HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-12-13, Page 8%
t, :
.. . isile-too oougll�
� ,"-;_
; 41,414 00
I igo*d, I cault mar, "him,
, - ry I
W I Won't I We bxvo enougit to
UV* 140, muminta dear, without my
. "ITYINC. -a horrid old man," I
DQ6,Nugeat throw down bar hair -
I *"k With . Such Violence that It
, . , , gr . the dressing -table to,
4 `
. I
t4% '
"' '
I A d her mother started and
,a , '� ,
� bW,p I or ne .
. f
, I .1 , rves were weaken-
� 044 VN49 illness. Della knew it; gen-
� ,
"44117 *be moved like a mouse.
I � .
� "XY $41come dies with mo;1'said the
, 3 .
. Ila
� l4vulid's, soft voice. from among the
t I .,
R -a-,
'V�� ,6_*J W
04 #1 _MWhi In the ea,sy-obAir, "and
. 0010401 Raymond to not olk-he Can-
40t'bo forty yet. I remember him
94 a Youth. At thht tinte he was not
I At all hcrrid; be. Was quite handsome,
� and had veiry pretty manners, my
, � dear.10
I "I due ls.ay," Delia picked up. the
. , . :w4itte silk stockings from the bed and
0WILUS them round and round. "He
; .'� � may have been nice then, when he
'��: Was Joung, but now ho's old and -hot--
. . ,j:,,,;dd. Why. -he, was a ma�n at Oxford
'�When I was cholLlag myself with the
I _'4i*al bells his father gave me for a
. , 011MIstenin rose
I I ag p nt I Bab I I've no
I patience with the p�ople who make
. I 104011 wills. It's wicload; it's horri-
. . I �1)16; it's unnaturall Now, mum -
110 ", rate daxling, let me help you to your
XO , Out and mod Slater to YOU. It's
� . too late fair little mothers to be sit-
, .1
I tillg Ap, I'll promise to see, him, but
I I � I ¬ Promise to do more than that."
I 'to.tIt's fore your sake, my pet," the
. ,W . Othm answered as she rose wearily
I 449ung on the strong, young arm that
" :
I , 'OrPaited -her to her room. "I
; ' 1,
I .0. ould dlei more easily if I knew youn
. �,
I ,. ivas secure.,,
. I , N�'You'ro not going to die, my pre-
: prouioust" the girl answered
. � . . , 446erfully; but she bit her lip to
1 �� I 4*P back tile sudden tears. "You're.
- ., %:;a7 9 to live tind gelt Teal well once
, -1
.� . _C07- That's what we came to the
I 41viowa for, you know, my dearest."
. � When Miss Nagent came back to
7 It .
I or� room she f inishod her toilette
I ra idly. It was a pretty vision that
� � p
I 1-1 . showed In the long miTror-bright,
I . . fair hair, and a mutinous, charming
:, 4 fam When, the white, transparent
_�, gown was on, the pearls round the
1, (,"pretty neeki, the flowers adjusted . on
. ,,'tha sleader figure, it was a vision
t. ",:-.that might have turned a hundred
, __ -
,� ': P'
� Pe,�,ds in a single evening, and - none
. -
,�i,106gtd have boan astonished at the and.
. . . .
: *,, eia , " turning. . ..
I ; .1. , The Nugents were stay%ng!in a quiet
I town somei six miles f rom Cannes. To -
L I . I
I Xitg#t, Delia was t& be taken to ' a
.. :i�"d reception, where she pas to
I. '' I meei the ma'n whom fate and liar god-
. � 1
.,� -1ath,pir had desigmed for her husband.-
" "' ' 1
. lOU f It ion its set forth in old Mr.
� 1�1,.�SL uati
. I o J*'Y plicity itself. I
, mond'is will was aim
,_ � .U'Dalia married Colonel Raymond, I
I .
I .
, half the old man's fortune was hers
'�� 11
, �. Una: half Colonel Raymoud's; if not,
, ,
� I her ghare and half his went to the
. I Sea— ty for the Free Distribution of
'� . kRubberr Shoes Among the Na -
� - . 70�-
� ,
.1 I
7� ,f#es of the African Swaii�. While
. Delia was cowering among her� white
� � rars in the carriage on the ,way to
` -
: . ilady Denbigh's, where she wag to
1. I dinet and then attend the reception,.
1. .4. sudden thought struck her
I �11_,�- I She. mat matickilless dull or six-
; ..... I ...... I . . . . . 1>)0_1
- 11 .... I an,il, u's W, arriage door
. i
::: opBno .. do s. a sprang out with a firm
1 � at . ep,1 and a face alight with a new
. I
I A�Ooivo. Lady Denbigh was her old
F *,'ch6bl friend, newly married, and
1� iv',- � - �
' �' I , ppened, to a man
, _',, " _rjeff' , it ha
� ,
A - b% -
who had Colonel Raymond's act
�. i loge chum. -
1 . When the after .dinner moment
: .. lowne, Delia, alone with her hostess,
1. � . . C s and called
I ? 1-�;,Tber only friend and her dearest
� I � , . '144 , . .
, '. I : , Lady Denbigh laughed and Delia un-
. I I "folded her plaa-her great idea.
, I
. I � 'TWhen Lord Denbi-gh joined them his
�714",.� wife was in convulsions of laughter
. . .A
I , 7 in qXreat armchair, and Delia was
� ,,, standing on the hearth -rug looking
. .� . earpestl:.- in the mirror. I
�,,. � , I'Wetu,li to be starting, my dear,,
1. said. " WLat is this supreme, this
Ineffable joke 'which you are enjoy.
',.!, Ing ?11 .
1.11'..: "
. . i 1,11 tell you as we go along Ito his
9. iil wife answered. "Delia isn't coming
I I�k,� �.,,;, with us, ego we won't stay long. We're
1., -i
A coming back to f etch her, and than
"I Well goo to the masked .ball -at the
..., Casino des Flours. Delia has never been
I I ��to a masked ball."
1 . 11
. , " , I I 'But Raymond 1". he abild.
. " , [Delia blushed and stamped -nor foot.
I I .
L. "Don't be detestable." sh said, smil-
Ile ,
� Ing at him. "Do a# you, pretty lady
tellg you."
I � 11 Mademoiselle 19 right," he answer-
� ' ed, and offered big arm to his wite.
� .. � ,I We will take Colonel Raymond
1-11%. with da, of course," said Lady Den-
I I , , high, rising. to Good -by, Miss. White.
I , . gown I Try to amuse yourself until
I . we return for you."
I I ,When Delia found herself alone she
, I looked once more in the glass, and
f , ;;, once .1 more laughed softly to herself.
I *
- Then she raba upstairs, two steps at
� a time, and rang for Lady Denbigh's
. 1: maid to come to her. k
� I 0 4 *
. I I . Lord and Lady Denbigh drove up to
. .
... . the Casino deg Flours and set foot on
1. I . the red carpet of Its steps. Their
. I
, figures were shrouded In dominoba.and
. .
I I I a third shrouded f Igure wag with
, : 11( them. All three wore little black Val
, . Val; masks. A fourth masked figur
�. I
I gaVahoed to most theni-it figure rOUn
R� Whose broad shoulders the ready -mad
."i , domino, hastily bought, refused t(
le, , moet. the white shirt -front and th
' �' ' I black cloth showed plainly beneath
. 11-�, � "Colonal Raymond, let me pres6n
I I you to, Misig Nugent," willapered Lad
I J)anbigh. " Now, nobody hag an
I . . name.g--only you'll know ag beeAus
I � W domino to green, which thes
. . I Vreach people abbor--and Wag Nu
I 9 . t% jig black, with silver liona o
I � It, Thoy're the Ungligh ROYAl AVM
. I . tiods. 160 your loyalty Insures YOU
'y knowing tbant anywhaT01',
I : . , 6 party Went slowly UP the brood
... I 1. rpotod stairs. Orioupg of mail
L f 6,d tUnoerfif, gathered about the door
; #t&r6d ag th6y.passed.
, Oolonel Ittouftd- yned under th
. � #*a I L� I
I . att I ha �
I I:: I to a maske
- -
, yAll Wfdtd, - � . 6 SAW to hid OomPan101
I - ttsvlb YOU f"
.. � - 014 Y&," SAM the lady with th
I . ' jill,bf 116ndi "409bfifl�thftilftndil- I
X ,&1%cst live &t masked WIN d6b
140 kiftow-11 i , , . . , ,
, .
I 1, 11 X, .
t I I - I
. I . �.�� 11 .
. . ___ _____________
- .".
She had Pitched ]ter . voloe ball 6
dozen DOWS above hOS4WA OW00t, low
.- , ", _ - -, ,.. , " ' ""' - ' ' " , ' I ......
�__ ....... �� - -; ...... .. . ,-.-----,--- �
and 'hurt bar. She pusibled It back
anirrily, and Cried, more than ever.
�� - ' " ' ' ""' ' ' ' �' "" - '.' ,' ' ' 4
I --11-1-- I
sounds very protty,-If 7on had loved,
' ' - .1 I I I I I . . . .11 . I .1.1 I � .... � � . ... ''I".
__ �_
� ___
.. -_ _ _
. ''.. - 1-1 - 1 I I -- . _11-1 -1 - IIIIII
. I I I . -1 _.- .- - , , . _,__�_ -.-------I - --- ' -_ - - - '_
tak on from oi by falso aevusa- .
tion, for It waA his duty to
key, and spoke, in a sharp, thin stac-
When she reached home the pink
'-Ah-lf,l But it is 74-M 1 lovo. I
Pay all his 4ebta before lie
Cato. Lady Denbigh pinched her
fluarlso glory was flashing the Alves
only mat her once. I think Shp lo"'th-
INTE 1311ATIONAL LI.;SS0t1, Dgo. I(,.
gave. But sitty Veir coat to
. :
busban,410 arm and laughod.
M,witimes. She tore off liar domino
ad me almost as mao,11% as I detested
� �
benevolence I I -
� f I bave taken any
11 She ,is a born actress. fte Is act.
and scrubbed. her face and neck till
bor.11 I
"Zoveltries Illb Vqlblleololl XUJ;1 39. 1.10
thing from any man by false accusa.
log well."
Ito own fairness roappeared. Then
Delia's tleart gave a throb, half joy,
Golden TNNt. 1.11ke 19. 10.
tIon, I restore him fourfold. This was
"I wish she hAdn't dime It," he voo
sho, slipped on. a lace trimmed wrap-
half pain. .
In strict accrord with the moral ideas
joined. "Raymond la a good sort. It
par and crept in to see it her mother
"Poor girl," isho said gently.
Verse 1. Jesus entered and passed
of the anotenta, w,hl h, strange to "y#
After a Bravi� Strugglc� 1
with an Overwhelming
. .
seemo hardly fair."
The iKxeat ballroom 'was crowded.
was asloop4
Mrs. Nugent wus not asleep. So
Raymond laughed low and kissed
her smooth onecar. . .
through Jorleo. This is the same
"ontran"'I and "passage, through"
In many regarda were in advance- of
those prevalent In Christian countries
, 1_� �
Debt the Hospital for Sick Children Is WltWn � I .
Monks: and clowurs. fishax-girls and
Della mat down by her bed, and told
"Oh, le'vem" be Oald, "it is too hard,
referred to in verse 46 of our last
Iralnoteen hundred years after our
.1 I
Sight of Freedom - Only $ig,000 '
shepherdesses, Queens of Hearta, bri.
her -how much she had enjoyed 13or-
. .
-to win you Not a 0 y 11
i, and th to le v 0 1
lesa n. It , Is fair to assume that
Lord% teaohlugs. The ItomAn law ob-
I .
gandar, Rinis, Queona, and dominoes
But in that very earliest of the Now
Zarchom Ilivell In the. "Uontait city
Ilged publicans to make fourfold ro.
. . .
Required to Free It. . . .
innumerable thronged the apace un-
"But I was quLta right about Col-
Year Ishaii dome back, and then
of Jericho,
stitutlQu when it could be proved,that
I . �
der the galleries. The smooth floor,
onel Raymond. Re, is detestable,"
2. A man named Zaoohous. Con�
they bad tibused their power. Noman
� . A, I I
bare but for the passlue,of here and
0 be said. I . I .
"Will yon kiss me when you see me,
Corning himno fact is reoordedoth�
104true bollovmr of Christ who Is
Eight years ago the HospItal for
Sick Children, Toronto, was In a most
Hospital In a generous manner. Alran* .
splendid glits are recelyca front
there a, stray couple, gleamed invit-
"You look flualked," said the moth-
again 91' asked Delia suddenly, looking 'er
than that we are about to study,
not both jus.t and generous,
precarious financial position. Only A
friends outside Toronto.
Ingly, The band broke into awaits.
or anxiously, "and your eyes -what
eairneatlY at him, "wherever it is?"
The chief among the pub.1loans was
9. This day to salvation 6olue. to this
few sanguine friends believed that the
It costs over $30,000 each Year to
Delia and her escort made t" steps
ba.vo you beep' doing to thenit"
"If you wIll,-U you aTO gracious
Promuniably a man of Conspicuous
house.* Salvation from the vile doom
� huge debt of over ;100,000 would ever
maintain the Hospital. AboutI $100 a .
forward and glided into the measure
,,It was the sunrise," said Delia,
enough to permit me to--" �
mental force. The lower grade of ,
in botbi worlds to which public opin-
be lifted from It. A prominent Mont-
real financier, when asked to loan
day is needed to buy food, medlelne, . I
surgical appllanecs and narAng, for
Ofit. Not itword was spokenuntilthe
stooping to Idsa her mother tenderly,
If It's a Promise," she.sald, and they
pablioans, those who personally ex-
ion had,sonten ad Zaooheus. Jesus.,the
�. 0 , . .
money and hold as security on mort-
this army of little ones--ldf; patlsfts
I at Chord of thek waltz orivalled like
a .
so that her face was hidden in the
,strolled flirough the orchard toward
taxied taxes . from reslstlas� or sul-
prophet of Nazareth and Galilee, the
gage the hospital, enquired as to tlie
being in the cots at the vad, of thia .
a heavy finis across. the page of warm, .
adow. "It a]
ah, hono in my 6YO8 411.
the, 110 I
their Parting, � I I
� to III to
ten Citizens,. were human bruteo, men
Messiah, on the direct route, as vaost
-of the crowd believed, to assume his
sultalillity of the building for "factory
P urposes.11 Perhaps It was his To-
fiscal year, .
An app(.:tl N being made by tho Hen. .
. I
pulsating life.
Della tuxned to liar partner.
I � .
-me." '0
4 It �
' All the tenants wore g
of Jbard hearts and thoroughly an -
scrupulous. But their "chief" must,
u nything else that
11011)(id tile brave ones who stood by
I 19,1)(10 -
pital Trustem this"y ear for q
the sum reqitlmd to entlroly free tile .
� � I
"You can waltz," she said abrupt.
The rosy -flush of sunrise bad died
gother. for the merrymaking on
in .spite of $octal ostracism, have
opinion, and pronounces the salvation
I �
the hospital. The very Idea of such
Hog Atal of its debt. They issue the
ly, and Raymond lifting his eyebrows
away, but tha. freshness of early
Christmas' Eve, Over tho last
ranked higher in the Community. He
ol this man, forasmuoh as he also to
.. . I
under the black mask, replied- "You
morning still lay on the land, Vitro as
Christmas '.the a hadow of death had
may have be an probably was, just
I Oon of Abraham, He had forfeited
. 11
I I � .
do me too much honor 11"
the m,emoriesi of childhood.
- . -
lain thick and -heavy, but this year
as bad at heart as they, but he, did
his oonship by his vile profession, but
� . .
The most amusing thing about a
Colonel Raymond, lounging at ease
the old hall was hung with. garlands
not do his own dirty work. The, right
he Is now restored 15Y this inexplicable
1� I . �
masked ball is that yon mity dance
among the myrtle and lontiaous
of averg,roearlaolly, yew and laurel,
tdi colleab the taxes.due froni v, prov,
rabbi. That (L spiritual transforma-
. I �
I .� 4
' I
ai many times as you like with one
bushes on the rooky coast, the dark
-and, ovary window ablaze with
lace was sold at auction in Rome to
tion wasalsowroug-lit 1nZacelleas at
. . �*
I I I .
.Person. Delia danced fourteen times
pine, woods behind him, and before
. � I
light. . . I
. , ..
capitalists, who. employed natives of
this time the narrative I plies. The
m I
(.) I
. I
I I .
with Colonel Raymond, Lord I and . Lady
him the diamond -set sapphire of the
Raymand waa nervously picturing
various abolal grade'R to do the I col�
incident in every part is, full 4A Coat-
, .
( - . . . I � .
]Denbigh had been married for three
Mediterranean, was suddenly aware,
hW meeting., with the sbrill-voiced,
looting. stood midway in
fort to all. wbo, out of favor with .
-, , 1%
Ifln INIM,
�b; . . I
. I ..
m1ouths, and, being singularly con-
of -a'hu-man presence breaking the'
black-ohaired. lady whom his father's
rank. Ile took his orders froin, the
their fellowman, long for the favorer
� -, I
. � -, M
P P �
`�, _--�� .
�J " .� . '.
atituted seemed to enjoy danc�
Chaxiii of the morning's perfect still
. n
last wishes bad designed for him, and
Re man 'racelver-goneral, and in turn
God- . .
. -
E-14, 1 , .� :
11 �w;W� t
. _
Ing with eaoh'other more thanLwaltS
neos" The masked ball, and his meet-
flie, thought of the g6lden-haired girl
gave orders lo unde;rlings who rob-
10, The Son of man. Everyone would
I -
�L. T
vii M-f
, � ..
"to 13�1 �
P� __,_%.z-,T,�*�r,=�,,. kA I I I
Ing with other people..
Ing with the bride, thef dar4 brow(§d,'
who had won his he'tTt among the
bed the public. As the power of
� I
recognize. that by this phrase Jesus
.1, ,
1 I
, I , ,;_1 � I—' /,� .
11 - lj'�:m�i fA. j�4(--?, - -
,ip - __ .
'4� ' ");
�' I ��X"�
. . I
alitrill-tongued bride whom his father
olive gardens only comforted him by
,litud this publicaus too an-
Rome was be
referred to himself, To seek and to
1. I
� A-IRE."ni ;1. I I
I K " %4, �k �v
. ) _ -�i ,�J �i
- 2� '
4" , ",,(�$
"We are doing them a kindness,".-
bad chosen for him, bad left him
moments. The situation was, at
foreq -their dema � nds, and th
ing shows his, love, the
;�41i�#. _" -_ " , ,,,.,
_ _� - *
_ 1711��:,,�.-�'t�,.Jj, ,
said Delia in ,the high-pitched voice....
sleepless. He had tossed through a
. .1
bast, an unfortunate one. Miss
work was never strictly supervised,
saving shows' I at which
his power. Th
.J 1:,
1%%L kA
. ,�
L -011 ,! 1� � -
0-- al.
... I .
. I I �
� , - , - ,
"by dancing so much together. It
restless hour,. and then, through ' Lhe
Nugent. bad aT ' '�ived lateo-too late for
the temptation- to fraud and extor-
was lost. Out of God's household. This
I I � I
7��__l �.. .. I . .
-, - 'i � I =1 ,�,-_ � '. _�_:��.
-._ , ,-_ - _L.___ _-� . ,
leavois them freer -the dear, silly
; I
pink glow'of the sunrise, had wan-
. .
dimner;'bo shouldsee her fi'
rat in the
� -
tion was great. He was ridbl. This
verse, which has been wisely selected
---".--- � . .
I"wo , - - . .
- It I . , . an .
" ' _!,%,
things I" , I
dered oult along the Nice road, past
I . .
ballroom, among' the, tenants. They
was both cause and affect of lits be,
sot the Golden Text of the lesson,: con -
I 1 .
'r_� . - i ,� __;�, .
� .. E. ,Z - . D*-.-", -
. . ... i " _.t.r_ Nor . I I
� . .
to Do. you* think ' it silly," he asked,
the white sands. and darkening fir
all 0 f thoni must'k;alow of Me terms
Ing "Chief among the. publioans."
taing. the gist, and marrdw pat only
- . I . .
� .. � . . �
11 to prefer dancing with Your wife to,
trees of Jeuji do. Pins, and gp through'
of his father's will. . Whitt whisp-
ii. lie' &ought to . see ar6ang who he
ol the incident we are studying, but
. . . . . I .
. . ' .
appeal to their friends, thiougholit the ;. .
a stir . red . the hearts and .
dancing with anyone else?". .
the. dusky and by sleeping
eirings and nudgings, what sly smiles,
was. The evangelist's phraseology
of the whole career and teaching of
,possibility i I �
spurred tlie, effortts of those to whom , province, In a letter to the eititor of this .
to Absurd P Delia,. laughed, nbistly,
I .
villas, ,to the wild eastern� side of the
.what covert jests ' � � .
emphaalies, suporfliDial on riesity
Jesus,. and -io� the whole histoiY and
the Hospital work had ,become *dear. , paper Mr. J. Roos Ro'..,ert.,ion ,",aV.B*that . I .
but the. laugh did not ring quite
. . . I
Cap d'Antib.es. - And theirs be rested,
Re shuddered, and hls.�tber guests
.the .
of ZacebouT. He did not Aeck to bear
.doctrine$. of Christianity, in so far as
. TAking the ieaponsibility Of the lbad - the Hospital hat, manyl V,,v1[.v1.bers I I . ., �,
I .. .
Pon their 'own shoulders the trustees ' among our rva�dcrs"NY116 have givell
�. .
rofleetiag on nl4ny things; there, too,
fo=d'. hint - an absont�minded, albeit
I I . I
Jesus, but to him, just as in To-
Christianity is really the ciff Pring or
: . . . � .
� e the Sick, Children's Hospital ap- t practical voloo 1.0 tht.,Ir 's,ymp:z.th,y tit I . . I . .
In the high, shrill voice she bad
bo. .)its fate., . . I
a court--, 4mt.. . Lord and -Lady
cent ti . mcs Processions with LI Hung
our Lord. Wherever churcheo*or lndi-w
. I
- � )aled -to the generous hearts of. a I past years. Ile bellit!vO."Alvit Qtvy Ivill - - . . . . I
chosen, Delia chattered to her cava- �
A girl tit a gown of bright dark
. ,
Denbigh alone ocomed.not- to notice
Chang or'the Shah ot.Persfa. in,tbem.
y1dual Christians leet to seek and .
. . neg . .
tell provinee�.Oxitarlo. . . . 1 respond cheerily will gcaormi.sly this . I
. I I
lier of all things in heaven and earth;
bluet-the color of a peacock whero'
� .
IU8 abstraction, The moment was
. .
have drawn crowds. . : .
. � .
to save khat which is lost) or keep
T a t .
-, Here is a Hoipitil-they told it ,year tq the-eall for holpe lley w, n , . . . . 1.
iro nitury I ---That , . .
ugh the newspapers ---� which to end -the ec myi? of debt
and of all things: she spoke flippantly
.. .
Ile is bluest,�carno along the. ragged �
il�ea.ring. Raymond grew more' and
4. He ran before, Hastoned to a
. .
before them any other ideal than -this,
,i . .
, �rows open Its doors in a , nswer to t1le, on the morning of. tho firot day of the . .. �
I � .
.y, and when she'oould to-
path between the tmyrtles. Her hair
mQr&,h.orvdua. He. turned to his old
&od ppint 'at vi�Av before the pro-
. . .
di6y are untrue to the spirit . of their
. I
divine Lordi
. .
t � � .
ry of any sick ulilld, a Hospital tha . Twentieth Century there shall stand .
member to do it, with silly irration-
shone, lbW gold in this now sunlight,
. . .
college chum, Lord Denbigh, for sup-
oo.solon rcao.4,64 him. - . The' only
I . ... .
I -
as nursed and Cared thousands*. of I free, ,it monument to man's g,.onnr"Ity � . I
.dre . . I
to countless �Ick ellk. Imper-
Slity. .Her compeasion, grew mote and
. . I .
bw � hat hung in her hand,"a large
. I .. . . - : .- -
poprt. - I .., .
obunc e the, little man would have.
. . . 10
I I � .%
� 1pless -and crIppled children; it Hos.
Rai equipped as Is no'other Insittit- I
_n-dn .
. . .
ishable gift of love from the mon and - -
more silent. - In his'mind a growing .white
hat. Sh� had stuchipl,nk Toses
I 11 ' .
. .
. "Beastl " � . k . I . sa . id
. nuisince,'I 4ow"
� . ,to sycamore tree..
up in a
. . .
on or Its kind In the world., Shall it ,
women of k4o Nineteenth Ceataiy to . . .
. . � . . .
conviction thrust out amall.talk. Rv-
then As' -found, himself
in its.broa'd .ribboon, 'Ana she, came tO7 . .
,unoonsolous his
the Veer I .
Cheerfully; "Still you must.
A "Egyptian. fig" tree, which has
.n � .
as Gifts,
4arity go sweet and deserving be
to its doors z by
I I . 11 ;1 I
. �
. . I . �
, � , � .- . . .
ery now, and � .
ward him, of pres-
go tit =.,glt with it,somo wa " ,.
Low spreading branches. '.. .
I .
. . 0 . .
orced .close a. mort- .
ae . �
- .
� . .
.. .
making phrases about Miss Nugent,
oncoi swinging the U11t. ,16� it�s white
. . �,
� -
This ball bolm -was crowded. . Only
5i Zacoheus, make hast'e, and .come.
I .
. ..
. _. _. , `1
. . � ,
agee who thinks It might do for a
. . .
.�ill? : - .
. ... ...... ..
! ; �A
- . .
. .
I . , 11 .. .. I . I
I .
"Commonplace as cabbage, vulgar,' as
I .
strings, and singing; .
, i .
. I
in tile middle, where the'great bough
down; for to -day I must abidw at, thy
I I . _ .
. .
. .
That was olght years ago� Not be-
' '.
. 1. . �
I.,� I I
., :4.�
, .
, I .1 . .
a pork -butcher's daughter; flippant,
I .
frivoloago a -flirt;" and lic.,grow nio a
I.""' ye . are the L laddle, thiat. gave. me
. I I
t! ' ' � . I
of gray -green mistletoe swung- from.
house. The outline suggested for the
110 . . . I
happy It carts of love and light,
. 'ore nor since has* a 6ngle sick ebild
,-,an reNged admisat6n to the 1-16s-
. -
1.� ! I , � .
. � I.,
. .,�
� I . -
I I ,r . . . . . . . .
-,, . I
I .
; . � 1� � I . I . . .
I I .
�J I .
. � a N
and more certain that this gig
. it-
pen .
, to ny, .
. .. '
. .
The lad that I'll lo'o tidf:the d ay
the, hundred-Ughted crystal clian..
. I . I
-t �
teaching of this lesson. presents .
� .
' .
topics; Seeking:anil Finding the,Sav-.
. 11
Sweet Christmas * time 'hai - Come
. .
,ital. A ,staff of docf6rs and a corps Of
'] -, :.
I . . �11
I 1, , "
�_ -I, ..i I f -,I
. . .
I il ; . 1. . I
. �
gent, whom hig father had desired
I 1. . _
. . . . . 11 . .
that I doo.I.I. I . . . :1 . . .
I .
deflior, was an em,P YL Space. ,The
I. . I , - I .tow,
color of the, mistletore, reminded. Ray-
. I .
.and thie'Results-of Salvation.
. - .
� . . . I
I I �
ag 3 in. , , . . 11
. . . ..
Awake and waticU the star$ of. night,
trained nurans are there dnrIng the.
. lay and the long watches of tho'night-
� .., I .
I . I..
. I
,. � . . I �
� . . . �
hi* to marry, was intolerable. . I I
to Money," §hlasaid� as ill ,sat glp�
HeWL' voice Was soft:and singularly,
sweet. Colonel Raymond jumped up
. .
mioador the olive� -kardens. . !He pass�
I . I .
This verse. is the first, of -three which.
, . . . . . .
axe set apart to illustrate tinding the
I .
And ,hear Vopa's anthem � on', life.'s
- I . .. .
� ,
, enderly and. skilfully daring for the ht-
tie ones given into their care by fond,
,.� . , �
� ...
� '.
, ..
I I . ..
I , �. - . I . . .
�� I .
� , . ... . �
1� J..
ping pink " grenadinesi"' '
. on the ver-
I I .
frout -his lantisquiS bush; the girl saw
. . � . I
ad from groupillo grougo-talwng to
- .
old men'who had known him as a boy,
I ..
&avloui; and in Our- religious think-
. .
plain; . I .
. . I . .. .
Perhaps *the golden son of old
-tnxioug parents; Little children a
. � ..-
brought to the HospjtaJ,:j-oin the-farth,
q , 1!111 ."
, I
. � .11,
I 11 , �%...,
.1 .....
. � 414 �. �, "I E:: .�
I ". , �
... I . . ..
I ... � ��'. .
� "I $ 1
�.,r: _ . . .
"... .
- . . . .
anda, and lo6icilig.out.on the -man -'
. . I y
. I I
-singing, passed-him,and
hint,istopped. I .
I . : * ,
. I. I I � 1.
and -to. young mok. m be. had
. - - Pt
ig, writing, *ana qpeaking ,.we are. a
" � . I .
I . I . -
I �
Will sweep. the. harp strings of the.
.St P .
oints of the,proviuM ' Every town
, �
j1_ I .1 .. . I ... , , . . I . I
. I . 1. . . . . I
. I
Colored lights of the tiluminated.gar-
. I :
as she passed she bowed. -: He raised
I .
I . � '.
, . " . I ..
known .-as when' he and :they
.to tbink,-ot Zacohous, as ,a specimen
, ..
.. . ..
, ,
. , , ..
Wdyti � -
township. has been vepr6sented'
iurin* the centuiy... The.
Tiump OmT� PATTV.NTi4-(Fr0M a, 1`710to.) . i . � I
I I . I. ;
' ' . . . .
delta., 11 Oh 11, I would do �: anything.
I , .
- , . ,.
his hat�. naeolhanicallyi .
� ..
. ..
�q . . I I... I ,�
went 'a-T�hbiting - together , � in � his
heedless ilaner, to whom the, divine
, ., . .
' I ..
I . . . . .
. I , I .
An d some, now dream .of love, be told
� - i
fame of ltd'great . he4lixig� power has
11 tld'ou spc
t as. ,cially: confidoil to ou
- I . � .T . . .. I., I
. . . 1. .. . I
A Ing worth
for mo ey I " It ig., tbo� One th
. .
,He stidad, :Ioa hor.:' She
. . �ng
, '
fatho dai. many� a- g�
r'i woo iod year
-It iis.Nvall .
call witexpectedly came.. .. ,thus
To show the ang yet are n'g] � It-
f?een told In Manv'a hunible 'home-
. � . .. ,. � .
care. . . . I I I
- ,q . . .
ore than I 0,000 don oi �; eontributed � . . .
having. in this, tiresome. wo'rld..,Ydu
_. . - . . .
and I, Colonel Raymond, know that -possibly
,knew lililuti then I' Ana he, -could he
. . . .
have seen her before and for-.
. . . . :
ago- . .: ... . I . . � �
. . :
to trot t t,be -na rra tive,, but this Vic-
founa: truth � dew exhaust: the
.. .a's
. -_
rar durin,r twenty-ifive years 4.0 .1
- 1,000 sle.t 1,to
children- li;tvp bven talcen care of.
tile- maintenance and I . ,� ,
-oduction of - I .� .
* . � .
tho Hospital debt laFt
. �
well en,oughTI'She forced a shrill, tit-
. ., I . �
gotten .bewl That.bright hair,' that.,
Suddenly 'there. was.� a. .sl)Lr, zoar
. .
I I . .
te&Ch1og&:O,f, tho 'passage,, " We must'
.. I - . .
Rome of th� litt"p m5ec, t,rontpd Ii tfiotq�
,i onr. . . � .. .
� - . . . .
Ncarly 11alf'.of theso Oonollon,4 wore I
I .
ter. � It wag. her crowning stroke. It,
.� I
ahaTining profile," -he could never.
tie door - ,Raymond tWhed, see
I I . . , t.0, .
I I . -
ioluclubler tliat'oux Lord. in: i
�.ht air
A'n6vtal blootting be coveT. 1m: oi
� - I . I
early days are strong, healthy men and
� � � ..
vomen to -day. -
- . .
i -
Bill g'] 0. (loVars. NrRobertsons,ivs I
' N - the ,'... 7 , - . ; .. I
. I
. . . , . .." .
took effect. . . I . .11 . ....
I . . . -
,NO; ..
have, fo&g.)tten' these; and yet there
' ' I � . ..
Lacly Panbi�gh glide -forward-. into the
, . , I .. I . .
empty Ughtea spaco in the middle of
, : . I � ii, _a,h, , b.
rea,ilx be - gaid to ave agwa is 'tri-... ,
. I I. I . .., � .
lineh�.aiid Q . is
Palo n it' .
worked in . irridegoeat a
. I
. .. I
r Last- yep,� the. Hospital tbll, namber- I
.11stk s 1111:r,'to have t' a gren,t6r nin - � - -
tt -,(_ I 11 I A I
bcr 'of individual,- frlmi(ls�tbat I . . . . 1, I
they �. .. . I I �..
',' You should speak for yourself.. Miss
. � .
Nugent," he said a ternlY.' Ana Delia,
was a Onl6thilig fdolili=�-
. , . I
.'' d I
" Colonel .Raymon w a�s' P, to a, n of at>,
� . .
oom. With lick came, a girl In
- the T : . .1 I ..
umphal !Procession. -. All the - way
, . . .
, I ..
from.Porea. �to Jerusalem, Including
I. .. . .
Itexaldle looking griffin. � . An othor� is
-d �5,776 �p,
atients: Some spent dav�;.I,woiti(ii)refor-teiN4rv;�4161A,qr.iiiilg
_ . Pit,
,nd weeks ln,the cots,at the Hos '11, I
c, ono ,.
t . .
11 * . � '' . I
ifty dollar .�Ift. Q. � .. , . : 1.
I I .
. - I .
in tile hot h . as, I ed .
I -
. . I
. .
tion, Ile i de- * x - stridea and.
ma,''. Al I
� '
white, a gi�l ,'With: golden hair and.
that, shonet- is maid of the
- - I .
the remar a evcz.l,t� � at Jericho,
'kabl' I
Of, gTilyish. linen 'V�ith .a, similar de-
sign worked in black and deep yellow
. cafne. for a. few days.: while I
n any w-re� bronglit to the doors of the 1
. .�
AD% J, Rom Robcrtmn. -chairman of - I .
66 -0 .
, b %
the- Hospital Trust, T r nto, u It. hes
herself for. her. ctianing, "He would
. . .. . I
caught up ,with her. . - - � . . . .
pyes .h ..
. .. I. .
ives and the sunrise. I
and, at Bethany, the singing, .exult-
I .
. . I
. *
milks$. . and - a third is embi r6idered
To,,p1ts] (n tho-Prins of their mothers i
. .
a list of the donations ro"eelvp�l �Iuring . .
� I .
not miarry me now,"' shie'. thought,
� , - .
. though it cost him., � the half of his
" "I did. not recognize you for the.
, ..�
inomemt," -he said abrtiptly.-I, �* , ,
. . ... I � �
He made, three steps forward. . - �
Lng mi�Wtudea lad him in iriumPh.
We the ev,onts of the last two
.. ' �
with a very striking adaptation of
nd rece-',(l vveh medicine and ,'advice
. I
:%.q to sr,edtly effe . ct a cure In their
the Chi-15tniaB month In his Paper, The - , . - . .
311, e Ing Tcle�rrrtm, . ind' cop, . of tile . . .
n " I Ps .
. .
Ringdom..' " . . .
' *
I _ . . . .
. . She raised la-%�ghing eyes to his. .1
. .
I .
. . .
"Your promlae,'� she whispered;.
,., I I . ..
. . . I
Your promise�".
sea. till, .
, . I .
,weeks under - the shadow of. the oross,
. . I
an ,antique - Egyptian 'design. �
.. � � I ,�
-m_ , .
. . I �. 13�y
mn hon, 01. - - I .. ,�
. Morn flunn.oric-thlrd of the little chil-
� . .. .
a �r are F110 - .
I" I nt tor all donorr. . .
Do, Alons inav '�P_wlnt to Mr. Rob. . f . .
m, � .
Then. she felt dee.ure and left. the.
. I
"And do You. recognize .me now Ito
, 1.
He� stooped as she stood - beneath
but the disciplowofour, Lord and the
�. . .
-Iran to.the. Hovpltsl warils ,
I . �
ortson. or to T)o1oltic; Dai,ldson. Spare- , . � . I .
. .
talk to .Uim.. And presently a little
, .
fell.on bar; for, formal
she asked. o'No; don't begin to try
; � . �. . I-
to oat it; had
. ,i �
th6 inistletoe, and kissed hex -upturned
. �
iaut� P�arlscea and scribes and
attell( * I
, I them to
A lovie,ly Christmas gift is a hat ' f
arre1rorn nlac,s outside the clt�. The . .. I
fitry�Tmas,ilror, Ilo,spital,fer, Sick Chfl- I I .
I 6 dron 11.0. , . .. . . . I
peoplis in- Clio province have. helped th . Toro i ' - I . . . .
chill cold and-
. I .. . I
got .of* you ,forgotten
. . ..
I ..
. - . I
am - : - I 1
i ,
nA so see' , I ,and
Priests, . .
dozen cambric . handkerchiefs made
. . ..
� _ - _! . .
=I- __ ,----- '7--� .
I__�� ---.-- _.___ _.
as bis talk Wag, it wag, not thei Wit
.. . .
Of a fool. or a dotard. Again and again
me. �Iy .name ii-CaTinichael," go it.
I � . � .
was,-Mlia Carmichael Nugent, "and. 1.
� � . I
� . . I
�. . . 11 . � I_
jbin -rose a'stiorm of (leafening
I . I
11 I
them his dollbora to olidiee of. Z acche-
irom-am.n.g.all the' Citizen's of Jeri -
� with a. navrow hom, a �
� nd valenciennes
I I �. .
lace -whipped on'the edge, a:nd the Int-
_... - _.
wi lie edge of the,
,. th AslaUa filet. - T .
. . � '. I .
boaid mu�it be IeTed Nvith_ - . �
1110eatly cov . I
. ,. I
. .
. . ..
she found 10 ' ' tat nt
- Lox, , voicing. gain. I .. a a
. . 1. . . .
- . .
anced together once or
we. bave�, d . -
011"T8 front the ten;ants, Through it
, .. 1. ,
Clio Was - full of -mjeainliigm-a g�
. .
tial , I �
0 me einbroidired
ir tba��w.bolo, na
finished with linen fringe. I
.Cover is . ...
. ..; . .. I .
silk ox sateen � I
match, or contrast . ,.. . � .
.1. � � I I
' -
with, the ontex covering - and'at 'the..
which she could have echoed, and- the
. . .
I . .
* .
'twiooi Colonel Raymond."' . . .
ail hia'feLt her hand -in his,'And heard I
. . . . L
as in a dream Lady Denbigh's voice
that -does not'readil� come tons as.we
I I � ,
with fine French working cotton On
� I .
� . -_ .
L I . . I
. . . I
. . . . . �. . I
� .
top and. of the ca.rdbo;ird ' i -full
ity, th let po, w er the man
sever I e. -qu .
. . . .
the si3oll.of the' mornEng was worli-
1. 1. . . I ..
say ilig, "Curtain I -Curtain I This ?
read the story. It oarrla� with.it the
the, corner. The fad now is to have
. . . . 1.
' A :i Ey p h! - a oat al-
Yrat IMCUS On is Im
Piece of -silk . � .". .
must be gathered on. to
.awed and, at the game time, charmed
ing in his blood, and with it. the-opell.
. � . . . I
hat statement.
kernel -of: t. � . . I
tjia individual_�. handv'vTiting thus.
. I .
'and' 'airmugod 7,Ivith,a draw� .
her.. Round, thamt�ihe Crowd of mor-
. .. .
of her'bright bea'aty. �. I I . . -
Dolia Nageht.,, Oh *hat a. chairm-.
� , I * I
the Zon of God came not to saw the
. .
. '
vv�rora_h.t into. 'the gift and this moc1d
WItys an . acceptable gift and new
.this .
in the .9,
A headl 9 of
U n
rymakers a rged a d"fl6wed and ebbX
1. . .
"It I in! ght, Might I walk with
ing'euil to- the - damody.1 Curtain P! .
;r I Lghtecus, but ,leniners; it' told the
.. . .
of marking. j much prottior than
is .
ideag as to the form and deco
, . I .. ration
� ,
string. . I I
torial.is arranged by inorely Wrii- .
ad. The time for -unmasking draw
' -
You, Miss � . Carmichual ?" a he , askied'
A few hours later 46 and she stoodi
. . . . .
tratltof that otlici remarkable stato�
. .
.jha- use of indelible.ink. Work the
I .
of thase useful acteskKries to the
ma . . I
Ing. over the toop and allowing it' to I
near, and Delta trembled * a little. :
' I .1 �
,wistfully. And together they pass.
. . . .
�alone beforethe fire in the great hall..
intent that barlots antl piablivansshall
. . ,
. . .
�tdtt(4,js, simply. in tho,over and over ..
dreoging-4ble are generally receiv-
. . I
. . . . I
double t4b,Lhoa lower edge.p;.tb0 Casing .
11 It would have been enough without
oil on ,among the myrtles and the
.. .
.Mrs. Nugent, vred With tr,4vel -and
I . . . .
116 � kingiloin of .,God wll�l
enter ti . Xe Ule
- . .
stitch. 'Tho� ba lois - will in
. 'nilkietcht
. . � .
t novel-
ad with- ivelcoine. lates. . .
11 . . 11 ..
- . I I . . . . I
. . .
-gqr,. the ribbon. '. .� I
thatT, dho tholight,' bitterly, seeing
. I . �. . .
gray rocks. . , , , L
happiness, had retired on Litily Den-
. 1. .
children of - the kingdoln are �ihut out, .
- .1
tile. Warkilng: probably. . get: some-
ty'1n't6Tn% (if a pincushion is a long.
, *
The -an.
I .
.. . . . I I . I � I
.1 . .1 � � I -
I stern oat of the. man' lips below
. thn, Is � .
I �
I . I .
That morning �s marked in Colonel.
. . � . .
ghl& arm.' �Lord.Danbigh had and-
11' . .
. . . . - � �
. . .. .
Our Lord's blivita -ion. to , Zacellcus
. �
.what Aoilied,: but Yon. eant do. them, up
' . .
thin bolater-like affair. ,
I . I
. I 1 ''. -
15 I
. 0 1 .. . I I I . �
. I . . I . . . . 1.
.: , , .. .. .. � . I
. . � I I .
� . . . .. I
the mask. . . I .
. . . .
- I
rablid'is memory With tbo'Wh,te at
' ;
dainly experienced, � 6 hat . strange
sa as 4ly as, if the.,words, had
bit k�lai
I . I �
to lie k likemew by wash-
m,-iko t in loo
. . ,.
trimmed cushion is about no.hes
. ...
inches its!, depora-
� .
. .. GGI],��XIONS. - �
Su ..
. I .
. .
The sig4al to unmask came at stfp�
(if W
' hito 'stones. . 8he walked. with
konging which only w good. Cigar can
assuage. . The two were . alone, and
been uttered, I'You" are the fitte6t
jtg.� them .out' quickly in a bowl of
long, 3 wide and
. don f I
-top ine, linen with a dainty
I I ,.
. After collars- an . ch- I I . .
per. Lady Denbigh'is. sweet, flushed
I . '
film, She. kalk�d to him, in.the lowest,
she, had. told hint everyti'. I
man in all this town to entertain me."
wa iin. water, making a lather of
a of .
I '
ed they should be. xolled In a clean. . . . . .
.. . . .
face appeared from behind the � black
. .
most delightful Voic'e. la'the world,
_ng. .
"You do forgive me, don't you?"
It was an awful rebuke 'Of tha Priwt�
good-. white Aoap,'thea rinsing an d
floral design ,embroidered in the eon-.
� I
. . . .,
white cloth. for a few hoursi to get . I I
I .
velvet, then her husband's, jolly;laugh . -
tblugs in. heave
of all . . a and earth,
she urged, clinging to his drin. "I do.,
hood, I and of that hypoorWo . al conven-
I d � fily to dr I y on a mar-
sprea Lag eve.
ter, =d 'a deep ruffle of lace per-
� .
. I f* . � I
ria.. ..,Superfluous moisture, a t( ' ,-r
Ing eyes. Then Raymond, - after the
talked gentlys gayly, reverently, and
love play-aeting, and I thought
se 1
, I ,
tional .moral. -propriety, whioll'as a
ble, slab,or mirroro When dr y pool
haps 4 Inches wi& g;tthared full
.. I �. .
.of I
wilich. they should be laid singly on . I
I .
hesitation Of a moment,. lodged the
� . I
-always .charmingly. ' Sha opened the
you were a horii(r old man, and I
di I dult v�ant-yob, to like me; only, as
t5tia Grust-'so often Covers reeking
. .
them, off ' and fold carefully and
around it, (Ind.)r this lace J,uffhl
. . . I. 11 .
. I . .
I a Clean olith on the ironing board . : .
. . .
strings of his mask.. He laid it on the.
storehouse of,hor mind to him,. and let
goon 'As I saw. you Iknew--.o'.
iniquity. - . . . . . :
place in a book to pv�sg. For pre-
. .
. .�.
I ,
I..d Pulled into ohape.and then iron-, I .
table, and Delia looked on1he face of
him see, in brief, bowlldering� flashes,
. "And.did you mimn to meet me- the
. 6. He milde haste, and camel down,
. .
sentation -you r,may place them,in a
. . I
� Ill,
, �'
I .
ec side altorfiatoly until .
the " horrid old' man."' �She saw a
, glimpL - . house of hi
4es of thetreasure
next dayll' he questioned, stroking
and received him joyfully. ' This
pretty mouchoir cage. , .1 . .
, 'I.. I .
.. ..� . . .
.. . . . .
thuxougilly dry, when the p').16hiug . . . I �
� .
strong face, a face In the prime of
. ,or
. . . ..
soul. I . .
,., I .
her moft hair. I I ,. I � .
. Sho,flashed- !indignant nial.
de at
. I ..
v6rso justIC'es the'Dom ma;nd made in
I . ..
. --- . .
. . .
I �,
I . .
. .
W, � . �
ixon ni,Ly be' ed. The tro,x should be .
I I . .
manhood, bronzed by',the Haste rn sun,
I . 14
I .
. Of herrheatt be saw nothing on
-him. . . . , �
.the last us's 'joyful
verse. Zawhe �
I ...,
used b,;)Lh actoAs and l-a9thwise of * .
I . .
I . . ,
a Paw of good blue.eyes, straights
morning. 'That came a fort-
that .
"You know I didn It I . No; that
hasto'sha-wa ]its, o4aiacter. Pharisses
. . .
-The th�eocarnarod'bon-bon bok or
1� .
I I .
. �
the article, rolling ea,,,4 collar or caff- - .
. 1. . .
well -out fc�atures."and the mouth she
I . I
night later, when he strode through
morning, and ever thing. Was anti
I Y re'
bad invRea our Lord to banquets,
jewel Case' represented here is of
...... "I .; . I .
into'd elrotilit'r form of Wearr alid� Pin� - .
had watched all,the evening, ,stern
the jAme woo ds, by the white sand and
. ly,,your doing.11 .
You didn't iirlsh me to like you
. �
when It was.-Prudeat to da so; but.
. . .
I. . � I
'whiti) linen, Wat6r .color papert; or
- . "
.1 . ..
I .
ning or offierwije, fasLVniag th� ends . . .
� . .
in repose, Yet softening ter 0.*SiugU-
through the dewy orohards,'.by t his
thetno�-that, first m,orniugr,AfbBn
injust of the Rharisoes and scribes,
. . � . � .
bitch bark. To make -of white lin-
I , ,
11 . I I
!�o � , .
together. �1.1 thu.p,IL,arnj o.f collars 1. I I .
. . . .1 .
lar sweetness as he turned to answer
� ,
sleeping villas, to bid 'her good -by,
we met among the myrtles?" .
would -have very, gr�adglngly met
on; Out a foundation of cardboard
. � 1.
, . .
- �
0) � I
at- . � .
va:tyso inuchit foliuw8, that 'eala), 1) . . I
some Igentle frivolity of.-LadY Don-
They had met every .day. since that
"of course, not," she answered, but
.such a self-havLtatfoin as this; but
. I
--oix -o)>16ng Pieces, two by five, three
-. .
tern must be L�jjl:tcd Or otharivise, �
. I 1. . .
. . .
bigh. . . I �. I . � .
first day, at first by ohanco,-a
she, hid her face. I .. � . .
e e oharactorl,4ties
I I .
. . . I /i I ''I
, I .
shapeduccording to its kind. ,At the . . .
sevbral young -French officers, at-
obance tutored by Della, afterward
.'Verhaps," be went on, laughing a.
little far pare happiness, and turning
wh1ch he saw in Jesus. Doubtless he
. . .
I � `41�* 1
.. I I
I -7
1 4-1-1
r -11A 1-1
. �
.same time all collars Ilsotll� butter I . .
. .
tracted by the grace of outline, which
by design; a design formed and car-
heir face till her. eyes met his, "per-
. was at heart a soaker before he found
1W I I ..
PMA't .
,,yhan rolled into a circle, and uniusia
. 1. I
'Delia's domino had been powerless to'
i d,-Iastly by an
Tied out by Raymon
-haps you did.a't wish me to like yon
a Savi,our, I .
. . . .
, I I. .
they have to be parked for traveling . I .
� �
disgilao, were hovering near, await-
unspoken it,gre6meut more.dear than*
now To' .
,,of she
7. When they 1 saw. .It, they, all mur-
-1 .
. I -
�: '' 4
. .
they shuald never be finished flat. I . I
I r unwAsk-i
Ing the revelation which he
I .
either. . .
coi not," .answered,
lightly. Them, as her eyes met big,
Luumd. Thisgushing, inconsiderate
I "' ,
. �,
_. �
hould be . .
All im 11cePaus .and: Pans 8 . . .
Ing should aford. .
They sat on a ratio olive tree,
I .
she, ]lid her, raw again on his shouln
thxOngo who sounded our Lordta
I .
. I
. I
.- _.J . W * .
thox lily washed immodiaLely uf- I
. Oug . I �
. .
"Come, Deliai" saiA Lady Denbigh,
amid the, deep grams that gleamed
der. . ,. . .
Praises one biament and criticised
� .
I IN -1A.
-Tv I
5, zTV Pq
ter being usedi and the soot Or black -
11 You'll be glad to got that hat mask
wet with dew, And transfigured in the
"And so all ends happilyo"' he went
him the next, who ordered Bartimaus
. � .
-11. .!� '
. �
oiled antoko. should be'removed from � I . .
Cirri Remember, I've not seen your
morning's. level light. � And L
on, holding her cloaaly,."and we � both
� .
have our fortanest and-"
to be silent oat immediately
and aim
--- I A .
I .
the outside. . I .
, .
� I
. .
face since dinner." -
"I 'am going aW&y to -morrow," be
'Ah', don'Q' she dried, "as if the
said, "Rise, be of good comfort,, the
of which aTe, to be covered with linen
I I�
. �
. I . � �
Delia draw a Icing �breath and s.ud.
maid, ' . . I I
foirtune matteredl I'm g1bLd of it,
Master calleth for thele," helps uoi to
and three with China silk of any pre-
I 41
. I. i
AIA611ri,b POIATOL18.
denly tore off the mask. Hq , friend
. ,r
She '
only turned bar eyes and look-
thOUght-136CAUde, V Ly mother Is glad.
But as for and mill Oh, my dearl
and erstand how the triumphal song,
for red shade, pals blue, creamo pale
- Is
� .
I . . . . I
� $team*, or boll, potatoes until soft in
only just managed to suppress It tit'
ed straight in his. , �
I am, glad you loved me When You
is li& that cometh Im the
Ing,th6 mostaesir-
green or pinko bel
saltod-water-, pour off the water and .
� .
. tie ory,,oi rather she could -not sup-
. I .
He drew a quiek-breatliI She look-
thought Iwan -losing. You a fortune,.
nume ot .the Lord," was so 9P06dtIY
able shades -and, three tbroo-corn-
. I
lot them drain Perfectly dry;
. preso it, but she turned it, at the
ad at him steadllyj and two largo
Instead of bringing you, One. It will
succeeded by the wild dry, "Crucify
exedplooes fiveand ona-�qiiarter. inch-
-1 .
sprinkle ' with salt and mash; . I
last moment, into a co�gb.
teaTS gathered in bar eyes; slid over
be something. to hold to my heart
him, crucify hiral" Till a man is can-
es each Way, and one just five. This *
I .
have ready some . hot milk
. Della let the hood of bar domino
the soft lashes, and fell on the hands
all my life long." �
"And as for my heart," he allswer-
verted he can never be revornelled,ito
a=Ilar �Iaco is covered withi silk for
I 11 I
. "o .
11 I.",
� . .
or . dream in which has been
fall, back, as she .removed the mask,
crossed in, her lap,
ad, "it is you I shall hold to my heart
the way God dispenses his favors. He
the bottomo and is sewed to the sides
�� . .11 W, .
melted 'a pieco,of butter; pour thL4 I
and the watchful, young Frenchmen
"Then you do care," he dried quick-
ali my life long"all. our happy, lives
wag gone, to be guest with a man
after they are joined. The lid and
on tothe potatooso and stir until white
s r e ned with black
ly,-inolredulously almoste-but his
long, my. daTlIng!"
that Is a s'maier. That Zacolieus, Was
- outside bottom extends beyond � the
abbuld be, sat an under X-uffle of Silk
d very light.
an �
hair, coarse, # ill -arranged, a swarthy
� arms went round her. I �
That hill clock had Struck the hour,
and . from beyond 'the pdrk, across
'it ublican was enough. That broke
sides an eighth Of an Inch all ar ound,
yr fine � silesta, with pinked out edge
- .
face and neck, eyebrows black as gar-
"Why. must You go ill ,,he asked
the. frozen snow, ca&e the sweetiln-
overy law of patriotlanx and Occl(lsl-
Thu, outside bottom Is not .covered,
to give, to the wide lace Taffie the
don-slugg, and a months straighto
,'Prescutly. ,
gle, of the 0hristmas' bells.
asticism, and it was a orinto in'the
but is an extra heavy piece at eardw
necessary body and "set." The
open ii can of gre6n.yeas and put
- hard and much too red. The hair was
"Because'my father desired We to
Sho turned sweet, -wet eyes on h1m.
mind of the averagelJow evoti. to as-
board, tea -ply, glued to the bottom.
color. of this undor ruffle harmon-
them Into eliough boiling to I
6 parbed in the middle, and strained
loacp thim Oh!rlstmas .
at oux own
I "I don't deserve to be so happy,"
am said, "and Goa is very good to
soclate with such a niani.
After all is (lone, an interlining d
!zed with the *ovuiling tone of thO.
,water . �
' cover them, with a few leaves of mint, I I
I. tightly back above the ears�-llttle
house, There is a girl, -he, wished
me, Ito .
8. Zacellsits stood. Doubtless, an
wadding and machot powder is placed
Ca,;hlOuwg trimming. A little, b6a,111
and, a smali Pierce of buttee. Stir
e sholl.pluk eayo which Delia had never
me to maxrybert-aud he wished we
� I
I I �
. hour or two or three had', passed ba-
between the Cardboard �and material.
of lace lAsertion connects the laGO
them occasionally ,and when tender - .
. thought of disguising. Her eyes, too;
to entertain her and her mother at
tween the events of verses 7 and, 6o
Bafaire joining the two sootions'of
rufflo with the sides of the cushion
drain the water from them, sprinkle
0 they flashed clear hazel fire at the
this season.o, I
e s spread, suich guests
the, lid a small marble is Covered
and bb,,rough th!6 is run narrow TL
I Ilt tle salt and serve I them with .
I Voting Lieutenant, who exclaimed,
,,is theirs any conditi
'on attached to
F (Yr a Christmas or a waddLn9pres-
as Zacclieus could command had been
with a bit or the (Alk and the ends of
bou of any doesixed colo) 7, which is
. .
meltod butte r,
t ;udibly: " %roW,'all English women are
your marrying hot?"
ant remember that a cake saw -that
summoned, the poor lined the walls,
silk brought through a hole in the
tied, in fall little bows On tbA four
. . I . I I
- . 1.
Y frighta --- except ail to -eyes and ears."
Hat laughed; "Nothing serious," he
is, a thin, flat knife, with one edge
cut into saw toeth-la the bast kni
7,acoha,us had placed our Lord in, the
hqd be-
exact Contra of the lid and gitiAd
firmly the, tinder side.
ornorg, .
Amother, of this flame style
- I
Y Delia pulled the hood of bar domino
e, the black hair and laughed.
said, "I logo 0, little money if I don't.
to itac, to out a, loaf of ,,, k, a. For ,
seat of hen,or, conversation
gmr, pearls of wisdom ]lad been . given
Embroider the design .with Asiatic
is much sherbet than the above, be.
Mrs. Itauskeep-Yes, my now girl I I
a The 1"rench-vion turned away. Delia
And so (low she. That's the worst of
my dear. But
bride"a loaf a silvbr one is often used.
by the Galhean. Alwalah to that
file floss, using whito for the. flowers
Ing about 7 Inches long and oval in
formerly Worked for Mrs. DeStyle,
, surprisad herself In a sigh. Whon,
it, Out I"Uldn't-oh,
I shall rawke, it up to her In some
and is an appreciated wadding pres-
eint, and one to be handed down in
heterogeneous crowd, 'then came
and shading with a delioa,to shadd of
form Thet ornamentation of this Is
She claims she lott. there of bar own
ever mince you can.ramembor, (peo-
� . I
the greatest sensation of the day,
groon. The contres have a touch of
oxactly,the same as that of the IaTg-
accord, but I think she was dIscharg. .
look at
other way -11 I
Thc, girl opened her lips to spomit.
. thei family,. It Is so unusual a gift
thiub it is not likelp to be duplicated.
when the hoot himself arose, and with
oiranga, and red.
or 'cushlon.
___ �
ea. \
Mrs, lCaul-What makes you think
r Ou were
you ,in the, street because y
so Vrett�, It comes sornowhat as it
Then sho closed them sharply, and
great gravity made the following con-
fession and pledge; Behold, Lord, tho
. , A
sot' I
# mhook when eyes pass over youo and
lifbad them to him to be kissed.
,,My fatbor," M went Onj "Once lov-
Tho first IA 1174 yards in length,
half of my gooda I give to the poor.
A very pretty co"r for an organ
To maker this Woful, gift for a gon-
Mrs. Hattakeop-I judge, so Arom I
lot fall
� titrA away, indifforiont,-cond6raft.
d, atory ovan. After the uUmtLAIngi
Od this girl's mother, and he widlied,"
made of vwy wide soft flannel. A
Notice in this the profound reverence
Wo.hous felt toward out Lord. Ile
atoot Is made from a square of fine
yellow, or baff linen, a, little larger
tionian, out two pieces of Cardboard
abou,t 8 ov 0 inchom long hud about
oortalu things she's since she's
been here. I
colonel Raymond was MOT.6 Pollto
but it couldn't be, and if hio knows
- be% across the sides MAA bottom 0-4
turns to Win an the roprosentailve, lot
than the top of the stool. A border
2 Lua�cfl wide and CoNot each with 0,
bird. Xtiul-what were they? , , ,
6 ! thu before. Lord and Lady Den-
11OW he, will understand. Ho wished
of an inch in width', then a, tow of
all ccolamstion.1 and rational power,
of bluo and White bachelor bitttons
pw)w of bwigbtly colored Milk, satin or
Mrs., I-lauskeep-DiAers. .
blgh weiro, in 06 highest spirits,
M16 to marry hot, ando"he loved old
lead her
feather Mititching close to the hem in
light Ot6hing 'silk, In the con.
Notice, too, that what, we ard, apt to
st'rown 0A ralessly around the edge !a
bfriodad,& It Preferred, the 1AMIA6 Of
- --1 I � - �
d Dolia laughda a good deal.
customs, ho wished me to out
Yellow .
: teir of tho lower part are fear cherub
t,or call gmerwduty, though much of, If
enibrojderct� with Asiatic twisted 6m-
the, recipient May be embroidered
. WIM sha Was tuoked Up in her
before Ao' tibAauts on
Day, kiss ,box, kinder the mistletoe,
heads done in whito outline stitoll,
would 'he the more,qt justice, came In
broidory silk- A bar of musla Is
. upon. One, or both sides of the eAso.
Gen. Buttons, is a brav� man. Ito
paTriagai among her white furs she
0 0, h1ga ithat'-ft soands silly, does-
with Asiatic; Outline, embroldelly. The
thin ease before what we arol apt to
worked in the Oantre of the cover, the
done with Aalatio, etching
Should this be done the
of coarAo, be wrougit before
has been through Nv4rs.
Yeo, and yeaterday I heard himi tell
0 bogaft to oxy. She cried 0,11 the Way
-t h0hJ& The bftoWt on the front
ntt it to,
top Ift gatbored foar timas Aind after
call justice, Of course, the publioan"a
conduct W ould hava been: Unjuat It
lines being
'milk and tbA notes# which' X01!686ut
tUi Milk 19 Stretched, ol6t the, Card-
his wife she didn't know what 8h,6
I t iseat Whigh, held hor Wet CY 1:11116 ba
I'Nc to shj� said, looking out through
being drawn up to 00 right size is
moi than halt of his good(a had been
tiny blU6 kna White biteholor buttons,
board, vjh6 lng6r side of tho card-
Was talking about. I I
0'ems, Jolted forward OA her, Imaesi
. .
thil, araX 40611 01 the 011vm;
'faced to make it mtroOlt'
I � I
I I � .- - 1,