HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-12-06, Page 3I ",;Z i , ­ -1- � I - I I .1 I . . � ­ - - . I— - �,__.___...­___.___,____ � ­_ - � I 1 .-7:;- ______ _� - - .. ,. , I � I Iml A*'N Or __ �_ . . pr4yor, may that. 'Tb*t will 4o." 11ft'r. Orft%14-ths boot of the R"re T044 I 11 I . " to "Alk A 00-4 (WO1411411 f0d Of WORTHIORM THAN GOLDI .i I , - on AvIll have ,%gun In YOUV HUM IT SEVENTY-FIVE ter P"M Tbo"-who voted spin4t HINT$ FOR � ouppQrt in Spropqrtiou to her size, . , 1. .� I . liquils. -you can 10t your 'b"d "004". th* losuo of the -ultimatum iuclu4ed . . It uAlic is to be used for butter or 0.0" . , � , I JL,� JL ,us adaskt-Gouex4 sToubert, GOU THE FARMER. owe&%ii doV setting and spoody sop- THERE ARE, FIVE KINDS OF XFwTA[o , " 1� , ­ Tfft N ODV OF ZACC 04 Vaur pillow, feeling that, BOER PRE%D1NT NOW OUT 4 Comm%, . . . . _­ ____ � world FIGURE IN HISTORY. or&, Louis Botu, 04noral D* Is. Rey, I ..-Ow''. �� A ­ aratiou will'givo. the best results. . . 1, Whether :yO4 wake UP.In'this � I I � . ----- root, .A � It 14 less Work tottiroo buttermilk . "".0 - . ­ cxhna", TA*a4 Wyor, General and 011RAP MEAT. loop Fogells"11of T0119WAIMOT41 fteellto I ViCe-VroOlda4t, $Chalk Burger, . Rev, 01I Dr. Ultriage Discourses on ar.t.t.n.o.".41.1ils ,wJa1L,h`,a t,Tb,A,t,g , and out at tie butter wharl In granular � meat, A' Pre"im und ft TO"'"Ol" "" 4*1010 Up to this day the =Ajorlty 414114dinin Xanks Oka L4rogipt in 15101l " , - ., . wbexo to, repqxiaid all the important Iffaud I* 0.6104 %Q 09nk Vest - 44re0 Mr. Daraeard, .who. was killed Rt Of 111�111" form and It can be dons more after- -ri'1111101411" Is t4s 11VATIess T*I*IF an I , 6 vvouta of the earth, you will read at 11argher* nho Vottil for 11tate. Vord".0ort, 00 live principally on pork for their lively, I NAVIO , . I . Christ ,*in the Home. - ' : last the, statement that this was the The South Agrieau war began Those wore the patriots amonethe Rta* moat, This 10'vOry' natural, The better milk development seoixr- Sam i1ooplo, ojo under the Impros- ; I . day 1wbou 441vatioll *011346 Into Your twelve opeths ago. Paul lCruger was Boerii-tbe Man who were never under as 101c meat Is tb� Iiandlest, easiest to - ad with the first call the better re, olon- that the 32owl fairly Atmillar I I , � 'A. teopatch train Washington says ", yard tip bo eaten, anii shiAll,put in, his . born moventy-five, years "Ago, All Of the Hollasldisr# laflitoupot the Men who pure and keOA The =Oat Of 40meAtIC suits It in possible to secure. whitish Metal platinum is, one of the I , , - 11 ­vl .1 L 1 %W4 house, . that tlkre"�uavtars Of a century has fought the hardest for Mee and have fowls enter& somewhat Into the bill It is nearly Irapasolble to got things few substances Mows expensive. than I � , - liv.,raiQ8e, preached from the boast, and shall feed inapa(thor in Oh Zgoobaua come down I come dow#1 been for him And M3 People 0.6 period since gouglit the otoateiat far their Of fare, but not as� ottoo As it mirlat, Sweet and 01044 If they are left *for that f480111AUXIg , yellow M&t9rJ%1 WO . � I t 1410"taw t -ext -, "Thia 'day, Is 'aglya- field, 4 the b3at of his own field I Jesus, In Passing. bgrl � , 9f Strife, of straggl-. of vain wrest- I -4XUrY b 4 par , � I - � #pq came t' this, bopuap.,�_Luko xix. 9. and of the beao 4t his vw,u vineyard I country In the fl4l, .Paul Kruger and it is a ProttY expensive I , onra or over night witlo spur oream. Spend 00 great tion at our lives. I , _ . . . Q a politi , d ,a shall ho Make restitution.'k I 10 I ling With the irresistable forces of was not of that number. He had de- With the most of farmers, 80m" at or buttern-Alk In them. All ve-ma0la In bunting. � i . . zacolaqv* was ,olan an You say, "Icannot make . reatitu- ODD THOUSAM) VILLAGE$ , . evolution and development. NOW, in tormi,ed Oil war. . them have reduced their system of should be. oleanseil as Soon Eta emptied, This, ,however,. Is not 00, oven allow. . �4 , �. *X-gatberer- no 644 An himeat . 4 partiea whom � -"- . hii; old Ago, lie stands art exile from I ascribe big willingness to meet keeping towlis to one requiring al- - ! __ Ing that, bulk for bulk, platinum I* , I swindled - � , I eallinir, bUt t -hep � opportunity for tIOI), Th I gaustered Tbrougli vreat stri.con-Ueal, his country, A. fugitive from mo4,t.po,labor on their part, Grain Is � hardly leA I � a" are jgorio," 7hea I say, "Take the the Grwit Britain In battle to. religious � a than twice, lie heavy as llatoahua -WAS, so large. T'no tolupt , doncelp %a omi B'dusyny carrI410044 NU ED OF -OHEAP MACHINE � 1 , oliamplon, of progress.� The fittest rather than to political ,sentiments. ,turned into a hopper or large feed BY. � I . t4pla 40A. Xor him. * �4.ho Money up to the American Bible Goat at trough onee a weeko enough to last . I �_ 1. 1 0.014. At the Standard rate of iel 11 . waim. L04 1A hat is society and consecrate It to. God." � tered throughout the. area has Survived, And President Kruger is Ab,,Ithy belief hasbecome With him . l7s. 10 1.24. per troy ouuoo, gold is . I lAble Says, 14a "was a ainner"-t . I � Great Britain are nu�aevoiig towns now but a flows In hiatory, But big them that length of timi. It Is A orallseli Which Tend lip Italme the vo$I or , r � - , tino . ZACCREU4, WAS WISH and villal .r All the coarae7- a Morbid fanaticism. To this. moment vory .at system, orie I would tral- I 3110elkine 11141illig. I Worth nearly zeQ . a pound, platinum I .. . In it%A ,paolirp 0eilao. tkQw many . geA of a eurloua characto . is a notable tigure, he believes God Will Yet `gTXat bim, mplo , , A, great And damaging defect was only ;020. . � � ' � . I I Man Vhayo been Mined by OfI101,41 Pp�!- when lae . a. One large village actually consists at If, though, you wore the fortunate - . illiAgorged IlLa,unriglatcou ness of his peasantism, all the mean- the victory ovenifit require thescat- tate, but the towls thus raised come , - Acted at the Paris exposition among � I . tk0u. � JL, .WXW thing 0T any gains, and it wals his firat, step. in old railway carriages, even th little aws of his actionst all the. corruption torlug of all Lord Roberts' trans, the trtu � . � equal � . , C_iA (Ali 41 . . I e Pretty high, and the egg basket re possessor of a, luinp of platinum . I MAV ,to 140019 oxfi4o under government the right direction. mission chapel being built'out of of lug Government oannotoremove maing empty a large obaic. of the ImP44 of mechanical Ingenuity . . . . . . ports on their libraward journey. His and that is without exception that In'bUlk to A, pound of gold,theallvery. I ,iala..4 nis V.,laciplon of integrity are Now suppoao, Christ shquld.come In- four large bar,,, trucks. Another from, him the gTandeur of a great s as the faith 'at the Crom- year. Fowls mAnaged that way are looking JUMP W ' . I . . -4 First the wifeilid the Village, with a population,- of 1,100 Persona faith I. are too dear, , ould be worth, not . � . I 11 11 clooply. Xlxed, AWAY a 1444, UP919lit to your 110, 130. always ready for ,th;o kettle, but are m4ol"Qs of All kinds. � , , ,lity, writes Doilgl4a Story in ports on * their holneward Journey. His 'M but X35L for pJ4tlnUM1 If not tho. . an ju6JgPx1lQaAt poeition, has made mq$her would feel his, Presence. and & ratable value. of 48,000, has the London Daily Mail. also dear meat. Some years ago 1 says! the Londarl Spectator. InYrance . ; III _ .. . I religion does not effect .himself or his , the miAsters.prefer to sell A. few ma� dearest, is the heaviest thing, on earth,. N � : 41pWlaok in a great one. As tar "igiou almost always begins there- neither church, obapoluor sqhqo.l�tbe Absolutely illiterate, unable to conduct, but is strictly 'binding upoo commemead,growing Belgian bares to . . . A,Q�U� . tei" in . auPply our table with- a gToater vari- ohines dear rather than many at a Three times as costly and practically . 1� . am the pity of ,Joriollo, It is easier Wr women �tol -become only'pollp edifice being a. pillar; let. read a letter, writing, only that euri- his inferiors and his oppopnents� ' as heavy is that wonderful metal irl- . .. � . , , I - - I. - .1 . I t lower price. Trade union rules in I �. 01110 paool%olis 0010119OLL to Willa' Christians than. for wv. Men. They do ter-bQx. I pus scrawl S. .T. P, Mruger, he has In I oty of meat, and I found the mea. I dium, known to the users of gold xdb� � . I ' . I ­ m � igiat be cal4ed the "AiDg." (TUOY J'aQk not fight so Against God, It woman Villages with �& mingle inhabitant vented and fqwht for a polity that I 0 I . I . of them not only to be very, fine if ' England which restrict the au-mber bed pans as furnisbi the intensely - . . I- � � I . I . ng I . ul'y tompted man Originally 'away from are not -unknown. A' . =SIOAL SP�DBIS- . cooked properly, but also very cheap. of hours of Work or limit the output I . . t4,111040 Lbeir O1W)a'w%ys aucoeS54 � t Skiddaw, in needed -the largest army Great 'Bri- - - - hards non-corriodible silvery points, ' . I � I . � , " . � . . . . hat the cost of Show something of the same spirit. . . . . -It,kyy­Q O�Jaer , him baolr. Cumbe 41 t In as .ever . 6_" . I am s3afe in saying t , I . � . I avoIumg exposure . holiness, now She tompta r1and, there is, &solitary house a ih dispatched frolli liar � I I at half Add to this the objection of the master Pure irldium is priced. at X60, per �1_ . . - 'noraebo,lY to -may not makei any tug& about it, holder, who cannot vote because there, �iores to . crush and annihilate it.. A 1,111b, ,svdiwil Tihat 31'ag Fand or !4140111 the produation of bares in a . - , � . . way . She . . Pound, %lid. is So heavy rAlatiVely that . I � � . , peroapi by hiring . 1*111)tlk .1 generally to turning out anything but �, , b,realE Inano, Steal tAe vuuiullerS., ;Not-� but s6mahow, everybody in the house is no Overseer to pro . ,d 9. that at the averap fardl'. Poultry. . this weight of it would be in bulk . . .. .. I ) . . I .pare a voters' Krugvflsm is something dotual an JWe) khb'w from Mr. Cornish's de� The feed utilized .. the best work--�­whtola is highly credit, . . . I . I . . wif)ls , bAd reputation, knaws tha, � ap , - ­ costs often almost, I . �., 11 - : , ,. tandiug his, I � t there is a obailge in the list, and no church, or other ,public practical, the definite a iTat ' ion of A lightful book that abraq of the larg" nothing, exoept the labor of gathering able, and we find the nucleus of- a con- rather -larger t]Aan half the size ,of a � � . . . .1 . . . , thex�o were st;reAlm Of good about him, wife And Mother. She : chides the building on which to Publish one;- statesman, the, life's longing of a . . I siderable body of opposition ' to one pound of.gold. * - . . . I � � , �, � A$ � I t.beie is about, almost.ev"XI 3k'Kn- children mi,we gently. Her face some- while the only rateppa n n *)so at one. tlmfi Was a patriot. ore animals at the Zoo, are ilumifftak� it, and the children will often do that . I . Yet the i4o-emea -iridiunVI Pointe . - . I I . I ably musical, * says the Westminster with pleasure. JR(tres Will a) � � . . ... �4 `uol,A is f(;und in quartz, and AOM0- tAin,w ILg with an unearthly tain Zforthurcharl n A DREAM AND .4. TEMPTATION. [so an of the 'great and prqssing needs of . no ' . . . . I I. I . . small percentage. I .4ts up ,A d parish, has re� Gaxotte. That.froigs are musieAl.,W6 dure negleot and' mism, the day, L . of a, gold nib are t of -pure irldlum, . I . . " In a -vary I 0OW. she, goes into some unopeupi- cently declined to bear the 'expense Until . ld - I . . anagerrignt . . . � I . 1, Itil . also, know, not only on Ovidlwautbor� limb better than- poultry. They .Will The difficulty is evidently beyond� but of a natural blend of Irlillum And " . . I � . . ... � J:uiwuP caming to town. -Ibe ad room for a.little WhIle, -and her of repairing a road because he con- man.a senile gTeed. Paul Kruger's . *the financial capacity of modern me- another, rare metal, osmium, This , . I I � , ,. � . to see buaba, .f . ity, but o1a thaft of our,lown souse tmallidorm, all sorts of. weeds, such as blehAls tarind in the form, I �. � � "I people tuxned our. an Manse ad ,goea not .after heri nor siders. It quite goad enough .or him- dreain, of independence w . an we take our walks catnip, Peppermint, horgernint, plan- obanical . of scales � , * � I , I as as pure ,of hearing, whe . me i nufacturers, The result . . � 1. � . . . I .. .� JA;AL liare -he odMes-the Lord of awks her why s,be, . waa, there, Re self. ' I lid praiseworthy. as tbatof William . 1 6f most --some plattened, some of apin�head � . . L; '4 .1 . . -on Quat-coveroot 'Ind knows Without ai'�Icig that she has In the Isle of Fly there' is 41ittle a 'or of Warner Stauffacher, abroad in' the cout-try on mild spring tain, dandelions, .thistles, tag Alder has been that w1ille materla shape --in localities ' . . - 4 Waxy fact, I . � Wallace ' a kinds remains cheap, and becomes whoreplaoer gold I . I ' � , . I'. x0aij:,weary, limping along' tA1 -way, been Praying, The husband aotice$ parish which has been somewhatoon- He yearned to keep in its pastoral axii su�nruer evenings. � But that leaves and twigs and bark,frult tre I . jold being the Sort that .. I � . dwarf tortoises, squirrels, Mice and trimmings and surplus vegetables of cheaper, the machinery to conver.t it . . . � I pl, � , � is and wxpes of-th.0 that her fees larbrighter thia"un the t� t .. . sinipplielty this little sanctuary behf(d other amAll-frr, not to sp" of Bpi.; �ny kind into.the choicest Meat. In remains dear. slid lessens. the beplefit isobtairied by wasbing loose dirt and , . . I . I I 1, . ., carrying the grie ' ' . ' emp viously described am i1a portion * ..� 1. � siityo-y -tie restraints a d . . not by crushing. , . . . . I : ,� Nflorla. .Lie Wolin to be I .cars 041day, When, years ago, they stood at, .of. land; with three or four houses formed away from, n I . - L , ' . . I � . . I .. . dews and Snails, are,agroeably toiloh. fact, this more herbs arefed the Sweet-. Of 'the cheap raw material. High . . . I I � � A -age when he is .Qnly abvftlit thirty- the inarriage-altar, and he k,nows and perhaps twelve inhabitants." This the rices of civilization, ­ ' . . ' . . PIN HEAD TYPE. I . . � I . . . � . .1 , ed by harmoulouts sounds, We. learn er tie meat will be, The hares will wages axe the cause most often urg- I . . I .. I . . . . u 'was A short man, and 'COUld that Jesus bao. been Putting upwa her - place, has Ze roads at all and is, con- .To bir . . , � , . . . .ZaccAeNd . I . I 1. . it the Stafe WAS but an ex.. from ai interesting controversy in a not refuse nice clover. and alfalfa, -ad fov;, the prohibitive price of me-. Of. these 'I irldosminal! Scales the Pie :.. � 11 . "I . ds M14111 bwow a wreath sweeter,. than the sequently, Put -to no. expense, At keep- ,pans n of the buis-i . t I I . . - , . � . I � not ,tea over the Pe . �. � to ouding, w! la all A spider, it nelther green op dry. ' During th I -a ar ' suitable for pen . - I , : ­� I I I . ground; no -he got or. ange-blossoms. 6be Pulks, tbd* child- Ing them in re air. . As a matter 'of its'aares-and worriesi Augmented, in- German cohtemporaty. a ohanical appliancet But thispariftt head type alon e I 1� . I . � . . � stalailinir, on the P . . Seems . on bQaring the sounds of the winter time I .feed- mostly clover, and be Maintained ,as the reason. The .n e ed a fifth of I - . % t ,. � . . . I . Ung ran 'to bad, DQt satig%. I . ad, ydt calling -f a n .,, - .. . �. - led with, the fact, there are no expenses of any do or the sime justice . . I I � . * . . I I . � . ad . Re th . n . hing wrprkin�'Ora,� in Eng- av&ag4 tire four , . . 11 . . . I up Into a Sycamore tree t)2At.$W ' Piano, let himself at oaeo.dowa,. to also orchard tilmmings. ': Quite ,a Oldham oottoiR spinners qre. mong the the a tire' yearly find, which - may. � I 4to arip clear over thet road., .3esu,a 6rmal prayer.tPat t,hoyonoe offer, ��Ind nnd�no r�tes. � and the same morality ' did the, lit- 6 level.bf the player% eyes --.a pro- ==box of theme animals may be tur - most fl6uris I � . . . . I I I . . . I a and a balf4 to � � �, � , r I acivanced a-mid"the wild Oxcktoluent btat she lingers now, and tell -I them I One of the most remarkable villages t1a homestead on the voldt.-ge could, ' I to I I , I . . . . I , . .. oeeding -vvhtoh, we should imagine, did ad loose in the barnyard duxi win- land,, but the article, they m4nufac- ounces 'par, n . : . . ­ I . . .. ' - t imia . Ing I of gold'obtailied. I I -, I of I . I (A. Jesus who blesaadhctle children, in ,England, is lKenipston, .near Red . ,no . gins any national Problem too - . . � . . . .1 � a add 'to 'the, lattarla , enjoyment, ter. Tbeywill Pick their living from ture, is so inexpensive that the poor Of the'pin head Scales 10,000 do. not . . . I . I . . . . . I I.:, '", I � I ING CROWD. * ' ' 1ay and other est and most frugal nations an earth weigh more 'than an . ounce, and .are TfIE SUAG . , and of the ,good. p!aee whexet'.they Ali ford, whicb,is seven miles long and complex to.be aettlea*ov�r doup.of at � . . I � . . . . . I I thmigh it evidently suited the spider the Stick, and from. the . ; I , , . '. 11 . ,i _;-Pular men 11 Jappe, to be at JaSt.. Aad - theu1 shti extremely ,straggling.: To.walk from coffee upon his.house-0 . � . . . I � . . . I )he moat. honorable and 1. . . . I .. � , I . . . teD., With. his exactly, for. there it remained till the stock wasie. . , . btay it. Recently, the natkies'of parts worth. about X50. Pare iridium is I . . . . I . . , , -,. of the city. are. I . ooglaig on, and tryin -ham gwood-night � with some- one end of the village to the other. oc� rah -*--read Bible for. political hand- . While bares will thrive tolerably of central Africa, where cotton is in- al�oyed- with platinum to,make the . . . .. I I . . . � . _g. kisses t � . musie cease4, .)vhen'this musical adwip- . . . .1 . . I . . . . - 11 L' ­, - . . . � . t ad' -. kbiug that,tho'cilild feels. tia Oe . ,a ouples two hours. I . . . . book, and .Win mamo'ry for zons.titu- nt and, neglect digenous, ceased to, grow it or to make closing. faefs of brea r . �., - �. � . to glLin hilS atte1l iOXL- Jesus' 'note � . ,. . bat at once, hauled.itsielf up by a rope .well under olaitreatme . . i I . .. �, . I � - �:, . - of regarding t4exa, 10 UA. UP at the heavealy,. beliedicUian-a., somethlug 4§6matimep,whole, villages will prae- tional-histo.ty, be dared'rale a nation . . � ure,.and vanished I Want to say� v 10 do the cloth. It was cheapet-to, buy modern artillery, . . . . . 0 . . . U manufaci . white or'paya tWe'rimpriand being ' * . . . � . . . � .: of its Ow. . . , �, I itle , mam in tile. tree, and says, t,hat shall li�ld-a,k to Lhu,boy altex tically disappear. A little Shropshire and conduct diplornatiii affairs. - . . I- . . , . li � . . I . � . .. in its mysterions.ba-unts in the u or at. all Pays best *11" done well. I what w" made by the highly *paid. the only thing that will. stand, the ' . . ! I , , : , "Zacoheus, come 'down. . . . � I a a has tradually sunk, until now W1.01 the adveni at revenues came, .. . I � Pp I - La a . ' I I am going. he has -bea,�Me a man lorry or, lifty vill g . � a - - I . - X age; for there *is hilil.t t a ' 4 . regions. That German spider. ought t6 . give my,hhrea just as goo,d.treatment operators of washire. .Clearly high corrosion 'of the ga on �nd the e or - . . . . I I Something �lt is almost Out Of Sight, F ,It* is ee . and in his ' I . � � . . . ,. . . . . . � I . jaoma with you.- . -LiVerybody war, years o . . . .. .., Ja in d for ii steward, come, to England and live in a serai- as my towls. � T.)*y 46 not require wages do not. necessaxily mean that mous htat-�about 4,000 ,degrees. coot!" I .. . � ' - I � . I . . . I I I . . . Jaink that Christ ic.,A.(rood,'1pving Christian: mother,'b on . .,a disused coal.pi't., ana the sinking blindness (lie. invoked the aid of the detached villa, or one of a row of viBry much roorn. and may.be crowded the article produced . . * - grade. Over a thousand rounds . � . . 11 - I �� � dise"Ied to, t . . . ­ . 1. Hollander. Therein lies,the whole ex . . * I . I ., . 4 I I � - � . 1. _ L ul'i go home with.no dishonorable kiss tA&t GUY Y'Bax-A callmOt wipe off goes on steadily every year. Now an4 .. . . ' . . ban- poultry. - However, . � MUST BE- DEAR. , . have,been fired from a trial guz-.*itb-:. I I . ... I _ . I . � � WO . . I . . I . I . 'A . . houses in a, Street� It would thenget 'InUcJ1 more t . . . I . I.. I . . ;., . � .� . , I . � 11 � I . . . . then a tattering'house is pro,ped up planation. of Kruger's fall. . � . . _06 point,% that. mnsb be watch- . The' reason for the de.arness or, ma- out the' vent allowing.the slightest - I I .- a man. I I . qhe rrhiiek. . . . I . � . P I 'than, there . ­ .. . . . . . �, , . . � ­ L I . . . . ?ito of At Ao- time were thelgollanders af-, am mueh..as, and probably more . I I . . . .1 L . . . . I , 1 7 . �. V, I fee Christ entering the front door " ,N.vw th husband .is itiAtressed axid to keep It standiag,. put in sl . I . . . I bLv "y of oil. . be kept: 111 ebindry clearly lies elsewhere, � . � . I � � . 1� . . I.. I . b � for . - Breading, does should I . . . It IS sign of wear. . .. . . ; � . . . I . 1. coji_ fe6ted by tlie sentiment.. that.made it could evqr wls� . I . . . . I . �. I . I I � . I coh . - ,Ibe Kinijanng7eri ,and* almiciat vexed. If she all precautiow,i ,buildings are ,. , . . I 1. . .,,,separate little rooms 'and Should have not because there is ii ' - Far, a -not. a .� - I . .. I at. the haulse I of. Za' pen I � . . . pianofort mugio. � . . . a demand far .Pure. oaxilu)n, there .I ., �11 SAlkh. alti down, would only spe4k to Dan, - htl, wbuick atantly f4lling'tc the ground, and in. th6 .Boer dgallaut toe, .a. worthy . a . . . I I ' ' ' ' I 1. L . , �, of heaven and . 0 - - . . 1. I � . . I . I . I . I . . 1 FM . OR � . . the ' best of care, especially' while it. Xo-.ving, machines and sowing. ma- great de4l.of.uso,e�qept in chemistry - - . -, , . � . . . . . . . . � I I � . , . . . . . . . lace "bluw har , )3e does no L'hke. to couise of time doubtles's.nothi TUOY merely . gxplolted the � .. su�kling young. .I .give grain,'-chiries, mainly, for.domestio usb,might yet,the rarity. of it drives tip the . price - - . , , . " , . , up. ' . .� . . ng, will 040MY. . , I . i . I . * ' . . them , . . I , _. . and ai he.6oka aratiod on the P 1, , L . I . � � . . . I I .- . . I , of I I - I , I . . . . 1. . . . ! . - . . . t1iing Abdiai ' it ' ' but he .be left but a .few bricks to mar al for what I . � OAts and.wheat night and morning; km quoted as instanceim-though we . . I .. . " 11 k the Mrarinva advantage it � THE BRITISH SOLDIEM, . � � . and the family., bA.prodarlucesl -the Say any i . . . . . .. . . - 1, � . 11 I � . are to� Zi() 'a�.a.ouuce, X120. alroy Pound: * ' - . I - . . . .. . illage �onc� stood, ujightliold for them',. They hated - � . ... � - . . , . d . : ' I � I I i k,n��' �t ait she hjas� A'Jappe'that he spot where a v . L . . . � and. also sweet,,.akimme , Milk and rom. regarding aither as coinlig At a temperature of 100 degrses, can- .. I . -- 11,.Lhis da -m W WS A I I I I 'far f �a I . . � . I " b0Aedi4tIQn Of, #20 tOXt.o . .. . . I . � . ­ � . . � I I .. ,. the U-Itlander because he AS mental� Tail �110110119 or Hard and Scientific Th"A - , , _ . . . I . . .1 . . - . . � . . . I 11 .1 . .. I . 1. � I % - A - . . . . . 1. I I . -h - '. 1 J244 not, Rail a ace lthat,,ha has not, ' .. . . . . . � I fresh Water every: 44*. - .., up to -the standard. of really cheap tigrade .this. singular 'me'tal viporlses " salvation come to this case... . Jpp . � ------- 4__ .. 1. � � Ing 0im Iiied-* Ma Roeuvres oil a -Grand I . . . ! .., - . � L . I . ly and. in �duoation -their equal, in I I I I . I I - ' - � . . I .. I . � he jinowo th 't dyim4 as lie now .1 . . The� ' be bred every seven or mach,lilery. I . � . . gas which staims 'the . .� .. I . 0acelieus had moum-Led. the nyea- and a , ,. Scale, F . may I ... and gives .off. a . I I I . , . . ' THE MODERN WOMAN. . : . . I I � I . � . 1. . . , I . I same. pjace. ` " I � -1 . � probity their ,superior. They sacked eeks a * d tho ' Ther is, in fact, o6l China experimenter's' Skin a, -permaxient I I � . � . 1, . of more inquLIL'ItI've- is, Ae cannot go to the I I .1 I :. .. According to the London:, Daily'Mail eight w n young should be y one ma. , I . more tree out . ' . ---K . . . the -blood of the Boer Indiscriminately . ' N . . � I ... � I . . . . . . . �1_ . 4his, it.e. cannot otand.a. an . 'longer. 'orgeoup; DeAcrivilou. of nor -1108 I I , sep4tated, .from their mothers when which is,ma4e really cheap, and ,good black,.aud which may blind him - by - � none. kle wanted to, see bovv.. . . Y. . A 4. 1 . . - . Self i ,%vieU, that at this Briton, and they 9� "h?irae of army reform of a very . . I . I �. I , , . . 1. I I stra-oger looked -Ole color of his .60me ,-;�unday � nd8,Jkt,,,,as, they Sit in ! nossion and liar garacea. . � . iriotor.-Will, come intrpop.� from Six to seven weeks old. After �the watch. .But the W*tch is a high. depositing a. film of the *metal on ille �. . .. . i . . � I , , I . . *11, 'loads, of -the. An observant* writer haaf . this to say kitrigrao�.d against . ,t . he Tr4mavrialer -gs sweeping ch . I I . eaning the. :food of � the 11 ' 1 - ' . . ., . . . .. . . . , . . . . . I his lidir., the Con- VAilicil, Side by'aide, tlac.f . d aration early next year. " The scheme,, w . IttlO haves ly valuable and instructive instance*, eyeball.. . .. I . I , . . . I I ! �, , - eyes, Lhe-Jeniff,th ,lot 1 . . � . . I they did against* the Englishman an. � . . . 1. I . ly. Ili chopped !I' - ' at � Rhadl - *'Iff Another of the precious ''. . . � � 1. ­ I tear ol )IL-3.. feritureis* the height .of soul oreak forrh.-, i1e. wants.to.prayi with reference -to the modern wom . I . ke the s�puld,conslst - partial W by all means. lot us make't 6 m.o Unk, . I , , - . � . . ., I � I . . I .: . . . Sqotcholan�. - , . . I i. I says-� The Daily Mail,. 14 will ma . I .. , " , . I . btit uces Act know how. He Jildw an; ­ � . � I , �.. I I I . . .1 . . . .1 I I . L . ill 6 ln-�. feed stirred with milk if It. can be. of It.: All'-tbe arguments by whi I , - 1. . . � . 'L has 6tatUre.."CoMe d . . . . British private a trained Sol ar � I eh metals belong ng to what'is known as . . � I . owm,11 said Ohrist. .: I � . . . I I . . � I - ' I . . I I . . . . I I . : . A DMPOTIS REASONS. . .- . They soon ,learn, ,to: eat any na�N 11 :the - 11 1AW4 . 14 . in - this day,, Ais , lac%U it� some.,p! ung the well-dressed wonl�. ' . ', .. . .. stead of a system giving the recruit had- . . .. I . . . Ulu Xrotip."'-It is. one of - I 'I Ana so many people, .., , le, . . f his worldly 11 How yo � � ., ufacturers:.say .you cannot,. Wil . .. ,� I I I . I - . . I . I . . I.. I � ­. . - . � ruger why - , , kind, of Whole gTain, , enjok ,roots, not And shall not 'have aA chean, gelf-� the h t 'metals'. to melt, and will - . , I , of rio4ity Or. trienian: see Aina; briO-. God's ,.Ivpirir an of 45 or 50 look 'lac,k' tree from Years ago I asked Paul -K I - a houserna . I . Are& . � get up into.. the tree 04 � '' I iA,s work and 6.11ow- . . - I I . I . . , . ' � . I . I 1. I .mirely I 1. Si ' ' I ode, clover, etc. At few binding re4or, or- a'piap -steali- dig-' only are or the . . . . . . I , . , . ' melts him,. overwheirris care and responsibility. There is no he aidiployed. SO many Hollanders in I,* nd knore thap x weeks of mili- applies, We � . . . . Speculation to see Christ .k bey . , �"k arouses �hit.ual . . : . . . . I ` , . � ' . I � .. I I . yie)4 to the electric a It can be - I .. I . � ' . I a thousand queer , questio about his. hilr� Ana. they - offices'Whan there was tary traiui�ag, he will -in - future get and .not more than five months the gar, or a fift -guinea autboar, o.r'en- oxyhyAknen lime . : ... . � no . . I . ge home­lhusbaild single detached, word in tour language Government I ly I , f0knan . . I , - I I . . - -in silence, until .thay get gh to express the comp . lex. go ,fine a crop of youthful-, 4ducated . x . must be'separated to prevent gines I for � . 1. .. � , ' ' large bou . � . I " . launch, th.atL Used, like iridiam, for pointrig. gbld , . .' .� , . I ,,, . , .. I , divinity, . about God'd ", Sovei.rcignty, and wite I ,a I . ten months.of -a . oJoutifie d . r! . Ilin I j, all se ag ingloo young . And e I I .. . " I uh, impression Made - to bli hand. He . their.breed inbr66d- shall 'Aot cost more than if 'they were pans, Its - cast figures out to X8� ,a '* . I . � . d the eternal decrees. , 11ey,spequ, J01beiX ropia"'when he cries out ., . by these straying Africanders ripe I fatigue and order�y duties beingper- . I � I � . . . I . . � I . . an I . . I 'pr .1 kneel down� ,,matrons,of high ,fashion. The !mine- said; "Afri I -t me-sx- I .t east in silver, were used- against the pound,, but at that it in -a triflo, light- . I . . I . late, and critiolse, and Jiang, on, to . ay Itor mol" Amid they I . loanders I cannot .Use. tug at. the same time. X does not I . . : � .. ; . �. . . 11 . . formed,by aspeelal corps of .I I .. ­ I . I I I 1 . . ,� -a - �They' . I v. - 0 -put hares of different 't -when taken bulk ,for . . I I . L , . I . "nts�id limb of wgr�at sycamcfe. They. 4annat speak,. illate sense of wealth, of habitual. elf would m e . irdd men. Tile firs.6 four � months will w wit Well to * � men who said they could Make N4 oh-. er than, gold � . � . I .1 - . I 1. .. a . I . . : .. I � . .. . indulgence, of Q ,command; lishaleia I cannot use. . � I Th I ey 11. . I agies, together in lose quarters',sOnce­ es. Fifty years ago a. -keyless sto#-: bill . k, ' ' . ­ . I . . . I I I . . I I . � I I ., ,.; ;, me 443�ca froin, that, - 0 : , . custom t . . . aid bon-. be devoted to. ny trabaing, in I . 0 � . . . . . I . � . . . . � I _: But tbpy Must co li ,. I I THE -%V�QP�08 WILL 140T CO colap�_ : tim6: losses � from such * , I . . � . I . __ , I . � KO'- ' 'the unmistakable.expectation of be- eat, but thej.bluntiy tell M"o, th0YATe Occur .. . . a PrA0- *&tell, in which the.parts of,seoonda* .. The ,'curiously named metal "'palla- . �11 it j:,hey want to besaved. , We. ean.not - . . I 1! � . .. . . L I � eluding, sei4rlting,, entrenching, bridg , . try to have my . I . . - . . I . , I I I ' hiah iny ek,eirlien, . ur tice* . � . I I . . � Ing. -obsequiously waited-upono ,w The Hollander� fear jile. - I therefore . could be measured, And the hands stop- diiu" 'in" stands at 075.peir pound,,aud . I . . . '. b6L saved as &iloacphers, brLt'.ris'lit-, But God. doea Act wunt. tiny, words.. . 11 . .. � . .. Ing And taking oovar, The second fo . brooding does all have their young at pod qu . ickly pnough to tim. I a the f4ht* I . n appeargrice im,of asilver-white to . . � � L I . I 1. . r d urely as a If- I gTo,�jl at -them, they. tremble. I months will be Usediabattalion Man7, , . . . �Nl. . � � . . - , . to - . I . ' ' . .. . . tibe Same* time,- thep tbb youni'tit all 'so steel grey. no par dent'. of . � I . , , . - You canuoi go , An Looks down "a answeragobs, apil � I . . I.. . L 1. � I I " �tia I children . ' .1 .. . � familtar'.whistle calls a dog ---all this can use them' , . .. I oeuvtesi Attacking and defeRdIng p . . of A bird, would have cost, not le . 0 1 . � , 1, 6yeja 1by way of Althensi but.by way rdans, -and ,out hing tander,upos. ' . . L 14 " . , a- �. . . I . . I . . � . � I 9 . . 19US � 1� the mothers may.bg weaned together than X80.- To -day , . r I I .1 .... is intensely anadsing,'aAd to - And so to maintalu his pe . d'fipi ponths I . . an be bought IT XAF,BS'GOLD BRITTLE. I . , , h ' -the ivorn ,rgomal sifions and fW ing. TN'Ok, . I One a . . . . I OX eth"em. -what matiarii'.i"vbO_ X)2ai might theY,,do not oleeo any for I . . 11 . . . I . � . � . I . ? �, , . � . and placed in, one pen. - T)xe timie to I . I � ' . an detold of footman and lady% maid. power, Paul Kruger iuvrounded Jilm-. will be: given to grad# manaeuvres . , . . ­ ter ii. "S'.ig.trU6 that the etise is ' ' - . . � . . , , , . and `jeiiowish-�white, twenty per cent . ". are elected to be saved, when we talking of,all the y,jars wanted, and, . . . I . . . . , . . makeS an interesting study. Environ- self w1f,ii, an efitowage of Hollanders, ' a . .. wo fatten and Ao dispose of -surpivi . . 90Q hite. The . � � � I I . I . . . believeand re- of .,that Saviplij who ce � on a.w4r so 16. T�e remaining (t gun, -Metal. But themachin6 is d turns t1ag."-dompotind quite w . . � .1 . I I . . � knbw,that, unless We ased, I not to in . cut has certatnlylliAde graiiiiI&CIftes a covilon of corrt�ption .Meanly s' ' ,stock is When fr4M. faur to six months ' A,' And. It costs one-thir- . I .. . I . . I I . ow- -1 be , ' , � , . enough for u. .1 I nee�wbatover upon . I � Pont we shall all bei damned 1, .Why ,all. Bofol . re mornlog'they had laid. of,thase ladies, without d I oubt-or con- vil's whad seeking, wbrk,"'the'. Trans- *.Dnthe ,of thev first year WR ,,.;Id,, proilding you have amarket for air. has no influe .., . I - I ' � ,� . .. I . oupied by furloughs,. " , , . ' I '' I , . I . tietlif-of what lt.did fifty yeax§ ago.. . . . I . Si : came, their plans.for: a now life. . Morning 'Z,, . ' t wheilever .. .. . � theraWt thetina � --L;)na3* That is thp,*kLnd.­Of.th1ng'we'mtau P4. . . I , I be.pewplexed ab�ut t4e W&� _n I � . . . � k, *. de' lladiuiq� nor does it. tarnish in 6ul. , 11 I . troVersy, � .. - - . � , ,. vaAf Hollander in 4 tyran be a; .'Atbarwise tthey . � Far these reasons It ' . . . ' , . .i�-.The�greAtdst)4ttentionwil�. ,de-. " . . phurld Eased. I . . . I -he world. Wh . - . � - )Father and mothar� descend I . I '�iief* av . - � .. 1. * -, b� halid 'till fall or winterp bat the ' . an, the 'great VAS comes. . - 6 11 And the me . . � 'Voted to hilarksmanallip'i andiAhe,al- I � into t . � . . ,. . .. . . idensi lypical,. high- '40 is PjDSSessid. of -a little'-$ . ,,- I when we spoak,of cheap n�achiner - � shall get $'In, driven . be I I I a I , � hat CAA � I �. X" is. used, in alloy With, gold, for the � .. 1 . , : � ' t - . I reAtment, ftely graduated' scales of valuable . ' ' , I . .. 11 I . . tion is how. we . from the drown. Ihe children do not of the last can- t6o,vity. T11rom. end a 'end 0&.-lii ,males mat in t o castrated. � A case in which the sume, t I . , .. I I How many s�pend I ' diass, young .women Iowa of Ammunition will be great- . . . I . I out of our hearts know' I What. is the mattero They. v lopment Be A_ 1 . .. . I � I . . . . . I ds Where there -is .a. scar- . 11 . I . I cis and`reJ1srjou4 . � tury, ,what a . strange do a pubIff'be was bated, And, when the, � ly increased. Artillery traxnIQ40f In neIg',"borboo. . . . might, yield enormous r6sulta to -day. ' . . . I I �. .. I ' � I . . . I I . instruments. I4 I)!- . t1beir time in Oriti in . never saw, father, VAIA a Bible in his I It number of astronomical. . . . . . . . they are from unistanoes, the wa: . p . laar shoulderect 'Office is city. anl,=Iess�d qua 6 a , i1al,that of the self -binding, reaper, 'The . , � . . � ­ . I ­ specalation I T -0 the 11we a He sr-kys, ',Came, . ehll-w the oike. r came tie Old ttLk4 � . The War . ., .tu , 1, Tip$ left to roam at . . . .. - ,� I � .. . hey,tak )land before. I the opinions of their big Hauser, 33%ptterifig, '.1Fh1chever also - be I * naproved ay stead of a, Silver currency, we employ .. .. . * . . I ., I . Lily. t traditions and . _ I apqu , g control of. � , . .first r4ping machine cost 4�0. Th6 in odibly post- . . . . � . " -now. ,,=In , 408 traotg larg� during t i . ad any of those almost or I . . - Of he� Valley'. dren, I twaiat you all to sit down , . he. summer around barn � 1. 8bairom, or the . . ' I I the war 06, no* we shall got . - I . . grandmothers.I.Straig4t, atbletioan.6 'way, . . I � most Modern self-binaernow costs I . - -� .� . , ,G'- 4�ous pai-to of. t OOUn_ . .. � we could' got , . � Pa. 11 out the aratherl. sc&ttor 'the .car While. we read And pray2i The chil- tlY6 Yloilander.11 . I of land I .. var I P anit' ' buildings' I bave� not known ly metals�supposiw . I � . - alla, and say, "Is that the be I autiful . . undisturbed .by crowds, or pushing, r,14 of . . Ing groundo.. 1- �. aboutX85. That is.axeduotionafrpne- . )A dif. � . . . dran look At each. other, and Are a . - try for .train � I enough of them, Which would . I - . . I. how loudly Thexe was throughout the caft- , � . . . . '.. : them to. do me anyl harm.. . They will half pinq�p . the invention appeared. . , � . I � � ' half -discourteous men, . . . . s of value would under� . , -ywer of religion that Yaw are talk- . I . .. fieult--our idea � . . . G, -. bu� they, see ando, until . - . . I pick UP their livingand become tat I . � I . I most disposed to Aaugb, they. laugh,.low distinctly and free- paign a Hollander comna V,vactically every one Who farmis'would . I I . inir about 1,, No, J.Joiver in beautii . I ,'aeoP earn- ly they talk, of the scaspa, of dress, foolling.becalgio so Strong tptween its ' without any lgrain, and care 'whatever. . go a sudden. change. I . . I . . . I . . � � that their !parents' Are in A VERY GRATEFUL FLY, . ten many reapers,' if . � . r, . ful after you )lava torn it 'all to est. It is . a short chapter that the . . . Cats. sometimes leh& to catch. and kill buy a reaper, of . An irldiurd ­ sixilencei" without I . I I . . I . .. of the coming wadding, or the. last members and the Boers I,.t had to be Once. V'hlle a man wag catin1g. his they. were cheap. But 4he price, con. uld be worth - . " I - pieces. I father roads. - He is a good reader at is ad. The Hollanders, when oungr hares, so it d6osi. not answer to. looking any different, wo, . rown they d band . .breakfast on, a sumaner ty . � sidering all things, is simply extrav� I . I .. . . . _ InorblAg".1le"o . I I half a sovereign'and an . calcium one . �� � � . THE FAITH To HEAVEN other, flinoo; but now� he does not get. f . lently developed, turn t#eM.Out under three or four . . . . ' 4:�' % , . I . . . 1. are, especially, their hands, brilliant Matteris had Out ic saw -a fly stuck faot in thq butter. . 11 . . � I agant., The raw material for them . , .would . have an unchangeable value of . I . on inualL Tie ices So .much to linger with rings, and bow rough Mat.in, conference in Pretoria, .and , w to: le 'it months, 6f , age. .Tropublesoma cats . .1 . . � I I . I . . . . .1 . . r . 9 so Plain that a fool need Dot make I : dazzling , . � His first idea. ,ao , t die -by as for onost -Machinery. is . unt. Small change in I I i � . . . , an, in I � I a , about It. and His voice trembles. Everything lankempt their hairl What cur, des tched � 6 cable to,�,,thoir Qup Int of his knife, butl being in . ust be disposed of. I use the shot- ., - twice the AM* 1 4Y mistake yet men Om, . . . . and , Pa the par I . . 11 YERY INEXPBN-'11VB- '. 'either Metal Would have to be Made, , . 1. I . stop end mvil. Where 1& no need of is 40 Rtr"gely new to, him- They IOUs, fanciful oidthea they, wear, and begging for a battleship to carry the main, .a. kilfaV�Wr&a �M%11'4'betto ,gun� Lgw pon1tryi. so hares can, be I I . . I . . ; , . . . . . - aw4y from tbey� country � "Ma . I " n and steel. -, byan . . �1� . . I � . .. . 1. I . :. . . Ives abriut mYst 'a I I I what wonderful Combs. and buoklest them safely. . thoughts came to him, and : "' , � rked, mot between their toes, but on It 19 Wood Ira expert, I . � er4 8 Irnael�tbat is, the father and moth � haia decided I - - I . � : 1. bother . Ing curse . bat tbe' children dome down And,ij �Shc chancea. to laugh next A they hid -battened upon so long. , . ra, which give the very In the ingot And the plank prob� I . I I . . . . . I I . I I when there are So many things that or do; � - . I to save its life. So.tbis kl�d, 400& their long " a -a uld be bought for a . I I . I 11 . I one by one,: 'They do, not trio of .th: I . n@u,whap made the I I � best at opportunity to.puniclit holes or ; ably the. whol I a ,%'- I . . we, plain. . age very indepondexit -young Th9se were tho,i `�'.�_ man tenderly removed -the tM, gently &t.little alits., 'Thus marked, .. ith. -fifteen I .SAYINGS OF CHILD10 I I . a I they Must. . it is some time before . war, and who had repaid Paul Xru-- . , .. . one can couple of sovereigns, W I . . . . , . I I .tDr. Ludlow. ta)Wht me. A JOSSon . � . girls no elderly *Omall will fail LID 5 an ,V so ' SPAraped the ij#ter off its little legs, i6gsily, keep.. track of the different times the cost of the maiarial Added, "Daddy,,'.' asked little ,Tack, "Where. I . � . I . I I * they all got do". The Sentences are '10 go 'b Iling. his Pr I esl- carefully W1pea,itS4Ayi1lgS -w#h his . . no . i , have never forgotten- While Putting :em, TLbe phrases are a little un- be surprised at what. they cat, wbi T'- 9 eras'Ity . I � . agwl,� Sexes, castrate(! Animals, now cary we call this a cheap machi I It does a snake begin When he w6fits to a. variety of questions to him. that brol; they la I ugh and obaff'each, other like, dency and his coiiu�Tyls indbpond- tahie,inapkim,,'and, softly sticking - � I Atical. I.E(e, Prayer begins . .. �: _�,_, � . -it it liberty, stock bought, etc. Arecord will have Lt. were, it wpoidd cost about 48 �Or wag his tail Ill " * is . . . . . . were perplexing, he turned upon me lgrtLmm I schoolboys and rotlessly put up Moe - I . ft)��Ilttle backv se,t I . to be kept in that crime. , � solo, Yet that *ould boionly aredup- "DaA,11 asked little Freddy, "how, . . � - � I � somewhat in sternness, but more in abrUptly and � ends abruptly; but, as their hands to presh Uncertain eii6mbe THEPOWCY OPTHE HOLL&NDM That might the fly wake h4p. There - . .. , I -quarter of thepre- it. the baby fish don't get drowned be. . � . I . . . . '11. jaw an, I can understand what they 'into their' loose rolls Of fluffy hali, -� ' .Wag a burglarl 110 ' . k : -_ , - .. tion to about one . I . love, and said 11 Mr. Talmage, you WX *�%)io engineering of the debacle Was was just putting sent price, The 11 working 11 watch has fore they. learn to swim V1 , . . v things mean, it is about this;, '10 Saviourl 'They* are fine Specimens Of Physical easy and ocaiganial work to the Hal- the last of. the farrilly silver into his UTILIZING HEN POWER, I . I I � . . have to let God, know, ,memo " We. do not. know how to health, with firm should,ors and quite land intriguants. Four!or five years basket preparatory to 4 ,6a ' rylm it , been. reduced to one-thirtleih. But Granddad.�-What makes you look so I . that you don't." ,Wo tear -our hands help - r 9 A',fairraer writes that he. utilized , Supposing mroduotion all round to unhappy, Willie 111. " Cause nobody I . . I , I Teach -us. . Wo camnot live, � � . �1- - on the spines ot the cactus instead pIrAl.. I itstonishinal-MliscUlar arm$, bUtth6Y "go th&t realized that Paul Kruger awaT;,but when he saw the Owner he tile natural tendency of his bona to icne,'quiwter of.the present price, let, never calls rap, good unless I'm do- - I . . . . . I , ,; Any longer In the way we have been are act f,%soinatifig, nor dodo the b4 his end, and that with dropped We plunder! fled'thro . I . . I of feasting our eye '011 its* ,, tropical .. . . was near I nib scritiob. by lattlue thern do the *ark US say, for farming, machinery, or for Ing something I don't Want to do,"_' .1 . I to, living. we Start to-asLy. far,, beaven. new, Alert, commanding - manner his death would. come the loss of all the Open window. '.the ilk, Which in him garden. He makes long, nav- locomotives on roads, affected solely Young Hopeful, to his big, slater, -f : . , I b1coul, tA greal company of People . Help us to take thesel children along abarmis . I - I I 'do enough to fit . . . I . I their p had followed the maq.1,4 I I night sit swinging the,311861*611 oil th& ,ower In the land. The -Tame .. pvV�istaivs, row pages, just wl, Nell, . . )Forgive ud for all the past. I . � - I by brains and organization, as was say, Nell, pass me thb butter. ' : , .. . camorei tree of 'their pride, and I Wit)' us' I 0 1 . I son waid Afforded then% a text from buzzed triumpharitly,over 'the basket, between his egeta- . the .reduction In the price of the In a tone of sisterly reproof -If what,,. I I . . . By . W4 I's strengthen uo for all the future. . . I I . .Cry to you, 11 Za4chbus, 130=6 (10 WHAT RIM WAS THINXING ABOUT. which to preach British covetousness and -then settled confidingly upon his blica, etc.; bus Slat sides, board tops watch, What a decrease i the labor Johnny? . .Tobuny,: goaded to da- I � Ofyour priae, out of And When the jo . is over, take I . I , In I . . urney .- and British treachery. hand. " and bp In these eagag he bills and profit to �the failmor would spexation by thp delaY.-If Y c , . I I Comel down oitt . as where Jesus is, and where the lit. Soon after Singletich's first baby, , I en bottonam � . ou all y6:0LUquisitivename, outof your tape- � ' Whon President Stoyn, the vainest And, looking at 'it closely, the mbas puts his hot dirt thr6woto and Iota retuitt It might mean the re-estab. reach bt. � . � �__ Ulq,tion, YOU Cannot ride intOtbegate tie babe is tUt wt!�.Ioot. Amnon Ill Wag born Mrs. Singleton: Went UP- and most short-sighted politician' in by a certain Shiny look that lingar- tbom boe but the patob. When the at of English ,agriculture and "Mother, will you please tell Itog- . I 0 That night there ls,a, rap at the stairs one evoning and entered the South Africa, defeated Mr. Fraser at ad yet about its body, knew that it ground 13 well torn up, be moves the lishme Prosperity like that intro- gle to be quiet ill "But he is quicto . I . I of he"en, with coach and four, Dostil- . elroom. door. "Who is there?" room where her darling lay asleep, the polls, he was approached and of�, . wag; thd same fly that he bid rescued cage Along- And in this way. keeps the an ora, of . � I lion aboa . d, and lackey behind.."ExcePt h the oldest Ther . a she found her husband stand- duced by steam and c4al sixty years dear." "Yesi rnummy, but every time . 6 bdo erlvi the father. It is 'fig fored the dual Presidency if be from the btattet., An had Spared its earth mallow and the garden free a . . I hit him on. the head with dad's walk- I . . y coine ,I$ little chilArens ye can child. "What Is't,he Matter? Are lug by the sidb of the crib and gazi . go. . , Would cast - in his lot with the Trans. life,, and in gratitude It WL4.81v6d his from Insects. A. contributing cause of the expense 1mg Stick he screams an' I most hit I -� .. not enter into the kingdom of God." . ok?"' ,,No; I wamt to be earnestly at the child. As slid stood - I . - I I I I , " God Ilia chosen thel weak things of and a',l still for a moment, touch6d by tile vaalinawar withOreat Britain, As Silver, . of making Machinery is the costliness ,cause It's the gatabil., . I . . klavoil." Only a little ,While, . � d he himself asouxed me 0 aroonstailt, N.g.-The truth, of the abovi staty THE OUBAX - . Of #,the Machines which make ma- Itoggle-Mummy, dear, this !a Tom. . . , I . the world to cOlifOumd tills mighty"" the obildron 'are- brought into � the might, the teas filled her eyes, an hie felt the Independence, Of his ItOPUb- is not gnatante6d by the Editor. . Churning too rapailly inakes oily pillnes.11 TheSt. Are known as "tools," my Jones. Mother, ratbOr SurPriso ' I ,,Z&eehous, 6orne down I came, down I" kingdonin. of God, And there Is great she thought., ' ' I lip was Menaced by Great Britain, . I and the Makers are 11 tool-makems.11 ea-Yeal, dear; but I!Ve soon Tommy . l- -, X no � Oct, that , joy in tb� bouse, , !,Ohl how d"Irly, Charles loves that I I ­_ � butter. . . , I . � o w compAnlail,bis ot(TrelndOf to Christ . 11 I . . . and the Struggle mmust come now or I orearaylpened too soon will not give From, 406 to 41,000 is the range Of before, Itaggle.-But ryou, said yes- . � , If you looked out of your W114doW boyl . . lit would be submerged. . I WHY 1.0 WAS 1,34BASED. I . I . I r 11 with! the restoration of property that toe gi,�4,dk up your fr I ont Her arms aticib Softly around his all of the butter. . pride,$ for o tapalow, on the list of a tetday I was the naughtiest boy you � I .e ` did, nct- Wong to him. no Says, "It end saw . The nollanilers fancied there was a When the children attending &car. Bmtter color Will tot, oavtr up. de- prominent firm. The work turned out over saw, so I brought Tommy, . I'- StOM you,%vauld not, watt, but goyour- lieck, as she rabbedh6r check caress, chance, by purchased sym1path3r an the thin hchool jeaggentilvd after the t ain or flavor. I is perfect. But there is a great ten(1- I , . . . I )jave, taken anything by false'aocla- . shoolder. Singleton fea a in RT ' 1 __40-_ . Aelf to open tie, door. Will you keep inglY Against his r It t) e it t g .of fat 'milk , . �, I" .yl That is, if . touch ' 4 etputinent, by Miclous titillation of summor holidays one lot the teachers in f po en 6, 6 in onoy to extravagance of fittish in non - 11 aki,tion, I rosters fourfold lissus-standing on the outside, his Started Slightly at the - international jealousies, - Dy careful asked her little pupils it they were that determinaa. 66sentials in the results, AN AppItOPRIATS REMINDBR.- I . I I ig,ve, taxed any man for ten than- Wks wet with the dow,siof the nightf Darling, he Said, dreamily, voicing Pandering to the Prejudices of the pleased to got back to School. The cow that givm it good return What is wanted i&L.,a tool whichoan He was rather a rackety young man -t �� - . danA dollars, wAen be, bad Only five This day is salvation come to thy his thoughts, it is Incomprehensible peace Party In, England, to hinke, war Yes, was the almost U" . RAIM10U.8 re- for the foca consurned is; the Ono for 61at Steal like wood, and do it cheaply. and kept very late hours. no Was going I I . AnAput The, great want of your house to B16 hO,w thW can got UP Such A - suffering permanent loss. In . ,�. ,thousand dollars Of PvOPartYo house, 11 without 16pon$61 . I . . I I I I � profit. ald tbat at Paris one which on a long joilrney,.aaa on bidding fare- . Ili my pocket the tu for the 10stfive . orlb An that for halt a guinea It Is a I . I I is not a. new, orpet', or costlier pie any event, Transvaal nollandere have Taking the boyS individually, the Milking shouia always be date with fulfilled the first condition was Ox- Well to its beloved he said to her: i , I tb�ofa,And, I will restore to him, fear- turea, -or rich furniture- 0 ,,,, I I alwaya limbed Successfully it troubled teacher next askad- . us little dietutrbanoo of the ,cow as, Pool IliblW, Itqs noted In nearly all Me- "Darling, when I am far Away every . I . jold. If- I took fronjilin ton dollars, , - � )IT is JESUS � I C1OOXJXG SULTAXIS FOOD. I Waters, and the subsequent loss Would Why are you Pleased to get back Alble, I I . ink , I I I W1.11 giVeihimfarty Jollars,0 I took . be to th,o Doers, not to them. Those jo ,School V . chiho-Mking that there IS a IUZV.VY night I will 9age at 7011 Othl' and th' . . . M wax to tho. ar�my a little while. Sometimes but litight wast6fullftebsof of that,. ,,Wilt thodi too, 90.2e 'at Yoh I from him forty dollars, i will give him The food for the Sultam of Turkey ter will be streaked Of aiall, a dow I "A who,watehod things In the opetLuse, answered the bright youth, all Account ,Of not beln:g itilc of Mot,, , I . ,arie hUndrea and 8124 dOII4tN. . During the dayl the soldiers drIllod, is c6okod, by Ong mall and big assist- 01 us , I properly strength, "ligh au(1,0*611 Of what the star, and th . .1-11 t. it jig Txamvaal in tUe month preceding I gets A, bit 0 rest at School, In the washed or "worked, Makers consider ornamental, ,%Ybloh is "I will, Indeed, dearest," She replied, ­ . #.If A injam, Shall Steal god at might th*- all WAnt to their gntA, and no others touch I 10,16,11116 XZR4 he or it arts' occupation Of PriNtbri& ioliday6 I, just, runs b6rrina all day I The natural iflavor of buttOt can' not practical. AlMoAt the, earliest me- ,,If I needed any thlbi to remind me of .. an OX or 0, sh"00 MI)a kral it or Sell tents. $00 to-nigit, 1 16�4 on this aug- cooked In silver vessels, And w n L d Ob ; Obine, ia-whloh educated VInglishmen �A . for an Ust Assembly. as hareat Army, We (,crio, tatil, kettle is Sealed by al $lip know best what Skilled Anglers they 60me SAY6 Ono VeAmnv some anoth' not' be romoved by washing .in cold took tiny Inter6dt ,wO the sporting you I woul'I choo.46 this very star." . it , 110, $hall reatave give oxen are of papor, and a Athrep And this is pxov6d thooibelvos to be. #r, ilut It was r"6rved to h. little, dot . gun, It Was 1011p: before any respect. "Why fl, he A310A. I ax, And four 664 for a Shoop, it A have, been drilling to-d&Y, Now, Wo to be- � vmf6r. " . and be About to break ranks, And to go, each broken In the PtAftenoo of the k[ultah And so the intrigue &VOIGPed a,t the bottom Of the class to StAttle Careful manipulation with tk6 ibIs guft.mgkor would'eondemend, to ,#&Ojago Ittealways but go Into at Jr tbI,6j bo, iound breaking UP, all 00 on to his faiWly tout, May the An- by, the .High ChamborTAIns,who takes Car" anational policy. Paul grulm" the too,oh6r. � 6ream find 6VOrytblng else pot tight do what the 06191ans of L1690, and night, had looks SO Pale In the morn - V Smitten illat lie die, tb6re all -6 gto, k6t. . vas blind, and ffir Alfred Milner f Dirming. I bi-� M­f� .f�t him, it tu- Sun be gel at the ClovenAmt Spread his wings one Spoonful from each 86par And now, ,Tohnny, said the ladyll will pla)kt gool, butter without ,weak. later the Manufacturers 0 1 , 86 tents I God tle befat6 the Sultan tasted it. This Stayed �IIIA )�&II4, at the beginning. kIndl,V lifting the Y*Ungst6t On to hot ham, Oontriv6d to do, to turn Out IAV, I .1 - ., 10 Ira, thord Shall b6 blood Ow6f oath but of tho ed to Inc. 0, quite sor�lceablq gun for 48 instead � � . '. v , 8 � _ eas butter, of 440i When S, future Gladstone Arista ,� � � ) ris , - rk. The � TAtors A0 MAn Might stay( the war' knees, Why ig ,10-hAnY P1 There J6.1nor Profit In poor RATTMALLY. I " I -, F"� HE J . I I , � 11 I t I I I m,aed *jr,SIM for he shooild -make fall bless you and yout children I notate Is to guard against POIRO I . ten Volook tb-alght, bull(I your Altar. Sultall never uses a plate, JUt rare. IJOL-111$ NV90 VOTSD V01t PBACM. , Must I tell the, troof I asked .1ohn. to matter .)low ob6aply It inky be pric- to r6vilse our syat6ol of rating, to re- rgstitutIM; if he. hl%v,a nothing, then , I I I .1 adjust burdeps. and, where popasible 11 Did you know thove axe mlnuta I - - If the Take, the fAMilY ))IblOJYi"9 ,M the 1Y Uses A knife or fork--& spoon, his It 16 W,ell to roMembor, how6vor ,ny, dooed, to rerjove ralsebl6vout tax"i he may PhrASROS In all of Man',% blood veff- ­ bio shall'bo *o1A,1pr bis,th6ft .t&bl6, Call iogAth6r," "Yjy broad, 4 pantakf, 6* bh&TA dtO that thA lAht 660r0t 00,8811011 Of tht Of worso, i1o'bully, XOW, why Art Tb%w lowths of fl* Cow's food got4 be tl-upltdd to, givN early attention to sets Pl Irily folum In blot band D1116W to. body mintinswo and oni, fourth the Ifil"t, romat In ftto, but &U. ,, 11 s, thote be bertA w &At, 6r of Your family ## raity, be Awake, Agad. 11 found far biiindl6r, It rs4ulroa just Vo1kvadd#.th,6 obsiou tli#,t &UtllOti0d YM� P1640d f ky, tbey mAt tool 164 it th#1 h" � All,t Whether It bg 61, 4 tell se"U44 I Ain't, so tk*T4 I r6pliod tkip to Wolit imAkIng, t1qvLht#A In 0itit, 1016h taxes thO 00 Ifla, ohaptor, and thea If Y,04,0411 think twics 04 "lay 414*44 Aii that* Are *do twelve, Months ago, the dosj* , � 0 1 illapt he Aball remtot6 double. at Nothing *)" b"Wipt tkip Urals oo*rdips to siifv4,� Aina4pt t4 MW #1 Me io"laptit i9tiMitilOft fA Otftt WoOftlillblil, 1' Abu" tUs tood of t*64ftflopo tbot #&'blAiOry *hlich Mk" raA*hIa*J% . liviia to V40.11 � 4*tV14 A fi6ld -or *1 . I I I 'I , * "am Abitil . . , . . 9- , . I ,/ I - � , . a. I / I &_ ._____.._, 1. ­ I -,�,-..-�.--�--.�,-�.''------". ____ ___________