The Clinton News-Record, 1900-12-20, Page 4�, � I I I �� ___ NEEP, 01 X1V2T__WJ - ECORD - _ - - � .1'r - _... . - -0A1FV'WX dW 4WJ6W 419derich. I ;Pp��..��--_ . --,;;-��''�,,.�7'74--�-�-,!.-2"-����-r-�� -777= �-___�­_ ____ I DE0. 01 1900. - ­ �_ ____ __ � --------`��� � .- - - -_ - - I I ; _ I 350ARD 81tT G erfell. �_ - � � _-_ _ _- - — i- --!�-;7 �_ __:_ �__, . _--_­_-- - _ � - __1 , � , , I � � I I , , : I , ­ 11 r � - 7Z:- - - I , - - - _' — — - _­ . ,P. --- I . I r __ !_ ­��:� �_ �i _,� I J'- V . 7)(ITMELL IDITUR AND i Mr. James Doyle And f,lIrelly Are At I ,� .. __ , � --------1- - _�, _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - __ _ � . - ­.- ,___,_ _ _J y R(AIN UR r ___ � ___ ­ - _­­ --1 ___.___ T-1 Tile following. question and An. tile klOtt-1 Bedford foi, the winter. The officer% elect�d,for 11ilpoo f'odge .0 .r � . (1,T41VTOS, "wet lt�pearcd In tile Ikelal e . � Opp 0 11 . I olumus of WowelcomObIr. Phillp 11orton of 1'�O. W L O. 0. V. for th ensul ";� term � Ar%kAo � � Wilitilpeg hquke Again. fie takes All., Vic,ar; V. G.0 James It __­ r! ­. W. IL U., Befralo.-.4u,_01AU any TAWS place In the Bank of Montreal ,y eid; R. S., M. ­ �, I �­ proceedings b taken ill Ontario It) AftdMr,,1,,.Ijb goes to Winnipeg. Mr. X., IV, . Ale. -tmas t .. -.,, . � ')*r4** SOTH, IWO last SA, urdaysNallall 141,tupire;- Are its follows: -N. (,.-q ,Chr S -Ivoudfoot ; r I Sh * , Xo"Air'S X4,NTTX0 OP TU34 collect a board I h L 4. S"Dr. Olark Weas., . I 111 'r I WEST . bill Or *IZ�) Owing 1109'0 Wait will be tpuch mis$ed in social O Arles A. X41rft, ; , . RUROX ]PAUXURS'r by a Witness III tile West Huron elec- circles.- r 9 . I lWaTITUT)o tion case, who wa We take much pleasure in ackrinly. ' -""014�-��--­Z�------ ��-��----,.�--�---.���-.42�—�,z�it ­�-,Zi�r,� I . . a keeping out of the . . � . . `­`_ . way and living here under an assumea Miss Ruble Fisher Of Kincardin 1 )edging tbo� gift 0 ji� bandSOMO c�llcri. . � r : Th name 80 AS not to,glVe eVidonce p the guest or her relatives, X i. Mess" lbricuts Of the hardware Merchants, 10 Most CoUlfortable and satistgotory Where there' is plenty of room, ceilinga a Meetings Of the Farmers, Insti. I's 0 'a dap with the twentieth century com. ; tute, hold in tile town hall oil Monday, Ans--you can su'a the waft where Der and Miss Hayn- _ r stock$ are full -and well displayed, high, and light abundant; whero - were well atteride evel'YOU may be able to f *, , UP. Gordon Henderson Mckenzie an' HOW011'r It I$ a . where goods are known to be of dependable quality, and willera priceb are alwa, � . d apd the addresses Ontario for t, - .Ind him II and - Mrs. some one. hand. i Pros UcAt!ve nature, by him -in B9ifaij) And can obtain A tbeHotel Bedford. I owest level . Consistent with Safety in Purchasing, Here, all these conditio I 3 b the I Of A Practical, ed he board bill Contracted H"udQr0On will spend the winter At, On Thursday iiext 911ox church t us are identisnell in his Opening address . s rong the p admirabl) realized. -W reviewed the work of t�tldgrrenb against him here Which will Mr. James b1cMat Sunday school will hold their Annual re�sure of business, or -how hurriedly select the 1"stittite for 0 enforced According to the laws and Istail 8t tf h of the G. T. R. X`" Tree entertainment. I purchased b . 10118 'Dust be made. our Customers are -well assured tolhat - 'a" API14180 Spoke in a bigh. rules Applicable to Matt Sint t ra. Ord, who bad been ill for St. George's Sunday School ere are Of Worthy grade -even the I the Past YL lY flattexing manner of the p , Such er be agreatmany weeks of typhoid . �- - ' I at Sto 4rio. The fact that wits, able to return to his home in the wr nothing else can enter th'o stor ' : Shoyv bold in Guel � Ck province of Out � Will hold IOW,"st Pkiced-f It hist week. favor, its annual XMAS Tree entertainment 04 . af MlSS'13080 took Ior the MAR yvas in hiding in order to city About two At Victoria ball on pridav of tie As we enter this Yuletide season every department is .Overflowing with goo . . . lier subiect lie the escape weeka'ago. . week. � xt, . . . .giving evidence in an election The skating rink was open to the in the best in,trkets and bought at prices that insure oar Customers a saVinct . tern . . d thitjg6 ful- 01,64tWas, carefully ode' ;%rid, boon; " D'fiIcultlOs In the da tPlat was you no better hold upo Dr, Nicholson rebal-ried, las� Week . ow to overcome then .7v Iry n public on Tuesday of last week, quite - I said the great di I Shia Win Aarl in .link other case. e0,PIY for i3oderle from his visit to Cleveland, few ot the many rly evory itein, Just a Mention 0 ; make MORIDY was to , h, much earlier than . things that await you, . g. on nea I . Or the dairy pa ===�_--t- Mr. Ed. Henderson has Presented his . the coway. Woo many �� IlistsellsOn we know, Theice was in - . I pa. did not ICILLED BY TUE ' rod condition, The lessee is Mother, Mrs.James Strot I ------------- �- . I . CARS. x in . I I keep. - Ave Thompson,. you Mv, veryliandsome portrait oell, with a � ____.___,.___ , MITk shfootirld: btalle'r Their I astson of ex. herself in .— _­� Mayor Thompson. e wish him . � occasionally., ' weighed And tested Windsor, -Dee, 10. -Andrew go,, success W, water colors. I Be kin I 1 . . . . make he I I- feel 4 to the Cow and Intosh, Aged in his undertaking as It in, The Xmas Tree and annual entertain- Kid Gloves for Christmas (jilts , Handkerchiefs for 'Gifts. easy and coinfoptabl. , Detroitand Ei iyeA1r,sTo'1ct()hn0dI 1.1ctor of tht" vOlves Much patience and hard Mbnb of Victoria streeb church will be � . . I�rltitte her and she will lie � e' in Delgray, a suburb of Det railroad, A gentleman told its the othe'"O"I hold on Xmas III , ,,, I , . .. I tallate by . ght. . '. 1. .,% I giving less IMIK, She IS gratefill for I -oft, was v day , _N,--,_. , ground to pieces under a frei that Ilia surest plan of remembering .; , ,., .. - . I , glit. traia I M11T Williams, the evangelist, will ;O�M. . . , 4, w . . When you can't think of a thorough, PuOlc which Las long been recognized i'l P . vc '. ".. .. . , I at 0 O'clock last night, No the utitilber of Peoples'addressea wits gi e ,;v ..J:,.i11,-....�'. `V ; .r., ... - . A I Wayslacceptable, for both .,' I ly appropriate gift, give ,handkerchiefs, In NwItzerlaria WhO one 1; 0 sermons On k9unday next at , .. '. .. 1:1 �, i , - ." , 1. � ,re the milkmaid tila accident, but it is though e Saw I to mike dollarsand cents of them In Victoria street church. ,.,*1:,',i`�':-*- ;i...% '.. . . her sala Commands it, weeft two .;iV..G-­.',- �. Young and old, We 11111,ve � % 1 Everybody needs them, everybody likes Who- can 8109 sweetly fortunate man slipped bet � th 'I'- bit, mind f,hols,No. 325 would make $3.25 Miss Hattie Saults was plan e'1-.-,.,.'.,,.��,..,, I . � sllilsier, .ry than her less forittluate gars for the purpose Of Making &COUpl- 411d he would certainly remember We XmaR cantata at let rot, .4�,.-.!'i'.%,-,.,,;,:Ch.$ kil. 200 ))air of tlle fi �'. f � I e extravagant with them, when tbey've 401U.;.A�11M:­ , nest Fr * 1. .-.,�'t;.!%�.­.­,: ?'� ench _,� . .. the Miss Rose wag not in &VOL, of Ing and tbat fie was knocked down Mission Band entertaininient on Satur. 1, - % Vi` , , " -,04.1 i � , 9 t them to be evtravagent With ; and no ' ell surface exposed nake Am day last. . ..i,.,?;,1:­0.-; . I I I a use,or shallow pans its It left too And "an over before be could r that. . the McGillivray As� � to b Mu Theariblversary services were held . t;..,--..-.-.. ­­ 1, �.`� I " - -, : --"-'; ", .',l - Kid, Gloves .1 .,� A r Severed belo London, � I ..., j", -_,-!Xi. � T ".;.`-`N'.' -�N' , regular villue, body ever'bas too- sho - Draughta Outcry of any kind. McIntosh's body in Rev. S. .T- Allin's el on Mrs. Thorborn wills ­ I - ,�.'.iv I uld .IOU Ou avolueu was collipletely .lurch, . . .1". ..0'.... 'whether anallo1v Or deep, Over pans a recent SunclAy. At: une evening ser- week Perld the Xm ;:.,-";%­,. �. .,ManY' We bave them w the ribs.. ,as �i -,. e - . . I .. . . I stand 2 -Lot the milk x1l's sliull W48 rractureol, Ilia neck brok at the residence of Mrs. p, B. �� �. ',-'-6-Z,,.`.f ' $1.25 and $1,50, that � f0f,* men, women .and children. . I - vice MP. J�iroderick, tenor, And Miss A . ...V..;­-.,� I 11�� A houris ' en;arid the righ Crews of Clinton, . .1, :.; i We - are A I . . In summer And from 30 D Aeg severed at the bip. Vlda.uell, soprallb, ( %­.; ...;. I �� ". I ; . .. . . to 48 in winter, The separator is the Anc-1,110811 was a native of tioderich, %Moir, town, sang. at )tr)IeV'0cffb0e1r'1t10trstPeet Who subject chosen fori debate this ' 11%.Xv . r... a . . . . . . selling at � . - beat method. of 51clalre y the �% ... . , S 1.00 per pair. T Plain, white handkerchiefs with, -- . " ,,, person who has a! Ing and every where his- PAPOnts now reside, He, Leautif III sacred duet "The won evening by the Xot)ng Men's Literary . 1'i',-.Y.;ti �'O�-.-i,. I � hey yr q ;. I . . . � . 'neat ghb or more cows I . I WAS unmarried, An inquest will be 49't)us and Debating Lilun Is ­,;,,..-�.1.; 11-, . &.1,J7 COme� ih Browns,' 'A 11. . � should have one. Pmss"wilb,lallch acceptance, "Resolved that . "r. . . ns I . hem nu 5C. . I . i�11141' ... I - , : . . I � . ,... " le. in answer to & it would be beneflcj�i to Canada to be .�. ;. eds bf faticy bordered haa iker- I all 'as to bet, .. --:-,. .i- oltlestion by Mrs. MOWtLt of Stratford hits been A annexed to, the United States n . - .. I "I l I and 141hite, every' pair fully . . held next Wednesday. The remains , . Mr. Tynd are now at Moran's rindertaking esL- guest At Glengowan to, 84M I , i. , . :'' . Hundr . Pillion 01 Lae Value of a ablishment on West End e time. The -Moaelites, e . . . chiefs for the children at 2 for 5c. as said She wits in favor of it . . . , . I I 0 ,.is RO !loge for cream trolt. . , Avenue, Do- bliss Hattie I I was . . . M , . but it should be fed in moderation. . . I Wilk Ligon in writing Completed on Friday,xitimbla.tIon . guaranteed, . . . . . . 11 from her home at Minneapolis to Miss . � � I . . . . -ficers of. Malt. . . 1dren'S There is no cheaper or better food for I _____________________� Grace Polley said that she had qa1te -The followin Are the of - � Elegant Assortment of Ladies9 and Ctfi * ,Coborne Township. recovered from her recent; indisp6ol, Lodge A, F. and A.' N. for IIDOI :_ — - . .1 � dairy purposes 48, it comes nearesb I I land . F$Utilmerc!onditions, Thou � -_ . . W. . . Handk.erclii.efs ldcclY boxed. ' the silage tion And bad attended the grand con- Ali, George Porter . s W., Dr. I __ - I . . � I Illiarn Jones bad a sale 0 r Clark ; J- W-, D. Job nsto�n. * Chaplain � 11 % � I . ' Ladies'purellinen heni-stitolied Handkerchiefs at . � . contains 4cid - 844 did not fli , Mr. Wi Cart given in that city ecently. I I � I � I I . � ink it wits farm. stock on MOI1d&Y. Ev i his u - Green ;. Treasurer, She�rlff R olda: I I , . � . . , ; e" . I ��-��>­ � "" --- . . . I too much for butter. Mr. Weir asked erything UP. Charlie DePe dry is at Buffalo. Secretary, H. W. Ball Chris " ^ . I if separator cr sold well, .. Mrs Tyl �,e5r` Tan' urs. .. , , ,Fg,�,. 1 121c, 18c, _00c to 250, , 1.0 ads to spend . , other cream to which Miss Rose said 9 accident happened on - Cmbb int , ;. I . 111f I . . ,,, I �'Ladies' Embroidered Handkei ' , e �C; � , , " `aM Was Cleaner than A very- severe . . ,I ..... 11 'I, . � . . I'll ,9NA X NN "' , .. . I signs, at 1. y so, . " . I aturday .last, When Mr. Of the winter with hev (laughter, gre. Harold Blackstone has � Fur weather has _,� � , . decideoll . , . , Samuel , een elected . "I - -, �,_. .. chiefs, elegant de ' -Luv-.U. Currie of East Wa,lvan all ,&'LIU wits drawing hay for Mr. Jacob mcmath. � _. . . president or St. � . .bOguri in " ­ .1.72U , X I'-, . . . . . � - . � I . , - .. �z 1, ­ . . . I " �_ . -,,n-.,;-- -, I . 15c, 18c, 200, 25c to 76c., r. V� - ,ession his it Mrs. Charl!e Harper returned from a Guild And- the remain,,,, .0 ing -is in 11 . - spoke On "crog failtAres rid howoto Avisber of the Sth cone _,ad People's Ueovge's Young earnest holiday b � ,,, _,I ". avoid them,$$ a � I ,/ f -. .,m. Mon's Rem�stitched Hitndkercbiefs in fine Lawn- and Linen at , . ,, 47� . � " �. ,�� ere were two the fence and Ing ,��­:� r . , . . I .. . . not pay' straining his foot badly . � ing, and yet, right, in the n."', .. 1, I I . I . I r. 78C 10c 121c to 35c- ,.�r � ,h did n "gain" home in the Queen City the first week Of the. Guild. Harold will � kinds of land whlL aid th 'I . very pleasant and extended visit to bar - `fflCials will be electe att, xt I , t* a a uPset, throwing Mr. Allin t d a , nee . , y I Poor and too wet. The too as he is not able to lily it to the ground in December, . . amiable president.. I make an full sw , , � understand big I farmer..�hould since. . I � . . . . . . . yi \ . _Ak�,� M." Har I - and and what produce We hope to": so Miss McLelland of the. Collegial,, Mr. George Acheson is opening tip a heigh t of the ,W. witb initials at each ��� neat results just as thoroughly as doe d AL'Ulm(l - r .institute left this r LIAIJW66yon Square aid greatest d nd, ­_ I -�,g . Men's PL1.1.0 Silk .. ndkere'biefs r r 60C�r r , . t & All..'ani ,Week to Spend bet, .ema , d, ij I I . I . the business mail 'know the 'ins and or ------ t'S fur. I . � ,d, tall I!, - — . . I . .1 outa.of big business. day find 8 MI's, Mugford Span _ XURM vacation sl�reer, block. e or nis West . fU r� � � r, I I ;N,&.� P.'V,,_k /I 77 r, . . � (Inklay a At her home in Strat- . . . I iw� Cali I -.1 -.019 I 'r , � . . He believed they ton. - . with Triends ill Olin. EOrct, - . supply your ' r needSr 'I R ,��r . . . . . . I . . Z=i r shOuld Plow deepel, all it would increase . � � The a lal hop given by Eluroil . I I .. . � I,/ . . 0 r . . Holiday Lilletise . . . I. I I .1 � I . � . The Misses Parsons and Donogh In- . NO- 0Z wits very charmingly, at .Saving f 25 11 _ . , 1 . , Lodge oc a . der the parental roof at Olinton. r I Tol,onto earri, ,per Con t, . r .111 - W I r 4 ' the yield. Speaking,of Miss'Olive Hillier"spent Sabbath un- bend spending Xmas; week at ' ad out yet it belrig une Adv . r . � ... .. . 1. I I . I � ­ ? �, , 11 - hr Useful and yet beautiful gifts, and no. ' ' .'. . I - aid Mr. Joseph Vowler return has returnedrf season militated against the atf,�en! I . . I � - . , . . . I ed ;home rOm dance ' - I . . * . a h . ; . 1. I e v r I valemnered a similar failure t his at . ieelor - bas too many linens. . � Ile , Currie Sure Mr. Bruce Wat�on of the early turnip CPOP All the fail � ity-three years ago but wa wen- from the Nor*t west; on Saturday , Cendarice at the Oollege - - ' . . I . I.. . . - Ous wife e' er r . .not able to ad by Ur I,= He pass hisJun. � I . . r � I give a remedy, In answe" to M * last,acdompatil .0hirlie-Owens Macy at !X ,dof Phar . r . . r . .- . I . . . ­ TABLE.. LiMioNs, . I I . � . Neshitt, who r. - of Beigrave, t - !or exam . ery successfully. . �. . . I I tull'bleached, 60 to 12 inches' - . 11 . I asked how deep the . . � . I- I . . _____ -------r- wide at -600 '150, 85c t $1 50 ` ' - I .".. . _. should plow, he said seven or oig �T A Christill"' Tree will be held at, . Mr. Ferguson in, speaking to your I I . . 11111181�reen. . . . , - r . � . � .. . . ..".1 ........... �:- 50c" , 0 . inches except on sandy Jai h Carlow in -the Presbyterian correspondent on the matter - - - Scarfs.. I .*. .. . . r r � 1. . . . . . ­. I I . . � . . �.. I ­ * I - I- . . . would Plow rid which he r hnrch on - of Judge Mrsi Jr. Douglas of Mich. is. visilizi , I I . I I . TIRAY.- CLOTHS in he�ln-stitched an d . � r I shallower. , . I r w of ,, - fr . fringed * , I Snell Said there was too mu . President invited. , . .. . r S., . , . . � Friday evening, Everyone IV heartily Carpenter of Detroit, son -in -la.' her parents 3 and 'Mrs, ijo . . . . r I . , I . and not enough cultivatiochero, Ing I . . . Mr. Ferguson�.belng elected a ' Hudson. - , I . I. . sepf . Of Sable, Mink� 0 onda ble and r ends all"good -valu .. , . . , . r I met a to.r rp�reme Judge of the state! of. Mich', Pposum Coney, 411 dep . . . es, at 18c, 25c 300� t) 750. - '' . . I �': n. - IF The con"c" , 6 Carlow On Sa _ igan I Mr. Wrn. Grundy ,of lie valrue, at 500, g5c $1.10 r Al I � . � . I "I and settled up all the aftaiis of 1900 . 'ABLE COvr,,R$'. in -elegant *dosignS,r some � , . , lieved in gUriging right after I Me be. day, - all the members being Present, said, "All W4vne .co ckerville, , I 0 ; . - T intivest r . f MICII.,is. visiting friends hepe. �' 4,50, - 5.00, 6.06. . . . r __. . � I . A Christmas Tree . I take place until the spring. of 1901. attending tile �Qljftlori M, 01, . � %ve, results o -will be bold in the, . r � hers -nicely h r I UP- W. Kernighan g, Robt. Stelek, who has been ' '-___�_------7-� 'rfrinired ends.. ot � or im, . __ . With a good Plowing later in the fall i;l " but.the"norniquatritoyp �d*lolelavote M . . . I .. . . not'. r. � od I � I � . — em.stitobed, . I . . . � - trans Eve as .. turned home;. � � . .. . . . r . ' . . . . . I , TABLIDI NiP' ..; . ?xpeximents made ab Guelph.on sow f 11 gelical church on Chris Alex, Saunders h ,Purchased the � bas re- ,muffs . . , , . I . . KINSin very fine quality lin�n I ; � . , "Luln' good-time is expected. -pty - Mr. Hour eicbert Ave a shtnd I ig . r . . OfBlki�k . '' I . 1. � I I 1. .. I I . . t .... ........ r .. . r . I 6261 i.6 r 0 3. . . .. _ . . a . . . . . . I., 11 p3g.peas. He did liot.thibk that gow... w . I .,. ... � . . I � . r . I . prope next to Saults, liqiaor. stpre ,one night last 1, :� ... _ ", , $1.00 .� Ing clean pea ­ . y R . s. would g � and intends 'remodelling tbo_samia. * week. P. John Co6k., b6 r Astrachan Grey Persia . .. - � I . to 50.. . . . I bugl ilarantee A - _� I . . . . W, - r r 1 w � I . . I . . . . . . I ... . . . .1 . ­ . as Helen A'ttrill,, who has 'be ran lit furnished tter ,V I and Coney, no � : . OW11,81'arn"endleSSr"Variety *� I 1 r . .. I . A VVELCONR . an 4 a lies Y ire, prifts'$1.06. 2.5 . .� . . . 1. . ess crop or that jtWouldoloany . e and�Alfred Relche . 91 � n Lain "b goo to a . Mi . gin wh Ply peis to . .TO WEBB. guest for acme I � the Music. . � . . , C . , 'J.50 to 5.00. r . . . I � . . � save the later crop.'The .. I . . � nobtlis 'with miss . 1. 1: I Q I . . . . . . at per pair ' ' 'r ep .00 0''I . . . I'll � I was that late sowing genPIAl opinion. U ' .. Attrill of Ridgewood Park left for Tbr. Mrs, Chas. Stelck gave a fowl ,supper . . � . . . . . 9 . . � .. . I . .. .., ....... o"'......" 2,56, 36 , � 50C to $1. 00. . I . .r I P ClintOniAP41 Risia.to w to a number of be i . . . . I . I ,;, r, . . . - . .. � I .. I . r . .. I . � I I I . , . � , . he , line at Toronto the .. . � . I I .. . � � . . . . r. . .. . " ___________i__�. . � � — was aboutthe* I . elcome . On to on Wednesday, Den 12th0 to Spend - M . r Intimate -friendsi GauntJ6 ' ... I . , , Webb, who bails froni'lands .the Christmas t- . . riand Mrs. Gen. . . I only thing to .61p except perhaps t � . ts doctoring with coal oil, . �. . .1 Where the Boer Igairist,tile, Briton - -Coleman speah .. . . , I I .1 I . ­ ift,S r . r � .1 I. r Waso I . 4411est of ,her aunt, Mrs. &Heaton. SundayIn Tuckersalfth, I . .. � .. , . .�. . . � - . U '' . � I . � r.. I ;� �� -EVENINO SLeSSION. � .. a flerce a.nd.lj,16�aY war. I I .1 Captain A. k. 8 . r . Mr- Joseph. Hudson had . :� M . . .. �. I � ­ ­ .. . 11 . ..., fUl Chrir t a , - r 1. . 11 I 11 r I I � . ..: ­ . ,. .� ... � . I I . ., . .. . . . * . , . . . - - . ,. * d: and itinte, bee Tuesday I e4rseal and . bl'a k a I Th o 6 61 t. for th" . _ . ;4 ...,.. I . . . . - . A eppar Ado Of Grey La . s Was;G re' U0 I and welcome him, our to Ed C ab , which .be .cut . .. � . - The' . . I � I 11 a sawing , m. b, Artrachati, N , , at7out grey , _ 0 Mtr ' � . r � r e personal o r I . I r I I I .. . 1. . - . r ' ' I -c mfo. I -en t of:,those. was I% large attendance at the. . wrismiall,, I AMPAIga, will arrive 'at their' seventy-flve -cords Of wood. Durlk&Oth S Id - Otbe C nd evening session which was. Presided . the British -flaw to save � I. . . I . . t stdrft at 26 more .than. to Whbm presents are �8ent best 'voi 68 . dornm I over by President Sri . . ., . IT the forces'armed for battl homes here, on Obristinas Eve. . r. . rMisd M. A. Troyer . thes, 'pribe's ! 85, si.b. I . percent . t or. -it . elli - I . .� r has returned , e I 01 0, ..50 ,3.5.0 u 6,00 - I � , . . .Bound for -glory or the, grave. e, I I Mrs'. MeXim hits returned. to her reali home from Obiselhurst. , . I .. 1. � . . I �p . . . : . 0 the senti ' 4r. Baskarville spoke . . ' - . . . I � , , . ment .of the Dairy Scho I . . . dence, � Clitirell .street, Mr. Ed. . I . . � . � 1. * . I . - daily- use. Se.cureg constant remembi I afice, If. , - , .. . 01 *which be said scatters ,Round, him gat6r, ' . after a very Troyer .sold a v � ',' ,r . I . . giver, while theii experience As ol all his comrades.' . 1 pleasant i it with her relatives at Stj horse last� week* . . alitable - 14 � � . :� ! * oes the'Institlate. rho . i Tho ' Via . . r . . . .. Caperi I . . . . r � . -_ ----- SlIch be the conditions ' b . r . i , I School gives a �Slrlce his days of life began - MAP, - .. , I ... . A football iiiatch .Ines ... *. . . � . . .1 . .. W at could be more appropriate or'mor'e . etWeen Hay and Sta ley 'on .Chris , . � � . knowledge of 'feed for . ne:w him as a budding schooi�t)oy , M b will be pla�ed . - .. . I � .11, 110ceptable as a ristin, dairy cows and is, Practically within 'Watched him bl" It '. .. ; r. W.. IT.- Elliott, st�ward on the� n I . ' r.., . .. . .... . . I .. Ch .. as, gift than ,the fol, . .r ' . the reach of everybod. . . Cason, o a rnaft. , , steamer Ibnia, has r -mas. Evorybodycome. , I twe - Made' of the I r .. IOWing.us.efu v, Th . ... h eturued for the A numberr fr6m 4 most *an ted .'furs such AectiiielSeal and 'Unitbrellas for m . I . I 1. articles. . . I lasts from in a. course, Give, b, It , . I r . a . " - Lamb Black' � . � as . � . . I . . n. 2nd 'to and 'in onorforhisb6ii, . sell on to his me. � . hdre. Attended 'th G I I I . April ,, ra.%4e, . . . . I � er n r er I � tey J , I Astrachan and 3 .1. �., en , and women, With. elegant handlee .. . .­­', . I . rom big . I .. . .. � ' ,ices , , I students may enter or leave at any , . Bear ye, Witness t6 h , .. . ! Mr. Dean has returned ' f' . COIIC t at Z rich Friday levenin ' f th OPPOI U11), and every one i PA , I . I tiole- Gil -Is registe Exiled wort ,, . . . . 9. MI. warra,vt .. � . r . . tater of . � . . ! ........... I ....... i., 1 ... � ......... . $1.�5 2r5o to 8,40 r. Irom his native Clinton " - summer's.sojourn in thes r . 1. r. I I . I ed. to give-' good weak. . . . . ... * f .,� I . -7-------- �­-Z-7-' .., . . . . . 2 5r., . 6, to �0 _?01 I . r there is a one dollar fee. fPe6; for boV9 I And the land that I Wash- . � . . .. . . . Priced. in'tither stores I - Tim for men, beautiful. designs,, at' 356,45 0 . . , . . gave him birth. ington and is at present * d . .. . . .1 . I - . engage with. . . .. r I .. .. . . I . . _- Xiss Rose took for her topi . . .. .1 ' Mr.*Brodedck'in his H . . . r r ..Pli I . r . . * - * Self exiled tov�ar-with Kruger, , .. . . Ashfield Township . . � . ... �.,25 1 �LUFF �, I ......... ... . I ences of level make Ni'ag C " Differ. amilton, street I I I I i g h e;r ;1 F y W, , r I r are.,, A He the gitifili and mean I ... store. . I . , . . I .1 . __ - ., I . . .. ces, smoo, 11.05 , . OOL BLANKETS, prices - * difference of level has madeN elf exile toswell-t 0� . ... 1. . . . I . . � . . . � . ., 1Q.00 9.00, 8.60,. I to , .......... $2,15,3.50 � 8 . 85�to 5.00. , , . r , . . 'agars, 8 ;Mr. -Murue�.haq had his - - The Sunday school of Zion Chu . I 7. - 1 .50 1 1 r . famous thew he number I ! . HITE MARSAILES BED 8 orld Over and it is a' iff'r GuardiRgoui.belovld Queen.. . . � ins - r Ing o . I I U r 0 . . .. rch I . r . . PREADS"at ... , -walks of life that . I 't6, walls, calling -and . - _____� - ......... . - 00, 1 -26, - i ' '8 �5. , r . ence of level in all d . . ket painted Whl ..at . Mai has decided to bold a tea�nueet n . . . - Severed f" fro ' All, wilth iron the evening ofJ Fur' Coats. � I . . has made men stand out as Niagara m friends and kl�,drea, � fixtti'ves painted blue,' . an. Ist.. Pat it on-. the , r ' ' I � .1 - . . I � . .. . . I r. . I HOSIERY for Men Wome Tn, "all. S' . . I - . * r Great men are our land markS,r . ,Lying oar the oper, velak Mr. John H . illier of Bello�vioi* ' list -of Your engagements ;Lud begin , . I .. . I . . . .. . . ,U and child . I I etviae,able, qualities � I . ....... ............. I ......... .. . I Few . . left on the. century right. . Just a few ' ft but all ' . r .at � . ..... ;­.... -...25c, 35c . acquired by ba st-IlPori the . e. the Lord of Reav Friday to spend the winter at'Oranke will be 25 cents, wi children at' 15 0014 r I r WDIC S . .�­ 1 40.0 to..60c. - trien have greatness thr�llr Only on en � . I . The. admii;sion Of tbCrM le . . I It is pril. - worik am. 'Knew:the r'b, th .. , are ilS good � " the 'Ones LADiEs U ill. �4 I .r . . . rd. rid . pangs, his Spirit ie'lt... I City, .,]Florida. . We I Iii . I cents r - ' Black Astr4chan Ja . . 10 * � Ti � wls, Ira good . . ... r. I . I . I R XERT,% made af Sataina 6' .In Styles . the abi ity to grasp upporruil Rug in . health rto begin'the now 'r ,, W r , ' 1. . certhe . . .. . � . ckets with the best I*r ^ . r I . . ' .. . the batd�,' r .. Century. . . I. I . .. '_ . Iniogs, .r . .1 . -Colors, . '' .. I ities. onward to . . . e are sorry to announ , �. � �.. . -a d . . I � � . . . . fi. .. - -- . !"!"Itie .... .. ....... $1. oil, 0 S -60 -_ie I . , - . . 'it Aild of'Xiv, Alex Agneti. 1 0,45.00. NOTTiliGHAM LAcE CuA " " !� . . We should train ourselveg for great . � , r whc � Of.the'Infa death . I . I � I � � � - prides ness. Ing in the awful strife,. ., .. Captain Prices $22.00,' 21i,50, 80.0 Fi I a . . I I . . r . . � r ell, mutely gazing I from. a business r e Great ' - * ------------------ TAINSj All� lengths and widths. . . balance hard wo, - genius and the . the scenes of death inlifi., trip to Siberia, Mnde An inspectio . Beyond on last Tuesday - I .. by two per cen t . -------- — , Edison stp, . . I . I Tom Tr6theoray, re . I . 0 says that success is *OrA 11 r. ek : turned'but, recently - The little one passed into th . , . e . � . . .Rev. F. Oaten will Pr��adh In . UPS r .. I . r . � r : ; I. .Priced at r � I. rk Th keya to Bend . Ing . over fallen c . I � .. . 'I'last weei of the Copper -min at Brucn ell . '. . ' . - I I r . . . . ....... I ............. ;... . - 50c 8�1 success tire hard ;;LPJr . Plan out IV omrade - ln,e,s� .as e church next Sunday at. o.&) � Mon. . . .. I . r �r . ­ . . , -1 ...... �...2 5c, . 00 to 6..()o . definite course a . u To receive his -parting wora - I o - , � � I Algoma, Pioneer.. , . - . r .. . r I on . I 1. r � I . BE:Au,�uUL rFLO � 0 M r r .. I . � energy into that channel. Riv,en to big b ifig's centre I r ' Cho � . 1. ­ .. I I .. j- Pl�rsiai Lamb,mit .. .1 r U oquett and Wolf , . rid then 4, every I Ot A' : quality.4rey , A r Rr G' - in - 11 ? r . ' . `��_ : . li . . . _, I . 81 is of the . * erl aid Lonqon.quite a com- - . Prices .h. with best ' I r . greatest. influences to r .By the an8a . I I I , $2.60, 8,00; 6.50,r 0 3,75 � . nings r at. I Success is.our � Ished cries kle heard.. ,. , P Iftlent in purchasing. in. two weeks A SEASONAB I r � . I 1. . -r .. I .1 . . . I. ....... � ......... 6.�'­4 .......... ir, ;, ........ $1.00 2.50 , . I . � Z ON.- I . . r . . WOOL SHAWLS in: I I t right time'cons * And ort to battle, - . --- . . r. - . . manners. To do the right thi 100 copies of the Verona. Waltz publish E SUGG2STJ .1:3.50 to r* rig at the � Onward stilli . . r . . . . .. --------- — , . � r assorted light and dark colors. � ' .. tituted maturiolis. We Trampling r . . . ed. by the Imperial MUSIC Up., Toro�fi to I One of our excl - � . .. . . __ . , 'iced atr I . ,r . � . .. - . � Ing Ing r langes bad the fojlovD- : , Fur, Cap I . . . � . . I � P, . . . � . r . . r t week :"Some of' our contemi, i:Olce,st Black Astrachan ,r I I . � � . . ....'r .. ............ ­­­' "" . " I " . ) 0 1 Niagara bab there are thou . to . B small ,oi . . . es of thee' ' 75C, $1.00 1.50 to r'. 0 , TbAre is Onward still, and oil. to battle' � London who Oculd scarcely I . GA_NT RIBBONS fo � cannot all .be 9,1�eat only one . � . over fallen foes and composed -by Catharine believe the poreries are suggestint that , I . 9 .00 and $19.00 . . . r adi ' - I . . I'M, of Charmed" to?scap, the Bo I � good linila S.,'815 ELE . rills auld rivulets thitt, are -C . er'sbro fact disclosed by her exp . I fl v Wi th more IMPOrtan 4.1nuch . ".. i ress orde T. es ties.all pri . . ­ I r ,r 'for body make an -effort, ic egin 6 eveiry' ' . I . . ces. '. oe to the world than f. See hila now- wheft b I the sales. Miss Br he ]Z,OW r ' . I . . I . � .. - . THING WrOEU for a Christ ' . I � . . . ome returbing, eman expressed heir century free of debt, it is a I r . . pat Capes special at $7.95 � . . � . . - than Dress gat a. We are perhags one Of the Meeting Q;tr behjv�d * . , - thanks to ,us -for our interest in - 90stion but th ' good supi , . G . .1 No ' . . in as gift. or Skirt length, - ee h .0 I- lops - . r � . r . . I . . 4 I .11 . . .� I . I . ar .1 . I . � . I % . ., doing just'as Mile,, for r I . . .. with the.collsumen The little grocery r I . � . 'or a prett,jr Silk -Waist We h Ve an elegant . 1%ils but if we. f 6 F.r�tb amo,d Queen ' - % welfare .. her . e movement must begirif . I . . � - - ere We are o all tear d falling .. . s � .. . I . . � . . 2nent to . . assort. I rv,og he has seen . I , III t*e grateful to Profes ) --editoas, . . I choose from and . NVrzara. .. . our countf y its . fie I We feel bill. the dry goods'account the . . .. � . . .1 , . I arlig I Up - SOP subscription mustbe paid. Th'. . . . . . -rat'lli-DIONEY RACIL . . I . � no two alike. � . . . � . Rise OlintOni -and welcome' ­ Full for ca%ng,i�ith an invitation to will be passed on- by them t ealonev . � . - . I . . . . . Currie trac�ed the growth of Pall .. Our returning vo I ..... � Attend big entertainments . � . .1 I Fairs from their institution I lunteer - . which We � O othf�r TP dOti WANT 1W � present and censtired the matIJ r'd' mail and. employees and from .. . I I , I . . I . . I . . . .1 .1 . �.. . I � . . . �.. .. . . o, the Ohe our Queen delights to I;Orlouri . . - . � accepted fo� Saturday night and we th'em'81 will go back into the 'pockets. - � I I . . . with the whole of his acts. .. I I I the racehorse and fakir. siden I I Producers, who are lik � . of to -day which. paid most a,tt tion to Sbout hurmbr i Prof; Pull ewise con. I Z�__ , gement Give our bW a rousing cbeer, ' must confess we were quite charmed of the b Let, the �Gulil linton I , had for a committee In 'the flrsb act, slauers- The money,pai 411*z . � e of the burrah rot. 0 =: �_ I ��_,�%NN . . . . I . . I I Fair, Ile knew of young men who I din triumph ebb . which 6onsist - d. by you tO4 ! . 1���_ I . � .. . . 4) op . �_�� - . I . � .. . had been,rulned by having w f I - ed of eacif of them bors day will come back id, . fA_�,.%o , , , . . ShWt lif � YOU tomorrow . ;�;;;_�_1_01 . . rid did '.lot t1filn Ast horse . , oihiarra nor cease your about* " rowing or hiding some article as small from those who 0*0 You bat cannot � . .;,�� . .1 . a � .. _­­ . I I . =__W=_XX=W:N i�� . k the Fairs should ell- . gay you until you have paid yo r own . I � '* - , . . courage racing proclivibies. .. . 39i even as a Pin, Messrs D B Grant, W. �1' �7VJ I . , , The Lug quartette . C"11 D .. w 1,18 Put in - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � come 1, welcome I welcome we, h - - ebta. A few hundred dolli u 81 -rendered I se'vereil tbs. so. 17th. -Ily Clara n. monniteasile. W. MOVicar, Beophi aW t 0 others circulation in . . . . � . & �7 � elections during th . . I � . � who'were quite sat6fied with the pro- I this -way will, pay thou- . I - I r . . . ,- . k� I . . .. . I I e even Ing for I. . sanp.w Of dollars Of debts'and enlighten � . I they were warmly applauded I ___�_______ fessor's art of Mind readin . . __ . I . ____ ' I . . . .1 I I - I . . . . . . . . .. 9- His Par- the burden Of iik�utneiiable human . I - . �_-Oiilill!!M . encores insisted upon. ' . .. and. . � . .. �� form4lices are very interesting. be- I . I � . ,, . I . *#"#*"###"#*+", , . . . in 8 Who are scarcely able to keep I . . . i CLINTON - . I . . � . mas entertainment given . i . . . I **0 . � The Ohrist 1191ir head Above the waves of advers . -7 !!!n==—� . . � � .. __�­_� I . ..� Get . , I . on Saturday At Knox church by the ItY, . . I .. I . . Walton. I .. I I f . - . . -unillett.. . . I : . 1. I 11 , . . I . . � . I � ­ .. . I L ----------- �_ I - - - . . . : Randon . . ,McGillivray Mission Band Was quite I � — .1 0 I . . I. . , - Successful, A great number of the . 111 I 0 a I VVVVVV __� . . . . . A Caltad` I 1, ---------------- ��, I ir Ilinted thitt it third store may be . . . ____0`VV"#*~ . I I Messrs. Hazelwood TZ . I.. fan , I . parents arid.friends of theBand attend, .. . ' . '' . . ql;ieti�d in Walton, a Seldorth man bs- I I , VVV . . . . # ­u4bes Carter � I Lnekllow.,, I . . ing_predited with the proposal. I . I . . . : . a good sociable way of getti -. A11111tw. 8610-81109 very sweetly by Miss Lsurg, . Mrs. Tho Mull -in, -forri2arlY lif Luck- Mrs. 8 13aryows of Ohio state, w . ho 1: . .. I I . . �tnd Young had wood bees lat;,l . This ed.' The opening Piece was a vocal . . I ar n , e foe is Y 3, . I . I cut. I . rig wood.. . . . I . Gibson, Misil Maggie Proudfopb- gave now, died a' WEIC"an an extended visit with fe . . 0 . . Nothi ' :- ,0110 . Mr.HenryLiver . . I ' At' . . A Very Pretty recitation entitled M Toronto hospital a few fri I d . inig Like Leath Cal Moore returilea borne I . COlisidergbie e�pense T= " Christmas Day." days ago, An Operation was peritit?'Ined in Wit vicinity, died at the h 3 * We have noW 'it) stock all our . . s I �. . Q1 .1 fr Michigan last P NEWS-RECO1 tile of I riday Miss Kathleen which at flra6 appeared sucue ber'1111600, Mrs. Constables,. Lonod bury, . I well. looking stock RD has secured a ,, Mobre,* a very little soloist, sanw very on Friday morning a Cha got safar, but On 'Wedriesda. . . I , Of Canadian Annuals for 1111celY " Daddy," Y of last week. I New .ri r1lits. W TIEN IT IS WELL PUT TOGETHE R. WeHAV.HjuST its patrons. P olillaoiblon I I . OF J4000 A meeting was beld'In the Icinburn distliffjUtion amonj MISS Stoddarb Flay. n Ook pla T'lle re-opeaing services in a . . . I , , school house last Friday ovenini The Annual ib nice Y gotten ag, ibg tile accninPanimeat, Five ittle and she sank rapidly until .fi*euinor� With Duff'o Church w#r THE IcIND , 'AR YOtT N8 NED, IN FACT WE the Put -Pose of or a d R for , . r1a, Misses Ru by Stothers, Rosia De- when she passed Peacefully &vpa.y A I . a hold on Sun. Is TW11- gitnizing abating 1 8QIY Illustrated and has: eudry, Wilhelmina XvAns, Iris War. her daughters were PrOsOnt, Their dhy week. Rev, Mr. Whaley of St, . . I . I ARE . club. I Oro"' those Of OU'rigubscribers; Perry. recited extend to the girl's din. nflens wall the Pr6acher, Collections pleaacd VI : . . I. who bit .- nock and Christina . . . desboro, having put lit - Vere6eivad4coPY The, I 9.Blue eyes And brown eyes" very ,core aympath 01145. The proceeds from thetea. bir. Fred. Button has One to Lon Pr. Many friends Raisins I .Ce to those who tire no! sub. ' his time with pleasingly, Best Z5916(3t 1,aiSins 0 a ik HEADQ , jIGN Mr. James Fairservice. � bliss Thirza Lewitt's reci- sorrow. Y In thle' th's"t' hOui Of 11061stilig hold Mondsiy evening 41tiount- Cbe;ip Valentia lialsins Mr. Lou Parnbarn took in 6 scribera� is twenty-five cents tation "Glory to Mr. Frank Cain of , ibioj vill ed to $75. . per copy. God on high" 'was 1. he Fat ; . . . . . beautifully renderell. � Miss Wilginal been eleotbd District X)p puty 6age hall At the December meeting of Fine layer Raisins rot, all kinds of seasonable 1. Stock Show At Guelph last we Our !subscribers who pay in, elasa f the In. 0. L. No - 252 the L - I .. I For tile Xtnas trade wo hav goods ab reasonable prides. I I reports. a good show. , Pk. He ; recited very well,, What -we lke.11 depetiderit Order of ii��reb I the fOlIOVVh3i ofliders . Municipal election talk Is caree, adv�nce say it is)VIst as eas3r each one having her particular wish. tetritory inclu ters- His were elected for 1001 .,�VV, M I e an excellent assortment of - I ed as candidates few names mention. ahead as the one that is past� with his delightful recitation 11 Why gels$ Gorrie, jAriep,j Toebwaterp Killeard. JAin, X. Morris n ; chap. The best in the - . . I Felt Slippers, I I . the will but time Only will tell - I . me, Witighrun &r. . on " Rec.-Lea., 'T. W, Mal e . . Felt Boots, . � vrhethei and there, is also much more I Olatla sneezed." Reprgle ana id Lucknow. Morrison , Fin. -Sao J Dougherty; � , . here. There are a a .1 . Paying a dollar for the Year. 'Young Melville -Rhynas astonished all doe C"Ourtil at R thel 13rua. ,TobnA;ton ; D. N. Jog. Hamilto .1 D. Currants i Santa I t be in the Bold or lot. satisf-Action in doib,g so, In. I � Edra Tye reudered a charming duet, Ut' Itud Urp '861'Oud have- returned Trees., T. Oakley;'bir.' Of Car It. I I Overshoes, We understand that Reeve Brig I of' form a thrr ,1 will drop out of,the township do ham additiall, the newspaper man ' "Come and dance with me" In CAP Dakota and .'a months trip to -North Hamilton ;Ijeoitup Peels rs, and that Countillo, Leech uncil appreclaues their proillptilegs ' Ral atyle, Tile Are fine pianists' Sant Uwe ­ep k" Sholdlee ; Committee w X I SOx and Rubbe aspirant for the will be an , I DWO9410, " Chi, stmas time' cam; .3. Ott having -had a plelt- W. Brat G- Hilmilt" and bl naxt, rendered R I o. I�l OiLb Slipper Soles, I I . I Which reffioveis a few thorns , Cr - Over Gaiters, ' osition. 11 r, sin! Oss(� & BlackweWs Lemon i .. r, I f"Oul his Pathway. . very creditab by, v, , Alex. Campbell of Lorne has ,,P, -,T. Rinn, It. rr,061., 6', Rully Orange aild'Cition 1, . . eY had a __ _ .Each bf Not -man Reid, Mabel Macdon t itors, P Stock and iMPleii0ents bn Wednisd AIAO these subscribers receives a &IT And sold i'sia 160 acre f i Audi .. 11, FiIrguaou all . Leggings, ay, , Bruce ROd, Seven little cooks Citing of &Iiin to Mr. Piribiyaon W. M. I With, ­ �___ . free COPY of The Callacilan ne�t,�'each oil -ucknow for $7,600. . . I . I I . Nuts Which You can buy froin us at from 15 to 2o er cant less . . . , . Annual so that we hope their . a N,r&islng her Cooking .. Uts. A. McCorvie is Visiting friends . ...... , . than elgewileve, If You Intend buying a Pall, of 11cots between It, , , - 8 A VVIeLID. LINE. ,Ono, V Will ab leAst donble PeOlPeg- Master Olin Gift's real ation .n Olin Lob. . � New Almond, FilbOvts, Brazil now And tile New Year don't do so -_ withou . in thbeenext few days. We 1, A complaint" was quite Scholarly. __ � , , . I Ivinithal", � c&ndoforyoti. Wearaouth t seeing what we I . would aplirealite it -very, Master Galt has a Very pleasant man- and Walnuts trade with the Best Bargains , much, nee Lipon the platform, Miss Oliv.. . . __ � . OVel' offered in Olntorr, R)P .. bliss r4lmma Peek of n4fleld who the � Smiths Xyllas 8010 .11pasa along t, kle"sal 1. Antilo FerguAtin, vrife of Rev. H IF 46 1 1 I elnember,we slice the Price, guest of bet, friend, Miss Flossie Cole I -no . QuArriels former Pastor of th , me. igs ... NOT' THE ou last week. I I . blessings" was very "ell recei* e whighaw . V � If You watib a City vi�vckly Olive's voice is. As. swap ved Mrs. J% Truemner died On Xobday Presbyterian I ALITY. Miss Agnes Ooope,ji most hoapitil,I)ly . We can give Ircul 61abbing .t as & 'VinE Ovelling after au illness of � Queens Hill'o churob'didd at the popse, Layer and Cooking Figs r Wishing to all a Merry Xmas, entertained Oc,lela Choir At her b �T`Ateff- POP Instance ,Vmg String, Miss Beth Smitki accom panlad some Months, . . . . of lasb 'Week, The 5 days. The held been ailing for some Months, . I I . . Ome -can get Tits Xp,wv. hot sister. Edra Tye av`e quite 4 deceased was Mr. "teas on Tuesday evening I V&altli patriotic recitation 11 We cow at the age of 76 years and It Friday- 311`01,3foQuarria I Storm prevented soMe from aftendin . and The FMMORer�ald and ill ,e to Due very active old lady McQuarrie is Ilow Y r I ire there enjoyeg I new d'ebu- TA themselves in the fullest Capacity,. Of 1001 for $1.75, wh job in. I LOR -& SONN Weekly Star linrl;il 0he end tante at the piano, Her h0use work and otherririse Always kept At the reg"'Ar m6riting of L 0. L. b011 Alld Glendon Ceylon Tons, I but those who we boldiers.11 Gracel)ykpia &- Ol'ttimoagodid her own Bruce Presbyt0thill church, WMIN klendering of and up to a sha r Pastor Of North I Agent rol- Monsoon, blue Rib - We are pleased to bear that Mrs 11,� e d a, free cop 11 The butterflies" Showed Pxtrenael herself 6119aged, During the tall she XO- 70t the jollowing ofil , O' Beacom is PallYling as fast, As ' . Canadian Annual, And the . an PO1IV Vien asked arl took nick and gradually bank utitil . I I r "' 08 'y ()f The good time. MI eleoled for the . lCerb were Best 25c Ilyso Tile 01ol Reliable, 'r to visa while ell Monday When she Was called AWay. She r tee reasobabyl be eXpe clan V411111Y Herald 0 1`0111'eiLted w T. Chisholm ensuing year --W. n and Bla-k r Cash and One Pr' � . .oted We ho to 8 P remiums, children after he1% " TF,e p s M. D. I D- M., Alex. lit the c"unty of Huron. INSUI?ANOB or, Ptah, AT THE STORE ( e ith the leaves busbarid, go Years Of ago and see -P J. J. �ldmarinua - r see Mrs- eacom �ble jo sp'nd, 'Pa I -Rome frOM the War and Young; lleo.. X" Teas - in her borne. Xmas, Orphan" af let, which ,,, Payer for the ' Fin I Christ In the Temiple. we Were treated 116VIDefil $Oil$ $Ind daughters in dill'brefib --SOO,, J. G. Stawsr�; Tre, All Ourpants cleaned and > Rev. Mr. Andrews to It Cantata oxtrew elY Well reniered arts of the ZTuited Stilles and occupg the � , Og Varna � can also give on lowest by 25 girls. C19irke, Cho,p. a., 14", 0. Pais . r u)pIt of the M.ethowill 74 �; A"0­­!qAI . ebure next I )I dist I rates On the, Ulabe, Mail . . I illiaM Of the Babylon Lmg, Ira" ' Licti 0 J.1tort, - 1 Will, bond ; Jeot.0, J. ins Pitted if you wisli, NAVAAAAAAA - . - - - ­ - - - - _.VVWVW1 � . I 101p .. Y. I*# C,) Olin# 11arber- Com.r . . . I .. I 04kAAAAAAo%ov --,,--- - m^ Iftabli Afternoon. and Empire, ectator, At A special 'MeOtillg of the town Miss Mina Doan, daughter of mitwe, ino, Coliery, A. Tb6 Ifuly GI-occl,v. - - . . We underatAnd Mr. W, j. Elliott etv,, etc, I council to consitiet, again 11. 0. . ­. ­__��_ ! -_ ! ! 1. -e owlictf by Mr, . I Of the Dunlop I)uilding on gag6d as D- X. Gord4n, Jag'r 'Ile and D., i3ell - .1 1 r � � - 1� has rented the P14e ' the Securing, DOAno V, 8,) has boon en It- Musgrove, I 11 Ir . I I ' - ( Auditors, WWI ,,,,Irv] Cantelon near olintoll And, at present 00MOfA And ' West street b0skohor in the Zurich- Public School for d ilild I � occupied by Mr. PetpIe. I The Canadian f)P tile PPOPOsed, new 331id regiment theyearl9q. Mr. Torrance Intends � 11oft. XMAS FURMITURE, BROADFOOT BOU go movin 110 intends Inipity) O' armory, Mayor Wilson reported thAt giving up tench* , " J. 13. V ergo. �T!__ I . I Magi, Se abou6 Obtist. . Ifuror suitable for Xmtt,q gift NOW that we a . NO- Mt. T. 31, A Lila following oftloors -ptirill . g Into the bell ' I - rout�V, Or If You mail the Militia Department required the Will study doint Ing and It is und6ratood r ,0 the t6gularmoeting of Vern UdgA, W� T, 0- Nei I 1100K VASBIS I newal we will $ f IVO are now Showing a beautiful 11110,of There approp Send 3V n a copy. for one year.%as $" ­ ­ rr .- � - 1. . Z (1, A I I 1 XR,,4,4 PICTUR11118 Plate :' llecorumen4,t 'zed to lease 'the buildin ___ At USIVI VABIN14"I'S BASTA,'�q I re heaping 10hristhra �, . uOrsoldhis6o acre filton Were 6160tod for Yool i -W X# Mra" 0 -M -ft- --1 ---.-, ' ­ DltESSING TABLES Whole th"a"Als nild th4b the rental IT. FleisobA lgtr�' . Clinton. 1"ARt,01 What, , Chriattria Ile wag all file,.. r r LAT)fBIS I)l,,1,cjJC;4 resenb to. gorrieof : terms and the council of oil tile 14th Coil' I Hay, 60 8, LOV18good VV- J- T1411108 ,- D. X� Mr; X Dook- . ­_ ­_ I 1h rr HAIRS _ AIRDIcINY", CAlJIXL,,T,q pteseal Cali you P hePdople'g Papor oil those for $9,700. This Pfide Illollados a litrge with", Roo. -Spa, TANCY TAWY8, , Your Istant friends, Who Were one y em 0 nd by so doing the farm, 8 I J" W- ' Odd; Treiiiii., 14uls; !Wook's 06ttoll . 1100f, COMPOTIVA C I _, i e ftJ(U)btq1cPii0b W10 are nob AlPeady SOMe rilliCh needed chau,ea U1 Make Portion Of the Stock slid Ithplernent(I on ' V2216 PGEY'. Fin, 1W realdoritsofthigyrolhity,thaft A,yearl 9*40 tly oblige b, IblatliPtion to Tlxyx WaWii.Rgcon YOU Will . , '�� ty , us" we have all assort1l)(11A that.cttullob be surpAosed it) the city stores. I I e leading iopubby paper And the ) Inointillygovor 8�baeri I Mr. Josiah Ictilght, is So iar I e0overed MiNd Tillio .Xibler it) renewing 'Old, 11D"tjtto�- I ChAP-1 Mrs It A-kotiq 1 Colin. . I Do � ftOnI hir, attack of pneumonia tb4b 116 # Lizzle Fl()u - , I 01110,66608fully, .. b6a paper for All W ty, Mrs Ital 00XA&e8.sxJ6,p.fteota10. Lsd Mitak t)%,�J OA%,�� I . r I .. 1. .. .. I tile 1116*4 Of th ., . laoquilbil'andeli ill tOwh botbre leitying, 2eck irloa, UPS. AMir drU1180 for C44 -s CWtoo Roo Cow. IV ,*- - . I The . is Able to walk about at Ilia O�11 home X.7-10! tj I C t I AM no ot er As all Alixturg I I .,.. .. . OUP 961110 editor Will be mo, ry AS, stowitift. I %pillsand I ) pleased to (To not county Itil"taii- St6whrt Mr/l, Alkebs.- 0 If ,,,,, 0 'I It It . 0 , but does not expect to g in his Wol)ted 1% V,V bo 4's I I , , I I � . � . I � ? I - - __1 k�7 _1e I � I � I I I � I I f a I I I i I I . , � � �. I I I for her home in Brantford, Y10 ,W 11;Ve lilly w! a IV it. . a oln ious.itirle"NO.I.Mber I A ,Jr . '1`1 . ,I StralixotJ potbos. v6. ­­ � horaeA to AloiNfarin of 804for . "_�__ �_______ �___ toill P)II vAll and Nee What )Pali. you us Meir, Welsh's cow it; 6' , are weleofile juS6 tile panle. .;t Nowis.jtee ,,,Ord, , strength for some time J. Torl-eince sold Ono oe hie heovy Will Goods we aronbowing, . . TleUed to add to big already Ilureepo' I I srofeubacribers., I N , I I A I t6frrIC6An4ItW6 i - 0 t lifts 10�6 tile Price Of M 111911t but She -Alkholsown figure of *glo th Mr tile Rheumatism In all ­--� ir Am do' ompaby willdsoront ___,"Rfte�� � - . the seasoll'ar milk 1. ovanifig Afr, 1, . I Tile 81046 wrolilln1p Its formo , a A%,-%,A%,J6,,qa,,6,,,46,� . - . *+;,*###"+ #++++**,+"*** by the Injur,y done. the, 4fliftiot), , to ed. is . Idalldrocoramcildilittyall . � #,rid 1)(TI'lallontly, Cured n 1A (JAI20100 I Aix ioffor of $220 cod setIVAPAIIIIIA 1011011 noutpal Zely , . for the Zo hiw 61,11, br I 0 "4A-'i*i-%,4%,q6,-%,A%,4JJ&' . r r � a, 11eidityo of the blood. I Ro. I Ifitil' lya.f sold in Qlnj�n bT Watiq & Vo. 13ROADFOOTI 13OX & 00, . X, O'f6Y,11;B,Cojllboiiii(Ig.Jack�t.oii, � � � � Vfbaglue, . .. I . I � - . . .. olf- W- Chidleyl, muftswer