The Blyth Standard, 1908-08-06, Page 8I'Aoz Emir THE BLYTH STANDARD--Avousr 6, 19o8
Liberal Clubbing Offer,
The Canadian Pictorial And the Myth
Standard one year each, worth 52,00,
for only 81.00. This is a genuine bar-
gain, Don't miss it. Call and see
samples at this office and leave your
le headquarters for fresh, Pure,
No. 1 Lime. Iligheetrccommende
given ns to the quality q( it, have
lug proven itself No, 1 on Govern -
overs•hent buildings,
By purchasing from these kilns
you patronize home Industry.
25c per bushel, delivered
Write or Telephone to
You always pay
too much when
you pay too little
Paradoxical but true,
Particularly when buying Gro-
Nearly every article of eatables
can he adulterated,
Many of thein often are.
Constant vigilance is required to
keep undesirable goods from creep-
fng into a grocery stock.
Oue of the, most persistent sinners
is Gimped Goods. T'Iousandsand
thousands of them put up every
year, 9asells .ells then,
• Somebody buys them.
Somebody eats them,
This grade of canned goods is very
common, but this store has never
sold acnn of It to a customer in its
life, and it never will.
Our wily is firsts or nothing in
everything, always.
Minor Locals.
Virulent Hay Fever
Hey fever promisee this year to be
very severe cud many ore alleady suf-
fering. The most positive cure is Ca-
tarrhozoie, which destroys the eerie
ad gives immediate relief. Cures
quickly. sold by all dealers. 51.00
or two lnolih's treatment.
Naturalizing Canadians
According to returns received by the
state department 87,401 aliens have
10ken out uaturaliret ion papers HA
British suhjoets iu Guuula :Muco the
act Went foto force ie 1902 ; between
July 1st. 19013, and Deeenl6er 81x3,
1907, 7279ILMited States subjects were
tlilturalized and 806 Japagese.
Am pm
Am nm
6 40 3 30 WInghanl 11 50 735
6 43 3 33 WlnehetnJet. It 48 7 25
6 52 3 44 Bolgrave 11 40 7 13
706 3111 Blyth 1128 700
7 14 01 Landeshoro 11 20 6 52
7 47 23 Canton 10 15 11 05 6 35
8 05 39 Brumfield 9 58 6 16
8 15 47 Kfppen 9 50 6 11
8 22 52 Remelt 9 44 6 05
8 35 05 Exeter 9 30 6 54
8 46 15 Centralia 9 18 .5 43
8 69 33113 Clandehoye 9 09 5 34
0 05 30 Lucan Creasing 0 05 5 30
9 12 37 Bonfield 8 55 5 25
9 21 46 Merton 8 45 5 15
9 29 54 Ettrlek 8 35 5 07
9 35 58 Hyde Park Grosaing 8 213 5 02
9 37 00 Iiyde Park Jot. 8 24 5 00
9 45 10 London 8 15 4 50
Conneotlons are made at Wingham for
all stations on the Palmerston and lin.
eardlne branch.
Connections are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Goderlah
branch, and all station% from Stratford to
Connections are made at Lunn Crossing
for all stations west to Sarnia.
Connections are made at London for all
stations east and west on the male line.
4 Table'
'kto3a ..,...1.v. 8.00 a.m. 2.30 p. 111.
231....., ' 8.211 ' 2.511 "
" 8.30 " 8.811 "
" 8.41 " 3.11 "
" 9,14 " 3.43 "
' 0.53 " 4.17 "
1018 " 4.13 "
Ar. 12.10 " 6,35 "
Toro i3"Tay,
Elmira ;ff3r(
Walton s.:d
Blyth ..:'....';
Auburn ...
a.. 311
0,23 "
0.21 6.22 .4)1 ,
7.22 "
9 ' `
7.57 "
1 " 8.08 "
I 8.18 "
5,m. 8.40 "
Why Burn Your Toes
Stop using acid cora 0ulves, use Put.
ARM'S Painless Exti'Aetor ; it costa a
little more, but it's far the best. Use
only Putuaun's, 25c at all dealers.
of all corn+, Pelee 50o per Lox at all
East Wawanosh Connell.
Apple Crop Only Fair
Reports received at the Ontario Fruit
Bureau from 12 apple grower's' 8x5001•
x[10111 indicate that the Apple crop is
not in aro good a condition as it was a
11100311 ago, and that prospects now are
for x yield not eo good as last year
with Duly a fair export Supply.
Your Wisest Course
If you are caught in the wet, get sore
throat, neuralgia or u1UIct111u• pain,
don't wait for worse,. troubles, Begip
prompt treatment with Poison's Nervi -
line. It drives away all trace of cold,
eases rheunnatisul, neuralgia Red pail),
saves you from a lay•lip in ked. No
250 purchase can bring more comfort
than a bottle of P0150310 Nerviline ; its
the oleaneet, strongest liniment made.
Sold everywhere 1n large 25c bottles,
Council met, pursuant to adjourn•
meat o+,Jely28th ; members all pres-
ent, Minutes of last regular lueotiug,
also of a special meeting wore rend and
Communication from Peter Ring,
Lot 313, Con, 10, received staring that
uuloss the Council would immediately
attend to potting in a culvert opposite
N Lot 33, Con, 10, legal proceedings
would be tlkeu for enforcement of the
It lvat8 resolved that in addition to
the 50111 of 80830.85 requited to he rata•
ed this year for county tette, 82521.00
he levied for township l lnprovelllllltS,
officers' salaries, eta, also a further
suns of $8500.00 for special school rate,
in all 58851,85 be levied and raised 00
the township this year by taxation. A
rate of 5 8.10 mills on the dollar was
struck to raise this amount, mid By-
law No. 12, 1808, confirming the same
was dolt' read and Passed,
Moved by Mr, Gillespie, seconded by
\1r. Burchill, 111111 John 11, McClinton
be .+•appointed collector at his former
salary of $65. -Carried,
The Treasurer's halt -yearly state-
ment to June 30th was received, shoo'.
ing 0 balance on band at date of
81618.42. No.18, 1908, collfirmine the
la1150intlne1)t of collector, end By-law
ho. 14, 1908. authorizing end empower-
ing the collector to charge and collect
,8 per cent 011 all taxes remaining un-
paid after the 15th day of December
next, both reed and passed.
The following accoauts were pre.
Belted end ordered to be paid on mo-
tion of Messrs, Scott and Coining :
I, L, Kerr, printing Granby
Drafts By-law 8163 50
J. L. Kerr, pert printing emltrnet 20 00
Alex. Porterfield, express and
telephone charges 70
Municipal World, collector's roll
and other supplies 1 55
3, A. McLean, 444 feet tamarao
ethnic ,.,,..... ... 9 77
Levi G. Marwood,tixingepproach
30 river, 000.0,5 00
McKinnon Bros„ cutting hill on
con. 12 16 05
James Martin, Sr„ inepecting
gravelling western boundary10 50
David Clow, inspecting cutting
or hill, con, 19 1 50
McKinnon Bros , ,gravelling and
putting 111 culverts on western
bounders' ., 122 81
McKinnon Bros., drawing tile
and putting in culvert on
northern boundary 4 00
Samuel Peddle, tatting stones off.
hill on northern boundary 30
John Cook, the for outlet, side-
line 88 and 81, con, 4 .. 2 50
John Jamieson, drawing tile and
putting in 8 culverts on west-
ern boundary 0 00
Gordon Johnston,- commutation
statute labor 1907 4 00
Geo. Filzpatriclt, uuderbrusluug
oat side of road in Comites'
swamp, con. 10 11 00
J. G. Gillespie, balance due oper-
ating road grader, 1908 ,.116 25
John McllowrIl, fees of 8 fence
viewers .... 6 00
For gravel, damages, etc -
Wm. G. Craig, 48 ya.ds,....... 3 80
Hobe Shiell, 114 yards ,,,, 7 98
Samuel Morton, 99 yards 6 93
1)ayid Gook, 82 yards 2 24
Jos, Cruickshank, 87 yards 2 19
Wm. Lilklaler, 50 yards.,8 5u
Jonathan Bentley, 90 yards 6 30
Frank Devereaux, 35 yards 2 46
Ed. J. Haines, 18 yards and boy
minding gap 2 00
Win. P. Fitzpatrick, 201 yards14 07
J. J. Walsh, 74 yards , 5 18
ltobt. H. Scott, 106 yards 7 42
Peter Ring, 40 yards '2 80
\1hu, Dobie, 90 yards.,,, ., 6 30
Win, J. Rodgers, 65 yards , 4 55
Wm, Purdou, 15 yard 1 05
Andrew Currie, 50 ya ds,....... 8 511
'l'lleo, Finnen, 20 yet ds 1 40
R. C. McGowan, 45 yards 8 15
Alex, Patterson, 5 yards.,,, ,.,42
Leo Orris, 80 yards 2 10
Jas. McCallum, Sr„ 282 yards,
opening pit and damages 21 24
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, August 24th next,
Court of Revision on the Johnson end
Hellahan drains will be held in the
afternoon of sante day.
Alex, Porterfield, Clerk,
Wants Victim's Help
Itis reported that 3..E. Audersou,
late P, 8. inspector for Brockville, Mut
BOW of King{,ston penitentiary, wrote
recently to Mre. Anderson the second.
asking her to ciranlete a petition to
have hie sentence shortened, The let-
ter 1180 sent to the lady's father. No
action ie likely to he taken, Anderson
was senteno4 recently at Renfrew on
a )targe of ingluuy, to which ire plead.
ed guilty,= 08erve seven years at the
ICingeten Fen.
System Requires Frequent Cleansing
Notonlyoutside u inside 1
ny 1 but 111 d Reuel,
your body must be frequently cleaned,
Otherwise it becomes .loaded with
waves that clog up the wheels of
health. Much better to act in time.
Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They
strengthen and regnlete the bowels,
assist digestion, enrich the blood and
thereby fortify the nerves and lay the
foundation of lasting good health, Dr.
Hamilton's Pills bring vim and vitality
so much sought for to -day ; they f11(uee
a feeling of freshness and spirit in
t hose who have been ailing for years,
Really no medicine so potent, Price
25c at all dealers,
Hanging to a Tree
The decomposed body of Alexander
Robinson, adopted son of the late Wm.
Carson, who wandered away from his
hoarding house at Gorrie 011 or about
July 22nd, Wits found last Thursday
morning suspended from .x tree in'1'ay-
lo''s hush, a mile from ,the town, 11e
laving used a wire fence to commit
the deed, The deceased, who was
practically friendless, we866 yea's of
age and was considered to he of some-
what unsound mind, which no doubt
accounts for the act.
Greatest Female Strengthener
on Earth`
Thousands of women ere [van, pallid,
rundown end dieplrfted, What they
need is that nourishing tonic k'errozole.
Soon they regain those laughing eyes,
height spirits and rosy cheeks. Ferro.
20118 does this anti more as Ml's, L F.
Adrainson, of Whitney Pier, C. B.,
testifies, "11y daughter ons very
much run down and had considerable
troubles at times, Often I was at et
loss to know what to do. I was ad-
vised to give her Ferrozole and I did
so, Ferrozoue cleated up all the
trouble, made my daughter healthy
and well. Ferroe,one gives good appe-
tite, regulates, strengthens, I consider
it a medicine every WOlnxn 01101114 use
regularly of site wants to feel her best,"
Rebuild with Ferrozo.e, it is the king
Fall Taw
Those who kp";I
school are Its ata
Sept, 1st
e merits of this
TOROTi: "yet
This college etantl,B
thoroughness and gentl`ed.
where yov will, you will flnd
Mee pushing to the front. The q{
training g
enables [tam to
get t
11rat•clasr positions. College
summer. Enter any time. t • t
catalogue. a
W. J, Ct T,'OT`1', Prl eft rr
Cor. Yoga and Atetanuer Sct., rowtltc:
Manitoba, Alberta'
Work harvesting for 25,000
men. Good wages.
Goin! $10.00 Second
Free tickets from Winnipeg to points where farm
laborers are needed, within certain limits,
Returnfor $18.00 antero! leas!
oddltl000l '-v 30dayaworlc
AUG.14 & SEPTI 8
1,1 from all stations in territory between Toronto.
i, Sarnia line and Toronto -North Bay line.
1 Ask C.P.R. `Ticket Agent for rime of spec)al
if •, train on Augur[ 14th. If no agent convenient,
write to: -
1 h' C. B. FOSTER, Dist. Pass. Ail., C.P,R., Toronto
ir�a '1
d flake
Health Saving Explained by a
Blyth Citizen Who Knows
From Experience
Many Blyth people take their lives in
their hands by neglecting the kidneys
when they know these o'gaa8 need
Seek kidneys are responsible fon' a
gloat amount of suffering aid ill
nate reason ''0 011111y use Booth's
kidney rale ie their quick reliel for
all ktdoey Streakiness, Isere is what as
I11y'111 ei[.zee says :-
Alfred Carr, of ,.fain St„ Bl,yth,Out.,
says : "\1y hick had been very lender
Mal severe pants would 001011 nloacross
the smell of it end In the region of the
kidpeyk. The ureic would very ogee
be highly colored Dud the kidney se-
cretions would be frequent end irregu-
lar, 1 would be scarcely aide to
straighten myself up after stooping or
lathlg feud although I bad teed differ-
ent prescriptions 1 could find little or
no relief. 1 learned of Booth's Kidney
Pills through nn aulveltisetlelt and
procuring thein at 5!r. Hamilton's
pharmacy 1 commenced treatment,
The one box of Booth's Kidney Pills
Mimi me eutirely, I have not had a
backache singe and the urinary dis-
orders were quickly and permanently
regulated, 1 will gladly recommend
Booth's Kidney Pills as an ideal kid-
ney remedy,"
Sold by dealers, price 50 cents, The
R,'1'. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Out.,
sole Canadian agents.
Dar, Chubb, wife and, of
St. Meese, were visitors at Station
Agent 111oK,ty's last week. Mrs, Chubb
lied Mr, 511310(151118 blot her and sister,
Last week Mrs. (Rev.) Rpm was
visiting friends in this vicinity. It is
a good many years since Rev. 61r.
Ryan wits minister in St. George's
(thatch here,
'Pile ninny friends of T. Ii, McKay,
who has been C. I'. 10. agehht here since
the railroad ons opened, will be sorry
tofenrintut Ile will shortly
ed to Lmbto naagent thereol the 1113W
C. P, R, branch just opened on the 1st
of July. Embro is in the vicinity of
Mr. McKny's old home.
To m881 es far 118 possible 1118 tut -
usual demand for farm laborers in
MBnftobe, Seskatchewrul and Alberta,
1110 Canadian Pacific Railway will run
special 8oco3,1 class excursions from all
Ontario stations, Cost of one-way
ticket to Winnipeg is 810, and trout
Winnipeg to points where laborers
con33501 to work they will he carried
without cher3e After at least one
tnon1lt'5 work in the harvest field, a
ticket Lack to Outerie starting point
will be issued at 518. 'Pickets are good
only on farm laborers' special trains,
and will be issued to w011100, but no
half -rate for children. Leaving dates
of excursfou5 are es follows :-
A tweet 14th and sept 8th, Iron 1111
s101301ns in the territory between
'lbronto•North Bay line and Toronto-
Sernia line,
August 1911) and Sept, 9th, from all
stations on Toronto -Sarnia line and
south thereof (fn Canada),
August 220(1 and Sept. 11th, from all
stations east of Toronto North Bay
line, to and including Kingston.
For the three excursions in August
special trains will be run from all
points on. the C. P. R. If ,you im'0 iu
tiny doubt as to date of excursion from
your district apply to J. McDlutehie,
0. P. R. ticket agent, who will also
furnish times of special trains, or
write to C. 13. Foster, District Passen-
ger Agent, C. P. it., Toronto.
Spring Tiredness Cured
11g Harmless Remedg
All winter long you worked hard.
Tit ,s took lots of nervefort
e. It lasted
so fan', but now it's all gone and you
feel half dead.
Somehow you must get new vitality
and mote nerve forge, The wet r fu
your bloodun1st be corned 1)1 to stI'eIlglll
and building material. Your fretful
appetite must be elated no. Some now
power must be imparted to your we51t
This is just what happens in using
Feu•tzo:e, which is an instant [blood
Maker, blood enricher and 11011'0 build-
Ferrozo e not'only creates keen ap-
petite, it goes further, improves diges-
Hfen end assimiliatiol, so that every
particle of food is converted into nerve
and muscle fibres.
13y Mt Ming np 11CW 111458 force and
making each orgltu do the work that
nature expects of ft, 1''errozoue quickly
fnereasee your weight and instils 11 re-
serve of vigor into the system that de-
fies weariness, exheustfnn, spring de-
bility 01' Sickness of any kind.
To prove the enormous strengthening
power ofh'errozone we quote the
lowing l
tot'n Intt r iron Mrs. Cecil P. o n-
m+lly, nell•known in Middleville:
,.Last March 1 wits very run down and
thin, I had no Appetite aid scarcely
felt like eating at all. My fere '13)ls
pallid And haggard end I had dark
circles under my eyes. My weight.
WKS sown pounds under 001 mal and
More than one best ?
When you ask your grocer to send
you the best flour, he sends you -
/us best• When you know the best
flour and order by the name, the
choice is not left to the grocer.
Many grocers handle
Royal Household Flour
as their leader. They have found it
the safest flour to recommend because
its results are sure and its purity is
unquestioned. It your grocer's best
is not Royal Household, insist on his
getting it for you. The benefit will
be mutual.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Lid.
t re
Having held the attention of the purchasing
public during the past year, by popular prices, we
have slated new goods to begin the second year,
and the prices will at once suggest the advantages
in dealing here
Lot 1 -Iron Beds
jjj 40 Beds in the lot, ranging In Dittoes ea followe : 83, $4,
54,50, 5-1.75, 55, 55.75, 50, 57, 58, 59.25, 511, 513, 514.50, 515,
Lot 2 --Mattresses
Guaranteed purely sanitnrv, $3, $3 50, $4 sed 55.. 32 In
the lot. Our speolal at 54,00.
Other Specials
Springs, any size, $2, 52.25, 82.31110 and 58.00. Our speolal
Is 53.00, Rattan Coal's, 53.00, 54.00, $4 50 and $6 00,
Dressers and Stande, ranging In price from 50.00, 510,50,
512.00, 812.75 and up to $50,00, Our special 18 512.75.
Sewing Sfachlnes, We are spoelal representatives for
the Standard. Prices range from 520,00 to $45.00,
Still Continue
Lot 3 -Couches
23 In the lot, whtoh means aktdoe. Prices will interest
you. 54.50, $5, 50, 57, 58, 511, $10.50, 51'1, $15 and 520,
Our special this epriug is the 513.50 and 58.00,
* House Furnishings
This department has eprclal attractions through the
house•eleantng season. A few .+ninon.: In Ltnoleums at
special price+, also Oil Clothe. Regular 60c Linoleum for
50e per %queue yard.
Furniture Dealers & Undertakers. - - Clinton
t Your Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28
day by day toot awful spring weari-
ness dragged ape down. The change
Perrozoue wrouullt Ives 0nrprisieg. It
must certainly costal) W0uderful build-
ing and strengthening properties he-
ceuse I gained stl•Pttgtll, flesh and 05 -
petite from the day I started it. I
speedily clime beck to vigorous (3005-
210111331111)1 With Ferr0zoneand recom-
mend it as the best medicine any per-
son in weak health can take,"
1 lL'errozole strengthen; the weals, re-
stores Elle anaemic, 0OOthes the 7 er-
10ne, assists then, wouteu and children
to better health. Try is 50c per box
or six for $2,00 at all dealers,
J. W. Moyes, president of the Ont-
ario West Shore Electric Railway, is
in town and announces that 001181
1011 woit on the 00310/1011 to Kincthr-
(Once section will 0tert in s few days.
The work will he heguu at the big
cutting to he made at Port Albert,
It. Parsons' mime le now added to the
list of owners of automobiles fu Gode-
rieh, be having bom1ht one on Tnesdey,
• Tennis Club e
The Gode1101 i l n s C h h k
1 the
opening of their new courts on Pfeton
street 1Vednesdey hest under very aus-
picious circumstances. So far this sem
son the club hes been partially dis-
organized, owing to not havinggrounds
for courts, the bowling club having
rented this former grounds a'ong with
the old howling greens. Nov, however
that the club has secured new I et, a courts a
good Season's sport is assured, Five
o'clock tea was served in the afternoon
et the co0rte b1' Al rs, W. Prondfoot for
the SIICCN'S of the event,
Tao Menesetung C01100 Cluh have de-
cided 0(1 the afternoon And evening of
Wednesday, August 19, for the holding
of the annual regatta. This will he fn
the same week as ths to)) ('1311111131) t 0(1118
Godeich Bowling Club, told so a good
week's nmllseu1elt is in store.
Godel•ich boys heap corning to the
from. We learn thee when Berry Le-
Touzel returned to New York, after This
I'Peenit holiday visit, t0 his parents in
Goderich, he was offered the foreman-
ship of the \Vynkoop-Hellenbeclt-
Crewfold Co, composing room, and Ile
is now filling the po'itiou, It is one of
the largest printing offices in New
Yolk and Mr, Lol'ouzel won' the place
simply of his merits.
ARE you Interested in good print-,
ing 7 If ,you are, an order sent to
our job department will cnnvincu
Sou that we excel\ in the "art pre-
servative." The certain tact in the
arrangement of the type, 90 marked
in our work, is a sign of art, Let
us fit you out with busiuess•bringDlg
printing. Call at Tia STANDARD
office and get out' figures,