HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-29, Page 80 THE OLIN - . . 1---1 I 0111p= I -1 .. - )N 'i EWS-R i WORD 11, - Nov. 2.9. 1900 4, � - I - -1 I . 1-1-___._ ------,-- ­ -.-�-�,�.�,-�;����---%--�,.-,----"-�",."- 1. ... I 11, .. 1. 1. ��� �� �_._____­­�___ . _ � ___ __ __ � �, 1. _�� , �r� --- .1 . ­ -_ - � - _. - I I --I-- - . . I _ _­­­_ ­_ - _­--­-- -_ , _ � � A, VoubcFAU V R'BOIVONT O'll" I HULLET TOWNSUIP, . St. AU046slike. � DU BROS.' BIG DRY GOODS ' ., . STAV411W 3RXP0S:WS, TJJN ---I- 1101DUENS STOU I CORRUPTION op TUN Mr. ScAIQ8 of the 8th con. afts his A very pleagant event took place on 140 an JonQ2, who Is on his return P -A A A A . - A A PA A A " I A A A 00%0V~ 1, Christmas A : VTON XACHINMI house about completed. Wednep4sy evening,, the 14ill inc,tant, fromWouch Africa is exmted to arrive I I � - ^*A� I 1-1 ll- I , I I I, . .. . Ale. Fred. 0orbett has taken the tit Mr. .H. I'lowinan's when his oldeut on Wednesday when a Ig demonstra. . � . . I Fro!11 a copy of the Winni gweek- contract of cutting 1� acresof swamp daugliter Sarah was Joined in tile holy tion is awaiting him. Tile committee "I'. � ... . 1 Ww 1 t for Mr. Henry Adains, . bonds of matrimony to Mr. R. F inno , - who have the affair to charge have �. , t I - � -.#--* ­% IV Trlbune,. sent us by � r. Joseph lkjl� William, I le", � Foster of Stanley, we got a complvto Fear is still cutting gan. The Rev. Mr. Kennedy of An. been instructed to purchase 1% &I4 I e � .1.1 " # I Papers ;lc, wood and shooting an occasioual borne oillciated. We wish the young watch on behalf of the oltizens of oil- I .1 I . . � con"t (if tile attempt made by the rabbit and bird. I couple it pleasant and happy voyage notion to present to our brave soldler . � ... � I . 81fion Maellitle to bribe Mr. Janit-d Mr. Samll Appleby has bought what through life, Cy. . Morrow of the constituency of Lisgar, . * I * . . Manitoll. 10 ,.Ar�,, . I ...... 1 . a. was fordierly known as the" Johnny Mr. 4ohn Craig and Mr. R. 11, And, Richard Flonegan. has joined the �i . ..11 � I It will be borne in, alludo Mason Fartu" situated on the Gravel ersoubave returned home from Mus. . . . . . . . . . . Kindly lot us have your that the Lauriev Government, ranks of benedic�s. we wish the .1 I � � 2 1 by Road. The price paid was kolia and brought some deer with happy couple Much prosperity In their � . ord6r for 106115 of Sifton and the Machine, ; . . ,Your Ftwovite Xrmas were bound,no matter at what the cost 'over $5000, The farm, which them. wedd4d lif6. I I . 11. has been owned by Mr, Wagner for Mr. and Mrs. 11. Baker a �1' N. . e4itiou. to defeat Richardson, the independen � petit a few Rev. M. M, 'Goldberg, who had to, . 1 �..... A"_-�11 . about eigl�,t years, is one of tile best days last week at Owen Bound, postpone his address on "The British . _­ ............ - -­ ­ ­ "..". Candidate. The Tribune says ;- Air. Win. Robtriso � o, . - - , ) 4�p , - 11 It 19 well know in the toi�osbip and is conveniently it lost a valuable Nation Triumphant" two weeks ago -,-- rl::t , ... ;t­�� . . , � I r. Appleby, who lives but eb be found dead ell .. ­ � , X . , � ­ _­­ 14� . r � , ri that the machine located for M liorse last week will . ; ----- - - - . Globe [Yro havo doubled ou " was very disappointed when the Con. accourib of the weather purposes -_ 11_� � __ I ..- � . order this year, "I servatives did not nominate in Lisgar. a short distance away. lie lq enerme. when he went to the stablo in the giving tile same on Sunday evening . I �___11 .. - i" I I Saturday Night tic andindustrious and will make toe morning. . next tit 7.80 P. in. I I ' I . Mr, Siftort doubtless hoped not only place still better and miore valuable. Miss Minnie Craig visitedber friend, The Weekly Story of the Big Store. I Bl,;xqk: and Wbite (,j,,j,v) . ,takillMr. Richardson in Lisgar by Anothee of Hullet's pioneers pass. Miss Leslie Robinson, one day last There will be A meeting held in St, 1. . I . . . aldingtoelect a Conservative randt. week. � Paul's church on Tuesday evening, !it � OyW~yW*%*.# ob#� -------- VVVVWV%#VVW A A, PVVVW ChictLgo Tiorseman date there, bob also that the 0onserva. ed away on7 Thursday last in the . . V i A A A A A I _VVVYyyy%0 VVVVYV I YVVV~ tives by Joining in the attack on Mr. p�rson of Mr. Richard It -win of Blyth. Mr. Andy Stein and Mr. Wm. Bur, the interests of the Sunday Alliance, - . . " . I , Figaro tie was a natiye ot County Sligo, kitt have taken thei contract of cut- A number of ministers are expected to . ' AW - . . Ricliardson would alienate the lode. Ireland, where he was born o urden of address the meeting. Gentlewoman - , this couri, n Bet). 8th, 1 it lot of wood for Mr. J. P . pendent vote In other constituencies, tnhg, . Fallin 182,1 and cauie to ry in 1811. oth concession. I'dr.Alex. Walker is home at, present Horse Review � F in that and fInding.that Mr. For, a time lie was a member of Miss Leslie Robinvon was visiting fron) the North-West visiting his A RecordAlrBrea I c . . Wink er hae. little or no chance of Magttw's troop and its such carried her sister, Mrs, J. Mille, near.Luburn, parents. . . The London News election, the machine bits becoine des- despatches froul Toronto to Kingston. one day last week. The It lituln on Tuesday of last 11 ' 81W . I London Graphic perate and bits been trying to get some He lived -also !it the township of . � Y, 9 I , individual Conservative to take� the ------- ­___­_____ -1 week di. cons! erable dama e mound . Lady's Pictorial field, Mr. Morrow of Silver 8 I ObIncouchi and in 1851 InCived to R net I this borhood. The wires running Sale of New Man....... -11. PrIngs, Wawanosh where he lived some years, 11 B into nhe,igt"e'legraph ofilce were struck Pears' Pictorial LaRiviero, bad been spoken of as a afterwards moving into Hullet and . olgr4ye, and . burned. The school chimp * probable candidate in the event of - the - . ,oys We -usher - iD: December with a Record Breaking $ale* of years litter toBlyth where he passed . . were also struck and torn down. " . etc., etc. I Conservatives nominating and the the last years of his life, respected by Geo. Parkes of Sunshine died on I . I machine turned to him and attempted 411, � The funeral took place on Satur. Saturda � y from typhoid fever followed ­­ - - ____,___.._____ ready- o -wear Mantles. Uiitil every Mantle Jnihe store finds a'" Agents Parkeea Dye Workgj to bribe lilln, into becoming a candl- day t6.Ball's cemetery on the Base by a com licat' , date, Mr. Morrow was, as any honest Lint, where the reinalus were interred. other typ9 ton of diseases.. The . BIRTHS, . , - : I . � . .1 oid cases being treated . . . now owner.we will sell them at prices that have never been ,, . . . . . . inail would be, most indignant and Mr.. Irwin Was twice married but both by a' Dr. McAsh are progressing . . . . ;; Fai GUO .immediatelytelephoned to Mr. Rlch� wives predeceased It . im. His four sons favorably, . I . � I I . . MANN -In Hullett on November Mt'h � .. � . . " The I A r ardson on .9unday and informed him survive. Two of them are out West, Peter and Yoll" Budge ofWater.. the wife of . Moso Mann of a touched in this county before.'- ' I . . � . I ' . . . . . of the whole affair. On MoudaK Mr, Arthur lives in Wingliam and Joseph down arrived on Wednesday of last daughter. . .1 , . . . . . 11 .� Morrow, after" consulting wit his onthe homestead, Thedeceased was week and will remain for the winter . . � .1 . . . often the Cheapest, Altvays the Best. friends, arranged for the publication th ' __ - ,__ ___ . I � .. I . I of the statement given below. The a faithful member of the Presbyterian 0 -guests of Miss Jessie Budge. ___- . . . I . � . . I . W. Geddes intends putting' in a . __ - - infamous attempt therein described church and was it regular attendant nt new chopper for the winter's The Metropolitan Co' --an fo ' it . . . I the means of grace. In politics he was trade. urse The Reasto r . forms a fitting sequel to the attempts a staunch Conservative. I Frank Wheeler Is doing a ruellin . . The phenomonally warin weather, of Septelaber and October,.(the warmest we have � . . I About * 0 0 I . to bribe Editor King of Brandon and business making bob -sleighs, a goo'l Five high class musical anilliterar Mr. Manby of Oak Lake, in Sifton1b . I . I . . � _y enter, --= many of which are for Bruce county. tainmetits for $1. Are you a subscriber I if bad for. yeara� resulted in uW selling -just about half the Mantles we usually .sell in those - - , i EX30CUMICKAX31DE00 own constituency. It would be � . C. McOI611and not call in and have your name put on the list,. months and today w 11 first day of I WHERE THEY ARE. I People difficult to find a parallel to the base Forest Rollie. has returned from a Subscribers list now open at. jacicson *Bros.' e ,ave in stock double the number we ought to have* -on the I I I treachery sugggested to . Mr. Morrow. : I � __ I .. f rout a trip to friends at London and The Patricolo Concert Compani,from the Slay- . . . 01) WHAT � � I . other points. I ton Lyceum Bureau, Chica December. We have to do one of two things, carry .the surplus into next seasou. or'cut.the . The Mandelssohn Male Quar tteancIA 0 � . Mr. Morrow,as will be seen, was ' Mr. Fred. Perkins spent Sunday Charles Walker of Narltmee is visit. C . I . 4 THEY ARE DOING decoyed to. Winnipeg by an urgent last with friends here, iug at William it X Grimm, from the Groat Eastern =" prices lo* enough t *0 sell them� all now, This we have decided to do, and on nd John Wightman's. Bnreau. . III . . . . I . . I . . I . . I � � cc�nnon WeKilow telegram. He'conties and the sender Mr. T. Lawson of Londesboro was He came to attend the finiet-al of his, Mrs. A,ges Knox-Blook, America's greatest . . . . . .1 . of the telegram learns from him where the guest of Air, H. Little last week. aunt, Catharine Wightman. . clocut onist. . * I Mr. 0. B. Koenig is in London today. he is staying in the city, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Robt. McKav received The well at the, Quens h The Eu tie Page Concert Company, front the INK AV . . . . otel, which GreaRlastern count Bureau. I rnitigaprpininentSiftonlan mach- .quite a shock one day last �veek when caved in recently,has been do MAU . Miss Bet -tie Westman. of Granton is !no tileie g out.aud The Anna PaTic LJ1 neort Co any, from th T. brought it crib of . Star Lyceum Bureau . We 0 , Aw , Ist 1: I ,� �he guest, of Mrii (Dr.) Thompson, ine man, pretending to be it Conserva, �slx.year old son wr,s brick with cement top placed Newt rk. a Saturda, -D"% r . i I tive, tells one yam after another. by home from school iinconsciouis, It I therein which will Reserve seat plan will open to Bu . . . N of I I .. Mrs. Fisher and daughter of St. Marys prevent- a like .b.s.o.r1ber.guo * , � 1 . I . :.1 Way of introductdon, seeks to play up Ido, the general ,public. ,V. .to. . . ­ . q . occurrence in the future. 'y ' . . -stock oxi.sale at .prices that are but a fraction of . the original value aud 'in - seems.be was riding on it larger pupil's . e��04,0.r.o . ii, . I . . ace. our entir i tire guests tit Mr. J. J, Fisher's. on his personal feelings and to excite shoulders when running. The hirge 9 � . I ,.. pl , , I e . . I � . . I _� . . . .... ��...., � . . � Miss Anderson of , the * Collegiate his cupidity and offers him $1,000 in boy 61pped, throwing the n lad ====-- "I � .. ...= 'most .cases less than the goods cost at the factory, It is , ot often that we sell goods for � -A ,vern & � I I . I n . -Institute spent Sunday in Blyth. hard cash to. put in ,his ovkrjt',� offeri on his face which -rece quite a .�,,Nt:,Qo,qt,e.qt�,m le. s than they cost us, but in this Case it will pay usbettek to 8ell'them now even at a loss �' . under the pal ental roof. . I . ­ tostipply in addition MY the money severe gash.. He also- lost -several � o.,qt�.,o,ot*5,qt,�e,qt�,,(B�qw, . I . I S . I Mr. P. B. Crews was in London yester, for his election expenses and , t anu- . teeth, We are pleased 'to note he is 0 1. . I - , . I � 0 than to carry them'ov6r, ! . . I I I I . I . I I I . . . �.: , . I I . day looking- ug pretty.things Xur the facture a supply of literaturl-c-foo, the recovering as fast as can be expected, , * . . � I I . . . A � . .. . �1 . Christmas tra e. I � , avowed purpose of This-Isa -warning to boys p aying at . Remember .it is. brand now goo ds,tliis sea.sons styles that will be sold,and that, a chance . .1 I . defeating Mr. Richards4n," . school. . � 0 , . . ;� u - long time. , Cost OT VaIU6 �:, � electors, all for the . I . Mr. John Todd has returned to Clin- Mr. Morrow - waFi -a former Miss, Alice McKay of . McKil � lop 0 . . (30 to buy. good mantles for such little pricescomes ,b t ,once in a Joni, ., . � . . ton from his home iri'Hensall after a re ' P hb. togra p- I , S*1 TO 0 his not been .'Considered i ing . �, sovere Illness. - . - :� sident 'of , this county , and, his spent a few days with her sister,-, Mrs. . . . I . n making these prices,- ithas. simply been a question of marki � . , . old friends her;e 'will be pleased Robt, McKay.. . I . ; � . . .. . � . I . . � _. . I .. . a , them at A price that will clear them o I tt *quickly. ' . ... I .1 . . : Misses, Maud 0antelon and Mau4 Cook to learn of the COuraAeOus and manl� a Mr. and Mrs.: -Williarii Ross visited 0 1 ... . . . . � . � . . . . .. 0. . I . � � . . I . . I . I ..., . .:% from Goderich spent Sunday at their spirit he display&a In rejecting an t Grantoh last Week; . I I I . . . .. . I � . I., homes here . I �. . . . . . ex osing the rascv.lity of the Machine. A number froto here i . wo quite 0. - - I.. . I 11 . . I ,�. o Mantles that s6ld'at $4.50, $69 $61 and $6.50 . �.. ..., ­ . . . . . . I. . I . . ohas'been.in New Y SliplZ settling on .the prairies. Mr. taken up with the revival services' V . . I. I . . I ork 0. . . .1 ,� f'r. Scott, wh' . . . � . . . . . .1 . t . 11 .. � � I - �� . e . . - a . . .. . I . . . 10. . I . I . . . I fol a fortnight, returned home y �- Morrow, has done, well and'stands now being,carried on in tile, Bruce. . . el ng now .'-r $3 25 . . . I . . . . - S li . � I � .. I . I I � I . I 1. . h n 1.he esteent of the public as is field Methodist church, � 0 - . , .. I . 0 . . . . . terday. . . .1 I . . - I . I I - . igh I ce has ot nicely . . * . I I 0 .. . Ladies' Beaver and Niggerhead Kii,titles, new And popular styles, nearly all silk lined, black and - - . . . . . Mr. R. J. Cluff of ,Toronto was the' vid,n by the fact that for years Mr. Robb. Brownlee 10 I... I . .. . . . � . . I . . . . . J. I e . . I . . . . 1, .. .1. . . I . . � I fawn shades, materials that will give excellent wear. This lot embraces all our mantles that ' ' guest of his namesake citizen R. he has been reeve'of his"township. He settl d on his new farm �Ie expect 0 ` . . � . . � 0 .. .. sold at from $4.50 to $7, and every'one was right good value I . I I . is also, a past grand master, of 'the him to be. getting a *artner soon. ' 0 ­ . . . . I (P at !is former price, choice of the - .. Cluff on Tuesday. I . I . I Manitoba. .He is an ap . . � I . .� . e I - , - - - . Orange Order in . I orth h . ., I I I . . litire lot for our big -mantle sale for ....... I . . I . . � b ............. .......... I .................. 3..25 .1 . . . Mr. Welsh of Se as placed 0 * * . If you int your � . .0 � . I . . . . .. n 11 Mr. Harry Holden, wholitis been*clerk- old and particular friend of Mr. Fost- one of his pumps in Mr., Z. Forsyth's . . I ., wa, Photos for . Xmas - . , I . . I . .. . I . . I . in Kineardine tor some tiole, Ws who was delighted with the' out- well. I .1 . . . 1. % .. .. .1 1. �. � �. I I I . I 1. I . . I .0 _.�.L-1 I � :, . . . �� � ... . "I ... I ... � , . � . ue a sold at ID I I Ing - . .� I . . . M s: th t 4PT - , 0., --- has left there aild is in town this ,Come of tho'exposure, V.- 0 . anti, . .50 $8.25 -$9 and..$10 I I , �.. week. . � . .1 .. . the overwhelm,- Mr, M. H. Brownlee called at his � hit V e them taken at. once and give, us : .- . ED I . . . 9 9 . I . . . . . � . . Ing defeat of the - Sif ton, candidate', arenVs home Sandayi He., soent ! . . I �. 1. . . . . I ; 11 . . I I . .. .. I I . I . . I I I . .. , ; � I I . . . . . . . I . . . I .� . 11 Mrs. Thomas Dunford returmed , ta -.. __ . � ,gaturdaY. - shooting Ili . this district.' 'o . - : - ' tilne,to" Ardsh.,them. properly. , W(j are , . o Selling' now for $5...., - ' '.. .1 , , , - I - - , . , I . Brussels on Thursday after ,a five-' . I I .. . . , Although there was considerable snow I . . . . .. � . I . . . . a . . ��. I � .. . . .1 . . . �. I . . . . I I . � . . ,.. I �, weeks'visit with her son, Mt. Jame . s . , . 0 - - . . I . � . . .1 I Ladieg"fine Beaver and KerseY.Mmnfiles, the Fleasono moob*poptildr aiyleo silk and satin lined,.bluok' I i . I . . ; � � � CHISELJiURST, . , 6n,the road he rode his wheelJgst the 0 . ' b , .�� 0 .. ­ � .1 i . . Dunfoid. 11 . . � I .. �, I . . ". getting more usy. every, day. Don't lot t . .% . I na . . I I __ . I same,, T, El. and his- wheel are &l. - � . . I ,vy, gkey or fawn, a 'great ,many of them tailormade, Handsonde garments thathave been, � . . I . . . - � 1. ,Q 11, � � .5.00 , I ... I . * . � .r . . I. . . I . -.1 . 3 : .,. I I .. .. . -and vere; gooavalue tooiclicioeof lot for our great manile-sale ...., - � - , .. � Mrs. R. Glazi �rious Aebident.-While engaged Most inseparable- I . 1. I.. 0 - . .1, I . . � I. , I g at §7.50, $9;26 and $10 . I days. � S, . I ! � . � . . . er is spending a few ' . ,. I 11 . . I . . . ric . . . Sh in cuttin SeVeralarabil the sick list: fro -v - , � - � the'dark d . . 10. . � .. ,.. I .. I I . .., I . .. ­ !. A'.�, I .. . . .. . Is e , g straw on Friday.last Mr, in colds -%i , . � aY4 kee i : 0 'from:. .coming. . . . - . .1 I .1. . . .. � ­ : I . . � . . . I .. � . . . wlthfri�nds about OQnsta, T �%. :� ­ . 1. . P y 11 '. � I . . 1 � a ' I I . . . 11 . . . I .. ­ A_ I . I was accompanied out b�Mr, Hoiner , Olin Stacey had the misfortune to caused.4 the changeable weather: of* 'O . . . I . . . . � , . . . . . I I I I . .. . Andrews. 1. . . . . .. . get his hand caught in the straw. cotter late.. , I � . � I � I � ., ..O: I We fake.PhOtOS; in" les's1han . -, I . � 11 . .0 Children s: Ri0efors that, wera $,2.50. and. $3� . . I . � . . .._ ". I 1. . . � .1 . . . .1 �. . I .� I � . . I . . . I MissAnnie -Mains and Mrs. : White- and before the machine could be stop- . , , . � .1 . . .­­� I ;. . . . 01 .. . . . ­� .. I .., % .. .. I. . . 1 . 1� . I ... . I .. ­ . I :. . I I , . . ' I I . . . .1 . . . : I 1. . � head attended the .funeral of Mr, ped It.had cut his 1hand off, slice by . I I w . . . 4D . any day. I expect to give up'gossession . Selling now. for'.$ 1-0 76 . ... .. 1. I . . � . I I . . I -vin of BlYth which took place o� slice,, half way- up to the elbow and the - � I I . ... .. . . 3 I * .. 1. I . . . � . . � . . . . . � � . Iry . arm was. badly bruised. as.far its the - � .' . . I . � . I 0 1 . � . .. . . .. . . . . . �. I Six.0t4y'Childran's Roefe'is, assort6d styles,. nobby little �coats, and very warill and seryiceable,. .. . I , � I . . . � Saturday last; . , , :. .. . I . . .. of my Studio 'on the 20th of - Dece'wbe . ., 0 . - . for our great mantlo sale ....... % 1�1­ ­ � ...... i .............. ! ....... o, v..,... i .... I ......... 1. .1-15 � - % j . . . . . . I I . . . Dr. Weekes of London came to town 'elbow. Medi6aluld was'.quickIy sum- Miss 9. Maxwell, Who 'has been' at' ;. � � . .1 . 1. . ,. . . ...., . .. r... � . I (A I . . � 7 . .. � . .. . moned and he is doing as well as can home for. some iiin ' No person ,w�nting �a Mantle. call afford 'to miss this 'chailice. it will be worth your - - 1 � - 'be expected. I � . . . . . , . I e, .has'returned to .0 , . . 0. . . . . � Friday evenln� and , assistedit Dr. . . I . .1 'Clintop 1. .. . . . I. , so,.come beforethat date If you WMnt a:. . . . � . I . � . I .: I . ,, I � I . . . 1 "168 t6g6t to it. The best time to come - : - . � . Thompson in placing anot.her'Plaster 'Mr. Georgei"Sultillac6mbe bought a � ,Mr. gild Mrs, Francis Coleman left 'O.. . I . . I . . - I while to attend this sale even if you ha've to drive ml - � , - . � . I � . . of Pavis jacket on Mr. J.9ho Modd. . fine 2 -year -old heifer � at Mr. Thomas' Saturday for- Lucknow where the .0 ..p . %� flist-class, picture. . . I .'. . . 1. . . ..; will be Saturday' December. the ist or as.ea'rly the-followine,week as �Ou, . .0an, * " . . . y � . I Mr. S. H. Gidley, the .widely known Russel's sale last -week for. which he intend visiting for some time. 0 : .� . . . I . . I . . . 0 . � 7 . . .. . . I 1 � - . . I 1. � .. . I . . 1 Blybil, was in' town yes pitid &'handsome price. : , I , . .1 � . . . .� . . . !. . .. . . - .. . ,,, _____ I 21�1 . clothiet of I ' I . Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanhorh .of Chisel- 9) I . � � . , , .. . . . I- . I 0 ... I . .,.. . I .. . . � .. .. .. . ... � . .. . . . . I. . ­ . . . � I . . . . I , : . � . � I � . .. terday. He is a great hustler for . Mr. Watty Fairborn. has -sold his burst are vimiting - at Mr. Chas. 0 1 , I . �. . . . , I . ­ 1. . . . . trade and always ob. the look . out far�m1ohlabroither,.Tnck. * Troyer'% . . .. 0 , . . . . � ; , ,%� . . I - . .. ,I= I< I 1=:.) r1l E5 . , .. . for orders. . . . . .. . Mr, Mart. McTaggart had ,A turkey - Messrs,'Aibert ud A. Kaih . . . . I 0 I . i=:). I . I ­ . . . turned to hen which laid one - hundred. and fifty aro cutting, Mains a 0 , - ; .1 . . Miss Sarah Mains has re . wood- for 3, Deitz of � - . ,. . town after spending a week at,her eggs'last season. � Ki . . . V .* , ... . : Fe'. Go "Bur ess, - o 50C , : . 31adc,, � to your. order for, liall a dollar', .1 . 50C' It . I I . i �. � . . .1 I., . I . ' . home near Blyth. She was. accorn- Miss Sad.i Money; who hnsl been. en- Wpi.9joseph *Hudson disposed - of hia 0 . - . I �. . I . . .9 . . . ; T@$ is o'ut big December attraction in the Dress Goods department. Commencing. Saturday - . . panied by her fattier who spent the gaged with Mrs. F. A.. Keyes for some fowl in Clinton last week. .1 .. I . . .1. . L . . . .. I . . .. I L . . I ,� I . . I . . I 11 � . I . I . day calling on 'old friends. e fast h e home for a whil . ' Dec. 1st, and continuing for tw weeks at ill mak 1. tim , . as. on . .1 .. . .. . - . CLINTON. . �. morning, 1 0. . leasf,.W� -w . ; ", ( t e. Mr..Satnuol Reichert ..has engaged V .1 . � : . .. .. . . . "amm . - I . I . . �V � . L .. e'Lskirti .to order, . ave Irecently purchas . - L .1 I . .the An- J cutter a L . with Mr.John Cochrane, � L . ' uny dress goods bought here� for 60-Leents .apleco I'' ' '' The following clergymen of , ed:a new'straw ud are doin a Mr. Geo.� QI4usI4 received a- pair o 'D All orders. in4st be, cash. L I .. . 0 1 . I Make your selection from'Any material in, . . I . lean church were in Clinton onL t f 0 . ,� . ... � . . - 1. . I . � . I. ,.- . �'. ' 0 . -goo s d tm-e ` We . will make the . skirt to your ot-der " any of th - t e ' .0, L. rushing business -in the straw Co. tg,ng .1 fine ducks recently Geo. believes In . . .1 I ...".1. . . . . . . 1. I Lo our dress d Vouday :-Rey. J. 1, . 0 Farthing, I. - . - . I . . 1. ., 1. .: . 1. . I I ( epLar nt, and I M . e bi 0 - . . L L , . " Woodstock ;Rev. Mr. Ricks, . Sim. ine.. q.. . I.. . I good fowl. . - . .­ . . L .Wo,ZSW@4�lh�o�;4�QA;aW@o�*(OA%o�_@A�&WQD . . S.; .Aft.@.*�Jq -followin, P -L . ilar styles: , , . . '' ., 1.11 ... I ­ I . .. I . I . I I . . I � I coe ; Rev. Mr. Gunne, Pal,khill ;. and i I I I . . I � . L . ___ . . . . . . .. . .. I I . . . . ... %� . g op. , . . L � . I . I 1. . . � ' � -L I . .. - I Rural Dean Hodgins of Seaforth. I - . . I _�_______womm""0MM"MM=" L . .1 � . 1. . .. Style I -Five goredi with. single or double, Style 2-Se,ven gored, with singl . e or double I Elt�le 8�Thiee-piece Walk I Ing Eq. rt with 5 .. �. . . . . . � I . I . .. I . . . . . - .. .. inverted -pleat, L lined. - � . I inverted pleat, lined. ..: , - , I inch f . . � I. . . . I � , . . . I . . . . I . � .. . . . . 1, I . soing of si 111.ir.1. - . I Rev. Father IM cNenimen of St, Aupr",- !41111111111111111111llplil!iliitf'itr!ll,!II - 111111FMM%� .000� L I . . .. L I 11 I I . . I �: . . I .. . I .L � . . I ; tine was in town on Tuesdaz while I I . I � . . � I Any material �VG have in stock made in any of the abo,ve styles for: half a ,. - . ,� . � . . . I . I '. . . . llilt,"IlrvllilI I . doll ' on his way home. from aforth L ' ' ' ,. . . . . . .. � I I I . . 11111ftlld- . . . . I ' ,,ar. . . 1, wh . ere Rev. V ather McCabe had been ,: go- - I . � .. L . I . . . . ­ I . . . - � .1 .. ,. . . . . � . I . . . . .First-class workmanshi . Fit i aranteed 1. 1. .. .. . . � . . on-: � . . L ' . 1. . . . . � 11 rm ... 1. I . I . 11 � . 0 - . gU L .., . . . . entertaining the Archbishop of Tor- � J .. � .. I ' I - . . . . .. . I ' I . 4 ' . I .. L. . " . � .� . . . . . . . I .1 ' . ' . -8 11 I . I .. . . .1 . ' ­ I .. . �.. I . I I L' ' . . _ I do- . . . I I Ham ton and several of - tile county SEE— -.V) I I . . I . . 41- . I . -W Some othOr .Te'hipting Vialuesto sta t �: December with., priests. . L op- I a , . . . .. . r . Mr. A. H. .Erwin of Bayfl . a- 1. . . so.,... 0 . L T 'T ,Ik�.­= . I . . . . I �sineASL_J,h , . .. I �. I . onto, the Bishops of London and I . . ''. I - * il . n 0- L . . - a , - '� �M, _ �W I eld was in 6� . I �1. C'k . ' w . . , B. r- s .. . v e.ekl I _-W . . -are gbing'to, make the.fir t da s of'December bi -with ( _L '', ,,- �: . . I L I. . town on Tuesday, havingdriv6n over . N- . . . ; . '... I . I . . I . .. . . . y I , = We . I 8 y I .1 9 -b an ave crowd . I I � I the following yoong men,, natives of = . . I I I . � I I I . I . . - L . I ' ea prices on many lines away do,%�nin order.16 do -it. Here some of the. values We t Z:_L Q66*6094 . I . . . % ,� . . . -"I are the breezy village, who were on their fefoo@@00*000 L =. prepared for December shoppers. � YOU OL an have I way to Owen Sound %#here they It ave , =- . L . L . 1. .. I . .1 . . L.. ­ .1 I.. .. . . I � . . make yo�r ddllars L do almost double duty -by tak- �i' secured employment:m-Sam. Erwin, = . - . I . I I . I . I I L . . � L I . 4 1 . : -aw . I I . I I . � -. Th 'mantles at eight oWook ,� .X'-�'� ' ing advantage of these special offerings ey'll be ready with the 1; .�-_ri7�, I ---= . I . I Albert Woods, John Balleyand John ' .� . ' I . a I op- ..:11 %111.111"N*�,, I 0 . _-M on Saturday morning, December the Ist. . . . . . - . ­. I . . . Cameron. L IMW-- . --C<'.. . 1< ,,,.I " . . O -W - I ,� .L . I . . Mr. Fred. T. Jackson has returned = I -I ,%W ..."'..''. 114L;1- ( J.' g. L .L P1. . 1. . I . L .11L .. I 1.-. . ... ..L11 .1', ... ;, t. S0*M1:kthLn .New in. :a I . ..... - ; . from Omaha, Newbraska, 'where he' I= -11 11�1.1%'.Q I I . �. I. . I I .ATI December L L . I .4 December 4 1 1 im. �C_ 0911�111; I& �, ... . . .. . ,� I . :1 'L . � I .1 eo. I.. I � . . . . , had been a resident for several 0- � 11 . ­ i'� L I . I � 14' ­ 11 4tL . � months. Hewill remain here per- = -1 I . .-� . . � . I . nianently, ha,ving deeided to again a- I . I 1� 'L. * � , . -0 . Blanket Bargain - I '0'r,"i, ff. Mile a , In ' " . = %, -I .. . arga . I enter the retail shoo businessw and 0= " � _. . . . . . . I I . . . will open I )at in the stand formerly ... I I . . 11 .. - A few. days aao we got . =2 M . . ( I I Meti's:worklng coats L M Here are two ba * 1.1 ed by Misses Macdonald, and � V'� . L I .. I I . a chance to buy son . rgains in I . N� � . . . . I =2 LANKE � o blankets ;f 1, � , ... . = . - . . . ob.- . I . . . . I . . . . a .L . ' fill- costumes and one in - da f - . I . . . . awk] 1 . i xea tK _ Mr. A. A. R toy, who. several moliffis = . . . I . . . =2 . �y under value if we would I or I and fo s several months *conduc- .a- . . . I I - . I .M L , . 72 take a quantity. We took the lot offered to ), , made Skirts that are well w . am- .. . 0 . ago verhotel at Bayfleld, was in N� 1. I I � big ship olit. of , - coming. aften. On� sale with - 1. . tell the Ri We hav*e latelypassed into stook a . . towif yesterday.' Since last spring =_ - " ­_.�� � I .. . . . -.0 us and on Saturday, December Ist, and as long , . ' .. . I .1 . . ­= I . � the mantles Saturday , .- __ - ,�L -d can buy . . - L . I.. - I I -M � after 11 . morn .ft_ � . T ork and there are a ._�L .that as they Itist yo I he has been landlord of the tavern = . - Men's Working CoAts direct from New at Bluevale but bite sold Out to Mr. w� . d , I . . I . . . . . I . , _-� . ro , I. . . Ing. . .. on- - - - � �-� I 11eavy white Union Blankets; about tbrei-quarto . � . . Harry Cook - of Goderich township, up- -ell good many new ideas umoligst them *1 . . -0 . ool, fancy 'colored bilrdets, soft flu � TAilor-niade Ljoatiumes, short coat. morcerided lining,.. I I who% if all goes well, will get posses- - 21-- j,_.cW'- . 1. I I f I . -a . . w shy finish, . well and oarefully made from good materials,the sion in a fortnighbor less, . 40- � I - I . =3 will give exoollent wear for . I . . I I . . suit complete ............. I ................... . 4,75. . . I I Mr. J. P. Jaffray of the Galt Reporter =_ iom Solid, Heivy., Duck Coat, double sewn ,seams, back) front and sleeves.half lined with Ru`bber,next --:2 ' - d $245 Per Pa.ir . . One only -extra good quality homespun tailored suit I . I was in town on Tuesday and went Line I dow to a Waterproof C . . 06'.11f.. I beat of linings, size 36, tegulf6r,$18, leduced to.'.' 6.50 . up to Gaderich that evening. Ile I . ,�at. Price, $ 1 '460. 1 . . . I . I 81 you egn get, as good, in any. other Tweed Outing Skirts, all wooIjinenette lining,velyet . � 4 . I had notbad a holiday four years � � I . . . I . store for $2,75. . . and is now taking a fortni lit of it, i, . /011 S'olid Heavy Duck: Coat,double sew ,__ . . . . . I facing, popular style, Jueb a few to sell ,it, each 9.45 , Conducting a live Weekti�, paper M= 11 seams, lined ,throughout including sleeves with beavy wool � .11 � . I I . I . I 1. . ,� I I . . i amid strong competicion is generally i Line ,Q ilining, one of ihe warmest and most comfortable working Coats on the market, Priee,$1.50.: ' ff . . considered work requirink a consid- . . . . . I 1. I � . �� . I I , * , erable. expenditure of tissue but add .1 . . . � . � - . I I � Some . Docember overcoat na'rgains . . a daily to the weekly and the res- . , - Extra Heavy,, Duck- Coats, double sewn seams lined throughout with wool lining and interlined . No man in. w�aut of an ov& - his boy can afford to lot this chance gro by. , ' sure becomes greater still. pit I s imaw ttlil) I I I . coat for himself 01 thus with Mr. Jaffray and as a conse, Liene 3 with ber, makes them wind proof and waterproof� the greatest line on the market and one of We have exactly fifty overcoats tllftt WO Are Ving to sell at prices that will prdetic . - nee be is just as lean And lank as the greatest sellers we ever had, Price - .. I I 0 ally put I lult,average newspaper =art. " I . . .$2.60 and $2276.. . . . money in the pockets of every' person who buys. * They are all th * ., . . . . . . . . I oroughly reliable and de, . � . � I . � . I . Mr. F. H. McCormick Toronto, High - . I .1 . . I . pendable qualitles� but the warm weather of the past inonth ortwo has beell bad for Overcoat, . Ontarlo, has b 9 2 week in the interests of the Order and in at this tim ifty Overcoats for men and bo S, to sell at theSe prices. I Secretary of the 1, 0. F. Ior Western . Is a Mud C . Oat which we can do 60 inches long, double brea,ated, velvet collar, can be used i . Sol e cuts in order to got our stoo,k down wherO it ofight to be I cen in town for the past Line 41MM ' Boll for ,$9.60, just the line to eave a man's clothing in drivin ling, so we make these great pric, has added several members to Court - during the muddy weAther, ma I I ( � of the year. - V . all kinds of vreather. . -_ . I y Clinton who were initiated at a I . I . __ I I I I i . meeting Mid last evening. Mr. . . I . 040 ( 20,Vdn's V riezd Overcoats,bigh storm : 1 7 Only Boys Tweed overcoats, odd 23 Boy'a V rieze and tweed ulaters I ollar,tweedlining,extra good qual- ones of vArioua linea that were 3 McCormick" who because of his *o*o or 4 tim \ I first 0%so 06ato in every way, Will know- 0� . . ity of materials used, regular prices , so tile price we 1106ve them I ;,taynoa ,,,g amoonl,pf hard weir ' . t4 $6.50 to $10. Splendid coats and "I 3 5 tog good I position bits every means of mar wd , 0, t says, the = � papital Coat for rough in 4N- a givoozoollent weak, choice .0 P it out h is lot oloariric . O,ff whereof he speaks, I of jot., 5 01 wear, choice Of lot ...... . ......1.50 01.0 for 'ourt tire exceptionally = . . . cersof thisC . ..'.......'...'26" napable and that the reports __ ,,--- . Oup Famous 'Shoe De apt- _e t . . _=1 -.-$,_­.. ��­ I. 1-111 . ..... �_, retaries Hodgens and Rogers are , - ------- P M n . I models. I � = I . . . - Mr. William Greig of Torouto,who for I . I . I . a SOM.01a December MUNnoryAttractions . - r= tt .. I . The "Kin 4 . I � years has been one Massey -Harris' I Of . " Shoes are the flnAst productions to be seen anywhere. 4 - 011 Saturday morning, D000mber Ist. whon wo t "I =successful general agents, has SE :) A— .- , � . 0 g Quality . . ,omnitniee our big mantle 8410, We are . "I sent by the firm to St. John X. m�. 1� �____,�,N�l . This Shoe is made and finished on the same last. The last is never drawn 4 going to give one of the biggest 111illillt ry barivId1w this or any Store in the c 1, B. to represeritthem there at& big = ­<_ ot, '. " ounty hag ; increase in salary, On the- occaeion r= - ;"�,//, out of the Shoo from *the time it is lasted until it is finifibed. That is the a ever given. Our pattern hitts lul.vo.-4arvod thoir plIT080 aS 1110dOls and it is time for them to I of his leaving the members of the reason the King Shoo retains its shape, 4 1 A o so conimencing Saturday. 111m.1111140 wo nro 90h',41' tO glve you your ,choice of any pattern I I staff presented him with a handsome MADE AMR�e � 0 . silver tea service and an onyx clock EE I � . I . 4 tat or bonnot in, our showroom for' , . � . . 4� while afew personal friends made . I IG The "King Quality)' Rubbersnre the result, of a demand for veliab le = - I . I him the recipient of a, diamond ring. V --" $2.45t TWOOD011ars auld Vorty,­Mve C!ents, . a- oods' They have sold at a wonderful rate and our Second shipment is to I $2.45. i Mr. Greig was in town last week ortit = ; AS accompanied . � *11�111 a e 0 visit to his mother and,his alster'Mrs. - IN QuALIT �J,and.' Peoplo who know tho kilid, o I' Af ill' - r WO ' N011, Alitl 116VI'lY eyerybody around h r do 8 j, W. Chidley, and* B: , . . . - , . � I ill be quick to realize tho kind of it N"Vlll`�ll'tllat i',4- ThOrO 0101 about 25 hats by his brothert.Mr. T. A. Greig of r . . I �vi and bonnots Pickdring, . I a- I . I tho lot reprosenting oiir host mitl most popultir stylo,,4 Illul fbo prices ran all th tto.v, William MacGregor, of Durham, I-- We Will offer one case of Children's Rubbors,. sizes 0 .to 10-J.p at goo ti pair, = 111 - I I � I 0 way from who corifteted'the anniversary ser. 9E . '* $3.50 to $6, eholee Sitturda,y, $0.1UN. . Ves In the Baptist Church on Stin. r= on saturan Next Regular value 35c, ' t � ay and delivered nn address tit the . . Children%. Hats 25c , Ready tO"Wear Hats,50c entertainment tbefollowing evening, I=- . Wool Tams 17C - Ladiog ilad Miaeor, roftay to we&f I called upon 1,1!ttp,, Nnwa Rucoun be. - ('103VOWo Vallov 1101to. atitkillt"I alul , hate, folta In oolota of rad, &Wn, fore big return borth, The reverend V . ' . 01001 woololl Tfitua, IN13000 Pat. fmwv teim or.0%V11t), till MUIV to nroy 1%nd blue witil fil'"ay volvok Cewentleman Is an old friend, We r= * 4011K ill fskwa Anil Ilrov luir-Wroal w0XV, %1,13 olloa %10 tworl of filloo , - crowned lie in Durham where for the past I i V0flJJJj%V W11 Foul 054 olloloo k1wiv. A 8,10, o - ilit ff '. (I 4 timb twhi at ffoln at) 1%. 514 whht Ate loft of' cifthtydarabehas been dolligplen- V � 1XI31ce 41%, IWO that; at $1 to $1,50 1 dr-y".11.1t. . %Ill-,"-"-,- 4 tWilt,'Itly _ ...... stl� ... v ...... Noe choice smardar ...... #.. � � 4 1 ta h w 0 1 r lie I ( I . I . I., � I I I �1" , h I �i, , ' ' - ""' ) �''l 5 _�_ - h �1 ro! d - have , " , - I .1 I "Pill, ", nk�� 1461011 11 - im d0 -work A8 PRAtOr Of the APtlat �- .%, � �� � . L.... . 11. v church and where he 18 much ro. 1� Jackson Brothers' I ­ .. _... I—— ­ - - _ ---. ___ all, .., ig,rectedo and popular among the V I � �.i ; �, -_ . I . I e tizens roga I � ­ .. I . . The Baptist 4�k I rdleag of denomination, - W . . I If, �, t� (I , ),I ooa people of the WM040;'t-M I . hero were much taken witl) ZI . 11 . I � I . .. 190011TA09 knd with I Z�� Depart -m -ental . . ;k � 9 vd�!o -h-1 a- -, d I himself � Storia k4.X . I - _. � ­­­ I � � . gria, vVe under8tand, will, it is Alto- . ­... �� I I ... I . if Ill-% 011% I aft � � r, _� gether likelyy 11VIVItO hilu to the LAWMA40ft"O.-A AAA&AA I � . . A r ,4136 OwNTON .j .]�A�666, _ A 40 � 19 , � I I I . . , ... �- I ­­­­ -1 I.., ­..&..._­ -r- ­..­ ...., �.I.I... I 1.___.,..4 - "...., ­­ - ­­ ... ­­­­­­ ... I—— .... . ­­ -1 �' ­­. -.."...-I I I—- � �, '.___­___­___ 1-11..-111. 1--.I.., . ------L1. --1_-,..,_ p"I .-_--1-1-._