HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-12-06, Page 6, .
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I 4
I �
. � . - - .--- . � I F , 01, 0 po*l �o 1 . F04 60 ON l4o. - ..wolillom"lli-OL 0 1 A , , .� �.. - _ - . . — I � " . —:W_-,,_- ____ ------ � �.__ ��___ -- . __-__-_-_--_ ---,--- ,. — - — — I I I __ ___
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.� —,-- - -- -,I---- - . . �11_ -1 - I V
I I �� ...- I- --- . . . . . . . . .... All Japan tem are colored. Way of OpItsborgon. Judging IV the IWWW rww awwo "Welost wr 01111111""too0w " 0wo **W "
' � CANADIANS FOR TO POLL ,f4otis that the Polar baolu bats At bigh-
.0..." or level than either. the Paelfto or
, .
I Pale and Bloodlen, .— '40 - . � I . I . I . a M CAPT BERNIER WILL START NOR . TH the Atlautto occan, that the latter . Is 04 "&Hit ot I �
— Heiress and Wife, . . ON JUNE FIRST NEXT. to 10wor t1ran the Pacific, and that
THOUSANDS OF ANAEMIC OIRLS I . . . --e thet cola Winds of the polar basla help - 99111..
JjUR3YINQ TO THE rjRAVR- . me W1111 11011401ri snudeul& vilisrsti.. But )VII Me tolo, and water tueltoo Q4 the way LU'D E L LA *_q`4
�� ,. gall Sit a 811re.1 - shipt 41441 111411 Adopt t,Q the North QVwX40W IWMA,, It *Iwo." rotisalsw th" book . ^�
b.".0 L_`A'1'_ . - , , T��__ --- - � I _ . .. . 1, . . . . � . Atlautto to teorl the I . in 00 losookoft sit, of, 4% so Woe 00. ,
A Itokill.q lady. 011i CobQ1jVg, O"t, Wkilooloo 11pilkovallooloo W141tu Me V111111RIA Will
Va#e ITAI PrO1110111111CC41 1KOVelic."11 Tellik th a it At oaroblilyl anti plae. i COVLON ORREN TOA "lling Success, evaporation always going on there, I . . - ___ —, . ^_ __ __ �:� -1 � ,=W':
,011,APTF.a Vill.-Coutinued. Capt. Bernier believes It now to be ' " Amem"� I . �
no'sy Rke 04,galued Ifealtlo 4111ind stro"0110 A great lump rose in Da lay's throa t - � 00:Q1,Dt '10�avef U17y, aw,4 Y !a her priv a t 0 - - is pure and uncolored. __ The first distinctively Canadiall,9z. nothing more than a matter at time ROSE , .
-A Ussoll. to Motbeirs. . "Yea, madame," answered, Daisy, , desk. — "dition In search, at the North Pole and patience until he Shall have - MM .
, .
Anaemla, Is the toillo' used by doctors raisluip her dark-bluip eyes Pleading- "Rex Lyou", talle Mused, kilItting probably, set out for the Arotlos PO.Ultryp Butter,, It
0- Indicate ,poverty of the blood. The ly to ,,, r her brow. "All, yes, that was the the face at islaeb midea and unlook- -Will Wso;l directly, over the pole and To- I 998 AnO other ProdU00.
� , of this troiAblo Is most I ,stern face before her. al od-tor danger her ciouraue failed her, next year. It will be commanded by turned oatialy home to tell tl,io story If you bavolliq correspond with us., We want 100 OAR160APS � --411t, ,.,
prevalonoo . "'And may I ask _ name, I believe, I,le must cortal ,Y . diedaway from Capt. Bernier, of 4aebeo, an old-time of the expedition. At first his only to supply our tir Adel ' � I
' "
alarlikina, especially among P'ling .. by what right YOU be the one, Daisy Brooks shall pu4- The pretty vosol-bloom. L ity of
igtrls, and a large percentage at the, dared violate the,rules, and regulall for keenly for this outrage," orloil the her. face, and her beautiful blue eye* ,navigator, than whom no Arctic ex. 44Zloty WAS afl to the pOiliSibil The Dawson 0ornrinlosion co I 1,101tedo Toronto. '
�, s establishment by send. I oth witIA im- expanded Wide With terror. she plo,ror was ever more oonfidoat of romoblue the mouth of the river Lena . m---. . ,. � , ''. � ; I I 1; I I,: __ —1
altogether too numerous cases of con, I "ans Of I' letter tO_a WAR, your madame, grinding her to Achieving his solf4rup"ed fram Behring, Straits. — ' `�5_��DA49. -
, Ing a p2led. patent Tali 111 Shall drag her pride caught bar bre4* with a sob, and, task, The , Dr. Nausen ' . THE COAL OF CHIN.4. SPLTTTtNV1r THB
stimption, which annually ravage the , strictly - Wormed me YOU , M. I ag the oar with two so � ft, otildish captain's plan Iticludeil several novel writes him that he haiii no doubts that — 11 Lady -Ave you willing to saw wood
conutry have their origin in this I ,1g,,0XV4,rV`o1a:i rreaVoudents whatever, and I down to the vory'444t beneath MY selgi pwoposlittona for facilitating his roach be can gaoily do so. Prof.'Nor4en, lojel; avoil, wimilass tile Only Ilairbilne"Y it, tSive your diAnerf
ads, made a desperate attempt to
a _ fect, now ,dare tho littler rebel defy bA �Sist_ of the dealired, goal. A. seafaring man I
trouble, The first indication of anae- _1 blush to cc I lifeso It � skrold, who reached the Polar sea via lisell,
W14 is a Palo, Sallow or waxy complex- orders? jjbaIjh%vQ her removed turn the bout. The curvont re . Tromp -No, bWt I . I . It do the other
is ,a Wh MY from his youth and it oaptain of many Bohiring Straits from Stookhofm, aloo Professor TiXake, of Tlbutaln� loalf.�
I :i:ui,ily a IQ ve-lot ter. ,at have has
Ion. This is followed by loss of appell , to the beltry,,rookn; a AiKht or two. ad blor weak effort, snapping the oar . I .
. . ,
tite, frequent het"laollaso IndisPOSIVO, . A you, to say in. reference; to yoar,folly. there will humble her pride, I dare. In twain like .a slondor twig And Years' experience and of wofiftrful writes ,encouragingly. lately Published a report on the coal Lady -The, other ,half of wbatf .
. . "succiess In his *ooatiou, the study
Miss Brooks?" . say," flamozi the madame, pacing wbirltair it %Tom her graspl , _ of The Royal Society al. Canada And fields of the Chinese province Of aa -11- Tramp. -The adage. Till may 40t)WIr.
,to exertion,' Or swelling of limbo, ,,I,m sure I don't know." 4obbod . . UP . the great problem at Arctic explora-
violent heart palpitation, and fre- and down the room. "I have brought "ROXI RjBxl11 She ciried out, pite, the Quebec Geographical Sooletybave $1, In which be estimates tb;at within - - -
, -
Daisy. . . . ously, strotolinX out her Arms "Save tLon has been the bobby of his 11fo* lador4ed Capt. Dernierla plans. So 150 square miles around Too-oliAll �
worse tempors than hers into. oub- . i-Canaill . 4n . Ion , 'Iltou motri ' HIM ONE DESIRE.
queutly fainting fits. These §Ymptain's ,,yo, donot knowl" repeated =a- jectiq , n; still I never dreamed the lit- me I Ob., I am lost -lost I ifeaven He is of Froklob xa I has .7. W. Tyrrell, tbe,explo . of the there are hbout I "
. , ror 30.00 mi a ,alyllo. Wello UandY, byar we bil In .
I may not all be present. but the more &me, scornfully. "Not 11 very 0%tia" tleallux would dare openlydefy meln � Pity me I" . .and confi,dout of his ability to plant barren lands and tbechatrilklau of the tons6feosl and yet this area. is only town. -Anything ye waxitcr see, par-
. . i ei An .
, f Ing of th e Empir . 4 the arms Committee OR pol,a a, little of t1te Tagged edge of the
there are the greater the urgency for factory ex anation. well, =$a , 3r in the The night had fallen swittly around the . L I I.. v Researches, of the , I
. v determined what Upon the 'lot 'Ontario Land Survilyprs" Association, great coal fields of Shan-si. Richt tickler I I
proijj�pt and 'effective troatment,which Brooks, I have full. that mapner. I'Sha
P1 , 11 keep h4
. , - . belfry -roam', under look and key, "tit bev. ouit, alme, OR the wild, pitiless, of his native oaztry e . q., , dy. My land I It abe. r josel �. ,
shou.14 be persisted in until 411 traces I. ,step,% I eball take jA the matter. I . I . xteaeborquo waves-*.aloAe with tile end, Of the warld's imaginary axis, who Says.; "I believe you are on the ton, In 187Q, eistimuted - Man,
, �. that the an
of the trouble have vanished. Among � I . she asks my pardon oil her bonded t ptain has promise of generous rigUt track to ottocess.01 ))r, G. M. thrucite, coal alone of thio province wOold love tow go through the *morkoly 1.
� shall,re4d this lotfor this morning To, 1. all&,, w St storm and the darkneast The ea .
. the thousands who have been brought it will afford knees,, And what is Into To in Canadian aid for his expedition, and ' arket, � I I
� .
, before the whole School ; the secret train her -the secret Rho The storm. Iliad now commoulell . Dawson, director of tbo Geological Amounts to 030.000 million tons, and .in � � �
near to the brink of I the grave train IRS an expellont opportunity to Point . earnept,-beat.ing itariously against the hits gone to England to interview Survey of Canada, wTites; "The To- that the wal area is greater than that . . � I �
this trouble, p,h,a ultimately rootored blob has defied, me to discover." - I Sir Clomients Markham, president of , TO OVIRE A COLD IN ONE PAT .
out the horrible 4OPtbs to" w * 4 0 -0 * little boat, .and lashing the mAdwaves .. . cent voya;,ge of the Pr%nit,iseenisi to, of Peau�ylvania. I . I . �
to health through the use of br, plunged by allowing o . . ..., I I I daithe , d th . 6 Royal Geographical Society, an indicate that an expedition carried 1. . TikeTA29tive Broino, Quinine Tablekit, All drdillototio
.. . I young girls are into ao6th . foam as they, The worklable coaA of Toe-obau, lies refund the nioney if it iaiia to curo. e. W. Grovior
- Williums, Pink Fills, is Miss. Bella , their On- sped Daisy, an swift as the Wind, �ing ll , the . proseot, and also to malte ar� out along the line of Capt. .Bernier's of kilignatorto to an iiwbbox. 250
. , their minds to wander from "here oruohingtbe fatal letter In her boamia, high above -theiterrified gir No ambuts for the oonstruotio,4 of pxQjwt, if ' . In one bed, the average thickness . I _
home is at Cobourg. Miss Boyd gives books to Surb thought I Sound could be ibeard above tbA-Yvild rang . .. properly oq�iipped and which is pirpliably not less than 22 feet, I IDASMT EXPLA INED. -
home is t Cobourg., Mias'Boyad gives n by until she stood at the very edge, of I I ahip�, It will" b,9l decided in 4 . I . . . � I .
a expressed. What do you mea I ,warring of,the olonlents-the thun- a new manned, would liave every probability All -of this cotail is anthracite, with !k The Ltidy-Yo4lve been bringing lie
ieneet az follows,- . this secret to whiob, you alludo 00 the broad, glittering .Chesapeake. .. whotbeir' this ,vessel ia to be' " I i ' . . �
her exper der's roar, the furldus lashing of the Engl4nd I of a Successful issue. And Dr. specific 1gravity of Lk and is hard -a in
� - I The voisy-qqld rays of the rising sun of wood or malleable steel; that is, Bell � pretty blu ilk lately,
I "It is nearly ten yearo sine, e myill oftenIll She asked, juddenly. - waves and thia white, radiant light" � � 0 the assistant Director-Gencra) enough to support lany "Ight put I The Milkman --.-Of courfie 1 have. I .. I
. .
ness first commenued, and although ..ple,aset do not ask me, Madar � ae," lighted up the waves with a thousand Ring � blazing across the � vast expanse the Slowens,Kartin mild steel. , of Dominion Surveys, supplements the upon it. in � .
, a,rrowy sparkles like a vast sea of . . . . the blast furnace.. Thepro- don,t ke6pnothin, but bluel,blooded
Iwas doctoring more or, less Ire- Sobbed- Daisy,; "I OaA not tell you -in- of water, making .this Scene sublime . A STEEL SilP.' I above witb"the followingi "I think portion,of sulphur ia uniformly'low , I . . - � . �
. , . 1. .. �
� , as the dod- dead I can not, I dare not I" glittering, waving gold. Daby look- . I . . I . . I I 0owN. 1 . � . -
ceived little pr'no benefit . . in its terrible grandeur., . The experience of Wansen's From you hava*chp3ein the best course and and that of aSIX Also, - . I --- . . I I �
I . I . I I I . . I
tort; did not seem. to understand my tbougiot� Occurred to ed over her shoulder, noting tbo-dark "Rex I my love, my ,life I'f alit cried, � makes the captain rather unfavorable the best method, and that, it y0u,fol- . The still in the neighborhood. (of Tse- I - POR OVER PIPTY YEARb . . �
trouble. Two,vears 4go my I beat . th , An alarming . I fornid.hurryiiiv to a ' fro. I I I j
madame. . . � I in this intense agony., of despair, "you to a wooden Ship, ,booauBis of the low out those plans you will succeed. I! b4a been . . I
bad that another doctor "They ore aeirch29 for M(l,,, she � . obau is highly fertile, and supports =8 WINSLOW'S, SOOTHING BYR19P
became so . "Speak, girll" phe cried, hoatsolyo I I ' I I loved yon I is -_ . . . need himo;horafor their children teething, It soothes . i
I I . . - to will never know'how wel a rs ' that that vessel* engendered. �. . . . . I . a, dense population. The industries are the oh d. softens the gutno, A1139Bpaingn, es wind cc too . �
was called in, and he stated that my ,ber firmly by the Shoulder. said, '!but I will never go back r
grasping em-nover I" :. . I thave . %ac'ed death rather than b- among.hor crew when in the ice floes. fientred round the nines. Nearly. 11 amdistbebeiitireziiodyfordiarroes.2 %bottle, gold I
case was - know this meaning of this See- t7l I � SUPERSTITIOUS WOMEN. , a by, all drugists inroughout the world, Be Aure land ask
. a most isevere, �ItYpe of ,,I must , ' ' * iraythe sweet, Sod. sapret-X am your file preference Is for a steel ship, the' , I , the coal is mined through sbaf to, varyll 1. i-mrs. insiowssoot.hinasyruji,".
. . . ---- q � .ffidd-_ . .�
I at which is So app . . . . I
anaemia, iLlid that while be could help r * ailing. YOU fear Eibet saw .a man's form ,hurrying! to- , I .
me the troiuble had progre�sed to such to . reveal -it I Do- your gmardian ward bar I iL: At that'intoment she be- wife P, . ; sides of Which can bei so heated from They 101nee A f.reat Depl. or Conildellee fit Ing in . 11n 50 ft. to over $00 ft, I Law�yer_You Say you -were in the -
I .4e#th.frb
� .
. . I . I . beta, moored W the shadow a I f a clunip Was , it ,the wild 0.4itshing of thP wilt1in that she will avoid the evil of- . , . Dirratut . I . . Very little is minsil'th)rough ino ' llnes� sa , loon at the time of the. assault re- . �
a stage that he opuld hold buk little., know ,of it vo, . . .. . I I . lightning, or wuls .it a r6il,light she foots of ice pressar�a find being.shaped ,It dopem't seem possible tjiat in. thii No steam is used for raising, the coal ferred e . plaint. , , .
I hopes. of a ourel' At this time I wan' #'Xo�o I" wailed Daisy ' not of alders at her very feet,, a small . . . . . ' . . I . . I., . . am .
; -r could . . . . ,,saw swinging to and ifm each moment. like the Fxam, Will T'eadily,ris� from enlightened age suWatition could be 'to the ourface, And not . I
as pale as chalk, MY, ,eyelids, wove tell him . - I must keep the secret," - - bout rocking to and fro with the tide, . . . 1. . . � . ,explosives are Witness --I: was, air. A . �
. . .
I , own Daisy . had I a little. boat of her own at drawing. rapidly nearer and nearert the,. PrOsauxe - Of Opposing too floes. rife among ,the educated, but there employed. The work is done with the ` L,wyer�-Di
down over ' . . I . I . a , d you take.cognisala . as Of .
swollen and ,tvauld. .hang Poor little innocent Daisy I her I Heaven be praised'i it waft a barge'of Capt. Bernier 'estimates the t6tikI dost . 4
. I � I
or . .. I . d, all lipme; she know how td use the oars. , axe.nevertbeless a number of. young windlass and pick. Tunnels are ru the barkeeper at the time f
- my eyes. like sacks of wat . MY words, had convicted her betlyOn . . some kind; betv was within her reaefi. of 'the. expedition a t -from §80,000 .to women I - . . I I I . . I . I .�.
. , . 04. . Who converse fluently 14 not throoggh the bed fro�a Is bo.ttoiq of I —_ , , . ,
' I They. will never think of looking , ' , tb, .
. . � I
feet and limbs would swell, and, were, pia,rdon in,,th,B eyes of shrewd,. 0119'r � I I :1,Helplil 6ried DAISY,, faintly, "Help! 490,000,. of -which $45,030 to f5O,OOO will eloquenitIy in tbTeo languages, And tho,-ahaft, and at intervals along the . � . $100 � Reward, $103 . .
' . , .
always cold. I was'aubigot to..violent Vicious Mm�- �essed,.for me out on the water," she cried, , . . . . I
. .
I Whitney, who glu . � :I am, alone out on the water 1,, she held. be required for the vessel and Its out- w)iD read Spi tunnels large quantities of coal Are The readers of this japer will be . pleased to ., . 1,
headaches palpitation, at 'the as is ,.usually the case, Wide of the. txiumphantlyl.and�,quipkly, untying it out � ber arms toward the huge vessel fit. He j�l ' . . I I " ,"wer and .Browningand . . . I I I
. . . . res his,,owo xervioes free, Emerson, bat who, place -a .dream7 removed, leaving circular .chambers learn that there is at out one dreadi; d,diw%so .,
I .
. be4rt, and it I stooped ovei'. I Would mark, - as - to the cause of 016,11ocret she Sprung, intd. the little skiff, and Which f I I
I . . . � Denied up darkly before hero - Sir elements Markham hao.aV, �boqk With. their BtbWon the table from 40 .to 5Q jee� in diameter, and that science has been 4ble to iture in ail ito .
. .
I guar- seizing the ours, with. a vigorous . . . � . stastee and 'that is Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh . I I
be so dizzy thmt I could scarcely, ffl,*' Daisy date not to rdVeal. to Aer . * '. lo�at - t W - terrified Voice was drdwX10d , 'hat or I . lite is the only, positive cars now known to
1. I . 1. stroke the litt illy . rea,dy declared t . anoth Ox1j-edi-. beside flie beA'and consult it ,in the thus about 11
gain an upright, Positioi ' MY apPe- 'dian 'or herself. . . . I * . . . . . . . he medical maternity, Catarrh being a cons. �
. . to skell shot rapi - .. . 50,000 tons a; year �aro
I a. . 11 . by the fierce beating of the star . �
a' 11 said cat into -the Shimmering- water, Daisy 33L tion ought to continue Nansen's -work, morning the first thing. . � brought to the surface. '. For IoW use itutional di -ease, -roquireA a constitutional . . .
I '
Lite failed me Itlatiost entirely, and I ` ,tky duty. is plain in.this aos, .. Suddealy bar i Itty worthy' A. dArky . I crot. - Hairs Catarrh Cure is t%k it int.r I
. . . True boat spun round talc 9 thel coalis carried Away in little cart ream directly ,upon ;he b ood gi. ,
. a ,,I Shalt .read this as a ter- never once pausing in her mad, im-. , ling the dj�iftln �u.) ftrtber to the With a crodu a ally. acting � �. .,
grew so weak that Iwaa Ltiner madame. and round, the swift water was draw. -east than he itid, Ili whioll ease he be-, mammy if . their ile6pi has, �eoin visit- ' '.
. , I Ike ,ung la!die,,j of petuous flight until the dim line of ' I I Ara�wn, btr ,oxem, but the most of it js mucous surfaces �of the system, tb6reby -des.
. * trorng the foundation of the disea,ke. and I
wreck. While in this condition I read rible warning to t Y Ing her dixecitly ,In the.path of the lieves it would floit over or nearly ed with wklislal 'visions, t1loy seize v DR
. the a indiatinguiah- . . I taken down the mountains 'by
a institution; then. I will send for IL' ms ' I , pack gi leg the patient strength by building up the .
in anewspaper of the oure of a young' thl � . barge, another moment and it would' over tio Pole. . Bernier. does not this volume iis*00ou as their eyes are animals, as the paths. are very..ikteep &nstitution. and A84titing natur,j in doluz it3 . I . 1,
girl whose case was. much like mine, Mr. John �!ooks, your guardian, and able franx thle blue arching dome of . . - . work. The proprietors hikyovo mu6h faith In .
I . .
.. � � .be upon bar, slid .boat -tboa airwith. share the"bellef Of some that there falirly opened and -look for an explana- and rquo, It is 20 miles to the. plains. its curative powers. that they otrer pne 11un- . .
through thouse of Dr. Williams' kink place this totter in his hands.. the'. horizon. .."There,' ' she cried, � . I . . . dred Dollare for any case that It foils to'cure, i
I � -
I . , no, madame, in pItYoS nam0i fies-bea and excite I d" leaning on �the kAndso gazing with frozen is aq� extent of land in the neigh- tion. If piisfortun6le foretold iby it,.' Tbd patha iirs'about 18L feet . I . . � I
to . p wide and Send fat list of testimonials. .
Pills, and I determined to try.tbom, Oill. Oars;."no one cou horror. at the fatal lights drawtili barlitood -of' the pole, I that would in- the seeker 'after 60DWIedge Assume$ , * with Stoner - I 11 . .. F. J. CHENEY& CO., Tolodn 0. :1
'Those who knew me did not think any no I,, sobbed Daisy, wildly,'kneelini. � . . id-Possiblyr tkink of. - . I . . . '.. . . . . �.. I . .. I are paved 11 . I I . . Sold b d Is' '760 , . .
' . . . . .
I . � nearer and nearer.. ' . . . A bw . . . � . . I � ro ISO= , , .
. I � , .. . terfere with the'regular drift of the avAdo. shals far from feeling. � . I .. I . I ffalr3.2.1y9F N the beat , � � .
goodoi that imploringly .at ,her feeto her heart. searching for mo -out bore." $I . .. - . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . I
. . .. . . -bye ' "I don't care," she ilaya, to' her- . . . � � . I . , . . , I
. .............. . . � k
knedicibiepould do me -any, . . Her cheeks were flushed and her ., . Rex#'! JW, . Auveo .good V' able Arctic lee. He'declares it unreasoik- . . I . ' . I . 11 , . i
I *o,uld over got botterf. but I dater.; beating tumultuousl ' d heir handi . PROVISIONS DEARER IN ENGLAND. ' M yWhitla that for, Charlie? . 11
Y, an I . - . .
. I I . . a *bola .. I a . .
I I I . . - I . yes danced like stars, while th walled,. phiking dolva iw the bottom oble to believe Jhat ther' 13 Other self, � by Way. of toring up bar, . I . I
mined at all olveats, tjo.give, the oked- con 1 rely together.' "Do blue *a ., .. I 0, . I I.. . . I . I . �. I . . - ;
. vulail �, . . ' , of the .boat an one end of'the b .. . .. I . --I. . . . � . .
Pius 10 . ' Charlie That's. 9. trip to catch tho I
a fair trial. -'I ' lei not, Ina ain' ,ything -freshening , breeze .bl4ow her -bright I . . Arge than.deep *at�em ImAlle vicinity,of obiurage, I * 'I'm not Superstitious any- va'lie� over luist rear's. 11rivete-inno I . � I
. . , 1 ,
� . . . � Btg Ad . ' -1
. .
. d' e,- I prai you; ar . . I I -stkuok it with tremendous force. when 300mlies South of - it 'Way and I don't believe in isuch ar- � . I . wretched little bitils that watch and . .':
I ..
have used them , ' I . - . . . . . I . I .
- . . ' hining hair to and fro. - : . the Pole, I I $
nearly ayear w1ith the result that I but. tfiat ;, he Would cast 'me Out of his N . , : . . . .., _ . , . :. to _. , 0 . 0 , :,6 , . I I �. I . - . 1. � . Alone Is Cheaper. 'to ima�. everything t I bati. , � .
. . I . . , . , ' . . .., A In the 4irectioA of Greenland, - the .ranit .nonsensell But she a � nervous wbiSbef. � maA . ��
feel like a new PWOO . and, h a I-I,douldnot go 111cany a passing. fl�barman cast. ad- I ' . : .1 . . . It oosta a good deal more to. li've, I .1 � . �.. .1 . . 1.
n. '-The Swel- .heart . omei ud ... : .. . . Liiailini'ovler the railing, evident- depth of.wiatoi'is from.1,800 to 2,000 just tbe � a -a�couple. of diis' �, I does.' I . .
. . . .. � . I #I I . I I miring glances At the: charming lit- 'Of the � . .. . . ame, for . I -day. ,than it � did tWelve ananths ago, . I � . . . . I .. I ... . .. 1. . . ..
Ung in my eyelid and limbs, hap, dis- to Rex, - lyc!U 0421, . � . , . .. . . . . . I . � . . �. ly unmindful of the: f ieroe� fury . I I I I 1. .to . .. .. ., . . . — . - . . . "
s I . ' she tle, fairyj so sweet and so daring,. oat , fath6iox. ., . . a I . until other, troubles have driven this yX. William in, of, ]Kimberley I . . . I . . .
- . . . .
appeared; my appetite is good and my ' But madame . did not. Be- ... . . . . atorni that. raged aiaukid, him, , stood -. -.. i, Alstro . MONTREAL Nvrft DIRWORY. - " . - ' 1 4
. ed a little iiiugli .all alone on the Anolling, treacherous, ., . . . .1 I . .-TO, ,START 'JUNE L. . - *.. . I mythical:one,,6-at at,heii mind. ' r ------ ---- I . . L
oh left lau'101 hard, motallic I . it young - man ' gazing, . ahstraiDtedly, . I I. . . I . I ... road, Nunhead, thkg'eneral secrets, y ___ .
faoo-is regaining thet.00lor Whi � . . . . . - I There's one joung woman known, to . . . I I 111je�Am.Phin. , .
: Yo.'Qjj, ))AiSy's "neing, waves so'far away from. the . Capt. Bartioler pro ea to set out . of the neNrly- forined. - London Coffee' The, dot Brilmom itti Free $3.50k tip. .' .
. T . . - — , I
it years ago. I can , sow and do that grated, ob, so craell . . . over the wild �Iasling waves... A, dark - . . Pop I . i the writer who never dreams of a and Eatin House Ireepera assooia� AVENUE HOUSE-31com .;.Oallop Avoinnot I �
I , sensitive nerve& I . .. � shore. . Buit -0 Daisy q4* them, Islie. . Ismilis'played about . .the corners cf�jjis on his vpyage about Ju#o 1, leaVlfig. I I . 9 . , BOLA mia . I
work about the house, and thia-great ' '-jr6 never beeded them� !�, . I .. � moilit I � . . - young child without shivering and 91 Will, puriihase �,', , � - $1.1111. .
I Wb6 one woman's stispicigns; I . I ; - . . b, and his restless eyes vrore a Vancouver .. for Behrixig -Straits, so- . ' . ti6n, estimategi that. . 1. .. " I . . . . �;
. change in my conditioni'la dds., solely . ' . I . I . . ' shaxIcing for days. a -ter, in fear of - -no. jklare food iiow -than 15s, -would *_ " ' -_ . .. I .
.. aroused against an�tfoor, Heaven. -help: '%�ikhall )staY hero until lVis quite . iiied"bly a orew of twelve, all' 11 . a . , `
- . pleased exp-Tession- as though - his Own0a, . .1 dreadful thing happening to her . . I . . � . �
to the use of. Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. , ' .1 P .- . . . l some . . . . � . Vather�Pol You think L 'ought to - .
1. tire haspebted one; there is little dark,".,she said to herself I ',they, will edof special. Scientific attain- . I year a&10, , ' � � � . .. . I I . have my daughter's voice otLlti*ated 1, .
it is ucit tod lUlle, to,, say that .they . . I .. .. thougbts Were in keeping with the. POSSes� . . She has,. not consulted a dre'ambook- . .
. I
. - . . 1 '
have saved: my - life ,and - I str 'ly mordy shown her, " . . I bave ce"6d (to'.Iook for,me by that . .. . . mental - The- amist of Siberia will -be I "Fox instdiloo," he said. to 4 London Absint-minded Visltor�I should ' ),__� _. ,!
' . . .
Ong I wild, warring elements. , . . . . on tb6 Subject, a so she doesn!t t . .
"kan's injju�manity to man" is no- time. .I can ireaell the shore unob- . . . . . an ad at has Tink you ought to -have sometbing .
, . I I. . Saddishly, , through : the. . terrible followed as -far an the new Siberl i Daily Mail representative "me I � . I
-urge girls who are -similarly afflicted � . - . I . knoW how infants and bad luck be- , . ' : dome for it. - I . .. ... . .
. I . . . I do and watch for SaraA to get my icof'the otorm, he heard a piteous islands, the expedition passing to the - game UP 18 ]�ei cent. in price, flour . 11 . 1. . . .
thing compared to womagn"s inhuman- Serve . . . . roa in ber mind, but, � I . I
to give them athor.oLLgh trial. - , . hat an& aacque; and then"-a.rosy - . . , came connected' . . . . 15 p ') 'per cent., tea - '. * I � . . ' . , �
. . ity. to womah. * - I . . 1. peal forIfelp,.datithe volae� seemed West Of them to isuirvey Isannikof Land .er.eent, sugar 7 l -b. 1. W, P C 1052'
1 I . - .41. I I . . � . . . . Make. Whitney had . . discov I ered - -a flash Stole up to the rings of her gold- , ap 6 w Y 0 . . tt4r- And to finish the .Survey of . North n - evertheless, aftei sh I 1212-pex cent., eggs� 16-por cent, � (ba- . . . . . .
I ". .� . � , toAil ,a a ver the angry, Bin I.. , -o sleeping, she .- - . � . __ . . �
. , . I . . pvhat she Would I . . . taut of this siort whil $0 peat coot, ourranto as amob. an IV ' .
, . �
-VOCIFEROUS "BETSY,.". - , oapital way to soore a hit.in the tit- an hair as ilre thought ,. 'it Ing Nvaveis,- He leaned over the Tall- Bennett bland. o6mmen6ed by� � -the. Con , . -� OAL ERT'S I I I � .
. � . . do then -"I .Shall 90 stralgb�t lose . says'prayeis of unusual lonigth' .and . . . . . �
1`.111lll1 . rectiont of niorality, . . . . . , , Joannotto crew. � TbeTe the oppor- . . 220 per cont I
I I . . . . ing ,breathless with excitement. The I then makes -up, lk�Br mind to be pa- . . ,'Talaiits 80. per cent sul I 11
, . . - . .
am . . . .
� to Rsx-�-iay lusbaAdT'.., �. thunder, crashed a 'oat in�essantly'� tunity will be wat9bod for in the late . . . .. I tanan 60 per, cent, butter 71-2 per . � .
llow lite International 611ft 8i . Well t1ke "No;" -alle Said,- laying the. letter . . � , I nder a I . 0ARBOL10.11, � .
� � I . I t 1. . , I , tient u ft Ilotions Save. . . . . . . � . . . . 1.
� ..
DAY al; 11C11111. wi o'n,the table before �he;, "Aria *. She ,knew Ithat JoOW- Brooks 4,6uld , !Qd of navigation, to prooeed � to . � I . cent, lard 15. pier . cent, .And. oven iuo - I ...
do I . . . � and-tbere ciamil a stunning bolt; fol- P6T I : She's - an , ittelligout woman, � mind _. . 4 . -1 ,." . - OINTMENTS .1 . I �
� ' ,
your knew, Miss, Brooks. . .Your ,'not -return � Oicome for some .time to - . tho north Ardtio � I . cessorles as mustard aud..vinegar . . . . . j
This interesting , Account of. the 'train � - . , . . I I .1 lowed by a blinding blaze of lightning. L ,Of, the.'Jealinettes oesa cinp 1 x 4ao . . � I. ; IL .. 1, I - , . :
now famous i fernational guw , At prayeis aro useless. I think this will 00 , � 't att t to 0 - Im ice . I
0 'to, position through one of the north- youl -btk�' obe d , ve Teased in price.' For'alt ek ft allmenter. �
131,e, and she would R t go back. , I ... . ,
31 , � -in that, one instant he bad seen a I . � . I ,phi'm the terror that besets her, it . . .. . I .
, '
-be a life -Ion I . Ima in white, . , c4tldish� face . , I framed in . .enings,'in the ice that are . . . "The coffee hou O' � . i
Pekin, known a,s "Our Betsy," A pub- g lesson to youl, �epti .. She made up -hei�m d She a easterly op I.. I . .. this p ., . . . . I . ,.a , keepers .have I j. 0. Calvert & Co.,. Manchester, England.
I � . - I _
. .
the*London Standard.'-. � 110h, madame, 4 -or t)hi,lovo of Heav- Would, . cortainly, go to, Rex... She : mass of ,flo '�gdfd ' ' always found to exist about October. .artiou.1ardrilam I . 1. been abliged to. raise their, ,prices, for. . . .- � I . . . I � I
lished in . . I I wattat-tb;B depot, a d if Rex 1. ating , ,on hairi turned . . I.. ., L She doesn't call herself superStl,l , . . . U I -
"An American gunner, 4amed Mit- eal" 6ried Daiay,,.rooking' herself. 40uld 1. I n.9. . - � . . . � ,_� The winter quarters of the ship� will I � I I they saw insolvency looming ahead. I To seni ur I .11
. . did not -come in on the 0 1 to,*ar,d Itiml . . . . I . 1. . tima, of course too woman does, not . � cc plot -,
chell, of the United states Legation to. and fro, "spare me., 1, beseech you I . . arly train, Is � hisfafit � more and she ,would be about 500 miles from the pole. Here � A large .number have. b"ded -them- . Mmus .Of 0111h,16'et I
. . I I
. 4 . I ance to J On I I . - -one*who.woh't Walk under . Music . , IC1111,10 auto $Oak$ ,, I I
. sod to make Can nothing alter your el' - she would.go back at kilen- . � � .. ei�lorera Will slaawfiter the.jive e�vetk the . . I Solves �ogetbor and ,resolved to iell � wial spacial rates .
Guard, of Marines, propo Purillos , w wenty del- be swept. beneath. the ponderous. whool, this a ladder, but'her friends . . 'of dibcount. � 1. I :
a small cannon out.of..an old'Britiall 11*o1j,": said madame, rotlectively, .dale. Her kiimrsei ' Ub. f � - of help; stock birougfit with -them for food and . I do, and make no more ha4penny OUW of' tea, 210
. . beyond all ',mortal Power . � . I light of her, until ahe exposes, Some , . ! I .
. . i . �
Legation pump. 'A number of."Chl-l. "I zhay not be quite so se;,Ker�e with you IAX3 in It-WIlich'se0med,quitb a for- then the dark, hungry waters'elosed StQr0 the, fleib in. -4 depot on thelce, , - I. .. 'when . the . more ba]fpenny bolled or tried eggs, Teachers ,-, - ; ,
. � � � . . . . . I Subj . .. . . . . WHALEY, � *
is ' Daio5y-was Juckily-in .her � �.. � fekioh�of,theirs, ,. Peat is I . I �
nese converts, refugees in'the Brit' h You will confess, ukireservedly, .thd tume to . 1. ngside �of the. ship, ag . plate Of hot meat under 5d, no ,- .
if I . I . I I Cruelly over her, but � ju tl(a t one inr, -a Q I ainat the . no .
ernijig this -ter- pooket, together with half -of anap.- . � . tarefully avoidea afterward. ROM & Oo. ' .
. Als it . . -ail � . I . �
. � at for less th M . �
Legation, together with A few mar- the whole.t.rath cone . . . � . stant here will be ,nothing to .. . . . plate of cold me' a .. . 'I 68 vorkse at. i
. . . � I . . . 1. what. this yo g tpla'and o'bisouit. The healthful e3;- aneous glaneo the ma I 'Ice had time When t . I - . . 'Want d ' I . I . ..
a sent to ilkops.-within the rible secret, and . I . . ., - . . kill -around them. In. the,14titudet - , and no puddings at.loss than 4d each. . . .1 . Ontl .
ines, wer - . . . . � " turned deadly Odle. .., . . . I I ' He -Ho* often a'. wifrinants face is her . I . . . Toronto, Ont. � . I
, � .
I � I . � � arolse of rowing, together with the 4,Gr hoarsely, where the first winter .. . I I, � ,,Wby, even mir.crockery has gone � . I -
'lines I to find ma,torials and �tdols man Rex is to You.." I .. oat God I" Pie, Shrieked, will be passed . I
- . fresh,: cool breeze,, gave Daisy a hearty ., . . , . . ' fortune. - . . . .� 1. . � Douirlits brat. -
ed . . . I I - per cent,"' Al 'IngS 124Adol.1d.511 '
wherewith to bring about the aeeea,w , "I can,� not,*? wail Daisy, "I cail . � "it Is Dais Brookel" . � I t,bio explorers expect to kill large. , . �up 20 added the gener, I.Wetallio'Cefli .
. sary conversio' .. of the pumpl*While, not, dll� 'in - breaking, yet appetite, and theapiple and:biscult afea .I. Y . . . -She-yes, And bow often a. man's- � al . . . Toronto, Quill I
n � . 7 heart is I . To Be Writinued. . quantities, of bear, seat and 'walrus, � I socreiavY, "'an<1 as for co, and gas,
To foraging in a deserted I ddre - not. I I forded 'Iror quite a pleasant luncill. . � . I I cheek is hia.. . 'k -it a lim.cre in- ausage Cadings-New linpoYtat � f6d fines . t English .1.
they we . . . . . I � � skott onli fox current use, .but also to -1 I I . everybody nows wb. s . I
Said madamet rising, Poor Daisy I The piitty little girl- I ., 0 . . vmirxw-,� I Shiiev at 4 American frog 0 sinite-yellablmroodit at ' . .
blacksmith's shop, they .discovered, ..to '.,,Very well," ' I add to'thislir reserve Stores. . crease has taken place.in the prices ji,bi,prienn. PAR7r,,`BLAOKW=kC0.# oronta.
g the conversation was at An bride had no md HE TOLD HER. ' I . . . .
their intense joy and surprise, an old indicatin To thought of danger .. . � A.-DRIEITING MATCH, .. . . ------- of.theme, neces4arles, What has gone � - I ______ . . �,
. . I � I
. . .
fadture, .a" end, "I shall not press you further than a child. .She had -no premoni- ; -A inarriage took place at a little . i . I . � . . I . I . . . doqvm? The only thing that is Cheapr I I I : I . .1.
cannon of Chinese manu . , . All this TIM Me captain expects I � I
brought it home, amidst.tbe shouts of on thesubject.. I will excuse you, now; tion that every moment the little country church, the couple being old- .1 I I . er in- dam,". . . . .1 . . . . �
. ' I . ' to be gradually wearing the- pole, car- , I .1 I . I= A 1111 �
. . . :� L slow I
� I Was Brooks, You may retire The man was very deaf, MM.. aliq �
. I the besieged. . I . I to. your boat, drifting xapidly along with the SAY people. Tied toward It toy the drift of the I I . . .- 0 — i
" The next trouble .was suitabld room." , ' . . �. - tide, was bearing her rapidly onward so deaf - that, he could not hear unless .. . lee :3 - GRAMMATICAL WITH, A VENG' . - � - . � - — . ..
. .. , . I . . .. - 1. .,
� 8 a' toward death and-dostraction. .. I . So when .in which 'the vossel* and attenda t AN09. MILLS, MILLS & HALES .
ammunition. When the Russians left till 'Daisy rook d herself to and someone shouted in his. car. ,, tn - ' I . . ..
. , . . cain" will be inibodded, or uplo he 1. I . I Barr6torr, etc. 11 . I . .
their legation in mote or' less of a im on bar knees'at .her feet. slid- Daisy paid little heed to thAldark the clergyman read the words, � . A, c4rtiin. Liverpool man . who -Top- � Ite d Wexlye!,B . .
. . . I surface of which they -.Vill be totirme. � . . I . ,�X.e . . �
. U 11 'a LAW .�o , ruildidgio, � .
panic, they throw' ' ed to rolling clouds that � 90 resented one of the. oldest'fainill . -0944st; orutito.. I
some 'shells they denly a daring thought occurr were 41owly ob- "Wilt thou have this woman to be *' OR
ietter which had causedhe el , ded wife.1" etc, the old man 90 gr-Ouai js* th drift and so slow . � . -;.. I
T, ovaring, the; -brilliant sanshin or the I . the. a L , Books Rookorl000, ent. �;
had in. their posse�siou into a well to. her, The t e al. swirl and daidy bf the wavew that, will be ithe (ProgrL of the party that I in orth of England had. many Catholic Prayer cqqss, oo.pul.tm .
prevent their possibly4giling into the such bitter woo lay on: the 'abl . were did not understand a word the clergyl I . i . . WAS. . OL To- . R istures, Statuary, and. Church OrroaonenW . . .. .
. � ,hot little boat so restlessly to man said, but turned I -latexi t .to ieftoh the pole I is Rheumatism ofthe back. � . pecuillarities. Among those rilul.9.13111011-P.Ilwor�e. Alall orders roceivoproiftot attim .
hands of the Chinese. These, were moat within her vory grasp-�'hev let.. rocking . . I t,o hid All 4 they Only exPee . - I . The cause is Uric Acid markably eare for forms of MOIL D ad. SADLIER & OO.o Montreal. '. .
fished out and adapted, after a lot' t , every line of'which breathed of and fro. The hours seemed to slip ed and -asked: What do be say, f To. during the .third jeummer of their in the blood. If the kid-. . . ... . .. . I
or I It may not be speech and prianuneiation. ., .
* I
. at the con- her pure, sacred love for Rex 'her beediessly by her. The soft gloaming ferring 6 the parson. Whereupon the absence from iliame. . iieys did their work there .17ne day when he was I sfanding lon FEATHER D Y9' 1 NG I � .1
of skill and ingenaityb to me . po"ble for the expedition to take . would be no Ude Acid and -
tingelicy, Other ammUnitiou was Rexj��wboin She dared not iii�en qlalm, seemed to gall About her swiftly and w4>man shouted li)to his ear - 110 Lumbago, th Prince's Itindjug-stage ho. slipped Cleaning and Otirling and ICid III leaned Those
made out of pewter candlesticks. and She could imaginc madame comment- without warning., . He wants to know if you'll hal Ane t1he drift ice far cuough *to the #east Make the Ono Ito sent, by poAt, lo iier ox.0121105 lem plaft is
10I . I 1, - I ' rk, The in' Some imanner, and went into the
. must tu,rn my boat about at uro of pasailig directly -over . ,,i.d n eys d ? � hen W 0 . water'with a rdsdunding splash. There BRITISH AMERICAN '
to be a. . � r.,fpQj,t.Vb and only . . people about, And . . . DYEING 00.
temple vessels of every deocilption, Ing Upon every word and so ' atenco, aricat" eried Daisy, in alarm. 4 &In far 'Your wedded ,Fife. pole, because of the westerly ..e, I . . were a 'number of I
looted from a, temple within the ridiculing- those tender expressions quito a. long way from the shore 10, The old iman looked lovingly tit his the � _ or lot. "Sto is I amongst them an old I'ady, Who Shriek- and Shoat Metal "Works.- ;
. I drift. 1n -order to counteract this, . . ROWING
'lines." Tha.manufacturs, of this am- which. had been amb, y at moment the distant rumb- inte,ioded and exclaimed: . 4 ed as the gentleman disappeared, 1100PIX0 8LATH, in stack.
he ,bad, ling roar of thunder Sounded dismally , � � or, a 'ilories of obeervationt Sta- � He,I1 be drown-ded, she wailed; he'll Reiloyareqn. RLVrF,11l,&iNI1UARD8. womiliply .
munition Was under the superintend-' to her hungry little heart as 01 Why, sartingly, Miry dear ; siow, bovrav 9 1 llublic and High Schooi� Torfint �J. Itoofing Mt, Pitch,
I � - over the leaden-�gray, . white -capped on . . CoA Tar, etc, 1100FI, G TIlA, Ri-o New city Build I .
once 'o nuea them. And, last of all, and � didn't I tell ye so. the other night? , il s the too, I be drown-dedi , - .
I nicw, etc. R (huateit fi,raished 'ol-4-ork 66yopleto or foe r
f onq. of the. British marines. Ve water, and the wind, lising instantly - tem =lies aVart, and Stretching Dodd s Jusl, then the waters parted and the ingo. Toronto, dont, IN ov firni).. Sletal Cejjinp� 04ir. I
- far the most bitter thought, how itito a, fierce gdle, hur 0 6 I . otim. 1)(Itnanyptrtorille-ounti. litivielliM - -
11 I Betsy,, was mounted. an an Ital . 11 d th dark cast of the maim ca P. . I I I bead of the vi i -of the accident aP, 1110telialesh . I
. I
O' gunpowiltir dear old Sohn, Brooks would turn his storni-olouds across the sky, blotting 1,Mter, dear, said MrA. Giddings, away due in peared above the surfacoi Coughing % DUTHIE 11 801,18,Adelaide &WIdmer too.'Toroato j
ian gun carriage; Chinds .. o her hupoa:ud, I don"t like These observation Campo will con- . — �,
Russian ,l Shells honest eyes upon her tell -talc face, the lari"low of hunast and mantling anxiously t , . and a lattering, he looke . d tow4.1rds the
formed the charge; the heavena above her in Ito dusky- that cough of yours. e re of agitated old lady, I .
hAt the secret . 0 ings, but it the gxpi,ditlos, ZqOt only will they Kidne � 1'. Drowned, ylou old idiot,'ie, retired, From Sma"11 I
were fired, and the. American ggionaro demanding to know w f0ldA. I I'm sorry, replied Giddi I y - � I
Mitchell, fired the gun. Unfor�uliate- was -06 secret Which, She had prom- 'Daisy was brave of heart, but lul Is the beat I have., . . . . � dtownedl . . . I.
� . . . ___ .1 I . I . I . be sighted fromi Pffb another, but I . . � � I a then they fished him. out. . .
.. ,
4y, on the day before -the troops, a . r- lsod her young husband she would not —` -- -- . ' I I � . CIN,E they, wal I be connected by telephonic . Aji I . Beginn i ngs it *. to , '' , -
rived, this very capable gunner was reveal, come what Would. If ,his face oommunjoation, supplemented by a . �lllell ' . . I . . .
seriously WOUILded in the arm by a Should grow "-Witte ,and Stern, and System of wiliveless telegraphy. The . 1114,,ILL PATRIOTISM- . I . �
I . - those lips, which had blessed, praised$ I I I I . � Ladies of Camada: . . ,"otile of our Bost Depogit Accounts .
bullet from the enomy's fire. HONORABLE MEDI fidgistaffill of these stations wfll be P '10 I is ; I � PRAC -_ I
nd petted, bat never molded her— AN, Inter.inutugl trade is the true basis were begun In a modest way, By adding
', Although It was not by any means a I coltupimed of hollow aluminum Pipes, . _ I of tile fod6ra,tjoh of the Empire. So sniall sums at regular interval.q, kind by the
Oly L if those lips should ourse her, slid Thqftpeale- t0 -the I t Judginent of the Beei People --- �r I far aspossible, one colony should con- accumulation ,bf interest, they have grown .
a. formidable weapon, the excessiv two to threet Inches In, diameter, con- SE, TTLING THE SPE I . . till they now show handqome balances.
lond. report therefrom usually struck would tile then and there at his feet. and Gets Right DOWn at CAUSO of 0180aab Is DR. CHASE% ta,ining emergency supplies of food, I Fittme the produce of another. . I
-ern, . � When Polleti-sergettnt U'S &no wils CanMians and India and Ceylon tea , , i . I
const atiou into the hearts of the .In an instant she had resolved upon - . KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. . These pipes will,be eighteen test high. going into a. barber's shop he Ratio- ' ea. About 10 por oent. of the, latter It Is not necessary to Wait till you bave a ."
. . . ,
Chinese soldiers, with the,inevitable a Wild, hazardous Plan. Quick .40 & I station Will be &UP.Pli6d With ' . I. considerable amount to maketa, conjoinelit,
, . flaah of lightning Daisy 319"ftug to her why is it that in neatly-evory home or and jualro thorough And lasting Bath ed i sign painted on the windowl planters Jon-ght aide by side in Afr 6.
res'utt that they quitted their - buxe.s. . . aelf-regiatering , thermometer and voluliteered We the wax. . tonent. We accept small suits on deposit
' posi- In the land lyou find wina of Or . which rea,d* Laundry agento6y. The Teas of Coylon and Adia are and L AlloW interest it 3j 0or dRiAt. Oer
sible wh6d 'Bet- feet and t0ft thd OOVOtel$ letter from Mgooa family remedies f Why is, ft r Mr Walt,6r Booth,, 0ongeton, Prince b1s,roitaister.. Vive of them at least * .
�dw�rd Cut.', States, "I Was Wh�rei did you learn to spell f he tho�'biost ,nind purest the world pro. annur", Payable half-yeta,pilly.
py. was brought to bear upon theml ina,dame's detaining grasP',' the door that Dr. a-hase, is honor6d. and es- County, , are to be established, And if this cast- .
stood Open,, and with the fleetness of. tetemod as a true Physician of un- troublel for some years with) kidney of oommumloat,on for asked thot barber. duces. Already the Black Teall of I . lllllllll`lll I .
11 Possibly they imagined that by skill f NVWy 'is it that Dr. and liver diseasa ama Imins in 'my ward extension colotolds. have, captured the Can&. I
hunted deer she flew. down the dor- doubted ad L Why, wbat% wrong I he asked in To. those f t L . .
some means or other the Logation de- a I . . Chase's Xidney-Livex Pills are k�,pb back, and my stomaebt was so.b I fifty'. W14M is found, by observation, . dimu market. The Green is now as �
fenders had been reinforced by a big lidori never Stopping for breath until in the family madicitio'chtst as India- couli not eat hearty food and had ta be isUfficient for overcoming the , ply. diAplacilig XAPAII'ff colored article. 'The Canada Pertbanent
battery of arLillery, Seeing that 'Pot- Abe bad ' v. lileil the very wsit6t'el Ponsable for everyday ills which difficulty. in keeping any food in my weStwara drift, tbo number And ex- Look at that sign, replied M'Shane. Quality AM sentiment unitet bo Tell . . . I
I age, I &rlm from constipation and slug- stbinAc1l I was so nervous that I I wh� told you to spell agency that commend it. Canadian ladies who AND WESTEN CANADA � .
sy,, was constantly being moved from 6 . Igh action of the liver and kidnoya? could soareely take a drink of wa. tension of these observation Stall � 1
mine. Whitney gave a JOU4 shriek g-1 way I drink Japan tea Should, help Cher Bri- .
one position to another and during It is boaumse Dr. '(11hatia's remedies ter without spilling much of It, m tioma can readily be 'increased, so that tish planter by Arinkiiig Ceylon green I
and actually fainted, and tlfa Attend- gro all honorat)le yOntlicines. Medi- hawl trembled w, And I had lost It dodsn't took right, oAmittgd the MORTCA09 CORPORATION,
the first days of the siege there was 1,16-K the pawao of O:t least a portioll of I tea, Blue Ribbon, Mouilion and Salaam
, Who hur.vtod to the scene, caught - oin-4.5 that 1111ve Wmn trIA4 in tb(. sav- Itntil lay wol-ght fell 'from 155 to 188 barber. We hod & big argument packets art ready for you. Tororkto Stre6tj Toronto.
An entire absone., -of anything of the Ant I the'par,ty,immodlately over the polk, t it, me and the painter. I paid � C*Olonlst.
buf A glijuSdo of a white, terrified, orp-st cases and proven to bt� of,ilkost pio,unds. . abou I
witfiro of heavy gring from. the Uyro- unusual vallift. ,rfi�y irtre immehAAly ' "Ifeiraig of it similar ease ttat was way be definitely acoolliplished, I thought it was A -g -e -n -c -y, but ha —_ . "ONE POtTX0 0ARE111101
130ans. I beautiful face, and a,61oud of flying 0eq 'ov,�rybmly bas oure I by Dr. Obase's Itememes, r com. 11ALLOONS TO 13B RELBA801), said it WAS a_g_e_jft_c_�e-y. Ila wouldilift I
41W .Sful, Jjv.r;jus,, FMfV-GBNEaXVlNG 130M� VOtt 3W,0'KrlM*338C4* 4.3C6 'USill
- Ono pighto when the French Loll golden hair. No one in that 08ta " learned to havis' co.,01,1P.nde In them � m4n,�e I by taking, Dr. Ohaw.'a Xid. Uundo, Wilthl"'Cloches, 1,crijup, seii,joil pfogwsj�, .
gatioft, the eastern limit of the lines lisbmAut ever gazed upon the, face anti oontid#.�6a in th3ir dkeovoter, ney-Liver Pills, six boxes of Which $=It balloons with records of the give in bo we and rwouldn't give itif Prof. CAMPLA118011, Of Amsterdmit, IrAn"10INS
.of defence, was bard pressedo 'Betsy' D - I Dr. MaSt's Xidnq-Vver Pills have cured my kidney and liver ,troubleA I
ajAy Brooks Ageilul expedition's progress will be released to him and we left it to a. roan that,,% , IS out with a boomly generating fumes , .
was taken over and put into operation � . for nearly a quarter of it century I then bosan Dr. 0hase's Nerve Pood thly or fortnightly Intervals, promident of the School 11041d, He that will make breatlhngl diffloult or L �
I there, with the result that tho at- ' .. taken t1ini lead as thq greatotit Sell- for my nervoimness, It Strengthen- at mft allooft Will con- speilt. it the, way it's ,on ,the witidow ImpossIbI6 for a dil�tajwe of 100yardly I 1 I
tacking Cialneso Moon, Aftttor6d in all 09.�p TER, = . . or wbioh medicine dealors handle-, wl my stomach and whol6 system, and daoh succeeding b I
d�reetlqyq. . . "Where is MISS l3tookit I" orlo'd Mine* and this anormotaq s%le is e-nEirely due, and I gainful In flo,qb, I odnnot tain the record entrusted to former WA we couldn't disputie ltb could wet I around the, emtro of the explogiolft. L . �
,, an Lhe memorAblo night before the Whitney,, cX61todly, upon opening h6t to Wo, downright r4erlt which the speak In term of too greAt prairie onwr to. provide against the tollimi of .1 I 11 I __ _________, __ ___ __ I I I 11 I I 11 I , I I I i I I I 1 W I .
r6liot force arrived when the Chinott 11.1onkiRs possess. They Pure when othora falf. for Dr. Q!IpMs lCidiley-Liver, Pilix And Ea0h, will bo tarnished with � .. 1010 , �, A WIMAN OIT'r oitt, oo,, LintIt", �
61, sh'a ori Nerve 11bod, for k . .
made; their most vigorous attack of, ,6y6s. Pd, JA0t1OA- It is whion there Is a bitter taste bo�qldpmt curing ma ROY, 4i to "Woll1to0rik Proist., Totolitioto
1 ,��
I JLII, the dof6ndorn ha -d In . operation ov- jug to . th6 attendant who Atood. near- in thit mouth,, h6aviliess 0out the theY did MY fftt1mr, who is an; old twmty days' dUpply Of 1Y0006n. To AZO .� A. A . "I ,, I . . I .11 1 4", AAltvantillsolorkwit
ory, alligle gun th.1t could be muster. "t horl� i1806 that MAI jl),t6oks lei doll stoilktae% headmehes, back4ohm,,paing Man, tt grivtt d4ml of good, ha tion they Will be so ellf" Z 9 4 / - I.. . I .1 I I —, THIE MOST' NUTRITIOU8. —
#,d_rllet3y,, .the British Noydentolt de,r loak� in the sh,Xddors and %*, Lind de- every tonfidenca In tecommouding, freighted ad to be Imprisone-d. la thit . . I .
quie tailled in hot Own V60td 1111 I /
,k.firing igun, brought up by the r to At. Ives -sod, laylgaid feel ks, 'th,Av pm- tbe%e reinedle&ll � .� I .. . � . Allabb_110
Marino Guard, the American Colt and key until I am at Abort lo turn to Dr. Ch"J616 x1aftlegLim Xr� X. J. Ward, 3. P., mrtifie& that : told, air n4a,r the mll;faee of thil 061%, 4 AA%t ' ' I I . .. , ! .
N&W zw;;;;���_=__] IlLnh
I. ,
,I. I 1,
. �,
r ow -M I "
L I b I
quiok_jjrpr* the ttqlian one -pounder, tend to 1kisr aaae.11 Pills, ToTpla liveri-inactive Idneys he knovvii Mr. V7alt6r D,iotk and that 'an . .11 . � I I . I � E P PA: 8 I
d Mpt. 06rillor it 001lVill0ed that *
u,qtrian maeldne-gun. mume thlot ataboinent of bin ourb IN W_ tho prevailing 6urrento of air will I I I
and tile A #A After Lady The' x6tvants looked at One and- and irrog4dar bowels art t,bltt c fs�ytly correet. . I . . � . I � .
## ' 110tay I WAS SO 1111111 othot In'blimlit ainasom6ut. No one of at least sovort-tputhff afhUmIn III#, rift'rry timn, first to the South A'Ad , �& _ 6"ATOUL-430WIFORTIN4.
madDollaid. (Xhla IntAroatift Dr. obtlalm Xidney-Liver Pills. In- The, ohanom ar6 tbkt your litigh. � � 11 —_ I I
In tt g"" will dared b611 hor Daisy had tied. . , tfiva east. Iloatio-for use in ft"It of I - I — : ,� I
j,jirobAbly find b, 1101R6 6 Ilritlak This torn lon#616", wh1oh DaIA had vlPbTata thoo otgans air to other bo" haws ,wd Dr. Ohm's Ridtilky. - . 1. . I I . .1 � .. . . � - ,. . �
,"ll I&Y ualftted to g*IA POAM1401 6 , lily "001ition V*4 f'"r known to db ; Livoor Pills, alloy, will be taken oat It *"- I . I 40 4
or Ask tkonu Ono PILL & OM00 . � . -
Lo-gation, althou$th til`6 Am"10 , , 0 00 A
'61OLIM to it on thill 'to TO of Its being ilit her f"t. fta what I,* best of all tuy. Jilot do* 26 o"tis a box, at all Almlora, tifts, � . .. 11 I ,
found by 3gittilltill xudottrad b3r lit"" ' .1 W1111 a iurwall Amut Mac wMiloor .*"* 40*4 "at W etrlhti 4001101. . at i4ais", *too 164 4W., itton" Tile oxpoaim ftpimola 4 T~ .* , . IWk9AkKAAT4UPPM .
I . 1*
I . I I . - 0
. I �..� .. I. . .- - '..., - . � � .." .. I'll, . . . . . _-I, . I -1. . ----1 "" . (I 1-11 -111".. - - ....... W� - . _. - � ---11.1.11-1