HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-01-04, Page 1r
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CLINTON. ONTARIO, JAl�•UARY 4, 1901, if % � ,,r, i��' �,
(?7;1, Pnbltaitor
t Ilett - -- - -- - Goderllt:b To __
rrrttt,,,,,. unship ___ — _ Varna Londesbero. A Word to Oorrespondeuts
�,. - ` No,rioi. - -NI r•rt uir, Mrs W i hton TAYLOR'S CORNER.-Rey. Me Robin- Ni rete.-Thos, Keyes, who hss been 1 A GOOD RNTERTAINMENT,-There '
g We want sews, cad desire 1t es often as we I °,.,%-",_c t
W e must have baen nears 400 pec le at s +.
land daugbler. sot Woodstock, and son has held three weeks of revival under the weather, is improving. Y fraII tib reasonably. We waist it front all ftp :. i, s*,..
)oho I.auc•astr' of Blenheim, spent meetings here,the church being crowd- thourbt we might have had a V rtla- the Methodist church on New Years parts otthe oountsy. Readers bo are not 1 Notice t• "`� y'`° �`
' regtilsr oorreepondeats pre asked to e e s• "..;W".
g P y Eye to see Tissot 9 ietures OP the life forward as any times sterns of Iteresb we, az
Xulas at ,Sa , Cole's Hullett. ed. A weddin is reported in the near Ito as reeve fcr next ear, but the fates p
r t future in the vicinity of the church, decreed otherwise. 1.of Christ shown by Rev. T. B. Coup- will flathenl up it You fear they are not in •_t, 'ly
;� Gaol) W toil T e Thos. butchered . Thos. Burrows, of Goderich, and Mise I land. The people were delighted and shape. Wewould rather correspondents did +
l^ .v,.. = I of the Ia,h co ., recently butchered a Laura Wilson, of 'Lion, visited her NurTRua.-A report has berg air- must be io a position to understand not sendaopiasofpreaQ tationaddresses;while Plav}oglurghapo0tiif; et w c ;
' I pig, whtoh dr sed 8Yt) the. This is ciliated that Jae. Armstron a an of interest, It la caly in rare cases Choy aro Snsinesa of
c,'usia, miss Ella Wilson, in FLolrnes• tbegoepete much better after seeing sttRiciently ao justify their public-tion; our ,
gaud tVrlght, considering it being a applicant Yor the poet o>>oce,$ Auld t$ r
vfile on ,Sunday. ; those fascinating pictures and hearu,tr space ie 1imlted and we lihb to Stl it as con• �
three-year oldsow, get it on lbs removal of Mr el roe. the descriptions of them. After the p+►- ae -it bi- with live news . We will
SueiAh GATHkRitvu,-A most enjoy• a are in a position to state that (,here supply gtamped euvetopeaand stationery to all Sydney
MIINI( II•All At the elections next Life of Christ had been shown, which whuwill gsetl,., I
able time was spent on Monda even- is not A patticle of truth In the ru or, Jaeksvn � 0
Mouday,lht atrpayers will have three was a very appropriate introduction;
ballots ,I ill k; one for the County Ing at the hospitable home o Wal. and it has no foundation in any shape. a w'atchnil;ht service was bold and
4' Per when about 5 invited guests, Mr ArmiArong would, no doubt make Holmesville 4" ;
Cumwiaeiuu(P, one for the municipal including Cole's church choir and oth-' a very Capable postmaster, but he is the NPw Year and the 20th century Fordale.-A halt doaen yonntt, fixe bred and made man additiogq,_ ;>,:.1`�hrl"
P^' c•ouncll, find one for the Statute Labor was ushered in with the ringing of the j' y
ars, partook of a very eumptuous re- not after it, and we are surprised some Barred Rock roosters. I!, U, %ultl?ORD, to the already well I+esor
" e wish i vote. Rerv( Leitch was elected by ac' past, games were indulged in, and staunch Con�ervattyes•are no anxious church bell. stook. I be to state t t ,1 .,,
REoErrloN,-Private Wilson, who g=-..,,'.n
clamau"r'' l musiq both vocal and instrumental, t to work for asD•eslled bad Grit uv rn. MUNICIPAL 111A'rrhRs.-Monday was I. I m stook is now nom lg6e
V:'N.un... A ha was rendered, until the evening was ,Vent, g b nutninatiuo da; here, the turnout has returned from $oath Africa, was and consists of p :iw '
spy event tuck I g was the largest for several ears. J. tendered a reception and public testi- r,;.
III aL f hr.)tr,e of James Snell, 7th well nigh bpent; after watching the cld g• y menial at Wilson's ball last ni ht r
All our friends coil, on Til sday, when his eldest I I ENTERTAINMENT. -A very successful Brigham retired from the reeveship, gg ' "', i
year out And the new rung in, they dr- Christmas tree entertsinwentwaeXreld him successor is Alex, Leitch but two (Thursday), He was presented wit bl a "
.v daughter, Diss Elizabeth Jane, was p;uted for their res ecti ef homes, all Pure Drugs, 43ltemica161r ,
_. P v under the auspices of SI,John's church declined to stand. Win, Grey was Yur coat and puree oPmoney. D
.� united It ill' rtmony's bunds to Edg•tr teelnt that they had been well ranter- ye 3tulfs, Patent , �-. r
A happy 1 in the town hall, on Thursday evening nominated for reeve but also declined, OpricERe.-The following Is a list of Medlcilnes, Brushes :x you
J; bell. 1' a ceremony took place tame hist. LC was not open to the ubl q q I �v
!; in the preseuce of the immediate Ir. p p t1,be- The question of commuting theatatute the officers of Court Selwood, No. $7, and bombs, Mirrors, '''
"i latives rtnerrned, br'idesntsid a,,d Nwrmi--H.Te.bbutt and sister attended fug for the benefit of the church Mom- I labor no doubt brought a number out ; ' C. O. F'., for the ensuing year : -C. R.. Pocket B�pk3, 1',Il'at A'z- t I
. W Year gruonlsuixn being disprnmrd with; lieu. the double wedding at the home of hers alone, and was well attended'. A several expressed their approval of a Win. Stanley: V. C, it., John Huller; Articles and Tobacco• `i ":
x ._ 'ill, Andrews utTiatating. The bride is Joseph Hichardsun, of Stanley, on large number were present and [hany change but not a single person said Chaplain, David W. Burns; H. S., Ed- nlst's Suadrles, etc. ,00
i Thursday of last week. W. J. Elliott, ` fine presents were distributed tot the a word in favor of the old plan of ward Lavis; F, S„ Stewart W. Miller; +P a fin PxCeedi,,gly popular yuufiq Ifcdy, , I P ,
:r{ Bayfield line, left lot Philadelphia on children; t% fowl supper was royided working 1t. Thos. McMillan nave a Tress., Chas W. \Viliiama;9. W.,lieo.'
while flip groom is an induyttiuus pp R rs
' young fRrruer of the It h con, being Saturday, where be will spend the by the ladies, which was __ _,Ivy 'out very fine explanation and showed that Huller; J. W„ Albert Rumball; S. B., Your patronage respectfully i.
I EWA - i the nPpht•1► of Henry Warren. We winter. Rubt. Trick accompanied I of sight and it, was literally soon out the council had been able to get Jaynes Miller: J. B., ,Jahn Trewartha; solicited. ,, j:
:1., y = join with their many friends i,, wish- Miss Lauf to her hoine at Hidgetown I of sight, abundance being left, which more gravel put on the road for the C, D., Win. Pickard. r ' ,
fig then, the. largest measure of hA t,h O11 Saturday. The annual school 1 was distributed to some needy persons. same price as farmers do at the rate R P.
R ,. 3 `
.r 'arse and ih•omperlty. meeting of the different sections to . DLrATH, - W. McClymont, one uY of 4Uc per day's work. It surely must Brucefleld. 1 R. + Reek* :;` y w I
h Repairer the township was held last Wednes- I Huron's pioneers, died on No Yefir'e therefore be a pour policy for good Prescription Drug Store '•; a
d Opticiav I Ctrt'K(u HE services day ; by the removul of J, Elliott, p men to work on the road for •ill cents NorEs.-Mr Young, of Knox college,
X day, at the age of K5 years. Deceased CLINTON r' eL
I' In cun11VOlon with the re•opeuing of I trustee of No, ill Bayfield line, John , er da preached in the Presbyterian church es v 'k
has been a resident of the I Parr line, P Y• f3aoceesor to Syiney Jackson"
�' i Ball's c hnrrh, base line, on Su Iday and ,Stewart flus the vacancy, also, it old No-rgs.-Mrs 1Vm, Brogden, of Pilot r on Sabbath morning; in the evening 1'
Monda Dec.:i(1 and :it, persued ver I,Stsnley, for over :ill years, and was R Rev John McNeil, former) of Glencoe, �"'
)', Y man was appointed to No. f1,Tum ole; held Irl the ver hivhest esteern, He Mound, Manitoba, is visiting at the Y +F•K[f.
successful. The weather wab favorable, Y took charge of the service. Thomas
11 m I and on Sunda the, peg le turned out this is the Heat trustee office in has I was A native of Ireland, his wife pre- Brog of her father-in-law, George Mallu who was visiting relatives in ban, H. Warren, T. Mctllillan, H. EI. I u v%�
r_ Y P PVP, had. Harry Stento a 7, invited deceased him h about a couple of Brogden. Mr Jesse Mountain left Y, q
Hill, The two last named resigned,
i Etter, ilk rash, en maseu. Liev.Mr Hubul-,marc uiltrd Y p ('Toronto, returned last week. hies Mc- geed,
9,g. Pdy spYan +,t ,lark' i, a uurnber of the buys to a wood bee sates; he was for A member of hereon Monda to take possession of irayin six in the Held.M
alt halolOITmIllea'lies l himself well in the morning and•m the last 'Thursday afternoon, arld mostly Y Y the hotel in y)un annon. Quit- a Lean, Uhivago, Is visiting her mother, q
the old Kirk Presbyterian urian rhurch,but i q
I0. KI (3,5triughal„ evening Rev. Jasper, Wilson, M.A., rx- ail responded in a manner quite eatis- Y number from here Look in the tea Mrs 1).,nald Fraser, Mr Hunt, who Hutt'u K. '- ecus-jos n ye E ,111
I atterly attended the Methodist church. I s tP L luras in our villa a has return- and Win. F� councillors-Ro6 ern .,,,, zza"{n'
I celled himself. On Monday evening factor and the buy hum of six saws meeting in Auburn on New Year's, ! -- village. T.Aw.-The cit y Y He was master of the Urange lodge for I Y '
W almost unsni the cht-Tch was taxed to its uttuust cut. Harry his next sumruer's wood. many years. He leaves three sons, ,light. Key. Air McT.esn, of l;lyth, I ed to Toronto. Misses Dell find Hazel 1 McLaughlin, Arthur Spotton, Jae. A. " � :;
ca acitV toaccornodalethe lar ecr•owd Will (tole is doing a lot of work this I O'Neil, Clinton,were last week the Stroh S. Vu an, John RenwiCis, J '�. .}
cid desire to' have Messrs. I P q Will,, of Guderich; Tho.nas, in the will Preach in Knox church oil friday R, R ,
lock establish their brass 'that gathered to participate in the tea winter in thus; locality cutting and Southern States, and James on the afternoon and the Rev. Air Stewart, I guests of Mrs McIntosh. Mr Scott la J. Montgomery, Henry Fichurter, J. 3,.;'.
his town, as the voting I And program. The ladles discharged 1 grinding, Miss Laura (,onnel return of Clinton, oil Sunda nie,ht, Leo- I Rlvinv military calendars „o his cos- Spence, John T. Wiggins. °` '
g their duties at the table pleasantly and ed to T ),unto last Wednesday from I home, (if Arid one daughter, Mie Me-ins nand Whitely is home for a few days homers, o a� g:
w to loan them $17,IM)1) I Guice, of '1'urnherry, The remains Y Y STANLEY,-R eve- tyaac Erratt, J. i; •
with alacrity. There was sn ovPrpltta thence she rnaygo to Minnesota where from the Medical college. The actor •'":i.
Vote of 332 for the loan were interred in Varna cemetery, on P' McNaughtuu and S. A. hT ,Pesti ;coon- .'
against. The foundry I °�,�'ood incl it the ai to t final taste in an t the her brother find tater, resides. Dame j Thursday, a large number testifying received subscription tmrn the congcP• Blyth. ci'F)rs-Wm. L Keys, Wm. J. Stinson, "?, ,
ration by April let and I f • `h' raill t Rumor, verscious w be mur•el tells ue their respect for deceased. gations in behalf of the 5uperanuation Ciluiteii Rev Walter Rig-b;, for. Ed. Johnston, Jas, McDairmid, John ' , ."'
diversity of hearers aseerntled, The that Joh,, UOok, formeiIy of this, Fund both morning and evening last m3rly a,itor of the Me;hodist church Gibson, John Murdoch, S A. Moffatt ;` 7
hands from the start. I W."gram was ss follows : (%hoir; >ra er, h l%calumbin,
pp g r ! Y township, now in Britis Sabbath. A few of the young peo le here, but now of Kincatdine, will I and Wm, Lzrnont.• Messrs. Eiratt' ,.a<-"
\1, .1 %1 ilson, fi, :\.; ch"irnrtu's ad- ie to bP mat rind to a nun Ixd of I GOdeNCh, i a.
Y y presented \ r and Mrs Coupland with preach missionary sermons here next and Muf .Att resigned leaving Mr Me- "
dress, pastor; duet, Misses Paterson: the Province and we all loin, both RoY,%LLY WELc•oNED.- Goderieh a beatitiful `(rias goose weighing 15 r Sunda I Naughton Reeve. Messrs. Gibson,
Saltiord, R EJ 8 )a y. R
instrumental,:\lesgrsMvhlin and Fisher; young and old, in wishing them 1(,ng leaped suddenly fr'un, ordinary busi- pounds. Murdoch, MoffAtt alio resigned �
iH cis.-W. Msedel, late cillo, Miss l;Ila Patterson; choir•; ad- P F;LEt-eros NorEs.-Nurninatlon took goad leav- *", • •.
Inert of Benmiller, years of prnspPrity. Fred Barnett I Hess to that of holiday attire when the (Another oorrempondet-t) place on M( oda at I'L o'clock, when ing Messrs, Keyes Stinson, Johnston 41•r ,s
Y dress, Itev, Mr \%'dson, Nile; sok), Miss had the rnlsfortune to lose his good limp arrived un Friday fur the ificom P Y t
Is Beek tannery, and Itxchel Pxrterson; rerirxlion, Mss9 Liz- ANat•.AL MF:F:TINa. - The annual the following were notuinated: Fur and McDiarmid ar councillors.
colliedog the other day ; the canine lo, train with their hero from fiiouLh g
e. Mr MAedet is a lie ML-WiPn; Choir; address, Bev. M. I g meeting of the shareholders and pet- reeve-J. Darter, the. present reeve, STEPHEN,-Ree.e-Henry Wilert, 11
strayed away find probably poisoned Africa, Private Austin Chisholm, of rons of the Butter Mf Uo.will be held Switzer ; councillors--Wrn. Anderson,
many years baser• ClPruetir: instruttPnt.al, Messrs Echlin R• and Will. gimme; Por . McElroy,
1 was the result, Mise F Int'tstq Dole j the first l)anadian contingent. An on Thureda ''
tonoraed ,dealings, and Fisher; choir,; solo, Miss Patterson; I spent her rrnas holidays with re- iln,nense concourse of citizens assemb- Y,p. 17th fiat, Seung old- McNally, A. Sloan, Win. orninsoq, W, Thot. Lane, Jae, McKeever, Louie bb.
onorahle dealings, choir-: natioual anthem; benediction, P ars meet.at 1 ).m.,veneral meeting at `L. P Wm. C Sanders, Stephen Webb, 4%
ever confidence I g H. Finnernore Mich. McUurnina Frank v IIs,
latfves in Stanley township, Mr and led at the station awaiting the 1 tiO NoTFS -Mrs John Phillips had an Win. Yearley. y Rev. M. Uletnens. Votes of thanks p, Metcalf, bel Emigh and appointed
Milne. y•
Mrs (leu. Burnett were called Io liar- trt,in, which arrived on time. The uncle and two cousins visltlting her Of course before the time appuint.ed I `CL'CKRRRM[TH.- Reeve -H. Horton
were accorded the BeLbel, Colborne, I purhay on Monday to attend thy' € vr)- ff wi) hand led the procesiori, and the I from ('tare Co ,Mich., last. week. Quite t I '
I choir for their most excellent services t A soros of hem will withdraw, hilt the by acclarnat6 n; for council---George
seal of their cousin, Miss \I. Fowler, Collrgifo €ne[iCttlf'• 6>k�§�JljlfiPar a. y numbrt from around here attended probability is that there will he an e.'- D tIP, James ]'atter;un, James (}efn-
Hill. on Sunday and Monday evening, also dies Eliza Switzer has returned home guard of honor. WhiIP the young tiny tea meetin a Monday t centres in the I to the speakers who gave admirable I from her extended visit to Wingham, soldier was being transfered from the the ti8a----: - g Y action, The speaking wAs Geld in the mill, R. Elgie, H. (.rich, Jno. Murray,
romissioner and addresses to the Iia )fist friends evening. - temperance hall in Lhe evening, when George Black, J. hiniman, P. Glarey,
"oft F Miys Mabel (%lutY. I linton, .Sundayed train to the Mayor's carriage, hells C. U. iv, At the last, , +lar meetfil9 all rumor• matters of the expiring year \)1, Dickson, W. Doig.
o e township. That I who kindly lint their church, while with her cousin, Miss Maryy Uluti, B. and whisting of every tone were send- _ P R YMI
oil d Robt. .Elliott I B'ill's wits undergoing repairs, to the line. Miss Robinson, BiLicefield, spent ing forth notes of rejoicing : Hags of ('Dort Pride of the \Vert, ��, , O• were thoroughly thrashed out, WiNOItAM - Mayor- Wm, Clegg � ' r
s eon a 'in this sectiun of i friends in a,,d out of Ihr char( h, who this week at Alex, \Vrlsh's. W. 11c- were in evidence everywhere ; guns U. F., which was held nn Dec.28th, the �- _� (tors ; councillors—NN'. J. Greer, t>reo. ='
Is d, Mr Connolly I had cont I ihntrd to the soc•cess of f he t officers for for incoming year were - � of ._4'
� Y � LPnnan had the miefurtunf- to cut he belched forth from every part of the PlPcted, viz.:-U. K., Win. Lee; Y.U.}2 , ��'b g• �„�- • •t McKenzie, Win. Holmes, Robt. McIn-
+ • t entaLive, and It,& ; schpu)r find ru the local talent. fru- hall of his foot the ether day, while town and even t.hP old bell from Uci• oo, Roland Brame Chas. M can, a'
a dd hbor, ie likel reeds k1S.rli, to hP df•vntPd to the Rr- F. H. Johnston; V. C. It., Geo. Bruce; Gorr A Rtsc•i.rrio-c Pte. Leon
ood al and the pnir Fund, Much credit. is dup to Ihp cuffing wood. A good repreRpntation mea, that had alurnberrd lar hA1P a Chaplain, Jas, Snell; It. S., John V. sort, of the lit contingent, arrivtd Tbos. be., - -
xttended the nomination at llolmes• century, the vent to general iter•, 1 -_ ". 7
i g k l I I y' k` R Y Adams; F. S., .John Brunsdon: Trellis , home frurn South Africa un Friday Chisholm.
othfr} hJatiot wOfid •:nnfr++��u tors�l; Young, of Auburn, and villP on \M,)nday; there will be a close mwking. [t looked as if the entire last. The ,esus and council, together 't" '(''
N. ft*"' idr FPTT, of Uunlon, for their superior roti for the repvrehin between Mrsyrs n nlla;ion had turned out when the Geo. Snell; S, \V., Edward Bell; J- W. q • IIe'BORNR-.-Reeve-W. D. F,lhtidge
workmanship. P I I Thus. 4haddick, S. B, ,John Stephen- with Lhe town hand and x laustP con. (councillors' -Jos. Hawkins, R. (`amm, r' 9
t'hurchill and F:Ilintl• pn.crasiun funk marching Forin to Lhe Run; J. B., Hugh \\'m, Sanderson; Con- cl)IIrsP of fico )Ir met buil at the depot, :b°
(?ol,oF:N \\'ItnnlNo ('kiLlcliR.ATfoN. -- wooer house, headed h the band. q I John Mair, ,T ss. B%IlAntyne, all by
Y doctor, F. Gihbs: 'Truvtees, Thos. %%', furrnpd a torchlight pnut•ssnut find acclam ttion. % t
Dungannon. On Xmas day Mr and Mrs fit-or•ge Snell, Stanley. The Mayor clad Council followed in cl}ward Bell, Matthew marched to Ili(, town hall, where a "'-.(
relehiated 'hl, fiftieth annivpr,ar ill carriages with the hero. rhe court Mains;.d L aR
:%lL SEltvicH.-A change in y I 11('Nf('il nt,. -Thin township has q I \ixioR; delegate to high (:Dort, John spirited address was reAd by f{ecus m
their wedding day. There were prPH•. hoose was Rcon full to ovprHowing, Thorn )snn, after which a go,:d watch Many Happy Returns of the De
route bas been proposed to I ent. •tbout rill persons, nearly half of I elected all its municipal officers by ac- I find the officials conducted Private Brunsdon. T 5 I - y r1.
Waster General b some per- rlxn)ation,and hits done the saute since find A posse of moneq was hatdPd tc rd
Y P whom welt children and grandchild- Chisholut to the platform, where an Bayfleld. Private Jackson, The reeve;%fill other ( ' •L illifttn Connvhear Searle, was burn -
it is plain to see, has not ren. liev Mr Andrews, wit, and 11t,yl "fill i,, this respect occupies n addrer9 of welcome was ,,till by the nn Januar 1, Iti,il 711 }'e+Is cAPaAggP on `. e!i
of the impracticability of such ' dAught(,r,, 1 arna, were present, and' unique position. Mayor, to which the young soldit•r l irl Nc u.. -The council, namely : T, leading citizens gave epPeche, full (if Tuef day, hilt luoknlike a udtb ofe
e. being a benefit to an person. I I F:fhntt, James Thompson, ft. Bailey Inv"lty to the Queen, and not forget• I y ,
R Y I added grrxfly to Ihr Ptloytleni of ;h I \oTKs. -Mr .John Kf•tehpn's thrf•p made rP)ly in a veryy neat, manly and G. lNrwin, has gone in h acclama- ting the valiant Canadian aDldiprR,
,nize, if there will be any, is to ; tiny. Ephraim tinell way the only sons-\b'illittrn, of British Cobimbia, Hpeech. � idge Uoyle,flnn,J.T.Garrcw, q v , '� "r,
the mail from hereto Luc•know, gdtPsl prp,rnt who Atteudrd their wed who h,ts oepn abseil; for lir Spars, ,\ P., ,las, Mitchell, of the Hifi, : M. (f. (tam tion, the two latter filling the places of speaking nP their victory at I garde- I Uounty eommissionlrft. .1.
route ,Atcl be from D,Inga,,I''m cling fitty years ngo, Mr, J Hointes, of Guelph, and Beverly, of Knox col- i Pron and ('ill. Varcoe All delivered ad- Mr UonalWoo who resigned, and the hergand thedifferentb Sou that our The candidates fur this diatt'ie are
erich via Benmiller, which well late Geo. \\'oudm. T. J. Marks and Ur, boys fought and wort in South Africa.
H,>ImpsVillp, and \les .\ \Voodinau, IrgP, Toronto-ars spf•nding(}r' their ya- dresimes. All the speakers pointed Stanbin will contest for the reeve- lamps FTnell, farmer, Hullett; Ja
ipe the people here one retail A l,nndp,hnro, www al-to wii tipmsed the, cation At hoinp, Mrs Dnma,(t Gramsick with pride to the fact that Private ship, for which the election will u•n- Connolly, farmer, Goderich town >, . +'
while for the past. half century tomirriage, were invited, lint were on I enforlained a ff•tV friends on Friday Ohi,.hulm (ook tart in nearly every p i milltici .,11 Nominations. I y. `i. Cooper, builder, (Ainto 1; D. (,
has peen a bl•darl service, --0,r. card at. the t,gual date, z P T
Y ahiP to attend. '!'he rernaindt•r elf Ihr, }xs1. %\'nt. Mnlfxtt, of Mnoyejxw, engagement, find Although often In the NOTES Ur, and Mrs Harvey, Chi- - felon, produce dealer, (Union,
once Goderich Filar. nests Wei nt• thews and rtierps. I M"n , is visitin at the honor of hi, I forefront of bAtdo, had escaped with• two first named have been re r I . ,
g )' I g p c•A u, + ibited friends here IA4t week. Asti FtF:t,r) KPevP .NI ,rgan Dalton, `
laity fit the fret office son t Air And \1rH tinell are .unnng Ihp most ! (i;t,lghtpr, MIs U..1lctianghton, out a wound. At rill early date a P fu
shown this correspondent. that, highly rpyprc•ted w'Itlrr, ,f Iinllptf, � handvonip )rpsrntAtion will hP nixie \\ Ill Ferguson arrived home from Iace.1 ; councillury - John Berklpy,lVrm, f fives during the last tprnt, huts .11 �. •►'i
\\ F:iiniNoos.--Ali f•yptit of tilt )l
than i ( leveland last week, Woods Harrison Hunter, .John McIntyie, ,IAF,. ('raw• had experience in municipAI ra-%tter9. b."
was no such intention. Thy post And havo live,l the whole :dl vear, n•I ( the lier•u.
ne ect.or hA coed to make scene ..,Asti inlert•st, and our which is 1st rare - arrived horne from Cleveland Xmas ford, Will. KirklPy, f Scott, Jas, F;lperr,rs have two, both of which i
P PP the snnio farm .\ fanoly of fen hn%v (,crnrrpn -e, w+w iliodnuble wedding on I I PVP;hiH man friends are leased tURep Thnmpyun, Thom. 5tothels. Crawford, I Ina be given to one candidate, or one I'
ess Aavletri riseto the rP orwht)tth ht•pn thpirH, ti ,.f wh•lnl sr'• still IliutK Thnrsd'iv, 1)e+ ''.Ih, whpu two sisters Tuekeramlth. Y p Kirkby, -Scott and Thompson resi np(} each can he given to an two randi- & '
6 P F:,Iward, in Ihi• ti„rlhwnsr; ,1111 11, ” r I hint looking Rn well. J. (ieminhardl p' q I Y
IL Is t c matter went no forth wpre nlarrwit to two e,turiahlf• young I 4+r K. '1'. Townsend and 1•;'i I'IIc•h, leaves for Detroit this week, after a leaving IJarkley, Finntpr. MclfilyrP dates. Women who are on the list
131vth; (ieorgr, tlf 1,nlld,'mlr,t,'; iI,llllp}I' ttlerl of Wyoming, Lat inton v ,oniv I who have been off the ,irk Ii•+t, are, we llpa4ant visit. if) friends here. MiR9 and Alnthers elected by ACclamalion. I Are, atio entitled to vote. r�s
t.,, u(_ Dungannon ma) ley, of }}ollptt: Mrs El"Iev. Uolhornr: ln,. 1(I(•hrrd I 1 I Rt.Yrtt-Iipeve - t'artar and Siris.
The bolos of ,Nr and 11 r4 an• lad I„ lipxr, ranch inioroved. Kath n Harrison has returnpd from , '— "t"
-shred that no�u:h change is Mr, Jnsrph Sn;1I, Ifuliptf: MRry nod g (councillors - SI )an, F;mi h 31cFIro- ' Uh%rlPs K, trip, a deaf mnf�, was 'K
son, }ityfield r+ad. was tilt. scene of it tier f.tf. (9AT'IIF.R1N1,. A numht•r of art ahl+ visit tufriendsinSpaforth R
''n plated, or will he mads.-1- ,. \\'lllittul At h„nr,,, ,Meer pulaking of ,tyll•+h hnup wedding, when thtnr I young peoPlf• frurn hs rr ,spilt a very I so ifensall. Mr,►nd Mrs \V. Jowett � McContnlins, Milne, McNmely, Finns• killed ,,t n Grand Trunk crossing in
T'RA. I it Inu,t ploclrilerl, 111nnpr, a program ,i:u,Khlpr, Kar hal 1'., wa-, married Io,, plpasaut rver,ing rill Fridrty last it the: r now rmnfortahly mottled in their rrlore, Powell. I Stratbroy.
.-` - -- - -- w.t, rr•ndrrei by the Kue,t,, rop#1 , hIK (ie,;- W. ,1r„ler',nn. Rnd Mary E, In, hoed#. of Thonui- U'\fichael, Hljilert. 4ww residence on ('fail GrP or s(plaff•, liftrssvi,s-Itm,eve-J. Th1LlYgnn, B. I - --- -- „�I
K•K of ( h„ro,r•,, fill, s, , re ol,,f inn,, sPery h,•s KK
) \Irhihald 1). Anderson. "The bnllwn} . Ihln, In .\,bion rnlert,%Inisl n few ; Miss F',u, v ,iennmgtt,of Pftrhhill, is the (,ralherdal«•, J. lions ; cmtnrlllnrs Vis• ' :�Zetrc) )ollt1l11
find ir).tr iowrital nol,u ; At 12 o'vls„_k, Will, hrnotlfolly deroralecl will, ever I frond- on New Vl-nl's pvpllirlg at the i gopst ,A h,•I brother, Itpv.Mr Jenninjty I F Gerry, JAin 1) maldaon, Ja Ff ', '
fid Far and Clothing nnl:n, ill. hnn, tl'll .,,np,,• ,t;fnllinK vrt-vo, and hooting, air(] prer•LrIV ,if ' +. I, ”, \% :,I ,, 1 I \\'iIfun,l It.d :\datnR,Rnbt. Hrn,lprson. , _-
" hwnpaoh the nll,ll,•s•,• he;ugh Ret i• i' ,u ibis rerlol ile. fi, U. Ifarriaon, ,,fI
�1i11yC of Huron Trnl•t. Addrn,Rpd ilt• 11"v l"t lnf" tws of m hiKh n„oil, I 1 rhe strains of III,, %v •+l , ,i lo, ht, departnro tar FnrPRt Uity 4tratfr,lfl, calbd nn frien,l.t here last I 11+s•,vl, -1'„r }tf'eve-Tudor. J. Marks, ( t
ding nl,(1(h, pl.typd by MI„ E \%'hole, li�„,,Ir•s, Coltegp. week, Theta is Horne talk of a Hchool I merchant , Itich. Htanhurry, phys•r.ian. Course °:.,11"•
few w,,nl, It,', nwttevin (orl,i,leri-1 of tiarnia, thrcontracfing p'tujt•s tr,uk -
;,iparelivin hettArinthew- tine's, it unns•rw-,Iry r , rrro•ty Itwir r•ovt•1' thi•Ir ,lnres ondpr it,, u(h of ever ! ti11forl \its I'l l II.1IIsh,s !4Il l Iire. t hying held harp in the iea t7nn rnas rs-by ear. of Bailey, hump,,
the Rema time nnmorP re+n,c nn' h:r.intt ke I II ,u f+lthfnlly file ) 1 rhllllreo are vl,lling I •Iirivl•s nd' ur'r. \\hying f;rnrefiPld "lluw tiro Thomas F:.Ilutt, farmer George F.rwln, 3rd Entertainment ' ”
`'c eframethan eir ie nomorm,b„rnisv fit,, vr•.it,. 11i.s A•nl•,• it oilyi p. lit Klren, ;old white roses, which was friends In Blyth n.nd %\'Ini;f,am. \I, .I. I forth fo ntonnpolizv nap of our prat- blaekemlth; Jas Thomilon, miller. Trus- r
t9 ,ifowtha they are able tobny for prof It•d in the par111r. The hrlrll•, wort•, tip-, and rnosf ) umlar rilxidt•nH Mi,R tees by arc. -James Fowlle, hlarkRrn,th. ' he ' . t ► t ,
Pe dollars, thatwhirhtt woaldioav„ at ihp or an arid pla%fed , 1'• tverl,iuiq• heronlingly attired and wrrr given t And \IIs, \1 ilolin•, spent \pw Tsar R N,i 1« \%'Ili hn, oar on x visit to T Lu i.nf' Pale (;oneLrt�o.
n'ressarrpytonxaiggaagethafarmt•n milerh 1hPestirrwhlrr':ill rt•I«•IVi•11 ;twat/1,� their hrl,fher, 11 .1 I htto - withf�e,fls twat (;ndPrllh. J1is,;N. Kg K )ohoTlpp•t, harnnsamaker; \1'rn \4'htf-
s� , imeethstareRf�t,e. It iPnot f,• rn:iny hr.trty ongrntnl;tll„Ils all 11)'[ifleo, 1 Motto, Is 0pend ng n few I tit•rlm and RufTtlo, MISH IFxrript 1'rav• don, Rh•,pmakar. Town Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 22
i5 H,rcethatatarcoatwaRRometh R rn'tov v,tl,lrhle jiff'-wit, Anl'.11v ,,flirts; sr,n, li 1 Thr n,ual nttrndnnts wpre I,t„V, of h,•, hone• hire Mr find Misa rr Is vislling hrl borne ileo, 4tratford.I
onderAt, sad atnIn waw Rap uRfr1 film -11 with. Thr rprpnionv WA. - Miss %Vttiddon, Chv,le •, H pent Nvw ('I•INTUN.-\Inyor - Thrill. ,f•trksnn, flan open to anb9oat 9 a Thursday,
v.•ryy, O&d tubo con Id nTord a war r t wo hi•aut,hll art In+t :lisle ,hnn, ,r•r f,n n,ed in t Ile pl1•-pori• of a I trgr• ('I'+I ke, (iI ••1', nn, siit,I.(IitK I he h„ 1i,l,ty, y 1 %V. ('. 14,- trip : r•ounrillors S. G. I•iunl tan, 17th, at 4 a. m.
v„at; y panpplR kx,k on by and x hxndmnnu• ,nor b pen„•Illpll by Ili.
I with fiends hr•t,•. :\ddl,on .I„ling rt ' )'enc'. daq 'It tier hnrnp. Vias 4fnn trier, 'I'll-).. MrKenzip,Oliver ,Johnston, Admission 35c, Reserve seat .50e.
-nattlg ltGrtnryTmtasaoectltaitp rh,•Ir r hitln,n .tis„ n Knill h,•„d„d rare• n,nn' rr of g,lrsls by I1,•c.\' (; lit( h- I turned nn \Vedne,dxv In insunlP big bile V i, vlci'inK frirn•fs in Ihlrharn.
n n question, wbnre ani a,,i-ii, Ii A., broths•, ,f 0w hrid- ni'd _____ _ _ __ lobo hell, A. .1. ki lllnvcay, H. B. OnorR will open at 7.:i0p,m.
na-}to lly(w bny Soar far coat ,tori K„1,1 IItolli-I .1w, ,a, 1••s 1,v their ,A,r s,r n( \\' nrnln I'r r•sb ter i"rl 'i ,fif•R 11H I'linrlpat (if \I,np,inK pulllir' Combo, Ogle Uonper, ThoR. A %\',%Ikpr, Concert will begin at R. lb, Aharp
ars only penplof in the hir me,lflt,•ws And lore+'. with the f„1111WM)t 1 Y K Y sf honl. Itubr. I,R.aann, 11,1110t, hay ( Colborne. Thoth. F;t•wrorn and John Johnston-
L b mea Atwnnrevery Ira rhnrrh I'hp important port of the Plnn of online W D. Fnlr'r,
y 1 t%y e f addrp,sps: I tenlnyed to the \\'hlll•ly filen, in'Jurk• 1e,rhv. Mrs (rhirllp and Sirs school trutttPPs 'FI. F: Ilnd Pntt, %%'. Are anaNabaerlber7 If not, why not
nine erthei(&% geeing that rum I retrinnny ovrl, n ,rlolpt:,rnls dpjeuorr R y
,,smith, which hp ha, rrnfed for aI \%-,•nlprholt, (if F,Iktun, Mich.,anrd Miss O'VPil, .), W, Irwin, Nita,
JACkann I gold medal yf
kyonwlllt)e able andRnrAnP r,F+e F+ffrFlr " 11„rnf,1 W, r•ar W-1.a,erVPd R.TId A short ri•rn tloll v,,a4 TheNewnombePianoawama,l
the best In the way of furs that ,lii1,Ir,,, Awl uriol•1',:�blr-i F,Rti„ entlu'r„I term of years. i F'urk, tf BufTtlo, Mr and 141 r9 Flakpr,nf 1pler•L•d by acclamation), Mr Seat
Iatti;ePark Exi,eRltion u.edat these enter• ”
hiid frim any firm in Western hs•r, . n'l,w th, 9ft:• nnncarsar, ,r F,,,,r Kivptt h1•fnrp the rleparf err n the new- -
o. Wesolieityour inspection,ann w,-1,l,i,,tdnv.r, ,,I.r,.- wtrrn•it,v1, ,n fi' l l,y w,•ddpd rnuplpa. The1)rpRPnta Warr l,nkevillp, Mirh., all members of the andReveral of thoap nom,nafPd for :talamenta. �toldbyC'.Hoare. ,
ted if you want tlirs elthnr fnr f•.r ha• Ino o"+r, i r a I'. n- and •n, tt,ankh+l hrnntiful Anrl yxivahlP % pry few hnv( Henmlller. family (if .i Aa. Flick, took their UhriRt- rounrtl having retired, the rest are Fill ' —'---- � t-
or men, we will edit. von. I.• c„n .ch lulti„ ill +acs l„•rel I;•rinir oar , f hr hanor of ht rPr i•ivin� sorb a floe rill I ' rIla9 And New \•par's dinner tinder the elected by acclamat inn. ,- I. ,>A
roll-f..•,. ,+nd whw hnv,• uhf, h,,I ,,',r n. In }: 1RF:11 H:1,1 An nva(er soppy, will I arpntal roof. \1r Herman Maedel, of t~ t
koulrs wld ,n L,., wrn.k v� i ,l,•nr fnther', b-tion RR the hridPs6f this nr(asion. ht. hold at the hnrrne of U- Okp, on JAu. Lit F:xRTF,R I2PPVP - W. (i. Rittaett, r;°
1)Pt roll, was home to spend Xmas !
ri• and .0,,r t,; n•.•-ld th,.-,.am„hmorg and llii4_ pMr and Moll A.D. Anderson left on the ;iris Wbptl R gond fIran IR rx pPCipd. If19 (AC(•l CnI1nClliorR--,J, ArmyLrong, .Jnhn 1 -
Ir li[G l� �ACDONAhI► Roran-a.,h¢l,t t„k. „f n„r,ll.pl, 1--,f-,r y,n)• IIIP n'rinrk tram for A trip to Tnn,ntn, hr.,thpr'in law, .}. Rchwanz, intends cinder fhP parpntAl roof' Evans, LV H. 1,-vitt, John Muir, C.' t
rine 1,rap,•r r,. ,i,-1 'g 'hilt r•,i nal+ Iwnr( lo,,. ENTRItTAIN)tRNT. - The entertain- ,x New
N1u th9wr llide;(1, thf street,' mT,ar,rl rmlr hr,-, wh„ 10,A r R:,,Aa Ihs,nn Ila„ 118Inll1ofl, NIAgACA F''A119 And nihPt' going for Kanyn•s, and ,f he likes If hi I FM SAundprA Find Wm, Harding..
Pul ,n If,- s„r,'.”, cwt R- 1 r„st in flia-p ,pints. Mrand MrR(i. XV AndprAon mpnt on t hrlatmAR PVP in IhP (%ill-'i
~ chain+ And •,n'hl.. -,.h, v „cymnp think „f thn, 1 W( will w4 .0 on. borne Evangelical church watt A dRCld• (FrI)RRI('H \fagot - le Campbell, I � Year's
- n 'e Bloo . �t6'ph Ont6 hArn n,nntf,•„t l an also left u r the same train And will OFFIfF:RN ('.0 F. Thr, plrrtion of of-' Roht. Thom vno, Dudle Holmes,
R r r lnvn w,• tsar r• r"„ rhe. pd aurrPRtt. The rhnrrb had been P
,,�y��y nnrrh inr Ti, Awl w„I,rRv I1,.1 that Oil- iti-t , take nP hnuapk pP Plnq in their new flrpi, elf the C,0( F. at Bermillpr Churl t.n Atily drr•,+rated for the occasion, the Jas. Wilson ; coi[ncillorn- N. Lewis, k ,'
X I of vnnr 1ir,•4 f„R+ I- l(lrnr-r,il Rn,l Ilnppv. and honip near %\'yoming. ()or }best wishem rrsllltpd AA f(.IlnwR: (.H., W (iledhill;
we. ynn-, i-dr, n -rill dnall wo-,Rn ts, rank,• It work of the young people. el ThP I C ('. Martin, G. M. F;Iltof.tMuru Knox, s - ,t;
qo with them for a Innq and happy life. \,• ( }f. \11trhPll: F. 4., .J. filpdhill;R• C. A. Hslmb r, W. L. MnroP D. � '.r�
an, Wo n1s„ I;rRv ,i,al that u-hen ,mr l,viw arp IK1 guips,R from a diatAnre wpre Mra bade with
true WAR A lovely sight, yr ':qp
n'or. w„ ail wnv m„rt nn flint irl„rif),At h,.rp S„ 1 \V a1LPT'A; (:hRPlAlrl, W (loci, 4, Yna have PRESENT
S .1'n ('tII,nRR?7 I A. Y. Anderrton,mother of A.D.Ander- If which
h Lb re of cliR iderapresebIA, ithip Upo. Po, a T. HrydgPR air U. Nschoo,
l 1)aAR T'rr-LP A.;, Ar -SIT, \V,.,„nr naphewsl son, Mimy A. M. Anderson, Mr and MrA I \ti \V, S Fuller;
J. F.
(; A, A; Con-
of which were nP considerable value truii Porter, Cawal Carey : avid'i I to boy and }eel that the eartioo. •
And” 4n t.lug th,• ••r•h•Lrati„n .,P poor Rnld ! J• F: Andprmnn And dAll htpr, \liaR Ida •r'• it., C. F uIIPr; .1 B., F. (iilderA; Unn- An excellent program. con eiat.ing of (trustees acclwmation Fit. David's of nice and appropriate artiolel
An wiwr , wlsh h. nn1,-I ,ry n,n .,f y t„ yon R I dtrtnr, 4.MaPdPI;(%.I)ppnty,A.t2nhertR; dialogtieR, recitations : vocAl and in- I Ward,UhAa. Reid SL. Patrick's Ward, at prices within the limit of yod'f
• t � one Ir-i' natRr,prn Rn,l 3 Andprsnn, of \VytmIn MIRK White, Physician, i)r. Twy Ihr; F2. Fl.(:.,.J.(Iled- J- H, Colhornp : St. Gpor Ps Ward, arse will rovR no small.teeT ... ,,
t u,s,rl wiahna it. has nft,AA gg y Rt.rumental muyjr was rendered to the ., g''
ed Oorl to R tars vnu Ir, gee manv p„ATm of weft of 4Arnta,And R. A. Antrmon, ('hicavn, hill: a!Iprnwl.lve, \V. Good. W. A. McKim ;Flt. Andrew's Ward, Oar stook nP n
dell happpin(-w, Rnrl aith,ntuh awrrnw has at ( )F•Fi('RRN A U. U. W. T he Pillow enjoyment And RatIRPAC(JOn OP R PIIii I
14 of 88 Whiz to fill times Plrmr m y„nr )if-. yo a 1„vinli Fat.hnr'a -” I . house, Young and old were delighted I .Int n Craigie.
,+�� hand was Pvnr rnitmtretehtvl to h,,lp and ails l;onstance I Ing AT'P9�LF1P nfHCr1R of t.hP A.() 1 W - I with the, gifts they received. DeRPrv- oona'RI(:R TOW-For Reeve- Clocks a^'r
' Xmas Stoaklog fain: tndrAw Sone hrrtrta rlrwAr try pthrr and I M :. Ler, W, T. (sit vin: Foreman, J. to of special mention were a bPAlltifll) jefwes Q
0arorto RlmRelf when In:yont.;ynn ramp Ciff'RCH, Ain quilda evening an in }}nlmAs; Overseer E. Mitchell; R. Ft,, g T. Churchill, x, J Elliott ; itot+ coon- Jewelry
k Y I I workbox wild photo receiver to Mise cillo, -.i Aa. Cox, John'Middlet John :?r
from the land to ibis fair Canadant nnre• Lerpsf.tn address was i en in the , '
per box.-,,P, qOa found It a mlRhty fnrpat +lora than ynv : Y ! . MAP(dPl: F.FI., W.(lbdhlll; TreAR„ (}. Flick, the or monist : And w DTs®Silverware . ,, iia
haft four It Afwnlo 1, and havn nobly tthon pmlr R fly AIPx. RK )ani, who iR hnrftP $ p Woods, Jan. .Johnston,JohhetOnG. nosey, ,,.
t i,Pa uP ) 44 VAnRtonP;t.rumpeR, E.Good,F. NAPvIe, amnnntin to a considerable Rim' to klilverNOveltit�
d oae'Eimoof trate year when p P }t. ,J..wPlr, Guide, ,i. L-nR; 1, W., M. R + and S. 9tnrdy, The two last named re- Gold R ttae .
partinitadPvolo meet, nntll now in old age nn a vacation from Abe TRiand. Next LhP wetor, Rep• Mr. Clpmens, both p�
unlA ar+tta btI`bt and abase• oa }oak n n n wAll rvltivats+d, prnapnrnrv,and p tired and the members oP the council
p, pn 91inda Pveninq the topic will he fair phrammpr; C. W„ H F eckwood; Re :,t,
. YtUcon make i to by de- aypy nmmtr The tritila, the constant. toil yy presented by the congregation, were electded by acclamation, Mr Cox vI
i t HOLLY, g .88pile plpamrrm of the pinnAAr hnva harm en by Itobt, Clark. rpaentative to Grand bodge, W.(lled• and other g�Irrtion sd4tAr t an eya•
yenta, now ynn t+njr,y r~P and plenty, and OTRR. Hiram Proctor, Chan. An I hill; Alternative, P. MApdel; Physician, Summerhill every new member. There is, how- sante ie laigetr and bettt`rr than ey.e
I go tliitT of 8ofly and eeej7lg your rhildron's o,hildrnn al. nt rune IV ever a contest Pore abolition
t pots
�Ibb►► firPwa and Miss Nettie Medd are visit i)r. Taylor. No-School opens next Monday iealeo tAken On the abolition o4etstute�'
table Itwhomand thrrnlgh whnm you will UNf,AwRT•i„--The farmers in this In• p y Call atoai�etbre and pttl7e[nt
live io�npgaftAr yoq have An Prrrl Into rcpt. Ar- Ing At their rPHpPc five humps. Tharp Tan. 7th, with J. H. 1,nwer ae t.eFicher labor. it. ie stated that oil on two
0 illhapOI sept trnaamall((ift as a kn Iii f 011r wifrmaRt iH great exritpmrnt t�h��e days R over CA1tt t1wwP hAPn On the IDOROni for A tint it a new tPAchPr is appointed. H• � our g if the t}tlility ari$ peltlss 0�
end mutual leve. anri}nnr mrnf t prayer iR that g y y PP township in its history ban 400nr Oh. our goodsk
r iO, 26{! Silo dna. God will abundantly h1PAH pun grant ynn the the tnnniripAl rlPrt Ions, wild n great rnnttulPrahlR limp P perRon,who Beacom had the miafr,rtune, A Pew townebN,, Failed to have an electiott40t-
%; ' fi004Ox. selene that comep rdith R knowifrlgn nP a 11WR' deAl of ranvRAAing im being donp by w)%s in the habit Pirklnq things tip days ago, to he struck on the forehead the conncfl board.
Pan goo ork fatthfullvdnnA• and unite ynu,ynnrrMld' ninny of the prnapertive candidatps. I Ihat had not h n Inst, but of IaLP they by a limb of a tree which left, a nasty11
v Pd,t ren and oaraAlvps,;wtth thane whohave RonAI MiRA liellp MrClilly has tetorned a.ftpr, I hnvr got h pr and Rtartpd tak1ng I rift but he is nearly recovered from HR�TBALL-Reeve 1w . �'. ArfiOid
tor-A, in an nnhrnkpn nirrle nrnnnd Ria i r '` ,
ahep Anrl fit hpr fowl. ThP person a ( \Vm Buchanan, (:18t%r`:. Petty ; erntn-
j tsit i one in Our RmnP shone. AI IPndmg the wadding of hpr rolain Rt P the effects. The contract Por aupply-
yt well known. One man, who lost a Illors- F. W. Smill 1, be, Jahb
.. VnrrR NaPrtxWR Ain Nelnma. Fit. Marym. If. Hodson, who ham been In the wood to the school was let to g
„� .:.' _ _ _ g Scott Wm. R. I+la+dlgitrs Iloabi. PfxteiPJ
11 the giiest of Mian Ellie Proclor for sheepp w( it in a�arch of it, Rnd Pound I Bert Murphey at a cord. Miss ' Than. Hudson. Wm, J'Mi>Kjti6.
�� - Rome time, hAR reanmPd his journey to it killed and quartered, and Pound the ep Aon« c.,
1` Blemnrck, or WPmt Lorne suffered j y I Winnie Tholidpag 1 leaves this week Us. �jlark, gall. ills '�I D er
1, Mexico, L. Farnham has added to his akin still th#re with hill mark on the , 1.
ttssvy IAse by ill a IARC niget., Revpral kS -chat”, t1(!i echo 1 ne>tir
`t lAULLx'rr,—tt,eeVe : JAttta�Ct "Yl
3btitiil As establishment being wiped herd of HPrPPor(19 a very tine hall calf, ear of the hide. le not this A Daae for �•Ajrq 1 gbEf t�hni . W+ U. ()fl() p of the Phrlmf�lr t Cpult�(sillare, F;ra4At,Viil�dt
l` The lose is eibout SB1f10, which he nrettased from Mr Elliot, of ,t,�y61QW r. 6t dk,�'xtctl f� tib 1 ft;.. d�ir 1 l�+iP” , ,1� [tiCip %.
''it, Gnderich �at+tf'aship, Al V b r; .. ti b it tfllb G f di b ' loll , :. r
61! ° p t to t d,t; ,
!,5 .. . , .i' , ) S I( f• tit '• ` "5 ' MPV' •..
W . '4 tilt' 'ff - : 1 , h u ^ �ae.3 .Ati, I.r , t v e,i
( .. p,Igl, i ►` �4tP'.Cl,y. ' "ttj� r # * 1 ,4 y� {�a r, )�Il 6'r ;I'7 a,N,M,
i rlr .�, -' sy , v rti' i% ) z r , Y$j Qk., yyawLr
%A Y r,acc , r'i, . «.;'., i . . . s.t 'p y '�o � �,}jC fda'. Mgt�itl�n �r`t', ,%?A. ” `", '<
. s,e4 .`: ! •'; .i, • t . �.� a,ri'k.'afiti,.a..- fr.m .. ,� .,2.)>'}"„r tt�i r".f:' fs L±`=.k,>'',„' .
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