HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-01-18, Page 4• `foTt7,747:. 7.111 •!"7740-•••• " SEW EU •••• • eaning Sale. Astrl.t*A NOY Mc itAll SIX tuoilthFt litiOness in which WO him enlarged our circle of Wows sby several Unwired, .we find ourselves right up to "House Cleaning Time," period who shelves must be emptied. counters unloaded.in order to prepare the , way for e 'held siX montliSe business -which We have planned to make,momorable in the annals oi linton merchandising if aggressive enterprise, novelty, progression aid big yahoo will do it ml We ideOS'it will, Just now; however, the all absorbing work in which you'd have most aterest ts the whirlwind of Bargains which will be ready for you FRIDAY MORNING ANITAWY 18tb, Price is the waste/xi spirpit in.this sale so we are going to let PRI.04 DO THE' TALKING AND TM DO THE THINKING ANII? ACTING e promise you, the hest hittgains ever offered in Clinton -come as early as possible on Friday k morning to get first pick. Amazingly Low Prices for Stylish Dress Goods, When "You Travel Get your tiokets from the. up- town ticket gtgeitt• F. R. HODGANO, Railway * Stemnshiji Agent, Clinton. lists* inkt FAIDia, JAN, 18, 1901, fl#fttAkatertifitOttlitS. Don't yvait:uatil it is too late -if you want; to secure the most retharkable Bargains ever . offend Olinton. Don't fail to .exadone these marvelous Dress Goods *offerings as a chance like this comes but once. " On sate Friday morning: ,60c, '75c Tweeds, Homespuns 37%c Great Reduction lit Black Goods. •. 40 to 50 (nob Wide Tweeds .and *Ilonieepun Dress Goids in Checks and plain weaves in the newest and ben selling shades for this season. Our raga. ° lerpricee were 60c and 75c per yard, to. clear dur- Q71 ing sale at one price ... . .. . r2 $1.25 Oenteopuu Dress Goods 75t. 00 Yari:le of . all our very best Homespun Dress Goods in Greys- and Browns that sold regularly at 7 g L25, and vvere good value, to clear during sale at _ - - r 0 5.50 -to $6 Dress, Lengths' 250 c oleo of ail • our French Novelty Dress lengths inshades Of Red .and Black, and Green ancl Gold, etc. Regular prices were from 361.50 to 2 50 $6.00.TO' Clear at , . . 60c.PIald Dress Goods for 38.c.15 , yards of this season's Choicest silk and wool, • ;and:ell wool Plaid lames Goods in the newest 'colorit of Mize,Purple and Rod mixtures: Regu- lar price 60c. To clear at ' Dress Linings at .Reditced Prices • OUR BEST lee Skirt Linings for 71c• . OUR BEST 15e Waist Liningafor. a c OUR BEST.Linenette Lin itigfor Ile OUR BEST 1c ()anvil, .3S in. wide for.. Ile • ' .Inet a fear, hundred yaids to sell et these nefies. 350 Black Figured Goods for 19c, .50 yards of BlaCk Figured Dress Goods -extra hard_finish-neat design for •skirts or dresses. . 19 Regular value 85c, •To clear Friday morning at.„ • 50c GOC Dress Goods for 35e • - 75 -Yeas of Ahis-'season's choicest -Black Figured - Dress Goods 40 to 42 inches wide, in assorted de- . signs -all hard finish and warranted to give good wear for skirts,and. dreSses. Regular prices 590 and 60c. Friday morning on sale at ; ,........ .35 Cligice Black Sirt Lengths at lIalf. . Your choice of 10 of our best Black Skirt lengths 1 . of four yards each and no two alike that sold .at .0 All $0.50, $4.50 to $5.4a Friday morning at et U '1 . 40c Black -Sattina Cloth at 23e. • 75 yards of Black Sellout Cloth with self stripe - extra heavy quality, -suitable for waists or lining full'32 inches wide. , Regular price was40cper yard. We got a bargain by taking the lot se pass it on to you, Friday morning at Only....... 23 Save .50c and. 75c oh a PairofGloves. $IM and 1.50 Kid Gloves for "75e. On Friday morning we place on sale 68 pairs of our very best $1,00, $1.26 and $1.60 *Kid %Ives at 75c per pair. They. comeiiR.Tans, Browns and Blacks; and are the best gloves we ever sold for the money., , The only rea om we have for selling them at this very low price - we rather have the money than. the gloves- at the end of stock taking7-hence the great bargain: Alt size § from..61 to It will be ready Friday morning. Clean Siveep- of lien's. ,Shirts, Etc f _SCIc TOP SHIRTS FOR. 35e. On Veidiy'mOrning we place on sale all our Men's Top Soirts that were 60c each to clear 85m BOYS, etoe TOP SHIRTS ON SALE FRIDAY AT 25e. ° Furs at ji-3 off And /Vlore, Three months of Far weather ahead. At the price we are selling them it would be a good investment to keep them till next season. 36 Grey Gauntlets for „.. -3.80 . $35 BlackBulgarian Lerob Jacket, 24 22.00 SO Grey Muffs for 415 Black Astrachan Cape for. . ' 10.50 36.50 Sable Ruffs for .... 3.50 $9 ,Black Goat Capes for - 5.95 Boys' Pereian Lamb Capsat *1.75 instead of 3250 ' s ' • 1. A ,Great Chance to get a Stylish Hat at a 'Very Low Price. y OnBATURD'ila, January nth, ;Loa MONDAY, january met, we put on gale it 59e your choice of any of our Iffitrininied; Hots tbal Were $1.5). to $2.50 pooh, In addition to this special offer every hat will be triiiimed • Free of Charge. 'FOUR MONE' BACR. IF YOU WANT IT Valu:=No CLINTON NeNt=,..71-1m7 1 eluirch ehlmea - • Bev, Dr. Gifford, pastor of Ontario Street Methodist church, and Rev. -Mr Sewers, pastor of Brucefield Pres- • byterian chinch, we fellow 'students at College. 39SEPIE'S CRURCII -Pother Me- • "'Menai= entered' upon his duties as ,,,.._perieh priest of Clinton and Blyth lestBunday anb condueted masa arid weepers at, Olinton. Leavitt congregite tione Weie present at Loth Service's • &Welcome him. He Is most„eloquent, fOrtible; and considered very able in work ; his discourbee Were vet V interesting. OnSutitlay next he On - duets service n BlYth. .:Bartlerr Onnaom.- Am invitation lias been extended to Rev. Mr Dun- ' low. of Stayner,_ to become pastor of • thie.obereh, and he has accepted it. Be has been supplying for a Couple ..of Sundays peat being a very good 4 man, and will at Once enter on hietintlee. His family will not be ..4660$rod, here until the spring. We understand that Mr Murduck has. re- -' CelVarflipill th Stayner. TIMMS PROW/TER/AL AS7100IATI N llithenrieril Meeting of Ton Preibyterial Society was field in SeifiPth Tilendayt January 15th: •There was a very good -attendance 'of delegates from the different soCitities' *hose reports were on a Whole telling Of goodverkdefte, The, off -leers for the year are the sarde ag lest year Pres. Mrs (Bev.) J. Hamilton, Goder. ich ; lit Vice, Mrs (,Dr.) Graham. °lib-, inn ; 20d. *ice, Mils (iteit4 Sewers, Brueelield ; fird Vide, Mrs (Rear.) M •Yea-.)101t11101”,s00 Mre R. _•,Seiiforth; • ot.itiapPliiii, MeT.etOgart,. Olinten ; leefiet,fift's (Rev.) J. • , Ondeteen, ntionau#' • ItAlortentlni,15r0frxf-,t .Satitleyt. ext the ifIrinual nrineionery ...sermons' ,e preached tir Rea. G W. ilen- of St,. 14.aryar President Of don Conference; .. the. utual • ttielif and; kobortoion* will be ttethirtitt ittPiibalt 'fit thfejlfil:•:100 ••-,4tIctiffhtfl,,,,41 tAtio,f,..* that of getariet,str.44; meet • lallill.4k.1`:4C,..0..00r; of..:; • %/firmly Lotto the t Monday -night at the Leaque lnies tgaYek:-.10 -'s.ddreelf +.44, ittetoffitakill di teethe:. t Mies 1'IO-0k haft* preekl1nt4, iae the ptcpcseit new Church, , . I• to repilace that at present ' doing ser• vice for Rattenbury Street, has been accepted by the Buildhag COMPaittee. It is a new, modern design which provides for an auditorium and Sun. day School, on the same floor, with ample accommodation for class roma, dr,c.; and is much on the same line as the Hunter & Crossly Memor- ial Church, 1.4t. Thomas ; it will pro- hably ba built of field stone, with dressed rock lacing for:windows, &r.,(after the English style) and it is ex- pected that the building can be easily completed, ready for use, for between thirteen and fourteen thousend dol. htra, . ONTARIO STREET CHUROEU-- On Sunday next Moil. Robb', of Wing - ham, Will Occupy the pulpit. and preach miseionary sermons; his place will be supplied by •1tey. W. Gifford. of Tuckersiiiith circuit. On the follow- ing Monday evening a platforni meet. big will be to he addressed by Rey& Mr Hobbit, Mr llowson Dr. Gib. ford and others. -The W.M.S. of Oats.. rio St, church desire to publicly thank the ladies who so heartily aided In pre. paring the bale of clothing for the In- dians on the Muncey"Reserve, a letter ten Ung thanks to the society and their has, bee6 recelited.froin Kra lawn, ex - Mende (.: tor the generous slimily - of quilts and clothing; the meeting*, of the einetety are growing ° in ' ititergek sittee the beginning of Me year eleven nktnes have been added to the roll; the -society feels greatly armour ....e thankful SO Many re .43i4ngin this great . 0 annual meeting of the Auxiliary of Willie church W. P. M. S. was held last Thursday in thelecturereomf with it good attendance, the Men:therein') new being 40, Miele Janet Vireir becom• ink a life member. on .the payment of $25.. The yearly ecth trib Alb& in/haunt* oa to $821. US ahead I of the tire -violet •Year.. 0017 was contributed to the Indian•Ftainine Fund. and $206 to for- eign. Mistilens; 90 Miseionery Miffing° ureitalOn by the Society. .Mrelticht Irwin, who for the Peat 16 year& has • been t$G- faitliftil and efficient secre- tary. has been elected President. The itithareffieeritfoi- the current teriii IWO` 4"411eh gint/Pea48t4ep'ts ;,trette=1114711-"I'°"12nt.: tee -Mrs Stewart. Mrs Lough add Miss Meraggait. The society meate on the third Thuredsy in each month. 8r. PAtfr,"8 01/00.01r.---Rert, Mr Park, tOrldered his retiguatfon Ott SOW.. and took charge of his new charge in Amherstburg on Sunday,. the services here being again taken by: Canon Smith, of London ; there were large congregations present morning and evening. A. well • attended vestry meeting was held on Monday evening to consider matters an connection with the church particularly since the resignation. of Rect. Mr 'Parke, which took effect on .the first of the year,. Considerdble 'discuesion' took Place on • the questions submitted but it was • finally decided to ask • the Bishop to. leave the:anpointnaent of a clergyman. for St. . Paul's in abeyance for a InOtath rr so, Mr J. Rumford being ap- pointed to confer with Waif. A finan- cial committee consisting of J". E. Hovey. W. Q. Phillips, W. R. Lator, hel and the two warders were instruct. echo consider ways and triemais and alsrt furnish a statement of the oburch finances to be submitted, to the veitry at next meeting two weeks hence. Canon Smith. will occupy the pulpit the next two succeeding Sundays. Mr Ransford visited London, Tuesday, in accordance with the resolution pass- ed huh vestry meeting and had an in- terview with the Bishop, who willingly acceded to the granting of all the 'time that the congregation desires to se- lect ra teiddesithr ; the bithop also lefts the nutter in theitande:hfthe column -to tee appointed fer-the purpose to ar- range Ara clergyman to conduct Ser- viette' until the supoly fet filled; A IPAO•A‘ArkAirAlmarImmiriii..1.“ 1.111bOrnc. TEAOltalt GOT ofe SALA/rt.-Chief Joictiee Meredith • eustained his reputa- tion for sweeping aside technicalities in a itidgment in the DiViellin Court in Toronto on Jan. 15th. Mr life,Phetton„ formerly teacher in Usborne,' Who had been gotrid of because the trustees wanted,tatingag0 a -cheaper te was eninZto got .1160 of salary.• he school trusteesin their defehee 001104, that theyhhould not pay, toilette° the egittensent. ^ with McPluireote dfcl not, bear the corporate seal of the hosed - and Woe not entered Ip tba antauto, The Chief justiee lectured the (learn, repreeentattvo fdr enterifigifnelf a loreft, atd eald the law. was not eo abmrd as to.defeatinetioe by taking_ ctIgnizan &Sr of such technicalitiee. The teacher 40$ Wit b1.1.0;.7 g WO. it Etymon, M. P., on Sem filet, Lord ,Lionel olgtp, half-brother Or the Marquis of, Selislatry, itt &oat Have yon taaell--,pgle Cooper ......„ . Cow. • • 00 00 .0, The MOW watt:lb-AA, J. • ., House clearing sale- Newcombe , Poetponed--matroPolitan COurae%•• . Ifit Vg.semS,aorielor.iog.g, of Welton, ie rioting Pilger 1. 1 4 . 4 A clean-up in ebina-W. Cooper & Get ready -0. E. Amnia. •5 How to set eggs -T. E. Hovey .... • 5 To clear out -A, ,1 Morrish Central Business College -W. J. Elliott Notice to creditors -Jas. &lett Anatol reeetinS-W. S. Lawrance 5 FOr sale -W. G. Searl:- Notice-J. W., Jewett ,5. To. rent -John Snid_ .er . . ......... 5 Straw -Walter McBesith • • 5 Servant girl wanted -Mrs Forrester .... 5 Robes-r.W. L. Oubnette. - Things old and new -A. Adonis .• • ... This week's attraetions-Rodgens Nro't Last Dal -Jackson -Bros -. . . 'Annual stook -holders sale:4 Taylor,. ,. • • • 5 5 8, 8. Deputy Speaker. Thecbutity of Moron is honored by the selection. Of Dr Macdonald, of gienattroifptrhteheapo?Ur position ZfonteifoutZ .and we congratulate the-docror on his appointment % He Jo probably the oli'et Ontario mepaber in the .119use, and has aron'y densenstrated his fitirefig for so important a pOeltion., The office carries with it ‘a salary of $2500, in addition to sessional allow - once, holds goods during the life ot Parliament and removes AIM debtor from the arena of active politics,' be- cause he is agsumed to ' be Impartial while he holds the poeition, so that he will take pat t in none of the de- bates that arise, during .his term of office. Mil appointment has special interest for the people of this imme- diate neighborhood,.....foi the doctor spent his boyhood in the • vicinity of Brucefield, while his amiable wife was botn on the farm adjoining . that yil- IRaguegibehReoso. being a danghter of the late Additional Local News. Taw W. 0. W. -The following were the officers recently elected for Clinton t)., H. B.Ker; A. L. J. Ire- land; P. C. Ir)., J. A. Ford; Olerk, J. W. ChidleV; 'Banker, R. Downs, .Escort. J. A. Ford; W. R. Smith;, S.; W. T. Slownlanc mangers, O. Cooper, J., B. Hoover. and J. Eaeleson. ,- • S. 0:E. Osatiosue,-N. Robson, D.G. P. for this district, installed the follow- ing as officers for Sheffield lodge tor the year; -,-P., F. H. Powell; V.P.,Isaac Prout; P.P., 3. A. Moore; See., T. W: Watts; Treas., W. H. Wells; Chap.. El. Joyner; 0.51., L. Brickenden; Guard, W. F. Siemer': physician,. Dr. Shaw; auditors, N. Robsgm, B. Joyner and T.. Jackson, er.; Trustees, S. Pike and Ll• Joyner. • Wrikti urn CURLERS. Since the formation of gtood ice...the first three, evenings of tbe week are taken up for curling, the remainder of the week de- voted for skaters. For the past two seasons rinks have been arranged, in- cluding all the play-ers, and compel - Lion was alwayli keen, the winning rink, for two sliccessive years being that ekiptied by W. P. Spaulding, This a ear the players are err/tinted, and there are seven rinks who all say 'they are the winners for the local trophy. The rinks; are :- • W moor() w 0 Tanner T Leckie Rev E B Smith hattenbin7 E M McLean • wW.I.PaoSksopanidin, irg skip N Fair skip DA Forreater F Macpherson J Gardiner Dr Shaw • 13' i'alr Dr AgneW eldp w Brydone, 0k113 - Johnston • W ROW HB Combo j P Tisdall E Rand IL MaTaicart W Jackson. skip B 3 Gibblinef skip * DG7DTIMe°111Taegggart • W R Treleaven Jos Fair . akip OURON't2011/71T• MOONEY LEAGUE. - A meeting was held in Clintoa recent- ly for the purpese'oirbrming a hockey leaeue for the county. The following officers were elected • ' President, R. Baker, Seaforth;viceepres., 1/,` Dinsley, Winghtun; emend vice, J. Forester, Clinton; 11007.• IL Thom on,'Beaforth • tram., Geo. Allen, G h. Tilo officers will act as an executive, w th power to settle all disputed games. Games yet to be 171ale&:- Wineham at Clinton, Jan, 17th • Clinton at Goderich, Jan. 28rd GOderich at SeafOrtal Jan. 26th. Seaforth at Whisham. Feb. ltd. Wingham at Goderich, Feb. Oth. &Worth at Clinton, Feb. 8th. Minton at Winghan2, Feb. 15th, Winghain at Clinton, Feb. 21st. Qoderich at Clinton, Feb, 22nd; The drat match was played on Thurs- day week in Seafortk with Clinton. The game was a hotly contested one; at the end of the first half the score stood° to I in favor of the home team but it finally ended 7 to 4 in their favor. The Clinton players were.:-Johneton, goal; Dayment, point Matheson, -cover ; Forester, Steep, Olarridge and. Pringle, forwarde, Goderich played In Wingham. on Friday week and the score resulted in 5 goals all. Clinton - played. Wingliam last night (Thursday on the rink here. STA./MI[9T MoRitowst ArtOwic-The Mall and Empire's war correspondent will appear here in the Town Hell, On Thursday eVeping, Jan. 24th, un- der the auspices of the A. 0. P., and i deliver his illustrated lecture , "To Africa and the front ?eith the Calm - Mains." Mr e Brown has met with crowded houses on his tour through Canada. He takes you .from Quebec right through the camnaign. He has a has also secured the Edison cinema. tograph-the same machine and pic- tures that have been on exhibition at i Melees" Rall, Toronto. A matinee will he ;given the sch001 children. r Private A. B. Webb, who is Well ac. quainted With Mr Brown, will intro - &We him. the following p e Se tlOtidefl speak iftfe thediselyee f a I *mina and tt Mrs $. 4. Donee of .Tualforamith, Wait vieiting reIativee. initown WS week. Mime MoWhinney onii • Maffei.- Wood - stook are poste of Mrs E. Mason, Mx and Vire H. E.. Heaping arrived home 260 Jugs tOr hue of Englieb..madp CreaM. hest: front their cveddie trip on Monday .evening* 0 1111. ely decorated h], gold and garnet a idzes, formerly sold at elear In.ehina Prank Hovey left 'on Monday morning for Toronto, to resume his studies at Trin. hy, *11 tbere, MIe� • Deane returned to bet borne in Paris on. Wednegday, ;titer visiting Set weep, Mita Allen, for acme time. Moe Doyle, heed milliner ferliodeeile Bros,, left on Friday last for her bolidays; she will return as soon as the ;Wong geigen re -opens mrawinsies ina daughter. Miss Win George Roberton went to Brussels oa Sunday to see hie stater, ho is *seriously dred, are visitors in town, end will be th gaesta of Mrs, J. 0. fighter, Mary'street, etweral months. • 0, an 2, now on saleyour ehmee for Se. • 25.e Cops and Saucers -,Some beautiful China and Saucers, assorted shapes and designs, representing the lines of 75c, 60c and 50e goods,which, are net being re -order going now, yo'ur choice for 26e, • Be Cups and Saucers-A.dainty line of small sizes int, aisorted shapes and decorations,all good China; regularly way •at 26e and 86e, your choice for I5e • assortment -,-Odd lines of, Plates, Bowls, Mum r Cup's and Saucers, Vases, Trays, etc., your choice for UK „miss Bete McAllister, formerly of town, hut who has been at Ingersoll for 00010 tirae, le nOW liVing with her glister St Cr08- well, Michigan. of Pedagogy at nropilton on Tuesday; he Lester Whitely._ returned to the Ballad of Pzoon nt se,t aouedo rompretsed yh his anerveee ral gtohoed eon:. sitione offered him, with eome of the high mhools of the province. . Mrs Frank Jones, of St. Thomas, Delco who has for the past few weeks been Visit ing Mende in this viainity and Goderioh, returned to her home on Monday; she is greatly taken up with the States, and'would not return to Canada to live. _ Ilarsh Morrill), (sod of John Morrish,) who has been manager of the Blyth electric light plant, has been appointed to.,,talte charge of the plant at North Bay at a sal- ary of 8700 a year. The people will tied Marsh all right, and particularly expert in electrical matters. • . j. 1. McGuire was in Toronto last week, laavin gone upon the request of the super- intendent, and was offered the position of G. T. R. agent at Swansee, due to his Mall; ity and service° rendered here in the freight office. Had he taken this it would have ensured him still higher promotion, but after consideration decided to remain here. ---MrEiger-Hill, of Lethbridge, Alberta (brother of J. W. Hill), was a visitor to town, last Week; his wife, who accompanied him, remained here for a few days, going on to visit her parents in the viOinity of St. Mary. Mr Hill was at one time in linsinetie in Holmeeville, and is said, to havedone well since settling in the west, where he is,carryieg on a general bueinem. Mr Molotyre, mayor -eke) Of St. Censor inetl, h411 been just thirteen thaw before •the people of the city, and has thirteen thneebeen elected. During all those elec. • Con contests he has 'nem canveseed. tor a vote, leaving the matter of his election en.. tirely in the hands of the people, .with whom the confidences -hove been mow. He is an uncle of Messrs E. B. and Peter Ker; Of town: • • Messrs Ralph and John Wade, sons of Rev lg. Wade, who have been living in Dakota. hoe bought hind iu Oatario near Fort William, and intend to logete there in•the spring. Will, another eon, remaina for the. time being in Dakota. -Drell pro. babilitY Rev Mr Wade ' and vtife will pia theirsons in New Ontario. ' Theirrenuival from town will he regretted, •for although not in the active ministry, Mr :Wade is a very aoceptable pulpit supply, and does considerable work in this direction: . , Ed, paratelon went to Hamilton on Tnesdaystd,partioipate in the great annual shoot et the Hamilton gun club. where $1800 ,guarameed amoney is put ire in prizes. • The moat interesting part or the attair is the - International pigeon shoot, .17)1i0h Ba will OpMpetc in, this being the ev silt be and two others tied in a year rtge he captured close on to $100 in prize money, competing with the beet prerkernen of iminitiy.. If everything turria",:but ' well it' is some .of the prima will land to Clinton. George Tedford, of . Chicago, brother Of 4 /oho Tedford, Of town, who has been visit. fog his mother in Grey minty, reterned to the west on Saturday. It its nine years dime Mr Tedford removed from Clinton, and during that time he has lost none of his love for Caned' and its .inetitutioes. He likes th1i west because of its cipportnn. hies, but oonsidere that -Canada, morally, is far ahead of Ito Anlericart neighbor, and but for the feet that his children are doing well there, might not be ayerse to coming hack here to live. . Thomas East, well known as a resident 1 the wavel road,-Hullettrhae oontributed is much, or poesibly naore, to the "up. building" of this motion, as any man in the county. Coming here in 1854 he start- ed a brickyard which be conducted eno- oegiefully until about three years ago, when, olay giving out, he had to turn hikattention to tile, which he btu; been manufaetaring swot Daring all those yesra he made Many thousands of excellent brick, that found their way into sooree of • the hand - Homo housegibrid stores through thie sec- tion.. He has served a long and motive ap- prenticeship at his trade, having oom- mewed hie apprenlieeehip in the old court. tryfet the age of 18 van, and being now -intie ?let e r While back Wroxeter the Other day Inepeotor Paisley was the guest of Thomas Gibson, ex.M.P,P., and thege WO old crOti. ies talked over the earlier political exper- iences Of Bad Huron. Mr Chinon is now in his 78th year, and while ha fairly good health suffers with -kidney trouble, whiah has neiceisitatsd three visits to Toronto hospital, Mr Gibson hag a remarkable and honorable politica Weer to look back to, When hi fir.t ran there was an adverse majority of nearly 400 against him, but he turned thia in his favor and curled each enoogeding eleotion for 20 years, no sae". Lions of wrong -doing ever being mule against him. The fleet vote Mr Paieley reoarded was for Mr Gibson, and having. started on the right track, has kept it eat* since. • Mr Penmen Evans, Meteor of the Provtdent Itranoh of the North American AfieUrallou -00o2ThuiY, who WIkt itt town set week will return &bad the 21.st to complete arrangements for having taken up pert of the stook of the National Agency Company, which is being formed n Toronto for the purpogi Of ()berating in connection with the North American Life Mahe Companyan Namibia Or Provident Department. The advantages Of forming' ts sinbeidiary management Company in - teed of a new Life Ineuranoe Conapanty, re several. A. new lite ingutanoes ooni. pany must spend years -and a greet deet Of money in the that plugs to beoome Inmate n order to Complete sueoessfally for new brielness,„whereite an old Company has al. daily overcome these diffioulties, and can devote its attention to eeoering the most profitable lines of business: It will thee ' be sees thetthe National Agency Company - roes itioorineetion with the North Atnev WM Lite, will et once be in the position of n old and well established company, with amifications Olaf/ding from the Atlantic o the Dacia° in this country and in almost 11 of the Northern States, We ender. tend that fir lobo Vidont is looking after he taking up of the stook here which will oollipleted by the end of nett week, Mr John McGarya Of *big town we lattice li On the Beard of Proyisionel Dire,cfors of the new mossy. T noxvro Gtone-The prineepal feature 0 4110 Saturilay night military concert Isi Massey Ha was the Illustrated lecture by Mr StallleY MXown ou South Africa. Tb.ere wm a largo nu enco Who received Mr Brown cordially. At the close ot the lecture Mr Brown Wa8 llearSily applauded. AVITAM Patettst.-Theee who attended the *Aare at the Girona loot fweilins heard the. lecture ever delivered in the Menlo Oity en the5outh African War. It WM delivered by• kites oy McKeown ltrown, the Mali and Bilipire wareorreepondent. The .viettis shown were One, .14ancy- ,ealendars at 5c The b.alanee of Fancy Calendar stock muist be cleared. out,' priees-vwe formerly 35e, 25e, 20e and. 15e. . Now our choice for Se, ******-rmt.414444.************ You can't get along without qlasses. Perhaps you will think about.1t when it is too late, then you.Will regret that you did not treat your eyes right, that you (10, not buy glasses.for them when they first began to hurt. After that first headache you should have had your eyes exaMinect and let us sell you the proper glasses. A. T. Cooper is a gra- duate optician of the Optical Institute. Satisfaction guaran,-- teed or your Money back. • Co.opet. Co; . Agents"D"M .ominion Express oney Orders. -41,0111411....imi‘en,ton (f. P. R. Telegraph ' • • eintilita And Going. • *lea Jennie Robertson is : viehing Miffs 944. Clark,.et Alma. • " . Mtge Broder; Iforrieburg, is Visiting her eister,.mrs q. D. MoTaggart. . , Misaafabell Young, fleafOrth, is the gild of her friend% Mimes H. and N.lifeekeoz e. , Mre Bedell. Toronto, who has beenthe fliest or Mrs W. Cooeer, returned hoine on .. Mr and Mrs A. 0, Becker. of Water Gap ' hanitarmin, Mind, Pa., were questa cf Mise Grace Tedford on Thursday, * Mr Yanies Connolly is attending the Meeting of the Ontario Dairymen's Am. canon, at London; of which he is second VicePresident;i?, • = ...We understand that James Middleton, iit present with j. E. Hovey, goes to the West in the spring, for the purpose of le. eating hi some of the growing towns there; he is e steady and competent young man, with good prospeets 'before him. . Mrs To nd,--who-bas-been viaiting re her sons Neabitt, Mao., for the past two years, ret ned to town last week, and it! at,presen allopping-with her daughter, Mrs Robt. Mare' see will probably make her home with tr eon AMPS, in • Trickeremith. Miss Ella line, went to Si. Thorium yesterday to welcome her brother J. Speny. Cline, who has just returned from South Aldo'. He was a trooper bathe Canadian Mounted Binge which did such noble ser- vieethen and comes back withcut a scratch, but with an .experienn worth having. The following were representatives. froth Clinton for the respective societigan ocm- neaten: With Willis church to Ihe Hilton Presbytery, .held in Seaforth on Tuesday: For the Misditon Band-ffissee curt, Wise. man and Lizzie Ohidley as delegates, and Mrs (Dr.); °reborn, Miss Amy Howson,. Robert Stewart and George Biggart; for the Enron Presbyterial of the W.P.M.& - Min MoTaggart ea delegate, and Mrs B. Irwin, Mr e Denman:on, Mrs S. W.. Irwin, Mrs (Rev) S-ewart and Mrs O'Neil Women's lastitutes. (Written for Nast E...nt_by Mrs Evergreen.r • Arethey needed? Yes, more so than the men's are; they deal with the farm, orope and stook, brat women's have to do with that of far more importance, the Home, and they that dwell therein. The benefite arising from better methocitin agriculture are Very desirable in many wept, but these O'Neil for the use of human helm, who In many oasea have not received nearly is much care and thought. in fest it seems that the occupants of stable and pen are entitled to more consideration than the children of the homer that is, if we may judge from the attention and discussion given to the former. How much we hear shout the "well-balanoed ration" in feeding for profit. The who farmer feeds his stook, and especially the young, on suitable food. But how few women know anything about the proper food for a ohild, Many a little one ha e its digestive organs ruined while yet an infant, simply because the mother does not understand either the child or its food; often it ie fed MO° table withic bit °of everything going. If by the right kind of feeding a family is saved sickness and dootor'a bilk, surely Oast it a profit. In. the pail women have not reoeived that kind of troinink Which qualifies them for their Iffe's calling, In the that place, ebe does not know herself, coneequentlr no wonder makes Mistakes in reepeot to others. The position of Home maker calla/or the very beet training possible; it deeds in the tole -front of all Other". ROM in *here the future men and women are 00 Oorne from. All children spend their Bra few yeara in a home ohms sort. If all homes were what they ought to be, how BOOnit would tell on the affeargi of this world. Women is permanently the Ilomeanaker. Some one has bald "Let them educate a boy and they educate a Man; let them au- oate a girl, and they ednosite a Wilily 1" Women's Institlites Will Open tin a wide field of tisetulnees for the women of the farm. So rainy Eubjeote that relate to the wellbeing of that which makes life not Mane progiteble but enjoYable-cIegmliness in thought and epseeh its well aa in pergola and teethes; Sanitation, Or the importance of healthful surroundings; the beautifying, of the home, outside as Well an inside; we would len out homes ell the MOM if they were As pretty as tidinefse, tree', greed and flowers mild make them; the women's and the childrente shire on therms, (not of thelrork alone,they will get their share of thick) but of iti profits eild ownership; the ynattrilitTybie-aSeintrit ItialoPrrirt1170r%AWILlahtligiere and veiny other subjects would be under diecusiloo• The Watrien'it Inland* has a wider application thin the Men's, first, be- fla900 19 dojo With *higher eubjeet; Mond, beau* tet. not eonarsel to the farutv kid whereto the* it hoess with e Wawa% ha it, there is work Mr the balk* Rilsult of eounty Election. • - • - The following are the. official figures - in connection with the redent election, - the two highest in, each case being. elected Division,No. 1- Ashfield, Colborne and Goderich -Philip Holt and Hugh.. Chatabere elected:by acclamation. ....Division No. 2 -- Ilullett, Goderfcb, ,.To townshipcouOffizr. dGiuntono7.9 184 Total -906 D. Gantelon 288 281 410 ..-929 S. S. Cooper 240 222 682 ,-844 Jan. Snail 588 81 181 -796 " Division No.8-ilay.Stati1ey, Hensel/. , and Bayfield -John Torrance Med W. Lamont elected by acclamation. Division No, 4 Stephen, -lifsborne; and Exeter. ",I,Delbridge 128 98 84 • War' A., Q. Bobier 608 )28 196 Total- 827 Rich. Hicks ' 718 117 ' 82 - 917 . 11. Spackman -INS _ ' Division No.5-- McKillop, Tucker -- smith and Seaforth. • T. E. Hays 461 15Z 258 TOta1-871 3. B. McE4on 151 628 • 185 -- 950 P,,MoRay 118 220 . 09 -487 ' B. O'Connell 611 187 168 -814 Division No. 6- Grey. Morris, and. Brussels --J. Bowman and W. R, Kerr • e/ected by acclamation, • Division No.7--Bast Wawnosh, West. Wawanosh, Blyth and Wingham. • • `114 Lockhart 011 825 55 259 Total -850 ;D. Patterson 280 200 281 144 -20 Alex. Stuart 158 811 67 116 -3. 652 Webster- 00/ 2139 24 isg --est • • Division No. 8-Howick, Turnberrr and Wroxeter. •l22 eFLronsoglg n 268671 12218 Total -Bol . Miller 886 481 115 -082 W. Weir 405 204 le -,7.31 . NOTES. From the Gtadericli Star:-" 'Your Own Sam -S. S. Oooper-has many a • good election yarn to his credit. A.nd, Chore are very many Worse people thas 8,1811:-10487.swpeere,ks too.°eummary of the /foto` for county cOmmissloners We mentbn.,- ed that John B. McLean and 2. Mc. Kay had been elected for Dividen No. 5. This was a mistake. Mr MeLean heath' the poll with 959 votes and Thom. E. Hayes 871, H. O'Connell 815 and P. McKaykheGod13 437.rich Stir says and eo- say we: -"The °mita', Council has lost" a good man in the peracin of Jas. Snell, but it is satisfactory to know he . has been replaeed.by such a sterling char- acter teTIobazyas the "apple king," David Cam, coofuCnitlillf:on'uncil will meet at Ged- erich on Tuesday next. Plait Holt, we - believe, is an aspirant for the warden. ship, and should get it, but it is pos.. eible a dark horse may crop up. At Ottawa Charles O'Reilly Wha sen- tenced to three years' imprisonment for having est:hutted fire. Mary Madison in Bach a manner as V) Cause injuriee IVhicb resulted ill the woman's death. • ' Metropolitan Course 3rd EntertainmOrat T"Eugene Page Concert Co.. Indefinitely Postpone owing' to the Company having grip. AAA' aking Powder Makes the bread more healthful,. Safeguards the f • against mum. te pi melt