HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-22, Page 4�
—, .� - .
--4 ---- ________ _ _ I "Po"
- ----- .
Always Something wroogo
IV$ more thall pw3bing Strange that
the West Huron ileputles Cannot Von.
duct an election without theto belug
oomething wrorig� It after the ex
pe,plonce, of the paA three years a d . ep.
uty blunders through stupidity 1.10
ought to be punished just about 8
Severely as It lie trancgresse(I wit'll Ill.
tent. From the st,mulpoint of Ve$ults
the blockhead arid tho. queor worker
are one arid tile Same tind iN high
thno that both wore relegated to the
pollUoid lumber room. Must scornors
I Ili other ridings continue to point the
finger al; West Haron because of
� .
them ? I I
We were much surprised -there tire
others -when Mr. Latte dec�laroit 03
to be tile official majority -when it
muit have been apparent to himself,
as it was to all otbeva present, that it
deputy bad transposed his returns and
that 25 was the 1,11wral canilldatO's
. correA tuaJority, Let's grant that Alt,.
Lane was acclag according -to the leb-
. tee of Ills instructions. Tbeh Spirit,
ilftevor, granted him time to have
called fix the deputy who, af ter ha . Ving
, gathered his 'Wits togetlier, would
I .
have ex�lalped the mix he had ivade.
- �-------�--�--.-------------,-r----.,-�,.---"�.', 1. . 1. . . .1. . .. 1. I .. . I., - I
. - .... -.1. -- ,
12 �
' I I I .
-- I
I ,V
— - . -------- . TITE"i'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD . .1 NOV. ft 1900
--11-11,1-111-11111-1 00001100100"" 1---..-------- .111 I 00 W. ----- - -- ------- - � ------...- .
� ---- ---- -,-- ---- ---- - - -- --- - 7Z7� -- --- 7 - I - � - -- � - - .----- - ----,-. - - - - -- ,-- � I. ..; , ., - - .. .. , 11 -1 .. - -- - � -- -- - -
- - - -- ". - I -1111 � P'� " .
- - -
. . � . ...�--- .------T�.-�-�",--!,�.��,-,-:,,---�:�.�-,.,,- .I... ----�..-,--�-----�--,-,------,-L.---.-- -11, - ., -Iv;� 11
---------- - 7�- --
but few of their billoilgring alill fiAd I
that it largp*,body of Fenlaus, 110) they
put it, bad lauded Ilt the Point anit
were Moving south. This alartnitig
tale went like wildfire around clip
villag'a alid very soon ovely mall,
woluellanil Child bad crowded to the
bank to wittimis tbo dread arrival.
There was the giQa,test hulabaloo
possible, Ili ,the widst of which soino
. .
were Award to ativse feeding tho
Fellialls well as the Safest course to T111D 110ilauder ana I Master Harold TaTlori only son of WInglhani. -
por8ile. Not so Captain Siulpsoomho T11e rqe1d CoX.110t. I Dr. Taylor, returne oil Wednesday, — . a Y U K V I I a V I lim;
swore they would never get over t lie l4th just., from a hunting tr , In I NVord has been received from Wm. 0.
bridge and barl-l", (ling the south etid tile ground, came out and flew over Muskoka, Ile has been fond O'Ne Bullock of Toronto to the effect that be
, ,
he posted his few men so aR to com. lily beadand dropped about forty feeb an since lie could handle a, toy one, Is prepared to go on with his part of the .
Maud the situation, All was soon in lit illy rear without bursting, One of fle is exceedingly fond at outdoor agree tore in tul,�W,
I readiness to give the invaders a hot our boys, 118cotty" Porteous from exercise and Spent the greater part, of t merit in connection with the es. There is great satisfaotion to this o .
reception but they did not appear n,nd, Munilt(4i, gets Shell whic� bad not Ills ovare time this Summer row, fur, xblishment of An iroo and brass. found. knowledge that we handle only Reliable Ft I I- I
growing tired of waiting, tile Captain I btirst, antl attempted to tako out the upon the river which lips at tile l)g,Vk of ry in Wingliam. The town solialtor,.1-3. . irs, and when e know they tire riAt in
and Alt. Willson procured two horses I thne-fuse wbilo it wits still hot, 110 his fgthoes residence. Upssrs, Willian, .L. Dickenson, is now preparing the by. .
ai�d rode north to ascertain tile cause Nvas warned not to tiwiper livIth it but Bogle of Leeburn and Richardson of law and the question a" to when tho by. everyway, we feel certain that Ave lead. Compare our values and prices with other stores and
of tbo Alarm, hub nevera, F enian foinid Said lie would take out that tuse it It, Port Albert want out, Nvith, Master law will be submitted to the ratepayers . . I
they. There was not a quieter, Spot I)Wv his head off., lie had tio, sooner Harold, Mr, Richardson returned flvsb will be setliled by the council, note the saving ill buying here.. We hav� sold more Furs -,already this season tban.last, and
on the coast tball Black's Point where spoken t.hrin air the Zen went and week Ili November with it doer while The Wingliant District 4pwarth . I ..
tile invasion w;w Said to have taken tbough Ills bead escaped he Is Minas it Mr. Bogle and Harold retutned with a League 4, xeoutive met at the Methodist Fur time just commencing, ' People moon find out where they can do best Nvith their money. .
place, The watchers wore immensely foot arid Ball. Hope, also of Hamilton, deer each. . I parsonage on Tuesday of last weak, . I I I I
I ..
I .
relieved on.theirreturn and,the vill , was wounded arid it native mule driver At about 10.30 a. in. oil SaturdaY Those present were :-Re#. D, Rogers, That's the liey note'to our sbecess in tbi,'4 111101 . � . �
soon settled down to its usual caltu but fatally. Portions of tile shell; fiew in the Yakima, Chicago, Captain James ChairmAn of District, prosided in IV. H.- I � . I . �
the affair will always remain Ili tile all directions so it's a wotider bow so Iliggirls, arxived with 85,OW bueliQla of Xerr's absence , D, C. Taylor of Luck- . I
winds of the old inhabitants its tile man ' d. I suppose you knoty wheat. I lot Vlaa-Pro4idetlt ;. Miss Follman Cold weather. is bere in ear�est. You'll need one of these. - � . -
most, exciting in the history tit the thAtYG,0LPn"e",Pa(1' Baden-Powell bits hand. Tile W, H. cleared on "Mingliatti,8rd Vice-Prooldont-, Miss ---- - .
I a Rounds Of I I . - . F . . �. . . .
village, Captal 11 Simpson, Nyho figured ed over the cruniliand of this column to r1r d y evening for Black River, Pisher of Kipoordine, Ub Vloe-Presi- I . .
so creditably .lit the scare, wits foil Colonel Plainer arid has gone battle to Captain williarils being ill, Captain
many years all efficient reeve of Sban- England. Before his departure lie A-lis.0kenzle was in chit, go. . . dopli ; Alias Match of Gorrie, J i I six talls, extra higkcilliar,litledall through with
ley and is at present it resident of iriado a Speech to Ills men arid compll� League Vice-Presideab ,A, Buto.hauro"'05 Jackets .. . . faricy Silk, our spewill prices .......... 9.00,and 10.00
mented us all very highly, 11011 Bat- Alva, Quaid, who spent the past Tooswater, Searetary-Treamurer, . I
Bruceflold I . I � I tory lie said was not excelled aud:coiald three months the guest of friendf. at Jeau Lindsay, rolict 0, the late Arthur Ladies' Jackets made of choice selectod bladc Ladies' 0aperitle, hero Style, at fine., quality
I ----- Port Albert, hits returned to her home Astrachan skins, fine glossy cut,], high itorru collar, bbick AStraeban, cl000 even curl, collar aud trilli-
. handle its gans quicker and fraore at;St.Thomas, Miss3entileJohnston, McGuire, died at the home of her son, Coat 20 inches long arid ,lined witb hea, all L Y trilng of black Opossum. and Astrachan lined, also I
accurately than could the.Boers,' lie .Our - I 84tana, cloth, sleeves lined . with hair V a. 0
� rising young artist, accompanied Jam" McGuire, In, Aft, FOr84t Oil IK04 CTO t(111 " , tuluitned witli )leads and talls, lined with black
THE HIGHLANDER AND is wonderfully politilar with the men Mrs . day of last week. Mrs, McGuire, with real beauty at- .......... v-.1.11...- ........ 25.0 and colored satin, prices .......... 13,95
i . I and we were all Sorry to lose him, .Qt1alAtoller-home. MissJohnstou . . ........ 111.915
. bits a ber.husbaitlil, lived. for many years on . �
. . This wits particularly so of the Rhode. .. pent tha suiumer the guest of the lot line of Xorrl . Dee . Ladies'Jackets of black. As-trachan Fur, choice
, . slan regiments, who were through the artat, Mrs. Alex Johnston, and - eased Weis in lose glossy curl, best farmer, satin liningik Ladies' Caperines of the best quality grey Poll-
IORNE, lierl'consin, Mrs. (Dr.) Qallow, her 79th ,year. she remains . slau Lamb and Electric Seal, seal set in rey lalub,
THE FIELD C - T. I siege Of 31afoking with bin), and many w a a' c I I
. , th on hout, assorted sizes and
I . I � . of the men were so. much aff-ected as t6 Captain Stevenson of the Penobscot brought to Wingbaw cemetery for in- I tbaking Shape of star, high stona collar laced with .
. I _r, . � lengt a, prices ................... Q0 $33 35.00- .. ey lam 1), lined all through with hea y quality I A ' ,
. -- . Shad tears. The Boers call their field entertained twelve of, our promluen� torment. . . . , V : . gt. v .
PRIVATE XcEACHERN TIOL14S I marshals field cornets but one of tile citizens to*dilmev on boatd-his boat on The words "plurality" and ('majority" I . I I '. � . brocaded silk;, very stylish, price .............. � ... I I V 00 . .
I Seaf orth Highlanders, did not IcTio w. it, Saturday afternoon. The guests will are sometimes used in conneckon with Capes, * I . . . . I ..
. ow weeks ago With the ion and the I Ladies' Capes made I of black Astracharl For,fine - If � . . I . . � I
I OFIM EXP:ERTENCEINTHE I In At ucralia, f long remember the occas IV election returns, 'There is a differeace . .
SOUTHAFRICANWAR. THE 13(jerstlieSettfoi,tlis(,-Iittt,gedth6onetdy hospitable host, ba their meaning and it is explained losay curl,well. lined throughout with good satana, RU s . � . . . . . ...
I '
and Uilk, Highlander rushed. tip to a The Misses Grace and Helen Polley thus , -Plurality is the excess of - vote tigh stown. collar,.good values at .... !$15.00 ittid $-I 8 Ladies' Ruffs of Sable, large size, fine even fur, ��
AUSTRALIAN$ AND CANA- Boer 'who threw till his handsand called have returned front a visit to friends which the leading candidate has in an . . . I . tritntued with head and tails, price ...... ��.. I.- ... 6100 � .
DIA S ARE BOSOM FRIENDS. out -.- "Don't Shoot me, - ['in it field car- at Pine River and Luckuow. I . election over the man who gets �he next Ladies' Capes Made of Hungarian Goat with . � .
11 khr A ;� I - .4 4 0 I � . I - U fl
I r 1. 0 13 11r: 7n, " Z 0,0 1. I
I . . . . . � nev. Oil Cale a --- You Were 'Ars. Ovabb accompained lier, son higheat nunitier of votes when th9re Are high collar of opossum lined with mercerized t . ac es an ssea 11 a, ma a 0 ng a an. I !
. . . . sit `- 7,95 ey, Ili black arid brown, trimmed with talls, Al
. GEN, BADEN - POWELL A it whole I)rhss band," said the laddle in George and his wife its far as Seaforth more than two oandid4tea in t6e gold. na, good lerigbh'for comfort, our Special price Only I
. .
. � Wits, as lie ran his bayonet through last week and will reinaln in that A majority is the excess of votes which I . .. . value at each ,.. � I ................. SOO and 1110 �
. �
� . . I � .
I IN-TLHH WEST. GREAT . FAVORITE WITH him. Inorossing theveldt theother town some timeas the guest of bet, lie has over 9,11 other I . � .
. . . candidates oona- . � .
I . EOTUI . .. . I . . . . day I came across a human leg which son, Charles. ,. . . I � bined'. . .. . . Caperities . . I � � . Gauntlets - . . I
. . . . . - . bad been blown off at the knee, The , . We must congratulate Mr. and Mrs. . Herbert Hicks has. Ourobased the Ladie§'Oaperines made of fine A:ustralian Call. . I � . . I
MR. WILLIAM STIIfSON,� A boot, sock and portion'of trowsers Donnelly Johnston oil the birth of a butcherin-8 basin I ey Par, choice skills, all lined with shot silk, A I . I Ladies' imitation Seal Gauntlets, lined with ea.' �
The following Jetter hits been re, -were still -on it. It was still warm and � ass lately carried On by -
-B 0 . . I . ... rl ......... 0 teen and soft fur, something very, new this season,
- �
,NATIV FSTAWLEYTOWN* ceived bv Mrs. Isaac � Prout from Ile', I took it to tile hospit.i.l. where the son arid beir on IStb November. . - Jackson & Jones. value at each .............. ... . . 325 tt per pair- -.1 ................................ .... � -.. . I .5.0 -
I . I , . R .
SHIP, RETURNS ROME OV A �brother, Chas, McEachern, who went witfal owner h&d been conveyed, Mrs. William Smith (Mother Smith , Chief VanNorman left on Wednesday Ladies' Caperines made of selected black A I Ara- . . . - .. � I
I i .
I .
to South Africa with the Firsf CAna- was a member of the, Rhodesian S. A.) is loud in her praise of Miss of last week for 'Ooderich and .from' chan skins, nit,ely trimmed with tails 'x�nd � ribbon, .. . . Ladies' Gauntlets made of black Astrachan cloth . I . � , . I
VISIT AFTER RAVING BEEN than Contingent :- Pap6r'. bits been niountain-bat,tery and -died afow hours E ya, Booth's work and .of the spiritual there he proceeded to Kingston with well libed with beavy: quality Mercerized a of heavy. carl, well lined .,and finished, for comfor , .
. , v..teen, It . a per pair ..................... .. I
IN THE WESTERN STATES Such a scArafiY here that I have not afterwardsi Incidents like these quite power with. which she draws people the man Patterson, who was. sentenced real beauby at each .... .... .." I ....... . � .�... . I . : 9 b . . ........... 85a and .16 �
. been able to get any for weeks so have frequently ttike place. I am in the to her. - . I . �. to ibe Periltontiary for stealing goods * �. . . .. . , 1 675 I � . . � I I
FOR OVER THREkDECADRS.. not beenAble to write to all tow.bom I vat y best of health and have been, so Mrs. Captain DanceV is at present from M. H. McIbdools store in this ` Ladies' 0aperines of:bIaek Astrachan Pill,, line : Children's Grey Curl. Gauntlets, -nicely lined and . , �
would like to. - But having now ,a, ever since I came out. I arn attachad visiting her daughter, Mrs, Harrison, town and fro large curl, well lined with good quality black satin, . finished, at ...... .1, .......... 1.1� ............ I.".. 6o . .
HE RELATES OLD TIMF REM.- Y aild it few M I inlites to sPArO this to "U'Dattery which. so far bits not at Loadon.'and inay pose m stores in Clinton, Bay. nicely trimm6d with black satin boWs, a bargain a . I � . I I . I I . I I
. I . sup I We consider ourselves the the winter at Sarnia. . fill � y spend field I ces. ....... � .......... � ... � ......... Ladles',131ack Astrachan Fur GauntletSi fine even . '
INISCIAN CBS, � . . i 1), us, lost a mail, .and other pla, . . . each ..... . .. .1.1..1., 6.,5 . I -
. I lolp Ing I will , endeaver to give yo
. I I .. . . . -littlia Information rega;rding our move� . . A letter was received's few days ago, . . . .. .1 .. . . . 0 ,. curl, nicely finished, price-., ...... ... ... I... 3,75"
1 . . . . I � ments, I received five of your letters luckiest battery in,South Africa, I Captain ind Mr& McGregor - have from David Loughoed, a Wingliam boy in . . I . . I
. . I I .
� � . 11 . Ladies' CaPa�rine Of very fine.black-Opossum, - Children's Genuine Grey PersianZamb Caps,large.
Mr. and Mrs. Will! ru Stinson of on August Ath, the day after "I wrote . . ---I.--.-- . I ,. decided upon. spending -the winter at South Africa. He reporta,brisk fighting choice q�lected skins, a very even fur,trimmed with. - and small cap 4 00- .
. a, . I . . �- . Sarnirtand ba,vo' rented a f4enishod and his comrades shot down I I . 1, prices .a.50, 3.00, 3.501 � 0 . I . I
Sumpter,state of Oregon, Are spending you last. Great.w" the eejoicing in 11 G44erkh,. ' ., house there. . , I . I I .by big .side, . . .. I . I ., , , . . . . I
&Mp thia moi:nln6 when ourSergaant-. � , I .. . So far Davollso come through safely and **"**"**"'""+"****,*""****"**"*0 . - I
. � � I . . T . . I **"+*+*******"*+++*"*+*****"**#****", .
a few weeks with friends in towa and c . . be. Fall Sit6jugs of- the Chancery at tjmo of writing was W611. � . � I
... Major called fat, Yolunteers to bring tip Miss Mevibar is leaving for Toronto. -Division of the High Court of Justice � � . � . . .. , . . I . 1. . I . I � ; * - -
adjacent townships af tat, ari absence of ela�eiri bags of mail'which. had arrived . ' '01. D, MoLaron, %,member ofibe first . . . � I . . I . , � , . . . . ;
ritntinia. - w re a - Reading . . I . ....
from - who sold �I,61 opened3londity of last weak -before
tbirty-twoyears in th6WOstarn States. Pretoria tbe-night before. It Mrs.' ,Addison, ancellor Boyd. Eight cases , bontingent of Canadia' soldiors to . . ; I I .1
was so long since we had recelved thy B Road -residence - and Ch 0 Thk * s W0* rth . . .
Mrs. Stinson is a daughter Of Mrs. I South Africa, has returned to bis hom* . . � . . . . . . * .
mail that the boys did. not, at first hits been visiting her., � daughter at otithe Ust, all defended, but the Court e I . . � . � .. I I . I . . I . .. . * I
� �
Wanless of Varna, while Mr. Stinson credit his statement and declared that) Seaforth, returned on Thursday to was closed in time"to allow .the Chan- Ili London. He was born in Wingliam 1. . - . .1 .. I We want eve.rywoinitn W . ithin ton I -miles of Clinton to becom' : . . .
is ason of our oldest citlieu,Mr.Androw and b6nae many here will feel lnberest� , � . e .
who has it was meallea or meal and nab mail: spend a few weeks'here before spend. cell9r, to leave town� by- the 3.80 p.- m � . . . I . . ,
mr6me 61d age of ninety that he wanted cart -led up and give ing the winter at London or Vioronto..- mse� ad in 1earing of him. . . 1. � I I I
815insori of Rattenbury street, train the same day most of the c . He will spend a. . I I I I . bette nted with our Corset De rtm : .
reached the e3 . being settled by cousentjudgmant1s. - short time in town on a visit to his form, . .� . . . .� . . . acquai. . '' . I pa ent.. , .This. is. how.we are .
sevenyears, Me, William Stinson was those who fell in the laugh. - However, I Bliss Jessie McDonald has returned The Myles arrived at Riellardson's' - a pastor ,Rev. Ri Hobbs. . . . . I . .. )"', . . gp�ng to help. you in this direction. , Forone wee only,'wnl meu� :
Ixties built the eleven -bags did contain mall 'raur .from a visit to Detroit, , . .1 .r .) . . . . I 1. I , . .
a carpenter and Ili thei � at elevAtor oil Sunday with 39,000 bush- - - I .1 . . 1� W, . eang ay NbV� 24thp. eVer . I ..
;auley, and Gode- ter.and great was the Joy -in camp; Therewas quite a stip Fit the harbor . I I � -- :. 11 - , '.. � . Saturd I who b.rings, in I ..
houses and barns in St els of wheat front Fort; William. .. . . . . . ,'- . I .1 I I., ,: . .. . . ., I .. 0, 11 � y I ady, , . I . I
� . .1
rich townships, , He Was also employ- There ,were. package§ of papers, of' on Thursday last'llecausie of the o6rrival Mr. Wallaca, who, attends. to fishing A, 101bristwas Gift New - , - ..: , 11'' , - � '.;Tbi6 paperand 39c, can buy 6 . ur beat 00 . a Cars t 7 , ' ' . . . I .. I ...
. of QaItand letters,. of cigarettes, etc. Some were of two'Chica a steamers. Tile Jame"S in . .. � � .. 1. I I . , 11.1 . ;t ag, :., ,,a .. I . .. .
ad by Goldie & Mcuul[011gh . rs few'. Tad a car tereSts at Wiarton or some of the . . .. All thob Year Round. " . I . 'r, .1 . ., . - I ,: I 15-9c, . . : .. ''I .. 1. .1 , . .
, . 1 I ..." '. . � . , ,. : 7 " . .
while with the firm helped �I&C6 the Lae reclpiont§ of many and othe a of 40,000 bus. .fishing points, has' returned, For . . .1 �. :: .. I I �.. � " di . . ` 1. 1. . .. .�.
maebip,pr A Toronto man receWed.foety-tbree helsofoornitrid was'lallowediby at)- . 11. I jlil, � - I � 11 1 � .. I . . 75cj � . 1.00. .. , , 1� . I . . 1. .
Ji , y in a -number of mills in the two�yea�rs everysailbi, has returned : In choosibij P. Chiiatmao gift what o4kil .11 . ijNll� I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . � ,:., . . I .
. .1 ... "I .1 I . . .. �. I �. � . . I .. . ; . �' . ,
.1 . . , I �.! 11�li st'Ylesto choose from aTid ev. - . . .
I . twonty-one. The Major, in command wheat . . 1, :
ran . . . . letters while I had-to,.be' riterit with otha� stearner'With 138,qOO bushels of �safely frbrn. the fishing islands. . afford tnore present or lgatiug pleasure - � , .
. .
H _rrac . . - . . I.. , 11", " W6�have many
. In 1868 Mr. and Mrs. Stinson went was equal to the occasion and knocked I I . 11. . .. I . .. ... � I . 11, We called on Mrs. T. J. Vldean,' than a subscription LoThe Youth's Com . - 1� I ,1111 ,. 1. .,- . . . ery p4ir*6 I jel I is, guaran . . . . I . .s
West Imbued by the same.spirit,which -Alias Little -of Clinton, Who 'Spent 'We§t St.', on � Friday last arid- I , �.- 0, ', , f, sfa6tion' b- t,li ' d oomf6it. . The. a- .
off fatigues thatmoraing so we retired ,,St. � vere, . panion ? ,The �elighi with which it is , , �IL. 1 teed to. give per ect uati 0 . in wear: an, . :
bas sent 6:0 mf btainable r, ,, . . 8 ind her so much Arnprov- welcomed on Christmas Moral . � ... N . .. -aleselfts the ne* A�meiriea I n . rs ... . ...
. qt of Me . J. Ades' delighted to 11 : � �
my of, our peopletowards to whatever Shelter, .w�s- 6 week the. gue,
Ang ,sun. In 'the yler1returned to'ber battle on Satur rag is rG- .. � b6ve9t1t-- kel , I .... . St , riii0t.front Co ets. We, . . .
the land of the set they . -.hkve been, and read itud re-read'oor letters, � - . d . � . � . . - .ad a�fter.her very daiig6rous fall into nowed.overy week in the year.. ,. . ,, . .' . . �� I � ange 0 . .$I.,. , � . . . , .. � .
intervening years -1 -We had hardly finished wb en'arders �Y� * . the iiewly-made se war which'should Tbosewhowish to preserits year's .1 I . .. . _ . 5�aVe, a Compl6tev . � f si.,Z.es ffi Stock, price .� 1. . 1. 1. .1 . . .
. . - , - ..
domiciled in 11 the states from Xeya� cameto move out and bombard a Boer The Patriotio Fairwhich, wa's gotten have been. barvicaded, .Oil such it subsoription,to a file . . I . . .. � . . .. . ,. . � I . . I I * '. I
. � I . I I '. . � . I I I � I � . . .
da, and Callaornia, to the Canadian . I . nd may also.. have : I I .. . . . ; . . . ". ; .. : . . :
. 18, . .reflected. very great : .ar6h L panion's b6autifu,l new' liP6rit- is paper : . . , presented . L re' the above prices. . . . , . , ... ... � h
itifying to. know p?tition opposite our's across a range George's 6urch liderson of N Ontario' I .. . .. I. . . , . '' , . .
boundary and it is gri commando. which had ,taken ,up it qP by the YoimgPebples' Guild of St. thoroughfare, ' . .. The Com - - Th Must be .:to sedil ' . I I : : �
, C'ed� . �Irs.�, I . . . I
that fortune, fickle eyerywhere but 't t jl�o I A L & an Girl" Callander for 1901 sent with it, . L L . � I
n thein. ,.Two bootb� were Ca - bet frienifi, TW9'dallandior reiioduiles'in 12 -color 11 I I . Pers r,oturned during the week. L. -
Particularly bo oil the coast,.'haa Smiled Oi pjies, but they got win&of out d di� . liforrilai'ln letter to . .. WO want. four hundred pa . .. . L .. I .
0 e ated . . 1. I 1. . 1, . I . . . I .L L' . . L . t.., . I
'is all enter- intenU66,L turued tail and disappeared. tbRugland Apdto Canada. Mrs.. Strongh sends the good -news, - printingsan ideal Otootraii of. a Puritan LL I
upon them. Mr. Stinson 'the mint of We ' left that Camp It day Or two Riter Miss-Elies Tye lireaided-o;rerthe booth . I . . 000***".�++"+*+*"*#,Osos*+*++**+*******#*"*f++*"**+"*.". "$so$.*. - . i
- from _ that. the orange crop is a gt�ea-t suagessi *'aid . . I . I . � � .. . + .LL I � .. 11 .. .. I . I . .
taining talker and ' and went to Pretoria..�. We, thought it dedicated to R aglAnd and a handspiria The ripe oranges 'are Sweater L ihiCll an Of Plymouth, In addition to . . - � �... . 1. + . . . I �. . . I � � . . . .. . . I . . 1. .. ..
long experience can many a, tale unfold . Canada, . � 1, . . . thjS� * .1 + � I .
� + coost citi I was a homeward move so, g;7paf;' wits . Britaurilit she made. 'is ev4r this year. . 1.11 all the+ issues of .The Companion :LS Ci ' I J L L . I I . I '. . . .. I L I I . I , . I ..' . .
descriptive of life in IS "d 6& 4isappointillarit when we* were, not:behind in her. 'decorati ,,,, AMS, . , L.. . . L . for the remaining weeks of 1 900 ard sont. ' - . 1- 1. 1. I I L . .. . k .. . . , . .L L .
mining camps. He has been interest- Flo Ball in'. white with a 0 31r:. James Strongh and Ali,. Ed., 'free � from this time' sub . . � + . I 'L
ordered, to* accompany *General. Pad- . ma0le leaf ScEption is Milittetv. a or , . I i
ad in naining for several years and is . Henderson haim both returned from .L . .pe . 1. . 1. . . . -
det's'column in pursuit of a commando pinned on bet, breast represented our received for thipew,volumie.' - 1 .1 . W. 1: � . . . . . . � . . ..
. I . � . . 1. . � .
quite at home in discussing Shafts, trekking fawaids Peteriiburg. Ganergi loved'Cahada. The Union ,Jack and the Sault,'where they. have been tile Those wishing to make a present a . f I . .. . .. I .. .
leads, crosscuts,'. etc., - etc. He is a. Baden-Powell declared oil starting out Canadian flitga rriade a fineappearrince. P"t s"C: '�vaeks or move after their I The Companion and mobtioning it when L.. . . . . ,LS - turd a -nd".-Mon-da ' ' L I
, work was finished at Little +Carrant; I . .41,1 . - *y a . . . .
Westerner now in, sentiment and we that he would capture them even if in . . � � L I . . V . I
Tile table.'wss covered with many . � subscribing will recaiY4,-In . . . . L . . I V+ . I -
much doubt if he toald be persuaded to doini� so he had to Sacrifice every horse beautiful and artlst!6� toilet� article's , lnverness� Camp will -mar* . addition to - I
, ch in '% the gifts offered .above, a beaujif6l. , .On SAturday morning *6 plije,e 61i.sale at $1.95: and '$3.25 an --Lele- .. QW
locate in the old home coal , glad in his colutrin but after a running fight fashioned of birch bark 'and decoratied body ,to bear divine service at Kno I 1. .. L* - .
� .
11 printed certificate of subscription to' � , t L , . *1 L ,- I �. - .
back It ,a managed to slip L 1�. I . . . Ament of Trimmed Hais 8 I . --
though he is to get t9l, visit, of four days: the Bo6i with.ribbous by the nimble fingerat. church on, Sunday a.. no.xt. . A gun asso that'for' tyle -ind beauty will com are "
. I L . ,
relatives and friends of his L - off In the night. One afternoon dur- . Turnbull presenting � are requ'ested to .attend placip.ampug the presents L On Christmas . 1. . . . . . I p . I
. . Cr .. I
' young Mrs. (Rev.) Mark the members , ,�L. L arl' double the money. - * ` - , :�� .... -.., .
at days and the scenesaneero familiar. ingL.Choso engagements our No.' I - gun . r1s.with it lovely little. biech meeting on Friday ev morning. I I , d . .1 with,anythin yqu have seen"at ne, � - . ' .1
. canop tile ching as well . t L f . . M . I I . . .. Y. I . . 1, .. L. .� I . .
' . . 1. I . . .1 I
He was born sixty ye4ra ago in the anothar fancy toilet- as jOill in the March on Sunday.- Illusbrated ':Annotitioemon 0 - the I . . I . . I . . ,... � - . I t% , i, �
was the means of savitig. feoria capture Miss Ball with I . -volume for.1901 sent with sAmple 001i. OUTINCI L 11A . . .1 I I . . . . . . IVQ. . . ..
town of Goderich and when he was a squadron . of B. S. - A. police which article and Alias Barker with a third, 'The offleers of the, 0. 0. F. hail their TS AT HALF PRICP .'..' * ' .- . - -
eighteen months old :. the famil had been ambushe& 'The little force 0) of our lovely Canadian birch .bark. photos taken at'Brophy's,Among them i6a .of the ,paper free to any address . . I 'L IL � . . L. a . .
. . . . I P0 only of the latest novelties in Ladies' and Obildren'i Outing Hats in 1. ... I I . I .
e "Z L We triist Mrs, Turnbull andtho Y. P. - ThI6 Youth a Coinlian. lon"Boston, mass, - - .M.y od black, with assorted bands, regular I I -
settled on lot 14 on the Bayflild Roa put up a great fight but against such .%ve'noticed the following of our lead .. I . �) it. .
& mile west of Varna.: The , , . - I I 'a,. fawns, navv; brown a I I .
. old odds that they would have .had to Guild will pros'per another year tinder . Ing business. ien. . . : . 11-S � .
homestead is now owned and occupied ir -W, G. Taylor, Q. , :, .. .. - . . .. . I price $1.50 each, Saturday and Morfday.Qllly..."...."".:"L-� ....... I. J5. L . , .% I.. . . .
surr(mden* had not. bar gun located the guidance in their wo�k.of the Most 'R - Jr�s. Tait. P,'C. R.s Alex Sa,unders, - I . I . .. L I . ,,, I .... L . . . I .. . . . .. . 1. 1. . .. . . . I . . .. A r. I- . . .
by his brothAr TOM. Beinginararititilis, the �enemy and'out'thern to flight, High'. Piofessor'Fowler pre6lded as Xit.-Sec.; Thos. Burrows, Ree..Sec'..' . . .1 .. I llefisall* . 1. . , . I .. I . . . . . .. ,
cent mood Mr.Stinson, the other day,fell The lieut6nant who was in command chairman In apIeasing mannen' The John Curre% V. O.'R.; - W. Green: . -" I 1. I . .1� . .. . I. . . . . I L . I I � - . I I , . . .... I I 1.
to telling TnE Nn, ws-Rucovai about the 'of the police came -over afterwardi And :first,part on the -priagram was given Chaplain, � "JiS 'BUCh&klaa, 8, W" T Rev. David I Buohannan, WhOLIS DOW' . waist Silks'.at Half 'Frice' -Friday and 'Saturday I ,
L It,was the _ . I L. � . . :
. . ...'' . I I . . .. I I
first school he attended , , cordially thanked our captain' for, the in line LStYIQ by the Blackstone arches- Ben Evan's, J. W.; Ja& Hkrdk, 8. &' a *Missionary in South Amarlca,* was re"L ' : - � � . .. . I I - . - I ' I I I .1 . .. .. � ".
first in the township, so far ascaribe aisistancere�deredtfiem. Thewo4nd- tra. The ,fine baritonevoice of Mr., W. McCreath J. B.; ! Mayor Wllja�: . aeril,lL 11 . els, the 1"Vt6',4t f6r. Shir�'Wai%t . . I . I I I . 1. .
. .y married to Miss McCurdy,former. Frelich Granite Flann , . s, in navy, r.0' I .. . 11. . .% I I I
asc.ertai tied, and was a littl4log- build- ed were brought into camp thati tight .John Carrie - sbowed to advantage C. D,; Dr.- Ta;lor, 19. D.; IV" L Litne, ly of Aylmer, ,who we)aj - ta South -, . . .., . .. . I . I 1, . . .. 11 I I . I . ya.. . -at b . eL�60C . I . .1 L- -
atthe coiner -of the . I I I I . ' . I . � . . garnet and black,-Vvith fine Nvbite ri PP) prie . L .11
Ing . Goshen Line and tbeir. woundg Were L dressed by the in ,the patriotic song "Tommir Atkins." Treasurer. - . .. . : America so ba*id'a - : L ' . :. ,.. . .�L I . . I I L � . L L .
. IV � . , . . I I ,. IL
ancl the Bayfield Road. There asn6t light of a big bonfire. ' One, Boer, who . Miss.Fearl Videan deliglitec all.�wltb Mr-.'Walber WII1s*oftaf Taylor's Car- YL I ..� . . . . . -1.25 Flannelette Blankets. at' 890 . , � . � . . .
enough luruberto floor it,only sufficient .had been wounded in"tileshou herpathetie rendering .of the lov I . man friends Ili Henoall will be pleased I q . , . . I .. $ ' .. � . . ". . , . . . I I
for a little L platform for the -teacher. IdO and solo "The Prlcelass�Gtft." M.Ster Holy nerisvisiting in town.* . . to bear that he has secured. an ifflofeab * I . . . . .. . . . . I .. . . . . 1, I I - . . . . ... .. . ... L . � I L . .. I . L . I . . . .1 L . . .L . .1 . . . I L . II.L . . I I
I abdomen, acted ugly and triedL to shoot . ew .9urrows and Colborne are -8111P aosistanb in his diffloulk work. , ' . I .. . I.."...
The upper sides of the 61e�pexs. were Dr. 'McGillivray as the. Dr. Avant to sba,W AlurriLy lit his pretty sailor'sult of two Cars of L pe . as I this . . . . .. . ... I .. 1. . . . .. I Yoult DIONty tAcl& - .., L ... : � .., . I I I . . 1.! . . . ILI . . .
the' seats, have bim placed in the' ambulancc� . 'eorgraphical *Pro- N weak. to Robt--110is of Rodgerville'ro6ently . . I I I
hewed and these formed blue recited "A G OrLOUS I 11i'verpool. . . IL 11 . . . . . ., I -L .1 .. . Ir YOU WANT IT ... .. . I . . . .. . .. i I . . . . . . I I
Little "Billy" Stinson, hevas only . . purchased a fine team of boioes from . L . . . � .. I . . 1. I .. . I I . . . � .
I I .
_ The L Boeej Afle was lying, oil the blein" in most built style, Alias' On Sunday, 2nd Dee., Rev.'W. God. John Doicher of Hay for $300. . . I . I . I . L. . .
about five years of age, Went to school ground about teh feet distant. but be, Flo 0ounoly gave a vat y plea. I I I L . 1. L . . . I . I .
I I Sing m- win of St. Thomas will, preach . the . I I I . . I . .
the first day it wasop6ned along With fore he could grasp it the Dr. reached stimmental solo. The Aliases - Maud ng serroons at - On Tuesday nicht of last week as , . L . . L I I . 4) . . I . . ..
. 1. .
about forty others whose ages ranged warning and eveni i I L . . .
him. and one if not two lives were Tilt, Margery Ball, NonLo 'Craig and - V'c' A ' McPherson was going home he step-' . -1 ,. ..
from five to twelve, All, or nearly ad, � toria street obtirch, Rev. W. Godwin . I
� "a whieb saved. Weqontinuedour Marchand Claralthynastleliglited all with their being a former pastor doubtless the pod off tho-odge of !.he walktinjuric his ,t;==j,.-.;---..;, . .
at the LA B C : 'Cc rendel,ibg.-of the.patrintic song � L side, and was confined to 9 ;�t�,1_4 L I � I . (&�- —�Or�
had to begin �A*Nl' , L ---
in a few hours came to Waterfall, the TIT eCantick0onip . a Home.11 . church will, he fille,d.L The congro I . . I I life bad for . %;,=====.-w�— . -� 7-771-RQ=W� I
they had had no previous opportunity place,where the British prisoners weJre "Whell Jobilili a" several days. . I . . . . . -n- � 11 I � I �Z�--Zl
of triastering. Amongtho8o presentfliat- tion of this church will corrimence t%e .. . . . . .1 .
Mi. ,e6fted it) good voice 20th century ivith the Indebtedness Of -- 1��
kept before the fall of Pretoriai The , qs J,;dnr6 Tye i . Mrs. Fried of Daobwood departed this . . ffl� I
day were: -Arthur and ChArleyHar� prlsott, consisted of a barli-wied enclos. Alex. - Afuipl'� last pittriatic prie WA I — , I I ... L .
key, Thomas and William Armstrong, M church and Parsonage wiped 011b, . li& a few days ago at the,ago of 65 years. . . � .
. I
. ure about J ofa MiN long and 1-10 "YOLIfig Canada was there'." The The S. 0. 8. will weeb: on Friday She had been ailing for So I WeL time I I. . 11 I I .
James Grainger and sisteri Sohnand g ltd e.n f el Misses Clara Reynolds. and Barker 1. I . , I . .1 1. . I .. .
n Carson, Isaac) Mary and f ee be evening. ' I I L .1 . 11 mild for over a week was unable. to ro- . 1. I . . . . . .. L . , MINTON .. . . � I
At7EPt at t Josh. CallwWay, James. , e gh and two thick, a mass playedsome flne Instrumental. saled, � In the absel . L . . . . 11 . � . L . I . . . I I
t �, surrounding was abont �:. ice through sickness Of cognize bar relatives. . 'L I I ., � . -1 - .�
I ------- --- . -- I
A ' 6f wire twisted and entangled in all. tions, UftPr 'Which vOur cOl'resPOnd- DistrictLPresiderib, Allin of the Hp. On Tuesday of last weak Rev. J, S. .. — . I ... . I . I I � I . . . . .
John and Alec., Sons of "English" shapes. I saw the tunnel through en t by requost was iiked. to play some worth League, Mr, Young conducted . . . L . . � . AN 10AAA ----- - . �
Johnstone, Tom and Sam. Wells,Sam. ItL f 11 Tienderaori'd ad I I
whicb2006f the British escaped. 0 erLCanadi,,pi compositions andre nit in the bonds, of mAtri- L . L I I -------- .
sponded with the ' IfBrephln Beach" church on Sunday morning -. last in a many 1119a Jormle Bell of' Bay toWn. . � .1 I G 171 " . L
Reid and sister, children of John Reid, was about twenty, feetlonk big enough the morningaervi6e at Victoria, street ship and Mr. Jackson of Lonjort. , ' , - I . . . . , .
r . ; I up.
Robe t Reid, James and Mary An 6 Me, directly under the sentries beat, - The� Mr. Harold Blackstone next gave the forhis address--Tbe'Prodicitt Son�sy In Miss Mary flagati Us open a Oui a . I I I . I L L ,. � .
Itel"311, entrance wits in a little tin hou humorous Song "Ta dressmakiagestaHlenment jo . I . P at. � Sh e S le
Eliza, James and Sarri., children of fat, a man to crawl throuib, and ran yalop which delight all . prPsent. al6st iicceptable mallner., He 'Chose
Kinney, GeorgeL and- Eliza M' . so used He'llo I I .L 0 . e I o a -
. . .1
. .
by the prisoners as a lavatory. One of created"Much merriment and res-pong� tot,. large congreigation by Rev, Mp, Rssex county, where her prospects are . L . . I
children if "ProtestanV'Alec.Alitcbell, Mitar&" - Which tilf% evening tha Sermon wits pl,dached n Tilbury, . I
. 11
I . I I . I I
Ann Stinson.Bridget and Mary Griffin', the 11%lunster Regirnent,-who wits there, ed with.'ad equally humorous encore "I shaw of Benmillar,who chose fat, Ills excellent. . . . . L, . I . . I
Jas.,Margaretand Mary Mitcfiell,child� has told me that the tunnel was du which be has inserted a verse dpdlc .. I . . .
. ,
ren of "Creek" Alec blitcholl, Sam arid 'It' text "J. inust; needs go to Samitria". Mr. Ilisbonoll of Sa,d,d,wlc� . .A - Big - Success. . .
with table forks and their hands 419 ad to Clint,on. The refreshments were. While Alt-, Thos. 'Burrows livas out in town with, X, Canthle recently,, - . I . . . .
Ann Rathwell, Sol, and Ned. -Pollock the dirt carried cub in their packets Served by the Y. P, Gitild and were was Sap'ah, , . . . . .1 .. . I
'her and emptied whenever oppoxt took frig it at a dran 1, L . . I .
and Ben. 8tyles, The first teaf doliverinr the'.othor niglit; Ills horse 110 is said to be financially Interested in I .
unity first-claisa. The S. 8. roorn was beauti- I kcil man who St. Joseph. I.rhey Say the same of
was Henry Pollock. He was a mem" offered itself, From the time we left fully decorated, each. table had vases stag PrOd OtIt ftortl tile fence and call. others, I . I "-Olswk�---V, wEgQwmo— � .
bar of one of the pioneer families of the NitraPs Nek un Lit we occupied Warm. of flOweV8. I , I follol Take wo boillo, I'm agt,, I � L18 . . � . . . I I I . .
Goshen, an Irishman and ed N I . ! " t , . . L I I . . I . from it whirlwind of .. .. � .
educated. lie rendered good service - ,. n � T Woliavollidagreittrushof husineivs ,
well bath on August 22nd -we lost forty Alva. Videan Is now vecoveritigrapid- bit,. Burrowm, ree(sgillying the Individ Hello that you Eliza'?
L I . I . ,
while Ili charge of the school, By and horses, either dead or used up, so it I from the effects of her 'recent acci- nal, got. blin In tho wliggon and drove I � . I . Y . . . uloq, with strictly tl?-TO-DATn, FOOTWE'All. Ile -
III sea we had quite a chase, It . . . ea, Barg
w,i P, Went t, , . I � him horno to tile south w(hotpart of the I 11russeb . I . . SpIling ()I'd ,qto�k but NEW FALL (40ODS. .
. . I . L . member we are not .
by the families east of the school Split night we arrived nit Warmbath wo town, When Ole bonne wits Say, Nihore can I See you I AVp llftve. without tj doubt tbo best. asso tment of B(latki and, . I .
off arid for one season made lase of found two store houses filled with' L Mr.& NV. Stitherland received a volkelle(I A qblet but pretty wedding to ' L . r . I
letter from bey busband, Captain Six- tile (INtok0h fellow I'VAINNI ok.pli%oo . 4
1,Creek" Alec Mitchell's barn, Alog truliksand boxe to enter on ,ruesday, dot, :)otb, hi, the residence . , to -night 1 . I L Shoe,s. of all kinds to choose frow,and We have been told by - .
.a filled with clothing . I . ,tit ti
school was then built ill Varnit on tile rig that 1118 vosriel, 06 I)IItmr.l.),tlt,l.(JwNti.itillttgeolto gob him . SOV011,111 during our, great sale that prices' are lower th, toy
. " would leave Thossalon I . L I were
I �', I
I 1"�,�,��,� .1
I "
�Iji Y I
of all sorts arid descriptions. Nothing " r, n " ay, Of CeLpt, Rigby, formerly of ITawksbery, Why, down at the 1111b asked for inferior goods elsewhetc. . . .
corner now occupied bir Beatty Brag, %,.tn.ro,ct " an ill, I �
was More needed ond acharge was II,tb , I . I
.Lq ' Okit., when W. Man of Nings, and . I
new store, The first, teacher here was V, with cargo of lumber for Ur, Lowin Taylor at 010 NI ob` I I I ' , �
Tem als tnado on the houses;. . The doors were Ia wall t AN8 Rigby were ma by Rev. .1. J, .Grocety. -L iliparigon Etna
a Mr. pletion, -whose brother. Sarnino to remain at, 0won Sound b1steall of ,till of triet . . . We invite 60 court oritioism � I i
O forced, the windows broken, and other BolAsevaln, Atliix Attie I
taught the Goshen school, Alv� "Tom" entrabcow made with axes. - It was , The Tag Chicas left on gaf,ard' AIM. H11(lydiltilling 1,11(i 11111p8ji of Mp, a Rigby
Roach then took charge, tb6 third was p, m, to pick 11T logq &long tile My David Ity4o, Who, wo apa ploafled t,o assisted the bride while Samuel. way 0, you are going.there 1 We ogteell, it a plea,,ure, to show you out, Iranians(, stock and 9
laughable to see the boys, about 5W f . not Lit )orformod the oam ur Low Cash Prices, We want your trade,, We
a Mr. McLellan and the fourth'AlP. mimber, scrambling for the artl 11 shore but was ()reed to retu Iva.1,11, fit (11) it rall, way to revove a ditty for the groom, quote you o . I
cles of I n. , Tim trig,junt'll, ry. I V . Why yes, everbody goes know we call Save you InatiVy in your Shoe Bill. I
Ward who colitinued to teach the clothing as they, were hurled oub by Mrs. - Robert Donolyli a(lvvr1,j,qt(s,n tat callia Ill off Abilifilty. r, and Mrs. Miltining, take up their there. - . .
young idea how to shoot -until the fit 81111 )TION0111, (fill (,og flob 1pool'o Ill LOW residence at Xingit, amid the well wish- . I See our windows for Friday's ttiia saturday's :
those Inside. It is needless to say th part of bar 'West street ma,l,(5 .rot, 1`110to' 10 arlivy, whivit N to have hel. (is of a hostof rriands.-Xillo.rney Guide. �
presentbuildingwasputup, , we were sadly in need of them for sonle Palo- d) .1 'Say, Sarah, (lid �ou see . ;
a .. t U. .A h.p t ; ipp I "I'... I I I 1111, � . . .0 nAl'al Q0111
Al.r. � uson a so tv 11 — , of tile boys had scarcely a, rag on them,
one. of the first, weddings in the town, 'For my parb-I got two new outfits, had
ship, the first on the Bayflela Road,
. a bath, then made a complete change
anyway. Thectintrarting1lartieswerf, tind felt like a now man. It was my
(4corge Anders Of A1.1.1A%Ci+.h 'n "."A.t i,-,^ —.4-U. ..A
has,4hice been married a second time
and now lives, much respected, indeed,
on the Parr Line; Air. Stinson was a
very sulall boy at the time, he could
abnost walk under the tAilile, but
remembers almost as diatinc2 as if it
Were yesterday going a mi 0 down
the road with Me little sistowto see the
wadding, about which they had heard
the people talking butcouianotulAor.
stand what it meant. I
Air. Stinson prefers to think of Ba
field as it, 'Was long before h
departure when it . was a busy
burg 'With rows Of warehouses
alon a .
I ,I the Irilrithe winter vet'llow
. t� ad w th grain 1 Itiontlig,
.. About the ODIY old rclid Of its former
greatness, oiut of export, is the
ASIPthe wnrebouseF; which
Wiff,aeiim tile elpment,4 Ali exciting,
fricident occart,ed lit A .
avflald during
the Penian Scitte Of 105. Captain
1104" SlinlInq was in command of a
. � � - I—- � . I
� were arouseu ailu i
r, or some time it (
lklilleil U hitt It all t
teams galloird 110V
�.. I
, I bridge and 11to th
VZFL Olin were two f
roa b, ab6ut four �
'Who hitd fled from
... "Y.
j-oluf)i�,-al;i-an`�el -`Fa`rW^'elIunderstC1od
reasons we were all glad to part with
our old clothing and were able to sleep
betterafterwards. AtWarmbathare
the hot Aprings of South Africa arid
tile boys enjoyed the luxury of bathing
to their heart's content. There are
about two -hundred houses there anda,
big hotel which h1w been converted
intilanhospital. While out, force here
was weakened by Colonel Plumor
leavin with a, detacbmant to guard
the rarlway we, were attacked by the
Boors ingreatly superiors and wiflit
have had to -ovixellato the town )tit
for tunately the Colonel and his column
returned And the Boors wcre dvivon
off, With us Mora is 0110 regiment of
tile Alunsfars and one of the Imperial
VAA,A n't "� fill- 1.1.1- t
-in I
wo celock one
keard a totrifie
I arid the Mora
"' "Ill'
n, under artus,
not be a"Icef-
t but soon two
ft+,n&J W
a hill, over the
Ila (1, In the
other. I
;to 'the north,
othpi, dMI
a souven
ir I I
twenty h
I .,a IM01111, its
as so tuany tin soldiers.
AMA out thp othet. inortillm
Australian 1jushinell ars I
fat- this country, The
4234 ("a"adlann art) bo,wal I
In 6UCR-iu�,i�64
aq I
The Grand Xa4tep of the 1. 0, 0, Jr.
of Ontario, Or, XcLarg of Woodwork.
ha(4 had Ills annuat ropoV0 publielleit
In book form and Hool, to, etteh, loilge,
He pstys God(-rieh and fifulgo Mi. (12
(1111te a ennipliment aild .4ap be Ivill
longtemettiber 111.4 tywel'Ing wit'll *Ill)
Ittembom, their wiven, dauvIltern,
swee a and friel)(14 on 1, )o ne-
casion of Ills deilicAting their
lodge room, , . lipw,
Mr. John Leslie,, Into of Glinton, lit
now in town ropregontIng Wont&
wood. Success to him, .
Airs. Willianison httq quite recovereil
from thPsevere accident she meb witi,
finme time since arid IR now able to be
about as nqual.,
The offlopes of linvoll I. 0. 0 p,
Lod A, have lasited ftivitations 1`6 �
No'Aft bop to lie held of) Friday even.
of next week,
I tardily lost waR thitnk-offering
dAY foil the NeGillivray Mission
Band. Tivatlow t'nombprs weroonvolted,
Misqpn lto.qa strall and vplairi, Doug.
laq, making a totill of 108, Arra, (Itev.)
Anderson i4ang two sarred solon and
Mr. Jame.4 Alitchell ave an addresq,
The thank-offeeltip fleftet'a were read
by Allfis Polley fill Minq 11"dria, SLraill
gave & re'aditir, Oil Deeptirlber l7tri
tile Baud will iold Ita Xmas entertain.
timilb, ,
Mirls 81mondq, and ling, niece, MIA,q
1'. youtiFo" both of 14ilginAIV, were tile
41*464 Of tile INEMOS Barry tills Iveek.
11ley have bei'll, 81)(41dilig Solne
nioliths vNiting tholl, niany rolixtivo.8
in tile rountry. Afiqq 141niondA Will
gAmildt'llo winter at Dungannon wid
ig.% young, left tot, her howe Ili 'Sag-
Inaw on Thursday last.
ill I .14t 0, ItOw tittil 0 WrOdra a ft son at Joutit Alanning of I . . 11 t . � .
t;;;1i 1, 1;4.1,41)y Alarl ;on. �Wrrfs and iR well known in l3russels. those Mitches yet? I ,
A-wirn. -Will wid Alborl, John8tol, Tho Ronald uniine Works Its$ mold a No. � � (',oiiieexi)vct!Vgll,trg.,tins,y(iiiivilliit)tl)etiisappoil)tetl. You I
. I . � I got t1w values, we, get the business. TbaVa what we ave here I
suif w1w vilgilgod lit; hill1wright.4 in Oro otoamer And book And ladder truok , t xperience I tit(, pqq - %Y
Nfoone tw. I �or. om 11 p. .. ,.- .. ... � . ,----7- � .
I 1.1 I I Wnll lardr 11pra thn'tt hitVA I .-, - .. - . t tilts b en that it does not 1).
'I Ili A , K (wholarn or Nol A alill VI v
f'orla, '11,1111('t (.11111,01eli will lift eltdo 4) 11
AlInflay )wxl, to Knox churell whopoill
ulilon"nerylee will bo beld.
I- . � I I -
G 0 VE UN 9 M ST B A X I If G'
The Hoyid Baking Powder if; All old
eandidate for ravor, with the botI140-
kt�(,t)pl�f;oftl)p,l)t)ltlillit)ll, Itapatrobs
will be pleased to know that tile recent
Governinentreport givitiF tile ,at I inly.
ols of baking powdepq .901( In the Do.
ininion sbow the Royal to be, the par.
eft of cream of tartar powders, tbA
M086 healthful in charactki: and Of
greatest leavelling vtrongth.
It Is allow?) that tile art in baking-
Riowder making Is to give, a pure and
oldthfal powder, of highest leavening
power, which will keep Indefinitely
Withollf, loging I& strengtil, These
two (I lial [ilea LI oil a-'effecti ve keeping
rald 111111091; streliPtil-it in Impoesible
to com )ine In a tvi%,der except,-witll
fhe rise of chol"IcAlly pare in I'Odiel'10.
Tile report j)tates c1lat tile alify entire.
ly evealli of tartar powders which
Phine 'ill) to thiq Standard were the
Royal and Clevolallillo, .
Asi,�,�,� �,00
I - . 1. -�
The beat prot"tion aaaill(4f; fevorg,
pneumotila, diplitheria.ete., in ill build
Ing tip tile systeftl with Ilood'o 13ax'sa:
� .4i P "ji n oxc tange a Water -
OUR 011AIT16 Purchased about three years
ft 6 but which litto ho� proved at all
Amaractory, A public m#sting it Ex-
otnr decided unanimously that It was
advisable tat the council to purobaile a
110nold and give their Wh6orous in parb
pay. I .
- - ----
�The ublishers of the Fatally Her.
Aid an(rWeekly Star of Hontreal may
Justly feel proud of the magniflefent
� reception their new premium ptettires
, "Christ in the Temple" and ltlloi;;�,
, from tile War." have received. .
bey deserve it, too, for the pictures
are certainly triost, beautiful, Either
one at them alone would be consider.
. ed it qlllondid prelillusul but when one
known thab erleh Subscriber reeeiven
both Pictures lie Can easily underatand
tile demand -for that, favorivito paper
this 0efteoll. . .
Clergy of all, donorninatiatia tire tub.
. liely requesting thell, church m , ora
to Secure 0, 0OPF:of the picture, "Chirlsb
In the Temple. f
. - .1. I- 11
Tako Laxative 11voino Quinine Tat)
P0. All druggista refund the Molloy
If it WIG to care. 256. Vt. W. Groves 1
siguaturb Is on each box,
DOX68 wit'll .LVVU
. Matchesin each box
for. 5o, and O'Xeil
, says, if you don't be-
lievo it Yo U a.) ay
. count tb.om yonraelf.
i0oo matahes q Yes.
Well, did you ever.
1, .
W., O'Neil,
11 �. � I
I � -Clinton.
O'l, i I � 1. . I
- ---------- - I
.. 00161k, 060011 200t aompol%td
ts AIIA119fally up�r ffi6ntlily b avot
, Z
1 I 10,000LAdleA. Safe, pffoatiftal. LAd69,q0k
P, r titufNist for C"U's C61011 94d cft�
1W A'k"'ON66t ef,fts fill milture's, pills slid
fm"Mildnn Atp dftAgoroilg. PH6,0j, NO. I . At bef
t, %, No. S, 10 &stfet-g NtMn90tJ Ver box. rM
r ii, mailod on rocoilpt of pripo Alid twO 8-001111
I "A". MUM lcaulrrLuy wiridAdt 011L
.1 N(,4Jgnd2Aiild&n(t ecoralwbudeRY11A
it"Potisible Inagglato in oatiods,
No. I sod No. t vold ill Clinton Iff tvaup & Co
B.,Uoyoyq1J41TX6nlb0raTld 44cltroll,
nest anct are prepat'vo to roplare ruee or Coal, v any Luar, UU . .
. r
not give entire Satisfaction. THE OLD It 5AIII, 3,
. I
. I . . I
. . �
. �
Cash and One Price, , � + Eggs taken rts Cash. - .
. .
. '' 0 '' L OUR MONCV .
When fit reed of Purniture buy front its- and you will be sure to get . good
value for yout, inoiley. WE' have the reputation of inaking Goods that are Rur-
passed bv none, TUASHY Furnitureand SLOP Work is not allowed to eater
Our wAvOrOollis.
This ig tile. very lateab thing for a Lawn and and of the Moab comfottable
b,ii.,tit,anyerni,idotoi,tliatptit,l)(jqe. Ask,toseettlem.
-.., �
In tilla (Itspartment, W6 carry a complete stock of Tpuneral supplk.s�aoad
Ilcarge,q itnd f)utfib. ()Jlargo , *-�
'S moderate. I
. #Y. W- 4011ldlOyt MAh4giOr
%ghb and sulidw 0411a atlowered at, ReGidence of out
Lildaeml,Dlrector, j,W, 01ildley Xing fts opposito Voubdry