HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-22, Page 7I 01 JU011 WEE, DED anything except the absolute Justice I I political aggrandizement, Inhorch RIULTUDI IN PARVO. NUOUETS Or, KNOWLEDGE. STALTINO THE 4 for lit tiny worldly -endeavor, THE S, S, LESSON't each case; that there Should be -),IIY r 000 appeal, which obould be final; that tile injunction of this veme llawv lloo,rom Tremurcii ;towaloi orrt Tho engines Of a filrat-olass mn-olf. like 0 ot, OREAT COST OF LITIOATION IN Musty Precoolntas Perhava the Into,- sreally 4,3 if he were a beauttell Went 94 Ill 1912titl I.C9141 lklloj, war cost about x175,000. olke I takes 09 mlen govio by, should not be INTERNATIODIL IESSON, NOV. 25. The he Homlewl�h nor. We .4hould live rjoborly. I`.Ialn 5farbles, which von. Illtint THIS COUNTRY. A racehorse (it full speoil There tire few, it Lilly, nitire qut worshipped or followefl to create InJus. — ausly. and godly. Ain comes tile tin bolately tile finest Spe(timen,41 clears from '.'Oft. to 24ft, at every ihanthe Col. 1100141,49les for Vkly Ite- tIcO, 19 the State, 414 this, did wity Stolle" Livi'M 7111's Goldelk Te'Xi.- Ir Of Grealc rt Ili the world, were res- tit Illing- exhortation to f3elf-reatraint it is IAlorill-Ilow Me taw tit to I ldster4 with all fees of every kind, and hired that three sides of our Mad by Q3 celebrated LQ Elgin Only six porsons out of 1,000 live to of tho mmirra anti the o, give-Wrout itploval No, Atilleat 4*14111 llki) the lawyers at fixed ealarlea to oisivt 'JI214 81, In'evvVy builso whore I horo re obil. Soolloor is Manourmil. ills Judges In bringing forw(Lrd ovi- hunrtn llfo are here. tuched. We when, in VOO that nobleman aotel a I be Sovety-Uve years old, and only vul. of Ineel bll�, Ire, there should be t renintly cup - The Canada Law Journal of the let deuce, there Is no occasl 11111-NOTICA14 NOTES. are to be elf-restrlue lit oar par- our Amba,ssa dor to the Porte, At; oua re401104 the Century. its fixtid, by ltuy,tl lkr,)cI.nvifi-m, 1:� ,(,, on why dis- it -it, Tlvtt wit the ordinary October last had an article comment- putes Could not be, aettled In one-tentli Verst- 1. But opeak thou. In contrat sonal living. We are Lo be "rights. that tinto the vndl Tarks were, It Is a strange fact that the right two Wello-4 in tbo ;ifternowl, Ing upon some remarks made by tile of the, time, and at one -twentieth th& to the banefixI way in which ous," to our neighbors. We knocking tile figures to pieces oat a chest, with Innumerable hot - 1 hand, which ti more sensitive, to the in:,, Ity llou" tles huddled to.ocilier, but a. well - Police magistrate in reference to, ex- expens now incurred. heathen teachers were "apeak. are Lo be "godly;,, that is, 11rover- sheer walitonneas-not kind (of the touch than-tha left, its less sonsLtive vi cessive law costs, The Issue of that ing,12 Titum . 1, 11, 15, Ift ), ent," wrmlilliful lit our relations to series being with its full (-Out. thtin the latter to the effect of beat Ili(, lemergency dupboard, easy of It. is never kit) necessary to. answer curi- God. Ili this pre8ent world, which in 1803, after and Conti Journal dated the st last. contains a on- or cold. uniforni, the e, -Il ­ alning slouple remedies for tho many adbei and paing of Child- :0�reply from Col, Denison, In which he THE LION AND THE LAMB, Quo questions -is to give Impulses to- Presses bout, Us so olosely oil c�very C 114104119 lmot insuperable dit- London England consumea eleven untlorneath the 1:1 tst-LIT houd No household * is conducted says that he had not made cliargesi ward oly living. Bound doctrine. (It tile of Obstructive tons 0 ' 'I against the legal profession, but PlIlVeNt Where Lalimil. ool flalial Are 4111 f strIt daily. powder barrel -j, or Lheir mo-lera iub- without Ili occasional accident and a like IWO 401, Tel,1118, 1A)UMag for that officials, the noble lr set The engine of an exprem train con- siltutt—dYnamite. bruisp; a burn or an ugly out are all -against the system of the administra- 1 Z That ilia ged mon be sober. Thv object; of hope, wbb-h in to 'aall for 1111 ltiative land with Ilia valu- samea twelve gallos of water for This curloui LL'Ico:i Ili tJOn of civil Justice. After correctin- I Lancashire IS . somewhat lacky, ap- "Aged" includes mo.,ro than is ordin- bppinesm. - Tbe glorimis appearing of a b 10.4. Off Cerigo, Ittowe'ver, ilia -each mlilto back to that fteful roll InigliV oil NO- of frequent occurrout-ii where there one or two errors he goes on to sayzo parently in its emploers, for more h , travelled. art� children, - It there. is a place where arily1nelailod in star English word; the, grV. 14 Viour Jeus To Voest garden hedges In England Now, having corrected those er. thian once n the last few yeanq have aturo men are intended. 4 'Sober" at Cxed an(, a * ur a lot Wout to the boitom, whence vembor Uh, 1605, when 6ir one Carl always find' Some soft )Zed!- revs, I will state my views in refer. 1: veJLT noteworthy instances or goner- Christ. The mnifestation of his tey were only routivered after three are at Hall Bar., In Buskinghambire, KnOved; anti. Jill attenlauls Caught - carries the idea of it i.11- Corning. years' hLubtUrU tell by llfttivO diverti, Thic are over 30ft. high, a -I' le,ratt(lic oated cotion, bandages of different ence to the administration of civil Jus- osity been recorded in the Coun a im� Guy Fa w1ko4 wil'h the ti. -I a, absorbelit gauze and a hot- ly cludes, "nut given to wine," as we ace 14. Who gave himself for U-4, 1111L "vellt'altIlY they were landed I Eng- Inc0ely thick, and are clipped so as in Ills P)OICOL awt the powder iind Lls of "' solos antiseptie solution, it ties. Palatine, At the big factory of jam from r, orse, 3; but much more than lie mighl. redeein uu from till Iniuity. land, Ifere his ungrateful to presen the smooth, velvety tip- rats. In front of, h1m. " The State has taken upon Itself and similar confectins owned by Mr. till,no, from intoxioRnts is included In our bebalf lie live,l illut. dietl 11'rul CbluxlLrymon first of all did ill they As early as four or five 0,010(uk lot will provent the. fraittic running the duty of settling disputes between W. P. Hartley, and Pituated at Ain- In Vital% Pearallao peou.1,14i, to the finest yew night, lie bought. falid box bedges, [Ile morning ilia first herald of the is for some years been The repeated injunctions to foster this its Slaves tire b:lught froim their m!ts- and ay.� to ilia little su Citizens. This Is an absolute necessity, ideal of Christian sobriety, ag�kill_that Nvj� I will,, to minimue tile importance OL NNIjen such rticles ire Aaede(ii olidess we relapse into barbarism, the find, and, wbool.this. oint of at- fferor many where no man would have any rights a profit-sharing system in operation, virtue are ilia most noteworthy fail- tin,[ nvule, frou by hirn. -%V(- ire ta0k Was found 1;O fail rois I A etatistlohin has made tile not- now ParlNment may be seen throbs of 'To be thoroughly set - which last Year augmented the in- rably, ab�c calculatitou"tfiat in programme Into the empty 11OW;Q In -I isfactory tba cinergency cupboard tirless lie ws able to defend them by turo of this lesson, Grave. Dignified; redeemed freed, froin 1110 -of WOulld tip by shrieking at Us heart- of twe-lity waltzes, foar polkas, and .'Ing his hit on it .43leatill Salt, only force. The State, having taken upon coomeg of the employes by the Sum Of having a sense of propriety and, rever- iti-fran, its guilt (In't fl-onl'ils desPulling Greeit 11111 -it bo. kt-ljt in perfect order and sys- XO,210, . tt�id brrought up the aggregate 4) o of her two ol-adruies a (lancer would cover to slilo Qat tenviiVAly arranged, For instance, In Itself tbl,i duty, and' having the Power -tnee. Temperaia. "Tempercd;" care- l(y. . Purify unto himself a pecu- national "rL treasurea. 1�"xlallyl Ili upon twelve in.les. That is nut however, that his fe:vt of dtrly of organized Govevinnent to . enforce distributed since the inauguration f fully restrained; w1se ; discreet, Sound liar people, Not till "odol" people, 1810, Q10. whole collection, which had onn ounipartment'keep ilia every -day a bad ffistanoo fur to overling's vOtlull will beknOwn oil tij,, I, anything it undertakes, It follow; that the plan to the aplin of'X25,590, Ili faith, in charity, in Patience. For however, its some stranp-inintled cot. th(i collector upwards of 6C74,000. reiriedies for coughs and colds, such as i amusement. to every one X)r hi constituents, As quinine, list6rine for goirgling, croup the indIVIdual citizen is at the moray Considering the benefits that accrue charity read "love," 'and Compare with aw I 6 r C-britians would tc!tch, but LO laud in Migiall(.1, was generously in Denmark a rospa'c'LaWe aged per- Ills day grown, more members, in o,f the system which the state devises, both to. the master and the men by -this this 1 Thn, 6. 11 I-,ua I Our. 13, 13. "Pati- it pooplo pecul(arly his own. Zealous Purchased Ily,the ntitiori . for the muni- keille, tomizer and a o6m,press and -son. over sixty, who has never been drowsy ones or trilikative twos or and Is helpless in Its hands. I hold system, ills former being pracLicill- drice" in oar common Phraseology is of good works, Their.-pecidiarity is flocht suan of 435,000, the flannel bandages. therefort., that wiieii a man is a peacem l insured. agaimit; strikes. and such- cionvicted of crime, and has for the m-tke flwir de. eciamonly aPplied to* temper, )lot if, COUSist in their constant endeavor reAl villas Of the colleation couldnut, The best treatment for a bruise is tell years previous -never received mysteriously re- tu'apply soft cloth s wet wLth . hot wa- able citizen, obeying the laws, Paying, like disturbances, and the latter as-' Vaut's thought here is Perseverane; I well h-ive been less thaA at least four tir%'unhl flio benches ro lined witti Ills taxes, and conforming to the rules surLd that their hadustry will event- holy endurance. ote good works,. poor relief, Is elthor nAmitted into all ter, anti If the Contusion is very pain- The graces of this ad rbuke "me -4 thitt 'amOaut- hats of every size and shape, of ot-ganized society, that he is entitled 15. .1�peaik,' Ind exhort, at amhouse or recei(ves in dopenhagen and.all, U.ally bring to tb�dlm-txn increased envfl- verstk become all Sort* of men and we- I t houg h * r it he gets Into any difficulty or dls- of nothing like the sit me 46 19a.. a year, or In a trading town degrees of wear. ul a little litudapam may be added pute with a neighbour, whic they amsxl� in proportion to their extra men from budding youth to Venerated inLriusio Value Ili tile 114 At noon theve s no se;tt that has to. the water. O 6xtract a splinter tVigor told waLhoritit Live ness that no Igin Afarbles, cannot settle bet,ween themsel . ves to exertions, it is somewhat iurprising age, but they ari especially comely in 47 15s., or Ili a iiillaga ;C3 lls, 10(t. clill(Vs hand.fill a wide-mouth- a on can Lime-disre . gard thee, tbere rests in _,NL.Idaxde Tussauds Parlis i6 said to be the 0"ealleitt not its guardim bat, as'the late com- fron, It be able to appeal to the State to see that it is not further practised. mature Characters for they tire the MY-noula ill London, a vehicle which it or ruefully finds. The riew members Ld b(Atle half full'of very hot water that justice Is done, and I feel that The mayor f Tole,do ig another be- graciou fruits of, rips experience. wald. be rd �o boat both for his- city. In the world, Every morning in hundreds throng the lobbies, the and place Its; mouth under the injured this duty should be performed liever in -the profit-sha AN-ORPIAN 2,000 mle alld Goo female scavengers, -if a little Pressure is used the ithe ring systsm,and 3, Our clao, in studying this passage, toris hiLere'St and pftSL. records of, divided into 149 Ilrlgades� turn out to smaking-rooms, library, nd dining. �,P()t, least possible expense to the. lnal,,- each year he Malls. to big bleplOYPS tarns, in thou. -.ht from the elderl man money-moilting. This is the carriage rooms;- allot as 'Llio fateful hour ar- team in it ru%v moments will extract a ual. m cheque to the value of one,twellLic . t .11 of their cquaintailoo, to the el lot Nos .1111ther Ills'llug It poform the toilet*of the. Capital. They prVaulies fill� the floor of the Ile I use the splinter. Before banda-king a cut, derl used by Nupoloun Batinaparte. in rNow, whlt is t!le u.,ual coutse untler. of the �tira earnod by the -workmen womn. The women are not to ealli1 I )k1glis botweell N]Oe work from four . lie the morn .tl . 1 in,-arrulojum cru%vt,16. 'wash it thoroughly with some anti'- the present system? Two nelgh-bours Ili the twelve months. The great cou� 63 thought of -,is old people any in - ore An. oold eircuiristanue. of anitual life ow and !four im' the eveuM ',a;$$ two hours Waterloo: captured from ilia -.91 . as tllt� the � oid in, olaii-)n; When it is perfectly in a business transaction have a dis fecLionexy firind Clake, 16holls,and (hall ilia men, but as . ma'tar has been'brought out by the deaLli . IV off for mals, or ton hours'a deLy. The hour of Lwo, ills Cry r iliv cle-111 brin * tile stigim tUgether and fugit. a by It Gorma.n officer, when a 14 puts or a rals-indevitnding. It oftcn Co'olinbs, of Ilackney Wick, as per- iaLers',ili the. Church. The'first re, Of it calf moose which,had been adopt" wiiinion are 'engaged- 1-11 the'morn; fONV -miles un ng 1. Way for the hottl -ill place _waenj 4tr p happons 'that there is a good deal to 00i.vad ])its cow, 'the ly from, Waterloo, and an)y. . 1 of he beefits th-at accrue fram. 01alnendation to lh(Iih, that their !)a- by w motherly* old' w was Subsequently sonds 60il Odd ineini)ers Leave 'a space be- be sul oil twth side.i. The profit7S11RA119 -for Over ten years, du r7- haviOr shall 'lie such - as be.- relationship Continuing in. an atuiable Presented* to the The mX.eage Of the blood clecolation every quarter, ji-ku Prince Relient. KA England, ' As ,thou JaIlly however, are irreconvilable, nd Lho lug which Lime they ave distributed cometh b o I 1 a Ialladt!s to their- manner all the Summer and untif the t reveals some astunishiag f�tcts In ou v buys, to theiv (his thas th 0101 It of almorbent eltIzens have tr) to Ili,! State to 0� public interest Ili the lu ':IuzI. When Lho wound hi entirely about.'al') )gst their employe iters 'Who hd enecalf met oil untimely end not Ion personal diltory. Thus it has been sitandiag in 'Of .1526 g decide. One citlzqn govs to big I Little Corporal wits natarally at fev- the totl distributed lits.t year being Ili bea then - 490-, hkaleI the. may ba olisily re- lays tile whole caze bef.)i-L him natural- or he�tt, it 6cou ie(l to a inn namedkalcula(,ed thaL, the Ikeavt US dle t1I)0.L-kV-r Ili I )v nloi;tuning it first With l- X-7.000, t4aiust 41,400 at the end Of tLast, may ot sayore forest fire came r to beat Sixty-nine -tdn� es a mil lots at pmuiisluli IY With his o%%n and g-ets all c toll, co Bnlk)ak that a how of his carriage 6 I!to I[I)U,4(. , Xho 61111gilfg Ilain of.ik tba-flrst 'year's trial. In gdolitiou to diLion of being not. apart for clos5 to t4e damp of a. logging Coin- roli-nary dieart. prwisure,, Ahe blood s8 ivial yway. c9lollon onthe law. The counsel knows � : might; be d -good "draw." Ile' ar- In lII Ile instantly allyed the systain of bonus, those yoang� wa- Uses. Chritihn women re more than PaJlY On the sitiore bf Lake� Superior, goes at tbe rate of 207 Yards, Ln the of: silk and - 11 lexible collodion, well that no one can positively tell Crdingly , buckles of silve Ill's bilk- 11Y aintilix wiLh f iyar6littsed- it fram its Roypi 6 . . in the Priestesses. And � asheathen priest- and thGxigh`the,c4mp was ktot in ser- mieut.e. or seven mliles per Aioiir, 108 gown an(I fall-buttoliled wig, 0 hib% of egg or alucilge,, If the'skin what is Ills law, bat proba,bly gives all �xxien Who hvabaun. fvJ yuars owner for X2,500. IlLgh Ls braki-xi 'apply a &oqsing of boraciv works - is . ceive j�5 dacoh' oil, their mar- Lses. were ex . poeted1o, act in a mail"- iOus.dxIllger, 'the situation Was- anx- as- %vita the miles par day, and 61i32U. miles per 1;puv,L it hgjaified,ankl c,pinicon that his elleut has a guoid c Price,. the spepulator speedily justi.. I , 11 I . , r . or I, (I ioc-M oininient or va.-.w.liue- nail one that Is worth ria-ge.'which in most 'yeara'knoans a nor that was reliresenLative of the. god leus enough to cause the gallg� to 0 . year. . Jf'a man 'of alli lity4our yearrs r 1�,.i a r e,. a s fighlilig' ill tile f 9. expenditure. * In a single w y a[ the led. hi, al,,gs 8,10wi fl courts. A lettar is t the other further. gift On the part of Lho­fIrm ,Or guile the3i worshipped, so should knock off work and -keep a Weather of �ag -could .have one single � blood or ills towar,:s his LILY munth of exhibition be cleared- no side.. or a writ s served. ti.na Ills its- of X.150. ChrisLian women act in lofty consl,t�. eye Out foi trouble., One day when corpusc16 float.11n- in Ills blood -all his cl�xlir, t less han'-X20,000 by exhibitixlm� it and . . . .: . O whivIl'.as'.lie fendant goes to his lawyer for dvice., The late r. Sedgwiok, the grett ency with their Profession Of Chris- tho furest at the edge Of thc Clearing Life, it would -hav6 travelled fix, th t -'6bel -No, I . ily is, nuas pupular with a during 181.6, the Year affer. Waterloo, hrou 6ance.s. Wch tt,ur grow"ers piau the goldon-rayea. The lawyer hears the dere nd.int's* state- Watfurd brower,-'and Arr. Xeiller_bf tianity, Rph. '6, 3'1 I Tim.� 2�' io. Nvas� clouded with - moke, through I I same time 51150,880 lhiles. Upwards , of 100,000 sightseers paid Win, waltk h;ii Ch Ja hii alvin, whu.e.. fragrant flow- - Tnent, looks up precedems, and advises h3armal rem mccusers. Injurious giisipers. which x�d tongues of flame were lap- It is an erroneous noLlon very prs- of bl4ak, nil'the ado farne,' both eLubored giv- g9od round sams -for. the privilege of. klm to defend the case, although heal- -their - employes in. their respective an to Much wine. Which -now, Ping up,ths.13ranches a big Cow Mbose, ytilent that. diath-warrants are s!gxl- in- Oull. t dress, qriaed W41i I I . wo 1, TiRtiaw In -it. . " I . . to p oduts several, so knows that there is no certainty as was a. besetting sin of the. inhabit- dashed out of the sianke, and into the vJI Plants in �pc r V� ills. When Mr. Sv�d.-wick, died. in 1807. oplis'! of' the quaintest pieceff of ad 'by Queen* Victoria herself, When Ilia m-tco'cal Ut to the law. The case Is timv falriy� . t -was found, that lie ha( alliance, of detith Shoulder, fidwers 'if the bullig were good, -.but started, and -the costs beglift to *roll- upi I left-sevskiLy ants of -Cret:6. - The dreek word - Is* clearing wedby,a calf. Both were y, thejudge s it taQt erti to be a great sue- sum istor' 'is attacheiff to the Hall'- is, employ- en " enslav�ed;" ddiction to' wine 'is siav'. exhausted, and. they stood for a mo- n�eu ivhb haol'66,en !A -'h' t upon a pr�',sojler, leavt,ng the When lho�,�pe,iikei 11 L;; oil, 0 tiny-. volume Motions of all kinds can be inade;.to set ment bewilddedi headless Of thd men rieta; '� Xi ria. mii;s, if out of door$., Grand as. Which adorns the shelvs of.''the ar Chair pt"ykirS It re s L id by iliA e01, more *4100 each, and onahun-� room, hia� wri-teis oil -the �slde appearance, for security for c 4. Teach ilia yc-ang W0311ell to, ­bti "WhO W.O.re ,watching th a it. undrubtedly looks when gxowin4,. for pariticulars of statern I dre& Nvh:o had but five jears' service em.11,Then th agalst -the naine of the doomAd n- the inelliber sla-116ilig ill It enL. of cla, in Museum. This nd. -th I rowing mili its stately . credit. ;93J each, making a Sober. '-The word here, it abilim' loll"Jif Cow moose, realized. that sh6 -was in Ib%Y41 . to their .3 dividual,: "Lot .-.exocutjon�,.�p tititullc,­ulltil ill,. rl; or defence, to strike out stAtteme* unique pje6e, of oiook-�bindmg, the itit of. to his,wilik- be -6a'nslated,. "xest,ralned," or ".ills- the presence -of man, hor.horeditary and Lhia-exec-ati!on takei oid. Ills over, With backwani iir, i,-,�M7, borve, such foliage, ao. that of claim-ov aefelice, for better and further total indfitil of X19,000 hiere.gold work on''the cover ot m.�hiclh some prefer it in -pots. creet." ( It, *of course, woulel incluile enemy,- and she retreated to the -for- affidavit on production, -to coxxxpel wt. In Mr. Keiller, on theotheir hand, must liave taken its designer many. day n6tai-ed lin'eiss areqtiLto is grant- less b )ws Lo Lho tendance of witnesses, ant] so qp Ten. having left Ili . s.wlfe' the lifoi-rent of the prohibition bf indulgence. in. intox- est. But. the e'aif was unable to fol.; Tl' 11( Gi-L souad bulbs, put thein well in some the.'=. at skilfal labor, wg 64 is )uss. ultt I ibis comi - itis . t and treat *them gen the examination f)r discovery icants, but it m low., The Mother, looked beseeching- eqns more than that. ught into the-direotor's Than once dglft ill' L' 4159,000 and the 6,5tAte of Mrven, ill- one day.bid, epously afttxwrd. anti they, will give other examinations, t To love their husbands, TO love their IY ' toward, tire meii, that� surrounded wn . soclety itdyi .conducted pit grea rected that the sum of R2.0,000 should. office by a well-kno GECGRAPHY IN- CIINA. Lho. han-Irods mif members .,in. &xcellant veturns, In putting these, length, find with tiresome reiteration children, The bond ofthe houqebotil L115 calf but made 'no attempt t4d. be -devoted towa-rds a pension fund for She explalned.. hat' she . witnted d teir Way to L li -h.dr, an I filin'g (ills X . III othr� lillirms let.the b . filb be platt- and ropetkion all -takan down In shertw the employes of his fir is love., away.asthe. expected. I 11111.101 110s, 7 t b' sell it inirriddi-it6ly- for this benefit- of Ille I'm . Itt-d iii front poit; so as 5. B6 4keree Then though she had come'toi the , ! 1; in the' 14, ' ' I (I v, hand, all extended in full, 411 -roll.111 Both Mr. John GW'ynne:of.- the L., chaste, kPepers at .a charity-whtet would the, directors to JWIVA rf oin for up heavy expense, V One night when Llie lbcal* officiaN the almost, Hammersmith Iron Wrkn;'and Mr. lie, give her. for i u, ' i;�lj Lot the c( Then after all these home, good. 4h6 a, in t conslusion'tbat be r best course was Rlicebt ifletifof im� motions and filings of affidavits, and meanings of 'these.wo . rds.arp. not ide- to leave her ofispria to their --mercy of t a small viliage where wo - worc EL T. Parko, another' Lancastrian 9 ilia beauty' -of the wor3c''intly yar. !at, fur I hit of Ilia - best loam, leaf examinations upon them,. and attend;. I r:. imade provision for their workEnen.du ill ferent, I ii Gro�ak fruni. those. of she - turned about and' plunge&. again stepping' called ccording to, Way for [lie. Ito;I:', l fid inanure, coarse. Sand ere,l whea it is. stated th-it the oll-v elvircoal and Ilie Miami ances, and drafts and engrossings, etc., the English. Gurdians of the house- Into. the woods. to greet us and rrange for future Ill; ;is j Liry Ing their lifetime and within the last i. rectors. immailiatel made oU a will eijecially if 016y'' are the case at last comes before a with Pad -ht two years.' In ' the a -for fC700, wbielf WW3 ne of them, a degr old gen- Ir. by. im- fed with' liquid,manure Technicalities of oil. up, ass of Mr. hold" -might bring more directly to Deer when threatened' progi-ess, o Us the mourning of," keepers t have been known to ull to k man for Oliequf� tIem,%a,,WIXD hit (I a laugh tha t anced !a growth. and -cussed and overruled and re.� Gwynne's. firm, there Were fi)rty par- for a. [lily. 1h,tu -tin. lit .,wtiuld they I ro IVThe. earliest manuscripts read pro4ection. The protLectors.of the calf itive - midi hi -3 fortifne n.tbe tage If- serve.l. Thea witnsses ara examined ticipItnts in'bis boilinty, wbibb eon- ills heignt. aclu-il tit vol- IIill ured it-'uat that that:was why e agalli, with the same relteratlou aid reo, of 1,000 fully paid .Shares Ili tile ors at home," -that 1% persons diligent in any of Europe, iriquired, ficiLl uf.ina Lords; Ume � ill a a u estitrutted art the calf 'with W pelitio-ii all again taken down in short- fi r. -Il. benefited re- An household dat . ca. Goo(I refers to "Ow nlocihW .1 them; oLion-rooijil' is. bat la I nd I Came rom, if it was.* Each of ilia men 'at many thosrimd of rminds, Titak. from .1i is �)Idy rcquIre a, g,w4l deal more for a moose does'not desert 'it's off- China, and theii -whether I came ill these thue�i t at th.i ii, the. gtt, nd niflil Mold. Qbjections are raised to ques- 'of. iL� good temper 4. beneficence. bloeause a a copy of be,deed of -gift, in I Ing iL absolutoiy the 'tions. Th,�se are als�o argued, and. the one M -thrifty is no ren gorl why. one pH hg carelessly, but will defend. it I>y and orr,sea, each questiori being t �tlp which. it was' �clareol thzLt the I oliVi- with terrible -affect and I desperato beak of its size in, existence, thri. o A admi'tted and -,it- though 4:(-v to their pet, fbjecLlon sustained or overruled, Aith ' should e iAllospiLable or "crust y:' Only 4:5u ore was pail for IhO, punctuated Lk � a delicious laugh. To to The Speuker. in till.,; dends I' cruin­, ,were to be divided qoarage.. A:t*any rate, ills littIO Ai�tLlf tell him, who Considered 100 Ipoints a.-aln resezir-M. These thins's Obedient to their own liuba.ndq, that a me,ltiur� RM i.; unly all is a.i necessary for our Ind. that the. equally.and half-yerly, all teiidlr,-; tri con0se the minds of the the -w6rA of. (led Ix'! of the forest Was tak6n to the cook "bin; by 11 1-2. Ili. and conialtIr Iag journey, th-It'i, coin eover 10, - ,I vzht..4 it js� ffr I, a 2 Jul to th real merits of the Case, only conditions linposedere tbat the I ll,,� 41rinty, and 'a bottle of nillk. heII000 wai 1�0 give f lie - lonpri-sSi0il I,11111:j, 'u i. .1 1% d . t j:,!,v s hualol ba ve, n- rI:,P as a men should eon tin us,.Working for the aill" 410 P,uieii of � Lhin vellum. ln.i A Ch re often to be found on both IV11 thought no,t Of out-and-out, was ghriin io it and was. drunk great[- diLiun to being a marvel of ne:xt gross e:xaggeratlon, ils 110 -hail no. eli!.)Iiy .11 I iodi Ole A Uve Is f will. greatl firm unless inc4pacitated, and that sides. but of evil speech, reproasti. ),yi-ipegrd Ily. After. a few.hours'- of rest the th 18 h-ts it Nvealth Idei.. of the, size of the earth dr -here bol. of MX po t1w -uc , exit !(I a death, of a participant his sitio., 'With cut ill -rib will lie Then follow long ;argument, of Upon th Of lionie dut;es utt lack of love, if calf was ,is frisky.and merry as it-, counsel, then the Judge's charge, then tolatives shall have no eiaim to - the of history which.takes us back to 778 -America was, as thQ..question wltoLh- lie IOC -1 observable. in wives had ever been. It did not appear to Wnefit he received in- lif0t, 1. or it was north r South of OhIna in- sir.,s hi fin -L favjr, and enNI yt�tr- the objections to the judge's charge ime. &X. 'in that Iyear ilia �rcat. anil ill it, p4 if; t1w cau,4o of mourn the. luss'bf its motber,: but tile r wn dicated. 'OA'e of his ompanions 'find, oobickwee anti aPpIP, 6ut it- the reserving of more points, with the ' 11r. Parkels.gift was madu on his peror commisgione& one of�oa o. lJoile, of manager. of 1bo, ordered that an ge! - llede'4 to lug that his friend.was quils.it, Ap;�, Iresult that the jury will probably -Iva retirent6at fm.businesi3 Christ. -this lle:.r the ftlurl� thLt lettuce pt� be mado to bring mother and finally summoned tip Courage awl re�!. Ili the verdict one way, while the J;,�ga factaror in - the Lancashire cotton vil- 111"I iii he huge wark, with the of, pro- LikV tile matore at . pit and. y 4ueStioner by p has reserved law points to settle whe- midde4l. lll.�y N, given, but, 'it -tit tr :cop bukel the �c oini in lage f WitAnelli and he g�tve the gether again.� A big woods- g: out I Ii, 1, by lie. ther tile dedsi)n should not b3 the Sam of '420,000 to be divided ai not ihe. y(I woInt-li, i I Wy Man liffe'l the.11ttle one ill) [bit thatAmerica waq in the'-westorn, nd I 14., I A! A, I i6 %N ed b.. Is aloli b ou P only; given the old workpeople of twenty year ,,k of �ried it into ills forest. half a mile a j.,(I I Ind 'China in the eastern I bemisphere. I ooil-er, , are to be ' self-rostralaiwil. f Tbe Nvork. Was COUIP101.1-11 .1 U-. 'c'Vo,wd '44 illwhen i lw- will come and take it The case may then come up before standing, -with the result tb,-.tt noons self-restraint is the besetting sin away. Ile supposed that: whan lie left presented to IV I ell, ter Other inquiries tile first mn with,.as nut 11, h y :I-, I-,; I froi t e hand. -of law a,4 qC Paul's, it the calf, would call for its mother, lilt -, his ­r un.ler -the -ay of mill -21; should'always be the full court, and the points go truly as lit however some.yoaj tit mil -I brightened up and said: "Oil, I kno recelved'Iess than 26), several fo.uu(Y our a oied to, coricernIng which (If the law Is the who, was. supp hovering Lothtira was 'eiriven front �rilnco, ler ITOILA, In. thu, 1wside a glass of mixed great Iscience our profession claim It to 7. In all tingi showing thy.-�(-I( 3: around. somewhe . re ne I a r. 'But the 'ioro now where your land is; it ls�bel wpon ethemselves X9,00 the *richer, one fouqd be) there should be no question, have his capital' augmented by X690, und pattern of good works. T;Lu as n canary, three parts of ilia be carried it with him* to t-hn irndeoind Germ.a y;" whereupon thO ow, ited by, the L,)ril and calf rwwAted this attempt to thrust to be devided. Three judges, supposed two -lucky follovVA!-recelved .1,000 we have seen, himself a young. man, dictine, Monastery of 11rum, in Lor- second, who had rray� of llor,ls in Lo t.wo of tile former. being the e. -S ex- him'Out from the comforts of clviliz-� -tine. enco it travelle and his tvaching w0ald be usel I'll I to l3aslo,_ Ing.. our faces and so, perecived thti Iscailet. wl blmiv,ps Ili to be experts, Impartial, upright men, each- * - b, Tirt., x;ahy bath hutild be attached wpt' he:llved tip to it or mazifest.ly ation, and when the men all a"way where it remallicd until 179-3, when it the other was wrong gain, reppated lit lilt- bsence k'd h. . . . I 0 - who have devoted their lives to the Coe ca,;L� and. nut, laid on the floor, toward the.camp it followed. o me th- fell into Llic, hands of, tile I�rcllcll his hemisphere remark with place. is i�-,kt a Lixii, way the sild. is made wet tried so to do. Doctrine means Leach- Ili b the 1pint I .1 Ptudy of the law, sit for hours and FLASHES Or FUN. or appeared, and the calf made its troops. Passing: :quickly through SuPar-0111OU-st 'and suporlor air, and s and fl)ur Lord, Ifigh nd the cage. unhealthy. listen to the same arguments on the ig, aH bef(Are. Unoorrupiness, grav- Hame evidence, with the same prece- F hy ity, slincerity. Untainted . purity; dig hoine at the camp, ArAere it became several iands, it f1willy found its way Ile ventured tiothiiig more, there was I wh�t IL lof )-.!in in ill int Restaurant Cockroach "W . . t I dents quoted Under the same magndtlV` so gloomy? What ire you thinking nifled seriousness. known as the Ottilrin (o4bo British Xitseura in the gu-Erd� little doubt thit tlial comprised 11114 1 glory tit r0beS �Ill 1 rlI influence and ability of the counsel on' about? Second 11, C. -I have mail 8, Sound speech �thttt cannot be In a few days there was . lint ft ianship, of one,. . do Spay Passavdrtt, whole knowledge of the world's goo -t IvIlea 0%, hLl6t, jous, and a up my mind to, die. But I . c , an't decide bar jck who would not have fnuzI!, 2- tie contrieted in many' ways. both sides, without the slightest rea- ooind,.-mrled, Whether lit public or of This gentlatriiin, from ori. grt'lly, although there was lile �-) t1w sort apparent why they should. differ, eon- for the orphan, The cook aved 1:11" gimilly aakin I .1. . ...... mba chairs and whether to departthis life asminc, In private, Ile that is Of the g Al2,000 for it, oventu. able doupt that he really knew %Ou IIIII 4 11.1 IPLO or Stowed bI I ackberries. (raiy part, man. Who choicest Milk for the, wotif and fed illy act-epled this modest sum of R750, a hemisphere as; itild yet these two j,V gill'i,.1 It.4` if ifinre Is anything In our boasted means sel6nce of law. ana at the end of It .him out Of it bottle, till one morning all two oCthe Judgim wilt decide one Do you want a transfer I asked 1lay Its ash just ulitt he himself gave. for men held luilio,rtailt govornait lit 110. I tki .AI Iu. Great card Stultified, disproved. Ilaving no the Ophan succeeded Ili coaxing hi9 it. sitions, and one of them been shwe 1 be, t-.Oeu to keep thO way nd one the other. the boriductor. Wbaf; - for? asked the , way into the confidence and affections Another carious book, or rather promoW and Is oil the . high road to hrikli iix fir -h the alligator bag. So that evil thing to' say of you. Not perfect- Tht�n -an appeal Is taken to the, ron . wit; y library of boos, is Lho still greater places of I rust, and I o 0 muVh less thing I YOU can take another ear..No, able . t prove.any of his inalizious a of a cow named Bess. Thereafter the Court of Appeal, and the same were inseparable Companions. (111nets which. t:esfsto- such msn tile People Inust - itlok ni Ionly the judges of this couei I have naited twenty lninutd% for ibis 9, strvant to be obedient The Oddly pitated Couple. was the ij. . i 11 �JLj e I S th.1111 scum- In these rely oil for their uidancei: But till.' ('r h*,, 11 fire sllpi)osed to be still more highly one, and I propose to hang oil to it, 9 a a tri- gr(iatllst attraction of the eamp for tire famillar wlf'b� that state of affa'ird' inut utit liv, trpLitied P.xperts, and here also will two song with the title, There's a unt their uwn mitsters, *It I is vloanod 4celde one way and three the othe'r Sigh in bute to the. poN�er of - Ilia religion montlia, Koduk fiends, and tourist:s the bookiwker, But Inight with tile. Ifeart", was sent by it which Paul advocatd that �-Iavery is went miles out of theit. way to see Lt"E.y we know a btt Iva Ing Lo Our I ('Ili-; flora -a Z on exactly the same fActv and argu- then shake young man to Ills sWeetheart, but the now abuli.4hed from the' civilized them, The waif flourished and grow yet it) Produce I wox;k in,6,10 nese point of view merits. % lea'pal )er fell into the 4ands of the giri'S k,ltittlezi which vhall praetlqlly.sum Tb(,t. follows an appiml to the Su- wowlil, The servants of 11aul's time ama�:ingly under tile tender maternal V highly edueated. and had peni -4n iv�ura i%� father, a Very unsentimentl pliysl� r,r(.me rourt. where the satne old nearly till hIVC8, - CbrisLianity ca,re of liess, but as it happened it up overytbing Ili., the known world . amount of fline acquiring their in. r I ,:epItlg linoleum cian, who exclaimed: What wretched, story Is told, with the result possibly has wrought a changi� in public, opin- was through his foster mother. that its alpliabats down to its formation tlidt, uOuld suffleo w lirl its to washing, Unscientific rilbbish is this? Who jutt then rub that three will decide one WAY and two !oil which mak-.!s slavery now linpos- he cme to his death, One day Bess this 1:3 only Nvll!tL Ill"' to take a mail Llirougli a IoIading uIA- tile other. ase ? He writto wLieh ha, ' To please them well lit all took it into, her Placid inind that tiho ant, versify arid give him a till. 1). tlegrmv. oit, it it,,\ i� vs xtul LastlY comes the Judicial Conirnittee. On the outside: "Mistaken; dlagiiot4is; thisigs, To be courteous and, com- would wander seven or cight miles plisliptl ;,u Ion �, agwp :is ITA, I(. a co,3t They liut a, great amount of. leil 1-11- i i hi� � .-o' � i., -3 The effeet is of the Privy Council, and then a final no sigh in the heh,rt possible. Sigh plaistiat wbatevex they arts asked to d'way f , rem the Camp for now pastures of Little., ;M1 Tibor !I ing, 'but it wk19'of lie Practical I J& decision Is made one way or the other, relate almost eAtirely to the lungs and do. Not again, Not de- and the Orphan followed, When they is,-Ulterly beyond the. power of Wes- It WUR the teachings of the fifth VIIII. the tw.or but apt to be the nearest right, be- diaphragm I been !� ". � ", � , v claxiing th,eir rightil. The modern Nve.rp found tile manager of thecamp torn intellect, to even apivroximILQ1,11 tury before, Christ rittlier than the N of. cause they have no appeal aboVP 4p!.Tit is dirf-ctly antag011istle to tile sent two men after them. The men Calculte. tonglIV4 arauet, nineteenth century after. them, and do not trouble themoolvi, One of the �mnst itit a res mi,4ecl- g" lilay bo re- 's OST AT SEA. spirit that Paul urged. NNAll nearly so much about precedents ab took advantage of thiiir OUtLng in lnles (it Xss. ill the world is tho gtntl,� 1111out justice, An illustration of life on the huge 10. Not purlohning., The servairt, dally with the cull that ellears, and STANDING ItOONit ONLY. efully AsJiburnham (IbIlection, whleh, tirl- k,0 tit .1. vut J�Otato, Car Then what happens? One man wins mean*going ships is given in the f9t. own�d by his mastsir and dependent the. Orphan was the victim of their ginlly offered in ioto to the Treas. Arbor every actor in the huprompt it t into, Lilt, flora tiluo to "d the other loses, neither being 41- lowing story* on him for food and gotimorit, uat,ural- debauch. Theystarted back along theL k Mit Tio r ury, in 1879, for ilia sum of X160,000, mutual �oejf(y hold I tild it I th I,(. NV litll t he whola together In the right, neither altogether On one of the voyages of a great ly Zelt icsort of partnership in his railroad track toward damp about an Ill t by b! I, was. finally split up into several por�' his story the quiet little, nian lit tile treatt-il, In tho wroingi bu one gets everythlorIg, steamship from Hamburg to New York mast,0's goods, and was ready to all- hour before sunset nd presently,over. ivision, known spoke up. final sl,,oligillg Must lie given. -where and excited illo .1d. ay to lideloton a. Crpet his own a little seve.a-year-old immigrant boy propriato what he desired. Showing Come by the liquor they had drunk, Is the Stow 4 the r,ther loses everything, Principal subd Deals and his opponent's taxable -a CallseLion, being pur- Gentleman, he said, K may sound him veiry I . coats, wali lost for three days. le left his all good7 f7dulity, Maifesting faith- the. men lay down by the side of the niiration of the it 'crowd by Its 1:4 to, Ilat a. 11:%If tUlabter Of W1111i Ilia auccessful man IS heavily fUlIleSSr to'God Chased by the Ilritish .11asouni. for b0asLfal, but I wish to say that do . api rig spirit.,; Pucol;!,clol In Ills solicitor mother ad started In quest of ad- ILS WIAl I as to tllc:-r track, and went to Sleep, tying the coNV 44N000. A slight idea of its roman- a stading-room-only business every IndLtion of Old showinan's If hilsin of water nd and elledt venture about the big ship, but upon fnasteirs- That they mity adorn tile to a rail. A special train came along tic and historic, value m-ty be gleaned silngle night in the year, vofoa and tooes when Inviting the (Ill) 3;Our but)o.in ill it iul Sweep over costF, and In the mental worry, loss f God oui Saviour in it and knocked the life out of V Ifflit t st,op* into tile booth. (lie or tWit.0, and it will of titne, etc. growing tired wtis unable to find his doetriiia o, 10 Polor when it I% Stated th-tt mangst oth. Thore was adead silence for amo- Pit Tile total costs In a, case lika this way btack to her. Instead of asking thLnigs. "Th,e" hard includes ll little bo(ly of the Orphan. 6r pricolMs treasaro.i It contains a metnt, and than one of the others sug- � (>rvo day birtl broke Its rc�.toro the eoloc and brighten it lit) would 'Probably amount to. thousands so-Ine One whore to go, or telling that tha elasseti here . spokmi of [tie will of lfred tha.0ro:Lt, Wilted that the little man was latin (I iescaped inio' neighbololilIg ant if yl�u i llilll� It, new. Another good Of dollars, If not -tells of the he Wits lost, the young ttuant detad. young young women, and mature qIgnod millutes of. the img It on *M bit too thick. pl-1,ntaticon. fton artunibir of men to clean old crpot:l is to rub Usands, ad to continue his explorations inde. In"1111 And wommi. All of u,i re meant I I. a track, but b(I. thvia .Over with matillut dampen it and might havIs beoil as Solemn -faced man, wlth newspaper frIal of oan. of re, nd the original But it is 1311862PtiblO Of Proof, g(M-. "ind 'boys wl" 01 f little and rtib I 0 carpet With settled without expense, and with Just fillit9lY- to be OtW.,+ ornaments., God'a jewels, -Wall I see there -was a singular ac- ratirn of those who refused to pay t1i'men, Persiste the little wln. (ore they had giune far they heard a iviu7in,ol when perfectly dry sweep o4ev the beautiful thigi Lhat God delights Money prom" Caued by file 90ree0hing the meal. When found, he wan sleeping In an U inuch Certainty If the partlieD had cideint at one of the slaughter- ship ent amongst StIV041V19 VOOM, Only (wory day in load Moisf tOGAcd 1 Copper to decide It at the empty coal box down among the on. 1,11 showing as ills ronulta of his Leach- houses out at the stook -yards yeater- whom stands of course the name 'Of the Year, regardless of the attractions of Whrola ill th(- wood. start. th., fflnea. One. of The crow t4ok him t6 111119. (lay, A. mlin who wag leaning Out John Ilamplen. Ili ,hort, ilia wholo that may bo Playing against You.? said Ott arriving tit tho pot whtti" [Ile bankrupt is so common It InUilt be t0theMbeted that 0, man the captain, who detailed two Stew- It, The grace of Ood. Crod'a great of an upper story window let go and collection . teem with documents the other, Slowly. I'd like to know soilinds livoencoled they found POOr amicaig us nowidays,- few , know Once In, th6 law cannot avold this. It iirdg to Adoiroh for his mother. gift that bringeth salvatiOn in the dropped stxty feat, wad wasn't hurt which, although intrinsically worth- What OOMPAY YOU are with- Poll po!rched on a withered branch of he derived Ills Unenviable cog- avr man Is lighting a rich man" or They found her with sums difficulty Lord Jesua Christ. Hath appeared tilale, are hisLoripally priceless, the The Stxeet Itailway Coinpany, re. a ft,tle, surrounded by aflock of It is among the Most in - be must absolutely -and discovered that she, too, had been to :ill men, Mi been mitnifeqted to WMvine(C-HOW dIAl 4hni price originally/ paid for t A F10 a he ;lOI6 tuxilted the little 111111, as he made for Screechi;ng crws, which were merei- t,ercst�ai; of %ords with histories, 01VO lip big rloht �a have tile case de- Valao the door. lonsly peeklin t it with their IIN&;, J.umbiirs, of Venice, Just. 6ho h4d 'started Oi4t. to look the world. being many Limes. beneath it 01404, or run t.he risk of ruin. for her ton, mad bad not boon able 12, The (46FIx%l Us that NIVO happolill in n hs1ARLO gat On WIIC;h.o8 round about the It %Qk,k,A were. A philosopher is a man %lie nov" of affaLra, the crowd of seeker vould tphIzt,t, 0 St, Nfark's. aaic Itall, palnet this system that I to got back W her QW4 part of the shiould delly worldly f B is n Ee I balideltimy F� 000, fund cvprossool in), 1. ant- .0 Pigs, fi,ot, Mr, Goode-Vou are the sixth man attempts to atgus. with his wife, 110t; rcirain from laughln� as they, J()r hzilcll. When one of the money - 'a ship agalft. lusts, dolitig out best to I agolliv hope lat my" day the people through ked lilt! for something to They arty It crrior pigeon will go IIA-ft,rd, the poor -viottin screani, oat ,it defait'.16a. the others fell it) tho tongiar rind CU40111 Of the ommen lay 1)y niolloy forri rain who As their Do6tbgment would be able to ra- 1 bill I The lon,ger 0, man stands; still Ilia World t)Ltt are ntagohistic, to Uod, lolay, while otherq borrow umbroillas, eat to�diy. The Tramp, sadly-Tlpose farther '.han any other birdi nald the tli# top of U9 vol,eo; "ano at a tIm,,., ft"XI UVOW b a I, all n little planes. Mein It, r think that the'State shatild Aferwrds .lie was known Its "bA11010- 1491slato sla that th( I an't W,ant td MV6. and also unduly exorbitant worldlyl When itio man to taking, the t W If ills, competition in ills line gets bootroler, betwesn bites. Well, I'll Matl=6111 Don't cXub], 1), tht is, tho, man of the broken j Judoot should 'do: maro lie doe, 11 'IMP ht're's plenty 4 Itence come.9 our word"bank- aide oll6putts tluldkly and OlMoly With- The thinga We do W-OrAt are usually &Aires, for this is� M6� mcaning oJ 0, maiden 0 ortis not always a apoeell ft�Y WU, SOMO Of uct'll have tO 90 f0 1 b1m, to try one, 851, thor landlady, I Take your, fline! T 0Qt fo1fft&lItIe$, and Without regtr(l to tho thing4 we dO, Most. Any., man w1w It absorbed I in favor of woman suffrage, hotio6 a fowl doomn't, go far( xoonil�, 14