The Blyth Standard, 1908-08-06, Page 6Suffragette Still Woman.
fo,�. said the l'oionulo wonuu1
delegate to the convention, "1 want
your edyke "
`Sort, ,answered her husband, flat-
tered, "Now, ma to that labor
"Oh,John," she interrupted, "please
be serious, 'Pell aur 901111}, hitt I shall
wear"' -Philadelphia ,Ledger.
Tho Oldest Inhabitant.
99'liew'1 Isn't this weather the worst
you ever saw?".
"No, sir. No wenthm' is the worst l
ever enw."-Philndelphla P0e5,1,
What Was Lacking.
Toni--AVhen are you going to wed
your pretty fiancee?
Dick (gloomily i-andeed, 1 do not
Tom-But't)io report is gaining cur-
Dick -Yes, but 1 ani not gaining cur-
reney, That is just the trouble.--Uhica•
go News,
"This luiltiby doesn't seem to soothe
the baby,
"Wonder why not?"
"I suspect lie takes it for competi-
tion." -Washington Herald.
First Aisle 3, the Left.
Teaches--Jolutny, where is the Isle
of Man?
Johnny -111 thegents' furnishin' de.
pa rtm'ient.•-Judge.
Let Her Do the Work.
"You know, Sum, it is no disgrace to
have to tvnrit fora living."
"No, sail; 1 knows it, said Dat's wet
I. ellt10 tells my wife, sail" -Yonkers
Pretty Mean.
"Ho's the meanest man I ever knew.
"Tent so?"
"Yes Just to show ''hat he can do,
he takes a pair of field glasses to the
.-bah game every afternoon, and puts in
;half his time searching the stands for
some of his employees,' --.;;t, Lords Post -
To Hold Him.
Na -That's a beautiful solitaire Dick
gave you, I wonder if you know what a
fickle young non lie is?
Fan -Indeed I do; that's why I made
him give rhe such an expensive one --
Mop Tribune,
He Wanted to Know.
Mr. Caild--Can 'Lsee that burglar who
was arrested for hrcaking 11110 my hoose
last night?
• Inspector floe7i 11ing'lyI-Well,Idon't
know. What 710 you want to see him
Mr. Codd -Oh, there's nothing secret
abeat it. f just warted to find out how
he managed to get into the house with-
out waking my wife. -Illustrated bits.
Bocci ming.
Miss Jenkins -flow de you like my
nett 'mitering costume?
Miss Wilkins think It suits yon
vim lidly t'spevinlly the mask and gog-
gles, Chicago Journal,
Twisted All Sour Masts of the Schooner
James B. Drake.
The four -masted schooner James 13,
Drake is at 111e11 se's shipyard in East
Boston undergoing repairs for one of
the most peculiar accidents in the his-
tory of navigation.
While cruising in southern waters the
schooner was caught in a eyclonie storm
which revolved around the vessel in
such a manner that all fou' of her masts
were twisted in their steps. When the
ship carpenters investigated the solemn-
er preparatory to beginning their work
they could scarcely believe their eyes.
Plainly 801115 rotary notion of wind and
storm had caught the poles in a lever-
age, forcing them just 11a11 way around.
No explanation is offered for the masts
not coming out of the ve sel, All four
are standing and have been carrying
sail all the way to port, to other dam-
age woe received during he storm, and
although the masts wero turned they
were not injured in the least.
The accident is the first of rte kind In
the memories of the oldest navigators,
about the harbor. They say that of all
freaky gales reported of the tropics this
is the strangest, and many refused to
believe the story until they had visited
the yard and viewed tho schooner theca"
selves. -Boston Transcript,
At His Own Valuation.
Merchant -I'll give you n positi011 199
clerk to start with. and psy 9-1111 11h11
you are worth. Is that stti.f tamv'
Applicant -Obi, perfectly; but -or -do •
you' think that the firm 0111 afh'rd 11?
Illustrated Bits.
Sherlock Holmes in Church.
Rinks -Did you notice the flower on
the Crown of the iter. lir. N.ailer's hat
this morning? '
Winks. ]'es. ITB must be gelling
pretty close to the bottom of the bar -
'el. -Syracuse 'Herald.
Wool -Huta do yon like your new
Vat felt -All right. except ilial, tae.
n across the hall is learning to play -
col -Sou might to set 1171 accordien.
Pelt -1 filth 111:i1'1 1111,1"1 ' gal
A Sad Case.
la had n job since lava
011? 19ha't arc you??
an of cross butt molter.
earted Boy.
chy alidn't you lini+h
mat. couldn't, mato-
d the toothache: -
11,11;' ,10
Lapl bt�,+`
COU n11y f,
S:rt:ttt 1 a ±
to' go then r 3
town with
ic0110 to the
tehetla 't
]y in
More little lives are lost 'during the
hot weather than at any other time of
the year, diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera,
infantum and stomach troubles come
without warring, and when a medicine
la not at hand to give promptly the
short delay too frequently means that
the ohlid has frequently passed beyond
aid. During the hot weather months
Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in
every home where there are small child-
ren. An occasional dose of the Tablets
will prevent stomach and bowel troubles.
Or if the trouble comes unawares the
prompt use of this medicine will bring
the 6hhld through safely. Mrs, J. Ren-
ard, New gettaaltasgow, Que., says: -"One of
Leattack of d
rh'w clh Baby's OwnTabl
proinly cured. I know of no medicine
so,a good for stomach and bowel
troubles Sold ba medicine dealers or
by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr,
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Fish Chased Ashore by Whales.
A serious menace to health is threa-
tened at Nahant by the large quantities
of fish which have been thrown up on
the beaches and rocks following, it is
believed, the appearance if porpoises
and large fish supposed to be whales.
Although the fishermen gather them
as the tide recedes many are overlooked.
It Is the opinion of the natives that the
fish, which include mackerel, hake, Pol-
lock and herring, all small in size, have
been forced ashore by the larger fish
which have invaded the waters recent-
'Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
brawing It Fine.
"A man has to draw it fine these
"What do you means"
"Staying ten minutes after office lours
each day will probably make a good im-
pression, but staying fifteen is liable to
excite suspicion that you are monkey-
ing with your books." -Kansas City
Mus Della Strocbe, who had Com.
jrletely Lost Her Health, Found
Reliejfrom Peru-na at Once.
Read What She Says:
Proof is inexhaustible that
Lydia 1;. Pinkllam's Vegetable
Compound cures female ills and
carries women safely through the
Change of Life.
Mrs. Letitia Blair Cannifton,Ont.,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
"I was sick for five years. One doc-
tor told me it was ulceration, and an-
other told me it was a fibroid tumor,
and advised an operation. No one
knows what I suffered, and the bear-
ing down pains were terrible.
I wrote to my sister about it and she
advised iso to take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
"It has cured me of all my troubles,
and I did not have to have the opera-
tion after all. The Compound also
helped 'nc to pass safely through
Change of Life."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
ndhas positively cured thousands oil
p„lnen who have been troubled with
laoemerI3}ts, inflammation, ulcera-
brOld tumors, irregularities,
Ino backache, that hear -
g, flatulency, illdiges-
nervous prostration.
nvites all sick
for advice.
onsands to
, ➢'las&
j( gIS6 DELLA. STRONB1fl, 710 Rich-
mond St., Appleton, \\'ls., writes:
"For several years I was in a run-
down condition, and I could find no re-
lief from doctors and medicines. I
could not enjoy my meals, and could
not sleep at night. I bad heavy, dark
circles about the eyes.
"My friends wero much alarmed. I
WW1 advised to give Peruna a trial, and
to my joy I began to improve with the
first bottle.- After taking six bottles I
felt completely Cured. I cannot say too
much for Peruna as a medicine for
women in a run-down condition."
Pe-fu-na Did Wonders.
Mrs, Judge 5, F, Boyer,1421 Sherman
Ave,, Evanston, I11., Bays that she be-
came run down, could neither eat nor
sleep well, sad lost flesh and spirit. Pe.
rune did wonders for her, and she thanks
Peruna for new life and strength.
Odd Discovery Made"Under the Sands
of a Delaware Beach.
Claiming to have found icicles that
have been preserved for over sixty years,
Harry E. Elliott is backeri by four com-
panions who were with liar when the
discovery was made. Over sixty years
ago an old oilhouse, where the fluid was
kept for nae In the Cape Henlopen light-
house, was suddenly covered up by the
shifting sands of Rehoboth 13e0c11. No
effort was made to uncover it, and the
sand remained there until many had for.
gotten that a house had ever been on
the spot.
Last week when Ilarry E. Elliott, a
well known merchant, and four other
companions were walking down the
beach near one of tlie sand dunes they;,
noticed the peak of a small house show-
ing forth and procuring shovels started
to dig the sand away, until finally the
door of the little place 'appeared. Burst-
ing open the door from its rusted hinges
the men suddenly plunged into a verit•
able icehouse. and were astonished to find
icicles hanging from the roof. The ice
was broken off, but 'in a few moments
melted away:
Upon investigation it was fonndthat
khe old oilhouse had been cowered up
for over sixty, yenta and the icicles,
which were formed then, had kept in
the perfectly airtight compartment un-
til the men dug the sand away. --Reho-
both Beach Correspondence Baltimore
F'ivc 1000 old'f0 fir }g a e¢i
through a test 211 rani itit
htfrnfrinp; family;
ally, papa nslted len the m
led proved the \Sater:790 of th,.'o1
In past year,
Saw, Tommy," said pupa low ma
ctwo 0,Icple5 iand dace pears?' fruits 1" irnofitptly respell;
ny, ;Tire Delineator.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Interesting items About the Place -
Facts and Figures.
New York city has 133 department
stores, that employ 11,000 persons,
There are some large proft'is made on
goods sold in New York city, but the
greatest percentage goes to the retailers
of jewelry that has imitation precious-
reciousstones in its composition. The profit Is
often one thousand times as much 918 the
goods cost, To get $40 for what cost
forty cent, is quite usual.
New York city has an average of one
and one-half million visitors each week.
There has been a large increase in the
nuul er of emigrants from the port of
New York during the last -year, but the
net result is that it is growing at the
rate of about 32,000 a month through
Hot weather has brought a marked
increase in the number of children who
are taken to the New York hospitals for
treatment, and the diagnosis shows that
ninety per oont.f the trouble arises
from improper feeding.
When New York city's Catskill aqua
duct is completed we will have water
enough for a population of 7,000,000,
without any cause for anxiety.
It 'takes about 2,000,000 cords of wood
a year to make the newspapers that go
through the presses of New York. city,
New York's Zoological Park, in the
Bronx, contains the largest collection of
any park in the world, 11 hoe more than
4,000 specimens of beasts,: birds and rep-
There are now fewer persons being in-
jured by accidents on the railways of
New York city, in proportion to the
number of cars operated and the number
of persons travelling in them, than at
any previous time since the first line
was put in operation,
Nearly one•third of the immigrants
who arrive in the port of New York
never go beyond the city for a hone.
There is a lot of poverty on Manha0
tan Island, but the assessment rolls give
$2,000 in taxable propert$"-to each In-
Marine Surgeon Finds Disease in
San Francisco Redents,
Whether it is possible for rats to
transmit leprosy to human• beings is a
question which, says a San Francisco
special in the Nov York Herald, has
come Op pointedly here, following a re-
port made by Dr. George aler'oy, passed
assistant surgeon to rhe Marine Hospital
Service to Surgeon-Uoneral Wyman. A
peculiar disease simile to leprosy has
ben discovered among the rats in San
Francisco, and experts are now consid-
ering whether it could be transmitted
to persons. The reports of Dr. McCoy
"Soon after (wing assigned to the ex-
terminations of rats in San Francisco I
was informed by the city bacteriologist
that ho had observed the leprosy -like
disease in 0510 or two instances, He also
showed me gross and microscopic speci-
mens of 'the lesions.
"I therefore began to look for the
condition and to keep notes on its oc-
lluring the' period covered by this
report 13,500 rats were examined and
20 cases of the disease observed. It is
believed, however, that the condition Is
more frequent than these figures indi•
catc, as alt of the cases observed have
been made in fnll•grown, large rata,and
the lesio s very well marked. •
"As to the relation of the disease to
leprosy in 1111111, Dr. W. R, l;rinekerhoff,
director of. the leprosy investigation sta-
tion at Molokai, Hawaii, states in an
article which appeared in the transac•
tions of the fifteenth annual ineeting of
the Hawaiian Territorial _Medical Socie-
ty, as follows;
""I'he question immediately Arises as
to whether this disease of the rat may
not he human leprosy occurring in that
animal. Of course, witli the data now
available, it is impossible to give a cate-
gorical answer to this question, but the
geographical distribution of the disease
speaks against an affirmative reply. It
seems more probable that rat leprosy is
to human leprosyeas is bovine or avian
tuberculosis to the. human disease, rath•
er than that it is like plague or glanders,
a disease common to and transmissible
between two species."'
What He Meant,
Housewife-\Vhy don't you get a job
and keep tt?
Hobo -I'm like de little bird dat keens
flyin' from limb to limb.
Housewife -Cavan, you're only 0 bum,
How could: you fly from limb to 1mb?
Hobo -I mean de limbs o' tie latw0. ,
From the Bohemian
Minard's -Liniment Co,, Limited.
Gentlemen, -I , have used MINARD'S
LJNI11ENT'on my vessel and in my
family for years ,and for the every day
ills and accidents of life I consider it
has no equal.
I would not start on a voyage with-
out it, if it cost a dollar a bottle,
Seer, "Stroke," St. Andre, Kamouraska.
Maine's Latest Snake Story.
An old hen with a large family of
0111811 chickens was recently given an
empty barrel turned down on its side
for a coop on the writer's premises. One
day recently the hen gave the signal of
distress used byall good grangers and
the barrel was quickly surrounded by the
fighting members of the household,
A large snake was found in the barrel
and quickly lynched. Several bunches
wets noticed on the reptile's body and he
140.9 ripped up the back with a pair of
shears and seven chickens wore found
gasping for breath. They are all:aliva
yet. -Lewiston Journal.
His Suggestion.
Gillespie -T wonder what sort of col.
lector I would make?
Tlardrum-Fort might let Ise Have $2p"
for ten (lege and find out, -•Jolt' Stnatt
Minard's Liniment Cares Garget in Cows.
An Extra.
Howdy, Mr. Skeeter!
Hope I don't 'ntru-ie,
Hate to stop a feller
At his daily food.
But I'd like to warn you
That you'd best bewar.i;
What you're eating lent
On the bill of fare,
And if you'll excuse me,
I would like to say,
Tltat my nasal feature
Isn't a cafe.
-4 so
All Druggists, Grocers and general
stores sell Wilson's Fly Pads.
Discovered What the Noise Was.
Von can painlessly veno a any corn, either
hard, soft or bleeding, bytpplying Petnam's
Com Extractor. It neverns, leaves ao scar,
mtafuseoacids ;is1tarmles because composed
only of healing gums and bats. Fifty years In
use. Cure guaranteed. gold by all druggists
20c. bottles. Befnse substitutes,
Pants and Trousers.
Everybody talks well when ho talks
in the way he likes, the way he can't
help, the way he never thinks of; the
rest is effort and pretense. The 1111971
who says "trousers" because he likes
to say it, ane the nun: who'aays "pants"
because he likes to say it are both good
fellows with whom a frank soul could
fraternize; but the man who says "trou-
sers" when he wants to say "panto" is a
craven and a truckler, equally hateful
to honest culture 11 11(1 wholesome ignor-
ance. He belongs to the some sordid
category with the man who wears tight
shoes and high collars that are a tor-
ment to the flesh, who este olives that
he doesn't relish and drinks uncongenial
clarets, in incitation of kis genteel neigh-
bor in the brownstone front. ---Atlantic
While returning front work at Blairs
Mills, Franklin County, Barney Wise,
hearing a noise in the creek below Har-
ris' tannery, paid no attention, thinking
it 9085 a cow. '
The noise turned out to be a large
bear, and it carne out of the bushes into
the road about tot feet in front of Isr.
Wise. Barney is a noted pedestrian,
but that evening he broke his record
and was hone before his wife had sup-
per ready. 'The bear continued on his
journey up Horse Valley. -Philadelphia
To All Women: I will send free with full
Instructions, my home treatment wit:ob
costively cures Leuoorrhooe, Ulcor'atlon,
Displacements, Falling' of the Womb, Pain-
ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar-
ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes,
Nervousness, Melancholy, Palm in the Hand,
Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles,
where caused by weakness peculiar to our
sex. You can continuo ifreatmeat at home at
a oust of only 12 oents a week. My book,
"Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent
free on request. Write- to -day. Address,
gra M. Bummers, Boz H. 8, Windsor, Oat.
Cat Characteristics.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
e s
The Carriage Waits "Without"
"The carriage waits without, my lord,"
"Without what, gentle sir?"
"Without the left-hand running board,
Without the French chauffeur,
Without -a drop of gasoline
Six nuts, the can of oil,
Four pinions; and the limousine,
The spark -plug and the coil,
Without the brake, the horn, the (Adak,
Without the running gear,
One cylinder -it beats the Dutch
How much 'there isn't here!
The car has been repaired, in fact,
And you should he right- glad
iTo find that this much is intact
Of what your lordship had.
The garage sent it back, by lord,
In perfect shape throughout,
So you will understand, my lord,
Your carriage Waite without."
Sri.:. H'trvsrd Lampoon,
Cats, rather than belong to a new
master, will cling .in grief to the old
wallsand refuse to be taken away front
them. But 'if they can follow their
master they will go with him to the
end of the world, One must not forget
that they are extraordinarily nervous
and timid, and frnn timidity easily lose
their tread and run: away, they them-
selves know not whither, They must
be well protected and made to feel that
they are guarded and cared for. We must
not, however, expect a cat to obey like
a dog. It is a free and independent
little beast -a cousin of the lion -a tro-
pical animal which needs, great warmth
in order to become most beautiful and
as large as its nature permits. -From
Carmen Sylvals "My Kittens" in the
August Century.
No dead flies lying about when Wit.
son's Fly Pads are used as directed.
♦ -•
Curtain of Wine Corks.
One of the most fashionable clubs in
Berlin has 1n its supper room a curtain
made of champagne corks. Four thous-
and crake with their silver or gilt cov-
ering have been threaded on thin rode
decorated with colored ribbons and em•
belliehed with sma11 copper balls. It
gives a very decorative effect at a dis-
tance and has the appearance of a Jap-
anese panel.
Bach cork is from a bottle of Cham•
pagne costing about a sovereign, so that
tho curtain represents the expenditure of
something like £4,000. -London Globe.
One packet of Wilson Fly Pads has
actually killed,a bushel of flies.
Church Tower His Pulpit.
ISSUE O. 32, 1908
Sunday last being "Feast Sunday,"
the vicar of Seloton, the Rev. C. Harri-
son, hit upon the novel idea of preach-
ing from the church tower, The greater
part of the congregation seated them-
selves in the churchyard, while many
stood on the highway.
The, reverend gentlemen took as his
text "Tire Builders and the Tower," and,
possessing a strong voice, his remarks
were heard distinctly by the large crowd
of colliers and others gathered together,
the weather being all that could be de-
sii t d. -London Evening Standard..
When overheated take a glass of iced
"Saluda" Tea. It will prove most re-
freshing. As delightful as a dip in. the
Wedding Rings as Curtain Hangers.
8 handsome tabernacle of silver gilt
has been erected in the chapel of the
Blessed Saertunent in the new Roman
Catholic Cathedral at Westminster.
For ye0rspast, in anticipation of this
event, a 100' who has done much for
the cat0edrel, has been collecting gold
rings 011 wh101 the inner, curtains migg1h�t
hang. She has euceedeed in persuadfing
many of her friends and relative., to
leave at death their wedding rings for
this service,
At the present moment the curtains
of silk inside the tabernacle are support.
edlip about fourteen golden rings which`,'
she has obtained, and on each of them'(
the name of it., donor is inscribed.-"
London. Globe.
L."Cal COI
Send your name and address and you wilt
receive a free sample of 8IACUM'0 COM-
and Iedr should nee it, treed euuceestu if
by thousands of ladles. At powerful but
harmless- Yegetsible medicine for etohne e
oec8llar re women, and all diseases arising
2uc size nor sale by all druggist.,.
DR. T. A, 51.00913, Limited,
179 King Street Wast, "Toretto,
Some Few Escaped'..
"Oh, John," whimpered the wife; as she
seized the morning paper, "see what that
editor has done with the account of our
musicale. He has placed it alongeido the
column of death notices. It's a shame.
And we had such prominent people as
guests, too."
"I suppose," .,aid the husband, wearily,
"that the editor wishes to call attention
to the fact that some people are more
fortunate than others," --From the Bo-
hemian. -
Written of Women:
Woman conreels only what she deme
not know..
Women are wise impromptu,.fools do
Silence ands blushing: are the eloquence'
of women.
If a fox is attuning,. a worn= la love
is still more 00.
A woman laughs when, she can, and -{
weeps when: she will.
Who hath, a fair wife bath need of
more than two, Gym •
Ono should' choose a wife with the ease'
rather than,witli the eyes;,
A woman is like your shadow -follow
her,ehe flies; fly from her, she follows.
Black Watch
Mad Plug
The ChewingTobacco
of Qtaut .
Must Not Smoke 'in the Theatre.
Paul Monnet appeared at Havre re-
cently as the itlissionary Bishop in "Le
Duel," which we saw In New 'York last
year with Eben Plympton and ,Otis Skin.
ser, As he lighted a cigaratthe 'fvlSga
an officer of the fire brigade informed
him that he must not smoke in the
"But it is In the play," explained M,
Mounet; "I am smoking. as I go on and
then I throw the cigar on the stage."
"Very well," replied the officer. So 151.
Mounet :Wade his entry as uanal, but
following him wero two firemen, one of
them with a bucket of; water and the
other with a huge sponge, The audience
appreciating the situation, roared and
applauded with delight, and M. Mounet
carefully deposited his cigar ht the
bucket and wiped his fingers on the
sponge before proceeding with the dia.
logue. They enforce the regulations
against theatre fires ih,.France.--Sports
of the Times.
The source of all intestinal t ,ublee
is the common house fly; his buzz is the
first symptom of typhoid. Wilson's Fly
Pad is the only thing that kills them
Up to, Him..
Ile (ia the haminoek)-Dano- I light
my cigar?'
She( also in the hammock)-Doyou
wish us to, be regarded.ia that ligan?
He -A cigar?
She -a notch.
-Front The Bohemian.
Sakreppy-When I married you I had
no idea you were such a fool.
Mrs. Skrappy-The very fact of m'
having consented to he your wile
should have removed any doubts you
had on that point.
Faith and Works.
Johnny-Wbat would you do if you
was out in the deep water and a great
big shark 9100 ronin' right at you?
Pommy. -1'd do a short prayer and
then Pd swim like the old scratch.
is The Crimp
and the
Is the title of a Mighty Inter-
ing little Booklet on Wash.
boards, that has Just Been
Q It tells the value of the Crimp in
Washboards; the features of the
Ordinary Crimp, and the P. aures
of the Better Crimp.
c And it Tells the Kind of Crimp
that is the Better Crimp -AND WHY.
61 If You are Interested, a Post-
Card will bring this Bright LitUe
"Eye Opener" to you At Once.
41 Ask Yourself -- Why not let us
Send You a Copy To -day ?
The E. B. Eddy Co.,
. Hull, Canada.
Here Since 1851.'