HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-08-06, Page 5AUGUST 6, 190$ THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE. A s adM5 :f9l.:iM:,�.yinB: ► '30 ► 5 r tdrA1 Bblrtk citizens t.re ubjeetloir toi stay awake all night on account of few THE RIGHT HOUSE Aovergrown boyo shouting and eking - Mg after tnid-night, 7 A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE LAST week L. Bili had the con. AT MODERATE PRICES Fon CASH AND FARM PRODUCE,A tract for putting a new root' on the r.i‘i ,'I back of the store recently vacated by N. B. Gerry. No pru•ticultar date has yet been 7 rw decided on for Biyth's Civic Holt ril .., S 1 11 0 a ' Ai 4ii day. It is for our citizens to say >x k ' what the date shall be. A Sent us the news, If you have la visitors at your home let its know about it. Drop a cited through the ,\ Y�� post office, call us by 'phone or drop if i. ^� t� �l into the office. We are always A .. IA� pleased to print reliable news of any rel : a MI 0 0 MA FA Pi 5thry A , A xS /7k at h'ARhtEn t f !MVO l cattle NI or other live stock on their premises A1 kind. IT tulles a sharp knock to break an egg from the outside, while a weak little chick well its soft bill can break it from the inside. It is tate eine way wi h n town, The knocks from tic rats it0 have little l- t effect ; it's the blows itt le tie that hurt. leo the ino-ide kneekers get out ja t as the eh'cks do. a s t toHMI yet a. chat we are selling as cheap as the cheapest. To be eonvinoed _ Table Linen., in bleached and unbleached, ranging in price it should not YOEt e6 that itis unlawful t5o, 40o, 503, 050, 75c, No and $1.00. to hold them without tel vete king the A Some excellent Table Napkin., n gond laror atze made out at fact m the lueal paper, Or, if cattle 1'oi beautiful item at per dozen $1,50, 81,50, f025, $2,65 and $2.75, i I A have strayed away, a small adver- A tiseulent in printer's ink might save Highest prices paid for Farm Produce, PIA Prises later on. If you lose any - a big hill for their keeping and ex - Y thing or find anything, don't fail to E. BENDER, BLYTH let' it be known through the columnsV la Fj A V4 an. a ",.rte• �li►.� cgni a.� %fort.asiss Edmn Jourtml of July 20th (siTs trt)�D APPOINTMENT. -The ��' ►� ►� -^ contains the announcement of the appointment of Alex. Bntchart to a city commis•ionership. This posi- tion is somewhat similar to that of controller in the city of Toronto. The salary in connection is $2400 per year, and the appointment is fairly permanent as it takes two thiels of a council to remove it come 'nissioner. The above gentleman is a brother-ialaw to W. J, I''yle of town. j nuCATiON THAT PAYS. -NO ono IR this age questions the value of a business training such tis is given under the excellent conditions which prevail in the Central Busi- ness College of Toronto, 'Phis school is well known to he one of the lar- gest and best equipped institutions of the kind on the American conti- nent, and is largely patronized by students from every province in the Dominion, Interested puttee are 'nvited to write for its new catn- agne. See card in our advertising columns, SuoDEN DICATn,-The citizens of Blyth were indeed surprised when on Friday evening the news spread around the town that Adam Welt- aut'er, a respected resident of town, had died quite suddenly from the effects of a sunstroke. Deceased lad been unwell for sometime, but on Tuesday afternoon went and laid down and passed into an unconscious state which he never came out ot. Mr. l%'ettlaufer was borain North Easthope, in Perth Co., over '56 years ago end, 33 years ago was married to his now bereft partner, Nancy Karcher, They moved to Blyth 31 years ago where he first conducted a tanning business, then a butchering business and about 15 years ego went 11tto the ulanufaetur ng of bricks, Qiittsidei of being a member of the St,tool Board for nine years he did notrescek for public lunar, He was an'='hetive member of the Methodist church and was, a tnetniter of the Quarterly Board and Trustee Board. Besides tete widow be leaves to inourn the loss of a kind and loving father, five daughters and one Sett :- (Clara) Mrs. 11, Ammeter, of Stratford ; H, A,, of Berlin ; Rosette, Lilly, Ellaretta and Laurette at home. One daughter, Isabella, is dead. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, a public service being held in the Methodist church. As the body was being brought in the choir rendered a se- lection, "Ono by One?: The hymns sung were suitable and' the pastor, Itev, W. H. Cooper, read as a lesson the 90tH Pstdnt, The choir sang "The Christian's Good-bye." The pastor took as his text, "Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his," He spoke words of comfort to the sorrowing ones along with words of cheer. As the body was being viewed by the eongregntion the choir sang "Safe In the Arms of Jesus" and "Nearer by God to Tbee," The pall -bearers were C. H. Deese, Jaynes Gibson, J. G. Moser, N. Curring, Geo, Icing and Win, Jackson. To the sorrowing ones the synnpaty of the community is; extended in this their hoar of Pt2I NEWS AROUND TOWN ... THE.. firemen held their regular A. '1'Av1.oR is now handling the meeting on friday evening of last London bread. week. OLD newspapers for sale at THE THE btiseball boys Are away at STANDARD office, Lucitnow to play a league game Smoot, Board is supposed to meet n h' Se n's. on Fridley evening of this week. Goon morning i Have you re- newed your STANDARD subscription? Do it to -day: LAST Thursday morning Station Agent McTaggart sold 65 tickets for Kincardine on the Sunday School excursion. REsoLU'I'ION OF CONDOLENCE.-:- The ONDOLENCE,- The following resolution was passed on Monday evening, Aug. 3rd, by the Official Board of the Blyth Methodist church: -The Quarterly Official Board of the Blyth cireuit of the Methodist church desires to place on record an expression of the deep sense of loss Its members feel in the death of 13.0. A. Wettlauter who, as a fellow member of the board, al- ways took en active interest in all that permitted to the moral and spiritual welfare of the church. The board also desires to express its deep sympathy with Mrs. Wettlauf- er, the sorrowing widow, and her fancily in the great loss she and they have sustained in the death of a kind husband and loving father, and to commend her and her family to the Great Head of the church, THE Wellington Journal and Shrewsbury News (England) of July 11th contains the notice of the Mrs. JohnBright,slster',o'. death of rift t Thomas Jones of town, who died on the 1st Wit, :-Mrs, Nary Ann Bright, relict of John Bright, who for maty years had charge of the post office at Little Dawley, died on the lst lost, at her residence at Wolverhampton. 1lerremains hay- ing been conveyed to Dawley, the interment took place yesterday in Holy Trinity churchyard, the Rev. T. H, J. Fawkes (vicar') ol'tictating. During the day muffled peals were rung and tokens of respect were evidenced throughout the locality by lowering of blinds and partially closed business esteblishntents. Among those who sent floral tributes were Mrs, Belem)? and Marie, Penk- ridge ; F. Shumonds, Birmingham ; Mr. and Mrs. W.'1'. Jones, Little Dawley ; Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Robin- son and finally, Conway ; Mr, and Mrs. W. Mills, King street, Dawley ; Mr, and Mrs, C. S. Jones, Sutton ; Mrs J. Moseley and faultily, Light - moor; Dorcas and Missionary Work- ing Parties, Waterloo 13aptistchapel, Wolverhampton; Mrs. C. and Misses E. and A. ;limes, Minsterly ; Wooding and family. Wolverhanip: ton ; Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Jones and Master Stun Jones, post office, Law. ley Bank. On Sunday at the ser- vices in the Dawley and Waterloo (Wolverl:anptou) Baptist chapels references were made to the loss the with l e p 5 THE Bank of ilamllton is having a,new.dogr placed on the cellar Wrist'', and the front steps fixed up. A si'nCxu rail down the C. P. R. yesterday morning to let the Gode- pieh people take in the Old Boys' re• thtt1 n',at Guelph, The 'Trinity Church Sunday School held their annual picnic at the grove at the south of the town on Monday afternoon of this week. MARKET REPORT,- Wheat 75-75 ; >iiarley :45-45 : Oats 45-45 ;: Peas 80-80 ; Bran 221-93 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Butter' 17-18 ; Eggs 15-16 ; ]?lour 132,75;-$3,00, Coale1ATN'r has been made about the boys who swine nett' the G. T, R. arch. The swimmers should re- member to wear bathhhg suits when •in'tite water. ' Harvesters' Excursions C. P. R. -Aug, 14th and Sept. 8th ; $10,00 going, $18.00. return. Special through train from Blyth Aug. 1411, Purchase tickets st C, P. R. Town Ticket Office, J. MOMurchie, Agent, +' SUCCESSFUL MUSIC PUPILS -The following pupils 0f Miss Edna Car- der were successful in connection with the recent music examinations: Toren to Conservatory -Junior piano, Miss Emma Leith ; primary, Miss Myrtle Morris. London Conserve - tory -Primary piano, Miss Bernice Anderson, first-class Itoxn's, LUST A HARD GansE.-011 Tuesdlty of tits week the league team went to Kincardine to play n league match but were unsuccessful itt win - Wog the gauze. The game was well played but when hits meant runs the visitors failed to land on the ball for the counters, Following is the lineup told summary ;- Blyth- It 0 ,, 0 4 1 2 0 4 0 0 D;Somere, c L. McMillan cf \V, Watson, rf I, Bell, 2b R. Sims, tit ...... . ....... 0 e M. Begley, If 1 2 C: 'Taman, 8b 0 4 J. Carter, ss 0 4 B, McArter, p 0 4 2 27 Kincardine- B, O Sihciair, ab 1 2 MRKenzie, 2b 0 4 Komph, as 0 4 Venhattan, th 0 3 McGregor, c 0 2 Johnstone, of 1 2 A. McKay, if 1 1 D. McKay, rf 0 4 Allendorl, p 0 2 821 Blyth 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 Kincardine 0 0 0 0 1 0 o 2 t-8 Lefton hales -Blyth 8, Ktectudine 10, Struck out -by McAteer 5-hlc- • Kay (2), Allendorl, hl cKetzie, Komph ; 3tv Allendorl 0 -Somers, Sims, 'Litman, Baptist church had sustained by Begley, SueAr.,.U,Carter. Umpire- the death of Mrs. Bright. AUGUs'1', Illus. A; WETTt,Aurltn wishes to heartily thank all her neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted and' comforted her and heri'atnily during their bereavement. Ih IatrnovgttiENT8.-D. D. Crittenden has had his house beautified by a fresh painting. Mrs. A. 11. Tierney is having a new verandah placed in front of her residence on Mill street. DON"r forget Trinity Church A. Y. P, A. garden party on Wednes- day evening of next week, the 12th inst. The Winghani Citizens' Band will supply the music. ONE of our exchanges remarks : "Well, mother, are the girls getting in in good time these nights? I suppose father looks after the boys," This question might apply in Blyth too, Tett ground back of the heck in which S. H. Gilley and the Bank of Hamilton do business has been cleaned up of old bricks, etc., fuel it has made a decided lmprovetneut, • 'Asir 'Thursday, being Winghttm's Civic holiday, three rinks of howlers came to town and were defeated on the round by one shot, As the score cards 'were not handed in we cannot give any more inforMatiell. Ir is expected that the following howler's will go to Berlin next Mon- day to compete in a tournament in that town :-Jos. Carter, Frank An- derson, Dr, Long and James Mc- Mu•chle. We hope to see then bring back the trophy. A BUSINESS which is not adver- tised must rely on the personality of its proprietor, and personality in business is a d creasing factor. The public does not want to know the man who owns the store so much as what he is selling and at what price, Tint daily papers announce the t the western, part of Ontario should beware of thieves as a large number of ''crooks" that have made Quebee their headquarters during the ter- centenary will be coming this way Its Guelph and London are celebrat- ing their Old Boys' re -union, BUSINESS men or others requiring office stationery of any kind=wail tind a complete stock of note heads, enve- lopes, bill heads, statements, circu- lars, ere.. itt THE S'T'ANDARD office. Stttfefttctory work and reasonable prices, Don't order from outside travellers, - , •Irth Oounof. A special meeting of Blyth Coun- til was held 011 July 20th ; all the members were present. The following tenders were re- ceived for gravel: - John Mains at 60e per eu. yard. Jos. E. Taman 520 John Barr 70c also b0e per eu, yard from Cuming's pit, the corporation to pay Cuming for gravel Moved by J. Carter, seconded by A, Rainton, that the tender of Jos. E, Taman for gravel at 52e per eu. yard he accepted, --Carried. Moved by L. I1ill, seconded by J. [3, Cheliew, that we do now adjourn. -Carried. The regular meeting wits held on August 3rd. The Reeve was in the chair and Councillors 11111, Chellew and Carter were present. The minutes of last regular and subsequent special meeting were tread by Clerk Elder and on motion of Jos. Curter, seconded by L. Hill, were confirmed, Moved by J. Carter, seconded by J, H. Chellew, that the billowing accounts be paid :- G. T. By., rent of scale site Juno 30th, 1908 $ 1 00 A. Elder, postage and stationery 2 15 Witt, Johnston, plowiegroadand horse hire . 2 50 S. Westlake, salary July,,..,,,40 50 3, L, Kerr, printing Recount,.,, 19 90 George White, 12 hours grading, 4 80 li, hl. Bradford, work..., 1 75 C. H. Beeso, water for atl'eets18 00 Jos. P. Taman, 15 en. yards gra- vel and work oa streets 15 00 Carriod, sUl5 9; Mooed by L, Hill, seconded by J. 11. Chellew, that By-law No. 4, 1908, as now read three tithes be passed, -Carried. Moved by L. 13i11, seconded by J. ff. Chellew, that the clerk insert a clause hi the lease from Blyth 'Agri- cultural Society to the effect that the Agricultural Society or its re- presentative shall not be debarred at any time from entering the Agri, cultural Park to make repairs or for any other purposes. -Curried. Moved by 3. Carter, se,nnded by J. II. Chellew, that we asijou'n.- Cnrried. Subsorfb9 for Ter STANDARD. Q� n gilhanetneetitgaMeee NOTICE -Store closes on Thursday evenings at 6 o'clock during July and August. Ladies' White Waists Ralf Price We have a number of Ladies' White Waists, in extra qualities of Persit.n Lawn, rich in embroid- eries, plentiful with laces and insertions, the best goods to clear at half price, $2.00 Ladies' White Waists for $1.00 250 1.25 2,75 " 1,33 3,00 u 1,50 O White Corset Covers less than cost 5oc Ladies' White Corset Covers for 25c 25c 15c O Ladies' White Drawers at a bargain 0 75c Ladies' White Cambric Drawers for 50c O 50c ,roc 25 per cent off Ladies' White Gowns Quite a stock of Ladies' White Cambric Night Gowns, trimmed with lace, insertions, embroider- ies, in sizes of 56, 58 and 6o inches long, 50c'Ladies' White Night Gowns for 40c hoc 90C 1, 70c 1.00 „ 85c 1.25 ,' 1,00 ,, " i 1.50 1,20 1.75 1.40 1,50 75c 2.00 4, Ladies' White ,Chetise 25%.611 Only a few of these Cambric Chen -Ike, splen- did cottons and well made goods at big discotn it, 5oc Ladies' White Chemise for 40c 6oc 50c POPIESTONE & GARDINER X3I.•Y'7C II 0 0 m,• • ocio ?;r0:0o'000 0! 01>0'00'000'0'000Q GROCERIES a full line kept Cared Meats and Breakfast Foods for the hot weather, Woodenware---Potato Masher., i3utter howls and Lintels, 'Towel, Clothes and Hat Racks. Crocks. and Flower Pots of all kinds. Coal 011 -the best. Flour -Manitoba, Five Star, Choice Faintly, and 1 now handle the hxoter, Goods delivered to any part of town. Cask for Butter and I9ggs. A. TAYLOR Corner Store BLYTH 4anb 4fAA1t61lfb1T A Savings Account is you best friend. r".,,,' r .. 1 l '" ' CLL T� ;? CONVENIENCE -No formality, fl pet . iog accounts, or in deposiI;nZ or withdrawing money. ; ... PRIVACY -Information as accounts is confined clerks, pledged to seed T. W. SCOTT The Standar