HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-12-13, Page 6i , , � , , . 4''�".10' , I owl ,� �, ; I I . . . JAM 13 1900 I From now on we wIlf _b�__�j_iih 0-f9rv­-,-,4v., — - . ­ - � ­ - P .1 13 TH. E .NEW � STORE IN GLIN'1�'_Off . I- - I 8� Iias a $took of about $10100o, consisting of . - I � � Staple and Fancy Dry aoods,Ready-to-wear . � . Clothing, Boots and Shoes. - . . I +"*""**"+"+ . . . . . . . ***"*,"*****+**"**"+"***"**"*+++##**"*"**"++*+#***# I *,, I ELL THE TRUTH IS . � . . WE HAVE BEEN TOO BUSY TO WRITE UP AN AD- VERTISEMENT. 6 6 6 . ' , I . 1. � (i . . I . . I.. 1. I Our end ,,of. Clinton is having a Great. . I � I I I � . I )y . . . I . I . *­� 1, . Boon on -Account of the New Store, ­ . � . . . . . I I I I . . I I �". . .. I . I , '" I . ' These are the. words that we have beard from . � . . I . . � . I . .. I � . . almost every business man at this end of the ' I . I I . � I I . . town. We will say this thougb, and although in . I � . . ,, .. ahurry we speak not hastily orraF;hly,forwe I I . . � I . , : . I really belive that the .people who deal here are . . I . . I . � . saving about twenty per cent, on their goods., - . I . . . � . . I . We think the people must believe the saving is , . . � . ; . � . I . 1 .1 . . � I even more thAn that or they. would not crowd I . . . . . .i . . . . I . I I our store so f!rom day t9 day. I . . I � I . . . . . .. . . - . I � I A , � I . . . . I . . - I .. ­''..... ..,j�l +*"**#, +"*+*"**" *+"**"+"**"******$$$O"****"*+*******"+# *"*+****"**+*+ . � I . I . . . I . � . . I ,*, 4. . . . . . ,� . . I I o . .�. I I I . . . . . I I I I 7 . 1 ' . . . I I . . � . I.. � . . . . I N 'HASTE . I . .. .­ : . � . 'Ll-,"'; $ . I . . I I .. 1. I. . . . .. . I . , , I .1 I . . . . . . . � , ' . � . . ' ' . . I - .:. I . P. S.�You have been surprised at. the values ,. � I I I I . I �. . . � . I 1-1� 1� � . Wel gave the last time you were in. I In ay say ' , . . . I I., I I , I . . . :.It,i, . . thairfor Xmas we have outdone anything ,we. - . I I � . I � . 1. I �1:1. . I . . . baVv ever done before. ' I .. . ..., . � . I . 1. .,. .. I . . . . I I . I I , . � . 1 !0�4'1:,� , I . .. . I . . i I ., I . I . I I I . . . . 1:J I . . . � . ­ " 4 ­ .TELL YOUR. NEIGHBOR ABOUT'U19. . ... I . � I - _11 . . . I . . . . �. .. I ,­�, I . . . .. . . I . ­ ... . . . : . �Al . . I .1 I 1. .�, I *+"**"+*"**"#.*"******"+**# #+#**444*+#*#*"+#"+*+# **"++** ##++###+" 1 , . .1 .. I . . .-I . . .. I � I . . . . I I ....... . . I . � 11 �� . .. . . . I . I � . : . � � . 1. . I � I . . . . . .. I -i I I . � . .�. . .. .... . Butter and Eggs taken 'as Cash. 11 . +I, � . . . . I � . ; �; , '11.i I � I . .. �. . .. 1. .. � ( . . ..� �� "19, $ . . . .. . . . � '. � . .1 , � _. -1 ' I . . - . . . ... � . . �..,. $, , WE ARE. IN HARLAND'S 9LOCK . . . � . 1. .. . � I -:11 I . - I I . . . � I I I . .�, .. I . ,. . '. . I I.. ;,� I CLINTON-, --smaMEE�� . I � - ­ . � . . I . '. � ..:1 11, . .. . . - - ­,�� , 11 � . � . . . _-, . . � . I ',�­�;��7 . . . . '.. I I . . . ...... : I ... . . 10,.M..... . . . . . I 1 . . - � I . . , . . . I . I . Ll*'l I I . . I .. . . .1. I .0 ., K�O E N I�G . -11-1. . I . . . . . . ­ . : . I . I , '' . . , . . ... � . �, . ,:. , I I I . I . . . . , 1�.. , I . . . . . . . . .1 . � � A . . .- . I .1 I . , � .�, I . .� +. . . . . ;� . 11.11. ... .1- I �. . . �1,2 '. � . . �; . . I . . . . � . �� . .,.t . I . . 4w,ftw,ft.,ft.,%v,6w4%,,ft'Ift.-Ift.,%W,%""-,%Ol%."%W,%-,%Ift�.V&-,%Ilftl.%,,%Wlft.ft-"%!--W,ft�.. .. I I . 41 I +. � I ..., I . � . . . . '1� .. . I . I. ­ � 1. ) . 1� . + �, . � � . .1 � . I . . � . I � I � 1. . .1 . I ... I --- � . I . I . ­ I — . I I ". -_ - I . . . . � . . . . . + I., . I . I . � . , � �'. I THE . I . i . . . I . . . I I . 1:�.t'*� COUNTY COUNCIL-ELtCTION - - I I . . .. �, A, , I , . \\� �, I— . \,N ��\,N 1\1 - / ,, 1 .. . ­ . . . � 1. . COUNTY OF HURON . . . .� 11 , , , � . . . — , . , , . I I I . , A Public notice I . a hereby given that a meet- -�\ � \� M " I U.", I "I � _e_,_=Z�_ ' eskr"' - " - , : WITCHERY . \ I . --1 \ " . I I . gggi�� � \I 6 I :. ingof the clectorsof Coun�T Division No. 2, ' . ". �\m � t � 11 %1v\", , I 0 F - " 01 . � I composed of the Municipa Itles of Hallett, I . I ;� I .Z � ��\ ��;, a I Goderich townshi and the Town of Ulinton, � �N., \1 �Pli .. I I will be hold in Tle Town Ball, Clinton, on . I Monde, , Decomber.the 24th, 1900, at the hour of . KODAKERY, 11 . k I ... 11 � For Sa' Ads# iolbloc� p. m. for the ,purpose of nominating . . . . . .� I . �� I I I . , . cardidates to represent them In the Council of . . I I I - I ". 1 4 1 ,7. j . the County of Huron for the years 1901 and W& have j list placed in* stock I I ,�, 1902, and that in case a poll is demanded. polls I - - . -...-� I 11 I - v will be opened on the 7th day of "i anuary 1901 a larze assortment of Eastman _1, I FARIN FOR SALE. in each polling - su b-divirion at the tWe ana � . -­_ l- I I . - . V.1a ed by By -Law of the Municipalities in Xod�ks, . . . . I . . . I � ..W..-.- � Is "" . 4 . The ulidersigned offers for sale lot 30, con, 7 e .aid CoOA Division, . I . . .1 - .. . Hallett, consisting of 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, y HS CAMPBELL . I . . . : . . 'I . ". I balance good hardwood bush, Phiefly maple. I Nominating officer for County No. 2 iA $12, , I 10 acres In fall wheat The lot is well watered I Ziouncil Division No.. 2. . . . . . . ,,- . and . fenced and would njake A good Stock farm. Dated at Londesboro this . I . I No. 1 . . 10 0 ..� I � _ . I I Th ire IS a good orchard and two good bares. .5th day of Doe., IND. . I 10L 0() .. 5 �� �. a . Thefarm ls4 miles from Clinton andi mile . . -No. 2 Bullseye . I I I I . I I I . I ­ from Surnmerhill postoflice, church and school. . . . .. I � , I I For further particulars apply On the premise . I . I I I No. 2 Bullseye 8 00 I . . . or address WILLIAM WALLACE, . W. GLEN. CAMPBELL . . No. . 2 Flexo 5 00 The Bridge �. . * . . SummerhillP. O. I I I _" I � . I 1 _411. Sept 12th. 1- . . and Choir -Master of North street Brownie Kodak 1 00 p � I ..Organist �. I , � '. I church, Goderich, and teacher of eianot pipe- . . . � I From Sickness . .. . , I HOUSE FOR SALE. . orgari-and theory, Is ror,ared to ta o a limited I . I � - � number of pupils foXs ruction. Apply atW. Developing outfits complete - Nria ,14,n,e 80ntarlo stroet�y — trays, printing. fi, ­ I L 1. The subscriber offers for sole a very desirable 1a Inton on Frid of each week,' $1 ,ames,. ,To Health , , - I �_ . I . proport on Isaac streot consisting of four lots . —~- . I toning solutions, solio paper - I . in wKich there is a comfortable frame house I . Is of pure drugs an Up`h kitchen and woodshed attached.a, There ___ . I wit I . medicines And the Is a, good stable and a first.class w(ul water and all photographic supplies . . . on remises. The orchard, consisting of grapes . . . I I . . I I are obtainable here I I andrapples, is a good one. The property will Call and see our stock; . all times. That o besold at a reasonable figure for cash Or i cash . tock of drugs. an 1. and balance on time. Apply to the owner on THE WEST'HURON . . medicines sboald . -11 - the promises MRS. JOHN JUNOR . I I His B. COMBEl . fresh and pure is I I Clinton Mav 9th . . . moreimportarice thil. .Chemist and Druggist. . . _. FARM ER � I its size. . All orde � I I — I These Kodaks load in broad day -light. - can be filled and in ,�� . I HOUSE FOR SALE. . � I . . I I If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak I way that -will gi The undersi . I D -frame Will hold special meetings at Clinion, Von. . . health to the patie , ined offers for sale thlis I I dwelling on A bert street north at Pr( ontoc. day, Doe. 17th, Wingham. Dec. 18th, Carlow, . . . . . , and satisfaction , �­ cellar, Doe. 19th, and Godericb, Doe, 20th. . the doctor. ed bt Rev. T. X Murduck. Good I I %pa' 1, .ta le, etc., etc. For further particulars . BUTTER,.' . . . . . apply to A. j. MORRISH I TOWN HAL94, CLINTON, 1.30 p.m. & 1.30 P.m I . . PRESCRIPTION , � I Clinton, Oct. 23rd. I I.W-Presidant's, address ................ J. Snell � . . 2.00-Addream ...... � ..... R.. Mchfordle, Rippen AND I . . __ Crop failures and how to &Told them. � . . . Wkmw 2,90 Discussion. . I I ES AND CLOCKS 2 11-Addl.., ...... ......... Miss Rome, Guelph EGGS ' SYDNEY JACKSON 1; ABOUT WATCH 31111-Di.cumio.. . 0 9 . � I , , Xv3NWG 15MMON I quanti- Phone 2 Prescription Pharmac � I have been engaged for the past thir years We have handled large . I the repairing Of Watches, Clocks, 19ewing Doors open at7.30, meekingto edm4 . I "., Machines, etc., and have paid regular visits to 9, sharp, when addresses will be delivered by ties of butter aiid eggs r,his sea- - - For l H%1,j,m,Roe;j,P .6 �&rVj&ksou R, MeMordie, R. I I I I their . .L. ' s _,"'i my patro;s in all parts of the Count 11 n and others, . . son. Our trade in those line :Llayofulvenstomers'I have done al I R I I 'ark in my line f.U�,oars and still have their increased largely Which raeans W Clinton's famous "Lug" quarto*u will be In I t Fresh Pigs , I patrons, . , I e. The ro Is being now broken up attgrldance� , that out prices were right. But . � so that feannot mov 3 about on my bicyclo I . . . . I request that m patrons will fiend or bring � WINGHAM, TUIISDAY, DUO. 18, I � we-wanb more butter and bun- f Fresh'Peels , theirWatches 6locks,Sewing Machine "TBRNOON SUSSION . that need repairing.to my shop inClintono�A'te%' , Im-President's address .............. � _J, Snell dreds of dozens more of eggs And omptattention. Orif t,h,CT oficit your patronage. I they will receive pi 11 I . 2 00 -Address ........................ 3. Currie, Sr 8 1 $ Fresh Raisins _­ cannot, do so and- will drop Ina a card I wl 2'30 -Discussion. . . upon them. ...................... Miss Rose . if you want a Watch or Clock leave 2.45-Addresa,... . . I now6nd I Will gilarant4e to 8,111 Discussion. OUR ' I . LFresh Currants . order with me 0 3.30 -Address ........... . .. 11. RTOIOP, M,P,P. y?ur you complete alit .%,.%,ft,.W.A%,�WA%,ft� 9 .1 Isfaction. No dealer 4.00-Disonssion. MES . . ,n undersell Inc. . . Cl � � I The repairing of Old Country Clocks a xvWTINQ smarom � specialty. JAMES ROSS. Clinton, ,,Addresses will be delivered by Miss Ross, A, ARE FRESH you will Wa I I Nov. 18th. ymiop, M.P.P., R, Currie and others. . . 1� : !!!!�____­___.__7____— CARLOW, WEDNESDAY, DRO, 19, 0. OL for Christmas baking I * 1.80-ProsideriVs address ............. .. J. Snell, .soN THE fruits . I I .1 � I 2.00-Addresg­ , R. 0. McGowan --- . . - . I .q., AUCTIONEER'S CARD. I 9.20 Cement, ;?V6II'liiXh�� ko use It. to be had fresh and low-pric " — -Discussion. . . I I , The undersigned in a licensed auctioneer for 2.45-Addres8 ........................ _Mtsa Rom W. N. WALKER I . the countyof Huron and respectfully roliolts 3.16-Diacussion, . I . : the patronage of those who intendthhavo JoVENING SHBOXON, 7.20 P-111- at __..S�. .I.tl.n sales, Satisfaction guaranteed. Addresses will be delivered by Miss Rose, A. XdANUVACTIUREIR, OF I . . , charges moderate. WM. D,UkTCAX, Clinton MoD. Allan, B'L D. Grant and others. I I P :'J'L'-- � . . . . i..OWN." GODXRICH, T I HUUSD.&Y, DUO. 20, . I ALL KINDS OF MATTRESSES is We HILL 1 -4 — __ IM-Prosident's address ............ .... :. 81101 . . ,�., � * I � I k, � 1 $ ; .0 ;-, Li I A, I � I B I TO I 1961. 2,10-Addrtes ................... . Xernighan Loung0s, Couches, Cogy Cor. � WINTER TERMBEGINS JAN.. 2 Township vs County':Feirs- ners and Upholsterer In � - L I - Ir I , 2.30-Ditloussion. 0,11 kinds of Par- —,--- __ =Z— " �1�,,'e li��;��;;:jiz;! ii .. ....... ',,� 7 2 45-Addrost ....... .................. Mi" Rose I lot F urnituro. .� �,;, : i I :91 1: ....... 3,15 -Discussion. . I Mattresses made . I - NVIMNING 8198810T, 8 P.m- I over. Prices reasonable. Grk���w4e - Addresses will bodolivered b MIMR00q.1 I � Ladies -am pattiOn. larly invited to ball -and so AUCTION SALE. STRATFORD, ONTARIO, Kernighan, J. Mitchell, B. D. grant, A, U61). sampleq of work and coverings. OF The demand made upon us during the last Allan and others, I . tbree yea" by business colleges f Or Our gradu. Store_()nt&rjO Street, Clinton. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMEN I too to uko positions an toacherg In. their . A- Inle .1% L I i I obools bas been bxactlV six times the 611,y?�y-. A )roprlake musical program will be proyid- one door e"r, oy..Ford '2 ed ?I ThiesbowAthat the reputation of Our cO ego OT, -every sonsloo. - I ,--- 11 q8triotIv,firstrolli80. our graduates have been Ladies especially, Invited to both afternoon _._, . _ _.______.,___77_—_—----= I lorneirkEbly GucecgqfjlI in getting Splendid pool. . I us arms. Rocent applications arid evening sessions, Itin the Intention to i ons received organNo & Wornalfs Inatituto. fro 'too ectivO A onto have been LET UIS 41--_ I or as Clio , Manitoba, Quo- inAll are welcome, come drepared to take part, �� . 11 . fro t . Distance 18 no the discunlons. ., � . . 0 cotla I to I I I ran those O Is * to got the bent, Meetings commence aharp oil timof DO YOUR WORKO on le free, W. Z. ELLIOTT. PrInelpia I I I � � - I I I � � - 0.1.0,11W _. _____­­� ____ Ilaviniz, bought tho blacksmith - '6 , ing business of Air, john Tedford '.1 . peord. Affe. 10000-rhosphadine, and the repair shop of Mi! Wm - L - I __ I . ` V. rR Downs we AI,6 pre ared to do rill . !the ortot 24,71ith MrAd �, . Old arid Torommende b a (O qlel5p,�� kindA of blackqn thin f and re. I I fwo�l AtA in Canada, III T, 11, . palrini, We will do al work oil, . t I modloino diddoy 1`6 - ,I Th38 algriaturo Is on every be* of the 90inulne truste to us promptly and well. katyr* rante on 0.,..-Uli. all offe of Laxa&6 Bromo-Quinhie Tabibta arid respeetfUlly Ask it shalr� of 10iln& "" W '"rk"S all offe your Patronage 00 , optu or 0 111 . Con 1,6 66 Cei I the remedy ths,t tn"al a i%ld in one Asy t oldesop MentAl of - ! I It t of e, on I tt �!!���!�!!�!-----,-----,---tl.�--,!,t---!!�-t 1*1010ARip . 11 12. t, ik re I "I ot re.0 , r, '11, The report. that the Govel,binetit in- , T C t. a .1 1­4� V In tended to Appoint six now senatora is I r_ If .q 9 ""&TURNER I . old In C1111tvil Y - - 6 . I I f - I C ijavoy arid WWA & CO -o I withoub undation. . . . 4 . 1, I . . . weeic. I� I . . ___ . --L .� , - - - ��. �' �­ --­ ­­ ­­­ -_ -1.1.1 �­ _­�_�_ _ _______. _­ I ____ __ I - --- , I I `_____ ,%�,�i#.�iw�w,ft,v*llh�,��ii�.�,%�-w-,wllo,�,'%,,,Wlw"q*,% /� Martha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I 01.0 11 0 Is I McKINNON & COX � � for , J31.4"YWI-1 � ' , RHEUATIO WARPED LIMBS . 11 IC4 by 0 14 L e j ne; that __ L 0 -1 1 "-"";W,4;.�;"-;;;;;;;r� dir org .—Doctor$ VV#44-t-- - - �;t William (jurin and John Shaw, Clinton ; Jr,mea A. Itoberloon, I r"1011 'S Ja�l�rltl, , .. arly sub. , som �,w U%w I ��,. h, a . �Ufau=u = � QUICK SELLING . X , to Hear , ,an ( JOhn "Ill., the bed r deil VWne. V QW '60y. A - ad package. I I . . a S. Xing and William ff. ey ?j,h8 Cboo? , cares, -comptelely 4nd ponw4junity,- I L. Alexander,'roronto -, Jae, Turnbull 'Whm oturs tag io do Any qwd. I --- - I . _"q;Z;14P00_ , I &ad Aleiander Taylor, Gode!l9h ; Tonle-'17have Wen IkOa SarsjIl. it large bottle of clear, rich medicine. * . Ernest NacCallum, l4andesboro; Nuilan W d iyfi , eld, and Samuel M. p&WA as A tonle wd generO ba&;r of . . be the order of the day in our clothing - Hen7y%,%1rriR8t0u. thr syslem wdh exceffeni resullis. R re. WILL department from now till after the holidays, . — stores vHANy, d*esowsy (Ut Oed feel- 6V,quldsihone"es.qndbpingstefreshin.q . , Our stock is couiplete in all lines and have been NOW I FEEL RE AL WELL $1eep.01 John Z pafla"A� � I 1. marked down to (�uick selling prices. . I 0 1 .. I . . ­ � I . I . . I . 0 0 was looking she simply said "Hood's M�, W. R. Lit Blanche, Bonfield, ' . AQ Q I Sarsaparilla," and every one of them knew it was this griat med'icins that Ont,, ivrites.-Ill was once a sufferer from catarrh, and while usiag Dr. . . - - -, _. . . I I; I I MEN'S black and blue black Deaver Overcoats, fly fropt And double breasted lined with good Ital Ian lining, I Chase's Oatatrh Cure I was recommed. ad to use also Dr.. Chase's N-erVe Food I I "Affamr, I I regular price $0,50, r ,", ... .­ ... .. .... I— 45.415 fo. . . . I . I to buid up the system. My nerves I tr)o to __"M MEN'S flne Beaver Overcoats, fly front, lined with fine ' were exhausted and was weak do, a day's work when I began using it. HARRIAGES, ltQd Italian lining., French facings.. a stylish coat �Ouliyoun.g men, regular price $10,00, for .............. $6.95 and now am strong and healthy, and feel real well. I am perfectl6lisillre — L CTJRRIK- In Wingliam WHULLANS_ ' I., MENIS Frieze UlsterB, well lined and trimmed, regular that anyone who uses Dr. ase's on December Ah, by Rev. D. Ferrie, price $0.00, for.,_. ........... I ....................... $4.50 Nerve Food will believe as I do, that it is the best strengthener and restorat, John A. Currie of EAst Wayranosli, to glas Willismennis Hai-stie,young- SHOAEY'S Rigby Waterproof Frieze Uleters, All wool, ive obtainable." eat daughter of Win. Whellano, of extra heavy, regular $8,00, for ............ I ­ I., I .... $6.50 . the wife of W. J. MoNall, of a son. COLD -In Ethel, on Dee. - 3rd� to . Mr. Turriberry. .. MARSHALL- PATRIDGE - In .Mit� SHORRY's heavy Frieze Ulsters,,rubber lined, as warm as a fur coat, regular $9.50, for .... .... I.. ­ .... I I .... $8.150 I South 111uren FarmerW Institute. chell on Dec. 3rd, by Rev. Mr. . I � . � . XoAuley, Mr. Edward Maraboill, MEN 'S flne Tweed Stilts, in checks a -ad fanc -- i t y mix ures At a meeting of the direcitors of the to Stella Patridge, all of Mitchell. well lined and trimmed, worth. $6,00, for ............... $4.50 South auron Farmers' Institute hold a few days ago arrangements were made BYERS-ADAIR-At the reoldence of the bride's father on Doc 5th, by I MEN'S fan I cy Tweed Suits, very'styllsh, well made a . nd , . to hold regular, meetings in Brucefield ' Rev. Mr. Abrey, kr. Rioh;rd Byers trimmed, with French facings, reduced to $6, $8 and $10 and Exeter on Jan. I I th and 12th, re- , of Fullarbon, to Christy, daughter of . BOYS, Suits and Overcoats at reduced prices, Iectively, Supplementary meetings I awpill be hold at SeAforth, Varna, floneall, Mr. Joseph Neirt Bionkton. MAKINS -MUIR-At the residerl'oel of � I . . _ 111111111111111 ..... -------------------------------- -- - 1, Dashwood, Elitaville and Shipka on . Feb. 5,6,7; 81 9, and 11, respectively. I the bridele parents on Deo.5th, by' Rev. W. H. Xeirtini Mr. B. Makino, � � . I I I In MIQKIN'NON &, 003 BLYTH The directors made a grant of five to Jennie, dAughker of John Muir, peace was proclaimed. .. ae was die- obarged on lignAlon. from .the I Royal. dollars to the Provincial Winter 'flair which is being hold In Guelph this . all of Exeter. . I . SOMERS-BEIRNES-In Griy, on Nov. I I � 4&Aqbllq&-,%�Iql�..�,%Wlq&lmwl%.,%-,%-,%V,%--lu,,%�lftw,%�,%�,%�.,%.-%�--%.-%�-v&-%�.q . . . weeic. I� I . . ___ . --L .� , - - oth, " %no residence of the bride o parents, by Rev. H. E. Curry, Mr. W.J. somerx"Of MoKillop, to Ming - --- , I I . — .. . . I I . 000000000,44,10*0000000000000000@00000 � �, GIFT TO GIVE - Martha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. - . � � 0 1 1 . . I I I - __ - It is often difficult to decide what to F. Beirnes of Grey to"ship, � � � . . I . :0 S. He GIDLEY, POPULAR CLOTHING STORE . I get your friends for holiday gifts. Here is a sugestion; . , � ' , RHEUATIO WARPED LIMBS . . . � . '. . : " . a "Good morning Jennie, I have brought ' . . � 0 BLYTH-____..0WAS_%. . 0 0 . I% nice present," sataGertrude, as Yhoulianded U -Cs. H. Wills Cheeley, Ohb., says :- . . I . .. .0 I , . 0 : her friend a neatly.wrapp-, "My boy was all" crippled up with * ___ . ­ � I. — — a . . 0 . . I I - ad package. I I . the rheumatism, Although we doet- 1 . . 0 . ' . � . I 0 . . 0 The pale, weary, looking girli who was slowly recovering from severe ill- held ,ing sired, he was in this way for about onei year, and the pain was terrible. Read- Dr. Chase's 10 CHRISTMA'S GIFTS I ness, opened the bundle and up of many cases where it large bottle of clear, rich medicine. * Kidney-;Livev Pills bad cured rheuu,i- 0 . I ­ a . I ::Hood's Sarsaparilla I" she exclaimed. atism we got A, box. Before they . : . I . . . 0 . . I have been reading about it to -day and wished I had a bottle." . � werp half gone he be an to Improve, and i's now quite well! I am Ver glad �Onq I . 0 ' 0 If you want to give your friend a Xmas'Giftj here is : , . - , . � : On New Year's Day Jennie was able to be out on the street, and to her to recomm ad them to others.,y � e pill a dose, 25 cente a box. . . I . . .1 . . . 1 . . I . 0 : the spot to purchase it. . . .�. 0 . . friends who remarked, how well slick : . . . . I 0 1 .. I . . ­ � I . I . . I . 0 0 was looking she simply said "Hood's ... . . I 1, .. 0 We are offering cut prides on the [billowing lines of, : � 0 . I Sarsaparilla," and every one of them knew it was this griat med'icins that I � BIRT [IS. � I . — . . � � , � 1 . . . I 11 � I I . � 0 . I I . 0 9 goods during the holidays :­* - - I had giVen baQk her health. . , 31ITCHELL-In Win hani on Nov ,0 gAlfred: I I I .1 . . . . . . : . - I . I - . . . 30th, the wife of . Mitoliell: : - I I I .. . . .1 . I . . I a . . . . . . .� I . I . . AwArded The Medal . I a son. . I � FALLIS-In Turnberry, on Dec.. . 3rd, I . � I . I 0 . I . I .: . a � : - � Handkerchiefs . ' .. Neckw ' � . . . . After Many Years. the wife of, James Fallio, a daughter. a I .1 I . . I I . a . I � . . . I — .. . . . I JACKSON -In Brussels, on Dec. 2nd) -0 I I . I . . I .0 Mufflers . I .. . Suspenders , ' : Tha,Xr, Wea ves role rred to in the fol- to M r. and Mrs. $- ff. Jaeknon, a . 6 � . �­ . �, . � .�, . " � I lowing extract from -an Englishweekl . y in an uncle of Mrs. (Rev.)T.- J. Murduok . daughter. � . � I I MaiqALL-In Lucknow, on - Doe. 4th, Q . .­. ,a . . 0 0 Gloves � ,� . Mitts .. I 0 6 I I . . I . .. 1. � . of Clintdn :-"After a period of thirty.- four years, Mr. � Charles Neaves, night . the wife of W. J. MoNall, of a son. COLD -In Ethel, on Dee. - 3rd� to . Mr. . I .1 . . . 0 . . , . I . I I . . . . : . 0 �� Cips � . I . I Fancy Vests. - .a 0 , . watoliman at Hampton Court Palace � , 1 ian on Tuelidaylaab received. the Few' , . and Mrs.. J. A. Cole, a daughter. av HOPE-kt Maple Grove - Farm, C . , I I 1. �. . .� . 1. I . I . . . . . � . 0 : . I .Beaver and Nap Overcoats Far Overcoats - ... I : � 1 . . I . .Raid Canada medal, with clasp insorib- . . it . ed44FeniariRall:11186611 Mr.-Neaves a . borr�,, Manitoba,, on-.Nov� 26th, .0 thewifecil'Mr, Jame's-.Hope, (nee . I 0 � , .� . I .. . I I . I : . . 1. : � Men's I . � I I I ) Boys' ,and Children's Suits. I . .the time was serving .on the paddle� Mine. Jean Buchanan,) of flenfiall, . .0 I . . . I 0 1 .. 0 . 1. . . . .. 1. . �. . . . 0 wheel steamer St. Andrew in the River .Ont.) of a daughter. I 1 40 . I . � . . I . , I . I I . . . I I .. I ., . I . .. 0 1 . St. Lawrence being detached frbni H . X. S. Pyladea. - He also holds th; KERR-In MoKillopt on Dec. 5th.,,. the . I - wife of Johni:L. Kerr, of a son. , . � : No trouble. to show goods. - . I . . . . 0 . . . . 10 : � 0 - . 6, I I . Baltic medal, having served during tb . e . . I . � � . I . . . � . . = .. 0 , . � . . . I . � 11 . . . . . . � .. 0 . . � . I . 0 1 . . . . a � I Russian war on. H. Al. frigate Imperieuse, . I . �. . I I I . . . 0 'L . . . - . I in the Baltic 'Fleet, - under Admirals . SOUTH' AMERICAN KIDNEY I . . . I .0 . O' - ­ I . . . 0. Napier .Find .Dundee, fromi 1854 until. . CURE.1's the only treatment that has the . I 111111 . � ': . - , I :e S. ,He GIDLEY BLYTH peace was proclaimed. .. ae was die- obarged on lignAlon. from .the I Royal. proven equal to correct all . evils I , that are.6ikely to befall these 0hysical . I - .. . . I . . I I . . � � I . 0 0 L . . . I * Na vy some years ago as leading' stoker., regiflators. . Hundreds of' testimonials . to prove the' curative merits of .... I. .. I .L a . 0 - : 000,600, . . I . The medal above' referred to is pre- �. sentedbythe.Canadian Governmi t') liquid kidney e,soecif bic i,n cases ot diseas dia ete,, irritation . . .1 I . ­ . . I � � I . . ­ I .� L . I I . . : 11 . � . I � -Brigetis of ithe bladdp.r, inflammationi dropsical . .. . . - - � - - - .___________-..WW I I .. . I I I I tendenry. Don't delay. -Sold by J. E, I . � � � . NEVER WORRY. -Take them and T_jOvey..-'22.: I . . . . � � . I . . . 1. . X M AS . I go about your business-tbey do . their I � . I . . . . I . � . r .. I ,� I work whilst,you are doing y6ursi - Dr. AglieWs Liver Pills are system -reno- - I.. � . DEATIts, - , . . I . � I I I . .a 0 a � I 11 I .� I . I . . . .. I . .. I I I � vaqors, blood'purifiers. and builders; .. I .- I .j . ,. �. � . � I *. .. � I . . I .1 . I . I . every gland arid tissue in',the -whole anatomy,is beilpfitted and .stimulated� MCGILL-In Clinton, Ded. loth, Cather. I ins Hartley, belov�d wife of James I I . . I � I . � . . � .1 ., . .. .in the use of them. 40 doses in a via], McGill, aged 73 years and 7 months. -. I vial 10cents.�-Sold by J. R. Hovey. ETTY-In Mitchelll,on Dee. lot, Ann . PR ES'E NTS . �-_21 �. . . . Etty,. aged 79 years and 2 montbo. . , . � I I . . i, _.� . ,. POAD-In Wingham, on Deo. 2nd, .. . I . . . . . . I. .. . . . . I� is reported fit The Hague that Mi. Kru is seeking a conference with Joseph Coady aged 72 years. . DOUGLAS -In Grey on Dee. .3rd, . . . . � . . .. � I .11 . I . . . . 1. . I .1 I � I .1 I . . I I . . .." I . . . I . . �er . I . . Lo,,.! Salisbury. , , . . . Sophia Rae, ielicit of the late Jam. . . sor 0 . I . . . I --se I NAW XPft,0--.. " . I. .. . � I . I . . . . . . . I I � . . I .. Douglas, 15th -con., aged 83 years,'5. . I I . . I . . I I . I � . . . I . . I � . . � I I . . I . I . seemed the DEATH OR LUNACY , n and only alternative for a well-khow . . months and 13 dayll. . I I 316LAUGHLIN-In'VIcKillop, an Doc. .. � . . . . . . ' . . . ' them" - ' . - I . " . " . I I - Yost 'we have . - The use . .highly respected lady of Win2ham, � Ont., who' had travelled over two � 5, George . MoLaughlin aged. 87 I years. I . I . I . I . - I ful kind' --something t-4at lasts. - .. . continents in avain search for A. cute, RYAN---Jn* Mitoliell, 0a. Doe. 5tb, I .� . . . � � .. . , I . �. for nervous debility and dyspepsia. I A friend recomm - ended South Amer- Agnes Downey,beloved wife of W= Ryan, aged 38 years and 8 months" I . � . . .. , . . . . . . I . I . . . . I I . . ---WAL6V*_.-o . . . I . I ican Nervine. One bottle helped . MoKENZIE-In Aahfield on Dec. 3rd, I . . . . . I - .. � . . . W�,tteix d bottles cured, and her own n Margaret McKenzie, beloved wife . Carvers in Sets and cases Scissors. � I I . se testimony classs with these words: ,,It has saved my life." -Sold by J, X of D, N. McKenzie, aged 50 jears, 4 ai�nths . � � � I I I 'rable Cutlery - I Skates at ur Ilovey.-20 . I . REYNOLDS -In Wingham, ou Nov. 04 11 I I Pen Knives . I., I Carpet epers - I., . . d . I . . 30&hf J. R. Rayxoldo� aged years .Swe . i . . . . . �e Charles Johnston, the famous forger 'Columbus - . ­ . . Razors . � Trays and Lam ps of and counterfeiter, died in n Penitentiary. . 11 ' FIRST AND FOREMOST- 1. . . I I . . A very fin,\ I. ' � e assortment I of Granite Tea and Coffee Pots Ire . ­ a I I , - In the field of medicine is -Hood's � . � . . . . and numerous other useful articles. 11 . I . . ve at Cultivate Sarsaparilla. It possesses actual and .. . . . I to . unequaled merit by which it curse all diseases caused or promotcd by im- I . . . � . � . . I --%Aovft-- . ! � I I . I . Good Aealth ure.or impoverished blood, If you ave rheumatism, dyspppsia. scorfuls tor catarrh you may take Hood's Sara-. I I . 1. , . . HARLAND BROSr Whonever there Is an ache or pain, apai,illa and be cured. if you are run down and feel weak and tired, you , . I . . . I ,wben the appetite falls, when there are I sleepless nichts and momentary spell., may be sure it will do yo . a good. ' I . . HEADQUARTERS FOR STOVES AND HARDWARE of weaknesk, loollc for the cause, and V.. see that it Is removed at oncoo � . . The favorite family catb4rtic !ff . . I I .1 . -"m- Cultivate good health while yet there , Is something to build on, Instead of I waiting 'until tho nerve force to de'pletOd is Hood 19 Pills. '. I --- I . .� �. - _!. -­ .- - - ­ - - -1. ­­­­ ­ ­­ .... .. ­ -_ - I.- ­ - - I I -___ I . Edward Jackson, aged fifteen years, . . � and vitality Completely exhausted . To persono suffeOro the resulio of a I Clinton liarket RePort. 010 omber, was accidently killed while out shooting.� � Ohnkmaq . D, thin blood and wasted nerves, r. .Chase's Nerve Food supplies all the needs of the system and brings perfect , . I �Corrected every week.) . .. . . PILE S OURE D IN 3 TO 6 NIGHTS. ' application gives relief. Dr. I ___^01��. /8 COMIIVG . . health, it occupies a geld by itsdif and to unique in theme respecto: that new, rich blood Wheat ................... � 061 to 0 '12 0 10 to 0 a' -One Agnew's Ointment is a boon for Itch- And the old'problem of buying . . ing Piles, or Bleeding Piles. it curel; by forming and nerve force, building Up the mystem Goose Wheat ............. Barley... z ................ 0 88 to 0 40L .Blind. Xmas, presents is stgaiII to the it relieves quickly and rinamently. front, I I I . . and increasing the weight. It is a reconstruttant, restorative and oats ............ I ......... 0 25 to 0 20 . In skit) eruptions it stanx-11 without a L rival. Thousands of testimonials if A r ot Rubbers or Shoes make . revitalizer of the most unusual merit, which sends new life and new vIgOr to Peas ........ .... I .. s.. I... U to 0 66 Rye.... o 40 to C 40 you want evidence. 25 cents. -Sold by lepful presents and will please . J. E. Hovey, -23. from the youngest to tho oldest. every part of the body, and gradually . nt and permanently cures all nervous trou- � ........... "Ill., Potatoes per bushel ....... 0 20, to 0 25 ' I Oall and examine our stock before making Our bles and diseases resulting from Weak blood and low Vitality. 50 cents a Butter loose in crock ­- 0 10 to 017 ,Air. J. W, Coppinger, formerly . yourr purchase. United States,Consul at Toronto, died prices are right. 1. -e � box, at all dealers', or Ednianson, Bates ,roronto. 11 I Butter in tub ............ . 0 15,tO 0 16 0 14 to 0 15 I at his home III Alton, 111. . I I . ' I Ilighest cash pr106! paid for & do., ed Chaseop I Eggs oz .............. ..... ne,r.d ..... .......... 7 00 to 8 00 Hides a'nd,9heep Skins . Dre ' NervO Food. I 0 Wb ........ 5 50 to 5 50 I S. 0. RATHWELL9 lv.&Uilq.A� DressedPork per cwt . , . - - 6 00 to 6 50 . s - F lour per cwt ...... ...... 1 75 to 2 00 I , I . � . . The young inen of Guelph have col- Bran per ton ............ 12 00 to 12 00 I r . - . =__ lected $2,000 towards paying off the Shorth per ton .......... 14, 00 to 15 00 - debt on the General Hospital . Wool per lb ....... .... '15 to 18 ai . � 0 A Sluggish, Iror Over Fitty Years Dried App les per lb ......... 0 3 to 0 P I A N OS . Mjts.WjjjBr,OW,S sooTIrIjqG Synup hat; bee.1 used by millions of mothers for their children while toothing. if disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufforing . Seaforth Market Wort , I I I Torpid. Liver I Qceth send at and crying with pain of Cuttin Ts. Inslow'ssooth. . Wholesale and retail piarici once and getabottioof"Mra. Ing Syrup I for Children Tolithing. It will TO' Itte, immedlat Wheat .................... 0 61 to 0 6 2 When the live f gets slow and I " b U, .9; and organ distributing con. In action bII6 is left In th6 I 140r. liovo the pool sufferer 11108- end upon theta Ill no mistack'.hh'.."! Goost) Wheat .. I ....... I I 0 61 to 0 62 glah Olson the wbolp 111111tem And give tre. High gvade, new I Nflothers, Coal- t. It cures larrhoed roTulatea the Stomach r, and bowels, ,cures Win colto, softens the Barley ....... : ............ 6 go to 0 38 PA 0 riss" to serious bodily deirangements. . . W When there are billbuariess, headaelke, THals os. Five used pianos - ,117i Gurns,reduccainflansmation,an IveAtonoand A yl pur. onorg to tile whole %storn, " rs, Winslow's soot n,j Syrup"fore Wren toothInglo pion, I I - to Oats ................ ..... 0 - 'Peas ............ I...., .... 0 55 to () W constipation and Indigestion Dr. Challot'd at decided bargains. Buy a well in Xidney-Liver Pills MAke VO . the wonderful Gramophone sup. ;one. sant to t le taste and in tile prescription of one bred of the oldest and best female physicians and .ye .................. � .... 0 40 to 0 40 V 620 to 0 25 a, ijurprisinglY abort time., . for, a pleasing entertainer. Mrs, U.' A. Smith, 132, Manning av ram nuraes in the 'United States. Price twenty-fivo ester con'.6anbot e. Sold by all druggists thr�Uuglsl. Do and for potatoes per bushel ....... Butter loose in-prock ...... 0 Iff to 0 17 tnu6, Toronto, stato",*_,,My daukhter Headquarters for it, Bar- .A bas 1106d ft Wretch" tithe of it for quite $&Ins to teachers &'rill An. . oung out the wor�`d." sure ok louts �N 1913WW SOOTInNO SYRTIP- -Butterintub ............... 0 16 to 0 16 A whilo with liver oomPlaint, C8,1111111K, d I onto In sheet mulk. 2950 among. other troubles. weitkness of thb early -kl-,. .4 ()15 Eggs per doz ...... ­ I .... 0 1 to stomach, very sallow COMP1611010o and a to '060 pfeces At foe � I,, 1-0, �n-. ,'V&ttIt1 �-1,'d-w--aild—Blog—den—of--l-i,'--a4t ... I 00 to 8 t so boro was gored by a bull And is in a '11fty ........... .. ..... 4 W to 4 00 moat milerable MtAt4b of feeling general- wholesale. Instruments of 60 ly. MY husband be.d 60CA111611 to Use . toliCK critical condition. � P tons t4--_1 , -Live Hoge per cwt ...... I s - I M to 5 1 !' Dreseed Pork per OW t ..... r -hase'n Xidnoy-Livotr Pillit, and all kindo SOM I 50 I)r- C e of th6lr meirit th&t I ; twoke, so bIghI3 , IlAy 118 of To cure it cold In one day lit 12 dio- . Flour per Cwt ........... . 2 00 to 2 'j2 00 to 12 '00 y1ran per toll ............. � ,eir try, them, strid *+++ I 26 concluded to havo I 16 has I I . since beginning their 11116 Al a" 0 rairkedly Improved 11% every WO,Y- I 01ok I ^ S i Ig Take 1, A Shortg pet, ttm.,.­,,_ - 14 00 to 15,00, axative llrom6 Quinine T with eont1dence thoirattirt red6MIA41114. V # ,14T*� ets. All druggiatq rofund the mone .. 0 15 tt� 0 W6ol pee lb....... . jA; �pr. Chise,il lCidneiy-LIver P111A." music It' mporium. "C 4 U-0 I if it Wig to Cure. Zoe, M, W, V V08 J)Vled Spplert per lb+.. V 6. 0 4 0 03 to - U. - ­Qrie 0111 & U0 ; AM14 .r - . . lgilature is -on each box . Drso Ohase's : I KidneywiLlver I I Pills$ . I .