HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-02-01, Page 4T " I 79 A 400.11000t00.000,#01. 900040 ommosimmee......00014000volo0400.01poopopowevomeepou lvvvyvvvywYWONNANYYVyyw u fr,7-7 TRE CLINTON '7197911;C:', .w77; , NEW ERA February 1st, 1901 . e 0 • • • White.. e e• • o 0 o • • CiOnitnnOs, •Satioc.1,,ay, Feb. .20d; See large -Bins" ior •Prices; •••••••••••••••••••••••••easeeeeeeeeeeyeeeeeeee•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rne More ..usatiott41_,Pries.0 When You •Ttavel 0:you wonder that this store wass buy as a beehive during our Great Pre -Inventory . Sale'? Would you think such startling offerings egad be publicly explOited and not je up,tremendous interest all over this vicinity 7 But if you missed coming 'during our sale oar chance is just as good this coining week, commencing Saturday morning Feb. 2nd, except some of the limited lots that went first day.. Yogitt_find many a bargain by coming to the tore -Wes not mentioned here :— -- Underwear Redyoed... Bargains that are unusual, not only because of their quality .but also. because of their eisonableness. Just when winter weights are most Wanted we offer them at prices tar !below their actual value: 4 e Vests at 2 for 25c. Ladies' Vests of fine fleeced' cotton, closed front nicely'Rede and finished. Regular 20c. Saturday. morning on sale at • 2 for ac Vests for 20c. Ladies' Hygiean Ribbed Vests, open front, long sleeves, nicely trimmed around neck, good.. value at 80c. Saturday morning each Drawers to match above at same price. - . .0c Vests for 38c. Ladies' Hygiean Ribbed Wool Vests in assorted sizes, open front, nicely trimmed; also fleece - lined Vests and Drawers regular prices 50c and 60c. Saturday morning on sale at each.: 5 .38 • 15c. Wool,: Vests for 58c... Ladies' Elxtra Pine Ribbed Wool Veda in nate ural colore, essorted bizes, Standard make. Splendid value at regnlae peice-750. • On sale Saturday morning.•..... ..... ; ... Men"'s150e 60c Underwear, 38c. 8 • Men's Fleece -lined Shirts •and Drawers in all sizes, also wool shirts and drawers. 'Regulex . 50c and 60e qualities. CommencingSaturday 0 0 morning on sale at each., • , Boys' Underwear at 25c. Several dozen of 'toy's All Wool, Union and • Fleece -lined Underwear in odd sizes of Shirts • and Drawers will be put out on. tables • Satur- day morning marked each ........ Worth and more. Come early. • 60c Flannelette Qowns ibt- 410c. Oowns made of good guarty Flannelette in assorted colored stripes, very full skirt; telfyimmed. Regular price•60c each, to clear at. Your choice of all cur Flannaette Corset Covers and Drawer that v.vere 36c. Extra for White Sale, 400 Yards of Embroideries at per yd. 5c. • 400 yards of a very fine selection of New Embroideriee just received, from 2 to inehes wide, with very fine open worked edges, well worth 9e per yd. On Sale Saturday- morning at ....... 5 .05 Receipts Est imated Actual I • County Council. • Register office. . 01400 00 $2401.36 ( Interest 1 15rn 0.00 183 71 following is a sumLavin • - eg the net actual expenditure. The County Council met in Goderich I License, 1300.00 13,t35.00 last week, and the mery of the business transacted :- P. Holt was unanimously chose.) Warden. A telegram nf condolence was forwarded to the Royal Family over the death of the Queen, and WAS '.acknowledged by the Governor -Gener- al's •elecretary Messrs Holman and . Campbell were appointed County Aud- Hots. " Messrs Tigert, of Dungannon, and Boyd, of Exeter, were appointed on the Board of Uomiti, Examiners, Itobt. Deachreen, Howick, was recom- Mended 48 a student to the Agricultur- al College, when a vacancy oecurs. J. Terrance and W. Lane were appointed Auditors of Criminal Justice Amounts, It was recomrnerded that the Coterie Government he asked to sully four i Praartoel COarmerscEnse RuPoier. $3302 62 less than amount estimated, COUNTY PROPERTY REPORT, The Coun y Property Committee ex- pressed the belief that there is 130 nec- essity for any addition to t,he House of Refuge et present. They found every- tbing,in the jail clean and ineegood or- der, and recommended that rio action be taken towards erecting a separate dwelling for the jailer. A.t the Iteistry ref.grei BOAT/ COMMISSIONER'S rttronfr. aet your ticka*s\ Irma the up- town tacket ageut_ - a, u0DORNS, uatb;vay & Steamship Agent, Metall, pent 44ilvextioenttniti .• Pagel Lax Brorne Quinine -R Reelde 1 Salo ef white -Newcombe 4 Your ,witli papermW Cooper& Co...., 4 Marble and granite -J B Hoover .... 4 Immense rush -OB Koenig „. .... 5 Stanfield underwear -McKinnon *Co. 5 Will kt pay -M L Ouhnette „ 5 Lincoln Tablets -Lincoln Medicine Co . 5 Dog lost -J H Lowery I,. 5 Thoro-bied bull -Geo Middleton - 5 Tenders -13 El Hill. • ' 5 Exeeittor's sale -Alex Reid ...... 5 Photographs -N u Henry . • 5 Launary-a . . .; „ .. • 5 Selling of spring_goods-Rodgens Bros., 8 Fur coat trade -Jackson Bros 8 Wanted -G, King eburen Whin$6# Ministers would be satisfied with one or two weddings each year if the tees equalled those 'paid to the clergYMen who officiated at the marriage of Al- fred G. Vanderbilt, Rev Beattie re- ceived 08000, and ReV Morgan, who ase filleted, 02000. - • The annual congregational naeeting of the Winghand Presbyterian churett was held last week. The contributions from all soerces amounted to $4410 88. The church debt, nearly 42000, has been wiped out, and the congregation 1 starts the century with a clean sheet. Robt. Eilgour, president of the Mis- sionary Society ot Central Presbyter - Church, Tor onto, a few days- ago an- nounced that the century fund of the church AO subscribed is over $1.200,000, and that it will reach $1,800,000, Dr. Warders believes, before the books are closed. • . Pending an official announcement from the Archbishop of Canterbury, and upon the desire of the bishops, the clergy of the Church of England made alterations last Sundayin the Trumnitlg and evening prayer, i s, n the litany, in the communion office and ter the church militant, Consequent upon the accession to the Crown (*Edward VII. Won FRIDA.T, FEBRUARY 1,_1SO4 SOUTII HURON LIBERALS, • The Liberals of the South Riding of Huron as .constituted for Provinoialjpnr. poses held their manual meeting Tuesday afternoon at Ilensall, and there was a splendid attendance of representative men from all portions of the riding, Retiring. President George Molgwan, M. P., an- nounced that the first business would be the election of officers and the appointment of the Executive Committee. Frederick Hess, sen., Zurich, carriage 13uilder, and Clerk of the Townehip of Hay, were elected President, and the other officers are as follows: Vice-Preeidents. M. Y. Mclean Seaforth; J. G. Stanbury, Exeter; J, 0. Relbfleish, Zurich; Efeoretary, A. G,E3mile ie, Mansell; Treasurer, Geo. Eiamwell, Exe- ter. Chairman of Munieipalities-Sea. forth, D. D. Wilson; Treekersinitb, R. B. Mojanin, Eippen; Stanley, John Wallies% 'Varna; Baylield; Dr. eitanbury, Bayfield; Hay,Dr.Buchanan,Zarich; Stephen, John Geiser, Crediton; Exeter, J. G. Stanbury; Usborne, Hiram Borland, Farquhar; Hee- eall, Dr, Maadermid; Goderioh township, John Torranse,•Porter's Hill. The above officers .form the Exeoutive Committee for the constituency. Short addresties were delivered by Messrs V. Rate, ex M. P., M. Y. 'McLean, ex -M. P. P„ and several of thelocal workersatnd a general address .on organization by Mr• , Smith, Toronto. It was agreed to hold a convention on the Lith of March, to aelect a derided, bearer for the Load. Resolutions relating to the Liberal Prem- iers end of sympathy with the Royal fam- ily, were passed, • 4.401~leellegeelleosieaweerese-veavreerleeameage,402.-ete Sm. Parr.'s Capuou.-The insignia of mourning was much- in evidence at St. 'Paul's MO Sunday. Not only were the services of a memorial nature but the pulpit, desk and front of the church were draped effective and appropriate. The choir rendered special anthems and the sermons preached by. Canon Shoth touched feelingly and referred to the devout life led by the Queen through all her years upon the British throne and her peaceful end. The Daughters of, the King in connection with the church_ hold_an enthusiastic meeting at the 13-Cmie-olltilisic Conolly- on Wednesday; it war one of thehbeet eince the eocietylhegan two years ago. The St. Marys Argus says: -Two very thoughtful and eloquent sermons were prea,ched by Rev W. G. Howson, of Glinton; in the Methodiat church on Sunday. Theanorning text was "All the saints salute you. chit those of Caesar's household." The points brought forward and illustrated were • the penetrative, the regenerative, the preservative power of the gospel. At the evening service the text was token from the parable of the prodigal son, which Mr Howson called 'the parable of the bereaved father," and treated from that standpoint. Both sermons were much appreciated. , Never in the history of the churches was there so much solemnity as. on last 'Sunday, In almost every- church throughout Canada of every denomin- ation memorial services of respectful mention was made of the late Queen. In thetoven churches the music and eerinons had partici-Oar reference to her life and death. In many placee the national anthem was changed and God save our gracious king, Long live our noble king, • God save the king. Send him vietorious, . Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save. the king., - - Rev, J. S. Henderson of Carina church, Elense14, Met with a had fall at London station the other day, which will confine him to his room -for a month or two., He was intending to go to Toronto, and Flipped on the edge Of the stool that, is placed under the steps of the car in order to lessen•the distance between the high ,s'epe and the middle tracks, and in thus missing his footing, with a valise in his hands, fell heavily on his -knee, injuring it so much that medical aid had to be ob- tained, and the rev. gentleman had to abandon all thoughts of going to Tor- onto, and ret tutted home by the even- ing train. • ,, Owning and Going. Ransford wail a Detroit caller. last Friday. • . Miss Stephenson Was home.from Hensall • fur. Sunday. • • • , • Dr. and Birs Graham were Toronto yid - tors last week. • Mise ItieConnell, Was visiting friend o in Hensall last week 11,* Holmes, 01, Pleaverr for Ottawa on. Monday afternoon. Mr Ainsley said that the county of Perth had take n no steps at the De- ceniber meeting towards erecting a bridge on the boundary between flow - ick and Wallace, but would do so atlas January session. In reference to the building of a bridge across the Aux Sable, between Lainbton and Huron, he expresses the opinion it should be built a couple of miles further up than at first intended, which would then al - ea include the boundary of Middlesex' as Well. ' . Harem' OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE,. Office they found the state of things The committee examined into the not so satisfactory as expected. The matter of Entrance end Public School House of Refuge was fatiod in vOeY Leaving fees referred from December good orderand the inmates.apparently session, and cannot see how they Call contented, as they Me certainly Well be cut down, as the reduetion would cat ed for. have to be made up in settle other way. Two memOriale were considered as for the abolition of otatute labor, but it was recommended. thatrio actiOrt be taken, as more education on the line otgood roads is necessary before iegielation wiping out • old enstome, is passed. The committee recommended that the Ontatio government consider the question of aiding the cultivation of the beet root for sugar purposeri. The committee endorses the proposi- tion to combine 80me of the lower courts and thus lessen expense of liti- gation; also recoinmended the Ipropoa- al to give the Public School Leaving examination a permanent place in the Pnblic eehooIs of the land. copies of the School Act, or ease ' 'Vire cOnimittee reeommended pay* school section, instead of one as at preseet. $10 was granted the Siick Children's Hosnitel at Torinno; $10 to the Prisoners' Aid Association at Tor - "onto; $25 to the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock.A.se'n; $26 eaehadditional salary to Mr and Mrs Frenth, of the House of Referee; 425 to eaeh of the Farmers' In- stitutes in the cc untY; $15 to each of the Public Libraries in the County; 0000 he paid to eupplement, the pay of bleu and, non-commissioned officers of the 83rd Batt. during their annual drilifer.liK)1; $20 to each ef the Horti• Cultural and Agricultural Societies boldingexhibitiong this year; Seaforth Collegiate, $2223 13:Clinton -.42033.45; Ouderieh Collegiate, slap, Merit of a number of accounts..., The requeSt, •Goderich Collegiate Instit- ute for &military grant was not enter- tained, A couple of accounts were de- ferred until next Sutte meeting. 'ROMANCE. ON CODNTY * BUILDINGS. The insurance on thedifferentCourt ty buildings is as follows :- Court Mute, 01000; jail and eottage410,000; Hodge of Refuge, 4,000; contents of House of Refuge41,000;baen on Hoidens Of Refuge farm, MO; centents' of barn, 5300.• BOA]) AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE. This committee recomMended that A. Outteridge's tender for the abut - Ment 01 SlitcLeIl bridge be accepted, ust of Clinton Collegiate; 3 j. Dar- in, of and W. F. Jordan, of Oederich, • The jailer reported, the pretence of nine prieortere in jail at pterient;five for vagrancy, three for larceny, one for as- ileultaind the other Inflate. ThiSfollowlflg table shows the estim- ated and actual expenditure under the ' otialeads irditeree &tier. Aettial eurplue Def; 84067,702$00.21 etaOro.* D% tregiig1e2ezridte4,.., ..0_0 ' 1874e.8 0 12570 JttYFui.028,65 14885 , ...,.11a.,6.. .5700.00 M01.44 8.56 oo iiieeeiet csoe.oe*mg 88R issava 1114A110ew emeWl 02..200.00 cool 1.415 M00 1084.55 805.12Imago; 00.00781.10',.rdamea goetree von tooio lotery, .00 Ill80.a1/ t eff •400000,e3 48000,18 202a02281.14 for the superstructure, The County Commissioner having reported goblet the propoeed bridges over the Aux Sable between Unroll and Lambton, until d passable road is constructed; the 'committee endorses hie report. REPORT or Dn. Straw. 1),r. ilgtintw, Medical Ilealth Obleer of the'Ildtitte of Refogei reported that theek7.,, had , been one hundred Jtaltettile during the peel year; at time* %Wee to crowded that the cel- lers and corridors had to he utilized for bleeping apartmente, while there are 60111e tato.% 60 bed that the base. Merit Is the only plate where they can he put relas not contaminate the oth- ers Made 07 vieite during the year, There werel2 deaths during the year, the average age being 75 years and 0 Months. • • 49 Warren R038 ot gxeter, visiting his brother Will tills week. • Miss Minnie Rowers, Rincerdire, is the guest of Mrs A.. T. Cooper. Mrs (Dr.) Burrowe, of Seafortli, is visitingMrsH, E, Hodgene. • Miss Grace Duck, is the guest of her .sis- ter, Mr e (Rev.) E. B. Smith. Mrs Jarnee !braid, Tuckereinith, visited Ildre W Foster a few days this week._ Miss Elva Adams, Lendegeorce has been the guest of Miss.Conch for several dap, • Mise Lottie McGregor, ef Brucefielcl, has heed the guest of Mies Winnie O'Neil this walk.•• • • Ale*. Smith, Libaralaiesoolation secre- tary, was a Clinton caller on Monday night, Ube Ifathleeu MoTavish, (Minton, is a guest at the residence of Mr Duncan Stew- art, Stratford, ' A. and Mrs Holmes were in St. Cathar- ibes.foo.sestarstdevuititing at the form - tree parents. •- • Mrs A.M. Todd and child, of Gocieriole were gueds of Afro W. Foster this week for a few days, , slies Emara Johnston, of Bengali, was called to Clinton last Friday owing to the Berione illness of her aunt, . Miss Helliwell returned 16 Toronto last Friday after a very. pleasant visit here as the guest of the Mimes Combe. rrOte.-Sterling McPhail has two small animals which ie had preseved, kfra Seale, of town, being the trutider. mist, They are squirrels of a Very light brown color and are oddities and were captured at different times, but nearly the leanest shade in color. They were well worth keeping, TUP MAIL SEUV10111, Through the influence of R, Holmes, the member for this' riding, the mail days for Por- ter's 11111 have been ehanged, which will be more cenvenient and imitable than previous. Formerly the daye Were on Monday, Wedneedity, Thure- day and Pao, so that Saturday pavers and mail Were not received un0 til Ilends.slibut theft are changed to maday, wednanday# Friday and Sat* urday, giving a service that should meet all requirements. Alex. Inglis is here now renewing old ecqueini snow. He has been at Brnoeflald during the past few lemons with Mr Achen- head, • W. Foster, traveller, leseas next week to resume his busineee trips, and expeots to take in the opening of parliament at Otte - Iva, on the 6th. W. Ceste wee rep to the comity town on Friday laest attending the county council end submitting his report al inspector of thellou.se of Refuge. • •• —raw W. E. Bracken -shire, formerly. mayor of Wingham, but latterly residing in London, is now travelling with the Make Broe.00„ as Anatole,' manager, • A. II, Lark an old Clinton boy, but now o prospekoue businege man of of 13t. Marys, has been chosen chairman Of the • echool board ot the otone town. . 3:Stevens, of the base line, spent a Corry% of dive this week with friends in Goderioh; he hair sortatly old associates in that neighberlietra, that It is almost like going hterie to go there, ..,,,„..AisCong the Wine family home ettending their fatherer funeral on Saturday wee Wm. and Fred frail the Cartadien Situ% ena Geo, from, Cleveland. They returned to their homes on Tuesday* The many friends of His Honor Judge Masson will regret to learn thet he is con fired to his house in Goderich by severe illness ; we hope, however, to be able to an - team hie complete recoeery at an eerip a6Steenittor Prank Smith, who died in Tor- onto, wee formerly in brained% at London, WILLIS 0111/Rell. -Rev. Mr Stewart Made feeling reference to the deal li of Queen Victoria at Sunday's service, The church was not draped but the. music rendered was appropriate' irnmemoritim of t he deem ted Qoeeti. "He giveth his beloved kleep" was the etnthem at the morning service and "The Place Prepared" the evening anthem, • The Anniversary services are to he hold on the second Sunday in Feb., the 10th, when Rev. F. H. •Lar- kin, I, A. of Seaforth, has consented to take charge and the pastor will dim- ply there. On Tuesday next the Ex- cellior Mission Band will hold its Birthday Party -that is for every year of each one'., life one cent is to be giv- en ; the ladies of the auxiliary society of the church and the parents of the children are invited ; a good program Of natisic, Ste., is being prepared. Your Paper Oppottunities. Perhaps you have been veraiting for a great opportunity. The opportunity hue come whether.. you have waited or not. nearing the mouth of February which is usually a dull month for Wall Paper dealers and paper hangere, we will quote pricee that YOU can't afford to pass, espec- ially if you don't uettally do youeliirrilanging. We have niade special arrangements with a iirsto class paper hanger to woric.for us during February, and HtnueNinewrpnr:: at which we have marked our paper means that _you. are practically • getting your paper _A. line of white blank 12';'? Cents per Roll on the Wall. paper, 8 yards to the roll, upeto date patterns and colorings, with glimmer effects, suitable for any room or hall. We supply the paper and hang it for you ett a total cost of 12ic per roll. Ago per Ron on the vp all, —Beautiful glimmer and gilt effects - ' to Blue, ()ream, Terra Oatta,and Greens. 15c per roll on the wall, 20c nd' 251,#g oppuisr xRivol.lcieosinosthaenaWfif,lavai 11, e—ir leReEternisi,vospsstreediaoilydparptaceised: including hanging, 20e and 25c per roll. . Your Window Sh Opportunities. de We have decided to clear out several linee of Window • Shades and here are the prices that will do it. ' • 40c SHA.pES FOR 25o -A strong, heavy, cotton; painted Shade in • greens and creams, mounted on suitable rollers, regular_ 40p, February pr ice 25e.• .. 45c SHADES FOR 28c. -Thesame shade as above described but decor- atecl, regular 45d for 28c. 50c SHADES FOR 35c -A genuine color, opaque Shade in greens *. and creams,mounted on good rollers, regular'50e now 85c 65c SIIA,DES FOR 38c. -The sante Shade as above only decorated, reg. ular 55c, now 38c• • . You will do well to call early as the paper banger can bang only a limited quantity during the month. • Get your Shades soon as the stock is limited and may. not last very long. • • W COOPe.r, CO., CLINTON. • Agents for b.:P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express Money Orders, also for Batterick Patterns. , . • .1. very touching and affected the large congregation. Special music was ren- dered by the choir, a quartette being sung and the "Dead March in Saul" was played by the organist. ' The Prespbyterian congregation of Fordwich bas decided to erect a new church. The committee are having material placed on the grounds at once. ONTARIO STREET. -Regular quarter- , _ly services will be held on Sunday-eviir:es.o•tiw0i next, commencing - with a fellowship "'","' meeting at 10 a. m., to be followed by th the regplar morning service, conducted„.„;,,,, by the pastor, Rev Dr. Gifford. Large _ • A 1. congregations' were present at both sAme. Our mo services in Ontario street • Methodist church on Sunday and the organ and in 1"7"4*:‘"T'bonu-make the price pulpit' were elaborately draped in ” IN:Battires nitiVeheownloyrk'p"raCti Cal Victoria, In addition to the appropre. , black in respect of che death of Queen m ell heren our line. i .. ecl in keeping with the oceasion. j .In . portions ot the service had been array- J. • • • ate sermons by the pastor the musical B. Hoover Proprietor_ the evenihg the service began vvith , 9 the.orgauist pleyinff "The Dead March arbie Graiiite licromeacs Eils Lordship the Bishop of Huron has appointed Quinquagesima Sunday, Neb.„_lati,Jor the opening and conse- cration serilaTitiedfitiention-with4itr, Paul's church, just ,conspleted in Kirk - ton. The new edifice is of stone and brick, with basement for Sunday school beautifully finished; the length Of the entire building, with tower and chancel, is 78 feet; the mote is 46x80. the.chancel 161;261 tower,- 141get, amity° at the hese and 60 feet high, and con - Wog a hell of the Meneely roan afe.0 tine; the ceiling -of the naye and chan- cel is in ash, varnished; the veetry room is 11%12 feet. The building is to be heated with hot air •frorn a furnace - room in rear of the baNeittent, and lighted by acetylene. The cost of the whole, including the seating, put in by the Valley City Seating Co., 'Dundee, will be at least $5,650. Since Rev Wm, Stout was appointed to this parish over three years ago, this church has been begun and hunt, the average ara tendance at communion fully doubled, and the .nunaber increased very largely by contkaiatjon, and, ill proportion to the church. nieMberehip and families, has an average Sunday attendance placing it hi the thremoet rank in the IDliocese of Huron. BATTENBUM lt STREET. -Rev W. G. Howson visited Exeter en: Tuesday evening last and gave an address, in response to an invitation from the Ep- worth League of Main street Metho- dist church. of which Rev R Millyard is pastor. Next, Sunday nsorning the quarterly love feast, will be held in the lecture room of the Rattenbtiry tweet Methodist church at 10 o'clock. . The pasta will take for his cublects, at 11 a.m., ?The most remarkable _prayer that ever' fell from human lips." At 7 p.m,, "That old, but Tintereating quea. tion,"Where did sin come from ?" Tho inhere' will be Pleased to show strangers to seats, This church as welter+ others held memorial eervices in recognition of the foss of our beloved Queen. The altar and front of the church were beautifully draped in black and the ex- pressich of sorrow wee made to feel ,to wherg-entertng, -tha.edifice, The pastor took for hie subject at the morning service, "The richest legacy any man ever left, to his eutoerisors" vvhich dwelt UPOti and related to the memory of the tate Queen. In the evening, idateid of the useal termon glatforat meeting ' Els, held card and he useditliterilat ilderithel eeoretariett he ever had woes the late Akterider Gowen, third Con Of Tar Gorreli, kriown ea a former rel. ident of Clinton, The old Clinton hien& of LH, Wornell# *twin not resident of Greletioh, will re. grit *0 kgreW that he hie been variously 111 for some time, his life even being despaired have furnithed obtainable at fair N.).1.t ntend doing Ott. Net to Commercial Hotel in Saur and an ad ress instead of a sermon by •Dr. -Gifford bearing tipon . BORN. -LEONAIID-In Gederich township, on Jan. 24, the w:fe of Wm. Leonard, of a son. Wingham, on ,Jan. 21, 31rs H. Mclndoo, of a son, SAINT -In Wingham, on Jan 19, 31ra R. Saint, of froon"--1 JOHNS.-Tn wingham, on Jan, 18, Mrs W. Johns, of a deughter. RATH,-la East Wawanosh, on Jan, 17, Mrs Mrs W. Rath,of a daughter. YMIGBLITT.-biAuburn, on jail. 26tlx, the wife of Get?. Yungblut, of a son. ' • LANE. -In Manion, mare 24th, the wife of ;ISOM Vir ATT. -In Mullett, on Jan. 16th, the Wife of Jas. Watt, of a daughter. • MeGOWAN-,-InEast Wawanosh,on Janalth, the wife of 4, McGowan, of a son. BUCHANAN:L-1n East Warwitnosk,:lon Jan, 15th, the wife of R. Buchanan, 91 a daughter. , McCAUGEEY.--In Mullett. on jan, 25, the ly 'Jo of Francis McCaughey, of a daughter. MARRIED. PitL-filignit7-70111Y967511f; 191XcliT- t116 - residence of the bride's slater, 31rs Jas. Wells, of 'Virden, Man..' by Rev. Peter Strang, 13,A... Geo. W. Paul, of the municipality of Wallace, son of John Paul, to Margaret S. Hunter, youngest daughter of the late john, Hunter, formerly of the Huron Road, Goderieh. - NICOL NETHEttin-At the residence of the. bride's father, East Wawaneah, on Jan. 28, by Rev..31.r MeQuillan, .Ins. Nicol, to Miss Maggie L , second daughter of Jas. Nethery, DIED. . MILLErt.-in Hallett, on Jan. -80, Elisabeth, relict of the late John 31iller, aged 81 years. BURNS,-InGoderich township, on jan,26th, bliss JenettBurns(sister of Mre Thos.Churchill) aged 64 years and 6 months. Wiegham, on jeu, tithattleabeth Smith, relict of the late Wm. Smith, aged 81 years. STOTTS.-Con Jan. 17, in Detroit, Mary, vvife of Geo, E. Stotts, formerly of Goderieh. TBE0BALii.-rn Mount Forest onain.28th Elizabeth Theobidd, relict of e late Geo. Theobald, formerly Of Clinton, aged 51 years. 31011.11/811, -In Clinton, on jan,00,_,Tohn Mot- rish, ag ,g1. 08 years and 11 mentb.s. Funeral on Friday, Fehist ;service At the house a 1.00 p.m, Tuckarsmith, /an. 24,John the life of the Queen -.How noble, end good has been her long life and what a severe loss the nation sustains by her removal, with the hope of as wise ir mimarch in Edward V11 EtS his mother had been, Tha Epworth Lea- haying'inviteriits sister society from Rattenbug street church and held an an At owe 81,1 a reception to the new collegiate stadents. A most pleasant time was spent, the program consisting of vocal and instrumento music and it dainty efreshment pro- vided. The program cynsisted of-In- strumentale by the orchestra, duet, "Whispering Hope", Mrs B. J. Gib - binge and P. Giffori ; solo, "Forget - me not", by Mrs (Dr.) Thompson; recit- ation, Miss Ounningliame ; sol__,o Mibs O. Scott; instrumental, Miss I, Holmes; quartette, Mrs 13. J. Gibbings, Miss L. Gabbines; P. Gifford and L. Weir : Rev. N.71.11tfardrattly--,puesided- chrtirrneil. BAFT•teer Reef. Mr Diuslop took his new pastorate here on Sunday. A. me- morial service to the late Ry. Josling will be held next Sunday evening. ' ()LINTON MAREETS Corrected, every. Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Jan. 81, 1901. • Fall Wheat 0 62 a 0 63 Oats .. . .. ......, 0275 027 a 046 a 040 s 060 a 2 00 a 016 a 0 17 a 800 0 06 a 6 00 Potato% ••••••••••140 0 25 0' 25 •Chicken% per pair .... 25 it am 0, 36 a 006 a 0 OS h • 5 50 a 660 Wood short 2 25 it 226 ad roma of hympat end fee tug Rye .... *41.4.14•11iiii• 040 Barley 414111•6•11.••••• 0 88 Peas. 60 ... • . .41•6•••••e• 057 Flour per 1 75 Btitter,looge 16,17,pled 0 15 Eggil per doz..... 0 16 Hay, • .. .. iii••••••• 800 Sheepskins 4., 0 65 No. 1 Green triro.:bides 5 50 Ducks, eaoh.......... 0 80' Great°, per•lb... .. .. .0 05 Tarkeye, per 001 Pork, live It ar t 00 60*. 5 60 Pork, dressed...44,01 0 60 „ eou a try 'Prices, • London, jam, 284-.0attle ie steady at from no to 124o per lb, dressed weight; eheep, 12o to 180 per ihr refrigerator beef, 90 to Oio per lb. • Montreal Cattle Market. Montreal, Jan, 28 -The receipts at the did end ebettoir this morning Were 500 beta of (rattle, 70 °Meet, 76 eheep and 75 iambi; the demand wee good and priori Were well , niainteined, Cattle -Choke sold at 411: to 5* per lb; good, 8i0 to 414 lower grade!, 20 to 8o; °elves, 92 to98 etch. Sheep, 2io to Sp; lernbe, 50 to 4io. • feir. Georg#i E. Siete., city: acconistAt of Montreal, 00mMitted suloide become the Finance Clonunittec had reducedihis Balmy ofritoyn: 41..e, 00 to $600 and bud° regnhitinn that dyke employee Mud live in tha ENGINE FOR SALE . Were given by Meters. ugh and MO. An aprieht engine and boiler, foot IMMO of. 'He 'offering frern ft 00n01100,1110n Ire° And tht Pastor* The silahlons to ?owe., In good working order, inst the thltag iii eondition was a little better and we trust thab lam** $6. °I1 Itt°0167 bfe ' the loving disposition of the Queen or *faille Or 90999. 091. light and her great regard for duty were terra b I AVM Vlb EMT(MOO wi bit reoovery aim" be *midi, e 0, 49 Glazier, aged 78 year*. Brialee.-Intracknew, on Jan. 201h, Jatie,be- loved wife Of Win. Bunts, aged 07 years. DEXMAX.-In Bluevale, on Jan. 22nd, Jas, Denman, aged 76 years, A. spenalist has been sent from Ann Arbor University, Mich., to San Wan- oiseo, to report on suspected caries of the black plague. OltAlist Bakipg Powder Makes the more heal/Arias Safeguards the food against Aim. Mem baking powders are the greedere gnawers to health of therteent Start, 140A einve.40004.0.406.04, taw vow.