1! : . . I . 1.
lli� - � �19, y Governmem . eve-rywh9re He wa.9 received -with 9. Royal. s . ' -_ ..
, ".. . of Lhi invalided soldiers r6tUrVO4 from .. - . which for ft IIfetIMoL bave began; I ute and military honors. Tho Royal, it," a on any objections to 81shing
�., tile cminp;Llga, tile first Viet*rim CrOls 1. 11 F - �5��_1111� 1 � . "Victoria., by, the grdee'of Clod,P!'eto. party.*boarded.a train for Lond6n . k statement?" eqqu1:re"d.thi:*
" �: arade. anoi other accompantments.of . I .i . I. I I . : . . � .1 . �,
L�� p . .11, 1. ,Orarid- lreporter. - 1, . .
I I - '
. . .1 . . ". . �_...L� ,These Include the large letters pat� . St. Pateisburg, Jan. 80. 1 - " Nono Whatever," , answered Mr. I
the Cr!mean war. . . I . I" .. I . . I ael
� . I I . � P/, ent. parchmantso Crown . � deedg, Duke Mich and .the Gritnol Duke --)f
. . An cducat'onal tour, which - WAS ' , 011 I . , L Rowe.', "Just' you go qlaltd.and Write . ,
I vas through Germany ,'. .. L wilts, and the many forms In usp,ln Hesse have started for Londo � _. - .
1. mad,) Ili 1857. i , 1� - .� the colarts. : I .. .. 1. tend the't neral of the Qn n tO'at- down. what Isay. - . . . . I . I
&lid Swltzerlaud.' With the Emperor , / I . . -1. a cOn'- , � - , At, Mr. Rowe's dictittlori, 1 ,fire
� . I
* I .1 L I I I .The libig to the President. I � .. . Hill' -t . I . ' "- . . pand '
11 of 03 French. NaPD:8Dn,'the Prhtoe . . . 11 I . . g or Po, uggal,'Arrh ' �es� tllj3 following at4tiqluent, Which b4
I I Stoll, � J ioll. ,in . r �._)K _. i it-si .-,of ellnerfu ly slgned� - . . . ..
� � was Wready O.i gool te in,. The max- . I . :�, 11 v I . .. I . I Wastiln �irn. 25L.FO11oW1n1rI3 - Lo;le J, 8 Ing CI . . .. . . �,� . L. . .
1� ,_'�. - . tIfo text of tile reply which the 1101-tagal, witil a 'largo sult're, and -,,,q had Very severe im
, I rIngo of tile PrIncess Royal took . - k\N1 I .-
P:aee Ill 1850, a - Pr - my
I .. . esident received from XIng EA- accompailled'from Dover by the Portll_ or less, -for UpWtLrd$, Of ,.L
t I,. nd soon. titter, on April ,,,,,r � '" . . 4 11 , I � I . alleSe I back, more LID In .-
I '.. ' -, . ward V11'.. � I 'Minister, Senhor Pinto tie so'�'-
1 Ist, the PrIltice, was confirmed. A .., . Z�_ n answer to Ille message
. I .
I . . Visit to Wales gnd Ireland followed, . �'. //I 1 A * C(0:)l . r . . oE condolence onjile death Lof 'the era] and hia staff. reached - tW*0 N'eafa. .It vqmmenoed In. my . I .
. I - . . . ,,-,; !-,d :_ . I I . . . . . VICtOPIW shoulders, and extended down my* .
�', . siasm." . . i Do , . Queen --i' � -day. King Charles spins, finally- wincinitiatinir Itis , '.
. . . I I �. I 11 - I .1 . station tit noon to �
I . . I .
.1.. I � Early 11114 -11 -r -66W.1-0 . .. . .. //, , . . . I .
. .1 04
.. I . L �\ PI/ IT,%- I � .1 . . . vrile. Jah.- 24,,' 1901. ,Was met'an the platform of'the'std,- 'full forde. In ,what Ii c ;Mmonly
� .. . ,J 0 1 C . -_
I . L 40 I L I . Th -o President, White Mass. Wash. t1ool, b Prince Christian of 8chlea- called the. small of my - back. of .
I I teeith birth- - I P . - I . . wig y
I . on the Princelis seven, ILI I 0/. , .. . . . .1, . . L ,Ington, I),. C`.i_ . �. . . _,I stain# In belial . . I
- I day he was appullited golonel In the ,* � . L . . f Of King Ed- -aerow ray kidneys. ernd there
. I . . . . I I ./ � I . L � I I L . 'An' Moot graterul far-.�our kind. ward, sad various offidials of King the pain Was almost - . I 1,
I'll army (unattac,lleol), and was invest- , I I L.. I.. . - .1 L . ., .1. . .. L . L . . � .sympathy In the ItreparAble QL hou 'His Majesty's imenaurAble. L . .
. .. ad by the Queen with the Order -of I . I L W . , L L .: . I I. I 1: 1 , 1. I I which the natidn L it loss Uward' Ngfold. It Made mo go, bent over. Y coWd . I
I. the Garter. The Emperor of the - . . . , I ... L. .�L . . , .L. . � lad, I have OU6.1 equerry delivered an' autograph. mes- nat atiraigilt4n np to says iby 0- _
. � -1 - . � � . j.,_. . . I ... . I tallied. L I felt convinced thae' It gage from King Edward to? . Xing life. When I ,�. Went. to IWInelo . L
. '. .6 French sent him a large cannon ,an -I. . . . .? . . I L . . . I I . . . would be Shared. by.Yalt andL the Charles, and the latter and his salts . me great pain, � nd YoU '.
71. the Queen of Spain, who had pre- *;I il_ . . r . . IL I '. . % . ,
' '
'. I .. . ' . I . .. people. L were Immediately driven In, Royal ear- I F . . I
,. I> L . American can 1 Imagine A,nian, Buffer;. .
I �. vioulsly coinferred the Order of. the . . L . I
;�,� . ' r% L . . . . (Slglkell) FAVrIalrd R, riagom tOL Buckingham Palace. Xing did, was not ableL th 4Q
I . . . .
GWdan Fleece on him, DOW Ordered . . . . - A I I . I — . . . .. - _ Charles was ,Warmly greeted by the 131W I I I L � -;. 11
i� -L - . him to be invested as a Knight of the'. . - THE - - PR 1. NCE , , vF W L LES ' I . . I . . r __ . m uc,b. I consulted -a - phyAlofta, .
I . Order by thi Prince Ubonsort'. On the- * . I � . I r . . I .1 I I . L 11 r. . . I. I , . .. L . DOE.8 'IT MOAN C,011131 . X E 4? crowds Which gatheied .along file I and be preacrib-A tdr nisr** to . . . _
. . ,
* eight , . � .. . . . 1� . I . . .� - -._ ____ _ I L ' routh ]a anticipation of !its arrilval. . � . I
�'4", same day Mr. Gibbs. who f4 � I Who--Succeed.,5, to' the, Thronie. �---- ----. . I I no benefit. I noticed. In. 14ba Oip--
. . 032
"I �d the poost of twt*r, � I � .. . L . ra�b 15 There waq, no millfary escort, Later POTS. how that Dodd's ]KIdlity Pillm L
years had lille L . Big Railroad Blau to meet , L
- . .
I . l*tIred, receiving the badge' of cbm-� I I .i . L L I .L I I � . . . � . . -%V VOr*. . I . L'. In the day King Ed,ward -vialtedKing . We're curl6g M114MY 011A00 of X* , .
5, 1 . ma.ndeur al'the Bath as a token of. wid on. Oct. 20th, and then, amidst ' I . I . I side at the ff . L. . . 11L.,Ne I . I Charles, - . I . I neY .Dlseaso and Rhouibittloto. - � _: -1
L , Denmark for his bride aroused tre- rot Privy Councili where . Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 8G. -T14 � . L I �
� - roval of his services.' Colon6l prolonged cheering,. the little fleet. ho assunita his title. The ceremony . IU g L d I dettrinined to lgt�4t.thelW a. �
� royal 4 .R, Bruee was app . :)Inted silled forth from Portland harbor. mendoup enthusiasm throughout tile to Times this morning snya�-Tlle finari- trial. 1. Pulochomd a boX off MW L . . � I
I 1, IL . tile HOT _ 3ountiry, and Englishmen of' Qv�ry wwa. Interesting and according cILLI heads, of tlie� big railroads of the Gerramn, wilip kept groidoeteit W� J
- .
. gio-yefroor of the Prince, And the dir- . Head trinds, heavy fogs, hild gener , ( "Sea precedent. The litlng.was In 0. gepar. United StaXeR have caused to be ad- NCLE .5 M'S JEW S.RI.P'S. an .
L'� ectioa of life studles was entrusted ully bad Weather delayed -the return grade probated to give the ate apartmaint from tho Privy Coun, . . I . I patent medlothes -here. I Ald doS .
, . xingla 4aughter" 4 right. royal Wet- dresse(I to every, railroad president L . I . I . .. 1, feel 'any benof It at first, bist bi�- . C', ., I
;� to the Rev. C. Tarvar, - ; causing deep anxiety to the Qiigen., . culorvi To the latter the Puke - 01 'throughout the country a : circular . . I .L
;11 German and Italian t44wa fbilo*ed, It wile not until Nov. loth tho-t,tho Come. - Devonshire formally communicated I ew � U fore I' had fInWhod the firfit, bft . .o ...... . �,
% 1 the Pope being vlahed by the Prince . Prince wnp landed at )?Iymouthv this The,, Princess' landed at� Gravoeond the death of Queen -Victoria, an etter califfig for a. conference in N To be. 'Fitted With S peri m - I began ta f6*1 a 46liAbee V* %h6 _,-1 �
. n Ronits wi Mar- d tII4 York on February 15th., The circular I .
, ell lrth,'4868, and aeaumpanted naeceselon of her son, ti I . better, I took in jul. tea b6ciu i
. In the course of ble'sojourn I ,, being the first.ocanoida on which he to Prince 0 bears tile Vallaerbllt,.Uould, 31iorir,an. . i
: , A stay In EdInbuirgh -followed, daVot- WmS Ownt from home on h1i birth- by tM Prince oX Walea, -came to Lon- WW,*y,to, the throne. . , . . posed GLin Turreti . and -they have eatifely otlr;�j L I ;
.1 In October, daY.- ;; . dod greatebt IntereSt being tak and Harriman signatures, ; - me. I ha.1.4s Ian Wits in in& INkok
. d. then . " - - Tho Royal Duke and certain lordF4 of National legislatlan pearing direct- I - L . .. . . 1
1859, the Prince enteked,oxford Un- Again in 13ritain. . . . On .nlet ,,ereate9t Joy shown by ov acroisa, ray Jddneyg. ,"a I iii __.-1
plibIlo!le the Council were thoen directeol'to're, IV
.. Iversity, where Mr. Heirbeit Fisher the Oeorg,el,g Chapel, WpIch pair. to tho Xing's preselice to no- . upon the, rallr6ad interests. of a Well Man to -day tar6i*h t4wilift, . .
. �6drlzrS will be one of tile main the CLAIMS OF .GREAT EFFICIENCY ' . I .
AA it t oxford and Edinburgh, the top., I
became his private tutor, Mr. Tar!Vet, V 'S L lia(I net been the scene Of A ROYal qnaInt him With -tho term -4 -of Mold'a Xldn6y Pill*." ' ... . .
rInee career tit Cambridge was marriage. since that of Henry 1, I ( . p the im discussed. Peyond this even the, . 'i;ew YorL-o 'Tan. 80. -NO, devehip. I Ifthed) DA:V.lD ROYMi I
rettring. . n Lor Is restaent's statpinrint. Sbort- . . (, . I , �
� . 111:111ked by strict attention to Ilia PusIdents do not know -what Matters metil of givater Impoirtance hall oc� (Witness) . . L
Visit 10 Calift(la, ; .� studies fthd to all the observances .... was Prepar-ad for tile wedding ment. 18hortly afterwards His Majesty may come UP, ( . I I ,.
WiLleii took.plaea om March 10th. Ail entered tile room In Nylitch the Coun- . __ , OuTred'In tile hleWry -of the now IV, J. MARM., I .
L In 1860 the PTinceld Oxtordetudles Incumbent upon him as an undergrad- affecting part ,of the ceremony was cillow wego assembled and addressed mmy of. the Untied t�tate:tr sayr4 a 4__�_ . .
Were Interrupted by his visit to Can- uate. - ,90 quietly ,and simply (lid lie the Profound obetsatice made bir the them In a brief speech. The Lord Sent . efiees N I 6t -So -Severe.� . . Washington spedial, than that Just -71169e, who may read this Ar"als. I I .--j
ada, and the United States. . move about. that 110 Often walked, Prince to'the Que,en, who Pat prl, Chancellor, Loid HA10tivy, then ad- . signalized in tile accor rh o n Bfr� Row,6, -canno�, . 4
� , Embarking on board tile HeroL.n't around Vambrldg� and Ito neighbor, vatbly and alone In the Royal closet, mjnis�terod, t,hp- 0,ith t,) the XII)g and Trenton, X. 3'.. Jan.. 80.�Tha sent. the Authoritleo oil. a typical Anicrl* fully. . appreciate .the PoWtIon he .
'4 ,; . '4i. Plymouth on July 10th, tho, Prince hood Without being recognized. encoW 'if tll� Paterson murdererg are can battleFililp design, wholly millice holds la this eolumunibr. 11�a 1$, b
" I , robed In f lie solemn black weeds of of tile Council. Commencing with the bylle.) lneans)*ns gor,long as the an a It .
I . rottelied &t. J61inle. New1oundlAnd, ,rIl04 (lentil of the Prineb's grand- . public abroad and far Sul):�rlol! farinor, *oil and favorably. ,known.
:1 � fourteen days later. He was slightly tnother� the Duchess of Kant, oil widowhood. aftA"rwardn to thie various membera thinks. The time alto*ed off' for 'Ins',"D .
I . - Tim- Prince vhtis Dow 6mmItted to Lorclq In, Council, thoy took their re- pod belvivior In ' in evor.9v f1glitIng e.igentlat to tiny Rita ag an evidence of tile character
I I � � seasick for tlib first i*o Or'three March 16th, called him awa,y from 00 "ur,se of life which has remain- sooctive oathy of alleglance,'mild they tile 246W Jersey vwse-l' yot projeeteft by any foreign . for truthfulness ,and honwAy I ap. I
.. I�rIW)n works something like oom. po,w,ar.
1, . and Cra gill o for it little time. Ile re- e'd Ilia tow so. maily Years, that 6f a Wen passed In turn -before Ills Maj. . � Pend tile statement of Ur. J. J. Ward, d
. Ian ye. tlion thoroughly enjoy(. -d turliZI(Ig
�. the voyage, despite its being stormy' n April.. On June 20th lie pound Interest, Inquiry regiLrAing It rMordo tile, complete trIftmphRL tfie.locnj Jiletlee of 't 10 Poaca__ _w,
.1 I crossed to 1reland. and took tip Ills ,leader of ooclet7, In some measuro, (Wt.y. as with .1 levee, except the kiss. the matter made at% te prison to- of a d , lot"Inetively American davip,o_ 0.rills Is 11 .
I wilather. Ilia reception was entliu. qualiters atL tile In Place of Ills Vvidowed mother, A InK of lian(14 Wore passing out of, the to certify that I &tit ,
- and When a tW L
olastle in the extreme, . Ctirragh camp, being ,Z)a course ' of 'functions filled lit Chamber. This brought the ceremony night allotted the amazing Informa* tll(j euperimpoeed or four-gon turrit, , 1, Ae4aahltedl With U'r.
I big dog).�a presented to him Ike Attached for the purpooes. of drill 9
I . Plerelse to the lot Battalion of the theee yamrs. . t4, a clow. tion, that tile full time(of a 80-yegar and it Imittroa a w4der radius of of- David Rowe and know Jilin' to bo ..
chatmedath oPILd by promising to . sentenep for good behavior Is no less fr.ctIVe njo
.. � 6011 It &1&�%ftek the dlwovorol- Grenadier Guards, then brIgadPd witty .� . - ,� Awaiting 06 Iting. , ction than that of %ill it mart of -truth, U,111411 Of Otatillig �
1 8,0521 daya, or 10 years: and 1-1 days. heavily armOreed ya,woll Ili file %O'd 11011c8ty and Ifit4*0ty. W1100 I
:1 of Newfoundland. Proceeding to tile 3601,1110 popularity both w$tll '1,111", ,.qp.Nv Alox"Llwil. Dense, crowaso WginnInW at St- Kerr, Whn nobolVed tile flfteen-year , $Oi�611 Ot tho most, formidablewar: word could alwAYN be relied 66,
_ .
, I Hallfax, the PAnW toullol the elty soldiers and Offleeft Was great. � .Tames, Atrebt, lined the streets to senteneoi can, by gnod conductl earn ships dojigned by any nation are tin-
t . I I Ike a osogdv. .After a busir .., � ilia Courtslilp. Terms of Piwelaillatioll to, be Ir'soad 'tqato,ria stntIdn from an oarly'lloui. 1,451-1 daye� or 4 years loag 8 anyfl. 1110KIIAtelY affected by the (1008104, � and a gentleman well ano! fri.
. ' . .voi%bly knMvil lit Con0coli and .
. fty .of huge n board .1 . . In. Canada. . . The Afall and the front of 11110k, The kind, of labor they will'ttle''ro- five of whidly havo been lot under A,. � 1 -:,-4
. Canad lie dined Oil . I . . .
. ro, nn� -Prince went to gee . ill Palace, were eaptkultilly illilrod to do will depend upon their contract by tile Navy DqMrtmedt tile county, and tiny �ttttdinbnt
the He lau&figly Imid a In September the Ailauming that his Majesty will, . N161nity� and, 111"Yac ,,It tlirN*ll ...,
. I � � wjger tf� be up at eight bells t4 thePruestan military manoclivires on ta4e tile title -of Z dward tile Seventh, 1911r,611niged. All along the forillet'. physleal c'molition. I in the last month, The ,other LW$ N, inight. givo you. I have llohasi* .T,*,.
� Wolwk) the ntxt morning. It w4s tk theftine. But,thip was Dot tile only from the'llalAce, to M4.p1borotmob ., — � " are Provided for by the oorrent tattO4 lit ft:01ig that :roll -ndod��T!.�6�_111
� . clow s1mve, blit after 0, Very hur- ObJeot In view. for the Prince Con_ the tenor of the pripplamp,tion will Hollso carriages fill6ilt� ,With - � I �
� , , Add toilet tile Prince raiihad on deck fio,rt, writog-111t had been, arranged be av follows: "Wheie"as-Ii linth I' ' Cost, $tO to be a Pool. .,naval appropriation bill, to coat, It'l- not, be afraid to lift, AS ft-.40tt- . .
, adice stood ,as It *for* x drawing- l together, When coinailsolqn6d lit tleman. of Mr. Itowelk stluldilir
. a h *it;" , - I 'a. Ln.
. � Jost as tho bell soundod. 'One 91ift tbAt.Dertlewao to make the acquaint- I'leageol Almighty Md to, call lit His room, bxcepting , t, montrat Jail. 30.-Solln
I l2iny bo rfoomed, that of 9, Bible 81100 01' the Princess Alexandra of InercY.Our late Sovereign Lady queen me,,, the fO()tmDn .11 flawillo, who was arregbod a eoupla 11 fighting trim, about $50,000,00(). gh Ing a written 'fitAtemant would . 1:�
. nd tl�" *011panta, . _ Inte extit" with It., I
. Dmimatk, who was then, ell a v1sit, Victoria of blessed and glorlolis Ineill- were drc.q:Jc "" ilgltbs Ago for raising it d1iltifib; , . battery decided upon for the ' iv.� wre, to earry, vr
,d In �111()J-.` of I .
bomiring tile Insoription-I'To theC4- I I -*,ilg, Tho po. )16W. W&1*810P3 consists Ot four 12- . I J. A WARD, ,
I I , I. . th0ral Of Quebec, In themor to Germany, with a view to, a mar. Ory, by whose klee6aga tile Imperial Jtco precautions worc'iiliusnal. Men 11000 In a munle hall 1) -1 Itt gl the ,
$� Of gnar(lp
'dr alaloq
I rioge, should the meeting result In Crown of tho% UnItod Kingdom of : on toot and-monlitecl .t nAM,.*f of the Xing IV � lOtUft* Of Inch'. folir S-Incli, and sixteen 0-Incli . Justice of the Peace Ift hrld f(W _ 1-
, Stinday, Aug. Oth.. :1860,11 lift Quebec j� town gulls, whiell surpak3ow anythinglilth- tho 06fint'y Oi Prince 041w6rd,
. , the Prince for ,the firat, time con- a 11111tUftl Uttachnicilt.10 Everything GrMt Ilkiftill And Irel4nd and all every yard of tile way. MI walted: the noyalty, I tl b" .
Kriliglith 1), I
.tJI,rnt)y Mid, ,co-sts by I . .
fatt,ed tile honor of ood, Sir fell out ass was wlshad,,as t,he -Prince other of tier late M,alenty's domin- for 1iour,4 to grot. thoir In' Nal"Mo IVAN Ll�d! cvto propolfta r01*
IW,.or&r WeIr'thle ilio InIng; M A, Ar � a NIZW16 Ship Ili any .1 411900N,
1 Natolsoo 06116ttu Will Sir Harry prop000d and was Accepted by the loar4 are solely and rightfully eonin Xing, . � � havy. nle eighthe and twelves are 111�0r,WS AT ON 0T.1
- I Prin"aAlexandi I bu tile Ill Pflnee Albert . IVA 'te'rival. I . —I'Le FAIPLVIDIPMed, and there ar� eight, U's , . . . .-... .
, I amith being 06 recipients, .1� al�t� 4o . gli an(l mighty N90110)LOGY, ill thell WoAdolde., Tille, rema ,gerfg, $(..Or tni#y ,.4ayA the Old
. - I �141 Vfilt was mado to tho Heights - Death of Prince Consort. Edward, VvInce of Wales, 1, thn said .. . . rkablo) krt 6
A . I Eventually, p-,e(%de(I by hair a dozen afti absolutely 1101110nous battery, of Walth Is Goo .. ... , .
;:� mounted pollepmen, a pl-,du brouglialu, Is Is ral)(4, fire. it to tile flow Pat- I I
4 .1 : , of AbrAlMiti. It WIN; VOky fttwh,011 'When Ift father Mad, at the ox- Sir 011bort, lohn Ellot, Part otMinto, , .at. Louis, tie., Jan, flo.-Willi6m - q . Afallos A, I "
. Atobtr641 W49 rou'ahlody b1ceir Woft , prftW whIlt - of th4b pliygle %verlior-General ofCayin4 Seater, President of tile St, Ulife
lanoi, the a, etc,, "' driven vc-ry rftPIdI&, With tile 100noll- Cotton V, tOn naval Or And Ito 100 pound Pro— Cape %awn, Z&H, P -8. -It 14 r.o,#k
I nifido doneornifig" 'IrthOl r1lining Queeft and Royi stated by Ills MaJostylo, Privy Council n1aft and footinali. 1� their usual gr07 ,X6111i'llget died Yetter"y Of to l(,aveittilo milstle ,Wlj� a veto , po r t t1tat flib Invadors have raaid& " i
1: VAMIIYI WWI the d'i 6d T 0 ;- e,
I Pritlea'" but nothl"t .checked tho ell- exception of the Prince of Wales,roa. rot' Canada, and with their hearty to COM)AIdAtIon of dWA008, aged 110 *�*" vhow , I . I I I
o 11vin-loa, wearing niourning bands on yettre. I . ity of P1,000 toot a '"con(I h,#tend or 01 tile .0fidtollooffi, alot I t. V ,
. I tilimladild utdor of tho, Peoplar to "do palr6d to Osborne, the, prince rocialli. ftnd gealouu concurrence, do, there- tholtr arme, biought hito View the — 4,00)0 ket� Vie beat obtalnoil by Its. they ]lad a elight Akithilsh W1011114 ��L i�, ,' -
, . t1lo rogal visitor, )Io, Inaugurated the Ing at. wind" to didellstgb the Pain. fore, hereby publish and Proclaim, Kl�g, with Ail equerry p4g%t6d beside Vorty *Wors from tI* FAch of i4lego sixt"a ,dofenoa formN, � , :*,' ` .
. _ Ut9ted 191001deftbr. I
I 'Exhibition, opaii6d the tvvii-itille tubil. fill thitles, that foll'upon him.at this thAt the high and miglity PrInoo, Al. him. Ile Was drossed' lit ItII6`oleopest StAtte crulsor AllAny, convicted of 6-InOt gww *11U, kAve, 0 Xbviterdath, -$nn. 98. -Th# 9#0i0-` ' ,
I ' ward, Prince, Oat Is' and: mos r ,
I . 140 bri(lo iterago tho sti, Lawf4h,W# tryliV time, * The funeral Of the b6tt I -A of Wal b sillivilo motirnit'g, an eaw matlay whllo the warship van, in obftIlrotImMs, nut�o, alitbe, armr ttLey 'of Mr., Xrugep tolegraphO that �
� I .
. P. , myloV-Odthei T011111teeraAbol t4Ok PArt PrincO O(KNOtt, .took place, ot,-Dcle, ,, now by the death of our late goy0r.4_ ftt!ly., r4,sod bl,4 h!lt.b, 4cknowl gment'l d0ek at 116119 X009, 1%,Voi been *on- , ot nny bAttleolitto except tbat of hir- thh sWomedU & M mr, X bo-
' Ill Dombefl0off'fet6g., On the W67, to I .28rd In St. (MO&ON Chapel, Wind- 019n *f happy and 916MOUR WOMOtY 6f tho allent ftwoo r of he 6. The I toMoed to varlouri tornuL of Imptloon. mta and IrmellitIA. TWie tiew naval Ing ,s � litkWo. W%Itb . , "
. ,_ -,
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11 i
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. -00AWA tho* receotiolm at. lclagit6l oor, the, Prince R Willem being chief become out only, lawful and , rightful Xing looked tiW I Yom o4d. rol- moib at WIte. - . -1 *1 WIll "oily portovato, , Oyer Ave Is very satisfactory. ) I
I I �
I . .
. I il� . . . . I I .. � I I � � I. � � . I � I I . I I � . . . I I I � � I . . � I . � .1 . . I . . I 1� /) 4 *# . . 1��. . . I I # I I 11
. t. I � . I .. . I � I � I I I - is '*`l1i,_, - . I- I It I - Al - -, ..Is
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