HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-22, Page 80
. , I
8 . . . - -
01R=MMFF# � _ . . - .I � 11.�� __._. �__ , .
�- _- - __', - __. ---
I r. Woods, of 13itylleld was in town
�, , aforth, was -in the
Mr. R. 1% Hallett, Re,
Christmas 'Hub yester,tay,
I Miss MarNwitchell is visiting frieuds
in Lon( Liaboro, I
Rinjal Dean Hodgins of Seaforth was
Ili town yesterday,
Papers . Inspector Paisley wils in Seaforth - on
Tuelsday acting its a valuatol.
. . Miss Lloyd of Goderlch was the guest
of Airs. Jolla 'NV-alker this week -
Kindly let us have your. Mr. W. Dockrill, travelling p ' .
Lssu'll"t r
ordf r for your r' avorite .\,' m a 8 agent of the U. F, it., wits in town
on Morl4ay.
edition. j Mr. Fred. Shatuloy. lato of near Dan.
I 1. . garmon, was visiting Mr. William
. . Fisher of the London Road last lvrl�
Globe[we liavo doubled day.
order this ycar, on"I .
satIll,day � 'Nighv Mr. Hugh Ross returned on Thursday
I last trom the ,North,We,t after ;in
Black and White (new absence of about eight woriths, Ili
- IV, ) tho past two seasons lie has travelled
Chicago Horseman over many parts of Manitoba and the
Figaro . Territories so bits a considerable
. knowledge - of tile prairies with
Gentlewoman which he is much impressed. It's -a
Horse rteview I great country, lie thinks, Ili which to
make money fast, especially for a
The London News . farmer with a family of bov.s. .
London Graphic I Mr,'John Mooney of Hyde Park was in
town on Thursday -last on business
Lady's Pictorial . and pleasure bent, Many years ago
Pears' Pictorial . I I and for wany years he was a resident
' of . Clinton and was for some
etc., etc. . time proprietor of the Prince of
. Wales hotel which stood on the site
' . . of the.present; Mason house. During
Agents Parker's Dye Works. - . the Anierloan War lie shipped horses
. . at of hostilities for ca* vy
. to the so, al
and artillery purposes , and when
peace was doolire(T sent cattle and
The A D. Fair ; Co, sheep to the Buffalo warketi In
I connection with Mr, Ike Rattenbury �
i he shipped horses to the British triar.
often the Cheapest, ,�Ilvays the. Bea. ket.. In 1878 they visited the Paris
. . I ii.;gosition together. From 1880 to
_____ I
. .
. 18 4 they shipped horses to the West.
**+# This wits the boom period and the
. . profited accordingly. thou h the
I business was an -exceedingtly risk
I rtishig Pays. * one owing to the prevalimce of to ,
i Adve - . . . . - (tl,y,e,, Generally speaking Mr, Vat-
ury looked after the shipments
o coillina that contain . 1! into North Dakota and Mr, Mooney
:She skips th of those sent to Manitoba . points.
The news notes of tile day, I . . . I The lighter horses were sent to the.
: She only reads the startling things
That advertisers say. .1 former market. Me,' Rmttenbury.
-Visabla (Cal.) D ta. . Carl tell wanv tin interesting story of
I ... WO experion6es during those years.
1******++*-** *****"**"**:A Mr. Mooney long since retired from
. ,. active business arid now takes life as
� .
- - - I.... - I 1� .... .. I -.-t � . easy its a person of his active nature
� tin. . I . . I �
New Advertisements., , . . . I - I .
. �
Now Bool-s-Cooper's Bookstore ...... .... � I I � � . Colborne, Towns.111P. �
Iluff ....... . .. �,. . . .."--
Big lluall- R. J. C .... � .. � I
out- Furs-Newcombe!s- - � .. ............. ... 4 . The rain on Sabbatti and Monday
. �
All th6 I)ICcrence-0. B; Koenig . ........ :... 6 has made many smi
We Lead_McXinnon & Cc - - .* ................ :5 was very Scapee Ili this -neighborhood
Meeting of county Council -W., Lano ....... . 0 Quitti a number of the fat mers ar�
Abuut Watches and.Clooke-Jas. Ross. .; - - .'.: a busy getting up their turnips, its some
Christmas Papers�W. D. F oir CC) ............ 8 left them in the ground too long.
Announceniouts-Jackson Bros .. .... .... � 8 Mr. Johns has been around buying
Photographs -Burgess' Studio ... ;�.:. ...��.�. 8 up a car load of turkeys the past week,
Metropolitan Courso-C� 0. Rance-, �,;-- - 8 Mr. William. Pfif ra6me� !sable to be
Second Edition $2 -London Froo Press.. , -, 8 around again, af ter a few weeks - sick -
seasonable Suggestions-11odgens Bros..., . ..8 ness. � I . . I - .� I .
.1 . I _� - .A =plegsant event took place at
� . I.. I the of Mr. George Bean of Oar-
,.. . - low on Wednesday eyening when his
About. 0 0 0 - I I eldestdaughter Eliza ,was u.nifed in.
. . 'in Tiage'.to- Mr, Eol.' Hardy of this
--,--,o-- Pe,oplle * to`wnship. The young' couple will
WHERE THEY ARE make -,their borne 'at Carlo*. Rev.'
AND WHAT 6 : - . . � . Mr. Shaw of Ben miller officiated in ty-
. .
THEY ARE DOJNG .. �. I .. . ... ingtheknot. Theyourig,lady receiv-
0�-00C_Q� � We Rup W ed many bandsortie presents, '
I . � I . . Mir. Cfhver Long , will return home,
. .
. . I I . I � from. - th North -
e West in. about .111,
Mr. William Jackson Was.in. Toronto couple of ,Weeks.. I .. .. I . ..
this week. . . . I . � . . . . .. , � : . .
Mr. Stewart Macpherson-1as . ,returned ,.-- - � , ======;!=' � ; ... .
to Brantford. . . . . . .. . .. I � , . : 11"liggreen, - � . I
. ,
Mr. Fred. Match of. Auburn spent Sun- I - .. * I - - ' .
day in town. . . . . . . Mr. Wm.,Relchertj who has. been
. . ... sick, has recovered, �
Mr. Arthur Knox of Wing4aw. was in , MP.Hill bas, this . , I . . I .h.
town Monday. . - I I I I . , week.laid in is
. . � . 1. '. supply .of coal. , -, : � - .. . .
Dr. Turnbulli Gpderich, was. . in . the - Miss Xelilok of Zurich spent'Sunday
Rub on Friday., .. I . . at Mr;,Joseph Hnolsotils. - - - _
. .
Mrs. Anderson -of Kinloss -is the guest Mr. Sawiuel'�Reichert has returned
of her niece, Mrsi J. G. Siiale-'� . home. I . . , I
Miss Lizzle J olinstone left on Tuesday � . The attendance at both bhurches W 'As
for Port Huron where she will re- . small on Sunday owing .to. -the. -dis.
Main. I � I ,� agreeable weather. - . . ,
fdr, J. Hagan- disposed of his vahiable
Mrs. John Emigh of -Goderich-was the . dog on Saturday to fdr.� Clegg of - Hip.
guest of Mrs, James Twitcholl on. . � � � I .
Monday. %. . I . . - . pem . I �
� : Miss Maggio McAllister. has returned
Mr. 3: & Jowett and Mr. John'JoWett . home from Henstill.: . . .
of Bayfield were in the iiub On , , Mrs.,Fraucis Coleman had it: u ing
I . . , . q iltl
8aturday. . . , bee-recefitly. -�. � I I .,
Miss Bell .Roberton , of Stiaforth - was MissA. Turner spo'kit Sutiday With
visiting her brother, 'Mr. George Miss A. Troyer. . .. i � - .% , .1 . . ,_�
Roburton, last week, . . 1. I I I I , .. 1. �
11 . � . I . I . _......�
. . .
Barrister Scott was present at the I . . I nar . loelk. . . .
West Hu On recount in. progress in . I . I .
r - . ,
Goderich Tuesday and.yesterday. i " .... . , '
Messrs. Johh* Mills and George Watt,
Mr. Pringle of loronto, -has taken a, who have been on the sidlc-lisib, are re-
position in tile gent's. furnishing 'covering. - . I . ...
' I
department of Jackso.nBroti, store. ' Messrs.-BeA and Will Ferris v . isited
Mr. Herbert and Miss Annie McKeown . their uncle, Mr, Roland Jenkins, in
of Se'aforth attended the Commence- God�rlch township week ago Sunda
. menC exercises on Friday. eve-ning The trustees of Harlock 'have. hi, eyj
last. I . . . I I � Mr; Weir of Wingliain to teach this
Messrs. S. Sloan, Go ' dericb,� and U. I ichoolfor.1001.. ' . . .. I . Ila I 8
McQuarrie, B.17th, were in 1own. -Mr. Russbl Surldercock, -who'
luouday attending a mectiug-pf the been working for' Mr. Parsons this
License Board. . I . summer, has returned home as haE
Mrs. S. Kemp, Who has been jisiting. also Mr. Pat.- Ryan, who, worked
the pare . ntal home at Dundalk for for Xr.Rolit. Beattie�' I
nearly two months past, returned on The -was beautiful sleighing last,
Saturday last. I . I week but some farmers are pleased to
� see if awa,v again so they may get
Miss Beacom, who has been a guest at their turnips raised. . . .
Mr. Thos. Beacoin's for the past Mr. and MrA. Robt. McDole Sunday.
three months, left Monday to return ed at -Mr. D. Beacom's. I
to her home !a Hendersortj North - T,,.c011,,tj,r Smith was in. this
- Carolina, . neighborhood Inab week. I
.Mr. and Mrs, Samuel.Copp, who have Mr. Alex. Watt, who died .ab his
been visiting here for some.time, re- borne near Clinton on Saturdily last,
turned on Tuesday to St. Thomas,. wasaresident of this section for a
North Dakota. They were booked by .Iongperiod. He was one oftbeE41ders
Agent PiAtison of the G. T, R. - of Burns' church..and also� it,Superin-
Miss Lizzie Wheatley, Who for six, tendent.of the Sunday School. There
weeks past .has leon n rsin isliT was it large attendance at the funeral
Thompson of St. Mary% who, as Ill which took place oii Uonday..- The
of typhoid fe , r, returne ho e on Elderi of Burns, -church were p&JI-
* Saturday, Iss hompsonisasj6tdr. bearers. I . �. �. . I
of Dr. Thompson. . . .
. __ _____
Mr. and Airs'. J. H. McHardy, wholeft . I . . .
Tuesday for Nelson, B'. C., Mr. Chas. I ]Drysdale. I . I
0, Duncan for Portland, Ore on, and . .
Mr. Victor French ,fo� ET'nonton The great storm of week brought
were booked through by Mr. F. R. the farmers to a stand -still in the line
liodgens, town ticket agent for the. of plowing.. V
G. T, It. - I . Uri Joseph Geoffrey wits the. guest
of Mr. Charles Screartan one day re.
Mr. John Ireland of Seaforth was in contly. I . .
town yesterday. Since he last Visjte
ed Clinton he bought out a milk, MissAmajeCampbell,who bas'been in
Berlin for the past yearpreturned home
business in St. M&rys hub the owner last week.
rued the bargain and begired off. It Mr. Louis Durand, Who has been en.
cost him a couple of tens to do so. gaged in the flour will in Zurich, Will
Mr. and Mrs. R. JAJanteloh returned tO return home on account of ill
home Monday, the former from deer , health . . .
hunting in Muskoka and the latter Mr.Alexo Chal Ilet left for Marnstigne,
from oronto where she had been Mich., last Monday where he will lie
visiLing.while E. J. was using. his engaged in the woods for the Winter
trusty rifle effectively in the north. months. Alex. will be greatly missed.
Mt% Cantelon sent holne a couple of The Meetings held in the south
(leer, . . . schoolhouse byMessrs..Delgat ,00wart
Mr. W. At. Gray, Toronto, Inspector and Allin have been fairly we'FI attend.
of the Merchants Fire Insurance edthepast week. These won seem
Company, was in town Tuesday Arid to be, in earnest and great good i8lbe-
adju-ited the claim of Mr. William Ing done, . ..
Duncan for loss sustained in the fire � Mr. A119US Murray Intends Makin '
of last Friday niorning., Mr. Duncan & shillment, of hogs to Goder,611 tb i's
has been pald $207, . . week, I
Mr. Victor French left Tuesday for . Mr. Joseph Push had the misf � orturre
Edmonton, Alborl�. .His health has to not get lip his roof.q, josepil says it
been poor for some monts will be It great drawback to his feeding
es west with t this winter,
90 be hope'that the Mr. Frank Geoffrey has taken the
chatige will be beneficial. He is a
good ekponent of tile art preservative celebrated trotting mare owned by
and an enet�getic and Tevol-headed Mr. John Holmes, Frank says lie
young man, I will make something swift; In time.
Mr. it, G. RoM of Winchelse'& Was in U'rank understands horses.
town on Saturday but returildd south !,1!�_=n==:!=t_- �
again that evening, He is teaching .
school at that place and Ilia Trustee I Leadbury. . ,
BoaI4 is anxious to re-engage him'
but there Is a possibility that he may Mr., G. Muldoon has sold his farm
take a school nearer the homestead south of tile villrifla to his brotbor-In.
. I I Y,%Ve
in Stanley. . I low, Mil-1.8houl ice of Gro have
notiet heard what , I -
Mr. Entry Eilbori M. V, P., Q ,rediton, � Mr, A. uldoon in
paid his annual visit to the deer ton et to do,. A I
aistrict, and returned a few days Mrs, 10'. D"Istell 11 8 returned home
from Stolith's Falls where she had
aince. Ilia stay Was shorter than been Visiting her daughter.
usual as he remained at, home assit4t. Tile ladiee of St. George's church
in in tile redemption of North
le held the regular meeting &t the reAl-
got and did not leaVe for tile dence of Mrs, W. ginithl Walton, on
woods until the election Was ovet. Wednesday afternoon,
Mr. Albert Downs Went Monday to , Mr. L,i. Whitelliall of Belgrave wits
Toronto Where hO will engage with callin Oil Winthrop
his father In the grocery busiries,;, da -- 9 friAnds oil Satur.
Ile will be missed here, especially in 1r. G. McLaughlin Is very low ab
the Sunday School and League of prolson verr Alight hopes being. ontor.
the ontarjo,str6ot church where lie tolinedlior h a recovery,
was a ILI ittlar attendant, Mrs. Air, Alf, MOPPIGon has taken up Ilia
wlo has been visiting, in vesi(101100 in olli'village and is attendin
V01111)111811tock for the I)Asb three weeka, the school. Alf, knows where to fing
also went to Toxonto Oil Monday"t, I 0, good teacher. a
". . � . . . . .1
, 1( I . I
__ ___ ____ ____ � � - _______.'__._, ______._____ ___:.- _�___
- , - . , ___�___________�. - - �; - �.,_=�- I _ I- I _. -- ,- I _� -_ - - __ -_ _-, -_ - _.. - --_ --
St. Helens. I sovT11 UURoN Asbfield Townsb1p. . Se I ____
.- Tile Metropolitan Cour 1 HOUGENS BROS-9 816 DRY GOODS STORE --k
� ---------- � -------
Airs. John Herrington has returned _-_ We are pleased to see the smiling face jelvo high cla4s nurilval aildlIteraryonter. O%r*#~, fAA;,~%0k0*#%_#1%00**#NN# . A00m%ov oov�,� ��. _,�_l
fro: it) her visit to Manitoba. mt.. Bernard, retUrOlOg 001COV for ofur. Riobard Webster, who bits re, t4linneutti for ul. Aro yen a. tiuh,vribor t it
Weare 1-iot'ry to r(,Vort that Mrs. south Ijupon, bits Infld(k Ilia oftlefitl turned boroci from the Worth -Welt. nob call Ili and lakye your namil put oil tile INt. I
sallillellhirululs again very Ill aud declaration, as follows .-- Dick speaks bighly of the prairies and '"b9ollbers lirit now openat Jacktion, 11ro4.' -, , , . *5� �
d 4� V,jr, .
uxult-t- the doctoes care. . McMillan ArcHwau ititen a returning there In the near fut- Tile llatricolo Concert Voinpany.from the ,41(ty- , I I Xk
Noudeltisolm Male .1lical . 1 4�
ton Ilycoll"i 1111cr"t"'QUariette arid Aur,lifitA �
A branch of tile Lord'i; Day Alliatice Seaforth I The - 11*
was organized here last Thursday 06 41 ure. 1,,. Urliont, from tile Urvat 1,,akitcra Lyceum � �� 0
2 3s 13,13 Mrs. Robert Runtor held her annual Buremol. I
ovelling. I .
. wood bee loot Friday. Mrs. Agnes Knox -Black, Amerloa?s greate,it, W., - .1
1� �
Allss stewart.of Wingliam is visiting 3 50 :30 cutioulst. TrF!, , � . . . . . . . . �
at Mr. W. ,S 4 17 1.12 Rev. Mr. Oaten is still 0004004 Tli,!c a 0 A 0 oncert Company, from t1w * ; I
, . Mcorostio's, . , . I �,Wpi"�,&�R I t%1111 11. . *
I .
. 5 2� 22, revival cotings in Zion oburoh.. Dur- 0 0, stern , comitBureau. __ .. �. �.! ,4�
, .11
. :
The .Vresbyterhms hay .1 subscribed - ,milr in 1) 'oncert, Coinvany, from thu . ____ -- I
tot It(,,(' Jentury Fund the amount asked __ log the last six weeks eighty-five souls t .* n' I 11 NO York " I I . .
229 151 have professed conversion. to tic 0 lei pcn to duhscribers 011(! I I
by the Fresbytery and will now take � , t ,,
a spiritual -lensall Mrs. Albert Holm has presented ber . a .... " " 11, � ..... . I
tip the other partand seek. I d 0 Ure t . I n 11' I , " I
1 26 lot _ I 0 public. Iteserro seat., �Ir ... I j - . .. . I
revival, I Bayfield with a bouncing baby boy and .' ,tr.,'..,1...1 I 11 11.1 I �... 11� 11 - . - I , , ,� .- - . ��
. 1 29 55 ._,�__ , , � .
= in Albert's heart. . ,.- .
-11 .. ..'' ___r_.M__ Tuckersimith I 59 73 :�:, -.-- li- - ... - .
Mime �,Oyma Cook has been spending a Secolid _Vditi - I � ---. . P�U�:T
. London Road . 2 04 10 . week with friends near Ripley. , . . - Ott . � I . - ! __ � I � '' . I .
I . a 77 ( 4 I The Aslifiold tow noil last on at y . �
__ 0 . 5 7.1 57 110= our post off ice The Weekly Story of the Big Store. � I
� Tile tavern at Granton has been - .- Nov. 10th with the in all present
Utotted and the baloon. frame,will soon . 304 211 . .except the Reeve, On motion *of Stoth- The London Free, Press AAO~-,VVVII�-wvvyvwvvv4Avyyvvvvvy~YVVYY~�-A .
nloved away for stabling purposes. Stanloy 1 44 20 era and Molutyro,51r.John Brickley took A Progressive and Popular . . . -
This was the only remaining relic of . 2 20 02 the chair. A number of accounts were I Paper.
wbat wits inany years ago it consider- a 28 passed and checks issued, which will
able village. 4, 00 appear in therlinancial stase Essentially a Nowspaper-Tho J�rco Press t4 .
10 0 ment in & nowirifts5istycar. it fa essentiall,v ' A 11OWN. I
Urant Brog. have bought a carload I 5 Seasonable . .
. 45 22 few weeks. The, following resolution. Paper fox, the bome circio. Wlillodistingulmli- I
of beavy.steers for feeding purposes, __ - of sympathy was passed to Mr. Dalton, col for enterprisci care has been taken from tho
. . . berinning of its corcor to admit nothing to Wi .
The ralus of the past few days have 159 212 the Reeve, who has been seriou I .
. , sly a(- Cc 1111111if that would ofrond tile moral some of
been a goolsend in this district, Mexillop 1 77 , 57 flicted with typhoid lover -- self-respectli, poople.
Charlie Laudesboro met with a. pain- 2 Tile Markoffltoport,i-aro full and up-to-date, . I
ful accident the other day, He 74 - 62 To MOA0Ax D,&raox, Eaq. I Reeve of A Bb- contafningall the latest Canadian, Ame Saoxot,mlestions for I
was helping to dehorti 4 big 3 43 08 . field, I . and F,oglish livestock and grain warkets,"112"llill 99 I .
the raost up-to-date lloNvr,, . . I I
steor when it becarne furious and . 14 00 50 Dear Sir ;-The members of the mun- Voitorluary Colutun-A now arid special fea-
_. - ,*,"
cbatgl% upon han knocked him down , , WPAI COUlloil Of AShfield assembled this turo, conducted by J. 11, HodgIns, V. S., Holler ,
200 240 ra uato 0. X'. Artiolos appear every 8atm
anti bro e three of his ribs. He. also I-jullett , . 1 55 42 10th day of Nov. p of which body you are . ealln Ith all classes of Vetorinary Scl- �
sustained other injuries and Will be the honored head, dealre to convey to one ; R180 questions and answers dail rolativo 4 h 1 S, - Week Shoppers . 1
2 57 51 to
laid tip for it few days. you their sincere sympathy in the af- to I iseasesofarilmaN, etc. Contar.yalim. , I
, . . 3 35 14 Motion by the mysterlQueProvidenco � lo 0 o In4ruction.fm the farmer arid stock . . .
__ _____,________. � 4 09 1435 owner. . .
. . you hAvo been called uponto undergo. F oreign Nows-w-A complete history of the do � � Th6se are some of
SI'ANLEY'TOWNSHIP. - : . I 5 27 09 We not only desire to convey r ings all over sho known world in tho lutost undl . the things. that ate .
. . � 6 40 34 . to you oil up-to-date despatches. I '
. - . . 7 30 24 sympathy but also, our warm personal -Complete Canadian Xows-By telegraph anti apt to need 'this weather. They are *:us
We re lad to be able to reporb that - . - regard for yourself and family w articular Won. 3
,a tionbeing Id.toNvostern0lilarlo. . * , * "
� . bom it "'all 9110111 all parts of Canada,
EdIzig �
Mis's , Rathwell, who has been 611 . . 3.20.- 212 - has been our privilege to west and it to Sportingl0ows-18 bill and complete withl What are, wanted for'warmeth. and comfor
the sick list, is some better at the time Hity � 'poi . . . . I
1 15 44 . our earnest prayer that the Divine Com- Amateur arid Protemlolial 1, -ts -13ftseball, , , -
of writing. . 2 22 42 forter may have you anti your loved C"Ick0t, Lacrosse, Golf, liowliog,l � �'ootball, IT . ov, -vdlu' s ' ood
., I I I I key, Skating. Horse itaclirc, Votting an.d Itun- All. are good qualities and e g .
Miss Lynnie Moriteith, from Strat- 1 3 31 114 ones in his keeping and call, - asatiage ning Hand Ball ate. . . .
ford who was -visiting friends in this 4 04 51 every sorrow and supply every need,' � In liolitics-In,politics it is Conservative, bill
vicinity, returned home a few. days . Its Conservatisixi has never prevented It frouil enough to make it worth your while to I
. 5 20 02 Sigued�Jobh Baekl.eyl Wnii Hunter, doing nation to or it oldbur men of both par. I . � I
' 6 88 40. Thos. Stothers, John Xolnt�ro. ties w1io do right. Fill' is tile orgall of thopeo- - . ;
agTofle long looked for rain haq come at I . 7 00 58 The ,council then . adjourned, The ple Irrespecti ve of party, and makes the public come here when you want'them. -
last and the empty wells and creeks I well-being Its first consideration. . . . � I I
I . �
42 442 . �_W . . � I . .. -1
. I next meeting will be hold on. Dec. 15tb, * omplete . I � -
have been. well supplied with water. � " from 8 to
I 0 -'be 1'roo " 08 a ""' ulos' c
Mrs. James Davidson, who was visit- - 12 ballots were - in , ' Stothers, Clek-- . . 'at; . . � �. . .
iriglab he 36sben Line,lias 8POIleolp 8 were re- . I � . �0,1 oil 1) - .. 1. ,.,..- , Some Mantle -Specials. I . .
" fa t' 'Oro"")
11nd 11 'to-da'"a 0, we"t 0"
12 p Lh,o I be we. and 16 P.
. .. t I 'is I l J�t d k. d.bI wo for old I
�r son's on the ( to g.g lir g .it ". - lie . . . - -
r Y. I s a '
. . 6
returned to her bome in -Bayfield. , The total vote polled, independent of Though the normal weight of a Mortis d youn _a 11 per . , I �� - . . � .. 1, I . .
. Mi-, William. Pollock, son of Mr.Jobn spoilt and rejected b llots�, . heart is 10 .ounces," ot, post-mortem - .,. . itt.0 t Y.'r P.. for,W . This is by far the best -time.fbr Mantle
S c rid ,, ., .�t ofilo.
a was .. . ." Is the ti. to 'nb"crib.. . ,� " ) .. .
y r X c s I I
I .. " I .
Pollock Sr., formerly. of Stephentown- Alen, Wi4i 1006 . - made in London -Oro a man 27 years Of I -, ,� , buying. There's more to'choose from than ,
shi�) but wil o* now resides near Wolse- McMillan . . 1475 age shows 4 heart weigbing 2 lbs. Ili . THE, Lokm FREig PREss' PTG, G.01$ � I .
ly, lanitoba, is yisiting friends in this . . � I . I . __... . ounces. . I .. . . . � . . . .. LONDO.Nj ONT. - J.. "_ . . . there will be later on.' . B��r now and �ou are
locality. i . I Majority for McEwan 2,91 . I � . , . . . . � . �. . . � It � ..
- - - got in , . -__1_____ �_ ____-_-_---_--j . , f alMoSt'SUre to get wbat you 'Want. Leave it
Mi. Jobn W. Reid a fine Total votes.polled 3171'. . I . . . . I I .. I , . , 7 . , A , .
bunch of ,stock steers it few days ago. Total yotes on list,'4987: ,f � - for I
I ., .,It�."qt,.Q,lr,�,e,qe.o) ,IV � a week or two' and you run a big risk. of
- , r . I . . . . . . f4 . .- '
I . I . .. .
. I I I. I � Votes.not polled 1810, , I . I .. . 10 , �' � not gettin� exactly what you are after. Here'
. . � . I .. I 0 � ' * f /�, .
I .
�. . -Pointers Abotit � Bacon, . . � . ____ . . � I . - . a . . . . . . ly�l ///) \ � - I Are . - s6me of our speciAlS. r They - are the be . st . .
. , � I 0 j I . �
. , .
, I
� � ___. � . � I . Luelknow.. . 0 0 � mantle valuesin the trade. . I .� .1 I .
A lengthy circtilar, FgIvin'g pointers . � . I 0. Niantle of black.nigge . rhead, buttons . . i Beaver cloth ill fawn or . 1414olo,ti.r6rig , . . , ..
Oin thia bacon tradeto the faratera of A judgment, of which, farmers and 0 Ph.ot.ogra.phs ! ' I , . .-
I i . I I '. ,
I the province, has been issued by the thresh rs will do well to make a note I I . . . . a up oloi-e at threat, royeres, fancy ( firm material,seame double stitch- � .
Ontario 3e . - - . 0� " plaid lining, 0 -fancy metal: but-, i oid, new back and sleevo,- C) � pearl *
Deprkvtment of.'AgRculture. . was delivered recently by judge DeaQ, 0 I � - � . '. . I ' ye, . I buttons silk linea, worth every I . . I
. 0 1 1 1 1 , . . 0, tons, correct length and slee .
Mr. F. W*. Hodson, Dominion Live of Renfrevy county. A farmer named . I I 1. I . . a It ,
Stock Oomiosioner, after summing'up, Krinsino'ke brought all action against a V , .. . \ 10 goo value a $9,-50,our* special cent of.$6, our speoial price ..... � 5.00 .
� . . 0 11 - I .�, . . . . . ... � � . price .. ............................ 2#75 1 . . . � 1. .
the whole bacon situation at present thresher who had disappointqd him , I � . a I .
r � . . . . . -0 Mantle of goold quality black nigger- Mantle of oixtia good quality black , .
'a�s. I 'Tile Canadian mar ket demand V � 19 .. . I . . ..
a On - -lean singer, therefore it is I 5 .after the plaintiff had gone to. tile 0 . � I . . . beadscoat style, four rows niggerbead, open threat, edges -
g, n tioublt, and expense of insking all pro. . � . . � . . I . . a stitching arotind oollair and --,.-,-, . I : I .
the interests of' Canadian farmers to � . . . � . I � . . . . I finished with wide worsted braid, . . . . �
supply the best pigs forthat*purpo8ii. parations for the 'thresher's*comizig. 0 � :. .. . � .. I.. . I .,. .. . . 6 pearl buttons. silk lineol, a good 1 6 bu ttomij. silk lined, a gooil coitt I
Fir'st class . goods inean a growing mar- The judge decided the Plaintiff W38 On- to . . . .. . 1. . . . t $6 coat, our special price . . . . ... � o $7.50, ourspecial price .... .6.25 .
I 1. I � !
- ket.,'� -At. the present time 25) .percent. � titled to -damages. This Tirtually 0 I .� . . I . I . . .. .. . I V � I . I
. of the pigs marketed in' :Canada are means that within this judge's juribdic- . if you- wan.t your, Photos for Xmas , a **-1C**** . .-11 . .. I
. .
- on shreshorm inust keel) their appofluts, ; . .. . � . . .�� . .. I % . � . I 0 qV I � .. . - .. atL . . 1. . . . .:. .L .
what ig known its. Isofts', 25 . per cent. ti � . 'L
L .
are fjats,�and at leastIO per cent. ani menWintitwitterhow temptingL a job 0 have - theui taken at once and . give' ijS : I . () A Mantle Ektra for S urda, . ..t ; .. . I
0 L. i '' I . . . . ., I �.. � . �.. . ... I I . !L. . . 7. .. ; . .
sizables. Orin other wovds60 percent. offers itself to. one of, them, while n1lild � . . - . . ' I
. I L *
of O I . .. 0 or . � . 11 .
ur Canadian pigs grade as NO 2 or way to work'for-whioll a contract h":ul- 0 � . time" to finish .them -Troperily. We are . .. 3 1 $8.25 Mantles, f ' '0 5.85' i . . . ..... I . I
- n:n3ado L . :- I gy . . . 11 .., . � .
low6t�, whictils 40 per cent, - more than ready bee i . I - - . , . . . I . I 0 1 . ... .. . -1
� . . . . � I .. .0 .. . I L. . . - . . . . . - .. .. . L. .0 - . . . . . . .1 � . .... .. .. .. . . . I
. -
. . . . . . . ... 'land is visiting in the village - 6 . . . 9 I . on , I . : , ance to ggivo you a mantle 1�rgain jor I , . . . - , , : . . � . �
i ,� were I Mr. AngUS McKay of � Cockburn Is- 0- .
mi t be. expectea if breoilffig L , .- gettin more. busy"eveiy day. D 't let - . . ,-.
�carq . I
etully do I ne. .. .. I . . I . I � . : . I . I .. L I - ., . . . I : - . We have EL ch .. . .. ,:,. , .
. 1, I I . , . .
: "Canadian fivrinon� 1ODS6 'at . least 20 Mrs.J.S, �Tiinina�t�and Miss Akgie i . ,. . . I � L ; . I I do it. 116re it .18. . I . . �.
. . . I I .. � Saturdav and.we are going lo I
'cefits per hundred on,allpl ' , It, , Lf " ndS in j1jpjdy;. the dark days.: kbOp you from, com. n . I . .a. . L. . .- � .., . .. . .... . . �
- igs sold be- Terniari.t are-yisi ing rie , :0 .- * . . . � . . .1 I . I 1. �,g I 1. . . . * . . I I 1. . .. . . . I .
ition-'packers I � . . ... .. I . . . 1. I � 1. . 8 Only extia line quality beaver. triantles, WIII'Lnot ., .
cause of this condo j fixing The- removal 61. Mr. Ohester 'McLars . IL . � I wear � . . . _. . I . .
1. I '
. their'buying* prices according to their oil to.Walkertou.W a di tin't lo' to 0 1 We-. t6ke Photos in.less than a second - - - . - C). L , .'rough; newesh back, valvet.collar, coak StYle, ileatl buttong ' ' . . L L .
I 11 L' sioal sooiety�: a 0 . as I I L . ,. . I '... I I I . . . it, La I - .
average receipts from, sales. The ma M6 . . I I I 0 1 . I . . . '. I I I. . . . . .0 I silk, line very stylish cost, sizes $2, 34, 36, regular
whoAnsists on .breeding the wrong Mr., David Thompson balis ojoined out any a . I expect to, give -up possessi n , - : 3 . . price $8.1215 and good value at that, speoial-for Saturday,
type not only loosti . a 20, cents per a . . I L . � y . . .. ,Q . .0 . . . yotir choi.ce,of this little lot....,. I .... I.............. ,5-.85 1 .
' . building next � I .. � . '. I . . I .. I .. . . . . � ... I... .. I .
-but be causes his neighbor 9 -to grocery store in the ; 1. . I I * .. . . . . . I I I . - . �
hundroid, door'to Berry & Soals drug store. . 0 - 1. Pf My Studio .On the: 20th : of Dece'mber . � ------ - - . . - - - a .
. . I . .
do so - as well; not only this, but Op . a "**********�*****,ti;****i:* *** ***i - . . I
, in -L � I . . . . I.. . I . **o.�***.& . - .-
1. I ' The School Board have had a now 0 . . � , ' , L ' . . . -------"- . . � .
I - "
� jures I tile home and foreign 'trade. 6 tower I O . f the Public, 0, .: - L, ..' 'i� so � come before that ,dat if . . . . - . . : , L ,Good. '. .. L.. 1. . . . . r _ L . .' . .
Therefore . it . is to the interest of every; bell placed in th . . , I e . You. want. a . .0 . . � y ,R .
I . , G I . - . I L I . . .. I
. I ' .1 School. It is a great deal L larger thin O' ' I .. . . I 11. . I . I 11 .. . .. . . �Fjj,; 1% , .L, . . I 1, . . .,
citizen that the right sort of pigs be I . .. . I ' . . . . . . . . I I . L ..�� ; , . . � . , L , I . .,NS, ., I.. � � . :L.
every Canadian farm, and' the 61d Ull and its tones tire much more 10 . . . . . ... . L . , �- � . ;, j4 . _ . . , 'I, .L . . . . . .. .
bred on �pe L . I . firgt.�,1488. picture. I . I . I G @-,�,,�,-,,, - osie .. . . . . . . .
I . . , I
thilt they be pr rly fed. , Pigs of the * musical and caii bo distinctly heard . .. � 1. . . L I I . 1 , � I .. .�.y . I . . . I -
. ..
. . - . . I I - - . I ... . . :,, � .. 11 ,e I ... L I . . � . .
0 . . I � . . . . r . " _ � -
wrong type cannot be "made .good ,by throughout the'sebool-sootion. � . 6) ".. I . . . . . I I .. . .� I �, - . .1
. . I ; . .
OM&L . . . I . . . 0 ; People � Want- .� .Y��Us * eo�minw from this.
any kind of feeding, yet bad feeding :'Mr. Th to St6vensbix received the i . . . . . . . . . . . . L . I �1, - I I I . . I . . . I . . tn' . L . . . . .�
. 0 � . . . . . . !ng good h6s . Store can be , depended on to
. will apdll a good pig." ... . . sad intelligence by letter (it! Monday.L f) L I ... . .. � L �- ;�� ( �� / I 1, . I � .
I . . ; . I . , L . . I . . I
I . I � I I . � .. .. tj I . 1. �. I . 0 ... � "I ... , L ier have learn �be' flioroi:tghl oured and I
. . � I erly Jived with Mr. Stepliention in As'h- L : I I L�. , . . ;� I y .. � .
. I � ' . week. that -Mr. . David Mar n, who ",form- f � L. . " Fe G.� BurgesS, L '' .0 � I y Be
T11S. L L . h Is , � L :,: 0 ' iid good'wed ' * .
. . . I r Alberta I . . '* , , I , . * . . . . "' 7 ed .to . come 61 ean L Land to gi � r. I
. .
I . I � BIR . field,, bad died at St.ai ona, ,. . � . . I - L . L I - .. . � . .. " ' t lieke for *1 8 I*the celebrated "Blar-" . . .
. . . . � I . .. .
I. I .- . . : On Novi 3rd. , I .1 . . � . I I I I . ".. - . it, We el I
., . '. . . . I . I:.. :_ �'o,,.. . .L*- . .1 I . 1. r , .
I . I", , h i v- ney. L Fingering Y -in three . �
I . . . L 0 - CLINTON0, � I The osier .
SHAW-Irt Clinton onNovdmbeir20tb,. .- . . .1 L. . . . � li , 0 ,. I . r I . I . . .. . . . . . . � . 0 .
. . I the wife of Dr. Shaw -of a daughter. - - . � . .1. . I L . , I I . ., . Is. . : 0 1 . , � L . *tis" . �,
. L . I I , -11 I L
. . . I . . . . . 1 . Iffon. 0. W. Ross was 59 ..on. Satur- o. . L . - I . M . .1 .1 . I
-* be cash. - ., . . . .. .: :10 I .. . . . we, sell. is thoro' . qualities. These a're*imported. - ;_
. .
, FISHER -In ClInton on NovemWr day and.Sir Wilfrid Laurier is59 to-olky, 0 1 I.. I .7 I . I .. I . �, L � . . . . . : , . . . 1. .. 11 L Y,* . . . ,_ ,
1 -7th the wife of Mr. J. J. Flisher, ,Tfi6 Ontario Premier is thus three days I 1. ' . .di ughly reliable ,14 every way , s dirtidt *'from the makers
. . of li'daukhtei.: �.. I older than the Dortairtion Premier. - - -4WQ-;Db., . I
. . . �L I . . -11 , . . .1 L . . 1. . ! . I . I.. . . ... 1. . . . .. e) This 'week we tell of ; three:-ii� .Ireland.. For. mittens,.- or - , .
, . . . . I . I . . . . . . L I I I I.. . . .
- .
__ 1111111 I . I I ---o - . L - ,- . L . __ . ___ - ear. They, Stockings there are no better � .
. . . L I . . . I. � . .� . L . . . I I . . 1. . I , . I lines for, boys W. . . . ..
I . I . . I I L . . . . . . I . . . L L . .
I ... . .;. ..- - . . .. . I I . -or 'he ..' .
- .. . I . � . I . I I I t the hind f - - hatd I yarns, made anyw re.. �-.
. y1IF1111t are jus L. � . - .. . L .
� . . . . . I . . �. r , I Z I , . . . .
� tilillitilt.lt?4112�:�I - - I - --dWA4-gullllllllfiltll!l�1,11111111111111-11111ittiff 111111 . USa("e the . - giv . I . I .� . I I
L I . .. . L� . . . . j I . ... �. 1: . I . . . . . . . I . . , . iverago boy L -es . . I . I . . . � .. �
0- . � I . . I I . . . � . . ... . .. ,. . _-Cy . b . d I .
ON-. I I .. . . * . . I I . :, . . I . ,.. � , ,� . .. , . , L . . I . . . .r . . L. � . I _. -0 . ' 11T . , -6 The celebrat6d."Blath.ey" fingering . . 11
. . . . � I . . . . � -.01 his.stockibgs a Will not neet
. "- ' L ' I I , . b yarri,makes atkoing and good wear-
� . . . ,. .. I . . . . L : . . _ . . I : I I . _-W . . .
W� I . , � , . . . . .. 11 - . . I .. -M, 11
a- " L I I , .1.. mending- n.early. a� soon as ' ing mittens or stockings for child.
.0 . . . . � I I .
I" I . �m . n .,..._...,....._. . .. , ,
� . I - � ' re .iveak, . � ..; . . 56
owGX-- . - in(mt other makes. . ,
_ � � � . . . I I . �. I .� . .
010-- .
�. a- * , ej 11. ounoemen, s � . I . .... _L I
.. a- . C s, on: . , ;A ". olila hwe, mil . 6 ribe .' t'i4ationoll". quality Dlarney yarn,
. �
-Ja , k ,LBros, . n t L .
I : I . I I � . I I . L L, --.V Ileavy ribbed wo I ' '
9� , . . . . . � -9 I . 'knits up close and firm, very much
. � I .. . .1 . . . . . . L 1. L . L. . . . .. I . . - z1v . I
. I . L .
0� . I . .11 .. 1. .. L . L. . . . I I. : ... - � seamles's foet� a good stooking,at a .
sb . I . L . . . I . . . I.. . .. . I . . . I . . .. . I.. I I L � .. . 1. ... I .1 .. . I .. .. . -
op- I . I r L : I � � . .1 . � I � . .. "..'t, , , ,
. I I . . . . . . ' .. jow'price .... 20 and 25C used for ohildrims stockings 2'oz
. am- _1 . ... .. . L, r, I I . I . 1. I . ,. .. .11 . . . - I . I I . - 'all iiives .. 1. hanks.. : L ' .. � ..: ..... 150 . I I
. : ., . 11 4 L , . . ...... I ......
_ ., � "
.L I ji66964j, , j 'eii � . : . ' L . . , ' es 0@6@#04i6069@9609694,09 01600000 1 669960006�0906 a Elea - VY WO U, loose, made. 5*iail, ' .. .. . ,., . .
I ' P ly
- . I . I . . . . Ic 1. I i .
1 1 , a a .r,
,Ug 0
at I a
Ali a 3
ar I y oil )
Sel vo at
bf lie
I �,
I 'I.
1. -
f7 0, � I I .
�, �� �
4F 1- --5 . f-ibo w � rt 4,Blarneyll soft knitting yarn. very
. I I . . � I I
. . - . I . -
. . I .. � , .
I . I
a- I . . . . . . . I . L I . . . :Z ed worst . . . ..
. no . . . . . - I L f
I 4� I . . I yarn � � it I -)T 1'O fine and ev wear . '
L . . I . , . -0 ff a 059 a s o'king obool . . en"gIVOSLOXCellent I
0 I . . I .-.w or 8 inas . .
� . . . . I 11 ;. . . . 17W 45C 2 O'hanks ...................... 20e, .
:= � I . -do . .
.0 . . . . . I I
. . I lal * . . - Extra.beaVy ribbed woolen hose
. V_ . . I .� I � L...�� , I i� I - t 11 .
9� . . Spec . a, � '. - . . weior, w r , sea� 08 ,� a I I Extra strong Canadian factory yarn
qw- � . ide e lee ugea for fine knitting of all a
. iz ... ..
8"08 .... .. L ... ... 35C ad
, This Week I
40- . . . 11 I . ... I I.....M *
.. I I L L I . . . L. I I .
do- . i . L. . . . . . I . I . .. I . .. I � .4 , made from the strongeiij Imported �: L .-
Is- I . . . . . I I . . . . � . : . L L t.vo or three ply, all colors ana
- .. . . - I I .. I .. . I .. I .. L . I . 1.W .worsted yarns, wide -rib, seamless . -
:::_ I * L ' I . 11 , . --.0 feet, double knees,. will stand very e5je . .Mottled, pure wool, free from I . .. . I
a- ..go P
I d'w i. -Worth in the regular way $3 56.: This Coat i.0 SQ,jnches ong, next thing to a Vat- ' hard wear, all sizeii .... 45d atid ) . shoddy, or pound _ ............ 50C : . .
. _. .Our Mud Coat at $2.50 L, . . . I 1. .-a ... .
do a .. I .
. . L . .. I .
.a- I . L .1 . � erpr.00f Coat,!clouble breasted, velvet collar, will pay for Itself in a snort time I) �, j
. Z= . I . L I .. I . . y
. . .
I ob- I . . . saving yonr clothes from the mud when driving. . . . I . I L 'L I .
do- . . I ... . ''. I . I . I �, .
op- I . . I I . . . .. 11 . I . �
606- �, . . . . . .. . . I . � I I . . . . . L . . . . . I ,-t . . I . I . . : . . I .. . . . I. . L . L ' L =
=. . . . I . L . . . I L 0
. I �
, a- . . uck,linea ,
op- Our Duck 009it at $2.75-- Worth in'the regular way $8.50. This 00at is made ftom, he'av weight d
d� . . - . . in L . . . .. y -.0
a- ... . .. L L . -breasted =
go- . . .� . with heavy' wool lining and it) terl ed with'rabber*. � Is made in: double
I . -0
9�1 � � I I I . � ... ,.th flapL So 0 ' ,
. C= . I I reefer style, large stor& collar, 4 pockets W1 . istr ngly made and'the best coat ::�g
. M�l � I I I . , . . .. . L -a
. oft- . on the maiket for wet, cold weather.: I . . . . . . _X
= . � . . . . . . . . 0
1 . . . . � . . --,_Ij
. . . � I I . I . � L . . I . _-=
4� I . . . � L I I I . I -2
N� . I
"� = -0
4� Our.Duck C'ogt at $1.50 Worth in the regular way $�, made, from beat quality heavy. duck, halt lined with rub- '
. . . -S
a- . . '
I * , I I ber throughout' bodv and sleeves, got up for people who want something good and
. . . �
. I . . cheap. Just the article for.ppople working around barns. . . . .
, .
. . �
. . . .
i I Our Bu . ekskin Pants M $I* 0.0 -Are made -by ours3lves, different cut, different make, different style from . or- .
I I � . . I . . . � . . ainary machine goods,- and the price is no higher. " We have 6ol d them by the hun- '
. . . I ill going oit every day. YOU 01111 ll,aV6 t�p
, I .. 1, . dred. and they are sti ,M.Llinerl at $1.25 If ,
. � . . I
- . I
L .
� L . . .L .. - you like, . . . .1 . . . � I
. . . . . I
I . .
. . . .. ,
. . . .
I � I I .
6664 Sete
I � 11 . 11 I I I . . .1 . .
. . I I I .
. I L
. .1 .. .
j L ' 'Shoe Dep'artment, . I � . I
. . . i
. .
. a '" M
.Sbecial Prides in this'Dep..J. t e'nt. .
. � � I I
� .
. .
. . iVe sell Rubber Boots. at s3,250 'regular price ss.75. they are No. I goods, guaranteed, and just the goods
'. -
. I
fbr this -time of the year. �. . . I I . I . .
� . . I I
I . We.sell M&O' Women's, Misses, Boys'j. Youths? aud Chilarews Rubbers, No. I quility Rubbers, from 25c to
60 cents, � I . . I I . I . I I .
. . . . I
. I ' I
l Men's Heavy Shoes, sold regularly for $1,50, at $1 per pair. We have 75 pair to ','close out at this
wonderful reduction. . . . . . . 11
. We are sole agents in this placefor the celebrated. "Stub Proof " Rubbers, made from pure Para rubber and
will outwear two pairs of ordinary goodA. . .
� "We are, agents forthe famous "King Quality" Rubbers for Men's and Ladies' wear, and contains 25 per cent.
niorg rubber than any other make on the market. We 'are selling them at a lively rate and they are giving per&at
satisfaction. I I . I I .
All Repairs on Boots and Shoes promptly attended -to, 13ring your repairs to'usi '
. I
, ,
I - I . � 9
Jacl son Brothers'
lc!�!% .'Department
02 45 each
�p o
Girls Trimmed Hats that were $1 and $I.25
. .
" .
will be sold for 50c . ,.
. I .
I . .
I With the ofher trimmed bats' we are goin to gi"
as 3%
1 big a bargain in irimmed hats Tor girls. 1, ese are
what wo ,are going to sell. . . . . .
. . . .
25 Olds , trimmed hats, cloth brim, vetvat c,,own, quill %rid b6okle �
. colors of rod, ftwn,brown, navyand'black, regular $land $1.25 .
linco. On sale Saturday olt a
� 11 50c a piece.,
I �
. I I
These are the biggest millinery bat -gains of the sea.,,
son and not likely soon to be repeated. See them.in our
Rattenbury street window. . .
I I �
� . RaftlY Day Needs 11 .
I � This store was never better ablo to supply your
. . rainy day wants at money saving prices to you
V .
I �
�p . . . . . �4. thanit is today. With November broken woaffier
� , � . �
�iiiii "' here rain proteotors of some kin(I are almost a
. I - � necessity. The priew are money sa*ing and stand
. C , for good qualities. . '
I I sttong-Utilbrellag,liallow rib, rifool rod, ter of mixed materid that �
��� . . . . . . I, will wear well and not turn green,& ngulat $1 and $1,95 quality
W %vo bought a lot of tbom very ohomy and ouritriae io..... V.�...4 Tse,
Well's doublo textuto wovtorproof coatti, rjoama gummed and oewih,Woll and care.
f ally mride, a garment that will atand a lot of rough uailgo,gutanteed water.
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